THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. AUGUST .23. 1903. Telephone . 1 Dwrit arte- and AMl w dee You fan A ell icy are tiew tLe moment you sse them. An "ven f-trouKr feature tlian uewneKg in the exclusive styles, rare beauty aud fine values. Come in any time, we are ready. To give a full Jirt of the beautiful weaves and cloths in this email Fpaoe would be out of the question. We mention a few of the late arrivals. H1XUMWK MCW rt. KIX1S Tl-e hfirbt of dr-t, good' tWganc In the (i 1 a 1 a goods. Tli? tvft. rllujring fabrics are mors? Uautiful tb.n ever. All tLe uiw autumn colors, liHluding a rifc, Latidboiiie blar k I J. 00, ll.&O, 12.16 a ard M:W AM) VA'KLTl' IMKAMAh Both colors and black. Thfre la much to be said In favor of thn; beautiful fabrics. Tbey are right now lb one fabric for aervlre and durabilit and at the aanie time beauty of tex ture tbey bave no t-cjuul. Nothing more talked of or rcore wanted than tbeae t'rvlr.egble pa nam as. Not only a complete line of plain colors, but Invisible shepherd rhek. plain ground wltb d&iuty fletks of color peeping through the rU'f&s.e here and there. Make It a point to see them. Plain colors, COc 70c. 11.00: i.ovelMes. 7!, $1 .00. $1 20. S 1 C 0 a yard. hKW C.'HIKFO V FIMMfKO JJA'J lTi;s Here a the point In thr-ae pretty foods, there Is a richness and exrlutlveneaa about tLf-ae new fabrlra that you do cot uaually find at the prices; very fine, atrjootb finish, much like the high jrlojd woo) taffetsnv; plat's and tucka perfectly, light In weight, fine line of new colors 70c and $1.00 a yard. X. il. (Samples are ready for our out-of-town mull order customers. A'ow is the time to ordT. TtiONPON.ftLLDENclf Q Y. M. C. A. Building, Cor. ICth and Douglas. general dlp"Sli Ion as to regard today's swift and kaleidoscopic developments as materially brl riteiili'- the chances of the iiinu of the president s heroic fMnvor to save the p-.' e conf '-renr from failure. Hut It a reallxed all as before de pended upon the attitude of Emperor Nich elas and h!s advisers. WIMe Kiivri President's Plan. M Wills, It Is positively stated, person slly favor the solution offered by the presldnt, hut he Is jjowerlett ukles his Imperial nmnifr (flvts the word. With the most Intenae anxiety that word was awaited. It spelia peace or war. Another slight 1 flurry was created lotilht oy the. arrival of Colonel Mb havl, the dOef clerk of the elate department. 11c had come la response ; to a sum mot j from Mr. Pin e, hut both Mr. Celrec and tlunl Michael stated that the vlalt was only in connection with the rou tine bu1i.s Of the department. Mr. 1'elroe, lh Hilrd srsutant secretary of stale, tonlarht issued tha following state ment : No enyoy or represent stive of the presi dent had any roiiieieiu- with M Wl I or Heron Koaei tonlKtit, nor did 1 have any conference with either of them, nor was I eloaeted with them. They had business at the navy yard and, my duile re'julitd m to b present at Ine ard to make suitable arranaements for their lomfort. In no way. sliS of maner did f lave conference with them on liel.alf of the president In connection with (heir negotiations with Japan. Protocol In Preach and Knalisli. The protocol Is being- prepared in French bf M. Mancon, one of the Kuaslan secre taries. In collaboration wltfi the Japanese secretaries, who mske an English transla tion of the document. The protocol Is to be a faithful photograph of the proceed ings, showing In condensed form the arguments aoyanoed on ali side In sup port tt the posllUjn taken by each of the different articles. When tha Japanese take an eiceptlot to tha verbiage employed by M. Plsneon the exact words to be used are agred to by them, and if an Issue arises which they cannot adjust It Is re ferred to the respective chiefs, liaron Komura sad M. Witts. 'All has thus tor gone amooMily. Should a treaty eventu ally be agreed upon It would be written In FrVnch, with an English copy attached. Hut tha French teat will be the document sighed and will govern In case of dispute Over Interpretation. Coauaieat In Jiass, TOKIO, Aug. :2.-Ths JIJI, In comment ing upon the proceedings at the forts mouth peace conference today, says; The cession of the Island of Kakhalln and the reimbursement of tha eost of the war are the vital points of our demanda and leave no room for any compiomlae. The moderation and reitaonahlnneiie of these demands will be admitted, even by France. Hhould the at tempi to promote J-ea.e fall the responsibility will rest with tiissla, not with Japan. If the Itusalans efuse to accept the iroioaed terms It will ie advisable for our deUaatea to withdraw and tell i hem that the next meeting will e in iOKio, The Asahl says: "The war baa won a constitution for the Itusslan people.'.' It .declares that Japan is fighting the Kuaslan government and doea not entertain any Ill-feeling, toward the oppressed subjects of tha Kuaslan emperor. It espresaes the belief that all true Kuaalans mum hold soma appreciation for what Japan has ac complished for t hem. Lull at (yaer liay. OYSTEK HAY, I I., Aug S2.Vhlla President Hooeevelt has not relaxed In thu least his efforts to briny ths Kuuslan and Japanese envoys Into agreement, a distinct lull In tha negotiations waa nollceable here today. No visitors on business connected with tha peace proceedlnga were expected. Assistant Secretary of State I'elrca at Portsmouth, Is keeping the, preeldent ad vlsed'bf lhe developments In the situation there, but the preclee nature of the Infor mation ha transmits is not disclosed. So long aa the conference remain in ses sion the president will hold himself In readiness to assist the envoys In any proper way o ' reach a successful conclusion of their mission lis la very much In earnest In th efforts he is making now to bring about a 0 agreement and It la believed his strong feeling In the matter has Impressed Itself gpsa ths minds of tks conference. That, tba president's earneatneas took a liractlcat turn in his conferences with Am bassador da Koaen and Huron Kaneko Is beyond question but there are reasons for ths belief that the full purport of his 'propositions haa not yst appeared. It la felt hare that aa an linniedlsta brsak In tha oonfsrence aeema to have been averted there la yet hupa of a successful Issue of tba oonfersnre. Masai Mar Mass Neve OsTer. PAtUS, Aug. it The St. Petersburg cor respondent of thu Temps contradicts the report sent to tha Imdon Times and ths Its rl I n l.okel Anaelger to tha effect that at a council held at Peterhof It waa decided not ta make further peace concessions. He aaya that tha council, on tha contrary, pro nounced by a small majority fur the con clusion of peace and that tha emperor haa ordered tha lluaelan delegates to maks a new aroposltlon relative to Indemnity. Tha Yfee hi Man awaet sklnat PawvsMs? v- msda at maaeteie artoa. Oaluriiot Boding ; Poudcr Magnificent Lipe of New Autumn Dress Goods correspondent adds that the Russlsn dele gates have received the telegrams from the gtnerels In the field ura-lr.g against tho con' luelon of an unfavorable peace aa the army feels sure of victory. Soltellaae la pre ace. PA Kiel. Aug 22.-A feeling of deep aollcl tude prevails concerning 'he crisis at Portsmouth, which officials expect will con tinue for some days pending the last dea perst efforts to sert a rupture. The view In official quartcra to k a dlsoursg Ing turn apparently as the result of con fidential advices through official Kusrian sohrces. Tie Kourse today st first showed sur prising buoyancy, Russian is opening at an advame of '& centimes, but later dis couraging advices from Portsmouth for the first time dispelled the optimistic feel ing of the market and caused a general decline. Shortly before the close Kueslans and other securities were heavily offered and the closing was weak. This was In marked contrast to the steady sentiment of confidence heretofore prevailing. Finan ciers continue hopeful that President Koosevelt will find a way to prevent a renewal of the war, but a continuance of the war will not seriously affect the mar ket, owing to the fa-t that Huesta ha enough b lance In Paris from the last loan to carry on operations for several months. Nevertheleas the uncertainties of the situation have produced a feeling of nervous apprehension throughout offi cial, financial and diplomatic quarters. It Is seml-ofliclally announced that the special Cabinet council to be held Thurs-i day will he confined to topics concerning Morocco and the fixing of tha date for tha reassembling of Parliament. The omission of any reference to the peace negotiations Is omlnour'of a growing dis position to hold aloof from profitless In tervention. . . . The prevailing view among officials is that President Koosevelt, having Initiated the movement, ahould cope with the dif ficulties without outside Interference. French Journalists at Portsmouth con tinue to quote It. Wltte and other mem bers of the Kusstan mission aa declaring that a rupturs is Inevitable. Dispatches from St. Petersburg reflect the same senti ment. Nervosa la Usdos. LONDON, Aug. 11. The Btock exchange was Inactive today. While a majority of the traders believe that a satisfactory set tlement will result from the negotiations at Portsmouth, a more pessimistic feeling prevailed today and nervous holders real ised, causing weakness. Consols led In the decline. Jupancee aeciirltlea were weak and yielded to the selling pressure of pessi mistic holders. Itusalans and other for eign securities were dull In sympathy with Paris. Japanese Imperial 6a of 19o4 Were quoted at l!'. LEAGUE WILL WORK ON QUIET (oo4 t.oterameat Pollllral Or.aaUa. tloa Ksrladee llrewers, Isloos Keepers aad Tbelr Krleads. ., Since the publication In The lies Monday of the Incident where tha real object of the so-called flood Government league was tlppd off oilier alinllar Incidents have been told to republican candidates. One man who seemed to be on the Inside and knowa something of Ihs plans of tha leaders went so far as to say that tha real object of the league, the boosting of certain favored candidates only, waa to be accomplished "on the qulei." Keporta of, these significant sayings of league members or canvassers have, it la known, reached the eara of aims of the leaner m ine league, wno considered It a really nonpartisan body. They expressed surprise and Indignation, but are not yet realty to be quoted In the matter. They assert thev want to make aure of their around before acting. lirewera and aaloon keepers are barred from membership In tills league. This Is specified In the constitution, litis being the case. It is supposed Ihs league would not want the voles of brewers, saloon keepera and their friends for tha leagues chosen candidates. EXPLOSION ON DREDGE BOAT Poar Mea laalaatly Killed by Accl sleat Near Norborue, Mo. lludlee Horribly Matilated. flOHWORTH. Mo.. Aug. B.Four men were killed by the explosion of a boiler on a dredge boat near Norborna, Mo., tlay The dead are: J AM KM LYNCH of Itoawnrth. ISAAC WAliR of Hoaworth TWO 1'NIUKNTlKls.iJ LABORERS. Ths bodies wye hurled aeveral rods from tna wreck and were mutilated beyond reoog nltlun. Mlaa Mai sit la Oat of fkaaaer. N K W POHT, R. I , Aug C-Mlae Rvelyn V. Walsh, who waa Injured In an auto mobile accident last ktuturday, at which time her brother waa killed and aeveral others Injured, waa repotted to be out of aanger loaay. Mia. James 1 Kernochao ami llany iieii-tches, who were also lit. Juied, were able lu go out of door today. KarlhsjaaUw la Teaaeasee. NAB I! VI U.K. Tenn. Aua. 21 -At Clarha ville Tenn , a sever earthquake shock felt at II 10 laat nlaht created conalderahla as. cltemont. Seismic dlstm were alao noted at I'nlon City and other sections of this state. A alight ahock wss frit In Nash ville. Colorado Haa Tlalta Preeldeat. OY8TKM BAY. N Y.. Au. M-Phllla n Stewart ut Coloradn Spring. Colo., was a caller on tna president today. The preel dent waa hie goeat aa bla trio laat apilug v vuivrsau, CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS 6m Ligkticg Katier it Laid 0vr tot Aoeiber Tatk. HYDRANT RCNTAL STIRS UP ORATORY Cltf ittersef Breea AeHleee that Clalas ef tetaspaay He Heeleted AeessslUss. Councilman eV-hceders tltsen, be-aus of Injuries sustained in a runsway acci dent. ws used as an excuse for not taking actM.n on the gas street Hunting contract u. alter by the count 11 last night. Council man Hoje and other aald the fJightb Ward member had made ei-cnl request to defer the ga eon'ra'-t until he culd be present, which he thinks will be next Tuesday nirht. Otily Zimrhan, Nltholsou and Hoye voted against deferring action and they made no real protest. Chairman O'Brien of the lighting committee, watch ing the rourae taken on City Attorney Breen report on the legal phases of the bids and the resolution submitted by him directing readvertlsement. withheld his re port snd the return of papers. Tha re port, signed by O'ljrlen and Zimrnan merely recommended readvertisement. Altoraey Breea's tsxieitlos. Nel'her the bids received from the Omaha Oae company nor the projxsals aed for In the advertisement calling for prcjjiosftlons for gas street llsrhtisig sre in harmony with the term of the gas com pany's frsn'hlse, accordlr.g to the city at torney. He quoted the ctlon of the fran chise ordinance that requires the gas company to submit bid whenever re quired for tret lighting, at a price not to exceed fa a year for lamps consuming not more than five cubic feet of gas an hour. Ife pointed out that nothing was said sbout burners or other equipment. He advised that all bids should be rejected and new onee called for. not only for gas lli'htlr.g. but or-en to the eclectrlc com pany and other companlea controlling varlou lighting appliances "used with suc cess In other cities." f Whether or not anything defnite will be don next Tuesday night is rendered ques tionable by the leave of absence for that meeting granted to Councilman Hack at his request. He and his wife will go to liennington and then west for a abort vacation. It ta l,r.iu ,iu. k. v.- ma y return for the meeting. The leaders both side say they are confident of f rl nning. but those best informed say the s company has vote to eoare to Dut ga rough the 128 contract whenever it 1 ready to do so. st Company Arrstro. That the Oinnha Water comnanv ha been defrauding the city for years In charges for fire hydrants where no water was available was the accusation made by City Attorney Ureen In a speech urging the council to override the mayor's veto to a resolution rescinding a resolu. tlon adopted in February authorizing the confession of Judgment for hydrant bills tor the last half of lis, im. tin. H,717. The city attorney waa asked mint h,r,i. by Councilmen Nicholson and Evans wnetner the city owe the money. it is my honest belief that It does not " replied the attorney. -It has been discov ered that a number of hydrants put in have not been available for a drop of water for the fire department. Not only this, but that aome of them have been In Ihla cm. dition for yeara, but the city lias been paying for them Just the same. I want tills original resolution reacinded so I can contest tha case In the federal court with out any handicap. About Meter Hatea, "This water company haa gone out of Its way to haras and embarrass the cltv and particularly In preventing the aeoulrement of tha water works system. It attempted 1 ro compel consumers to put In meter boxes at the curb line when a danger appeared mat ine meter rate would be reduced, this so the water would be aold on the flat rate plan. We have Just had a bill ore. eented for water used for street flushing at Hi cents per 1.0U0 gallons, when the water company last spring, after we almoat had to force them by means of the police io lei us use their hydrant for the pur pose, agreed to let us have the water at t cents per 1,000 gallons. I tell you that the people of this city propose to purchase theae water worka and they do not propose to be hampered any longer. If the company will proceed fairly and decently, aa a man ought to, we will treat them equitably and right." Mayor's Veto NustalneU. Mayor Moore vetoed the rescinding reso lution, declaring that If the amount waa correct In February It "ought to be cor rect now." He aald he thought the matter waa 'part of the fight between the Water I board and the water company," and he thought aa long aa the tnutter la in court they "ought to fight It out among them selves." Hoye was not present when the vote was tsken, but all the other members except Zlmman and O'Drlen voted to sustain the veto and It was made fc-ood by five votes, loiter on a plain resolution directing the attorney to defend the suit aa he saw fit was adopted. loiter Councilmen Dyhall and t.vsna manifested a desire to go back on the deal, but after Mr. Ureen bad spoken aa above quoted they withdrew. As tha matter rests, he suys, he Is left budly handi capped In the case. Home Other Vetoes. It rained vetoes from the executive of fice. The firm one was agalnt the allow- nce of I.VXI aa expenae money for dele gate to the Municipal league convention. It wtia sustained. The mayor denounced the appropriation aa a specie of graft and said he did not approve of the use of city funds for Junketing trips Another veto was leveled against two gaa lamps on Twenty-seventh street between Farnam and Dodge which Councilman Nich olson protested were old lamps In new places that had been displaced by new arc lamps. The mayor said he estimated the lighting fund would be overdrawn KM at tha end of the year and for this reason cut off the expenditure. The council sus tained tha veto, but Immediately took con trary action on a veto against a new aro lamp at Twenty-fifth and Pratt streets, objected to for tha unit reasons. Then authority waa given for another aro lamp at Thirtieth and ICvans streets. Western laloa's Franchise. No one appeared to represent tha Weatern I'nlon Telegraph company In the hearing aet for It to show cause why its Omaha franchise should not be ased at II'ju.ooO for two year. A resolution waa adopted at the request of President .imman order ing subpoenas for C. H. Morton, J. C. Nel son and W. W. I'msted, officers of tha com pany, to appear at 10 o'clock Thursday morning when the counull will hold an ad journed meeting. Tha council concluded that patience with the Western Union had ceased to be a convenience. An ordinance waa Introduced to give au thority ta tli Hurllngton to lay Jobbing bouse tracka on Ninth atreet between Jack son and Howard. Authority by resolution waa given to B. P. Themas, compiler of tha city ordlnancea, to arrange tba ordlnancea by chapters and to alter them where necessary to make them consistent with "themselves" and tha charter. Ordlnancea were Introduced ordering tha following paving: Harvey s'reet. Tblrty thitd to Tuirty-slx'h. and avenpc.rt frtm Ilghteentb to T entj -otxt h. asphsJt, Twenty-fifth from Dodge to California, and Cali fornia from Twetity-thltl to Twenty-sixth wi'h Purir.gton bloc.. Ordinances were paswd ordering Furlng-ton blot k on Twen tieth etree. from Fsrtism to Idse and risking an improvement district out of Capitol avenue from Twentj-aixth atreet to Twer.ty-ee.enth avenue. CLUB AGAINST SALE OF PARKS testrsl Park Imyrttrn Adopt Rese Isjtloae 0,mIs Tbl east rverlg aall Reeerta. At the meefir.g of tbe Central Park Im provement club Monday evening represen tative wre present from Monmouth Park. Orchard Hill Pelvedere and Omaha View clubs Lr. Milst-r apok entertainingly of the jrk system ut the city and gave Ms leaeons ior opposing the Bale of Fontanel and Kim wood parks. These resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas. There recently appeared In The Omaha an anonymous ieuer in which the writer eutig.-sit-d the propriety of sell ing fcilmwood and Kontanelle parks and cev.ting the proceed e the constructing and lmnoe;t.ent of boulevard and. Wheieas, The Omaha fee las editorially endorsed the suggestion and advocated us 'tig the money in the building of small parK central! lo.aJed. and Whereas. The land embraced within tbe limit of the park named would not at public sale bCng one-tenth of na original cost to the city, therefore tie it Resolved. That ic is the sense of the Central park Improvement club that not one acre of park ground within the limn of the city of Ooai.a shall ever be aold or uscl (or any but patk purpose. Resolved. That the most efiective way of combatting the scheme to well is to im prove, beautify nd popuiarlie thern as pleasure resorts for ail the people, a ha been done with Rlvervlew, Miller, Hanacotn arid iemls parks. Resolved. hat the greater portion of the funds available for park improvement dur ing the next year should be used in Fon tao "lie and Klin wood parks, which have been neglected for years, and that the city council and the paik board should exercise such power snd Influence a niay be pos sessed by these b'xlies to compel the Omaha (J'teet Railway company to extend Ps tracks to the parks so as to make them accessible to the pulic. Resolved. That copies of these preamble and resolutions be furnished to tha ci'y council and the park board. LIBERAL'S ILITARY BAND Fa a fa re Cor pa aad 4 oacert Com pa ay at Krsf Park Cesimrsrlag Wednesday Evealagj. P.eturning from a triumphal engagement at the Portland exposition and a success ful tour of the northwest, Llberatl s Grand Military band fanfare corps arid concert company will be at Krug Park for four days, giving afternoon and evening con certs, commencing Wednesday evening at t o'clock. While glgnor Llbeatl very sel dom directs ragtime concerts, he has con sented to have his band plsy ragtime on Wednesday evening, la conformity with the prevailing custom at Krug Park of having ragtime every Wednesday evening. Those who attend expecting a rare treat will not be d appointed. Although Literati's band was engaged for but a month at Portland, its success was so pronounced and Instantaneous that It was offered an additional engagement of four weeks, which it was compelled to de cline owing to eastern bookings. ILER HAS TWO MORE ON LIST Omaha Promoter Olree Oat Xamea of Firms Mho Write About Loeatloa. P. E. Her received a telegram Tuesday afternoon from U. K. Colder, manager of the Stony Brook trick and Tile company of York, Pa., In evhlch ha atate that he haa started from BrleM., to visit Mf. Her and look over the ground relative to the establishment of brlcV and tile works at Sarpy City. Mr. Her is also In receipt of a letter from C. M. Lauritxen. vice president and general manager of tha Raymond Broa. Impact and Pulveriser company of Chicago, manufac turer of clay grinding machinery. The let ter atate that he haa examined and tested the samples of clay sent to him by Mr. Her from the Harpy City clay bed and that It la In all respects similar to claya used for the manufacture of tiling In many of the leading tile manufacturing concerns In all parta of the country, as well aa the plain clay, also sent him by Mr. Iler. BOOKS TO BE TYPEWRITTEN Registration Heeord M ill Re la arB Condition as to Facilitate Handling Voters. The handling of voters primary day promises to be greatly facilitated by the fact that ail the registration book will be written by typewriter. Old difficulties caused by Illegible penmanship and errors in spelling and entries will be avoided to a large extent. The Innovation Is brought about for the first time by the revision of the books now taking place In the cltv clerk'a office. Five men snd aa manv women stenographer are rapidly tearing the old book to piece, figuratively (peak ing, and making new onea to fit the new wards and precincts. FIRE JREC0RD. . naalneaa Houses In Portland. PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. O.-FIr that started In a restaurant Ip East Stark street early today destroyed fiHir blocks of build ings In the business center of Old Portland. The loss approximately la lK),00t). With but few exceptions the twenty building de stroyed were shacks. The exceptions were the old Culley block, the Kadderly block and the Bust Portland I. O. O. F. hall. The area burned over la almost entirely In a gulch and Is built on staging. It extends from the northeast Intersection of Kast Stark and ITnlon avenue, along the east side of Union avenue, to East Pine, along the south side of East Pine to East Sixth, south to East Stark and west to Union avenue. K'levatnr at Glensvood. KEARNEY, Neb.. Aug. M.-8peclal.) Tho Weatbrook-Olhbons elevator at Glen wood waa struck by lightning last night. It caught fire and waa completely des. troysd. together with Its entire contenta. about ,0UU bushels of corn, wheat and oats. All night long tha fir raged and all duy today, there being no meana of fighting It. The house waa worth 3,o00 and It, with Ita contents, was fully covered by Insurance. Mortality atatlatlra. Tha following births and deaths have ueeu reported in me lioara or Health dur ing the twenty-four hours eudlng at noon Tu 'Silay : ' Klrths Henry Hlock, f630 Parker, alrl Kenjumln Htlte. Iju Locust, girl; Nel son, if,: Hurdette, twins, boy and glii; John Moiiai s Twenty-fifth and Hancroft, boy; Henry llianchl, tTot North Thirty-seventh, boy; H. J. Well, ill South Twenty seventh, boy; John Krepclk, 14H South Fif teenth, girl; Jo Muntstch), 13k. (as a, boy; Joseph Mcllrlen, 310 North seventeenth. Deaths Elmer Halmon. HIS South Twen tlnlh svenue. lu months; Benedict Plcterer. lt South Thirteenth, So; Samuel Avery, Franklin and Ilurnett avenue, 71. Iaternatlonal iiisy School Work CLIFTON, Mas. Aug. f I A meeting of the central committee of the International Sunday School Association waa convened here tonight and will remain in session for ' une. i nit ieiiii!i service looK. tha form of a meeting of praise and prayer. The central committee haa chares ot the work of the lt.Jii Sunday echool In the t nttea states Canada. Cora the Hiitlsh wt ludlra, Msaluo and Central America. WOMAN KILLED BI ROBBER Kn 6. . Kin cf Sew York fhot bj Eoldcp Jfm is Chicago. MURDERER ESCAPES DOWN A ALLEY rinse tewwines Karlr la the E-vea-! la Ho Park, a Fasalea. able Kesldeare Dis trict. CHICACO. Aug. 2 -Mt-s S. C Mlae cf New Tork City was murdered tonight by a robber w hile taking aa evening walk in one of the fashionable residence districts on the South sMe. For the gr-r, ter pert rf the m"inf Mrs. Mite has t-en a guest at the lel Prado hotel, which fronts on the Midway lials- snce. Tonight In company with Mrs E. F. Wilson of Las Cruoc. K. M.. also a guest at the hotel, si.e went out for a short walk They had reached the corner of street and Washington avenue, two square from the hotel, when they were confronted by a man who demanded their money and valuable. AH along Fifty-ninth street snd on Washington avenue jeople were sitting upon verandas and in the frcnt yard of their residences, and Mrs. Mite evidently expecting help from some of them vigor ously attacked the robber, at the same time calling loudly for belt,. Mrs. Wilson turned and ran back toward the hotel. sot rhroagh the Heart. Mrs. Mite was able to utter Just two cries for aid when the robber shot her through the heart, killing her instantly. Mra. Wll A'n. who was looking back at the time fell In a flint, and when the residents of the neighborhood came runrlng In response to the call of Mrs Mite they found both women lying upon the sidewalk. Mrs. Wilson, still unconscious, was taken to the Iel Prado hotel while the body of Mrs. Mite w.s carried by the police to an undertaking establishment near at band. Marsrrer Makea Hi F.eeape. The murderer after shooting Mrs. Mlt fled Into an alley between Fifty-eighth and Flftv-r.lnth streets and disappeared in the darknes. He wa seen by nobody except Mrs. Mite. Mrs. Wilson and Mrs Martha Scanlon. a guet of the I'el prsdo hotel, who hearing the nhot looked hastily out of the window and saw the man running into the alley. Phe w as not able to describe him and Mrs. Wilson was so utterly prostrated that she oould not give to the police any details of his appearance. A swarm of de tectives and uniformed policemen were on the ground within a few minutes, but for the time being at least the murderer made good his escape without leaving a tangible clew. GOOD TALE, BUT DOES NOT GO fteta Terra for Abetting; Theft of Cbarrh Bell. Despite Flaasl ble Story. William GifTord has been sentenced by Judge p.edlck to aerve twenty days in tha county Jail on a plea of guilty of petit lar ceny. GifTord waa arrested for being con cerned In the sale of a 240-pound church bell to a aeeond-hand dealer, and haa been In Jail two months. Telling of the disposal of the bell, GifTord said a young man named McCormlck had atolen It, ao far as he knew. It was taken from the South Tenth Street Methodist church. The pawnbroker, ao McCormlck told him, had refused to buy the bell unless it waa broken up. So it waa taken out on the bottoms near where GifTord lives and waa smashed to pieces. About the tl me the metal had been put In a Back he happened long, and. as he had worked for McCnr. mlck's father, he consented to help get the metal to the second-hand man. The latter gave McCormlck a check for the metal and Ifford participated in a drink with Mc- Cormlck and the Junk man. He asserted hat waa the extent of his connection with tha theft. WILL SHORTEN LAKE ROUTE Project to Dim Canal Aerosa toper Penlnanla of Michigan from An .Train to Kscaaaba. DETROIT. Aug. 22. The Detroit Jni.rnl says today: Nelson Thomosson, a well known vesselman of Chicago, Is authority lor the statement that a syndicate Is to be formfd to dig a canal from Au Train, on Lake Bunerlor. to Gladlstnn or VaonoKu on Lake Michigan. By using the Whlteflsh river It is declared only sixteen miles of the total distance of forty miles between Lake Superior and Michigan would have to oe areagea sucn a canal would shorten the route between Duluth and Chicago by 2CS mile, and would aave upwards of 200 miles on the route between Duluth anil Buffalo. Moreover, the dangerous 6t. Mary's river would be avoided. Jnat Taking a neat. Attorney Carl C. WrlKht, who. with Gen eral John L. Webster, represents the Water board in the case now pending In the l.'nlted Slates courts, said Tuesday morning that he had not thoroughly read the recent decision of I'nlted States Cir cuit Judge Baker of Indiana relative to municipality acquiring public utilities from corporations to which long fran chise had been granted. "However, from what I have read of the dnclnlon I do not think It would apply in the Omaha cose. In any event, I am not prepared to ex pres an opinion In the matter until I have read the derision. Nothing more will lie done In the water worka cases here until after September 1. We are almply taking a rest. F.laht Workmen Hart by Fall. ni'vii,ii v v . .. about forty feet high at the American Ra dlator work broke this af ternoon and eight ,rU i,, w,e aions noor In ths base ment. One died in a few minutes after the BCCiflent Ida Man.-. I. , .... I ,-. . . . ,.i i . " ' " Aiiiiiwny Dcnuita of t leveland. O Others Injured were f " " Mwrwn flicuuirn, reward Sheh'; a,f"!,U,".b. --..... w . i --I m mi , f.m i , matter i'.V.fn Ln,unvllle. nl Kverett McMann of 1 ''.'. e.i2-y'y,. ' 1: n jo ;-l 1. ; ' SIC. A. LIOERATI. i G. A. R. CROWDS RAILROADS Veteran- Itennlon at neater Make AJJ Mae Nsitlr to Meet the Deaaaada. As the time approaches for ths btg move ment of rete-wns and their feieeiO, t0 the annual encampment .of the Grand Army cf the Republic at rnver the first of tie it tnor'h the railroad are bestirring them aelves to provide transjortatlon faclliuea for the thousands who will go The Burlington ,a, j,ad to order more Pullmans than the crrpany thinks it can provide, but the couttry is tieing scoured to find all that ran be preseed service. Thi movement Just st tbe I'm when the railroads are hsvt-ig all the trsvel to the weet they rsn handle Never was the toast travel an great as at present, and this movement wUl start east In a few weeks. T' e Burlington Is the ctTlclal route for many state and commanderles w hit h will start to roll through Omaha about the first of September. The Iowa special train will leave Burlington Sep'emtier 4 and will pass through Omaha the eame evening, to be run in two sections of about ten cars each. The Chlcago-Rockford special train in tw- scctlors will leave these two cities on the M Tbe Vermont jecial traJn wi'l leave Chicago eptemter t The special train carrying the Aurora Post No. 20 will leave Aurora September 4. Othr special trains on the Burllr.s-ton which will p through Omah Reptemt-er t snd 4 are: Vnion ei-pneoner of war special, the Ohio special, the Indiana spe cial, the Rockford-Galesburg special, the Ransom post sjcial. the Me morial post. Cleveland tO special, and special cars, too numerous to mention. Those desiring to meet friends going through on any of these special trains can obtain the exact time at the Burlington headquarters. MONUMENT FACTORY HERE Branch of Plant 1 a to Be established less In Oaeaan. Officers of a Milwaukee monument manu facturing company are in Omaha to estab lish a branch factory and sales ststlon for ,the sruthwest. Several pieces of land along the Helt line In the northern part of the city are being considered and It la ex pected that a deal will be closed in a few day. The factory- will begin here on a modest scale, but the officers say tbey see no reason why in a few years it should not attain tne size of the Milwaukee factory, which is one of the largest in the west. Tea Missing Cheek. Charles F. Jackels of XV9 Walnut street Kansas Cltv, has written from the Millard hotel to Chief of Police Donahue telling of the theft of a grip last Saturday even ing from the Vnlon ststlon at St. Joseph, the grip containing such checks and de toslt book as might enable the thief to realise on them. Mr. Jackel has topped payment at his bank In Kansas Cltv. but thinks It might be well to warn Omaha businessmen. Several of the stolen checks were made out and bore the slgnaturea of Mr. Jackels Rates for Ak-Sar-Bea Carnival, Local passenger railroad men conferred with representatives of Ak-Sar-Ben at the Omaha club at noon Tuesday on the sub ject of rate for the carnival this fall. The meeting was Informal and no definite terms were reached. The governors simply out lined their desires as to rates, distances and other 6ch matter and the railroad men took them under advisement. They will meet soon and see how near they can come to granting what the Ak-Sar-Ben men want FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair In Xebraakja Today anal To morrow Fair 1 Western i ' ... Iowa Today. WASHINGTON. Aug. 22.-Forecaat of the weather for Wednesday and Thursday: For Nebraska Fair Wedneadav and Thureday. For Iowa Fair Wednesday; warmer in east portion; showers and cooler at night and Thursday In north and east portions; fair in southwest. . For South Dakota Partly cloudy Wednesday; showers and cooler In cen tral and east portions; Thursday, fair. For Colorado Fair in west; thnnit.r showers in east portion Wednesday; cooler in soutneast portion; Thursday, fair; warmer in east portion. For Wyoming Fair Wednesday and Thursday, except showers Wednesday In aoutheast portion. For Kansas Partly cloudy Wednesday; continued warm; Thuraday, fair. For Missouri Fair Wednesday: warmer In east and south portions; Thursday, fair. Loral Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA. Aug. 22. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the - corresponding day of the last three ln: Maximum temperature . Minimum temperature .. ?1cun temperature 190t. 104. iso. uoz. W 7 S 67 (4 GX 3 . 78 5 78 72 precipitation 91 .00 .00 .9 Temperature and nrecinlLatlnn rinai-r from the normal at Omaha since March 1 and comparison with the last two years: Normal temperature 71 Excess for the day 7 Total excess since March 1 "233 Normal precipitation , 10 inch Excess for the day gi nch Precipitation since March 1a... .14. 62 Inches Deficiency since March 1 7.24 Inches Deficiency for cor. period 1M.... 1 is Inches Deficiency for cor. period 10J.... 4 07 Inches Report front station at T pj M. Station and Btate Tern. 1 p.m. 78 Max. Rain. of Weather. Bismarck, cloudy Tsm. fall. 80 .00 88 .00 82 .00 74 .02 2 .04 89 .00 ' 84 .04 ' Sm) .00 84 .30 80 .00 8S .00 8 .00 80 . .24 84 ,. .00 0 .08 w . .no 84 " jOO Cheyenne, cloudy Chicago, partly cloudy. Davenport, ! clear ...... ...78 ...74 ...72 Denver, cloudy 78 Havre, clear . ....82 Helena, parity cfoudy IW Huron, cloudy ,..'.182 Kansas City, clear 62 North Platte, clear 84 Omaha, clear ..-..i-84 Rapid City, clear. ......... ..82 St. Louis, clear .74 St. Paul, clear..., 78 Salt Lake City, cloudy 72 Valentine, partly cloudy 88 Wllllstan. uartlv cloudv 74 L. A. VYELUil. Local Forecaster. KRU.-P&n3rc SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF .LIBERATI'S FAMOUS BAUD. 'I' FANFARE CORPS and CONCERT COMPANY. ; 50 OF HEW YORK CITY-50 FOUR DAYS vss AUG, 23 Greatest Band on Earth. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. Rag Time Concert, BIG GRIST AT OCTOBER TERM CalcneWr la Federal Cone for Fwtl Is riserlet to Be Hear. Judr Munger cf the federal court haa gone to Wcons,n or a short, vacation It wss expected fhst jUlire Carlawd of Bioat Fslis would t-e here during the present week to hear the (Jrn n trust, case upon It transjer to the federal courts The case has not. however, lesihefl " fhe federtil courts end it is not knrwn Just-when the transcript will lie fled heu. It is expected thet there will he a big grist cf t-uKiness for the v-ir,her term of court at Lincoln and the Ntnejtjvr term, which will b-gin at Omshs Kcvember IX. The present IndiceUons re Xrr a gcml used criminal d ocket, with several post office rases, a nsimber cf mol.' fraud trawa actlons and a cf beealeggm- caeew. to come before the grand Jury, klnst of the cattle cases will t fl I civil character, jnrticularly the new rases new being worked up by the specisl sgeat In the csttle country. There yet remain a num ber cf indictment hanging over la tha cattle case from the last term of court, notably u.e Bartiett Richards ease. Ex cepting thee csttle cases, the criminal docket was practically cleaned p at tba last session of the district court. It is probable a grand Jury -mar h called for the C-tcer term at Lrncoln. aa there Is a numi-er of liquor cass originat ing from that part cf the Nebraska federal dlrtrrct A grand Jury will, of course. t err paneled for the November term here at Omaha. JUDGE LECTURES THE GIRLS Fester Tells Malelens to fie noma. Let Each Other and la he More. It is an everyday oecnrrence to Bee men and women arraigned in police court on charges of assault aad battery, but when two glrla are parties to such a cose, then It Is that the Judge looks up aad aaya things Two girls appeared, in police court before Judge Foster Tuesday morning. Miss Laura Bird being arraigned on a charge of aemurlt 1 and battery preferred by Miss Msy Har rison. The girls appeared to barbar con s.dersbl ill feeling toward eartt other. "Girls," sold the Judge, as be dismissed the cose, "it grievea .me to see two sir Is In police court. I am,, not much surprised eft times when boys or men get into sprapes, but girls should set tbe example The weather la too warm, anyway to fight. Go home and love each other and do not come nere a-galn." BIDS FOR LIGHTING FORT Proposals Are Snbasltted to Major Eallaakl by Contractors ot , -Several Cltlea. v Bids were opened Monday afternoon at the office of Constructing Quartermaster Major M. Gray Zallneki for electric ll(fht lr.g at Fort Omaha. Bidders were present from different parts of Iowa, from New York. Minneapolis. St. Pant, Chicago and Omaha. The bids were sent to tha quar termaster general of the army at Wash ington for approval.' Tha average bids were about r.l.OOO. ' Major Zallnakl has been directed by tha quartermaster genera of the army to pur chase a hook and ladder truck fur use of tha Fort Omaha fire department. The new barracks, remodeled from tha old administration building at Fort Omaha, have been completed and are now about ready for occupancy. Tha garrison for tha barracks will not b assigned until further ' order from " the quartermaster general's' " department at Washington. r'' :' '" :' Bwlldlna- Wreckers lajvxtsl. ST. LOVIS. Aug. 21 Eleven wreckers were Injured today by the collapse of the roof of the Educational building at tha World's fair grounds upon which the men were at work demolishing the structure. . Three were seriously hurt. QQQQOQiy anoo kl-v an-. It's la tba laandry as well as on yoor back that a Coat Shirt proves Its super tori t Fast colors $1.50 and mora OLUETT. PEABOOY ft OO Makers of Olustt and Arrow dollar AMCfKnTElfTB. KRUG Prices l&o, Sc. ftc..TCfl Sun. Mat. Wr. 2&c. too Wednesday and SaJur. dav Mst. all Seals 26a 800 MATIXEK TODAY-Hoe. TOSJMIHT- SJrlB Lincoln J. Carter's Great Velodrama- THE FLAMING ARROW Theater cooled by Iced air and electrlo fana, Next Sunday AT CRIPPLi CREEK. S . 1 l-X, J 'JL' -ij.Vt S OMAHA'S POLITE REGORT .1. Wednesday Evening.'