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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1905)
iff THE OMATLV DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, AUGUST .24, 1903 REAL ESTATE ON PINNACLE Business in that Lie Said to Be Apprtacs iag Climax Thii falL RECORD-BREAKING TRADE PREDICTED DfRlm ir Etm Throath Sninmfr ; Kriinn, t anally Dnll, Bastnese Has Hrri I'nasnally Active Thlt Tear. Ilcul PKlnto activities will roach a point In Oinalm tl.Is fall whMi has not been t talnci for years, accordlnu to the predic tion of loriil deitlrrs. Tliey are looking forward to a reeord-breaklng business. Their belief Is based on the summer's busi ness, on the conditions of general prosper ity prevailing and on the Inquiries recently received for houses and lots. "We will be very busy people this fall." said- Byron R. HastlnKS. "This has been the est summer we have ever experienced, and even through the hottest weather, whert people are taking thrlr vacations and real estate Is usually quiet, we did a bid business. There Is now an unusually larne number of lrxiulrles after houses and build ing sites, a condition which Indicates that a large amount of property will change hands before, cold weather and which presages firmer prlrs In real estate." "I do not deal in futures." snld A. P. Tuky, "but I will say that In the last six weeks we have made more trades than In any six weeks this yenr. and any man may draw his own conclusions. When the hot weather brings such results the market Is In a pretty he'iltlty condition. There Is a lot doing rUfht at present." "There arc' few houses to rent and many people will liHve to build this fall," was the statement f John X. Frenser. "Fre quent Inqirtrles come, from persons who want to rent, but we are ur.uble to satisfy them. "There are only a few houses to let and they ore far out and away from the car lines. Our business has been good this summer and It wiU'lnrrease this fall." "In the summer months It Is ordinarily expected that real estate will be pretty quiet," remarked J. E. George. "This sum mer such has not been the case. It Is quiet, of course, compared, with the fall, but the activity has been much greater than In re cent 'summers. Everybody Is prosperous and' real estate Is cheap, and I see no reason why business this fall Bhould not be the best." Three Faraam Street Stores. Threo more stores are to bo added to the cluster already along Farnum street be tween Eighteenth and Twenty-first streets. Workmen began Wednesday to dig the dirt from beneath the flats at 1807-11 Farnam treet. Three store rooms with brick fronts will be placed here and the flats,- which are of two stories, will rest on top of them. The building belongs to Thomas Hall. Mrs. M. Saunders Is planning the erec tion of a 15,000 dwelling house on Thirty fourth street. Just north of Farnam, for her daughter, Mrs. Russell Harrison. J. B. Mason Is drawing plans. Mr. Mason Is preparing plans for a $5,000 residence or Dr. A. R. Mack at 536 I'ark avenue. Mrs. C. Heelan will build a residence costing about J3.000 on Hickory street, near Twenty-eighth. LINCOLN RENTS PROHIBITIVE Prices So I treasonably niah as to Bar Omaha Business Man Who Goes There. "Rents In IJncoln are prohibitive," re marked a prominent Omaha business man who had Just returned from the state cap ital. "I went there expecting to make ar rangements for the opening of a branch house," he added, "but when It came to the matter of getting a site I found my branch house would not be opened In Lincoln. Why, their rents are simply outrageous. I asked some of the real estate men where they expected u man to get even for such rents. What have you to offer a man? You have educational Institutions here, but where Is there a manufacturing plant? On what grdMnds do you base your right to ask such rents? There la reason in all things, I have heard, but If anyone will enow me the reason In rents in Lincoln I will be under obligations to him. If rents were that high In Omaha there might be some reason for It, for there Is something here to warrant It, but not In Lincoln." Startling- Evidence Is dsjly advanced of the curative powers of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. CO cents and $1. For sale by Sherman & McConnell Dm Co. SEASaUBLE FKHIOIJ. s 2 Afeolt e FiorshrlnVs Men's Shoes L rain 0 ru is 'i ii ii i Flouhelm'i Mea'i Shoes at Five Dollrrs Thursday Very Special Ladies .iGoat Sale Pett nmm nig bargain sqnare filled with Mercerized Black and Colored Pet ticoat and Wash Skirts. $1 PETTICOATS 39c Black and Colored Petticoats, in oil sizes trimmed with flounces, tucks, dust ruffles, etc. OMKHt WK1THFH FORECAST Tharsdar Tale. i Also the final clearance of our fine Wash Petti coats worth up to $1.00 at . . . . Ladies' Pleated White Duck Skirts worth $2.50 at 1.50 3 Extra Specials Ladies' Summer Skirts 2.50 69c Ladles Panama and broadcloth Walking Skirts at Denim and dotted duck Wash Skirts, worth up to $1.50, at 50c Windsor Ties 25c All Silk Plain and twilled silk silk crepe de chine and heavy peuu de sole, up to 6 Inches wide many with embroid ered figures worth 50 each, at, each 25c Handk'fs at 10c Worth 23c each. Men's all linen handker chiefs from the Nebraska Shirt Co. stock all widths of hems also a lot ot la dies' Swiss embroid- ered handkerchiefs I II 25c qualities, each.. v , 35c and 50c Ribbons at 5c, 10c, 15c Yard Fine all silk ribbon in all colors and a great variety of widths, on bargain square, worth as high: as 50c per C f AA I Cn yard, at. yard Shoes oi Bargain Squares In the Basement. For Ladles' $2.00 black kid lace shoes, For Ladles' $3.00 tan oxford, For Men's $2.00 black lace shoes. For Boys' $2.00 tan calf ahoes -For Oirls' $3.00 brown lace shoes For Hen's $1.5 and $2 00 slippers SSI n TP MM sm u Eli n '' STORE CLOStS EVERY EVENING AT FIVc O'CLOCK EXCEPT SATURDAY. Dry Goods Section Ladies' House Dresses In lawns, Dimities nnd Percales, trimmed with laces and braids, formerly sold for 7 C $1.50 to $3.95, sizes only in 32 34, on sale at i DC Ladies' Silk Coats Feau de soie and taffeta blouse front with tight-fitting backs and peplins, new cut sleeves, elaborately trimmed, vahie from $G.95, 'Z Q C $8.95 to $10.00, on sale '.. J.ZJD Misses' and Small Ladies' Street Skirts in mohairs and tweeds, cut in the latest styles a sample lot at about half price Ladies' Black Mercerized Petticoats accordion pleated knee flounce, regular $1.50 value, at . . . Mother Hubbard Aprons Extra long gingham aprons for kitchen wear, a bargain White fronds Ralft "Wln'tp rlimitips. Tndia linnn Rnd loner cloth, worth lUVoc. Thursday only C Turkish Towels special for Thursday, only 5c 20 Pieces of Armagh Linen for white shirt waist suits worth 25c, for Thursday only, yard Muslin bleached and unbleached muslins, free from dressing, Thursday only, yard . 2.95 1.00 50c 7, 15c 5c Thursday Specials in the Great LACE CURTAIN SALE All the one and two pair lots of high grade lace curtains, worth up to $5.00 per pair, go at, per pair $1.98 Store Closes at 5 P. M. We will clear away all the odd curtains that sold up to $2.98 a pair, during the big sale, on bargain coun ter, at, each 49c A new and splendid lot of dotted madras and grenadine, long lengths, for, per yard 8VaC Store Closet at 5 P. M. A SIGNET RING l for lady or gentleman would make a nice birthday frlft. We have some handsome rings from 12.50 to W 00 with monogram engraved on It Is Just the thing these days. Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler. 151 Douglas Street RABBITS ROOST IN CORN TOPS Nebraska Bunnies Show Remarkable Versatility When Heavy Italns Flood Their Barrows. Postofflce Inspector Sinclair ' tells a story of his observations while on an official trip recently In the southern part of the state. He said while passing through one section the cornfields in the river bottom lands were badly flooded, the water reach lng up to the ears of corn on the stalks. "There was nothing particularly unusual In that," he observed, "but what attracted my attention was a number of rabbits roosting on the big ears of corn, having evidently been driven out of their bur rows by the sudden flood. Occasionally rats, snakes and gophers were to be seen taking refuge on the ears of corn?' Inspector Sinclair positively asserts that the story Is not told to boom the Ne braska corn crop, but just to show the versatility of a Nebraska rabbit la an emergency. Grandma Mott's Advice to Travelers. "You should not travel about the coun try this warm weather without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," says Mrs.. Kate Mott of Fair field, la., or "Grandma Mott" as she Is familiarly known.' "One or two doses ot this remedy will always cure the worst case of sumnu-r complaint. Wh keep it always at hand. In fact, we could not keep house without It." . have Age. .... 22 .... Id 29 NO. i.Xu-A MODISH LONG COAT . The styles In long and three-quarter coats fof the Cuming months are very attractive ana graceful. Vr traveling and cold and rainy . weather wsar they are unequalled for their style and usefulness. The model shown Is one of the urniirai of ih. i,-w Importations. A fanciful collar Is round Ifl back and finishes the neck In V shape In front. Too buttoning down of Its edge vu winter aiue tm very novel ana eirectlve. The front hunge straight from the neck edtfw, the belt which hulds the back and sides passing underneath It. Narrow tucks lapcrlug to nothing at hips and bust give f ui m tu the waist and dispose of the fullness. The sleeve Is a bishop model, having line tucks extending from the wrist to simulate a dees cuff. A small rolling cuff appears he it) also. For traveling, silk or pongee or aiclllieue may be used, while cravenelta or 4 weed may serve for other wear. S.Sufr e sixes, ii to ii Inches bust measure. ' For the accommodation of readers of The Bee these patterns, which usually retail at from 26 to itt cents each, wi.l be at the nominal price of Id cents. A supply is now kept ul our otnee, so those wuo WlaU any pattern may get 11 either o call ing or endoelug 111 ems. addreaae-1 'Vet tera PeiHtrunMl, bee, UiuaLa.' Marriage Licenses. , The following marriage . licenses been Issued. Name and Residence. Charles E. iJeardorff, Meadow, Neb. Nettle Cain, Meadow, Neh Rufus 11. Denton. Diinbridna. T.nn llattie I- Wllke. Omaha 21 Andrew V. Wuaterberg. Omaha 27 Kmnia C. Nelson. Omaha 20 Klchard Plnn. Chicago, 111 u Maltte Ranks, Omuhu & Otto Oehrmann, Omaha jg Henrietta VolU, Omaha , 9 William K. Taylor, Omaha... .'. 27 Susie Wagner, Jensen, Neb 22 Fred H. Miller. Omaha 33 Lillian M. Jefferles, Omaha 3o $3.50 THAT'S ALL. It Isn't much, yet It Is a great deal when you pay for a pair of men's shoes thst are not worth the price. There are lots of 13.50 men's shoes in Omaha that are 1-1.50 only as far as the price goes. They are worth from $2 to 13. but when It comes to a real good shoe for 3.50, "DREX KL'S SPECIAL," at this price has no eiiual. You take no chances when you buy a pair of these shoes, as every pair Is warranted. Your money back if you are not satisfied. New fall styles now. Fall catalogue ready September 10. Drexel Shoe Co, 22-K wedding rings. Ed holm. Jeweler. 1419 Farnam St Wakefield's Blackberry Balsam Is a prompt and absolutely sure I cure for diarrhoea, 'dysentery, J flux, cholera morbus, cholera ' Infantum, etc. It has been the leading summer complain! remedy for 59 years. ' ill Drugfjta Sail lt Find a Customer Every thing yon bar to sell la wanted by somebody If price and quality arc right. A Ik Want Ad will Sod tbe customer. New Dress Goods 52-inch Black Sicilian, extra high finish, guaranteed "7 C dust proof, regular price $1.25, for Thursday only 44-inch Black Cheviot, strictly all wool, the popular PA cloth for separate skirts, 85c quality, Thurs'y only Special Sale of New Shirt Waist Suit Silk Just received 50 pieces of new French Messalines in small neat designs, especially adapted for shirt waist suits, in a full range of new fall shades. These silks are regular 90c quality on sale Thursday, at, yard 10 pieces of "White "Wash China Silk for waist and C n dresses, regular price 39c on sale Thursday, yd. avt CLEARING SALE OP LADIES' UNDERWEAR Ladlea' vests, Swiss ribbed, low neck, no sleeves, fancy Val lace trimmed. These C goods sold regular for 39c and 50c on sale Thursday, each. . JC MIssps' and Ladles' Drawers, fine ribbed umbrella knee lace trim- " Q med, French band. Sold regular fof 39 Thursday, pair . . . s3C Hosiery at Half Price Ladles' and children's black fast dye hose, fine and heavy ribbed. Ladles white lace stitched hose, regu lar 25c value on sale Thursday, pair 125c Optical 10 year gold filled Specta cle Eye Glasses, regular $3 values while they last- . ' IK Special, at I.TO These glasses are fitted with good quality lense and are thoroughly relia ble. Out-of-town customers should write for our question blank. We can' send you glasses that will fit you. FISH! FISH! FISH! HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS FRESH. SALT AND SMOKED FISH. SMOKED HALIBUT. 8MOKED WHITE FISH. FANCY BLOATERS. , SUGAR CURED SALMON. And a full line of fresh fish, di rect snipment Dy express every day. lie 1-lb. Lake Trout at Bennett's Big Grocery The king of western groceries; the grocery that acts like U. 8. observa tory time upon every other grocery around keops 'em regulated! Trade at the great west's greatest grocery. Forty Green Trading Stamps with 2 pound ran Bennett's Break- JD fast Coffee 40C Thirty Green Trading Stamps EQr with 1 pound Tea any kind.-. .OOw Ten Green . Trading Stamps with one pound pure Pickling lSn Spices sSOW Ten Oreen Trading Stamps with two-pound can Straw- f CZr berries , Ten Green Trading Stamps with three-pound can ADple ffir Sauce Ten Green Trading Stamps f2ln with 3-pound can Syrup '"J" Five Oreen Trading Stamps with bot tle Salad Mus- IOC Twenty Greeii' Trttding Stamps with Bennett's Capital Ex- iRr tracts lJW Ten Green Trading Stamps I.Sc with one frame Honey ,uv Ten Green Trading Stamps with one pound Saratoga Ofir Chips .T" Ten Green Trading Stamps with one gallon Special Pickling OEc Vinegar v ,71 Ten Green Trading Stamps with u pound Bennett's Baking iRc Chocolate ,Z, Twenty Oreen Trading Stamps wlttl one-pound 'can Bennett's 24C Capitol Baking Powder ;.T"T. Five Green Trading Stamps with one package Bennett s Capitol Baking Soda ' Ten Green Trading l!lmpi 10 C with 1 quart Sour Pickles Ten Green Trading Stamps with one dosen new German Dill 12c Pickles Potted Tongue per csn v e Sweet Corn per can 9c can Cream 60 Special Bar- gains in WASH C00DS All This Weefc. mYBBJs TIIK MKI.IAHI.ta troitK. New Fill DRESS GOODS now on display THURSDAY'S BARGAIN BULLETIN. Following a very prospermia season the Cumin week will ! one of wonderful bargains IN ol li CLOAK DEPARTMENT All summer garments must l clue1 out quti kly All small lots will be sold at a groat sacrlflce. o !iidlr' and nits.'' STYLISH CRAVEN KTTKH that sold at t to 1 ne rhcli'p. Thursdnv J.JJ So SICILIAN PHIitT WAIST SinTS reg ular tStmt values M A( go Thursday, at tijj 85 HANDSOME TAILOR SUITS-that sold St IIS. .i and $. wonderful qqe bargains. ThursdHV, at 65 CRAVENKTTE COATS-ln grays, tans and oxfords latest styles best, mnke i:2 du values Thursday. Ht SIS do values Thursday, at 81LK LACE CAPES-thst sold 115 snd up to L'5. divided into In I lots fur Thursday at 17 M A. 40 handsome silk Rfdlngotes and loose coats, thr.t sold at $Ju to 10, Clfl In two lots Thursday, at $1160 9.90 1150 at 112 M, 3.95 SURPRISING SKIRT VALUES U Walking Skirts, In newest styles f QO and best fabrics, at I.JO 15 and $6 skirts, In great variety of style and materials "J DO choice, at tt.JO 4.98 18 and 110 skirts, In voiles, Pa namas, serges, etc., all colors at. From 8 Till 9 a. m. 11.25 long klmonas at 13 and M waiHts . ,''"' at . ., .... $2. ) waists I l 11 M and I- lawn and percsle i wrappers, at : 8e our home made wrap- pfis at 2.25 and From 9. Till 10 a. m. MCk. I One lot of klmonas . " at, choice 1.98 79c 69c 1.25 I5c Greai Sale of New Fall Suits v Three sample lines of new fall suits the very nobbiest designs for the fall season will be on sale Wednesday at about one-third less than regular prices Don't fall to see these garments XC ff Prices $12.50, $16.00, $ffi.00 and y " ' MILLINERY. 500 TRIMMED HATS 00 AT SO CENTS. THURSDAY WE OFFER YOUR CHOTC E OF ANY TRIMMED SUMMER HAT IN THE HOUSE WORTH UP TO $7.50- . S II W WHILE THEY LAST. S00 TRIMMED 1IATS-AT O- I 75C CHILDREN'S TRIMMED .OyC SAILORS , $1.50 UNTRIMMED AND STREET HATS A $1.00 CHILDREN 8 WASH ,v V, BONNETS 1 - 49c A Snap in Chairs and Rockers. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED TWO CARLOADS OF CHAIRS AND KW.Kll.KS TRY PRICKS. THIS MKANB A BAVKu WHICH WILL HE SOLD AT FACTO 50 PER CENT TO YOU. SEE DODGE ST WINDOW DISPLAY. A Chance to Can Pears. Large market baskets fancy Bartlett pears for canning per basket 73c Limit two baskets to a customer. LEMON8. LEMONS. LEMONS Large Juicy lemons, per dozen 25c HONEY. HONEY, HONEY 1-lb. racks fancy white clover, Colorado honey 10c GROCERIES. GROCERIES 48-lh. sacks fancy high patent Min nesota flour $1.35 10 bars Kst brand laundry soap 26c 6-lbs. choice Japan rice for . .19c 1-lb. pkg. macaroni 8 l-3c 4-lbs. best bulk laundry starch ... 1-lb. can fancy Alaska salmon ... 1- lb. pkg. corn starch - Gold Dust, per pkg 2- ln. can best sweet sugar corn Oil or mustard sardines, can , X-Cello. Malta Vita. or Dr. Price's Breakfast Food , The best soda crackers, lb Potted or deviled ham or tongue, can 3- lh. can Boston Baked JJeans , 1-lb. can Rex Baked Beans' Choice tea siftings, lb Fancy uncolored or sundrled Japan .tea, for Ice tea purposes, lb ,..15i ,...9c ...4o .7Ho .'i3 ,3v,a .7Vo ...40 ..10o ..250 HAYDEW BIROS, Crockery! Crockery! Haviland China -A pretty new lot, open stock patterns beauties. Prices generously cut. Nice complete stock. Beautiful Imitation cut Tickle or Olive Pish either with Iflp handle or In plain dtvle 1UV And Ten Green Trading Ptnmps. ' JAPANESE EGGSHELL CHINA CUPS AXD SAUCERS Fig- ure decorations a ft)c value s&vll And Ten Green Trading Stamps. JAPANESE NUT SET Six little individuals and large bowl 1 fl 0 a $2.00 value. for. I.UU THE KING CHARLES PINNER SET Full 100 pieces, beautiful pink decorations each piece is gold trimmed Just two sets left, M QQ beauties at that a $17.50 value for l.JO ENGLISH BLUE PECORATEP PINNER SET Gopd, light porcelain, splendid shape must be closed out from this ad a $15.00 1 Ct value for set I Df CROCKERY 8ECONP FLOOR. NATIONAL ENCAMP WENT GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC DENVER SEPT. 4-7, 1905, 10.75 FOR THK ROUND TRIP VIA UNION PACIFIC Stop-ovrs allowed on all through ticket to attend celebration of FRONTIER DAYS CHEYENNE, WYOMING, Sept. 2, 4 and S, 10S. Tickets on sale Auk. 80 to Bept. 4. Inclusive. INQUIRE AT CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1324 FARNAM ST. 'PHONE 31 PEACE and COMFORT are aure to come to thoae who smoke ANNUAL PICNIC UNITED IRISH SOCIETIES Or OMAHA AND SOUTH OMAHA 4 TO BE HELD AT ASCOT PARK Sunday. August 27, 1905 Music by 7tli Ward Band. All Kinds of Athletic Sports. DANCING. TRAINS TO LEAVE OMAHA UNION STATION VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. I at 9 A. M. and 11:30 M., returning traina to leave Ascot at 6:30 9 P. M. and 7:30 P. M. S. NORTH, District Passenger Agent. ajsjajaaeBaajaBHRaiaT k FIRST-CLASS CIGAR WADE OF A FINE QUALITY HAVANA TOBACCO TRY TH Km r. R. RICE MEROANTILK CIGAR CO. RT LOUIS. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. TRUNKS. TRAVELING BAGS AND SUITCASES. Genuine Matting Suitcases, very light. The newest thing out. Price $3.60, $3.75 and $4.00. WE DO REPAIRING. Omaha Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnam St. SCHOOLS AKD I OI.LKGKS. JLWentvorth Military Academy Oldest and Largest Military Scaoei In th Middle Wtt. Bead for cstelofue. LEXINGTON, MO. LEXINGTON COLLEGE FOR YOUNG WOMEN JrT Leslngtcn, Mo. (Near Kansas City). Founded 1858 Via! KIsdot fceTvrto D'Apns. Ilractor of Mulc. pmrnt llirousbout the rr. Italian method. I1AKDIN COLLEGE & CONSEK VATORY for GIRLS 52nd vesr. Ths Collsue a University train tory, In charge of specialists. Art, EI'cuH rat ogue. address lullN W. HI!.llON, V td inculiy. (irrinitn-American C'unserva. on, C'oiiklnK snd business Courses. For lealdent. No. 4J Cellciu I'loe. M allien. Mo. American Conservatory KIMBALL HALL la f M mm4 DrtaMlW Art. Biity loMrt i-truc ml Utr. laHtaUod) t rw A 4 aaUiei. f bars U LAuiarebipaV r il tariu D-na V 11. Vf. OuUai , av a i'Bi a a aaa'k YOUR BOY'S PROGRESS Irparajris Bi urh upB his fvtfnfit-t and aap(i Ma Ha f ipstaniil. irainal r!ttoi.eiiit vital iu.i (iolora, haia trji op ortuulir lo Ihatd avLf-ooutrul raUiajg Uias U eoutMalexi. vbik twun U ttmtw Mtvaifl ifkaru-tt4a cuid diaciilb ut tLm L.alUwaS Ofir Tfais feuiJd lit aifr)luu, aauli ittaa i IlKiista Dttasj usJI smI lor hatJi s.f n Li, , .. Maiir auvsjbU. bu4 lor booaia ,4AM lo ftCAiiiity naiuiti alauimu 11 ,y