Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1905, Image 1

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    For News Quality and Quantity
The Bee Greatly Excels.
The- Omaha Daily Bee.
Omaha's Preferred Advertising
Medium Is The Bee.
-m - -
8ttt8 Exocutffe Chief Orator it Hebraiki
Day at Portland.
Thia ii tho Aga of Suiting for Ideala
Along All Line.
Eequira Blf. Sacrifice, but Ara Profitable
to 8,aia la Which The Are Held.
Line of t.ntted states Should Have
Ileen get a as to Complete!-
Control rM
PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 21. Hundred of
N'ebrusKans, including Governor Mickey,
were present today to celebrate Nebraska
day at toe Lewis and Clark exposition. A
feature of the exercises was the singing by
tne Nebraska society quartet of the
national hymn, in which the audience
took part standing. At the conclusion of
the set program a reception was held in
the Nebraska pavilion.
Governor Mickey, in his speech, said:
nr. Chairman, Ladles and (ientlenun:
Any great assembly of people or of Impr
ests tnat is not educational In Its tendency
may well be considered of doubtful nro-
nrlnlv Thl. 1.. - . , ... .
f.."'j. , ib a. irnciuiai MRR. I ne in
Ightened world la seek in rnr i
Present standards are not siifllcient. There
is a continual reaming after better meth
ods of living, belter sanitation, more whole
some and better prepared foods, more
adaptable machinery, better and faster
means of transportation, more skillful prj-
men ana women, oelter educators,
better applied science, more labor-saving
and wealth-producing Inventions. higher
n, nigner meals, more practical patriotism
as applied to national, state and municipal
government, truer men and women.
It Is in response to this popular demand
that the great expositions of the past half
""u"f nave iounn reason tor tneir exist
ence. Burn exploitations as the Centennial,
tne World's fair, the Transmlssisslppi, the
Louisiana, Purchase and other notable ex
positions of comparatively recent years
have probably done more for the general
dissemination of human knowledge than
any other one agency, and now we are par
ticipating In another of these great educa
tional enterprises, the Iwia and Clark ex
position of your own state and city. The
object lessons here presented are Innumera
ble, -comprehensive, far-reaching. It is safe
to say there is no one who has passed
through these buildings and streets, filled
with the products of the host thought of
the nation and of the world, but that has
had his views of life materially broadened
and has received an Inspiration of perma
nent value. I want to congratulate the
people of Portland, of Oregon and of the
1'aclno coast on the magnificent public
n -It V. . . ........ . . I M . . . .
-,,.. htt iiktd umuiir-sieu in conceiving
and siecutlng the plans which have re
sulted In this marvelous array of Industrial
nergy which is gathered about us. I know
something of the spirit of heroism neces
sary to such a task, for It is heroic. We
had a similar enterprise at Omaha a few
years ago and It was a great success. But
it required much bf self-sacrifice, large
contributions of time and money from our
busiest men, many annoyances and great
perplexities, and yet from it all came a
compensating gain to our state and to all
n. t la mnuence win oe ifii mu viuj tni ;
veer, but next year, ana tnrougn me sue- i
ceedlng years. It will attraot Interests here I
that no other magnet could havs drawn
and the Oregon of the future will be
greater, more resourceful, more ' enduring
because of It.
tin Should Have Uont Korth.
I never look at that portion of the map
which represents these nortuweslern states
without wishing that the boundary line had
been pushed -up a few degrees farther to
ward the pole, as it might nave been at one
time had our statesmen of a little more
than a generation ago been as far seeing
as are our statesmen of today, it seems
to me that no other portion of our common
Country is richer in natural resources than
Is this particular section and that is the
reason 1 wish we had more of it, and still
1 am not covetous. I only regret that at
the time the Oregon boundary was agreed
on ws did not press our territorial rights
to the full limit, thus securing several de
grees of the country to the north to which
tne right of discovery and exploration en
titled us, and. Incidentally, complete control
of the entrance to Puget Bound. Neither
do I ever look at the portion of the map
previously rererrea to witnout experiencing
a feeltnif of reverent emtltutlM to thut
grand old patriot. Dr. Marcus Whitman,
tnrough, whose efforts we have preserved
to us as much of this northwestern country
as is now Included within our bounduries.
If there was ever a man Willi a far-seeing
mind, capable of penetrating the veil of
future years and reading advance history
by the dim light of the times in which he
lived, that man was Marcus Whitman.
1 The wonderful sacrlllrn tie made and the
suffering he endured during that eventful
midwinter horseback ride from Walla
Walla to St. Louis, and on to Washington,
undertaken that Oregun might be saved to
the nation. Is a narrative of exceeding in
terest and thrills the pulse of every true
American heart. Hut the strangest tiling
is tli lethargy and Indifference with which
Whitman s account of British aggression
In the northwest was received at Waihlnn.
loll, Involving as it did acute danger of
ii, iuu ui an una princely empire.
mwgiiis Lnuwi mates senators arguing
against the possibility of ever settling- so
remote a country and Insisting thut the
entire area was not worth the energy and
rirrnmv lirvr.oo I J iu me IMinVOy OI a Set'
tiers train so great a distance, and yet
such scenes as this were oft repeated In
the halls of congress and were participated
in py our wisest statesmen. It was only
by the most herculean efforts that the
friends of Oregon, aided by Whitman were
finally enabled to rally suftlclent support
and thus preserve to the I'nion one of Its
brightest gems. All honor to Marcus Whit
man. If every county In Oregon and Wash
ington should erect to his memory an en
during monument it would be no more than
merited recognition. 1 am glad to know
one of the great counties of Washington
bears his name and that Whitman college.
Walla Walla. Is one of the leading educa
tional Institutions of the coast country.
' Interest of Nebraska.
Nebraska has more than a pacing- In
terest in this Iwis and Clark centennial
observance. The slate which I have the
honor to represent Is an important part of
the territory acquired by the Louisiana
purchase, and has a right to share in the
giory attaching to those Intrepid pioneers
of western exploration. Messrs. Lewis and
Clark. These gentlemen, with their escort
passed a number of months in Nebraska
in 1hmL and the records they left are In
valuable to our state archives, and furnish
some of the earliest data of our history
On August 4 of last year, there was cele
brated at Fort Calhoun, Neb., the cen
tennial anniversary of a famous council
x parcipitated In by Lewis and Clark, rep
resenting the government, and by ranking
Indian chiefs of that locality. This anni
versary was attended by many of our citi
sens. and waeian occasion of murh Interest.
It was my privilege to be present and to
listen to a very eloquent commemorative
address delivered by Hon. William F. Gur
key of Omaha. I am also reminded that this
particular date Is the loisl anniversary of
the death of Sergeant Charles Floyd of the
Lewis and Clark company, which event
occurred In Nebraska territory near the
present sits of Dakota City. Lut recently
our citizens havs reared a monument to
his memory and havs dedicated it with
111 tins observance.
l.oaliy to state is one of the cardinal
virtues or Neliraskana. we wno are sath
ered here are Justly proud of the splendid
display of our resources which has beeu
made in the agricultural building by our
slate commission, rnougn the appropria
tion for the worr in hand was small
the commissioners havs expanded it with
uch rare discretion that I he results
lie most grain log. All whom I have
rard expnes themselves upon the sub
lect hav Keen profuse in praise and
.ti press given mucn tavorsois coin
nent. wa are a great state anil in em
phasis of the fact let me coll to your mind
.hai in Ikoi we marketed beyond sis is lines
(Coaiuiued on uu4 Page.)
19, 1871.
Police Raid Vleetlna of Central torn
mlttee of Professional
ST. PETERPRrRG, Aug. 21.-The police
lit list have eppllcd a check to the activity
of the central bureau of the league and con
federation of professional rrrorm organisa
tions, by descending today on a meeting
of the cer -.1 committee and arresting ten
of the.le present. In this committee
are Inclu ; university lecturers, doctors,
engineer! . vyers and other professional
men. Tl I tanlzatlon of which the league
Is mad are composed of the most
advance ormers and since its organiza
tion, the , - ral hlireHtl hfls naniMl th.n,,cH
Many c
have I
to the verge of ' revolution.
liter proclamations and appeals
couched In terms almost as
I those of the socialists. It is
lit the government feared the
about to Inaugurate a campaign
Paul, M. MIliikofT. at whose home near
St. Petersburg the arrests were made and
who was among those arrested, formerly
was a professor In the t'nlverslty of St.
Petersburg. He had Just returned from a
lecture trip down the Volga with the llt-
erattir Tahn, one, pf the socialist leaders
and an article frtim his pen violently de
nouncing the douma project- had appeared
In the latest number of the weekly Prnvo.
MllukofT was one of those arrested on
January 23 last along with Gorky, An
nensky and Hessrn.
Saltan of gala Lives Ip to Character
Clvn Him by American
JOLO, Aug. .-Vla. Manila, Aug. 21,
(delayed In transmission. )-Secretnry Taft
and party'arrlved here at noon and Im
mediately proceeded to the parade ground
to witness an elaborate program arranged
for their entertainment. The sultan of
emu and other Moro dignataries occupied
seats on tne grand stand along with See
rotary Taft and MIrs Roosevelt.
rr .
jnousnnas or Moros, residents of Jolo,
and from the neighboring islands, were
present to take part in the festivities which
were wonderfully picturesque. In the after
noon there were carnbao and bull fla-hta.
etecretary Taft and Miss Roosevelt were
presented with many Moro oresents hv h
sultan who offered his hand In marriage to
Miss Roosevelt and would make her sultana
of the Bulu archipelago, savin that his
people desired her to live among them.
While, some members of the party were
bathing in the afternoon Frederick O'Brien,
editor of the Cable News, was seised with
cramps, and the undertow was ranldlv
carrying him out to sea when Representa
tive Longworth of Ohio, seeing his peril,
started after him and rescued him at the
risk of his own lifs.
President Protests Against Discrimi
nation Shown In the Csar's
Proclamation for Congress.
WARSAW, Russian Poland. An. -n
gard of the rights of the Poles In the,
scheme for the repreeentatlon In the na
tional assembly.. The strike began here
today. Employee of the Vistula railway
quit work and many trains were left stand
ing at Intermediate stations.
Eighty socialists, carrying arms, while
attempting to enter the city, Were Apposed
b ya detachment of Cossacks. Eight of tha
socialists were killed and the others ar
rested. Employes of Warsaw, Lods and Poblance
have Joined the strike. Besides the Vistula
railway, the Terespol line and the light
railways have been compelled to suspend
Friends Sorry He Resigned After
Conducting; Fight from Bed
of Sickness.
SIMLA. British India, Aug 21. Among
the public general sympathy Is ex
pressed for Lord Curson of Kedleston,
viceroy of India, who for eighteen weeks
has been confined to his bed, from where
he conducted his fight single-handed against
the cabinet. There Is widespread regret
that he has felt himself obliged to resign.
despite the unanimous support of the press
and commercial bodies.
Friends of Lord Kitchener are Jubilant,
and the commander-in-chief of the forces,
now stands at the de facto viceroy, with his
prestige greatly enhanced. In the opinion
of the natives Lord Kitchener's power is
Battle Takes Place Near Alice Station
and Three People Are
HARRIMAN. Tenn., Aug. 21.-According
to Information received here a bloody feud
battle has occured near Aflce station on the
Queen tt Crescent railroad, a few miles
south of Harrlman Junction.. Frederick
Miller and his son John Miller, aged 23,
and Fred Johnson were killed and Henry
Miller, another son of Fred Miller, aged 18,
was dangerously wounded.
The men were eoroute to the station
where young Miller was to leave to Join
the army. When they were two miles
from the depot they were fired upon by
men from ambush.
Civil Government Will supersede
Military (.ovrrninent and Troops
Will Fliht Native..
BERLIN, ' Aug. 21. Civil government
which has been superseded for more than
a year by martial law in German South
west Africa, will soon be restored. The
resignation of Colonel Leutweln, the gov
ernor whose functions were taken over
by Lieutenant General von Trotha. commander-in-chief
of the military forces,
has been accepted, and Herr von Linde-
qulst, consul general at Capetown, has
been appointed In his stead.
The cruiser Thetis, now on the East
Asiatic station has been ordered to Tiast
Africa to co-operate with the cruiser
Beeadler In landing detachments.
LONDON, Aug. 21-Ths Telegraphs
Toklo correspondent says that despite the
heavy rains the Japanese have advanced
In northern Corea. The Russians have
abandoned their advance works snd were
driven back. After crossing the liver,
the Russians destroyed the bridges snd
there were no signs ot the Russians south
of Tumen. The Japanese army In Corea
has already effected a certain ootnmunica-
Uua with, field Marshal Oyatua.
Thirteenth Annnal Convention la Now in
Progreaa at Portland.
Messaae from President Roosevelt
Pointing; Out Importance of the
Work Veecta by Texas
PORTLAND, Ore. Ang. 21.The thir
teenth annual meeting of the national irri
gation congress, with more than l.Onn dele
gates present, representing more than four
fifths of the states In the union, assembled
today at the Lewis and Clark auditorium.
Governor George C. Pardee of Califor
nia, president of the congress, called the
congress to order. Governor George E.
Chamherlan welcomed the delegates to Ore
gon. Governor Chamberlain prefaced his
welcome by emphasizing the Importance of
Irrigation. He criticized severely the ex
isting laws which he believed lacking, espe
cially In conferring sufficient nnwer In
j condemn private property.
Mayor Harry Ine of Portland extended
a cordial welcome In behalf of the city.
Governor Albert E. Mead of Washing
ton was the first of the visitors to respond.
He made a brief address In favor of irriga
tion. Congressman J. B. Stevens of Texas in
his response agreed with Governor Cham
berlain's assertion that the reclamation
law Is faulty and advocated such recon
struction of the arid land law as would
both extend it and make it effectual. He
thought especially that the provision which
allowed New Mexico, in whose confines
the three big rivers which traverse Texas
had their source, to obtain of the reclama
tion funds to the exclusion of Texas be
cause of that fact was unjust.
Colonel H. D. Lovelanrt of San Francisco,
president of the Pacific coast Jobbers' and
Manufacturers' association, and Hon. J.
Henry Smith of Salt Lake City followed
In short Speeches.
When Mr. Smith had concluded Governor
Pardee summarixed the work before the
congress In hin annual address. He said
in part:
A new branch of government activity,
the reclamation service, has been estab
lished and is organized In a manner which
gives the f romlse of the highest efficiency
in it nas neen assembled a force of 4X)
r:,"""T,"i assistants and experts, all
chosen absolutely without regard o pol-
- .. i niier competitive elvll
fhL Lr,e ""i" 'nation. It Is. I am satisfied.
". """' " corps or tne Kind ever
ii o" " lu l"r a similar purpose.
,'';' have not yet secured the money
in quite auch abundant measure as we
have secured the men, we have at least
made a start, for we have .Tf).ono nno fh
J ' ?' '"" Mies in the arid states"
W.U, thl" f'""! nearly a score of larRe
sta U.n5" nav bp" "fried In a doi?n
under ws?. f ,,h'''n alrpady " well
Ho T am now a M Mr......)...
, "iisiiniuinir yu.
thif tl.1 'r.n'h ntlonaI Irrigation congress
that for the first time, we have nations
snr'SonL0n.. " f" Wt and not? as U
o long remained, merely an Ideal.
Message from Roosevelt..
A messkge from President Rnii
the congress was read by Glfford Plnchot
chief Jorestefcjp-- "-'-MStates. The'
uu.1.. -".a i the develov. '
country and counseled patience untfr Trfe
operation of the reclamation act should be
come more extensive. The Importance and
wide scope of the act was dwelt upon, the
president pointing out that the act unites
east and west.
'The reclamation act Is the most pow
erful foe of all land monopoly," he said.
The president also warned the people
against "letting public lands pass Into
private hands for fictitious reasons."
The necessity for forest protection was
indicated, the president asking for the
hearty support of the congress to the
forest service as an aid to future Irriga
tion work.
President Roosevelt's message was re
ceived with rounds of applause.
One Man Killed ear Pilot Mound
nnd n Number of Persons Are
Reported Missing.
LA CROSSE, Wis., Aug. 21.-One man was
killed, severul reported missing at lianas
boro and Rushford, Minn., and crops have
been destroyed by a tornado which swept
southern Minnesota Sunday night, accord
ing to a dispatch fo the Chronicle.
All telephone connections have been cut
off by the storm and details are larking.
Tosten Danlelson was killed at Pilot
Mound In the wrecking of a church. Five
men have reported the entire destruction of
their homes and the loss of members of
their families to the authorities at Lanes-
boro of whom they have asked assistance
James Till, a farm hand employed by Frank
Sanders, is missing. Search has been made.
but this man and members of the families
of C. Danlelson, R. Boe, A. Menus, W.
Crocker and Frank Sanders had not been
found up to a late hour tonight. Thousands
of dollars damage was done to buildings
and crops. No estimate of the damage In
Minnesota can be made as reports are
meager, communication for the most part
being destroyed. .
Kentucky Soldiers Ordered from
Camp to Do Real Military
Duty at Huaaellvllle.
FRANKFORT. Ky.. Aug. 21-Governor
Heckhani today wired Adjutant General
Haley at Camp Yeiser. Paducah. to des
patch state troops to Russellvllle to pro
tect R. Fletcher and Guy Lyon from mob
violence. The men are charged with crlin
Inal assault upon Mary Gladder, a young
German girl. The crime waa committed
In May last and Fletcher and Lyon have
been in Jull at Bowling Green since that
time. Their case Is to be called for trial
at Russellvllle on Wednesday next. The
Lexington and Frankfort companies of In
fantry and a detachment of a battery with
a Hotchklss gun, under command of Major
L. E. Bally will go on a special train tomor
row to protect the prisoners during the
trial. .
rhlraco Hotel Men and Wholesale
Batchers Will Construe! Two
Parkins; Plants.
CHICAGO. Aug. n.-Chlcago hotel men.
wholesale butchers and restaiaunt keepers
have formed a combination against the
"Beef trust." Two plsnts. one costing $150,
000 and the other UOn.Ouo. are In course of
erection, and a third to cost tS.oOu.OOO Is
Martial Law at Courtlaad.
MITAL", Russia. Aug. 21. Martial law
has been declared throughout the Baltic
(Muvlac of Courtlaad, v
Nebraska Man Denies f barae that Ilia
Estimate Was rarposely Made
Too Ion,
LONDON. Aug. a.-Jol,n Hyde, former
statistician of the fnlted Plates depsrtmriit
of agriculture, who at present Is in London.
ma wn un.-icr tne care of a physician for
several weeks and is still prohibited by his
physician from attending to business.
To the Associated Press tonight he said:
r-liiLV" il"'t fnr ,h'" nr' '" the
rexlsed cotton aereae report. Issued bv the
I nlted States 1 .nrt mont n &
on Jul W. The crop esilmatlng board re
duced Ihe official estimate of June 2 bv
more than l.loo.mio acres and even goes so
lo--2" "V ,hHt 1 mnp ,hp estimate
lower than the rnnrti r,.,-,.!.. t a,
clal reporters employed by the hureau wsi-I
ranted. To this i . w j
denial and assert that the most trustworthy
or the sets of figures on which the
M'i ot june 2 was based afforded the
most ample warrant for mv estimate.
It Is only by an entire tHreo,.rrl f h.
re porta of county and township corres
pondents that the department's acreage
reports can ha t
becoming the laughing etoek of the world I
v nen concerned nnk- m-th . .
tne growing crop, except under special cir
cumstances, the ppimri. ,.e
township rnrpfgnnnrlnrif r-A ...hi,
value. When, however, these correspond
ents report either upon the acreage, or upon
the size of the crop In lles, their re
ports are absolutely worthless. For In-
""-e, me crop -taat year was estimated
rnnA?nlhl,p ,,,rsnnrirtenta at less than
iz.nnn.nno hales and bv county correspond
ents as less than H.nnfiAiO bales. Failure
on the part of the hoard to recognize the
widely varying degree of reliability which
characterise the reports of Us different
classes of correspondents will Inevitably
destroy the value of Its reports for general
statistical purposes.
Mr. Hyde said that he gave his Inter
view to the Associated Press against the
earnest protest of his rm.vstotan and that
he had forwarded an affidavit to Washing
ton covering his connection with the cotton
report, lie said that he expected to return
to America about October first.
Selamle Disturbance Extends Over
Parts of Missouri, Illinois, In
diana and Kentucky.
ST. LOUTS, Aug. 21.-St. Louis and
vicinity was vfslted by an earthquake to
night shortly after 11 o'clock. Three dls
tlnct shocks were felt by thousands of
persona In St Louis and 6t. Louis county
as far eaRt as Rellevllle, III., as far south
as Paducah, Ky., and as fur north as
Springfield, 111.
While the tremors lasted scarcely a
minute they were distinct enough to
awaken sleeping residents of the city, to
cause dogs to bark in alarm nnd to cause
sleeping children to awake and cry out in
alarm. The shock from a comparison of
tne time they felt In the districts visited
seemed to travel from east to west. There
was but an inflnltejrimal period between
the shocks, but a second Intervening be
tween the first and second sDasms. and
about three seconds between the second
and third and final shock.
MEMPHIS, Tenn.. Aug. 21. Two dis
tinct earthquake shocks were experienced
here tonight at 11:15 o'clock. The disturb
ance was more appreciably felt In the
eastern suburbs than In the city. The
shocks were ot brief duwiu.
CAIRO. 111., Aus nhook the strongest
frrredat lt:(vfc " q-eS shock was pre
ceded by loud rumbling noises. Many per
sons were frightened and took refuge In
the streets.
OWENSBORO, Ky., Aug. 21. Owensboro
and Henderson. Ky., and Evansvllle, Ind.,
were visited by an earthquake at ll:u
o'clock tonight. Two' distinct shocks were
felt. Citizens of Owensboro were greatly
frightened. "Many rushed from their homes.
No damage was done.
Selection of School Land
State of Wyoming Are
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21. (Special Tel
gram.) The acting secretary of the Interior
today approved the selection of the state
of Wyoming to 1,902 acres In the Sundance
land district. The lands are to be used
by the state of Wyoming for school pur
poses. Forest Supervisor Zeph Jones of the Wind
River division of the Yellowstone forest
reserve has changed his headquarters from
Kendall, Wyo., to Plnedale, Fremont
county, Wyo.
James W. Sussex of Illinois has been ap
pointed an assistant engineer In the re
clamation service and ordered to report
for duty at Casper, Wyo.
Rural free delivery routes have been
ordered established commencing November
1: South Dakota, Strandburg, Grant county,
route 1; population 610. 102 houses.
Postmasters appointed: Wyoming, Holmes,
Albany county, William A. Mclntyre, vice
John R. Cordwlner resigned.
The comptroller of the currency has ap
proved the application to organize the First
National bank of Iverton, Neb., with a
capital of $:5.(Xi0. A. V. Dann of Kearney,
Neb., N. J. Paul, E. R. Green, Guy Dann
and H. V. Slead are the applicants.
Attorney tor Major Vainly Asks that
Crossbill of W lie. Be
WOOSTER, O.. Aug. 21.-When the Tajr
gart divorce case opened today Attorney
Sterling, for the plaintiff, made an address
to the court. In which he claimed that Mr.
T&ggart, as a nonresident of Ohio, has no
right in court here except In answer to tier
husband's petition and thatshe cannot un
der the laws of Ohio be granted a divorce,
being here by right only to make a general
denial to her husband's claim.
Sterling said that Mrs. Taggart's cross
petition Is really no cross petition, In that
it does not state a cause of action, that no
summons had ever been Issued on the cross
petition and served on the defendant.
'The whole matter Is alleged to bo based
on Mrs. Taggart's answer when a witness
In the Rope rase at the mayor's court the
other night. In which she charged Rope
with perjury and whereupon, being called
as a witness, she answered that she had
lived In Chicago and San Francisco, not
giving Wooster, O., as her legal residence.
Judge Eason refused to dir. miss the cross
High Temperature and Eseesslre
Humidity Cause Great gaffer,
lav la Windy City.
CHICAGO, Aug. U.-Two deaths and
number of Prostrations were reported to
day as a result of the heat. The tempera
ture did not exceed SS) degrees, but the
humidity made the day exceedingly op-
Benairgton Board of Inqniry Reoommenda
that He Ba Court-Martialed.
Safety Valve Was Xot In Working
Order nnd Pressure Was Prob
ably Several Hundred
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21.-Pecretn.ry Bon
aparte today received and as soon as he
had himself read, made public the proceed
ings and findings of the court of Inquiry
which Investigated the explosion on the
gunnoat Bennington at San Diego, Cal , on
July 21. The findings were a complete aur
prise, for they at once set at rest the
stories that had been circulated to the ef
fect that the Bennington's hollers and
Perhaps those of other naval vessels of the
same age were defective. As a matter of
fact the court found the explosion re
sulted from the rinsing of a valve which
connected the exploded boiler with its
steam gauge so that the pressure on the
boiler may have been several hundred
pounds to the square Inch when the acci
dent occurred. While praise was accorded
to the officers and ship's company for their
conduct during the harrowing scenes fol
lowing the accident the officer and men
who were responsible, in the opinion of the
court, are pointed out and court martini
proceedings supgested In the case of the
only one of them surviving, Ensign Charles
T. Wade.
The court consisted of Commodore Stev
enson, retired, and Captain E. J. Moore,
and Captain Thomas S. Phelps. The find
ing recites the arrival of the Bennington nt
San Diego, and says:
Wrong; Valve Closed.
About 9:20 1 on. July 21st, after both boilers
had been filled and the furnaces started It
was observed thut n,- , ...
howed about five pounds of
Ev.., rt,'';VU, "nrt Bt ,hlB lil"e Oiler
ill . i e.J 0"anl- acting as water tender,
directed I. N. Iloliun.t i,m
elua- , . u , ...i,i.xii, pi ,,
.1.1.. ""- l"e air cock on boiler H.
that the said Holland climbed up and closed
a valve and almost Immediately the steam
gauge on boiler "B" failed to register any
tiZtV t,h.'lt ,nl?- wa" "PParentTy not no
tlied by either the water tender or the
nreman and no attention appears to have
... io ine tact thut ihA
guuge failed to register, but they kept on
working the fires and firing heavily; that
when the steam gauge on boiler "A"
snowed 130. lto pounds, there was no pres
sure, showing on the steam gauge of bollc-
Safety Valve Out of Order.
No one seems to have noticed any es
l 'f feam from the safety valves of
an or the boilers and no one can stale
that any of the safety valves blew oft at
any time that morning; that we can find
...u,u .u me saiety valve or boiler "B"
Having been overhauled since July, "l!s)4
nor any positive evidence of it having
been done, though orders had been given
for this to be done In March, 1905: that
there is no record of the sentinel valves
having been overhauled since July l!)q
that the safety valves were set at 145
pounds, but en route from Honolulu to this
port orders were given to carry, the steam
pressure at from 130 to 135 pounds; not ex
ceed the latter, but the safety valves were
not changed; that this order had been
clearly understood; that the hand gear
for lifting the safety valves was not in
working order, and there Is no nraH nnr
The court is of the further opinion tha
further proceedings should be imd in the
case of Ensign Charles T. Wade, l 8. N..
who was in charge of the engineering de
partment of the I'. 8. S. Bennington at the
time of the explosion, and since Octolier,
190. In this, that he, the said ensign,
Charles T. Wade, did fall to see that the
safety valve on holler "B" was overhauled
at the proper time and kept in proper re
pair, accepting the verbal statement of his
subordinate or subordinates that It had
been overhauled In March, 1!J6, and fur
ther that he, the said ensign. Charles T.
Wade, II. 8. N., did fall to keep the sen
tinel valves on the said boiler In good
working order, and further that he said
ensign, Charles T. Wade, V. 8. N.. did fall
to cause the sehtlnel and safety valves to
be tested In accordance with article lt0a,
paragraph 12, I'nlted States navy regula
tions, 196. In all of which he, said ensign,
Charles T. Wade, U. 8. N., In charge of
the engineering department of the 1. 8. B.
Bennington, was negligent In the perform-
v,i- a,, and the court recommends
"hat he, the said ensign. Charles T. Wade,
U. S. N., be brought to trial before a gen
eral courlmaruai.
Question of Association Buildings and
Work In Industrial Cities Dis
cussed at Yesterday's Session.
WILLIAMS BAY. Wis.. Aug. 21. The
question of association buildings was dls
cusued at the National Young Woman's
Christian association conference here today.
Mrs. J. W. Finney, of Detroit, spoke of
the model building valued at lltO.OOO. just
dedicated there, the money for which was
largely given by one family. Rockford and
Elgin. 111., reported buildings under course
of erection. The associations at Des Moines,
Terre Haute, Toledo, Akron and Omaha,
also report that canvasses for new build
ings are In progress. An interesting lea
ture of the day was the first club members'
conference conducted by the national ex
tension secretaries. Miss Helen F. Barnes
and Miss Florence Dunne of the Chicago
Woung Woman's Christian association who
work among those employed in factories In
four states, discussed methods of christian
work among young women In industrial
cities. Akron, O., reports that a manufactur
ing firm had by co-operation of the lounB
Woman's Christian association agreed
to open and malntalln a home for women
employes. Dr. Frank l. ayiey. pastor
of Plymouth Congregational church at Den
ver made the chief address or tne day.
WATERLOO, la.. Aug. a. The midsum
mer gathering of the middle western sec
tion of the National Young Women's Chris
tian association Is being held here. Tho
sessions are being held at the camp
grounds at Cedar Park. The meeting will
last ten days. Delegates ara present from
fourteen states of the middle west.
Police Captalo Miles O'Reilly of Sew
York Receives Infernal Ma
chlee by Mall.
NEW YORK, Aug. 21. Gun cotton enough
to kill a man. arranged In an Infernal ma
chine and disguised as a gift cigar box, was
received today by Precinct Police Captain
Miles O'Reilly. This Is the third deadly
explosive Instrument of similar construction
sent through New York malls In the last
four days, the other two having been re
ceived last Friday by Jacob II. Schlff, the
banker, and M. Guggenheim Sons.
Captain O'Reilly received a cigar box
which In weight and every detail mislead
him Into taking It for a genuine present.
I'nusually heavy and tenacious nails fasten
ing down the cover, however, caused a sus
picion. When the box had been carefully
o)ened at the ends, matches were found
glued to Its Inner surface In such a man
ner that they would be Ignited on enmry
by the friction necessary to raise the lid. ,
The police found that the flare of one
ef the halt dexen would have caused the
dealt! of Captain O Reilly.
Partly Cloudy Tuesdayi Probably
Showers In South Portion. Wednes
day Pair.
Temperature at Omaha Testerdnyi
ft a
l a
T a
M a
n a
10 n
11 a
IS m
1 P.
2 P.
3 p.
4 p.
T p.
H p.
O p.
i . . .
i . . . .
m , ,
m , ,
Traffic Officials Meet In rhlr...
Try and Settle Differ
ences. CHICAGO, Aug. 21. (Sneclst TeWram
A meeting will be held In this citv
row for the purpose of trying to efr.-
some sort of a settlement of the grain rat
r, hut as other conferences have proved
futile and nothing new has developed to
warrant the belief that this one will be anv
more successful, th.
rtrosnerts ir. nr..
"rignt. i nere s no dei n tv,
part of
!.-. i .. .
"injority to engage
n a ruinous rete
ar on tne threshold of the crop movement
season which promises to break all records
in the west. But the Chicago Great West
ern claims that no satisfactory and lasting
peace agreement can be reached unless all
lines unite In abolishing elevator allow
ances. The other roads already have de
clined to abnte this allowance.
Last month at a meeting of the traffic
officials of the Missouri river lines It was
agreed to raise the rates on panking houm
Frontlets something over 10 cents a hundr-1
pounds. The old rate was 23 cents from
me Aiississippi and 33 cents from the Mis
-o.iri river and the new rate agreed upon to
..o,e -neenve August 7 was published as
35 cents from the Mississippi and tsu, rents
ii. mi tne Missouri river. Since then It Is
believed there has been secret cutting by
one or more of the roads. At all events
the present tariff Is shaky and the resump
tion of the old one may be announced by
some of the roads any day.
Former Omaha Ranker Dies
Home of His Mother In
DENVER. Colo.. Aug. 21.(Specal Telegrams-Herbert
E. Gates of Omaha, passed
away yesterday at the home of his mother
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Gates. 1270 Logan avenue!
Mr. Gates was a well known of
Omaha being for eighteen years assistant
cashier of the First National bank In that
city. About three years ago his health
began to fail and he resigned his position
with the bank and went to Europe, hoping
to receive some benefit from travel abroad
His European tour did not prove as bene
ficial as he had expected and he soon re
turned to America. As a last resort for
consumption his physician advised him to
try the climate of Denver and he was
brought here last Thursday by his brother
Elmer O. Gates. He had passed the point
where he could receive any benefit from
Collins Ga7e f cl,mate "' yesterday the
Mrs. EllMtietnQnVL w?" 61 VPBr" "Id
O. Gates ana-., .i.terT Mrs. Nettle
Davison, all of Denver.
Republican and Democratic Com
mltteea Will Make Special Canvass
of City of Philadelphia.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 21,-The regular
republican organization today took steps
looking to the purging of assessors' lists
of alleged bogus names. Mayor Weaver
In his crusade for good municipal govern
ment recently ordered a thorough canvass
of the city to determine accurately the
number of voters In each precinct. The
canvass was conducted by the police and
other city employes under the direction
of the department of public safety and at
its conclusion. Director Potter of the de
partment announced that 60,000 fictitious
names had been discovered on the asses
sor's list.
In order to refute If possible the charges
the republican city committee at a meet
ing today decided to make a house to
house canvass. Chairman Donnelly of the
democratic city committee late today is
sued a call for a meeting of the committee
to be held next Friday, when a similar
canvass will be ordered.
Commission Considers Steps Looking
Toward Identical Laws on
Marrlaare and Divorce.
The commission on uniform legislation
which has been In session here since Frl
day adjourned today to meet next year In
Plans looking toward uniform marriage
and divorce laws were considered. A special
committee on the subject reported that the
governors of the several states were work
log on suggestions previously made by the
conference and It was decided to wait
another year before further action. A com
mlttee was Instructed to collect In the
meantime statistics on marriage and dl
Vice President and His Wife Are the
Guests of Citisens of Man.
Chester, Vt.
MANCHESTER. Vt.. Aug. 21.-Citlxens
tonight tendered an informal reception to
Vice President and Mrs. C. W. Fairbanks
and Congressman and Mrs. Davis J. Foster!
who have beeti stopping at a hotel here for
several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Fairbanks will leave for
Ogdt nsburg. N. Y , in a special car
tached lo'the regular 7:16 o'clock train to
morrow morning.
Movements of Ocean Vessels Aug;. 21
At New York Arrived: Ryndam, from
Rotterdam: Mesaba. from 1-onrtnn; Grosai
Kurfiitat, from Bremen; Zealand, from Ant
At Glasgow Arrived : Columbia, from
New lork. Sailed: Pretoria, for Montreal
At Liverpool Arrived: Luke Manitoba
At Flume Arrived: Pannonia. from New
At Genoa Arrived: Koneign Lulse, from
New York.
At Cherbourg Arrived: Kaiser Wllhelm
II. from New lork. ,
At Liverpool Arrived: South wark, from
At l-ondon Arrived: Minnehaha,- from
fw York.
At Hover Arrived: VgiYrland, from New
At Naples Sailed : (in mania, fur New
At Boulogne Bailed: Furst Bismarck, for
New Xura.
Aniwer from Kiehola. Relathe to Propoted
Compromise Expectoi Toiaj.
British GoYernment Will lot Bring
Presinre to Bear on Japgn.
No Intimation that Either Eide Will
Conoede Anything.
There la Xo Indication that He Has
Communicated with Them, but
They gay He I nderslanda
Their Attitude.
PORTS Mot 'TH, N. H.. Aug. a.-The re
suit of President Roosevelt's effort to save
tne n'mT conference rrom failure remains
In suspense. No direct reply to the presi
dent's proposition communlcuted 1y M.
Wlite yesterday has come from Emperor
Nicholas tod-iy, but other advices received
from St. Petersburg Indicate Hint the em
peror and his councillors are unshaken In
their determination neither to cede terri
tory nor to pay war tributes.
What the president is doing on the Japa
nese side remains as deep a mystery as
ever. Little light Is shed upon the visit
of Raron Kanekn to Oyster Hay. The Japa
nese do not even admit that he Is their
medium of communication with the presl.
dent. They go no further than to reiterate
that Mr. Roosevelt understands their posi
tion nnd that they have the fullest con
fidence In him. They siow not the slight
est Indication that they have in any wisa
changed their position or nre prepared to
yield more than they were last Friday
when the plenipotentiaries adjourned until
Conference May He Prolonged.
If M. Wttte does not receive fresh In
structions before S o'clock tomorrow when
the conference Is resumed, the situation
will be exactly what It was before the ad-
Journnient was taken on Friday. It will
be safe to assume that in the absence of
such a reply the conference will be pro
longed after tomorrow, and every delay.
In the opinion of (he president's friends
means hope, faint though It lie. Mr. Roose.
velt's object was described today as being
to "prolong the negotiations."
There is warrant for the statement that
M. AVitte personally sympathies with the
president's proposition no matter how it
may be regnrded by his Imperial master
nd his advisers. It Is a mistake to sup
pose that In considering such a proposition
he emperor consults a regularly ordained
council. Throughout the, conference he has
been calling In council such advisers as he
deemed wise, some of his relatives, tha
grand dukes, members of the court and
certain chosen ministers. The Grand Duke
Nicholas Nlcholavltch, one of the most pow
erful of his advisers, Is known to be abso- .
lutely opposed to yielding an lota beyond
what M. Wltte has already conceded. . As
ciuoe II..1W3 on r,.T ..... n. ..
Powers Hana-lnsr Back.
The general belief here is that President
Roosevelt, while he has the moral support
f one of the neutral powers, has not re
ceived the active support he expected.
England's refusal to urge Japan to moder
te Its terms has caused disappointment,
although it is fully appreciated that any
ttempt to do so might be misunderstood.
Thore are evidences here that co-operation
by Great Britain would have been resented
by Japan.
Among the Japanese tonight no note of
hope Is sounded. With genuine reluctance
they seem almost resigned to the shipwreck
of the conference. They declare that their
position is unchanged and they speak of re
newing their war with a snap of their black
eyes which speaks volumes for their confi
dence In the success of Oyama when the
word is given to advance.
As to Sakhalin.
In article V. the cession of Sakhalin, the
Japanese claim that they are entitled to
the Island as well by reason of their
natural rights to Its posesslon as because
of Its present occupation by the Japanese
forces. The Russians on the contrary
Insist that up to 1S60 Japan had never
claimed any right to Sakhalin and at that
time only twenty-live unmarried Japanese
lived In the south of the Island during
the fishing seuson. Admiral Peoutlallne
opened the eyes of the Japanese to the
value of Sakhalin when he went there In
ISM and Initiated negotiations for the pos
session of the entire Island by Russia. It
was then that Japan In order to make
good Its claims tried to colonize the Island
and stated that the- Alno race which lives
there belonged to the same family as the
original Inhabitants of the northern
Mauds of Japan. i
In 18S9 Mouravleff, governor general of
Amur, tried to persuade Japan to yield
In its claim to the south part of Sakhalin,
but did not succeed ss Americans had al
ready began to support the Japanese In
their attitude against Russia. The reports
of all the Russian consuls In Sakhalin up
to the year 1H70 stated that the Japanese
effort to colonize the Island had failed
because of the rigorous climate. The ne
gotiations between Russia and Japan
started in l!06 and continued for twenty
years, ending with the treaty of 1S76, by
which the sovereignty of Russia over the
whole Island was recognized.
With regard to article Ix the protocol re
peats the arguments already Set forth
several times In the press dispatches. The
Japanese claim for reimbursement for the
expense of the war on the ground that
they were forced by Russia's aggression
to resort to arms for self-preservation and
having been victorious at all points on
sea snd land are entitled to reimbursement.
Russia, on the contrary, denies absolutely
that Japan Is In a position to dictate such
a condition, as Russia does not acknowl
edge defeat and appeared at the conference
not Imploring mercy, but because of Its love
of peace and Its willingness to conclude on
an honorable basis.
Claim for Indemnity I aprereden ted.
Russia declares that a claim for In
demnity under the circumstances is un
precedented and reviews the historical oc
casion where Indemnity was paid In sup
port of Its contentions. Most of these
precedents have already been made publlo
In connection with a recent Assoclatod
Preis Interview Willi Mr. Maartens. The
protocol also slates that Russia throughout
Its hlbtory has never paid a war indemnity,
not even when Napoleon the Great Invaded
the Muscovite empire in Mi and occupied
In regard to article x (the Interned r
shlpsl Japan insists that the surrender
of interned waifchlp which tavs sought