Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone 694.
Como jr
"We have taken all the suits that We have left that were bought
for this spring's selling and have marked them at the following
very special prices. for Thursday selling:
All the $12.50 Suits, bought for this spring's selling, that are left, go
at $1.96. At this price we have a large assortment.
All the $13.50 Suits, bought for this spring's selling, that are left, go
at $5.40. '
All the $15 Suits, bought for this spring's selling, that are left, go at $6.
Alt the $16.&0 Suits bought for this spring's selling, that are left, go
it $6.0.
All the $25 Suits, bought for this spring's selling, that are left, go at $10.
. All the $32 Suits, bought for this pprlng's selling, that are left, go at $13.
All the $35 Suits, bought for this spring's selling, that are left, go at $14.
All the $40 Suits, bought for this spring's selling, that are left, go at $16.
All the $45 Suits, bought for this spring s selling, that are left, go at $18.
All the $55 Suits, bought for this spring's selling, that are left, go at $22.
We have a good assortment of Brilllantlne and Panama Cloths and all
desirable colors. The sizes range from 34 to 40.
Please select with care, as we do not alter or exchange these suits when
they are sold at these very special prices.
Shirt Waists at Just Half Price.
All of our Wash Waists go on special sale Thursday morning at Just half
pi Ice. They come in a beautiful line of Lawns, Mulls, Dotted Swisses, Plain
Linen, Embroidered Linens. Every waist new and desirable and all manu
factured for this season's business. "
The sizes are mostly 38, 40, 42. We have but a few left In sizes 34 and
36. None of these waists will be exchanged, so please select with care.
Y. M. C. A. Building, Cor. 16th and Douglas.
gard to the latent stage of the peace ne
gotiation :
Btatemente have appeared In prominent
American and Kngllsh papers, which, while
eloquent, studiously moderate and well
Intended, are unhappily calculated to mis
lead the world na to the prospects of
peace and the general character of Japan's
so-called new proposal with which It Is
contended Russia can close without loss
of dignity. The regretablo mistake Into
which the representatives of those Journals
have undoubtedly fallen Is obvlousty the
result of misleading data leavened with
real but secondary facts. Thus It Is quite
true, as those papers predicted, that the
envoys of Japan came forward at today's
sitting with a proposal which was new
In form, but old In substance. It Is equally
true that that proposal lacks the two con
tentious clauses stipulating that Russia
shall surrender to Japan her disarmed war.
ships and limit her naval strength on the
Pacific and that It reduces the differences
between the two powers to the compass
of what Is In appearance a single ques
tionthe sale of Sakhalin. Seemingly
therefore, Japan has also struck her pen
through the most obnoxious clause of Rli
that which deals with Indemnity and all
that she now asks Russia to do In addition
to the terms already agreed tipon Is to
purchase the northern half of Sakhalin
for a sum of l,2no,ouo,not yen. And this
alleged simplification of terms Is supposed
to provide Russia with an acreptnble basis
for a peace treaty. At first sight the
offer may perhaps seem new to some, but
a closer examination will show It to be
In all essentials Identical with the proposal
already rejected by Russia's plenipoten
tiaries. Only a person unfamiliar with
war. In love with humanltarlnnlsm, for
eign to Russia and Incompetent to Judge
of Russia's national honor and dignity
could see In those terms the source of a
new Impulse given to the peace negotia
tions. Hut a grievous mistake was. com
mitted by those who imagined that the
Slentpotentlarles of the czar, the repre
entatlves of the Russian nation, would
take the huk for the kernel, the shadow
for the substance. A person of average
Intelligence can see what Is new In this
proposal Is the phraseology in which It Is
couched. i a 't . ,
T,he ellmlrmtlnn of the two clause stipu
lating that Ruta,''fl1snrmed warships he
handed over t Japan and Its naval strength
on the pneiflo be restricted brings no new
element Into the transaction. For thf with
drawal of these- claims, which were ob
viously put forward with the Intention of
being waived la the course of the negotia
tions. Is devoid of Importance.
It Is childish to affirm that Japan fore
goes Its claim for an Indemnity because the
new proposal does not actually mention It.
a Un,V 11 ,Anf ls ,0 Jln th' question of
Sakhalin with that of a cash payment and
to Insist upon war costs under the name of
purchase money. The transaction Is fic
titious and the terminology misleading If
what Is .proposed he In truth a purchase and
sale It should be troated as such, and there
fore should Russia decline to buv the ter
ritory Japan should keep It and conclude
peace on the basis of the concessions al
ready made. Again. If a purely business
transaction were Indeed Intended the value
of the territory ofTered would be the basis
of what the present two parties would
treat. Rut here even this essential condi
tion is not observed. The price demanded
UirJi"' ""rthern half of the Island Is 1.500.
joo.ono yen. which la the original estimate of
the war cost.
Japan having obtained all that It needed
end longed for as a nation now narrows
flown the Issue to a question of dollars and
cents, yt refuses for peace's sake to waive
More Good
Organ Selling
at the Hospe
Clearing Sale
Only eight bargains In used organs
left out of a lot of thirty.
I There are still some twenty new
organ to select from.
Think of buying a fine new, high
grade organ for $?.. on payments
of 60 cents per week.
Just see what a llule money jtftll put
la yur living room In a musical way:
One Crown organ, walnut, -foot i,
fancy case, mirror top, is
ten stops. Ji3
Whitney-Holmes organ, wal- afcOT
nut, ( feet high, 10 stops
Kimball, oalc finish, high OQ
top, ( stops P60
Detroit organ, walnut, low ClR
top, ( stupa , 4IO
Smith American, Walnut, Ol
high top, 11 stops 4a 1
Pelron Co., walnut, high
top, t stops....... .'PJO
Taylor A Farley, chapel TQ
.alae, J etops ,
Price only $170
Remember W Carry the Great
and Only
Dee. Aug. 23, 1905.
Its demand. Russia, on the contrary, has
conceded freely and fully everything It
could give consistently with Its sense of
national honor and dignity. Hence, what
to Japan ls but a matter of money ls to
Russia a point of honor. T withdraw the
cash claim ls therefore Immeasurably easier
to Japan than it would be lor Russia to
allow It.
If. therefore, the efforts of American
friends are to be crowned with success. If
the labors of the conference are not to entt
In smoke and If the effusion of blood In the
far east ls to bo terminated, It behooves
Jtinan to make a frank declaration mat it
withdraws once for all and without reserve
Its demand to have Its war costs paid in
any shape or form. Therefore, despite the
positive and emphatic declaration of the
well meaning but mistftaen journalists ni-
luded to above, peace is not, ana cannot w.
nnxureri until Jnnnn unreservedly with'
draws Its claim to have the costs of the
campaign refunded by Russia.
When shown the above statement a
competent Japanese authority declined to
make a reply. "We are not talking, he
said. "We are not fighting this battle In
the newspapers. When all Is over we will
give our side of the story to the world.
Public Opinion In Russia.
ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 23.-2 a. m.
The Associated Press has the best of rea
sons and authority for declaring again, with
increased enrphasls, that Russia will never
consent to the payment of an Indemnity to
Japan. 8uch payment would so gravely
menace the vital Interests of the state as
to make this article In the Japanese terms
utterly impossible of acceptance.
Furthermore, the Associated Press has
the aame reasons and authority for the
declaration that If Japan withdrew her In
demnity demand peace would practically
be assured, as the Russian attitude on the
other three points, Including the cession of
Sakhalin, does not preclude the possibility
of reaching satisfactory settlement on these
points. ' " '
Russia ls ready, however, to make a
reasonable and proper payment for the
maintenance of the Russian prisoners in the
hands of the Japanese. This has been the
attitude of the Foreign office since the four
points In dispute were referred to St.
Petersburg from Portsmouth, and It ls the
true expression of Russian official and pub
lic opinion.
Mr. Meyer, the American ambassa
dor, had an audience with the em
peror at Peterhof this afternoon
which lasted three hours. Presumably
the matter of peace was discussed at
length, but nothing can be ascertained af
presenl regarding what actually took place,
as the embassy declines to give out any
It Is known, however, that a long cable
gram has been sent to Washington, giving
the results. of the conference.
Mr. Meyer left St. Petersburg at 3 p. m.,
arriving at Peterhof an hour later, and re
turning to St. Petersburg shortly before 8
o'clock. The emperor attended the ma
neuvers In the morning and returned ts
Peterhof Just In time to receive Mr. Meyer.
President Appeals to Tsar.
OYSTER BAY, Aug. 23 President
Roosevelt's final effort to Induce a cessa
tion of hostilities in the fareast is almost
dramatic in Its extraordinary Interest.
Through George L. Meyer, the Ameri
can ambassador at St. Petersburg, he has
made a direct appeal to Emperor Nicholas
to permit the adoption of such measures
In the pending peace conference as will
terminate the war.
As a result of the president' instruc
tions, Ambassador Meyer had a special au
dience with Emperor Nicholas today at
Peterhof palace What conclusions were
reached at that conference ls not known
here, as no Intimation has been given of
the receipt by the president of Ambassador
Meyer's cabled report!
The report received from Assistant v Sec
retary of State Pelrce at Portsmouth that
the plenipotentiaries had adjourned their
sittings unt'.l next Saturday was a source
of satisfaction. It ls a distinct assurance
that efforts are being made- with Increas
ing prospect of ultimate success to com
promise on the crucial points of differ
ences among the conferees. It Is regarded
as certain that every hour gained In the
time of the conference makes for a peace
ful conclusion of the differences. ,
Better Feeling; at Berlin.
BERLIN. Aug. 23. The foreign office
looks upon the possibilities of peace as more
favorable today than they were yesterday
but no prediction! are ventured. The in
crease ot confidence rests upon Indications
of Jirpanese forbearance and upon Presi
dent Roosevelt's Influence which is felt at
both Tokio and St. Petersburg. Reports
from St- Petersburg, however, are not
hopeful. The Russian government might
adml. all points except payment of the
Japanese war expenses, but the foreign
office has been informed from St. Peters
burg that Russia will not consent to pay
one rouble In the form of Indemnity. The
Bourse today felt the influence of London's
greater optimism.
Greater fsslsesrs at Paris.
PARIS, Auf. Reports from Ports
mouth today, indicating prospects of mu
tual concessions, restored the feeling of con.
fiditnce In official and financial circles. The
Bourse showed some notable Improvement
from the sudden slump of yesterday. Rus
sian securities were in active demand from
the start, 4s showing aa advance ot 40
centimes. The appearance of the Russian
bank statement also favorably Influenced
this situation. This shows that the debit
balances of the government to the bank
has been replaced by a government credit
of 14..000 as the result ot the last in
terior loan.
John Mnlr ertoaaly III.
BAH FRANClbVO, Aug. 21 John Mulr,
the venerul.le naturalUt and geuluglat. la
seriously ill in Arisona, due to the death
of his wife two weeks ago and the suujen
mure vl ilia daughter, 11 tie a.
Tioe President of the United States 8peais
at Dedication of Monument.
Men Who Fight Country's Rattles
Sot More Worthy of rralse
Than Those Who Do
Duty mm t'ltisena.
ru T i tr V C! n T I. . l v a,,-, o? via
l'resident Fairbanks spoke at the dedica
tion of a soldiers' monument here today.
aj inn :
inis monument nun us inception in a
uvuie, viiiotlu impulse. It mil VttftllU
as tne symbol of the gratitude ol a great
peolne lor tne services of and Hie sacri
fices of brave men who, more man a gener
ation ago, wont Uowu to tho battlefield to
preserve the Integrity of the great republic.
It will teach a great and wholesome lesson
to the present and to the future tfeneia
tions. It will recall the deeds ot men In a
supremely perilous hour of our national
history, and it will emphasize the fact
that men are honored most wlu serve best
uieir leuowinen.
This memorial has yet higher signifi
cance, it has a meaning lor those v. no
beheld it wnlcn no formal words can
adequately expiess. It stands as a pledge
uniufiiiti UU11V- It BlItllUD VF
, . .. . ' .... .... f lnalIirn.
lasting toupreutacy ol tne nun. ut"r'
a deeper luVe ot liberty, it keeps abiazo
. I- ' . I n ,,,, rm tit lT
tne nres oi ireeuuni upon mo an... v" v
hearts. It signifies the triumph of a rlght
eous cause. Such ls now the deliberate
verdict of history. This Is attested by the
common Judgment of mankind. ,
Victor and vanquished rejoice In the com
plete re-eabllshment of our national solid
arity. They eitcli see a new glory In the
republic, purified In the fiery furnace of the
gieat civil conflict. Each yields willing tri
bute to the valor of the other. Belter or
braver men never faced each olner upon
tho fields of battle than those who met
under the leadership of Grant and Lee.
' Lesson of Memorial.
This memorial teaches a double lesson:
Valor, fortitude and patriotism In tbe mer
ciless shock of war; amnesty, mercy and
pardon In the tranquil wus of peace, it
stands In powerful advocacy of tne equal
ity of men under our institutions. ine
sword of the nation was drawn In order
that the quality of men beneath the nag
of the United btates might become an ac
complished, a living fact. .
It proclaims tho everlasting truth that
the rlKhts-of men upon the American con
tinent cannot be trampled in the dust, mat
the rights of the humblest are as sacred
as the rights of the most exalted.
While we pay homage to those wno
stood in defense of the nation, wo do not
withhold from those who fought to over
throw the republic an expression of our
admiration and esteem. We are not want
ing lri regard for those who, through mis
taken Judgment, raised their hand against
their own friend and protector the flag ol
the United States. They were our klmlieo.
We were then divided, but we are now
reunited, and God grant that no power
on earth may drive us asunder; that no na
tional exigency may arise which will not do
met equally by all sections of the republic,
and that no peril may confront us wnicn
will not be faced by an united people
stronger because of the results of the tiwi
As we stand here In the presence of this
imposing evidence of a people's reverence
and gratitude we pledge anew our fca'y
to the Institutions preserved by the valor
of'the soldiers and sailors of the republic.
New Tasks Will Come.
We are to go forward, meeting with
brave hearts the burdens which rest upon
a great people. Advancing years and ex
panding power bring new tacks, new ques
tions, but the principles which should gov
ern us In meeting them do not change.
l lie pi ui-in w w...,fw " ......
mon Justice among men were the same yes
terday as they are today and they will not
change with the coming of tomorrow. Our
obligations to the state are not Intermittent
It rests upon us whether In the midst of
peace or In the midst of war. Our civic
duties must be well discharged If we would
preserve a strong, clean government one
that we must have if we are to attain our
highest destiny. We teach love of 1 berty,
we inculcate the doctrine that the only way
to maintain freedom in Its best sense Is to
observe the law-the law established by
the wisdom of high-minded and patr otic
lawmakers, chosen by a free and patriotic
electorate. Our luws should be. preserved
from the contaminating touch of selfishness
and they should be enforced fearlessly and
without favor. There should be neither
partiality in the creation of the law nor
partiality In its enforcement. Lquailty Is
the fundamental essential in free Kovern
ment It was for such equality the soldiers
arid sailors of the civil war wrote one of
the mightiest chapters In human history.
Present High Moral Standard.
Vve hear much of defalcations, breaches
cf trust, n altehsance In office, and ti ere
ac i fr:nif ts who declare we h.un tellen
upon corrupt times: that we are docadjiit;
thin th.f rul lie conscience ls dull On the
contrary, there never was an hour In all
of our splendid history when there was a
more acute moral sense among the great
masses of people, and more uprightness in
their relations of life than there ls today.
This standard of civic duty was never
higher than it is now. There never was
more respect for a high grade of commer
cial and professional ethics than at present.
There ts a widespread determination among
the people that those who pollute the law
should be compelled to answer or It; that
the laws shall not be set at naught by evll
doera by enemies of established order.
While we reverently pay homage to those
who bore the heat of battle, we do not for
get that we owe tribute to those who In
the days of national calm, preserved that
which was won In the fury of the storm.
The enemies of the republic do not always
appear with fleets or with armies, and with
waving banners. Those who abuse the pub
lic confidence, or who disregard the law, or
who debauch the elective franchise, are ln
slduous enemies. Those who, with no ex
pectation of reward save the approval of
their own conscience for duty well per-
, , 1 . v ,Via mnrtt health ftf the
lormea, .o. ... ..- . -
, . i t .t.iA fnr vfMtri laws
and their Just enforcement for equality of
all before tne law nu ...-
by unjust favoritism, are to be regarded
with mat nip rr.. . l.t.l.
real heroes or me nation. ""
uen who are for their country for their
country's sake: who are for the law for the
luuiivi - . -k. ri not take
thought flrst of their more personal uggran-
i-i.,. irMent And Mrs. Fairbanks and
Congressman and Mrs. David J. Foster left
tonight on Colonel Staples yacnt ior Alex
andria Bay.
Miss Msisjee and Friends of tho Mis
sion Giro Two Hnndred and
Fifty Tots a Trent.
vi.. lur.r.a of the City mission was
principal chaperone Wednesday for a party
of 230 children from the mission, who were
...n on nld.fashloned picnic at Courtland
beach. This was the annual outing, for
which great preparations had reen maao.
Miss Magee had as assistants in caring tor
h charges the following women: Mrs.
J. L. Hobbs. Mrs. J. E. Fields, Mrs. J. A.
Griffiths. Miss Marlon Connell. Miss raun
iwter Miss Soaulding, Miss Bertha Bren-
holdr, and Rev. Mr. Mills and S. Morris
of the associated charities.
Besides games suited to their compre
hension, the children were permitted to
wade about near shore, to fish from" the
ri.p and to have rides on he switchback
and merrv-ao-round. It was a long, happy
day for the children of the mission.
Two Suspects Held for Saloon Bob
bery Bnbjcct to Identlflen.
tlon at Jail.
8. O.' Sparks and John Wellby, the two
men arrested at Council Bluffs on suspicion
of being Implicated in the hold-up ot W. J.
Cuslck's saloon In Omaha, have been re
moved to the Omaha city Jail. Mr. Cuslck
called at police headquarters Wednesday
morning to identify the men and said he
believes Wellby to be one of the men who
robbed him Sunday evening. Chief of De
tectives Dunn is having other parties call
at the station and take a look at the men.
' Smoko, bat o. Klre.
Smoke from a flue leading from the
wholesale liquor house of C. Schlank. 17
Douglas street, luto J. sonneuDvrg Juy
I bring you the cordial greetings of l'res
ident Kooseveil, who greatly regrets his
Inability to Join with yuu in the uedleation
ol this monument to lis exulteu puipose.
store, next door west,' was the cause of a
fie. alarm from the Intter place yesterdny
afternoon. It wss some minutes before
the firemen learned that Mr. Schlank was
burning a lot of rubbish In a stove, the
smoke from which filled the Sonnenberg
Conclusion Reached by Immlfrrant
Inspector Mansfield In Caao of
Greek Bootblacks.
Immigrant Inspector Mansfield, after
carefully Investigating the case of Con
stantlus Pnlognstorl. (Peter Anderson), the
Greek bootblack, has, lurid tales to the
contrary notwithstanding, reached the con
clusion that no case could be made against
the employer of the Greek boys at the
Athens shining parlors on Sixteenth street,
near Dodge, and that there Is no ground
for governmental Interference in the mat
ter for the violation of the Immigration
A bunch of the Greek hoyi was arrested
last Friday, charged with stealing a pocket
book belonging to a Woman patron of the
establishment, but were subsequently ac
quitted of the charge. However, It de
veloped In the hearing of the case before
Detective Dunn thnt the boys were brought
here, as was alleged by the Anderson lad,
to work for the proprietor of the concern,
and were kept In a system of peonage or
slavery, all their earnings being turned
over to tho boss, and they paid Just suffi
cient for their barest necessities.
The matter was called to the attention of
Immigrant Inspector Mansfield, and Tues
day afternoon the Anderson boy was ques
tioned by the flnspector. He stated that
his father had paid his fare from the land
of Leonldas a,nd Terlcles to America, and
that he came of Ms own free will to stay
with a relatlvo at Chattanooga, Tenn.
While there he engaged with a bootblack
concern, owned by the owner of the Omaha
concern, and a few months ago came to
Omaha to work In the establishment here.
They were paid, he said, tlx per month
and were treated all right and had no com
Great Crowd Out to Hear the First
Concert by This Organ
isation. Liberatl's band, fanfare corps and con
cert company, began an engagement of
four days at Krug park last evening.
There was no stated program, and re
quests for popular numbers were honored,
so the program ranged from Wagner to the
lightest of popular music. The fanfare
corps, playing counter melodies in the
gTeat bandmasters' own marches, was not
merely a novelty; the effect was thrilling.
Miss Kathertne Klarer, prima donna, so
prano, has a voice that seemed to "fill up
all out of doors."
The Reeves fantasia on the old familiar
"Akansaw Traveler" was one of the hits
of. the evening. In this unique number
every "family" of Instruments in the band
had an opportunity to show its tone color
as well as the ability of the various per
formers. Liberatl has his band under
thorough control and the Immense crowd
seemed thoroughly appreciative.
Hereafter, until the close of the engage
ment next Saturday night, the usual Sun
day car service will be provided. Manager
Cole has ordered 8,000 extra chairs to be
used during the rest of the engagement.
Mr. Liberatl has lost none of the mas
tery of the cornet, for which he has long
been famous. His solos were enthus
iastically received, and repeatedly encored.
Breen Says Water Company Has Ren
dered Ko Demand for Flash.
Inn" This Summer,
Regarding the amount of the bill ren
dered by the Omaha Water company for
water used for street flushing, which City
Attorney Breen said had been charged for
at the rate of 30 cents per 1,000 gallons
when the agreement with the city was for
a 6-cent rate, he said:
"So fat as I know, the water company
has rendered no bills for any street flush
ing water this summer. A bill did come
in for water used at the tool house and It
was charged for at the rate of 30 cents. I
objected to it and refused to approve It.
This bill was submitted to the city attor
ney for his advice. It called for about .
I think the company has not presented
any bills to anyone for water used for
flushing this summer."
As he finished talking the water com
pany called him up and asked for a state
ment as to the amount of water the
flushing gangs have used. It la measured
by the flow per hour, baaed upon an esti
mated flow through the hydrants.
Mr. Breen requested that the verbiage of
his statement of "a drop of water on the
fire department" be changed to read, "suffi
cient pressure for the Are department."
Destruction nt Woodman Linseed Oil
Plant Ko Barrier to Bop.
ply Ina; Trade.
Manager D. M. Delnlnger of the Wood
man Linseed Oil company, whose storage
house was damaged by fire Tuesday morn
ing, wishes to have it known that the Are
will not cause the local plant any incon
venience In the way of supplying the trade.
'We are Ailing orders this morning Just
as usual," stated Mr. Delnlnger Wednesday.
The only oil destroyed was that in pro
cess of manufacture. We have enough oil
In storage to supply all demands to De
cember 1. Our large tanks are all Intact.
The work of repairing the damage will be
started at onc and In about forty days,
I should Judge, we will be going along as
Lltlto Fellow Thrown front Wagon
thnt Is Struck by Sixteenth
Street Car.
James Koland, 10 years of age, whose par
ents reside at 26D2 Burt street, was thrown
from the seat of a wagon struck by a
street car this afternoon and severely In
jured from contact with the curbing. His
head struck the paving's edge. Eddie
Koland, t years of age, was also on the
wagon, but was not hurt. James was driv
ing the rig when a southbound car struck
the wagon.
Dr. J. C Davis stated last night that
young Noland's conditions ls serious, but
he ts hopeful of his recovery. Dr. Davla
states that the boy is suffering from a
slight concussion of the brain.
People wK
C&l'l Cat,
can c&t and digest
Anyone cam.
Yellow Ferer U 81owlj Spreading in
Districts Onuldt Hew Orleans.
Help Seeded at Leeevtllo Immediately
One Serloae Casa Discovered in
Hallway Camp nt Browns,
villa, Illinois.
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. M.-Yellow fever
report to (p. m.i
New cases M
Total to date 1,666
Deaths 6
Total 210
New foci 10
Totl 362
L'nter treatment 112
The report continues to show an Im
provement In local conditions. Past As
sistant Surgeon Corput made a report of
the work done In St. John and St. Charles
parishes, and this Indicates that what
threatened to be a very serious group of
foci has been controlled. New cases are
reported as follows:
Hanson City 1
Wildwood plantation. In Jefferson parish 1
St. Rose t
Patterson 11
I,ake Providence t
St. Bernard parish 1
Mississippi City S
A late report from Dr. Stark, state health
officer at La Fourche, received tonight
says that Dr. Devron reported to him to
day that up to date he had found 170 cases
of yellow fever and 200 cases of dengue
at Leesvllle and conditions were such that
help was needed Immediately.
The quarantines this year have for
tunately been put on In a season of sum
mer dullness and If they are taken off when
trade becomes active the only Incon
venience will come from the obstructions
to the free movement of passenger traffic.
Burgeon White, Chairman Janvier of the
citizens' committee. Dr. Beverly Warner,
In charge of the ward superintendents, and
President Souchon of the State Board of
Health ' went to Baron Rouge today for a
conference with Governor Blanchard. The
trip was made at the suggestion of the
governor, who desired to know at first
hand, the exact status here of all depart
ments of the work.
Cleaning- I p Gntters.
Large quantities of rock salt have been
purchased by the federal authorities with
a view to salting stagnant gutters and
pools. Imperfect drainage exists In many
of the wards, due to the fact that the
drainage system has not yet been entirely
completed. The salt Is expected to de
stroy the pools as breeding places for mos
aultoes. Borne of the soldiers stationed at the
Vnlted States barracks are restless under
their enforced quarantine. Communication
with the city has been absolutely prevented
and the appearance of fever In Bt. Bernard
makes It probable that no communication
with that parish will be allowed. The
officers In command are, however, exerting
themselves to make the detention of the
men less Irksome. Not a case of fever has
appeared in the barracks and the soldiers
are considered to be absolutely In no dan
8r. A freshly Infected spot In St. Bernard
parish was announced today. It Is at Terre
Aux Boufs, the parish seat. Health Officer
Meraux found five genuine cases and three
that were suspicious. The town and Its
vicinity were Invaded by Italians after the
fever appeared here and the infection la
therefore traceable to New Orleans.
Cairo Excludes Federal Inspectors.
CAIRO.-III., Aug. 23. The state of Illinois
and the- United States government had
trouble of a few hours duration here today
and the United States was worsted In tha
matter. A force of seventeen Inspectors In
charge of .Superintendent L. Brume, Jr., of
the United States Public Health and Marine
hospital service are looking after the quar
antine regulations In the state and cities
south of Illinois. Three of these Inspectors
travel up and down the Mobile & Ohio and
have been making their headquarters in
Cairo, coming into Illinois from Mississippi
and Louisiana against the orders of the
state of Illinois and the city of Cairo.
Secretary Egan of the State Board of
Health advised these inspectors today that
they could no longer enter Cairo. The mat
ter was Anally adjusted by the United
States government agreeing to sead im
munea to Cairo. The federal authorities de
clared a rigid quarantine today against
Fulton county, Kentucky, as the authorities
there have been Issuing unlawful certifi
cates. Secretary Egan Is watching the re
sult of the fever at Gregory, Mo., and may
be compelled to protect that portion of Illi
nois near Gregory from the disease.
Case at Brownsville, 111.
BROWNSVILLE, 111., Aug. 23,-Wlth over
300 laborers exposed to the contagion by
a negro from Shreveport, who admits that
he came from an Infected yellow fever
point In the south, and who now lies crit
ically ill with the fever at a camp near
here, the people of Brownsville are today
in fear of the epidemic becoming general
at this point. Strict quarantine regula
tions have been instituted.
Seek to Call Committee Together by
' Petition on False Stntements
About Chairman Cowell,
Pretending to fear that Chairman Cowell
may seek to have the executive committee
or himself appoint delegates to the state
convention, the anti-machine leaders are
circulating a petition calling for a meet
ing of the republican county committee
Saturday afternoon at t o'clock In The
Bee building. The circulars ' point out
that the state convention is to be held
September 14 and that Chairman Cowell is
away on his vacation. If the required
number of signatures can be obtained they
say the meeting will be called regardless
of the chairman's absence or authority.
Some vague "other business" Is spoken ot
"This move," said a machine member of
the committee, "Is what might have been
exfx-cted from the antls, but no member
of the committee who has any respect
for Chairman Cowell should lend hla sig
nature to it. Chairman Cowell will be
home In plenty ot time to call the com
mittee together to take care of the selec
tion of state degelates and to transact all
the business that belongs to it. He has
never been asked to call the committee,
so could not have refused such a demand.
Ha conferred with members of the com
mittee before he went away, and tha un
derstanding reached was that ha ahould
call the committee immediately on his re
turn, which will be In about another
week. The thing to do la to let the antis
call by petition severely alone."
Fleven-Tear-Old Child Conies front
Nebraska City in Search at
Yoiaicr Ono.
Louisa Williamson, 11 years of age, ac
costed Officer W. R. Wilson when she ar
rived at tha Union station and told tha
policeman she came to Omaha to set her
(-year-old sister to take ber back to her
sick mother at Nebraska City. For some
reason the little traveler had mlsglvlnga
about going to tha home of mr brother,
Hatvey Williamson, for tba younger sla
ter, so aha asked Officer WUeon to ao-
Another Advantage
of loans obtained of this Association la
that borrower pay no commissions tv Oh. ,
tain their loans, and are given the prtvllesn
f repnylng their mortgagee at any time In
full or In part, without notice.
Still another advantage Is that our loans
may run ten or fifteen yeare without re
newal. If security is kept in satisfactory
condition. . .,
These advantages are worthy of your
consideration, aa well n this 'faot, that
borrowers are well protected bv our. Re
serve and Undivided Profit Account of
The Consenritlfi Savings and Loan Ass'n,
SOS South 16th St., Omaha, Neb.
company her, which tha officer did. Tha
sisters were taken to the train, holding
each other's hand all the way. The older
sister said her mother la very alck and
she thought It her duty to coma to Omaha
and set her little slater.
General Btanacer Replies to Some of
City Attorney's Official
OMAHA. Aug. 28.-T0 the Editor of Tha
Bee: City Attorney Breen la quoted In to
day'a Bee aa having aald at the council
meeting last night: "It has been discov
ered that a number of hydrants put In
have not been available for a drop of
water for the Are department." If this
means, aa It aeema to, that there la not a
supply of water at every hydrant avail
able for use In case ot Are, it Is unquali
fiedly false and rldlculoua. The water com
pany Is not responsible for the location ot
Arc hydrants, aa thla has been the province
of the city, but It Is responsible for the
furnishing of water to tnem. and tha
"discovery" that water is not so fur
nished Is sufficiently absurd to be worthy
of tha discoverer.
Mr. Breen also refers to an attempt "to
compel consumers to put in meter boxes at
the curb line when a danger appeared thnt
the meter ratea would be reduced." Tha
order to have meters aet outside, unless
otherwise consented to by the company,
was not a specimen of "new thought," was
not Inspired by the attempt of the Water
board to reduce rates, and was merely a
reminder' to bring plumbers to the office
before they made contracts, aa Some of
them were assuming to do. to set' meters
at the end of long service linea Instead of
at the beginning. ' The right to require
measurement at the point where water Is
delivered to a consumer's pip la a reason
able and an unquestionable one.
Mr. Breen la also quoted aa having said
that the city has Just been presented with a
bill "for water uaed for street flushing at
SO cents per 1,000 gallons." I hereby offer
a large reward for the apprehension of that
bill. Mr. Breen cannot produce any auch
bill, at 90 cents or any other rate per 1,000
I do not propose to try our law suits In
the newspapers or in the council chamber,
as the city attorney aeema bent upon doing.
In an ex-part e hearing: he appears to have
no use for facta. Hla statement that the
water company haa gone out of ita way
to harass and embarrass the city, "and
particularly In preventing the acquirement
of the water works," Is so obviously untrue
that I need . scarcely remind you that the
city Is at this moment holding up tha ap
praisement by Injunction proceedings. Mr.
Breen'a trouble may be mere Ignorance or
Imbecility, but It looks more like malicious
falsehood. He certainly knows more things
that are not so than any one who haa
recently fulminated on the water worka
question and that ia saying a good deal.
If thla sort of thins la the "fair and de
cent treatment'" the ,clty attorney pratea
about we do not car for it.
Brick Warehouse to Be Erected at
Tenth nnd Douglas Streets
Alrendy Hns Tenant.
W. L. Hlllls. treasurer of the City Sav
ings bank, will erect a two-story and base
ment brick warehouse at the northwest
corner of Tenth and Douglas etreets and
have It ready for use before winter. The
new building has been rented In advance,
but the name of the tenant will not be made
public until te moves in. Work on the ex
cavating ls to start at once, and the ex
penditure will be close to J25.000. The build
ing will have a frontage of alxty-alx feet
on Douglaa and forty-four feet on Tenth
street, and will be about 110 feet deep. The
property la now vacant.
Department nt PnelSc School Ready
nnd Teacher from Topeka
la Engaged,
The manual training department at the
Pacific school, the second to be installed
In the Omaha grade schools, will be ready
for use when the acboola open If certain
tools and materials arrive in time, says
Superintendent Davidson, Two rooms have
been fitted up with tha neceasary furniture
and appliances and Miss Beulah Lee of
Topeka engaged as Instructor at ISO a
month. The work tried so successfully at
the Cass school last year will be dupli
cated and clay modeling, bench work and
wood carving taught.
Proprietor of Hotel Aator at Mew Tork
Accuses Employes with Stealing;
SSOO Per Day.
NEW YORK, Aug. M -Claiming that
through a conspiracy between waltera and
checkers at the Hotel Aator he was being
defrauded of about 30t per day W. Q.
Mushenhelm. the lessee ot the hotel, to
night had four employes arrested and other
arrests are expected. It la expected that
these thefts, having been going on since
last October, will aggregate mora than l'J0,
000. All Are I'nlted
In saying that for all atomach, liver or
kidney diseases tbero Is no remedy Ilka
Eiectrlo Blttera. 60 cents; guaranteed. For
sale by Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.
Horse Hit by Street Car.
A horse owned by Sunderland Brothers
A Co. waa struck yesterday afternoon by
a southbound street car at Twenty-fourth
and Pratt atreeta and Injured to auch an
extent that the city veterinarian condemned
the animal, which was shot by a policeman.
The horse was valued at S2X. It ls said
the animal was being led along behind a
loaded wagon and became aklttisn at an ap
proaching atreet car.
wLO Orotmn mad Dnttgit
Group of Leading Ownsrs of Machines
Takes Initiatory 6ttpi
Offleers Elected and n Committee Ap
pointed .to Draft Articles of Ii
corporation. Constitution
and By-l-aws.
At a meeting of enthusiastic mannglns
editors of automobiles at the Commercial
club' rooms Wednesday evening what is to
be known as the Omaha Automobile club
was organised, with the following officers:
President, Thomas Fry; vice presidents.
Dr. Oilman and (ould Dlcli; secretary,
John I'arrlsh; treasurer, Vance Lane.
Messrs. Parrlsh, Hamllne and Diets wero
named aa a committee to frama a consti
tution and ,tylawa and artlclea of incorpo
ration, to be presented at the next meet
ing, some night next week, to be decided
on by the president' and secretary. At that
time the name will also be formally adopted
If satisfactory to tha membership. It has
been suggested that the club should em
brace Douglas county and that perhaps tha
name should conform to that idea.
Secretary Parrlsh was empowered to
have cards printed on which applications
for membership, will be taken. To allow all
to Join the initiation fee was temporarily
placed at $5. , -
The object of the club will be to hava
automobile owners agree on road rules,
speed regulations, work for road Improve
ment and matters of hat kind. Tha or
ganize feel that, there la a field for tha
club to work In and that by concerted ef
fort much good can be accomplished, not
only for the sport of automoblllng, but for
good roads and a better understanding all
around among machine owners, as well as
between them and the farmer and the team
owners of city and country-
Some Increase Koted in Marketing;
of Hobs aa Compnred with
Previona Week.
CINCINNATI, O.. Aug. 23.-BneclaI Tele
gram.) Price Current Says: There Is not
much change in the number, of bogs being
marketed as compared with the recent
past, or aa agalnat the corresponding week
lsst year. Total western packing waa
365,000 compared with S4O.O0O the preceding
week and 160,000 laat year. Since March 1
the total la W.m.W. against S, 935, 000 a
year ago. Prominent places compare aa
moo. i!4.
Chicago i.Mo.ono JU'
Kansas City l,5.0w 1.215,(HiO
Omaha l.U".' l.oMmo
St. Louis !.'..., 8n6.i( tMs.m
Ol. i juirpu .. rawv O.IO.I-U
Indianapolis") &.ti.
Milwaukee SW.fKO
Cincinnati 2T2.') 24S.OOO
Ottumwa 2Al.(iO 2M.m)
Cedar Rapids 225.0") an.AiiO
Bloux City 4M.i) 1S.0
St. Paul 10,00 7M
Cleveland 275.miO 2,0u0
Protests of People Who (iot n Italse
Are Effective.
PIERRE, S. D.. Aug. 2S.-(8peclal Tele
gram. ) After hearing the protests which
were presented in regard to valuations tha
State Board ot Review reduced Its orlglnat
figures 16 per cent on telephone values, 10
per cent on Western fnlon telegraph and
cut off its Increaae on mineral lands, which
was 35 per cent In Lawrence county, K
per cent In Custer and 15 in Pennington.
Of success in curing Stomach, Liver
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Weak women are
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4 DAYS H"Z"5vi?:AUG- 23
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Wednesday and natur
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Thursday Confessions of a Wife."
Soft Shell Crabs
with Tftrtevr Sauce', Thursday tl