Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Eulja la Wht in Northwest u Only
Corn tp Nearly at tent aad Cask
Article Hlaher la Illinois
Oats An atronsj, vltn
Fair Demand.
OMAHA. Auk. 24. 1.
Yesterday strength at Minneapolis dirt not
hold snd the market was oil about lVse.
Hie local market was nearly ic lower pri
mary receipts were busnels less than
a jear ago, while shipments were 56,o0
bushels more. The range of the market
iin Hc, the high point on September
t-lng M'nC. September closed at stKa.TOUc
December at kiedl'SiO and May at Mu
corn was nearly lc higher on some op
tions. There continues a heavy demand
and receipts were lU.OnQ bushels less than
shipment. Peoria wires that cash corn
is up lc there, 55c being paid for No. t
delivered. September closed at 64ic, old
September at o4Va54e, December at 44V
44V:. old December ai 46c and May at 44o.
Uats were strong and the demand fair.
September closed at ittc,, December at
26,c and May at 2aWtc
Liverpool closed '-i higher on wheat
and Htjd higher on corn.
The Minneapolis flour output last week
decreased 1S,4.tO barrels. The quantity of
liour turned out was 215,166 barrels, against
1T8.300 in 19-4 and 24o,06n In 19(0. primary
i heat receipts were 453,000 bushels and ship
ments 427,00') bushels, against receipts of
,"l.i bushels last year and shipments of
312,u"0 bushels. Corn receipts were 459,009
t.ushels and shipments 6M).Xw bushels,
h gainst receipts last year of 404.000 bushels
and shipments of 336,000 bushels. Clear
ances were 7.000 barrels of Hour, 1W.000
bushels of corn, and no oats or wheat.
It Is said that Minneapolis traders are
short 10,000,000 bushels of wheat. The mill
ers have most of it bought. The bulls suy
that if the wheat conies In the millers will
change their September for cash grain.
They have bought the September against
pales of flour.
A party of Canadian grain men who
went over the Canadian northwest two
weeks later than the party from the
t lilted States finished their tour yesterday.
Mr. Piper, a member of the party, reports
as follows: "Wheat 'harvest may be sa4d
to be general all over Manitoba and the
territories, except occasionally. You can
put this country down for 100,000,000 bush
els. We have never seen such wheat in
our lives, and it looks as if they would get
it harvested and out of the way of frost."
There is now sufficient moisture in ths
soil for the future needs of the corn crop
if the balance of the season should be dry,
und the crop is about as well advanced as
usual at the close of the second decade of
August," says J. R, Sage of the Iowa
Crop bureau. "The outlook is generally
satisfactory as to the great staple.
The free tent of the Kansas report (rives
winter wheat 75,676,000 bushels. The state
has raised about 4.000.000 bushels of spring
wheat and the total crop Is 79.676.000 bushela.
The Liverpool correspondent of Bartlett,
Frailer & Carrlngton says the Roumanian
corn crop t estimated at 40,000,000 bushels.
The yield last year was 16,000,000 bushels.
The suggestion is advanced that it Is un
likely the prohibition of exports will be
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 66 419 248
Kansas City 2S3 63 12
Minneapolis 107
Duluth 4
St. Louis 68 17 40
Omaha Casta Bales.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. 1 car, 82e; 1 car,
81 He; l car, 80c; No. S hard, 2 cars, 77c;
No. 4 hard. 2 cars, 74V4c; 1 car, 74c.
CORN-No. 3, 1 car, bOc. ,
OATB No. I white, 1 car, 24Hc; 1 car,
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, SfVfJ82c; No. 3 hard,
uc; No. 4 hard, 744j74V4c; No. 8 spring,
81 c.
CORN No. 8, 6o.v.o; No. 8, 60s.c; No. 4.
49M.c; no grade, 434t48c; No. 2 yellow, 6tc:
No. 8 yellow, 60Hc; No. 2 white, 61c; No.
2 white, bOc.
OATS No. 2 mixed. 234,c; No. 3 mixed.
23c; No. 4 mixed. Mc; .No. 2 white. 24c;
No, 8 white. 34424Vc; No. 4 white. 23V!
standard, 24Hc
Minneapolis Grain Market.
Superior quotations for Minneapolis de
livery. The tange of prices as reported by
the Edwards-Wood company. 110-LU. Board
of Trade building, was:
Article. I Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y.
Wheat III I I
6ept...84T,?J6 86V,) 83H1 831 861
Dec....if2V,4j'i, 82, siv.1 81 82
May...tey m M tb
Minneapolis Receipts Wheat, 63 cars;
corn, 47 cars; oats, 248 cars.
Fair and Cooler Is Predicted for This
OMAHA, Aug. 24. 1905.
Thunderstorms were general throughout
the central valleys last night and continue
hi ths middle and upper Mississippi valley
and upper lake region this morning. The
rains were heavy in central and northern
Iowa and the upper Mississippi valley, but
Mi-ie much ligiuer in Nebraska and the
The weather is decidedly cooler In the
upper Missouri valley and west to the
mountains, nd will be much cooler In tho
central valleys tonight, with probably light
frosts In the extreme upper Mississippi val
ley. Very warm weather prevailed In Kan
sas yesterday, temperatures ranging from
M to 106 above, being recorded.
Omaha record of temperature and precip
itation, compared with the corresponding
day of the last three rears:
WoS. 1904. 190 1902
Minimum temperature.... 71 68 68 68
Precipitation T .00 . 62 T
Normal temperature for today, 72 de
grees. Deficiency In precipitation since March L
7.34 lncehs.
1 'cflclency corresponding period In 1904,
8.25 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period id 1903.
4.17 Inches.
Temp Kaln.
Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Shy.
Ashland. Neb 90
Auburn, Nsb 93
Columbus, Neb.. 89
rairhury. Neb.... 98
8'alrmont, Neb... 91
Or. Inland, Neb... 94
Burlington, Neb., 84 ,
Oakdale, Neb 8
Omaha, Neb 69
T.-kamah. Neb... 8S
enroll. la 88
Clarlnda. la 93
Klhley, la 87
Hi"ux Cltv. Ia.... 86
tit rm Lake, la.. 84
Pt. cloudy
No. of Temp Rala.
Central Stations. Max. Mln. Inches
Chicago, III ,.
Columbus. O
Ivs Moines, Ia...
29 88 64 .18
15 88 M T
9 88 68 . 90
11 90 64 .00
19 98 "2 T
19 84 66 .06
28 78 63 .38
16 90 64 .18
13 90 68 .06
Louisville. Ky..
Minneapolis ....
fnnha. Neb....
St. Wmla. fo.
- " - . f ,r 1 DI,
Local Forecaster. .eather Bureau,
It. Loals General Market.
PT. LOUIS. Aug. 24 WHEAT Futures,
lower; cash, higher; No. 2 red, cash, eleva
tor. 7fcSjM,c; track. 86HfJKc; September,
Vii'TTSc; Duct 111 be r, 7lrW 7Vc; No. I
h-iid. S-.'g86o.
ctiRN Higher: No. 3 cash. 62Vtv. track,
ttc; September, MVac; December, 4Hc.
' ATS steady; No. 3 cash, 26c; track,
September, 'Jtc; December, 26c; No.
i hlte. fee .
KLoi R Steady: red winter patents. 4 20
'!'4 3,, .ira fancy and straight. S3.66g4.15;
SEKIv-Timothy, higher: 13 32.
("UN MBAL Steady; 12 60.
KHAN Kalr demand; sacked east track.
. H AY-Strong; timothy. 00ffll.OO; prairie,
K !! 50
1AlnNO atfl9c.
PROVISIONS Pork, higher: Jobbing,
'J; lard, hitrher: prime steam, $7.52m
l1'v salt mrats. hisher: boxed extra shorts,
T5: clear. S3. 37 : short clears. U 7W;
h'con. higher: boxed extra shorts. S9.6o;
fl-ir ribs. $9 87S; short clear. fl0.12Vfc.
, '"CLTRY Steady; chickens. 9c; springs.
1-V: turkeys, 1U-; ducks, 7'S!e; geese. 6-h9o.
H1TT FIX Steady; creamery, 16-oiJc;
LiXiS-Klnn. I6H0, case count.
Recelnts Shipments
f lour, barrels 6.0")
"''at. bushels , . 790
y rn. bushels 17t"0 SK.0O
''at, bushels tu.ooO 49.U0
Dalath Grata Market.
I VLCTH Aug. 24 WHEAT On track:
a No. x northern, SI M. To arrive; New
om b n?rthrn. : No. northern. MSc:
A:E'"lbr' M,c: new September. 79o!
te"r, 26Vc rrlve, Septem-
Peatarea of the Trad I a and Closlna
Prleee on Board f Trade.
Ine1-??' M' "-Kstlmates forecast
!h! shipment of Immerse ousntrtle. of
sliarn rr.,ir?'n Arntlne Prerlplfated a
InVitr".!011"''1 a"v' "lnglv noth-
nt . J.-w" to J11""- h fentlment ex
r,pi . mo "cat Ion of the previous hiili;h
timlertone In northwestern markets. On
inr.Kn,.rar th'T" w'r Hements of
strength in the sltustlon whl-h began al
rnost Immediately to have effect Frox's
were forecssted for tonight throughout ac
tions of Iowa and the northwest. There
was an apparent reluctance on the part nf
farmers to accept prevailing prices, as evl
denred by small receipts. September. whl-h
r . ,rly ofr,'r,n th outset by leadlntt
Pit traders at 8fsS?,c to W-.c under the
previous close, found plenty of purchasers
in local shorts, who were becoming uneasy
oyer the outlook. Weakness was succeeded
almost Immediately by strength and buvlnir
orders from outside began to come in. Sep
tember quickly made up the Initial loss end
continued to advance until It reached no.
At this point reports of Argentine ship
ments aggregating S.oon.ono bushels caused
a quick reaction In prices. September broke
to 80c and closed weak, a shade above the
bottom at siKgSOHe. Clearances of wheat
and flour were equal to 32,004 bushels. Pri
m,nI rerpIP' were 4TB.000 bushels. aKtilnxt
'1.0OI) a year aeo. Minneapolis. Duluth nnd
Chicago reported receipts of 17 cars,
against 287 last week and 241 a vear ago.
Corn showed a slight Improvement In
openlne; prices, support coming from houses
.IiIkIi me nun sine or rne market
I-ter Indications showing possibility of
im i,rr-i;inK oisincis in several por-
... iii omiriaiiv incrensea
'7 firmness. September, starting
Witt, O wain a , Ft. . . .
i1'" -?pMi bi no-. iiavanceq uncier
the rorce of active covering bv. shorts to
64"c. Light acceptances and continued ex
port demand were likewise factors in the
situation. The price suffered to the extent
of Ho with the break in wheat, but at the
close confidence had been restored nnd
prices were again on the rise. September
finished firm at 64'4C. Local receipts were
479 cars, with 214 of contract grade.
Offerings in oats were light snd were well
absorbed by commission house demand.
The market showed a steady undertone,
slight Improvement in values being made In
final quotations. September closed at 26c,
after having sold up from 2fi4e at the start
to 2fi'ic. Local receipts were 248 cars.
r-rovisions were given good support by
packers. Shorts were also active on tho
buying side, prompted by news of high
prices abroad for hogs. September rork is
up 7HC at S14.57'4. Lard gained 2o at 37.96ft
7.97H. Ribs closed 2Vc higher at S-S.974.
Estimated for tomorrow: Wheat, 66 cars;
corn. 344 cars; oats, 292 cars; hogs, 15,000
The leading futures ranged as follows
Artlcles.l Open. High. L,w. Close.lTes'y.
ROiffS 81U
80 80W
82,f7i 82fc
81H RlHfT-Si
631 MSI
4fv 46
43r7sl 44
2Mi 26
. 26
14 50
14 67H
7 95
8 Op
8 95
9 00
26 Vi
14 56
14 72H
14 56
14 57H
;4 57V4
14 75
8 no
.8 10
9 06
14 57H
14 60
7 97H
7 95
8 00
8 974I
8 02W
8 0W
9 05
3 97H
9 02HI
9 12HI
9 02H1
No. 2. tOld. tNew.
Cash quotations were ss follows'
FLOUR Steady: winter patents, $30Jf
4 30: straights, 33.634.10: spring patents.
34 606.26; straights, 34.65i4.76: bakers. 33.30
WHEAT No. 8, 90ctl.03; No. 2 red, 7
CORN No. 2, 6514c: No. 2 yellow. 66V4.
OAT8-N0. 2. 25c; No. 2 white. 27c; No. 3
White, 26ii77c.
RYE No. 3, 68V4jC.
BARLEY Good feeding, 87SS7Hc; fair to
choice malting, 42ff47c.
SEEDS No. 1 flax, 31.05; No. 1 northwest
ern. 31.16; prime timothy, 33.60; clover, con
tract gnide, SI 2 00. '
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 314.B5'
14.60. Lard, per 100 lbs., fj .97. Bhort ribs
sides (loose). 38 9ff9.00. Short clear sides
(boxedV. S.87U'69.12H.
Receipts and shipments of flour and grain
were as follows;
Receipts. Bhlpments.
Flour, bbls 86.200 1 4.000
Wheat, bu 51,000 1 03. 200
Corn, bu 316.000 427.800
Oats, bu 366.700 303,600
Rye. bu 4.nn0
Barley, bu 6.600 29.600
On the Produce exchange today the bub
ter market was steady; creameries, 17tfi21e;
dairies. IfiHSHc. Eggs, steady: at mark,
rases Included, 13Vt916o. Cheese, strong,
Quotations of the Day on Various
NEW YORK. Aug. 24. FLO CR Receipts,
10,436 bbls.; exports, 7,132 bbls.; sales, 15,
000 bbls.; the market was steudy and
quiet; winter patents, 84.2f34. 75; winter
straights, S4.0o44.26; Minnesota patents,
S4.9ou.5o; winter extras, S3.uuty3.46; Min
nesota bakers. S3 0tj4.U; winter Tow grades,
32.903.40. Rye flour, firm; sales, 600 bbls.;
fair to good, S4.oua4.2i; choice tp fancy,
S4.S5G4 50.
CORNMEAL Firm; fine white and yel
low western, SI. 'to;, coarse. SU&iil.lS; kiln
dried, S3. 103-20-
RYE Steady; No. 2 western, 63c, c. U f.
New York.
BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 39a, c L t . Buf
falo. WHEAT Receipts, 18,600 bu. Spot market
easy; No. 3 red, 86Vc, elevator; No. 2 red,
87Sc, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth,
92V'. to arrive f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern
Manitoba, 89VtO, to arrive, f. o. b. afloat.
Early firmness in wheat today, influenced
by frost talk from the northwest, and the
strength of corn was replaced later by a
cent break under big Argentine shipments,
estimates and liquidation, closing tH'nc)
net lower; May, kVWa90c, closed at 89c;
September, 86 5-16(6 87Hr. closed at RtiHc; De
cember, 87k4&8 6-ltic, closed at 874e.
CORN Receipts, 43,000 bu.; exports, 1,120
bu. Spot market firm; No. 2, 61Sc. elevator,
and tUWc f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 61c;
No. 3 white, 62c. Option- market was mod
erately active and 1c net higher on
frost news and covering; Beptember, 6OV3)
61c. closed at 60H0; December closed at 62c.
OATS Receipts. 3x4,800 bu. Spot market
steady; mixed, 26 to 33 lbs., 2!tf291ic; natural
white, 30 to 82 lbs., JooSlc; clipped while. 3d
to 40 lbs.. S3V36Hc.
HAY Lull; shipping, 00c; good to choice,
r EKi) Quiet; spring bran, 378 76; August
shipments, middling, 317.36; August ship
ments, city. SlUOww 18.50.
HOPS Steady; state.- common to choice,
1904, li2fc; 19o3. lg 20c; olds. l'n?12c; Pa
cific coast. 19U4. lisa4c; 19o3, 174fl9c; olds,
loa 12c.
HIDES Steady: Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs..
26o ; California. 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas
tdry). 24 to 30 lbs 18 Wo.
PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, 311 50
C 12.00; mess. 39.5oibIU.00; beef hams, $21.0u
UX; packet, SlOix-alLOQ; city, extra India
mess, 318.uuiy19.uO. Cut meats, steady: pick
led bellies, Sii.OLjll.Oo; pickled shoulders,
37 007.60; pickled hams, SU a 11.26. Lard,
firm; wtstern steamed. SHHu.3u; refined,
firm; continent, 88.40; Sooth America 3S.I5;
compound, S5.7tfc6.00. P6rk. firm; family,
817 5"y 18 !; short clear, 814 0a 16.50; mess.
$12 5fal6
TALLOW-Steady; city. 4Hi! country, i
ufet; domestic, fair to extra,
SUtjOVc; Jafan. nominal.
Pol LTRY Alive, firm; western chick
ens, 15c; fewls, 134o; turkeys. 13c. Dressed,
weak; western chickens, 12 14c; fowls,
12uU!c; turkeys, 1317c.
Peer la Market.
PEORIA, 111.. Aug. 24 CORN Higher;
No. 3 yellow, 55c; No. 3, 65c; No. 4. 64c; no
grade. 6S.
OATS Steady; No. 3 white, 26c; No 4
white, Hc.
WHISKY-ll. .
LlTerpooI Grata Market.
nominal: futures, firm; September. 6s d;
December. 6s 7Hd.
CORN Spot. Americsn mixed, steadv at
4s 11V1. Futures firm: Beptember, 4a loid;
December, 4s 9ed; January, new, 4s 3Sd.
rhlladelhla Predsc Market. ,
Firm; extra western creamery, 22c.
KtJQS Firm; western fresh, 21f!c at
CHEESE Firm. e higher; New York
full creams. WVyijUVi.
Ul-.-annll. I'ln-, tU,Li
MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 24-riCR Pa t
ents, . M-ScJ first .clears, StJA4.W, aeu
ou4 ckiua, 3ifcijX.7S.
Market ia Active in Spit of Rumors of
Hitch ia f eace Itgotittioot,
Kew High Records for t'nlon PaelOe,
Inlted tates Steel Pre.
ferred and Read
Ina. NEW YORK, Aug. 24-The faith of a
large part of the financial world in a
happy solution of the proceedings at Ports
mouth seems to be so strong that it
ignored all rumors o( another serious hllch
In the negotiations today and continued
to estsblisn new high records in the stock
market. The Issues which came in for
tills distinction Included three of the
market leaders, namely Union Pacific,
United Stales Steel preferred and Reading.
In Its attitude the local market had the
open encouragement of London and other
European financial centers where American
securities with, but a few exceptions, were
generally strong. Aside from the situation
at Portsmouth other considerations, such
as tinaanclal weekly returns by the Bank
or England and the Bank of France were
Impelling factors. Ixndon bought liberally
here and German banking Interests took a
large amount of Pennsylvania. Prices
yielded some on heavy profit-taking shortly
after the first outburst, Union Pacific,
Missouri Pacific, 8t. Paul, Reading and
Atchison falling below the previous dav s
closing prices and the tone of the market
became relatively quiet. The movement in
I ennsylvanla found muny followers, how
ever, and commission houses and traders
bought this stock, also Southern Railway
and the United States Steel Industries.
Union Pacific soon recovered more than its
loss. The strength of this issue is partly
explained by the near approach of the
closing of the transfer books which may
cause the calling of a lot of stock now out
on loans.
It was not until after mid-day that Read
ing once more assumed tho lesdershlp, ad
vancing tepidly on heavy buying of the
character heretofore noted from 1184. Its
low price of the morning, to 1224. a new
high record. For a time at least the bal
ance of the list showed little sympathy
with the i-e-ewed strength of Reading and
the mark.-. :igaln developed an Irregular
tendency until Union Pacific established Its
new high record from which attention was
again diverted by a fresh rise in Reading
to 123. This sensational movement
created fears of a corner and unsettled the
general list to the extent of wiping out
practically all of the days substantial
gains and In some Instances sending prices
below the previous day's close. Close ob
servers reported considerable realising
throughout the day under cover of the ad
va"" I" Reading and Union Pacific, but
until the scare created by the final move
ment In Reading, offerings were freely ab
sorbed. The volume of trading was again
very large, making the third consecutive
.mi of 'ran',ttctlons well in excess of a
million shares.
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales par
value. S3.1S0.0fo. United States bonds Were
all unchanged on call.
The quotations on the New York Stock
exchange ranged as follows:
Adams Express
Amal. Copper
Amor. Car & Foun..
do preferred
Amer. Cotton Oil ..
do preferred
American Express..
Am. Hide L. pfd
American Ice seeur
Amer. Unseed Oil..
do preferred
Amer. Locomotive ..
.71.900 88 8iH 87;
. 9"0 38 87'A 3714
. 100 1014 101V loit
. 100 29V4 2V4 29H
600 28T4 28
6.2fW 66 63V4 Mit
do preferred
900 114H 114 1131,
Am. Smelt. & R'fir '30 fioo 1317a ini i'r
flrt nrprorrftrt eua ,iv- . i
1.11' J,
Amer. Sugar R f'g.... 6,900 146', 146
mm. a uuai-rii piu. C
Anaconda Mln. Co..
do preferred
A f 1 !i n H 1, Pau.i T
1.000 1f2H IOF4 10174
1.000 H814 m 116
13,200 9104 89'4 904
600 lo&u, ire livaZ
1.100 1SS 168 166
Baltimore & Ohlo.'.'.'.'.'uieoO 114'
ri 114 114
00 preferred
Hrooklvn RflnM T OT K. iA r, omt om
Canadian Pacific 6,100 161-A 160 160&
Central of N. J...""
Ches. &,Ohlo
Chicago A Alton ...
do nreferred
S8-4 67
40J 89
Great Western
C. A N . W
C. M. & St. P
. 8,600 22U ' 22U
. 3o0 223 22294
.13.600 184H 183
Chi, Term. & Trans.
do preferred
C. C. C. St. L....
Colo. Fuel & Iron...
Colo. & Southern ...
do 1st preferred....
do 2d preferred
Consolidated Qas ....
Corn Products
do preferred
Del. & Hudson
Del., Lack. & W
. 600 103 102
. 4.400 47 46
. S.OoO 29H 284
. 300 631
. 2.600 43H 4244
. 2,300 1S9 188
. 2 n ii"4
. 600 48V4 47
. 2,600 2241 222
9"' SDO 4O0
Denver R. O....
do preferred ....
Distillers' Seeur...
do 1 f nMhrm
90 854
.. 1,200
.. 900
do 2d preferred
General Electric ....
Hocking Valley
Illinois Central
International Paper..
.. 6.60O
100 183
'. 4.200 180'
200 2i4
17S-4 177
00 prererrea
International Pump...
do preferred
Tnwa Central
.. 900
.. 1.400
.. 200
do preferred ....
K. C. Southern ..
do preferred
Louisville Nash
Manhattan L
Met. Securities ...
Met. Street Ry....
Mexican Central .
Minn r Bf T.
6R 67H
nii 28
.12.700 1524 160W 161
854 83V4 83V4
132 13fi4 130tl
iK 24 24i
..13 200
..39,100 132
.. 3,000
M.. St. P. & 8. B. M-.
do preferred
70, 70 70
700 136 135
Missouri Pacific 12.100 109, jon
Mo , Kan. & Tex 4.8nO 34 33
do preferred 2 60 72t-i
National I-ad 2,3'0 44
N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. 1"0 SS"?
384 384
153 154
66-, 66H
86 86V4
92W tt
N. T. Central 6.4 O 1554
N." V I In I A w S onA cr"
Norfolk & Weste'rn!.141o0 87
do nrfrei4 7nrt Gil'
North American ...
Pacific Mall
4o0 I0014 100 im
40 46J 44V 44 U
Pennsylvania 124.1O0 14S
146v4 14S'4
1-eopie s uas 9.011O 1064 lo&ii 10RU
T c c jtr at ir'.
I'ressed Steel Car.
do preferred
Pullman Pal. Car..
do iHt nrpfppri1
600 46V4
1"0 97
46V4 46
97 teiU,
, . 248
..216,8o0 12514 Jli liHUi
do 2d preferred
Republic Steel
do preferred
Rock Island Co
do preferred
Rubber Ooods
do preferred
St. L. 8. F. 2d pfd
St. Louis S. W
it n ii r.. '
954. 95
!1 2Vi 2H4
8t" 88 88
84'4 34-4 34
8t4 8osJ 8fli
Bouthern Pacific .!.!.23,9oO
ao prererred ....
Southern Railway
do preferred ....
Tenn. Coal A Iron
Texas JC PoplAo
3iO 11 '14. 1li
..26.300 8!T4 36H
.. 9 loovj jfo
.. 7.9") 91 90
.. l.f-0 37 y,4
Toledo. St. L. A W
a 37i 87.
do prererred ....
Vnion Pacific
do preferred ....
V. 8. Express ....
V. 8. Realty
V. S. Rubber
do preferred ....
V. 8. Steel
.149.2"0 ! 13fi, 1374
H 9S
6314 624i 62V4
2m) HOni 110
i4 110
...72. 3.n
37; w
do preferred
Va.-Caro. Chemical..
do nr. t rr-A
Wabash !!'.!!!!
H 1H
711 71-4
44 44
do preferred
Wells-Fargo Exp
Westlnghouse Elec...
Western Union
Vh,.llnrx AT. P
4S4 4314
.... 240
170 170
94 9344
14 m
H 294
6K4 F.9C
2n 2io
43Vi 43
105 IPS
.... 30
Wisconsin Centrai.."! l.fio
no preferred ..
Northern Iaelnc
Central leather
do preferred . .
Eloss-ShefTteld ..
Total sales for the day, 1. 223.300 shares
Hew Tork Mlnlaa- Stocks. '
NEW TORK, Aug. 24 Closing quota
tions on mining stocks were as follows:
Adams Cos a)
Uttla rklat...
Allf U
Nrxce t
Brunswick Coo....... It
i'tioiilurk Tunnel .... T
Con C.I. sat Vs.. IK
Hnrn Silfer IkU
!r,m 9ilvr jUtl
LdlU Coo
Opblr ,
Siarra Kavads
Small Hopaa ,
Hank of Praaee Statement.
PARIS. Aug. 24 The weeklv statement
of the liank of France shows the following
changes; Notes In circulation, decreased
42 25.'i francs; tressury dep..alts. Increased
It 175.0 francs; general ddiw.alts. Increased
45.Siw francs; gdd In hand. Increased
7.7T5.KO francs, bills discouiite.1 Arr.A
976.UV francs.
Treaeary ttatenient.
WASHINOTrtV Ana- aiT.-. -..-
merit of ibe ltmiuiu Ka lu 1. , w.-
era! fund, exclusive uf the Jlio.ooO.uoi) gold
lort liii
t.V 22 '4
400 44
"ioo 176"
o 9414
60 HKL
l.f 31
5fO 81114
2 8i') 21414
20 43V
4m) IO614
reserve.- shows: Available cssh bslance,
S124.827.ift; gold coin and bullion, 854.375,294;
gold certificates, S24.372.S-V.
Seer York Money Market.
NEW YORK, Aug 24 MONET-On call,
easy at lVbl per cent; ciising bid, 1 per
cent; offsred at 1, per cent; time loans,
eas and dull; sixty and ninety davs. 8'ti3t
per cent; six months, 4 per cent; prime
mercsntlle paper. 4V4i per rent.
BTF.RLINU EXCHANtlE-sy. with ac
tual business In bankers' bills at 34 8Vof
481M for demand and at 34 8475 for slxty
dsv bills: posted rates. 34 85V'ii4 874; com
merclsl hills. S4.84Vt'4 84S.
SILVER Bar. 61c; Mexican dollars.
46 c.
BONDS -Government, steady; railroad,
Closing quotation on bonds were as fol
lows: V. t. rf. la. rg ...104i Japan Id aeriea...
do coupon 104" do 4H cart e4
V 8. Ii. r do 4i td aerl... W"4j
4o coupon h'J l - uni. 4, 104
V. 8. saw 4a, r(..lM Manhattan c aoM 4. im
do coupon U Ontral 4a.. "
V". 8. old 4a, i....104H do lit inc 144j
do coupon IMS Minn. Rt L. 4a... 7'4
Amer. Too. 4a, cert.. J4 Mo. Kan. T 4a..Vi('
do 4a cert II1 do 2a MS
Atchlon grn. 4a 1HH N. K R. of M. c. 4a 4
do dj 4a N. V. tcntral g. IHi HH
Atlantic Coaat L. 4a.ldlH4 N J. Central (a 1S4S
B A O. 4a m No raclflo -4i 1064
do ISa i do U 7-V,
Cantrai of Oa. 6i 14S Norfolk A w. c. 4a. 101
do lrt Inc S Ora. 8. L. rldg. 4a.. 7
do Id inc SS Ppnn con. ts l"i
Chea A O 4S""4 Rcadlns sen. 4a K'2
rtllrago A A. SSa... X'H W. L. A I. M c. Sa.tlTS
C, B. A Q. n. 4a..l01S St. L. A 8 F. t 4a. (OS
C. R. I. A P. 4a.. H St. U. 3. W. c. 4a . 8S
do col. 6a T Seaboard Air U 4a. os
C(T. A St. I. a. 4a lots 80. radflc 4a Is
Chlcafo T. 4a....... M 1 do lat 4a cart.... 17
Colo. lad. It act A. 73S 80 Rsllwajr & llMi
4e . sat B 7lTi. A Paclflc la. .113
Colo. Mid. 4a 75 Tol.. St. L. A W. 4a. 8S
Colo. A Soothers 4a. 4S fnmn ra.-le 4a inr.
Cuba (a cart 10a do con. 4a 137s
I). A R. O. 4a 101 if. P gtaal id ts... tT,
Matlllara' Sac. 6. ... 1M Wahaah la jm,,
Ena prior lien 4a..lois Wabaah flcb. B "
do (en. 4s MS Watrn Mid. 4a S
ri W. A D. C. ll US W. ALE. 4a 2S
Hooklnf Vall.y 4Si .Hl Wis. (.'antral 4a.... s
Japan a cart 10044
Boston Ptoeks and Ronds.
BOSTON, Aug. 24. Call loans, 2HtMH per
cent; time loans, 3si4V per cent. Closing
quotations on stocks and bonds were as
Atchlaon sdj. 4s.... 7S AdTanturs S
'a 0J Allouai 13
tcjlran Cantral 4.. It 1 Amaliamated S
Atchlaon MH Amar. Zlno 10
o pfd 10414 Atlsntlo 11
Bmton A Albany IM Binsham U
Hoalon A Maine. ..171 Calumal A Hcla..7u
Boaton Elfrated .. .14JS Cantannlal J7
Fltchburf pfd ....14 Copper Rang 71 S
Mexican Central .... ) iiaia Waat 14S
N. T., N. H. A H..lft L.omlnlon Coal ... IS
t'nlon Paclflo 1J7 Franklin 14
Amer. Arge. Chem. 14 'oranbr 1
"1o Pfd 4 Iila Royal 2S
Amar. Pnau. Tnba.. 74 Mana Mining S
Amar. Sugar 144S Michigan MS
do pfd IMS Mohawk (u4k
Amar. Tol. A Tel...l4IS Montana C. A C ... S
Amar. Woolan Its Old Dominion it
do pfd 104 s Oacaole. loa s
Dom. I. A 1 2n Parrot 274,
Edlaon Blac. A III. IMS Qulncy lot
General Blactrlo If J Shannon 7
Maas. Elactrlc 19 Tamarack 12S
do pfd tis Trlnltr s
Maaa. Uas 4S foiled Copper 17
"United Fruit lis u. 8. Mining J4V
United Shoe Math... 14 iV. 8. Oil lov
o pfd alKl'l'tak 47
U 8- Steel 17 I victoria 44
60 pid l4aJ Winona 1J
Weatlng. com Ms Wolreilne Ul
Asked. Bid.
Ivondon Closing Storks.
LONDON, Aug. 24. Closing quotations on
the Stock exchange were as follows:
Conaola, money .... 0 N. T. Central ...
do account ......M 11-14 Norfolk A W
Anaconda t I do ptd
Atchlaon ISS Ontario A Weal..
do ptd 107S Peanaylvanls ....
Baltimore A Oblo ..ill Rand Minea
. s
. 4S
. lis
. 1
. 41
. 4e
. i'
. M(
Canadian PaclDo
1(614 Reading
Chca. A Ohio
H do let pfd ....
Chicago Ot. Will.. 1 do 2d nfd
C, M. A St. P....l.'VSeuthr,rn Ky
DenTer A R. Q..
do pfd
Erie ,.
do In pfd
US: do old
47S Southern PaclBc
2S Union Paclnc ..
61 I do pfd
rr It. s. Steel ...
SOUl Att nfrt
14. 1
.. u
.. 46
00 m pid
iiunoia central ....lszsiwababh
Louie. A Naah 1MS do ptd ,
Mo., K. A T 44t Snaniah 4a
SILVER Bar, steady; 2H 6-16d per ounce.
Tle rate of discount In the open market
for short bills is 14,tgl? per Cent and for
three months bills is Z-ltvltt (xr cent.
Forelgcn Financial.
LONDON, AUg. : London today was
quiet and abundanf.1 lMscoUnts were uultUy
steady. The Stock, exchange was again
quiet, though an optimistic feeling pre
vailed, guotatlons Were firmly maintained
and the making of investments In securities
of the first-class appeared to be broaden
ing. Consols further advanced. Ameri
cans generally were firm. Early profit
taking On the recent advance caused a
slight setback in a few directions, while
Wall street support of various specialties
resulted In some Irregularity. The support
here was moderate. The market closed ir
regular. Grand Trunks were buoyant on
good trafflo reports. Foreigners maintained
their Improvement, especially Japanese,
wlille Russians received belter support. The
strength of Hudson Bay at 77' was a
feature. Japanese imperials 6s of 1904 were
quoted at 104.
BERLIN, Aug. 24. The Bourse today was
active on speculative buying, due to hopes
that the Portsmouth conference will re
sult In peace.
PARIS, Aug. 24. The Bourse today was
firm throughout, owing to the confidence
in the conclusion of peace at Portsmouth.
Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 6J.U6
and Russian bonds of 19U4 at 607.00.
Bank of England Statement.
LONDON, Aug. 24. The weekly statement
of the Bank of England shows the following
changes: Total reserve, Increased 628,000;
circulation, decreased 385,0u0; bullion, in
creased 243,260; other securities, decreased
3u5.0o0; other deposits, decreased 168,000;
public deposits, increased 464,0u0; notes re
serve, increased 657,0u0; government secur
ities, unchanged. The proportion of the
Bank of Ekigland's reserve to liability
which last week was 45.84 per cent is now
46.71 per cent. The Bank of England's rate
of . discount remains unchanged at 2 per
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA, Aug. 24. 1906. Bank clearing
today were 31,10,046.64, and for the corre
sponding day last year 31.114,916.60.
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
KANSAS CITY. Aug. 24.-VHEAT-8ep-tember,
73Vs73e; December, 737sc; May,
"S'a76c; cash. No. 2 hard. 79-iisac: No.
3. 7fc'a83o; No. 2 red, 81Vo82c; No. 3, 7744.8
CORN September, 4c; December, 3H
3Vvc; May, SUsfttsc; cash, No. 2 mixed,
6oVo51c; No. 2, 61'c; No. S, 60VuSlo.
OATS No. 2 white, 26V,c; No. 2 mixed,
BUTTER Firm; creamery, I&Hjc; dairy,
EOGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new
No. 3 whltehood cases included, lso per
dosen: case count, lsc per doxen; cases re
turned, He per doxen less.
HAY Steady ; choice timothy, S90tKr9.30;
choice prairie, 36.50.
RYE Steady; Wc.
rt ...... Receipts Shipments
Wheat, bushels 138.KJU loti.un)
Corn, bushels 69.0fjo 61.v00
Oats, bushels 16,000 13,1.00
Ths rsnge of prices paid in Kansas City
ss reported by the Edwards-Wood com
pany, 110-111 Board of Trade building, was:
Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y.
Sept.. Dec. ..
Sept.. ,
Sept.. Oct...,
Sept. .,
74S 73H 73S 744
74V4I 73., 73; tiC
77S.I 761,! 764.1 77V,
2S J
25 J
14 48 14 60 14 42 14 V) 14
14 47 I 14 66 1 47 14 62 14
7 795 7 90 7 90 7
3 ou 4 02 7 97 7 97 7
393 300 892 tfl 8
3 00 3 07 9 uu uu 8
Cotton Market.
closed quiet; middling uplands, ll.zoc; nid.
dllng gulf, 11.46c; sales. 675 bales
Firm; sales. 2-6 bales, ordinary. 7 16-16c:
good ordinary. 9Sc; low middling. b mid
dling . loSc: good middling, luio-lik:; mi.i
dllng fulr. UVc; receipts. 1.878 bales; stock.
SO 7! bales.
dull; prices 1 point higher; American mid
dling fair, 41d; good middling, 8 uf.d low
middling. 3.73d; good ordinary. i.6f,d; oidi-
6.OU0 bales, ot which were for specula
tion and export, and includod 3. out Anierl
oan. Receipts, Sow bales, no Amerhan
ST. LOL lo. Mo.. Aug. 24 -CH T Tt .V
Firro; middling, luSo: sales 6bi Hales; shlo
uanta, 2M bales; stock, 12,163 balee.
Toledo toed Market.
TOLEDO, Aug. 34.BEKD-Clover. Oc-
Beit Btef Steers Stronger, with Cows
Gonertlly Eteadj.
Receipts of Sheep and lambs Very
Light Today, with Prices Rallna-Strnna-
to a Dime Higher
and Demand Good.
SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 24. litf.
.,Ref'.'r.,s Cattie. Hogs. Sheep.
Offl.'lH Monday 6.741) 4.(W1 19 J10
Official Tuesday 7.337 6 772 8 7.3
Official Wednesday 4.781 6 347 6 219
Official Thursday 1.W4 6.186 2.423
Four days this week.. 19.812 "23.316 36.574
Four days last week 9 P.6 82.21S 22 547
Pame week before 14,911s 22 139 13.167
Hame three weeks ago.. 12,112 25.720 S4.!
Fame four weeks ago....l4 1H5 S6.4'6 3.i.4"7
Same days last year 10.S62 2.2V3 33.610
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, comparing with lost year:
m. 1904 Inc.
r.ttle 66,606 622.6ti6 43.741
llOgS 1 CCd Aik 1 f.l. 171 '11.
en??P 96o.5o3 sa,463 U4.10O
ine rollowlng table shows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for the last
eeveral days, with comparisons:
Pte. 1306. llO4.ita.ilt)2.l01.:iO0.lS.
Aug. 10,
Aug. H.
Aug. it.
Aug. 13.
Aug. 14.
Aug. 16.
Aug. 16.
Autr. 17.
Aug. 18.
Aug. 1.
Aug. 20.
Aug. 21.
Aug. 22.
Aug. 23.
Aug. 24.
4 96
4 97
4 97
4 98
6 00
4 96
6 W
5 86. 8 03
6 Oil 4 42 3 69
5 91 4 I'J, 4 41
6 91 6 02 1 4 42
Indicates Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought In toduy by each road was:
o . r-attle. Hogs. Sheep. U ses
C... M. A 8t. P. Ry., 3 6 ..
Mo. P. Ry 2 "
U. P. system 13 12 8
C. A N. W. Ry .. ,
F., K. A M. V. R, R. 20 32
C, 8t. P., M. A O. Ry 1 6
B. A M. Ry 39 12 .. 1
C, B. A Q. Ry 3 1..
C, R. I. & P. Ry., K. .. 10
C. R. I. A P Rv.. W. .. 1 .. !.
Chi. Great Western.. 6 4 ..
Total receipts ... 81 93 10 7
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 179 650 402
Swift and Company .... 63S 1.305
Cudahy Packing Co 357 2.088 817
Armour A Co 672 1,842 1,756
Carey A Benton 26
I.obman A R 5
McCreary A Carey 74
W. I. Stephen 38
Hill A Son 63
Hamilton 74
L. F. Husx 32
Al Wolf 86
Mike Haggerty ; 6
Sol Degan U
Lelghton A Co 133
J. B. Root A Co 25
S. A 8 277
Other buyers 101 282
Totals 2,276 6.3S6 3.27
CATTLE Thero was a lght run here for
a Thursday, only about eighty cars being
on sale; still, receipts were about as heavy
as last Thuisday, but about seventeen cars
lighter than the corresponding day of last
year, The quality of the cattle were fairly
Westerns constituted the big end of the
offerings agnln toduy, although there was a
fair sprinkling of natives. There was very
little life td the trade and the market was
slow and draggy. The first three days of
the week the receipts were heavy and buy
ers picked up the stuff freely, but that was
not the case today. There were some good
native cattle In the yards and buyers
wanted them and as a consequence they
were bought lip first, the choice kinds sell
ing at stronger prices. On these kinds the
trade showed some life, but nothing like
activity. Western cattle were not In much
favor and, while priceB were Just about
steady, trading was slow and long-drawn-out.
There was a frtlr supply of cows and
heifers here and there were some good
native cows offored. The market was
rather weak the last three days, but there
was a little better feeling today, although
there was nothing like activity displayed.
On some of the choicer grades of natives
the market was a little stronger, but the
.general run of stuff sold at steady prices.
There was little change In the market on
bulls, veal calves and stags and prices
ruled about steady.
The demand for stockers and feeders con
tinues good and today there was some lit
tle activity to the trade. The good henvv
feeders sod at good, strong prices, while
the light weights and common grades were
fully steady.
Representative r.ales:
t to
e 10
t tt
5 38
t 40
S 40
. .12M
I 10
4 CO
4 0
4 SO
t 0
t 00
11 ...
to. ...
I 00 t 110 t 40
I 15 t... 1004 I 10
1 40 1 mo t (5
1 10 1 330 1 IA
t 36
IM 1 46
1114 t IS
470 I 00 I luOO 1 46
1 043
t 16
17 cows
8 cows
. 994
2 40
1 75
3 35
3 '6
2 45
2 35
t 60
3 30
1 60
2 on
2 80
2 35
2 ,r 5
3 55
2 70
2 40
4 cows 1060
5 calves.. . 343
3 feeders. .101!
6 feeders.. 722
10 heifers.. 895
8 cows 1167
1 bull 1)
1 bull SfiO
1 calf 4.V)
9 cows 972
2 30
3 25
3 35
2 26
2 45
2 30
3 75
2 30
2 40
3 75
2 55
2 20
2 10
3 0(1
2 85
9 feeders.. 9M
18 feeders.. 1226
5 heifers.. 790
12 heifers.. 6a
6 feeders.. 930
1 feeder... 9W
1 cow 840
1 cow 1130
6 cows 730
6 heifers... 710
19 cows 91M
23 cows 9f.9
6 cows.
1 bull..
24 feeders.. 9A3
1 feeder.
1 steer..
1 feeder..
1 cow
7 feeders
17 feeders
27 feeders
17 cows. . .
16 cows. . .
II -.5
8 O0 13 steers.... 1?5 4 00
3 40 1 steer 1110 2 15
3 t 1 steer inn 7 0
3 15 6 steers... 8M 2 45
2 70 1 steer In) 4 on
3 60 2 calves... 2(0 3 ,'n
3 50 1 culf UO 4 00
2 60
3 feeders.. l'3
1 feeder... 3f)
1 cow 1130
N. Graves Wyn.
.1170 3 10 10 steers. ...1267 3 70
.1180 3
Ous Frakor. Wyn.
1 cow
1 feeder.
Scows 1260 3 10 Scows 1120 3 75
H. A E. Freeman Wyo.
Scows 3 10 1 cow fV) 75
Scows 860 ! 75 3 feeders.. 994 3 70
R. L. Van Wlnkle-Wyo.
3 feeders. llfO 8 7.) 7 cows 920 2 75
6 cows I'M 3 10
T. K Carr Wyo.
8 cows 9:6 2 75 6 feeders.. Iu60 3 70
6 cows.... 1'I82 3 10
T. R. A. Condlt Wyo.
Scows 1110 2 75
II I-elmer Neb.
21 cows 8"6 2 45 4 cows..
0 feeders . 9.3 8 35 2 steers.
P Dhorsen Neb.
,. 9t5
2 45
3 00
24 cows lnco 2
John Juiielkudi-ke Neb.
13 feeders. . 9i0 S 4u
J. V. Welpton-Neb.
S heirers... m:: j 30 1 cow .
3 feeders.. 853 3 SO S cows.
J feders.. 8-.-6 i 75 1 cow..
15 feeders.. S."8 S 3n 1 cow..
F. Hurke-S 1 1.
. 91
. 736
2 on
2 10
2 4"
2 70
3 00
4i feeders
Irttt 3 ?5 2 heifers... 980
1 bull 120 2
Mrs Katie Tysdal
1 cow. . . ,
1 row....
SOU 2 '
4 cows lono 2 76 S !0
W. J Cook-Idaho
16 steers.
1-41 3 811 11 feeders.. K13 S 55
r rank PowersNeb.
-' i 75 8 Co w . . .
I feeder .
.1 '2
2 40
2 CO
6 f f-edrs. . tT4
11 f ed-rs. . 845
1 row
3 feeders . 77S
4 fed"rs. . 7
1 fetdvr... 4 60
2 70 1 bull....
3 20
P. Roer Neb.
1 50 12 cows...
S So 1 cow f
! 7i heiftis
2 40
? ei
2 lo
1... 3 69,! 4 W! 4 971 7 411 3 661 6 161 4 II
3 72; 4 91 7 S3! 3 73 3 U 4 33
3. . . 6 02 4 93 4 6 79, 6 16 4 33
4... 3 6UH S 06 5 02 7 39 1 3 lOJ 4 43
t 3 75H 6 06 3 041 7 ti 3 84 4 46
3 07 B06;T3630664
7... 8 78 6 031 7 271 6 661 MJ 4 38
8.. 6 84 6 10 6 111 6 17l 6 661 6 iii 4 37
9... 6 834 IM 1 7 151 6 7 21 6 041 4 32
... 3 R44 8 Oil K 1' 5 74 3 00 4 28
8 84 4 871 6 23l 7 04 4 69 4 29
... 6 93 4 81 6 lit. 6 78 6 74 4 35
4 94 6 15 6 81 6 77 4 96
.. 8 954 8 21 6 73 8 73 4 97 4 43
.. 6 89 8 01 6 26 668 877 497 444
8 81T.I 6 02 6 67 6 77 4 98 4 32
.. 6 87. 4 Mi 6 20 8 63 6 00 4 3ti
.. 6 93 4 99 6 17 6 67 4 96 4 47
.. 6 89-V 6 lol B U 6 721 B W 4 50
... 6 12 5 15 6 79 6 M. 8 03
.. fi 84 S ni K TN .5 r' 4 12
.. 8 834' 6 02I 6 Sol 8 87 1
.. 8 91: 5 03, I 6 tol
I I 6 04 , 5 46' I
. Mrs. Kate A T. Whltoomb-Wyo.
S steers... .Kin 3 80 11 steers.. . 1170 3 80
S steers. ...M23 3 70 8 steers... .1193 3 70
31 steers... .1177 3 60 3 steers. ...KM 8 7'
4 steers. ...bmo 3 70 8 steers... .1156 3 80
I-nhard A R.-Wvo,
68 steers... .1197 3 70 85 steers. ..1199 3 70
Mrs C. A. Huekcll-Wyo
68 steers.... 117 3 60 tie steers... .1146 3 6)
C. W. 8weeney-W o.
18 steers 3 38 8 cows 912 2 15
HO ;S There were only ninety-one cars
on sale today, but with discouraging re
ports from the east buyers were In a bear
ish, mood, and there was a wesk tone to
the trade ell through the morning. There
were a good many loads of the less desir
able grades on sale, the kind that bu ers
have been pounding for some time, and
they were partlciilwrlv Indifferent on them
today. The good light weights snd desir
able butchers were In fair demand and
were bought up on the opening St steady
prices, while on the rough parking and
common grades the market was wesk lo
lower. Prices were uneven and there was
considerable difference of opinion among
the salesmen ss to the ennct condition of
the market After the more urgent orders
had been tilled there was a lull In the trad
ing and the market closed weak. The bulk
of the hogs sold at S5.8Mi6 95, with a top of
16)0. the same as yesterday.
Represents! sve sales:
No A. 84. r. no. . . ft.
41 3 ... too fa mi n IM
M0 110 I 174 l tut 40 I SO
41 174 0 S3 t l to 0
64 0I ISO M a to ... I SO
74 M4 40 I M M I 40 I to
47 f.4 SO I 40 St tit ... I PJH
1(1 110 I HO 44 tit 40 I I2
60 Jot ... I tt m t"0 to I t?v
M 30 U IK M ii 110 6 tl
S t0 40 I H (Tt IM . . I 12V,
7t tit ... 116 U 141 110 t !.()
tl 171 ... I 66 70 341 ... I !
71 too ... I t 140 0 t I24
tt jo ... i rs 0 r ... I t4
67 244 ltd 1371, 4i 238 10 I tt
6 174 40 I S7V, 41 til to t ls
63 131 10 iri, 42 71 ... IK
17 Ml ... I 171, 7 260 10 I
61 J0 ... I tlvt, 77 2!7 140 I U
tt J43 ... I 74 31 3" ... I S
76 MO M I tO It lit SO I M
tl 14T 10 6 to 71 127 170 M
73 t"t ... I M 7t 215 120 I 96
2 lit ID IN 64 24t ... 6 r.
tl t' 10 I to 74 211 ... I n
63 2d! 120 I to 71. ...... .141 ... It!
M 131 ... 6 M 13 273 40 I 95
l 141 to I SO 14 S37 M IH
231 1S I 10 41 243 40 I PS
tt 363 ... I 90 78 1S3 ... t 17
f'J 241 ... I to 64 Ill 40 I 00
19 139 1W 10 11 170 ... t 06
40 til . . 6 10 ft 221 110 t 00
114 171 124 I 10 71 213 ItO t 00
4 131 . . 6 10 66 21 ... 100
64 2M ISO 6 10 70 241 ... 1 "0
121 ... I 90 61 254 ... t 00
47 t;t ... I to 71 ft 40 4 00
0 167 ... I to M 127 ... t 00
66 2R0 40 6 to 1 242 ... t 00
St tdt ... 0 70 t' 90 I 00
tl IM ... 190 II 124 110 tots
U !3t 10 6 to 49 . ... t 06
" 291 10 t to tt 2.J7 ... t 10
SHEEP There was only a small Bupply
of sheep here today, about eleven loads ar
riving. These, with two cars of lambs
held over from yesterday, constituted the
day's offerings. The receipts consisted
largely of killers, and feeder buyers were
again left out In the cold. The receipts
this week have not been heavy and feeders
have been scarce so that buyers are still
hungTy for supplies and there Is a good
strong demand . for this class of sheep.
There was also a good strong market on
fat sheep today and most of the old sheep
were picked up early at stronger prices.
The lamb trade, however, was a little slow,
buyers and sellers being somewhat apart
In their views regarding values.
Quotations on rar sheep nnd lambs: Oood
to choice lambs, fft.6Offj7.10; good to choice
yearling wethers. SB.J6'i'6,6o; good to choice
old wethers, 35.00(35.15; good to choice ewes,
34.6041 4.85.
Quotations on feeder sheep and lambs:
Oood feeding lambs. S5 .75iffti. 25 ; good feeding
yearlings, 34.76 5.00; good feeding wethers,
S4 25t)4.(5; feeding ewes, 33504.00; breeding
ewes, 4.75.
No. Av. Pr.
82 Wyoming cull ewes 84 3 35
101 Wyoming ewes 90 4 15
17 native ewes 117 4 60
1 native yearling 110 6 6)
15 native cull lambs 68 6 60
76 native lambs 75 6 50
447 Nebraska lambs F9 6 85
737 Wyoming ewes 102 4 70
38 Idaho wethers 95 8 25
1572 California lambs 66 7 40
Cattle Ten Cents Higher, Hogs Five
Cents Lower, Sheep Hlcher.
CHICAGO, Aug. 21-CATTLE-Reclpts,
9,000 head, including 2,000 head of westerns;
market. 10c higher: good to prime steers.
35.06.50; poor to medium, S4.00fc6.25; stock
ers ana Teeners, t.'.z&'in.oo; cows, 2.DtX(j't.&0;
heifers. t2.25'd4.75: runners 11 4l- hulls
S2.25'a4 00; calves, 8.!04j7 60; Texas fed steers,
W.-'Dim Do; western Steers. 3.6rfif6.(i.
HOOS Receipts, 17,n00 head; estimated for
tomorrow, 15.0U) head; murket. Be lower;
mixed and butchers, S5.7'(6.40; good to
choice heavy. S6.1O4j6.30; rough heavy, S5'15
4' 96. light, S5.85(6.35; bulk of sales. SS . 'j)
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 13.000
head: sheep market, pic higher; lambs, low
loo higher; good to choice wethers, 35.26$
5.00; fair to choice mixed, S4.7i36.10; west
ern sheep. S5.0i'u6.5O: native lambs. 35.50(2
7.60; western lambs, Se.OuQ.fjO.
Kansas City l.l-f Stork Market.
Receipts, 7,500 head, including 1.200 head of
southerns; market, steady; choice export
and dressed beef steers, S5.00'riQ.7j; fair to
good, S-i.U0tfjvi.00; western steers, S3-4"(J 1.50;
stockers and feeders, 32.75 4.25; southern
steers, S2.7&81.iiO; southern cows, Sl.754i3.00;
native cows, tl.7Sfj'4.K; native heifers, S2.50
436 26; bulls, S2.2Vu3 .50; calves, S2.6ufj6.S0.
HOOS Receipts, 6 000 head; market, Be!
lower; top, tt.H2; bulk of sales. S6. 06(416.15;
heavy, 86.96ii.lO; packers, S'i.0&6.20; pigs
and llR-ht, S6o6i6.22.
SHEfcP AND UMB3- Receipts, 3,500
head;, market, strong and active; native
lambs. S5.754i7.26: western lambs.
jted ewes and yearlings, 34.366.65; westi rn
yearlings, S5.2Ti'ii5.68; western sheep, 34.504
6.15; stockers and feeders, 33 7&4i4.BO.
St. I.onls Live stock Market.
RT torig f a. cr ') . r- . tti c r
C.lntn t Tlrt huAll ' Irwlnrilno- 9 9,Vi T... ....
market, higher; native shipping and export j
sieers, 5.;w(; aressea Deer ana Dutcher '
BIAere tJt (MK,i A r!T. aloes imcr 1 nm I
S3.(j04)4.15; stockers and feeders',; j
i-ows emu neiicrs. 11 canners. 1.25
5i2 1ft- hiilla t'l ')K7i p.liv.
Texas and Indian steers, 33.&&a.75; cows
and heifers, S2.(8fj3.25.
HOOH Kecilpts. 4.000 head; market.
hierher- r.lfi-n nnil llirl-.ta 4t f6, V. r... ..i.
I.-, f.ulflti nf: liu t f hi ra at n il huavi. :
6 30.
SHEEP AND IjAMBS Receipts, l.fyo
head; market, steady; native muttons, 3150
(16. 4 ; lambs, 34 .7.r.'(j7.O0; culls and bucks
2.75(4.jn; stockers, JS&i.'Sto; Texans, S2.5)
ft. Joseph Live fttoek Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Aue ?4 riTTi v
Receipts, 1.199 head: market, strona- to lno
higher; natives. 3.75t6.80: cows and hclfl
erk. 11.5l.'n4 Wl: stockora a nH ruaHar. -- ..
- - - t-.ioy
ifOnS-Recetpts. 7,771 head; market
weak to 6c lower; light. SO.O'; medium
and heavy, St4j6.1; bulk sales. Sr.M4i3
Sin-'.EP AND LAMHrt-Rp, ,.ptS- ; 0;i
head; market, strong to 15c higher; Idaho
j .
Slons City l ive Stock Market.
SIOl'X riTf Aug 24-(SpeclaI Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 3m head; mar.
ket. strong; beeves. 33.754i6.0u; cows, bulls
and mixed. 82 26413 86; stoi-kers and feeders
32 50453 8"; calves and yearlings, 82.5.4j3 6o'
HOOS Receipts, S head; market'
strong, selling at S5.ltfii.05; bulk of sales'
Stoek la Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the six principal
Western markets yesterday:
South Omaha 1,9(4
Sioux City 3i0
Kansas City 7,500
St. Joseph I.l!i9
St. Louis ' 3.2i0
Chicago 9.O11O
Hogs Sheen
6.1:16 2.422 1
3.3' j
.'.io s.f,.r ;
7.771 l.i'lU !
4.010 1,500 I
17.UU1) 13.0U1 I
44,207 27,413 j
Metal Market.
added to Its recent gains In the London
market, closing at 162 7s 6d for snot and
151 15s for futures Ijcallv, buyers d.d
not seem to 1 following the advance to
any considerable extent, but holders were
firm and spot was quoted at S13.3&t33 S3.
Copper continues strong A big gain was
reported from thu London market, which
closed at 72 8s for s:ot and 72 for fu
tures.. Locally, lake and electrolytic are
(,uoted at $16 (v7j 16 50. casting at 315 62 .j.
16 12. Ixad shared In the gi-nerul advance
abroad, closing at 14 Is 3d and locally
soot is now quoted at S4 (sr.4i4.(). Spel
ter continurd quiet in the local market,
with spot quoted at 86 054J5.75, but was
higher at 25 in London Iron was firm
to higher abroad, closing at 50s 6d for
GlafrKow and 47s 9d for MidPeaborough.
Locally, the market Is firm In tone and
some dealers are holding southern grades
a little higher; No. 1 northern foundry is
quoted at 816 .15-1 17 ; No. 2 northern foun
dry. $lr. 764 16 60; No. 1 soul hern foundry,
' : ""'16.75, No. 2 southern foundry, 815.50
Sugar aad Molasses.
NEW YORK. Aug 24 Sl'OAR Raw
tdy; fair refining. 3c, centrlf ugal, itt
test. 4c; molasses sugar. 3c l.iflii-i
steady; crushed, ' 6 OCc, powdered. 8 x.-;
gr'i'ilnt d 8 3'-
NEW ORLtAitf, Aug. 24.-3i;UAit-
Quiet; open kettle, centrlfugsl, lSii4""i
centrifugal whites. 4 l-littj6 1-lHc. jeilows,
f jtSc: seconds, 2'fi8o.
MOLASSES-Nominal, open kettls, 13u
1h-: centrifugal. tWi 1 4c.
8VKI P-Nomtnai, Joe.
Condition of Trade and tlaotatlons oa
staple and Fancy Prodace.
EGGS-liei eipts, lair; market steady;
Candled stock, 16c,
l.IVK t'l'l.TK V-Hens. 9c; rooeter
8c; turkeys, K,fl6c; ducks. c; spring
ducks, sv; sprl.ig chickens. UQltc.
Ul "TTKR-Mai kot firm; wiking stock.
15c; choice to fancy dairy, S4l9c; cream
ery. Ilu21Vc, punts, 21 c.
Sl'tlAR ftaiulxrd grnni.itcrt, in barrelv
35 . pet ct., cuhes. in o0 per tel.; cut
loar, So.94 per cwt.; No. 6 ti'n C, S SO per
cwt.; No. ;i extra C. So 36 pel c5vt.; No. ii
ve'low. S6 10 per cwt.; XSXX powdsre.
S'l .!' per cwt.
FRESH EISH-Trout, Uc; hiilbirt, Uc;
buftiili) vdi-essed:, Kc; pickerel (dressed), 8c;
vhtte bai (dressed), lie; sunflsh. 6c;
tscaletj and drcsned), fcc; pike, 11c; catnan.
lie; red snapper, lie; salmon, lie; crappn.
12c; eels, luc; bullheads. 11c; black bak.
26c; whltehsh, 11c: frog legs, per dos., S6-"
lobsters, green. 27c; boiled lobsters, SOc;
shad roe, 46c; blurrtsh. sc.
HAY Prices quoted by Cmnha Wholesale
Hay Dealers' aesoclutlun: Choree, S; No.
, 16 50; No. 2, p.; coarse, 35. These price
arj for hay of good color and quality.
BRAN Per ton. 116
ORANGES Valencia, all slses, 35.0rfj'8.8i
LEMONS Llmoiiiera, extra fancy, i.t
Site, 37.00 ; 300 and 360 sites, $7 5C!fJ8 .00.
DATES It r Dos. ol M i-lb. pkts., 32;
Halloween, in -lb. uuxes per lb, Jo.
HUS --California, per 10-io. cartoa, 7
sr., immtrted Smyrna.. I.rriiarn lli.. e
crown, kc
HAN AN A3 Per medium-sited bunch. 31.71
C226: Jumbos. S-'.&O'tiSOO
PEARS Bartlett, ikt 6u-lb. box. 3290J
I'LT'MS California, per l-bssket crate.
S1.50yl76; gross prunes, 11.76; Hungarians,
31.76. f
PEACHES California freestones, per bdx,
SI 16; Elbcrtas, SI 20.
CANTALOl KEH Texrts, per crate, 82.30;
Texas, Rocky Eord seed, 82.60.
VA TF.RMEI.ONS-Ala"anui Sweets, 18j
?6c each; crated, lc per lb.
APPLES-Dutchess, Wealthy and Cobb
Pippins, In 3-bu. bbls., JU00ij3 26; In bu.
baskets, SI.
WAX HEANS-l-er V-". sket, 25C360J
string beans, per -bu. box, i(Sr.
POTATOES New, per bu., 2i43o4J.
BEANS .Nsvy, lei hu., tX
Cl'Cl'MnERS-lvr dox., 2oc.
TOMATOEti Home-grown, H-bu. baskets,
26 36c.
CA urtAGB-Home-grown, In crates, pel
lb., lc
O.MliNS Home-grown, yellow, red and
white, tier bu., 50o.
HKK'I t--N. j'r bu.. 75c.
CEl.EKY- r.aiHiiiBy.oo, ixt dot., Be.
SWEET POTATOES Virginia, per 3-bu.
bbl., S3 50.
CHEESE S tss, new, tic; Wisconsin
brick, 13c; Wisconsin limberger, Iqu;
Twins. l2o; Young Americas, la.
NTTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new
crop, per lb., lie; hard enells, per lb 13c;
No. I soft shells, per lb., 12c: No. 2 hard
shells, per lb., 12c. Pecans, large, per lb,
12c; small, per lb., 10c. Peanuts, per lb., 7c;
roasted, per lb., 8c. Chill walnuts, per lb.,
12W12Vic. Almonds, soft shellt.. per lb., 17c;
hard shells, per lb., 16c. Shellbark hickory
nuts, per bu., 31.76; large hickory puts, per
bu , SI. 50.
HIDES No. 1 green, 9c; No. 2 green, 8c:
No. I salted, 10c; No. 2 salted, 9c; No. 1
veal calf, 11c; No. 2 veal calf, 9c; dry salted,
74.114c; sheep pelts, 2cfi11.00; horse hides,
Wool Market.
ROSTON. Aug. 24-WOOL Market firm:
the noticeable strength of the market has
been found In half bloods, territory and
Montana. Fine territories and territory
staples continue strong, but are selling
slowly on account of the scarcity of de
sirable grades. There Is no great activity
In pulled wools. Foreign grades are In
ready call. Lcudlng quotations follow:
Ohio and Pennsylvania, XX and above,
37(&38c; X. 3443."k; No. 1. 405i41c: No. 3. 414J
42c: fine unwashed, 284J29C; unmerchantable.
ag32c; quarter blood, unwashed, 34&i15c;
three-eiehths blood, K4435 c; unwashed De
laine, SO'oSl c; Michigan, fine unwsshed, 274J)
28c; quarter blood unwashed, 33!j34c; three
eighths blood, 324 33c; unwashed, 284j'2c;
Kentucky, Indiana, ect., three-eighths and
quarter blood, 364rT7c. Territory, Idaho,
nno,22Ti24 c; heavy fine, 19f21c; fine medium
234i24c; medium, 264r27c; low medium, 264J
27c; Wyoming, fine, 224t23c; heavy fine,
19fc20c; fine medium 234j24c; medium. 26u)
27c; low mrdliifn, 26i"2Tr'. L'tnh and Nevada,
fine. 184j19c: heavy fine, 194f2ic; fine medium,
23t(i24c; medium. 26'o7c: Dakota, fine, 2243
23c; fine medium, 264727c; Montana, fine
choice, 2Sr27c; fine average, 244j25c; fine
medium choice, 2ff!7c; average. 24Qi25c;
stnnle. 2S4j3iV; medium choice, 28f?30c.
ST LOI IS, Mo., Aug. 24-WOOI-steadv;
medium grsdes. comhlng and clothing.
29Hj3ln; light tine. 214tl'6c; heavy fine, 18(3
22c; tub washed, 324J42c. .
Oils and Rosin.
NEW YORK, Aug. 24 -OILS-Cof tonseed,
steady; prime crude, nominal; prime vel
low, 2?'.3'V. I'etroleum. steadv: refined
New York. S-1.50; Philadelphia and Balti
more. 30.86; In bulk, S3 95. Turpentine,
steadv at 6l4ifilc.
TOLEDO. O.. Aug. 24 -OII,North Lima,
SKc; South Lima and Indiana, 81a
SAVANNAH. Oa., Aug. 24. Ol L Turpen
tine, steadv; 61c.
ROSIN-FIrm: ABC. S3 35; D. 33.45; K,
33.85; F. 34.00; O. 34.10; H. 34 16: I. 34 20: K,
84 .25; M, 34 40; N. S4.50; WO, S4.854j4.95; WW,
35. 2o.
OIL CITY. Pa . Aug. 24 -OHCredlt bnl
nnces. 31 27; certificates, no bid; shipments,
855 bbls.; average. 82.013 bbls.; runs, 8.S.
839 bbls.; average. Sii7,175 Shipnvnts.
Lima, 6I.2.V1 bbls.; average. 34.995 bbls; runs.
Lima, C3.988 bbls.; average, 48,980.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. 24. -COFFEE Market
for futures opened unchanged to an ad
vance of 6 points, In response to steady
European cables. Brazilian markets were
unchanged and receipts moderate. The lo
cal market closed steady, net unchanged
to in points higher. Sales were reported of
lfi8.2."n) bags. Including September at 7 304
7J.-.C; De-ember. 7 5.Wi7 60c; January. 7.66c;
March. 7.80c; May, 7 04j 7 95c ; July. 805c
Spot, sternly; No. 7 Rio. (P.c. '
Mllnnnkre Crnln Market.
ket wenk: No. 1 northern. S1.044j'1.10; No t
northern 9Scifl (.7; September. 80c, bid
HARLEY-Pteudy; No. 2. 61c; sample', 35
CURN'-Strong; September, b4c.
leeds filed for record August 24, 1906. as
furnished by the Midland Ouarantee and
Trust company, bunded ahsuacter, lolt
Karnam slnet, for The Ike:
H. Kountze i-t n1 to In ion Paclflo
Railroad company, undlv. of lots I
and 14. block 14, Kountze A Ruth s,
and other prop.Tty
C. H. Kountze nnd wife to same part
of lot 14 block 16, Kountze & Ruth's 1
H. Kountze et nl to s.nic. ,.rl of
lots 3 anil 14. block 16. Kountze A
Ruth's, und other properly , ... 1
L. Koutitzo anl wife to SHnie, lot 11.
block 16. Kountze A Ruth's, and ,
other property ,.. ;
Eliza J. .Moore and husband to Mar
garet C. Klotz, part of lots 1 aud
Z. block 3. Catal' Place l,lut
Vnitt-d Real Estate end Trust com
pany to 1'nlon I'miIiIc Railroad
company, purt of lots 1, 4. 5. 8, 3.
1-', 13 und 16. block 16. Koutitxe m
Ruth's, and other pro,.iiy
W. E. Weeklv and wife to A. J
Newell, Mi 9. block 1, Harris' 1st
tuld. to Valley j t$
B. 8 Able and wife to U Cover, lot
4. Wtsii rfl..ld a. 1.1 1 jon
E. Doll to A. Murphy, lot 6. block 4,
Hazel Terrace ggg
Northwestern Mutual Loan companv
to Deda Jiiinl:un. tart of lot 7, block
45. city of Omaha 8,000
B. R. Hastings and wife to J O'Brien,
and wife, part of lot 3(. Ri-dl'-k's 2d. 1.700
8. S. Van Buren to A. M. liulbaugh,
lot 6, block 2. La Fayette park 250
Mary E Wilson and husband to B
Malnney. .art of lot 8. Cain Place.. -1
Same to same, sums property 2.0U)
A. L. French and wife to C. C. Oak
ley, lot 2, block 2, Pratt's sulHllv..i 1,400
Mala Offlret Fifth aad Roberts Streets,
8T. PAI I,, Ml.
Dealers In
Stocks, Grain, Provisions
Ship Your Grain to U
Drench timer, lio-lll lloird 08 Trad
lil.lg.. Oisalia, rU. Teleitlione B014.
212-214 Exchange Bldg., South Omaha
Bell 'Phone 2l. Independent 'Phone 1
Being plutted on finish Reservation- Just
opened f,,r settlement. IJi invested in town
lot sLould return $1.Cj0 In l-,as Uian a
Kull particulars free.
boa IVaU Veaver, Calorada,