Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1905, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1905. GOSSIP OF THE POLITICIANS Cimm Sow to Get Intelligent Ticwof Opposing Bids. DEMOCRATS' FIGHT WILL BE ON SHERIFF (ew Wird sad Precinct Map Shows evei-fll Malrtmri Taken Oat Bearl)s. Thooah Mill la Same Ilonaca. The nrlratlon of the time for filing applications with the county .clerk to go on the official primary ballot now enable tha.polltliJaiiB to give a fair idea of what the lineup la ta be. With the democratic Ida there is really only one fight and that centering abolit the nomination for sheriff. The chief stock In trade of Tom, Flynn la that his opponent la asking for a fourth term and that he ought to know when he has had enough, while John Tower Is out to defend his title aa a vote getter, point ing to the fact that he haa been elected three times in succession and that knowing what a good thing he haa had he does not want to let go of It. For the other places On the democratic ticket It has been mostly a case of grafting a candidate on the core of party loyalty Just ao that the republican will not have an .unopposed walkaway. On the republican aide the factional fight will be renewed, although with modi fied . Ilnea. The Fontanel! club has endorsed a complete ticket and it will remain for the other candidates to adjust themselves bv mutual combination so as to put forth their fighting strength. The biggest field of entries is recorded for iho position of county Judge, where there are four competitor but .the expectation Is that the race wlif sift down to two leaders. The antls surprised themselves In falling down so lamentably In their filings for com mittee places. One of the hlg antls, who Is on the Inside, declares, however, that they have a trick still to play. "Did you notice," said he, "that the new primary law provides for a new distribu tion of the votes In the committee? The other fellows may have a big majori'y of the oommltteemen and still fall to con trol. When the now committee organizes each member will have one vote for every fifty votes 'cast In his district for the head of his party ticket. You can see whnt that will do to South Omaha and the country. I guess we did not have our mnn Dodgo framing up this law for nothing." The -new ward and precinct map, ad vance copies of which readied the city hall from the printers, affords Interesting study. The redisricting has taken a lot of states men out of their bearings and transplanted them Into new wards, although they still live In tlin same house. John L. Webster, for example, who used to be one of the big four of the old Fonrth, Is now In part of the Eleventh' ward, t which also lids what is known as the "8llk Stocking" dis trict, carrying with It ' Lieutenant Gov ernor McQIIton, Senator Manderson and other political notables. The new Twelfth ward also cover a Mr area with moat of the Kountie place patriots, while the Tenth ward takes In what Is known aa Bohemian town, and Sheeley town . has been transferred from the Seventh ward to the Second. The only wards they have not picked up and set down In another part of the map are the Third and Fifth ward, which are practically unchanged. It haa not been advertised, but It I nev ertheless known that an agreement wa reached by which no protests are to be made on technical grounds against the fil ing certificate for republican commute, men. Tha primary law appareptly 1 , con flicting on this subject. In one place stating tlat the committeemen shall be chosen Jhe same a the nominee for' office and In another place that the certificate shall not only be endorsed by the" -names of ten petitioners, but also sworn to. It could be read that the swearing could be done either by the petitioners or by the candidate, or by both, while County Clerk Drexel ruled that an oath by the candidate for commit teeman would be enough, but T. W. Black burn and Vlrtor Roaewater got together as representatives of the opposing sides and made a stipulation before Mr. Drexel that no committeeman petition filed In good faith should be protested. COUNTY TEACHERS EXAMS Scion. Open at High School I'nder Direction of Snperln tea. lent. Bod well. . The annual Douglas Count v Teacher's Institute opened Monday morning in room 204 at the high chool for a week's session under the supervision of CoJnty Superin tendent Bodwell. The attendance the first morning was about 100. which will be In creased to 130 by Tuesday. An innovation In the old order of things is the curtailment of work In the afternoon, because of the hot weather. Sessions will begin at 8 o'clock, or an hour earlier than usual and end soon after 12. ' . The educators who will lecture are Superlntedent Davidson of Omaha. State Buperlntedent J. I,. McBrlen, President Crabtree of the Peru Normal school and Superintendent W. H. Clemmong of the Fremont Normal school. Their subjects and dates will not be mentioned In advance. The Instructors are Superlntedent W. N Clif ford of the Cenell Bluffs schools who will handle geography and diadlcts Miss Jennie Bedfleld. principal of the Lincoln school, who will impart knowledge about arithmetic advanced reading and grammar and , Miss Minnie Roaelln of the Des Moines schools who will tuke up primary reading and language. The sessions open with music. . Super intendent Bodwell has stated the objects of the Institute as follows: Te elevate the professorial standard , To create educational enthusiasm To Inspire with Meals rather than Ideas. To organise for the year. To compare notes and unify the work. -. There was no lecture Monday. Super intendent Clemmons will appear Tuesday. Special Sunday Hates to Great West- era ram, Manalug. Iowa. Only one fare for the round trln. Tickets xn sale every Sunday to and Including Sunday. September 17. For further matlon apply to S. D. Parkhurst. general agent. ItilS Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. Clerks Work oo the Books. ?V nerk Elbourn Put a force of four clerks to mark Monday morning revising Sole Agents Florsfielm'. Men's I Shoes m Oil FloishelnV Men's Shoes J5 1 pair n All the Bobbihei FROM THE GREAT LACE CURTAIN SALE On Sale for the First Time Tuesday o,000 yards of fine quality bobbinet, up to 72 inches wide. Those are all in full pieces, not rem ' nants white, ecru and Arab shades all go at, a yard i Colored arid white drapery S wiss and mad rap. one big lot worth CffT. up to 20c per yard nJJH- at, a yard. 5,000 yards of lace edging for bobbinet. irh 1 worth up to 10c per yard at, a yard ...... &2 BIGGER BARGAINS THAN EVER IN CURTAINS fsssssssassax OMAHA WFAT11KR FORECAST Taesday Fair mKfm LbJi XL STORE CLOSES EVERY EVENING AT FIVE O'CLOCK EXCEPT SATURDAY. FROM OUR. TWO IMMENSE PURCHASES Fine and heavy lace curtains, many exact pat terns of most elaborate hand-made curtains. They are worth up to $5 a pair at, pair .'. Fine grade lace curtains, Irish Point, Brussels Net, Cluny and Batteuberg, would sell at $8 and $10 per pair,, at a pair. Most elegant Arabian, Cluny, Irish Point, Batten berq, Duchessa, e?tc. , hand- eomest novelties worth $12. OO to $13 per pair, at, a pair '. .'. Fine Lace Curtains Worth up to 2.50 pair, aVJI 5M-42 at,' each. Hih Quality Lace Curtains That Bold up to $4 pair, at, each.. Fine Corded Arabian Curtains Always sell at fQ ,18.00 and f 10.00 a pair, each jOC Drummers' Samples, Fine Arabian Curtains n Worth up to $10.00 pair, at, each . ..JZFC Ladies' Accordion Pleated SKIRTS a,t $1.50 pleated 11 5J Knife pleated and accordion skirts in white and colors, made ot tine cashmeres, ,oiles, etc., the most popular summer ,6tyles, at jzannMnFi . rrr m n vi r-je um i the registration books so they can be used in the new wnr4 and primary arrangement. The present force oonsluts of John Lewla nd Jerry McMahon and two young women. This may be increased later if found neces sary. ONCE IN OMAHA HIGH SCHOOL Will Jefferson, Starhp Clerk Arrested la Chicago, Had Good Repu tation Here. " ' William W. Jefferson, the negro letter stamper who was arrested In the office of Colonel James E. Btuart, postofflce In spector at Chicago. las(t Friday after a des perate ttruggle between Jefferson and four of the postofflce officials, formerly lived In Omaha, at 601 South Twenty-fifth avenue, at which address his mother owns property. Jefferson's father died In Omaha a number of years ago and was an old resident of this city. Young Jeffereson attended the Omaha High school for several years, and while In Omaha bore in excellent reputa tion, , so far aa can be learned. He-left this city last March to take a position In the Chicago postofflce. i Jefferson Is cliurged with stealing from registered letters. He la about 22 years of Tried to Choke Her. "Judge, he tried to choke irie and then threatened me In various ways," responded Mrs. Hlnkley, when asked by Acting Police Judge Foster To tell trie court in what wav her husband abused her. The husband pleaded not guilty when arraigned In police court Monday morning on a charge of as sault and battery, but was sentenced to ten days on the evidence offered. Glen's Patent Leather nfords seascuble fmhcis. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Povdcr .Cleanses and beautifies the teeth and purifies the breath. Used by peopla of refinement for over a quarter of a century. Very convenient for tourists. MEPANCO SY 100 pairs Men's $3.50 and $4.00 gpnulne patent Corona colt ox - fords, this season's styles, brok en sizes, A B & C widths clotting them A A out lit aaeUU SO pairs men's kid, Southern ties $3.00 grades f Cf go at ... 1.3 U Still selling niiNses' and children's while canvas' button t ff Hhoes welt soles. ..... . l.UU t Mioses' and children's 7 f while canvas oxfords. . . S DC Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. Ui ill ' Y 7 " y-'" r mmn i - THE SPECIAL BARGAINS AND SACRIFICES IN LADIES' NEW SUITS, NEW FALL SILKS, COLORED DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS, ETC. Advertised in Sunday's Papers Continued Tuesday. Read the Sunday ad again there's much money saving in it. Bennett's Big Grocery ' The great west's permanent Pure Food Show. The standing menace to all trifling. Your most faithful watch for a pure food table. Twenty Green Trading Stamps with Ten Green Trading Stamps with qvtnrt fan Llbhy Soups, one Rnllon Special 'TP nsHortert UC Vinegar J3C Twenty Green Trading Stamps with Twenty Green Trading Stamps with qunrt ran Armour's Soap Jt eau Dl.iruoud Q assorted aCYC Fruits Z0C 80 Green Trading Stamps with Ten Green Trading Stamps with ouart can Hucken's soups, ?ft two packages Gusto jr nssorted... JVC Breakfast Food 3C Ten Green Trading Stamps with Ten Green Trading Stamps with one pound pure Pickling )C two cans Fncle Sam's St'leea 3C Baked Iteans JL)C Ten Green Trading Stamps with pound fresh roasted Santos toffee ZUC SOBBsSSBI 3C IK eaviog Tows? i You will want your favor ite newspaper, Tlie Omaha Bee, to go along with you. It 'is better than a daily letter from home. Before leaving give your order to tiave The Bee mailed to jnour "out-of-town address. Tfib address may be changed as often as you wish. Telephone 897 or fill out and mail us the blank below. OMA.UA. bee. Ploaao havo Tha Pally and Sunday Deo now going to (Present address) . . . . . . . . ,m 3U7 A-BTl'NNINO BLOl'SK. A smart separate blouse Is an Important factor In the well gowned woman's ward rob. It la to tie very much worn during the o ml nn season The model shown Is suitable to lace, silk, mull or a soft woolen fitbiii- such as henrietta. voile or rhallta. If desired for dressy evening wear the wslKt would be charminK made of white taffetas. t lie lucks edged with fulled Italian lace and the elliow sleeves com posed of ruffles of the lace. The blouse U tucked In front and back and la finished in I-Much square neck. A chemisette nf .the same or a contrasting material coin. pleies It. The making of the waist Is ex tremely simple-and no one need hesltute to undertake It aa It la a one piece waist. 4J'?-61t, 22 to O Inches bust measure. For the accommodation of mailers of Ths Be. these patterns, which usually retail at from 24 to W cents each, will be furmsiied at the nominal pi low of 10 cenia. a supply la now kept at our office, so those who Wish a,ny pattern roaor. gel It either by call ing or enclosing 10 cents. addreMd "fat. Vtei a PeiNurtineait, Otuaita.' ItPUTT BTATE VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMACCiaTTI, D. V. S- trL VETERI!AH1A!. Offlr. and Infirmary, ih Und Mason Sts, OMAHA, VEB. Vaii.b4n. Us- aont until 1005, or until further ordors, to address be low; (Out-of-town address) PATRONIZK HOME INDUSTRY. TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS AND SUITCASES. Genuine Matting Sultoises. very light. The newest thin; out. Price f 3.60, $3.75 and $4.00. WE DO REPAIRING. Omaha Trunk Factory. 1209 Farnam St. PEACE and COMFORT ara sura to coma to thosa who smoke l S"iftn. .-. - - - - I- A FIRST-CLASS CIGAR WADE OF A FINE QUALITY HAVANA TOBACCO TRY THEM F. R. RICK MERCANTILE CI OAR CO ST LOUIS. D R McGREW SPECIALIST Diseases of Men Only S Tears' Experience. 1 Years In Omaha. Varicocele, Stricture, Blood Poison. Weak ness. Book free. . Box Tst. Office. E B. Busmcss Boosters Try the Want Ad Columns of The Bee, Splendid Values In Carpets and Draperies KM mm atKUABLBl STOSB. Great Showing of New Fall Dress Goods TUESDAY'S BARGAIN BULLETIN EVERY ITEM A SPLENDID VALUE. DO NOT FAIL TO SEE THEM Cloak Department Specials . Six economically Interesting Items from the great , Kranklln A Simons " tock sale: LADIES' WIlArrEHS-Worth np to $2.00. In sizes 32 to 44. lace and CO embroidery trimmed, your choice Tuesday DUC LADIES' WASH WAISTS-From the Franklin & Simons stork, worth" "iC up to 7.V. at, choice ADC WALKIXH SKIRTS-In prent variety of color, both plain and mixed. " 1 Ofl values up to $.1.00, at, choice ' I.O CHILDREN'S GINGHAM DRESSES-In pretty styl'esand wortn'si.oo' " I f at, choice fllC' $4KlJAP SILK WAISTS-In blue and brown,' a greatVnnp Tue'sdaVV " Women's "oc Dressing Sacquea, very special barrjaln. 4rk at yjc Special Wash Goods Sale F?LyarI? 1 yard .7.'.. '' We will place 10 other sales of nne' goods' 'to 'cYosej' "during" the day.' Rousing Bargains Tuesday in Our Furnishing Goods Department FROM 9 TILT, 1ft A. M Rc ROTS' WAISTS-In all sizes, both IIKht and dark patterns, meat snap for tt this one hour, at, choice IVC FROM 1ft TILL. It A. M LA,rT.,E9; FAJaT BLACK HOSE-Wlth flo,. .c Hi-M hiki me, rKuiar iao qual- e FROM 11 A. M MEN'S Sn,K TIES-Four-ln-hnnd, club or worth up to Bftp, on sale for this one hour, MEN'S 60c SL'SPENDERS, on sale 25c PIUMS, PLUMS, PLUMS THE PEST OF THE SEASON. We will have tomorrow morning-. Tuesday, about 400 baskets of fancy home grown Plums As long as thoy last we 1E will sell them, per basket IOC t, pair. ..15c Ity, splendid bargain . TILL 12 M. midget all new fall patterns ami limit of three to a customer, at.. Mr.ix a ific HOSTS-Oreat variety of patterns at 14jC CRABAPPLES, CMBAPrLES, CRABUPPLIS NOTHING FINER FOR JELLY Large mnrket basket fancy Plber- yc. lan Crabapples, per basket AuC PlhCHES, PEACHES. PEACHES Large crates fancy California yellow Craw ford Freestone Peaches. . per crate IH1AYDEW BROS, () PRIZE CUPS In sterling sliver, ranging from $4.00 to 13.00; also In quadruple plate from 14.00 to $10.00. These are hand some, good style cups. Spend a few minute la our store and see them. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, Ifilt Douglas Street () 1 . -i d An Win For this occasion the Rock Island will sell excursion tickets to Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo and return, at the remarkably low rate of $10.75. Dates of sale, Aug. 30th to Sept. 4th. Return limit, Oct. 7th (by extension). " Three fast trains daily, leaving Omaha 7:20 a. m., 1:30 p. m., 8:55 p. m. Through Standard and 'Tourist Sleepers and Day Coaches, Dining Car service on all trains. Special trains leave Omaha 7 p. m., Sept. 4th. For further information, address F. P. RUTHERFORD. D. P. A. 1323 Faroio St., Osaba, M. . o C) I) 1' The janitor service in The Bee Building is as near perfect as it carj be, remembering that janitors are human. Offices from $10 to $4? per month several desirable ones from which to choose. SCHOOLS AM) OI.LKt.K. .A HARDIN COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY FOR LADIES MJsuMW'FSftft Mndyear. The O KFM'MF AmertcnConr yLJdi'OilM Cooking and Bus College a Untversltj trained faculty. Germ aw ConserTator, la charge of speolallsta. Art, Kloeutlon, loess Courses. For catalogue, address JUHI W. MlULlUg, Pres., 4 UoUag. FUc at K I ICO, MO. JLfctwortli Military Academy Oldest tad Urges! Milk 17 School tht Middle Wil. Bend for catalogue. LEXINGTON. MO. 1 LEXINGTON COLLEGE FOR YOUNG WOKEN Lexlngtcn, Mo. (Near Kansas City). Founded 1896 fctffnor Bcverlo li'Apna, ptrector of Ifualr. prntnt fhrougtioul ts rar. Ilaitsa method. H.BEICT M. COOK. BelaMB)uarrl CltWAKO W. BITIC, PrMMeak KIMBALL IIUL U leUi ka At..CSUi. TkUMl!kswl American Conservatory M VtifH4 srtsMiu Art. fidf miBnt tnio Uir. iHls1 trs AsliaaUgrs I sArhsr Irsti mnm I sKboliaXitO. Las, t ' I tr B. ttrm l tj r t.1 11 WAV ( ittatKitfu YOUR BOY'S PROGRESS if postal BUrfc tl0 hi OIXBfiirl fod llapiliSBla, g) um to mmhrn our injy kvfir, lriiug Lmw iiti 4 I flMiHni. pfmmsl rnigviUM-aii , p with iinttrut-tor mtvm A ttivta op -ortttuiii W. lro w.f fvimri f '.( dr ibi. coniiulltHl. ad whiK irtsiin to ikitr boar aiBiQiftifl iuswrutma svn4 Hisip)i tt tt h'jsinssl order Tbu bsitid tti Mil LMiUtot. suftalr obtnu lor. Clinstst ttjo for bsMlibrnlnCM; iocutisA iaal orsjsMtbl. bmg lot bOuki( "A" to alA&lil) UUIA1.J5At)ili.av, HAittVsXJ