The Omaha Sunday Bee. NEWS SECTION. PAGES 1 TO 8. -si ERTAIUiISITED JUNE IP, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20, 1905-FOUIi SECTIONS-TIIIRY-FOUR PAGES. SIXOLK COPY FIVE CENTS. CLOSING BALTIC SEA Sweden Beei Threat in Gon'erenoe ef Czar and Kaiser on Island. MAY BAR SHIPS OF OTHER NATIONS Denmark May Be Peal Object of Germany's Next Emansion. SCANDINAVIAN PEOPLE MAY GET CLOSER Norway and Sweden Might Be Porced to Again Unite. PLAN Of STORTHING PLEASES STOCKHOLM Probabilities Arc that So Further Ttnhle Will Come Bflwrtn ilnn. tthlph Will Jow Formally Separate. STOCKHOLM. Swerton, An. 19.-f8peclil Cablegram to The Bee.) Th reports Cfrmny and Russia would close the Baltic aea. Indirectly with the assistance of Swe Sen and Denmark, with the object of pro tecting themselves against England, was at first trented here aa a subject not worth mentioning. Suddenly, however, the sup posed project has become a topic of general discussion. The German suggestion that the Baltic ea ahould be converted Into a mare lausum. accessible only to the navlea of the powers whose coasts are washed by the sea, may therefore be said to fore Ihadow a new alignment In European poli tics. And coming aa It does Just at tills time when there Is trouble between Nor way and Sweden,- It presenta some Inter tlng complications. One reason why the project of treating :he Baltic as a closed sea la attracting un . isual attention Is found In the fact that :he British naval visit to Baltic waters low In progress Is being considered a sort f counter demonstration to the recent 3erman visit. Newspapers and politicians Sere begin to regard It as a political dem onstration of thet first Importance, which Is calculated to counterbalance. If not to out relgh, the Impresnion created by the recent ictlvlty of German squadrons In the sea nnder discussion. The air of proprietorship with which dur ing the last few weeks the German navy has been arranging receptions for Itself off the Danish and Scandinavian coast has been observed with somewhat mixed feel ing at Copenhagen, at Stockholm and at Christlsnla. The Imperial meeting In the Gulf of Finland between the czar and the kaiser belongs In a sense to the same cate gory. How Imperative and how Impressive the appearance of British ships In these waters Is may well be gathered from the fact that no sooner mad the newa of this cruise on the part of the English channel fleet become known than the agitation was started In Berlin by a couple of chauvenlst Journals. Sweden's Plata Peculiar. The Battle has been facetiously atyled "the Jumping- off place" for the admirals of the Atlantic It Is difficult to under stand.' outside of the mere politics of the matter, what Interest Sweden could have In being condemned to a tete-a-tete In the Baltic either with Germany or Russia. Denmark, If under the obligation of closing the sound and the great and little belt would expose Itself to an attack by the English, which would place Its Insular territory In tholr hands. It would risk more In assuming those new obligations than In strictly fulfilling those Imposed upon it by Its present Independent position. Russia, which has nothing to fear from a British fleet for the broken coast line of Finland, would have no great Interest In tying Its hands and Indirectly consenting In advance to an Invasion of Denmark by Germany. At the same time It begins to appear here to the students of diplomacy as though the Mediterranean was not a sufficient field for the operations of German enthusiasm and energy. There are those, however, who regard the entire matter as a ballon d'Mi A by Prince Bulow te ascertain the present direction or diplomatic currents. Germany might almost succeed in closing the Baltic If It were to complete the absorption of Denmark and to Impose Its suseralnty upon Sweden. Cables TroaMe Kaiser. Unfortunately for himself, the kaiser In Ms attempt to create the Baltic Into a sort of Black sea seems to have omitted the cables from his calculations. The result has been that his diplomatic Juggling has been quickly discovered by the powers con cerned. The German plans which, succeeded so admirably In ltfTO have been frustrated by the mora modern and more rapid methods of communication. The schemes of the kaiser have been made known to all of the chancelleries shortly after they were propounded, and have consequently been rendered Innocuous. The attempt of the kaiser to place a prince of his house upon the throne of Norway failed because of premature publicity. The recent conference with the caar suffered because of the hurried counter movements on the part of the other nations of Europe. As a result of all this discussion and of these attempts to drag Norway and Sweden Into this closed sea controversy It is pos sible that the two Scandinavian nations will be driven together and obliged to rdupt at least some common means of oftVnse uhd defense. This union of the two countries, possibly not under a single ex-.-cutlvi. but connected by some form of treaty or al liance might have been brought about u the near future In any event. Possibly the movements of the German emperor In refer ence to the closed sea have only predpi tated matters. England, which Is frk-udly to Sweden, which will be shown by1 the coming of the channel fleet, may be relied mpou to use Its good offices with Norway. rafaruuduiu was one of the two alternai tlva methods suggested by the specUl committee of the Swedish Riksdag of saving the Norwegian people an opportunity of manifesting their will clearly and categor ically on the subject of union. The other was the dissolution of the present Storthing and a general election. The Norwegian took the shorter and less combersome method. A general election In th present temper of the Norwegian people would probably hava made very little difference In the composition of the 8torilinif. As to Xorweglaa Vote. The Norwegian government therefore has not allowed Itself to be Influenced by the purely academic argument that the Norwe gian constitution does not provide for a referendum. In their acceptance of the 8wedlsh suggestion and In their ihoce of the method of putting that suggestion Into effect the Norwegians have taken a position which will make It easier for the two nations to co-operate In the event of necessity or In emergency provldtd they are tnensced by outside foes. The Swedes on their side have been fairly (Continued oa Sixth Pag-) GENERAL BOOTH'S NEW PLANS Will Take Peeper Interest In Colonial Settlements and Preach on Motor Tour. LONDON. Aug. 19.-8peclal Cablegram to The Bee. (-General Booth has returned from Austrslla greatly improved In health. He wns too busy Immediately after his arrival to submit to any Interviews, but after going over the reports showing the progress of the Solvation Army all over the world he finally consented to talk for publication. Asked regarding his Austra lian tour he said: 'Throughout my Journey in Australia I was -deeply moved hy the way I was re ceived by the people, from the ministers of the government to the humblest cltliens. I was struck more than ever by the vast rtess of the British empire and the extraor dinary amount of good that the empire does, particularly in founding those mag nificent colonies where people can start life anew away from the dense population of the towns. I agree that the empire Is doing a vast deal of moral good, but con sidering Its extent and Influence, I do not think that It does one-half the good that It should." "What are your views on Mr. Rider Hag gard's lda of self-supporting farm colonies fop-providing employment?" "I agree with what Mr. Rider Haggard says. It Is what I have been advocating for years. I consider it is the best thing to place the surplus population of the towns In settlements In the colonies. Tt would be for the advantage of all, because the colonies need labor. But you must be careful what people you send out. The people must be suitable to the work. They must be honest and ready to face hard ships. The thing to do is to get a grant of land and snd a number of men out to prepare It. Then when It Is ready you send out your colonies by detachments. I would charge each settler for his land, the amount being determined by the man's means. This sum he would pay hack by Installments extending over a number of years. If It Is done In this way It Is bound to be a success, morally and financially." "Mr. Rider Haggard points out that a considerable loss was Incurred over some of the Salvation Army farm colonies In America." "That Is true. The loss was due to the fact that the settlers were not charged enough for their land. The officer In charge was far too generous. I Intend to take the matter In hand again myself, for there Is absolutely no reason why any money should be lost." "What would you do with the submerged tenth?" "That class of men must be taken In dividually and studied. It Is very rarely that you come across a man without a single good point. I should try to find a good point in each Individual and develop It. Once that wan done the rest would be comparatively easy. I should not on any account send such a man as that to a farm colony. "In sending the capable men away from the country, would you not reduce the labor market and Increase wages?" "Not to any great extent, because there are always fresh people coming along" "Could not the scheme of farm colonies be applied to England?" . "Certainly it could. There is no reason why the waste land and unoccupied lands should not bo u.ed in this way. Fbr those who are sent to other countries I do not see why the government could not lend us a couple of troop ships. Within the last few months 3,060 people have been sent to Canada by us. From the governor general down we have been complimented upon the frC,"'' J'18 peopl and their adapta bility to the land." Jat th6 Wea of lhe nPW mtr tour which you are now planning?" rJonU ?biCCt " l PreaCh th9 P" tO m I, vaV "eVer "een "d wh me only by name. I shall visit all classes of people and all kinds of towns. I shall preach at some cathedral towns and a great many manufacturing centers. I want a revival to go along." TALK IN NEW LANGUAGE -Esperanto" Champion, from Many Lands Are Mow Holding- Con. entlon In France. PARIS. Aug. 19.-8peclal Cablegram to The Bee.)-Boulogne-sur-Mer is being in vaded by a new language, delegates from .nor-T QUarte.r of tho earth gathering there for one of the most interesting con ventions ever held. They come from every country In Europe and parties are already arriving from India. Japan. Canada and New iSealand. There are hundreds of these delegates, and they are able to converse In a common tongue, although they may not know a single word of each others natural language. The vehicle for ,he communication of bought Is "Esperanto." the International language Invented by Dr. Zamenhof. a phy sician of Warsaw, during his fifteen years' Incarceration in a Polish prison for a po lltlcal offence. In the Esperanto language the congress .tself I, referred to . "Cnlversala Kongre" en Boulogne-.ur-Mer. sub la presldo de Dro. Zamenhof." which, such i, ,he m pllclty of the language, explains Itself even to an Englishman. At the congress all matter, connected with the youngest language of the world will be discussed, its shortcomings will be as far aa possible remedied and new words and phrases added after weighty consider ation. One point which Is being made by the enthusiastic followers of Dr. Zamenhof is that the development of telegraphs and telephone., especially wireless telegraph and the future development of wireless telephone, will make the Esperanto lan guage an absolute commercial necessity during the next few years. U u claimed that the war between Russia and Japan would never have occurred if the people had possessed a common language GERMANS CAUSE COMMENT Actios In Morocco I. at Liked by the People of France, PARIS. Aug. 19.-Special Cablegram to The Boa.)-The Temps atalea that theie Is reason for surprise at the news from Keg regarding German commercial successes In Morocco. Whatever importance attaches to the success of German industry at Tangier, It is certain that the hostility displayed to the German mission ceased on the signing of the agreement of July 7.' After the signing of this agreement It was most natural to suppose that the suspense with regard to commercial rivalry between the two nations would end. In conclusion Temps sas: "lesterday tier many spoke of work, now It speaks of loans. Does Germany seriously think that the dividing of Morocco will as sist in the amicable adjustment of affairs, or does it wish to prejudice .the questions to be placed before Ui confarena ZIONISTS IN DOUBT Death of Dr. Eenl Prates Oreat Lom to Jewish Society. MEETING AT BASEL SHOWS SOME FRICTION Only Effect to Keep 8tbjct Alive as a'atter of Interest. SULTAN OF TURKEY MAY SELL PALESTINE Hone of Returning to Holy Land Lies in Moslem Ruler. NO HEAD OF ORGANIZATION CHOSEN Movement Born of Ireyf- End with Xothlnsr .ed Since Ofte- -n LONDON, Aug .9 (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The chief result of the recent Zionist congress at ( Basel has been the keeping of the proposition before the na tions of the world. The rejection of the offer of the British government of the land necessary for a Zionist settlement in Brit ish East Africa has had the effect of pre venting anything specific being accom plished In the near future. To those who have studied the subject, not from the point of view of the Zionist, but from the point of view of the statesman and the stu dent of public affairs. It appears as though the objections to British East Africa were religious and not climatic. The report of the committee of Inquiry, composed of Major Hill Gibbons, Prof.. Kaiser and Dr. Wllbuschewltch, the engineer who went to East Africa Inst year to make the Investi gation locally, was unfavorable to that scheme. But there Is no doubt but that the life of the Zionist movement Is found In the desire of the leading Hebrews of the world to once again acquire Palestine. It has been suggested thst the sultan, who has held the Holy Iand against Jews and Christiana, might not he proof against the power of gold. Palestine Is of no par ticular value to him from a religious or sentimental point of view. It might strengthen his hold upon Constantinople and Turkey In Europe to surrender Pales tine to the Zionists. And It Is thought that enough money could be raised from the wealthy Hebrews of the world to accom plish what the sword could not do wrest the Holy Land from the Turk. , (location of Leadership I'nsettled. Not even the question of a successor to Dr. Herzl appears to have been settled by the Basel conference. Israel Zangwill, the well known Jewish writer, was prominent In the proceedings, but he became Identified with the East African Zionists and they proved the losers In the contest with tho believers in Palestine and the disbelievers in British West Africa. The question of a leader of the Zionist movement has. really been open .ever since the death of Dr. Hers!. For a long time the Zionists have been gov erned hy the "actions committee," which Is the executive of the movement and acted aa a kind of a cabinet to Herri before his death. At last Dr. Max, Nordau was In vited to take up the post, but for various personal reasons, including that of not hav ing the necessary opportunities for Its duties, he declined. Eventually, after much trouble. It was decided to have a commit tee of three to rule. Dr. Max Nordau, after considerable persuasion and pressure, con sented to be one; Herr Dr. Wolfssohn of Cologne, chairman of the Jewish Colonial Trust and one of the closest friends of Dr. Herxl, was another, and Prof. Otto War burg of Berlin was the third. This cabinet, however, was practically upset by Dr. Max Nordau stating that the state of his health was so unsatisfactory that he must with draw his candidature aa one of the three. To accept, he declared, would be suicide, and not slow suicide. Many there are who are anxious to have Sir Francis Monte fiore. who was one of the vice presidents of the congress, take an active Interest In the leadership. Heral a stroag Mun. In this connection It Is worth while to call attention to the fact that It Is only two years since Dr. Theodore Heral died, and in a movement like the establishment of a colony In British East Africa or the prac tical purchase of Palestine from the Turks time Is an Important ess-ntlal. It is still a debated question If the society has In Itself tne strength and power to survive the stas gerlng blow which It received when Dr. Heral died. There were men In the move ment of greater Intellect than he; men more famed as llterateurs; men better known In the countries where they were born: men who had occupied a high place in the various nations of which they were units, but In thecomblnatlon of those qual ities, together with an Iron will, clear per ception, accurate Judgment of his fellows and an Intuitive statesmanship, Thedore Herxl was a glunt over them all. 11a was Just the figure to fire the Imagination of the people, and when at the time of the Dreyfus agitation Jews saw that even a na tion which hud stood for all that was ad vanced In thought and liberal minded in idea had gone mad on racial and religious hatred; therefore a large section of thorn commenced to think that the hand of every one was against them, and that the one so lution for the Jewish question was a laud of their own national and spiritual salva tion. Of course, Zionism in theory the return to Zion had been a feature of the Meurew prayerDook for all time. But whereas In most western countries the Jews were prepared to pray, and that alone, for the return, there were few missionaries who even hoped for Its realisation. Herxl supplied that. He wrote his' "Jew ish State," which sketched the life of 1,1. people In Palestine Zlon under modern conditions. It was translated Into English, and the Zionist movement aa It Is known today waa born and cama Into being. Whilst the majority who took up the Idea were those living In Russia and Galicla, there was a goodly following In England, and In almost every country, even to the far east; and In the far west of the world Zionist societies sprang up. It appeara to the re turning delegates of the British section, at least, that somthlng practical in a world wide forward movement like that of the reclaiming of Palestine will be necessary to hold the attention of the nations of the world. It may be possible that something practical can be done for Jews fleeing from persecution of Impossible conditions of ex istence, particularly In view of the legisla tion which is putting restrictions upon Im migration Into the various countries. It la quite generally admitted, however, that the program of the establishment of a mere "city of refuge'' is not a program large and daring enough to continue to fire the hearts of tha Zionist aodetles all over the world LEMONS ARE! NOW SCARCE London Finds Prices Bnarlna. as the Pnhlle Desires Cool Arid Drinks. LONDON. Aug. 19.-(Ppecial Cablegram to The Bee.) The Americans are being blamed for a corner on lemons Just at a time when the lemon would naturally flnl Its greatest use In the country, the quan tity being strangely decreased, and It Is feared that the cry of "Three lemons a penny," will not be heard agnln until the heat wave has gone and hot weather drinks are In the making. A good lemon now coste from H4 pence to 2 pence. The luscious "lemon squash" Is a thing unattainable If due regard Is made to economy, and this Is the time whn the bulk of the Italian crop should arrtve. A Covent Garden dealer in an interview said: "I can hardly remember when things were worse. Only 800 to l.iym cases, on an average, arrive here dally, while we ought at this time to have at least 2.onr cases. t'P to the end of May the quantity Im ported was abnormally large, now It Is abnormally small. "During May, for instance, 1.77S hundred weights of lemons arrived, as compared with 1.10 in 1904 and 7W In W3. For the first five months of the year no fewer than 9.9M hundred weights were placed on the English market, as compared with .5T0 and 7,204 hundred weights, respectively, for the two preceding years. "A large part of the supply that we ought to have received was diverted across the Atlantic. At the same time the Italian export began to drop off. the crops for thn most part being failures. For cases, each containing thirty doiens. the usual price of which was from 8 shillings to 11 shill ings, we now have to pay from $5 to ?5 shillings. Messina and Palermo lemons have gone up considerably in price, and Neapolitan from 27 shillings and 32 shillings a case to a; shillings and 41 shillings. Of course this has had the effect of Increasing the price of Spanish lemons, which up to the present time seldom have exceeded 7 shillings to 9 shillings per case. Now they are worth from 11 shillings to IS shillings. "My own opinion, though here I differ from most of the lemon dealers of London, Is that we will not have a lemon famine in England. I do not believe the prices will go to figures greatly higher, at the same time I do not think there will be a great drop In the figures for some time to co mo." , FIND EARLY BRITISH REMAINS Two Skeleton, with Dronse Orna ment. Two Thon.and Year. Old Are I'nearthed. LONDON, Aug. 19.-(Special Cablegram to The Bee.)-A discovery of unusual anti quarian interest has recently been made at Leagrave, near Luton, where two skeletons said to be quite 2,000 years old, have been found. By the nature of the bones and the quantity of bronae ornaments found with them the skeletons .are believed to be the remains of two female persons laid to rest In late Celtic times, the mode of burial be ing typical of that period. Both bodies were In a doubled-up position, with heads tp tho west. Some worknvn were engaged in excavating a trench for the purpose of carrying a water main to the nurseries of -u.i d. ai leagrave. When at the depth of about thirteen Inches from the surface they came across the first batch of bones, some of which were in a remarkably good atate of preservation, especially the skull and teeth, although they were much discolored by contact with earth. Fifteen feet farther away the workmen dug up the remains of the second body, which was in a similar attitude to that which they had already unearthed, save that It was lying on Its right side Instead of the left. In this case the remains were more de cayed. The discovery gave rise to much curiosity and an antiquarian was Invited to make an examination, with the result that he gives It as his opinion that the remains have laid buried from the time when the early Britons came from the caves in Dunstable Downs to dwell at Wallers Bank, now known as Marsh Farm. Messrs. Jull handed over the bones and ornaments to Mr. Worthlngton O. Smith for the purpose of further research,, but the discovery hav ing come to the knowledge of the police steps were taken by them to gain posses sion of the skeletons. The coroner was communicated with, but he declined to make any order. Finally, after some con flict, the authorities secured the Interesting relics, and twin plates, bearing Inscribed upon their lids "Bones found at Leagrave July, 1906." were fashioned and In these the "ancients" were rt Interred at Blscott. LOOKING FOR FRENCH GOLD Company on Island of Manrltla. Him for Treasure Thought to Be Hurled. PORT LOUIS, Mauritius. Aug 19 -(Op clal Cablegram to The Bee.)-For some months past a number of laborers have been digging In the district of the Black river mountain for a treasure valued at from 1100. 000.000 , to $150,000,000, supposed to have been burled at the time of the British conquest or some time before by the French officials. Laborers are working under the direction of an overseer, who Is himself the emplove of a company, formed for the purpose of discovering the treasure. The pirates who at one time Infested Mmiritius and made It their headquarters, buried their treasures In various parts of the island. Some of these have been found by the Islanders from time to time. It is. however, believed that many people at the time of the Uritiih conquest hurled whatever money or valu able goods thev - - . rarl or ,ne l treasure which was buried at Black rivet- was piacea there by French officials who left documents showing its location. CALL TO IRIH UNIONISTS Irish Time. Say. They Can Represent Whole Island on Subject of Tariff. DUBLIN, Aug. 19 -(Speclal Cablegram to The Bee.) The Irish Times writes as fol lows with reference to the work of the tariff commission: "Without in any way pledging ourselves to accept the conclusions at which the commission may arrive we think that the country owes a debt of grati tude to the members of the commission for having undertaken a, task which should in our opinion, have been long ago referred to a royal commission. The least that lrih unionists can do In return is to show an in terest in the subject and not allow the flsi cal question to be once more settled hv Kngland and Scotland without regard to lrlKh opinion. With the attention of the nationalists still fixed on the home rule wlll-o-the-wisp Irish unionists have a splendid opportunity of demonstrating that on one question, at any rate, they are tht representatives ot all Ireland.1 CITED FOR CONTEMPT Government Alleges that Fits Ht6 Vio lated Courts' Order. CHARGED WITH GIVING REBATES f aored Shippers Alleged to Be the Inter national Harvester Company. RAILWAYS INVOLVED IN THE SUIT Alton, Burlington, iissonri Pacifio, Rock Island and Santa Fe. PEVICE EMPLOYED rOR EVADING LAW Rood. Are Accused of Dividing, ( barges with Aliened Terminal Line. Owned by the Shipper.. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 19.-Contempt pro ceedings, charging violations of the order of District Judge John F. Thllllps, Issued In March, 1902, restraining the defendants from giving rebates In violation of the Interstate commerce law, were filed here today In the United States district court against the Chicago & Alton, the Chicago. Burlington & Qulncy, the Missouri Pacific, the Chicago, Rock Island Pacific and the Atchison, Topeka A Santa Fe Railway companies. These companies are charged with giving relwtes In violation of the re straining order and the court Is asked to cite them for contempt. The contempt proceedings allege specific ally In the case of the Chicago A Alton that that company granted rebates amount ing to many thousands of dollars on tho shipments of agricultural and farming ma chinery to the International Harvester company, "which owns and controls the Deerlng Harvester company, the McCor tnlck Harvester company, the Piano Har vester company, the South Chicago Fur nice company and the Illinois Northern Railroad company." It Is alleged that the Chicago & Alton agreed with the Illi nois Northern company to file with the commission pretended Joint tariffs of freight rates effective from Chicago to Missouri river points for the express pur pose of evading the restraining order, and thafthe Alton agreed and did In fact give to the International Harvester company 25 per cent of said pretended Joint tariff rates. Action of Other lines. The proceedings against the Burlington railroad are practically Identical with those against the Alton. The proceedings against the Missouri Pa cific, the Rock Island and thn Santa Fe railroads allege that In like manner these companies violated the restraining order by giving rebates to the Hutchinson (Kan sas) Salt company In collusion with the Hutchinson A Arkansas River railroad, which latter company is controlled and operated by the salt company. These railroad companies ara alleged to have given the salt company 28 per cent of a pretended Joint tariff rate on aalt routed to. .points on the Missouri river. The proceedings were filed by A. 8. Van Valkenburgh, United States district at torney for the western district of Mis souri, at the Instigation of M. D. Purdy, assistant attorney general of the United States. . Judge. Smith McPherson, who Is acting f for i Judge John F. Phillips, has ordered the officials of the railroads to appear be fore him September 18 and make answer. AUTO PLUNGES INTO CREEK Son of Thomas F. Walsh of Wash ington Killed and Four Other Person. InJnred. NEWPORT. R. I.. Aug. 19-Vlncent Walsh, son of Thomas F. Walsh of Wash ington, was killed and four other promi nent young members of the Newport sum mer colony were injured In an automobile vehicle waa speeding rapidly down a include Mrs. James L. Kernochen of Hempstead, L. Harry Oelrlchs, son of Charles M. Oelrlchs of Newport and New Vork Herbert Pell, Jr., aon of Herbert Pell of New York, and Miss Evlyn Walsh, sister of the man who was killed. It Is believed that the Injured will recover. The automobile, which was driven by young Walsh, struck the railing of .a bridge spanning a creek near Kastern Point and plunged Into the water. Whether Walsh lost control of It or the machine became disabled has not been ascertained. The accident waa witnessed by other automobillsts, who succeeded in rescuing the five occupants of the Walsh machine, not, however, without great difficulty, due to the fact that all the members of the party were lying beneath the heavy car. The water In the creek was not deep and to this circumstance Is due, In part, the rescue. Walsh, who was about 18 years old. was not Instantly killed, but died soon after he was taken from the water. It was learned later that as the automobile crashed over the bridge Ills head came In contact with an iron beam. The oecupanta of the car were on their way to attend a luncheon given at the Clambake dub near Eattternport, L. I., by Clement C. Moore. The accident hap pened when the car, a forty-horsepower vehlcjrt. was speeding rapidly down a hill. The injured were treated temporarily at nearby cottages. Physiciuns slated that all probably would recover. Physicians in attendance tonight said that Miss Walsh sustained a compound fracture of the right thigh. Mrs. Ker nochan and Harry Oelrlchs are suffering severely from the shock. Herbert Pell ap pears to be the least Injured and tonight was able to be out. FATAL FIRET PORTLAND Two Persons Xot Identified Lose Life In Burning; Hotel at F.i. position. PORTLAND. Ore., Aug 19-Fire today destroyed the State Inn. situated one block from the main entrance of the Iwis and Clark exposition, and resulted in the deuth of two men, whose badly charred bodies have not been Identified. A number of the I occupants of the place. Including four women and two men, were Injured and re moved to hospitals. About thirty persons were In the building when the fire broke out. A search of the ruins revealed no nwn bodies and It is believed that only two lives were lost. Alleged Murderer Caught. HUNTINGTON. W. Va . Aug. 19 -Wll-liam Ellis was captured near 'gan hy a po.-e. 'f whic h his father wa a ineniixr. ind Is held n the charge of having killed itohert Murphy, a deputv sheriff, who was bringing a prisoner her from Virginia Kills says that he mistook Murphy and his party for others with whom be had sis THE BEE BULLEIN. Forecast for Vrhrsaks-Fair ndnT and Monday) Partly Cloudy and Cooler. K'I FCTIO Flaht Paae.. 1 Closlna of the Baltic e. 7lonl In Donbt hoot Case. Rallrnnds Cited for Contempt. President are. Russian Fnrovs. 3 Kansas city Get. est Conaress. Hnaelnn (nlnrrsn Is Preserved. Great nrthers Cot. Ornln nates. 3 Jew from Jill Part, of -hrnVa. (iuestlnn of Treaty I t) to China. 4 portlna F.vents of the Hay. fi Candidates Kile at lst Moment. Affairs at nnth Omaha. Two Grain Firms Receive Rebate., fl Pa.t Week In Omaha Society Stirring I n Interest In Horse Show T Conncll ninffa and Iowa ew. Rlvnl for Reformer father.. Happening. In Omaha Suburb.. Hotel Rnles In Force at Dunbar. RniTORMI, SF.CTIO Flaht Paaes. 1 All Roads Lead to Home. Rosea nod to the Golden Rod. Sew Honar for Byrne-Hammer Co. 2 Editorial. .1 Old Times on the Western Plain. Shorthand os life Followlna. Holies of Rural lall Carriers. Square Hen! In Frrlaht Rate.. Condition of Omaha's Trade. T Financial and Commercial. 5 Nebraska Takes an Active Part. File, a Sharp Reply to Gooden. H.I.F-TOF, SFCTIO Flaht Pnsces. 1 F.mplolts of Sherlock Holmes. .1 Gossip of Piny, and Playhouses. Mnstc and the Mnslrlan.. 4 Prrerrvntlnn of City'. Food. Gossip thonl otcd People. Swimming; Is alurnl for Some. 5 Wireless Telegraphy In the Army. Cnbn'a v Port and Fruit Trade. Iowa's First Governor'. Commis sion. ft In the Homaln of Women. T Sportlnar Gossip of the Week. 8 Last of Alaska's Rnd Men.' I COLOR SF.CTIOX Ten Pace.. 1 Rnstrr Brown mid Fanny. flfUll 8 W here Women Run the Town. From Tear and' Far. 3 Spends Vacntlon on IcebersT. 4 Pecnliar Snlt for Dnmnsres. Crime, of the Ca mhrlnleura. B Most Hanirernn. Sport of All. Art of Listening; Well. Regan rs All Over the World. T Top o the Mornln'. H Lucy anil Sophie Say Good Bye. Goat, and the Rook Agent. f A Race for Love Story. legs of the Honorable Cat. lO Man'. Yersns Woman'. Kyes. Temperature at Oninhn Yesterdayi Hour. Desr. Hoar. Deg. In. m H(l 1 p. m S.I a. m fin 2 p. m R4 " m T .1 p. m M Ha. m ilH 4 p. m Hfi Oa. m...... 71 f p. m Ul i n. m..i... 74 Hp. m W 11 a. m. 77 7 p. m. 81 la m 80 DOWIE ISSUES A NEW UKASE Knch Family In ?lon Must Bring; a Baby to Baptismal Font Each Year. CHICAGO. Aug. 19. John Alexander Dowle today took charge of the courtship and marriage of all Zlonites in a ukase Issued to the followers. The order decrees that each family shall bring a baby to the baptlbinal font each year, thus evan gelizing by birthrate for the church and crusading against race suicide. That lovers shall not embrace or kiss each other before marriage. That no faithful member of the Christian Catholic church In Zion shall marry with out first obtaining the written consent of Apostle John Alexander I. That marriages performed by Justices of the peace shall not be recognized by the church as legitimate. PRINTERS CONVENTION CLOSES Committee Will Arrange for Confer ence with American Publishers' Association. TORONTO, Ont., Aug. 19.-The Interna tional Typographical union's convention closed today, with a determination for eight hours a day. The executive council was authorized to arrange for a conference with the American Newspaper Publishers' associat'.on. It was decided that Canadian members should pay an extra tax of lVi cents a month to the Canadian Trades and Labor Congress. The tax Is in addition to tho Canadian contribution to the American Federation of Labor. CLOUDBURST IN MISSOURI Four People Drowned and Property to Value of 200,NK Destroyed at Southwest City. JOPLIN, Mo., Aug. 19. Four people were drowned and property valued at lao.OGO waa destroyed as the result of a cloudburst to day at Southwest City. In the extreme southeastern portion of Missouri. C. O. Kel sey a photographer, was drowned when the two-story building which he occupied whs swept away and dashed to pieces against a tree. Ned 8mith and two other persons wohse names are not known were drowned while trying to rescue Kelcey. Movemeut. of Orean Vessels A oat. in. At New York Arrived: Philadelphia, from Southampton: Caledonia, from Glas gow; Slavonia. from Trieste. Sailed: Etru ria. for Liverpool; Graf WaMernee, for Huir.burg; Mlnm-tonka, for London; St. Louis, for Southampton; Kroonland, for Antwerp; l-'ui nessia. for Glasgow; Prin zes Irene, for Gtmoa; Sicilian Prince, for Palermo. At Nh pies Arrived: Koenlgen Lulse, from New Vrk; Pannonla. from New York. Sailed: Neapolitan Prime, for New York. At Liverpool Arrived : Bavarian, from Montreal; I. mania, from New York. Sailed: I'lnlil la. for New York. At Plymouth Ai lived: New York, from New York. At Boulogne Sailed : Hamburg, for New York. At London- Sailed : Hungarian, for Que bec. At Southampton Sailed: St. Paul, for New yor!. At Havre Sailed: Ia Touralne, for New York At Bremen Sailed : Bremen, for New York. At Antwerii Balled: Finland, for New York. At Queenstown Sailed: Celtic, for New York. At Genoa Arrived : Lombnrdia, from New York. At Marseilles Arrived: "Roma, from New Yoik. At Venice Sailed : Clulia. for New York. A. 1 1 I . -,,!- U'ni.- Ilkn.l f l ',i'iaii.i miiirii . .win. nn. rti, ! . A i Glasgow Sailed : Astoria, for New Yor!-. At Rotterdam Sailed : Rotterdam, for New York. Arrived: ipotsdam from New ROOSEVELT AT WORK President Trying to Arert a Breach in the Peace Negotiations. BARON ROSEN AT OYSTER BAY Executive Submits Proposition for Consid eration of Russia. ENVOY IS FAVORABLY IMPRESSED His Face is Wreathed with Bmiles as Be Leares Sagamore HilL GREAT POWERS Rc ALSO ACTIVE Great nrltaln, France and Germanr nrlnglns: Pressure to Rear as St. Petersburg and Toklo. OYSTER BAT. L. 1., Aug 19 -President Roosevelt Is exerting every particle of his great influence to prevent a rupture of tha peace conference at Portsmouth. He la engaged In a supreme effort to Induce tha envoys of the belligerent governments to compromise their difTerenoes and reach an agreement that will result In "a Just and lasting peace." Ill this effort he has the assistance and cordial support . of Great Rrltaln, Franca and Germany. Tremendous and world-wide pressure is being brought to bear upon the governments at St. Petersburg and Toklo to not permit the Washington conference to fall of affirmative result. It can be said that there Is ground for the hope that tt will not fall. Raron Do Rosen, Russian ambassador to the fnlted States and second of the Rus slnn emperor's envoys to the peace con ference, was with President Roosevelt an hour late this afternoon at Sagamore Hill. He came to Oyster Ray by Invitation of the president, not merely to discuss with him the situation, hut to have presented to him by the president a proposition, which, It Is hoped may resolve the differ ences which have arisen between the pleni potentnrles of the two governments. After his conference with the president Baron De Rosen left Immediately for his summer home at Magnolia, Mass., where he and M. Witte, the principal Russian envoy, expect to spend Sunday. Neither President Roosevelt nor Baron De Rosen would discuss, even In the most general terms, the details or result of their conference. The ambassador will present the president's proposition to M. Wltte tonight and the likelihood la that it will be transmitted to Emperor Nicholas. On the result of this will depend the fat of the peace conference. It Is not Improb able that before the envoys meet next Tues day morning It may be known with some degree of deflniteness whether there Is to be peace In the far east or a continuance of the war. I'ntll the present time, President Roose velt has refrained from any action, even by Indirection, that might be construed aa Interference by the plenipotentiaries. ' H announced at the beginning ot the negotia tions that neither by word or act, would he participate In the conference. Although he made It perfectly clear to the envoys of both Russia and Japan that he would be ready at any time to assist them in the proper way in the work they had been designated by their respective emperors to undertake ' Power. Are at Work. In anticipation however, of failure of tha envoya to agree upon certain of the ar ticles which they had agreed to consider and In expectation that he might be appealed to by the one side or by tha other before, the conclusion of the conference, the pres ident has been in communication with tha great neutral powers. His purpose waa to enlist their support of a final effort to ce cure an honorable peace With King Ed ward he communicated because Great Brit ain Is a practical ally of Japan and with President Lou bet because France Is near est friend of Russia. Germany too, waa appealed to and Eineror William La exert ing his Influence for peace. Through Mr. Griscom, tha American min ister at Toklo, the president also haa been working, but it cannot be ascertained wether his efforts have been directed to ward a reduction of the demands of Japan or not. It ls-urmlsed however that ha has urged the Japanese government so to mod ify its terms as to render it easier for Russia to accede to them. Baron Kaneko, a confidential representa tive of the Japanese government In this country, has been keeping in close touch with President Roosevelt since the peace negotiations were In their inclplency. For the fourth time In aa many weeks, and for the second time within a week he was in conference with the president last even ing. Neither he nor the president would disclose the nature of their Interview, hut it Is significant that the baron had scarcely started for New York before tha presi dent's Interest In the negotiations at Ports mouth became active. He sent a telegram and Important communication to M. Witts and Baron Rosen. Then ensued a long-dlstaWe conference between the president and the Russian en voys, the message being transmitted through Secretary Barnes here and through Assistant Secretary of Slate Pc-lrce at Portsmouth. The president Invited M Wltte to send a trusted envoy, preferably Ambassador de Rosen, to Sagamore Hill In order that he might present to him for the consideration of the Russian mission, a proposition of the highest Importance. The Invitation of the president was accepted and the details were soon arranged. Baron de Rosen, accompanied by Prlnc Koudacheff as his secretary, left Ports mouth early this morning. He went then to Magnolia, Mass., the seat of his ean bassy, and thence to Boston, where M boarded a limited train for New York. AM ?:46 o'clock this afternoon the train made a special stop at New Rochelle, N. Y., where Ambassador de Rosen and the prince left it and boarded the naval yacht Sylph, which the president had directed to be sent lo New Rochelle to convey the Rus sian envoys to Oyster Bay. Conference at Oyster Bay. Bearing Baron de Rosen and his secretary the Sylph entered Oyster Bay and cast anchor below Sagamore Hill at 4:17 p. pi. Five minutes liter, the president's callers were en route to the west Roosevelt pier in the Sylph's boat. A he landed, Baron Rosen was almost brusque In his refusal to -discuss his mission. They entered one of the president's carriages which was swatt ing them and were driven to Sagamore Hill. They remained with the president about an hour. At the conclusion of the confer ence, whllo Baron Ros'-n still declined to talk of his visit, his demeanor was changed absolutely. His face waa wreathed In smile ard bis manner was quit genial. The interview evidently had been entliely sa lli-factory to him. President Roosevelt sld this evening that he could Dot discuss la any way his e"nr