TTTE OMATTA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, AUGUST . 17, 1005. fr SIOUX CITY HAS THE SNAP Improves it to the Iitent of Taking Both Gmi of Doable-Htader. ST. JOSEPH PLAYERS ARE AN EASY MARK 'lfeatrd Team Trufli All Maht In P r Couch and Goes to the Oroait I" Xo Condition to riar. SIOUX ClTT, Aug. IS.-Blnux City won double-header from 8t. Joseph today by out-bitting and out-fleldtng the visitors In both games. Both Jarrott and Cadwallader had the Jobbers at their merry and they ers given the finest sort of support both at the bat and In the field. None of the errors made by Sioux City coat anything, while all of the fumbles made by 8t. Jo seph contributed to the score. The St. Joseph team had Journeyed from Dea Moines In a common day coach and went to the game with comparatively llt ts? sleep. This had much to do with their bad ehowtng. Neither Eyler nor Reynolds u hard hit, although the smashes of the Packer cam at opportune times, when the Bt. Joseph boya were committing blun ders Attendance, 1,000. Score, first game: SIOUX CITT. tT. .JOBEKH. AB H 0 A B. AB HO A K. rf... I 1 I 0 0 HeynoMi, rf. 4 0 J 4 OBi'htli. 20.... ? 1 OQullltn. aa... 4 0 1 I 0 0 Anilrewe. lb. U I J 0 K't'him, tl. I 1 M n Mnlrneus, II. 11 M 0 ft Zlnk. lb 4 I 0 0 6 Zlnren. e 4 0 4 1 0 0 0 Eyler, p 1 0 0 4 0 Cnlllne Sheehan, 8b.. 4 Weed, lb. .. 4 Pulelfler. It.. I Noblli, cf.... 4 rarner, lb... 4 O'Hara. aa... 4 rUarnafle, e. 4 Jarrott. p.... 4 I 1 I I 0 1 0 1 0 IS 1 1 s 0 0 by pitched ball: Hoffman. Time: 1:45. Umpire: O Loughlln. Games Postponed. At New York Detroit-New York game postponed; wet grounds. At Boston Boston-Chicago gam post poned; rain. Standing; of the Tennis. Totale 84 7 27 11 0 Totals ?3 Z4 1 f loux City 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 - bt. Joseph 1 0O00000 0-1 Earn-d runs: Bloux City. 1. Twn-baae hits: Weed 2i, Zlnk (2). First base on errors: 8loux City. 3. Left on bnsrs: Sioux City, 5; ft. Joseph, 6. Stolen bases: Shee hari, Weed, Jarrott. Ba-rlflce litt: I'ulst fer. Base on balls: Off Jarrott. 2; off Eyler, 1. Struck out: By Jarrott, fi; by Eyler. 5. Wild pitch: Eyler. Time: 1:23. Umpire: Caruthers. Score, second game: glOl'X city. FT. JOSEPH. AB H.O.A.B. AB.H O A. K. Colltne. r... b 0 0 0 OReynnMi, p.. 4 1 1 1 1 SHeehan. lb. 4 1 t 2 oshlti. 2U... 4 0 12 2 Weed, 2b ... 4 1 2 3 IQ'HIIIn. M...4 12 11 Pulalter, If.. I I 1 0 OAndrewe, lb. 4 1 1 I 0 Nobllt, cf ... 1 1 2 0 0 Krtfhim, cf. 4 0 I 0 0 Carney, lb... 4 1 1 OMMyneam. If 4 1 I 0 0 O'Hart. h... 4 0 4 1 (I Zlnk. lb 4 1 S 0 1 Shea c 4 0 7 0 0 Zlnran, C....2 14 0 0 Cwallader. P I 0 1 2 eThomai, rf.. 4 0 1 0 Totala 34 7 27 11 1 Totale 25 24 Ploux City 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 8 Bt. Joseph 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-base hit: Hheehan. Three-base hit: Nobllt. First base on errors: Sioux City, 4; St. Joseph, 2. Left on bases: Sioux City, 7; St. Joseph', 7. Stolen base: Cad wallader Sacrifice hit: Nobllt. Base on balls: Off Cadawllader, 2: off Reynolds, 2. Struck out: By Cadwallader, 7: by Rey nolds. 2. Wild pitch: Reynolds. Time: 1:25. Umpire: Caruthers. Bohannon Ponnded Freely PtEBUO, Colo., Aug. 16. Pueblo today reversed things, defeating the Grizzlies by a score of 14 to 8. The game was de cidedly a batting bee, the hits being lib eral on both sides. Stlmmel pitched the first Inning for the locals, being relieved In the second by Miner, who proceeded at once to strike out the first three Denver batters who confronted him. Bohannon was on the slab for the Cubs during the first eight Innings, but In the eighth threw down his glove and walked In. He was relieved by Vollendorf. The Indians started the fireworks in the first inning, landing on Bohannon for seven tallies, the Cubs bringing two across the home rubber In this session The Indians practically had .the game cinched in the first inning, but In order to make It sure started a similar procedure In the fourth, when they ham mered Pat for five more runs. Denver had no chance for winning at any stage of today a game. The score: Fl'EBLO. DENVER. in u ft A IE ah u n A w. Blake, cf..,. 4 0 1 0 OMrHale. cf.. 8 I 1 t 0 Hart tell, lb. t 1 1 I I 1 Randall, rf... 4 10 0 OBelden if.... (2810 OPerrlne, 2b.. I 2 0 4 1 0 H'akoetter, aa i 1 I I 0 Everltt, lb. .. 2 0 7 1 1 0 Brown, e 4 2 4 1 0 0 Bnhannon, p 2 0 0 4 1 p 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 0 0 Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Philadelphia 97 5!) S3 .WW Cleveland 67 42 .57 Chicago M 53 41 .570 New York 93 .49 44 .627 Boston 94 49 45 .621 Detroit 101 43 63 . 475 Washington 98 S8 60 . 38 St. Louis ...99 34 65 . 343 Vollendorf, Cook, cf 8 0 ( Pelehantr. 2b 4 t 1 Knahe. rf..,. 4 2 0 Bhriver, lb... 2 0 4 Mott. 3b 4 1 ( Weeeltt, , ... 1 2 i Bailor. M 1 1 8 Stlmmel, p. . 0 0 0 Miner, p 4 1 0 Engl, lb... Totale U 17 II 1 Total! ta 14 24 17 1 Puebld 7 1 0 S 0 0 0 1 -14 Denver 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 88 Stolen base: Blake. Sacrifice hits: Mott, penriver (Zj. inree-nase hit: Knane Passed ball: Messltt. Base on balls: Off Stlmmel, 1: off Miner. 8: off Bohannon. 6: off Vollendorf, 1. Struck out: By Bohan non, o; Dy Miner, 6. ieu on bases: i'uenlo T; Denver, 5. Two-base hits: Mott, Mc Hale, Miner, Helskoetter, Delehanty. Ran dall. Wild pitch: Vollendorf. Time: 1:55. Attendance: 4o0. Umpire: Mace. Standing; of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Dei Moines 107 71 S .64 Denver 106 62 44 .5S6 Omaha , 102 56 46 . 649 Sioux City 104 65 49 . 6:-9 Pueblo li 8S 62 .30 St. Joseph 105 30 75 .286 Games today: Omaha at Pueblo. Des Moines at Denver, St. Joseph at Sioux GAMES 1 THE AMERICAN LEAGIB Cleveland Bunches Hits Early In Con. test and "Wins from Washington. WASHINGTON, Aug. 16. -Cleveland, by good stick" work, today took their third stratum game rrom Washington. Score: WASHINGTON. CLEVELAND. AB. H.O.A.B. AB. H.O.A.B. uaeaiay, ... o 1 1 jarkeon... If.. 4 18 0 Hill, lb 4 1111 nick, rf .... 4 10 1 Hickman, lb 4 1 1 t Bradley, 8b. 1 1 11 Andereos, rf. 1 0 1 0 1 Turner, aa... 1114 Knoll, K 1 1 1 Carr, lb 4 1 4 1 8tabi, lb 4 0 11 OHlovall, lb... 4 1 t 1 Joaea. cf 4 110 Vlnaoo, of... Ill Harden, c... 4 114 Clarke, e..., 10 11 Palten, p.... 0 0 Buelow. .... 1 1 ( 1 Ada ma, p.... 4 1 0 4 0 bernbard, p. 4 1 0 'Totals 14 1 17 17 4 Totala 31 II 27 1 Cleveland 40210000 07 r Minns ion U U 1 U V O U 0 01 Two-base hits: Flick, Jones, Turner. pacrmc nus: i urner, carr. stolen bases piaiiii, junre. mis; urt fallen, in one inning; on Aaanis, o in eight innings, Left on bases: Washington. 6: Cleveland. 7. llt by pitched ball: By Adiuns, i First ds on errora: ( leveiana, . t Irst base on balls: Off Patten, 1; off Adams, 1; off oernnara. z. BtrucK out: liy Adams, 3 by Bemhard, 7. Time: 1:36. Umpire: Con Philadelphia Beata St. Loata. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 16-Phlladelphla viuivu i, iuurui Birevigm viciory over ot ixiuis today. Weather rainy. Attendance, ,uud. ocure: PHILADELPHIA. ST. LOU18. AB. H.O.A.B. AB.H O A B itarreai, 11... e i e stone, ir I I ( o Hennas, cf. 4 1 1 0 0 Starr, lb i 0 0 1 !!. lb 1 111 1 1 Vanaanl, rf..4 1 1 0 L. Croaa. lb. 4 4 1 t Wallace aa. 8 I I 2 BerboM, rf... 4 1 0 0 0 Koehler.' cf.. 4 110 Murpsr. lb.. 4 14 1 OJouea, lb 4 1 1 M Croaat aa. 1 1 1 1 0 Oleaaon, lb.. I 1 I 1 Bokreck. C...4 111 Spencer, ... 4 111 C oak ley. p... 4 0 1 4 0 BudnoB, p... 4 02 Totala 14 II 17 It 1 Totals 14 U 14 " Philadelphia 2 0 0 I 1 0 I 0 -8 St. Louis 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 04 lft on bases: Philadelphia. 8: St. Louis 11, Karned runs: Philadelphia. I; 8t. Louis' 2. Stolen bases: Stone, Hoffman (2), Bey bold 2. Two-base hits: L. Cross (2). Sacri fice hits: Davis. M. Cross, Qleaaon. Koeh lar. Dtiuble play: Gleason to Jones. Struck out: By Coakley, 5; by Sudhoff, 1. Bases on balls: OB Coukley, 4; oft Sudhoff, 1. Hit c Mats None Better Made The standard ot hat value None Better KfrOHU Rivals of 5 dollar hats Live dealers everywhere out of five won from Fremont, two of which were off their star twlrler, Leach. Score: HUE. Wahoo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 1 Fremont 000000000048 Battertes: Wahoo. Anderson and John son; Fremont, Adams and Ronln. Attend ance: 6i0. I'mplre: Crawford. GAME IS THE V4TIOVM, I.KAfilK Brooklyn and nttahnra Break Even In a Doalile-llrader. BROOKLYN", Aug. 16. Brooklyn won the first ganif by hltilng. assisted by Pitts burg's errors, and the nr-ennd game hniked llkt- a Brooklyn victory up to the seventh Inning, when four hits and two errors put Pittsburg In the lead. 8core, first game: BROOKLYN PITTSBIRd. AB H.O.A.E. AB.H.rt.A.E. Hall, rf I 4 0 0 firmer, rt ..5 1 0 0 0 0 Clarke. It... I 1 1 0 Leah. cf ... 1 0 1 0 Wasner, ee. . $ I I 0 Howard, lb.. 8 0 14 0 Brain, lb. .. 4 11 1 Rltrhey. 2b.. 4 11 0 Olhaon. e. ... 4 1 I 1 Flaherty p. 1 1 1 - Rnhertalile. B 1 0 0 Totals 41 1 27 11 I Beaumont ..000 Hlll ndt, p... 0 0 0 TENNIS COURTS WARING UP Field Olub Grounds Will le Busy for Quite. Spall. MIDDLE WEST TtURNEY STARTS MONDAY City Doubles Championship Will Be Played atordnr In Order to Clear the May for the Bis; Event. Sherkard. If. I 0 1 Lumley. rf... 8 10 Batrh. Jb ... 4 I 1 Oeealer, lb... 1 1 10 Malar, lb 4 2 1 bewia. aa.... Ill Bergen, c... Ill Hit, hell, p.. 110 No games today. GAMES IV AMERICA ASSOCIATION Cnlnmhns Shots Ont LoolsTille In a Fast Contest. COLt'MBUS. O.. Aug. K But two Louis ville runners got to second base today and he visitors were eaflly shut out by Merger. Attendance, 2.407. Score: COLl'MBt'S. LOUISVILLE. AB. H.O.A.E. AB. H.O.A.B. Pickering, cf S 1 0 0 0 Kerwin. rf...4 1 I 0 0 Davli. rf I 2 1 0 0 Sullivan, lb.. 4 010 Ryan, c 4 0 0 0 0 Clay, cf 1110 0 Consalton If 4 1 0 0 0 Bra, hear. 2b. 4 1110 Klhm, lb ... 2 0 1 0 0 Shaw, 4 0 111 Hiilowltt. m. 1 0 1 4 0 Woodruff, lb. 4 1 0 1 1 Clymrr, 2b... 4 1 7 5 0 Hallmen. If.. 10 10 0 Barbeau, 3b.. 2 0 2 1 0 Qulnlan, aa.. 2 0 0 2 1 Berger, p 1 0 0 0 0 Dunkle, p 110 11 Totala 10 27 12 0 Totals 12 111 I Columbus 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 6 Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Stolen bases: Clvmer (3). Congalton. Bar beau. Sacrifice hits: Klhm, Hulswltt. First base on balls: Off Berger, 1; off Dunkle, 1. Two-base hits: Davis (2). Struck out: By Bf-rger. 1: by Dunkle. 6. Time: 1:45. Um pire: King. Toledo Bunches tilts. . TOLEDO. O.. Aug. 16 Toledo won to day's game by opportune hitting. Score: TOLEDO. INDIANAPOLIS. AB. H.O.A.E. AB. H.O.A.E. Cllngman. aa. 6 2 1 1 1 Bruce, 2b.... 4 14 11 J. Clarke, If 4 1 1 0 I) Moran, aa ... 5 1 a 3 0 Morlarlty, 3b 4 1 1 I OThoney, If... 4 1110 Lee. rf I 1 I 0 OCromley, rf.. t 1 0 0 0 liemont, 2b.. 4 0 4 2 1 M unary, lb... 6 1110 Nance, cf.... 1110 OCarr. 2h 4 0 110 Boyle, lb.... 4 3 7 0 0 Farrell, 2b... 4 12 10 R. Clarke, o. 3 0 1 1 0 Wearer, c... 4 1110 Piatt, p 4 I 1 1 0 Morgan. p...O 0 0 0 0 Hetuy, p 1 0 1 0 I Totala 14 12 27 II Totala 36 11 24 12 1 Toledo 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 7 Indianapolis 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 06 Two-base hits: Lee, Piatt. INance. stolen base: Cromlcy. Sacrifice hits: Reidy, Thoney. Base on balls: Off Morgan, 1; off Rcldy, 1. Struck out: By Piatt, 8; by Morgan, z; Dy Keldy, z. l.ett on oases Toledo, 5: Indianapolis. 8. Hit by pitcher Lee. Hits: Off Morgan, 8 In three Innings; off Reldy, 7 in six Innings. Time: '1:05. L'mpire: Kane. Attendance: 1,500. St. Pan! Wins First Game, ST. PAUL, Minn., Aug. lS.-Kilroy pitched a shutout game for St. Paul today Minneapolis getting their only run pn buiiivan s paused can, score: BT. PAt'L. MINNEAPOLIS. AB. H.O.A.E. AB. H.O.A.E. Oeler. 2b 2 2 I 4 0 Jonea, cf 4 1 4 0 0 Carney, rf... 1 I 1 I 0 D Sullivan, rf 4 112 0 Hemphill, rf. 4 1 u o rreeman, ID. a 0 It 0 1 Wheeler. 3b. 1 1 0 1 1 Coulter, If... 4 110 0 O'Brien, aa . 4 0 0 1 0 Orenitnger, 8b 1 0 0 10 Klournoy. If. I 0 3 0 0 Schmidt, c... I 1 I 1 0 Noonan. lb.. 1 1 15 0 1 Oyler, as 4 0 1 I 0 J. Sullivan, c I 0 11 0 Foi, 2b 4 1 0 3 0 Kllroy, p.... 1 10 0 Thomaa. p... I 1010 i 'Frlel 1 0 0 0 0 Totals 17 127 201 Totals 13 24 12 1 Batted for Thomas In ninth. St. Paul 0 0100102 1 Minneapolis 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 iwo-Dase nit: ueier. stolen nase: jones. Double play: Bulllvan and Freeman. Base on balls: ore Kllroy, 3; orr Thomas, l. Passed ball: Sullivan. Hit by pitcher: Schmidt. Struck out: By Thomaa, 8: by Kllroy, 1. Sacrifice hits: Geler, Carney, Wheeler, J. Sullivan. Left on bases: St. Paul, 6; Minneapolis, 9. Time: 1:40. Um pires: Haskell and Owens. Attendance: 1,225. Kansas City Beats Milwaukee. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Aug. 18. Eels was Invincible and Kansas City defeated Mil waukee in a game which was ended in the eighth inning by a severe windstorm. Hickey was hit freely by the locals. Score: KANSAS CITT. MILWACKEE. AB. H.O.A.E. AB. H.O.A.E. Gilbert, If... 4 I 0 0 ORoblnaon, aa. I 1 I 1 1 K rant i. 3b... 4 1 0 0 0 O'Brien, rf.. 1110 0 Douglaaa, lb. 4 1 6 1 V Bateman. lb. I I I 1 0 Caatro, cf..., 0 0 0 0 Hemphill, cf. 1 0 1 0 0 Butler, rf.... 0 0 10 OCIarke. lb... 10 0 10 Donahue, aa. 4 1 I 0 0 Bevlile, c I 0 I 0 0 Wright, rf-ct. 1 1 I 0 1 McCor'Ick, lb 1 0 0 3 0 Bonner. 2b... 4 10 1 0 Dougherty, If I 0 0 0 0 Zearfoaa, c. 4 I 0 0 Met nee, lf-2b I till Gele. p 4 111 0 Hickey, p... 10 14 0 Totala II 11 11 I i Totala 24 4 21 11 I Kansas City 0 12 0 11 27 Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 2 02 Earned runs: Kansas City, 8; Milwaukee, 1. Two-base hit: Bateman. Sacrifice hits: Butler, Bevlile. Stolen bases: Gilbert, Donahue. Double plays: McCurmick, Rob inson and Bateman; H'lckey and Bateman. Base on balls: Off Eels, 1; off Hickey, 1. Struck out: By Eels, 6; by Hickey, (. Wild pitch: Hickey. Hit by pitcher: Wright. Left on bases: Kansas City, 8; Milwaukee, 3. Time: 1:35. Umpire: Sullivan. Attendance: 150. Standing; of the Teams. Played Columbus 114 Milwaukee 113 Mlnneaiolla 110 Ixiuisviile 114 Indianapolis Ill St. Paul Ill Toledo 113 Kansas City '..109 Games today: Louisville at Columbus; In dianapolis af Toledo; Milwaukee at Kansas City; Minneapolis at St. Paul. Totala 40 10 27 14 I Batted for Robcrtaille In eighth. Brooklyn 2 0031112 0-W Pittsburg 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 2 06 Two-base hits: Clark, Batch. Three-base hits: Wagner, Rltchey, Flaherty, Hall. Sacrifice hit: Oessler, Malay. Stolen bases: Clvmer, Gessler. Bases on balls: Off Rob ertallle, 1; off Flaherty, 1: oft Mitchell, 1. Hit with ball: Howard. Brain. Struck out: By Flaherty, !: by Robertaille, i: by Mine- brandt, 1; by Mitchell, 5. Passed ball: Gibson. Hits: Off Flaherty, 6 In three In nings; off Robertaille, 10 In four innings; off Hlllebrandt, 1 In one Inning. Time: 2:06. Vinplre: O Day. Bcore. second game: PITTFBCRO. BROOKLYN. AB. H.O.A.E. AB. H.O.A.E. Clrmer. rf... 1 1 0 0 0 Hall, ef 4 110 1 I I V o snerkara, u. o 110 0 Lumley, rf... 3 I I I 1 Batch, lb. ... I 0 14 1 I Oeeeler, lb.. 4 till Malar. 2b.... 4 0 4 10 Lewis, aa.... I 1110 Rltter, e I 0 0 10 Etrlrklett, p. 4 Beaumont, cf 1 Leach, If.... 4 Wagner, aa.. 4 Howard, lb.. 4 Brain. 3b. ... I Rltrtiey 2b.. 4 Peltz. c". 4 Phllllppe, p. 4 10 0 110 1 1 4 1 10 I 114 0 14 1 3 0 1 1 I Totala 33 I 27 16 I Totals 36 10 14 15 4 Pittsburg , 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0-fl BrooKiyn zuiuiuuv w t Two-base hits: Wagner, Pelt. Gessler. Three-base hits: Sheckard, Batch. Sacri fice hits: Brain, Hall. Hatch. Btolen pases: Gessler, Rltter. Double plays: Wagner, Rltchey and Howard; Kltcney ana riowara. Bases on balls: Oft Phllllppe. 2; off Strick lett, 2. Struck out: By Phllllppe, 2: by Strlcklett, 2. Time: l:5o. Umpire: O'Day. Attendance, 4. rbO. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. New York 105 74 31 .706 Pittsburg 107 67 40 .b. Chicago 107 61 46 .570 r'hllarteipnia ino os to .ana Cincinnati 10 56 60 .628 8t. Louis 109 4i 68 . 378 Boston 108 3o 73 .JZ4 Brooklyn 105 33 72 . 314 Games todav: Pittsburg at Brooklyn. Cincinnati at Hoston. Chicago at New York, St. Louis at Philadelphia. Lyons Wins Fast Game. LYONS, Neb., Aug. 16 (Special.) In a fast name of base ball here today Lyons defeated Laurel by the score of 3 to 2. The feattire of the game was the pitching or Cook, who struck out eight men and al lowed but four hits. The Lyons Corn HuHker band was also In evidence. 8core: R H E Lyons 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 8 7 1 Laurel 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 02 4 2 Two-base hit: Tolles. Double play: Mor rison and Durrle. Struck out: By Cook, 8; by Bond, 5. Batteries: Lyons, Cook and Fagan; laurel. Bond and Flint. Time: 1:15. Umpire: Smith. The same teams will play here tomor row, and Stilts and Orr will be in the box for their respective teams. Jetters Win at Neola. The B. Jetters of South Omaha de feated Neola, la.. In a fast game of ball before 2.000 people at Neola. The playing of Ballenger and H. Anlow 8mlth was a feature. Score: R, H. E. Jetters 7 9 8 Neola 4 6 2 Batteries: Ballenger and Smith; Stephany and Duffey. Kearney Scores m Shntont. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Aug. 16 (Spe cial Telegram.; Kearney won a good game of ball from Orand Island today. Score: R. H. E. Kearney 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 1 01 7 3 Grand Island.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 4 5 Batteries: Kearney, Howard and Zalusky; urana isiana, Jewin ana w niicomb. Glenwood Easy Winner. GLEN WOOD, la., Aug. 18. (Special.)- uase nan nere yesterday: Glenwood 0 2 1 1 4 0 8 0 314 Balfour 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 17 Batteries: Collins and Laraway; Dunnl gan and Burson. Umpires: Donelan broth' era. Attendance: 1,187. Lonlsvllle Wonld Enter Bis League LOUISVILLE, Ky Aug. 16.-Deflnlte steps have been taken by Col. J. H Haager, president of the American Bowling congress, to secure either a national or an American league base ball team for Louis ville next season. on. Lost. Pet. "5 38 .658 70 43 . 6?1 61 4 .556 59 56 .618 63 68 . 477 52 69 . 468 44 68 M 84 75 . 312 KOSPAREILS BEATEN BY ARMOt HS Wlldneaa of Williams Gave Victors Chance to Poll Of Victory. Williams' wlldneaa rnnnloit w,lK oh... han's long three-baarer. won the vamo fn. the Armours Wednesday. Tonneman. who imrvru I'unHnue, was very effective. Score DAIOTHALL Tha Banqraet rL&n Cigar is a naraiia Barprta fnl- filled. 10c, 2 for a quarte and 15c tralgbt .CIGARS ARMOl'HS. AB U O A Millet, lb.... I McMahon, 2b I Ton' man c-p 1 Shanahan, aa. I Uavla. lb... Smith. It-c. VYieniar, rt., Cf. Donahue, p. Smith, If... 1 0 0 I 10 10 otto 000 10 11 1111 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 NONPAREILS. AB. H.O.A.E 0 Donahue, c. I 1 1 0 0 o williame. p. I 0 M. IT., lb-lb I 1 Hoben. ae-c. . I Otiarvey, lb. .. I 0J. Caaey. If.. I 0 Lynch, rf.... I 0 B. Caeey. rt. 1 0 acaaaldy, lb.. I 110 . Totala 21 7 11 I I Totals 11 I If I 1 Armours n 6 0 1 7 Nonpareils 4 0 0 1 05 turned, run: Nonpareil. Two-base hits Williams, McMahon. Three-base hit: Shana nan. btolen base: Tonneman. Bases on bulls: Off Williams. 8. Hit by pitched balls: oiuie. Miner. Hi ruck out: By Williams, , py Jonneman. 2; by Donahue, 8. Passed "" nouen. wild pitches: By Williams, . hub. 1:11. umpire: Jsicnols. Southern League Games. At Chattanooga Slireveport, 7; Memphis, At IJttle Rock First game: New Orleans, 10; Dlttle Rock, 3. Second game: New Orleans. 8: Little Rock. 4. At rsasnvine Montgomery, ; xsasnvuie, i. EOAN FINDS HARD TASK It Takes Golf Champion Twenty-Two Holes to Dispose of Brnce Smith CHICAGO. AOg. 16. It took National Champion H. Chandler Egan twenty-two nuies to aeteat Bruce smith oi unwentsia in their contest today in the first round of play for the Exmoor cup. Playing even wiin rjgan every extra note, tne naie player sliced to the woods on the twenty second hole and lost it, 6 to 4, after taking three shots to get on the course With the score at no time above 2 up, the two players put up a fine game of golf Improving as they went along. At the eighteenth hole Smith's perfect approach won him the hole, squaring mut ters and forced the contest into extra holes. Following are the scores In the first round for the Exmoor cup: W. E. Egan, Exmoor, defeated H. J. Tweedle. Belmont. 3 up 2 to play. F. J. Newton. Seattle, defeated J. 8. De- Moss. Tuscumbla. 2 up 2 to play G. F. Cllngman, Jr.. Home wood, defeated G. Copeland, Lxmoor, 8 up 2 to Play. C. E. Smoot, Exmoor, defeated W. K. Wood, Homewood, 1 up in a) holes R. II. McElwee, Onwentsla, defeated R. B. Martin. Jackson Park. 1 up E. M. Cummins, Exmoor, defeated N. L. Buck. Auburn Park. 8 un 4 to go. E. E. Giles, Pittsburg, defeated A. C. Scullv. Exmoor. 4 uo 3 to go. H. C. Egan, Exmoor, defeated Bruce Smith, Onwentsla, 1 up In 22 holes. Races Open at Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb.. Aug. 16. (Special Tel egram.) The circuit races opened here to day with a fair attendance and a good held of horses. 1 he Lone star C arnival company has been secured by the Beatrice Driving association to give entertainments during the race meeting, vv earner ex tremely warm. Summary; 2:27 trot, purse I4X McConqueror Maggie McMell Mamie H Nuthelle Vanity , Time: z:ze4, l:W4, I.avt. 2:18 pace, purse 1400 Spill 1 Dr. Reber 3 Harry C. Jr 2 Time: 2:134, 2:224, 2: 21 '4. Half mile dash, running, purse ITS: Net tie C. won, Tranceral second. Limb third. lime; v:tl. ...1 ...6 ...3 ...4 ...2 1 1 dls 2 Tuesday Among the Bowlers, Tuesday night the Krug Park bowling team aeieaiea tor ine mira time in court land Beach bowling team on their own al Wahoo Wins the Rubber. WAHOO. Neb.. Aug. 188pecial Tele gram. 1 Wahoo won Hie deciding game of the series from Fremont here today, 1 to 0. The game was a fine pitchers' battle be tween Anderson, Wahoo s southpaw, and Adams. 4th the honors easily with Ander son, who allowed the visitors but four scattered singles. Adams weakened In the eighth inning, when a two-bagger by Bi nmdynes and Klrchman's hit to the fence won the gaoia. This game makes three leys. Score: KRUG PARK. 1st. Id. Sd. Total. French 178 144 180 Ml Hull 159 19 loM ',; Zimmerman 144 , 2"6 M 4H5 Bengele 138, 151 166 4&4 Clay 13 199 175 6u2 Totals 747 868 835 2450 COURTLAND BEACH. 1st. 2d. 8d. Total. Berger 192 1S2 68 I 610 Cannon 136 1H0 176 471 Rush 148 142 142 430 Hoffman 146 119 ) m Jay 13 140 144 467 Totals 801 712 828 2342 Interest Awakened. Interest awakened everywhere In ths niarveloui cures of cuts, burns, wounds. with Bucklen a Arnica Salve. 26c For sals by Sherman d alcCouneil Drug Co. The postponed challenge tennis match be- ween Conrad Young and Sam Caldwell gainst Sherman Smith and Matteson for he championship In doubles of Omaha will te played Saturday, August 19. at S o'clock t the Field club. Smith and Matteson de feated Bcrlbner and Kohn In the recent Ity tournament and the challenge match was left unplayed, owing to the fact that Mr. Smith was suddenly called out of town on business. A great deal of Interest Is being taken In this match and It promises o be a Very close and exciting game. Although Caldwell has not been playing much this season he has been practicing daily of late and Is rapidly regaining his old time form. Smith and Matteson are both Dartmouth players and although they never won much while at college have dis played championship form throughout the city tournament and It Is safe to say they will give the "old timers" a run for their money. Middle West Entries. The entries in the Middle West have been growing dally and it looks now as if every town In the states of Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska where the game Is played will have one or two players entered. Three very good entries were received yesterday from Chicago. One of them is Arthur C. Snow,, winner of the western championship In 1903, also winner of the northwestern ifl 1901, and besides being holder of many city championships in Chicago he Is ranked as one of the fastest players in the country. With him In doubles Is Charles C. Peters, who also has a number of championships to his credit. He made a very good show ing this year In the Western at Chicago last July and came within one of winning the tournament from H. It. Waldner. From Kansas City will come Vernon and Sheldon, the recent winners of the Mis souri state championship. Lincoln will send a very fast team In "Ike" and Donald Raymond. W. P. Hayes, recent winner of the Iowa state tourney, and J. C. Man- net, his partner, will be In attendance. From the far west will come C. E. Fen nlsy. Dr.' Graham and his brother, J. W. Graham, all of Denver. C. P. Dodge, one time holder of the eastern doubles, who is now located at Colorado Springs, Is talking of entering, as Is also Samuel B. Neel of Encampment, who was in 1896 with his brother, Carr B. NeeL the western champions. Iowa and Sooth Dakota. Earnest Baker and W. 8. Gilman, a very strong team from Sioux City, entered some time ago and will bring with them most of the players of the Trlstate tourna ment now In progress at Sioux City. W. E. Blatherwlck who made such a good showing at the World's Fair tourna ment last year will head a large bunch from his section of the country and South Dakota. Never In the history of tennis In the west has there been such a gathering of brilliant tennis players as this year's meet will bring together. The committee In charge is well satisfied over these early entries and with towns like St. Joseph, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, St. Louis and other large towns yet to hear from the IIbts will reach the record breaking mark al A seventy-five, most of which will be outside 'entries. ous delegates have been arriving today and many more are expected tomorrow. The first session was held tonight and the busi ness session will be held Saturday after noon. The meeting will continue over Sunday. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Generally Fair Today and Tomorrow In Nebraska, Colorado and the Dakota. WASHINGTON, Aug. 16-Korecast of the weather for Thursday and Friday: For Nebraska. Colorado, North Dakota and South Dakota -Generally fair Thursday and Friday. For Iowa Partly cloudy Thursday, with probably showers In north portion; Friday showers. For Kansas Showers Thursday and cooler In east portion; Friday fair. For Wyoming Fair Thursday and warmer in northwest portion; Friday f,alr. For Montana-Partly cloudy Thursday, with showers in west portion; Friday partly cloudy, with showers In northwest portion. For Missouri Showers Thursday, warmer In northwest portion; Friday fair. Loral Record. r,F.?,I?E PF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, Aug. 16 Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three l'rarf : A 19nfi. 1904. mi. 1902. Maximum temperature .. 86 88 77 77 Minimum temperature ,.70 64 61 5 Mean temperature 7s 74 go, 71 Precipitation 00 .01 .00 .00 Temperature and precipitation departures rrom the normal at Omaha since March L and comparison with the last two years: Normal temperature . 73 Excess for the day " 5 Total excess since March 1, 19t6 !-213 Normal precipitation H inch Deficiency for the day 11 inch Precipitation since March 1 13.07 inches Deficiency since March 1, 1905.... 8 17 inches Deficiency for cor. period. 1904.. "3.63 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 193 . . 3.46 inches 1 j w 1 S I S The Beer That Made Milwaukee famous. Fbone 915. Jos. Schllti Browing Co.. 719 South 9tb Street Omaha. Reports from Stations at 7 P. M. BLUFFS BOAT TIES FOR SECOND Makes Bad Start .In Third Contest of Regatta. OSHKOSH, Wis.. Aug. 16. (Special Tele gram.) This morning the Pathfinder from Lake Mlnnetonka won the third class B race for the Inland lake championship, with the White Bear boat. Barracouta. second. and the Priscllla from Council Bluffs, la., tnira. 1 ne course was triangular, two miles to each leg, twice around. To the first mark was a beat and the Barracouta got away wih the Pathfinder and Pris- cina close astern. The first two boats quickly drew -off -as the Priscllla wtth a suit of new sails seemed unable to point as well as it had done previously and rounded the mark In sixth place. Although uname to gain on tne next reach and the run before the wind the Priscllla held its own and Just before reaching the third mark managed to pass the Leucotheaf from Mendota. On the second windward thrash It did better work and left behind the Oshkosh, Jr., the Flylngfox, Its sister boat, rounding the mark third. Keeping this place on the next two legs the Prls. ctlla gained slightly on the Barracouta, wnicn naa aroppea Denina tne fathtlnder. They finished in this order with Priscllla five minutes behind the Pathfinder and three minutes ana thirty seconds behind the Barracouta. The result of this race ties Priscllla and Pathfinder for second place as each has 242.8 points; Barracouta' of White Bear lake, 271.4 points. In class A the Nenah boat Wlnnebaarn took first place In the most closely con tested race of the regatta. Glyndwer was second ana the White Bear boat Alnha third. Station and State of Weather. Bismarck, cloudy Cheyenne, clear Chicago, clear Davenport, clear Denver, part cloudy ,, Havre, part cloudy Helena, cloudy Huron, cloudy Kansas City, cloudy . North Platte, clear ... Omaha, part cloudy . Rapid City, clear .... St. Louis, cloudy St. Paul, cloudy Salt Iike City, clear . Valentine, part cloudy Williston, cloudy .... T Indicates trace of precipitation. V. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, Tern. Max. Raln- 7 p.m. Tern. ,...7Z ....74 ,...70 ....74 ....82 ....70 ....60 ....78 ....68 ....78 ....79 ....66 ....74 ....70 ....88 ....68 ....74 sm. fall. 74 .00 76 .00 72 .00 78 .00 86 .0 76 .00 70 .00 SO .00 94 .88 80 .00 86 .00 70 . .00 84 .46 72 .00 86 .00 68 .00 76 .00 Nearina- Finals In Tennis. OIOT'V PTTV T m A,.- 1fl f 1 egram. But five men are kept in the singles in tne tn-state tennis tournament. Hayes the Iowa champion, Is picked to win. Today's results: Oilman defeated West, 6-1, 6-0, Blatherwlck defeated Howe, 8-1, 8-2. Howell defeated Krey, 7-6. 8-2. . W heeler defeated Hlles, 6-4, 6-2. Oldham defeated J. Blatherwlck, 6-8, 6-2. Monnet defeated Baker, 8-6, 7-6, 6-J. McNeil defeated Gillette, 6-7, 6-4, 6-4. Hayes defeated Oldham, 6-3, 6-S. Hayes defeated Gilman, 6-4, 8-6. Bailey defeated McNeil, 7-6. 6-4. Wheeler defeated Monnet, 6-0, 7-5, Tabor Shooting Tournament. TABOR, la., Aug. 16. (Special.) At the shooting tournament here yesterday Tabor's five-man team beat Glenwood five birds, 100 to 106. Frank Weathcrhead of Red Oak, la., was high average. Glenwood reports royal entertainment at the hands of the Tabor shootlsts. Yacht Race Called Off. CHARLOTTE, N. Y.. Aug. It-Today's yacht race between the Temeralre and Iro quois clubs for the Canada cup was called off owing to the absence of wind. The boats started, but were becalmed a short distance from the starting line. Willie and Shreck to Fight. CHICAGO, Aug. 16 John Willie of Chi cago and Mike He h reck of Cincinnati signed articles here today for a twenty-round box ing contest to take place before the Ath aeneum Athletic club of Salt Lake City on the night of December 6. Sporting Brevities. And Arlie Latham Is umpiring In the South Atlantic league. What a pity that aa fine a catcher as Garvin Is lied down to the lallenders of the Southern league. e The difference between the percentages of Des Moines and 8t. Joe Is a greater num ber than the percentage of Pueblo. Old Christopher Columbus Sheibeck. If anyone wants to know, is umpiring in the Southern league, where Mouthy Jack Thornton thank heaven 4s relegated to right field for Montgomery. Early Settler Commits Snlclde. ST. PAUL, Neb.. Aug. 18. Special.) Joseph Ternan, one of the early settlers of Howard county and for many years aa active republican politician, committed sui cide by shooting himself through the head on his farm about three miles east of town. Domestic trouble was the cause of the rash act. Mr. Ternan leaves a widow and children In comfortable circumstances. Free Baptist Church Meeting;. TECUMSEH. Neb., Aug. 16.-(8peelal.)-The yearly meeting of the Nebraska Free Baptist church is now In session at ths Long Branch church In this county. N urner- First National IBank UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Omaha, Nebraska Capital 1500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. . $329,357.65 Deposits $9,800,473.39 Herman Kountze, President John A. Orelghton, Vice President. F. H. Davis, Cashier. 0. T. Konntae, Asst. -Cashier. L. L. Kountza, As.Tt-Oaahler. Special facilities and liberal terms offered for marcantllu ant banking accounts. Your business; soHeited. Three per cent on Time Deposits. A fine room with a vault heat lightwater janitor service in a fire proof office building for $18-00 The Bee Building. 1 I it I vv n)S) ET3 UU H) 'A T&k8 the ' August 16, 17. 20, 30, 31. .. ' DAILY September 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14. Oct. 17, 18. 19. , 2t t Burlington I" San Francises, ' .TO rortued, Startle, rortlasd las Lo Anie'ci. Saa Francises Tscoma Hetors. S Dle0. Let ASf cits "-v saa leisrs. (Oeewayls ssd telara. ea J triors I FROM (Direct Hostel) Csllfornis) (Direct sestet) (Direct testea) gBiuir.. 45j 56jj 58J2 5q.jh) 7 These rates apply over the Burlington's direct line to Denver, thence through scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City. Also over the Burlington-Northern Pacific direct northwest route to Puget Sound and Portland. The most comprehensive tour of the Pacific Coast, Including California, Shasta Route, Portland Exposition, Puget Sound cities, Washington and Montana can be made using the various Burlington Main Lines. Personally conducted Tourist Sleeper excursions to Cali fornia on frequent days each week, via Denver, scenic Colorado and Salt Lake. Daily through Pullman Standard Sleepers to San Francisco via Denver, scenic Colorado, and Salt Lake. The "Burlington-Northern Pacific Express" is the well known train service between Puget Sound, Portland, and the Southeast. 1 lite s Apply to ths undersigned for Portland Exposition folder, Cali fornia folder. Tourist Excursion folder, for berths. Information, tickets, etc Describe) your propose ed trip and 1st ms advise) 70a ths least cost and the best way to make it. J. B. REYNOLDS, f.U".(.l502 Firnarn St., Omtha. Nsb. 21 AOWOOO and ETOHEx! ONLY ; 15.00 akota VWi Springs s Return ONLY lOsOO ' Ticket August 25, food 16 day , Good in toTrrLrt eleepers at only half the standard berth rate. VIA THE MOST DELIGHTFUL SEASON TO VISIT THE LACK HILLS T..A. KUHN, A.-O.Jt.-uU..A.. ClXtr OFFICEi T4(Hi-C3 Farnom Ct., C. F. WEOT, tfMAMA.- O. A. P.-B. 4