TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1905. 7 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat, Gotsi Up HalfCent Otm on itjlt Price.. 'J STRENGTH ON DIMAND FROM SHORTS Lara; Rerelpt of c or, hat MarkM la Bullish Oats Rule Inrhaattd Increased Corn Yield for Two States. ,. OMAHA, AUK. 22. 1905. The crowd wan short on wheat this morning and the dernund from them re versed the tone of th market from yes terday' lower tendencv. It sold Va higher. The bear sent In report that Montreal had sold wheat for export at 7ftc, while the Duluth price li J4e. This affected trading but little. September closed at )V(IViSb December at b-4c and May at 864c The corn market also developed A healthy tone. Chicago receipt were 681 cars, but there la a place for all of It. Cahlos brourht bids closer to the market. Sep tember closed at Mr, old September at MUc, Iecember at 4341J44C, old December at 44 tBthe, and May at 43c. Oata ruled steady at about the game prices. September finished at X,o., De cember at 2SV4li WV: nd May at 284'ti284c. Liverpool cloned HfJ-d higher on wheat nd 4t4d higher on corn. ' Missouri and Kansas will produce 50,O,0fl0 nusneis more corn than estlmntea In the government report of August 1. aav Prlngle, Flfch Rankin They contend the crop has greatly Improved since the report. a wire irom Peoria says uie storm of the last twenty-four hours have Diown aown mucn corn around mere.1 Charter were made yesterday at Chi cago for 360,000 bushels of corn. Illinois farmers are bearish on corn. They are making sales to country dealers, who are offering to sell for December and January loading- and are meeting the market. In some parts of the state the offers are far aneau or tne usual time, Broomhall'a Corn Trade New published the following today: "Threshing results In southwestern Kussla are below expecta tions. The dally press contains further predictions of famine, but we think they re exaggerated, though rye certainly Is poor. Wheat stocks In all positions nt Chicago have Increased 8.922.000 bushels In the last four weeks. A year aio there were 2.fW7,)t0 bushels there, while now there are 6,120,000 bushels. A year ago there were 5M.0rO bushels of contract and now there are 2,822,000 bushels. Offerings of new wheat to arrive In Minneapolis yesterday were larger. The trade there says everything will he wanted In the next th rty flays Primary wheat receipts today were 658,000 bushels and shipments 430.000 bushels against receipts lust year of 797,000 bushels and shipments of 615.000 bushels. Corn receipts were 606,000 bushels and shipments 488,000 bushels against receipts of 490.000 bushels last year anrtV shipments of 286,000 bushel. Clearances were 40,000 bushels of wheat, 81.000 bushels of corn and 7,000 bushels of oats. Clearance! of flour were 20.000 barrels. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 1 car, 79c; No. S hard,-l car, 7c; 1 car. 75c; No. 4 hard, 1 car, 7Bc; 2 cars, 734c; 1 car, 73c. CORN No. 8 yellow. 1 car, 504c; No. 8, 2 car. 494c; 2 cars, 49c. OATS No grade, 1 car, 21c. Omaha Caah galea. WHEAT No. 2 hard. W6WTW,c; hard, W)19c; No. 4 hard, 7tKa76c; spring, 80c CORN No. 2, 60c; No. 8, 49V: No. 4, 49e; no grade, 43jjM8e; No. J yellow, 504c; No. 3 yellow, 50c; No. 2 white, 604c; No. 8 white, 60c. OATS No. 2 mixed, 234c: No. S mixed. 23c; No. 4 mixed, 224c; No. 2 white, 25c; No. ( white,. S4c; No. 4 white, 24c; stan dard, JSc, ' . Carlot Receipts. . Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago , r. Kansas City ...i Minneapolis Omaha Duluth , St. Louis steady ; Septerntier, e J a S4d anuary, new, 4a 8 n; lid; futures. December, Is CHICAGO f.R.l ASD rROVIMO Features of the Trading- and Closing Prices oa Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. An. 22. Th lnfluenece of Russian crop shorter reports dominated the wheat market here, advancing prices of all deliveries. Septemler closed fi 4e up. Peptember corn Is c- higher. Oats made a net gain of He. Provisions are up maner quotation at Liverpool gave strength to the wheat market a the start. Continued talk of crop failure In twenty- five Russian provinces and famine condi tions In some portions of that country were said to be contributory to the firm ness In the foreign market. Another factor In the bullish construction placed upon market conditions was a statement of the visible supply completed today. This state ment showed a decrease for the week of 177,000 bushels compared with a decrease of 236,000 bushels a year ago. Its effect was to reassure holders and augment the buying movement Induced by Ann. cables. September opened 4'd4c higher at 80i,c to 814j.4r and advanced by small frac tions to 80r. Profit taking Inter cost the market some of Its advance, but the close showed prk-es again on the upward trend. September reacted to fwyff soHc closing Arm at HoVtlHoSc Bradstreets world's visible showed an Increase of 1,250.000 bush els compared with a decrease last week of l..,(xiO bushels and a decrease last year of 130,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 688,000 bushels compared with 797, noo bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 240 cars against 373 car last week and 400 cars a year ago. Kxport demand for corn was the sus talnlng Influence In the market for that cereal. Buying bv houses that have re cently been on the selling side advanced the price from 624R3e at the onenlng to 534c. The close was steady at 53c. Local receipts were 581 cars, of which 297 cars were of contract grade. The market for oats was steady, prices being upheld by the strength In wheat. Shipping sales and business for export showed Improvement. September closed at 26e, fluctuations having ranged between 2f.V25iy Local receipt were 612 cars. Small receipts of hogs at this point and other western packing centers gave a firm tone to provisions. Trading was of small volume, however. Local short covered to a moderate extent and orders on the buy ing side wcte credited to the packers. Peptember po,k showed a gain of 15c nt the close at $14,374. Iyd and ribs are up 74c at $7.86 and $ 824. respectively. Kstimiited receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 72 cars: corn, 314 cars; oats, 292 cars; hogs, 27,000 head. The leading future ranged as follows: Articles. Open. High. Low. Close.lYes'y. No. No. .116 ...650 ... 77 ... 42 ,.. 47 ... 62 681 170 95 11 66 Manepell-Gralu Market. Superior quotation for Minneapolis de livery. The lange of price as reported by the Edwards-Wood company, 110-U' Board of Trade building, was Article Opn. 1 High. ) Low. Close. Ye'y. Wheat I ' ' I I Sept... 8248.14 .. S4-. 824 834, 824 Dec... MHft'J 82, SI 62HI .811, May... i$ 85 86 654 84 Wheat Sept. Dec. May Corn tSept. ISept. tDec. J Dec. May Oats-, Sept. Ieo. May Pork Sept. Oct. Lard Sept. Oct. Ribs Be pt. Oct. SOi, 82-0-24 804 5th !VC 6T4'TrV534'i3'4 62V8fi3j M'4 4:iV(?'H 44 434641 2544 254 204 M4 2S4fci2S44 14 224 14 40. 14 30 14 67V, 7 774 7 85 7 86 7 95 8 774 8 85 8 85 8 974 SOSiWffH 804 83 82,'8l 65 854 85 B34 634 634 6241 M K:v 454;46!S'&,U! 62 V43V(H'5i?'' 43 431 264 26 26H 264, 24, I 24 14 224 14 374 14 224 14 2741 14 4241 14 30 7 75 7 824 8 75 8 80 7 85 7 624j 8 824 8 924 7 774 7 80 8 75 8 824 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Sensational Adranoe of Beaming and Erie Feature of the Da;. RISE STIMULATES REST OF UST Later a Peverae Bet la and the Pacific, Xnr York Ccatral and Atchison Yield a Point. NEW YORK. Auk. 22.-A11 other event In today s stock market were completely overshadowed by sensational upward move ments In Reading and Krle. On an enor mous volume of trading Reading advanced 34 points to a new high .record In the first hour, soon lost much of Its gain, but again recovered and closed with a net advance of 24 points. Erie, on very heavy trading, advanced 2 , points to 514, also a new tiiga record, ami cioxeu at ai. it would oe late to advance any special reason for th movement In Reading. A pool of consider able proportions has been operating In It for almost a year and Its advance in that period has probably exceeded that of any other Mock In Its class. Ever since Read ing crossed par there has existed a good slied short Interest and today's early up ward rush was strongly suggestive of a drive against this Interest. In the opinion ot snrewd observers, however, this but partly explains Reading phenomenal rise, Rumors that the stock Is to come In for an Increased dividend at an early data Were out today, as was also a report that the road Is to (Inure advantageously in a deal now In rrocess of formation. The operations In Reading aggregated almost ' per cent of the day's entire business. The rise In Reading served to stimulate the balance of the list for a while, but a reverse movement soon set In. The Pa cities, New York Central, Atchison, Dela ware & Hudson and some of the more active Industrials yielded a point or more. The reaction was checked by a further rise in Reading. In the last hour operation centered largely around sucti stocks as Delaware & Hudson. Lackawanna and the Lries. The. grangers were neglected the greater purt of the dav. St. Paul being the only steady stock In this group. Aside from some latent strengtn in American smelt ing, the Industrials were without feature. the Steel stocks displaying heaviness throughout. The market broadened In the final dealings, trading switching from Read ing to the Krles and other coalers. Pur chases of the Erics seemed to come from the same Interests responsible for tho early rise in Reading. London was a small fac- or, selling slightly on balance. Its early purchases of Reading were soon exchanged for profits. Americans in London were slightly lower, In sympathy with the break. In Russian and Japanese bonds. Ilia gov ernment weekly crop summary bore out re cent rorecasts ab to conditions at western and northwestern points. Some damage to corn was reported from the middle west and southwest. The local money market was very easy, with no increased demand. Honda were Irregular; total sales, par value, x.i,gil4,oon. United states ponds were all unchanged or. call The quotations on the New York Stock exchange ranged as follows: Ei.es.rilKh.Low.Closo. Adam Express Amal. Copper 27,4oO No. 2. tOld. JNew. Pfl.li nootnttons were as follows? FIXJCR Steady ; winter patents, $3.90f A tratht. tl.fiTi'94.10 : soring patents $4 ,0C(5.25; traights, $4.65a4.76; bakers. $3.30-3 a ao WHEAT No. 8, 88-8980; No. 2 red, 79 Oc CORN No. 2, 644c; No. 2 yellow 66c. OATS No. 2, 24c;. No. 2 while, 2Vu274c; No. 8 white, 25Vft24. RVF-No. 2 R7ic. BARLEY Good feeding, 37fi394c; fair to rht.ice mnlrtnir 42(fn44c.- SEED No. 1 tlax. $1.01; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.16; prime timothy, $3.60. ft 1 IVPN-Pnntriet IT rude 112 25. PROVISIONS Mess pork per bbl $14.85 ffi'14.40. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $7.85. Bhort ribs sides (loose). S.7f.ig. 85. Short clear sides hoieri,l. 1K.87V;!S.12H. Receipt and shipment of flour and grain were as touowsi Flour, bbl Wheat, bu . Corn, bu ... Oata, bu-... Rve. bu .... Barley, bu Minneapolis Receipts Wheat, corn, 681 car ; oat. 612 car. 116 car; WEATHER IN THE GRAIN BELT. Rain General la Nebraska, Hearlest la Soatheaat Portion. OMAHA. Aug. 22, 1906. Thunderstorm .with moderately heavy rain were general last night In the middle and lower Missouri and middle Mississippi valleys, and continue at points In the lat ter section this morning. The rains were general In eastern Nebraska, being heav i lest In the southeast portion. No Important change In temperature 1 hown In any section, but slightly warmer weather prevail In all portions except on the Pacific coast, where it Is slightly cooler. Omaha record of temperature and precip itation, compared with the corresponding day of th last three years: 1906. 104. I9W 190? Minimum temperature..,. 67 64 68 64 Precaution 91 .00 . 00 . 92 Normal temperature for today, 71 de . grees. Deficiency In precipitation ainca March 1, 8.06 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 1904, 206 inches. DehcleiiLy corresponding period to U08, 1.97 Inches. OMAHA DISTRICT AVERAGES. Temp Rain. Station. Max. Mln. Inches. Sky. Ashland. Neb 91 66 1.13 Auburn. Neb 91 06 .63 Columbus, Neo.. 89 64 '.IS Falrbury, Neb.... 96 63 '.80 Fairmont, Neb... 92 63 .60 Or. Island. Neb.. 93 62 .83 Hartlngton, Neb. 81 60 .00 Oakdale. Neb 87 64 . T Omaha, Neb 88 67 .91 Tekamah, Neb... 89 64 .60 Carroll, la 86 66 .06 Clarlnda, la 93' 65 .C Sibley. la.... 84 60 .00 Sioux City. la.... 86 66 T Storm Lake, la.. 86 62 . 06 . DISTRICT No. Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy PL cluudy Central. Chicago. 111.. Columbus. O pea Moines. Ia... Indianapolis. Ind. Kansas City, Mo. Louisville, Ky.... Minneapolis Omaha, Neb St. Lout. Mo.... Local Forecaster, AVERAGES. of TeinB.- Rain. Station. M&. Mln. Inches. 29 6s 64 .03 15 M 63 T 11 90 64 .48 11 88 64 .04 16 94 68 . 24 18 ' 90 64 . 00 26 80 64 T 16 68 64 . 38 11 93 68 .60 L. A. WELSH. Weather Bureau. Kaaaaa City Grata and PvotIsIob. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 12 WHEAT Sep. tember, 73Vtf74c; December. 74H'a744c; May, 77c; cash, No2 hard. 764e; N-. I, 76a Klc. No 2 red, 794c; No. 3. 7t479c; receipts, 93 cars. CORN September. 477i348c: December, 184e; May, Utftifttc; cash. No. t mixed. 49 fe6o4o; No. t white. 6o,afiOlHc; No. 8, 60c. OATS No. 2 white, 2&u2t4c;-No. i mixed, 24c. EOG3 Plrm; Missouri and Kansas new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 18c per dosen: caw count lie per dosen; case re turned.' 4s per doren less. BUTTER t'QCUangrd; creamery, 19c; Hairy. ic. HAY I'nchanged and steady; choice tlm Othy. y(TiEpO; cholee prairie, t) UiKU.26. RYE Lower: 660. Receipt Shipment lii3.ftW 166.000 67.0 62UU0 6.uu0 7,000 Wheat, bushel Corn, bushel . Oats, bushel .. ' The rang of prices paid In Kansas City pany, 110-111 Board uf Trade building, was: Articles.l Open. High. I Lew. CloseJ Yes'y Wheat Sept.,. Pec... May... Corn Sept,.. Ieo.... May... Oats 8pt... Dec... Pork- Sept... Oct.... Lard Sept... Oct.... rib Fept... Oct.... nttjd 73 734 tjs' 734 n 744 734 744! T3$ 76V 77 ., 76 76V 764 ' 474 47 474 '474! 4T4 $! S S84. S8S1 S4 iH 38H 4 SS, 364 . . 6V 254 164 . 2S4 264 244 2444 244 244 14 14 10 14 27 1 4 1 9 14 27 14 12 14 14 87 14 17 14 32 14 M rtl TOO 771 ,T80" T71 T 80 ' T 87 T 77 7 87 TU 8 TO in 8 70 888 TO IN 8 90 r 8 80 t 90 880 Llvers-ool Grala Market. LIVERPOOL, Aug. tl-WHEAT-Soot. nominal: future, vteady;' September. 6 .!: Ixoember, in 7rt LORijr-tJni, auady; Ajuwlcaa tuUed. ta Receipts. Shipments 27,400 22.000 152,0u0 .- 629,000 466.0UO 6,m ...-.66.000 - 218,01. 7,000 42,900 86i 38 102 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm: creameries. 17xt21c: dairies, 161840. Eggs, firm at mark, cases Included, laVtSfwiio. uneeae, easy, iiii'c, SEW YORK " GE.1ERAL MARKET (aaotatlona of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Aug. 22,-FTOUR Receipts, 13 941 bbls.: eXDorU. 6.268 bbls.i market dull, unchanged; winter patent, $4.2504.75; winter tralghts, $4.0Q4.3; Minnesota patents, 84.9k5.5o; winter extraa, $3,00iji3.4o; Min nesota bakers, $8.60(54.00; winter low grades, $2.90((jS.40, Rye flour, steady; sales. too bbls.; fair to good. H.ifMi.a; cnoice to lancy, 84.3MS4.50. Pi lu MU1T AT SreMllv An. white snit vet- low western, $1.30; coarse, $1.161.18; kiln dried, $3.104t.20. rye steady; no. 3 western. Uivc. c. 1. 1. New York. BARLEY Pull: feeding, 39c. 0. L I. Buf falo. WHEAT Receipt. 62.000 bu.: exports. 7.997 bu. ; spot market, firm; No. 2 red, 864c, elevator; No. 2 red, 87o t. o. b. anoat; No. 1 nortnern ijuiutn, ic to ar rive, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Mani toba, 894o to arrive, f. o. b. afloat. Most of the day wheat was firm and higher on food buying Induced by firm Cables, un avorable Russian crop news, a rather bull ish weekly bureau report and Hght offer ings. Prices weakened la the last hour, however, owing to a big Increase In world's stocks and closed 4c to 4c net higher. May, 8l 9-16i&!K4c; closed at R9cj Septem ber. 84i?jh74c; closed at 86ic; December, 874ff4c; closed at 874c CORN Receipts, 122,560 bu.; exports, 62, 9S6 bu.; spot market, firm; No. 2, 614c, ele vator, anu 614S f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 6140; No. 2 white, 614c. Option market was quiet, but generally steady, closing partly 4o net higher; September closed at 6H4c; December, 6; closed at 61c. OATS Receipts, So2,9ii0 bu.; exports, 8.325 bu. r spot market, easy; mixed oata, 26 to 82 pounds, 29tj294c: natural white, 80 to 32 pounds, gi-dHflc; clipped white, 36 to 40 pounds, 334ali54c, HAY El 85ii:'AC, c'EED Quiet : spring bran, 816 75; August shipments, middling, $17.25; August ship ments. cHy.- $l8.oo"a 18.50. HOPS Dull; state, common to choice, 1904. 19fu26c; 19"3, lsijrertcj olda, 1'S12c; Pa cific coaat. 1904. 1924c; 19o3. ITiilJc; olds, 10rl2c. ; - . HIDES Quiet; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs., 25c; California. 21 to 2a lbs., 19c; Texas tdrv. 26 fa-30 lbs.. I840. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, $11 50 E12.W); meas, $9 50110 00: beef bams, $21 (lo'i .50: packet. $10.&uiu U.oO; city, extra India iiirss, $18 ooijl9 00. Cut meats, ateady; pick led bellies, $8.75(311.00; pickled shoulders, $5Cktf7.0O; pickled hams, 111. OOfi 11.25. Iard, firm; western steamed, fs.afi8.20; refined, steady; continent, $8 30; South America, $8.75; compound. 85.76ii.00. Pork, firm; family, $17.5018.00; short clear, $13.76Jil8.25; mesa. ll'4.V.ft 16 26. TALLOW Firm; city. 44d country, 44 RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 3"'(j5. c: Japan, nominal. Bl'TTER Strong ; receipts. 8,45 pack ages; street price. extra creamery, 2i44i-14c, OfTlclal prices: Creamery, common to extra. 1Wfi214c; state dairy, common to extra, 176'21c; renovated, com mon to extra, I53ilit4". western factory. common to extra, 15.tfl74c; western Imita tion creamery, common to extra, isgi94c, Amer. Car & Foun... do preferred Amer. Cotton Oil do preferred American Express Am. Hide & L. pfd.... 6O0 89 Amer. lee securities., loo 284 Amer. Linseed Oil do preferred Amer. locomotive ... 7,000 54 4 do preferred 2,300 1144 Amer. Smelt. & R'fg. 41,000 1304 do preferred 1.900 1244 Amer. Sugar R'fg.... 3,200 145V Am. Tobacco pfd. c... 1,300 I024 Anaconda Mln .Co.... 4o0 1154 Atchison 7,700 894 do preferred 100 104 Atlantic Coast L 600 166 Baltimore & O..J 28.600 114 do preferred Brooklyn .Rapid T.... 8,500 6S Canadian Pacltlc 8,000 160 Central of N. J 600 219 Ches. & Ohio 6,300 674 Chicago & Alton do preferred 100 81 Great Western 31,000 C. . N. W 2.000 C M. & St. P 28,700 Chi. Term. & Trans do preferred .... C, C. C. & St. L....i. .... Colo. Fuel & Iron..,. 2,800 Colo. & Southern..... 9"0 do 1st preferred 100 do 2d preferred 8,600 Consolidated Gas 2o0 Corn Products do preferred .. Del. & Hudson . Del., Lack. & W. Denver & R. G.. do preferred .. Distillers' Secur. Erie do 1st preferred $124 1J7?: gold eoln and bullion. 155.104.302; gold certificate. I22.76tl.020. New Vark Mopey MarkM. NEW YORK, Afig. IL-MONET-On call, feady at 147724 per cent; closing bid, 3 pr cent; offered at 24 T cent; time loans, steady; sixty and ninety days, S'a34 per cent; six months, 4 per cent PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4'j44 per cent. BTERUNO EXCHANGE Steady with actual business In hankers' bills at $4 SSoi-fr imi for demand and at 14 R4fif.'(ji 8470 for 0-day villa: posted rates, $4.85434.874; com mercial bills, $444. SIVER Bsr, 614: Mexican dollars. 47c. BONDS Oovernment, steady; railroad, teadjr. Closing Quotation on bonds were a fol lows; V. . ref. la. rf ... IMS Japan M aerlea.. Il't ta coupon 14, 00 4141. wrt rO V t. 3i. reg IM'4' ia 14 aerlea.. It to cuupon ll L. N. unl. I'M V. 8. new 4a, re 1M Manhattan r. ao 14 4 10414 6a coupon 154 Mrtlran Tantral 4a.. XI. S. old 4a, r.... IMS do lit Inr S4, in coupon 104S Minn. St. L. 4a... H Amar. Tol. 4a, cart.. n Mo , K. T. 4a....Pi4j 4o cart lit do la II 'a Atrhlaon an. 4a...l04Vt . R R ot M. c. 4a 14 da adj. 4a Vi K. T. ('antral s IHi V Atlantic Coaat L. 4a I0! M I. Central f. (a.lM B. O 4a... do 14 Crntral of Oa. ta.., do lat Ine do M Inc Chta Ohio 44a . Chicago A A. 4t C. B Q. a. 4a. C, R. 1. 4 P. 4a do col. Ba 14 No Pacltlc 4a 109 . IH do !ta T74 .114 Norrolk A W. c. 4.1'!4 . Ora g. h. rMg 4a. M't . K4V4 Pann. conr. !4a....l04V4 .1104 Raadlng gan. ta tot 4 . Iv St. L. A I. M. a. li.lltli .m st. l a b r, tg . ' St. I., g. w. a. . 4 4 S board Air L. 4a. 4 8S4 CI C. A St. L. g. 4a 101S 80. l irlflc 4a M (Mcago Tar. 4a at do lit 4a cart. .. . M'4 Colo. Ind. Si aet A.. TJH 80. nallwajr 9a 1 194 da art B 71 4 Tax. A Pacific la 122 4 Colo. Mid. 4a n't To., St 1.. Colo. A louthem 4a.. I44 Valon Pacific 4a., Cuba 6a, oart ..107sa do conr. 4a D. A R. O. 4a 101 V. 8. Steal Id ta niatlllara' 8ac. ta.... i Wabaih la Erla prior Han 4a. ...101 t do dab. R do fan. 4a ; M4j Waalarn Md 4a.., ft W. A D. C. la. 118 .Wheeling A L K. Hocking Valley 4Ha. Ill Wla. Cantral 4a... Japan 4a, oart lOOttl offered. 4a S ...KK'H ...1st ... t74 ...11) ... 7JS ...It 41. U ... Mi, Boston Stocks and Bond. BOSTON, Aug. 22 Call loan. 244 per cent; time loans, 84'944 per eent. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds were a follow: OMAHA LIVE STOCH MARKET Beit NatiTi Eteen Higher, with Weit eiDB Lowir. HOGS SELL AT ABOUT STEADY PRICES Receipts of Sheep and l.anan Fairly Liberal, Tilth Sheep Selling! Pally Steady and a Weaker Feellott on Iainha, SOVTH Receipts were; Official Monday . Official Tuesday , OM.VHA. Aug. 22. lf0R. Cattie. llogs. Sheep. 740 7,000 .al 2.710 ,13.8!5 . 7.3:5 19,:i0 8. 60O 27.810 12.7S5 2oH.;3 H.-.v'J 8.;2 DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, comparmg with last year: i!W6. laoa. iuu. ... 662,634 618.777 83.757 ...l,4tj.SM 1,676,674 70,680 ... 948.788 797.674 149.114 tnhle shorn the average Price of hog-s at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Two days this week two tlays laBt week. Same week before Same three weeks ago.. 8.260 Same four weeks ago... 7.673 Same days last year 7,837 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR Cattle Hogs Sheep lhe following 4.W1 7.AI0 11.261 15.118 8.314 9 239 16.6-4 7,009 TO Data. I 1806. ltO4.19O3.11O2.1901.ll)0.lS9. Atchison adj. -4a HSi Adrantora , i do' 4a 104 Allouai 8S Mnlran' Central . 4.. 7t Amalgamated &i Atchlaon MH Amer. Zlno 10 do pld 103 Atlantic 1 Hoirton A Albany . 864 Bingham 104 Boatan A Maine.... 17 Calumat A H MB oownn cieTaiea ibv ..entenriai . a.. Fltchburg pld ,.1454 Copper Hangs S 1 . g Mexican cantral li Pair Weat H4 N, T , N. H. A K.iOI Dumlrlnn Coal .... 7 apara Marquette.... Ml Pranklln 13 4 Vnlon Pad 0o 1344 Oranby 74 C'hem . 24 .Lie Tloyal II 4 lalaaa. Mining t Aug. Aug. Aug. . Ug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aur. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Amer. Arga. da pfd Amer. Pneu. Tuba.. Amer. Bugax do pfd .... Amer. Tel. A Tel. I. Amer. Woolen do pfd I)om. 1. A 8 Kdleon Elec. llluai. Oeneral Electrlo .., klaaa. Electrlo do pld Maae. Oaa I'nlted rrult ' I'. 8. Shoe Mash... do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd , . , Waetlnghouaa com.. lild. 'Asked. 74 Mlchtcin 13 w .1444 Mohawk ,13 Montana C. A C. .142 old Dominion' . . .17 naceola .104 Parrot . 13 Qulncr .t!04 Shannon ,1M I Tamarack . 174 Trinity . tl . I United Copper . . ti' V. 8. MlUng . .106 4 II. 8. Oil . 84Vi 1 Utah . 2VI Vtrtoria . i44 Winona .W414'W0ivrina a" 4 ... iht ... 214 ...100 ... 2f4 ...101 ... 7 ...12? ... 4 ... 14 ... MVa ... 10 ... MX ... 44 ... II ...124 884 284 81 214 223 186H u , snipping, 60c; good to choice, Visible Sapply of Grala. NEW YORK, Aug. 22. Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Ltradatreel' (how the following change la available supplies since last report: Wheat Culled States and Canada, cast of tse Rockies, Increase, l,462.ei bu. Afloat for and In Europe, decrease, 2i,0uu bu. Total upply. Increase, 1,261 000 bu. Corn I'nlted Stales and Canada, east ot the Rockies, decrease, 18,G00 bu. Oats-l'nlted States and -Canada, east of the Rockies. Increase, 8.404. 8i bu. TI10 Itadltig increases reported this week are l.9.0uo bu. in Manitoba, 200,iu bu at the Chicago private elevators, lul.OOO bu. at Omaha, 82.000 bu. at Depot Harbor. OuO bu at Coteau and tU.OOo bu. at Burlington. The leading decreases are 93,'iuO bu. at St Joseph and 68.0) bu. at Uouisville. Totals Una week, last week and last year do not Include stocks of wheal held at the northweotern Interior elevators, particulars as to which are not obtainable. This wH total, 21!v,0u0 bu.; last week's total, revised, 21 4"'.,'J bu. ; laat year s total. revlwd,, 1S.178.wjo bu. . 208 474 474 . 7,300 225 2204 . 100 460 450 . 100 85 36 . 300 894 884 200 424 424 183.200 61 4 44 .13.500 864 83 do 2d preferred 3O.4O0 78 75 Oen. Electric 700 183 1824 Hocklns Valley 100 9!J 92 Illinois Central l.SoO 1774 1774 International Paper... 600 214 214 no preferred International Pump do preferred Iowa Central 100 294 294 do preferred 700 67 4 674 K. C. Southern do preferred 200 69 69 Louisville & Nash.... 2,000 1504 1494 Manhattan L 400 I664 I664 Met. Secur 1,71X1 834 83 Met. Street Ry 3.3"0 12!4 124 Mex. Central 20 244 234 Minn. & St. L. 200 704 64 M.. St. P. & 8. S. M.. 6 10 140 1394 do preferred 3u0 1854 1664 Missouri Pacific 26,400 104 1074 Mo., Kan. A Tex 2,000 334 324 do preferred 9i1 714 704 National Ix-ad 2,900 444 34 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. 200 38 38 N. Y. Central 6.3"0 1554 1534 N. Y.. Ont. & W.... 20.300 67 654 Norfolk & Western... 1.200 854 854 do preferred North American 2.400 1014 100 Pacltlc Mall 1.500 454 45 Pennsylvania 66.100 144 1454 People's Gas ; 1,200 IO64 144 P., C. C. & St. I..... 800 82 82 Pressed Steel Car I,3o0 47 44 do preferred 9"0 974 97 Pullman Pal. Car 100 251 251 Reading 261,300 1194 1154 do 1st preferred 700 9"4 95 do 2d preferred V8i 954 94H Republlo Steel 600 214 214 do preferred 8.8"0 P4 8H4 Rock Island Co 3.800 S44 8:14 do pr'frred 4,300 804 794 Rubber Ooods do preferred Pt. L. A B. F. 2d pfd. 700 694 69 St. Louis 8. W 1.800 274 254 do preferred 8") 644 64 Southern Paclflo 12.200 674 664 do preferred Southern Railway do preferred .... Tenn. Coal & Iron Texas A Pacific Toledo. St. I.. do preferred Vnlofi Pacific . do preferred . I. 8. Express T'. S. Realty .. U. 8. Rubber ,. do preferred' t 8. Steel 53.700 S64 do preferred 17, l'4 Va.-Caro. Chemical... N' 834 do preferred ; I11O 15 Wabash 7'0 224 do preferred 1,600 434 Wells-Fargo Exp Westingiiouse Elec Western Cnlon tuO 93 Wheeling & 1 E 100 18 Wisconsin Cential S.ftiO 334 do preferred 9. nun 24 Northern ruelfic 4,I0 216 Central Leather 6 43 do preferred 2"0 1044 Bloss-Sheffleld 100 90 New York Mining; stocks. NEW YORK. Aug. 22.-Closlng quota tions an mining stocks were as follows: Adama Con Alice Breece .... 1 Brunewtck Con.. Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal A Va. Horn Sllaar .... Iron Silver Leadrllle Con.... .. IS .. (6 .. 40 .. IS .. 1 ..110 ..ITS ..140 .. Little Chief...., Ontario Ophlr Phoenix , Potoal flaraga Blerra Nevada Small Hopea . standard .. 6 ..too ..too .. .. .. so .. it .. ID ..US 4... i... ... 7... ... 9... 10... 11... 12... 13... 14... 15... 16... 17... 18... 19... 10. .. 21... 22... 6 8941 4 99! 4 171 t 724! 4 2 6 lo; 6 06 li I 4 i, E 664! 6 06 ft 1 .14 1 6 06! C 07 78 6 84 6 63 8 8441 S 01 i 4 4 871 6 834 1 4 81 4 94, 6 954 5 89 4 0 01 -a 6 874 6 934 6 8H4 e 6 84 4 99 6 021 6 041 6 06, 6 031 6 11! I 6 191 6 23 6 20 6 15! S 21 6 25 7 41 , T 891 7 27 6 d 6 161 4 1 I 78 6 18 4 21 6 79, i lei 4 33 6 10 4 43 t 84 I 4 46 6 801 6 04J 6 601 6 Ml 4 38 6 171 6 661 6 16, 4 87 7 15! 6 01 5 02 4 981 6 20 4 991 6 1 5 101 5 11 o 12: 5 15 I 6 23 G 021 6 30 1 04! i 78 6 81 6 73 6 7 2 6 04! 6 74! 6 00 4 V9i 6 74 6 77! 6 73 6 03! 6 77 6 61I S 77 6 83 6 67 6 72! 6 89; 791 5 86; 6 86! 5 781 5 02! 6 87 5 01! 4 42; 4 961 4 971 4 971 4 981 5 001 4 961 a 6 03 1 4 31 4 28 4 29 4 83 a 4 41 4 44 4 82 4 3D 4 47 4 50 a 4 12 3 69 19 cow. 1 cow. . 74 cows. 80 feeder. 3 steers. .. J W. llowell-Wyo. 8 cows 95 2 60 3 cows. . . .." I7S 100 Hlake Rros Wyo. ?2 feMcr.. 15 106 I feeder... 915 150 E. Yousl Mont. IS cows.... 104" 2 60 7 cows 9t 2 IE Reaver Cattle Co Wyo. II feeders.. 11.0 8 50 5 feeders. .1100 100 Alec Shent Wyo. . 9 1 65 2 cows 116 I oO .1050 1 & 1 cow......mO 2 65 1 R Tisdale-Wyo 15 1 10 8 steers. ..1416 4 10 2 steers.. .los5 3 50 U R. Plckford-Neb. 2S feeders.. 736 8 46 3 II Konrath S IV 1173 I 80 13 cow 9C9 2 45 1136 I 00 F. Rathlener Neb. T cows 1111 1 55 4 com 1040 4cos 1117 2 25 6 heifer.. 833 2 bulls... .1490 2 00 Hons-There was only a moderate run here, about 104 loads being on sale, and the qualltv of the stuff was only fair. With the light receipts and encouraging reports from the east, sellers wanted better prices, but btivers were of a dif ferent opinion and did not feel like pay ing any advance. These conditions made the market slow and draggy and very little was done till well along In the fore noon. There was a limited shipping demand and trading could not be called active at any time. As lias been the case for some time, rough packing grades were not wanted and the market -on that kind was slow and prices ruled steady to a shsde lower. Good light weights sold steady to stronger, while prices on other grades was steady to a shade lower. The bulk of the hogs sold at 5.824'd6 "74. top 15 95. Representative sale J 55 2 90 15 !riT8 16; medium and bulk sales, o.9cti6.10. heavy, I5.9tvff6.10; Sinn City lite Stork Market. RIOVX CITY, la , Aug :2.(Speclal Tele gram CATTLE Receipts. I NK) head; market 10c loner; simkers steady; beeves. M 7 Cu 0 i'; coa and hellers, 12 4''4 0i; stocker and feeders. I ni4 tat; calves and jeaillnga. 12 Soli 8 b HtMiS-Receipts. J.ftX besd: market stemlv. selling at 5.ux)i6 95; bulk ot sale, 15 6ii 6. S3. (Mock In Mailt. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western marge ta South Omaha Sioux City .. Kansns City St. Joseph ... St. Louis .... Chicago , Total OMAHA Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 7.'.i 7,9"0 8,6o0 .. . . 1 J 000 ttH 5.70 I.4.M 2.7.U 7.681 1.6-9 5m 6 i0 l.fctt 1J.O(0 16,iW 18.0i .... 42.933 44.WI 86, U9 WIIOI.KSAV.rt MARKET. Indicates Sunday. The offlclal number of car of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh p.Hs es. .. 1 .. 6 .. 43 .. 1 . 75 . 13 .152 . 1 . 2 1 C. M. A St. Mo. Pacific V. P. System C. & N. W V., E. & M. V. C, St. P., M. & O.. B. & M C, H. & Q C, R. 1. & P., east. C, R. I. & P., west.. 4 3 22 26 6 26 'i 2 8 24 8 11 6 1 6 .. .. 1 2 102 36 19 Chicago Ot. Sveste'r'n Z Total receipts 208 The dlsposlt4on of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 'FU; .! (Q 1.900 2600 , 2.300 A W 200 6O.9U0 904 364 Foreign Financial. LONDON, Aug. 22. American opened Irregular on tho Stock Exchange today but became firm In the forenoon, especially Philadelphia and Reading, which followed yesterday's bulge. Later the market was Irregular and somewhat easy on the ten dency of Wall street, and closed quiet. Money today wa easyVand Us abundance was Increased by the disbursement of the various dividend. Discounts were cor respondingly easy. Bar silver was quoted at 284 and wa firm -on short supplies. The Stock Exchange was Inactive, while a majority of the traders believe that a satisfactory settlement from the peace ne gotiations at Portsmouth will be reached a more pessimistic fueling prevailed today and nervous holders realised, causing weaaness. . i,onsoiS-lexi Ln, the- decline. PARIS, Aug. 22. The Bourse today opened firm, but became Irregular and depressed owing to unfavorable advices from Portsmouth. Russian securities opened buoyant, then reacted and declined toward the cloe. Rumors from Ports mouth regarding the outcome gf the peace conference caused heavy offer, and the maraet closed weak. Russian Imperial four were quoted at 88.60, ajid Russian uonas 01 1DU4, at DOB. BERLIN, Aug. 22.-There was only light transactions on the Bourse today. Opera tor are waiting: for the result of the, peace conference at Portsmouth. Bank Clearing-. OMAHA, Aug. 22, 1906. Bank clearings for today were 11,333,660.94. and for the corresponding day laat year 11,134,795.83. Wool Market. BOSTON, Aug. 22.-WOOL-Market, firm; the noticeable strength of the market has been foutjd In half bloods, territory and Montana. Fine territories and territory staples continue strong, but are selling slowly on account of the scarcity of de sirable grades. There Is no great activity In pulled wools. Foreign grades are In ready call. Leading quotations follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania, XX ttnd above, 87-&38C; X, S44)36c; No. 1, 40841c; No. 2, irw 43c; fine unwashed. 28vS29c; unmerchantable. 8o'a32c; quarter blood unwashed, 34'835c; three-eighths blood, 84fl36c; unwashed De laine, 30(v31c; Michigan, fine unwashed, 27&t 28c; quarter blood unwashed, 83g,14c; three eighths blood, 32Q33c; unwashed. 284)290. Kentucky Indiana, etc., three-eights and Suarter blood, 36Y,r37e. Territory. Idaho, ne, 22324c; heavy" fine. l9Q'ilc; fine medium, 23624c; medium, 26S)'27c; low medium, 26 27c; Wyoming, fine, 22(&23c; heavy fine, 19tj'20c; fine medium, 235240; medium, 2ii'27c; low medium, 26ir27c; Utah and Nevada, fine, 181?19c: heay fine. 19gr2oc; fine medium. 2 24c; medium. 2C'g'27c; Dakota, fine, 22!$ 23c; fine medium, 22'fj23c; medium. 26'&y27c; low medium, 2b27c; Montana, fine cholco, 2vg27c; fine average, 246i6c; fine medium choice, 2fl27c; average, Dy326c; staple, 2Sap 30c; medium choice, 28l3oc. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 22.-WOOL-Steady; medium grades, combing and clothing, 29U Glc; light fine. 2H826c; heavy fine, lM'cT tub washed, $2U2c. Omaha Packlmt Co. Swift and Company 993 1.652 Cudahy Packing Co 1,119 2,467 Armour & Co 1,088 1,961 Vansant Co 67 .... Carey & Benton 30 .... Lobman & Co 227 .... McCreary & Clark 97 .... W. I. Stephen 22 .... Hill & Huttzluger 130 Huston & Co 40 .... Hamilton & Rothschild.. 86 L. F. Husx Ill Wolf & Murnan 184 Mike Haggerty 28 .... Lelghton Co 271 J. U. Root & Co 163 Bulla & Kline 41 195 Other Buyers 477 .... 1,097 931) 4,109 Totals ..5,088 7,274 12 9,00.1 CATTLE There was a big run of cattle here, about 281 cars being on sale. As com pared with lust Tuesday, the receipts show a decrease of about fifty-eight cars and an lncreuse of 176 cars as compared with tho same day last year Beef steers again constituted the big end of the receipts, which consisted mostly of western cattle, there being few natives on Bale. Buyers were very indifferent on the westerns and there was nothing done till well along In the forenoon, and then trad ing wa very slow and dull and buyer were not particular whether .they, got any stuff or not. The quality of the receipts was not overlv Kood. and a buyer took on supplies liberally yesterday there wa little demand for anything not howlng quality. Native are getting scarcer and there was a good, strong demand for them here to day. On the itood cornfeds trading was active and prices ruled steady to atroiuf anrl In some cases lOo hlnlier. These cattle were all bought up in good season, prices on choice westerns were off about a dime and the commoner trades were off any- u-hore from tlVh 15c. Weakness and bearlshness on lhe part of buvers were features of the cow and heifer trade and the market was slow ana araggy. On some of the very best natives prices were about steady, but on the general run of stuff the market was off fully a dime. Bulls, veal calves and tans were Blow ale and price ruled barely steady. There was a fair supply of etockers and feeders here and the demand from both local buyers and the country trade was f ood. There were plenty of orders for good eeders and there was considerable activity to the trade. Prices on choice heavy feed ers were Btrong to a dime higher, while the commoner and lighter grade were fully steady. Representative anles: BEEF STEERS. Ne. 1,000' 634 214 42 2124 424 Total salt's for the day, 1,063.200 shares. London Closing; Stork. LONDON. Aug. 22 Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were a follow Conaola. money ave K. V. Centra! Ohio Peoria Market. PEORIA! Aug 3eLcORN-Flrm; No. 8 yellow, 644c; No. 1, 54c; vNo. 4. 64c; no grade, 62c OATS- Steady; No. I white. Kc: No,' 4 white. 2fV. j-.c-- ' WHI8KT-Oa the Wvf ot U ror'Bn Utitd fjuoU. do account Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd Baltimore A tan. Pacltlc rhea. A Ohio Chicago O. W C. M. A 81. P... rxReera lenver A R. O... do pfd Fria do lat pfd do Id pld Illlnnle Central ... Louie A Nah Mo.. K A T SiLVKR Bar MONEY 1 per ...15S ... ti4 SO l-;4 Norfolk A W.. . .. 4 1 do nfd 4w . .. 24, Ontario A W A7S, . . !1 I Pennejli.nla n ...lot Iftand Ulnae ts ...164S Reading J, ... bt I do lat pfd 4i ... t; I do td pld 41 ...114 80. Railway 1:4 ... 17 I do pfd lujs M 'go Pacific tH ... t! 1 Union Pacific lit ... 44t, do pfd ion ... t 'r. 8 Steel 17 ... J7(! do pfd 101 ...T! .Waoaah 724 ...1M I do pfd M ... 144 Spanlah 4s mm; ,vu per ounce. cent, The rate of discount in the open meyket for short bills Is 14 ' per cent and for three month' bill 14 per cent. . Treaasry Statement. WASHJNOTON, Aug. 12-Today t la ment of the treasury halanfs In the gen eral fand exclusive of the !50o'0."0 gold reven 'shows; Availubl caU balance, Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 22. METALS The London tin market ws higher at 150 for spot and 149 7 6d for futures, and while the demand locally was reported light, holders were firmer In their view and the spot position was quoted at 632.75'$ 83.00. Copper also wa firm and higher In the London market, closing at 69 17 6d for pot and 69 13 d for future. Lo cally very little copper Is offering and the market I very strong. Lake and electro lytic are quoted at 15.76ti'l.2S and casting at 116.87415 624. Lead was unchanged at I4.6Ovi4.70 in the local market, hut advanced to 14 In London. Spelter wa unchanged at 24 16 In London and at 85.70ifi6.60 In the New York market. Iron closed at 60 Id for Glasgow and at 47 Id for Middles borough In the foreign market. Locally the situation wa unchanged; no, l northern quoted at tl6.2tVM7.0O. foundry northern. 116 TtVri'16.50; No. ary soutnern. i6.7rjiti.7; No. I southern, 116.6016.26. foundry i . a 1 foun- tjoundry Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 22-COTTOV-Rpot closed quiet at 15 points advance; middling upland. 11.06c; middling gulf. 11.30c: sales. 198 bales. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 22 . COTTON-Spot in limited demand; prices steady and higher; American middling fair. 8.27d; good middling, .01d; middling. 6 86d; low mid dling, 6.69d;'good ordinary, 6.51d; ordinary. 6.35d. The sale of the day. were 40.000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation and export and Included 3.300 American; receipts. 19.100 bales, all American. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 22.-OOTTON-8teady; sales, 62 bale; ordinary. 74c; good ordi nary, 8 ft-16c; low middling, 813-16c; mid dling. 10 1-16c; good middling, 10c; mid dling fair. lll-16c; receipts, 1,2,5 bales; stork, 78,406 bales. BT. LOUIS. Mo.. Aug. 22 COTTON Steady; middling, 104c; stock, 13,697 bale. Oil and Hosln. NEW YORK, Aug. H.-OILS Cottonseed, Stea" "ie e, n" -In-il: nrrie '-o- low, !94350c. Petroleum, steady; refine 1 Ne York, , ...: Phn lucinnu and ttaltimore. tu 86; In bulk, 18 96. Turpentine, unsettled, 624ifi34c asked. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Aug. t2.-OILSTur-pentlne, firm; 61c. ROSIN Firm: ABC. tJ.8f"&3 16; D. t3 40; B, 118.1; F. 13 97; O. 84.05tS4.10; H. $4 10f.i4.16; I. 14 20- K. 14 latjst.lO: M, I4.t6; N, 14.75; W. O., 14.86- W. W.. 16 28. OIL. CITY. Pa.. Aug. B.-OILS Credit balance, 1117; certificates, no bid. Ship ments, n.bitt bbl.; average. 81691 bbls.; run. 11879 bbl.; rage. 66.114 bbl.; Ship ment. Lima, ST.stJ bbl.: average. 34 811 this.: ruoa, lima, l.lil Md.. average, 47,- afcbiav7 Ha. 1 14 1.... I.... It.... 11.... 47.... 10.... JO.... 41..... ID.... tl.... 4.... I I 1 tl 11.... I.... 1 1... i 1 1 t 1 4.... T.... I.... AT. ..1M0 ..1160 .. 77 ..U0 .. 990 ..1065 ..1VV1 .11:5 ..1170 ..1201 . .1235 ..ll(t ..1274 I IS 4 90 4 40 4 SO 4 60 4 SO 4 70 4 0 4 0 I IH I 00 5 10 t 10 1 45.... 83.... tl.... to.... 40.... I.... t ... .... ti.... it.... COWS. a a. . . .1IET ...1000 ...127 ... 31 . ..U.i . ..llf.5 ...190 ...IS.' .. .1100 ...U!5 ...1331 ...1441 Pt s 10 I is 6 IB t 15 5 20 5 25 6 30 I 0 S 30 5 S6 6 35 t 56 410 1 50 7 925 I 10 HBO 1 0 I 75 I 40 05 I 00 14 92 t 40 1070 I 00 412 t3S t SO 701 t 10 S 1104 2 SS 885 I 15 t 1160 I U til t 20 HEIFERS. 485 t 10 t 6i I 16 50 I 10 BULLS 1110 1 75 " i !110 1 as 1085 I 23 1 1430 I 40 CALVES. (40 I 00 10 1S 4 50 250 I 60 1 210 4 75 1S4 4 16 1 l 4 75 110 4 60 1 400 S 00 BTOCKEK8 AND FEEDEHS. 40 I 60 10 10 t li 828 104 . 850 . 100 . 125 .. 917 .. 954 .. 612 .. 960 .1090 .1007 1 5 t O'l NEBRASKA 340 I 40 8 calve., 1 calf 2 calves. 27 cows. .. 5 cows... 10 cows... 1 steer... 1 feeder. 28 feeders 4 feeders.. l'WT lcalf 880 7 cow 1155 1 bull 1340 1 bull 1110 ltag 1190 12 feeder.. 685 71 teei....1185 11 cow 820 13 cows 188 6 cow 992 1 feeder.. 795 8 cows &o3 2 feeder.. 470 8 feeders.. 600 6 calves... 4 calves... 1 heifer.... 26 feeder.. 4 cow. . 1 bull... 8 75 4 00 6 60 1 26 2 50 1 65 8 10 8 60 8 60 3 00 8 00 2 45 3 20 2 20 2 66 I 15 1 35 2 40 2 20 2 40 8 00 2 10 2 70 2 00 WESTERNS. Net Nelson Neb. 80S Z0 60 759 9.6 ..1270 7 cow. . 1 cow. . . 8 steers. .. 1 calf 6 heifers.. 9 cows 10 heifers.. 11 feeder.. 109 cow 22 feeders.. 4 cows 4 feeders. . 2 hellers.. 6 cows 10 heifer 1094 1110 680 450 5118 970 85) 910 935 8M 895 937 6S5 841 560 8 26 4 00 2 36 2 15 3 26 1 73 2 40 2 40 2 50 8 60 2 10 1 ", 2 25 1 26. 2 56 1 35 2 40 1 45 2 10 2 10 2 10 33 feeder.. 1084 8 60 8 feeder. .1084 8 00 14 cows 9o5 2 60 8 cows KiftO 2 00 H. D Coble Neb. 2 feeder.. 1159 8 00 31 feeders. .1159 3 76 J. Burdwell Neb. I feeder. .1113 8 25 1 feeder. . .1100 8 80 1 feeder... 1120 1 60 19 feeders. .1113 3 80 J N. Davis Mont. ft cows 981 2 50 6 mixed... 7S3 2 80 18 feeders.. 1050 8 65 10 feeders.. 813 8 10 F. Askman Wyo. 6 steers.... 940 3 00 4 cows 1042 2 16 12 feeders.. 1130 3 70 B. L. Crelgh-Wyo. 2 teer....1026 8 00 20 steers. ...1131 3 25 Blake Bros. Wyo. 8 steers.... 846 2 4 46 steers.. .. 990 8 05 16 steers. ...1210 3 50 8 steer.. ..1237 too F. Denton Colo. 13 feeder.. 816 3 35 J. Zindell-Wyo. 2 cow 1000 I 80 27 cow M t 40 4 cow Ir77 2 80 5 cows 874 2 45 3 cows 1"4 2 45 I cows 1033 2 45 W. H Pearson-Neb. I cows "0 175 13 cows 832 2 li lcow i:o 115 lcow 1150 2 50 1 cow 1H0 t !5 P. Winters. Neb. 1 calf 3fa 1 00 1 cows 923 2 15 4 feeders. I rows . .. I calves. Tt cow . . . 3 cww i... . 8s7 . 9T5 . 2 J 1142 . 9w 8 23 2 cow 2 15 1 cow 6 ijO 17 cows. . . . F. Bock-Wyo. 2 80 ;6oo ... 1 71 9Vi 1430 914 1 75 i 45 lr. No A. t 86 71 131 6 75 40 141 1 it 11 vt 5 79 70 1" I 75 41 2T1 6 76 (I t37 75 41 155 5 77 4 47 It t 80 SI 14S I 10 45 tit 6 80 47 28 5 80 tl 944 I M 41 17t I 80 40 194 t 10 71 110 I 10 61 Ill 6 10 117 t 5 80 68 23 t 0 8 tno 6 90 64 197 6 II 242 S 824j 18 211 5 2, 81 149 ( 824 70 147 6 '24 75 213 5 24, 71 234 5 ait, 14 m 6 9214, tl 101 8 t2, 74 204 t fJ't 78 214 t tin 15 11,3 6 tJt 74 12 9 84 aa mi 5 t24 90 105 6 82V, 77 191 5 8214 It 196 6 12 V, 64 Ml ( 82V, 80 214 5 8IV, "t 131 6 H2' 17 213 6 82V4 t 62V, 97 170 Bl X"l SHEEP There was a fairly here, about forty cars being About thirty loads arrived can slsted mostly of killers, w Xo. 42... 62.. 13.. 67.. 61.. 70.. 64.. 47.. 49. . 64.. 77.. 67.. 15.. 16.. 89.. 67.. 62.. 61.. 80.. to.. 60.. !.. 61 . 69.. 3.. 72 . 66.. 66.. 66.. 45.. 49.. 71.. 1.. 68.. 69.. 76.. 73.. 70.. 67.. 72.. 61., 41.. A. ...234 ...ill ...288 ...195 ...J01 ...280 .. .185 ...191 ...277 ...til ...211 ...13 ;..6i .. 187 ...241 ..142 ...187 ...2K5 ..220 ...34S ...24S ...1S4 . . 933 ...2.39 ...247 ...221 ...t7 ..264 ...244 .. .2M ...173 ...18.1 ...237 ...ICS ...23 ...t34 ...287 ...10 ...2W .. .244 ,...281 ...2.19 40 240 ft I 62V, I lit, I HV, , I :v I 82V, I 16 I 85 t 96 I 63 6 88 t 85 I 45 tt I 85 I 86 t 66 I 86 S 86 i IS I 85 t 86 I 85 t 65 I 86 6 85 I 174 I 17V, I 174 I 17V, I 67V, I 17 V, S 87V, 5 87V, 6 90 90 6 90 I 90 6 90 6 90 t 90 6 92V, 6 95 S 96 good run on sale. r'y and con fth a good 140 40 120 10 to 40 to 180 'io 160 120 to 140 to showing of lambs. As usual at this time of year opening trade was alow and draggy, sellers not being ready to show their holding till they had the stuff sorted up. There is a better demand here for feeder sheep and lambs than for killers and the fact that there wns only a small feeder end to the receipts was unfortunate. There were plenty of buyers in the barn and they were willing to buy as soon as the sort ing was done. Trading was slow all through the morning, but prices held about steady. There was a little weaker tone to the trade on lambs, as the supply was liberal, but salesmen were able to hold prices about ste.irlv. Feeders were fully steady with yesterday and the demand was gooa. Quotations on to t sheen and lambs; Good to choice lambs, tfi.66'ii7.25; good to choice yearling wethers. 16. 16476 ,5ti; good to choice old wethers, 35.OOjjo.lo; good to cnoice ewes, t4.50ti4.90. Quotations on feeder sheen and lambs: Oood feeding lamhs, 5.75ti6.0O; pood feeding yearlings, 14. 7F4f5.0O; good feeding wethers, 14 26ft4.60; feeding ewes, J3.604i3.85; breeding ewes, i4.uou-4.50. No. 2o Nebraska bucks , 13 Idaho cull ewes 411 Nebraska ewes 388 Wyoming wethers 63 South Dakota yearlings 661 Idaho yearling wethers itt eouin uuKota yearling wetn- ers 69 4 85 113 South Dakota, vearllna weth er 72 23 Idaho lambs 66 361 South Dakota yearlings 4 87 .719 South Dakota , yearlings 88 8 boutn iHKota yearlings a 243 South Dakota yearlings 69 633 Nebraska cull lambs 29 350 Idaho lamb feeders 812 Idaho lamb feeders 361 Idaho lamb feeders. , 328 Idaho lamhs 489 Idaho lambs 974 Idaho lambs .' . 750 Idaho lambs , 2,695 Idaho lambs 84 8outh Dukota cull ewes Dakota ewes Av. ... 84 ... 96 ... 84 ... 88 64 83 Pr. 2 00 8 26 8 60 4 35 4 50 4 76 64 South 263 Idaho 159 Idaho 156 South 6 Idaho 24 native ewes ewes Dakota wethers cull ewe ewes 420 Nebraska ewes 679 Wyoming wethers 194 Wyoming wethers 329 Idaho ewes 310 Idaho ewes 214 Idaho ewes 109 Nebraska feeder lambs.. 479 Nebraska lambs 602 Idaho lamhs 42 native lambs .. 56 .. 6ti .. 65 .. 65 .. 65 .. 63 .. 66 .. 69 .. 95 .. 113 .. 122 .. 88 .. 100 .. 91 .. 100 .. 95 .. 96 .. 108 .. 112 .. 114 .. 64 .. 60 .. 62 89 6 00 6 00 6 10 t 10 6 10 6 10 6 60 6 02 4 6 024 6 024 B 06 6 90 6 90 7 00 7 00 3 50 4 40 4 70 4 75 4 O'l 8 00 4 25 4 50 4 60 4 AO 4 80 4 80 4 80 6 15 6 65 6 50 7 15 7 15 Condition of Trade and Qnotatlona oa Staple and Fancy frodnc. EOG Receipts, fair; market steady; candled stock, lie. LIVE POULTRY Hen, 4c; roosters, 6Qc; turkeys, 12416c: ducks. c; spring ducKs, 9c; sitting chickens, Uijllc. BL'TTER Market firm, uacking stock. 154c; cholco to fancy dairy, lejiao; cream ery, 2H)214o; prints, 214c. oLUA.lt- standard granulated, in barrel. 16 66 pet cat; cubes, 10 50 per cwt ; cut loaf, t 96 per cwt.; No. 6 extra C, 16.60 per .36 per X powdereaV t2; 250. per S-bu. 19 native lambs 78 CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET Cattle Ten Cent Lower Hog Steady to Strong Sheep Weak. , CHICAGO. Aug. 22. CATTLE Receipts, 12,000 head; market. 10c lower; good to prime steers, 5.36&tU5; poor to medium. 14.00(4(6.25; stockers and feeders 12. 20(4. 26; cows, t2.16Cy4 60; heifers, t2.iKKrt4.76; canners, 1.26S-2.10! bulls, 2.0O'a'4.00; calves, I3.0ofy6.6o; Texas fed steers, I3.5tn)4.60; western steers, t3.6mt4.60. HOGS Receipts, 16,000 head; estimated to morrow, 22,000 head; market, steady to strong; mixed and butchers, 16.664.30; good to choice mixed, 6.(ry6.274; rough heavy, 6.66'ij5.95; light, t0.8oii6.30; bulk 04 sales, l6.9IWaJ.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18,000 head; market, weak; good to choice weth ers 5.o0(t)6.6o; f.ilr to choice mixed. UMty 4.75: western sheep, f4."5'Ue.40; native lanibH, 15.504(7.80; western lambs, J5.7BCti7.40. Kansas City I. 're Mock Market. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 22. CATTLE Receipts,- 13 900 head, Including 600 southerns; ste-rs, 10c higher; stockers and feeders, lory 36o higher than last Friday; choice ex port and drestted beef steers, t5t8Krj5C0; fair to (rood, l1.75'fi6.0O; western steers, 13.40 I&4.60; stockers and feeders, t2.75it4 25; south ern steers, .t2. Soft) 4. 00; southern cows, 11 .0') 8 00; native cows. II 75'4 M; native hajlfera, t2 5Otj5O0; bulls. 12.0063.25; calves, 2.&vHi6.25. HUGS Receipt. 5,700 head; murket. strong to 5c higher; top. 16.174; bulk of sales. C.ya.15; heavy, t5.96H .10; packers, 6.'Otri 15; pigs and light. 6.0ui.174. SHEEP AND LAMHS Receipt, 400 head; market, strong and active; native lambs, 16. 760-7 25; western lamhs. 15 .7rn7.25; fed ewes and yearlings. t4 5O'fi6.60; western yearlings, 15 251i6.60; western sheep. I4.2"ip 6.00; stocker and feeders, t1. 764.60. St. l.onl Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 22 CATTLE Receipts, 6.501) head, Including 2,So0 Texan; market steady to strong; native shipping and ex port uteers. l.6o(UC.26: dressed beef and butchers steers, U.SS'iS.lS; steers under 1 Oofl pounds, I3.504i4.00; stocker and feed ers. 12 .20'. 4 .On; cows and heifers. tl."0(&-4.00; $1 . M; bulls. I28V33.55; calves, t5ty!?J4 00. TeXR :ind Indian steers, 2..jo ,:ws iri"(i hellers, I1.5IK&3 .00. HOGS Receipts, 6.500 head; market 5c hlfrher; pigs and lights. fi.l'Jt125; puckers. t5oo4(6.10; butcher and best heavy, tO.Oo 6 20. SHEEP AND LAM B8 Receipts. 1.600 head; market atronn: native muttons, 14.60 ifi4 75; lamhs, 5.0vg7 26: ctills and bucks. 12 VU3.0o; stocker. 34 60114.76; Texan, 14 60 H36.OO. yellow, 16.30 per cwi.i n 91 per cwt. f itr.su fish Trout, lie; lanout. lie; buflalo (dresseii;. 3c: pickerel (dressea. 6c: Hute bass (dressed, uc: sunflsh, 6c; perctt (scaled and dressed), 6c; pike. 11c; calhan, 16c, red snapper, 10c; salmon. 11c, crappltj, 12c; eels, lc; bullheads. Uc; black bass, 2oc; whltetlsh, 11c: flog legs, per do., 16o; lobsters, green, 27c; boiled lobster, 30o; had roe, 45c; blur-fish. 8c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: ChoK-e, 17: No. 1, t6.50; No. 2, 4'i; coarse, 15. These price are for hay jf good color and quality, BRAN Per ton. 16 TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANOES-Valeticlii, all slues, I5.0OS5.5O. LEMONS Llmonieia, extra fancy, 87a size, 17.00; 3110 ana ;jw sizes, 61.51xtj8.0o. DATES -Per box of 80 l-ib. pkgs lt.1l.,.,'.. .. TO-II. , .. .... . IK E.. FIGS -California, per 10-1d. carton, 7541 86c; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 12c; crown, 12c. BA NAN AS Per medium-sited bunch, $1.71 432.26: Jumbos. I2.60ti3 00 FRUITS AND MELONS. PEARS-Bartlett. per bo-lb. box, 12.903 t.Ou. PLUMS California, per '-basket crate, 11 50 ul 75, gross prunes, 41.76; Hungarians, 11.75. PEACHES California freestones, per box, 81.15; Elbertas. 11.20. CANTALOl. P r.S Texns, per crate, 12.00; Texas, Rocky Ford seed, 12 60. WATERMELON'S Alabuina Swvel. 15J) 26c each; crated, lc per lb. APPLES-Dutchess, Wealthy and Cobb Pippins, In 8-bu. bWs . 13.003.26; In bu. buskets, tl. VEGETABLES WAX BEANS Per .-T. basket. 25GS; trlng beans, per 4-bu. box, iuifi:e. POTATOES New, per bu., 26U350. BEANS Navy, per bu., 2. CI CUMBERS Per do., 26e. TOMATOES Home-grown, 4-bu. basket. 26(ii 36c. CAM 11 AGE Homo-grown, In crate, p lb.. 14c. , ONIONS Homo-s:rown, yellow, red and white, per bu., 6O0. WKK'I 8- -Nw. per bu.. 76o. CELERY Kalamazoo, per do.. SWEET POTATOES Virginia, bbl., 13.50. si 1JSCELI Jt-NEO US. CHEESE Swiss, new, i5o; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wlsoonsln llmberger, 15c; Twins, 12V,o; Young Americas, 124c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, raw crop, per lb., 15o; hnrd snells, per lb., 13c: No. 2 soft shells, per lb,, 12c; No. 1 hard shell, per lb., 12c. Pecans, large, per lb , 12c; email, per lb., 10c. Feanute,, pr lb., 7o; roasted, per lb., 8c. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12f(jl34c. Almonds, soft shell'., per lb.. 17o; hard shells, per lb., 15c. Bhellbark hickory nuts, per bu., 11.75; large hickory nut, pet bu., 11.50. HIDB:S No. 1 green, 8c; No. t green, 7c: No. 1 salted, 9c; No. 2 salted, 8c; No. 1 veal oulf, 10c; No. 2 veal calf, o; dry salted. 7(71 lie: sheep pelts, 25cU00: horse hide. 11. it U3.00. St. I.onl Ornrrsl Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 22. WHEAT Higher! No. 2 red cash, elevator, 784fB834e; track. 73c; September. 774t(j774c; December, 794cj No. 2 hard, 81&84c. CORN Firmer: No. 2 cash, 62c; track, 63c; September, 604c; December, 414c- OATS-Steady; No. 2 cash, 26c; track, Tic: September, 254c; December, 2oc; No. 2 white. 294c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, 14.20 Q 4.35; extra fancy and straight, tvlt&34.15; clear. t3.05i3.15. SEED Timothy, steady; tilMtl't. CORN MEAL Steady; t2.60. BRAN Nominal; sacked east track. 670 69c. HAY Brisk for good grade; timothy, Ifl.OOdi 11.00; prairie, t5.OiKii8.oO. IRON COTTON TIE3,-99c. BAGGING 84c. HEMP TWINE 6VtC. PROVISIONS IVirk, higher; Jobbing, 114624; lard, higher; prime steam, 17.424; dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts. 18.76; clear ribs, 19.00; short clear. 19 26; bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $9,374; clear ribs, 19.76; short clear. 116.00 . POULTRY ftteady; chickens. 9c; sprlnss, 13c; turkeys, 144c; ducks, 790; geese, 7390. BUTTER Frm; creamery, 1622401 dulrv, 14'al7c. EGGS Higher at 16c, case count. Receipts Shipment Flour, barrels .-. .18.000 171 .001 Wheat, bushels .000 83.00t Corn, bushels .- 11,000 72.0M Oats, bushel 66,000 J2,00 CotTee Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 22. COFFEE Market on futures opened steady at an advance of Ave points In response to steady cablet and moderate Interior Santos receipt There was continued heavy nearby liquida tion, however, and with closing cablet from Havre showing a slight loss, prices here BSKged off and tho market closed steady but net unchanged. A large pari of the business consisted of switches frorr September to later positions. Total sale! were reported of 167.250 bags, Including September, 7.8oc; October. 7.40c; November, 7.50c: January, 7.7oc; March, 7.85c; May, 7v."'uHc; June, 8c; spot, steady; No, 1 Rio, 84c Sognr and Molasses. YORK, Aug. 22.-SUaAR-Raw, fair refining. 34'h3 7-14c; cen 96 test, 4fu4 l-32c; molssses sugar. 844f3 8-l(lc: refined, steady; crushed, 6.00c; powdered. 6.4'ic; griinulated, 6.8ilc. NEW ORLEANS, Auk. 22.-SUOAR-Qulet; open kettle centrifuxal. 441l474iC; centrifugal whites. 4 15-164i5 1-16; yellows, 4&44c; set-onds. 247?3c. MOLASSES NomfiiMl ; open kettle, Uii 2Cc: centrifugal, 6f14c. SYRUP-Nominal. 80c. NEW nominnl trlfugnl, Philadelphia Prodnre Market. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 22 BUTTER Firm, extra western creamery. 22c; extra nearbv prims. 23c. EGGS Scarce; nearby fresh, loss' off. 22c; nearby fresh. 21c at mark; western fresh. 217'22c at mark. CHEESE Firm ; New York full cream, lltjl2c; fancy, H4c; fair to middling, U4o. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Auk. 22. WHEAT Higher: No. 1 northern, tl.fl4tid.il; No. ? northern, HSc'atl.oS; September, 804ij8uolo. RYE Firm: No. 1. OOo. B RLE Y Steady; No. 2, 60c; sample, 3T f6tV. CORN Steady; September, 634e ssked. Bvaporated Apple and Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK. Aug. 22 EVA PORATED APPLES-Mai ki t Is unchanged, with hold ers firm In their views; common to good are quoted at 44t(6c; prime, 74c; choice, 74c; fancy, 8c. Kew York I Ive Stock Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 22-BEEVES-Re-celpts, 808 head. Market for good beeves weak. CALVES Receipt, 610 head Market for veals, about steady: for gransers and but termilk, nominal; for westerns, dull and weak; veals, $6,604(8 50; few extra. $8 624; throw-outs. 4tXii6'X); dressed calves, steady; city dressed veals, 91 124c per lb.; count rv dressed. 6'yll4c. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8.175 head. Market steady; prime liirnl.a. scares; sheep. $3 6otf6.0U; culls, 12.60(3 00; lambs, ! 7618.624. HOGS Receipts. 4.154 head Market feel ing easier on Buffalo advice. Stock Market. Aug. 22 CATTLE- SI. Joseph I. Ire T JOSEPH. Mo.. Receipts. 2. tJ3 head; market. lOMac hlKhep native. 13 75tt6.76; cows ami heifers, $1 6"('( 4.85; storkers and feeders. 2.75'i4.15 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. " head; market active and steadv; lambs, M(XJ8 Ret-elnts. -7.61 head. niarkrt. 1 strong to ic higher; closed weak; light. Duluth Grafs Market. DULUTH. Aug. 22 WHEAT Old. No. 1 northern. 11.08; to urrlve. No. 1 northern, 874c; No. 2 northern. 834c; Decemlx-r, 78c. OATS On track and to arrive, September, 25C. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. '?2, FI.OUR First patents. $5.4)'(6.60; second patents, IS.JO'i 5 3tr Hrst clears, $-.Mj'fl4 Hi, second claar, 12 6512.76. BRAN In bulk. 112.26. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Auk 21-8 EED-Clover. cah, $6 80; October, H 85; Ltecember, 16.124: al slke, August. $7 55; timothy, prime, $1.60. EDWARDS-WOOD CO. (Incorporated) Mala OBlcei l-'iflh anil Roberts Street, ST. PA I I., MIX. Dealer In Stocks, Grain. Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us Branch Otl1ee, 1 1 4a. 1 1 1 Hoard of Trad nidir., Omaha, Neh. Telephone 8514. -212-214 Exchange Bldg . South Omaha. Bell 'Phone 216. Independent 'Phona (,