Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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tet Takia a Tumble, ' and Corn Bulei
Ur(r Receipts ! Corn Than Pre
dieted MeBtemfcer Oats Oaljr
Fotnre to Hold lie Own
Jones Report.
OMAHA. All. M,
Weakness pervaded the market in all
linen. Wheat opened a-esk ami sustained
declines of lc. After noon there waa a
alight rally. Jones' bullish report wcmM
to nave no elterl on the market. Septem
ber cloaed at 8oVo bid, December at Sl'c
and May at '5c.
Com receipts were murh larger than pre
dicted. Chicago expected 364 cars and got
43. Omaha received 143 cars. Chicago
hipped 821.000 bu. The weather Is ex
cellent for maturing tho crop. September
closed at I2c, old Scrteniler at BJ'S",
I'eoember at 4:tc. old December at 46
46He., and May at 43Vu43Vic.
beptemher oats was the only grain fu
ture to hold Its own. That nfbnth closed
Vo better. September finished at 2" De
cember at 2T,Uo and Vnv at 2XVMij!C.
Liverpool closed Vs'uVl lower on wheat
and unchanged to id lower on corn.
Herlln cloned a lower c wheat and Hilda
feath. ,c higher. Liverpool wired Kusslun
nipmenis Heavier than expeclta.
t)uluUi got seven care new spring wheat.
Thla la aftlinteri nrnl t f narlv
Wheat on passage this week 'a 31,81 2.0f0
bushels. Inst week J2.Si.000 bushels. last
year 4(392,OUO bushels. Corn on puHB.ige .i
20.4JS.GuO hnshel Inst week 2n.17i.0t.) Qlisll
els. last rvinr IT it;onn hushiils. World's
Shipments of wheat last week were S,8S2,.0
bushels, the nrevlous week 7 ') bushels.
Com shipments last week were 3.761 M
biialiela and the previous week 4,4Cl,CKX bush
Primary wheat receipts today were 1,04800
nusneis ana snipments num...-,..,
against receipts last year of 1.3:9.000 bushels
and shitunenls of M7.0OO buanels. Corn
receipts were 718.000 bushels and shipments
628,000 bushels, against receipts of S.fc.iM)
bushels last vear and shipments of HW.'wO
Th lira t Vnrtharn t-nflri has reduced
the tariff on grain to Minneapolis and
Lmluth from Minnesota and the Iiakotas
from V4f)6o a hundred pounds. This takes
ffert at once: other roads will have to
Jones made an estlmatn of the wheat
mi, mHuv it anvs Minnesota will haee
7.000.0HO bushels. North Dakota 66.000.nno
Kii.h.l. Hr,,,lh riaknta 33.000.000 bushels
xim. uvi tha total rrnn of the country is
). Wl lu, Vnatinla
A seaboard exporter at Chicago Is quoted
s saying: "We think that on the bas s
of about present prices for corn a fair
tlematid can be looked for. The situation
here has been strong, spot offerings being
irMindv sinr. il and there Is a slow de
livery of grain made from Buffalo owing
tn a. larrtnim ru nac aiarf'itv. There IS a
rood Innmrv for rv. but none has been
worked, owing to a lack of suitable of
ferlngn. Buyers Ideas are 58c c I. I
Today's Inter Ocean says: "Outside of a
few sections of the country, where local
climatic changes slightly Injured me
wheat crop, the fnited States probably
i 1 .. ...... rtmn ual tO OUalltV.
It Is remarkable that tha tests made by
millers should be so uniform. Of the re-
porta received by the dally trsne u"""""
probably 96 per cent indicate weights of N
pounds or more, tue great majority rang
ing from 58 to 62 pounds. Those below u5
pounds are In sections where local damage
was sustained. In sections where- crop
killers made their moat dumuglntj reports
the crop turns out the best, in Nebraska,
where the Hessian fly was supposed to be
working overtime, there la not a yield re
torted under 20 bushels and not a weight
f I.. ,l r,n.t In TM.rttonS Of Ohio
where the weevil was detailed to do Its
share of crop killing, the yield ranges from
20 to 23 bushels. In Michigan the yield Is
from 15 to 25 bushels.
Omaha Cash gales.
" 'WHEAT No. t hard, 2 cars, 7940, No
hard 1 car. 794c: No. 8 hard, 1 car, ic
No. 3 hard. 1 car. 77c: No. 3 hard, 1 car.
7oi No. I hard, 2 cars, 76o.
CORN No. 3 white, 1 car, 50c; No. 3 yel
iow, 1 car. 50c; N'o. 3 mixed, 1 car, 50c.
ATS-No. 4 white, 1 car, 22Hc.
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHRAt-No. 2 hard
hard. 75U79c; No. 4 hard
1, 70371
mrlnir K0c
COftN-No. t. BOci No. 8, 40V57 No. 4, 49e
fio grade 4ij4ef No. 2 yellow, 5C40; No. .
.yellow, 60c; No. 2 white. 60Vc; No. .
- OAT8-NOJ 2 mixed. 23Uc: No. S mixed,
t3c; No. 4 mixed, ffi'c; No. 2 white. B
' No. I white,. 24ci No. 4 white, 24c; stan
dard, 25c.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat. Com. Oats.
Chicago ,
Kansas city
Minneapolis -
t. Louis
Mlaaeapolla Grata Market.
Superior quotations for Minneapolis de
livery. The tange of prices aa reported by
the Edwards-Wood company, 110-111 Board
of Trade building, was
Article. Open. High. Low. Close. Bafy.
hep! 82iffH 82 K 8214 834
Deo. SlVs'SH 8IS 80?, SI'S, 81',
May. 84 84V 54 So
Chicago receipts: Wheat, 65 cars; corn,
461 cars; oats, 242 cars.
Clear West of Mississippi Coosldera
hlo Cloadlacss la Middle West.
OMAHA, Aug. H, 1908.
Clear weather prevails everywhere west
Cf tha Mississippi river; considerable
Cloudiness la reported In the middle Missis
sippi valley and upper lake region, but
generally fair weather prevails throughout
the east and south. Within tha lust twenty
four hours rains occurred in the upper Mis
sissippi valley and upper lake region and
scattered showers In the southwest.
Temperatures are slightly lower In cen
tral Nebraska and the upper Missouri val
ley this morning, and will be slightly lower
throughout the Missouri valley tonight.
Omaha rccora of temperature and precip
itation, compared with the corresponding
lay of the last three years:
' 1104. 1903. i;
Minimum temperature.... 70 C3 9 tf
Precipitation 00 .12 .00 . 00
Normal temperature for today, 71 de
grees. Deficiency In precipitation sine March L
t. 96 Inches.
' DatV lancr corresponding period la 1M4,
1 07 Inches. .
Deficiency corresponding period la
1.87 Inches.
i sinp nam.
Stations. Max, Mtn.
Incites. Sky.
Ashland. NeD...- w us
oo Clear
Auburn, Neb. .... w t
Columbus, Neb.. 90 63
.20 .
. .(0
" .oo
Pt. cloudy
Falrbury, Neb.... X9 62
alrmont. Neb... 88 63
Or. Ixland, Neb., 91 5
Hartlngton. Neb. R : ' 1
OakdMe, Neb l 63
Omaha. Neb 88 .9
Tekamah, Neb... 90 84
Carroll, la : 87 M
Clarlnda. la...... M 04
f ibley. ta M 00
Ploux Cltv. Ia.... M 64
Storm Lake. Ia.. M )
No. of Temp Rata.
Central. Stations. Max. Mm. Incbea
Chicago. JH. ......
Columbus. O. .....
ties Moines, la...
Indianapolis, lnd.
Kansaa City, Mo.
Louisville.' Ky....
Omaha, Neb
St. Louis. Mo....'
17 84 64
16 84 09
14 . 8 64
n 8 6ii
19 M 64
18 84 6
23 84 62
16 84 64
U W 64
Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau.
' Mllwaakee Grata Market.
MILWAt'K EE. Ag t!.-WHEAT-Weak;
No. 1 northern. II W; No. 2 northsrn, ll.taS;
grpieniber, SOW6 Stwo bid.
,RYK-S'eady. No. I. 6oc.
HAHLEY Steady; No. S. 60c; sample.
SV7 4NO.
COKN-No. I. 54Hc: September. 63Vo bid.
rsarla Market.
PEORIA. .Aug. 21 CORN Unchanged ;
Ku. 2 ynllow, tie; No. t, 64c; No. 4. bin;
ao grade, 6ie.
OATS-8tedy; No. a white, J6c; No. 4
WH18KT-4128 for 'finished goods.
l.lrrrMl Grala Market.
I.IVERPtXiL. Aug tl. WHEAT Snot,
aominal; (utui vs. quiet slepleuiber. (s ,,d;
Uecembw. 6 6l,J.
Ct'RN-Sot, steady; American mixed.
Is lid: futures. quUrt; September, 4a rHd;
Oeceiubar, 4a Vd, Justtary, oew, 4s l'J.
; . i - .
rUalstk firsfa MarkM.
M'U'TH, Aug II WHEAT Old, No. 1
Berthe.-n, oa Uaek, Ilia, t?-arrive. No. 1
northern, Vc: No. S northern. S?Vr: I-
Cember, 7e.
OAin-On track, to arrive,, and Septem
ber, 25WS.
Fealares of the Tr a dinar and CI wain it
' Prleea on Board of Trade.
CHICAOO. Aug. 21 A wave of limita
tion swept prices downward In the wheat
Pit here today. The erlllng was Induced
by reports of heavy Russian shipments
causing weakness In foreign markets.
8'ptetriljer wheat closed Sti-Se down.
Corn Is off Sc. Onts are down. I'ro
vlslons are up 5?n7ic.
An easy undertone In wheat waa sp
pnrent from the start. Lower foreign quo
tations. Ideal condition for the soring
wheat harvest, together with advices from
the south went Indicating weakness In the
cash situation, augumented the bearlh
feeling. There was nothing In the news
upon which the btilllslily inclined could
selie to bolster up their convictions. Wheat
for September delivery, whlrh was down
Vtie to S-'iHc, at the opening started on
a series of recessions which only baited
when the price had touched 79c.
At the low point, which was reached near
the close of the session, prices rallied to
some extent on covering by shorts, but the
tone continued easy throughout the ses
sion. September left off at souc. Clear
ances of wheat and flour were equal to
111.000 bu. Primary receipts were 1,04.1. (Q
bu. against 1.3J9.0"6 bu. a vear ago. Min
neapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported re
ceipts of 231 cars compared with 39S cars
last week and 373 cars a year ago.
A continuation of fine weather in tne
corn hWt gave the market for that cereal
a weak start which was' further encour
aged by liberal receipts here. Most of the
offerings had their origin In selling orders
sent In to commission houses by out of
town customers, although with the weak
ness becoming more apparent In the wheat
pit, selling of the coarser grain became
more general. September starting with an
Initial loss of c, at 5c, advanced to 5Hc
under tho Impetus of buying by a local
commission firm but later sagRed off to
62Hc, dosing easy at rIc. Local receipts
wero 4t!3 cars, of which 245 cajs were con
tract grade.
The market for oats was weak from the
outset. At the opening prices declined In
sympathy with the weakness In other
grains. Later the tone waa Influenced by
selling orders from the northwest and by
tle large estimate of receipts for tomorrow,
The offerings were taken qitlte freely by
commission houses. September closed at
2.Sc after having ranged between 25c and
U'He. Local receipts were nz cars.
Provisions made a sharp advance on sup
port afforded by the packers. Pork was
especially in demand and the firmness ac
quired bv this product stimulated the en
tire list. Scptemlwr pork closed lTVjc higher
at 114.224. Lard made a gain Of loc at
I7.77v Klbs are up 5c at $s.75.
Estimates for tomorrow: Wheat, 93 cars:
corn. 546 cars; oats, 642 cars; hogs, 19,000
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open. High . Low. Close, Safy.
Wheat I I ' i
Bopt. SniiWH 79l mK(ti
Dec. MVfSJ 82's 81"Si;S17'i i2iS2V'-i Vj
Mv M6"i S5 MV "5 Kvi, 53?,. Mi, 5?V 627i,j MS ftfij
lSept. 52W53 53 52H 62 53,
tDec. 4oi,'?i7s 45'4 45', 454'(! S 4M,
IDcc. 43'f44 44l 43-S' 43 444
May 43'(i44 44 43'SH4 44
Oats I 1
Sept. 2S 25 25 SV& V
Dec. 2 Z ieMt'i1 2V
, May 2114 28 2K 28VuS 2
Pork I '
Sept. 14 10 14 27H 14 10 14 22H 14 06
Oct. 14 25 14 35 14 22H 14 30 14 15
BeptT 765 7 77H7W 7 77S77vt
Oct. 7 75 7 85 7 75 7 85 7 774
Ribs- 1
Sept. 8 671, 8 77H 8 7H 8 75 , 8 70
Oct. 8 75 8 85 8 75 8 82H880
No. 2. tOld. tNew.
Cash quotations were ss follows;
FLOUR Stead v ; winter pater,"- 3.90
430: straights, 3.ft5'34.10; spring patents.
$4 flOffj 26; straights, J4.6.Vo4.75; bakers, $3.30!
WHEAT No. 3, 85O0c: No. t red, Wfflm
CORN No. 2. 54c ;No. 2 yellow, &4i-,c.
OATS-No. 2. 24c; No. 2 white, 2:152714c;
No. 8 white, 261V&J6V.C
RTENo. I. 74c.
BARLEY ood feeding, 37c; fair to choice
malting, 43t(45c.
8EED Nc l flax, $1.06; No 1 northwest
ern. 31.16: prime timothy, J3.47V4.
CLOVER Contract grade, 12.25.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 114.25
6'14.80;. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 17.62Vj. 8hort
ribs sides (loose i. 3K.70TK.75. Short clear
sides (boxed), J8.R7H'5'9 .12V4.
Receipts and shipments of flour and grain
were as follows: c
Receipts, sjmpmenis,
Flout b
' 72, AoO
Wheift, bu
Corn, bti
Oats, bu,
Rye, bu '
Barley, bu
On the Produce exchange today the but,.
ter market was Arm; creameries, 17$j'20c;
dairies, WSflSc. Eggs Arm at mark, caseg
Included. lSVitjiec. Cheese, easy, HfillViC.
of the Day oa
NEW YORK, Aug. 21-FLOUR-Recelpts,
18.593 bbls. ; exports, .3"0 bbls. ; market dull
and easy ; Winter patents, H. 25-64. 75; ; winter
straights, 4.0uu-4.t; Minnesota patents,
$48Ka5.51; winter extras, 33. 00413.45; Min
nesota bakers, 13.60 4.(0; winter low grades,
2.90ij3.40. Rye flour, steady; sales, Sou bbls.;
fair to good, I4.oosi"4.2&; choice to fancy,
COKivftiKAiBteaay; nne wnite ana yel
low western, 11.80; coarse, 31.11)4(1. IS; kiln
dried, (3 10(3.20..
RYE Steady; No. 2 western, fCHc, C. I. f.
New York.
BARLEY Dullt feeding. 39c. c. L f. Buf
WHEAT Receipts, 69,700 bu.: Bales. 2..-
000 bu. futures; spot market easy; No. 2
red. 86c elevator, and biC f. o. b. afloat:
No. X northern. Duluth, 92, to arrive, new
f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern. Manitoba.
90c, to arrive, f. o. b. afloat. Weakness
prevailed in today's wheat market, last
prices showing lc not decline. It waa again
brought about by fine northwest weatner,
weakness In cash wheat in the southwest.
lower cables and liquidation. Commission
houses were fair sellers during the day,
September, SoVoc, closed at MhtC; De
cember, 87Vo8,lic, closed at 87ic; May,
88TVtfK9Ho closed At 894.C
CORN Receipts, 9.7i0 bu.; exports, 38,734
bu. ; spot market easy; No. 2, 61c elevator
and f o. b. afloat; No. X yellow, 61 Vc: No,
I white, 61V4C. Option market was moder
ately active., but steadier on light stocks
Rnd covering, with last prices lfai,c net
higher. September closed 6iHo; December,
OATS Receipts, 869.900 bu.; exports. 17,050
bu.; spot market steady; mixed oats, 24
to 82 pounds, 29Hfi30c; natural white. 30
to 32 pounds, Slavic; clipped white, 36 to
40 rounds, S3SfcJ4'Ac.
FEED Quiet; spring bran. $18 75; August
snipmenm. middling, in. lb; August ship
merits, city, $18.00u 18.60.
HAY Steady; shipping, 60065c; good to
enmce, scywac. -
HOPS Quiet ; state, common to choice,
1904, 1SKq25c; 1903, Ptr20c; olds, ir?rl2c; Pa
cific coast, 1904. Iw24c; 19u3, 1719c; olds,
10(i2o. -
HIDES Quiet; Galveston, .20 to 23 Iba.
2fc; California. 21 to 25 Jbs 19c; Texas
(orv), lt to su ins., i'c.
PROVISIONB-Beef. steady; family. $11 50
612.00; mess, $9 504(10 00; beef bams. $21.iVJ
2250; packet, $10 frull.OO; city, extra India
mess, nn.iK.nji!."' cut meats, steady; pick
led bellies, $8.75(ffll.0O; pickled shoulders,
$.50tr7.00; pickled hams, $11.09 11. 2r. Lard,
easy; western ateamea. . a,.vit4.i5; re
fined, firm; continent. $8 Sit; South America,
$075; compound. $u. 756.00, Pork, steady;
lamuy, i i .w-n ib.uu; snort Clear, 913 7tZ16.X
mess. 812.554T16.2S.
TALLOW Steady; lty. 4Hc; country, 414
KlCri rJteady; domestic, fair to extra.
aSt-tiftViie; Japan, nominal..
ui 1 i an etrcng
recelnts. 8.465 nkia
street price, extra creamery. 21321c;
olriclal prloea, creamery, common to extra,
18i?lc; state, dairy, eommon to extra.
i,1l-ac; renovated, common to extra. 19
19c- western factory, common to extra.
15tll7c; western Imitation creamery, com
mon to extra. 18f.le.
CHEESE Quiet; state, full cream, small,
colored and white, fancy, l(R,c; state, fair
to choice. 9610c; state, large, colored and
white, fancy. 10c.
EGGS Firm: state. Pennsvlvanla and
nearby selected, white, fanev. 27tp'?8V; state,
choice. 2i.,i2.c; state, mixed extra, 2in.;
western firsts. 21c; western seconds, l3
POULTRY Alive steady; western chick
ens. I5c; fowls, 13c; turkevs, 13c. Dres d.
weak: western chickens. l2VJ14c; foala,
12c; turkeys. 13(il7c.
Philadelphia Prod ace Market.
Flrni, olc higher; extra western creamery,
21(i22o, extra nourby prints, tie.
E119 Firm and lc higher; aestern fresh,
I2i;'2c at mark.
CHEESE Stead v; good demand; New
York full cream fsncy, lliQUr! New York
choice, li4.c; fair to good, lelOc.
Mlaaeapolla Grala Market.
MIN.NE.P1l.IS, Aug H FLOUR First
patents. $5 HijiMi. second .patents. $6,jy?i5 i.
flfst cU-ars, itvj4.10; Seoun4 clears.
$!MJ2 75.
pnoRTs-11: j
MlDDLlNG8-rJ50. l'"'
Market ReceTera from Lut Week's Slight
- Reaction, but Trading ia DalL
Final Hoar Is- tha Most
IaarlKe of the Day a ad.
tha Closing Is
NEW YORK, Aug. 21.-lenerl recoveries
from last week's slight reaction wers the
rule In the stock market today, but trad
ing waa dull. For want of some better
excuse the street attributed the falling uff
of business to the latest developments at
Portsmouth. It Is a fact however, that the
substantial financial interests are at last
beginning to display something more than
languid interests in the progress of peace
negotiations. More marked advances to
day, of which there were several, were
limited Jargery U the so-called high class
or Investment stocks. There were a few
exceptions, notably Reading, which movad
to a high record while other less active
Issues attained the highest level reached
In this movement. The advances In Dela
ware & Hudson and the Hill stocks at
tracted little attention, Inasmuch sj It is
generally recognlred that the floating"
supply of these and similar Issues Is small
and manipulators are thus enabled to move
at will. The Oould stocks were prominent
In the day s movements although no special
reasons other than good crop conoltions
weer heard. There was a noteworthy ab
sence of activity during the day In such
stocks as have recently been market lead
ers. Trading n I'nlon Pacific, Southern
Pacific, St. Paul and Atchison wss rela
tively nominal and some pressure was
hown throughout. - This same condition
applied to the leading industrials, Includ-.
Ing I'nited States Steel common and pre
ferred. Amalgamated Copper made no re
sponse to a further advance In the price of
the metal. American Smelting was again
moderately active though Irregular. Of
the minor railway stocks almost the only
one calling for comment is Wisconsin Cen
tral, the common and preferred making
further advances on a rene-al of rumors
hinting at a change of control. The final
hour was quite the dullest of the day with
an Irregular closing.
Uonrtiin s participation In this market was
disappointingly small In - view of the
strength of Americans at that center. For
eign Iwnkers are mostly of the opinion
that tne continent is more Inclined to buy
here on slight recessions than on any
marked development of strength. Time and
call money rates were practically un
changed though Indications point to a
slight hardening in long time loans In
spite of the light demand. There was a
temporary halt In the now of cash to the
Interior but this Is expected to assume Its
fullest proportions In the course of the
next few weeks.
Bonus were Irregular. Total sales per
value. $:,A65,0ii0. United States 2s, and 3s,
and the old 4s advanced H per cent, on call.
The following was the range of prices
on the New York Stock exchange:
sales, mgu. iow. Close.
Adams Express 249
Amal. Copper 2S 6n0 864 864 bbi
Am. Car & Foundry 1,4"0 3W 38 S7
do pfd io lc,i 7j 101 101
Amer. Cotton OH.... 200 29 29H 29
do pfd 92'4
Amer. Express 100 230 230 225
Am. H. & L..'pfd ... luO 39 39 $
Amer. Ice Securities 100 28Va 284 28
Amer. Linseed Oil 17H
do pfd 500 41 41 40
Amer. locomotive .. 8.7"0 56V 54H 54,
do pfd 7.400 11R 1141 114
Amer. S. & Ref 2,61V 129 128H 1294
do pfd 1,000 1 23 1221. 122,
Amer. Sugar Ref.... 9,400 145 144 145
Am. Ton. pfd ccrtlf 1,0)0 lir.", 102Z 102'4
Anaconda Slln. Co... 300 116 1154 116H
Atchison 7.60O 90 90
do rfd 3"0 10414 104 104
Atlantic Coast Line. IW 16 lfi6 J66
Baltimore & Ohio .... 7.60O 1J3H 113 1134
do pfd 95
Brooklyn Rapid T... 4,200 701, s4 69,
Canadian Pacific .... 6 )0 160 16' 159"
Central of N. J 1.000 2171J 216 217
Chesapeake & Ohio.. 2,0)0 67a 6 WT4
Chicago & Alton 36
do pfd 78
Chicago Gt. Western 12,500 214 22 22'A
Chlcngo & N. W.... 8.40 224 221H 222H
C. Mil. & St. Paul.. 17,200 1864 lgf WH
Chicago T. & T 162
do pfd 400 40V 40 39V4j
C, C. C. Pt. Louis 101
Colo. Fuel & Iron... 2.600 47H 47 47
Colo. & Southern.. 1,600 28J 281, - 2SH
do 1st pfd 100 .624 62V5 62
do 2d pfd J,3(. 41 41 . 41
Consolidated hQs 187-i
Corn Products ...... 10 10 10 10
do pfd 100 49 49 474
Dela. & Hudson .... 18,800 224 213 223
Del., L. & West 100 4474 4474 445
Denver A H. G 300 3fil 35'4 84H
do pfd 100 894 8814
Distillers' Securities. 300 43 43 42
Erie 20.600 49 48 48
do 1st pfd 2.8''0 81 84 84iJ
do 2d pfd 1,500 76 7514 751,
General Electric .... 200 184 184 183
Hocking Valley 92
Illinois Central 1.RO0 178 177 177
Inter. Puper 400 22 21V4 21
do pfd , 80
Inter. Pump 26
do pfd 83
Iowa Central 300 28 29 29
do Dfd 800 67 V 66 6G'4
K. C. Southern 27
do pfd 800 69 59 69
Louisville & Nash.. 2.8u0 150 149 149
Manhattan L 90 167 166 166
Met. Securities 1.0"0 Ki 83 83
Met. Street Rv 8. a! 130 129 129
Mexican Central .... 6,200 21 24 24
Minn, at St. i,ouis t
M.. St. P. & 8. 8. M. 200 141 140 139
do pfd 106
Mo. Pacific 24.700 108 107 107
Mo.. Kan. & Texas.. 6.600 3?. 32 -33
do pfd 8"0 71 . 70 70
National Lead l.l'H) 44 4Z 43
N. R. K. of Mex., pid aim 3D1 3 S3
N. V. Central 10.600 154 154 155
N. T., Ont. West. 6.7'iO 56 55 55
Norfolk & Western. 2iO 86 85 85
do pfd 90
North American .... 3.70O 101 100 101
Pacific Mail 4.100 45 44 45
Pennsylvania 85,4"0 146 145 146
People's Gas 6(0 lif 104 104
Pitts.. C. C. &St. L. 30 8S 83 83
Pressed Steel Car... LOW 47 46 46
do pfd 200 90 96 96
Pullman Pal. Car iti
Reading 127.800 115 11274 115
do 1st pfd 3") 96 96 94
do 2d rfd 8110 94 94 94
Republic Steel 4.400 22 21 21
do 1st pfd 89 87 I
Rock Island Co 7,200 34 33. !
do pfd 1,200 0 79
Rubber Goods
do pfd
Bt. L. B. F. 2d pfd 600 70 9V 69
St. L. Southwestern
. Z.V") Z. 26 Z6
do pfd
Bo. Pacific
do pfd
Southern Railway
l.frlO 61 64 64
4,300 67 7 67
1,,,-, 00-, .v
do pfd
5i 100 99V (bv
Tenn. Coal and Iron ton) 91 90 90
I r.HB (V 1 (ilhiv .... etn, 0,
Tol., St. L. A West S71
do Dfd 700 58 53 58
I'nlon Pacific 71,4o0 136 135 1V
do pfd 94
U. 8. Express 122
lT. S. Realty 911-,
U. 8. Rubber 9u0 6.3 $2 R?".,
do pfd HOi
V. S Steel 18900 3674 36 36
do pffl 36.9H0 104 104 104
Va.-Caro. Chemical. 34 3.'t 83
do pfd 1 107 107 106
Wxbash .1"0 2$ 21 21
do pro i.taw am a
Wells-Farsn Exp 240
Weatlna- Electric ... 800 171 K 166
Western I'nlon M M 94 93
Wheeling AL. K ... 6'0 18 18 1h
Wls-onsln t entrai .. in.w.i ji' r:
do pfd 14.7UO 62 61
Northern Pacific. .... 12.400 216 213 254
entrai leather 4. 41
do pfd 104 V4 10414
losa-Bheffield fc 91 91 8l'
Total sales for the day. C47.000 Shares.
I.oadoa Closlagr Stocks.
LONDON. Aug. 21. Closing quotations on
the Stock exchange were ss follows:
Ccneola. sionar . . . 0 4-14 N. Y. Central ,15
do account tu Norfolk 4 Waal aa
Anaconda 4 I do ptd H
Atchion i Ontario A Waat I7i
do ptd ,....1'C Prrirlvanla tt
B A O.. IKS Rand Mine, 4
Can Facie-- Rrading l
Cha. A Ohio ! d lat Bfd i
Chlraso G. W ! do Id aid 4a
C U. A It. P ll 8o Railway 14
Iner 17 do pld 1(1
t) a H. O . PaciAc 6
do pfd t'nlor. faclSa 143
Erlf 4Ti' do Pfd Jfcj
do lat pfd M I". Stl 7
do M plil 7V 4 P'4 1-n-aj
llllnola C.nlral ...1st IWahaah rt
Louia A Naah 1M do pfd 44
II" . Kan A T. . . . i4 saamah 4a at
SII.VKR-Bar. steady; )d per ounce.
MONEY 1 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 1 per cent and for
three months' bills 1 per cent.
Bank C'learlaas.
OMAHA. Aug 21-Bank clearings for
today wers $l.7ua.n9.51. and for the Cor
responding day last year, $l.JH.lo.77.
Tresasrji Btatsssent.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 21 -Today s state
ment of the treasury ia lbs gen-
era! fund exclusive of the l50.ono,ono gold
reserve shows: Available rssh bslsnce,
l!?s a"g.3l; gold coin and bullion, IM.STS;
gold certlncatea, $3,735,230.
Jew Yark Mosey Market.
NEW YORtt, Aug. Sl.-MONET-On call,
steady at lti2 per rent; closing bid. 1
per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans,
steady and du'l; sixty days and ninety
days, 3Q3 per cent; six months, 4 per
per cent. ,
actual business In bankers' bills at $46563
4 810 for demand and at $4 8466tj4 8470 for
sixty-day bills; posted rates $4 85 and
$4 87, commercial hills, $4 8t.
SILVER Bar, 00c; Mexican dollars,
110NDB Government, strong; railroad. Ir
regular. Closing quotations on bonds were as fol
lows: V. S. rf. ss. rrf....1MH Jip.n to. td serin... rH
do eenpos drt 41,9, rt
V a. . reg Ma in 4wi. M sonr,.. n
it eonpen 1I-W t, anl. 4, in44
tJ. a. aw 4s. iq. in Muitiluil r. fo!4 4S.1IMH
4o eoafwn 1M Mlr,n Ctntrsl 4s.. hiv.
V I. ol4 4i. reg. ...104 do 1st Ir.o J
6s rousao 1(MH Minn St L. 4s... 1H
mr. Tos. 4s. rt . Tl4 M , K. A T. 4s 102
to U, ten 1144 do la 171,
Atrhiaoa son. 4 14 N. R. R o M. c. 14
do adj. 4s M4 N. T. omtral t 3m H
Atlsntlo Oosst la. N. J. Control g (t.lM
B O to 1S Northern PoctBc 4i...lo4'4
do IHo H4 do Sa n
Central nt O. ta 11H Norfolk W c. 4a .103
do lat Ino Or, e. L rta 4.
do Id Inr M4 eenr. IHa I4
Cha A Oh I 4H..ll'" Rradlng sen. 4a 1"
Chlcaio A A. Iv,s... M. L ft I. at o.;
C , B. q. a. 4s.. 101 St. U A S F. fg. 4. rv,
C, N. I. A P. 4a.. St. U S W. c. 4a . Ill '4
do tol. 4s.
Srahoard Sir I. 4a.. f
loss Sn l-ariflo 4a
1 do 1 4a, cert 17
7 -.. Rallwar ta 1IM,
tlsj T. A Fadflr la. li:
Ct'C. A St. U 1.
Oilcano Tar. 4a
Colo. Ind. Il si A.
do art
Colo. Mid. 4
Colo. A Southern 4a.
TJ Toi , Ft U w. 4a
Vnjon Panne 4a . ..1M
Cubs 6a, cart.
!') I do conv. 4a 1JJ
D. A R. O 4a 101
V R. tteal Id t....'
I'l.tlll.ra' -Ac. ta... M Wtharb la
rla prior Ilea 4a. .101 do deb. R
do rn. do 44 tKiatfrn Mri. 4a.
rt. W. A p. C. la. 114' W. A L. Brla 4a
riocmnf val 4a...ll0 wis. Cnrtral 4a..
Japan aa cart 101
Boston Stocks and Bonds.
BOSTON. Aug. 21 Call loans. 2T3 per
cent; time loans, 3$T4 per cent. Closing
quotations on stocks and bonds were as
Atchison adj. 4a...... 47 AdT.ntur
Sa aa ... . 101U illni,a.
. $
. as
. 4.'-
. 10
. Id
. 40
. o
. 18
. U
. 7
. 1D
. 7
. ii
. 14
. M
. 17
. a
. it
M.ilc.o Central 4a.. 14 Amalaamatad ...
Atchlann ; 44 ,Aoier. Zinc
ria titA If- lil.atla
Ratoo A Albany... .164 Blnsham '.
Koctnn a Maln......HI JCalomM A H...
Pltchburg pfd 144 Icamtmnlal
Mlcan Central 1 Copnr Hanse ..
N. Y . N. H. a H 107 lvl. WaKri
Union Pacific IV .Domtrton Coal
Amer. Arga. Chra . 14 Franklin
da Ofd IT Oranhv
Amir. Pnau. Tub... 1' tatl
Aro-r. Sugar 14 Maaa. Mining
dd Dfd UIV Mlchlaan
Amr. Tl A Tail l.tta. Unh.ali
Amtt, Woolan OT Montana r. A C.
do Ofd 104-a. OM Tlnmlnlnn .
Pom. I. A 21 Oacaola
Ediaon Elac. Ilium. .t6l4 Parrot
0n. Electric XJ Oulncr
Maaa. Electrlo II Shannon
- 7
do Dfd 41 ITarnarark
. '4
. 34
Maaa. Oaa 14 Trinity
t'nltd Fruit 1BO :llnltaifl r-Mia. .
I). 8. Steal J6H f. a. Mlnlus ...
. U
. 10
do nfd li)4ia. t'. B nil ..
Waattnghoua torn.., at : Uuh
-Dia. ASKed.
Sew York Mining Stocks.
NEW YORK. Aug. 21. Cloalns- miotft.
Hons on mining stocks were as follows:
Adam, Con.......
A Ilea
Brunavlck Coo...
.... 15
.... 44
.... 44
.... li
.... t
Little Chief....
Sierra Nevada
Email Hopaa .
Blandard ,
. I
. 1
. 4
. 61
. 33
. SO
Comatock Tunnal
Cop, Cal A Vs..
Horn surer
Iron silver
Leadvlll, Con
Foreign Financial.
LONDON. Aug. 21. Money today was
pientnui ana in rair demand. Discounts
were easier on the nrusnect of continued
cheap money. The Stock exchange was
steady but quiet. Operators waiting for
aeveiopments in tne peace negotiations.
Consols hardened after an easy opening.
American securities opened below oaritv.
but soon hardened on Wall street support
and moderate local buying. They Improved
further In the afternoon and, after some
irregularity, closed steady. Foreign se
curities generally were , quiet. Japanese
were steady. Russians were supported
from the continent, but later had an. easier
inclination. Japanese Imperial 6s pf 1904
were quoted at 104.'"'"
Kansas City tirala and Provisions.
Lower; September. 73V,(o73c; December,
73iiJ7374c: May, 76&70te; cash. No. 2
hard, 7Sijo2; No. 3, 7sftlc; No. 2 red, 78y
i.u. , 1 , afTieiiiin, oju cm.
CORN Lower; September, 47'ij47c; De
cember, 8oc; May, 38c; cash. No. 2 mixed,
49Vfrf0c; No. 2 white. SuYn5bc.
OATS-Steady; No. 2 .white. 2tiQ27c; No.
2 mixed, 2fi2tic.
EGOS Steadv: Missouri and Kansas. No.
2 new whitewood cases included, 13c per
dozen; case count, 15c, cases returned, u
per dozen less.
HAY Steady; choice timothy, $9.00;
cnoice prairie, H,v5if.7.
RYE Steady at t&e.
. BUTTER Steady; creamery, lc; dairy,
Receipts. Shipments
Wheat, bu 630,000 1S2,0"0
Corn, bu . 183.000 Io7,u00
Oats, bu 41,000 22.0UO
The range of prices paid In Kansas City
as 'reported by ths Edwards-Wood com
pany, 110-111 Board of Trade building, was:
Articles. I Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. 9at'y.
Sept... Dec...,
Sept.. Dec,
Sept.. Oct...
La rd
Sept.., Oct...
73f) 73 73 73 73
74 74 73 73 74
76 76 76 76 (7
47 47 47 47 47
38 3S 38 38 Si',
3b $8 38 38 8S
2S 26 25 25 26
24 24 24 24 25
13 97 14 20 13 97 14 12 13 97
14 02 14 26 14 02 14 20 14 07
7 62 7 77 7 60 7 72 7 65
7 72 7 80 7 72 7 80 7 75
$65 $ 70 866 8 70 867
I 72 8 80 8 72 8 80 8 75
St. Lonls General Market.
8T. LOUIS. Aug. 21. WHEAT Lower;
No. I red, cash, elevstor, 78c; track, 84'tj
86c; September, 77c; December, 795
7c; No. 2 hard. 81Jjl4c.
CORN Lower; No. 2 cash. 51c; track,
63c; September, 60c; December, 41c.
OATS-Steady; No. 2 cash. iSc: track,
i?7c; September, 26c; December, 25c;
N. 1 white. 30c.
FLOt'R Steady; fatr demand; red win
ter patents, $4.204.35; extra fancy and
straight, $3 65&-4.1a; clear, $3.0M?3.15
rimothy nominal; $2 . 2532.75; prime
CORN MBALSteady: $160.
BRAN Blow; sacked east track, tnVMc.
HAY Steady; fair demand; tlinoUiy,
$6 00.?ill.OO; prairie, $6fWI50.
PROVISIONS Pork. higher: Jobbing.
1432; lard, higher; prime steam, $7.35; dry
salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts,
$8.75: clear ribs. $9 Of; short clears. $9 15:
bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $9.37;
clear ribs, 19.75; short clear, $10.
POULTRY Steady ; chickens, 9c; springs,
13c; turkeys. 14c; ducks, 7jj'9c;'geese, 6'u9o.
BUTTER Steady ; creamery, 1621c;
dalrv. 14jl7c.
KOQS Higher at 16c, case count.
Receipts Shipments.
Flour, bbls V Oro 7.000
Wheat, bushels 127O0 82o01
Corn, bushels 52 000 620
Oats, bushel 62,0CXr 43,000
CofTee Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. 21. COFFEE. Mar
ket for futures opened steady and un
changed to I points lower under scattering
liquidation promoted by Indifferent Euro
pean cables and somewhat heavier Brazil
ian receipts. Increased liquidation by near
by longs eased the market off toward the
close and of the total business reported
some l.0nf bags consisted of switches from
near to late months. The market was finally
stesdy. net unchanged. Sales a ere re;-u! te l
of 264 o"0 bags, including September st 7 251
7$0c; December, 7 5ofl7.6.',c: March. T.8. c.
May. t p7.e; July,.7.9f tfi ( c; spot, steady;
No. 7 Rto. Sc.
agar aaa Molasses.
NEW TORK. Aug. 21-SUOAR-Nomlnal;
fair refining. $ 7-luc; centrifugal. 96 test,
4o4 l-12c; moloases sugar, 3 S-ltk-; refined,
steady; crushed. 6c; powdered. 5.40c;
granulated. 3 30c.
Quit; open kettle centrifugal. 4?j4c;
centrifugal whites, 3 la-ltaA 1-140 ; yellows,
404r; seconds. 2S3e.
MOLASSKH Nominal; open kettle, 13 if
toe: centrifugal, a4'14c
BYRL'P Numlnal, uc
Ella Baiter Market.
ELOIK, Aug. H. FITTER Firm; 21c
Bal tut tba weak, til.M lbs.
Beef Eteeri Steady, with 0ow$ Bolliag
Some Lower.
Receipts of Sheep and Lambs Heaviest
of Year, with Market Dallas
Generally Lower on Both
Sheep and Lasnba.
SOt'TH OMAHA, Aug. tl. 1908.
Receipts were: Cattie. Hoas. Sheep.
Official Monday 5.9"0 $.?"0 17.1.00
Same day last week 6.412 4.016 4.444
Same week before S4 2.V24 B.S-'J
Same three weeks ago... 3 93 J.iwo 1VW2
Same four weeks ago.... 3,203 6.I") IS 7
Same day last year 4.361 6.4.:J 8.017
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, comparing with last year:
la-G. 194. Inc.
Cattle 646.694 614.426 81.2-S
Hogs 1.638.214 1. 670.21 68.0, i
Sheep 9.36.478 789.17 147.421
The following table shows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
DU. I l$o. IUO4.uuj.U01.1S01. 11900. 11830.
I 72
4 9
4 W
t 06
4 171 7 4V
M Mi
4 fi I
6 02 7 $9
i 041 7 s:
6 06, 7 36,
6 03; 7 27!
6 ll! 6 171
I 7 151
5 4I
I 741
I 79;
$ 84
6 so!
6 601
6 60
5 721
8 161 4 19
I 1S 4 18
a 161 4 n
8 101 4 43
4 45
8 041
f Ml 4 33
6 1 4 37
8 04i 4 32
$ 00 4 2
4 99 4 29
14 Ji
4 96!
4 97 4 41
4 97 4 44
4 98! 4 32
5 ti 4 3i
4 951 4 47
I 4 50
5 031
6 02; 4 42
a 75
e 06
5 07,
6 7T4
0 84
6 S.1.
8 10
5 Ci
Aug. 10.
5 84
6 6
6 9.1
( 95
6 8:1
5 01
4 87
4 81
4 94.
5 0l
5 02,
4 9M
4 93'
5 10!
S 12'
5 in
6 23
5 74
6 74!
5 77
Aug. 11. ,
7 04i
Aug. 13,,
Aug. 13..
6 20 6 78;
6 If' 6 81
5 211 6 73!
6 2i"! 6 681
I 6 671
5 20' I
5 17i 6 67!
0 11, 6 721
6 I-.1 6 79
6 13, 6 861
Aug. 14.
Aug. 15.
Aug. 16.
Aug. 17.,
Aug. 18.,
6 73
5 77
5 77
6 81
6 87
6 83
6 89:
5 S3 !
5 39'
5 16'
6 78i
Aug. 19.
Aug. 20.
Aug. 21.
Indicates Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
I'nlon Pacific Svstem .. 1!
C. 4 N. W., east 1
8 46 2
24 10 41
14 13 2
58 69 45
Chicago at West!!!!!! 1
Total receipts 242
The rllunnaltlnn nt tha. ,1 ,.ai ra,olr.tai -
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num.
uei 01 jieuu inuicaiea:
Omaha Packing Co...
Swift and Company ..
Cudahy Packing Co...
Armour & Co
Vanaant A Co ,
Carey & Benton
Lobman & Co
McCreary & Clark ..,
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
.. 872
.. 1,057
.. 722
.. 116
.. 2G0
.. 1W
3. Ml
v. I. Stephen M
Hill & Huntxlnger 177
Huston & Co 53 ....
Hamilton & Rothschild . 14H ....
L. F. Husx 107
Wolf & Murnan 8f7 ....
Mike Haggerty 8
Sol Degan 25
Lelghton & Co 143
J. 14. Root Co no
Pulla A Kline 99
Other buyers 210 ....
'O'al 5.218 4.208 13,148
CATTLE There was a liberal run here
today, about 23ri cars being on sale. Tho
receipts were about as heavy as last Mon
day, but show an Increase of thlrty-nlno
cars as compared to the same day last
year. The quality of the cattle was good.
Beef steers constituted the big end of
the .receipts, which consisted almost entirely
of western stuff, the supply of natives
being very small. There was a good feel
ing on the choice cattle and a fair demand
rrom all sources. The best grades of both
westerns and natives ruled generally steady
with the close of last week. These good
cattle were picked up In fair season, al
though the market could not be called
active. Common grades were In poor de
mand and sold at easier prices, especially
the half-fat warmed up natives which
always Suffer at thla time of year from the
competition of the western stufT.
Cows and heifers were not In very good
demand, and there was a weak tone to
the trade. . Buyers were ssklng concessions
and bids were lower. . Tl.eie were hardly
any natives received and the western stuff,
although of good quality, sold at prices
ruling weak to a dime lower.
Bulls, veal calves and stans sold In about
the same notches as last Friday and prices
being about steady.
There was a good supply of stockers and
feeders In the yards and there was a strong
demand from both yard traders and the
country buyers. On the good heavy cattle
the market was strong to a dime higher,
and just about steady on the lighter
Representative sales:
NO. ST. IT NO. ST. f.
6 IOCS 4 DO ' 34 1191 I "B
jr mi 4 n is 1501 1 to .
14 1171 4 40
4 tin 1 00 j mo 1 40
24 477 t 60 1 14s S W
1 440 I M
1 1700 4 On
23 cows 900 3 10 3 cows 1060 2 15
ia feeders.. 997 3 05 1 bull 1400 2 25
1 cow 1070 2 00 1 cow 920 2 50
8 heifers.. 50 2 10 2 bulls 1545 2 25
1 heifer... 470 2 10 40 cows 848 $45
2 calves... V) 8 50 22 cows 2 25
2cows 1(0 2 50 40 helferp..l04S 8 06
lcow 1000 3 60 10 cows 90 2 50
2 cows 9) 125 10 cows 9nS 2 50
7 cows 9M 2 50 8 cows RS0 2 65
1 cow... ...100 2 01) lcow 1180 165
1 cow. 930 1 65 49 feeders.. 907 8 30
4 feeders.. 907 2 75 2 feed-rs. . 965 3 35
16 feeders.. 912 3 35 12 feeders. .1049 8 50
2 feeders.. 940 8 10 7 steers. ..1171 8 60
2 cows 1026 2 55 15 cov; o32 8 10
11 cows 862 2 25 1 cow 1100 2 25
1 cow 1(h) 2 25 11 cows 910 2 26
1 cow 7i1 2 2-1 1 cow 1040 2 50
1 cow 1030 2 00 1 cow 1210 2 00
0 feeders.. 123 3 50 99 feeders. .179 3 85
8 steers.. ..1117 2 65 37 steers. ...L90 4 16
86 feeders.. 9"2 3 ' 93 feeders.. 11 S3 2 35
6 cows 970 2 50 2 bulls 1165 2 40
2 cows 1035 2 00 15 feeders.. 974 2 30
94 feeders.. 1072 3
11 feeders.. 9..6 8 35 1 bull...... .1450 2 !5
1 steer U 8 40 (cows 990 2 60
i cows 91'8 2 70 24 cows 9u5 2 60
1 cow 9C0 2 S5
18 steers.. ..1184 SAO 16 cows 935 2 55
feeders.. 9S7 3 10 1 feeder... 770 8 10
2 rows 71.0 2 55 1 cows 945 2 35
34 feeders.. 1219 8 45 1 stag 910 2 25
$ feeders.. 1219 2 75
7 steers.. ..1147 3 50 11 steers. ...1100 8 00
1 calf 200 4 50 22 steers., ..1330 3 70
6 steers. ...1145 3 60 48 st'-ers. ...1' 3 40
8 steers. ...11-2 3 6-1 W cows W9 2 55
5 Steers. ...1134 8 50 14 steers. ...1132 $60
11 steers.. ..l'4'I 3 60 8 bulls 1340 2 10
1 bull 160 10
B. F. Shober Wyo.
21 steers.. ..1378 4 10
W. S, Ahbronk-Neb.
87 feeders.. 1241 4 fO 4 feeders. .1241 $ 25
8. Shields Neb.
18 feeders.. 1147 $ 60 2 feeders. .lflM S 00
A. K. Scott Neb.
2 feeders.. 83.) $70 $ feeders. .1032 $50
3 feeders.. 80 3 70 I feeder... W) $ 60
7 feeders.. 971 $ 70 4 feeders.. 9-5 3 70
1 feeder... 8-V 2 75
John Swanson Neb.
( feeders.. 900 3 16 35 feeders. .1237 8 70'
2 feeders., is 0 3 15 8 feeders. .1133 I 00
w loan no.
8 Steers ... 990 3 25 6 Biee-is....lf-9 $ tVS
4 cows 1O40 2 65 10 steers.... Itfi 3 65
2 cows 1026 3 25
Black Bros. Wyo.
12 steers.. ..1070 3 55 Bteers....! 4 80
1 steer 1100 4 3d 1 steer 1330 4 20
1 steer 1430 4 80
J. I j. r son 8. D.
6 steers. ...liv.6 3 00 81 steers.... 1150 155
$ heifers.. 1110 2 40 1 heller. ..1"40 40
1 cow 9 2 40 1 cow MO 2 40
2 cows 870 2 40
fit. FranclK Mission, Nebraska.
14 feed-is.. 9.7 2 75 31 feeders.. 1118 t 10
18 uederr.. 877 2 T5
J. P. Hl.lpley, Nebraska.
8 steers.. ..12sfl 3 50
R. H. Hester, Wyoming.
18 steers. ...lofK $ J6 I cows 860 168
Ed Arnold, Wyoming.
22 feeders.. I"h5 3 40 is cows 940 2 71
W. Watson, Nebraska.
24 feeders.. 994 3 to
H. Olerlch, Nebraska.
14 feeders . 1(2 3 50
Federal Cattle Company, Nebraska.
38 steers.... 9:9 I 50
J. 14. Stafford Montana.
10 feeders.. 913 3 36 35 cows 9t3 2 45
18 cm Ives. .. 25-1 4 50 94 Meet s.',l 3 60
15 t-rra....1195 3 40 28 at'-er.- ...1313 3 70
C.Mirge A. Ross ft. D.
14 steers.. ..L' 4 00 10 cows K3 8 :0
H M. Hundlv S. D.
18 cow s 777 2 9u . 24 feeders. .1157 4 Hi
1104.;3 There a as a light run here even
for a Monday, but heavy receipts In ths
east and dlscoursglng reports gave buers
a chance to pound the market, which they
did. There er forty-seven cars on sale
and the general quality aas only fair. Buy
ers were bearish snd their early buls
showed a decided decline. Sellers thought
they otight b have, more money for thrir
holdings, however, and as a consequence
trading on the opcalr.g wss slow and
draggy. There wss no activity to the trade
at any time, although ths boss were plckej
up right along. The general market was
weak to 5e lower, with the bulk of the hogs
Selling at $S.8'.'n5 K.V Some good hogs sold
up to 8 90. Representative sales:
No A. r. P.. at. V Pt.
41 171 tA T7 in tlT ... ID
4t !l 10 I M) 70 144 40 I
l 1M 40 I an Ski no I M
14 911 ! 4 t 11 i 44 4 M
71 !4 40 IN 74 ... I 45
II 7'l M I 40 71 fit M I si
71 II? ... 4 nv, II 2t 40 t IS
II Il ... I v 7 MJ ... I .i
71 Ill IK) I I1H 4" 141 ... I Ho
14 ...... Il 40 I III 70 147 140 IIS
14 14 SO I 11 Tl t?4 ... 4 U
II 147 149 I lis Tl m 10 I u
14 4i lfHI J II lat f 147 if" 6 S
71 Ill ... I ! 77 110 M IH
71 I4 110 4 424 71 tol 110 S7H
T( IM ... lilt 4)0 t" 110 t I7L,
M no is I in Tt .lit ... I ;
74 ho ISO I l:a 74 Ill ... I ;t4,
17 1.4 ... I 41 13 nt N :,
71 ..214 140 SB Tl 124 ... t tTVs
47 V SO $ u ' ',1 14 40 I k7i
40 141 40 I IS 47 Ill ... I 171,
44 141 40 I 19 71 ill 90 I 10
4 let SO B H T7 t:o H IN
Tl 140 110 I IB Tl Ill ... I 0
Tl HI 40 I B 11 ll ... 4 S
SI1EK1" The heaviest run of the year
was received today, seventy cars being on
sale. The receipts have been light here for
the past two weeks and a big run is Just
what everyone wanted. The quality of the
receipts waa very good and there was not
a very big feeder end on the offerings.
There was considerable sorting to be done
and some little time waa consumed In shap
ing up the st uflf, and as a consequence the
opening trade was slow. A good part of tho
receipts consisted of lambs, and on this
account buyers left them till the last, pick
ing up ths old sherp ilrsl. Ijaml-s were
slow, sale and prices were off lifl?0o. old
sheep did not show so -much loss and they
sold generally at a I043I50 decline. The
market on the old sheep was uneven, some
sales showing the full strength of the de
cline noted while other sales were Just
about steady.
Today was the first time for two weeks
that feeder buyers were able to do any
thing, and with a fair supplv of feeders
here thev all felt better. The stuff was
kicked up at prices ruling steady to a dime
lower. There are plenty of orders to be
filled and the demand Is good.
Quotations on tat sheep and lambs: Good
to choice lambs, $6. 65 U 7 25; good to choice
yearling wethers. $a.l6tf4Y6o; good to choice
old wethers, $5.0oj5.1&; good to' choice ewes,
$4. oot4.90.
Quotations on feeder sheep and lambs:
Good feeding lambs, $5.7tVhs.fl0; good feeding
yesrlings, $4.7Hio.u(; good feeding wethers,
$4 2a$4 5i; feeding ewes, $3.5ou3 8o; breeding
ewes. $4.00434.60.
19 Nenraska bucks IS I 85
17 Idaho cull ewes M 2 50
101 Idaho cull ewes 92 3 75
187 Nebraska ewes K5 4 85
165$ Wyoming ewes 104 4 60
SH6 Idaho ewes 99 4 60
275 Idaho ewes 107 4 65
29 Nebraska wethers 94 4 75
39 Idaho cull lambs 46 4 75
815 Idaho cull ewes lf8 4 80
234 Idaho cull ewes 109 4 90
149 Nebraska cull lambs 47 4 90
33 Nebraska lambs 69 6 00
3.15 Nebraska yearlings 64 6 75
8J5 Idcho lambs 70 8 75
32 Idaho ewes 108 4 50
128 South Dakota yearling weth-
ers 77 6 26
152 Idaho lamb feeders 62 6 00
610 Idaho lamb feeders 63 6 65
Cattle and Hogs Steady to Ten Lower
Sheep IVtak-Umbi Lower.
CHICAOO, Aug. 21 CATTLE Receipts,
26.0u0 lieud, Including 16,000 Texans; market
steadv to lllc lower; good to prime steers,
$o.4tia6 li; poor to medium, $4.0iVg6.25; stock
era and feeders, $2.204.25; cows, $2.15'a'4 50;
heifers, $2.00414. 75; canners. $1.25'a2.10; bulls,
$2.00ii4.O(i; calves, 3.0fii6.5O; Texas fed
steers. $3.50H.6o; western steers, $3 5ofp4.60.
HOGS Receipts, 31,)0 head; estimated for
tomorrow, 16,'X head; market 10c lower;
mixed and butchers. $5.651i4.30; good to
choice heavy, $6 00(i;7; rough heavy.
5 6fu51:.; light, $6.80a.2;; bulk of sales,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 24.000
head; sheep market weak; lambs. 15'u25c
lower; good to choice wethers, $5.00ti6.50;
fair to choice mixed. S4.0oh 4.75: western
sheep. $4. 755.40; native lambs, $5. 507.80;
western lambs, $5.T5(&7.40.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
KANSAS CITY. Aug. 21. CATTLE-Re-celpts.
14.000 head; Including 1,200 southerns;
fnarket, steady to 10c. higher. Choice and
export, tn'nli.ot); fair to good, $3.75Cp5.4);
western steers, $3 40ft 4.50; stockers and feed
ers, $'J.65fc4.16; southern steers, $2.b0ii4.25;
southern cows, $1.7y3.0O; native cows,
$1.75fM.oO; native heifers,' $2.5a5.00; bulls,
$2.04i3.25; calves. $2.60tt5.25.
HOGS Receipts, 6,200 head; market,
5fo 7c. lower; top $6.15; bulk of sal -s.
$5 9T.'y6.10; heavy, $5.9ofli.00; packers, $595
fcti.10; pigs and light, $6.(mt6.15.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.000;
market, weak to 10c. lower; native lambs,
$; western lambs, $4 5oa7.00; ted
ewes and yearlings, $4.25116.66; western
yearlings. $5.25'ii5.65; western sheep, $4 60'if
5.16; stockers and feeders, $3.75t4.50.
SI. Louis l.lve Stock Market.
BT. LOUIS, Aug. 21 CATTLE Receipts,
4(00 head, including 2.500 Texans; marKut,
slow and lower: native shipping and ex
port steers, $4.fcVu5.2o; dressed beef and
butcher steers, 83.9iXu5.00; steers under 1.0"0
ounds, $3.604.10; stockers and feeders,
:.00U4.00; cows and heifers, $2.OO(ff4.60; can
ners, $1.60''u2.20; bulls, $2.1iKif 2.25; calves,
$30Xli8.5i); Texas and Indian steers, $2.C0
j?$3.60; cows and heifers, $2.00-82.90.
HOGS Receipts, 4,600 head; market, 1071)
15c. lower; pigs and lights, $6.0O((6.26; pack
ers, $6. Soft 6. 10; butchers 'and best heavy,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3.000
head; market, steady; native muttons,
$2 5"Ti4.75; lambs. $5.0ofc6 50: culls and bucks,
t'lfiot.fif); stockers, $4.60ii4.75; Texans,
$2.251 4.25.
St. Joseph Lire Stork Market.
ST. JOSEPH, Missouri Aug. 21.
Cattle Receipts. 2.695: market, steady to
10c. higher; native, $3.65f5.60; cows, and
heifers. $1.5("Q4.86; stockers and feeders,
HOGS Receipts. 8.328 head; market,
5ifjl0c. lower; light. $5.9ofi6.10; medium and
heavv, f5ftin0O; bulk of Bales, $5,904(6.1)6.
SHEEP AND LAM B8 Receipts, 1.412
bend; market, active and steady; lambs,
Slons City Live Stork Market.
SIOUX CITY. Aug. 21. -(Special Tele
gram. ) CATTLE Receipts. 2.100 head; 1
15c lower; stockers. weak: beeves. $3.75g6.00;
rows, bulls and mixed, $2.2M4.00; Blockers
and feeders. $2.50S3 80; calves and year
lines. ' 5"433.50.
HOGS Receipts. 1.7V) head; market
steady, selling at $5.75435 95.
stock In Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the six principal
western markets yesterdsy:
a-...A tJara, Qli.-n
South Omsha k.M 3 ;"
Sioux City .i 2 100 1,700
Kansas City 14,900 . .2-0
St. Joseph 2.595 3.32
Bt. Louis 4.0"0 4.5o0
Chicago 26 UX) 31,000
44.595 49.928 49,932
Oils and Hosln. '
NEW YORK. Aug. 21. -OI I. S Cottonseed,
I steady; prime crude, nominal; prune yel-
10a, 31. j. i tiroieum. rnuy , reunea i'
York, $I90; Philadelphia and Baltimore,
f'i.KS; in tiuiK, 13 so. 1 ui
ipentlne, unsettled.
62(i'.3rt asked.
SAVANNAH. Gf Aug. 21 OlLTurpen-
tlr.e. firm; tmc.
ROSIN-FIrm; A. B. C. $3 30; D. $3 40; E.
We Offer. for Sale a Varied Assortment of
Conservative Rcailroad and Public
Service Corporation Bonds,
3.65 to 5.25
are therefore, READILY CONVERTIBLE, and
are suitable for BANKS, INSURANCE COM
Write for Doscriptire Circular.
Plympton, Gardiner & Co.
232 La Salle Steet Bankers 27 WilHam Str.
CHICAGO Mcmbcra New York Chicago Stock Eackasgei NW Vo
$3 40; F. $3 95; G. $4 05: H $4 10; I. $4 11 K.
$4.5, M It 3o; N i.4R; WO. $ ; WW. $6 25.
OIL CITY. Fa, Aug 21 Oil Credit
balances, ii 27. certificates, no bid: ship
ments. 12.H40 bbls ; average, $11' bbls 5
runs, i;i,ll bbls - average, 67,75$ bbls. Ship
ments. Lima, lll.rt bbls; avers. 54,8
bt ls.. runs, Lima, 8;,fA3 bbls; average, 41,
IJt bbls.
Staple and Fancy frodnee.
EGGS Receipts, fair; market steady!
candled stock. 6c.
LIVE POULTRY Hens, c; roosters,
5-U6C; turkeys. 12)jl5c; ducks.' Jc; spring
Uurks, He; spring chickens, Unlllc
BUTTER Ma ikct nun; tracking stock.
If-c; choice to fancy dairy, l."ui9c; cream
ery, 2Ja'Jc; prints, 21 c.
ol'O A-K-tuandard granulated. In barrels.
$5 66 let ca t.; cubes, $0 50 per cwt. ; cut
loaf. Itf 95 per cwt.; No 6 extra C $5.(0 per
cwt ; No. w extra C. $5.35 per f-Tvl. , No. it
yellow. $6 10 per cwt.; X--X X powderevV
$6 f per cat.
FRESH FISH Trout, 11c; halibut. Ilcj
buflalo (dressed;. He; 'lckrel (dressed), 8c;
white bass (dressed). Uc: sunfish. 4c; permit
(scaled, and dressed), 9c; pike, 11c; catflsn,
15c; red snapper, lie; salmon. 11c: crapplt.
12c; eels, 16c; bullheads, lie; black bass,
26c; whlterlsh, 11c; frog legs, per dos., Vi;
lobsters, green, 27c; boiled lobsters. Sue;
shad roe, 45c; blueflsh. so.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Hay Dealers' association: Choree, $7; No.
1, 8 50; No. 2, 14; coarse, $6. These price
are for hay of good color and quality,
BRAN Per ton. $15
ORANGES Valencia, all sixes, $5 OOTJt 6A
LEMONS Limoniera, extra fancy, ''fit
sire, 17.00; 300 and 360 sixes, $7 606 00.
DATES Per box of ' 1-itt. pkga., $2;
Halloween, In 70-lb. t.xr per lb.. Bo.
FIGS California, per 10-10. carton. T5J
85c; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 120J a
crown, 12c,
BANANAS Per medlum-slsed bunch, $1.78
62.26: Jumbos, $2.5(VJ300
PEARS Bart let t, per lolb. box. 82.80a
3 00.
l'LT.'MS California, per 4-basket crate.
$V60'1 76; grot-s prunes, $1.75; Hungarians,
PEACHES California freestones, rer box.
$1.15; Elbertas, $1.20.
CANTALOUPES Texas, per cruts, JiOOj
Texas, Rocky Ford seed, $2.50.
WATERMELONS Alabama Sweets, 15-i)
25c e-ich; crated, lc per lb.
APPLES Dutchess. Wealthy and Cobb
Pippins. In 3-bu. bbls., $J.0(Kj326; In bu.
baskels, $1.
WAX PEANS-ltr '-Tn. basket, 23o
string beans, per -bu. box, laJSKo.
POTATOES New, per bu., 2inJ3jo.
BEANS Navy, per bu., $2.
CI CUM REUS-Per dos.. 25c.
TOM ATOES Home-grown, -bu. baskets.
t A HfiAGE Hotlio-grown, In crates, pa
lb., lo.
ONIONS Home-grown, yellow, red and
white, per bu., 600.
BKK'l S- Ncw. per bu.. TBo.
CELERY Kaiamasoo, per dot., Jflc.
SWEET POTATOES Virginia, per 3-bU.
bbl., $3.60.
CHEESE Swiss, new, iDc; Wisconsin
brick, 13c; Wisconsin llmberger, 15c;
Twins, 12c; Young Americas, 12c.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new
crop, per lb., 15c; hard shells, per lb., 13c:
No. t soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 3 hard
shells, per lb., 12o. Pecana, large, per lb ,
12c; small, per lb., 10c. Peanut, per lb., 7c;
roasted, per lb., 8c, Chill walnkta, per lb.,
12'tfl3o. Almonds, soft shells, por lb., 17c;
hard shells, per lb., 15c. Shellbark hickory
nula, per bu., $1.76; large hickory nuts, per
bu , $1.50.
HIDES No. 1 green, 3c; No. I green. Te;
No. 1 salted, 9c; No. 2 salted, -80; No. 1 Teal
calf, 10c; No. 2 veal calf, 9o; dry salted, 7 J
He: sheep pelts, 25cj.l.0O; auras hides, tl-lil
Wool Market.
NEW YORK, Aug. 21.-WOOL Domestto
fleece, 3.raS9c.
HOST iN, Aug. 21. WOOI-The Boston
Commercial Bulletin has thla to say nt
the wool market: The market Is generally
quiet, but some dealers report a fair busl.
ness In a smaller way. The trade's prin
cipal activity Is the receiving and distribu
ting of new wools. Australian and South
American wools have not had un active
call, while fine pulled wools have sold
wherever shown. A little 19irt contracting
In Idaho, Wyoming and Nevada prices of
fered and the attitude of growers does not
at the present promise any general con
tracting. The foreign markets are ex
tremely strong and stocks are light. Tha
London wool and Ions open September 19,
and the first Important Australian sale will
bo held at Adelaide on September 19. ,
Tho shlntnents of wool from Boston to
date from. December 29, 1904, according to
the same authority, ar 147,873,147 pounds,
against 134,613,951 pounds' at (he same time
last year. The receipts to date ars 248,801.
104 . pounds, against 293,477,942 pounds for
the same period last year.
BT. LOUIS. Aug. 21. WOOI. Steady; me
dium grades, combing and clothing. 28ij)
31c; light fine. 'Alt 26c; heavy Ana, 18a 22c;
tub washed, 327(4:c.
Metal Market.
london tin market recovered part of tho
recent loss, spot closing at 149 12s 6d and
futures at 149 2s 6d. Locally the market
was quiet, but a shade higher with spot
held, at $:i2.604i93 00. Copper was unchanged
In London, closing at 69 10a for spot and
69 6a 3d for futures. Locally the mar
ket was firm with supplies for Immediate
delivery very light and very firmly held.
Ike and electrolytic are quoted at $15.75
SilH.00; casting, $15 37 16.62. Load was
quiet and unchanged at $4.iff4.70 In the
local market and at 13 18s Bd In London.
Spelter also was unchanged at 24 15s In
London and at $5.707f6 80 In the local mar
ket. Iron closed unchanged to ld higher
In the foreign markets with Glasgow
quoted at 5t)s fid and Mlddleshoro at 47s
4d. Iyocally there was no change; No.
1 foundry, northern. Is quoted at $16.26'
17.00; No. 2 foundry, northern, $15.75'fll6.5o:
No. 1 foundry, southern, $15.75-316.76; No. 2
foundrv. southern, $16.50-216.25. -,
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 21. METALS Lead,
aulet at $4 60(4 52. Spelter, quiet at $5.60
5.62. '
Cotton Market.
closed quiet; 10 points advance; middling
uplands. 10.90c,; middling gulf, 11.15c; sales.
$,6o0 hales. .
sales, 425 bales; ordinary, 7c: good
ordinary, 8 13-16c; low middling, ftll-ltW;
middling. 10 5-loc; good middling, 10c: mid
ling fair. 1k?.15 1-6c; receipts, l.o3 bales;
stock. 7-i,199 boles.
LIVERP04JU Aug. 21. COTTON In lim
ited demand; prices steady; American mid
line. 6.1W; good middling, 6 92dr middling,
5.7M; low middling, 61; good ordinary.
6 4?d; ordinary. 6.26d The sales of the day
were 4,000 bales, of which 20" bales were for
speculation and export and Included I.80O
bales American. Receipts, 21,404) bales, all
ST. IVUIS. Mo., Aug. 21 COTTON
Steady, unchanged: middling, 10c; sales,
15 bales; stock. 13,786 bales.
Dry Goods Market.
NEW YORK, Aug. 21. Tho dry ' goods
market was still ixissesaed of a hardening
tendency today and r-ieratlomi were limited
in goods where buvers believe thai advances
have gone beyond ths limit warranted by
(Incorporated) . 1 V
Main Officei Fifth and Roberts Streets,
ST. FAIL, Mil. .
Ilenlers In
Stocks, Grain, Provisions
Ship Your Grain to Us
Branch Oillce. IIO-lll Hoard of Trad
lllds-, Omnlia, !eb. Telephone M 14V
3) 2-214 Exchange Pldg., South OmarJL
Bell 'Phone 216. Independent 'Phone f.