Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Its superiority is unquestioned
Its fame vorld-wide
Its use a protection and a guarantee
against alum food.
Alum baking powders are detrimental
most foreign countries their sale is prohibited.
in this country the law requires that alum and alum-phosphate
powders shall be branded to warn consumers that they contain an
unhealthful ingredient, while in the District of Columbia, Congress
has forbidden absolutely the sale of food that contains alum.
; Alum baking powders may be distinguished by their price
- one cent an ounce or from ten , to twenty-five cents a pound.
Chief Signal Station by BemoTal of Corps
from Fort ldjer.
Old Virginia, Fort, Headquarters Since
.11 War and Establish.
of service. Will
Be Abandoned.
Information received at headquarters De
partment of the Missouri connrms the an
nouncement published In The Be that
Company B. Signal Corps -United States
army, has been ordured from Fort Myer,
Vs., to Fort Omaha, not later than Oc
tober 1.
This Is the intlal proceeding of the aban
donment of Fort Myer, as the headauarters
of the United States signal service corps
where It has been located since the estab
lishment of that branch of the service.
Immediately following the close of' the
civil war and will be the beginning of the
occupation of Fort Omaha, as chief signal
station of the United States army for the
The signal corps company will occupy
the new barrack Just finished and remod
eled from the old administration building
at Fort . Omaha. This remodeled building
is one of the best equipped barracks In
the United States, furnished 'with every
modern convenience and lacks nothing for
tho comfort of, the garrison. The new
mess hall now nearlng completion Imme
atcly north and adjacent to the barrack
Is also completely modern in Its equip
ment. Complete and Modern,
These two buildings, with the remodeled
officers' quarters at the west side of the
post, the commissary building and guard
house and fire department house, all of
brick, constituting tho remaining old build
ings of the fort, are all completed and
modernised and will be occupied at once.
Tha new stables and wagon sheds of
frame at the extreme south side of the
grounds are finished, as Is the railway sta
tion. This is also true as regards the ce
ment walks and roadways, extending from
the tast main entrance to the grounds
around up past the old headquarters build
ing and In front of the old officers' quar
ters. '
The foundations arc now being laid for
the new group of officers' quarters at the
west side of the parade ground, and also
for the new hospital building at the south
west corner of the grounds. Immediately
south of the new officers quarters. Founda
tions ars completed tor the new double
barracVs at tha south side of the parade
grounds and for the administration build
ing at the east side of the parade ground,
south of the main entrance.
Start September S.
-IFrom a Staff Correspondent.)),
WASHINGTON, Aug. . (Special Tele
gram.) Orders were Issued today for tha
transfer of Company B of the algnal corps
frem Fort JJyer. V., to Fort Omaha, on
September t. Captain Hathaway, two
officers and eighty men, together with field
equipage and Impedimenta will leave on or
about that time for a new camp of the
tgn&I corps.
Attack ol . Diarrhea. Cared by On
Don of Chamberlain's Colle, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy.
I was so weak from an attack of diarrhoea
that I could scarcely attend to my duties,
when I took a doe of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It cured
me entirely and I had been taking other
medicine for nine days without relief. I
heartily recommend this remedy as being
the best to my knowledge for bowel com.
plaints R, q. Stewart, of the Arm of
Stewart Bro Greenville, Ala.
Delta Taa Delta Kloetlon.
NEW YORK. Aug. J4.-At the closing
Jenlon today of the Delta Tau Delta s
thirty. eighth biennial karnea here today the
"'llnwlng officers were elected: President,
erank Wlel of Chicago; secretary, li.ury
r Kruck of Mesa vac. aid; treasurer, A.
ut of Philadelphia: ritualist. Dr. John
B Ruland of Philadelphia; editor. Frank
r Kuiwi vt ietouUk Out. C lituago was
HUtm .
chosen as the place for the next biennial
Drink and Cocaine Iut Man on War
path and Only ban Baldwin
Calms lllm.
Frank Betts created a small- scare In the
neighborhood of Nineteenth street and Cap
itol avenue yesterday afternoon by run
ning up and down the street, brandishing
a revolver and knife and yelling in a de
moniac sort of way.
In response to a telephone call the patrol
wagon made a hurried run from the police
station. Betts was placed In a cell at the
city Jail and charged with being delirious
and carrying concealed weapons. The man
was crazed with drink and cocaine, the
doctors stated.
In catching Betts Emergency Officer Bald
win had quite an exciting chose of three
or four blocks before he brought Betts .to
bay. When Baldwin approached Betts the
latter broke and ran at a rapid speed, still
cllhglng to his weapons. Betts finally
stumbled over a brick and before he could
regain himself the officer had his arms
Before the handcuffs could be removed
from Betts at the station It required four
strong policemen to hold him.
The prisoner Is known to the police
through a number of crimes said to have
been committed throughout the state. He
recently finished a sentence In the peni
tentiary, it Is stated.
rbraka Men Who Testified In Beef
Treat HearlnsT Here Are Sub
poenaed Asjaln.
A number of the witnesses examined be
fore the federal grsnd Jury In the beef
trust Investigations held before that body
In May last In this city, has been sub
poenaed as witnesses to Chicago In The
trial of the Indictments returned against
the packers there, which will begin early In
September. Witnesses subpoenaed Include
Fred Hoff. stockman.
W. W. Waller, commission man.
Ab. Waggoner, commission man.
Sol Degan, speculator.
Sum Frank, packing house broker.
Four cattle buyers for the South Omaha
pack Inn houses.
C. F. Wilbur, a butcher of Beatrice.
As there were approximately 200 witnesses
examined before the grand Jury here and
several hundred pages of testimony tran
scribed and sent to Chicago by Special At
torney Waring, who reported all the testi
mony taken here. It Is possible . that the
number of witnesses summoned from this
state will reach seventy-five or a hundred.
The names of all will not be divulged
from the office of the marshal, until all
the processes have been served and returns
made. The witnesses ere directed to ap
pear before the federal court at Chleago on
various dates, beginning with October I.
All Are lotted
In saying that for all stomach, liver or
kidney diseases there is no remedy Ilk
Electric Bitter. 60 cents; guaranteed. For
sal by Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.
Iowa State Fair.
For this occasion the Rock Island will
sell excursion tickets to Des Moines and
return at one fare for the round trip.
Dates of sale, 'August 14 to September 1,
Inclusive; return limit, September X. Trains
leave Omaha 1:35 a. m.. 7:36 a. m, 11:60
a. m., 4 SO p. m. and 6 40 p. m. For f ur
ther Information call or address
1323 Farnam Street. Omaha. Neb,
Miller Bark from Loss Cruise.
George W Miller, who resides -with his
parents on Twenty-seventh avenue, north
of Cuming street, this city, has
reel, mis cuy, nas just re-five-year
enlistment fn Uncle
turned from
Bam a navy, the greater part of which time
he spent In the Phlltrpine Islands. For the
past throe year Miller has bwn acting
col wain on the launch connected with the
gunboat Sauls r, doing patrol duty and aUi
carrying messages in tne enemy's country.
The boys ou this dutpateh boat had several
engagements with the nallvvs. who would
hoot wilu whatever they could obtain t
to health. In
In many states
stuff In the muzzle-loading cannon. The
station of the Sunwr was 6O0 miles below
Manila, the boys visiting this burg about
once a year.
J. I.. Brandels A Sons Bar Entire Sam
pie Line of Boys' Fall Salts from
M. Aslnelf, IKS Mercer St.,
New York.
We secured the entire line of samples
from one of the greatest of New York's
tailoring establishments of boys' fine cloth
ing. It will be the greatest sale of boys'
hlKh grade clothing we ever conducted
These suits are In all ages, the best tail
oring and flnett fabrics. We bought at al
most our own -price.
All the boys' sample fall suits, worth up
to $3.00. go at Sl.4.8.
All the boys' sample fall suits, worth up
to $6.00, at 11.98.
Remember the date. Saturday, August 26.
St. Paul anil rtetorn
and return
and return
via The North-Western Line
City Offices 1401-140
Famam Street.
Mawhlnney A Ryan Co. have Just re
ceived through the custom house an impor
tation of fine English china, both plain and
decorative, recently purchased by Mr. Ryan
while In Europe. An Invitation is extended
the ladles of Omaha to see these beautiful
Special Sunday Hates to Great West
ern Park, Manning-, Iowa.
Only one fare for tho round trip. Tickets
on sale every Sunday to and Including
Sunday, September 17. For further infor
mation apply to S. D? Parkhurst, general
agent, li12 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb.
CjOEN The. (XZ
W. "W. KILLEN Demonstrating his touching abilities.
Bitem of Keeping Trick of School oki
Work i Tery W1L
Records in Superintendent Mcl.eai
Office Show That bat Maty
Mne Booka Are Mlaslng
Tor the Year,
When the public school opened last
September a new system of checking and
keeping record of the school books Issued
to pupils was Installed. Data recently com
plied by Superintendent McLean shows
that the system Is a great success. Out
of 35,000 books Issued to pupils only sixty
nine were lost. A list of the schools, pupils
attending and the number of books lost,
Cfriarh fVhoot oPJ
lis. Lost.
Yeparatory '. 57
fn,r?i ::::r9
Hawthorne 547
Jungmann 397
Brown Park oi
Madison 3
Highland 31
West Side !!!!'.'.67
I iffnn
I Lincoln !!!!"
ine doors are tagged with a large label
pasted on the Inside of the cover and this
label bears a printed number. Any person
finding a book belonging to the school dis
trict can easily return It to the proper
authorities. Only a few days ago a school
book was picked up near the West Side
school and turned, over to a member of the
board. When taken to the superintendent's
office It was found by referring to the
records that the book had been Issued to
a certain pupil of the Brown Park school
and had been marked on the records as
lost. With the Increase In the number of
pupils this year It Is expected by the board
of education that at 'east 40,000 books will
be issued during the coming year. As the
check system proved so satisfactory last
year it will be continued this year. ,
Water and Kossle Teat.
Thursday afternoon at the Swift plant a
test of water pressure and various kinds
of notzles was made. Packing house
superintendents, fire chiefs of the packing
houses and stock yards. Chief Garratt of
the city fire department, Supt. Charles
Collins of the Omaha Water company and
others witnessed the test. At one time
twenty streams were throwing water to
various heights. Different styles of nozzles
were tried and those who witnessed the
test were well pleased. An enormous quan
tity of water was thrown in the short time
the twenty streams were running.
Karly Morning Meeting:.
An adjourned meeting of the city council
was held at 8 a. m. Thursday for the pur
pose of hearing read foT the second time
the ordinance providing for the Issuing of
bonds for the repavlng of Twenty-fourth
street. Another meeting Is to be held this
forenoon, when the ordinance will be called
up for third reading and final passage.
After the ordinance has been signed Clerk
Oililn will be Instructed to advertise for
bids for the bonds. This advertisement will
run for two weeks and It will be about Sep
tember 11 before bids will be received.
Hla-h School' Alomnl.
The Alumni association of the South
Omaha High school will meet at the high
school building this evening for the pur
pose of admitting to its mystreles the class
of '05. In addition the business of a very
prosperous year will be closed. As the ses
sion is sure to be an Interesting one, all
members and candidates for membership
are urgod to be presenjV,J.
Ko Chance for Friction.
Speaking of an item In an Omaha paper
of Thursday regarding the possibility of
friction In the appointing of principals to
fill vacancies In the schools Dr. Schlndel.
chairman of the teachers committee, said
that there was no chance of friction. Con
tinuing, Dr. Schlndel stated that as the
question of naming two principals to fill
vacancies was not settled at the meeting of
the board last Monday night he had
directed Superintendent McLean to fill the
vacancies when the assignment of teachers
Is made. More than this Dr. Schlndel stated
this matter would not again be brought to
the attention of the board.
Masons Enjoy Oatlnsr.
Members of Bee Hive lodge No. 184, An
cient, Free and Accepted Masons, enjoyed a
picnic at Manawa Thursday afternoon and
evening. Two special cars loaded with
Masons and their families left Twenty
fourth and O streets shortly after 2:30
o'clock for the lake. Some of the members
could not get away until later and these
went on regular trains. Games of base ball
and quoits were played, luncheon was
served and a most enjoyable time was had
by all who attended. The party returned
In special cars leaving Manawa at 10 p. m.
Crap Shooters Arrested.
Officer Todd arrested five young men for
shooting craps Thursday afternoon, and In
cidentally played quite a Joke on the play
ers. Todd has the West Q street beat and
In the rear of a barber shop at the end of
the car line youngsters about 16 years of
age have been in the habit of shooting
craps. Whenever the officer entered the
place by the front door the boys made a
dash for the rear door and got away. When
the game was getting Interesting yesterday
Todd secured a piece pf wire and a scantling
and wired the door so that it could not be
opened. Then he entered the front of the
barber shop. As usual a rush was made
for the back door and great was the sur
prise of the players when they found It
could not be opened.
Retail Merchants Meet Tonight.
A call has been Issued for a meeting Of
the Retail Merchants' association tonlnht
at the rooms of the South Omaha club.
During the summer no effort was made to
hold meetings, but with the coming of
September the members think that It Is
time to got together again. The object of
tonight's meeting is to talk over fall trade
prospects and to devise plans for securing
at least a portion of the trade which now
goes to Omaha.
Mnale City Gnsalp.
Mrs. K H. Pmudfoot has returned from
an extended eastern trip.
Councilman Frank Dworak hns gone to
Loup City for a few days' shooting.
C. F. Carlen has secured a permit for a
dwelling at Twentieth and II streets.
Mrs. J. W. Morehouse of Sutton. Neb.,
Is here visiting friends for a few days.
Mrs. J. W. Green has returned from Iowa
City, la., where she attended the funeral
of her brother.
Miss Lillian Walters of Chicago Is here
visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Walters, Twen-ty-flfth
and I streets.
John C Carroll, formerly chief of police
here, died Thursday. Funeral services will
be held at St. Bridget's church this fore
noon. Mrs. A. S. Jewett has returned from Ban
croft, Neb., where she spent two weeks on
account of the sickness and death of her
mother, Mrs. B. L. Smith.
R. A. Carpenter, formerly city clerk of
South Omaha, but now located at SiHkane,
Wash., spent a few hours In the city yester
day visiting relatives and friends.
Wednesday evening Ralph, son of Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Cressey, gave a lawn social
to a number of friends at the family resi
dence, Twenty-second and G streets.
Phil Kearney post No. 2, Grand Army of
the Republic, will meet at the home of J.
O. Eastman, Twenty-third and C streets,
on Saturday evening. The Woman's Relief
corps will also meet at the Eastman resi
dence Saturday evening.
Llberatl Makes a Hit and the Royal
Canadians Fill In
The 2,000 extra chairs which Manager
Cole furnished his patrons were not suf
ficient last evening to accommodate the
crowd which thronged out to Krug park
to listen to Llberati and his military band.
While this Is Llberatis first visit to
Omaha with his own band, it will not
be his last, for Manager Cole has decided
to bring him and his band to Krug park
for at least four weeks next season.
Llberatl as a cornetist is unsurpassed,
and from his opening with his own march,
"Here on Command," to his closing with
"Tho Star Spangled Banor" he held his
audience enthralled. His vocal soloist. Miss
Katharine Klaser, a distinctly lyric so
prano, shared tho honors with Llberatl
and quite as generously responded to en
cores. The Royal Canadian band plays from 3
until 4 In the'afternoon and from 7 until 9
In the evening, while Llberatl plays from
4 to 6 In the afternoon and from 9 until
11:16 In the evening. Omaha's music lovers
can certainly have their fill of music today
and tomorrow.
Hold-l'p Artists Have o Trouble in
Coaxing; Omaha Man Over
Their Way.
When F. C. Preston of 1113 Park avenue
reached the corner of Twenty-ninth and
Poppleton avenue Wednesday evening on
his way home, he was confronted With a
battery of three shining revolvers held In
a row by three masked men, who requested
Mr. Preston to hand over his loose change
and make no "bones" about It.
In making his report of the Incident to
the police, Mr. Preston stated that he has
read In story books of men being stopped
and relieved of their money, so that he
thought It would be the wiser policy to
Just hand over without stopping to argue
the matter with the men.
The highwaymen secured $27 from Mr.
James J. Cook In Dying Condition as
Result of Tuesday's High
James J. Cook, one of the oldest men In
the city letter carrier service, lies at the
point of death at his home, 143 North
Thirty-first avenue. Cook was overcome
by the heat Tuesday while performing his
duties. His condition was considered seri
ous from the first, and last night he re
lapsed Into unconsciousness and the at
tending physicians pronounced his case
Excursion, Chicago to Philadelphia.
Over Pennsylvania Short Lines. Tickets
on sale September 15-16-lTth. Good returning
until September 26th. Return limit may be
extended to Cctober 5th If deposited with
Joint agent Philadelphia immediately On
arrival, upon payment of one dollar. Rate
one fare for the round trip plus one dollar.
Full Information of Thos. H. Thorp, T. P.
A., 26 U. S. Bank building, Omaha.
Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. 1221
22-K wedding rings. Edholm, Jeweler.
Stoekmnn Falls from Street Car,
H. Watts, a stockman from Hastings,
fell from a Council Bluffs car at Thirteenth
and Howard streets about i o'clock last
night and received a severe cut across his
right eye and other bruises about the face.
Watts arrived In the city from Hastings
yesterday morning with several cars of
stock for the South Omaha market and
late In the afternoon came to Omaha to do
some shopping. Intending to return home
on a lste train. He was waiting for a car
at Fourteenth and Howard streets and by
mistake he hoarded a Council Bluffs motor
and discovered his mistake when the car
turned at Fourteenth and Howard. He at
tempted to get off and in doing so lost his
balance and fell to the pavement. He was
taken in charge by Police 8urgeon Lang
don, who dressed his injuries, after which
he went to a hotel for the night.
Jap Sues the Colony.
Selklchl Ase. a South Omaha merchant,
originally from the Imperial land of Nip
pon, has brought suit In the county court
against eighty-four Japanese, comprising
the whole Japanese colony of that city. He
asks that he be awarded 3172.72. saying that
he has furnished his countrymen with gro
ceries and hardware to that amount.
Eighty-four summons had to be served and
iH-puty Clerk 8undblad was kept busy
Thursday afternoon making out papers.
Women In a Street r ight.
Mrs. Ella Hlnes and Mrs. F. M. Wlnshlp
were taken Into custody at Seventeenth
and Nicholas streets about 10 o'clock Thurs
day night by Officer Dwyer on a charge of
disturbing the pesce. The two women en
gaged in a quarrel over a trivial matti
and were pummellng each other with thel:
fists and other weapons of warfare when
the police officer arrived and placed them
under arrest. They will have a hearing be
fore Judge Foster this morning.
Mortality Statistics.
The following births snd deaths have been
reported to the Board of Health during
the twenty-four hours ending at noon
Births Hans Kauffman, 1613 Izard, girl;
Louis Hansen, Islo Miami, girl: Cornelius
Norrls, V't South Tenth, girl; Fred Blasek,
1K South Thirteenth, girl.
Deaths Edward 11. Hariri, 1612 Chicago,
A daughter was born Thursday to Mr.
and Mrs. G. R. Wilbur. lull North Twenty
first street.
Miss Edith Patterson left yesterday for
Salt jike City, where she will enter a hum.
I pltal for tralulug a a nuis.
Judge Will Oonmlt Colleague st to
Ure-Hnntf-Solomon Case,
Juoment May Be Rendered Satur
day or Possibly Sot Intll
the First Part of tho
Coming Week.
At the conclusion of many long and re
iterative arguments by several attorneys.
Judge Redick has taken under consideration
until Saturday morning, possibly until the
fore part of next week, the suits wherein
Emmett G. Solomon, William G. tre and
William J. Hunter are seeking to break
on to the primary election ticket as candi
dates for county commissioner; Mr Solo
mon In the Third commissioner district,
now represented by Peter Hofeldt, and the
other two gentlemen In the Fifth commis
sioner district, represented by Henry Mo
Donald. The Judge Intimated that, unless there
as an Imperative necessity for quick ac
tion, ho would like to consult with ome
of the other Judge of the district court
before deciding on the application for a
w-rit of mandamus to compel th county
treasurer to accept the money offered as
filing fees and th county clerk to place
the names on the primary ballot.
Argument of Attorney.
Thursday morning Judge Redick heard
arguments by County Attorney Slabaugh
and Attorney Lysle I. Abbott against th
granting of the writ and by City Attorney
Breen and his assistant. Will Herdman. In
favor of tho appllcatldn. The whole history
of the legislation affecting the office of
county commissioner wss gone over by the
attorneys. It began with the original act
of 15(16 and came down the line to th act
of 1905, which was Intended to extend the
terms of commissioners who would have
to run this year until the following state
election In 1906. Judge Redick asked many
questions of the different attorneys while
they were presenting their argument and
made careful note of all points which
seemed to him germane.
Attorney Abbott comes Into the case as
the lawyer who drew the bill ot last
winter under Instructions from th tat
organisation of county commissioner.
Title of Monslgnor, Prothonotary
Apostolic Ad Instar Conferred on
Omaha Priest by Pope.
"Monslgnor. prothonotary apostolic ad
Instar," 1 the title Just conferred by Pop
Plus upon the Very Rev. A. M. Colanerl,
chancellor of the diocese of Omaha. Father
Colanerl received the brief Monday from
Rome announcing the honor.
This Is the first time the title has been
conferred upon a Nebraskan. There is no
other man living in the state who enjoys
the same distinction. The title Is honorary
and confers no Jurisdiction, though It car
lies with It the right to wear the purple.
It designates the highest rank of domestic
prelate outside the city of Rome.
A similar title also was given by the
pope at the same time to Rev. B. C. Lenl
han of Fort Dodge, vicar general of Bloux
City, but Father Lenlhan Is of the rank
lower than Father Colanerl. The only
other prothonotary apostolic In Iowa Is th
aged Monslgnor Ryan of Dubuque.
It will not be necessary for Father
Colanerl .to go to Rome and he expects
to send his profession of faith to the Vati
can by proxy.
Colored Mechanics Organise.'
ST. LOl'lS, Aug. 24 A delegate conven
tion of colored mechanics, represei. ing Mis
souri, Illinois and several of the Southern
states, convened here today to organize a
colored mechanical association, with local
branches In all cities. This body Is not
identified or affiliated with any other labor
organization. Its object Is co-operation for
mutual benefits and opportunity for em
ployment. H. W. Fearson of St. Louis was
chosen temporary chairman, and W. P.
Hennington, Jr., of Springfield. III. secre
tary. There are thirty delegates, represent
ing six states.
Cashier Played the Rapes, , ,
NEW YORK. Aug. 24-Charged with the
foigery of checks amounting to $40,000
against the estate of the late millionaire
D. P. Morgan, James P. Hennessy, the
cashier of that estate, was arrested in this
city today after being Indicted by the grand
Jury. He pleaded guilty and was held for
trial. Hennessy Is alleged to have lost
every cent of the money on horse races.
The alleged thefts took place last year.
Afcout two months ago one of the executor
of the estate discovered them.
I'mbrella Actually Recovered.
Mrs. Anna Clark of the Royal hotel
enjoys the distinction of being the on
woman In a hundred who has recovered
her umbrella, valued at 120. Mrs. Clark
reported the loss to the police and Detec
tive McDonald was placed on th case.
After scrutinizing every umbrella In Omaha
Detective McDonald at last found the um
brella In the hands. of a friend of th
woman. The friend had merely borrowed
the umbrella and was returning It when
the detective found him.
Booth and Southeast, one fare
Hot Springs, Ark., datlj , $23 00
M. I.ouik. .Jo., dail.y 1550
Richmond, Va., Sept. 8th to 11th inclusive 33.75
Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 14th to 16th Inclusive 32.75
Long limits, stop overs and other features offered in con
nection with the above rates.
All agents can sell you through tickets and route you
- All tickets reading over the Wabash from Chicago east
are optional with passenger via lake or rail, either or both
Call at Wabash City office, 1601 Farnam Btreet, or write
and let me give you all information, maps, descriptive mat
ter, folders, etc.
O. A. P. D. Wabasft Ry., Omaha, Nab.
First National lank
Omaha, Nebraska
Capital 500,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits, .f 329,357.65
. Deposits ;. 19,800,473.39
Herman KounUe, President John A. Creightoo, Vies President
F. II. Davis, CashW.
O. T. Koontxa, Asst. -Cashier. K I Kotintze, Asst-Cathler.
Special facilities aud liberal terms offered (or mercantile as4
banking accounts. Tour busts ess solicited.
Three per cent on Time Deposits
Brignam Says
Lydla E. Plnkham'a . .
Vegetable Compound
Tha wonderful power of Lrdia E.
Pinkhaui'a Vegetable Compound over
the disease of womankind la not be
cause It la a stimulant, not because it
is a palliative, but simply because it ia
tue most wonderful tonio and recon
structed ever discovered to act directly
upon the (renerative orpans, positively
curiog disease and restoriug health and
Marvelona cures are reported from
all parts of the country by women who
have been cured, trained nurses who
have witnessed cures and phralclana
who havo recofrnired the virtue of
Lydia E. rlnkhnm's Vegetable Com
pound, and are fair enough to rlr
credit where It is due.
If physlelansrdnreil to be frank and
pen, hundreds of them would acknowl
edge that ther constantly prescribe
Lydia E. Plnkham'a VroVtable Com
pound in severe cases of female UIs, as
they know by experience it can be re
lied upon to effect a cure. The follow
inff letter proves ft.
Dr. 8. C. Itrlfrham, of 4 Brigtiam
Park, Fltchburjj, Mass., writes :
" It gives me treat pleasure to say that I
have found I.ydia K. Pinkham's Vretabl
Compound very efficacious, and often pro
scribe it in my practice for female difficulties,
"My oldest daughter found It very benefi
cial for uterine trouble some time ago, and my
youngest daughter is now taking, It for a fe
male weakness, and is surely gaining in health
and strength.
" I freely advocate it as a nwet reliable spe
cific in all' diseases to which women are sub
ject, and Rive It honest endorsement." -
Women who are troubled with pain
ful or irregular menstruation, bloating
(or flatulence), leucorrhosa, falling, in
flammation or ulceration of the uterus,
ovarian troubles, that bearlnfe-down,
feeling, dizziness, faintness,' indiges
tion, nervou prostration or the blues,
should take immediate action to ward
IT the serious consequences, and be
restored to perfect health and strength
by taking Lydia K. Piukham't Vegeta
ble Compound, and then write to Mrs.
Plnkham, at Lynn. Mass., for further
free advice. No living person has had
the benefit of a wider experience in
treating female ilia. She has guided
thousands to health. Every suffering
woman should ask for and follow her
advice if she wants to be strong and
mam m-m
Makes the little supper
complete. Order a case.
cuth Omsh. 'Phes S.
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Ilth Douglas. Tel. 1MB.
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101S Main street. Tel. U j
D R.
Diseases of
Men Only '
0 Tear' Experlsnoe.
20 Tear In Omaha.
Varicocele, Btrtotur,
Blood Poison, Wsalt
rieai. Book free
Box 764. Office, IIS
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