The Omaha Daily Bee. COMPUTE MARKET NEWS IN THE BEE. FULL BOX BALL SCORES IN THE BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST, 21, 1005. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. LORD CURZON QUITS Viceroj of India Cables Hit Besignation to the King. SPLIT OVER ARMY ADMINISTRATION Colonial OSes Befuses to Make Appoint meat Endorsed by Indian Officer. FRICTION ALSO WITH LORD KITCHENER ( nrion Refuses to Accept Further Respon sibility Without. Authority. LORD MINTO APPOINTED TO SUCCEED HIM Correspondence (nrrrlm the Sltua tlon la roblUhed la a White Book Issued Last Niaht. LONDON. Aug. 20. The resignation of Lord Curzon, of Kedleston. as the viceroy of India, and the appointment of the Earl of Mlnto aa his successor, was an nounced at the India office tonight. Ac cording to the correspondence, which Is Issued In the form of a white book, It ap pears that Lord Curzon's resignation was cabled to that office on August 12. The correspondence shows decidedly bitter feel ing between Lord Curion, tha India office and Lord Kitchener, commander In chief .tt the forces In India, over the new plan of army administration In India. Lord Cur aon'a dissatisfaction came to a head with the refusal of the cabinet to appoint Major General Blr Edmund Harrow, on Lord Cur zon's recommendation, military supply member1 of the council. Replying on August 2 to the refusal of Mr. Brodrlck. secretary of state for India, to make this appoint ment. Lord Curion requests that the gov ernment reconsider Its decision "In order to enable me to accept the responsibility which I Infer his majesty's government still desires me to assume." Mr. Brodrlck again refused to comply with the request and Lord Curion replied as fullows: It is apparent that his majesty's ernment denies me that confidence which alone can enable me to serve it. and at taches a fundamental different interpreta tion from myself, of the conditions upon which I consented to remain in the office. The situation, therefore, remains where it was when I re.slgned in June. If the gov ernment is unable to accept my views I request the premier to place my resigna tion In the hands of his majesty. Carson's Final Message. To this Mr. Brodrlck replied that there was a request from Mr. Balfour that Lord Curion reconsider hla determination. In a final dispatch, dated August 12, Lord Cur- son says: The main question Is not the choice of an individual, but one of the principles under lying a future change In our administra tion. 1 am reluctantly driven to the con clus on that the policy of his majesty's government la based on principles tnai i could not conscientiously carry into execu tion. In the Interests or me new organiza linn it la desirable that I should be re lieved of my dutlts with aa little delay as possible. - ..Trrthts MTV Balfour- hlmswlf replied that he had "with the most profound regret submitted 1-ord Curion'" resignation to the king. Supplementary dispatches, after the re ceipts, after the resignation, show, firstly, that Lord Curion and Lord Kitchener were unable to agree over the details of the re- oreanlxatlon. and. secondly, that Lord cur ton at the time he left England expressed his entire disagreement with the plan. "But." ays he, "I loyally commenced the undertaking and resigned only when I reallied that conflicts were certain to arise between the commander-in-chief and the rest of the government of India. His concluding sentence reads: I --,. -with Borrow how little JUBtlflea tlon there has been for the claim you make of having rendered roe your constant sup port . Presa Pralsea Cnrson. The resignation of Lord Curion as viceroy of India, which Is the chief theme of the morning newspapers, waa oisL-uumen previous reports that a disagreement was impending or that his resignation had been tendered, all of which had been steadily and flatly denied by Mr. Brodrlck, aecretary of slate for India. The correspondence given In the White book, however, makes It clear that the situation has been an impossible one for some time and that the breach be tween Lord Cunon and Lord Kitchener could not have been patched up by minor concessions to Lord Curion. 11 of the editorial articles praise Lord Cunon'e administration unstintedly and credit him as having done as great service In India' as any of his predecessors, If not greater. It la conceded that the earl of Mlnto takea the reins at a difficult stage, but he Is credited with ability equal to that of any man In Englund to grasp quickly and muster difficult administrative work. VENEZUELA WANTS TO FIGHT President Castro Places Large Orders for Arms and Ammunition In Europe. NEW YORK. Aug. 20 The Tribune to morrow will say: Venciuela has placed orders In Europe for torpedo boats with guns and ammunition at tho cost of about $J.&iio.ono, a larger amount than that little South American republic has ever expended at one time for war materials. Aa Antaxican who has Just returned from Veneiuela is authority for the statement that President Castro recently declared that he was going to "fight the Yankees" which explains th. unusually large orders jr amps, ami- unu auiuuiimum. It la reported that when the Venexuelan executive heard recently of the appointment by President Roosevelt of Judge Wm. J. Calhoun as special commissioner to Investi gate certain affairs at Caracas his anger was great and language Immoderate. He announced that he would not permit the emissary of President Roosevelt to land In Veneiuela. RECEPTION F0RTAFT PARTY Great Demonstration la Honor of the Secretary of War at Isosikaais. MANILA, Aug. SO. Advices from Xaom banga say that three wonderful demon strations were held there In honor of Secre tary of War Taft and party. All the tribes In the Moro provinces and the leading dattos mere represented. There was a procession, a drill by Moros, a parade and native dances. At night there was a dance at the Army and Navy club and a recep tion by the Mindanao club. The Twentieth Infantry, commanded by Colonel Maua. led the parade and hundreds of school children sang la English. The Uigaa ha sailed for Jolo with Secre tary Taft ao4 party. HOW ACTRESSMISSED CROSS Sarah Bernhardt Mar Receive Badge of Legion of Honor Next Tear. PARIS, Aug. 20 Special Cablegram to The Ree.) The additional and more trtlled arrountu of the manner In which Sarah Rcrnharrtt failed to iiwure the Cross of the Ieglon of Honor makes the story all the more Interesting. Nominations for Mme. Bartet and Mme. Sarah Bernhardt In the Legion of Honor, proposed by the minister of fine arts, having been rejected by the ancient and traditional chancellery of the order, M. Jules Claretle has applied to the very fountain head and obtained the rd r-vn for the former actress, the most dlst Ished lndy soclctnlre of his corn pan. 'he president of the republic Is by Huh. nd master of the Order of the LeghV Honor. M. Claretle obtained an Udte, -f M. liOuhet and asked him 9 disapproved of conferring the o distinguished an actress as wheth cross Mme, t. The presldi-nt, on the con vert heartily and there and then needful decree. This having sanction of the chancellery, matter of course under the the announcement has ap Journal Official. Bhe la the trary, a signed i received which wi clrcumstai peaYed in first actress to receive the high distinction on account of her art. A precedent having thus been set. It Is a foregone conclusion that Mme, Bernhardt will receive the arose next New Year's. Interviewed while preparing for her tour of South America, Mme. Sarah Bernhardt says that she has felt unable to send her congratulations to Mme. Bartet on "her decoration with the Cross of the legion of Honor. The actress of the Comedle Fran- calse has no more sincere admirer than Sarah Bernhardt, the latter said, but had she written to Mme. Bartet she could not have forborne to express some surprise that aa Mme. Barters senior she had not been likewise honored. Mme. Sarah Bern hardt says that she has received numbers of telegrams from friends who are as sur prised as Bhe Is herself at the omission. INTENSE ROMAN COURTSHIP Object of Italian's Affections Palls Victim to Hla Baser and Gun, ROME. Aug. 20 i8pecial Cablegram to Tho Bee.) A lovo suit, which consisted chiefly of assault and battery, followed by the repeated Imprisonment of the too-In sistent swain, had a wedding for Its sequel last week. Salvato Vlnclano had for two yeara unsuccessfully paid attention to Paollna de Porta, a young lady of great personal attractions, also possessed of a yearly Income ot 11.500. Vlnclano despair ing of his suit adopted a curiously drastic way of winning Slgnorlta de Ponta's affec tions. He lay In wait for her and attacked her with a raaor, laying open her left cheek. The result of' this peculiar form of love making waa eighteen months' Imprison ment, and as may be imagined, and Indig nant refusal of his suit. Having completed his term of Imprison ment, Vlnclano made another attempt to take the heart of his Inamorata by storm. This time he employed dynamite, with which he blew up the lower portion of his sweetheart's house, killing two horses and a mule belonging to her father. Another eighteen months In Jail followed this second attempt. Released from his Imprisonment, the Irre pressible Lothario stabbed the slgnorlta with a dagger, injuring her severly In the arm. Once more a prison cell was all he obtained In return for his latest proof of devotion. After three months of Incarceration, Vlnoiano made a fourth heroic effort to obtain his heart's desire, and shot at the fair Paollna with a rifle, depriving her of the use of two of her fingers. Such self-sacrificing and constant love and devotion at last conquered the heart of the girl, who after Salvatore's fourth attempt, pleaded tearfully with the magistrate for her determined sweetheart's liberty, and finally married him at the church of San Oluseppe. FRENZIED FINANCE IN BRITAIN "White Book" leaned on Subject of Corporations Tells an Inter esting; Story. LONDON, Aug. 20. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) A white paper Just Issued by order of the House of Commons might have been headed "The Romance of the Company Promoter," so extraordinary are the figures given. It Is shown that during the lust forty odd years 91,817 companies have been registered, with a total nominal share cap ital of over $30,500,000,000. Of these only 39.- 616 remain In existence today, with' a paid up capital of about IIO.UOO.OOO.OOO. Wliat has become of the 60,000 companies whose names have disappeared from the Somerset house register the return does not show. One little note the return does give serves to throw some light on the subject, however. In 1SG9 a company was registered at a nominal capital of 1500.000,000. but Its paid-up capital appears to have never ex ceeded $1,000. The passing of golden dreams such as a company with a record like this represents Is possibly responsible for some at least of the $'.'0,SOO.OtiO,000 worth of capital which appears to have disappeared from the official record. Another point of interest shown In the return is that lust year the total company promotions In the I'nlted Kingdom num bered only 3.831, with a nominal capital of less than S5uo.on0.0ii0. This Is the lowest capitalization floated In one year since 1873. The reason for this Is believed to He In the ' geni tal stagation of trade which prevailed j throughout lust year. i j GENERAL ELECTION EXPECTED Secretary of Liberal League Says One May Be Held This Kail. LONDON. Aug. 20.-(8pecial Cablegram to The Bee.) Mr C. A. Vince, the secretary of the Birmingham Liberal Unionist as sociation and of the Imperial tariff com mittee, discussing the political situation this week, said that he anticipated a gen eral election before the end of the year. He was Inclined to think November a more likely date than October for the appeal to the country, as au October election would clash with a municipal election. He was advising his friends to be ready for the coming contest The date of the election of course rested with the prime minister, who could not properly make any prema ture' announcement. Ia his Interview Mr. VI nee said that It did not appear that any useful purpose would be served by another session of the present Parliament. There waa plenty of time he thought for a gen eral election between the first of Novem ber and the Christmas holidays. There is good reason to believe that Mr. Vince has reliable authority for his state ment. In both government circles and among the liberals there Is unusual activ ity. Indicating that much Is expected -1 soou aa the heated aeaaoo la at an ecd. YELLOW FEVER DECREASING Only Forty-Fife New Cues and Four Deaths Yesterday. MORTALITY RATE CONSIDERED LOW Epidemic Is Site I nder Control and Chances for Its Karly Eradi cation Are Considered f.ood. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 20 Report of yellow fever situation to 6 p. m.: New cases 45 Total cases to date 1.SR5 Ieaths 4 Total deaths 13 New fori 11 Total foci Remaining under treatment 81 No better evidence of the fact that the visitation of mosquito fever Is not only being controlled here, but that there Is a chance for Its eradication, can be found than in the dally reports of cases and deaths. For several days the number of new cases has shown a decline, while the number of deaths has been remarkably lower, considering the numlier of cases reported a week ago. The death list indi cates that practically every case that de velops Is now being reported and that means that the modern method of treat ment to prevent spread Is being applied. When that condition Is assured, the end of the visitation Is In sight and It looks as If that condition Is approacTilng. With the visitation of 1878 compared to the present one it la shown that there Is no occasion for alarm In the present in stance. Of the four deaths one was in the charity hospital, one In the emergency hospital and the other two down town. Ontalde the City'. News from outside the cltv contains nothing of special Interest. The Infection In St. Mary's parish on Riverside planta tlon has spread among the Italians there, until there have been sixty-one cases all told to date. There have been thirteen new cases since the last report three days ago. A strict quarantine has been put on the Bayou la Fourche settlement and several refugees coming up the bayou in luggers have been turned. Three of the six fever cases there died Friday. Dr. Gustine, the health officer at Ken ner, reports Ave new cases at Hanson City In Jefferson parish, making fourteen all told In that settlement. One new case de veloped at Sarpy plantation. Patterson reports ten cases and one death. The death is of a nurse who was sent there by the State Board of Health on the first appeal for help. Surgeon VVasdln reports four new' cases at Mississippi City with only nine cases under treatment. Surgeon Gutteras, who went to Rayne to investigate the second case, reported from there today that It was not yellow fever. Surgeon White went to Mobile today to have a conference with the Alabama state health authorities. Excitement at Cairo, CAIRO, III., Aug. 2a Yellow fever quar antine Inspectors were busy today. A man tried to enter Illinois from Bird's Point, Mo. on a Kentucky health certificate. . He was refused admittance. . "He then secured j a Missouri certificate at Bird's Point and entered Illinois. He was arrested and sent out of the state. A car full of negroes came from Tennessee today bound for the mining town of Zelgler, III. The negroes were without certificates. The car was locked and placed under guard until It left Cairo. Dr. Gulteras came from New Orleans this morning and returned tonight. He said he did not expect yellow fever would be stamped out in. Louisiana until the frost came. This will be about the last epidemic of yellow fever, according to Dr. Gulteras. The disease has been stamped out in Mexico and Cuba and the present campaign will stamp it out of New Orleans and vicinity, he said. MAYOR DUNNE IS ARRESTED Executive of Chicago Pays Fine of tO on Conviction for Violating; Speed Ordinance. CHICAGO, Aug. 20 Mayor Dunne, of Chicago, was arrested this afternoon In the suburb of Evanston for violation of the ordinance regulating the speed of automobiles. The mayor. In company with his friend, John Boylston, was riding through Evans- ton when he was stopped by a policeman who accused the chauffeur. Edward Sykes, J flying switch with two box cars. The motor of going too fast. The mayor remained out- man of the trolley car stopped at the track side In the automobile while the other two ias usual hut seems to have lost his presence went In to appear before the justice. "I don't know anything about the speed of the things," said the mayor, "but I don't think we were going very fast. However, we may have been and I guess we will, have to pay our fine like anybody else." Sykes was unable to decide whether he should pay the fine of 110, which was placed against him by the Justice, and came out to consult the mayor about It. "Go ahead and pay the fine," advised the mayor. It was paid and the machine moved away after Mayor Dunne had sollcitlously Inquired concerning the speed limit In his own city, saying that he did not desire to be arrested again. CAUGHT BY FALLING WALL Thirteen Men Badly Injured lease of Wall of Ruined ater at Pittsburg. by Col. The. PITTSBCRa. Aug 30-Flfteen men were carried down by the falling of a wall this evening In the ruins of the Avenue theater, which ass destroyed by fire about a month ago. The men carried down were all Italian l:borers and thirteen of them were taken from the wreckage In a badly battered con dition. At the hospital the physicians say none of the victims will die, but five of the number are seriously hurt. For some time past the work of rai Ing the Avenue theater walls has been going on, the men working day and night. Today while forty men were at work fifteen of them were carrying a heavy iron Joist across the second floor. The west wall frm which the Joist had been taken fell In, carrying the men with It to the ground floor. Fortunately the men were not burled by the falling debris and In a short time all were extricated and taVen to hospitals. After the west wall had fallen portions of the front on Fifth avenue toppled over also, but did no material damage. Youaa- Man Killed by Llsratalaa-. TECl'MBEH. Neb.. Aug. -(Special.) William Keckler, son of Mrs. Susan Heck ler of Smartsville, was killed by lightning at Wathena, Kan. Mr. Keckler was for nterly a resident of this community. Mrs. Keckler went to Wathena and took charge of the remains. The young man was roon to go to Panama, Central America. lie was tt years of 40 and unmarried. SALOON KEEPER IS HELD UP W. J. Caalck. Thlrtl. rur, Rohhed o Masked th and Ames A VI3 by Three yirn. W. J. Cuslrk, a snllon keeper at Thir tieth and Ames avenuei, whs robbed of $12 In his place of business by three masked highwaymen at about 1V,T o'clock last night. Tho men entered the place while Mr. Cuslck was behind the bar serving three customers and without any warning whatever produced three revolvers and pointed them at the proprietor of tho saloon and demanded his ready cjish. They went through the cash register and se cured Ifift therefrom end then searched the saloon keeper's pockets and took about $12 In silver. In the meantime the three customers were kept at bay by the revolvers, but only one of them, W. M. Therms, 25 Grand avenue, Is loser as the result, he having Just 9" cents which the robbers took possession of. The robbers then took Mr. Cuslck to a cornfield about a block tiorth of the saloon, supposedly for the purpose of keeping him from telephoning to the police, and left him there, warning him not to return to the saloon for ten minutes. Mr. Cuslck went back to the plaoe, however. Imme diately after the men had gone and re ported the robbery to the police. While In the corntield Cuslck noticed something fall from the coat pocket of one of the highwaymen and went hack to the place and found $30 In bills which the robber had carelessly placed In his out side coat pocket. The police station was notified and Ser geant Rentfrowe and Detectives McDon ald and Home went out on the case and a systematic search for the fugitives has been instituted. The men wore handkerchiefs over their eyes and apparently were young and well dressed. They went north on Ames ave nue toward Florence after finishing their work. INDIANS TO PUT UP FIGHT Dosen Hronght I'p from Dsntre Agency to Douglas County I Jail. Deputy T'nlted States Marshal James Allan returned from the Santee Indian agency Saturday evening, bringing with him twelve Indians and half-breeds bound over for taking liquor onto the Santee In dian reservation. The' prisoners were lodged In the Douglas county Jail to await the action of the federil grand Jury In November. The names of the party are: Levi Truede'll. Charles Bingham, Henry Wabashaw. William ShaYer. Joe White, Ed. Taylor, Jesse Redwing, Dan Graham, Jr., William Moose. Joseph Saul, Amos Weston and Jake Brant. Two special deputies assisted Deputy Marshal Allan In bringing the accused to Omaha. The men were arrested early last week on the charge of introducing liquor onto the reservation on ?he occasion of a big pow-wow at the home of Henry Wa bashaw. A number of the offenders are from South Dakota, and) for a while they defied arreBt, claiming under the Brewer decision they were at perfect lib erty to take as much liquor as they wanted to onto the reservation. The government authorities, however, dlfTored with thla proposition and the entity, party was finally arrested and taken before United States Commissioner B. F. Chambers at Nio brara. Levi Truedell, aa the alleged ring leader of the party, was bound over In the Bum of $1,250, and the other eleven in the sum of $1,000 each to the federal grand Jury. In default of ball they were brought to Omaha and turned over to Sheriff Power. The accused propose to make a test case of their arrest under the Brewer decision, and have employed counsel to defend them. TRAIN STRIKES TROLLEY CAR Ten Persons Reported Killed Grade Crossing- Accident In Butte, Mont. In BUTTE. Mont., Aug. 20 A Great North ern freight train struck a crowded Colum bia Garden car on the crossing at the Butte, Anaconda & Pacific depot here to night. Ten people are reported killed and many Injured. Maggie Harrington, of Butte,' Is among the killed. Miss Shaw, a young lady at the Florence hotel, Butte, la dying. Following are among the Injured: John Harvey, Spokane, Washington; leg broken and severely bruised. Bridget Murray. Mrs. Mendel. Ed. Masters, all of Butte. B. A. & P. yurd engine was making a of mind, and turned on the power when the open trulley car was half way across the track on Vtah street, the box cars struck It In the center and a pile up resulted. The trolley car was struck with such force that it was knocked twenty-five feet and smashed Into kindling wood. Nothing but the trucks remain. AUTO VICTIMS RECOVERING There Will Be o Further Deaths as Result of Accident Near New port, Saturday. NEWPORT, R. I.. Aug. 20. Those who escaped death but were Injured in the au'o mobllu accident yesterday had greatly Im proved. During last evening Evelyn Walsh, daughter of Thomas F. Walsh of Washing- ton, sutrered much, out today she was much easier. Her Injury Is 4 fracuie of a thigh bone. Miss Walsh naa not bct-n in formed of the death of her brother Vinson. Mrs. James Kernochan of Hempstead, L. I.. Harry Oelrichs and Herbert Pell, both of New York, are much better and the lat ter was out of doors today. Messages of condolence arrived at Walsh villa throughout the day. Private services over the body of Vinson Walsh will be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow at Trinity church. Rev. Robert Lowry, the rector, will offi ciate. The body will be entombed ut the Island cemetery and later removed to Washington for final Interment. Dr. Sherman, who was at the hospital when young Walsh was brought In, says that death was due to hemmorage of the brain, caused by a fracture of the skull. Heavy Hamsters Asked. Catherine Kennedy has filed a petition asking the district court to award her the sum of 1 12.01 against the Mason City A Fort Dodge Railway rompany. Plaintiff owns some lots on Mason street, on which there are five frame houses. She alleges that the building of a large freight house and the mwking of a deep cut by the railroad company has damaged her properly until it Is morth only iS.OnO whereas before the doing of the things romplalned of the property was worth $30,000. Storm In Minnesota. ST. CLOl'D. Minn.. Aug. 20 Iite this afternoon a storm passed over this c-ty, causing many thousands of dollars loss! Nearly Sn outhouses and sheds were blown Sown. Three hundred shade trees were up rooted and ileal ly 1 n.inn of window glaa broken. No faiaUUee wera reported, i CROWD FALLS FIFTEEN FEET Platform Collapses at Laying of Corner Stone at Jewish Chirch in Pittsburg. FIVE HUNDRED DROP INTO BASEMENT Many Persons Are Injured, Anions; Whom Arc Three Rabbis Service) la Continued After Wounded Are RcmoTed, PITTSBURG. Aug. 2n.-More than five hundred men. women and children were participated. fifteen feet Into a cellar by the collapse of a platform today during the exercises incident to the laying of the cor nerstone of the Beth David Russian He brew orthodox synagogue on Miller street, near Washington. Nearly all of them were cut and bruised, but it Is believed none were fatally hurt. Three rabbis were among those who went down, and although Injured, they concluded the ceremony after the panic had subsided. Among the more seriously Injured are Rabbis Ashlnsky, fl. Oraffman and A. Bloom; Nathan Nathanson, pastor of the congregation and Police Adam Leftewskl. The platform which broke had dimensions of about 5x50 feet and had been con structed over the foundation walls for the accommodation of the rabbis, officers of the church and invited guests. Just prior to the cornerstone laying cere monies a brass band, leading Son Zionists, rame tip and when the Zionists were In vited to pass over the platform to give their names to those to be placed In th cornerstone, a mad rush was made by thousands of people who had gathered about to secure the same privilege. The police were overwhelmed and In a moment the platform was parked. The frail struc ture collapsed and fully 500 persons were carried down with it. Panic Attracts Crowd. The ranic that followed attracted thou sands of people to the spot and the police had great difficulty In extricating the screaming and groaning victims from the wreckage. When the cellar had been cleared It was found that scores were hurt, their injuries consisting of bruises and cuts about the head and body. Some of the Injuries were due to the panic that followed the crash, many being trampled on In the wild rush to escape. Rabhl Ashlnsky was one of those victims. He was trampled on by the excited crowd and suffered severe Injuries, but continued the services after some sort of order had been restored. The fact that there were no fatalities Is a marvel, as when the platform broke It closed up like a Jackknlfe, throw ing the people in a struggling maaa In the cellar. Crowd Restrained with Difficulty. Physicians who were called had their hands full attending to the Injured. sThe policemen had an exciting time In handling the great crowd. A rumor gained credence that several children were burled In the ruins and frenzied fathers and mothers who could not locate their children were restrained with difficulty. Considerable force had to be used to prevent another panic being precipitated by the overwrought parents and their friends. When the serr loee -were resumed the platform was. a dry goods box, planted on solid ground, and only one person at a time was permitted to stand on tt. 4 WILL MEETJN MILWAUKEE Grand Aerie of Eagles Will Hold Its Kext Session In the Metropolis of Wisconsin. DENVER. Aug. 20. The grand aerie of the Fraternal Order of Eagles finished the balloting for officers at an early hour today. after an almost continuous session, begin ning at 11 o'clock Saturday morning. Mil waukee was selected as the next meeting place by a bare majority over San Fran cisco. The full list of new officers Is as follows: Grand Worthy President H. D. Davis of Cleveland, Grand Worthy Vice President Edward Krause of Wilmington, Del. Grand Worthy Secretary A. E. Partridge of Kansas City. Mo. Grand Worthy Chaplain Joseph T. Hlnkle of Pendleton, Ore. Grand Worthy Treasurer Frank E. Ber ing of South Bend, Ind. Grand Worthy Conductor M. F. Con nolly of Springfield. Mass. Grand Worthy Inside Guard W. G. Pet tis of Norfolk. Va. Grand Worthy Trustees Joseph Ellis of Minneapolis, Minn.: W. N. Carr of I'nlon town. Pa.; R. M. Mlnnehan of Chicago; M. H. McNubb of Wheeling.' W. Va.; J. J. Benedict of Buffalo, N. V. . Kansas City aerie's drill team was awarded the first prize, a $750 bunner. for j the best exemplification of the new ritual. This team scored 93 points out of a possible 100. Fort Worth scored 75. Tomorrow the grand aerie will continue consideration of the report of the Judiciary committee, revising the constitution and laws. TWO MORE BODIES, RECOVERED List of Fatalities la Wreck Near Nor folk Now Numbers Six teen. NORFOLK, Va., Aug. 20. The bodies of two more victims of the Klnston and Greenville excursion railway wreck of Thursday were found In the weslern branch of the Elizabeth river near the j gcene of the accident. One of these was Thomas Ferguson, the drawbridge keeper. who was knocked off the bridge and drowned when the train plunged through the open draw. This makes fourteen bodies In all that have been recovered from the river, with two dead In St. Vincent's hos pital here, making sixteen known dead up to this time. It Is believed that more bodies are In the river. Some of the ex cursionists who returned home not finding their friends there, have come back to Norfolk to make further search. It la thought that as many as seven people are yet missing. BRONCHO BUSTER ARRESTED Was Careless Enough to Ride Away front Howard County with Stolen Horse. Detectives Davis and Ferris arrested Henry Wilson, colored. Sunday afternoon on the charge of horse stealing. From dear crlptlons sent the Omaha authorities by the sheriff of Howard county, Wilson was apprehended soon' after his arrival here astride the horse he is said to have stolen two weeks ago In Howard county, near St. Paul. The prisoner stated to Captain Mostyn he rode the horse all the nay from St. Paul to Omaha. Wilson Is known In Howard county as "Buster" Wilson, having worked around the ranches for a long time. Sheriff Alex ander of Howard county la on the way for NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Showers and Cooler In West Portions. Temperature at Omaha Yesterdayi Hour. Pea. Hour. Pea. A s. m m 1 p. m Nil a. m iw 2 n. m 7 T a. m 7 a p. m T a. m 74 4 p. m n a. m TS K p. m T to a. m R2 Bp. mi Hft It a. m 'J 7 p. m 12 m m 8 p. m 2 t p. m NO CONGER NOT TO GO TO CHINA Ioi Man Declines to gar Whether He Will Return to Mexico or Sot. WASHINGTON, Aug. 20.-Edwln H. Con ger, Amerlcsn ambassador to Mexico, Is In Washington on his way to his home In Iowa, from his recent visit to President Roosevelt at Oyster Bay. In an Interview with the Post tonight he said that he was not going to China, as had been reported, that he might do something to allay the agitation there against American imports. He declined to say positively whether he would return to hla post at Mexico City after the expiration of his two months' leave of absence, saying that It would be time enough to discuss the matter when the leave expired. Speaking of the Chinese, the ambassador said that when people talk about their buy ing extensively of American goods when the orient is opened after the Russian Japanese war. It must be remembered that people cannot buy unless they have money to buy with. A coolie makes $8 per month In Mexican money and cannot be expected to support his family and Invest heavily In articles of American manufacture at the same time. Probably the best Investment at the present time, the ambassador said, is in railroads. In the building of them much labor would be employed and money might be obtained by the natives in that way. The Idea of Japan exerting a great In fluence on China after the close of the war with Russia, Mr. Conger declared, is a big bugaboo, the outgrowth of another hlg bugaboo, the "yellow peril." There Is no "yellow peril," he said. America has no more to fear from Japan than from any other competing nation. ROSPIGLIOSI CASE SETTLED Pope Decides That Marrlaae of Miss Held and Colonel Parkhurst la Valid I'nder Church Law. BALTIMORE, Aug. 20. It may be au thoritatively stated that the much dis cussed Rosplgllosl case Is finally settled that It will not be reopened. Cardinal Gibbons today had the following statement of the facts prepared for the Associated Press: In 1SS7 the late Archbishop Chappelle. at that time rector of 8t. Mathew s church. Washington, D. C. applied to the cardinal for a dispensation In disparltate cultus for the marriage of Miss Reld and Colonel Parkhurat. A dispensation In dlsnaritate cultus is the form required for the marrlago of a Catholic to an unbaptlzed person and that was the dispensation asked for anci granted In the case In tuestton. It is so recorded In the chancery book at the cathedral. Colonel and Mrs. Parkhurst were divorced and subsequently she and Prince Rosplgllosl went through a form of marriage. It was this form of marriage they attempted to have validated in Rome on the plea that the proper dispensation In disparltate cultus had not bn granted in the first Instance. The cardinal was con sulted by the propaganda and a special messenger. Mgr. Marchettl, came to Raltl more and examino tb -uancery boou nd found that tho dispensation In disparltate cultus had been du,y grants 1 and recorded. The case was hnail.. ... ...hi oe. ...- me pope, who decided that the marriage with colonel Parkhurst was valid and that there fore the second marriage could not be recognised. His holiness also declared that no further arceal should be entertained. ! Mr- Parkhurst is said to have alleged tlon, had been asked. The whole case rests on this point. The chancery books of Balti more have always been kpt with the great est care and exactness as to every detail. ONE KILLED NINE INJURED Heavily Laden Street Car Thrown Into Ditch Near Ijinslng, Michigan. LANSING. Mich., Aug. 20. One man was killed and nine persons Injured In a street car accident at Dewltt, six miles from Lansing this evening. Dead: OEORGE Bl'RTON, manager of the John Hicks Dry Goods company. The seriously Injured: Mrs. S. S. Murdock. H. C. McCabe. Kd Doollng. Karl Finch. W. J. Donderman. William Murray. Thomas Fishbnrn. George Hoerner. Fred Goodea. A car and trailer left t his city heavily loaded with St. John's people, who were re turning home from an afternoon ball game. Near Dewltt the trailer was derailed by an obstruction on the track and thrown Into a ditch. Many of the passengers were caught undor the heavy car and crushed. MILWAUKEE. Aug. 20.-A Fox Point ln terurban car with forty passengers return ing to the city after a day In the country went over an embankment four miles north of there late tonight and one unidentified man was killed, while 20 or 3D persons were taken to a local hospital. Electrical railway and hospital officials, however, mill not give out the names of any of the injured. The car turned completely over after leav ing the track at a forty mile rate of speed. Two of the victims are said to have died at the hospital. WAR TIWE TELEGRAPHER DEAD Heber C. Robinson, Who Was a Mem ber of President Lincoln's Private Staff, Dies of Heart Disease. CAMDEN, N. J.. Aug. 20 -Heber C. Rob inson, B5 years old, one of the best known citizen of this city, died suddenly today of heart disease. Mr. Robinson waa a pio neer telegraph operator and electrician of Philadelphia. At the outbreak of the civil war he was a member of the staff of Presi- dent Lincoln s private one tors nd at the second battle of Bull Run he sent th. first telegraph message from a balloon He ! I,r" llkf'ly to be disregarded by their sever aerved throughout the war and ujon hla return to Philadelphia was made manager of the Western Cnlon Telegraoh company npany In that city, a position he held for many years. Movements of Ocean Vessels Aug. 21, At New York Arrived: Oscar II, from lopennagen; niavonia, rrom Trieste donla. from Glasgow. , At Bout hampton Arrived : New from New York. At Moville Arrived: Columbia, New York. Cal York. from At Bremen Arrived: Bremen, from New York. At Dover Balled: Finland, for New York; Fuerst Bismarck, for New York At London Sailed : Minneapolis, for New York At Liverpool Sailed : Tyduus, for Van couver. At Queenslowa Sailed; L'mbrU, for Liverpool. PEACE IX BALANCE Freiident'i Action Improve Chanca of Success of negotiations. QUESTION REFERRED TO CZAR AND MIKADO Mr. Roosevelt's Proposition forwarded to Home Governments. POWERS BRING PRESSURE TO BEAR Erilish Ambassador Has Long Conference with Japanese Premier. NONE OF THE ENVOYS ARE OPTIMISTIC tronar Feeling That Mot Will Re sult In Failure statement That thief Esecntlve Suggested Arbitration. PORTPMOl'TH, N. H , Aug 20 -The chances of peace have undoubtedly been Improved by President Roosevelt's action In stepping Into the breach In a last hrrolo endeavor to Induce the warring coun'ries to compromise their Irreconcilable differ ences, but the result la still in suspense. The ultimate decision of the issue has de facto, If not de Jure, passed from the plenipotentiaries to thetr principals In St. Petersburg nnd In a lesser extent to Tnklo. Collateral evidence that pressure, both by President Roosevelt and neutral powers, In cluding Great Britain, whose minister. Sir Claude McDonald, according to advices re ceived here, had a long conference thla morning with Mr. Katsura, tho Japaneso prime minister, Is still being exerted at Toklo to Induce Japan to moderate Its de mands. There Is also reason to believe that President Roosevelt was able at his Inter view with Baron de Rosen to practically communicate to the latter'a senior, M. Wltte. Japan's Irreducible minimum what It would yield, but tho point beyond which It would not go. Whether an actual hasls of compromise was proposed by the president cannot be stated definitely. The only thing that can be affirmed positively is that If Russia re fuses to act upon the suggestion or proposi tion of President Roosevelt the peace con ference will end In failure. Russians Arc Pessimistic. Little encouragement Is given In the Rus sian camp. Baron de Rosen reached hern after an all-night ride from Oyster Bay shortly before noon and Immediately went Into conference with M. Wltte. They re mained closeted together for almost three hours, during which time the whole situa tion was reviewed. Baron de Rosen com municated to his chief the president's mes sage and It was transmitted to the em peror, together with M. Wltte'B recommen dation. No clue to the nature of this rec ommendation has transpired. But It can be stated that M. Wltte, no matter how he personally may view the proposition, Is dis tinctly pessimistic aa to the character of tha response which will come from St. Petersburg. To a confidential friend thla afternoon ha -offered little hope of a change In the sltua- tlon. The Japanese, 'It Is flrmty believed, cling to the substance If not the form of the de mand for remuneration for "the cost of tho war." Perhaps they are willing to decrease the sum asked, but substantial compensation under whatever guise It la obtained they de cline to relinquish. And they are also firm upon the cession ot Sakhalin. By the transfer of the southern branch of the Chinese Eastern railway first to Japan for relinquishment to China, pay ment for the maintenance of the Russian prisoners and the surrender of the Russian . warships, It la possible to figure out a total transfer to Japan In money and property of about 1250.000,000. But thla Is the limit. Japanese Are Reticent. The Japanese as usual are reticent and It Is Impossible to obtain from them the least Indication of their view of the change In the situation produced by the president's action. It Is taken for granted that the president's appeal was made to Japan as well as to Russia, but the Japanese side of the nego tiations to a compromise Is almost com pletely In the dark. It Is assumed that Baron Kaneko was able to explain the Japanese views to the president. If the president is successful with Russia, It may be that he must then turn to Japan. That would be the natural course, If he has sug gested to Russia what he regards as a fair compromise and haa undertaken. If Russia accepts, to uae his Influence to Induce Japan to accept. But It Is not probable that he was able to assure M. Wltte tn advance of Japan's agreement to accept. Neverthe less, Mr. Takahira today spoke as If he might be called to Oyster Bay. He would only aay positively that he had aa yet re ceived no summons. The Japanese view of the situation la authoritatively but rather humorously stated thus: t The result will be known soon. It la useless to speculate. As well for the phy sician to give his opinion of the sex or tho unborn infant. hen the child Is born we will be able to tell whether It Is a boy or a girl. Russians Want to Fight. Emperor Nicholas' decision, upon which the fate of the conference now seems to hang, depends upon conditions at home, and these conditions they do not believe are propitious. The two big factors are the Internal conditions and the reports from the front as to the military situation. The former has been ameliorated by last Saturday's manifesto and the character of the reports received by his majesty from Manchuria are known to be accordingly good. General Llnevltch has expressed alo lute confidence In victory and since the conference began he and his generals have not only reassured his majesty that tha army was never In better condition, but they have sent messages to M. Wltte, Im ploring him not to make peace. They de mand an opportunity to retrieve the "honor and prestige" of the army and In a coun try where the army Is the bulwark of the I government, the wishes of Its generals are 1 ot only ' mHli race. nut o pay ! f'"u to ,hp 'nemy would therefore be a very dimcuu lasK ror tne emperor, not withstanding his love and desire for peace. Wllte Denies Report. It Is significant tn this connection that M. Wltte took occasion today to formally deny, through the Associated Press, tho published reports from St. Petersburg to the effect that at a meeting of the council for national defense, presided over b Grand Puke Nicholas, the Impossibility of reconquering Sakhalin or defending tha Amur province has been recognized and that In corinequence that the emperor haa telegraphed M Witts to come to an under standing with the Japanese. M. Wltte aald: "The report Is a pure Invention. Thera J aot a wwd. ot truth la it. Tba national