Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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the omaha daily bee: satttkbay, ArorsT 10, 1903.
t -1 "
Net Only Bamp Mr. Hill Often, bat for
Humber of Extra Eaiei.
Faable to Bear) After that, 'W hll the
Ttolllnc Mill Men Found the Ball
Hard and Pile Ip a Total
of Thirteen Ram.
TUEBLO, Coin.. Au IS (Special.) The
Indian landed hrd on Hall today, many
time for extra twse. and won easily from
Omaha by a score of 13 to 2. Llnrtsey. who
vai on the elan for the locals, wh effective
at alt critical utmrea and succeeded In leav
ing ten of the Omaha on buses. The home
run by Mott and Itarter In the eighth were
the features of the mme. Mott and Bnder
alo aernred a three-hnRer each.
Jimmy Cook put an end to the Omaha
aplratlon In the seventh and hut off any
possibilities they had to score. With two
men out and Welch on first Bchlpke tried
for a Inn drive and sent the horaehldc
oaring rtut Into the left garden. It looked
good for at three. bases, but Jimmy
Cook wa off with the crack of the hat and
running at full peed pulled In the ball aa It
descended over hi shoulder. Tha score:
AB. R.
Blake, ef 4 1
Conk. If 6 1
Telehanty, lh 5 3
Knahe, 2b II 1
Klwert. rf 4 1
Mott ah 4 2
Pchrlver, c 4 2
Badcr, ss 4 2
Llndsey, p S 0
Total SH 13
AB. R.
Thirl. If 4 0
Carter, rf 4 0
iSolan. s 4 0
"Welch, cf 4 0
Pchlpke, Sn 4 0
Thomas, lb.- i 1
Martin. 2b 8 1
Oondlng, c 4 0
Jtall, p 4 0
Totals 34 2
Jublo 0 0 0 0
Omaha 0 2 0 0
aacrlflca hlta: Knabe f2). Mott. Fader.
Karned runs: Pueblo, 9: Omaha, 1. Stolen
bases: Blake, Thlel, Carter. Welch. Three
base hits: Bader, Mott. Passed ball: Bchrl
ver. Bases on balls: Off Undsey, 6; off
Hall, 3. Struck out: By Llndsey. 6; by
HaJl, 1. Left on bases: Pueblo, 8; Omaha,
10. Home runs: Mott, Bader. Two-base
hit: Martin, Oondlng, Delehanty, Schri
ver. Hit bv pitched ball: Bchriver, I.ind
aey. Double play: Dolan to Martin to
Thomas. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Mace. At
tendance, 600.
Error Help Pea Molnea Alone.
DENVER, Aug. 18. By bunching five
Ingle In the first, with a pass and an
error, De Moines scored four runs and
won today- gume. After that Bchaub set
tled down and held the Underwriters safe
until the ninth, when McNIchols' three
bagger and I-elfleld's single brought In an
other tally. Denver scored two In the fifth
on four hit and a base on balls In the
ninth passes to Schaub and McHale and
Hartiell's single filled the bases, with none
out. Randall forced out Hartzell, scoring
Bchaub, and Belden hit into a double play,
retiring the lde. The core:
Duller, cf... 6 0 t 1 0 McHale, el . 4 110 0
nme was about errorless. Batteries: Butte,
vler and Alberts; Fairfax, Brown and
Tellx. Umpire: Comb.
H. O. A. E.
0 10
110 0
2 9 10
110 0
2 4 3 0
2 2 0
2 3 3 0
110 0
12 27 X 10 0
H. O. A. E.
18 0 1
110 0
2 2 2 1
12 0 0
0 2 3 0
0 8 0 2
14 3 0
3 2 0 0
0 0 2 1
24 10 5
6 0 4 4 -13
0 0 0 0 0-2
Boston and Cincinnati Break Bren
In Two Contest at the Hab.
BOSTON. Aug. 18. Two heavy batting
contest were the feature here today, Bos
ton winning the flrat and Cincinnati the
second In ten Innings. Attendance, 8,130.
(Score nrst game:
Attt-fclo. aa t 111 oHmilM, 3b. . I 110
Tanner, lb... I I I 1 0 Barrr, lh... J 111 0
Pnlan. rf . ... I 1 1 1 Kelley. If.. . 4 1 Z 1 0
Ielehantr. If 4 I I 0 0 Seymour, rf. 4 1 10 1
Wolerton, lb i 1 4 1 0 rnrtnnn. M- 4 114 1
runnel), rf... 5 110 0 Btelnfeldt, 3b I 0 1 1 1
Raymer. lb.. 4 1 1 1 Odwell rf.... t 1 1 0 0
Moran. 0.... 4 211 Sireet. c... 40111
Willis, p.... 4 0 11 OWalkrr. p... 0 0 0 0 0
Harper, p. ... 1 0 0 I 0
Totals 40 17 17 I I Barker, p.... 1 0 0 10
Brtdwell ... 1 10 0 0
I Totals 11 I 14 17 4
Batted for Harper In the fifth.
Boston 8 0 1 4 1 2 0 1 12
Cincinnati 0 000000000
Two-base hits: Tenney (2). Wolverton.
'orcoran. Home runs: Dolan (2). Moran.
Sacrifice hit: Barry. Hits: Off Walker. 4
In one Inning; off Harper, t In three in
nings; off Baker. 7 In four Innings. Stolen
hiises: Abbatlchlo 2, Delehantv (2), Wol-
erton. Cannell. Demont. Double play:
Wolverton to Tenney to Abbatlchlo, Wol-
erton (unass steel). Base on nans: irr
Harper. 1; off Willis. 2. Hit by pitched ball:
By Baker, 1. Struck out: By Harper, 1; by
Bnker, 1; by Willis. 7. Passed ball! Moran.
Wild pitch: Willis. Time: 1:48. Umpire:
Score second game:
Hnrilne, 2b.
Barry, lb.... 4
Keller. If.... 4
Seymour, ef.. a
Corcoran, aa. 5
Btelnfeldt. lb I
Odwell, rf... 4
8hlel, c 5
Ciierh. p I
Overall, p.... 1
Brldwell ... 1
Hogrlever, rf I ea ft
Hneaman, lb. 4
Dealer, c 4
huiart. 2b.. I
(aflyn. If.... 4
lacNIchola. lb 4
LelUeld, p.... 4
110 0 Hartlell. lb. 4 I 1 0 0
1 4 4 0 Randall, rf . . I I 1 0 0
I It 3 0 Belden. If... 4 0 5 0 0
14 1 0 Purine. 2b.. 4 14 4 0
10 1 Orl'ekoetter. aa 4 1 0 0 1
It OErerltt. lb... I 0 I t 1
10 1 (Lucia, c 4 0 110
11 1 Schaub p.... I t t 1 0
Totals 38 II 17 1 1 ToUla 35 11 27 I 3
De Moines 4000004)0 16
Denver 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 13
Stolen base: Caffyn. Three-base hit: Mc
NIchols. Kilut base on balls: Off Schaub,
1; off Llefleld, 4. Struck out: By Schaub,
: by Llefleld. i. Left on bases: Denver,
10; Des Moines, 7. Two-bane hit: Mc
Hale, Perrine. Double play: Perrlne to
Everltt, Shugart tul Long to Kossman.
Sacrifice hit: Hartsell. Time: 2:00. Um
pire: Bhuster.
Bloaa ghat Out Saint.
SIOUX CITY, la.. Aug. 18. -The Packer
look the Jobber into camp today for the
fourth successive game, with a shutout, 4
to u. But one hit was made oft Newlin,
tod that wa a lucky high one over the
right field fence in the ninth Inning. For
that matter, Jones of St. Joseph was not
liberal with safe ones, and it was only
the happy faculty of the Packers In bunch
ing their hit which enabled them to score.
Only six hit to safe territory were made,
and three of these were questionable.
All of the scoring was done in the fifth
Inning. Pulnlfer bounded one over the
head of Jones and wa safe. He stole sec
ond and went to third when Nobllt lifted
one In the air to left and anchored nicely
at second on the throw. Carney Tew out
to Zink. O'Hara walked and Starnagle
rirova In two run bv a single Dast tniru.
Ntwlln walked. . Collins bunted, O'Hara
being caught at the plate, and Bheehan
Drought In a Drace wun a aouuie iu nam,
That wa all. Score:
Colllna, rf... 4 1 0 0 Reynolda. rf. 1 0 0 0 0 tta. a 1 1 1 1 Simla. 2b 4 1 4 1 1
Weed. lb.... 4 III 0 Qulllln, as... 4 1010
Pulalfer, If... I 110 llink, lb 4 1 1 0
Nohllt. rf.... I 1 1 OKetchem rf. I 0 I 0 0
Carney, lb... I It 0 0 Molyneaux.Sb 4 0 0 1 0
O'Hara, ee..S 0 0 0 Waller,
Btarnagle, c.. I 1 I 0 0 Ilnran.
Jsewllo, p..,. I 0 0 ft OJonee. p
If... 10 10 0
Totals 34 27 II I Totala 11 I 24 10
Sloux Citv 0 0 004000 '-
BC Joseph 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Earned rune Bloux Cllv, 3. Two-base
bits: Sheehan. Schllz. Ziuk. Double play:
Qulllln to Schllz to Zmk. First base on
error: Sloux City. 1; St. Joseph. 2. I-eft
nn hue a: Bloux Cltv. St. Joseph. 4
Stolen baaes: Pulslfer, O'Hara. First base
on ball: Off Newlin, 1; off Jones, 2. Struck
out: Bv Newlin. 2; by Jones, 5. Time:
j.10. Umpire: Caruthcra. Attendance, l,(w0.
Standing ot the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Te Moines ....
Sloux City
Pueblo .
St- Joseph .....
Games today
. 'i 37 .Wl
. ..lo8 tvl 4.i .5M
...li4 M 4S .MS
...lii6 57 4 .53
.. 12 41 2 .3M
...107 30 77 .:S0
Omaha at Pueblo. Des
Moines at Denver, Si. Joseph at Sloux
Haatlnaa Kalis to Get a Hit.
ORAND ISLAND. Neb.. Aug. 18 -(Speclal
Telegram.) In the most Interesting game
of ball ever played In the city Grand Inland
defeated Hastings In a ten-Inning contest
Kv a irnrn of 1 to 0. The most brilliant
catches ever mnde here were by Foellnger
of Hastings anil Olade ot tne local team.
Welsh pitched some of the finest ball ever
en. not allowing Hasting one hit
Omaha excursionists witnessed the game
and were very enthusiastic, bcore:
Grand Island 0 0000OO00 1-1.
Hastings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0
Batteries: Grand Island. Welsh and Whit
comb; Hastings. Kueggn and 1'oteet.
TrVaaiah Beat Blearoe.
TEK AMAH. Neb.. Aug 18.-tSneclal.)
The Tekamah base ball team got horn
this morning from Blencoe. la . where It
played the team of that place, winning n
a coro of 10 to 3 Leach, the Bloux Cit
ditcher, twirled lor Blencoe. The boy
got caught In the rain and when they go
nome mey inoara as ir mry nau biujii in
riverbed belmeen sheet of water.
nom arrnn
From any '
point of view
McKiliKn halt are at.
Wactory. Made right
through and throagh
they twear right, look
right and save you $2.
In all the late style
and shade.
Rcprcer ntarm dealcri.
eag. the mre being to 0 In Kearne '
favor Batteries: Kearnev. Welsbmd and
Zalueky; Greeley, Klrkendntl and Lane.
M. Ioal and Philadelphia Plar
gliteen-lnnlna Tie.
ST. IOU19. Aug. 1.-Bt. Iiouls and Phil
adelphia batted to a slxteen-lnnlng tie to
day, the flnsl score being i to 3 The vis
itor seemed to have the contest won In the
ninth Inning, when with two men out and
no runs Henley let down and was hit safely
five times, three runs coming In and the
score being tied. Waddell took his place
and pitched sensational ball for the re-
e. Glade pltrhed bril
ls after the second In
ning. Bcore
and pitched senss.tloi
pialnder of the game
llant ball for St. Louli
Ptnne. If 7 1 4
Starr, lh I 0 I
Vamant. rf . t 1 I
Wallace, se . 7 4
Krtehler. cf.. 7 1
Jnnee. lb. ... I 116
a!enann,2b-8b 114
Spenrer, c... 1 7
Olade. p 1 I
Prlek 1 0 0
Rok' field. 2b 3 0 1
0 0 Har'ael, If .. I 2 0 0
Hnfman, cf.. T I 0
0 0 Parle, lb 7 0 14 0 0
1 1 L. t men. 3b. I 4 I I 0
0 Srvbold rf . .. 1 3 0 1
1 0 Murphr! 2b.. 1 3 6 0
4 0 M. Crnaa. aa. I I 3 0
3 0 Barton, c ... 3 0 4 I 0
7 0 Henler. p.... I 1 0 4 (I
0 0 Waddell, p.. I 0 0 1 0
1 0 Srhrerk. c... I 0 II 1 0
Tntale H II 41 21 1 Totala ( 13 41 II 1
Batted for Starr In the ninth.
St. Louis 0 00000003 0 00000 03
Philadelphia ...2 10000000000000 0-3
Erned run: Philadelphia, 2; St. Louis,
Two-base hits: Wallace. Stone. Murphy.
Three-base hit: Wallace. Double play:
Murphy to M. Cross to Davis. Stolen bases:
Hoffman (2), Henley, Murphy, Jones. First
base on baJls: tiff Glade. 2: off Henlev. 1:
off Waddell, 1. Struck out: By Glade, fl;
ny Meniey, 4; by waddell, u. uert on
bases: St. Louis. 10; Philadelphia, R. Hits:
Off Henley, 9 in eight and two-third In
nings: off Waddell. 4 In seven and one-
third Innings. Time: 2:65. Umpire: Hurst.
Attendance, 1,600.
Washington Shot Oat Cleveland.
CLEVELAND. Aug. IS. Cleveland wa
unable to hit Hughe and Washington wort
easily. Moore also pitched great ball up
to the seventh, when the visitor bunched
their hit. Bcore:
4 I
1 10
1 1
1 Abbatlchlo. aa ft
0 Tenney, lb. .. 4
0 Dnlan, rf ft
0 Delehanty, If I
0 Wolrerton 3b 6
0 (knnell, cf... I
0 Raymer, 2b.. 4
0 Needham, c. 4
0 Wllhelm. p.. 1
1 Harley, p.... i
0 0 0 Moran
1 11
1 I
1 1
1 ?
0 0
0 0
Totala 40 14 SO 14 I Totala 41 14 30 13 1
Batted for Wllhelm In the fourth.
Batted for Chech In eighth.
Cincinnati 0 0 0 3 2 0 1 0 1 1-
Boston 1 02160300 07
Sacrifice hits: Raymer, Odwell, Steln-
eldt, Barry. Two-base hit: Delehanty.
Three-base hits: Stelnfeldt, Barry. Home
runs: Odwell, Corcoran. Kelly. Hits: Off
Wllhelm, 8 In four Innings; off Harley, 8 In
six Inning: off Chech. 13 In seven Innings:
off Overall, 1 In three Inning. Stolen base:
Dolan. Ahbatlcnio, Tenney, ttaymer. Hng-
gln. Bnsee on ball: Off Chech, 1; off Wll
helm, 3: off Harley. 1. Struck out: By
:hech, 4; by Overall, 3; by Wllhelm. 2: by
Harley, 3. Wild pitch: Harley. Time: 2:14.
umpire: tsauswine.
ttnak era Ilnnch Hit.
PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 18.-Hits were
plentiful In today' game between St. Lout
and Philadelphia and both Brown and Plt
tlnger were driven to the bench.Taylor and
Sparks going to the rubber. The visitors
Anally won by bunching five hit In the
ninth Inning. Score:
Dunleayy, rf. 3 3 1 1 0 Thomaa. cf... 4 3 1 3 0
Shannon, If.. 3 110 0 Courtney, 3b. ft 1 3 1 0
Smnot. cf.... 4 4 11 0 Maaae. If 5 3 0 0 0
Berkley, lb., ft I II 1 1 BranaOeld lb 1 0 5 0 0
Amdt. 2b.... ft 3 1 3 0 Tltua, rf 3 3 0 1
Mrllrlde, as., ft 1 4 1 1 Gleaaon, 2b.. 4 17 3 1
Burke, lb.... ft 1 4 4 0 Kruger. ee...4 10 10
Orady. c I 0 I 3 9 Doom, e 3 1 5 ft 1
Brown, p I 0 1 I 0 Plttlnser. p.. 1 1 0 1 0
Taylor, p.... I 0 0 0 0 Sperka, p.... 110 0 0
Totala 37 IS 27 20 3 Totala 34 12 27 14 3
fit. Louis 1 0 0 3 1 0 3 0 3 11
Philadelphia 2 1 0 0 S 0 0 1 09
Earned runs: St. Louis. 4; Philadelphia,
Two-base hits: Shannon. Becklev.
Thomas, Titu. Three-base hlta: Dunleavy,
Magee, ntus. men rice nits: snannon,
Bransfleld (2), Dooin, Plttlnger. Stolen
bases: Shannon (2), McBride, Magee. Glea
aon. Double plays: Burke to Beckley to
McHriae, wecKiey 10 Mcnnne. Lrt on
bases: St. Iiouls. 6; Philadelphia. 8. First
base on balls: Off Brown. 4; off Taylor, 2;
off Sparks. 1. First base on error: St.
ixmls. i; r'tilianeipnia. if. struck out: Bv
Plttlnger, 8. Hits: Off Brown. 10 In Ave In-
I u nfr ll. 1 I . . n f.i.ll. ,n-.,nwa nff I l .
Tina. ...u. Iilllllln, Ull M II.-
tlnger. B In seven Innings; off Sparks, 6 In 2
inning, fassed balls: Doom (Z). wild
Itch: Plttlnger. Time: 1:60. Umpires:
lem and Emslle. Attendance, 2,883.
Pittsburg Defeats Brooklyn.
t BROOKLYN, Aug. 18 In a pitchers
battle here today Pittsburg defeated Brook
lyn by a score or 2 to Both Leever and
Mclntyre were effective, each allowlna onlv
nve salt nun. ocure:
Clymer. rf... 4
Clarke, If.... 4
Learh, cf.... 4
Wagner aa.. I
Howard, lb.. 4
Brain, lb 4
Kiirhey, 3b.. I
Pelta. c 3
Leever. p.... 3
10 0 Dohba, cf.... 4 1 3 0
3 0 0 Hall. If 16 3 0
30 Lumley, rf . . 4 I 1 0
I ft 0 Batch, 3b ... 411
0 Oeaeler. lb.. 3 0 14 1
00 Malay, Jb ... 3 0 0 1
4 4 0 Lewla, aa.... 3 0 3. 4
13 0 Rltter. e 3 0 4 0
0 3 0 Milntyre, p. I 3 I
Batte Defeat Fairfax.
BUTTE. Neb.. Aug 18 (Special Tele
gram) Butte defeated the first team of
Fairfax here today. Fairfax had six salaried
player and 1 considered one of the !est
Lionesteel Extension leasee club. The
and similar diseases in their
worst forms can be promptlj
cored bj
lit never fails.
60 years the leading remedy.
JLH droggUU sell it
Totala 33 ft 17 1 0 Totala 3 i 37 II 1
Pittsburg 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 02
Brooklyn 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Two-base hit: Lumlev. Three-haao hit-
Clvtner. Stolon bane: Howard. tfr n
bases: Pittsburg. 4; Brooklyn. 4. First has
on nans: orr Mclntyre, 1; off Leever 3
Hi ruck out: By Mclntyre, I: by Leever. 8!
-. .w. . mime. guiinBiuna. Aiiena
ance. I.flno.
ew York Defeats Chicago.
NEW YORK. Aug. 18.-In a ten-Inning
lamr uiuay tne local learn aereaied tm
cago by a score of 5 to 4. Score:
eiaaie, n alio o Strang, rf..'.. 1100
Caeey, 3b ... 4 0 14 Breenahan. ef 3 1 4 0
Chance, lb... 4 0 11 2 0 Miliann. lb.. 3 0 11 I
Srhulte, If... 3 0 1 0 0 Mertee, If 0 1 0
linker. aa...( 1 1 0 Iiahlen. aa... 3 0 3 1 0
Maioney. rr.. 4 2 10 0 Pevlln, lb... 4 114
Hofman. IP.. 12 11 0 Gilbert. 2b... 113 3
Klm. c 4 0 4 1 1 howermeo, e 4 1 7 1
Hnaas. p 3 0 0 I 1 ItcUlnnlty. p 4 1 1
McCarthy ..1100
Welmer p... 0 0 10 Totala 2 (30 11
Totala M T-J 1
One cut when winning run wa made
tor uriggs in tne ninth Inning.
isew York 000031000 1 t
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 04
First on errors: New York, 1; Chicago, 1.
Left on bases: Chicago. 5; New York, 6.
First on balls: Off McOlnnity. 4; off Briggs.
6; off Welmer. 2. Struck out: By McOin
nlty. t; by Briggs. ; by Welmer. 1. Hits:
off Briggs, 4 In eight Innings; off Welmer,
2 In two Innings. Sacrifice Tiit: Casey.
Stolen bases: Strang, McGann, Devlin, Gil
bert. Maioney, Hofman. ltouble piaya:
Tinker and Chance i2; Hofman and
Chance. Hit by pitcher: By Welmer. 1.
Parsed ball: Kllng Tmplre: O'Day. Time:
2:U. Attendance: 6.0u.
itaadlaat of the Team.
Mil, lb.
Hill 3b
Hlrk'man, lb
Anderson, If
Knoll, rt...,
Caaaldy, aa..
C. Jonea. cf
Heyden, e... I 3 11
Hughes, p.... 4 1 1
I OJarksnn. If... 4 13 0 1
0 OBay, cf 1 0 4 0 0
0 0 Flick, rf 4 0 0 0 0
0 OStorall, 2b... I 0 1 I 1
0 0 Bradley, Sb. I 1 2 10
0 0 Turner, aa... 1 0 3 3 0
0 Carr. lb 3 0 10 3 0
0 OBuelow, r. ... 3 0 I 1
2 t Moore, p I 0 0 1 0
"Vlnaon 1 0 0 0 0
..II I 17 4 0 Hall, p 1 0 0 0 0
0 1
0 0
1 ft
1 4
1 I
1 I
0 0
Twtrton Defeats Eweet Maris and Lower
Trmok Record.
Totala 2 I 17 II I
Batted for Moore In the eighth.
Washington 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 S 05
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Hit: Off Moore. 8 in eight inning. Two-
base hlta: Jackson, Anderson, Hickman,
Heyden. Sacrifice hit: Bay, Turner, Cas
sldy. Knoll, Nlll. Stolen base: Cassldy.
First base on bans: on Moore, i; on
Hughe. 1. Hit by pitched ball: Hall.
T nf n V... ... rluualan 9' W u.hlnillnn
4. Struck out: By Moore. 6; by Hughes, 10.
massed Dan: Bueiow. Time: i-M. um
pire: O'Loughlln. Attendance, 2.821. ,
Detroit Win from Boston.
DETROIT. Aug. 18. Detroit won a
pitchers' battle from Boston today, Craw
ford scoring on the "squeese" play twice
after hi long hits. Score:
AB H.O.A. B. AB.H.O.A.E.
Cooler, cf... 4 1
Srhaefer. lb. I 1
Mclntyre, If. I 1
Crawford, rf. I I
0'Lery, aa. 1 0
Coughlln. tb. 3 0
Llndeay, lb.. 3 0
Warner, c... 3 0
Donovan, p.. I 0
10 0 Selbach. rf... 1 0 1 0 0
30 Parent, aa... 4 1 1 3 0
111 Burkett If... 1000
10 Colllna,' lb... 41111
3 3 0 Stahl, cf...,. 4 0 3 1 0
3 10 Freeman, lb. 1 0 10 0 0
0 1 Ferrla. 2b. .. 2 1 3 1 0
13 Unglaub. 2b. 1 0 3 1 0
110 Crlger, e 1 0 3 3 0
Youn. p.... 3 1 0 ft 0
Totals 13 ( 37 11 I
Totala 3 ft 24 14 1
Detroit 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01
Two-baae hits: Crawford. Parent. Three-
base hits: Crawford, Ferris. Sacrifice hits:
O'Leary, Donovan, Coughlln. Stolen bases:
Mclntvre. Selbach. Collin. Base on balls:
Off Donovan. 4; off Young, 2. Left on bases:
Detroit, 3; boston, 4. Struck out: By Dono
van, 6; by Young, 2. Double play: Lindsay
(unassisted), Stahl to Ferris. Wild pitch:
Young. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Sheridan and
McCarthy. Attendance, 1.&00.
Chlcagro Shots Ont Sew York.
CHICAGO. Aug. 18. Chicago won a slx-
innlng game from New York today, 6 to 0.
Kaln stopped tne game. bcore.
Jonea, cf 1 It 1 0 Conroy. If... 3 1 3 0 u
100 Keeler, rf.... 33110
110 Klberfeid, aa. I 011 1
10 10 Wllllanu. 2b. 3 0 1 ft 0
1(00 Chaae. lb.... I 1 I 0 0
0 0 0 0 Yeager. lb... 118 11
0 110 Fulll, of I 1 0 0 0
1 4 J 1 Kleinow, c. 1 0 1 4 0
10 10 Orth. p I 0 0 I I
0 0 0 0 Newton, p... 0 0 0 0 V
Totala 21 1 la I
Totals 11 II II 1
Chicago 0 1 0 0 3 1-6
New York 0 0 0 0 0 O 0
Hits: Off White. 3 In two Innings: off
Smith, 3 In four Innings; off Orth, 6 In five,
lnnlnas: off Newton. 3 In one Inning. Lett
on bases: Chicago, i; New York, 4. Two-
base hlta: Conroy, Chase, Keeler. Sacrifice
hit: Isbell. Stolen base: Callahan, Dono
hue. Double plays: Tannehlll to Donohue.
Struck out: By Smith, 2; by Orth, 1. Base
on balls: Off Smith, 1; off Orth, 3. Time:
1:15. Umpire: Connolly. Attendance, 8,4!0.
Isbell, rf.... 1
Davie, aa I
Callahan. If. 1
Donohue, lb. I
Sullivan, c. 1
McKarland. o I
Tannehlll, lb I
Dundon, 3b.. 3
White, p.... 0
Smith, p 1
Standing- of the Tei
Played. Won.
Philadelphia 98 60
Chicago iH 64
Cleveland li'l 67
New York 60 46
Boston 49 46
Detroit 103 49 64
Wah!ngton 99 39 60
St. Louis 99 34 66
Games today: Washington at Cleveland,
Philadelphia at St. Louts. New York at
Chicago, Boston at Detroit.
Minneapolis Wins from lit. Panl by
Bunching Hlta.
' ST. PAUL. Aug. 18 Minneapolis won to
day' game by bunching their hits off 81a-
Sle in the fifth and sixth Innings. Both
rahani and Slagle were hit hard. Score:
Jnnee. ef 4 1 I 0 OOrler. 2b ft 1 I 4 0
D Sullivan, rt I t 1 1 0 Carney, rf . ft 110 0
Freeman, lb. ft I 11 3 0 Hemphill, ef. 4 4 I
Coulter, If... ft 1 I 0 0 Wheeler, lb. 4 1 4 1 1
Oremlnger, lb ft 114 4 O'Brien, aa.. 4 1110
Oraham, p... ft 0 1 ft 1 Klournoy, If. 4 1 1 0 0
Ojler. aa 4 0 1ft 1 Noonan. lb.. 4 0 IS 2 0
Foi, lb I 1 4 ft 0 J. Sullivan e 3 3 0 3 0
Schmidt, c... 1 3 0 0 Slagle, p 41040
Totals 37 13 37 30 1 Totala 37 13 17 1 1
Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 1 06
Bt. Paul 1 1010000 1 4
Earned run: Minneapolis, 3. Two-base
hits: Hemphill, Grahami D. Sullivan, Free
man, Gremlnger. Double plays: Graham to
Fox .to Freeman, Noonan to Carney. Base
on ball: Off Slagle, 3; off Graham. 6.
Struck out: By Graham, 2. Sacrifice hits:
Schmidt (21, Wheeler. Left on bases: St.
Paul, 12; Minneapolis, 8. Time: 1:36. Um-
ftrea: Haskell and Owens. Attendance,
Postponed Came.
At Kansas City Kansa City-Milwaukee
game postponed; wet grounds.
Standing of the Tea ma.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet
Three Heat la This Bace A,re
the Fastest of the Tear oa
the Grand Circuit.
POt GHKEEPSIE, N. T.. Aug. 18 Horse
men who followed the Grand Circuit are
of the opinion that the races at the Hud
son River Driving park this afternoon were
the best of the season.
The three heats of the 2:08 pace one In
2:04 and the others In 2:04. constituted
the fastest heats on the Grand Circuit this
season. They also lowered the pacing rec
ord of the track. For the third time this
week the trotting race record of the track
wna broken, the new mark of 2:064 being
made by Tiverton In the free-for-all. This
race, the most Important of the meeting,
brought out the Grand Circuit rivals, Tiver
ton and Sweet Marie. Summaries:
Class 2:06, pacing, two In three, purse
Baron Grattan, b. g. (Oeers) 12 1
Frank Yokum, b. g. (McGrath) J 1 2
Ecstatic, b. g. (Land) 3 3 1
Black Hal, blk. g. (Snow) ds
Time: 2:04Va. 2:04 2:0414-
Class 2.18, trotting, three la five, purse
Choir Boy, g. g. (Geersl 1 1 1
Llszle G. blk. m. (McDonald) 2 2 2
Pat T, b. g. CPetterson) ... 3 3 3
Martha B, b. m. (Laird) 4 6 4
faalla Dl, b. m. (Rutherford) 6 4ds
Time: 2:164. 2:12H. 2:10.
Claas 2:24, trotUng, three in five, purse
Allwrt C, g g. (Dlckerson) 2 2 111
Gateway, ch. g. (llelman) 114 2 2
Ls Wlckllffe. b. g. (Nichols)... 3 8 2 8 4
Renwal, ch. g. (Rowe) 5 4 3 4 3
Bister Collotte, b. m. (Cahlll).... 4 6 ro
Claudlo, ch. g. (Patterson) dB.
Time: 2:124, 2:14, 2:141. 2:15. 2.17H.
Free-for-all trotting, two In three, the
Poughkeepsie stake, $1,600:
Tiverton, b. g. (Howell) J J
George Q, b. g. (Ueers) J J
McKinley, b. g. (Benyon) 3 3
Sweet Marie, b. m. (McDonald) 4 4
Time: 2:07H. 2--
Columbus 115
Milwaukee 114 70
Minneapolis Ill 62
Louisville 115 80
Indianapolis 112 54
St. Paul 112 62
Toledo 113 44
Kansa City 110 35
Games today: Toledo at Milwaukee. In
dianapolis at Minneapolis. Louisville at St.
1'aul, coiumou at Kansas city.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
k 1"7 7 31 .711
. 109 69 40 . 633
hla l'7 60 47 .5ol
100 61 48 .r
11 , ! 68 51 .613
! Ill 42 68 .S79
Ill 36 76 3!l
17 33 74 .u8
Games today: Pittsburg' at Brooklyn.
Cincinnati at Boston, Chicago at New York,
bt. Loul at Philadelphia.
Battle Creek Defeat Blooaaera.
BATTLE CREEK. Neb.. Aug. 18 -(Special
) The B'ton Bloomer, a worn a a
hase ball club, played with the nine here
today. The diamond wa in good condi
tion, the weather fine and the attendance
large. The game resulted in a score of
2 to II in favor of tLu home nine.
ColoradMB that
KEARNEY. Neb.. Aug. 18 (Special Tel
efram 1 In the second gain played hero
today between Greeley. Colo., and Kearney
the visitors were hat4ed a row of gooea
Meet trlth Accident In Final Baeo
nod Finishes Fifth.
nguvnnH wis.. Ausr. 18. (Special Tel
egram.) The Council Bluff boat PHacllla
wins a cup for second prise In the class B
race of the eighth Inland Lake regatta.
This morning's race was sailed in a twenty-
knot breere over a twelve-miie triangular
course. The Pathfinder winning, with Bar
racouta second and Priscllla fifth. With
double reef tucked in the boats crossed
the line at the start well bunched to
gether with spinnakers set aa ballooners
lor the reach to the tlrst buoy. It was the
prettiest start of the week and all tbe dis
tance of that leg the boats ran practically
side by side. Just after rounding first and
second In order the Barraeouta and Pris
cllla shook one reef and In doing so, the
Priscllla' main sail was so badly torn that
the race was lost to It. It continued on the
course, however, but soon dropped back to
fifth place, which it held to the end, beating
in the Leucothea by one minute and eight
een seconds, the Klickitat having been dis
abled and towed out. Following Is a table
showing the percentages of the class
boats at the close of the regatta.;
Barraeouta, White Bear 467.1
Priscllla, Council Bluffs 371.0
Pathfinder. Mlnnctonka 342.8
Flying Fox, Fox Lake 171.5
Oshkosh, Jr.. Oshkosh 314.1
Leucothea, Madison Lake 167.2
Klickitat, Lake Geneva 71.6
In class A the Oshkosh boat Qlyndwr wins
the championship and the Alpha, from
White Bear, winner last year, takes second
prize. Today's race was won by the Winne
bago, which finished In a pelting rainstorm
threatening to .swamp the entire fleet.
When the storm arose the Glyndwr was
leading,; but not wishing to jeopardise its
chance for the cup by capsizing it lowered
Its sails until the worst of the storm had
passed. Fortunately no accidents occurred
and the boats strung over the line far
Tonight the cup were presented to the
captains of the winning crews at an in
formal reception in the club house, which
was largely attended.
Conteat for City Championship In
The challenge match for the city cham
pionship In doubles will be played at the
Field club courts Saturday afternoon be
tween Culdwell and Young, present holders
of the title, and Matteson and Smith, win
ners In the recent tournament, who thereby
gained the right to challenge.
Play will be started at 3 o'clock and there
will undoubtedly be a large gallery present
to witness the match, as there is consider
able speculation as to the final outcome..
Caldwell and Young belong to the old
school and there is always a considerable
number who look upon this class as has
beens, but Young demonstrated that he
was not in that class by recently winning
the city championship in singles from
Scrlbner. Scribner was strong and fast
and was touted by the younger set as a
sure winner on account of his speed, train
ing and endurance, but Young defeated him
by using hi long head and literally running
the legs off the younger by keeping him
running to and fro across tHe back court.
Entries from all sections of the nearby
country, as well as the cracks from other
cities, are coming to Secretary Wood and
there Is no longer any doubt that the en
try list will exceed that of any previous
tournament of the middle west champion
ships. Recent rains have put the court at
the Field club in perfect condition. These
were so reconstructed this spring that a
heavy rain has no terrors to the manage
ment, but it simply tends to make the
courts so much faster. With six courts in
operation all of the time the Field club
will present a busy appearance all next
week, as there Is sure to be one or two
exceptionally good matches on some of
the courts all of the time.
Matteson, although a new comer this
spring, has many admirers for the game
that he plays and the match will be no
walkaway for either side.
Hayea I Banner In.
SIOUX CITY. Aug. 18 (Special Tele
gram.) Walter Hayes of Toledo, la., de
feated Dr. W. E. Blatherwick of Rock Val
ley In the finals of the trl-state tennis
tournament here yesterday, 6-4. 6-4. 6-3.
Blatherwick qualified for the finals this
morning by defeating Prof. John Wheeler;
former South Dakota champion In a hard
fought game. Hayes will meet Lee of
Grand Rapids, the 1H champion, In the
challenge match tomorrow morning. Mon
net and Hayes defeated Bailey and Burton
In the doubles this mornlag and will meet
heeler and Howell tomorrow morn mi in
tne nnais. Tne winners or this match will
play Oilman and Baker of Sloux City
present holders of the doubles champion.
ship. All matches In the tournament will
De concluded.
Kelson One Ran to the Good.
RU8KIN. Neb . Aug. 18. (Special.) The
flrat day of Rusktn's base ball tournament
closed last night, a large crowd having
Witnessed the first game and other attrac
tions. The ball game was won by Nelson
over Byron, the score being 7 to 6. E. L.
Lewis of Fairfield is umpire.
Soathern Leaane Caanea.
At Chattanooga Little Rock, 4; Shreve
port, 0.
At Atlanta Atlanta. 3; Nashville. 0.
At Memphis New Orleans, a. Memphis. 2.
At Montgomery Montgomery. 4, Birming
ham. 0. . .
Manager Stahl Suspended.
CLEVELAND. Aug. 18 Manager Stahl
of the Washington American league club
ha been suspended for three days a a
result of an attack on Umpire Connolly at
the close of a game at Washington several
days ago.
Blooaaera Defeat planer.
WISNER. Neb.. Aug. 18 (Special Tele
gram.) The Boston Bloomer defeated the
w isner rae oati learn, I to I, tolay.
Drawlag (or Tennis Tonraera.
NEWPORT. R. I.. Aug. 18. -The drawings
for the tennis tournament to be opened at
tne casino August zi. were made today by
Dr. James Dwteht. secretary of the Na
tional Lawn Tennis association. The entry
list is tne largest ever received for the
Newport tournament. 105 players having
signified their intention to participate and
the list contains the names of some of the
best players In the country, Lamed. Ho
bart. Wright. Collins and Clothier being
among the number.
Cigar Satisfaction
All the aroma of the pure Havana all those Dualities
that contribute to an all-satisfying, after-dinner smoke, are in
Honqaet Halt Cigara at 10 cents.
They're mild enough for the "Domestic" man and Havana enough
for the "imported" man. Made in various strengths but alwavs
soft, smooth and even smoking.
You'll find Hanquit Halt" auperior to anv ciaar vou ever houcht at
10 cents. Try the first one you'll smoke the hundredth.
Makirs, NtV York
California Into the union and i annually
celebrated by the Native Sons and Daugh
ters. I he committee asked tnat tne date
of the fight be changed and that it be held
in this city, corrrotn said he would agree
to this if he were granted a oermlt bv tbe
city. The mayor did not object, but said
that the permit must be granted by the su-
f ervlsors, moat of whom are out of town,
t was finally decided to communicate with
them by wire and request their vote on the
proposition. In the meantime the date of
the contest remains unchanged. .
Cleveland Man Has Sine Rtba and
Rlfvht Thigh Fractared.
BUFFALO. N. Y.. Aug. 18.-Webb Jav of
Cleveland was probably fatally injured at
Kenllworth park today In the ten-mile au
tomobile race. At the three-quarters of the
fourth mile Jay's machine crashed through
tne rence, oown an emoanKment or nrteen
feet and Into a pond of water. What caused
the Hrrlftent in rtrtt knnwn It im Vin I iai-u.l
however, that Jay was blinded by dust ami
steered Into the fence. He was driving
about a mile a minute when the accident
Jay was racing with Lvtle and Rurmnn
At the three-quarters turn Jay was third
and the dust cloud of the other two cars
hung over him. Just at the three-quarters
the tracjt had been banked with dirt taken
from the excavation which had left a deep
hole Just beyond the fence. Heavy rains
had transferred the hole Into a deep pond.
Just as Jay reached the turn his car
crashed Into the fence, down the fifteen
foot embankment and Into the water. Jay,
unconscious, would have been drowned had
not two spectators sitting on the fence
nearby gone to his rescue and dragged
him out. He was taken to the German
hospital, where It was found that nine ribs
were broken, one of his lungs was punc
tured and his right femur was fractured.
Pneumonia and uleurlsv will set in within
twenty-four hours and If he survives them
he may live, the surgeons say.
Gllea, Who Defeated F.gan- Easily Pot
Out of Contest by rnlon.
The finals In the Exmoor tournament will
be played tomorrow between Kllngman and
F. C. Newton of Seattle, the latter today
navipg nereated E. E. Giles, the Pittsburg
Player who disnosed of ('hnnriior Firm,
Giles was outclassed and the Seattle man
won an eaisv rontnf tw a nr. 9 tn nl.
Auuiuer ui-ieai mai caused surprise today 1
wae. ine ueieai or h. c t ownes or Pitts
burg by A. T. H'alght of Glenview In their
semi-final match for the North Shore cup.
The finals In this event will be between
Douglas Laird of Canada and Haight.
Challenge Tennis Match.
The challenge tennis match for the city
championship will t played at the Field
club grounds Saturday afternoon between
Caldwell and Young, the defender of the
title, and Matteson and Smith, the chal
lengers. This match was postponed several
times because of rain and wet grounds anj
Anally was put off because Mr. Smith was
compelled to go to Denver.
C heasiuaaters at Barmen.
BARMEN. Germany. Aug. 18 When play
in the International chessmaster' tourna
ment was stopped for luncheon today three
Sanies had been finished and all were
rawn. namely, those between Tschlgorln
and Marociy. Burn and Bchlechter and
Suerhling and Wolf. Two games adjourned
from the four round were also recorded
as drawn. These mere Marorgy Versus
Alapln and John versus Tschlgorln.
For the first time this season the Krug
Parks were defeated In a match on the as
sociation alleys last night by a plckd
team. Clav demonstrated his right to hold
the championship medal by rolling 612 for
high score of the evening. Denman was
top man for the picked team with b'M.
, 1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
OJerde ; 2ol 177 200 678
McCague 135 20 1S9 4!4
Forscutt liiS 128 1S8 44
Denman 2o4 181 1!5 fmt
Marble 190 l.3 177 too
Totals 898 ' 879 919 2.'I6
1st. 2,1. S.1 Totrjl
Clay 224 212 176 612
French 168 1K4 193 63.i
Hull 157 176 in 601
Bengele H9 lt.5 175 609
Zimmerman 1H6 1) 163 4'j.S
Totals 883 897 878 2,658
Snceeasfnl Strike
against lung trouble can be engineered by
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds. 60c and $1. For
sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Sugar Rate War Continue.
NEW YORK. Aug. IS News that the
sugar rate war between eastern, western
and gulf line railroads, which was pro
ceeding to a harmonious settlement last
week, Is to be continued, was made public
here today. The names of the dissenting
railroads were not learned, but eastern
lines are understood to have cast many of
the negative liallots.
Generally Fair Today and Tomorrow
In Nebraska, 'Wyoming; and
WASHINGTON. Aug. 18 -Forecast of the
weather for Saturday and Sunday:
For Nebraska. Colorado, Wyoming and
Montana Generally fair Saturday and Sun
day. For Iowa Partly cloudy Saturday, prolj
ably showers In east and south portions,
cooler In southeast portion; Sunday, fair.
For South Dakota Fair Saturday and
warmer In extreme south portion; Sunday,
For Missouri Showers Saturday, cooler in
east portion; Sunday, fair.
For Kansas Fair Saturday, except show
ers and cooler in southeast portion; Sunday,
Local Record.
OMAHA, Aug. 18. Official record of tem-
ferature and precipitation compared with
h. corresponding day of the last three
Maximum temperature.
Minimum temperature.
Mean temperature
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 74
Deficiency for the day 2 1
Total excess sinc e March 1 214
Normal precipitation 11 Inch
Excess for the day 63 inch
Precipitation since March 1 13 71 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 7.75 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period In 1!M . 3 M Inches
Deficiency for cor. period in u0.. 3.67 Inches
Mills Wins Fl Castlaar Prise.
CHICAGO. Aug 1S.-E. F. Mllia of New
York won tha Diamond tropny for long
dlstanc. by caing bar. today agalnat
ele.n competitors in th. Chicaao Flv Cast
ing club tournament at Garfield park. Mills ' scheduled to occur at Colnia on September
dialaaua waa U leal I lucb.a. 8. Xhia La Ui data ot lb admlsaisa ot
1 .
May Postpone Brltl-Aelaon Fluht.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 18 A commit
tee from the Order of Nstlv. Sons of th.
Golden West today held a conference with
Mayor aWhmits and James W. Coffroth.
promoter of th. Brttt-Nelson glov. contest.
1905. 194. 1903 1902.
. 81 82 M SO
, 64 64 62 68
. 72 73 72 74
. .64 .25 .01 .00
Reports from Stations at T P, M-
Station and Stat.
of Weather.
Blsmsrck. cloudy
Cheyenne, clear
Chicago, cloudy
Iavenport. cloudy
Denver, clear
Havre, clear
Helena, clear
Huron, cloudy
Kansas City, cloudy..
North Platte, clear...
Omaha, part, cloudy..
Rapid City, clear
St. l-ouls, clear
St Paul, clear
Salt Lake City, clear.
Valentine, part cloudy.
7 p.m.
.... 68
.... 82
.... 82
. . . . 71
.... 66
.... "4
.... 74
.... 6
.... 8.'
.... 76
.... 80
.... 74
Max. Rain-
em. fall
78 T
84 t
81 .01
2 'O
7 .fi
80 T
mi .'4
fa 1 .In
H .(.1
74 T
82 .(
fti f1
76 .01
A parent may transmit a weak sex
ual organism to his offspring, but It Is
usually the result of abuses, excesses
or overwork. Emissions once estab
lished have a tendency to Increase.
Dfty losses, waste In urine and marked
sexual decline often follow, together
with a train of mental and physical
symptoms, and the man passes from
the boundaries of health Into the con
fines of disease. He is very nervous,
easily confused, absent-minded, forget
ful, continually possessed of doubts
and fears, shy, suspicious. Irritable,
hates female society and would rather
be alone. The system unstrung, he
has headache, backache, palpitation of
heart, shortness of breath, dizziness,
deranged stomach, torpid liver, weak
kidneys, poor circulation and is tired,
lifeless and worn out. He lacks ambi
tion, confidence and courage, for the
tremor of weakness and disease ap-
ralls his mind and shakes his body,
'nflt for business, study or marriage,
the Jeer of men and mock of women,
he suffers in secret silence, brooding
over his condition. Strange as It may
seem, the strongest and most robust
men are often those In whom the local
disturbances are the most severe.
For the speedy cure of these diseases that so Insidiously destroy the Intel
lect, strength and very manhood, secure the services of the eminent specialists
connected with the Electro Medical Institute. They will stop these unnatural
drains with their terrible results and restore to sound health the pitiable victim
of ncrvo-sexual debility, brain fatigue and wrecked manhood.
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases,
and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, self
abuse, excesses or the result of specific or private diseases.
rnWQIII TlTiflM FRFF H you cannot call write for svrr.ntom blank
vvnewainiieii a .a.. OfTiCS Hour 8 a. m. to t I
I p. m.
Sundays. 10 to 1 only.
1308 Farnam St.. Between 13th and 14th St.., Omaha, Neb.
Hot Springs, S. D., and Return,
Deadwood and Lead, S. D., and Return,
Tickets on sale August 23th, with return limit of
September 10th.
Tourist sleeping cars from Omaha and Lincoln to
the Black Hills. Double berth large enough to accommo
date two persons, $1.75.
Call or write for new folder, "Little Journeys in the
Black Hills," describing this attractive region. It's free.
J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent,
1502 Farnam St., Omaha.
Parity Backed
The uiiistej
for medicinal use
icates trace nr precipitation, I
I. A. .Wixeij, Local Cirjlyil