Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1905, Page 8, Image 8
e1 lUE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, AUOUST 22, 1005. ( SPECIAL NOTICES AdTertlaeaaeat for Ikm eoioton Trill be llkt ejnttl IS m. tor the I rtralii edition and til ft . . to Rnte 1 l.Se a mrl drat lasertlon, 4 0 a word thereafter. Met bins Ukr for Ira than 80s for th flrat laeer tloa. Thra ndvertloeaaeata aaaat ha ran eotieeent Ively. AeWrrtlaere, by ra)wetln a m tered rkrtk, raa bare nnawer ad ilri4 to a iiBkorrl letter la eara of The nee. Answers addreaaed Trill ha drllrered aa presentation at ebeek. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE Fall Tarm September 4. day and night, (Shorthand, Typewriting, Teleg raphy, Normal and English. All uminer esslon. Catalogue Ire. Address H. H. Boyle, Pres., Boyle Bldg, Omaha, Neb. R 313 CTfHPQ Replatedw. Omaha Plating Co jig. Harney SU Tel. 8636. K 314 CITS SAVINGS BANK pay 4 per cent R -316 TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 3630. 11 3lb ANTl-Monopoly Garbage Co., 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. H 81' LAUNDRY CITT SIL'AM 2U S. 11th tSL Telephone 264. R 81$ CUT HATH railway tickets everywhere. P. II. Phllbln, 1506 Farnam. 'Phone 7M. K 319 lCVC Rubber Stamps and stencils. Nov. D ifg. Co.. 312 S. 12th BU Tel. 1714. R-834 DMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of tire escapes, shutters, doors ana safes. U. Andreen, prop., 102 S. 10th St. R-a-D THE OMAHA FOUNDRY Iron and ura castings. 8u3 Jacknon. Tel. 2432. .... K ax PIANO, upright. $76; easy montnly pay ments, purlield Piano Co., 1611 Farnam bt. R 664 6IUN PAINTING. S. II. Cole. 1302 Douglas. R 3.14 BAD IRONS replated. 20c; three for Wo. Omaha Plating Co., lsOS liajney. Tel. 263. , K-.a LOCKSMITH Henm1"!- 14th! R M718 SIDEWALK BRICKS w- nor Ui, HIS Paxiou block. 'Phone 1672.. Also three million common builders' brick. 641 -426 CHATELAINE SCHOOLj OK LANQUAGE3 PRPIMPU GERMAN, SPANISH, r IXCI1 V-tlDavldge BIdg, loth A Farnam R-608 FURNACE AND STOVE REPAIRS. During August we examine furnaces, hot water and steam, plants rrea of charge. We clean, remount and supply all parts, aabeatos pipe covering, hot water attach . merits. Visit our model repair house, new location, 1206-1208 Douglas. Tel. M. OMAiiA STOVE REPAIR W'UKKS. R M481 CHICAGO tailor, ladles' and gentlemen's high class work. Tel. MIL 212H Farnam. R-M976 813 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ' fi RCOND H1NX STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain tn steam fittings call aim iook over uie tallowing supplies: J 8-Inch Austin horlsontal separator. 1 8-Inch Austin' horlkontal separator. 1 4-Inch Austin's vertical Mniram, 3h"e have been taken out on account of changes In our steam plant and are In g'jod condition. Address: Bee BulldlnK ii?V 0Tr' wW- 11 Urld. onginecr, Bee vinau W 632 FOR 8 A I.E. new and second-hand billiard nil rwiA fa K s A , . . , flLMV ruivmAntcl flnnl ... Brunswick-abAlke-Collepdop, 407 8. 10th St a UJ COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furnl- ID-HAND safe cheap, nam. Derlght, 1119 Far- W 330 . i in v i. . ! . . . iiuiuiuw runaooui automobile guar anteed in good running order: oriitlna.1 cult I960. Addrau 1J07 ll.. ' o. W 3I 6HER WIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman A MoConnell Drug 'Co Omaha. , Q 332 CHEAP chicken fence, long flr timbers and telephone poles. 8cl Douglas. Q i3 PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A munilki pulleys, from Inches' to 48 Inches In These are all In first-class condition, w H. Bridges, engineer. Bee Bldg. . Q-1U FOR SALE, several scholarships In a first- class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, shori liaird and typewriting. Inquire at Be olloe, Q-W MILCH COWS on easy umu. 43d and y'- 1 ins acnoiarsnips on YTfr. .?Xrnt!" colleges. Address ' " ri:uama, umana wee, Omaha. Web. oK2 GRAND PIANO, for artist or teacher: prlc low! easv terma. PirflM tian r - - auv .U.i Farnam St. Q-cM OR SALE, about 60 feet ornamental gal vanised Iron cornice and ornamental Iron posts suitable for show window An. tllv ,lll.iiHnl.n.i. X3. 1 II . . ,v . M83I 0 irftmilna lanrl-will lr. . . . hand 4 or (-passenger automobile as part ji-juirm, imuiir-iMi 10 u.tuu pre- xerrMi. AAA raa 1 ..i tj J Q-M3S3 jgg r BUSINESS CWANCES JF YOU wish to' buy of sell a business or real .estate, consult U. 8. Sales Bureau. 634 and titti Bee Bldg. Y 844 F YOU1 want to buy, sell, rent or exchange real relate or business QUICK aee Comp- ton-watts to., oao raxion Big. Y 346 ft'ARTY owning a large and rapidly growing- business of w years standing In this city oeairaa iu vimi ume vi uia atocx on guar, antes of 7 per cent dividend per annum. payeyte aeuu-muuuujr. Auuresa ia Bee V CM I p-OR SALE At' 7Snts on dollar, $5,000 um n atMi a-itu grucexies. rn. J ClovU, Grtswold, la. Y 176 a Jj-ROOM hoarding house for sale; desirable location. Jkaureaa uu, car ttee. Y-M189 BU JDENTAL OFFICE and fixtures for sale or rent before September 1; established prac tice. Auuim . o. w , isner, t. nicKa ha. I. T. Y-JS1 27x iWE have run two of th most successful general store In southeastern Neb. for several years, with slocks staple, clean , and well kept In fact, the largest stores and sale In either town, with liberal proms. Alter a recent sickness of M 1 daya and other business plans, we will sell either or both stores for cash, or not over H cash, Dal. clear Neb. land Htocks will Invoice about tl2.0uo urh . Theeo aj-e safe, well paying Investments zor kive Business man. Address lite. Be. ' t Y 248 BOARDING house at a bargain, II rooms, close in. Owner leaving city. Sll N. 18th. T-M620 Blx FOR PALE Bast restaurant In lAramle . good income: meals. 2So and ud. For utr tlculars and terms address Postonice bog 1 vbo. jkranua, wyo. I-Mjj Sx DANCING tklOKAKD'S ciasses for adults! 15th and ; Harney, reopens on Friday, September l 1. t . ra. Buy your ticket on or before t opening nigni ana save rrora reg I ular prtoe. Open alt day. Students from f the Cailiegea and high acitovl pupua half itiioe.. aa Vae t i WANTED MALE HELP FALL TERM OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Onen September 4 In new building. Nineteenth and Farnam. All business branches. Shorthand, Typewriting, Tele graphy. Pen Art, Cartooning. Night school starts now. - Write for catalogue. Aaaress ROHRBOUGH BROS. WANTED FOR V. 8. ARMY, abre-rnrdled unmarried men, netween ages 01 u. ami 35, cltlsens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who read and speak English.' For further In formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th and Douglas Bts , Omaha; Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City. la. B-8 Call or Write WESTERN KKK. AND BOND ASB'N For List of High Grade Positions. Dept. B. 840-842 N. Y. Life Blrtg. IF YOU are in need of a position call and nave neart-to-neart luiR wiui , THE EX PERT. 4(11 N. 1. Life. B 838 THREE men of good appearance; steady employment. C. F. Adams Co.. 1618 Howard B MJ40 WANTED Men and boy to learn plumb ing trade. Cannot supply aemano. tor giaduates; 14 to 86 per day- Many com plete course In two months. Graduate admitted to union and Master Plumbers association. Bend for free catalogue. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing Schools. New York City, Cincinnati, O., St. Louis Mo. B 84 WANTED Men with teams; steady work. Apply at Johnson Bros. 'lranter to., nw Farnam. B M8 DRUG stores bought and sold. Drug clerk waiueu. r . v. jviuesi. B M921 WANTED Agent to sell only article of lis Kino in toe worm: jhii-ih.tu , uib Call at houseboat, foot Douglas. B M23C Sx WANTED Carpenter. Addres. Clau Btange, contractor, lutan, Ken. B M260 7x THREE bright, active men capable of earning 835 weekly lor traveling position. Arply after 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. ManRger, Sou Ware block. B M285 COLLECTOR for De Molne, $12 to $15 weekly; permanent. Hixenoaugn at o., top floor Ware Bldg., Omaha. B 356 21 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few week complete, fosltlon guar anteed. Top waaes to graduate. Can earn expense before finishing. Call or write; Woler Barber college, 1116 Farnam St. B-M406 25x WANTED Experienced car repairer. In quire at Chicago Great western city Ticket Office, 1612 Farnam. B M836 23 COMBINATION typewriter repair man and salesman. 4io N. I. i mug. B 546 22 WANTED Good girl to do plain wanning and ironing at the crecne, iw.n ana uar ney. C M6al Z4x. WANTED Office and telephone boy. Must write a good hand. Omaha tuectrio LlKht and Power Co., New York Life Bldg. B 542 21x WANTED Salesmen. Prominent Cincin nati manufactory making ladles fine shoes, well established, desires to make arrange ments with experienced salesmen for the coming spring season. Ay territory considered. Address with particulars and reference, P. O. Box 409, Cincinnati, Ohio. B-M568 Zux WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 working girl. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge c 343 SO GIRLS. Experience not necessary; work rooms cooi, wen ventilated. seniis omaha Bag Co. C M190 WANTED Girl to do ordinary house work. t.ov per week. 4.ZV Davenport. Take Dundee car. C 322 COMPETENT second" girl. Mrs. F. " P. Kirkendall, 37Z7 Jackson St. . C 356 22 LADIES We teach hairdresslng, manicur ing, racial massage, cniropody or electro lysis In a few weeks. Constant practice, expert instructions. Splendid demand, little expense. Call or write, Moler col lege,. 1114 Farnam St. C M406 26x WANTED A young girl to assist In general housework. an xempieton St. C M516 22X WANTED Girl for general housework. ' Apply Poppleton Ave. C 636 23x ,ONE good Remington steno. Address, lbo, nee. C 646 22 A COMPETENT girl for general house work: family of three; good wage. 1126 B. 32d. C 644 23 WANTED Competent nurse girl; small iamuy. nw a. win Ave. o bi GIRL for general housework; one who can steep at nome; small family; good wage. Call at 201S Maple St. C 647 23 WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Salesmen, either gentlemen or laaiea, to solicit tor pianos; good money ior rignt party, tasn Williams, manu facturor' representative, box 11$ Hast Ings, Neb. 631 22 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position by a young married man aa dook Keeper ana advertising man In general country store. Address G, Bee omce, iv feari est., council uiurrs. A-637 23x WANTED AGENTS COMBINATION Puszle Padlock. Boll on sight. Agent send 26 cent to pay for nickel plated sample. Wlro Specialty company, cnicago. J-M648 23x THREE GREAT specialties for agents. finest layout ior quics. return and per manent business. Do not pas this up. C. a Page Mfg. Co., Dea Moines, la. J M560 2$ LOST AND FOUND LOflT-Betwcen ttli floor. Brown u'j'aoob? mm ana Dougia sta., and J. L. son s. Arllnaton block. 1611 Dodaa at.. gold knot brooch, of no value except to ine owner; miniiy neirioom. will nnder leave at Jacolrson', 1511 Dodge at., and get rewaru. IjusI M346 LOST Lady' gold watch In Monmouth i-aia. itis ceaar 4baa, or 33.'7 r owler. rtewaro. ixist 351 21 X THE young' lady, accompanied by another iriena, woo was seen to pica up a pocket check book, containing some cash, south of Sixteenth street viaduct, on west side of street, will please return' to owner, a specified in same, and receive a reward. Lost 640 Zlx im. oka. u.w nwwu u reiurnea to xee viiice. Lot-M55 2X FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS WILL sacrifice new style high grade blk urrey and runabout, wttn wire wneeia, , ball bearing and cuahlon tire.4 A big snap for someone. Johnson A Danforth, B. w. cor. linn ana Jones Bts. t' 60 FOR SALE K1ne-gi ted- saddla horse. Apply Sill North 2oth St.,. P M602 Xix TWO horses for sale, real cheap, on easy terms. 43d ana Center. ' . ' P MS5 23x FINE carriage team for sal at a bar gain. Enquire room 818 New xork lAtu. P-MfW 24 CLAIRVOYANTS Palmlst-M ME fi U D D 11 Clairvoyant Located over 113 o. 16th, upstairs. Ko aultful prediction guaranteed. S 434 WONDERFUL TRIAL READING. Send dime, stamped envelooe. own writing birth date. Dr. J. Lester, drawer 84, St. Louis. Mo., and receive a WONDERFUL TRANCE READING. 8846 $3x OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 616 N Y. Lit bldg. Tel 1644 MRS. JOHN R. MUSrCK.. Osteopathy Pby lfll. VIAitaWaW livFIUM Yom Want Ad S Bee Want Ads FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS NEBRASKA BUSINESS COLLEGE BOYD'8 THEATER BUILDING, WILL BEGIN FALL TERM MONDAY, SEPT.MTH, 1905 Call and get full particulars. ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16th ft Chicago. r DEWEY European hotel, 13th A Farna n. B, 449 VIENNA Hotel; private dining room, cafe. ROOMS and good board, $6 per week and up. can 1617 Chicago St. isml $1.00 to $2.00 per week. 422 8. 18th St., one diock soutn or court nouae. Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks E M554 CENTER HOTEL 210 N. 17th St. Large front room suitable for four young men; also smaller moms. $2 per week end up ward. Tel. B2547. E 357 21 x MEDIUM-SIZED room with strictly private iamuy in cottage just rurnisned com plete one month ago, to rent reasonably to lespectahle lady tor sake of companion ship. 2602 S. 13th St., Stanford Circle. E M518 22x THE ROSE, 2020 Harney St., nice cool . rooms, with good board; home cooking. ti fllolo 2Zt LARGE room, with alcove, for two gentle men. Modern. 118 No. 25th. tj .bo ewx 3 NICELY furnished rooms for light house keeping 2018 Davenport. E M552 24x FURNISED rooms for light housekeeping. first floor. Also sleeping rooms, modern. 207 So. 24th St. E M553 24x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol Ave.; Droaa verandas, ample lawns, stately trees, rustic seats; home cooking; hot and cold water; reasonable rates. F 356 THE HARNEY, elegant rooms, flrst-clas board; walking distance. 2323 Harney. F 273 22x FURNISHED rooms, modern; flrst-clas ooara; close in. K20 s. isth. r M847 81 Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks F-M555 t ROOMS, modern, no children. 2408 Cass. F M4S0 2U PLEASANT room and excellent table. 3004 Farnam St. 'Phone Black 4S10. F M503 25x LARGE, comfortable room, with excellent ooard. Zen iarnara St. M52B 22x EXCELLENT cool, pleasant front parlor, wun ooara, ror two gentlemen; also one side room for same; all modern: homo cooking for reasonable prices. Rooms and bosrd for five. Call at 1714 Douglas St. 'Phone Red 4637. F 636 2Sx UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO basement room. 1120 N. 17th St. G 363 21x FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES1" p1" or oKr- n. nUUJWc, peier 4 Co, Bee Bldg. D-358 THE Omaha Van & Storage Co. pack. move and store H. H. goods.' Storehouse 1120-24 N. 13th. Office, 1511 H Far num. Tel 1669. , D 367 WE MOVE piano. Maggard Van & Stor age co. lei. i4Ho. uoice, 1713 Webster St. D 354 nUUJtJQ. F. Davl Co., bu8 Bee Bldg, 7 ' ROOMS, city water outside; house In 1 1 . 1 . . . 1 1. -. . . Kutiu Luuuitiuii. i3w vaiiiui M itfc 01. ; rent $18 per month. Walter Breen, 416 Kar bach block. D 268 HOUSES, insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D 361 NO EQUAL, all modern, 7-room house. 220 IN. a. D 321 FOR RENT 7-room house, all modern: choice nelgnbornooa, 2123 California St.. $30. Apply at 607 N. Uth St. D M430 FOR RENT Nice ten-room house; all mod- .1 U, V.WV M WMa.llWO I V. ftUVJli 11. i & 11 UUl" faood; possession Aug. 1. 631 S. 26th Ave, Inquire 118 S. 25th St. Bent reasonable. D 108 ROOMS, houses, store. Tlzard. 220 N. 23d. D M4a6 FOR RENT 10-room modern house, 2919 and aui uuon oi. inquire r . f. Kirken dall dc Co., 1118 Harney St. D 611 Piano moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. l&S, Schmoller & Mueller. D-35D 2614 St Mary' Ave., modern; $40. D M564 TO LET Five-room strictly modern, steam- heatea apartment, in tne Hamilton apart ments, 24th and Farnam St. W. Farnam Smith & Co., agents, 1320 Farnam St. D M869 FURNISHED house for rent, September and octooer; an modern; near "The Wi nona;" reference required. Address Box 145, care Bee D 267 2bx FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far nam; elevator. 814 First Nat 1 Bank Bldg. 1-363 FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT. BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. Thl building 1 22xb6 feet, four stories and baaenient. The basement i ZjljJ feet, 1 cemented, ine ceiling over the basement ha a brick vault and Iron beam construction, making the baaement fire proof. Th nrat Coor haa a marble floor in front and granolllhlo floor In rear, 'l her. la a large burgiar-proof vault and a power levator, ine upper uuor uav V.lndoS on three side. Addreaa Th Be Building Co., C. C Roaewalar, Secretary, room luO Beat Bldg. 16.) WE have vacant a particularly desirable mall office, which rent for $10.00 pur month. Price includes heat, light, wuter and janitor service. It la located on the fourth floor of The Bee building and la Juat the thing for any one wanting a nice ittle office In the beat office building in town. H. C. Peter at Co., rental agents, ground floor. Be Bldg. 1771 IF you apply at once w can give any on desiring a large office apace almost any arrangement they dealre. Thla apace la on th sixth floor of Tn Bee Building, with north light. R. C. Peters Co, rental agents, ground floor, Be Bidg DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co, $08 Douglas Blk. 36 IN FAMILIES, Mis Sturdy. 'Phon A2766. -36 MRS. R. A. KELLER. Ill N. 10th, 'phon 8632. will make special reductions for th nail sv aay in tne making or new tnree plec suits." Flrst-daas work guaranteed. -in FLORISTS HESS 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. L. HENDERSON. 1618 Farnam. TaL IKS. in do the business A trial FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $2,800 WILL buy beautiful modern cottag and full lot In Hsnscom Place; east front treet paved; everything firat-clas. THOMAS' BRENNAN. Room L N. Y. Life Bldg. RE M764 THE MIDLAND OUARANTKE TRUST COMPANY'S abstracts of title are th best. Our customers are protected by a $10 000 surety homi loss by error. When you buy or sell real estate, demand a Midland ahstract. 1K14 Farnam Pt., N. Y. Life Bl,lg. PRESIDENT. N. P. DODGE. JR., RE M 523 FOR SALE Beautiful 12-room home near West 40th St. Address 120, care Bee. RE MS91 CHAS- Williamson Co."- 8u?d- RE 721 FOR SALE Ten acres of land five mile from South Omaha. Fine land for garden and chickens. Will sell on easy pay ments. Address H. E. Pease. Dunlap, Iowa. RE M2J.4 24 GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES Wholesale and Retail BURGESS - GRANDEN CO., Formerly M. RUSSELL FIXTURE CO., 813 South 16lh St, Telephone 6SL RE-681 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado und Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. It., Omaha. Neb, Dept. "A." RE 369 132x132 feet (cornerl, in wholesale district; can sell very cheap. THOMAS BRENNAN, First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-218 WRITE for Illustrated pamphlet describ ing two ranches tn the corn and alfalfa belt, WUUs Cad well,. Broken Bow, Neo. RK-723 DO IT NOW Get a fine lot In West) Far nam district for a home. Address 167 Bee. . RE M567 81. FOR SALE FARMS FARM LANDS We have 23,000 acres of South Dakota land for sale, also large horse ranch, well Btocked, and sheep ranch In Clolorado. Hart & Smith, 401 N. Y. Life Bldg. M )3 23 FIFTY good Improved farm from 160 to 640 acres In Boone and Nance counties. Neb. Favorable terms. For particulars call on or write to GEORGE & CO., 16"1 Farnam St, Omaha. M424 A-28 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 60,000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will llnd a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is Bmall 2 cents per word In small type, or $2.S0 per Inch If set In large type MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS Our Money I loaned un - furniture, plnnos, live stock and to salaried people upon their own agreuhient to pay. Our rates are as low an any, our service is iuick und i 'quiet ' and we never charge for making papers or notary fees. We want yoiir ' business If you ever borrow money . OMAHA . MORTGAGE LOAN CO, 306 So. l2th St, Tel. 22. 118 Board of Trade Bldg. established 16D2.) .- ,1 X404 BORROW MONEY WHERE You get it on runiuuic, 4 icjiuo, .aw, oca, 1X' Criuiii Kiilitrifta .(a . n . . . . u f I,, tt r Bhiirl nnhm wrtr.riE. x u - WHERE You get low rale and easy WHERE Confidential and courteous deallne bring you oack. WHERE Can you do better? " N. CRKL)1T COi Top floor. 63 PAXTON BLK. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR CHATTEL, salary vud Jewelry loans. Foley '-V isii l',rnm St. X 414 XVMrll - p.AOLB Loan Office, reliable, accomodat- InS a- 1 DUBlucoti t.wmiuwuwB4. w4 jvut. Jt41a MONEY loanea on iurniture, salary. now, room 214, at i B. 15th St. TeLBWl BOWEN'S MONEY Easy to get on furni ture, pianos, jiumco, vuh. x in. in iiuirj u Bteadily employed. 303 N. Y. lAt; MONEY loaned on salary, furniture. Jew elry, nOlBCSi aVUU, Ul WOU Art 84 Barker Blk. X 410 MONEY loaned on piano, furniture, Jew- elry. norses, cvwt, a.v. c k . awu, aiv a 14. X 4U MONEY loaned salaried people and other without security; easy payments, umcei in 63 principal cities. Tolman, room 714, New York Life Bldg. X-408 CHATTEL LOANS. W have money to loan at a reasonable rate on aiamonus, pianos, nuuseiioia furniture or other good chattel securi ties to parlies whose position In life re quire that such transactions be made end held in strict confidence. Union Loan and Investment Co, 212 Bee. Tel. 2004. X 4U6 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co, 13J0 Farnam St. W 373 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-874 GARVIN BROS, 1604 Farnam. City loan at lowest rates; no delay; get our terms. W 3,6 LOWEST rates, city property; 6 P. C. on farms in eastern Neb. Bemla, Paxton Blk. W 316 BUILDING loans on residence property; f per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge Block. W-877 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1530 Douglas. W 373 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha, Lowest rates. No delay. Thomas Breiuian, K. 1. N. Y. Life. W-878 WANTED City loan. R. C. Peter 8s Co. W-870 FARM and city loans; lowest rate. W. H. Thomas, la I Natl Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W LOANS on Omaha Improved property, or to build with; can pay It back In monthly payments. Hastings A Heyden, 16u Far. nam St W-378 LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Church Co., main ft, N. Y. Life. 'Phone 133. w J. M. Macfarland. 804 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Vft km WANTED TO BUY WANTED A small -well Improved farm or acreage close to a good, town in eastern Nebraska. Addreaa hi, car Bee. . -Mt4 23 The Bee will reach a better class o f readers id more of them. will convince. PERSONAL tRY KELLEY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE Jf-80, 1'RIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium. f:8 Flrat Ave, Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U-626 PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano. $2. Ferfield Piano Co., lfill Farnam. U 391 MAnNPTIPtrefttrn'nt th". Mine. mA vJli C 1 IL-Kmith ii n. 15. 2d n.. r. :. U 360 TUB. vapor and alcohol bath. 720 8. 13th. U 392 ' ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLHAT1NG, RUCHING, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price list and sample. THE GOLDMAN PLtAlING CO 200 DOUGLAS BLOCK. TEL. 1931 L 3 FACTORY tuner and action regulator at lowest rate for reliable service. Tel. lo-. Schmoller A Mueller, piano makers. U 384 LARSON A JOHNSON Cut rate to all point. 1406 Farnam. Tel. 1936. Member American Ticket Broker' association. U 396 PIANO CLUB Plnnn. Anitx,wA a. r.nA it fkl weekly. AH music lcK,m frn. JOIN NOW. Perfleld Piano Co, 1611 Farnam St. j oos OMAHA 6team Paste Co, manufacture pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Tel. THE Salvation Army solicit cast-off cloth ing; in fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. inn St, for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4136 and wagon will call. U 611 PRIVATE home during confinement; lia ble boarded and adopted. Mr. Garden, 21!16 Charles. Tel. 6311. U-306 WE RENT sewing machines, 75c week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines, $i to $10. Neb. Cycle Co, Tel. 1663. Cor. 16th and Harney. U 397 OMAHA Btammerer Institute, Ramge Blk. II 338 DR. JACKSON, specialist in chronic dis eases, 418 N. Y. Life Bldg. Consultation free. U-4199 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & $. 1606 Farnam. FRENCH, Spanish, German leson. F. Peltier, 115 8. 20th. U-668 M28x HOMELESS colored children; two very de sirable colored children, a boy 11 year old and a girl 8 years old, want homes for adoption. Apply to Child Saving In stitute, 18th and Ohio Bts. Tel. 1H91. U 354 21 X MEDICAL FOR Women Only Dr. Raymond's Pills, for delayed periods, absolutely reliable, per fectly safe; no danger, no pain, no inter ference with work; relief brought td thou sands after everything else failed; highly recommended by all that have used them. By mail, $2. Dr. G. G. Raymond Remedy Co, room 35, 84 Adams St, Chicago, 111. 401 DR. PRIES treats successrutly all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address with stump. Dr. Pries, 1511ft Dodge St, Omaha. -402 LADIES Chichester' English Pennyroyal Fills are the best; safe, reliable; take no other. Send 4o stamp for particulars, 'Relief for Ladles," In letter by relurn mall. Aek your druggist. Chichester Chemical O, Philadelphia. Pa. PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for la dirs; never falls; $2 postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 403 DRUNKENNESS AND DRUG HABITS CURED to stay cured In the shortest length of time under a positive guarantee, lor full particulars write the Ensor Remedy Co, South Omaha, Neb. Incorporated tn 1892. 247 814 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no injec tions; all or write for booklet. Quick Cure Rupture Co, 611 W. O. W. Bldg, Omaha. 666 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do i.ot find what you want in this column, put an ad in and you will soon get It. Z-983 WILL exchange a One upright piano for desk. Perfleld Piano Co, 1611 Farnam St. Z-683 WANTED TO RENT BOARD with strictly refined private fam ily by young couple with Daby; refer ences required and given. Address 202, B. K-M561 23x PRINTING PRINTING MEMORIAL CARDS; ar tistic designs, a. K. Cor. . MrcTr K'h St. and Capitol Ave. 1 i ixuo i u 835 MUSICAL EDWARD NORMAN KENT, teacher of "The Art of Singing." Vocal studio. Wlthnell building, 15th and Harney. M536 PATENTS H. A. STURGES, registered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less successful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha. 887 GOVERNMENT NOTICES, PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING MATERI als, plumbing supplies, etcx, I'nited Statu Indian School, Pierre, South Dakota, August 15, 19u5. Sealed proposals, endorsed "Pro posals for building materials, etc, and ad dressed to the undersigned at Pierre. S. D, will be received at the Indian school until 2 o'clock p. m. of September 5, 19ou, for furnishing and delivering at the school a required during the fiscal year ending June 30, li, a heater, tan):, fourteen ring baths, three closets. Ave tubs, six sinks, besides a quantity of paint, tees, valve, oil, etc, also thirty-eight door and win dows, ten barrel cement, twenty-five bar rel lime, 6,200 feet of lumber, 1,600 square feet of cement flooring, 20.000 brUk, one mortlser, saw table, scroll saw, vises, ham mers, planes, bits, gauges, etc, etc, as per list and specifications obtainable at the school. Bidders must state specifically In their bids the price of each article to be offered under contract. All articles so offered will be subject to rigid Inspection. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids, or any part of any bid. If deemed for the best Interests of the service. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or draft upon aonte United State depository or aolvent National bank, made payable to the order of the commissioner of Indian affairs, for at lat 6 per cent of the amount of the proposal, said check or draft to be forfeited to the United Buiu-s in case the bidder receiving an award shall fall to execute promptly a satisfactory contract In accordance with the terms of his bid; otherwise to be re turned to bidder. Bids accompanied by cash In lieu of certified check or draft will not be considered. Fur further Information apply to J. C. Levengood, Superintendent, Pierre, South Dakota. A17-1I-22-24-36-29-81-B2-6 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF the Custodian, Court House, Custom House aiid Poatofflce, Omaha. Neb, August 16, 1J6. 4Saled propoaala will be received at thla oihce until 3 o'clock p. m. on th aoth day of Auguat, 19o6, and then opened, for repair and painting, piaster and wood work of thla building, in accordance with apeclficatlona, ex. plea of which may b had at thl office, or at the office of th uper rising architect. Treasury department, naanington. JJ. c. U. 11. Narrows, Cuato- U7:U 22m GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR STONE COTTAGE. hollers, feed water heater, horse or mules, building materials, plumbing supplies, etc , lepartrnent of the Interior. Ofhve of Indian Affairs, Washington. I. C, August !. l'."6. Pealed proposals endorsed ' Proposals for Cottage, t'hllorrn, Okla ". and addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Wash ington. I. C, will be received at the Indian ofPce until I o'clock p. m of Thursday, August 31, I, for furnishing and deliver ing all the materials and labor required to to construct and complete a stone cottage, with plumbing, steam heat and electric light, at the Chllorrn School, Okla, In trlct accordance with the plans, specifi cations and Instruction to bidders, which may ih examined at this ofllce, the otnce of the "Traveler," Arkansa City. Kan.; "Journal," Kansas City. Mo.; "Globe-Democrat," St. Louis. Mo.; "Bee," Omnha, Neb. ; "Improvement Bulletin," Minneapolis, Minn ; "American Contractor," Chicago, 111.; the Builders' and Traders' Exchange t Omaha, Neb.; St. Faul, Minn.; Minneap olis. Minn.; the Northwestern Manu facturer association, St. Paul. Minn ; the United State Indian warhouses at SIS Howard street, Omaha, Neb.; 62 South Seventh street. St. Ixnits, Mo. and at the SchooL Sealed proposals endorsed. "Propo sals for Boilers, Building Materials, etc.", as the rase may be, and addressed to S. M. McCowan Chlloeco. Okla, will be received t the Indian School until ! o'clock p. m , of Thursday, August 31, 1M6. for furnishing and delivering, as required during the fiscal year ending June 30, linW, 14 horses or mules, one 200-hnrse power boiler, one 60-horse power boiler, one 450 horse-power feed water heater, about 70.000 feet of lumber, 101 doors, windows and transoms, 6!6 sacks wall finish. 16 squares steel cell ing. 61 barrels lime, 1,494 sacks cement. 146 cubic yards sand, 225 cubic feet stone foun dation, 86.000 shingles. 30.000 lath, 596 posts, 220 rods wire fencing, 2,"0 feet pipe, besides tees, flanges, valves, builders hardware, electric light wire, 1,400 feet radiation, etc, aa per list and specifications obtainable at the school. Bidders are requested to state specifically the price of each article to be offered under contract, all articles so offered to be subject to rigid Inspection. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids, or any part of any bid, if deemed for the best Interest of the service. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or draft upon some United States depository or solv ent national bank, made payable to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, for at least five per cent of the amount of the proposal, ald check or draft to be for feited to the United States In case a bidder receiving an award shall fall to execute promptly a satisfactory contract In accord ance with his bid; otherwise, to he returned to the bidder. Bid accompanied by cash In lieu of certified check will not be con sidered. For further Information, apply to B. M. McCowan, Superlntedent, Chlloeco, Okla. C. F. Larrabee. Acting Commis sioner. A 8-10-tM5-17-19-22-24-2. PROPOSAL8 FOR BUILDING MATER. lals, etc. U. S. Indian School. Genoa, Ne braska, August 14. I&sj. Seal'.-d proposals, endorsed, "Proposals for Building Mater ials, etc," and addressed to the under signed at Genoa, Neb, will be received at the Indian school until 2 o'clock, p. m, of September 6, 1906, for furnishing and de livering at the Bchool as required during the liscal year ending June 30. 1906, 4K.600 feet of lumber, 12.000 lath. 186 barrels lime, 62 barrels cement, 127 yards sand, 13 bar rels plaster parts, 9,000 brick, 62 squares steel celling, besides a quantity of paints, plumbing supplies, etc, as per list and specifications obtainable at the school. Bid ders will state specifically In their bids the prlc of each article to be offered under contract. All articles so offered will be subject to rigid Inspection. The right 1 reserved to reject any or el! bids or any part of any bid If deemed for the best in terests of the service. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or draft upon some United States depository or sol vent national bank, made payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Af fairs, for at least 6 per cent of the amount of the proposal, said check or draft to be forfeited to the United States In case a bid der receiving an award shall fall to execute promptly a satisfactory contract In ac cordance with his bid; otherwise to be re turned to bidder. Bids accompanied by cash In lieu of certified check or draft, will not be considered. For further information apply to Wm. H. Winslow, superintendent, Genoa, Nebraska. Augl6-17-19-22-24-26--31-SepJ LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Black Hills Traction com pany at Spearflah, South Dakota, until S o'clock p. m. of August 26, 1905. for the construction of about five and one-half miles of Canal, about nine mile from Spearflah, South Dakota, Involving the ex cavation of approximately one hundred and ninety thousand (190,000) cubic yards of earth and fifteen thousand (15,000) cuhio yards of rock and the construction of two hundred (200) cubic yards of dry stone culvert, and furnishing such other ma terial and labor as may be necessary to complete the work. Plans, specifications and proposal blanks may be obtained from Richard B. Hughe, general manager, Spearfish, South Dakota. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for one thousand ($1,000) dollars, made payable to the order of the Black Hill Traction company, as a guar antee that the bidder will. If successful, promptly execute a satisfactory contract and bond In the sum of twenty per cent of the contract price for the faithful per formance of the work. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids, and to waive technical defect aa the Interest of the company may re- QTHE BLACK HILLS TRACTION CO. HENRY KEET8, President. Dated at Spearfish, South Dakota. Au gust 5, 1905. RAILWAY TIME CARD CXION sTATIOH TEMTTI AHD MARCY. Caloa PmelSo. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a $:40 am a 8:18 pra California Expre a 4:10 rm a 1:30 era California Oregon Ex.a 4:80 pm a 6:10 pm North Piatt Local a 7:60 am a 8:20 pm Fast Mall a 8:66 am a $: pm Colorado Special a 7:46 am a 7 .44 am Beatrice Local b 8:15 pm b 1:80 pm Wabaxh. St. Louis Express St. I.ul Local (from Council Bluffs) Shenandoah Local (from 8:80 pm 1:15 am i:i 10:! 70 am 80 pm council muh. 1:46 pm 1:80 pm I Chicago, Rook lalana a. Paelflo. EAST Chicago Limited a 3 SS am Chicago Expres a 7:86 am Chicago Ex, Local bll:40am Dea Moinea Express. ...a 4:30 pm Des Molne Local Chicago Fast Express.. a 6.40 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Lim'd..a 7:20 am Colorado Express a 1:80 pm Oklahoma A Texas Ex. a 4:80 pm Colorado Night Ex a 8:55 Dm :10 am .60 pm SO pin 60 am :66 pm :16 pra :80 am .66 pm :40 am ;26 am Chicago, Hllwke St. Paul. Chi.n Davllaht Ex. ..a 7:56 am all :00 pm ;10 pm :86 am California-Oregon Ex.. .a 6:46 pm Overland Limited a 8:36 pm a 3 a 7 llllaol CeatraL Chicago Express a 7:26 am alO Chicago Limited a 7:60 pm a 8 Minn. A St. Paul Ex....b 7:26 am blO Minn. A St. Paul Ltd. ..a 7:60 pm a 8 Chicago at Nortaweatera. 85 pm 06 am 86 pm 06 pm Local Chicago all :30 am Fast Mall a 8:23 pm Daylight 61. Paul a 7:60 am Daylight Chicago a 8:u0 am Limited Chicago a 8.38 pin Local Carroll a 4 so pm . a iz,ii m fi vm rim 46 pm :80 am .00 pm .60 pm .16 am .60 am :06 am :86 am :60 pm :80 am 86 am :3i pm :16 pm 14 pm li pm .30 pm Local Sioux C. St. P. a 3:60 pm I Vnmt MaJl $ Chicago Exprea Norfolk A Boneateel Lincoln A Long Pin Casper Wyoming Deadwood A Llnooln,in .a b:60 pm ,. 1:40 am ,.t 7:10 am ,. 2:60 pm ..a $.60 pm a 7 10 10 6 6 $ a b 3. Ml pm De M. A Okobojl Ex.. .a 7:65 am Mtssoarl Faclae. St. Louis Expres a 1:00 am E C4k St. L Ex all:16 pm Chleaga Graat Waer. SL Paul A Minn a 6 80 pm St Paul A Minn a 7:46 am Chicago Limited a i:iw pm Chicago txpre . am a a t 80 am m) pm a 7 a 7 alO a 3 18 am fee pm 'si am 30 pm BURLINGTOSI 8TATIOJI-10TH A MASON Barllagtaa. Leave. Denver A California a 4:10 pra Northwest Exprea ....all .10 pm Nebraka poiiu a 8 60 am Lincoln Fast Mall.......b 1 67 pm Ft. Crook 4k Plaltarr.'th.b 3:68 pm Bellevue A Plattaiu ta..a 7:60 pm Bellevu A Pc June. ..a 8.30 am Bellevue A Pac. Junc....al3.14 pm Denver Limited ",i'"" Chicago Special a 7 A am Chicago Expres a 4.00 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:o6 pm Iowa Local St. Louie Exprea a 4:4 pm Kanaaa City A at. Joe..al0:46 pm Kansas City St. Jo..a t.ii am KaiiSM City h Jve.. 8.4$ pm Arrive, a 3.80 pra a 8:08 pra a 7 .40 pm al2.06 pm alv 86 am b 8:. im a 7:10 am a 8:66 pni a 7.36 pm al0:63 pm all Jo am a 8:46 am a $.ut pia HlU'i RAILWAY TIME CARD WEBSTER DEPOT 1STH ft WEBSTER Missouri Paelflo. Nebraska Ixoai. via I -ear. Arrive. Weeping Water b 3.60 pm bll.80 pm Chicago, St. l-aal, MlaBeapolla A Omaaa. V I Twin City Passenger. ..b 6:80 am b 1:19 pm J Sioux City Passenger... :00 pm all am f Oakland Local b 6:46 tra b 8.10 am a dally, b dally except Sunday, d dally xcept Saturday, dally except Monday. OCEAN STEAMERS. ANCHOR LINE V. . MAIL 8TBAMEM. K'BW YORK, LONDONDERRY AND OLAIOOW. NSW YORK. OIBRALTKR ANT MAPLCS. uperlnr af-emmrwlatlon. Kirltni ralxln. Ta Comfort of Paerrrt Carefully t' glnsla er Round Trip Tlrkets ih,H betwrni Nw Tori nd fVotch. Engll.h. Irish and all r-rlmlpal ton tln.ntal potnti at ftltrartiy rata, send tor Book of Tonra. For tlrketa or cnral Information apply tn any local agent of tha Anchor Llna or te HKNUER.HON BKOR, Ocnaral Aaenta. ChKwse, Hi. CCMPAGIIIE GEFIERALE TRANS ATLANTIOUt French Line, New York to Farts, Rlx Day .Sailing Every Thursday at 10 a. m. La Touralna Aug. II. Ia Bavolo Kept, tl La Lorraine Sept. t. La Tnuralne 2g La BreUgse Sept. 14. La Lorralna Oct. 8. Na. mod. to, gissstla iwla-atraw aa aipr-aa etaajaara; naval alBoara' maa-af-war dtacipllaa. Compear'! vtatiktilad tralas, 1U fro-P.rta, 4 koora, pruttaalonal orchaalra aa hoard twta-aeraw, Harry g. atoor-a. Ag.ot Wabaak R. R , 1401 f oraaai ttraet. Loala Naaaa. care flrat National Baas. C. A Rutharlord. Agant C. R. L A P. A A. IUI ramam Straau O. K. Ahkott, Agant VaRa Paella A. R. RULES VETSMUST OBSERVE Order Issued by Commander Ball t Apply tor Rennlon at Bennington. The tenth annual reunion of the Pmigla, County Ex-Soldiers' and Sailors' associa tion will be held at Bennington, beginning Wednesday and lasting until Friday. The camp will be known a Camp J. B. McPherson. In honor of Oeneral McPherson who was killed In front of Atlanta In July. 1S64. while reconnoltering on the skirmish line. Captain B. R. Ball, president of the as socalatlon will be In charge of the camp and ha Issued the following rule: Every ex-soldier and sailor of Douglas county Is expected to be there. No foraging will be permitted except under general orders. Tent, fuel, hay and water will be free. Every old soldier and sailor will be given ten minute to tell how he put down the rebellion, and he la expected to stick closely to the truth, or at least a closely aa an elastic Imagination of forty year will permit. There will be several Johnny Reb present to tell why they didn't want the rebellion put down and to help the other fellows tell the truth. Every old vet I expected to tell at least one new story or be fined. All stories told within the past three year are barred. There will be a sham battle every after noon. The fare for the round trip will be one full fare and one-third. Bring your blanket and a canteen the latter for water only. There will be no restriction upon the truth telling liberties of the W. R. C. and ladles of the G. A. R. Every old soldier is expected to bring hi family with him or furnish a good and sufficient excuse to the commanding officer. ONLY ONE DELEGATE TO GO City Engineer Will Represent City at Toledo at III Own Expense. Indications; at the, qlty hall ar that .cUx . Engineer Rosewater will bo the only repre sentative from Omaha at the convention of the League of American Municipalities In Toledo, which begins Wednesday and lasts till Friday. He will pay his own expenses and Is going principally to read a paper on asphalt before the convention and to gather statistic relative to different branches of public work. A the result of the controversy over allowing $300 for the three delegates, Omaha, accordingly, drop out a a bidder for the 1906 convention. Mr. Rosewater Intends to return from Toledo charged with statistic to prove that Omaha and Its cltliens are paying excess prices for street cleaning and garbage hauling and disposal. He also intends to further attack the Incessant sprinkling of downtown asphalt during the summer, and to be In a position to back up hi state ments that this .rprinkllng. as carried on In Omaha, destroy the paving rapidly and I an expensive luxury. The engineer make the charge that tha flushing of street a carried out here cost from $25 to $35 a mile, whereas It could be don better with street flushing wagons at a cost of about $10 a mile. Be side thl he contend that th turning of a powerful stream on paving of any kind ha an Injurious affect and ahould be dis continued for this reason If for no other. LIST OF MIN0R CANDIDATES Corrected Roll of Name af Aspirant for Jaetlce, Constable gat Road Overaeera. Owing to a mixture of name of candi date for Justice of the peace and con stable, Th Bee herewith reprint th cor rected lists of candidate for Justice of th peace and constable In Omaha and South Omaha, also the final list of candidate for road overseer In the county districts: Justice of th Peace. Omaha Ben S. Anderson, C. M. Bach man, W. W. Eastman, C. E. Fields, William A Foster, Etoen K. Long, 8. F. Moore, Tremont W. Rlckel, A. N. Yost. William Altstadt, Arthur B. Baldwin, C. H. Kubat, George E. Cockrell, all republican. T. O. Kellogg, democrat. South Omaha P. C. Caldwell, Ed Kaln, Jacob Levy, democrat. Ceaatable. A. R. Hansel, Charle W. King, Fred W. McGinn!, Jamea T. Wlckeraham, E. D. Simpson, Paul Stein, O. W. Church, Jame J. Casey, James J. Nellsen. Road Overseer. Republican Elkhorn, C. V. Bhumaker; Florence, Bradford Rltter; JefTeron, Her man Penke, No. X; MoArdle, Eggert Otte, No. 1; Millard George Tallon, No. $; Water loo, W. H. Brown. No. 1; Douglas, Olof Olon, No. $; Platte Valley, William Petr on, No. 1; O. H. Parson, No. 8. Democrats East Omaha. Clau Neelsen; Dundee, Martin Tlbke; Benson. A. Mayer; McArdle, Peter Kamhlnsend; Platte Valley, Oscar Talcott. Refoae Drink front Can;. The refuaal of one friend to drink beep from the ran of another la aald to hav cauaed a small riot near Second and Wil liam streets Saturday evening. Th result of the fight is that Mrs. Mary Vaverka, on behalf of her brother, Joe Kochar, one of the combatant, ha charged Georg SIdel with disturbing the peace, which complaint against SIdel lias bean filed In police court. Kochar Is said to have had a can of beer and to have offered th same to SIdel. who Is reported to hsve told Kochar he would not drink out of a can, which ultimatum angered Kochar. Price of Uoed Hat. It will cost Paddy Kelley thirty days' retirement for taking tha hat of Frank Patterson from hia head and then cruahing the headpiece on the ground beneath hit feet. Kelley a standing at police head qua r tera haa not been of the beat the laat sll months, this last offense being the el rev that made patience ceaee IB M TirtaX . with th touee aaagta irate. . v; 111 1 J 9