Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1905, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 100.1. CRA1N AND PRODUCE MARKET Whest Btrong n Bullish Tenancy la tbs lorthwett MINNEAPOLIS TWO CENTS HIGHER Good Demand Sends Corn to Better Flgaree Oata Steady, svtth Fair Demand First New torn Reported, . . OMAHA. Aug. 23, 1306. Katns and threatening weather In the northwest caused covering by shorts In Mlnneapo la ami that market was up about if'. T J." n'u'd strength Into the market nere. Satisfaction wan expressed that Gal veston haa got Into the wheat market for September loading for Fiance anil Is bid- nR, tne market price. September closed at K)'c, December at 8:!e ami May at 85c l.ooa demand keeps strength In the corn market. Twenty-eight load were worked . I Prt t New York. September fin ished at S3r, old September at MVc, De cember at 43'4,ri44o, old December at jV0 and May at 44'&43o. Oata wert steady, with fair demand. 8ep- r J,or1 25Vo5c. December at 2Sc and Ma v at 2ke Liverpool closed unchanged to d lower . we ana to Higher, Berlin closed d lower on wheat ,JGmtrylTr,",i,J of wh,,t t1y were B31.000 buahels and shipments 616,( bush els. againat recelpte of 8J4.0H) buehela laat year and ahlpments of 188,ono buahela Corn -'m'P'l were '13"ni bushels and ahlpments JoO.noO buahela, against recelpta of 81. m0 buahela last year and ahlpmenta of 627.OO0 uni!i. LimnniTj were Kiij.tou bushels of wheat, 332.000 buahela of corn, iil.Ouu bushels of oata and 28.0OO barrel of rinor Effective September 1, freights at and eaat of Buffalo will be advanced equal to He a bushel on corn. This, with the stead ily advancing ocean frelgnts, will operate pmiipi win mjniri ousiueas. The bull Interests In corn are preparing to care for all that Is delivered to them next month by chartering lakin and ocean room. An Increased business lxi heavy 10 tanning it-rn rates 10 advance, Export sales of corn yesterday . OoO bushels for direct shipment from Chi cago. The seaboard. Hold SvO.OOu bushels and reported a firm market for spot de- . Lawrence, Kan., reported the arrival there of a wnsron load of new corn yes- irj".'1ay' H'8 Inrge and well matured. This la the first new mm nmnrt.! mn On the wheat altuatlon l)ennls of Chlrago wired the George A. Adams drain company a follows: "We have leen trading In Sep tember wheat seven months now. or elnco February 6. and it ha mn, rrnm oc 78c up to Pic. flown to 83o, back to One and down to TUfcc. There la still a large scat tered long Interest In It and In less than anomer weeK we will be In the midst of the regular September wheat liquidation. ThetB millions of long September held must be sold outright, or sold and Decem ber and May bought Instead. This will tend to give up a dragging market and In tensify any weakness coming from the tart next week of the spring wheat move ment. The export business reported ia nui an aggravation as yet, and far from the real thing. Nothing In my opinion will correct the altuatlon but a basis tha auniu 01 neavy export Bates. Omaha Cash Kales. WHEAT Nn hmt-A 1 XT- - - - ........ - ' , itfTjv, a- j. m hard. 1 car, ;.c; 4 cars, 76c; No. 4 hard, 1 CORN No. 8, 1 car, 49c OATS No. 8 white, 1 car, 24c; No. 1 mixed, Zlc. Omnha cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 76T("80c; No. 8 hard i&67rc; No. 4 hard. 73u74o: No 3 nrtnr 7c CORN No 2. 50c- Nln iB.V.c. M I IQi. no grade, 43-a48c; No. 2 yellow, 60c'; No. 3 ;-mnr, ouv, jlo. i wnite, ouc. wo. a white, wi.. OATS-No. 2 mixed. 24c; No. S mixed 234c: No. 4 mixed Kin: K'n a vhita 'ni Nli 3.wh,te' 241e: No- white, 23V4c;'tand- Carlot Recelpta. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago ..... Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha Duluth St. Louis ... 63 801 .244 .128 . 34 . 7 . 61 77 "79 Minneapolis Grata Market. - 8tineriOr dliatalinn, tnr- UlnnMRAlU "very. Tha range of prlcea as reported by the Fdwarda-Wood company, 110-111 Board vi itu uuuuinc, was: . Artlcla. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat II II Sept... 831T S5H 83i 85H 83 Dec... Si", way 82, 82i S2 82B May...h6H'7il 86 Hb b& Sb Minneapolis Receipts Wheat, 63 cars corn, 231 cars; oats, 12 cars. WEATHER IN THE Gil AIM BELT, snowers and Cooler for Tonight- Cooler Thursday. DMATtA A 1 1 17 T itmr The weather remains generally clear west or the MlHsourl river. Thunderstorms are reported In eastern South Dakota this morning, and light showers were scattered over ina .Mississippi and Ohio valleys tfur ing the last twentv-foor hnura Temperaturea are allghtly lower along the Mississippi river, but generally warmer weather prevails elsewhere east of the Rocky mountains. The outlook Is favor able for thunderstorms In the centrsl val leys lonignt,. loliowed cool weather. Omaha record of temneratura and nrectn, Hatloti compared with the corresponding u7 vi um isi, iarce ears: ... . lis. 1904. 190. 1901 Minimum temperature.... 71 68 71 ' 63 rrecipiiauon .s 00 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, 72 de- Uieea. Deficiency In precipitation since March L incnea. I lehciency corresponding period in 1904, .io incnea. Deficiency corresponding period in 1901, mi incnea. OMAHA DISTRICT AVERAGES. Temp Rain. Statlona. Max. Mln. Inches. Sky. Ashland, Neb...., 8 69 .00 Auburn, Neb 89 67 . 00 Columbus, Neb... 81 64 .00 Fairhurv, Neb 9.1 69 .00 Fairmont. Neb... ) 66 .00 Gr. Island, Neb.. 92 73 .00 Ilartlngton. Neb. 87 64 T Oakdale, Neb 92 6S .00 Omaha, Neb 89 71 .00 Tekamah, Neb... 90 64 .00 Carroll, la 90 66 . Clarlnda. Ia 88 65 . 00 Plbley, Ia 88 62 .00 Plux Cltv, la.... 88 M .00 Storm Lake. la . So 64 .00 Cloudy Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy ciouay Cloudy Foggy Cloudy Cloudy Foggy Cloudy Clear Foggy Cloudy Cloudy DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp - Rata. Central Stations. Max. Mln. Incnea. Chicago. Ill ,29 Columbus, 0 17 pea Molnea. Ia... 14 Indianapollo, ,Ind, 11., Kansua City. Mo. 17 Louisville, Ky.. 19 Minneapolis 23 Omaha, Neb 16 Et. Louts. Mo.... 11 K! 60 .01 88 66 .( B4 64 .02 M 6 . W 70 .10 90 6H .bl M M .12 90 66 .00 82 64 .40 L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. St. I.onla General Market. ST. LOriS, Aug 2S.-rWHEAT-Htgher MSiflMtSc; September, 7Vir78ic; Decemberl ihc; in o. il nana, Hi . CORN strong: No. t cash. Sc; track 'l". Septeinlier, 6ic; December, 41.VUo. tAi Futures nrm; raan lower; j. cash, So; track, 2tV; September, ibu lecember. 2Uv No. 2 white. 2!n2irt4c. Fl. H'H Steady; red w inter patenta. $420 int:,. film rancy ana atraigni, j.ui4.13 clear. 13 OfitiS 50. SKUD-i imothy, ateady, l?6tji.7S; prime limner. f'UHN MEAL Steadv: 12.60. HRAN Fair demand; sacked, east track, t"'ll''!. HAY-Steady; timothy. KWrKU-OO: prairie, IHuN COTTON TIES. 99c, lvAGGINO 8Vc. . . HK.MI TWINE 6V.C. I'ROVISIONa Pork, steady: lobbing f'-IS. ljird. higher; prime steam, 7 ."). salt meats, ateady; boxed, exti-a anori 75; clear rlba, 8: abort clesre. l2o Ii.ii on. ateidv; boxed, extra' short, SO.H rlba 7R. i'OL'LTrt Y gulet; chlckena, c: aprlng's, lU'TTER Steady; creamery, 16S22C oatry, ltLji;c. EWGS Hlaber. le'AC. case count Receipts Shipments. Fiour, bbls 17.COI "heit. bu fil.iOl ".o 'rn. bu 8i .0 I'jis, bu 28.UUO W.OuO Peoria Market. IJ. Aug 23 CORN Firm P1X1RIA nd active. No. S yellow, bc; No. 1. 64c; 4 63c: no arade FL'ttGiW'. OATS Srong; No- I while, tac; No. 4 wt-ne. 2f.',tja6.1c. WHI8KY-4JU ne basis jpf $1.25 for fin ished gooda. Dalutk Grata Market. tCLl'TH. Aug 23. WH EAT Old. No. I ttitUu, i.oi U arrrr fc uorthorn. Sc: No. I northern. MV: Peptember. old. c; September, new. aosc: December, AT8 On track, to arrive, September, .e. HICAf.O (RAM AMI rROVIIO Feat area of the Tradlag aad Closing Prlcea on Hoard ot Trade. CHICAGO. Auk Z! Posslblllt lea of Inter. ference by rain wuh harvesting was the Indirect cause of a firm market for wheat here. A sharp upturn at Minneapolis was Immediately resoonslhle fur s net ain of V'Jc ln the September option. Pep- .lemoer corn nnisneci ,c up. Hats are a shade higher. Provisions netted gains of V to K'Vio. r.arly fnnlan advices favored the bull side of the wheat market, although later cables quoted prices lower. Traders were aeemlngiy In a waiting mood and business was light. September opened a shmle higher to a ahnde lower at fi-.c to s"&.c ami under a slight selling pressure went off to enSU'SiVtc. Offerings were of nn In different character and prices readily re sponded to an advance In the nrt liwestern mariiets. Mlnenpolls and South Dakota re ported rain with indications of a contin uance of ahowery conditions. Millers were Bald to have bought quantities of Septem ber wheat against sales of flour for future delivery. Iviral shorts became apprehen sive and their efforts to cover meeting with restricted offerings sent prices upward. September advanced to Rlc. Profit taking brought about a recession from the high point. The close was steady with Sep tember at So'ic Clearances of wheat und flour were equal to 2K2.0O0 bu. Primary re ceipts were tWI.imi) bu., against s24.m bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported rereiDts of 1!8 cars, against 2rtj cars last week and 12 cars a year ago. A good demand for export held corn rices steady at a small advance. Cash ouses were on the selling aide of the market and commission houses readily ab sorbed offerings. High temperatures In Kansas also exerted a sustaining Influence, Inducing some covering by shorts. Septem ber started to up at 63c and rxrent for an early dip of 627c showed a steady im provement. The close was at me man tilnt for the day with September at 63-SiC. Local receipts were 3ul cars with 140 curs of contract grade. Oats were dull and trading was inclined to drag. The strength In wheat saved prices from suffering a loss and eventually caused a shade of Improvement. Accep tances were liberal. September opened un changed to a shade lower at 25c to Jfcc and cloaed steady at 3iW-'-'c. Local re celpta were 182 i'ar, Provisions nnvancetl wife? irtrg' --ir. chasea by pacTet'sTrn.TTrif ".'.ping account. The market lor live hogs was snarpiy higher with September pork closing 12'c up at $14.60. Lard Is 7feul0c higher at ll KWdn.vb. Ribs made a gain of 12Vxc at K95. . . Estimated receipts tor tomorrow: vt ncm. 9 cars; corn, 453 cars; cuts, 220 cars; hogs, 18 0o0 bead. The leading futures rangen as rouows: Articles. I Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y.. Wheat Sept. Dec. May sou-a. 81 so' mvo " 82Ml 82-s 85 85'x 82l 82',, ': U-. Corn ISept. iSept. tDec. iDec. May U1W 45SB4 43"'i4 43Hi'4.4't(T! O.llv- Sept. Dec. May a'H ' Si 2IS 2fiVy S I 2US , 26 V' 2S'l- ?4 uiati Pork- Sept. Oct. 14 60 14 60 14 62V, 14 60 14 50 14 57 V 14 42 7 85 7 12V 8 824 8 W, 14 67Va T9B 8 02Va 8 95 14 60 14 67H! Lard- Sept. Oct. 7 87H 7 87H 8 1X I 7 95 00 8 95 9 00 7 9i 8 90 Rlbs- Sept. Oct. 8 87W 8 97 9 02V4! 8 Vi No. 2. tOld. JNew. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Easy; winter patents, J390y 4 31V atrala-hta. ll.B&Cu 4.10: spring patents, $4 45.2o; straights, 4.05'u4.75; bakers. f3.W& 8.40. . , , WHEAT No. 8. 8b(B98Ci IMO. X rea, sun ; CORN r0. Z, Mfcc; Io. & yenow, Di"irou 4c, OATS No. 2, 24V,c; No. 2 white, 27ViS28o; No. 8 white. aKVifAiyic. RYE No. 2, 56c. BARLEY Good feeding. 8737c; fair to choice malting, 42'544o. SEEDS No. 1 nax, li.trj; iso. l norxn- western, 1.18. prime timoiny, a.w. plo ver, contract grade, $12.26. ..... PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bhl.. $14 50 $14.65. lard, per 100 lbs., $7.65. Short rlba sides (loose), $8Xu8.90. Short clear sides! Receipts and shipments ot flour and grain were as louowa; Receipts. Shipments. .... S3.ST0 38.700 .. ..1W7. 31.1 ,...61,0'ii 257.3'") ....434.900 176.3f) .... T.0O0 1,000 Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu . Oats, bu .. Kve. tu ... Barley, bu 25,200 6.5X On tha Produce exchange today the but.- ter market was firm; creameries, 17ft21c; dairies, 164j'18V,c Eggs, firm at mark, cases Included, Xiira 16Vc Cheese, steady at luVa UVo. NEW YORK GENERAL. MARKET Quotations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Aug. 23 FLOUR Receipts, 27,341 bbls.; exporlti, 22,02 bbls.; sales, 15,- OuO bbls.; market Steady and more active; winter patents, 4.2j'B4.i6; winter straights, $4.u0Q4.2s; Minnesota patents, $4 9u4j5.6o; winter extras, $3.wrtj3.45; Min nesota bakera, $3.804.01); winter Tow grades, $2.RU3.40. Rye flour, steady; sales, 60u bbls.; fair to good, Vt.uca4.25; choice to fancy, $4.364.60. ' .. CORN MEAL Steady; fine white and yel low western, $1.30; course, $l.l&'ul l8; kiln dried. $3.1ixu3.20. RYE Steady; No. 2 western, 63V4c, o. L f. New York. BARLEY Dull; feeding-, 39c, c. t f. Buf falo. WHEAT Receipts, 8,000 bu-! exports, 15, 931 bu. ; spot market firm; No. 2 red, 87c, elevator: No. 2 red, 884c, to arrive, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, itlc, to arrive, f. o. b., afloat. Opening a trlllo easier, wheat at once rallied on the de cided strength of northwest markets and was generally firm all day, closing Vi Vtu net higher. Other bull Influences were light recelpta, fair clearances and a big decrease in Minneapolis stocks. May, 89', 4?90Vo, closed at 9iHc; September, 86y. 87Vc, closed at 870; December, 87TS8s),o, closed at 8So. CORN Receipts. 205.225 bu.; exports, 130, 329 bu. ; spot market barely steady; No. 2, 61c, elevator, and 61c, f. o. b., afloat ; No. 2 yellow, tlr.; No. 2 white, 61V,c. Option market was quiet all day and ateady In tone, closing net unchanged. September closed at fcSc; December, 6144C, closed ut OATS Receipts, M7.80& bu.; exports. &R5 bu.; a pot market steady; special, 26 to 3t pounds, 29'(jaV,c; natural white, 3o to 82 pounds, 3o(53lo: clipped white, 3t to 40 pounds. tv,,tj364c. J HAY Dull; slumping, 60c; good to choice, KFEED Quiet: spring bran. $18 75; August shipments, middling. -117.25T August ship ments, city. $18.(KXu 18.50. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1904. lWj2fc; 1!3, lHfi'-oc; olds, l'Vj7i2c; Pa clflo coast, 19o4. Ii24c; J9U3, 17619c; olds, 10il 1"C HIDES Quiet; Galveaton, 20 to 25 lbs., 26c; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas ldry, 25 to So lbs.. 18V PROVISIONS Heef. steady; family, $1150 A 1 2 uo - mess, 19 5ii hVOO: beef hams. $il ,,f 22 60; packet. I1O.S0V11.00-, city, extra lndl tneas. $18.001 19.u0. Cut meats, firm; pick led belllea. $S Ootfll.Oo; pickled ahoulders, $7.Axil7.6i; pickled hams, $ll '"ill 26. l.ard. firm; western steamed, $810ii83o: refined, firm: continent, 88.40; South America IK 75; compound. 8a.7r,&ti.UO. Pork, firm: family, $17 fli(il8 .00; short clear, $J4.0txjjl6.5O; nua. I12tKal2o TALLOW Steady: city, 4Vkc; country, 4V, 4Hc. RICE Quiet; domeetlc fair to extra, SWiutc: Japan, nominal. Hl'TTEH Creamory, common to extra, nwu-'iwr. POl'LTRYe-Alive, easy; western chlck ena. 18c; fowls, I3ic; turkeys. 13c; dressed, ateady; weatern chlckena, 14S14V,c; fowla, 12i12li,c; turkeya, 13tfi7c. Philadelphia Prodace Market. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. il - Ut'TTER Firm; extra western crwamvr;.', i.'o; extra nearby prlnta. 23c. . EGGS Scarce; nearby frish, loss off. 22c; nearby fresh, 21c at mark; western fresh, 2Vfl22o t mark. CHEESE; New . K;rg full crtam. fancy. HVo; .N-!w York 'u.l dam, cho.e, lo4illc; He York full creaiv, fair to good, loyloVie. Hllwaakts Grata Marks! MILWACKEE. Aug 23. -WHEAT-Firm; No 1 northern, $1.Ch4i110; No. 1 northern, kaV-P$1.0B: September. ''c bid. RYE Higher; No. 1. 6uS61c. PARLEY' Steady; No. 2, 61c; saznple, 3fcn-Vio. 1 CORN Higher; September, 53c bid. Mtaeanalla rMear Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 23-KLOUR-Flrat patenta, t5 40'fi&.&0; second Intents. $) 2d5Si: first cleara, $4uoii)4.10; aevond clears, $2.6&4j UKAN-Jn bulk. U 2S D3 B3s 63 V, 631, 63s W 46VW' 4..-, 4f.V0-' 44 I 43 Vfl'44,43','-i44 I MU7 4a NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Improred Oatlook for Fetes Csqssi Buoy ant Teeling in Financial Market. LEADING RAILWAY SHARES ARE HIGHER Qnylnar for London and Continental Aecoant Caaaea Increased Firm neaa In aloes 4. loae la Active. NEW YORK. Aug. 23-Tha Improved outlook for peace at Portsmouth was a potent factor In shaping the course of today's stock market. This same feeling was reflected In the foreign markets. The trading kept pace with the volume of the previous day, with a number of substantial Hdvances and a much wider distribution of business. Reading and the Fries were less conspicuous, their places being taken by a number of the higher grade railway and the industrial shares. Nevertheless Erie common and second preferred advanced to new higher records. Reading recovered to within a fraction of Its record price, but was latr Irregular. The I'nlted States Steel shares were ruore active and stronger tnan for some days. Pennsylvania led the active list In the early dealings, and Rnltlmore Ohio. Vnlon Pacific. Southern Pacific and St. Paul were prominent, the latter, however, losing some of Its earlier gain. There was quite a movement In the Gould group. Missouri Pacific advancing smartly, with marked gains In all the Colorado Southern Issues. In the general list t lie most noteworthv advances In cluded Ixmlsvllle Nashville, Atlantic Coast Line, Atchison, Ontario & Western, Rock T-ilnnd. Southern Railway, Smelting preferred and Sugar. The last hour was the dullest period of the dsv. Heavy realizing In the active list was largely responsible for the general declines, none of which, however, was very severe. 0eratnrs In the various pools aeemed to have expended their ammunition. and traders, as a class, were cuutious to the extent of carrying few over-night com mittments. In the last few minutes of trading there came a fresh outburst of speculation, which carried such stocks as Vnion Pacific. Missouri Pacific. Amalga mated Copper and the Steel shares to the day's best prices and drove the shorts to cover once more. London was reported to have bought a considerable amount of stocks tn this market on orders for her own account and for the continent. Local money conditions continue easy. The bulk of today's call loans were made below 2 per cent, while the rates show an active tendency, four months being offered at per cent as compared with 4 per cent on the previous dav. The financial Institutions with Important in terior correspondents are agreed that In spite of the probable increased crops the banks In tho west and southwest will this fall finance the crop movements to a greater extent than In recent years. There will nevertheless lie, heavy ' withdrawals of money now on deposit here by the banks of thoso sections. Ronds were steady. Total sales pas value, $ United States bonds wvre all unchanged on call. The quotations on thp New Tork Stock exchange ranged as follows: Siies.Hlgh.Low.Closo. Adams Etc .c4! Amal Copper 91.3n0 Am. Car & Foundry. l,8no 87", 88 86 8cS 87 101 '4 m 92 no 8V 27 17 40'4 63 37V, uo piu Am. Cotton Oil do pfd Am. Ex..-. Am. H. tb L. pfd... Am. Ice Securities. Am. Linseed Oil... do pfd Am. Locomotive .. loo ioi4 loin iuv av 80 no loo " 800 3!) 28 3Mt 28 41 H 62V, 42 11,300 64 do pfd ttlO 114U 11344 114 Am. Smelt. & Refng.. 43.0OO 131 129V, iSfisi do pfd 4.200 128 125 l?rt 144H 146S Am. Sugar Refng Am. Tobacco pfd ctf. Anaconda M. Co Atchison do pfd 13.600 146 S.nno in;?4 ioix loiu 8.RO0 118 H6V, 117, 22.000 91 v; kovJ 90.14 4.4O0 105 104 105 I. 000 nrr4 issv, 86,500 114 114 1HS 100 97 97 96 14.600 7014 694, 70 II. 3i MIV4 1604 161V, Atlantic Coast Line.. Bait. Ohio do pfd Brooklyn R. T Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Ches. Ohio 8.5C0 674 67 67V, Chicago & Alton do pfd 78 Chi. Gt. Western 11.300 22S ??vi, Chi. & N. W. 4. 400 Z'.'tv V4 222 r.'3 C. M. St. P.. exdiv 82.200 184Vt 1834 WK Chi. Term. A T'., ...... ..'... do pfd ; ;w 101 h mm 46 ' 46 C. C, C. St. L.. Colo. Fuel Iron. Colo. & Southern . 600 102 2.9i10 47 4 3"0 3.700 13.000 200. 29 28 29U do 1st pfd do 2d pfd 64 62 6314. 44 41 42 187 187H 187 10 Consolidated Gas . Corn Products do pfd ?i0 46H 1.200 224 46 Vi 221 V 46 Del. & Hudson 222 450 35 V 8tt4 4!'? 51, en! D.. L. el W Den. Rio Grande... 900 600 3Ti4 89 35' 4 ml 'ei'-j, 84 do bfd Distillers' Securities.. Erie HS.Roo do 1st pfd 5.500 do 2d pfd 10.100 52V4 854 78 vj 77H 78' General Electric 100 182V, 182V, 183 Hocking Valley Bl Illinois Central 1.400 1 78U 177V4 177 21i 80 27 4 83 29 s 68 Inter. Paper 1.400 21Vs 21 no pid Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Centrnl do pfd K. C. Southtvrn do pfd Louis, ft Nashville. Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mex. Central Minn. St. L 300 29 29 600 57-4 57 fioO 28 27 2i0 584 58 12.500 151 150 lf.'i ..... 7IO 167 IWV4 166 .... 4.2IH 84 82 83 .... 91oO 130 128 130 4,900 24 24 24 70 M.. 9m) 135 134 134 8i"0 166 ' 164 164 S9.fli 109 ins 1011 7. M0 84 3:(V4 33 6.800 7! ?i 72 1,300 44 44 44 M., St. P. & 8. S do pfd Missouri Pacific M , K. ft T do pfd National T.ead . N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. 100 89 39 S8 . . I rmmi ........ ,,rr- J.ini iiH,-, N. Y., O. W lO.SKt RS 67 Norfolk & Western.. 8..3O0 86 86 do pfd 67 86 North American .. Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas MO lOl 100 im 900 45 44 117.0IO 147V4 146 If S.400 ltt" 10$ 105' 1 P., C. c. St. L. Pressed Steel Car.... 90 46 46 do pfd 800 97 97 Pullman Palace Car Reading 64.100 119 118 do 1st pfd, exdlv.... 200 A3 93 do 2d pfd 2.K0 9.1 ,95 Republic Steel 1.700 21 21 80 46 H6 249 119 93 95 21 88 84 do pfd 2. loo 8:t 88 Rock Island Co 34.8nO 36 33 do pfd 8JJI .81 80I Rubber Cioods 400 33 34r, do pfd St. L. & 8. F. 21 pd. SV- 69 68 St. Louis 8. W 6il 27 26 do pfd 9i) 64 64 80 34 69 26 64 67 Soutliern Pacltlc 11.0s) 67 67 do pfd Southern Railway do pfd 11 110 119V. 110U 24.2tO 86 35 86 V.I Tu 4 8.iJ 37 58 137 99 123 90 52 110 Tenn. Coal & Iron.... 3.100 91 90 Texas & Pacltlc t.brt 87 36 T.. 8t. L. & W 2"0 38 88 do nd 2"0 59 58. Union Pacific 86,500 137 13S do pfd U. S. Ex U. S. Realty U. 8. Rubber do pfd V. 8. Steel do of 1 Vn -Carolina Chem. do pfd Wabash do pfd Wells-Fa reo Ex 600 99 fe 9o0 53 100 110 '53' lia 77.800 87 37 84.200 1' 1"4 1'iC wi 53, m 6"0 106 lm ISO 23 21 lo-. '2 t40 170 93 18 81 61 211 2.700 44 43 Westlnghouse Elec... n 171 171 Western Union 2" 94 93 W. & L. E 2"0 18 ls Wis. Central 4.900 33 81 do pfd 24o0 61 60 Northern Pacific 40 213 211 Central Leather 7o0 43 42 41 do pfd 6"0 105 lf4 VK BloHS-Siieffleld MO 90 n 90 Total sales for the day. 1.1C3.400 shares. London (loslasT Slocks. LONDON, Aug. 23. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were as follows: Cunsola. snoDty do sreouut . . . ... iS N. T Csntrsl 1J B9 11-lC Norfolk A W MSi ... 1 dn ptd m ... t'4 Ontario W ...107 ronsTlsala Anaconda Atobiaoa do pfd Billlmors A Ohio. Ctnadlsa Fsifto .. Cl. A Ohio Clitiaso O W C , al. A It. P .. IBera Denr A R. O do. pfd rts do 1st Pfd do 2d pfd Illinois astral ... U'unvilla a N... 117 Hand Mlusa 14'. S HaadlDf 41 4S4 do 1st pfd 4 2! I do id pfd it 114 Southern Rjr 14 IT 1 do pfd ln H Bout barn Psclto ... t It I'ntoa Pscllo 1 c4' do ptd luo lit, V. S. Btaal t1 ia ptd lbs UJH Wabash 1H 14V. do pfd 4, , Mo , Kid. a T .. 1H Spsulrh 4s lis. HiLVER Bar. steady, id per "ounce.! The rate of discount In the open market for ahort bllla la l'fel per cent and for three months bills is lVu'1 per cent Treasary Statement. WASHINGTON. Aug. 23.-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the sen. 4(al fuud exclusive vf Urn 16o,uu0,jyo gold reserve shows: Available cash balance, tilt. 799.710: gold coin and bullion, $M..4V.; gold certificates, H3.55,so. New Yertt IMJonef Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 23 -MoNET-On call steady, 1Ji2 per cent; closing bid. 1; offered at 2. Time loans steady and dull; slxtv and ninety days, 3i)3 per cent; six months, 4. PRIME MERCANTILE TAPER 41i4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGEwOteady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.6 for demand and at $4 8475 for sixty-day bills; posted rates. $4.8,1 and $4 87; com mercial bills, $4.84 5ILVER-Har, blc; Mexican dollars, 46.'. K Xp8 Government and railroad steady. Closing quotations on bonds were as fol lows: f 8. ref Is. res ...IN Jursn Is 1 series... 9 do coupon ie 4a rert ", 1M do 4 14 aeries... 9 IV 9. 8a. rag. do coupon . . . 1 '!', u A N unl. 4a.... 104 tr. 9. new 4s, reg. IS Manhattan r fold 1" do rouron. lid Meilran Central 4s.. Tl V. B. old 4a. re. livtH do 1st ino 34 104H Vlnn A St L. 4s .. 7' do cotipoa Amer. Tob. 4s, cert.. If"4 Sto. K. A T. 4a. ...lm do s cert lit dn la 11 Alrhtenn an. 41 104 V R. R. of M. c. 4a t4 dn ad N. Y. Central g 3,s vj Atlantic Coast L. 4s. 1U J Ontrsl s 6.l:M- B. 0 4s. l'WVi Ho. racltlo 4s loj', dn 141 Centrsl nt Os. ta. do 1st Ino f-H dn ts T7, 114V Norfolk W r. a 101 l ore 8. L. rfd. 4s.. 7 7 Penn eonr. Jits 1" do Id Inc. rtifi. c onto 4va rieaiin, gen. 4s in Chlrafo A A. ', .. St. L. A I. at. C ts.117 C. B. A Q n 4a ...401 St. U A 8 F. f, 4a. m4 C , R I. A P. 4a.. 114 St. L. 8. W. c. 4s . J an roi. s iHi seatMisrd Air u 4a. " CrC. A St. L. g. 4s 104 Bn. ParlOc 4a fn'J tllrago Ter. 4s H do 1st 4a cart 7 Colo. Ind. la set A.. 7.1H 80. Railway 6 1U ao aet b 71 Te. st pacific Is .121 Coin. Mid 4s ....... 15 Tol , St. U A W. 4s. St Colo. A Southsrn 4s. 4 ,l olon Parlllc 4s 1 Cuba 5a cert 10s 1 do. conr. ts 13fi V. A R. O 4s 101 H V. 8. Steel 2d (S... 7H Dlatlllera' 8c, S . . . t:i4 W'shaah la ll"i, Erie prior lien 4s...lo; do deb. B 75 do sen. 4a I4 Weatern Mrl 4a MS Pt. W. A D. C. la. 116 :W. t, E. 4s CUt Ho. kins Vsller 4Vi..Ul Wis. Central 4s.... 5 Japan 4a cert llJl onered. Doston Storks and Bonds. BOSTON. Aug. 23 Call loans. 2v,j2Vt ncr cent; time lojtns, 3fi4 per cent. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds were us follows: Atchison sdl. 4a . ... 97 Adventure 4 . AUouei S4 lo 4s Meilrsn Csntrsl 4s.. "4 a.. 1 Amalgamated S7 Atchison .... s"s, Amr. zinc 10 ....1044 Atlantic Hi do pfd Boston A Albsnr 15 lungham 81 Boston Mains 17T Calumet A Heels. 070 Unstno Elevated 154 Centennial Fltrhburg pfd 14T Copper Ksnge .. Mcilcan Csntrsl J4 Paly West N. Y., N. H. A H.W7 enomlrlon Coal 27 10 14 78 14 7 H H 3 2 Union Psctflo .137 Franklin Am'o Arse. Chem... U Oranbr do pfd S5 l.ia Horsle ... Amer. pneu. Tuba .. ?H Mua Mining . Amer. Sugar 145 Michigan do pfd 140 Mohawk Amer. Tel. A Tel. ...141 Montsna C. A Amer. woolen JS Old Dominion ao pra 104 Osceola Horn. 1. A S 32 Parrot 101 24 Edison Elec. A ill.. !8 Qulliry ...... General Electric ..113 Shannon A.. ..107 ' ..122 .. 8 .. 37 .. 33", .. 10 .. 4li .. 4 .. 12 .. 12 Mars. Electric, . lfi Tamarack do pfd ... Maait. Oas .. I'nlted Kruit . 63 Trinity . 40 't'nlted Copper .110 V. 8. Mining.. In lied Shoe Mach.. 14 t'. a. till,. do ptd 321 t'Ub t'. S. Steel r7'Vlrtorla . do pfd 1051 Wlnons ... Weatlnghouse com... to Wolverln Asked. Keanr York Mining Mocks. WPW vim r k .. o 1 ...(... . . . . . Ana. o. vnmiu iu.i, iiuiio vn luiiiog siocae were an ioiiuwb: Adams Con 25 A I lea 64 Little Chief. Ontario Ophlr Pnnrnll Potosl tsvagn lerrs Nevada bmsll Hopes .. atatidsrd ....too ....410 .... 1 .... 4 .... 60 .... 30 .... So ....130 Bresee 40 Rrunawlrlt f'nn 1 A f omstock Tunnel .... T Ccn. Csl & Va 110 Horn Silver 17R Iron Silver 340 Lesdvllls Cob t Foreign Financial. LONDON, Aug. 23. Money today was plentiful arid cheap. Further dividend pay ments offset the calls on the Brazilian loan. Discounts were steady. The stock exchange was mare cheerful and a more hopeful view was taken of the peace negotiations. Yesterday's losses were recovered and some weak accounts were eliminated by yester day's selling which was well absorbed. The tone was llrm in all sections. Consols and Japanese securities were especially good. Americans were irregular at the opening, but under the smart lead of Philadelphia & Reading and New York, Lake & Western a general Improvement developed and prices were well over parity, hardening further In the afternoon rn Wall street support. The market closed firm. Foreign securities Were steady on betfpr Paris Bupport. Japa nese and Russians recovered yesterday's declines. Japanese imperial Cs of 1004 were quoted at 103. PARIS, Aug. 23. The bourse today was firm throughout tinder the Influence ot more favorable peace news. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 6H.10 and Russian bonds of 14 at 506.00. BERLIN, Aug. 23. Hesitation on the bourse at Its opening today was replaced by firmness and activity batted on Informa tion from London that holies of a satisfac tory result of the peace conference were entertained there. Dank Clearings. OMAHA, Aug. 23 Bank clearings for to day were $l,266.3o0.82, and for the corre sponding day last year l,OU8,3u8.49. Wool Market. BOSTON. Aug. 23.-WOOL Market firm: the noticeable strength of the market has been found In half bloods, territory and Montana. Fine territories and territory staples continue strong, but are selling slowly on account of the scarcity of de sirable grades. There Is no great activity In pulled wools. Foreign grades are in ready call. Leading quotations follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania, XX and above, 87'38c; X. 84tf36e; No. 1. 40(a41c; No. 2, 4bfJ 42c; fine unwashed, 2Sf29c: unmerchantable, 30g32c; quarter blood unwashed, 34'ii3fjc; three-eighths' blood, 34tj;i6e; unwashed Ie laine, 30t31c; Michigan, fine unwashed. 27 'u 2Sc: quarter blood unwashed. 33?VJta; three eighths blood. SS33c; unwashed. 26290. Kentucky Indiana, etc., three-eights and quarter blood, SfrWITe. Territory. Idaho, fine, 22240; heavy fine, l!wfl'21c; fine medium, 2S24c; medium, 26fr27e; low medium, 26' 27c; Wyoming, fine, rgc; heavy flno, 19i20c; fine medium, 23ti2a; medium. 2iVti'27c; low medium, 204i27c; I'tah and Nevada, fine, lSffc; heay fine. 19'u20c; fine medium. 2.V8 24c: medium, 26-ff27c: Dakota, fine. 22'g" 23c; fine medium. 221i23c; medium, 2rVff27c; low medium, )'d27c; Montana, fine choice, iVfi'27e: fine average. 24fh26c: fine niedium choice, 2Va27c; average, 242ic; staple, 2bjf 30c: medium choice. 2Sfi3nc. 8T. LOIM9, Aug. 23. WOOL Steady ; me dium grades comhlng and clothing. 29t31c; light fine. 2Ktj2Cc; heavy fine, 18322c; tub washed, 82fi42c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 23.-MP.TA f.S-The London tin market was strong, with spot closing at 152 and futures at 151 10s. Locally the market responded o the ad vance abroad and closed strong at J3 .lay 83. 60 for spot. Copper also wa very firm In both markets, closing at 70 15s for spot and 70 s Sd for futures In the London mar ket. Locallv lake and electrolytic are quoted at $16.0816.26 and casting at li.62H'fl 16.87H. Lead was quiet at tl.Ool.7) In the New York market and rlsi remelned un changed In London, where snot closed nt 14. Spelter closed at 2417srd In London, but was easier locally at .VG3'5t.i for snot. Iron was steady to firm abroad, with Glas gow closing at 60s 6d nd Mid Ilesbor ough, at 47s 4"d. locally the market Is leported In a firm position. No 1 foundry northern Is quoted at 816 2T.817.0f): No. 1 foundry northern. SlS.TtVU 16.60; No. 1 foundry south ern. 115 76(16.75; No. t foundry southern, l!5 fWjjl6.25. ST. IOriR. Aug. 23.-MnTAIf4-I.e3j. steady, 84.6254.56. Spelter, quiet, 85.67',. Oils and ltoaln. NEW YORK, Aug. 23. OILS Cottonseed, atead 'me cn"'e. ne"tln'il: orime vel- vw, 2930c. Petroleum, steady; refine 1 Ne' xolK, v-.-'U: inuitueipnm ami uaiwniore, 8636; In bulk. 83 96. Turpentine, unsettled, ti.'Viic naked. SAVANNAH. Aug. 23. OIL Turpentine, firm, 61c. ROSIN-rirm; A. B, C. 83 SO; D. 83 40; F., $3.s: F. 83 95; O, 8410; H. 84 16; I. 14 :0: K. 84 26: M. 84. 4t); N. 84. SO; WO, $4 90: WW, $.'. 25. TOUCH' Aug. 23. Oil North Lima, 8oc; South Unia and Indiana, Ho. OIL CITY. Aug. 23 OILS Credit bal ances. 81 27; certincatea. no bid; ahlpmenta. rT.V bbla.; average. 81.HD0 bbls.; runs. fi 726 bbls.; average. 66.143 hbla. Shipments Lima. "l.24 bbls.; average. 56 16 bbls.; runs Lima, 73.131 bbls.; average, 4a2V5 bbls. taarar aad Molasses, NEW YORK. Aug. 23-eUOAR-Raw. steady; fair refining, S4c; centrifugal, 96 test, 4c; mrdasaea sugar. 8'c. Refined, ateady; cruahad, s.ojc; powdereJ, 6.40c; gran ulated. t.Soc. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 23.-SrOAR-Qulet: open kettle, centrifugal. 441ett44:e; centrifugal whites. 4 16-106 l-16c; yellows, jjHfcc; aeeonda, ttSc. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 3 26o; centrifugal, &tjltc. BYRL'P Nominal. 30c. Liverpool- Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 23. WH EAT pot, market nominal; futures, steady: Sepi.m ber. 6s6id: December, 6a 7d. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed. 4s UHd. Futures, quiet; September. 4a9d; Dtcttiiber, tsSd; January, new, U8y,a. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Satire Steen Strong', with Cos and feecle Higher, HOGS SELL AT AN ADVANCE OF A DIME Receipts of Sheep anil Lambs Light, with Market In Splendid Shape and I'rlcea Folly Steady with Feeders Higher. SOfTH OMAHA. Aug. 23, tW. Receipts were: Cattie. Horb. Sheep. Official Mond.iv 6.740 4.11 10 Official Tuesd;tv 7.M7 6.772 9 7.S Official Wednesday 4.SJ C.0i 6.3 0 Three days this week..T777 ln,$M 342.'3 Three days Inst week 17.9m? 24.M2 ltu-M Same week before 12 . 16.724 13. IM Same three weeks ago. .I'VO.'fi 14.434 in. 274 Same four weeks ago. ...11.6) K.2-'i J.M Same days Inst year ... 3.439 23.8T.S 32.393 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and Bheep at South Omnha for the year to date, comparing with last year: 15. 1 Inc. Cattle 6.i2.?Tl 621. 1 Sl.'"8 Hogs 1.646 924 1.6.KI.773 69 1'3 Sheep 47.9U B04.134 148. T7i The following table shows the average price of hogs nt South Omnha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. 1 1906. 11904. 1IS08.1102.1901.I1OO.I139B. Aug. 1., 8 KS! 6 12' 6 02 8 601 6 75m b 6 M 6 14U,I 6 9S, I W 6 H!'7',' 8 61'al 6 --, I 93 4 99! 4 S2I 4 931 6 061 e oof B.07l 6 10 5 OS' 5 011 4 87 4 81 4 94' 5 Oil 6 021 4 9X' 4 99! 5 101 5 12 a 5 or 5 08' 4 7 1 411 74 6 CW0 6 761 6 79, a i 6 84 6 8nl ac 6 di m 5 721 .74j 5 74 I 71 6 771 6 77 6 83! I 5 89 5 81V 6 7! 5 OH 6 SI i 6 161 4 19 6 18 4 26 6 16 4 SI t 101 43 4 46 8 041 fill 6 kfii 4 87 6 04' 4 31 6 ) 4 28 4 ti 4 29 I 4 35 4 961 4 971 4 41 4 97! 4 44 4 91 4 31 5 001 4 36 4 96 1 4 47 I 4 60 5 OS' 6 0? 4 12 4 42 3 fi'.l 4 97l 4 41 Aug. Aug. ug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 2.. 3.. 4.. 6 . 4 9l " 5 021 7 39 6 041 7 3 e iv? " 3.1 .. 7.. 8.. 9.. E 03! 7 27 i 6 Hi 6 17i I 7 15; B in I 5 231 7 04! 6 20! 6 71 5 16 6 Nil 6 211 6 73! 6 26! 6 .! 6 671 6 -A I 5 17! 6 671 6 11 6 72! 5 151 6 7l 5 23' 6 M5 30 6 871 I 6 98' Aug. Aug. Aug. 10.. Aug. 11. Aug Yi. . Aug. 13.. Aug. 14.. Aug. 1R.. Aug. 16.. Aug. 17., Aug. IS., Aug. 19. Aug. 20. Aug. 21., Aug. 22., Aug. 23. 6 8HI J 6 84 I B 83 Indicates Sunday. The oftlclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'ses c. M. & st. p Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific 7 Crl m Purine 4.1 C. & N. W., east 2 1 1 3 .. 2 27 5 5 1 23 8 1 4 15 12 6 1 .. 3 1 1 3 87 20 13 C. N. W west 66 C, St. P.. M. O-... 3 C, B. Q.. west...... 66 C, H. I. & T.. east C, R. I. & P.. west.. .. Illinois Central Great Western 2 Total receipts 192 The disposition of the day's receipts was ns follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Omaha Packing Co... Swift and Company . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep 748 6r6 4"9 3X ...1,131 ...1.367 ... 934 92 ... 6M ... l'.S ... 67 ... Ml ... 212 ... 130 .. 1"2 ... 48 ... 48 60 1.504 1.4:2 2.1 1 Hi Cudaliy Packing Co.. Armour ,v Co Swift & Co., country. Carey & Benton 6 Lohmnn A R Mccreary Carey .. W. I. Stephen Hill A Son Huston & Co H. F. Hamilton L. F. Husz Mike HagKerty Sol Degan Leighton Co J. H. Bulla Krey Packing Co R. ei S Other buyers 119 127 215 6'.7 6,036 Totals .6.815 6,919 7.119 CATTLE There was only a moderate supply of cattle here today, about 191 loads being on sale. The receipts were about as heavy as last Wednesday and show a gain of about 123 cars over the same day last year. The general quality of the cattle was good. There was a fair run of native steers here, but the big end of the -receipts con sisted of westerns. In spile of the heavy runs of the last two days the market held up In good shape. Buyers were out early and were after supplies. There was a good Inquiry for cattle from all sources and there was considerable activity to the trade. On some of the poorer grades of western stuff buyers were a little bearish and were asking concessions, flood to choice westerns, however, ruled generully Bteady and they were picked up readily. Choice natives were In good demand and prices ruled stronger and In some cases an advance of a dime was noted, there being a ton at 8570. The cow and heifer trade had a better tone than any day this week and the she stuff was In better demand. There were very few corn feds on sale, western cattle making up almost the entire receipts. Choice cows were strong to a dime higher generally, but the poorer grades were only steady. Good bulla were about steady with yes terday's prices, as were veal calves and BtllKS. Stoekers and feeders were In very good demand and activity was the principal feature of the trade. Everyone seemed to have orders nnd with the good inquiry prlcea tended upward. On tho good, heavy cattle prices were fully a dime higher, whllo the light stuff and common grades were fully steady. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. N'5. AV t-T. Ho. AT. Pf. 1 90 4 00 41 1197 t 00 1 815 4 25 611 1210 6 OS 16 fii 4 40 tl 1167 ( 10 6 UiM 4 40 34 1211 6 II 16 173 4 50 19 1424 6 40 2 llt4 4 90 to 1:" 6 40 3:. 1209 4 90 31 12:15 6 46 21 1267 4 96 19 1444 6 70 COWS. 6 f-2 1 M 1 1220 I 4 11 t"4 I 10 tl 1074 2 55 4 967 t 20 4 1206 1 u0 it 151 I 35 HEIFERS. T 161 t 25 2 sso 2 56 t M I 1 910 J 66 BULLS 1 1550 1 15 1 1510 I 7$ 1 1490 t 25 1 H60 8 00 CALVES. 1 140 6 60 STOCKEKS AND FEEDERS 11 937 S 2.-. 8.... 1U30 i M NEBRASKA. 2 feeders.. 2 feeders.. 10 cowb 2 cows 3 cows 2 cows 1 heifer... 1 heifer... 12 feeders.. 3 heifers. . 2 cows. . ., . (SO 3 06 8 feeders. 4 COWB. 1 cow 1 cow 1 cow 9 cowb 2 calves.. . 8.58 . 942 .lm . 810 . I') . 813 . 400 t 20 2 55 2 35 2 85 2 25 1 75 6 26 8 28 4 26 1 60 2 90 3 00 2 50 8 00 1 60 I 60 1 86 7) 824 9-10 943 M5 870 640 9i9 806 l't5 8 10 2 20 2 60 2 50 1 86 2 25 2 26 3 20 2 4o 2 00 i 1 2 calves. . . 1 calf 13 cows 6 feeders., 5 feeders.. 1 feeder... 0 IV) 843 890 474 1 heifer 810 10 feeders.. 934 3 10 11 cows.. 8sti 2 45 2 25 2 35 3 25 2 35 2 40 910 1 cow 8 cows.... 22 feeders, 35 cows ... 47 cows.... .1120 .1UH3 . . 9-3 . 654 2 feeders.. 140 1 heifer... 540 22 cows, 16 cows, 9ft7 831 MONTANA. 4 10 1 feeder. 66 steers... .1168 13 steers . .. 11 j 8 feeders.. Iu23 ..1120 4 10 8 65 4 10 21 feeders.. 5 55 IDAHO. 2 70 66 cows 3 70 35 steers..., 990 61) cows... 70 Steers., 895 870 2 70 13 .10i.ll SOl'TH DAKOTA. 89 steers.. 104 steers. 1140 3 40 .116 . M. 8 60 WESTERNS. Cary & Bros. Wyo. 39 cows.. 2 cows.. ..Ull 2 80 77 cows lnJ7 2 26 2 bulls 1340 t 88 2 25 2 28 .. 8:t6 F. E. Severe Idaho. 4 cows. 13 cows. .. 995 2 80 6 cow s 990 2 60 R. R Greenland Neh. 9 cows., 24 cows., ..1040 2 40 17 feeders.. 7SJ Dan Kelly Neb. .. 872 2 50 2 cows 1066 2 10 2 25 4 00 8 60 Delmer & GUfoll Neb. 151 feeders 11 4 (J 1 feeder... 1060 1 feeder... ll') J 60 43 feeders.. 1166 M. O'Brien-Neb. 26 cows 828 2 50 J. B. Stanfleld Idaho. 46 cows 931 6 cows 875 2 steers.... 975 2 15 81 feeders, .lorrf 1 gs 2 25 113 cows.... 934 2 65 2 6u 8 P. Detainer Neb. 23 feeders.. Ici5 14 cow a tv9 8 30 8 steers. ...1131 8 40 2 45 L. L. Butler-Idaho. 10 feeders. heifers.. 910 3 4o 9 cows 1041 t 70 65 2 on Youst Bros Mont. 18 cows 641 2 70 9 corn s 944 2 80 James Ware Neb. 26 feeders.. 1064 8 65 I f eders. .I'jM 100 R. Llsco Neb. 17 cows 878 t S6 cows --Ji 1 80 1 calf 20 4 25 1 cow mo ft V. J. Sturgeon Neb. 4 feeders.. 790 4(6 38 feeders.. 1218 4 06 1 feeder... 124") 4 ' 6 Cows 97o 2 60 1 stag 1430 2 l) 1 cow 9x7 I 00 L. Hover Neb. 21 feeders.. 1092 3 66 WYOMING. 27 steers.. ..llfO 8 7u 2 sltis....l065 I 70 I H flobertson -Wyo ..114 S S" 1 steer. 11 s'ecrs 6 Co w s . . VT.n 4 ft E H. Arnjstrong Wyo, 16 steers 4 Steers. 1'v. 8 M 3 steers' ...1310 8 50 11"2 J I 3 10 lriakell-Wyn. 5 6 steers.. ..1115 S 31 2 steers.. i steers. . 1J- 1475 O. W. Onrsp-Wyo. IS feeders i2 rows . . . 59 steers . M. lis 1"2J 3 70 15 cow s . 2 70 a steers. 3 2o lfi stc.-i s 71 '. ! .1191 i 10 8 20 3 20 1017 J. Walnhaugh, Nebraska 32 foedei...lfUS 1 fVi IS cows ir.17 2 40 2 cows I cows. . . . 12 cov; a. . . W. 63 cows 97j 2 iH . McNaltgal. Nebraska. 10-3 2 60 5 cows 90 7!6 1 ;C. 4 f.-eders. . h-S F. Lncsteloli, Nebraska. cil 2 fin 2 60 3 30 N. 1 steer. 2 stags E. Forbes, South Iakota. 24 steers. ...1139 ..J 320 3 46 ...l 2 78 t 40 F. Lmble. South 1'nkota. 8 steers. ...U6.ri 3 20 2A feeders. . .40 3 SO 3 feed. i s. .1140 3 00 lions There was a light run here for it Wednesday, only about eightv-one loads being on rale. With the moderate re ceipts and encouraging reports from the east conditions favored the selling Inter ests and as a result the market was active and higher prices prevailed. The market Opened cajdy and the hogs were cleaned up In good season. A good shipping de mand gave considerable life to the trade. Opening bids and sales were made at nrU-es fullv ofilifc higher than yesterday's best time and the bulk of Oie hogs sold at this advance. Rough heavy park ing grades were In poor demand and were alow sale, although prices ruled a little higher than yesterday. The bulk of the bogs sold at 859ii6.t. with tops reaching 86.10, year, ha 41 J 46.... t 14 4 61 4'l 71 70 ti fl 15 65 61.... 0.... 74 40 16 59. . . . Tl.'..., S 43 146... 6! ... t... 6: 40 68 73.... tl.... to (4.... 4S.... 5 ... the highest price paid bo tar pus Representative sales: 8 k. 14 a As. ...?M ..114 ..1T0 .144 ..!! ..lit ...ll .. ..170 . . ..tti ...2t"l ...!7 ...Sit ...177 ..74 .. .214 . . l' ...ln ...71 .. IS1 ,..;.n ...J70 .. 213 ...;s6 ...82 ...245 ...S0 ...J.'9 ...179 .. .293 ...274 . . 2SI 10 to 40 6 0 4. 73. 73. 14., Tt.. 73.. 61. It.. S2 IS . t t4. 79. It. 73., 43. 14. 63 79. . 70. 79.. 71. 10 14. 66. 70. 77. li. 91. 7. 94. SO. 90 73. 70. HI 231 132 I.ll 211 I 92 t HO 0 I S1S4 10 120 to 140 I 9S 6 9!4 t 92S I 91 t 921, I 96 I 96 6 96 t 96 6 96 6 95 I 96 I 96 I M t 9t t ti 6 96 6 i i 95 6 f5 6 93 6 97H 6 7i, 6 97 6 97 t 974 I 6 S7V, 4 ro t 00 t 00 I 00 I 00 t "5 t 06 I 10 to 6 K5 6 W 6 5 6 13 6 6 6 W I M t M I 16 6 15 6 6 I 87 6 m t 7W 6 on so an 90 too its 62 10 110 19 320 24t lis) 201 40 2;i :o 227 140 222 ill 221 2-'0 H0 218 215 255 20 214 241 19S 225 :m nt 249 ..Sit 1 11 204 2i 2"1 211 199 ! ito 40 '40 nn ito 80 180 20.1 ao 110 120 160 0 12U 5 0 6 Sm I 90 6 til 90 6 NO 6 90 6 90 90 6 90 I 90 I 90 I 90 6 90 6 90 6 9A 6 90 I 90 40 40 90 300 tl 40 40 40 120 120 !0 6 SHEEP- There were onr twenty cars of sheep here today. not enough tO meet the requirements of the trade Buyers wanted supplies and ns a result the market was fairly active. The most of the sheep were killers and the quality was fairly good. The market opened early and the stuff was picked up In good season. On fat sheep and lambs puckers were paying fully stendv prices, while feeder buyers paid 10c above yesterday's prices. What feeders there were In the barn were picked up quickly at the advance. Feeder buyers I have been waiting to till their orders for I the last ten duvs, but receipts have con sisted mostly of killers nnd they have had little chance to do any business. To rlay they pushed the killers some, taking oq stufT of the killer class. Vui.iaiiunn ,n in' iu-ri mm mm,,.-. ,.-, to choice lambs, K50'ii7.00; good to choice yearling wethers. $5 154jfV6"; good to choice old wethers, 85.0CiT5.1u; good to choice ewes, $4,604(4.86. Vuotntlons on feeder sheep Bnd lambs: Good feeding lambs, 85.75fGil.26: good feeding yearlings, 84 751(5.00; good feeding wethers, $4.25'a4.7"; feeding ewes, $3.5O54.00; breeding ewes, ,4.20'r(4.75. No. 1"0 Montana ewe feederf 2V, Montana ewe feeders.... 979 Montana ewes 221 Wyoming ewes 1 Wyoming ewe 240 Wyoming ev es 1.366 Wyoming ewe feeders.. 307 Colorado wethers 46 Wyoming ewes .. 3';4 Wyoming ewes 7... 308 Wyoming wethers Av. ... 83 ... 83 ... 92 ...106 ... 90 ... 95 ... 89 ... 03 ... 1'3 ... 116 ... 91 Pr. $ 75 3 75 4 26 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 'i5 4 75 4 76 4 75 6 3u CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Ten to Fifteen Cents Higher Hogs Five to Ten Cents Higher, CHICAGO, Aug. 23. CATTLE Receipts, 12.000 head; market lofrlac higher; good to prime ateera, 5.8V(f6.3i); poor to medium. fi.wnyu .t; eioi-Kcrs ana I'-cnera, e.; ,Kgvj3; cows, uaumi.w; neiiers, iz.zotio.'v; canners, 81.60(42.40; bulls. $2.25ft4.00; calves, 83.00ffj7.0n; Texas fed Bteers, 83.olyg4.50; western steers, 83 oiie 00. HOGS Receipts, 15.0"0 head; estimated for tomorrow, 30,000 head; market 6'9Kic higher; mixed and butchers. 85.7fyii6 35; good to choice heavy, $6 10ff6 35; rough heavy, $3.7.VtH5.0; light, 86.90Qti.40; bulk of sales, 85.9'.(56.80, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18,000 head; market steady; Inmbs, strong: good to choice wethers, $5.S6'gn.50; fair to choice mixed, $4.5Oft5.0O; western sheep, $4. 75fjjV40; western lambs, $ti.U7.40; native lambs, $5.50-rj7.60. New York Live Stork Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 23. BEEVES Re ceipts. 1,75:) head; market for good steers nrm to juc nigtier; nieruqm and common Blow, but about steady: hnlnenn bulla nn.l modi im and common cows, dull to 10c lower; lat bulls, firm ; good cows, steadv; native steers, $3.70i(5.i;5; oxen and stags, $.1.15ti4.6: bulls. $:i2o4.iO; cows. $1.4oi(3.70; cables quoted live cattle firmer at liV(jll'e at Liverpool, and HVjfrlCc, dressed weight, at London. Exports were 2,70 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 2.414 head; veals opened steady: closod easier; grassers and buttermilks, steady; westerns, slow; veals, 85 5iS'l.60; throw-outs $4.0nfu&.0f; grassers and buttermilks, $n.0nti3.75; .westerns, $4.0iva 4.40; dressed calves, steady; Cltv dressed veals. 94il2Vi: per pound: country dressed. SfrUV- HOGS Receipts, 4.769 head; market, eas ier; good medium state hogs, 86.6). SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.281 head; sheep market firm and good sheep higher; lambs, 25c higher and active; sheep, $3.5otfi5 0"; culls, $2.iKa3.25; lambs, 7.fS.u5; culls, $o.0ui6.25. Kansas City l.'re Stork Market. KAN8AS CITY. Mo., Aug. 23. CATTLE Recelpta, 12.MK) head, Including 2.000 south erns; market on corn fed steers 15c higher, others 5i-15c higher: choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.20(105 66: fair to good, $4 0i"&6.15: western steers. $3 4iVyi 40- Block ers and feeders. $2 5iKi(o.45; southern steers, 82 65ij4.15; southern cows. $1 aS OO; native cows, SI.7tVft4.Oo; native heifers, $2.5oJ3.00; bulls. I2.15'i3 So; calves, $2 50fi5.50. HOGS Receipts 6,000 head; market tVfjlOc higher; close easy; top, 86.25; bulk of sales. S60;,j6 25; heavy. 86 'Ken 6 10; packers 8fi"6?i6 2o; pig" and light. I6.OM46 25. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Kccelpts. 5 0O0 head: market on sheep, steady; lambs liie lower' native lambs, 85.75fic7.25; westerns Sr. 75-5(7 26: fed ewes and yearlings, S4 2.V(i 6 65; western yearlings, S5.26&5.65; western sheen. St.SOfflG.lO; stoekers and feeders 83. 506 4. 50. St. T.onls Live Stork Market. PT LOCIP. Aug. 13 CATTLE Receipts, I.OiO head. Including 2.2HO head Texana; mnr- net nigner; native shipping and export Bteera, S4.75fif3 40; dressed beef and ht tchi r Bteers, 84 (ai'dS.25; steers under l.'mo Ihs., S3 i'0 tr 4 15; stoekers and feeders. $7.i'Xfi4 00; cows and heifers. 2.0Ti 3.15; canners. $1.072 10 bulls. $2.2Ti'riSOO; cnlvs, Wli7.r0; Texas and Indian steers. $25o'g3.65; cows anl heifers. fl.5"u3.00. HOGS Receipts, 8.600 hetd' market Btendy; pigs and lights, 10ff!.:J; strkcrs. Sii.0fyii4.30; butchers and best hrr.vy, Stilus 6.35. SHEEP AND TAMP8- R.celpta, 2X0 head; market stendv; mtlve nun 'ens. 84 60 tifi .00; lamba, $5 iTfi7 00; culls and buck. 12.75 4j4.50; stoekers, H601j4.75; Texani, $2.60&4.75. Ctoek In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: cattle. Hogs. 6. 8. 000 S.000 8.77 6.5nO 15.0O0 Sheen S.3'4) iVioo 4 OX? 2..rst0 18.i)0 South Omaha Bloux City ... Kansas City St. Joseph ... St. Louis Chicago 4.8iO 4"0 12.(9 ) 1.846 4. Of 12,0nO Total 36,044 39.267 X.I82 Bt. Joseph live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Aug. 23 CATTLE Receipts, 1.844 head: market lil:'o higher: natlvea. 83.74jfi 80; cows and lielfera. 8150 ((4 Ml; stnckirs and feeders, $2. 7514 35. HOGS Receipts, 3. 77 head; market 54 10c higher; light. $4.06'94.22: medium and heavy. S4.(ii4.17: bulk "f aalea, S6u6i4.17. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 4.M2 head; roHrket active and steady; Idaho lambs. $7.00. ftloei City live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, la., Aug. IS.-iSpeclal Tel egram. CATTLE Receipts, 400 bead; mar ket, l'Kj higher; Btockeia, steady; lieeves, $3 75'i.iCnO; cowa. bulls and mixed. $2 2ii4'; stoekers and feed'-rs, $2.503 .au; calves and ) earlitias. ti Witt 60. HOGd-RBceiuts, 1,000 bead; market, 6c hlijher; selling at 8.V 75 ,f bulk ot Bjnlea. $5 N'aif ?:. OMAHA Wlini.KftAk.rS 3tAKtt3T. Condition nl Trade anil Qnotaftnato an Staple and Fancy rradaee. v EJOaltccripts, fair; market steady; candled stock, luc. LIVE I'Ol 1.1 H 1- Hens. 9Vc; rooster. rVftSc; ttirke)s. l.'j16c; ducks. c; spring ducita, 9c. spiiog chickens, )uHe. HI T I KK -Mai ket llrm. wtcMug stock, ltc, choice to luncy daiiy, ltsjlKc, cream ery, 2Hul!ac; prima. 2iv,c. ' St'UAU- f-tandiiid granulated. In barrelv $5 6 pei ct., rubes, 8 50 per crt.; cut loaf, pitt per cwt.; No eiro C, 86 80 per cwt ; No. ; extra C, 86.36 per cat.; No. li l!l,i. o :iu per cwt.. X. oowdere $t ! per c t. FRESH FISH-Trout. 11c; halibut. He; buflaio tdressei,:, ac, pickerel (dressed), 8c; Mute ha idreasedi. Itc: sunflsn. 0c, pervti (scaled and dressed). 8c; pike, lie; cetnsn, luc, red snapper, lcc; salmon, 11c; crappis., 12c; eels, I he, bullheads, lie; black baas, 26c, whiteflah. 11c: frog legs, per d.r, 86c; lobsters, green. 27c, boiled ;obetera. vc; thud roe, 46c; blueflsh, ae HA Y Prices quotef) liiiali Wholeaale Hay I 'Cillers' aasocfulion: Oiok-c, 81: No. 1, $6.60; No. 2, 6, coarse, 8.V These priest are for hay jf good culur and quality. BRAN Per ton. 818 XMuriCAL sTRUlT. ORANtlES-Valencia, all si ids, $5.0i5J6 50. LEMONS Llmonieia, extra fancy, . Slse, $7.00; ') and 800 sises, 87. 604 00. DATES 1'er box of Ai l-lb. pkgs., 82; Halloween, in 7u-lb. boxen per lb., (o. FIGS-Callfornla, per lO-lo. carton, 763 86c; imported Smyrna, 4-cruwn, 12c; ( crown, 12c, BANANAS Per medlum-slxed bunob, $1.78 432.26: Jumbos. 8-'.6tKn3 00 FRL'ITS AND MELONS. PEARS-Bartlett, per 60-lb. box, $2.90(3 800. I'LT'MS California, per 4-onsket crate, $1 5iVl '; gross prunes, $1.76; Hungarians, $1.75. PEACHES California freestones, per bom, $1 16; Elbertas, $1.20. CANTAl.Oi pfc.S-Texas, per crate, 8X00; Texas, Rocky Ford eeed, 82.60. WATERMELONS Alabama Sweets, 160 26o ench; crated, lo per lb. APPLES luitchess. Wealthy and Cobb rtpplns. In 4-bu. bWa.. $3.004j3.i(t; In bu, baskets, $1. VEGETABLES. WAX BEANS ir t-rt. tKaket. ISOS54 string benns, per H-bu. box, Unia". POTATOES New, per bu., BEANS Navy, per bu., $2. Cl'CI'MBERS-l'er dos . 26e. TOMATOES Home-grown, H-bll. baskets. 25y36c. CAnrtAGE Home-grown, In crates, pa lb., lo. M UNIONS Home-grown, yellow, red and white, iier bu 60c. BEE'l S- -Now, bu.. 76o. CEI.EKV-Kaiamatoo, ter dos., 26c. SWEET POTATOES Virginia, per 3-bU. bbl., $3.50. MiSCELLANEOL'Si. CHEESE Swiss, new, t6c: Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wisconsin llinberger, 16c; Twins. lHc: Young Americas, 12"o. NI.'TS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 15c; hard unells, per lb., 13c; No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., Uc Peoans, large, per lb, 12c; small, per lb., 10c. Peanuts., per lb., 7o; roasted, per lb., 8c. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12(rtiaHc. Almonds, soft shelli.. pr lb., 17o; hard shells, per lb., 16o. Shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.76; large hickory nuts, per bu . 11. Ml HIDES No. 1 green, c; No. t green, 8e: 1 No. I salted, 104jc; No. 2 salted, 9c; No 1 1 veal calf. 11c; No. 2 veal calf, 9c; dry salted, 1 7'uMc; sheep tn-ltB, 26c4j$l.u0; hcrse hides, 81 603. 00. I Kansas City tirnln set Provisions. I KANSAS CITY. Aug. 23.-WHEAT-8ep. ' tember, HfrTI'nc; December. 74HffH': May, I 77Vtr77i,c; cash, No. 1 hard. Mc: No. 2, I 7titfM'o; No. 3, 77'uS2c. No. 1 red, 80VUs2c; j No. 3, 7H'&7Se. Receipts, 200 cars. CORN September, 4K'Si'i'Vc ; December, sUc- Miv a'i4l39Vkc: cash. No. 2 mixed. fjiWfM'Hc: No 3. 6(u50H; No. 2 white, 60 runtime; No. 3, 60c. OATS No. 2 white, 267j27o; No. I mixed, 244c EGGS Stendv. Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood euscs Included, INc per dot:.; case count. 16c per do. ; cases te turned, 5c per dox. less. IU'TTEIt Steady; creamery, 19c; dairy, ltc HAT Steady; choice timothy, $7.fxt0.00; choice prnlt'le. $ii.50'ii6.75. RYE-Steady, 56c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu iW.onO Corn, bu 50-"0 si ? I Oats, bu 80,000 B.uw The range of prices paid In Kansas City as reported by the Edwards-Wood com pany, 110-111 Board of Trade building, was: Articles. I Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close ! Yes'y. Wheat Sept... Dec... May... Corn Sept... Dec. . . . May... Oats Sept... Dec... Pork Sept... Oct.... Lard Sept... Oct.... R Ins Sept... Oct.... 73P74 74 J34 J4 73i 74H 74H 7'' 74 !4 77 77! 77 7Tv,! 76 47' 48 47 48 47H 39 . S'-S 38 8SH 3ST.I 39 8S! 88 88-4 IT.'.! 25 25! 25 25 24! 240s . . 24. 24 24 14 30 14 42 14 80 14 40 14 27 14 3o 14 41 11 35 14 47 14 32 7 86 7 90 7 85 7 90 7 80 7 90 7 96 7 90 7 86 7 87 8 85 8 90 8 85 8 90 8 82 8 96 8 96 8 90 8 95 8 90 Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 23 COTTON Spot closed quiet, 2u points In advance; middling uplands. 11.25c; middling gulf, 11.50c; sales, 140 bales. , NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 21 COTTON Flrm; sales, 750 bales: ordinary. 7 15-16c; good ordinary, 9c; low middling, l')c; middling, 10c; good middling, 10 6-16c; middling fair, 11C Receipts, 701 bales; stock, 7s.8.n bales. ST. LOl'IS. Aug. 18o higher; middling, bales; shipments, 10 23 COTTON Quiet, 10c; recelpta, 150 bales; stock, 12.980 bales. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 23. COTTON 8 pot In limited demand; prices steady; Ameri can middling fair, '8 30d; good middling. 6fSd; low middling. 6 7Zd; good ordinary. The sales of the day which 3u0 bales were export, and Included Receipts, 8.000 bales. 6.64d; ordinary, 6.3M. were B.Ota) bales, of for speculation and 3.700 bales American. Including (on American. Futures opened quiet and closed very steady. Evaporated Applea and Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK. Aug. 23. EVAPORATED APPLES Spot market Is quint, but firm, with common to choice quoted at 4$J6c; prime, 7'i(7'4o; choice. 7Hc; fancy. 8e. CALIFORNIA DRIED F HI' ITS Prunes are unchanged with quotations ranging from 4c to 6e, according to grade. Anrl cotB are quiet at the moment, but holders are steady to firm In their views. Common to choice are quoted at 8'rtWc; extra choice, 8Vific; fancy. 9t'loo. Peaches are with out change with fancy the only grade avail able on spot apparently nnd quoted at llc. Raisins are quiet, hut firm: Ioobs muaratel nre quoted at 4'5i;c: seeded raisins, 6Vi 7c; Ixmdon layers. 81.00fjl.15. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Aug. a.-Corci.-ER-MarVet for futures opend Bteady. v.Mh a couple of months un'hnnged. but generally ST 1 points higher 'n 'eapino to higher Fronoti cablea and lmth-r advanci In the rate of Brailllan exchnntrt. The close was BUMdv net unchanged to 10 points lower. S.tlts were reported if 80. , bags. In ;l'id'ng : August, 7.25-: S";iti-nber, ', 2'.tfJ' Wte: De cember. 7.507 G.V; Jr'H'-v, 7.7'c: February, 7.70c; March. 7 S5fr7ic; Mny. 7 903lc. flj.'.t Rio, steady; No. 7. S-;. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, O., Aug. S3. SEED Clover, cash. $660; October, $6,37; December, $6 32; January, $6 35; August, alalke, $7.40; prime timothy, $166. Government llolldlnar bold. ST. LoriS. Aug. 23 The I'nlted Buteg government building at the Louisiana pur chase exiMisltlon. erected at a cost of (). has been sold to a wrecking company for $lo.fyo. The ateel trusses In the struc ture alone cost $lw,u00. EDWARDS-WOOD CO. (Incoroo rated) Slala Offlcei Fifth and Huberts Streete, ST. PAIL, Ml.. Dealers In Stocks, Grain. Provisions 8hlp Your Grain to Ua Branch utllre, llO-lll llonrd et Trade Bid.. Oanaha. !4eb. Telephone 8314. 212-214 Exchange Bldg., South Omaha. Bell 'phone 216. independent 'Phone 8 UINTAH CITY, UTAH Being platted on I'lntah Reservation Juat opened for settlement. J6 Invested In town lot should return Sl.tvO In Uaa Uiaa A year. Full paniculate free. I'l NT All I'llOMOTlON OO. 1W. Jeater Col'av, Bos 1