Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1905, Page 2, Image 2
r. Telephone fot. m"mwi firverV man h KloUJl In tils nrtt bralit u a y A nAdjiy morning we -will , place on, special sale all our Frilled iJ?d Spreads. Some have the cutout corners' and some have rjr6,-TVe have only a few o each number to close out. . Frlngei ped Spreads. (1.65 tach, Tuesday's price $1.28 each. 1 FrlnnedVBfW Bpreads, $2.75 facti, Tuesday's price $1 9 eachi- 5 FHtiged Bed Spreads, $3.00 each, Tuesday's . prlc. i2.. each 8 Fringed Bed Spreads, $.1.60 each, Tupsday's price $2.89 each. 7 fringed B,d Spreads. $4.25 each, Tuesday's price $3.28 each. ' 9 FrlngedBetj Spreads, $ earh, Tuesday's price $2.89 each..,. 3 Fringed lied; Spreads, $4.50 each, Tuesday s price $3.8 each. y.: Special Sale of Imperial Long Cloth , Nr''iM JroperSal Long Cloth, rpgular 15c quality, now 9c per yesrd. Not Vf Impe'rtlal Long Cloth, regular 16e quality, now 10b per yard. No. V Imperial Long Cloth, regular. 1640 quality, now 12c per yard. No. f"0 Imperial Long Cloth, regular 19c quality, now 14c per yard. Dung Jul and August we close Saturdays at 1 o'clock. I j a -.'.-'. i'"H:'C. A. BuildingCor! 16tb and Douglas. rpfnge In neutrVt ports, 'as a spoil of war Is not contrary la 'international law. Russia, however, asserts that International law af fords no Dra'cedent for a claim lor the pos session of property In the safe kepping ofl neutrals. , ,'" Finally with re gar'd to article xl (the limitation -of the Russian naval power In the far least) theJapanese assert that It Is Indispensable to .rfoure a lasting peace. Russia Rejects the wiole Idea as being offenslvcvto' Russian ; honor and dignity. While decj&iltui; jhowver. to place such an article im a.reatyMt IS willing to make declaration -that; it has no Intention of ot temptlnK.yWiVeaten the naval position of Japan ortt arty other power In the far east. Russia Ayill Hefiise to - Yield. ' ST. t'ETERSBURO. Aug. 22.-1:40 a, .in. The Russlai government's final communi cations to M.. .Witt outlining- the course that he shall pursue at "the re-opening of tho peace, conjwepce at. rtmputh, are still In nrocess of being put Into cipher to oe ior. warded to America. With the receipt of Bt. Petersburg's last message, the brief breathing sjifll has St' Petersburg leaves the ikjiW.word iwpn us representa tives a Pofcammrrti. The' Associated Tress Is In a position to slate that when thtv'va&ire of these com munications become generally known It will be seen tha In a sincere desire tb affect a satisfactory settlement, the government hai conn as raras Its extremely" vital state in terests Will permit... It-rfi further be said that for -this reason the government Is firmly convinced that In case, of failure of the negotiations the responsibility will not rest With Russia which has conceded much already. ' ' " Wh'lle It'ls Impossible ft learn the actual contents of "Tie government' communica tlon to M: 'W1tte,' It rait be' declared that the requirements 'of thfr state make con cessions on the' questions bf Indemnity and Sakhalin, as these questions were originally presented by the Japanese,- Impossible. It certain t,hat''U the-niatter of con cession the' four points now in dispute have been considered , and, studied here in the light of concessions Russia already has granted brf the other eight' articles. The foregoing is a - brief but accurate outline of the platform upon Which M. - ...... a eaiuenf Roosevelt havn been' received.' here rand their" perusal -by the government has only Increased the feelings of tfratitud and appreciation for PresMenf Roosevelt'a . Continued efforts. Baron. d .Rosen s' eommnnicatlons to the emperor. ar.BUn- do not require a spe cial answetv 1 ) President still at Work. OYSTKRTlATAir 21Presldent Roose velt has.nert abandow-d 'hop or a success ful issue of the: OshingWn peace confer ence. Neither has" hw' relaxed his efforts to preveaf a ' rupture between the con when tney reconvene tomorrow aft ernoon at' Portsmouth. EvK Hitr lmrJOrfanoe" succeeded each othen-TapKlly ' here today: ' On an early mornmg "tJih' Baron Kaeko, a confi dential representative In this country of the Japanese government, arrived in Oys ter Bay qattftruncxpecuidly. He has a can- TROUBLES Incrca&k ;Amoo . Womca, Bat SaffcMcrs Wcctf Not Despair THE .BEST ADVICE IS FREE Of ill theodiseasea known, with which the trb.afc 6rgauiaia,U a,fflicted, kidney disease la te moat Jutaland statistic ahovr tha this disease la on the increase ajaftfi.wymn...., L'Bjjetes earl.v and correct treatment i prrliea.'tn4 patient aoldom survives when,once the diaeane Is fustrfned upon nnr' E- Pinkhaui's Vegretabla CoajponncMs the most elHcient treaV meat ' tot kidney troubles of women, and is the only medicine especially prepared for this mirpSe. hen a woman l troubled with pain Or weight tft lir9Aackache, frequent, painful or Scalding urination, awvlling of liuabaMr Aet,- swelling- ifnder the eyes, 'an irufa,sT,Uired faelljsg in the regiorip tale kidneys or notievs a brick dust Mdiif ent in the urine, she should lose ntt ilme la ooumencing treatment with 4rftBa.-'K.- makhaiu'a Vegetable CompqLiBcV uay be the means of wlngief aie-.:.' .. W- , . . For rrx)fr;id, wha Tyydia E. Pink ham's V veUbI,Couipquud did for Mr Sawyer. . -. ... , , , "I uaunot xpess the 'tirriulesii during 1 had to endure. - A.daraugtmiont of tho foinale orgaiu developed herraus pruswuUon and a serious kidney Vroubla. Tho docuv attended me fUca.oiN'biit I kept Kuttiiur verae. until I MU(lii anvliung, and I aiade uf i my raiuj 1 could not uv. t finally dwlJ totryI,Tdlk E. Hukhani'i Vegetable tyom-' pound- aa r lart roort, and I aui to-oay a well woiitaa, . 1 ranuot praua ittoobighljr, and I tell er, ikun'xiitfK w anion abuu&. Hbf. . Kr. i4tiuLatyu-, Coay.-rs, Ca4 . . . Mrs. Pinkham . . ...o .oretue to oniVij j a4cti4 ii ovttfiywftv. Lj'utt, j, tfU ' .'-v'. .. ........ .1,. ,. mi iiiii Tin ii ni Bee. Aug. IjL "' Special Sale $f Fringed Bed Spreads and Imperial Long Cldihs ' m i u l- f.rl invitation tb Visit the "presldem at any time and wa received, as soon vaa ha arrived at Bagamore Hill. That he was he bearer ... of Important information is known, but the nature of his message is not disclosed. M remained with the presl nrAa.ntiartiri of an hour. At the conclusion of the conference the baron de dined ejven to discuss hla mission, al though he politely expressed regret at nis Inability to enlighten his interrogators, Surrounded toy half a dozen newspaper men he tainea wun his words were not luminous with lnrorma- n KinroiHit- the oninlon, wnicn ne was careiui to noie w i'"i""" that Japan had made every concession in the conference rthatJa victorious power could be expected te maaa ana mai mo .innanese neople would resent any serious recesslonby the envoys from the position thev had takon, Following Baron Kaneko's visit President nnnuvnit. ,hadi his acting- secretary, Mr Ttames.' with him' for two hours. In addl Item to the. matter which the baron naa j presented to him the president received and considered ' aft- accumulation of dispatches and letter, s JLate ,ln the, day important messages wera recel.ve4.fj0m Portsmouth, the responses to which occupied the presi dent's attention t6t ft considerable time. ; Not the slightest indication of the char acter of the correspondence was permitted to become, public. . The president, acting as an Intermediary between the two warring governments, feels that secrecy Is even more incumbent upon him than as though the matter related wholly tq him personally or to the United States. . The president declines either to confirm or to deny any of the statements made about the proposition which he submitted to the Russian envoys through Baron Rosen. - Attitude of Great Britain. LONDON, Aug. 21. The Associated Press was informed at the Foreign office today that President Roosevelt has not requested the British government to make represen tations, to Japan on the question of peace The Foreign office thinks it would be Im pertinent for the British government to request Japan to modify Us demand. The government believes., that -these demands are moderat.ndyiftt Jgaj ftfe terms , put forward at the or the conference, . Official reports received bv the government fjom Russia take a gloomy view . of the situation. The members of the British cabinet are diyided. some taking a nopeiui view and' others believing; that an nope or peace has been dissipated, Hope at aria. PARIS, Aug. 21. Officials, .both govern mental and diplomatic, apparently are pte; iimiib iu icna every assistance to a peace ful settlement or the negotiations at Ports mouth. ...... Peml'er Rouvte): has suspended his vaca Hon in Switzerland ror the purpose of at tending a special cabinet meeting next mursaay. Mr. McCormack, the ''American ambassador, will return from 1 Carlbad Wednesday, for the purpose of HWrlg ready to exercise every frledly influence In his power. M. Jusserand, the French ambass ador at Washington, who is spending -his vacation In the country, wiJl also return to pkrls In the middle of the' week ' According to the Foreigh' office,1 Premier Rouvler's return has no "direct connection with the peace "negotiations. 11 However, It will afford' rhni 'an opportunity 'to1 'Con sider the situation at ari opportune "moment, as it Is the expectation that (he crisis will be prolonged' beyohd the'1 week, while plen ipotentiaries communicate wftrf their gov ernments regarding the'rr inability to agree. . Germany to Support President. . BERLIN, .Aug. 21. There, has' been a. de cided weak-Jnlng of the confidence felt by government official! .and members of the diplomatic corps that the negotiations at Portsmouth would resujt In a peace, agree ment Tho worst symptom, as it !s looked at here, is that President Roosevelt, should have found it necessury to' again tako action. It is pointed out that If the nego tlatloni Vfre proceeding smoothly, toward the- desired end. the president would not have Interposed, and that he has dope so Is Considered an Indication of acute ten sion. One of the belligerents. It is, said, InVlted the president to intervene. -. Whatever the president may hve done, however. Is likely Jo be strongly supported by the German governmest should outside support forward the matter Horsethlef At Beatrice.' ' 'BEATRICE, Neb,, Aug. 21; (Special Tele gram,) G. H" BakerT'a farm' hand' who been working near .here, .hired a jiorsq und buggy from Kimball's barnyes'terriay a;id driving, west from' town., stole .- fine gray team of horses from a man named Carter and; escaped wlthjthe thro h-ises ond buggy. The officer are in puj j iit. Driver, J.osea Leg. . Martin Welnftitef, a rurbajre. hauler living at Fifth and Nicholas street, was struck by a I'nlon Pacific swtteh engine last night and received Injuries on -the. right foot whlci) necessitated the arnpuUtlon of the member Just below lhe knee; Wlenfuter was at iiie .oorne'-of KlgMA and Junes street with, his (-in nd Ih trying to turn the 'horses around he got .pnto the track but did not see the apflroachlng' engine. One wheel of the engine trucks passed over his lg. Ha wtw..Ukn fto St. Joseph's hospital Jn tlie city ambulance and attended by Dr. fimlth of the X'nlon Pacific. - Bennett Llttaratlon Kads. NEW HAVPM; eonn. -Aug .'M.-lAM liti gation over Philo 8. Ben nett, a formijr- merchant Qf New York City, of which William J. Bryan was ex ecutor, is'oeiieved to be ended br the filing tif a potloe, i. probate, court- today to the effect, that kit. appeal, of Mrs. Grace Imo gene Bennett, 'the widow, and other heirs jto the nllowasee --f Mrr Bryan's accounts .Win b. withdrawn. The nation of an ap peal had bt-en entered for AP&earing and today's action by tlie heirs was unexpected. '.' ' 'Klde- -U dally advanced jT the -cjiratlv powers of .Dr. King's New Ctscovery. for Consump tion. Cou aod .Colds. SS bents and $1. IFor sals by -.ahsruas sV McCenneli Drug HIE OMAHA NINE MORE BEAMS MONDAY Yellow fever Epidemio Shows the tJatial - -Increase Otct Bunday. i THREE CASES FOUND AT GREGORY, MO. Death of a Laborer Who Recently Arrived from Greenville, Miss., Causes Great Ei ,! " " cltement. NEW ORLEANS,-Aug. 21.-Report of yel low fever situation to p. tn.: New cases Total to dato I w TVaths -Trttnl Haha New foci " Tnlnt - Cases remaining, under treatment S.8 Though there was an increase today botn in the number of cases ana 01 1a1.nn.1en hopefulness continued to pervade the fed eral headquarters touching the local yellow fever situation. The Monday list is al ways larger. It was so during the epidemic of 1878. That is attributed to the fact that the work 'of inspection Is not as thorough Sunday and only the reports which come from physicians .are to be depended on. In today's list of fatalities two deaths appear as' having occurred in the Marine hospital. , They were sailors artmutea to that Institution. Another death was In the French asylum on St. Anne street, where a half dozen cases have been reported to date. ' These are the two public institutions outside of the hospitals In which cases of fever havehad to be handled. Numbers .of merchants were visitors to Dr. White today. Their object was to ask his intercession in the matter of an ameli oration of restrictions placed on freight by towns like Lake Ponchartraln, which de sires no intercourse with' New Orleans. Dr. White had Just returned from Mobile where he laid fully before the officials the measure of precautions that have been taken to prevent the transmission of mosquitoes in freight cars. The Alabama officials ex pressed themselves as entirely satisfied with Dr. White's representations and are Indis posed to place any restrictions against freight. Local merchants believe that Dt. White's Intervention may bring many of the smaller communities to a recognition of the harmlessness of receiving merchandise from Infected points. Panic Amongr Prisoners. PriSffiers, court attaches and hangers on at the Second criminal court were thrown Into something of a' panic today when a genuine case of yeliow fever was discovered in the dock. The man.Vas found ill among a number of prisoners and the doctor who was called promptly diagnosed the case as yellow fever. The screened ambulance Immediately carried the man to the emerg ency hospital. A flying squad was sent for and the dock and court room thoroughly disinfected. The patient was an Italian who was ar rested on Saturday night and remained in prison until today. The Jail will, therefore, be fumigated. 1 80 much discussion arose from the opera tion of the camp at Slldell that Dr. White today ordered It to be closed. Those now detained there will be permitted to stay their time out, but no others from here will be sent. The camp at Harahan has been built by the government. It is tho first of Its kind ever completely erected and maintained by the marine hospital service, the buildings being especially constructed for tbe purpose. The marine hospital service today ordered a honse to house inspection of screen work and to see that sanitary orders were being complied. The work of disinfection Vom ... appeal, no mat there will be fumigation next Sunday. Three Cases .at GreKor-, Mo. GREGORY, Mo., Aug. Zl.-Tkree cases of yellow fever have developed here within' the past twenty-four hours. All are Ital ians. One . victim has died and the twf other cases, discovered this morning, are said to be very low. The three infected Italians, with others of the same nationality, were brought up the river, to Gregory recently from Green ville, Miss., and employed at track work by the Burlington railroad. Yesterday one of the men, taken suddenly ill, was re ported dying and when physicians arrived they promptly reported the patient was suffering from' genuine yellow fever, lie was isolated promptly, but died within a few hours. Today two more of the Ital ians were reported Infected with the dis ease.' They were also Isolated, as were the other Italians brought from Missis sippi. ' f Excitement is Intense and much Indigna tion. Is expressed that the Italians were permitted to slip through the quarantine lines. Gregory Is a lumber camp on the Mississippi river, fifteen miles from Keo kuk. Ia.- Calro is Almost Isolated. CAIRO, 111., Aug. 21 The state and local health officers today adopted the Memphis quarantine plan and also not to recognize certificates issued at Paducah,' Bowling Green, Fulton and McCracken county. Ken tucky, and Bird's Point, Mo. The action taken against Bird's Point brought the Mis sissippi county authorities over from Char leston, Mo., to consult with Secretary Egan or tne state Board of Health, and the Sc FALSE HUNGER A Symptom of stomavh Trouble Cor. reeled by Good Food. There is with some forms of stomach disease, an ubnorinal craving for food which is frequently mistaken for a "good appetite. a lady teacher writes from Cartilage, Mo., to explain how with good food sne dealt witn this sort of hurtful hunger. "i have taught school for fifteen years." she wrles, "and 'up to nine' years ago had good, average hc-ulth. My diet was always generous, cympi lulng whatever I took a fancy to. I ata freely. Nine years ago, however, my health begun to fail, and tural continued to grow worse, steadily, in spile, of doctor's . prescriptions, frequent etianges of residence and everything 1 could do. During all this time mv m.i.e. tlte continued good, only the more 1 dta the more I wanted to eat I was always hungry-. The first symptoms of my break down were diutregaing nervousness and a loss of flesh. The nervousness grew so bud that finally It amounted to actual prostration. Then cams stomach troubles, which were very painful, constipation which brought on piles, dyspepsia and severe nervous headaches. The doctors seemed powerless to help me, said I was overworked, and at last urged me to give up teaching, it j wished to save my life. "But this I .could not do. - I kept on at it as well as I could, each day growing more wretched, my will power alone keep ing me up, till at last a good angel sug gested that 1 try u diet of Grape-Nuts food, and from that day to this I have eaten It, finding It delicious, always appe tUlng and satisfying. I owe my complete restoration to health to Grupa-Nuts, and ray persistant's in using It. My weight has returned, and for more than two years I have been free from tbe nervousness, constipation, plies, headaches, and all the ailments that used to punish me so, and have been able to work freely and easily." Name given by Poatum Co., Bat Us Cite it Mien. ' l There's a reason. BEE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1903. DAILY retary agreed to raise the ban against Bird's Point as soon as they discontinued the Issuance of unlawful health certificates, which they agreed to do. In a' few days it will be Impossible for anyone to enter Cairo without first secur ing a permit from the authorities here and giving a' satisfactory' account of where he has been for' tne last ten days. Permits will be Issued only by Secretary Egan of tho State Bonrd of Health and by T. A. Fuller of the Cairo Board 0T Health. Will Hold Ship's from Panama. JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. Aug. 21. Dr. J. T. Tortpr. state health officer, today re ceived an order from Surgeon General Wyman of the marine hospital service to disinfect and hold five days all vessels from Colon, Panama, as conditions there prevent making conditions .absolutely safe. This Is In addition to disinfection required at Panama. THREE WHO ENJOYED SAMPLES Earliest Arrival, Carefot Observer sad Oldest Inhabitant Guests t Food Show. "When shall we three meet again?" chimed the Earliest Arrival, the Careful Observer and the Oldest Inhabitant last evening at the Calumet Baking Powder company's booth at the Pure Food show being held at the Auditorium. These three men of leisure were the guests of Man ager W. T. Biggs of the Calumet company and were treated to biscuits, muffins, rolls and cakes until the Janitor of the Audi torium went to sleep waiting to close for the night. These three companions managed to evade the plain clothes men last evening and gained , access to the Auditorium on passes given them by Manager Dean of the Food show. Aad now the trio Is tellln.T their friends all about It and singing the praises of Calumet Baking powder all the way from sea level at the foot of Douglas street to the dizzy heights of Clifton Hill. There is nothing, however, partial in the movements of the Enrllest Arrival and h:s supporting company when at the Food show. They all believe In doing anything once, so last evening they Just took a whirl at the whole thing from Alpha to. Omega and from washing powder to buttermilk. and unless Internal complications set in tne doctors say they will be seen around at tho old stand this evening. ' Accompanied by the Round's Lady band. Manager Dean hopes' to prevail on them to sing a trio before the close of the show, which will be on Thursday evening. A generous gathering attended the show last evening. The Round's musical organi zation is holding Its popularity with the crowds. ' ' DEATH RECORD. Harriet Miller Cole. After calling for each member of the family and bidding them an affectionate farewell, Miss Harriet Miller Cole, at the home of her mother, Mrs. H. R. X Hughes, 2S18 Capitol avenue, lapsed into a final state of unconsciousness and died at 4:06 p. m., Monday. The young woman, 19 years of age, had been sick but two weeks. She was a devoted Christian girl and had a wide circle of friends. .The only sister of three brothers, she was the pride of the family and her' lorenof life? was as Intense as the affection hptween the children and their mother, Cut" when she realized the last call had come displayed fortitude In her calm resignation to the inevitable. It was a pathetic scene enacted 'in that house hold where mother and brothers stood be side the bed of the favorite of the family and watched, with tearful eyes, life's blood ebb away. ' Miss Cole had passed her nineteenth anniversary Just five days. She was an accomnj'fbfi.voung woman. Gradu course with great Am.l.Vll'on. She was a member and musician of Rebecca lodge No. 38, I. O. O. F.. and was a member of Trinity Methodist church. From the home of her mother, at 2 p. m. Wednesdsv j the funeral will be held under the direction 01 ur. u. K. Tindall. formerly her pastor and now of South Omaha. Burial will be at Forest Lawn. ' - Philip Dernhalts. Philip Bernhaltz,' 70 years of age, died yesterday afternoon in a cell at the county Jail. 'City Physician Ralph, who attended Bernhaltz Monday morning, attributes uenm 10 oiu age ana heart trouble. But mue is Known of the old man in Omaha When he was taken slek he told the nm. cials at the Jail he had two sons who are farmers at Carroll, la. From the man s ac tions at times it Is believed his mind wa not quite right, as he at first mistook the city jail ror some hospital at Clarinda. la which institution the police believe may be the Insane asylum. The authorities at uannaa ana Carroll have been notified. Arrangements had been made by Dr Ralnh to have Bernhaltz removed to the county Late last night - the message from J. P. Bernhaltz of Carroll la., who is a son of the dead man, saying that he would arrive in Omaha today and take charge of the body, which will be takon to Carroll for Interment. Funeral of Vlncon Walsh NEWPORT, R. l. Aug. 21.-Slmple fun eral services over the body of Vlncon F. Walsh, who was killed in an automobilt. accident last Saturday, was held today at Beaulleu, the summer home of Thomas F. Walsh, the father of the dead boy The only persons present were Mr. and MrsH v alsn, Air. and Mrs. Rlckertson of Wash ington, P. F. Collier and Mrs. Janfea Ker nochan and Marshall Kernochan, all close friends of tho Walsh family. Mrs. Ker nochan Is the mother of Mr. James Ker nochan, who was Injured In the accident. With the exception of Miss Evelyn Walsh all the others who were injured in la.-l Sat urday's accident were doing well today. ' Thomas Curtis. NEW YORK, Aug. 21.-Thomas Curtis, first president of the American Bowline congress and known throughout the country as the "father of bowling In America," Is dead from Uphold fever at his home In Brooklyn, aged 79 years. Until he fell ill he had bowled every day for more than twenty years. In 13 Curtis organized the first ten-pin bowling tournament la the United States, within the next few years he assisted In ongatiizlng many clubs, and become the author of the rules now regulat ing ten pin bowling throughout the country Samuel Avery. Samuel Avery, aged 71, died of acuta in- digestion at 11 p. m. Saturday at his home, 2730 Decatur street.'. The ..funeral will txl held from the horns Tuesday at 1:30 p. m. He leaves three, daughters, . tdo single In Omaha and one married in Portland, O. Deceased had Jived, in Omaha since Wig. He was a fruit, grower. .1 Mrs. Mary Manes Dodsro. NEW YORK.. Aug. il.-Mrs. Mary Maoes Dodge, poetess,' editor or St. Nicholas Mag azine and of several stories for children. died at her summer cottage In Ontaor Park, Norrisvllly. N. f Y.. tonliht. f Earl of Roniney. LONDON. Aug. fl.-Chsrles Marsham. fourth earl of Romney, died today, aged M years. He was president, of the Marina society. Soldiers Practice March. PIERRE. 8. D., Aug. 21.-(8peclal Tele gram.) Captain Logan with Troop B started this morning on a five-day practice march in which he expects to. get about sixty miles out in the country and back. They go northeast. They carry their full marching accoutermenta and will Uvs a cauip Uf - AR-SAR-REN'S ROLL GROWS Lilt of Faithful Knights Inereasei at the Summer Bolls Along. SAMSON'S RECEPTIONS WELL ATTENDED Last Night's F.xerrlses Participated lu by Goodly Thronm and Many Pleasant Words Are kpoken. Hundreds of loyal subjects of King Ak-Sar-Ben assembled Inst evening at the don on North Twentieth street, where one of the closing initiations of tho season was held, with colors flying and palm leaf fans working overtime. Nearly 100 good knights and true Came in over the Burlington route, made their salaams at the royal gate and were admitted. Al Sorenson presided as grand mufti for the evening. Victor Rosewater made a little talk, in which he referred to the Ak-Bar-Ben organization as being devoid of politics and, a body of men where everyone stood shoulder to shoulder for the up building of Omaha and the state. Mr. Rosewater was enthusiastically received. Dr. L. Ramncclotti made his first appear ance at the den this seuson, having Just returned from Hot Springs, S. P., where he recently recuperated after a long siege of illness. The doctor received a genuine ovation. He said he hoped to take part In the Initiation nguln next season, and thanked his friends for their many and kind remembrnnces during his recent af fliction. The other speakers of the even ing were L. G. Suzemlhl of Davenport, la., and Rev. G. W. Palmer of Ashland, Neb. At last evenlnfts' meeting of the Board of Governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Bon the firm of T. L. Combs Co. was awarded the contract for getting out the annual Ak-Sar-Ben souvenirs which are distributed to members. The daylight parade committee reported that all uni formed degree teams of fraternal orders of Omaha, South Omaha, Council Bluffs and points within 150 miles of Omnha will be invited to participate in the ' daylight parade on the afternoon of October 6. Liberal cash prizes will be offered for the best drilled teams. It was also re ported by the committee that arrange ments will" be made for the appearance of the soldiery of Fort Crook, he state guard of Omaha and Council Bluffs and the high school cadets. The board Is anxious that permission be granted to the Omnha fire and police departments to appear In the parade. The total paid membership to date Is 76S. Next MondnTy evening will bo I'nlon Pa clflv night at the den. A large delegation Is expected from Grand Island. A vote of thanks was offered last evening to the citizens of Grand Island for the hospitable manner In which they entertained the Ak-Sar-Ben excursionists last Friday. A portion, of the delegation coming from the Burlington stations last evening was entertained at the Commercial club before going to the den. FLEMING APPLIES FOR JOB Asks Connell for Authority to Deal tn Scavenger Tax Cer tificates. Tax Commissioner Fleming made a per sonal request on the councllmen at the general committee meeting yesterday for authority to deal in secavenger ale tax certificates bought In by the city and gen erally to act as the city's representative . ... . ... nine Hgo rum -wrrn time hanging heavy on his hands and with several requests from prospective purchas ers, he could do a thriving business. The olty holds certificates to the face value of up wards of 1100,000. bought In under the scav enger law sales because outside bidders did not offer prices sufficiently high The commissioner thinks he can barter the paper to better advantage than letting it go back for appearance again under the hammer. Moreover he would like to keep occupied as long as he is drawing salary from the city for an office which exists only in name. The councllmen seemed to view bis plan with favor and said they were willing to adopt a suitable resolution Tuesday night Some of them expresed surprise that Com missioner Fleming had not gone about the work independently. I - . 4..-, una a. a.. Hunt snarled at each ether awhile regarding a barn of the city garbage company! on LeaVenwortb street near the river which Her wants re moved to get street and track facilities for new industries he proposes to plant ac cording to his statement. Hunt wants Her u t"ly a" images for tearing down, mov- ng and putting up the barn, as it is nid " " irunsierrea , in no other manner, .... u-i-b io co. tiunt savs the capitalist and promoter wants the 'street which the garbage company leases as ad ditional building property. FUN FOR BRITISH JACKIES Yankee Tars Elaborate st New york Make Plans to Enter tain Their VUltors. NEW YORK, Aug. 21 -v.. -v.. be the scene of a remarkable dimnn,ra. tlon of .fraternity and good win k... the Jackles of the navies of Gr.,f nn,i and the United States durlnir tho flr.. .i. ! c,uuer on tne occasion of the visit of the second cruiser squadron of the British fleet. On or about the first Mondty In i.iuiiiu i, aw American Bailors will en- lenain a like number of their brethren. British Arrangements are now making for a great banquet, smoker and theater party, which shall repay Prince Louis of Batten berg's men for all the entertainment they have showered upon the Americans in times past. Today a committee of hree representa tive seamen from the North Atlantic quauion, now lying in the naval anchor age at Newport arrived In the city The errr committee has at Its dlsposnl $d.a1 raised by subscription among the seamen of tho siimdron,( which Is to be sjent for the en tertainment of the visitors. HILL'S HAND IN THE FIGHT Great Northern Maanate-ts Thoua-ht. to Have III Rye on Ne braska. The Northwestern has not come In on the grain rate cut and there Is no new development in the contest at this end of the line. James J. Hill's abrupt action in cutting the rate on the Great Northern, however, stimulates Interest In the situation and railroad men believe It may have the ef fect of accentuating the fight which was precipitated between his and competing Missouri river-Chicago lines by Mr. Stick npy of the Great Western. While directly. It Is admitted Hlirs cut has no relation to matters here, Indirectly It may have a tremendous bearing. Pri marily the Great Northern magnate Is said to have made this cut as a stroke at his ancient enemy, Tom Lowrey of the Soo I road, in the competition for the grain of the northwest, but ultimately Hill s purpose Is believed to be of much deeper signifi cance. Indeed, the man whose eagle eye has discerned the wisdom of projecting his Great Northern into the great Nebraska grain belt as a means of one day hauling the grain of this state Into the Duluth harbor for transport east. Is right now be lieved to have' In his fertile mind tho scheme of precipitating rates lower than his other arch-rival, Stlckney, has yet dreamed of. The Burlington Is Hill's and tho Burlington covers Nebraska fairly well. Grain has hot started t'o move much as yet under the 'stimulus of the recent cut in the rates, as It Is too early for export in largo quantities, the bulk of the export grain moving In November and afterwards. Interesting figures on the movement of grain for the month of July have been prepared by the Burlington road which show that 47 per cent of all grain from Burlington territory went west and north toward Billings and Denver. 1 This is for feeders, with which the west ern country is filled. During the same period 24 per cent of the grain from Bur lington territory went to Kansifs City and the balance was miscellaneous. During the summer months the elevators of the south are practically closed and they do not receive much grain for ex port. When the season for export shipment really opens there will bo quite a contest for the hauling of the bumper crops of Nebraska, but until that time the grain la seeking its natural channels for the places Where it is needed. Some of the local grain companies con tinue to hold their wheat until they learn what the Northwestern is going to do in the matter of rates to Chicago. If there Is a rate cutting like that of last summer, they want to ship their grain under the lowest tariff. Eighty-three cars of grain were shipped Saturday and Sunday, most of it to Chicago, and it is said that there are about 100 cars to go Tuesday. All this Is on old sales and no new deals of any con sequence are being made with -Chicago until the rate question is settled. Sixty- five cars of wheat, 143 cars of corn and six run of oats came to Omaha Sunday. Most of the wheat will be stored. A latge por tlon of the corn will have to be shipped to fill old orders. LEAGUE' OUT FOR ONE MAN Good Government Organisation Is Formed to Boost Ex-Offlce Holder Back In Office. has stracV a snag.v. One of Its principal canvassers has unwittingly let out the Information that all of Its efforts are to be devoted primarily to accomplishing the nomination of one man for office. In spreading their cards and soliciting mem bership of "the 2,000" this man is said to have given it out to be distinctly under stood that the league was first for one mail, and after that for all It could get. A man living at Twenty-seventh and Burt streets was approached by a canvasser for the "Good Government league" to sign a card. He asked about the object of the league with particularity and was told that a certain discarded city official was to have the support of the league for a county office he seeks. The citizen almost unin tentionally balked, and then the canvasser tipped it all oft by saying: "Why, we must pick, our candidates or we can't do anything." To further questioning he admitted that primarily one man's nomination for county office was the principal object of the league, but "We want other good men, too." The voter sought as a member expressed the thought that the man named was not strong enough with the genera) voters and I " n'et by the declaration. "Well, we're i ""'""B to nominate him, anyway The canvasser got no signature. MERCHANTS 0F THE STATE Retail Dealers Will Hold a Two-Day Session at Auditorium In Omaha. The Nebraska Retail Mereh atlon will meet at the Auditorium Wednes- day and Thursday. The first session will be held Wednesday afternoon, though it is probable Thursday's meeting will be held in the morning to give the visitors from tne state a chance to take in the fno.l- ho- ir, ih. pure The Indica tions are there will be a good attendance. Twenty will comfe from Lincoln, and Te katnah, Fremont, Beatrice, Hastings and Grand Island will each send several repre sentatives. Numerous smaller towns will send one or two each. A program has been prepared as fol lows: Laws for Business Men Philip Gllem, Danbury Parcels-Post Open discussion. Pure Food.... Exhibitors of the Food Show Cash vs. Credit (). C. Thompson, Blair Credit Rating J. B. Coningham, Omaha The Press .. Representatives of Omnha KVwsnjinei-. Tatalogue Competition. .J. T. Swan, Auburn iocai Home '1 rade... .Daniel Carr, Oinalia SPEECH BY MICKEY (Continued from First Page.) surplus products .to the amount of $'-i.W.' om, a sum In exiess of the entire export trade of n number of foreign countries and representing une-seventh of . our own na tional exports for that year. This year we expect to make a still better showing nnd our present crop prospects warrant the hope. The prlnclpnl Items entering into the 19 '4 surplus of J'JoviOO.fliii) lire. In round num bers, packing house products u.0(e,W0. cat tle !43.' t i'"'. hogs corn Jit.i0.( wheat $Ki0i0. These (K.ires warrant the assertion that we are something of an "Inland Empire" ourselves and that we have nn Importnnt part In the nation's balance sheet. I am very glad to have the privilege of participating In this cosmopolitan exposi tion. As 1 said at the beginning. It would hnve little r-nson for Its existence were It not for its educational tendency. The spec tacular may dazzle for a moment, but it Is tho demonstration of thinns affecting ths practical slle of life nnd making for higher civilization that leaves a lasting im pression. My hope Is that because of this great in-gathering of the best exponents of tho human mind tbe world will bo the bet ter in all Its social. Industrial and govern mental relations. REV. DR. J. A. POPE IS FINED ritro Preacher Assessed Five Dol lars for Ilelns; Drunk aad Too Noisy, Rev. John Andrew Pope, A- B., B. D., the colored preacher who was interested a week or so ago In organizing a colored Presby terian church In Omoha, was fined V and costs In police court Monday morning when he was arraigned on a charge of being drunk and disorderly. Rev. Mr. Pope did not have much to say for himself one way of, the other when brought before the police maglntrata. He stated he had shipped his household goods to Kansas City, and at the time of the arrest last Saturday evening wus on his way to lie train for Kawvllle. The report at police headquarters states It required several policemen to arrest Pope, and po lice officials say Mr. Pope shocked, a num ber of the prisoners at the city Jail by using the most vile language. They All Come Back for "20th Century Soap 99 FOR HARDWOOD FLOORS When Once Used. It is the Peer of all -Cleaning Soaps. It contains no lye and is abso lutely non-injurious. For carpets, rugs, hardwood floors, furniture, curtains, dainty draperies, window glass, dish washing, as well as for scrubbing nnd all the rough work or anything that water will not injure. It not only cleans, dui Diiglitens and im proves everything washed with it - - ; Lightens labor and is pleas ant to use, as it does pot injure the hands, but keeps them soft and white. It is a woman's ablest assistant during housecleaning time. ALL DEALERS 10 CENTS Absolutely Pure). No Lyev HOFFHEIMER. SOAP CO. CHICAGO. DOCTOR SEARLES AND SEARLES W6 use our own nam In our business; yot know who you ar doing business with. Censultstlea Pres. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE cured. Method new, without pain or lose of time. CHARGES LOW. BLOOD POISON ZVwZnT.'? body, tn mouth, tongue, throat, hair and ' ybrow 'ailing out) disappear completely forever. Weak. Nerrous, Men wm. 'w1.'".' nervous debllty, early decline, lack of vigor and strength. URINARY. Kidney snd Bladder Trouble Weak Back, Burning Urine, Frequency of I'rlnatlng, Urine High Colored or wit a Milky Sediment on standing. Treatment by mst). 14 years OF SU,T CESSFUL PRACTICE IN OMAHA. Con ner of ltb and Douglas. Omaha, Neb, . Every Woman UlntafMtAd and Ihnuld know atoittth wondarmi MARVEL Whirling Spray I The mv Taciul rrtet iw- tumana aurtton. il.t M&l MW"l I lit mr InnUl ntr ft. If h. ra n not .uppl j the nasi r. ., Ki'.rriw no CUiT. hut tend .Utiiip fur liliulraird lKMik-MM. It gives full u.rtlcul.r. ftnd -tlr-tioiia tn. Vaiuabl in lit'-a. MtSUI, 4 O., c. ass sT., tiw tusk. For Sale by SHERMAN & McCONNEl-L DRUG CO., Cor. 16th and Dodge Sis., Omaha.. MEN AND WOMElt. Cm His W for uullril 4lc.r.M,!nO..iaiklt0., IrrU.Ct.D. f if m.c.s. Si.mbtaaM. PalnlM., sdS mat Mtrla. SbI or poMvaw... rtOYD'S WOODWARD TOMfillT AT HUB 0!K PCHFOKMW A.t'E OM,i MISS MAY IRWIN And her Company In her Greatest Coined BuL-rkS MRS. BLACK 18 BACK Prices 2So. fioc. 75c, 11, II. 60. No free list. KRUG Prices lfic. Be, 60c, Tie Sun. kttft. luc. Tr ton , Wednesday and Satur (lav Mat. all Haaia TO. If. HT hill,. THE GREAT MKISUiRAMATIC SUCCESS THE fUwM ABROW ; Thi nti - n,i,l,i by J. ,.,1 ur Hiul elei-trte fans ISsxt tfuuuay AT CWfrPIJfi CUEEiC, 1 Kfl mm Is V f kihiaiA afl4T (ImiminI U S 'I ri.wki f aMaaa. tTH'Ml EaMCMfalCl C. - BISOisXAril r"3 eld by Xnaaa1la. 111. J Cat all Ik llall rMat, v kalv-y '. I "I"". r.P, luff ! OS. rl bottlraM 7i. hmi m"yr " drosiM east a nsaeib -