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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1905)
TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, 'AUGUST 24, 1003. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL MISOa MEXTIO. Davis, ceil dracs. Btockert sells carpets. Plumbing and hmtlni. Bliby Bon. Pre,; Woodbury, dentists, Pearl street. Woodrlnc-Sehmldt. undertakers. Tel. S39. I(Trt a Improved tprtc lenses five satls- lUTTlltril. Enroll In Western Iowa college thla week. Merrlam block. Evana laundry, fJ2 Pearl. ' Lowest prices, brat work. Tel. o. Pjrroersphy outfits and auppllea. C. E. Alexander, tSi. Broadway. Found One .stray pig. , Call, prove prop erty, pay expenses, hi Ave. C. Tall term Western Iowa, college opens August 2. Bend for new catalogue. Fartna for" sale, all sizes, easy terma. Squire at Anhla, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Duncan, 2 Main St., guarantees to do the best shoe repair work. Olee him a trial. Received a Jarge shipment of picture moulding. norwick, 111 w. Main Bt, Tel. ma. Dr. I.ueliy B. Dean, homeopath, diseases of women ftnd children. Room t. Brown Uicig. 'lei. 3W. Henry Kay has brought suit for divorce from Lizzie Kay, to whom ha waa married February 24, IWi, alleglog cruel and Inhu man treatment. Miss Gertrude Linton of Washington county, Pennsylvania, arrived estarday on a visit to her oousln, lr. J. H. Cleaver and family n First avenue. Pr. and Mrs. Oeorge W. Pangle filed yesterday articles of adoption of the baby girl born to. Kdna Ryan January 28 last. The articles are. dated June li of thla year; . .... John' H. "Beaaley, a colored teamster, whosa horn Is said to be at 1709 Bedford avenue, Pittsburg; Pa., died last evening In the Council tilutrs enerai nospiiai iroin typhoid fever, He raa about a jrears of as. . Thomas Flaherty, employed at the Rook Island roundhouse, hag filed an Inform iv tluu in rllee court charging Ed BHimen steln with assault and battery. Blumen steiit gave bail In the sum of 150 for his appearance m court today. I.vrta MoMurrv alleges In her petition for divorce from Leon A. McMurry, to whom she was married in Mason uy, W i October. 1. that he hns continually treated hep In a -cruel and Inhuman man ner. Mrs.' Laura Cooksey has brought suit against the Petersen-Bchoenlng company or tnls city tor o,uw ara r - ainnder allesed to have been committed In connection witn a oi lunmuio by the piainuri rrom me oeitnanui cum' Announcement Is made that the western branch of the Latter Day Saint a will hold a public baptism st 1 -o'clock this after noon by Immersion in the small lake In Kalrmount park, permission having been obtained from tne para corniinnmuiicia j tprdnv.- , - .' N. B.' Banders filed an information In vesterday charging Hon. v Hilar - !rnnewaa- with keeping a a,fti' An nn his nramlees on Wash ington avenue. The dog Is alleged to have attempted "to taae a meai out vi -rlBlIti leg; ' Dr. ' D. Macras. Jr., received notice yes- terday from ueorge w. dhh-i, of the convention committee of the Na- . r.wImv. Armv of the Philippines, that the aixth annual reunion of the society vould be held in Chicago uciouer , v " 1 Instead, of In AugusU Rowbotham. a 10-year-old boy. living at la Bouth Blxlh street, waa re ported to have been shot through the right thigh by a companion armed with a small rifle while playing on Woodbury avenue yesterday afternoon. The name of the boy said to have done- the shooting could not be siicertalned laat nignt. it is mm young lad were playing bandit and that the one with the rifle ordered young Row botham to hold up his hands, gnd when ru.. tn nHv milled the trisaer. The wound, while jalnful. was said not to be serious. - v An Information has been filed charging Mis.' Jennie Williams with the theft of lumber, valued at W, the property of J. V - bos.H. i.Hha. lumber, which consists of 1" 'pieces at siding, was found yesler; iuv In an upper room In Mrs Williams luiise, under a saarch warrant issued, by Judne Beott, who ordered It turned over to Benson. Mrs. Williams was not able tii appear In police court yesterttay, as she (a suffering from injuries alleged to have been received, while hauling the lumber to her house. The lumber. It is said, slid on the wagon, atrlklng the horse, which commenced to kick, and when Mrs Wllllanks attempted to calm the animal it kicked her. POI.ICB CERTAIX IT WAS PAT CHOWK rntoratatloa that He Was 1st the City 1 gaaday sad Moaday. The police feel tonfldent that the one of the two men arrested Monday night by Detective Richardson, who escaped .by leaning over the side of the rapidly mov ing car, waa Pat Crowe. They contend trtat no man, unless he was badly wanted some where., would have taken such a desperate chiuye.',, Added to this contention is tne Identification of the picture of Pat Crowe by -.Art. Wealherbee es being the man to whom ' be delivered the horse and buggy at the road bouae that night. The police further ' have secured Information leading themtto 'believe that the elusive Pat was In ths Immediate vicinity last Bunday and Monday. ,: Officer Richardson says had he had -even the slightest suspicion that one of his prisoners' was the famoua pat Crowe he would- save, handcuffed him to the car rather (ban give him the slightest chance to get away. He was under the Impres sion that the two men be had placed under arrest vtra merely sports who were out for a good time and had gone a little too far. ' . Feldhonse Je Vneasy. Fred Feldhouse began suit In the district court .yesterday against the Northwestern Trust company to recover 160 which he al leges he paid In under a contract which he was nduced to. take under, aa he alleges, false . representations. The company has offices In the Wlckham block In thla city and the furniture in .them was attached yesterday by shs sheriff's office to protect Feldhouse s clglm. Peter Jacobs, a former resident of .Mlnden,' this county, la said to be president of the company, and Alexander Buchanan, 'who has charge of the office hre anstn Omaha, Is said to be secretary. Recently a young woman who had been employed as typewriter by the company here brought eull for her salary and recov ered Judgment In Justice Gardiner's court. At that, time the office furniture wag at tached, but Buchanan retained possession of It by giving a delivery bond. Bell 'In Troable Agatn. H. C, Bell was arrested last evening under g warrant from the .court of Jus tice Gardiner, where he Is charged with converting unlawfully . to his own use a buggy valued at 160, the property of Joseph Winkler of this city, who filed ths complaint. The embesslement of the buggy Is said to have been Committed June M last. - In 'default- of ball placed at 1200 young BoU waa commuted to the county Bell waa recently Indicted on a charge of breaking Into the Rock Island local depot ticket office and rteallng a number of tickets, some of which he disposed of In Omaha, where he. was 'taken Into cus tody. After lying In the county Jail for a time, the youig msnB mother, who re sides In Hamburg, la., furnished the neces sary bond for.' his release peading , his trial " N. T. nuoibfngjCo. ' Tot KA. NlghU FVl. CUTLER 1 ITICIAM I .moras I aa h DtofroA J LEWIS .MORTICIAN 23 PEARL ST. Lar AWoaiasnt BLUFFS INCREASE IN THE TAX LEVY Council Thinks More Moiej it leeded Than Collsoted Lut Tetf. TOTAL INCREASE SIX AND A HALF MILLS Of This Twe Mills Are for Parefcase of Water Works, Foar tor Raising; Moaey . to Pay the Faadet Debt of the City. Taxpayers of Council Bluffs can look for a material Ircrease In the city ta levy for 190$ if the city council remains of the same mind It was yesterday. At a meet ing held yesterday afternoon, to discuss the matter the city council practically de cided on a tax levy aggregating 42H mills. which is 6tt mills higher than last year. This was the shape the matter waa In when the council adjourned to meet next Monday afternoon to take final action. In the first place the city council decided to make a levy of 2 mills for the sinking fund to be created for the purchase or construction of a waterworks plant, this authority belqjr given the city council un der the ordinance passed Monday night. The question has arisen, however, of the right of the city council to order this tax levy until the people at a special election to be called for the purpose shall have by their vote approved of the proposition for the city to acquire ownership of the water works. City Solicitor flnyder gave It. as his opinion that the city had the right to anticipate and prder the levy despite the possibility of the people voting against the proposition of tr unlelpal ownership. The city council also decided that it would be necessary to levy 4 mills for tjne funded debt fund for which nothing was levied Uyit year. TUp following shows the tax levy for last year and that proposed for 1906: 1004. 1. MUjs. 4 I 1 MUls. General- fund 10 Gas and street lighting fund.... 4 Water fund 6 Sewer fund 2 Bridge fund 1H Improvement fund 4 Judgment fund 2 Library fund 2 Waterworks sinking fund 0 I Bond fund as followa Intersection paving and grading. 1 t Intersection sewer 0 0 Bond loan fund I I Funded debt fund 0 4 Park fund 2H 2 Total 7U . 42H Agricultural Jands within the city and personal property necessary for the cultivation thereof, In city limits 6 B DATID STTBDS SHORT III ACCOUHTt Warrants for Hla Arrest 0vora Oat In District Court. David T. Stubbs, cashier of the Cltliens" Gas and Electric company of this city, was placed under arrest last evening charged with being short In his accounts. The In formation, which was filed; In the court of Justice Gardiner by 8. E. BchwetUer - of Omaha, secretary - and treasurer of the Omaha Electrlo Light and Power company and the Cltlsens Gas and Electric company of thla dtytochargea Atubha with embazsllng $l,S7T.40i and that this amount h& been taken by him within the last sixty, days. The fact that Mr. Stubbs' accounts were not as they should be became known to the officials of-the company Monday and the Work of checking up his books was begun. Mr. Stubbs admitted he waa short In his accounts when confronted with, the charge, but stated that he hoped to make good the shortage. When he failed to make good yesterday the warrant for his arrest waa issued. ' Mr. Stubbs has lived almost all his life In Council Bluffs and has a large Circle Of friends who are much grieved over his trouble. He Is married and has a family of six children. He has been with the Cltl sens' Gas and Electric company for the last two years and a half. Manager English of the Cltliens' company laat evening stated he had little to say about the case beyond that the defalcation became apparent Monday and the checking so far of the accounts show a shortage of close upon $2,000. At the request of Mr. Btubbs no action was taken until yesterday as Mr. Btubbs had hoped to secure the money from his friends to make good the shortage, but as he failed to do this tig? Information had to be filed, the bonding company demanding such action. . The gaa company Is fully protected, Mr. Bfubbs being bonded by the American Bonding company of Baltimore. Mr. Btubbs' bond was fixed at 12,000, but he waa unable ,to furnish It and at 10 o'clock last sight he was taken to the county jalL DOCTORS HAVE TWO DAYS' SESSION Meeting; to Be Held at tho Casino at Lake Maaawa. The Medical Society of the Missouri Val ley will hold Its eighteenth annual meeting in thla city today and Friday. The ses sions will be held. In the Casino at Lake Manawa and the Grand hotel will be head quarters of the society during the meeting. Morning and afternoon sessions will be held each dayand thla evening the visit ing medtca will be .the guests of the local members at a smoker at Lake lkianAwa. This Is the program arranged for the two Sessions today: J. M. Mahew, .Lincoln, . Neb. Discussion on Diabetes. A. C. Btokes, Omaha Functional ' Diag nosis of Kidney Dlaeaaea. J. W. Kime, Fort Dodge. Ia. Discussion on Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Herman E. Pearse, Kansas City. Mo. Carelessness In the t'se of tne Curette L. A. Todd, Bt. Joseph, Mo Practical Facts About Hernia. W. O. Brldgea. Omaha Four Cases of Es sential Aneima and Their Differentiation. Frank P. Norbury, Jacksonville. . ill Bodily Weight as a Factor In Prognosis In Nervous and Mental Dlseaaes. John Punton. Kanaas City, Mo Modern NeuratlienlH. and ita Treatment. A. P. Condon. Omaha Mume Observations on Carcinoma of the Large Intestine. Fenton B. Turck, Chicago Atony of the Colon and Rectum with Auoclated. Patho logical Condition; the MecUauluai Treat ment. B. W. Slpp. Chicago Booto Gastrointes tinal IHsonlers. , Daniel Morton. . St. Joseph. Mo. Trest- ment ot rauenis attcr intra-Abdomlnal Operations. Harold Glfford, Omaha Clinical Impor tance of the Dlplo-baclllus of Morax-Oxcn-feld. J. P. -Lord, Omahar-The Prevention of Deformity. Farmer Takes Rangh oa Rata. N. Petersen, a farmer living near Cres cent Pit v. Is hovef-lna- hetween life 'aur death, sa the result of drinking a cuncuc- tioa ot -Tougn on rats Monday night. He was reported yesterday to be still alive but with little hODe for his mwrm Petersen, It appears, drank to excess while In Council Bluffs Monday, and on returning home waa unable to put up the i team, thla having to be done by hla wife. I who accompanied him. When Mrs. Peter sen returned to the bouse after putting up the team her husband told h ,,.. he had done and soon after lapsed Into an- consciousness, a physician wag at once summoned and remedies administered. Petersen Is the father of a large family. Fettle Chase After rtoraethleves. Deputy Bherlff Woolman of this city and Deputy Bherlff F.dwards of Mills county spent all yesterday on horseback In pur suit of two men who stols two horses from parties living near Glenwood and who are Suspected also of stealing a buggy from Henry Oreen of Lewis township and a set of harness from Samuel Vinton ofvHlnton Station. The supposed thieves were sighted near the Iowa Behoof for the Deaf early yesterday morning and the two deputy sheriffs started In purault on horseback. After a chase lasting the entire day the two officers were compelled to return to this city without landing their quarry. Marriage Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. Nicholas Miller, Council Bluffs 21 Amanda Miller, Council Bluffs tl Hubert S. Hancock, Eagle Orove. la M Anna Nelson, Pottawattamie county, La. .2 Thonjas Nelson. Council Bluffs SO Ida Olava HUI, Council Bluffs M Homer Bolton, Carson. Ia IS Mabel C. Swlnderman, Taylor, Ia IB Ortin OMer, Macedonia, la 22 Elsie Mercer, Macedonia, la 21 Christian H. Henrlckson, Omaha 47 Ida L. Lindquist, Omaha ....32 William Pitts. Omaha 4 May Brumall, Omaha 82 W. C. T. t. Convention. MARBHALLTOWN, Ia., Aug. 23. Bpe clal Telegram.) The annual convention of the fourteenth district of Iowa, Women's Christian Temperance union, comprising the counties of Marshall, Tama, Hardin and Grundy, opened this morning. A large number of white ribboners are In attend ance and an Interesting program was given. The morning session was largely given up to a reception and organisation and In the evening the principal work was a discussion on "What shall be the next step In the abolition of the drink traffic and. the to bacco habit?" in which representatives of the churches, schools, press and others par ticipated. The present officers of the district are: President, Mrs. Lora A. Bennett, Mas shalltown; vice president, Ms. A. C. Ctipps, Albion; corresponding secretary. Miss 'Phoebe B. Ratey, Blvlns Grove; re cording secretary, Mrs. Carrie E. Frederick, Marshalltown; treasurer, Mrs. Lou Rogers, Union. The convention will last through tomor row and be brought to a close Thursday night. Storm mt Corning;. CORNING. Ia., Aug. 3 -(dpeclil.V-Dur. Injf the electrical storm that passed over this city last night Fred Ktelnhorst, living In the north part of town, had his house struck by the lightning and totally de stroyed. Mr. Stelnhorst and his wife were sleeping downstairs vrtvn the bolt stru-k near the eave on the northwest corner. He says he did not hear the bolt, but was noti fied by. his two sons," wh j wets sleeping In the barn. Mr. and Mrs. Stelnhorst had a narrow escape, as ther only had time enough to get out. Thero was nothing saved In the house. His loss Is about 12,600, partly covered by Insuranco. The bam stands about 200 feet from he house and had the wind been In the right direction It would have been consumed r.lso. Mr. Steln horst says he feels the loss Caency, but was thankful that he escaped alive. Odd Fellows Hold Picnic. , TABOR, la., Aug. 23. (Special. A large delegation from here attended the first an nual picnic of the Mills county Independent Order of Odd Fellows association at Mr.l vern today. There was a parade In the morning, followed by a basket dinner at the fair grounds. In the afternoon a number of addresses were given, after which the members of the different lodges Indulged in a base ball game. There are nine lodges. Tabor, Henderson, Malvern, Silver City, Pacific Junction, Stra tum, Glenwood, Hillsdale and Hastings, be sides two encampments and two Rebekah lodges. In the organization. Each sent large delegations. Harry Cheney of Glenwood Is president, Wl. C. McCllntock of Tabor secre tary and B. F. Dunnagan of Hillsdale treas urer. Farmers to Meet Telephone Men. WOODBINE, la.. Aug. 13. (Special.) John A. Berry, 8. V. Dale, J. M. Kennedy, B. A. Kellar and W. E. Elbert, the commit tee appointed by the mass meeting of far mers Interested In the reduction of tele phone rates, which was held at Logan re cently, were In conference yesterday with. the officials of the Woodbine Telephone company. . The situation, was fully dis cussed, but the telephone company refused to reduce the present rates. A meeting will be held at the Logan courthouse to receive this report and transact further business on Saturday, September I, at 2 p. m. ' Bankers Reserve Ptenle. CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., Aug. 23.-(Spectal Telegram.) The Fraternal Bankers' Re serve held Its first state plcnlo here today. I. OM being present. Special trains came from Marshalltown, Muscatine, Iowa City and other points, 100 cities being repre sented. There were speeches, music and a basket dinner at Beaver park. Score of the women's ball game: Cedar Rapids, 17; Marshalltown, 3. The permanent officer for the state picnic Is William Apple of Musca tine, president. Muscatine gets the picnic next year. ' Vagrants Have Trousers. LOGAN. Ia.. Aug. 28 (Special. ) Two new Inmates of the Harrison county Jail at Logan are Charles Breman and William Wayne, who are accused of vagrancy and being suspicions characters. They were ar rested In Missouri Valley and taken before Justice A. a. Dole, who sent them to the Logan Jail, as they were unable to furnish their I2U0 bonds. When found they were In possession of an extraordinary number of men's trousers and gold rings. Adams County Fair. CORNING. Ia.. Aug. .-.flpcUI.)-The twenty-second annual exhibition of the Adams eounty fair opens August !S and will run Including the tlst. Some of the best horses In the county will go on tho truck, including several from Ott-imwa and fud Oak. This county has he best crops It has had for years and will make a good show ing A the fair. Chorea Struck hy Lightning. SIDNET. Ia., Aug. 23. (Special ) The Methodlsr Episcopal church at Thurman waa struck by lightning Monday night amt damaged to the of K'.OuO. A great many window lights nenr '.he churcU was broken by the effect of the ho-k. Suit Against Assessor. CEDAR RAPIDS, la.. Aug. 21-(8peclal Telegram. )-The county auditor has brought suit agalnat the deputy city assessor for tOOO damages for failure to return the tax assessment, due two weeks ago. ItlsISs VK'SLOiV'S sconra smup Hii it sua rsTMHau . . TWO ARRAIGNED FOR MURDER fan AocDBtd of Killing Friti West brook to Hate Hearing September 7. MAN WITH HEAVY INSURANCE DROWNS Companies Will Be Called on to Pay Three Handred Thoosand Dollars on Aretast of Aeeldent. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 M01NE8. Ia., Aug. 23 (Special Telegram.) At the srrslgnment of Albert Latham and William Denberger this after noon, charged with the murder of Frill Weatbrook, the men plead not guilty, and tXe date of their preliminary trial was set fof September 7. Hits Life Insurance Companies. Ben F. Elbert, a prominent Iowa, capitalist. met death in a small river south of Dcs Moines today, while driving. His team ran away and Jumped off the brldire Into the stream. Elbert was drowned before assist ance reached him. He carried Ufa Insur ance aggregating more than 1300,000. Pioneer Hotel Man Dead. Word reached this ' city today of the death In Cable. Mont., of J. C. Savery, the pioneer hotel men of this city and the builder of the Savery hotel. Death was due to an attack of b,eart failure. The body wilt be brought tf this city and the funeral. It Is expected, will be held here Friday. He waa one of the most prominent' buslnesa men of this city at one time. Secretary Haley Dead. F. E. Haley, secretary of the Iowa Traveling Men's association, died at To ronto, Canada, this morning at 8:15 from hemorrhage. He was also secretary of the state assoclstlon of the Chthollo order of Knights of Columbus. Iowa Popnllsts Meet. A meeting ot Iowa populist has been called for next Tuesday in tills city, at which time it Is announced Hon. Thomas E. Watson of Georgia will be present. The meeting will be held In Trades and Labor assembly ball, the call waa Issued today by J. B. Norman, state chairman. Mosentlne Coanty Loses. The population ot Muscatine county as announced by the census department Is I7.SU. and five years ago It was 28,242. The population of the city of Muscatine Is 14,827 and five years ago was 14,073. Fifteen Pass Examination. It was announced at the pharmacy com mission office that fifteen of the laat class had successfully passed the examination for certificates. This Is an Increase over the former proportion. Heretofore there has been complaint that the commission made the examinations too hard, theso who passed successfully are Jesse V. Bur key of Casey, W. H. Csrmody, Jr., of Val ley Junction. Homer D. Junkin of Musca tine, Don Roy King of Cain, A. W. Mclsaac. of Fonda, Arthur W. Rice of Des Moines, Louis von Steenburg- of Albla, I,. A. Speng ler of Ackley, G. 8. Vnderkofler of Ban croft, Allan F. Beck of Fort Dodge, W. Tl. Beard. Jr., of DeWltt. Csroll J. Barragy of Rockwell, Joseph Ray Campbell of Des MolneST Dey W. MlddlesWarth of Mount Ayr and John Schaetale of Dubuque. Corn Passes Drouth. According to the weekly, cj-op report for the atate the corn crop IS fast all danger from drouth; Director Bage reports that the moisture in the ground Is sufficient even if tho weather should be unusually dry for the rest of the year and that with ordinarily good conditions the crop will bo unusually targe. Bnslness Closes One. Day. Secretary John C. Simpson of the State fair has succeeded In inducing the postal authorities to' give the mall carriers a half holiday on Des Moines dny at the State fair next week. Merchants of the city have also agreed to close up their places of busi ness during the afternoon to make the day a success. Operator Takes Lone Sleep. MARBHALLTOWN, Ia.,' Aug. 23.-For over seven weeks W. F. Burke, aged 32, of Mason City has been asleep, not walking at any time to recognise any of the friends about him. Burke Is a telegrsph operator. Although he is said tp be in good health and sleeping a natural sleep he is slowly ap proaching what seems almost certain death. Bin- Crowd of Emenralonlats. MARSHALLTOWN. Ia.. Aug. 2S.-(Spe-elal Telegram. VThe annual excuralon from Centerville, Albla and Oskaloosa to this city brought fully 2,0g0 people here today. DEATH RECORD. Prof. W. C. Catherwood. BLAIR. Neb., Aug. 23.-(SpecIal.)-Prof. W. C. Catherwood, aged 81 years, died at his residence In this city at an early hour this morning. He was superintendent of teh Blair city schools In 1878 and 1879. He waa born In County Down, Ireland, In 1824, and came to this country while a boy, acquiring his educ-atlua by his own personal efforts. William Robinson. PAPILLION. Neb., Aug. 23. (Speclal.)- Wllllam Robinson died this evening at f o'clock. He was an old settler and a member of Nebraska lodge. No. L A. F. and A. M. of Omaha. Joseph H. Royer. WOODBINE, Ia., Aug. 23.-(Speclal.)-Joseph H. Royer, treasurer of Harrison county In 1891-7, who died recently In an Omaha hospital, waa brought home for burial yesterday. Clara Tucker. MISSOURI VALLEY, la., Aug. 23.-(8pe clal.) Clara Tucker,, who died here of chronic heart disease, aged 23 years, was burled today In the Harris Grove cemetery. HYMENEAL - MIller-JeaTrles. Mr. Fred H. Miller and Miss Lillian M. Jeffries, both, of Omaha, were united In marriage at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at 819 South Nineteenth street, tho cere mony being performed by Rev. Walter H. Reynolds of the Castellar Preabyterlan church. , After a short trip Mr. and Mrs. Miller will reside at Missouri Valley, Ia. Denton.Wllke. Rufus H. Denton came to Omaha from Danbrldge, Tenn.. Tuesday to marry Miss Hattle L WUke of Omaha. After the mar rlage the young couple started for Ban Francisco, where they are to make their future home. Mlas WUke is the daughter of August WUke. contractor, residing at W34 Hamilton street. Wester berg-Nelson. Andrew P. Westerberg and Miss Emma C. Nelson, both of Omaha, were married by Rev. Mr. LI nd berg and at once started for Rock Island. 111., where they will live In future. range Avteatore. In auto led to painful accident, but Buck- lens Arnica, Salvs quickly healed all wounda 2S cents; guaranteed. Far sals by Sherman A McCoaaoll Drug Co. Foroetoao Uasi Heerte. BrFFALO. J. T. Aug 23 At today'i ealuu of tus Americas Wider of e'ereewrs convention Supreme Chief Rsnger Kelly read his report, showing lnrres.-s in grand and state courts Ohio and Oregon were the only states to show a marked loss In membership. Eatnblishment of a ami It a rlum In Colorsdo for members sfflletcd with pulmonary diseases waa recommended by the chief ranger. The report of Supreme Secretary McMurtrv showed an Increase of lJ.iSS in membership during the last twn yars. The present membership of the or der Is 23r.23. The present convention will cost S.n.uM, leaving a deficit ot t'.uOO In the treasury. OUTRAGES START IN CHINA Revival of Fanatical Antnaonlam to Christiana Is Reported from l'nnan Province. VAXCOfVER, B. C Aug. M.-Word Is received by the empress at China of an outrage In Tunan province, showing the revival of fanatical antagonism to Christ ian colonization. , Official advices reaching Peking, state that a mob of 1,000 Buddhist Lamas, by a preconcerted arrangement to drive the Christians out of their province, attacked the various French Roninn Catholic estab lishments on the coast of 8awaho, wrecking one church and killing many prelsts, the number being stated at between eighteen and twenty-three, with others wounded. The French minister at Peking has made strong protests to the Chinese minister, demanding effective punishment. Polish Strike Decreases. WARSAW, Russian Poland, Aug. 23. The strike In the factories Is ifecreaslng. The wholesale arrests which have been made here, Include members of the Polish so cialist party, several persons have been conveyed to the fortress of Modlln because the Jails set apart for political offenders are full. Execution Is Delnyed. OTTAWA, Ont.. Aug. 23. Charles King, the American who was to be hanged at Edmonton on September 1. has been granted a reprieve until September SO. The Inao guratlon of Alberta's new governor Is to take place on Se ptember 1 and the govern ment postponed the hanging on that ac count. Minister Kaaaell Received. CARACAS, Venezuela, Aug. 21. (Delayed by Government Censorship.) William A. Russell, the new American minister, today presented' his credentials to President Castro, by whom he was cordially received. Destroyer is Floated. TOKIO, Au(f. 23. The Japanese refloated the Russian torpedo boat destroyer Vllni at Port Arthur yesterday. Sadden Attack of Djaentery Cared. A prominent lady of Brooklyn, N. writes to Inquire where she can obtain Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. She says: "While stopping at a ranch In South Dakota I was taken 111 of what seemed to be cholera. They gave me some of this medicine and It cured me. I brought a bottle home and have Just used the laat of It today. Mother was taken sud denly 111 of dysentry and It helped her Im mediately." Fa mlly Drowns with Boat. MAY8VILLE. Kv.. Aue. .-Vw reached here today of the probable drown ing of a man named Gates and his wife and five children in the river between Maysville and Dover, dates left here In a shanty boat for the south, and tied up for the night at a point below Rlplev on the Kentucky side. The rising river caused the hoat to break loose and float to mid. stream. A tow boat coming up with empties struck the shanty boat, demolishing It. and the whole family drowned, being asleep when the accident occurred. Negro Murderer Killed. 8 ELM A. Ala.. Aug. 23. Oliver Lott. a negro laborer at tho lumber mill of O. Talley In Tunnel Springs, during a quarrel with John and Harry Helton over a dent, opened fire on them, killing John Helton and seriously wounding Harry Helton. Lott then tied and barricaded himself in a house. A posse of citizens under the leadership of G. Talley, attempted to arrest him. They surrounded the house, but IxHt refused to surrender and opened Are on the crowd. Talley was mortally wounded and died a few hours later. The posse then fired on the negro In the house and his body was afterwards found riddled with bullets. CHARACTER That every ingredient must be of choicest selection, and the brewing, fermenting, aging and so on faultless, is told in the taste F5M1 : ii s '!imvWM"lll!!i "'Wl""'', But there's something else: an inde scribable element that gives to Wiener its striking individuality. In a word, it is Character. There's a most satisfying, grateful flavor that is always a distinct Blatz quality. ' VAL BLATZ BREWING CO.. MILWAUKEE Omaha Branch IJI2 Doudas Always " " 1 "' 111 ai iin mi nn ii mi ,111111,, i ,.i,ia,iuii jfS ffiWisisl 'Grand Amy I EWpartgreTrain to leisver The Special Official Headquarters Train, carrying the Department Commander, his Staff and Comrades for Denver, leaves Lincoln September 4th at 5:55 p. m. with immediate connections witji the Burlington's train No. 3 from Omaha at 4:10 p. m.', connection is made with this train from all princh pal cities of Nebraska.' Obtain from the nearest Burlington Agent a copy of the Grand Army Official Train leaflet containing the schedule as arranged by Department Commander John Lett with rates, description of equipment and other necessary information. Through Tourist Sleepers and Chair Cars will leave Omaha at 4:10 p. ra. Sep tember 4th, joining the Official Headquarters Train at Lincoln. Tickets, bertha and all details, ' J. B. REYNOLDS, nmnmk immimw,. mwnw im GIRL LURES LOVER TO JAIL Domestic, Under Pre tens of Co-Operation, Catches Wan Who Gets Brother's Caih. SUITOR HELD ON CHARGE OF FORGERY Arrused ot Prorarlng Money at Bunk hy Signing Nam of Another Man Denies the Onllt. Miss Rose Hoffman and George Edwards did not get married and live In happiness forever and one day, as the lovers in tho story book did. It was not because Edwards did not press his suit with seal; forsooth, he missed his meals for weeks at a time, tossed for nights on his sleepless couch and wrote the girl every day. Mlas Hoffman patron ized the malls to some extent and Cupid did his best But the love of brother Intervened. As the matter now stands Edwards occu pies a cell at the city Jail with a charge of forgery against his name, while Miss Hoffman Is pursuing the even tenor of her way as a domestic In one of Omaha's prominent families and declares, at the youthful age ot 17, she will travel alone for sonis years to come. If not for aye. The arreest of Edwards was the result of a little coup on the part of Miss Hoffman, who played the role of female detective and lured the man into the trap that was sprung Tuesday evening, when Edwarda reluctantly came to Omaha froru Council Bluffs On the understanding Miss Hoffman would pack her trunk instanter and go with IilV to Chicago., where Hymen was In waiting to officiate at the prospective nup tials. As soon as Edwards landed In Omaha a detective took him hand and he was placed under arrest. Edwards Is charged with forging the name of A. R. Hoffman, a brother of Miss Hoffman, to a check calling for 150 and which was passed by Edwards at the City Savings bank. It Is alleged. Girl Tells Her Story. The stop- as told by Miss Hoffman Is that she met Edwards two months ago at the Victoria hotel, where the man fell desper ately In love with her. The girl's brother left the city, leaving In charge of his sister his deposit book, showing he had WJ) at the City Savings hank. Edwards made a proposal to Miss Hoffman that she secure the consent of her brother to lend him a few hundred dollars to start In business with, saying the money would soon be repaid. Mlsr Hoffman wrote her brother and re ceived an unfavorable reply, which letter, the prosecution -lalms, Edwards got hold of and thus learned tho signature of Hoffman, which enabled him to get SW) from the bank. In addition to this sum. Miss Hoffman gave the man 114. The next scene shows Edwards maklhg for ocher parts, with Miss Hoffman thinking it all over. Then Miss Hoffman got her wits about her and kept track of Edward by corre spondence, leading him to believe she came Into possession of the balance of her brother's accounts. Edwards wass arrested at Marengo, 111., but before the Omaha authorities could get , to him escaped in some manner. Ho then went to Chicago, from which point he wrote the woman a large bundle of burning effusions. Chief of c Detectives Dunn has the billets-doux in his office wrapped in asbestos. Few Choice Honey anckles. Extracts from the letters read: "I Just got up after a horrible night. I am worrying my life away for you, as I have come to the conclusion you do not love me." Ona letter, marked "special," contains these words: ''Love Is love, divine, sweet gnd pleasant; lost love Is everlasting misery." One letter was written at S a. m. and signed "Your Loving and Broken hearted Boy." When Edwards arrived at Council Bluffs Tuesday he telephoned Miss Hoffman. The young woman went to the Bluffs, met the Street Tel. fOSI the) Same ueoa ViA a 4i A a svpm at City Passenger Agent, 1502 n stwjsais-iw wsisaiM,mstwaii mm mil iswissjasaaiiaaasaMssssa j mum Ln BEER man snd learned he had but CO cents. She showed .him a "flash" roll of currency, which consisted of one bill wrapped In geniously around a bueeh of which had the effect, she states, of Inducing Edwards to come to Omaha, much against his will. Edwards was arraigned In police court Wednesday morning, ploadej not guilty and ans placed tinder a bond of fl.OCO for his appearnnce In police court next Mon day morning, when he will have his pre liminary bearing. The prisoner says he Is quite innocent, did hot get the money from the bank, msde love to Miss Hoffman In honorable fashion and fully expected to marry her. Edwards worked for the Stall Art rtimpany, Patterson block, when In Omaha. All Well. The least thing wrong with your bowels, m.ikes you sick. Dr. King's New Life Pills may you all well. 2S cents. For sale by Sherman A McConnelll Drug Co. Jail Breaker Caught. 8T. PAl'L. Aug. 23 George E, Ouatr, leader of a Jail delivery at Bloux City, la., August 4, by which etght desperate prison ers escaped, was brought to St. Paul from Bismarck. N. P., and lorked up In Jail here today. He will be taken back to Sioux City at once. Why Ruin Your Hands. Spoil Your Clothes, and Temper WHEN YOU CAN GET "20th Century Soap 95 THE CLEANING MARVEL It does twice the work in half the time. Silk sofa pillows, rugs, ear pets, woodwork and furniture of all kinds, enamel, lace cur tains, the most delicate fabrics all are cleaned in a wonderful way without injury by "20tit Century Soap." , Leaves your hands soft, smooth, white and velvety. nousewires, insist on getting "20th Century Soap." It will relieve you of a world of work and trouble. for Sals by Ail Good Dealers-lOi Absolutely Pur. No Ly. HOFFHEINER. SOAP CO. CHICAGO. Every Woman u iuieretHa mna anoaia w litioui in wonaerru MARVEL hiriiaq &pry ttonamii .Suction. mi .Mis-nota. nfsis nmm - Mi ll ( or.aatoDt. 1. ""VI liknarSranUISira. If h cannot aupply the StKIRb, a4Mpt no Oibftr. hut lend itanip for llliiwraird l-tU. It tint full uarttcuUr and .Urwfinns In. valuable In lail'M. M4SISI. ., mm ak mom oi., naif i r.nn. For Bale ry SHERMAN McCONNKlX DRtld CO., Cur. 16th and Dodgs 8tn.. Omaha. MNANDWQM. Dm Bit O'eTSssaikrat ttlwaarc.a.laSsBiBaattvM, Irritations at ef anion BMahranaa. PainlaM. asd sat aawlSj goat or aoiioaoaa. la ay f tiaifM, aral4. lot I es. or botttr al ls, circular ( ea msssl Business Boosters Try the Want AA Columns of The Bes, Fcrnam St., Omaha. in iw ( i W win V . ,tSSl UlxVl)t- Isf iws? hit. . mm -yClKtsX I mm n eJf M I. ilrWtM r7iiEMSCMatl!tC". noTi,i r"""3