Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1905, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
For Newt Quality and Quantity
The Dee Greatly Excels.
Omaha's Preferred Advertising
Medium Is The Bee.
AmWmdor to Mexico Tenien Hii Beiig
BttioD to Take Effect Ootobar 18.
Will Pnbablj Yot Oo to China u Special
Paji Compliment to Iowa Ifan'i Berrioe I r
Diplomatic, Potts, f
Ravld E. Thompson of ftebraska Wl "
Probably Be Appointed Aulalanl
Secretary Lioomla Appointed
for the Place.
OYSTER BAT. Aug. S-Edwln II. Con
ger or Iowa has resigned his post as
American ambassador to Mexico, to take
effect October IS next, and President Roose
velt has accepted the resignation.
Mr. Conger's retirement from the diplo
matic service was foreshadowed In these
dispatches last week. It was Indicated
then that he might be sent to Peking as
a special commissioner of the president
to adjust. If possible, the differences which
have arisen between tills country and
China over the boycott of American goods
by some of the Chinese commercial guilds.
While no official statement Is obtainable
here regarding the mission, there are rea
sons for the statement, that It has either
been abandoned by the president or de
clined by Mr. Conger. At any rate, It Is
believed Mr. Conger will not go to China.
It has not been determined definitely yet
who will succeed Mr. Conger as ambassa
dor to Mexico, but, as heretofore stated.
It probably will be David E. Thompson
Bf Nebraska, now American ambassador
to Brazil. It Is known that Ambassador
Thompson desires th Mexico post.
In connection with the appointment the
name of Francis B. Loomls, assistant sec
retary of state, has been mentioned, but
It can be said pretty definitely that Mr.
Loomls will not be appointed. His resigna
tion as assistant secretary of state may
be expected at any time. It is certain
that he 1$ to retire from the State de
partment, but whether he will receive an
ippolntment In the diplomatic service, as
has been suggested. Is thought to be some
what problematical.
Correspondence ta the Case,
The president tonight authorized the pub
lication of the correspondence which passed
between him and Ambassador Conger with
regard to the latter'! resignation. The let
ters follow:
WASHINGTON, Aug. 16. The President:
For reasons pertaining o mv private bus
iness and personal affairs. I have the honor
to tender, herewith my resignation as am
bassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary
to Mexico, to take effect on the expiration
of my leave of absence which will ter
minate October 18, 1905, or at auch a date as
will suit your convenience.
It Is with feelings of regret that I leave
service the duties of which I have found
so Interesting Hnd In which I have re
ceived. -ao.. many evidences of your ormfl
denee, ' and -ucri invariable courtesy and
kindness at your hands, of whicli I shall al
ways cherish -most valuable and pleasant
recollections, for all of which I thank you,
Mr. President, with all my heart, and I
have the honor to remain, Your obedient
servant. U. H. CONUER.
OYSTER BAT. Aug. M. "My Hear Mr.
Conger: 'I have received your resignation
to take effect October 18, 1905, and accept
It for that date. In thus accepting It I de
sire ta express to you my cordial apprecia
tion of the work that you have performd
In China, as previously In Brazil. In real,
efficiency and single-minded devotion to
public duty you have been the kind of offi
cial of whom Americans have a right to
feel proud, and I congratulate the country
upon having had your services.
With all good wishes for your future, be
lieve me, sincerely yours,
Congregational Divine Files Protest
Against Statement by Prndeatlal
Board en Receiving; Donation.
BOSTON, Aug. 21. Dr. Washington Glad
den of Columbus, O., moderator of the
tatlonal council of Congregational churches,
has sent to the officers of the American
Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mis
sions, whose headquarters are. in this city,
a criticism of the statement of prlnciDles
Issued by the prudential committee of the I
board In relation to the acceptance of so
called "tainted money." Dr. Gladden also
forwarded a resolution on the acceptance
of gift by the board, which he Intends to
offer at the annual meeting of the board
In Seattle, Wash.. September 14 to IS.
Dr. Gladden characterises the statement
of the prudential committee as being rad
ically defeotlve la three particulars:
That it does not reongnlze the fact that
the board Is simply agent and representa
tive for the Congregational churches; that
the statement of Irresponsibility for the
sources from which donations come Is far
too sweeping and that the real question
of soliciting funds from doubtful' sources
Is evaded.
Following Is the Gladden resolution:
Resolved, That the officers of this so
ciety should neither solicit nor Invite dona
tions to Its funds from persons whose gains
are generally believed to be made bv meth
ods morally reprehensible and socially In
jurious. '
Irrigation Congress Dlsenaaei
Phases of This 8 abject
Sectional Meetings.
TORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 22-The National
Irrigation Congress today considered sub
jects kindred to reclamation of arid lands,
tn sectional meetings.
There was an apparently wide difference
of opinion between the officials of the re
clamation service and the delegates on
the effectiveness of the present law. The
resolutions committee, before whom the
actual work of the congress Is proceeding,
emphatically set Its foot down today on the
foreign emigration resolutions Introduced
at the geneial session. The subject has
been disposed of temporarily.
Another resolution on which ths commit
tee acted adversely was one which favored
amending the reclamation law In the Inter
ests of Isrge laqd holders. (
Xew National Sank
t Open at
is Antborlsed
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Aug. .-Speclal Tele
gram ) The comptroller of the currency
today approved the application to organise
the First National bank of Shelby,' Neb.,
capital .0u. Mr. Fred Anderson. Alfred
P. Anderson. Charles Krumbach. Frank E.
smith. George M. Smith and Edward L.
Anderson are the organiser.
fhlcaao Couple tarried Ont Into
I-aUe in Small Boat Rescued
by Life Savers.
CHICAGO. Aug. 22.-Afer being afloat
on I.ake Michigan since Sunday evening In
a small rowboat. John Chartres and Miss
Zella' Stewart, of Ravenswond were rescued
late this afternoon. Both of them are In
a precarious condition because of exposure
and lack of nourishment.
Sunday afternoon, Chartres called at the
residence of Miss Stewart and asked her to
go boat riding on the lake. They rented a
small skiff from a fisherman and went out
:o the lake. About two hours after they
parted a squall swept ovr the lake and
len nothing was hesrd from the couple,
was thought they had been either lost
blown out to the middle of the lake and
ere picked up by some passing steamer,
his afternoon while the life saving ere
f Ravenswood was patrolling the lake In
le effort to find some trace of them, the
oat was discovered about ten miles off
Chartres explained that during the squall
ne of his oars was broken, and that being
mable to propel the boat after that, h
had devoted all his energies to keeping It
afloat and out of the trough of the sea,
which a times was exceedingly rough.
His strength was about gone when he and
Miss Stewart were dlscox-ered. and he de
clared that he could not have held out for
another night.
Widow of Inventor of Reflnlngr Pro
cess Asks Judgment for Fifty
Million Dollars.
BOSTON, Aug. 22. A motion was made
In the supreme court today for the ap
pointment of a commission to take the
testimony of John D. Rockefeller and other
officers of the Standard Oil company In
the trrt.OOO.OOO suit brought by Mrs. Eliza
beth F. Greenough of this city, who al
leges that amount to be due her as royalty
on the qU refined by the company since
The suit Is based on an alleged con
tract made with the late Benjamin F.
Greenough, the Inventor of a refining
process, by the terms of which Greenough
was to receive one-quarter of a cent on
every gallon of oil sold by the Standard
Oil compan.
H. H. Rogers, who Is made the chief de
fendant. In his reply to the suit says an
agreement was made, but Mr. Greenough
himself vacated It on January 1, 1875.
Party Will Proceed from There to
China with Relief for Legs,
tlon Gnarda.
CEBIT, P. I., Aug. 22. Secretary Taft
and party arrived at 6 o'clock thl morn
ing on the transport Logan. The Login
was met outside and escorted Into tho
harbor by scores of launches and boats.
The entire city Is decorated. The pro
gram of entertainment Includes a parade,
a race meeting and a visit to Magellan's
monument. A banquet and ball will con
clude a picturesque and Interesting day.
The Logan will sail for Tacmban at day
break tomorrow. The Logan will take
Secretary Taft's entire party and a com
pany of marines to relieve the legation
guards at Peking (6 Hong Kong, pro
ceeding from there to Tien Tsln with those
of the party who will visit Peking. Gen
eral Corbln will accompany the party to
Peking to arrange the transfer of the le
gation guard and the Logan will return to
Protest Filed with Interior Depart
ment Against Proposed Snle of
Timber on Reservation.
ST. PAUL.. Minn., Aug. 22 The Indians
on the White Earth reservation as well as
pepple In northern Minnesota generally,
and the members of the Minnesota delega
tion In congress, are up In arms over the
proposed sale In one lump of approximately feet of reservation timber va
riously estimated In value at ll.ono.ono.
Congressman Stevens of St. Paul, has ad
dressed letters to Becretary Hitchcock of
the department of Interior and Indian Com
missioner Leupp vigorously protesting
against the proposed sale on the ground
that the Interval between the first publica
tion of the notice, August 14, and the date
of the sale, September 6, la too short to
afford lumbermen generally an opportunity
to ascertain the quantity and quality of
timber with a view of making an Intelligent
bid, and on the further ground that the
rUthta of the Indians, who own the land
are not properly safeguarded.
Dally Tribune, After an Existence of
Seventy Years, is Absorbed by
the Evening News.
DETROIT. Aug. 22.-After an existence
of nearly seventy years, during part of
which time It has been a morning paper,
during another part an evening paper, and
published for fifteen years both morning
and evening, the Detroit Tribune will to
morrow morning announce Its consolidation
w-lth the Evening News under the title of
the Detroit News.
According to the announcement the
amalgamation has been tinder consideration
from the time of the purchase of the Trib
une by the Evening News proprietors in
1891. The Sunday edition will continue to
be known as the Detroit News-Tribune.
Mr. Ralph H. Booth, who has been pub
lisher of the Tribune during the past nine
months, retires with the consolidation. The
announcement Intimates that he will
shortly become the head of another newj
paper property.
Indian Chiefs Deris re in Favor of
' Admission of Territory and Okla
homa as One State.,
MUSKOGEE. I. T. Aug. 22.--Resolutu.ns
declaring for Immediate statehood for Okla
homa and Indian Territory as on state
were adopted today by the statehood and
constitutional convention of the Indians
of the Five Civilized tribes.
Then sfter the appointment of a commit
tee of fifty-one. which Is to draft a consti
tution for prsseptaUon to the convention,
the gathering adjourned to await the work
of the committee. The committee will meet
dally to await the work of drafting the
constitution among sub-committees. This.
Is believed, will consume two or three
weeks time.
The prohibitionists spparently have won
their fight and will be permitted to prepare
a strong prohibition pUnk.
Formal Negotiations for Dissolution of
Swedish-Norwegian Unioa Begin Eoont
Indications that Sweden Will ton
seat ta Have Rernndotte Prince
Accept Throne of
CHRISTIANIA, Norway, Aug. 22. -The
Storthing today adopted by a vote of 14
to 11 the proposals of the government for
the formal opening of negotiations with
Sweden for the dissolution of the union.
The passage of the resolution relating to
the opening of negotiations with Sweden
for the dissolution of the union was not
secured without obstinate resistance on
the part of the radical and socialist tac
tions, whose program Is to prevent negotia
tions with Sweden. The crushing majority
of the government, however, shows that the
8torthlng and the people are anxious to
secure an amicable settlement. The gov
ernment is firmly opposed to any change
In Us proposals, evidently wishing to meet
the Riksdag half way.
The committee on negotiations probably
will be appointed at once and will consist
of Foreign Minister Loevland, C. C. Ber
ner, president of the Storthing, and for
mer Minister of the Interior Voghtl It Is
understood in authoritative circles that
Sweden Is now Inclined to concede the can
didacy of a prince of the house of Berna
dotte. Attitude of Sweden.
STOCKHOLM, Aug. 22 -The members of
the cabinet are not willing to express an
opinion until the full report of the action
of the Storthing Is reached. A prominent
member, however, said to the Associated
Press today:
It appears that the Storthing's decision
embraces the approval of the primary prin
ciples in which the Riksdag founded its
We understand that the Storthing's de
cision coincides with the view held by tha
Riksdag that negotiations on the principal
conditions shall precede the Riksdag's con
sent to a dissolution of the union and csn
celatlon of the Riksakt. The broad lines
of settlement once reached, however, there
is every reason to hope for a satisfactory
solution of the question.
Saltan of Morocco Asked to Pay tor
Arrest of French
TANGIER, Morocco, Aug. I. The French
minister, St. Rene Talllander, has pre
sented to the sultan, Mulat And El Aziz, an
energetic demand for an indemnity of 12,000
for the recent arrest of a Franco-Algerian
Citizen. The minister also demands the
punishment of the official responsible for
the arrest and an additional Indemnity of
1100 daily until the prisoner Is released.
It Is believed that the sultan will
promptly grant the demands of the minis
ter, as It Is definitely known that tha
French minister Is determined to adopt
forcible means to bring the sultan to
terms should satisfaction not bo Immedi
ately given, Including, If necessary, the
ocoupatlon of a Moroccan port.
This Incident Is Independent of the
Franco-German controversy regarding the
proposed International conference. Indeed.
It Is known that Germany approves the
course of France In resenting the unwar
ranted arrest of one of Its citizens. This
German approval goes even beyond the
desire of France, as the German govern
ment has given official notification of Its
intention to support the action of the
French government, whereas the latter has
not sought, directly or Indirectly, any sup
port In maintaining the rights of French
Moroccan officials recently arrested the
chief of the Algerian settlement at Gharb
because of local troubles. The demand of
the French minister for the release of the
Algerian was refused, the sultan claiming
that? all Mussulmen the moment they en
tered Moorish territory came under his
Jurisdiction as caliph of Islam.
Survivors of Foundered Schooner Are
Shot When Trying; to Se
cure Help.
VICTORIA, B. C, -Aug. 22.-News was
received by the steamer Shawmut of the
return to Hakodate of the Japanese sealing
schooner Tora with four dead and four
wounded, and with news of the murder
of fourteen other sealers of the schooner
Matsu Moto by Russians off the Kamt
chatka coast. The Tora was hunting seals
off the Kurtles when It picked up a boat
of the Matsu Moto containing four men.
They reported that while hunting off Cop
per Island their schooner had foundered
during a storm, nine of their crew drown
ing with the vessel. The remaining eight
een In three boats managed to reach the
Kamtchatkan coast, about fifty miles
northeast of Cape Loopatka. The four
men picked up by the Tora had left the
survivors on the' beach to seek a coast set
tlement where provisions could be ob
tained. The Tora returned to succor the
shipwrecked sealers, but when the landing
place was reached the Russians opened
fire on the Tora's boats. It was learned
that the fourteen shipwrecked sealers had
been killed and the Tora's scalers were
driven back to their vessels with four dead
and four wounded. The Tora then re
turned to Hakodate with the dead and
District Court Removes Assignee
Bratty nnd Supreme Court Orders
Stay In the Proceedings.
DENVER. Colo., Aug. 22.-Judge Mulllns
In the district court today removed Henry
M. Beatty as assignee of the Western 8tate
bank and named the Continental Trust com
pany to act instead. The trust company
immediately nied bonds In the sum of $1,
Si,Ui0. The reasons given by Judge Mullins !
for his action are that Beatty Is a defendant
In the suit pending against the bank and
that as cashier Beatty paid to the local
aerie of Eagles money which they had on
deposit after the bank had closed its doors,
thereby doing an Injustice, to other de
positors. Attorneys for Beatty at ortfce applied to
I the supreme court for a stay of proceedings
ana justice I'ampbell issued en oral order
restraining- Judge Mulllns from further ac
tion. Six complainants appeared before Dlbtrlct
Attorney Btldger today and requested that
Information should be filed against the
officials of the Denver Savings bank, charg
ing them with having received bank de
posits after the Institution was Insolvent.
The official statement of the receiver of the
bank shows that Its cash on hand and
money due from other banks dwindled in
one mouth from te $17u.K.
Bill Filed by Trustee in Bankruptcy
Attacks Validity of Trust to
Catholic 1 nlverslty,
WASHINGTON, A)ig 22-Attorneys for
H. Rosero Dulaney, trustee In bankruptcy
for Thomas E. Wagtfaman, who was treas
urer of the Catholic university until his
failure In business about a year ago, to
day filed In the district supreme court a
bill In equity against WagKaman and
John Rldout, trustees.
The proceeding Is brought with a view
to securing the sale of what Is known ns
"Woodley park." in which Waggaman hns
a large Interest, and the distribution of
the money among creditors and to set
aside a preference under the bankruptcy
law the deed of trust obtained from Wagga
man by the Catholic university In July,
1904, a few weeks prior to his failure.
Several persons are named as defendants
In the bill. The validity of the trust to
the Catholic university, approximately
I9SG.00O, is challenged In the bill on the
ground that It Is a preference under the
bankruptcy law and that the university
had reasonable ground to believe when
the trust was' organized that a preference
was thereby Intended.
The claim Is made that the Woodley
park property Is worth about,
ngnlnst which, according; to the attorneys
Tor Trustee Dulaney. there are filed liens
to the extent of $.160.nno. leaving an equity
In the property of about IMO.Qfln.
If the deed to the university Is set
aside, the attorneys say, the trustee In
bankruptcy should receive about iriiO.OOO
from the sale of the property for distri
bution among the unsecured creditors.
It Is understood thdj university will vig
orously resist the erfnrts to vacate the
trust. Some of the noies secured by deeds
of trust against the property and which,
the holders allege, have not been paid are
held by prominent Individuals and cor
porations, among them being the Cor
coran Gallery of Arts, 3142,700: Georgetown
college, J12,nfl0; the Louise Home, $10,100;
Admiral John G. Wnlker, $15,000; Admiral
F. M. Ramsay, $l,0n0; the Catholic uni
versity, $3,000, and Cardinal Gibbons. $5,000.
No attack Is made upon the validity of
these Incumbrances In the bill filed to
day. Prior to his failure Mr. Waggaman had
been extensively engaged In real estate
operations for many years In Washington.
According to his attorney, Waggaman,
who was Indicted today by the federal
grand Jury on a charge of embezzlement.
Is now In Virginia and can be reached In
a few hours' time.
Section on Legal F.dncatlon Holds
Preliminary Session Prominent
Lawyers Present.
As a preliminary to the annual meeting of
the American Bar association, which Is to
open here tomorrow, a conference of the
association's section of legal education was
held Joday. President Lawrence Maxwell.
Jr., of Cincinnati presided and addresses,
papers and a general discussion occupied
the session. Dean Nathan Abbott of the
law school of Leland Stanford, Jr.. univer
sity and president of , the American Asso
ciation of Law Behoofs, was the principal
speaker. Jamea P. Hall, dean of the Uni
versity of Chicago law school, read a paper
on ' Practice Work and the Elective Studies
In Law Schools." A general discussion of
law school matters followed.
A meeting of the association of the Amer
ican law schools, an auxiliary organiza
tion, was held this evening. President Ab
bott presided. I .aw school subjects and
the question of establishing a law school
quarterly were discussed, but definite action
was deferred.
The first session of the Bar association
will be held tomorrow forenoon and will
continue throughout Friday. All day
prominent men of law have been arriving,
especially Individuals representing the lead
ing university law schools.
Twenty-five law schools were repre
sented at the convention of the Association
of American Law Schools which convened
here tonight. ' An address was delivered
by Nathan Abbott, dean of the Leland
Stanford university law school. It was
decided to establish a new quarterly. These
officers were chosen:
President, Henry Wade Rogers, dean of
the Yale university law school; secretary
treasurer. W. P. Rogers, dean of the Uni
versity of Cincinnati law school; executive
committee, H. B. Beal. Harvard university
law school; William E. Mlkell, University
of Pennsylvania law school and president
i. Brooks of Syracuse university law
National Association of Manufacturers
Incorporate I'nder the Laws
of New York.
ALBANY. Aug. 22. Twenty-one promi
nent manufacturers from different parts of
the country are named as directors of the
National Association of Manufacturers of
the United States of America, which was
Incorporated here today for the principal
purpose of regulating relations between em
ployes and employers and dealing with
labor unions.
The certificate states that the organiza
tion is formed for the "betterment of re
lations between employer and employe, the
protection of the Individual liberty and
rights of employer and employe, the edu
cation of the public In the principle of In
dividual liberty and ownership of property,
the support of legislation In furtherance
of these principles and opposition to legis
lation in degrotation thereof, also to secure
freedom from unlawful and unjust exac
tions." The principal offices are In New
York. The directors Include D. M. Parry,
Indianapolis; J. W. Van Cleave, St. Louis;
Elliott Durand, Chicago; C. W. Post and
B. T. Skinner. Battle Creek, Mich.; A. B.
Farquahr, York, Pa.; F. C. Mumernacher.
Louisville, Ky. ; John Klrby, Jr., Daytoa,
O. j Richmond C. Jenkinson, Newark, N. J.;
Daniel C. Ripley, Pittsburg; H. S. Smith,
Menasha. Wis.; H. 8. Chamberlain, Chatta
nooga. Tenn.; D. A. Tompkins. Charlotte,
N. C; Edward H. Dean, Indianapolis.
PRnPFFniNfi DP Y W f A
r 0 U i T W C A'
Three Addresses Before the National
Conference Yeaterday on Import
ant Phases of Work.
WILLIAMS BAY. Wis., Aug. 22At the
National Young Women's Christian asso
ciation conference at Geneva luke today,
Mrs. Alice Peloubet Norton of the Uni
versity of Chicago spoke on the social
value of domestic science.
Mrs. Lydla Ixid of Oberlin spoke on
her personal experiences In China, as a
missionary under the American board,
carrying on educational work there, de
claring the lost ground has been regained
since the Boxer troubles, and Christianity
has become more powerful than before.
Dr. Frank Bagley, pastor of the . Ply.
mouth Congregational church of Denver,
preached lo tiie dalcgatss today.
Progress ii New Orleans Enoonraging to
Marine Hospital Surgeons.
Sixty-Nine Positive and Fifty-Three
Suspicious Cases Discovered in
Small Village Inhabitants
Panle Stricken.
NEW ORLEANS. Aug 22 -Report of yel
low rover situation to S p. m.:
New cases (,
total to date 1,603
Ieaths 9
ioihi aeatna nt
.v roci 21
Total foci U2
remaining under treatment 819
With the fever checked In the city and
plans under way to prevent further relnfec
tlon from the country, the local situation
Is still encouraging. Of the new foci eight
are above Canal street, one la in Rosa
Park, a fashionable residence park opening
Into St. Charles avenue, a well known cltl
sen and member of Governor Blanchard's
staff being the victim. Another case is at
a boy's college, one of the employes being
stricken. The Rev. Father Evellhe, pastor
of St. Maurice church, is another patient.
Of the deaths only one occurred up town,
that of a clerk who had been living here
nine months.
Many Cases Outside.
The news from outside the city shows
the continued seriousness of the sltuaHlon.
Definite information was received from Dr.
J. A. Devron, the state board physician
sent to Leevllle. a few days ago. His re
port shows that the first news received
from there was not exaggerated. During
two days of work there he found sixty-nine
positive cases of fever, fifty-three suspicious
cases and 145 cass of dengue. He adds:
There are about Jim houses and families
here and I do not think there Is a single
house here which has not one or more
cases of sickness. The people are completely-
distracted. All seem to have lost
ambition to work. They are completely
He asks for more doctors and nurses as
the situation Is beyond the capacity of one
man. He reports two more deaths since
his arrival.
Patterson reports fifteen new cases and
no deaths.
St. Tammany parish reports a positive
case on the road between Mandovllle and
Dewlsburg. which came from New Orleans.
Hanson City reports six new cases. Ren
tier one and Arph plantation two.
There was one death on Elizabeth planta
tion In Iberville.
St. Rose, In St. Charles parish, has two
cases and one Is dead.
Corbine plantation. In St. Bernard par
ish, below the city, reports one death, an
Italian boy.
Mississippi City reports three new cases
and states that the report that the State
board has declared the fever epidemic there
Is unfounded.
Prominent tltlarn Arrested.
In spite of all the agitation there has
been' on the subject, some of the cisterns
still remain unscreened and the police have
received orders to spare no one who
shows an Indisposition to obey the law.
Failure to screen caused Hart Newman,
former president' of the New Orleans Base
Ball club and a son of Isldor Newman,
the millionaire banker, to spend a brief
time In a cell today. Mr. Newman Is; the
head of the company which owns Athletic
park. Some one discovered that there were
three unscreened cisterns on the grounds
and made an affidavit against him. When
the police appeared In his Carondolet street
offices today Mr. Newman ordered them
out and then barred the doors. The po
licemen disappeared and Mr. Newman went
to police headquarters. When he resched
there he was arrested and locked up. Later
he was released by Inspector Whltaker.
Mr. Newman was Indignant at his arrest.
He said he had made large contributions
to the citizens' fund and had paid to
screen a large number of cisterns that
he did not own In his ward and had sim
ply forgotten the cisterns at the park.
Scored la Country Districts.
Some of the country towns are seeking to
avoid a clash with the state board of health
In the matter of quarantine tn a manner
calculated to be damaging to New Orleans.
I.ako Charles Is an Instance. The fear of
fever Is so great there that the people re
fuse to accept any freight whatever from
Among today's telegrams to the maysr
waa one from Democratic Campaign Man
ager Thomas Taggart, of Indianapolis, Ind.
Mr. Taggart wrote of his sympathy and
offered large contributions of water from
French Lick for the hospitals snd for the
poor patients. The offer was accepted.
The management of the Ne Orleans
base-ball club does not expect that any of
the clubs In the Southern league will have
to take advantage of the protection offered
by the national commission. The New
Orleans games have been transferred to
Atlanta and the Shreveport games to
Chattanooga. The New Orleans players
are being kept on the rolls at their full
salaries, in spite of heavy losses that the
managament Is suffering.
More Precautions at Cairo.
CAIRO, III., Aug. 22. The new quarantine
order which requires everyone before en
tering Cairo to secure a permit, wllj go
Into effect Saturday morning. These per
mits must be secured from eltherkhe state
or city officials, they will be Issued by T. A.
Fuller, chairman of the Cairo Board of
Health or by Secretary Egan of the State
Board of Health, requests addressed to them
will be acted upon promptly. The health
officers were busy today Issuing certificates,
over 1.000 being taken out, mostly by peo
ple going to Chicago and St. Louis on the
excursions. The health officers here believe
they Inspected a steamboat last week th it
carried the yellow fever to Gregory, Mo.
Early one evening they met a small boat a
few miles below Cairo and an Inspect jr
boarded it. The boat waa from Natchez,
Miss., and was In a very filthy condition.
The boat was unprovided with certificates
and was very much dilapidated In appear
ance. While the inspector was aboard, two
men left the boat in a skiff. The captain
was asked about the men and he stated
that they were sick with malaria and de
sired to go ashore. The Inspector's launch
gave chase for the men, but they were not
overtaken and succeeded In landing and
escaping In the woods. The steamboat
was watched, but as It carried no lights,
it soon disappeared and It Is thought pro
ceeded up the Mississippi and carried the
yellow fever Into the railroad camp at
Gregory, Mo.
Automobile Haees Abandoned.
CHICAGO. Aug. 22-The Chicago Auto
mobile club today decided to abandon Its
tiack meet scheduled for this fall. This
action was taken because of the protests
against automobile racing on a circular
track, caused by the recent accidents to
OMrteld. Klser and Jay on eastern tracks.
Chairman K. Myers of the clubs racing
board ststed tiiat the club Intends If pos
sible to secure a tract of land near the
city large enough to contain a track at
least two miles in circumference to be
used exclusively fur automobile racing.
fair Wednesday nnd Thursday.
ni pern tare nt Omaha Yesterdavi
'ear. Hour, Des
Tl I p. a M
70 il p. in N4
71 3 p. m N7
Ta 4 p. ST
70 ft p. m NT
7H O p. m Htt
a t p. m m
Mt ) p. ni
p. m mi
m . . v . .
Three Trainmen Killed in Head-on
Collision Between Frrlaht
Trains on In I on Partite.
TOPEKA. Kan., Aug. 23-Three persons
were killed shortly after 1 o'clock this
morning in a head-end collision between
two Union Pacific freight trains, one and
one-half miles of Rossvllle. a town on the
Union Pacific, eighteen miles west of
The dead:
rW..ILi-IAM H' OIBf,ON. engineer. Kansas
t-ity, Kan.
TTTJlh?" fireman.
CLARENCE REESE, conductor.
Nobody waa seriously Injured. The three
men killed were members of the crew of
an extra easthound wheat train, which
crashed Into the second section of regular
westbound lfil at a shnrp curve.
The dead will be brought tn this ritv
as mpldly as possible. The local Union
Pacific people refuse to give out any In
formation about the wreck.
Two of the members of the crew of No.
161 are missing, but Rossvllle reports that
a search of the wreckage reveals only
three bodies. Both locomotives were de
Vice President Given an Enthusiastic
Reception by Veterans in
Reunion There.
OGDENSBURG. N. Y., Aug. 22.-Vlce
President snd Mrs. Fairbanks, accom
panied by Congressman and Mrs. David
J. Foster srrlved here tonight In Con
gressman Foster's private car from Man
chester, Vt., and were welcomed at the
station by thousands of citizens. Battal
ions of United States troops and the Na
tional Guard escorted the vice president's
party to the residence of Senator Oeorp
R. Maltby, whose guests they are during
their visit. A most enthusiastic welcome
was given the vice president all along the
route. Thousands of old veterans stood
near the Maltby residence, Mr. Fairbanks
standing uncovered as his carriage passed
Tonight the vice president occupied a box
at the campflre of the St. Lawrence
County Veterans association, now in con.
ventlon. his presence being the occasion of
nn rnuiupinnuc of.monsiration.
Tomorrow evening the nartv will en tn
Alexandria bay ss aruests of William R.
Rldgely, comptroller of the eurrencv. A
reception will be tendered them In th.
evening at the Thousand Island house.
Hundred nnd "eventy-Flve Cities Owe
Two Hundred Millions More Than
Federal Government. (
WASHINGTON. Aug. 22-Accordln to a
bulletin Issued by the Census bureau the
RSregate financial transactions of the 175
cities of the United States, having a popu
lation of over 26,nno equal In magnitude
those of the national government excluding
the postal service. The fotal corporate re
ceipts from these cities amounted to M1,
624,203, In 1903 and the total corporate expen
ditures to $.i35,S04,rOO.
The national debt In 1904 amounted to
IS95.157.-110; the aggregate debt of tha 1T5
cities, exclusive of sinking funds assets was
$1.134,8TS.7S3. The receipts, expenditures, and
deft for the city of New York represent
about one-third of the city total.
George Smith and Son of Flmvllle,
X. Y., Murdered While at Work
Xelahbor Arrested.
FRANKFORT. N. T.. Aug. 22-George
Smith and James D. Smith, father and
son, and well-to-do farmers of Elmville,
a little village of this county, were mur
dered while at work In the field on their
farm today by an unknown party. The
elder Smith was killed instantly, a charge
of shot penetrating his brain. The son
received three wounds, one In the face
and two In the back. Suspicion turned
to Cal K'ewton, a neighboring farmer of
equally good standing and he was arrested.
He denies guilt. There was bad blood
between the elder Smith and Newton, grow
ing out of a question of a line fence be
tween their farms.
Employers' Organisation Unani
mously Decides Not to Make Con
tracts on Flaht-Hour Ha a I a.
CHICAGO, Aug. 22-At a meeting of
the Chicago Typotheta today It was de
cided unanimously not to make any eon
tracts on the eight-hour duv hasia ,nH
as a result a strike of printers In the Job
offices represented by the association Is
expected. If a strike Is declared about
GOO printers will be directly affected, but
If the trouble Involves employes In other
branches of the Job printing trade be
tween J.Ort) and 4.000 persons may be
thrown out of employment.
Report of Secretary Smith Shows
Nearly Half Million Dollars In
Permanent Fund.
BAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 22.-At today s
business session of the convention of the
Missionary Societies of the Christian
church Benjamin L. Smith, corresponding
secretary of the American Christian Mis
sionary society, read his annual report,
showing that the society now has a per
manent fund of I467.3S.'.
The principal address was made by Rev.
R. II. Crossfield of Owensboro. Ky. ,
Moveuieata of Ocean Vessels Aug. JM.
At New York Arrived. Kron Prim WIN
heiin. from Kremrn. balled: Madonna for
Naples; Frederick der Urosse. fur Bremen
At Antwerp Arrived: Vaderland. frum
New York.
At St. Johns. N. F Arrived: Cartha
genian. from Uverpool.
At Ulaxgow-Arrlvtd. Uuenos Ayres, from
At Bremen Arrived: Kaiser Wllhelm II
from New York.
At Queenstown Arrived: Merlon, from
At Uverpool Sailed: I-ake Ecle, for Mon-tr-i
l Gei
Sailed; Kowaoiu, for Boston,
Russian Envoys Keceife Long Oiphot
Cablegram from Bt. Petenburg.
Statement tbat it Takei Position that Mors
Cannot Be Yielded.
lation Hai Shown Desire for Peaoe and
Japaneie Should Bo Likewise.
It Suggests that Hussln Buy Part of
Sakhalin Island from the Captors ,
nnd Pay for Keeping
PORTSMOUTH. Aug.a.-2 a. m.-It la
stated that Uaron Komura has agreed to
offer at the session St 9:30 this morning
the president's compromise proposition. A
high authoiliy bel.evca it impossible that a
final rupture can come today, no matter
what the character of the emperor's final
Instructions to M. Wltte may be.
"If the negotiations can be prolonged Into
next week," he said, "so much pressure
will be brought to bear upon the emperor
that he will not be able to resist." ,
PORTSMOUTH. Aug. 22.-A long cable
message from St. Petersburg, which Is be
lieved to be the Russian reply, arrived
about 10 o'clock tonight and M. Wine's
secretaries, M. NabukofC and M. Plancon
Immediately began deciphering It.
Considerable excitement was apparent In
the annex where the Russian headquarters
are located. Sheet by sheet the transla
tion was taken to M. Wltte's room. The
rumor Is that It is a refusal a non possl
mus a reiteration of the Russian position
that It has given ample proof 'of its de
sires for peace in the articles already ac
cepted and more It could not accept with
dignity and honor.
No confirmation of the rumor that Rtis
sla's reply is a negative one can be ob
tained and it must be accepted with all
reserve. The llshts In the rooms of M.
Wltte and Karon Rosen were burning long
after midnight.
Proposal of the President.
The Associated Press Is now In a posi
tion to reveal substantially the suggestion
of President Roosevelt for breaking tha
existing deadlock In the peace negotia
tions and rescuing the conference from
failure. His solution would Ingeniously
permit the satisfaction of the Japanese
demands for reimbursement for the cost
of the war and at the same time enable
Russia to face the world with the declara
tion that it had not ceded a foot of terri
tory or paid a kopec of war tribute to
the victor. The solution Is the one whlcti
has heretofore been described In the As
sociated Press dispatches aa tha natural
and logical compromise. Tersely stated It
consists In an agreement by Russia to
repurchase possesion of either all or balf
of the Island of Sakhalin, now in the mill-
tary occupation of Japan, for a sum, tha
amount of which If the two countries
cannot agree, shall be decided by some
method of arbitration hereafter to be de
termined. The purchase money, together
with the sum Japan would obtain front
the ceslon of the Chinese Eastern rail
road and the maintenance of the Russian
prisoners In Japan, would, It Is estimated,
about equal the amount claimed by Japan
as Its bill for the cost of the war. Possi
bly, therefore, the solution offered by tho
president Involves recession by Japan upon
article v (the cession of Sakhalin) and re
cession by Russia upon article lx (In
demnity). It seems practically certain,
though this cannot be affirmed positively,
that the president was able to give M.
Wltte substantial assurance that Japan
would' be willing to accept such a com
promise. This is apparently supported by
the authoritative Japanese statement made
to the Associated Press tonight as to
whether Japan had decided to make sub
stantial concessions:
"It all depends upon Russia."
Meeting la Postponed.
It was the ' president's message to It.
Wltte which caused the sensation of the
day. Early In the morning had come the
official announcement that the .meeting of
the conference, which was to havs been
held today, was postponed until tomorrow
at 9:30 o'clock. To the public, the reason
assigned was that the protocols for the
meeting had not been completed. But a
few hours later the true reason leaked
out. J. L. McGrew, one of the stenog
raphers attached to the executive offices
at Oyster Bay had arrived with a com
munication from the president for the Rus
sian plenipotentiaries. M. Witte and
Baron de Rosen had left the hotel osten
sibly for a ride In an autocar to York
Beach, but Instead had quietly slipped over
to the conference building at the navy
yard to receive the message from As
sistant Secretary Pelrce. The most
elaborate precautions had been taken to
Insure secrecy, but It leaked out through
a "tip" from New York, which reached the
Associated Press.
From 10.36 until 1:20 M. Wltte and Baron
de Rosen remained at the conference
building with M. Pelrce. All those present
decline to make any statement regarding
what transpired at the navy yard, even
refusing to admit that any Importance at
tached to the matter. M. Wltte would
only admit that he had gone to the build
ing "to send a message," and Baron de
Roen and M. Pelrce absolutely refused
to make any statements.
Mr. McGrew took the 3:25 train to Boston.
He carried a dress suit case which probably
contained the reply to the president. This
reply. It is believed, was prepared by M.
Wltte and Karon de Rosen after Mr. Pelrce '
had delivered to them the president's mes
sage. A suggestion is made that during the
stay at the navy yard the Russian plenl-'
potent lurles were In direct communication
with the president by telegraph, but there
Is nothing to substantiate this and under
the circumstance It appears unlikely.
President Sees Kaneko.
Mr. Roosevelt's message to M. Wltte and
Ilaron de Rosen Is believed to have Ucn
the result of his interview yesterday at
Oyster Bay with Huron Kaneko, one of
Marquis Ito's close friends who has acted
as the president's medium of communica
tion with the Tokio government.
It Is asserted that In addition to tho
president's communication to M. Wltte
through Karon d RoKen lust Sunday snj
by messenger tod.iy. messages directly to
Emperor Nicholas have been delivered by
AmbaKsador Meyer at Bt Petersburg, but
Uj ofLcUl confirmation. Is obtainable, Tbe.
i i