Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1905, Page 11, Image 11
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1005. 11 IllftalU I Vllllltlllll V aVaTJ ft M m M 1 tsar SPECIAL SATURDAY BAIU1AIXS THAT fl.OO Mm' Hhlrto, with polk dot tnobnlr col or and bosoms, surprising yalue, 5Q(J 11.00 Madras and Oxford Shirts, In the best fall patterns, choice Saturday, 5Qc Men's Neckwear la great assortment of new est shapes and color, at 49c, 26c C and IJC Men's flalbrlgan Shirts and Drawers Broken worth up to 75c, at choice IT V1Uj PAT YOU TO IJiVESTIOATE. Men's Faney Half Ho Blacks and tans In all new embroidered effects, regular J Be 1 Tl Talues, at ,. Ijv lte Half Hose, Qc Men's Jap Silk Shirts and rnitwets In pinks, blues and whites, cular $1.00 values Q( 50c Balbrlffgan Shirts and Drawers, plain 1C. and fancy colors, at .Jt lota and sites, plain and fancy colors, 15c 25c Medallions Only 5c The entire sample line of Medallions from the larg est 'importers in America 'on sale Saturday in two lots at 10c and...Jk SPECIAL 5c RIBBON SALE Saturday morning we will bcII, at, yard, 10c All Silk Ribbons ipsa 15o All Silk Ribbons JU. 20c All Silk Ribbons. fcrU ( 25c All Silk Ribbons nj Hn 30c All Silk Ribbons v-y w Li LjLj i i J i crj THE RELIABLE STORE. NEW FALL MILLINERY SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY. Everything that holds popular favor you will find here. Extensive pre parations have been made In our Tailor Made Data, each one offering surpass ing values. THE NEW DERBY POLO AT 8H.O. It la a very handsome polo of paon silk velvet with folds of chiffon on brim with a large pair of natural wings on left side, comes In every 4 QQ color. SATURDAY WJO POLO TURBANS AT f2.0. There Is a smartness about these turbans that cannot be equaled for doable the price elsewhere. POLOS AND BAILORS AT ft. OA. It will bo to your advantage to see our splendid line of hats at this price LADIES' BLACK HAND MADE SILK HATS AT 08e. Made on a wide frame, brim of shirred and crown of mohair braid, 8ATURDAY 1.98 98c Ladies' Underwear Specials SEVERAL ROUSING BARGAIN EVENTS IN OVTX LADIES' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT DON'T MISS THEM. 5c Ladles' Underwear With long or short C sleeves, regular 60c quality, at JC Ladles' Lace Trimmed Pants, regalar 60c values, at Lisle Thread Vesta, In pink, blue or cream, regular, 60c values, at Children's J6o Vests and Pants, great anap, at 25c 19c 10c Ladle' IBe quality Vests, In extra large sizes, special bargain, at. . . From 10 till 11 A. M. Children's and Misses' Fleeced Lined Underwear, alies H to 34. regular 25c values limit Jln of 6 to a customer per garment. . ,nM From 11 A. M. till 12 M. Ladles' Heavy Ribbed Vests and Pants, long sleeves and ankle length, worth up to 60c, C at, per garment 1JC Saturday Specials 15c Ladies' Neckwear, at. Be 2oc Ladies' Neckwear, at 10c 50c Ladies' Neckwear, at 25c 15c Pearl Buttons, at, dozen 2Jc 25c Ladies' Wash Belts, at. 9c 20c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs. . .7Jc Carpets & Draperies A Magnificent Display of the Newest Styles and Patterns now being fhown in our CARPET DEPARTMENT -THIRD FLOOR ' Don't Fall to See Them. FURNITURE AUGUST PRICES MAKE BUYING EASY The volume of business we are doing- these hot days attest to the fact that we are making THE low prices To keep up the Interest we closed a deal whereby wa can now place on sale two carloads Sf Chairs and Hookers at FACTORY COST. 8KB OUR DOrHJB STREET WINDOWS. THE PRICES THERE) TELL THE STORY. The bMt Talues ever ottered now on sale at factory prloea. Cans feat Chairs, worth M.85, now Can Seat Chairs, worth II . now Cane Seat Chairs, worth tt.00, now.......... Rockers, worth 88.7s, now Rookers, worth fi ne now Rockers, worth W now Rockers, worth KM, now Rockers, worth 4 60, now ? Rockers, worth tS.OO, now Thm are about 78 patterns, of which we have frnm t un to ST) of a kind. These goods will not last lone, and If vou are Interested come at once. A GOOD SOFT TOP MATTRE39 FOR 81.76 rwn thla Ausust sals we will offer you a lull lu mattress. In rood ticking, for 11-75. in a int nf Bilk Floss Pillows In muslin eovers-lSxls. c; 10x20, 36c; 8828. 46c; 84 24. 80c. Also Quilted Mattress Protectors, 8-4 and 4- slxe, 71 Inches long, at n.86. To those moving- Into new houses; to those Just starting housekeeping-, and to young mar ried people, who want to pay cash, we are now offering special Inducements. When you want the price low come here. 25c EMBROIDERY, per yd., 71c Monday Morning begins the greatest bargain Bale of Em broideries and Insertings ever held in Omaha. Never before have such handsome patterns and fine qualities been offered at so low a price. ' Embroideries worth 16c per yard, 20c per yard and 26c yard all J I at one price Monday g at, yard 4 2 See 10th Street Window Display. DON'T FAIL TO VISIT OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT A WONDERFUL SURPRISE AWAITS VOU SATURDAY. Groceries, Groceries, Groceries THE fciQ STORE LEADS THEM ALL FOlt QUALITY AND PRICES. 18-pouud sack Fancy High Patent Min nesota Flour tl.85 10 Lara beet brands Laundry Soap. ..25c Jello, Jellycoa or Fruit Puddlne, per paekaga TVfcC Large bottle Pnre Tomato Catsup. .TV4c pound can fancy Alaska Salmon. .. .lc or Mustard Sardines, per can....c 6-pound pall Pure Fruit Jelly 17c On Time Yeast per package 2c B-pound can Boston Beken Beans. .TVfce 1-pound can Rex Pork and Beans.... 4c Mb. can beet Sweet Sugar Corn Be Large bottle Fancy Mixed Chow Chow, vfiweef Gberklna or Onion Pickles. 8c la-ounce can Condensed Cresm 7 He Xeelo, Malta Vita, Egg-O-See or Dr. Price's Breakfast Food 7c The beat Soda Crackers, per pound. 6MiC The bant Ginger Snaps, per pound. ..4HC rancy large selected Queen Olives, per quart . ... Cheltee'Tea SlfMhgs; per pound. .10c Butter and Cheeee Dept. Specials. Choice Dairy Butter, per pound 18c Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, per pound 22c Fancy Wisconsin Brick Cheese, per pound : 12c Fancy Wisconsin Cream Cheese, per pound 1Bc Fancy New York White Cheese, per pound 150 Fancy Domestic Swiss 'Cheese, per pound 16c Fruit. Fruit. Fruit. Larpe Ripe Bananas, per dozen 15c Large Juicy Lemens. per doaen 25c Fancy Colorado Honey, per rack.... 10c Three measures Fresh Hoe i ted Pea nuts ..; 10c Fancy Fard Dates, per pound 10c Fancy Bartlett Pears, per doeen . . , . 10c Coming. Coming. Coming. The first solid car of fancy California BoJway Peachea for canning. Watcn paper for their arrival and price. New Corset Models Our Corset Department offers to the buyer a stock of Corsets unequalled In ths west In point of variety. We carry all the beat known and most popular makes. ROTAL WORCESTER CORSET ft In all ths latest models and materials are now being shown at prices up 1.00 Stout built : "ladies 'should see our line of Nemo Self-Reducing Corsets. They have ne equal. THE LA MARGUERITE CORSET Is the acme of perfection In corset manufac ture. We carry models to fit any figure, iUS?.u 2.50 A SATURDAY BPECIAL-Batlste Cot ets with long or short hlpa. with or without hoa supporters, also tape gird les, In all sises and colors, at, A On choloe wv Three Special Hosiery Bargains 25c Men's Hose In plain black and fancy 'embroidered, worth up to 60c, at. . . , . . Ladles' Fancy Embroidered Hose in black and colors, worth pMrf.!!!-. Ac Boys' Heavy School Hose, with double heel and toe, regular 19c values, at. 12k TOILET LUXURIES Sweet scented Toilet Waters and Dainty Perfume at bargain prices Saturday. lOo Sachet Powders, at 5c Florida Water, per bottle 6c Florida Water large else bottle 10c La France Rose Perfume, a good quality, per ounce 15c Assorted Perfumes of good quality, per ounce .26c COLGATE'S TOILET WATER, Violet, Cashmere Boquet, Daelylls or La France Rose, 76c slxe. Saturday, at 60c An lmmenss line of finest perfumes and toilet preparations. Don't fail to see them. 3.95 $6.00, $7.50 and $10.00 Silk Waists, in 25 different styles all have the new sleeves. They come in all colors and black, are tucked or pleated and trimmed with fine laces. Your choice of 337 garments QQ Saturday, at Xu0 Children's Dresses, In Persian Lawns, Llnena and fine Zephyr Ginghams, white and colors, worth up to $5.00, :U 98c-1.98 45 Ladies' and Misses' Stylish Craven- cttee that sold at $8.00 and $0.00, choice. . . . 35 Sicilian Shirt Waist Snlts, regular $9.00 values, go (J BS Handsome Tailor Suits, that sold at $18, $20 and $25, QQC wonderful bargains, at. ... OS Cravenette Coat, in grays, tans and Oxfords., latest styles, best makes, $12.60 values, Q (JQ Silk Lace Capes, that sold at $12.60, $15 and up to $2 5, divided into 2 lota, at , 7.50 40 handsome Silk Looso Coats, that in I lots, at Redlngotes and sold at $20 to $30. $10-1250 SURPRISING SKIRT VALUES. $4 Walking Skirts, In newest stjieg and best fabrics, 1 9B $5 and $6 Skirts, In great variety t. style and materials, OR choice, at $J O $8 and $10 Skirts, In Vollca, Panamaa. Serges, etc., all colors, Cg $3 and $4 Waists, at $2 Waists, at See our Home-Made Wrappers, at. . . . FROM 8 TILL A. M. $1.25 Long Klmonns, 49(5 FROM 0 TILL 10 A. M. One lot of Klmonas, at, choice IJC GREAT SALE OF XEW FAIX SUITS. Throe sample lines of New Fall 6ults the very nobbiest designs for the fall season will be on , sale at about one-third lees than regular prices. Don't fall to ace these garments. ! Prices $35.00, $25.00, f Cfi $16.00 and l.JU 1.98 79c 1.25-2.25 China Dept. Saturday Bargains Thin Flint Blown Tumblers 1Qr Saturday six for lOw Decorated Bread and Butter pi Plates Saturday six for OV Fruit Jar Rubbers, extra heavy, A per dosetv r Cups, Saucers. Plates, Mugs, Bowls, Nap pies, etc., both decorated and plain, oi)ds and ends of stock. In S "5 r -I lots, Saturday, at at'UOli WE BIG MEAT SECTION WATCn OUR PRICES AND NOTE OUR OVA LIT Y 20 PER CENT SAVED , , , . LESS THAN WHOLESALE. Spring CTilckens (fresh-,, iAc per pound Boiling Beef. On U pounds for Corn Beef. TEp ( pounds for v Shoulder Roast, OCp 6 pounds for Shoulder Steak, I pounds for.... i Pound Btenk. 8 pounds for Lamb Iiefrs, 8 pounds for Lamb Slew, 9 pounds for Sirloin Steak, 8 pounds for Special department for boarding houses and restaurants. 25c 25c 25c 25c COUNCIL BLUFFS MHOR MF.NTIOX. Davis sells drua-s. - . . Stockert sells carpets. Plumbing and heating. Blxby Son. Drs. Woodbury, dentists. 30 Pearl street. Woodrlng-Srhmldt, undertakers. Tel. 838. Leffert's Improved torlc lenses give satis faction. Finroll in Western Iowa college this week, fcferrlam block. Evans laundry 5?a Pearl. Lowest prices, best work. Tel. 290. PrftTnhv nntflfs anft sunnllAit. C. VI. loVMnHjir SI? Ilrnyil.'.v irty, pay expenses, mis Ave. U Fall term ' Western Iowa college ' opens august 88. Send for new catalogue. Farms for sale, all sixes, easy terms. Squire tt Ann!, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Duncan, 23 Main St., guarantees to do the best shoe repair work. Ulve him a trial. llort Wat wu hat been appointed driver of No. b hose team in place of Charles Gravaa. Received a large shipment of picture moulding. Borwlt-k, 211 8. Main St. Tel. &t Dr. Luella 8. tean. homeopath, diseases Df women and children. Room 8, Brown Bldg. Tel. 80. Officer Crum was called upon last even ing to shoot a supposed rabid dog which had Invaded the yard of Dr. P. T. Bcv- bert's home on First avenue. The Avoca Tribune, In Its Issue of this week, suggests ths name of Congressman Walter 1. Smith of this city as a com promise candidate for governor. . Colonel Berk has won the Mnnawa fenrn castf usalnot the Omaha & Council BlulTs sireei tuinway company and they havs put In a turnstile In front of his place. Morand's classes in dancing, Crelghton hall.' Omaha, reopens for adults Friday, September 1, 8 p. in. Pupils from the Bluffs half price. Opening atembly Wednesday, august 80. Admission 26 rents. Maurice Marcus la again In trouble. He was arrested last evening, charged with assault'ng Julius Newman, a newsboy, young Marcus Is said to have severely bit ten young Newman's Anger and arm. The preliminary hearing of David Stubbs, the former camer of Die Citlsens' Gas and Electric company, la set for September 11 In Justice Gardiner's court. Ths case, how ever. Kill go to the grand jury before that tlm.', ...... Jucob Gelger of Mlnden baa been ap pointed s-riary and treasurer of the Pol tawatiaiuie County l-'ourin-Class Postmas ters' league, to succeed K. T. Williams of Weston, who has resigned the postmaster hv oX that town.. Josephine Ceceilt, the 8-month-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Konlng, l6 Kighth avenue, died at a late hour Thursday night. The funoral will be held this morning from St. Peter's Catbolio ohuren and intsrment will be in bt. Jo seph's cemetery. Hart hn n la iord. an Inmate of the Na tional Swidiers' home in Virginia, has writ tun to the vUtel of police seeking lnforma tUn of his brollier, John Koiil, who, hs aas, itue to Council Bluffs in Tlis wntsr says he has not seen his brother since that time. John Wroth, who was brought to this city from 'i'reynor, August lu, under a charge of baing mentally deranged, was yesttndsy ordered committed to St. Ber nards hospital by the commissioners. Wroth is a member ot the Xreynor ball team and bis condition' Is believed to be due to uvertajtlng bis strength. Us is mar ried aud Ui Ave cbUdrru, Paul lilackburn. a crippled colored boy, was arrested Ut evening on complaint of a boy utiuueil Roy. Stelnbaugh. Young Sielnbauglt coaiUalned that he was going home alter delivering a washing and that ths Uiaokburu boy puahed blm and knocked tilm down at ths coi ner of Kirsl avenue and Sixth street and that a silver dollar tell out v.f hi poxht t wlilcJi ' rouiig Biuckburn approprlnteil. - Tlie Blackburn, boy denied ave.r.g ur taking the money. M. T. Plumbing Co, Tel. NlghC WORRIED ABOUT THE MONEY Other Oontraot Holders with Vorthwestsrn Trust Company Get Into Cats. i POSTAL AUTHORITIES INVESTIGATING OrlclmaUy Iatede to Opea In Ne braska, bat Betngr Refaaefl Per salssloa Opened an OfBee - In Thla City. Several persons who hold contracts with the Northwestern Trust company have filed petitions of Intervention In the suit brought a few days ago against the company by Fred Feldhaus. Their petitions are similar and they charge' that they were Induced to take out ths contracts under fraudulent representations. They ask also that a re ceiver tie appointed for the company. The Intervenors and the amounts, tbey claim are: C. P. Brown, $200; D. M. Neff, ISO; Presley Olasgo,, 871; Hans II. Lubeck, (78; Frances Miller, $100. It develops that the Postofflce depart ment has recently sent Inquiries here re garding the company and has asked for copies of the contracts Issued by It and for any other Information concerning Its method of doing business. It ls stated that the company was orig inally organised In Nebraska, but was re fused permission to do business there be cause It did not conform to the require ments of the law of that state. It Is not known how large a business It did here, but there was every Indication when the office In the Wlckham block was raided by the sheriff a few days ago that Secre tary Buchanan nor any one else had been there for some time, as the desks and other furniture were covered with dust. Peter Jacobs, president of the company, against whom Information had been filed charging him along with Secretary Buch anan, of conducting a building and loan business without lawful authority, ap peared In Justice Gardiner's ourt yesterday morning and later la the day furnished a bond of $300. LEWIS CUTLER MONTIGJAM 23 PEXKL ST."" ZZuS Ln4y Atts aOawt if Daslisd. 350 Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee August ti by the Title, Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: -Thomas Griffith and wife to Eva Ol sen, lot 9. in bleck 11. Squires'- addi tion to Council Bluffs, w. d $ 800 B. P. Shepherd to Deaale Culver, lot I. block 3. Pierce's Sub. In Council Bluffs, w. d Peter Peterson and wlfs to C. B. Peters, se. n, swv, nw. part of the ne, nwV and part nw, nwW. 81-77-43, w. d T.iiio Millie Reel to Cart Peters, part neV, nw. 81-77-43. w. d T. 200 Elmer L. Fehr to John B. Wallace, lots f and I, block i. Webster's First addition to Council Bluffs, w. d 110 Peter Peterson and wife to Rose pet ers. neV iV part swa. sev and part nwi. swT. 31-77-43, w. d $.800 Peter Peterson and wife to C. B. Pet ers, part ne, nw and part nCi. nw, $1-77-44, s. w. d County treasurer to William Arnd, part of lot 4. block 18. Grimes' addi tion to Council Bluffs, tax d Charles Willing Hare et al to Elmer L,. renr, part of original plat lot U2. Council Bluffs, a. w. d .,...$,050 Sherman N. McCoid and wife to Carl Peters, part ne. nH. 11-77-43.- q. c. d Ten transfers, total 89.18 Case bees to Higher Court." la the Manawa fonce case Judge Scott yesterdjty decided that the application for a supersedeas by ths street railway co.n uan should be made to a court ot signer Jurisdiction than the superior court. By agreement It was decided that execution under the judgment obtained by the plaintiff property owners would not be Issued until such time as the street rail way company was able to get the appli cation for the stay of proceedings before a Judge of the supreme court. - As the season at Lake Manawa will formally close Sunday, September -8, the result of Judge Scott's ruling will not greatly affect the present situation at the resort. SB 83 FliEHTY OP Bl'SIXBSS FOR COtRT One More Day to File and Docket Already Heavy. Today will be the last opportunity for filing suits for the next term of district court, which will be convened Tuesday, September S, by Judge N. W. Macy of Har lan. - Ths term promises to be heavy, as up to last evening 163 new suits had been filed. The number of divorce cases this term Is unusually large, as forty have al ready been filed and more are expected today. Among the cases filed yesterday were the following: Maggie Hansen against H. A. Searle and wife and Harry Searle,, jr., suit for $3,000 damages for personal Injuries. Miss Han sen, who was a domestic In the Searle family, alleges that the son, Harry Searle, Jr., whom she was employed to look after, struck her, knocked her down and kicked bar, Inflicting injuries of a permanent na ture, which prevent her from performing the customary duties for which she was tralaed. ' Geoffa B. Bosley against the City of Council Bluffs, sutt for $1,000 damages for Injuries received by his wife June 22 last by stepping into a cesspool on Twenty-first street between Second and Third avenues. the accident being due. It Is alleged, to a defective sidewalk. Kimball Brothers company against the Citlsens' Gas and Electric company, suit for $1,000 damages for alleged failure ot ths defendant company to supply the contracted electrical power sufficient to run the ele vator installed by the plaintiff in the ware house of the Groneweg-Schoentgen company-. It Is alleged that the elevator, which should have had a raising rapacity of (.000 pounds, only had a capacity of 8.000 pounds, owing. It Is alleged, to the failure ot the defendant company to furnish power agreed upon. Mary Ann Vaughn against w. R. Vaughn, suit for divorce. Vaufthn Is at present under arrest on a charge of committing a statutory offense against Cordelia Nlchel- son, a girl Under IS years, and Mrs. Vaughn charges him with this also. She asks ths custody of their three minor children and $50 a month alimony. Artie James against L. C. James, suit for divorce. They were married March 9, ISM. In this city and Mrs. James alleges that owing to her husband's cruel and Inhuman treatment of her she was forced to leave I him within five weeks of their marriage. Maude Ford Raaer tgnlnst William Baser, suit for divorce. Mrs. Raser charges her husband, whom she married at Bradshaw, Neb., June 83, 1902, has treated her In a cruel and Inhuman manner and In add!' tlon to the divorce asks the restoration of her maiden name, Maude -Ford. Mary C. llayden against B. L. Hsyden, suit for divorce. They were married at Logan. Ia., in July. Ifo5. The plaintiff asks the custody of their minor child and that the title to their home at W!8 Avenue C be quieted In ber. She charges cruel and Inhumaa treatment and desertion. Talmage Sheldon and 8. M. Williamson against the Chicago Great Western rail road, two suite. Sheldon sues for $1,800 damages for personal Injuries alleged to have been received aa the result of a horse and buggy which he was driving being rua lute al Uui T(M.lsrla sUeet creeaiad- by oae of Se defendant company's trains. William son, who owned the buggy and by whom Sheldon was employed, asks $520 for dam age to the rig and loss of Sheldon's ser vices. W. C. T. AMAL COXVEVriO Sessions to Be Held In the High School Andltorlnm. The annual convention of the Sixth Iowa district of the Woman's Christian Temper ance union will be held In this city next Wednesday. There will be three sessions and they will be held In the auditorium of the high school. In the evening there will be a gold medal contest In which the fol lowing will participate: Miss Mildred Rose, Omaha; Miss Ethel McClurs, Omaha; Miss Etta M. Balrd, Council Bluffs; Miss Laura Mae Robinson, Council Bluffs; Miss Margie McKlnrTon, California. These are the district officers: President, Mrs. Ida B. Wise, Missouri Valley; vice president, Mrs. Mattlo Crooks, Atlantic; secretary, Mrs. H. B. McNaughton Earl lng; treasurer, Mrs. Idella B. Hart, Council Bluffs; chairman entertainment committee, Mrs. Laura Balrd, Council Bluffs. This Is the program for the convention: WEDNESDAY MORNING. 9:80 Consecration service, Mrs. Mattle Crooks, Atlantic. t'onventlon called to order. Crusade hymn and Psalm. Greeting from president. Appointment of committees. Report of executive committee. Report of secretary. Report of treasurer. Report of auditing committee. Reports from unions by the presidents. Noontide prayer. AFTERNOON. 1:18 Praise service, Mrs. A. Livingston, Missouri Valley. 1:S0 Report of credentials committee. Election of officers. Report of resolutions committee. Address, "The Evangel of the Woman's Christian Temperance I'nlon." Miss Mary Lenny, Council BlulTs. Paper, "An Outlook from the Watch Tower," Mrs. Jeannle E. Coe, Woodbine. Address, "The Importance of Our Work," Mrs. Frances E. Wiliett. Woodbine. Social hour. EVENING Gold Medal Contest. 8:00 Pasquinade (Gottschalk), Miss Elva Howard. Invocation. Rev. James O'May. Solo (Will St. Poyri. Miss Mary McCon nell. Contests nt No. 1. Contestant No. 1 Panswerse (F.rlo Weycr Melmud), Miss Margaret Moorehouse. Contestant No. 3. Contestant No. 4 Violin solo, selected, Mr. Earl McConnell. Contestant No. 5. Cornet solo and duet. Miss Hazel Goff. Mr Alfred Flower. Presentation of medals. Benediction, Rev. Harvey Hostetler. DOCTORS CLOSE THEIR gESSIOX Oflleers Elected and Some Minor Bos loess Transacted. Dr. John E. Summers of Omaha was elected president of the Medical Society of the Missouri Valley yesterday. The other officers elected were: First vice president, C. II. Dewltt, Glenwood, la.; second vice president, C. B. Hardin. Ksn- sas City, Mo.; treasurer. Dr. Donald Ma crae, sr., touncii Biuns; secretary, Charles Wood Fassett. St. Joseph, Mo. It was decided to hold the next meeting at St. Joseph M irch 22 of next year. Resolutions extending symputhy to Dr. A. S. V. Mar.hftide iff Ashland. Neb., on tho recent death of his son by drowning and expressing sorrow at the recent death of Dr. It. M. Stone were adopted. Papers were read by Drs. A. P. Condon of Omaha, C. B. Hardin of Kansas City, W. F. Waugh of Chicago and T. N. Bogart of Excelsior Springs. Mo. A short afternoon session brought the meeting to a close. contribution towards the cost of deepening and widening the bed of Indian creek as agreed upon. The city asked each rail road to contribute $1,000 for each bridge It had across the creek toward defraying the expense of cleaning the creek and they all agreed to do so. Last Tuesday Alderman Maloney, chairman of the com mittee on sewers, mailed a request to all of the railroads that they send their promised contributions, as the city de sired to begin work on the creek as soon as possible. President A. B. Stlckney's reply enclosing the company's check for $1,000 was received last' evening by Alder man Moloney and by him turned over to City Treasurer True. day on a warrant Issued at the Instance of President Manley of the bank, charg ing criminal libel. He was released on bonds. Old Settlers Meet at Tabor. TABOR, la., Aug. 25. (Special Telegram.) The old settlers' reunion for Mills, Fre mont and Pottawattamie counties was held here today and attracted a crowd of fully 1,000 people. The features of the morning exercises Were speeches of welcome by Mayor Wright and President Ellis of Ta bor college and the response by H. II. Wood row. In the afternoon there were addresses by Congressman Walter I. Smith, Frank Shtnn of .Carson and Hon. Lew Genlng of Glenwood. There was a ball game between Tabor and Malvern, which was won hy Malvern by a score of T to 4. The oldest man on the grounds was Mr. Robinson of Malvern, 87; the oldest woman, Mrs. Thompson of Tabor, 0; the oldest man born In the three counties, Washington Forney, born In 184(; the oldest woman, Mntllda Darty, born in 1850. It was decided to hold the next reunion at Oakland, in Pottawattamie county. Executive Board Meets. SIOUX CITT. Ia.. Aug. 26. (Speclal.) The executive board of the superior lodge of the Degree of Honor will meet In Sioux City September 8. Mrs. Elizabeth Allburn of Sioux City Is superior recorder. Other high officers who will be here are Mrs. Luella K. Webster, Beldlng, Mich., superior chief of honor; Mrs. Mamie Brlggs, Arling ton, Ore., superior lady of honor; Mrs. Nellie Hewitt. Maple Rapids, Mich., chair man of the finance committee; Mrs. Irene M. Rnlkes. Buffalo, N. V.. past chief of honor. The Degree of Honor la the women's auxil lry of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. norsethlef Is tabbed. 6IOtX CITY, Ia., Aug. 2S.-( Special.) William Filter Is under arrest In Sioux City, charged with stealing a horse from John Wagner of Sibley, Ia. I'llter wss cap tured by Frank Desmond of Sibley, former sheriff of Osceola county, who merely hap pened to meet him In a saloon, lie knew him well because on one occasion he took him to Anumosa -after he had been con victed of forgery. With six months of his term yet to serve Filter escaped from Ans mosa and Immediately proceeded to get Into more trouble by stealing horses. Rennlon at Logan. LOGAN, Ia., Aug. i. (Special.) The an j nual reunion of Company C, Twenty-ninth I Iowa volunteers, was held at the Logan home of James T. Case on Friday. Only ten veterans of the company were present. This reunion has been an annual event for many years. Crent Western Pnta t'P. Tbe Chicago Great Western railroad has set the other railroads entering tbe city aa example by belo tbe first le scad lu Carnival at Cedar Falls. CEDAR FALLS, la., Aug. 25 -tSpeclnl.)-The carnival, which opened Monday morn ing In this place under the auspices of the Merchants' Harvest Jubilee and Free Festi val, has been a great success. Thousand have come from far and near, even from other states, to see the sights and meet old friends. With the exception of the severe electrical storm early this morning, ac companied by very heavy rain, the weather has been beautiful for the carrying out nf all plans. The various minufncturers of Cedar Falls have arranged their exhibits In the opera houue In an attractive way, and It Is a surprise to residents of the variety and manner In which goods nre made here. There were about 125 entries made for the display of fine horses today and there were some very fine animals of all kinds and grades. BANK CLERK FLEES IN YACHT French Police Look for Man Who Manipulated Books and Took Cash. NEW TORK. Aug. 25.-Parls Is agog with sensation such as It has not enjoyed since the Humbert Case, says the Herald corre t'ntll the end of July Jean Gallay was a punctual employe of s great Pnrls bsnk, earning PM a month, out of which he main tained a wife and two children. At present he Is said to be a fugitive aboard a char tered stesm yacht, which left Las Palmns August I for Buenos Ay res. Discoveries of clerical manipulations - In the books Indi cate an alleged shortage of about $3)0,000. Word was received yesterday by the police that the yaiht had arrived at Bahla. Brazil, and the party aboard was under arrest. For some months prior to his annual va cation, which began August 1, Gallay, ac cording to the police, had been on the best of terms with a well known French actress. Outside the bank he is said to have used various hlgh-soundtng' titles and led a merry career. All this was learned during an Investigation which began when Gallay failed to return from his vacation on the appointed day. Pursuing their chase, the detectives learned that tho clerk had char tered a steam yacht and silled from Havre with two women and a lurgo supply ot pro visions. A clue to the alleged fugitive was ob tained through a Utter mailed at Las Pal mus by the maid who accompanied the actress. Detectives all over tho world were at once Instructed to watch for the yacht CONSUL DENIES A REPORT Says There Has Iteen Mo Bloodshed In Costn Rica at aa Election. NEW YORK. Aug. 25.-Dr. Juan J. Ulloa. consul general of Costa Rica at New York, said today that private advices' from Costa Rica to the effect that the clerical party had won a victory and that there had been bloodshed as a result of the elec tion were Incorrect. The consul general made the following statement: The election of first degree took place la Costa Rica on the 20th, 71st and t'd Inst., but no otilclul advltes have come ns yet reporting the results. - During the days mentioned above the contestant parties elected the members of the electoral col lege, who will elect In the month of April next the pirsldent of the republic and the congressmen for the new presidential period. As Dr. Panfllo J. Valverde was not the candidate of any of the contending par ties, I do not see how lie received the ma jority of votes at the polls. To say that the elections In Costa Rica have ended with serious disturbances and bloodshed Is false; the Costa Rlcans respect their latvs and Institutions; they are very peaceful and hold regularly every four years elea lionn for tbe renewal of the president and of tho members of congress. fr. :2c Iowa Woman Insane. LOGAN. Ia.. Aug. 3. (Special )-Thls morning the Irnrrlsnn county commission on the insane sdjudged Mattle Rockwell of Logan to be of unsound mind and she was taken to the state asylum at Clarlnda. Rank Objects to Stories. 8IOVX CITY, la.. Aug. 25 -Attorney O C. Treadway, who personally distributed circulars on the street containing ths allegation that the Security National bank was Insolvent, was brought Into court to- CENTRAL GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET 'Phone 24. 600-602 W. Broadway. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Good Dccf Roast, per lb. 5c Breakfast Bacon, per lb. 9!c Sugar, 19 pounds Diamond "C" Soap, 10 bars 20c can Salmon 35o bottle Olives Fine Muscatine Watermelons, each. 1.00 25c 10c 10c 10c Sirloin Steak, per lb Round Steak, per lb Good Beef Steak, 4 pounds Qood Beef Roast, per lb Breakfast Bacon, per lb 10c ..10c 25c ...5c 9c Try Our CENTRAL FLOUR Every Sack Warranted