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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1905)
The Omaha Daily Bee. For News Quality and Quantity The Bee Crtatly Cxccls. Omaha's Preferred Advertising Medium Is The Dee. , ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORXIXO, AUGUST 17, 1003-TEX PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. FOR DUAL TARIFF I Hew War Cry Will Probably 8uooed rmllir Call for Beciprocity. i MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM DUTIES Agitation for New Law to Encourage Trade with Friendly Conn trie. FORMAL OPENING NATIONAL CONFERENCE Oorertor Xiekey One ef the Speaker at Opening Session. MANY FOREIGN CONSULS ARE PRESENT Representatives of -Hearly Every Country oa Earth Attend Meeting Which Is Betas; Held to Dis ease Tar IB Law a. CHICAGO, Aug. l.-"Dual tariff" In all probability Is the war cry that wilt ring through the United States for some years to come Instead of the familiar call for reciprocity. The new slogan means the passage of the "maximum and minimum" tariff law per mining the establishment of reciprocal trade relations with friendly foreign coun tries by the vote of congress. Alvln 11. Banders, chairman of the ex ecutlve committee of the national reciproc ity conference, which opened Its two days session In the Illinois theater this morning Is credited with originating the war cry Mr. Bandera broached his suggestion to a few friends after the word reciprocity had received some rough handling on the floor of the convention, and It met approval among the delegates. Delea-ntes Present. The National Reciprocity conference to day began a two days' session at the lilt nols theatar. ftno delegates from all parts of the country having assembled to discuss reciprocal tresis relations with other countries, amendment of the Dlngley tariff law, alterations of the Interstate commerce laws and kindred matters. The west sent a large delegation, the great stock raising and farming Industries of the west being especially well rep resented. Manufacturers from the eastern states are also strongly represented. A notable feature of the conference was the attendance of foreign consuls residents In Chicago, representing nearly every coun try In the world. The conference was called to order at 10:15 o'clock this morning by A. D. Sanders 1 of Chicago, who said In part: The committee of arrangements has endeavored to make this conference ab solutely nonpartisan. Moreover, we have no pet plan of bringing about the desired results. We distinctly disclaim any at tack upon the protective tariff principle, or upon any particular Interest. We believe that our great baalc Industry, agriculture, the backbone of all our pros perity, cannot safely be neglected further, and that Its welfare at this juncture cen be ssaured by suitable congressional action without detriment to any other legitimate American Industry. It Is Idle to say that nothing can be done. Where there Is a will thexa.Ia ,aw.w., ...... Milder Temporary Chairman. "' Mr. Sanders nominated aa temporary chairman of tha convention John E. Wilder, president of the Illinois Manufacturers' as sociation. The nomination was unani mously accepted. Upon taking the chair Mr. Wilder said: Individualism must give way to associa tion of Interests. We shall gain nothing as the result of these deliberations and dis cussions unless the desires of separate as sociations to see their particular needs brought forward and advocated, give way to a full, free and unselfish discussion of the needs of the whole country. With this element safeguarded, this conference will become a means of education to the entire country, and from It will spring the In spiration to our legislative bodies which shall make It possible for them to claim wise Just and sane laws, governing our reciprocal relations with other nations. William R. Corwln of New York was chosen secretary pro tern of the conventions and Mr. Frederick Larrabee. of Iowa as- V elatant secretary pro tern. 7a Governor Deneen of Illinois was Intro duced by Chairman Wilder. At the con- elusion of the applause which greeted the "It has not escaped the notice of the American people that severul of the na tions of continental Europe are raising up discriminating and prohibitive tariffs against the products of our fields and factories. They call us The American Peril' and seek to quarantine against us. "What are we to do about It? Shall mm resort to the law of tha talon or meet f$ proffered concessions with concessions? to consider. It Is not too much to say that tha nation hopes that out of thla aoaference. will coma suggestions and rec ommendations which will meet with the approval of our president and the congress and lead to the enactment of laws and the negotiation and ratification of treaties which will not alone enable us to retain the foreign commerce we already have, but to enlarge It." Following Governor Deneen's address Chairman Wilder Introduced Mayor Ed ward F. Dunne, who welcomed the dele gates In behalf of tha city. Governor Mlckey Speaks. Following the appointment of committees, Governor J. 11. Mickey of Nebraska was In troduced. "The people of the transmlssourl coun try," he said, "feel great Interest In the reciprocity movement." He declared that the conflicts which the citizenship of America will wage during the coming decade will not be fought upon the field of battle, but rather In the commercial arena, that It will be a conflict of diplo macy which will determine whether or not American products of the farm and factory are to receive the same conces sions abroad as are guaranteed to the most favored nation. "At present," he said. " seem to be confronted with a foreign conspiracy against tha products of American brain and brawn. The tariff which we have hedged about many of our Industries for their protection Is alleged, in some In stances, to work unreasonable hardships upon the commerce of certain foreign na tions and hence a degree of retaliation In force and In prospect threatens to seriously cripple our commerce abroad. The questions ate. can we offset the threatened calamity? What Is the best method of pro- cedure and when determined will we adopt It? I sincerely hope that from this talented assemblage of delegates gathered from many states may come some Inspira tion that will be helpful to congress when It cornea to act on the questions at Issue." Senator W. B- Dean of St. Paul ad dressed the conference at some length, stating that a delegation had come from Minnesota because of the fact that their state not being protected under the present jaunff laws. x. u. jiagenoanu ox laano, represent ing the National Live Stock association, 'Continued aa Second Pag.' NEGR0 BUSIN15? MEN MEET President Roosevelt Writes Letter Commendlnsr the Objects of the Organisation. NEW YORK. Auk H-Twn hundred rol- ored business men opened the sixth annual sesslnn of the National Negro Business league In this city today. The objec t of the league Is to bring together the negroes who are engaged In business for themselves for mutual help and support. Booker T. Washington has been the president of the league since Its Inception. A letter from President Roosevelt to Sec retary Kmmet J. Scott was read. OYSTER BAY. I.. I.. An. 12. r.-My Dear Scott: I wish all success to the Na tional Negro Business league. Your or ganization Is absolutely out of politics; and In stimulating activity among your people snd working to Increase their effi ciency In the Industrlnl world. It Is also dning far-reaching; work In the way of giving them a realizing; sense of their re sponsibilities as citizens and power to meet the responslhl1' I need hardly say that I puf mora' , nent above physical bet ferment. I , Impossible to do good work In pre the spiritual Improve ment of any ' ess there Is a founda- tlon of matei foundation neo. has developed helng because this 'm.iles that'the race qualities or inritt energy and bus) of a race ss of outsiders can hel the real help mu self help. The success of the development a no citizens of the ver; qu stand will mean r ore the race nroblem han f. It is as tme idual that while tain degree, yet 'n the shape of tnlzatlon and olored fellow r which you .,e solution of ny philanthropic efforts merely fron outstie could r-ythly do. Wishing vmi hil success, i. am sin cerely yours. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. At the afternoon session Oswald Vllard of New York spoke on the topic, "The Negro Servant." Judge Terrlll of the District of Columbia, discussing the same question, said that of a colored population of 98 mn In the City of Washington there were 2S,W Idlers who did no work at all. Mrs. Booker T. Washington advocated public school courses in cooking for the negro. VERMONT'S STATE HOLIDAY Anniversary of the Battle of Ben nlnatnn Celebrated by Dedicating- Allen's Monument. BURLINGTON. Vt., Aug. 1.-A massive battlemented tower of Vermont granite, erected in memory of Vermont's revolu tionary patriot, Ethan Allen, on the farm where he spent much of his life, was dedi cated In this city today. The orator of the dav was Charles W Fairbanks, vice president of the United ! States. Thousands of visitors from all over the state tendered the vice president an ovation when he rose to speak. Presi dent Roosevelt was represented by Secre tary of Interior Ethan Allen Hitchcock, a great grandson of the Vermont hero. Today was chosen for the dedicatory ex ercises as being peculiarly appropriate, aa it marked the 128th anniversary of the battle of Bennington, and was a legal holiday In the state. The day's exercises were concluded to night with a banquet at which Vice presi dent Fairbanks responded to the toast: "America." Governor Bell of thla state. Governor McLana of New Hampshire, ' Secretary Hitchcock, Senator Proctor, Congressman D. J. Foster and other prominent men also responded to toasts. MANY STEEL MILLS BUILDING Over to Be Spent for Plants Now Vnder Proeess of Erection. PITTSBURG, Pa., Aug 1.-Never before, It is said, has such activity been witnessed in tha erection of steel mills, furnaces and shops as Is now being done In Pittsburg and the Monongahela valley. The total cost of plants either Just completed. In course of erection or for which plans have been perfected. Is over $25,000,000, and the capacity of the Iron and steel wire plants along the Monongahela river will be almost doubled when all plans are completed. Over 23,000 men will aoon be given em ployment In these plants In addition to the present working force of almost 50.000 men. Among the companies erecting new plants are the Carnegie Steel company, at Brad dock and Homestead: National Tube com pany, at Pittsburg and McKeesport; Jones & Laughlln, at Pittsburg; American Steel and Wire company, at Pittsburg and Rankin;- PlttHburg Steel company, McClaitock Marah Construction company and the Mesta, Machine company, at Pittsburg. PRIVATE SOLDIERS DESERT Fifty Men Leave Fort Snelllnc This Month Because of Objection to Mannnl laxbor. ST. PAUL, Minn., Aug 16. A wholesale desertion of privates from the army post at Fort Snelllng was reported at army headquarters today, when It was announced that about fifty privates had quietly left the post without asking the permission of the commanding officer and without leaving their future addresses. The cause of the desertion Is said to have been a disinclination on the part of the men to do manual labor. The de sertion occurred shortly after August 1, when the men were paid. The government recently purchased a large tract of land to extend the rifle range at the post and instead of hiring common laborers tp do the work Impressed file prl vatei to do the leveling and grading. TROLLEY CARS IN COLLISION XI Persona Itrrrlve Injuries la Smashap Near Pa California. IJS ANGELES. Cal., Aug. 16.-Nlne per sons were Injured tonight In a collision between Pasadena and Monrovia electric cars near Oneonta nark, east of this city. Dr. J. W. Trueworthy. a prominent physi cian of this city and president of the Ijbrary board, was the most seriously In jured, sustaining concussion of the brain and other injuries. The collision, which was a rear-end one, was caused by the audden stopping of the Monrovia car. The controller of the Pasadena car failing to work, the latter car crashed Into the one ahead. Showman In Troable. BEATRICE. Neb., Aug. 14. (Special Tele gram.) T. A. BrMgea. late advance agent for the Lone Star Carnival company, waa lodged in Jail here this afternoon by Sheriff Trude on Information received from Sheriff Case of Fairbury stating that Bridges was wanted there for obtaining money under false pretenses. Soon after being locked up Bridges secured an order of attachment against the Lone Star com pany here aliening that It owed him $75 for services aa advance agent. An officer from Fairbury will be here tomorrow after bridjea. TROUBLE FOR JUDGE TUCKER Department Investigating (bargee Againit Vebraska Jurist. ALLEGE HE DEMANDED FREE HOUSE RENT Commissioner Leupp Hetarne from Tonr of Indian Agencies In West and Talks of Conditions at Winnebago. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 16.-(8peclal Tele gramsJudge Eugene A. Tucker, one of the associate Justices of the Arizona terri torial court, la under Investigation on charges preferred against him by certain persons of Globe, Arts. A special agent of the Bureau of Insular and Territorial Af fairs, Department of Justice, has been in Arizona the past three weeks Investigat ing Judge Tucker's case. While only one charge Is on file In the Department of Justice, that of having located the federal court In Globe after an agreement had been made with him that he was to be fur nished with a residence free of rent, offi cials In the Department of Justice say there will probably be other charges against Judge Tucker., who was appointed from Nebraska on April 1, 19r. According to a paper Just received from Arizona there are many stories flying about the streets which, should they prove true, would probably have the effect of bring ing about his removal. Some of the stories are puerile to a degree. One that Judge Tucker is In the habit of sitting with his feet on his desk or bench, thus permitting attorneys to talk to the soles of his feet. Another Is the Judge Is quite a gay bird In the territory and has been occasionally found in the back rooms of saloons drink ing with women friends. Other charges are made against the Nehraskan. but these have no weight with the Department of Justice. The solicitor general of the de partment Is only Investigating the charge made by an attorney of Judge Tucker's court and the business man of Arizona that the location of the court at Globe was conditioned upon a residence, rent free, provided by the citizens of that place. Judge Tucker, It Is now understood. Is In Arizona, having gone there but a short time ago from Nebraska on the per emptory demand that he return to meet a charge against him. No report has been received at the Department of Justice from I the special agent charged with the Invest! Kat'n of the case. Until the special agent makes his report it Is all guess work to predict what the department will do, al though one of the officials of the depart ment said today that It was very disap pointing to have to Investigate a Judge who was appointed to office on April 1 of this year. Society to Aid Marine. A society to be known as the Shipping Society of America Is now In process of organization In behalf of a tonnage tax law for the upbuilding of the American merchant marine. William W. Bates of Colorado, formerly United States commis sioner of navigation, la at the head of the movement. Others In the work are: W. V. Allen, ex-senator from Nebraska r Erwln Wardman, editor of the New York Press; Lv O. Flower, editor of the Arena, Boston; Alva Adams, ex-governor of Colorado; J. 8. Temple, president of the Denver Chamber of Commerce; G. W. Berge. editor of the Independent. Lincoln. Neb.; J. W. Allfree, Newton la.; W. R. F. Mills, publisher of the Mining Reporter. Denver; E. T. Whee lock, editor of the Sentinel, Milwaukee, and others. The prospectus recites that the subven tion scheme Is for the enhancement of the Interests of a few wealthy ship owners and that It will not result In the building up of the general shipping Interest. It says that it Is not bounty but business that the or dinary shipper wants and that while a sub sidy may keep stifling competition away from the door of the big American ship owner It cannot reach the small vessel owner. - Leopp Bark from West. Francis E. Leupp, commlssioper of In dian affairs, who has been absent from Washington for several months on a gen eral tour of inspection of Indian agencies In the wear n rA mithwoat .At J .. ........ .I.U,..-U .a,. In speaking of his trip Commissioner Leupp said, among other thing, that he had visited the Winnebago Indian reserve, eoago Indian reserve, where he had Investigated conditions ex isting there, particularly endeavoring to get at the root of the charges made nearly a year ago by Father Schell regard ing the Illicit sale of liquor and the gen eral charge that these Indians were being systematically robbed on all sides, cheated In fact In a most glaring manner by un scrupulous men. tut of their heritage. Mr. I-eupp said that he found that within recent months there has been a growing disposition among more reputable men residing in towns contiguous to the reser vation to aid the government In It effort to dlacourage the sale of liquor to these Indians. Since the decision handed down by Justice Brewer that an Indian holding an allotment cannot be restrained from all personal privileges enjoyed by his white brethren, even to the taking of drink, there sems to be no way to prevent the sale of whisky to the red, man under the I'nlted States statutes. The people of Homer and Pender, however, two towns mostly complained against by Father Schell as centers where these Indians have been supplied with liquor, have come to realize that their Interests lie along lines which will discourage the sale of whisky to the reds rattier than to encourage lta sale. It is only with the full co-operation of the local authorities In town, contigu ous to the Winnebago reservation that the evil can be stamped out or even minimized. Commissioner l.eupp says he found the town of Homer had revoked the licenses of all liquor dealers and that reputable citizens of Pender had threatened liquor dealers with the revocation of their license privilege if they did not cease the sale of "fire water" to Indians. Other towns around the Winnebago reservation are also Inclined to put the Winnebago Indian on the "water wagon," and the sign "Soft Drinks Only" may soon confront thirsty red men In that vicinity on all aides. Conger Would Like to Stay, E. H. Conger of Iowa, ambassador to Mexico and formerly accredited to the Chi nese court. Is In Washington on his way to Oyster Bay. Mr. Conger, it is understood, is going to the president's summer home with the hope of Inducing Mr. Roosevelt ,to continue him a while longer In Mexico, with which he has become Infatuated. There la no reason, however. In believing that tha president will change bis mind about send ing D. E. Thompson, now ambassador to Brazil, to Mexico as originally planned. Mr. Conger does not stand especially well with President Roosevelt, as The Bee corre spondent is creditably Informed. Senators Allison and Dclllver have gone to the limit for bim, and now realizing that his diplo matic career Is about run he is for making tha beat terma possible. The result of Mr. Continued on Second f 'age STATISTICS i OF RAILROADS Groaa F.arnlnaa lt Year of l ines In I'nlted Mates Nearly Two Billion Dollars. WASHINGTON. Aug. K-The annual re port of the Interstate Commerce commis sion giving the railroad statistics for the year 1!H shown that there was at the end of that year 2fT,073 miles of railroad In the I'nlted States. The number of railway corporations Included In the report was 2, H4. In the course of the year railway com panies owning S.firo miles of line were re organised, merged, etc. The length of mileage operated by re ceivers on June 30. '1901, was 1.323 miles. The number of rosrts In the hands of re ceivers was twenty-eight and at the close of the previous yea twenty-seven. On June an, I9fi4, thae were in the service of the railways tfi.ThJ locomotives, the In crease being 2.ST2. The total number of cars of all classes, exclusive of those owned by private companies. wre 1,79.M1, an Increase of 46.172 during the year. The number of persons on the pay rolls of the railways In ie I'nlted States, as returned for June jo Wt, was 1.126,121, or 611 per 10 miles of line, a decrease for the year of 16.41H, or twenty-eight per 100 miles. The wages and salaries paid for the year amounted to JMLoflMl. The par value of tle amount of railway capital outstanding oVi June 30, 19H. was 113.213.12-i. 679, which represents a capitaliza tion of $AI.2 per mil Of the total capital stock outstanding I2.6W.472.01O, or 42.53 pr cent, paid no divi dends. I The amount of d1v.lends declared during the year was 321. Ml, nit. being equivalent to e ns per cent on dividend paying stock. The number of passengers reported as carried by the railways In the year was 715.41P.sS2, an Increase of ?0,S2X,147. ' The number of tons of freight carried was 1,89.K!. M5, which exceeds the tonnage of the previous year by 5.504.R42 tons. The gross earnings were $l, 975,174.091, being $74,327,184 greater than for the previous year. Their operating expenses were J1.33S.836.253, an Increase of 11. 357.401. The total of casualties to persons on the railways was M.ZW, of which 10,046 repre sented the number of persons killed. STORM STRIKES' KANSAS CITY Trees and Awnings Are Blown Down and Platea-lasa Windows Are Broken. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 16 A severe wind and rainstorm, accompanied by much elec tricity, strum here this arternoon, doing considerable damage to property. Trees and awnings were blown down, plate glass windows broken and the wind and light ning Interfered with the telephone and street car service. One residence was struck by lightning, but no one was In jured and little damage was done. A party. Including- Congressman E. C. Ellis, former Congressman W. 8. Cowherd and former Governor A. M. Doekery, while returning to this city from the annual Lone Jack picnic, near Lees Summit, was overtaken by the torm and the auto mobiles in which they wire riding were rendered useless. The members of tha party wero forced to upend the night with farmers along the route. ST. JOSEPH. Jio., Aug. 16. The drouth was broken here this evening by one of the heaviest rains of the year. Late corn will be greatly benefited. A terrific wind caused j considerable damage. Railway tra I nterfered with south of the city fflc was city and at Rushvllle by flooded tracks. ROCKSLIDE KILLS TWELVE laborers Cansrht by Mass ef Lime stone In Qnnrry of Lrhlwh Port land Cement Company, ALLENTOWN, Pa., Aug. 16.-A mass of limestone weighing thousands of tons slid from a side of the quarry of mill A of the Lehigh Portland Cement company at Orm rod at noon today, Just five minutes before time to quit work. Twenty-seven men were at work in the quarry. The heavy rains of the last two days had softened the earth and caused the slide of rock. Where ! the fallen mass slipped awav a smooth. i ... ... 1 nn) perpendicular wait was leri, rising sheer 100 feet above the bottom of the quarry, while the entire quarry floor was covered with hrr.Ven m,. 7 . - j nine of the men got away safely, four of whom escaped by running upon a mass of rock at the opposite side of the quarry. The remaining eighteen were huddled in a I 'PaCMn"J'MHTT' TT' of ,th:m were killed and six injured. Two of the aiic-i iimy uie. ah me men were oia- vonlans, who lived In shanties close to the quarry. LOUIS HIGH WIND AT ST. Score af Persons Injured by Violent Blow In Mound City and Vicinity. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 16.-A score of persons were more or less seriously Injured In St. Louis and East St. Louis as the result of a violent wind and rainstorm which fol lowed ten minutes of sudden darkness today. Two were blown from roofs of houses, many were injured by falling roofs and one was hurt in a stairway crush, j caused by a panic in the Louisville & Nash- I vllle freight office on the east side. rr t. ., . ,, . . v u..,bc "" i . . . . .. t i n . . . i . ...... . . . i oi.ii. ii mo inn. miliums; were un- ruoieu, cuuiiney lops were mown over and suspended signs were torn loose and aent rattling along the streets. During the phe nomenal darkness the wind reached a veloc ity of forty-eight miles an hour. The storm came with .such suddenness that thousands of downtown shoppers were caught without protection and were thor oughly so liked In the deluge of rain which filled the streets. TRAIN STRIKESJROLLEY CAR Three Men Killed and Four Seriously Injured in Grade t rosalua; Acci dent ear Cincinnati. CINCINNATI. Aag. l.-Through the mis take or negligence of some one, a fast running through expresa from New York to Cincinnati on the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern crashed Into a Winton Place trolley car on the grade crossing at Mitchell avenue, Winton Place, a suburb of this city, tonight and three people were killed and ten others Injured. The dead: ROBERT J. SMITH WILLIAM TUET1NO. JR. UNIDENTIFIED MAN. The seriously Injured: A. H. Newton, mail clerk 8. B hpaulding. engineer, of Chlllcothe, O ; head and arms cuuked by steam; will probably die. VVMhur Maish. William Galllgan. The wreck Is said to ba due to aa error of a gata under. PEAVEY TELLS OF REBATES Eayi Company Ee Was Connected with Has Always Enjoyed The. GAINED HIS INFORMATION ON THE INSIDE Attorney General Brown and Former Chief Justice Snlllvan Develop Interesting; Information Before Notary. Charles T. Peavey, vice president of the Worrall Grain company, was examined Wednesday afternoon by former Chief Jus tice Sullivan In his direct deposition In the suit of state of Nebraska against the various grain companies and their officers who are alleged to compose the Grain trmt. Mr. Peavey'a cross-examination was postponed until Thursday, as was that of Thomas D. Worrall, who finished his testi mony shortly sfter the opening of tha afternoon session. Mr. Peavey at the close of his direct examination gave the first testimony so far brought out as to rebates. Judge Sullivan asked what, if anything, the witness knew about the paying of rebates. "To my knowledge," said Mr. Peavey. "since th organization of the Omaha Ele vator company It has never been wlthotit that source of Income. At the time of Its organization It bought an elevator which was bonded for thirty years at S per cent and issued besides $200,000 worth of stork. The money to Incorporate. $1.20, and the money to start In hustness was borrowed from an Omahn bank. "At the beginning the company got an agreement f'om the Union Pacific road to pay 1 cent a bushel on all grain handled over Its lines, no matter where It came from or whether the elevator company had ever handled the grain or not. This agreement continued In force until the road went Into the hands of a receiver, when It was discontinued. Then for three or four years the Omaha Elevator com pany received I cents per ion pounds on all grain the company actually handled over the railroad line. This was afterwards cut to 14 cents per loo pounds, and 1 believe that arrangement Is still In effect." "Favored" Companies Get Rebates. To further questions Mr. Peavey said It Is common knowledge among grain deal ers that' all of the big elevator companies In the state get rebates, at present In the shape of elevator charges for releasing cars There are some companies, he said, like the one at North Omaha and Hnlm quist & Merrtam, which do not get re hates for one reason or another, but mainly because they are not what he called "favored companies." As Mr. Peavev was traveling auditor and adjuster for the Omaha Elevator company for several years he claimed to have direct knowledge. The witness said at the outset of his testimony that he waa In a great many In stances the man sent out to sdjust dif ferences with local buyers. "My particular mission," said the wit ness, "was to convince the independent buyers that the line companies, especially the Omaha Elevator company, should have an equal share of the business at all sta tions -where we had an elevator.'' Witness went over In detail tha methods used to convince the Independents moral suasion, argument, putting up prices, ac tual coercion of various kinds. Ha speci fied: "Force a money settlement, say 2 cents on coarse grains and 4 cents on wheat." This he illustrated by saying: "If the line company had 90 per cent of Us elevators making good profits It could afford to lose money at one station for the purpose of making the competitor at that point listen to reason." Squeezed from Both , Eada. He continued: Get blddera at terminal stations to bid less for the Irregular dealer's grain than he could afford to sell It for. Put prices up until the local dealer had all his cars full and could get no more cars, through an understanding with the rail roads. Then fill the line house at a lower price and make a good profit. If all else failed the railroads would send out their freight agents to talk to the re calcitrant dealer, and they generally got him. If necessary, bv the flat-footed state ment that if he diil not get into line he would have to move his house off the right-of-way. Mr Peavev in .. - ,,,. ... ! T.L l:.?L 1 ."l"",tlon by ."a" Ml.Urd V n Dorn had an editor in At Ml lard Van Dorn had an elevator, in competition with the Omaha company. He , wa. fnrrt ,,- Iln . ; ences and wltneM Ba)d he nad colecte,, var,ou, ,um, cf money from Van Dorn ,n his canacltv of renresentative rtt the Omaha company. At Elkhorn the aame mow y ad bPen exacted from another local buyer. At Rising City Peter Reip.- helmer, a stubborn German, was getting I most of the grain and by his Independent methods was disturbing all the country ! tributary to the B. & M. No argument caused him to alter his methods until Mr. Barron, the traveling freight agent of the Union Pacific, was sent out to argue with Reinhelmer. As a result of an Intimation from fiarron that he would have to move off the right-of-way Reinhelmer put up $2u0, his local competitor. Garhan,' did the same, and Barron brought this money to Omaha and got the Omaha company to put up a like amount. - This was to be forfeited If the price agreement was vlo- lated. but so far as witness knew the streets, was stopped by two men who pre agreement was still tn force, although made sented a pair of revolvers at him and coin In the spring of lx). . manded him to surrender his cash. One of "At Stromaburg John Hart owned a tnmiier mri He heiran,,. -r..-.. -.i i -" - " . w. .. .it. oats when thev were chean and hA to jj disciplined He was told that If he Hfil rtrtt Ho Hint t ti a Onmha pun ru n r ni.iil,l . T, 71, Card and Ch ' V.Xmm - -w-... sell pretty cheap. He quit buying grain. Thla was In the summer of 1899. Woman Heats the Combination. "At Piatt Center a Mrs. Kehoe, who had no elevator, still bought grain and hipped II, loading into cars on track. Many efforts failed to stop her, and Mr. Peavey paid Mrs. Kehoe a tribute as a game and clever woman. Finally in the fall of 1899 she built an elevator, but Insisted on buying Independently. All kinds of effoits were made to bring her Into line, but she seemed to stand ln with the railroad officials better even than we did. and we never got her to come Into camp." In this connection Judge Sullivan brought from witness the statement that Jhe keep ing of cars from Independent and scoop shovel dealers was a common occurrence for years back. He said the general mana gers In Omaha of the elevator companies would camp right In the office of the railroad officials until they promised to withhold the cere. "George Copetand and another man could not get a site for a farmers' elevator at Elgin and when they consigned grain to my company and it was bought by mistake on the Omaha exchange the fact gave rise to an argument with Secretary Miller which resulted in my daring Miller and tha exchange to' bulletin me for dealing with an Irregular. "But they pasted the word," said witness. tConilflUtd ea Second Pa;.) NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Generally Fair Thursday and Friday. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday! Hour. Ilea. Hour. Dear. A a. m To 1 p. m T A a. m TO a p. m...... Til T n. m Tt a p. m TH a. m T.t 4pm a. m T.I K p. m 4 1 a. m T p. m U 11 a. m t T p. m T 12 m M n p. m TT O p. m T4 CASE UNIQUE IN THIS STATE 1 We r r ti t Ne Exeat Applied for Aaalnst Government Officials Mnnaer Says It la a Slnanlar Record. In the proceedings In the application for a writ of habeas corpus In the case of Brigadier General W. H. Beck and John F. Mackey, special distributing agents for the "Omaha Indian Trust Fund." before Judge Munger Wednesday morning the court held that a warrant "ne exeat, ' could not hold against the defendants. Hiram Chase, attorney for the Omaha Indians, held that the warrant was brought advisedly, and he asked for further time to consult his authorities and present his side of the case. In discussing the case Judge Mvinger stated that It was the first time that a warrant "ne exeat" had been brought In his experience. "The warrant 'ne exeat" can only be brought." said the court, when a debtor Is seeking to leave the state with a view to defrauding his creditors. The accused In this Instance were merely agents for the United States, and if any debt was owing the Indians it was owed by the United States and not by General Beck or Agent Mackey, nnd hence the warrant could not lie against them." The case Is a very' peculiar one at the best. The suit grows out of the method of the distribution of the "Omaha trust fund" resulting from the sale and lease of Omaha Indian lands authorized under the act of August 7. 192. which now amounts In the aggregate of about $500,000. At the afternoon proceedings the at torneys for the government demurred to the answer submitted by Attorney Chase, who is a full blood Indian, and the case went to argument, lasting until 4 o'rlock. Judge Munger finally decided that the dis trict court of Thurston county had no Juris diction warranting the Issue of a writ of ne exeat and granted the writ of habeas corpus, at the same time sustaining the demurrer of the government. The de fendants. General Beck and Agent Mackey, were thereupon ordered discharged from the custody of the sheriff of Thurston county snd the costs of the ense taxed to the plaintiff. SOLDIERS HOME FROM CAMP Three Omaha Companies Come In from Kearney In Special Trr.ln. After eight days of camp life at Kearney the Omaha Guards, the Thurston Rifles and the Omaha Light Infantry returned home on a special train over the Union Pacific road at 9:?0 last night. The mem bers of the three companies were thor oughly browned from the exposure In the sun during their maneuvering and all were In the best of health and spirits. When the train bearing the soldiers ar rived at the Union depot the whole place presented a martial air. The three com panies at once formed In line upon enter ing the station and marched to their re spective armories, where they disbanded, the members going directly to their homes. At the station there were some wives and some ' mothers and some sweethearts to welcome the soldiers home, but military discipline would not permit them to tarry long at the station. SON OF C. W. PEARSALL DROWNS Little Fellow, Aged 4, Falls Out of a Boat Into Wnters of Lake : Okobojl. Word came from Lake Okobojl Wednes day evening that James Baker Pearsall, 4-year-old son of Charles W. Pearsall of Omaha, had drowned by falling Into the lake. The little fellow was In a boat alone near a landing when h fell out. Although seen to fall, he was In the water about ! five minutes before his body was recovered. j Efforts at resuscitation were In vain. Mrs. Pearsall, who has been stopping at the Iowa resort, with her four children, will arrive In Omaha with the body of her son ' thls afternoon at 3:10. Mr. Pearsall Is at ' present in Arizona, but has been notified, j ntl ls now on nl" way hme. Until he ar- ' rives arrangemts for the funeral will be I held ln abeyance. POOR WAGES FOR HIGHWAYMEN Secure Only. Four Dollars Holdup of H. P. Nrliou. from While walking home about 11 o'clock last night on Twentieth street near the railroad trucks H. P. Nelson. Twentieth and Dorcas ! the men went through Nelson's Dockets and I . l . , . rciineu mm ui koiiui in sliver. After taking Ills money the highwaymen per- n,ltted their victim tu go his way with . i , . . I . . r, - " . . . ur i severe ireHinic in. i lie men went norm on Twentieth street and that ls the lust seen of them. The police were notified and a de rcription of the robbers given, but no ar rests were made at an early hour this morning. Botli men wore musks. SHOOTS HIS WIFE'S ApMIRER Robert M. Fleming, Clerk for Swift and Company at St. Joseph, la stantly Kills Carl W, Scbults. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Aug. 16-Robert M. Fleming, a clerk at Swift and Company's packing plant, shot and instantly killed Carl W. Schults of 1013 North Eighteenth street, a civil engineer, at Nineteenth street and Frederick avenue today on account of attentions paid Mrs. Fleming by Schullz. Fleming is in Jail. Movements of Ocean Vessels 16. At New York Sailed: Noordam. for Rot terdam: I.lguria, for Genoa; United Slates, for Corx'nliagen. At vueenetown Arrived : Westernland. from Philadelphia. Sailed: Ivernla, for Lost on. At Dover Arrived: Patricia, from New York. At Uverpool-Salled: Frlealand, for Phila delphia; Teutonic, for New York. Arrived: Oceanic and C aronta. from New Yoik. At Cherbourg Sailed: Kron Prlnz Wit helm, fur New York. At Naples -Arrived: Neapolitan Prince. ! from New York. I At V'-kohams Arr'ved: Dakot&n. from Uau Franclico, ArooA, tri& PutUaad, Ota. PROSPECT OF PEACE Outlook for Encceeiful Termination of Negotiation! Distinctly Brighter, TWO MORE ARTICLES ARE AGREED UPON Chineie laitern Railway South of Harbin Qofi to China. RUSSIA RETAINS THE MAIN LINE Link Pawing .Through Northers. Man churia to fie Commercial Road Only. PEAL CRISIS WILL COME MONDAY Report that Pressure Is Belast Bronaht to Bear I pon Japan to Forego Indemnity Demand. PORTSMOUTH. N. H , Aug. 1.-Tha prospects of peace are distinctly brighter tonight. The plenipotentiaries are labor ing with a seriousness and earnestness which leave not the slightest doubt that both are anxious to conclude a treaty. Though the main points remain to be con tested and the plenipotentiaries of each, side speak as though the conference would go to pieces, unless the other side gave way, the spirit of compromise is In the air. When he returned to the hotel to night, M Witte, who was tired out with his hard day's work, said: I am doing all I can for peace Of tha eight articles we have already considered I have yielded eeven. No other statesman in Russia would have dared to do so much, and I have done what I hsve done upon my own responsibility. ' Crisis Cornea Monday. From an authoritative source It Is now possible to forecast with a fair degree of accuracy that the crisis will come on next Monday. Articles vll and vlil dealing with the fate of the Chinese Eastern railroad having been disposed Of today, there remains In addition to the 'cession of Sakhalin, which was passed over, the question of In demnity, which comes up tomorrow aa article ix. the limitation of Russia's sea power In the far east, the surrender of the Interned warships and ths grant to Japan of fishing rights on the littoral north of Vladivostok. To all except tha last, to which Russia will agree, a negative answer has been returned, absolute In the case of Indemnity and Sakhalin. Perhaps both the othera may be modified and accepted by M. Witte, In order to strengthen his position In in sisting upon a concession from Japan re garding Its demands of art indemnity and the cession of Sakhalin. Before yielding on either of the matters, It can be re garded as practically certnln that M. Witte will consult the emperor. The exchange of views of the Ave remaining articles la expected to be completed on Friday or Saturday morning at the latest. The pleni potentiaries will then adjourn until Mon day and the Interim will probably be, used by the plcntpotentlarlea . to eonsult their respective governments. When they meet upon Monday their last cards will be thrown upon the table. If there Is to be bargaining. It will come then, and suddenly the conference will be over or peaco will be assured. Two Articles Disposed Of. Articles v and vil were disposed of today, the former "In principle," the latter "unani mously," according to official bulletins. Article vll provides for the cession to China of the branch of the Chinese Eastern rail road running south from Harbin to Fort Arthur and Dalny, and with 'a branch line connecting at New Chwang with the Shan Hai Kwan Tien Tsln railroad. Article vlll provides for the retention by Russia of the line through northern Man churia which forms the connecting link of the main line of the trans-Siberian and the Usurrl railroad with its termini at Vladivostok and Harborovsk. From both nldea the Associated Press la Informed that the acceptance "on the principle" of article vll only means that cer tain points remain to be elaborated, not that a dispute still exists. But this may j possibly be only a convenient method of postponing until the final struggle the ac- ceptance of an article which could be used ! In the ultimate compromise. ! What Russia Sncrlflcea. Russia, by t j des In conn he acceptance of these two artl- nectlon with articles II, 111. Iv and vl. surrenders every vestige of Its am bition ln Manchuria. Russia cloaes the door to the warm water, Ice free port of Dalny upon which it lavished its millions and retains only as a commercial road tha railroad link connecting Its European pos sessions with the maritime provinces upon the Pacific. The right . to police It With Russian troopa or railroad guards is given up and its protection will become the duty of China. The Chinese eastern road la T-shaped. The stem runs from Harbin gouth. The top runs from the station In Manchuria on the Amur river to Nlkolskoje. where It connects with the government owned Usurri road to the coast. It waa this "cut-off" which more than anything else paved the way for what Is known as the "Manchurlan adventure," changing the whole plan of M. Witte, while minister of finance. Hi object had been only to make of Tallenwan ur "Dalny" a commercial entry port for foreign trade, but with tha p strategic -railroad behind mem tha "war l . . ' . I party's" aggressive policy began. Tha I ""nlnal intention had been to build tha trans-Siberian road entirely in Ruaslaa territory north of the Amur river, which makes a great curve northward, formlaf tha Munchurliin boundary. When the con cession of the "cut-off" was obtained from China, through 1.1 Hung Chung, the Chi nese Eastern Hull road company waa formed by M. Witte. then minister of finance, to build it, and later another concession waa obtained to connect It with Port Arthur nnd Dalny. The sharea of the Chinese East ern company consist of J,5uu,UX, which, in the form of a single certificate, are held in tiie coffers of the Ruaso-Chliiese bank as trustee. The 4 per cent bonds Issued from time tu time for Its construction ware guaranteed by the Russian government and amount to over $00.0uu,0i)0. The bonds as far as possible were sold to bankers and the public. These were listed on the stock exchanges In Russia, Berlin and Paris and are now selling at bs tweea snd &3. Russia Pays the BUI. The Russian minister of flnaace has an nually paid not only the Interest on tha bonds, but the deficits In the operating excuses of Die road, which have been heavy. As about half of this money went into the Port Arthur branch, the Russian treasury is out of pocket about half tha total outlay. lis only hope of aavlng any. tiling is to arrange with China Japan, too, will have its claim against the Peking gov ernment for the restoration of tha road after It was destroyed by the Russian army, the rebuilding cf the bridges and tha change la the gauge. It la believed lh4