Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Frieei for South PUtte Fixed by ft Com
mittes in Linooln.
If On BongM More Thaa Ilia Share
lie Was Compelled to Tara Otr
la Grain or Par a
(Frorn a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. All. 25. (Rpeclal.) Deposl-
tloni of C T. Ism, a former bookkeeper
for the Nebraska Elevator company, and
R. K. Joiinson, a former grain dealer of
Valparalao, were taken by Attorney Gen
eraf Brown today In th grain case
It wai brought out In the deposition
that the price to be pnld the farmera for
grain waa fixed by a committee from the
membership of the Nebraaka Grain Deal
era' association and that those entering
Into the. agreement to maintain a unform
price had to deposit a forfeit to stand
back of the agreement; that differences
between' the elevator, wen belonging to
the aaaoclatlon were settled by an arbi
tration committee and that when one
dealer secured more grain than he was
entitled to under the agreements he had
to pay his competitors either In money or
grain a share of the profit. One settlement
made by Johnson with the Omaha Elevator
company he testified waa made on a 2-H
basis. That la he had to pay the elevator
company 3 cents a bushel for the excess
of corn h bough; i cents for the excess
of oats and 4 cents for the excess of
wheat, making Ms forfeiture more than
the profit he made on the grain.
Johnson testified that he had made an
agreement with elevator men In his town
to maintain uniform prices long before
the grain association was organized and
though the profit he made after the asso
ciation began to send out the prices was
not excessive. It was "much more regular."
Bewscher'of the Oraln Dealers' asso-
?latlon, Johnson testified, had nothing to
lo with making the agreement.
Long's testimony was more about the
fixing of prices for the South Tlatte coun
try by ' representatives of the Nebraska
Elevator company of Lincoln and the
Central Granaries company, which was
that the grain association had been work- team of horses stood unharmed In a barn
lng along the lines he had discussed dur
Ing the last sixty days. -
Reasonable Profit oa Grain.
Under cross-examination by Mr. Ken
nedy, Johnson said his1 dealings with the
Omaha Elevator company Bad been with
Mr. Jaqulth and to him he had given the
1100 check, which waa deposited with
liewscher. Attorney Smith brought out ot
him that he had made agreements with
other dealers in his home town before the
association was organised. Mr. Hall
elicited the information that the profits
made under the card system were not
excessive, but were fair. Johnson testi
fied that a fair profit would be 2 cents on
corn, and from I In 1 cents on wheat. This
ould be the price he would sell grain
for over what he paid for It. Out of the
profit would have to come his expenses.
Prices Fixed In Lincoln.
C. T. Long of Lincoln, who was book
keeper for the Nebraska Elevator company
during the time Tom Worrall was presi
dent of the company, was the only witness
examined at the morning session. Mr.
Long said he had worked for the company
from December 8, 19J0, until July SI. 1M.
In answer to question Mr. Long said as
bookkeeper he kept track of the grain
bought at the various stations In this dis
trict and received reports and made re
port to agents of the company at . the
various stations in the district and also
received reports from competitors In this
district. The Nebraska Elevator company
and the Central Granaries company, he
aid. made the price for the district each
afternoon and mailed card out to the
agent of the compante a well a to the
competitor In thl district. The cards
were not ent out unless the marKei
changed. The prices were made in tne
afternoon after the receipt of price from
Kansas City. Then representative of the
companies would meet In the office at Lin
coln In secret conference and agree upon
price. Frequently there were grievances
to ettle and thl wa done by talking
with the varlou partle at out over the
telephone. Should one dealer buy more
grain than another at competitive points it
was up to the purchaser of the larger
amount to make good by lowering his
price the next day so the other dealer
would have his inning. Bhould ne ran to
do that he would have to settle by the
payment of a portion of the profits maue
on the larger deal. The Nebraska Ele
vator company, he said. had frequently
sent out check to competitor and had
which was completely wrecked. The storm
passed down over the territory that was
visited last year by the disastrous prairie
Are, so that the losses sustained arc
doubly difficult for the farmers there.
Traveling Men llaTe a Day and Make
Things II am.
IfOLPREOE. Neb., Aug. 26.-tflpe-lal Te-1
egram.) The attendance at the harvest
Jubilee yesterday and today has been good,
although there was not such a Jam as
on Wednesday.- The weather has been fine
and everyone has seemed to enjoy them
The tl26 prixe offered to the township
avlng the best display was awarded to
Center township and the second to Lake
urd. The other townships made a most
creditable display.
The military parade was given last even
ing in which about sixty horsemen par
ticipated, dressed In costumes representing
arlous characters and countries. Both the
flower and military parade were repeatd
oday for the excursionists. The flower
parade attracted much attention, as it la
seldom that a flower parade Is ever. at
tempted by the country people alone, and
the fact that they got up such a fine one
has excited much comment.
This has been traveling men's day and
raveling men from all over the state have
been here and there has been something
olng all the time. Kangaroo court was
In session this forenoon and tonight merry
maskers are making things lively.
Marh Like
FENDER. Neb., Aug. 26. (Special Tele
gram.) Helphand & Bplegle, clothing mer
chants, loaded their goods last evening, re
ceiving a bill of lading, after which they
boarded the train for Omaha. About 10
m. the car In which the goods were lo
cated was discovered to be on Are. The
re department was called out and soon ex
tinguished the flames, but not until the her husband
Hone every afternoon and the cards mailed frequently received check.
Interior of the car was almost consumed.
The Are Is thought to have been Incen
diary and had not the car been dis
covered when It was the elevator of the
Benson Grain company would have been
destroyed. Helphand & Splegle came here
about one year ago, claiming to have a
115,000 bankrupt stock. It is not known
how much they sold or how much their
loss amounts to at this time.
out to the regular dealers, evert though
they were In competition In many of the
Besides Attorney General Brown and his
assistants, ex-Chief Justice Sullivan, F. S.
Howell and Tom Warral with his "carpet
bag," these attorneys Wsre present: John
L. Kennedy. H. C. Brome, F. A. Brogan
and E. P. Smith of Omaha; O. B. Polk, E.
C. Strode and Attorney Hall of Lincoln.
These took part In the examination of
the witnesses. Another hearing was set
for Monday rhornl.ig, September 18, at 11
Price Card Each Dir.
The morning session was taken up with
the deposition of C. T. Long, and the aft-
The settlements between the various com
panies that were In the combine or that
used the price cards he said occurred about
once In three months. Among the small
dealers In the state to whom price cards
were sent he said were: Trompen at Hick
man. (?randall of Firth, Johnson of Val
paraiso, Warner of Plckerell and others
whose names he could not remember. The
witness did not know whether the Omaha
Elevator company sent out cards In the
North Platte country to agents of the Ne
braaka Elevator company. In return for
which the Nebraska company sent out
cards to agents of the former company In
the South Platte eauntry.
At the conclusion of this deposition At
torney General Norris Brown moved an
frnoon session by Mr. Johnson. The latter adjournment until 1 o'clock, as he had had
testified that he had been In the grain busl- no opportunity to talk to his other wit
ness at Valparaiso, since 1884 until June ot nesses.
1904, when he sold out. He laid he was
member of the Nebraaka Grain Dealer'
association and paid due of 60 cent a
month in return for which he received
card each day fixing the price he wai to
pay for grain, and other benefits to be de
rived from being a member of such organl-
lation. He said, he knew many members
Flgnrlaa; rp Water Bill.
The water committee of the city counctl
Is at work trying to find out how much If
any city water the Llndell hotel has used
without paying for It. The hotel for some
time has operated It own pumping ap.
Daratu and got Its own water, during
which time the city water has been cut off,
f the association ana usually met wun or u waa thought )t haa Been cut off. It
them once a year. The controlling mem- ham ,t h MnrnvmA that the hotel Is
Ders of the association, he said, were owi-
?rs of the line elevators, among which were
'.he QlfiAha'',,Enf'vkt'or com,pany, the Ne
braska Elevator company, Westbrooke,
S'ye-Hchnelder-Fowler company, Updike,
Duff and others. In 1901, Johnson testified
that he operated one elevator at Valparalao
ind the Nebraska Elevator company
mother. At that time the Omaha Elevator
rompany put up an elevator, and then the
trouble began. After some months the
Omaha Elevator company claimed It was
not getting Its share of the grain and that
unless Johnson would agree to maintain
uniform price that company would Jump
In with a higher price and run him out of
business. Representatives of the three
companies then met and signed a contract Trust company of Omaha has been
to make a report to each other every week,
to divide the grain equally and to main
tain uniform prices. To bind the agree
ment each deposited a check for $100 with
Secretary Bewscher and the contract was
carried out to the letter, each receiving
every day from the price fixing committee
the price to be paid for grain the next day.
-Forced to Pay Forfeit.
The witness said at that time he was
getting the bulk of the grain and on one
or two occasions he had to pay money to
the Omaha Elevator company. He told of
one settlement he made with that company
In which he paid It 117 In cash, besides for
faiting his IKiO check and 2.300 bushels of
grain. This latter was the excess of grain
he had handled.
The witness then told there waa a tacit
understanding that no member of the as
sociation was to buy grain from an Irregu
lar dealer. Irregular dealers he described
as farmers who sold their own grain and
loaded It Into the cars themselves.
The second year Johnson refused to di
vide' the grain bought, though he main
tained the uniform prices seat out from
Omaha. He refused, he said, because the
contract was for only one year, while the
Omaha Elevator company Interpreted It to
continue Indefinitely.
After he sold out Johnson testified he
contemplated buying some grain from hi
old customers, but he could not sell It,
as members of the association objected so
strf'iuously. Johnson testified that he had
talked with all of the defendants and by
them had been told of the good results
that would be brought about by the as
sociation. Jotlnson testified that he knew by hear
say from the man who bought him out
hitched up to the city water and there Is
no meter to show how much water It ho
used. Steve Hoover, manager of the hotel;
aid he did not know who connected up the
pipes, but that he was willing to pay a rea
onable price for what the council decides
he haa used.
Answer to Insurance Salt.
The legal department of the state Is
preparing ah answer to the Injunction se
cured by the Mutual Reserve Life Insur
ance company to prevent the Insurance
department from Interfering with It doing
Business In Nebraska.
Capital Briefs,
The John A. Crelghton Real Estate and
corporated by John A. Crelghton, J. M
Daugherty and Albert Thomas. The cap
ltal stock Is J800.000.
Acting Governor MeOilton arrived In
the city this morning and will return to
Omaha this evening. An accumulation of
official papers needing his signature was
all that called him to Lincoln.
Bids for the construction of a residence
and bam and granary for the state ex
perlment sub-station at North Platte will
be advertised for In a few days. Superin
tendent of Construction Chowlns of the
State university has completed the plans
They coll for a house, the cost of which
probably will be 83,600, and a barn and
granary at 82,200. The house will be for
the superintendent of the station.
The failure of one building and loan as
soclatlon to send In Its annual report to
the State Banking department has de
layed the Issuance of the report of th
department and It will not appear until
September 1.
Vaa) areaUg yea wUl bb
Coat Shirt v
arilskl lopatoa. If th itnum Is wMts.
It COU(M TAbt.
1.50 and more
er awiif assov cohas.
Old Settlers at Beatrice.
BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 25. (8peclal.)
The old settler of Gage county held their
picnic on the Chautauqua grounds jester
day with a large attendance. At 11 o'clock
a business meeting was held at whl
these officers were elected: Hon. W. L.
Jackson, president; Hugh J. Dobbs, vice
president; C. F. Gale, secretary; A. D. Sage,
After prayer by Rev. N. A. Martin, Judge
Davidson of Tecumseh waa Introduced
the speaker of the day. Mr. Davidson
started out by saying that he felt honored
by being classed among the old settlers. H
touched upon the early days of this country
when it was known only to the "howl of
the wolf and the whoop of the Indian," and
dwelt at length upon the history of Ne
bracks and what the pioneers wece obliged
to withstand in the upbuilding of the state
In the early days. Senator H. W. L. Jack
son and Homer Austin followed Judge
Davidson's interesting address with short
remarks. The music for the afternoon was
furnished by the Beatrice Military band.
Old settlers Meet at York.
YORK. Neb.. Aug. 25-(Speclal.) The old
settlers' and fraternal picnic held here o
day was a success. The picnic and progra
were held In the beautiful York park,
through which Uncoln creek winds. The
early trains brought in hundreds and by
noon several thousand drove here, and
tne atlernoon wnen the exercises com'
menced the large park was thronged wit
people. There were all kinds of sports and
games and many hard contests. The Judge:
appointed to Judge who was the prettiest
young woman and the prettiest baby had
a hard time to select, for the reason
were so pretty that it was nearly Impos
sible to come to a decision. Senator Bur
kett of Lincoln delivered the principal ad
dress. His address was followed by talks
by other well known speakers, and many
pioneers tolj of their early experience In
York county.
In Lincoln this morning. He was released
from the Uncoln asylum about two years
BEATRICE The Wvmore bfie ball team
will ctve a nlcnlc at Wvmore Sunday. Au
gust 27. A game will be phived between the
Haveiock and V ymore teams.
TORK-r. M. PchneldT FMn of South
Omaha will open a large stock of dry goods
this week on Lincoln avenue opposite the
Young Men's Christian association build
ing. LEXINGTON Yewl onlay terminated the
second annual Iawson county Chautauqua
and all unite In saying thnt this was cer
tainly a most successful Chautauqua, es
pecially In point of attendance.
SEWARD A young son of M. Henderson
of "N" town arcliiently shot himself with
a twenty-two calibre rifle Friday of last
week, the charge tailing effect In his thigh
and passing downward. The physicians say
the wound Is not necessarily fatal.
HUMBOIJVT-Floyd Cooper, son of Mr.
and Mrs. William Cooper of this city, was
united In marriage u Miss Ida McClaln of
Auburn, the ceremony taking place at the
home of the hrlde In' the latter city. The
couple will mnke their- home at Auburn.
BEATRICE J. B. Smith, proprietor of
the dairy southwest of this city, yesterday
shipped a herd of fifteen Jersey cattle to
lies Moines, where the will be exhibited
during the state fair. From there the herd
will be taken to the Nebraska state fair
at Lincoln.
YORK Iist evening the Commercial club
gave a reception to Senator Burkett In the
arlors of the Commercial club rooms,
lumlreds of citizens attended the reception
and the evening was most pleasantly and
enjoyably spent In meeting Senator Burkett
No speeches were made.
FA1RBCRY At an early hour this morn
ing the residence and office of Dr. V. 8.
Ammerman, at Reynolds, this county, was
destroyed by fire with all its contents. Dr.
Ammerman's loss Is about tooo with no
Insurance. The building was owned by
G. W. Slmpktns of Reynolds.
BEATRICE Sadie Woods, well known In
police circles In Wymore and Beatrice, was
up before the Board of Insanity Commis
sioners on an Inebriate charge yesterday.
She was ordered sent to the asylum at
Lincoln for thr-e years to receive treatment
for the drink and morphine habit.
CHAD RON The Dawes county teachers'
Institute Is now in session with seventy
two teachers In attendance. It is In charge
of County Superintendent Thomas S.
Smith, assisted by Superintendent H. E.
Bradford of Chadron. C. S. Jones of Craw
ford and J. H. Hayes of Alliance.
Steele has brought suit In the district court
against the Missouri Pacific Railway com
pany ror f,ouo damages ror the death or
jonn . Bteeie wno was
Hopeless Invalid Women Restored to
Health and Usefulness By Pe-ru-na.
General Debility, Nervousness, Back- t(ll
ache. Kidney Troubles, Female
Weakness, Are All Symptoms
of Pelvic Catarrh.
Pe-ru-na Is An Unfailing Remedy
For All of These Cases
IF the reader will take the pains to glance over
this article. It will be noticed that three Amer'-
Informer Sues for Fees,
SEWARD. Neb.. Aug. 25. (Special.) J.
A. Chapin of Beamer Crossing, through his
ttorneys Landls A Schich, has appealed
the case to the supreme court In which ho
seeks to recover one-fourth of the fines as
sessed against a couple of Beamer Cross-
ng people for selling liquor without a
license, he having been the complaining
witness. One of these parties was fined
J150 and the other $100. The fines were paid
Into the county school fund and Chapman
filed a bill with the county board for one
fourth of the total amount. The county
board disallowed the claim and It was ap
pealed to the district court, where It was
tried before Judge Good. He sustained
the decision of the board. The case will be
filed so that It may come up at the Septem
ber session of the supreme court.
Bad Indian tnder Arrest.
NORFOLK. Neb., Aug. 25. (Special.)
John Conoyer, a half-breed Indian on the
Trt.,,., MDB...aHnn .KA . .. - 1
siderablo trouble for a long time, has Just , treasurer
watchman at the Missouri Pacific crossing
at Weeping Water. Steele was killed by a
train while he was standing on the railroad
BEATRICE Dick O'Brien Is In Jail at
Wymore charged with robbing the Pearl
restaurant. While the woman Jn charge of
the place stepped back to the kitchen to get
him a lunch O'Brien Jumped over the
counter and stole some silver knives, throe
watches and other articles. He was arrested
by Marshal Acton while attempting to make
his escape.
BEATRICE As the time for adjournment
approaches Interest Increases In the teach
ers' Institute In session here. The program
is carried out to the letter each day and
the Instructors are more than pleased with
the success attained. I-ast evening the
vlHltlng teachers were given a boat ride
up the Blue river as guests of the high
school faculty.
YORK A message has Just been received
by Mr. August Johnson, a fanner living
between here and Bradshaw, that his son,
Carl Johnson, had been drowned In Oregon.
There were no particulars. The remains
have been sent here for burial. Carl John
son was well known and a general favorite
In the community In which he was raised
near Bradshaw, this county.
ALBION Joseph Bender of Madison
county has caused a complaint to be filed
in the county court against Joseph and
Frank Kraus, charging them with assault
and battery. He claims that without any
provocation or warning he was attacked
by the two brothers, and before assistance
came Ire was badly used; that he has been
under the care of a physician ever since.
BEATRICE The new order of the West
ern Hees met last evening and perfected
an organization by the election of these
others: F. C. La Belle, past president:
R.H. Appleget, president: L. H. Milieu,
can make women frank, unequivocal
concerning Feruna
Thojr were chronic and hopeless vic
tim of pelvic catarrh.
Now, thejr are healthy, happy
and useful women.
The symptoms of catarrhal weak
ness, systemic catarrh and female
catarrh are very numerous.
No two cases are exactly allka.
The symptoms most frequently
met are general debility kidney
trouble loss of flesh bad com
plexion tired and worn-out all the
time aches and pains unable to
stand long at a time or to walk
any distance periodical cramps
displacement of pelvic organs-
ovarian troubles throbbing trem
bling flashes of heat nervous
headaches chronic dyspepsia con
stipation Insomlna Irritability
easily frightened brown spots be
fore the eyes dizziness roaring In
the heod, etc.
Any one or more of these symp
toms mean that the victim has
chronic systemic catarrh which la
undermining all the bodily functions
and weakening every nerve center.
Such women are liable to become
bedfast, 01, are Induced to submit
to some surgical operation in com
plete desperation.
Operations Unnecessary.
A short course of Peruna is suf
ficient to convince any woman In
such a condition that there Is a remedy
that is able to come to her relief.
Thousands of women have already dis
covered this, but there are tens of thou
sands of others who need to know It.
Any woman who reads these line and
feels that her case Is described In whole
or In part by the above symptoms should
lose no time In giving Peruna a fair trial.
Those requiring special advice should
write to Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman- Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio, when
they will receive a prompt reply to their
letters, free of charge.
Eight Years of Pain Praises Pe-ru-na
for Her Recovery.
Mrs. L. Mahaffey, 196 Seventh street.
Portland, Ore., Chairman St. Patrick's
been arrested by U. S. Deputy Marshal
John Petrle of Chamberlain, S. D., and
brought to Gregory for a hearing before
Federal Commissioner Jackson. Conoyer
is wanted on a government charge pri
marily. On August 8 he attacked Sheriff
Sprout ef -Fairfax. S. D.; badly -wounding
the officsY In a hard struggle, to release
his brother, wanted for horsestealing.
Finally the half-breed won and the prisoner
galloped away. Conoyer Is thought to have
been mixed up In a house robbery near
Dixon last week.
Populists Name Fnll Ticket.
ALBION, Neb.. Aug. 23. (Special.) The
populist county convention, held here yes
terday, put In nomination the following
candidates: Treasurer, P. Cahlll, St. Ed
ward; county clerk, O. H. Babbitt, pres
ent Incumbent, of Cedar precinct; sheriff.
Ed Evans of Shell Creek; superintendent
of public Instruction, C. M. Penny, present
Incumbent; county Judge, James M. Arm
strong of Albion. The democrat have en
dorsed all of the above named candidates
with the exception of sheriff. For that
office they put In nomination George E.
Waring, present chief of police. It looks
if there would be a three-fcornered fight
for the offfte of sheriff.
Body Goes to Disserting; Tnble.
NORFOLK, Neb.. Aug. 25. (Special.)
The body of the unidentified negro who was
murdered here when he asked for a drink.
was sent to Lincoln today, where it will
be given, according to the state law, to
a medical college for dissection. No friends
claimed the body and this action was re
quired. No trace of the murderer has been
found and chances are fast diminishing
for ever catching him. The two Omaha
lads who saw the shooting have been
locked up. In the county Jail and are being
held as witnesses under bonds of 1600 each.
Blar Importation of Horses.
ST. PAUL, Neb., Aug. 25.-( Specials
Frank lama, the horseman, arrived yes
terday from Europe with his annual Im
portation of Belgian stallions and coach
horses. The transportation from New
York was made by means of a specially
chartered Wells-Fargo express train con
sisting of five large cars, and the trip waa
made In sixty hours. lams will this even
ing ship out twenty stallions to Des Moines
for exhibit at the Iowa state fair, and will
show forty at the Nebraska state fair.
lent; A. L. Hrailley, secretarv
E. C. La Selle. guide; L. C. Per-
vine, chaplain; C. 8. Curry, physician. The
new order starts out wun a large mem
HL'MBOLDT The Jocal. telephone com-
Cany Is Installing a new 450-drop swltch
oard at Its control, and a gang of work
men is erecting 1 newr. and larger poles in
the buslnesB part ot the Otty, where a large
quantity of new cable Is to be strung. The
work already planned tor this year means
is made Imperative by the Increased busi
ness of the company.- .
CHADRON The republican county con
vention Is called for September 6, to meet
at madron, wtille September I Is recom
mended as the day for the primaries. How
ever, tne i naoron precinct committeeman,
W. S. Gtllam, has called this one to meet
Friday evening, September 1, to elect
thirty-two members from Chalron. Rep
resentation is Dasen on tne vote ror Lieu
tenant Governor McGllton in 1804.
SCHUYLER The republican 'county con
vention of Colfax county Is called to meet
at the court house on Saturday. Sentem
ber 2. The purpose of this convention will
be to elect ten delegates for the state
convention to be held at Lincoln on Sen
tember 14: also to elect delegates for the
Sixth Judicial district convention. This
convention will choose a time and place for
holding the county convention to nominate
the county omcers.
SEWARD For the first time for about
eight years Seward county's eeneral fund
warrants are being registered for lack of
funds. This Is owing partly to the failure
of a railroad to pay its taxes and partly
because county expenditures are a little
heavier than they used to be. A a result
the county board has this year made a
heavier levy than before, the total county
levy being 9H mills, as compared to B1 last
year. The levy for the court house fund
Is 2'-4 mills, which makes the levy for all
otner purposes 7 mills.
SEWARD Arrangements have been made
for the laying of the corner stone of Sew
ard county's new JH5.000 court house on
Wednesday. September 30, at 10:30 o clock.
The exercises are to be In charge of the
Masonic order, while all the other fraternal
and benevolent orders In the county will
be Invited to participate. The third an
nual Seward county fair Is to be held
Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday. Sen
tember 19, 20 and 21. which brings the laying
of the corner stone on the second day of
the county ralr. Arrangements have been
made for a street carnival carrying 2S0
people to appear that week.
Dangerous coughs, colds, sore throats are
quickly cured by Dr. King' New Discov
ery. 50c and tl: guaranteed. For sale by
Sherman & McCnnnelll Drug Co.
JIT -V :; 'Iff
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a, V.V-v ...'...-... ''. I 1 WW '-Vf
circle, writes:
"I suffered for eight years with prolapsus
uteri and a painful. Inflamed condition,
which at times compelled me to go to bed,
as I was unable to stand on my feet.
"1 tried different remedies which brought
only temporary relief until a friend told me
how she had been cured of ovarian trouble
by the use of Peruna and advised me to
try It. I used It for two months with sur
prising results."
Sick Thirteen Years Well Woman To
dny Thanks to Pe-ru-na.
Miss Louise Carr, 1030 8. New Jersey
street, Irrdlanapolls, Ind., writes:
"I hnve had my share of sickness. For
thirteen years I have not known what It
was to draw a well breathy and It Is thanks
to rerunn that I am well today. I sufferefl
with general weakness, female complaint
and severe kidney, trouble. Feruna cured
Suffered Three Years Recommends
Mrs. A. L. Orrlson, 1905 E. Franklin
street, Richmond, Va., writes:
"After three months' trial of your rem
edy, r am cured of painful menstruation.
"After suffering untold agony for threa
years, nnd spending over a hundred dollar
and finding no relief, whatever, I began,
taking Peruna under the advice which you
so kindly gave me.
"I shall never cease to be thankful for
this, or recommend Peruna to all women
whom I find suffering from the abovo
vlvors of the Quantrell guerilla at Inde-1
penoence. Mo., a siiDurD, toaay. i-iair a
nundred members of the band. Including
besides Younger, Jim Cummlngs, who was
noted after the civil war as a member of
the James and Younger gang, D. Hughes
of Hughes, Ark., and Lieutenant Lee Miller
of Knobnoster, Mo., were present.
Attack ot Diarrhoea Cured by One
Dose of Chamberlain's Colle, t hai-- :
era and Diarrhoea Remedy.
I was so weak from an attack of diarrhoea
that I could scsrcely attend to my duties,
when I took a dose of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It cured
me entirely and I had been taking other
medicine for nine day without relief. I
heartily recommend this remedy a being
the best to my knowledge for bowel com
plalnts.R. G. Stewart, of the Arm of
Stewart 4 Bro., Greenville, Ala.
Rock Island Bnllda Roundhouse.
FAIRBl.'RY, Neb.. Aug. 25. (Special.)
The contract for building the new round
house for the Rock Island railway at this
place has been awarded to O. O. Collier
and Henry Stuteross, and R. W. McHale
has the contract for the new concrete
work for the turntable and cinder pits.
All of the work goes to Falrbury con
tractors. The cost of the new roundhouse
will be about 130,000.
Store at Mlddleborg.
HUMBOLDT, Neb.. Aug. 25. (Special.)
Fire destroyed the general store at Mlddlo
burg, a small town several miles to the
south oft the railroad." The building and
stock were owned by T. J. Stover, who,
with his family, occupied the upper rooms
of the building. The family escaped with
their lives and wearing apparel, but all the
rest of the contents of the building were
destroyed. Insurance was carried sufficient
to protect the owners from loss.
Pender Man Charged with larest.
PENDER. Neb., Aug. 26. (8pecial Tele
gram.) Fred Cordson was brought before , clflc railway. Many are going Into Mlnne-
Yonr Chance to io West.
Whether you go to settle or seek a home;
whether you want temporary or permanent
employment, you can And what you seek In
the country traversed by the Northern Pa
County Judge King today upon the charge
of Incest with his 12-year-old daughter. He
waived hearing and was bound over to dis
trict court in 11.500 bonds, which he failed
to furnish. Cordson's five children have
been turned over to the Home of the
Friendless In Omaha by reason of his non
support and abuse.
Small. Tornado la Holt.
NORFOLK. Neb . Aug, . 26. (Special.)
A special from Atkinson, Neb., says that
a small tornado passed over Holt county,
Nebraska, a few miles from Atkinson, de
molishing barns, granaries and farm build
ing la Its pata. No on was killed, Ou
tore aad I'oatofttre Robbed.
BEATRICE. Neb., Aug. 25. -(Special Tel
egram.) The general store of H. G. Day
at Rockford, In which the postofTlee is lo
cated, was entered by robbers last night
who secured about t in cash from the
safe and escaped. There Is no clue. Post
master Day occupies apartments ovsr the
store room, but failed to hear the robber
when they entered the building.
news ot Xeteraaka.
BEATRICE Harry, the young son of Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Jordan, fell from a trapese
yesterday breaking his left arm.
BEATRICE The Beatrice military band
gave a concert last evening to a large
number of Beatrice citizens from the new
veranda at the Markle hotel.
NEBRASKA CITY-Fred Wllkennlng, a
young farmer who resides in the Smith
settlement south of the city, has been ad
judged lusaue and.aas iaka to U asylum
sota, Dakota, Montana and Uito the great
Puget Sound country. Some for health,
some for pleasure and othera for employ
ment. None go amay disappointed. The
many towns, both large and small, are
steadily growing and machinists, trades
men. laborers and all classes find openings
and opportunities to ply their trades. Farm
ers find wonderfully productive farms wher4
soil, climate, water and good markets are
conducive to sure crops and large profits.
Stockmen find grazing grounds of rich herb
age and markets wlthrn reasonable dis
tance. Many are taking advantage of the low
colonist rates In effect from September 15
to October 31. via the Northern Pacific rail
way. Liberal stopovers, giving opportunity
to Inspect the lands at various points, are
a good feature of these tickets and ynu
cannot afford to miss the opportunity. Mr.
E. D. Rockwell. D. P. A.. 318 Citizens Bank
building. Des Moines, Is well informed on
western lands and will gladly give you In
formation. Write or call today.
TKart Case Kesri End.
WOOSTER. O., Aug. 25. There were In
dications today that the end of the Taggart
case was not far off. Emma Lyttle, the
colored servant formerly employed In the
Taggart family was again on the stand
during tae morning. It was pointed out
that the woman's story on the stand dif
fered somewhat from her deposition, but
all efforts on the part of Captain Taggart's
counsel to make her change her testimony
of yesterdsy were fiulle.
Partly Cloudy In Nebraska Today
Showers In West Portion, Cooler
at Maht In East Portion.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 25. Forecast of the
weather for Saturday and Sunday:
For Nebraska Partly cloudy Saturday;
shower In west portion; cooler In north
west portion and at night in east portion,
with showers. Sunday, fair.
For Iowa Fair Saturday; warmer In east
portion. Sunday, showers and cooler.
For South Dakota Partly cloudy Satur
day; probably showers; cooler In west por
tion. Sunday, fair.
For Missouri Fair Saturday; warmer In
northwest portion; showers and cooler Sun
day afternoon or night.
For Kansas Partly cloudy Saturday;
warmer In east portion; showers and cooler
at night or Sunday.
For Colorado Portly cloudy Saturday;
warmer In west portion; showers and cooler
at night or Sunday.
For Wyomlng-Partly cloudy Saturday;
showers In west portion. Sunday, partly
cloudy; showers and cooler In southeast
. Local Record.
OMAHA, Aug. 26. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
years: jotr. go, ro ljft'
Maximum temperature .. 81 80 7 75
Minimum temperature ... 65 62 RS 63
Mean temperature "3 71 72 fci)
Precipitation (W T 1.44 .4
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1
and comparison with the last two years:
,.iinini ii-iii ifiuiure T7
. .10 inch
.10 Inch
14 Inches
7 54 Inches
2 45 Inch.;
a. 41 Inches
T P. M.
Max. Rain-1
mm ' '.2jraii-i "flu' i.4L.
Kidney and Urinary Trouble and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to
evil habit In youth, excesses or the result of neglected or Improperly treated
private diseases, which cause night losses, day drains, and impairs the mind,
destroys muscular strength and reduces th sufferer to that deplorable state
known as Nervo-Sexual Debility.
No Harsh or Dangerous Methods Used
milCHI TlTlflU rDrr . If you cannot call writ for symptom blank.
LUHOULI AHUM riLt Office Hours 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. Sundays. 10 to 1 only.
1308 Parnam St., Batwoan 13th and 14th Straata, Omaha, Nab.
Reaaloa af QaaatreH'a Gaerrtllaa.
KANSAS CITT. Mo.. Aug. Cole
Younger, the former bandit, was th central
figure at IL annual reunion of tb ir.
Excess for the day
Total excess since March 1 ....
Normal precipitation
Deficiency for the day
Precipitation since March 1
Deficiency since March 1
Deficiency for cor. period, 1904.
Deficiency for cor. period, 1Ho3.
Reports from Stations at
Station and Stat Tern.
of Weather. 1 D.m. Tern, fall
Rlamarck, part cloudy 8o 86 .00
Cheyenne, cloudy 78 84 .u)
Chicago, clear 68 72 .00
Davenport, rlt-ar 72 78 .00
Denver, clear 82 W ,00
Havre, cloudy 74 M f
Helena, cloudy 7u 72 j
Hun n. clear 74 tn) .00
Kansas t'lty, part cloudy .. 74 74 .00
North Platte, cloudy 11 74 .00
Omaha, clear 77 Kl .11
Rapid City, part cloudy .. 80 M .ou
St. I -ou Is, clear 78 HI T
St. Paul, clear 74 80 .()
Salt Lake City. pt. cloudy 80 84 T
Valentine, clear 82 88 .00
Williston. cloudy 90 M .00
T indicates truce of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
khs. vi:isLov's
scoT!:i;;a syhup
has hmm wMd br Million, of Mother, for then
pUiiajva oiule TUkiug fur rifty Yrs
It suoums ofcitd. aTrtMS um goats. aur
ail fMum. euros wiim! euii aaa 1 . t, 1,
Between. 10 a. m. nd midnight.
Order a Case. . , . Telephone ilAA
Omaha' Ma!l Brewery.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results