Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1905, Page 4, Image 4
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1003. The Omaha Daily Bee. K. ROHtWATKR. EriTOR. FVBLlPHtn EVEWT MORNING. TFRMS Or BVIxSCKirTlON rwllr pee wtthot PvindayV on, yar. 4 o ani.y ie an-.l Sunday. n )H J:!uar rated IV. on, rr funds r p, on yr sturday lie, on rr Twentleih Century en year DELIVKRF.P BT CARR1F.H 1 W 1 1. ie.l!r Fee (without Bungay). P'r topv Pally fa (without Sunday), per week ! l-ee (lnelu1lng puruiatV pr week l'o I venlng p. (without Bun.lAr Pr week To twmi Fee Unciuding 8unJi. per wee lo undae B. per oorr fe OnmpJalnts cf IrTrg-Alarttke in deliver should he addressed to City Circulation Pe rwrtnient. orncts Omaha T Be Funding. South Omaha Cttv Hall Building. Twenty-fifth and M street. Council BliifTa 10 lrl street. Chago lej 1'p.ltr Hutlding Nw Tork lav Home Uf Insuran-e Kl'i'.Mlr.f Washington M rrurteenth street. CXRRESr-NPENCr-Ce-rrmunloatlons relating to news and -M-nrtal mattr should be addressed. Omaha Editorial rwtoartn-.ent. REMITTANCESL Rmlt by Arm ft. xrrss or postal order. prM to Tr Be Publishing Oi'miny. (tut 1 r, Dl t lam pa received in r ment of mall accounts check except on Oma or trT ti-rurs. rwt awr!M. THK PES ri'BUSHtNil COMFAST, rTATEMlTNT OF CTWCVl-ATION. tat of Nbraka. h'Ui u County. sat C C. Rowatr, secretary of The Pes Pnhllehrrg CttrpiT. being au!y sworn. t that the actual nuivner of full and rwtipln, of Tha Paile. MmhK. month of July. 1.' was aa folio s l ai.sto it I jo u I ,so i 4 sn.ioo s t.TNo n ( H.AO B I .ko n 90NH Zi t SS.1SO JO NK1 u a.vto r. XI .t 3 J ISJW f i .v.ti so J J W.JWO t is ixxiao - s io SHJllO a.r jt.oTO ! a, iso Totalt. laa unsold ccpiaa.. Net total laiijr axe-s C. C HOSKWATKR. Sacrviary. 8uhacxth4 In try rraaenca and sworn to bafvxw ro l.t ct Juiy. UfeaOJ U- B. Hl'NuATS. Notary iu oit or rowi. Ittaarlkert lartB tka rtf r -gaiarilr ahwl4 kva Tha aMlt4 t Iheaa. It la halter tha a dally latter frwaa kav. A w wUI h kaa, aa aXla a rtttea. "ben lawyers disagree as to whether county cou:xlsioriers are to be ctvvsea ibis year, the courts will bave to decide. iJiDv-aster piitU'iaas prvnntse to test j the new couutjr comn-.'.sAiouor law. Sev eral aspiring IVug'.a cvuuty poi; w-iU anxiously wait for relief. The report of a te!chiug rolcarf iu 1 Nevada may be true, bet it i nvre than lely its discoverers were not care ful tn selevtlr.g their poiation. rreseut ivuditiv-uts foreabadov either decisive advauoe by J spacer vld.vrs la Manchuria or an equally decisis re treat by Japane statesmen iu A:ner Jca. Although reputed to soar bliher than I any otbs r hirds, th Eagle oevenbe; j tnd it cvotwuiout and mfortirg to pest their wttjs in eight to rtke s Peak. Omaha oa their With Orauge nots in lrv.irv-t the rxr- ernnvect will find it diScrt to povjwte 1 tne gee era I election much kvor. as the afety valve must be used bfor the wboie wevts blow up. If tt be true that the igat on Se.-re-! . n ' t . . J . ... w.l u. iiwb 1 ... uri nwvi .1 , WBt to l-UJOaj aaultrr-tCl twvj jrvCJTjv-t, a the putvlic. be max nd new eieraecrs ' cocntng to bis support- Eclgar Howard sends a solemn wam-, tn to the people of Netrasia to vvew tb situation soberly. CkorisOoVrTirig th high altitude of ttet thvrsetwr it strikes a that they are keepinur prttv sotvr. in their apjvarent effort to make Jayan ' parts that est devmel unsuitable or ' country. Th-e hjrher the wages, the more..--.-,.. a- weak a- 1 i"ti .In whuh b b,, b .1 r.vit'.r x a - . . I -gr.orw..t a-. - -v-r. .. promts tase lorea under it protix , , " , ' 1 ur.r.eos.arv can. crt Vtiiir. vy s.. 1 or vr spens m sa.rons Th shorter flk-- civU jati. n. liu. tu Ci...... 1 "-"""f- lie ta s Wsuctin.y res'nitVl StX-h . . , . the hours the rrore thev are -ci nei to uoo tne envoys may ie tnvtmf ' excvaccl for ev rrcr-ctr wh)otit .... . . .- rvb.eni of its ow t. .... ' . vested richts, r.ct true. The wh- history cf fcjrher . ... ... With tihe purvt.asers of Hasta t , ri.tN; o.vtiV aire any cfH.-lil cccneo throwttg thetr weight fv taoe. M . t--o the ftfrertft.v. tntte a visit to the l"r.ite-i Sttte may ! - bare rror graufjir g rec;v tlu.a I-t ac laed when the demaa-i were Crt rbiic. v.r.g ui.inii trtp to tie AustrtAB "ttvirr rrsort is Sv that Se c-av van a tcM ciT cvtr.n-cr.ral ov ,..-.s wlre.f t h fL--,-e ,-e-" t. m . . .. - - i - - . rotASftTLg tie weetinr of the en'rwrv-c ta the "Jilttc sew. The advas,f in Jsra-e .-." rat la best itj in tie rvrasal of tie gr- rBKeet r permit urge Mtt .ire, of japaa-ee ro go to tre itahataa -tal to wxv-t ur.t.1 the l a.ted S Ate tKrreiM samtary oNi ts-s da At rig ; cpoa tte water rn Kan e sit aw fcad an effext cJ.r-oe-t rrcJ- i-a t w;o ra-it -ae tee ex peeve! ry tiat er&i tvfx Mwdec.. Vr Kockefy-lW. Nat ctap the ware-r were M trotbeed so mrno. as te otec. lVs;rvy tik c.ty air s :a pv-t-Koa te wy i y-vi srsts:tx as a t.tva pew. WTU A text e'.gttee-a ori w-tticj ArraocxijvA.ry o;-ay by f aKi devh.-auig SAct n? th W. ad laid tt las r-crir-ased uvdr tie k-ire;f ' Kepttr ti ad3i-.trr-xQ -f state if fairs any aK s pert ev-tx. bt tt i far aiwl of rt ad::aarfratvsA the Ur ftodo reTj-xr that th ictte rtt yo.waka wtli br ta svwteea tx-.r in a ant t Nrfoor they cti b r-rsaid r Ncw asjotW rvl 4. i4 C9 Tl a-. nca;4.rj. rut rntVATt car rrsrnvr. It ) said that effective I'Um for deal ing with th prlTt mr Vne and de trTlnjt t ti- iiHnoHi!y tbry now enjoy Uir Uvu formcl itio lntrtato Com mrnv iiinuui!siti aud w ill l rxH.-utM in th neur- futurt AccorvJinic to a Washliiftou dliatcti to Use rblladflrhta North An)rti'au t!ie coiairiiou hn in formally docldod that th railroads thoni M'km can htld tvrouiWe for all trsrtlo oer ttnr lin and all fxtvtitloc uiad ritber ixn cwunt of loaod cars or jirlTate can owned otbrr tvni-rns than the railroado thtuH'lTta. It U statod tbat tbla d-lsloa din not waive the right claimed by the commission to rvpulate all commerce in private cars or the claim that the private car line are ixinnion carriers, and therefore subject to the interstate commerce law. But as there is contention respecting the latter protoltion. the commission will proceed aeaiust the railroads for discrimination and restraint of trade, where It can be shown that through collusion between the roads aud the private car companies shipirs bav teen forced to pay exces sive charpes. Accirdiuif to th report, the steps rw belnii taken are the result of an Investi gation of the evil, the Inquiry bavins eitendel over several months and not belnif yt enipletel. It appears that the commission Is acting of its own volition, without waiting for the fi'.lr? of formal complaints, and Is now confident that, in addition to finding leiral metbMs by which the oar companies can be rept- tated. the ral'.nJ. have promlsevl a de- j PT f ovperation in dealing with the matter which guarants an immediate Impnvement in omditious. It Is stated that several of the r.1s are now operat ing their own refrigerating cars at greatly rod-iced expenses to the shippers and other rvvvls have agreed to Install refrigerator systems In tJm to operate them next year. It thus appear that the agitation foe a correction of the abuses connected with the rrivate car Hue system has already bad beneficial results and that the promise of an ultimate elimination of all these abuses and the abolition of this rapacious and oppressive monoply Is altogether favorable. Ttse very decided stand taken by President Kooevelt In bis last annual rueage on this question is thus showa to have bad a roost salu tary effect and it is safe to say that be has not spoken the last word in the mat ter. The action taken br the Interstate Commerx-e commission and the expert,. J tioo of some of the railroads cannot be ! reirarded as cnc!usive. Some lecis'.a-1 latton is tsecessarr to clothe the com-! missn. as was Ponied out in the last annual report of that N!v. with ade- Cjut powers to deal with the regula- tKva of the private car lines, and un 'ottbt-; Uvy the president will urge this upon the f ftr-nlnth concres. As public sent'.-1 1' crt usrv ment is swr.clv tn favry of sttch lestslt- Tt "wfTio-n that the art of or tvn It Is probable that the stibe,-t will to a,;n;s:t'.on of PuM rex-ive from congrvs the which its Importance merits a:tectkn SliRKTARY RvOT ttin irt!hii Tc.-teM wtl! .-kn e-.- --i.-v-i . . , . , ' j bis dut:e as secretary of state aud when be does so be wiii be entirely free cf 1 i """ u l- ,lr 1rt 1 of Mr Kvt - of tsos a; tr.rvf rxut r..s e-v.i-ing of the war portfolio :s act an laitc- tivn of lacoasisteocy thon or now. -Tte truth is, no doubt," saya that piper "tt -' R ts. like many ---- -o- : 1 cnangiM ca views or late as to t cie a.ais ot tj prxp ns'tzets ta stsca case. ( Eviects during the past eiettt month mar.y of th-e larger Nasttte affairs Af T ' T I T. biTnl fls, .r-jr . - - - ... rir, vi tire conrr se..v4-.5.TUeM to U.-T- diccer and ri'.tiZ that hart 12 th ; path of the director sbc d.vs not really direct -and lame is Vgioa. -at all erects, there wiU be n oostioa ; tSat the tew se-reary of state has st , t saltttary example. thre t reasn to t-eMev w-.U be emulated J by other wx sia3 its fsttire ecter cpe resxe.s.Me dtrtiew ia th-e povetT.-vt.t service. No man oorcr v-r c a cabinet la tt-e pabCic d'.ossiori of the term of Ua;.aa it was ii-evitabl that the exam- ip of Rtassca wouM b c.ted by wit el showttg fcow title sT-.3cfJoa that I r.wer fcaa in iy-.f.rr to the Ji:j-w j o.-oht:.i a b.z.g ex vve. It : . i . .. . .v . . . , . ,.i.Tvi . . . a v ,i.t i-T s - .n - . aer the war Turiet lr. ihTT. Kt. - a demanded rot c-t1t a t-eavy Irjdem- ttty. tut a- a cersaivc cf The p.W-.t!ty eetgina.'.y asked wit itSe- c,ut:y redtcoed. Irt th-e ad f.r . was persiAted In r.r: . Groat F-r.tatn lntee-;xSied ani laaurted n t-tec-posej-o; ac laaured ' urva Russia yxV.:h.g et-x is this rucroa. l -- wa rTe th Ftr t-a preruer. rae his fcisroe-.c eve at Fecha. M.-. threw teeI K t-a wtth a war with C.rvwt K-t.ln :e v o- j cvtJ certi.a cooclltxsrj pev-7.wi by j larter So grreat was th ianger of b.- teosree-a th tw o tari.-c fhat FV-urarvs. inteneeed and idoed F. -t i t aow-. t h Rr.tisi. cx ii txia. w hj.h I saved Tnrley froc rT--ttxtl el.rr.A TT stay be a f?rryo ft ecoinSoc Jv tf r the sfv of the Kr.r. s gv-icit at tiat t.ra has tv i ed ty ivec."aet vet. Nvt tier can Ne r- ;r-t.VA tiat th exatap thee set by Rsssca. a ti vewo xjto, ie pr.v ier at pretest cf any rht to cix ra rfcat Ja-w .iel ar eirraor-d-iAry ec ifv-;t At a rr At tee- of ft-l. w lbe all th c-.rc-; rrc.a zve are f.vxea d &e cv&siiWe-ari-e r J rwte--e coid rx-Ci are very rcsoi .r ovVrar aid raeeabrie tha were tbos of Rs-s-A ia l3r Ijt liert was b eU.e win I generally ivmmecoeu as emi- ... v ... - aetere m im ta Involved as to the national security of Hussia, as there is lu the case of Japan. In the war with Turkey the Kusslan purpose wrts distinctly t ue of a:crandlse. ment. while Japan is fitititi wholly to make secure her cational eiisteuce. In view of her own example less than a generation ao Russia 1ms little claim to consideration In rejecting the demands of Japan for the reimbursement of her war expenditures and for the cession of territory which Justly belongs to her and la now a part of her conquest. Bfl'lMi AD SELLlMi rARKS In the discussion of the proposition that the Tark Nvird shall acquire small tracts of land lu the heart cf the city and lay thera out In squares, triangles and circles for treatbiug spots and beauty spots, and secure authority to sell Foctauelle and Elm wood, parks. Dr. George L Mi'.ier exclaims: Otv authority! Pt whom What powr can It? Is It tr. city unotl? Is it tha legislature, or ran it b th city council and tha le!slatur cmMned? I dar.y that either Ndy or both united can diveat the people of their title to their park Ur.ds for any other purpose, or s?U them, ttan that fr which they were purchaaed and dedioated. If anybody thir.aa ether wLa let ihem prooead to aU tht-e park lands, which it coats nothing to kevp and which belong to all the peopl la their own lndefeaa.bla rvc'.L Vr. MiUer evidently tvntends that ouce a piec wf laud U dedicated for a park it nist remain a park to all eternity, evcu If it is no park and is not suited for a park. Perhaps Vr. Miller has for- ,tN1 cow ocvupled by the i simu imiN's. mvwd riiK i, Aicrx uania hotel aud Browning Klag store w as orig inally dedicated aa a ruMic square or park, but the mayor and council of the city of Omaha, by authority of the legis lature, subdivided the square into lots and dewied the lots to private owners for a consideration. The same is true cf the square opposite the Union Faclac headquarter", now occupied In part by wholesale Jol blr.g nouses. The good doctor evidently forgets also that the city , of Omaha has deeded to the railroads mi'.es upon miles of streets and alleys, and it bas narrowed scores of streets and sold to the owners of ad jacent lots the strips of land cut out of the street. A year or two before Omaha traced part of its public square between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets with W'Uliam A. Paxtoa for the ground upon which the city bail r.ow stands, the poo cf a:!; voted half a million dMiars la fr ?:' f i i Livi" i.i v-r,i-i4.. iiKti i jr- i.. rt r fax-t that the city bonded Itself for the of rul " tnt rrvTr vtnt - M !of t"t rrty. even if the county and city gvverr.mer.M should be mergel and the city and county jo'.a In the erection cf cit-T urt oa li one lc property of any kind, whether It is !n public or parks or market place, binds all the genera t'.oc that are to follow, gx3 sense and precedent. The city of Omaha, like any other corpoth tior.. can do acvthtn ra . I ..... j rices! and reasonable for the benefit of its stockholders, and lands purchased for tnr.m:rte.l by grapev;r.e teVe-rs.rh to the Omaha seror yeikiw. a pectiliir s.tuatVc ba existed f or a year c rao-re exists tvly. In tt-e matter o. govem- ment me? t rr.sTevtn a: 0ahx. by whi.-i; 'ndepeadent f-av-kers in beet rPevyr.ted from operttirc plants which . . . . . . . vi courwe. we tave a;wrtrs to go away from fcosve to tear the tews. Tp to this however. wSvlt in Omaha w 4 aware that ay 1 -i-tl au. r v-v .r Aj-v.iT-on i-.-r.- r r--j- tS- ', e-jttlihruer.t ra.k.rg hoce in Omaha or South Omaha had been kept the inability cf the r-ep-Artm-ecT of Agt-.cts'.t ire to nppy the re-mred inspect The only rrvr Awpiir-g to Ce Utet dlsrtroes j cf wr a ot rr-L.-i.i.a u--e jcai-g ia- fe;w cPtwas v t-i t.(1 azi let dusTry in rhee par. has l-ee-j the diver- j -.;" a g-v-J rjcuh ai foe .; c.-a-c of l:re to r.val packing ceo-1 it-re vp to rt far terv t. the r.-cth and to the somth of , --thj We ajrvhe-d. trwever. that no :nd-;eodr.t p -er w-iU i;t-ie--oe A - v rrx;oe for wa-t cf an i-.s-eccon ir.s-ecTio-i j , . , 4 h rr. e-.i tze v ... . t c . t e h-.-ctti - , v-k yaris. We are t.Vi n-. w that r.-rmer Pioli f J-v're tVeir 1- AI Comi;-xaer , y-. . , ... v. - Lo- xtf re; tv-- ; trry on ac- . 0'--"urt cr tz.e Z C- '-tS f-..-e cf ti. j Ag-red all , p,-., - - - Mo: t v r c :t was tera"i.e -,ver ad ' h rts. Therv wvr a-evher to ; - ttv -'rs a the p;iv tr.-tvgh to i the w-.U g-A.-'-cr-i If there wvr t a c.f ' ! In th- LirhriAt wo-r' --e- h ! ! rw-e lie p -ii.h ad han-g brw-- tie ga oo r ri - r a 1 U. e -h,. tjr oxr.r-.-y f..- tr. Urpf share, or ... wve they a." J v pet t gvtr twv as ;A.t ti v tte -v tthes that east em rt,.r- i i presjiect bee by aa ual rvt ftfder ta avvci daxger cf as as- Ihlm th averr.if EaiA4--- w ave I to th xw.htje cf it w-i. a tm to th pxw.htje f tt .w-as.;j, rt :t i rht r-.t Rtii: rr --. takei iVr ef Orodr.'Ci p-r i -- l i-tevi State. eeetiared Cartegt tx the "heary bvtid--;g. tct :t w-i: t ih-oceey that La io : tee rts-r lo-v us t a err c ) silver oerr-irat. freh ari warra frs. ti atuiit It is Ae axjl tin a !.-.-r rv-ren true vl Vi..ed Scauw f. vrrij i : " " j w.ta vie p. :j: ti x,r Jetiwig Brvaa hs at lat ! try a oa rU- tt ;t ls managing the boycott on the part of China, fl u Ting Fang evidentlr learned while in the t'nlted States tbat the only way to N at a Yankee is by n?ln5 another Yankee. If the governor of aukitii Is unable to decide upon w hat steps to takv pcln: the boycott be might apply for an Ameri can Injunction, which would probably be as effective In China aa it usually K under similar conditions, in tut- United Ptato. A rkrerlai Po.albllUy. Philadelphia rresa. Tt beplns to kHk as If the "square dral" may yet become faahlenaNe with ail Insu rance corrpanlea rrtsmaih aa PaMlrtty. Detroit Fre rress. The population of r-rtmouth Is It also contains WSJ? peTle who are won dering how they can profit from the adver tising. The Real Arttrle la Heroism. O.lcagvt News. Speaking- cf heroism, the doctors and nuraea who have rwlunteered for service In the elow feer belt ought to come lu for honorable mention. PrvtHleaa Rivalry. Washington Tost. Ternsylvania leads In tie projjct'.on of natural r- It will require the efflria! count to show whether Nebraska or Kan sas leads In tha production cf artificial gas Opportaialty Taktii lata Caaap. Boston Transcript. The Ianonl estate cf over liW.W was virtually accumulated In ten years, another conspicuous trstance or tne ncn returns that roiiow a union ct opportunity ana cm paclty In this country. Appwlllasi SUaatloa for Ka acker. Baltimore Amencan. Th biggest crops In the history cf the country are predicted this season, and the calamity howlers and stock gam Mens are t9 bold a Joint conventlcn to consider ways and means of meeting the appailing situa tion, similar to that of the historic klnat who was pi tinged In misery because te bad nothing whatever to grumble ahvut. Sett las; a r4 Eaaaaple. Philadelphia Record. Secretary Root has set a g-ood example by sevenns: his connection w-th r.umerout financial and ether c-rporations cf he has cr.tll now bee a a director. His duty as a public ofllclal might pos;Ky. though not prvSably, come tn conflict the Interests cf the Institution which he has been connected; by resuming his ; directorshtpa. st any rate, the secretary taking Rrtieaest la Tlpe. P.vtcn Transcrtrt ron't say t!p" hereafter Say "Joyful checks" It has a pleajanter sound to The ear. while to th conscience anl to th In ttinct cf curtesy it Is far more gracious There Is no h.Lr.t cf graft In the gentle pr.rase ana ry ro. means ecu. a ;t r per- verted t read extortion. ' There Is a I blesed atmosphere of gtve ani take, an apprciatKn cf valu reoetvei about !t. whether It As ir.iira or spoken. Artisti cally !? rob ar. .ne-ltable transAction cf a" -dclng-" aspects and makes the gtver aai the recipient happy ra entploylr.g it. Clerical Statewieat Dele-4. Sprtrvr.eld P.epuMlcaa. T prtest h.-e letter the prestjn? read at W!lkshrre m-!e certain s-ate-ments --ncerr the eflectj higher w-ates ar.1 shorter feours whi.-h deserve tc be sharply cr.a:Ten-l Speaking wlthotjt 5.r.a-.w, ce ---cjirea: tier, is ore c:--urar-.rg reat-ure eon- nected with th cpwari teniency cf, th wage scale ir."x th workmen cf th s rwhllelly as a Cheek Rasewllty. Harper t Weekly 0r rewtpapers are dubtles awf-jj , .r-ue c : J : ms f pr r-: . ff .t uca jo tt ; rrtsrier and has br. foe neither of which , rsboect th-e c-tt va: i reader cares r.ith tt :t a-. z- -Tf hew he rntereet la s ier keeps vp w-.ti th. less - vrult; - rated avtrxge retaie- cvv-r on tiotih it tas Secom. so ta say. Etit tt is to d::rLg 1 witi ctt.,r foreia cf enrae that the lasers 1 ti tie press are Eacre valai. C-nly the Lfr;r! ai ccwaiajs cf tie 1 taid tatereat Is shrwtr.a cr rm- w. Ert. fracis on tie rw p.. craft, bewah i I t-t a-i rasa a varies f.rms cf dea- ; a-aie refo for err. riKrv-ass-ft-l ; l aewsp.. rxrs. C.r Taewrpapers rtaght it ; tttr. they c--!d easily Se maie ! lo t tar-e of ue po.-p e :f tastt. bt ta- ' it-ovoj rmt-a rf crvre. daareea.V, as :i ad ta thetr fa.-thf -lss arii Teracj:s - . . f.-i-vttii va keerajt :t a 1 e nai t I v , v , . . ..... ard U tcaes-.y rr, aai ;r.-ra: ut t rt-e-w m hep fo aa; kvrl :f raraty as , e- as rt cast b kept cut ci tie papers. cmcii nn ramciiL post. . . v. r: : ::t . v-. ... . , N. trrtt, crrp.;rA-.j.a hxs a aatural Vght tj i t-Ai"; wtj. fait I to eapreas t..- va.- ia vr, r-.t-i etar . I Tiers i x: J:a ty tie grv- era t hf.i t t.t tit -:rr. try art tiiS to i;t tie xpre4 r.-'rr.;e-rts I ex.-. .t- vrt. . -r a.t -k-;-f-i a.-. tin lrrg r-.i a ju-r- post jart sf wr-k :f !. ptsc- ;to ct-rvzera-A dtvr. erectt z - - : tre pcr-ai wim Taare a x w r i rea- w.-.T .. L , ... . t.--a u- Sfv tiat tt k . -rr ;f a ;Arj I t'. tie wrk ;tf -.t, P.-sr fire i - fpart - j aa-e-at va tie rr e-i : i jtaata . tt Ss.-a..-T if au tor.-l :f ti.At tiiy fi Ar4 sseruit ic-s c .f tie ttera. S f - lerv-MT.-. W t"-e r;at t-e la.-.ji States w-at :i a ;-:,. Tttre a vasCAuwr - stiti ti-t A;re -:-;i ipei .iv-a. a: i-;r-rrJert tie f An-t-e nrxnd tie pecuA. f A, : rf ti 1 j . 1 i: o.t -r ali - v i;. ? : re-ti i-.t r-a, sur-t ) P.etc . . . . . ... . - - --v a r. -o rjL re k.-p greatty ta m.Ak tiecn : - raft rt tre I eati-rrijeiare rare. i exzrea .- orr raj- a.-- a a-.jfa--xerruc xj aii i,e xrft erec- cf a I 4 - to or ?- a :a-ra rJiwrv- Aa i - tr-.j.e .-.a way fro-a ti, :t -gat t.T rx r.tit.j .. t- tt g 'e-iur-j. at a wit lire i Kt : or ; 'y i tie " -r -' aa U via jiUa, rr.Rott ott". . CookHlle ar now quoted at J5 cents In Portsmouth, arid going down. We welcome our old friend. General t'tibe-Vribe. and hts hyphen M the new columns again: this time In the peaceful walks of diplomacy as Colombian m!r.;s:er to Chile. It Is said that John P. Rockefeller did not begin to accumulate money until after he was Z years cf age. perhaps this msy -plxin why a little fraction of the earth Is still In cttMT hands than his. The late Plr P. M Pet 111. a parae of Pom bay. founded numerous comoij mills In India, (tsve Jev to benevolent projects i and was created a baron, an honor con- ! forred on only one other native. I John Butler Parke, who throuah th dis covery of radiographs has suddenly become the most talked cf man in sciertif.c circles In th t'rltcd Kir.giom. Is an Irishman by birth and is a graduate cf Trinity co'.leg. Despite the gr.vt number of volumes thai Jules Verne ruM.shed there still rema'.n In manuscript sixteen dramatic works, nine novels, two histories, a book cf travels and a forecast cf Farls in the twentieth cen tury. Captain Charles narr. who the schooner Atlantic on Its record-break- Ing trip across the Atlantic and won Kaiser Wilhelm's $i.'.M gold cup. has received as gold cup. has received as a testimonial from Wilson Marshall, the yacht s owner, a solid silver salver. -Although I work a geod irmny hours a day." say Inventor Edison. "Try life is a very quiet and restful ore I do rot worry: I am fori of fun ani I like gowt fellows. . . . . ... i un noi vdni iq ct-Ai i'.n n.e men vr men whose lives are devoted 13 getting money." An eastern paper reports that a New Jersey woman whose husband had dis appeared from home and had been given . up M irowr.ed -was pleasantly surprised the other day to receive two picture poet cards which he had ser.t from Omaha." Th- p-.fs ar. i fears cf separation wr Instantly svthel by the additions t her pvt card coi'ection. sKM-tlCEP CIVIUIATIOX. Iguaoraare aid Saperstltloa Very Vear the Sarface. Phils. tlelx h la Fress. Clvtiisatlor. i-r a host cf people who lock civilned. can r's l ant and cipher and use tr-.l.eys. Is or.'.y skin deep. It has never struck In. They remain in th old savar state .eaU Urnoraht can- t ur s. This Is plain ervuch when an end. pa thetic but Inevitable. deplorable but ivr.M. c-mes. as there has jut, come to superstitious obsession .ike the worship i 0 .v. Nl Mir.mita." These p-r. V.-rne wh-m died, who on c var. I cent-. kept th; strange vus-! frr half a te men who worsh.:pel with thera and ail the sad cor.trui:ot:on la that Te- stat-ru that they w-.u S lx-n. cf all tiilrgs healthy, ratloiial. j a eor.!ac ir the War iprtrte-.t. whc'.err.e a-.J civ-.lixed, has existed b ! Hitherto It has bn pct;i for th s cause for a greit many ct -nliii pecp-1 PPrs a-J ethers who wre lntet-este-i i civil:i,t n Is sk-.n deep I reproductin of the p-ft are of an cff.ter v"hat these pe-ple relieved ahr-ut -C.r.- 10 chtain th phctcgra; by -.he .-.; r-i-a'" millxr.s tf'.eve aN.-ut Shamans tn rc-ces cf asking f r it at the War de- Ycg-.s and lr Ini-a. i aa noun-is m In Afg.-ar.istan ar.d i.t and North Africa. In all thee ManS- sjivire lAnis tier are men ani r.t5 .-s . ,, --r-r- llus cbesii'n a-nor-g th weac aad - noract. who receive dr'tne or sml-c:x-m tor.rrs. who are worshiped tn l'e and :a death ani whoe houses t-ecom -h::y pUcs for their deluied f: C:en. When the like pomes here it is a sa of sk.n-ieep c.vt.jati. a Its appearance u a p-;:ua: re-.:nier hw near are tu- perstitAon ani c bse s.c n. lr. the m.l-it cf te.e-mr-. i telephone how esy is self- dev-:t ani se'.f-im.nx-lAtk-s. ani hrw reces- sary Is It fr the community by edication. fcy iw y th prvt;toa an-i pro- hibitioa cf soothsavrtif. w. ier-m,-e'--.g ar.i mere del.ied ani delusive -enre-- ru--jT-.-j taous froa Phlllg- plae TYrwiaaeat. New T.rk Sun. Ti.'t djrjiyed tis S-:cretarj A :w-lre pro: - -r.a cf htimji nature when he 1 1 - re x.l. rrire 3L7 . . ooaivy rrvrie-j ! hs reputarucn ;.-r at-utnee pr- i c-ured a opp.:rtn'.-.y f:r Mr Cockraa to j exerc. hts :: oc th I ruhect cf rtr relatx-a tc- the rii:ri.j 1 Thev who i rstar. i tte Cr-rkrwatAa I 1 rttthcl :Arr knew that whatever Eiay hi.t : ben the prencus stterar. . crater It was r-r.pcss.hie a ct tie f or ttra far-Je snsJer thorse ski-e a.-.-J s-m-.l thr s-urrc-tn-t hjrt t? tp-eak ct!erw-j f.aa th-us at th a.-ti- irA the varte-i States were : tast.-i-aa; a a'-artiag tie perwper.ty exe-1 for pa rseai cf ir-el' -JC r.-r th t--f t Cre-.tra taat he rc -r titii "We an ar-i ar s.h.v- t ix- t -iararalleloi paths the r. -t net i mi- - -, j T m.--t perf rur-I c.rf iea.-w . ,v . . . - fat-v tn the T-. - . fr-.." - ar-xArrr ' Ne"rthel . a" ar-est:y f - ty ar f.fsi exp tatj r ani ie- J-'t. " "i""----- rf c2 i X -etAry Txft rf Secretary St r-e-As-vreti h-ee- Aft S r a , - T t s--av c-.rpar - rf -ie f--r' 4--t vj.- with the t-to--r-; pa.4- era t- --A -; t - f ,Te--h at tie Air.-tra- . - B st.-a c rvhr-uary , I ,. j -IT-r myf:f Z w:u'i rxthe- he a trafrr m v- --it aa.1 S' a r.t F-e-i aa.i ! S- i-i H r "i- a po.--e. wrra ha c- he?r M K-y Prr raw r:verr.-rat t; xe-tt -wr rf: a- bxij -jt-t uvj-a it t r es- cf r-- -j the -.aie-eiit.y rf tr t trt. a mtt-r rap ihr,.- ti --: ts n:r:eriat.e . r ;s tte h .-tAto-rs f tt e-st tvtj- ar-.v t- -f-e- ;'. the gfoer- rrftt there ar, h the wra -.t, ;-Y'te-t cT.itrtAaes tr rr tu a rti: - . . - - o:?..t ;1-a ci rc :r g--v-:s w.ta-rt a ttairw :f . H.s fc " l ' T :v! ie-TTe-i ; niy - , aii ax au-tj-r-ry mvy c rtrre t- -r-j-t-t ty r :e--e r... .-.. , a.-.r. etry wv. t tae A , . a, .-x tie h ! n ' a r :f rte c..--j--'vr-a L act at ij tte-i i has ao aa ce-i-f- rte " " arsi- 4 .-,. if tit rrit-it.tjt. rx"-s Li at . c -st get taere eatr. Tt-s e ttat wtat ry At tr-" Ai.i jls-. is a f .n a-. x- '' A-.rtra- pi - Aew-r.-.- n r (reo- rr-e a- at irfer tie f - . or., jf- t, ;? r-jaj.-ar.e, at! tte crets -a: n.ii V' Ttft as a pe-w-aa. e T SS A Tr't' SS- a-.iTtr- f i--iaja r ti PV ;rj "te -re - ierr.t'-ratvr lerj -' a L-.i se-na f-f rr . A v.r r'p-e t a j, f.--ji w;t X : I'A"7 t -; jr-.tin at.i r i nr.ktitie pa t p..; tr H J. 5.' .- A -AX ja i--t Ar.- t i - r-i r a 1- --"It 6." I - - t. - . ' ?-.1 -re -- tj rr.-te.-t tre ?. rr r t .r t i- e r .-r T t ttat i r..: a-e --e iti; t-vc ; ti ii t'urit 4 a f-'. tea AltVT 00IP 1 WUHIttTOt. Walter af latereal f ailed fraaw he Army aad ay Realaler. A monthly list of the fft quartarmaater sergeants cf th army will b published from the rfffce cf th naarterrster gen eral as an adlltln to t prant mnlMT rcatr showtr. the stations a-.d da: of the eff .-era of te q'iartrrr a'r depart ment Thr are now arr.e fve Ta'an'lra In th !lt of p-at q-iarierrrar-ef a-gn" and there ar thirteen oand.lates on what Is known as the eliaiN Kst Ore of th Important axenimen's to made In the new ir.inui of th pay dprt- ment will be that cf cor."! 1raM Interest to the army officers or. duty In on ca; c!ty or another undr th Isthmian commissi -m M-t. If ret all. cf nth cf". cers cf th army, as well as th navy, so attached are rer:vtr.g pay wM-b Is an In crease, to a gra'er or lejs extent, over th pay of the Indlviixal as aa rS-r 'f the military or naval srrto. ?a aiii :n u this emolarrent it U evli-ctly ie.ri by the cT.oers that when traveling urdr ot drs cf the lsth.rr.ian .--! cm-r.a:r.'S they shall reciv the utiai all:wa r-r rr.l.eag cut aZ the army trar.r;-'-tatl-.t fund. As has sJreaiy hn f s 4. r.o rri j allowar.oe wtl! be p's 05:-s rr- f which lr rvlo th y-mr- j : i which lnvclv travel. ;;:. t- fv-t tht 1 It Is unier War d;rtrrht -rirs j receive th c rt -f their t-ri f-c-; the "h frr canal appropriation ar.i r. t frtrr. t amy mileage Jcf tt- C '. far, - . '. . There Is some talk hut ;i:rrrg th!cT r'.w p-.. - aM ;rrx' t-.--:, w cavalry witn th bx-.crt S- r- cf ( r.-. v - r tn ' the? w-jy f-. j v - cff.cers cf th ar y hive hr. i.rprl'j In an ur.nff.clal tr that th- y- r.t wCl -;-rnt cf serve a useful ptirp. s at ar. 1- warrare lr. the rs-.Js c caTa:rTrr-T i'rrrr-T quite as r-.u h as hr. It f-rrj a jrt 'f --.:..-.-.: uC ft-. a; .". P it t r the ffhri-.g -;-!;. r.t rt the !-.f-.trrr-n. -i:t -, . -a;11it Th pi-cp.-s.t.'-n appears t- f--i fa-r-T 1; lik " :-.i-.-7-ti- - - -n the r h mar.T q-uaers I: rray h- tik-. up hy th cf ;:.- rr-v? w..ra t.i-f - I-. -penerxl eta? litr la th ?-'--.. '.: Is . hm.1 it -"U n 1 -.c i t.t.j tr.-r-'ry r a quit evtiect that th suh.'-rt wC! come ;p :' g-a-J .rx EiJ T ;t- a.i s suiter cr U'er In an f-t wh''i -a' .i j -1 :'j t.-.i,f.t Tr- at ro will r--u;r dtspi-f-.-v-n hv the r-iltary 3- !Utt it cs-y M af-w-r tys thcrtt'rfs. If :t h v-.ce-:-i that ct- Wr- Ja:k:i wis ;r r ws airy It r;r! lr.far.try a-,I thtt ti i r"r- t t rat t u r.v Vst A e er -1 w. -. cava'rr b---rret lr.fir.try wh- dis - unte.1 -re h-t. TOe r- ittrr u ;----r't n ?.t- r icr.r.te: r..a: j.-e Sir tactics wo: rr;y t- h.ors es car- alryrran as much as to hi, v-rt,..,. - -y ! In fa-try arm If there is v-L-.s In th : bayonet as a rrt of th e-5-jiper-t cf t j tnfar.try erlder. there mvst be tb same I qualltves to rmr-.m ;-.! !t wvp. it -j crs:-J- ered as a part cf the cavalry.-; I ealp- tnt. Tt has ben or-jere-i at t1 rrent that ph-t.-graphs cf xx"ar iepart- which are kejt ca f.i la th ff.ce r.4 tie military secre-ary. shall h-rea'ter h re- ! gsried as a part cf the coaf ier.t al rr- ! cra The phM&rra;J-.s were trrally. 1 QJ ct::r cn ire astiTrp-ta. partnt. This is all e ciar.r-i now w..ver ..-. new w.-.trn regaris three phct -crapis as private lr.fcruxt:-n In the ""--.v . i-. i - . . . e rovem r.t. C-ri.ria.-T 1 I to cr.e Kli think ff rvtrg o.t a ih- I I ....'.3-. ;.-... t..e v 1 . r weyirtrrjent , authorises do rv. t believe that t.-.ey have ! "" tJ t re the prscrial w.,r:es j rf :i--i-al cfirers who cat h,ave a 1 rr:I:: Utiti: a f-rra ct p.Miclty wrri oor.sists la h-avlr a piiotcoT-a;i appear a i 01 iT newsp-aper. j 1 lz -3ct ci oeserti-rs la the army Ss f to-aJ, to corr.-e cp in aa Important way as I tc- AeSvs:on ia the as-aal reports ;i T -- rers wn cmpv I coram-rc:s ar- ertu-i ta the orrr I f t statisttcs Searing mere er a j upon th-e vexati. us Q r--r There 5s s.r j rv"a c: P-ai :s-uMi;a cr tie pr5ties at thus time, says L.etrnt Geeeral ChsfTee. for th ere d.:- n"t app.- t j be ar t aiars-li- larrea in d'Ser-ic-a. or f?r that matter, ary increase at ali. This was trf th case, bewever. sTr.e s.x or sva m.rrti.1 aro. when this frrra cf te -tians tr.d; -vi ual trlltary careers as.urrsi je- t 1 pcrtlort which made tfce auth-r.t.e ru. ! . jf u fe.t tht aomettiag drasu; srjM.:rf S d-n-e seep tc, army rrrra -" fjrrx a- It was teveii by O-rrje-a. I Chi fee that m.urii coi St anr rsrji. 1 cr ra-ft.-ea x - ! meat cf the general recr:tir iefota j Iwher ere there co'-J-i i bet re tiey cwme :n I ei-ere-coi si i.rt. aai where tie ra . cf detect posaitiy rht S, rr.-.L hit a-ororr.ptift:Ta ta a great a- staisht ;f .- tirwt test by the -epots. suvl lie process luas Sees. v-Tftfl s y tie apoM M a deii.-. pc-ry Ail t . . Aiiprc-j-r j-kwtw. iai . ! serera; reports n Oeaera; Ct-aTe aa.i j will take -p toe s.t;. tute ie?r- ' the : sf fcntlc. :a ha at-iiAw r;-:rt. 1 1 Crwrfwl Art ! Charity. New Tors Tnicrt I -tat is a r-ea. . . p..e-oe t :w':jrTre 1 whir is r cf tie f: i i.-:ta Altarr c t th E i Tte ;au-t : e-. rut Myers t C: are ttjier j : rn.-et.-t ao-t- . . - - - - seat thaa ti rostra oarr. rr -- riaa a 1 ! pecw-.w tit kui:i aa.i tw:e as srjji Se-Kiie . v . ta,, rr - i-A i t -.-aa. - re.-r 4xx. ; Tj uir-e a" tie expea a-.-jfe-t t rj. uttort-rte afta-t. tie.-etrr. j a g-o ! art cf rt-arfry. t trarurg cf est rata r-rr.-a.-t w:. i lk ra.-rt t - . -. - . i rv X , . at Ayer's Hair Visor is i hiirfcwL It fis th? hiir icd the hilr grvv Thif s t th?r? :$ ro .:. And it is a s?!eod.I t.:c the hr.r. the hiir follicles tor.e ii $ Th:s :s ahy it checks fillir.: hiir so tvt--t. As i dressir.:. ir kc?s the hiir Ss.': trsi srxxxh ind prevents sphttir; it the ervis am CTTtIT Lit uto ali-A t-LJ-4i ta ha DmpotDEtcr ot-r or n.rr, Melaaehalr Medltallaaa Ahoat Pahll Marala Overieae. Chlcagi Trttur.e. Orovr Cleveland la In a r-l-r?K--4 He relieves tvat tnereasl-.a - Is sactlrg th more-It cf th p-jM!- J). -.. grts th departure (,-t th ,.- days hn Arrrt-ar. wr p'-or a-'. t. Th dia'-V-a jr rar-lirg th r-,. . M and th aatnero-us prt s--uU'-r.e t' ; . r".'4:i cf tl!l ar.1 V degree a;;-x- har hai a dprir - cn !. er-'err tistlrg thm r 'r th r . ei-it v-oa;cn In tk;e pi-. ar.n c-r.;- -. , on a graM s-a: was t 1 men aJ1. at he says now hav hn I po!b!e: In f 'f the rpvrle Thirty ja's ago th whjsay f-ait t Ipae-1 r,!tf"rs. rTrnrrrT - i arl r-a-y mn prr-alnert rn ; : ha4 ocr-stt-l to !fra lA t' g T?y rheat-l t-it cf mt ' r; . . Th d st relytrc t. th f." 1 : te't.rt c-f l-t-rI rTn j - - i c-i ttr or'iors e--'? ,s 1 rx.ti fT an ts'. -f'jr. '.- ' V . r.-e As h:,ky a il t'T r - i- "n : th tax t.''-.'t k.vw frxt w.w ir.g prp.r.l. h. ix ther was rsj ; r- V a;-! iff a.t i- :jti y - . w .-i'i t f-iay A haiir j -r .-f .. rr. l7'-5 the r. j r : -a y T - ; ,v was g-rxt:i -t -1 we - a . - Prs i" p;-i- sali lt t.a C"-'r ran -; - !' 1 -A; a a .-.t r i- . - ?. m.-- 1. !aV As a -? :- ---y that tf.y a-e tt. j T.. h r-.--a..t ef rr f-.n -i ; ar r vt ?at ti-y tt -.'f T-.r - '-i-l mu.ri r.ei. f'C irj-a.-i- :-. i ar-5 th-e r-rr.i- f f-e rt tertur-' t wr 1 1 . ara b-.t the dfai r-.i- t -se h rrjrt In t1- p.:- .rV r-trr.est fvr- .'iir t 1 1 . r-:ru-.---i x -x e-r; wr.- rrs- 1 sred by tt re--.t stajlari it -l r,Te- . Ty i-1 it -. ti r--e-i! ' p.:p; ar srria- tj ta4T. Th-ee a- r-,a-y -fit; a-.! pr-Tat 1.? tM t-.-t t- r;ct -f tr-c rn ajrf rpp'r" :t ' j f rr r--: -f :t th: '- ax-r:ter ? jr-' p cf a m an trra5t cf ra a.-.! a-.i It ? i, t r-:ll a lgtel' rtx-e-i.; lighe'r o--e haif wi arc-is-i'-ar. vr.ata ie--aT- ;t r--s w- r-r P4SSIVG PLftTgtIE. - g-a t ts t'enr-h hn i !..",".,. tirr! 6trs as .t j J ;- - -.r as im c .i ; it-tai. ' x asi .ligt-t - Star. r tA l.i ;--?:' W"i-e j-rt T.-c .,- ra a trv--' anuc rs a -' ". rc: Vcro- s -re esria- Attt Rir w- a-e a. way cnar -0 ,g tie; : cm ix "X"-a tr cceyrary t-.a a-x. T-wrrf -ra ti f- rAf- zl -f tt i-i-a-5- p:r-ri-,' "T " . Attn t.i;;-5 :t w rn were tua--rew.i. O-jcaa-j Trni3i. sry New Trt wotT au a ' gt Sfcc. : rAUi eti f a.r,i ci:n- r i te --. e v t waits ' ' -4 jawt "A- T-T t tO-e rj tti-rt-? w-LS ""t j-a" guco-t ttj tizjt -'---4t r- tj'. x -14- wvLi a g--T a- i p.-'-T-.e.! -' 1 , ti-e a?T 1 mm n yr t w-ti - " " ' - i j! ! truli r-i - JAi ' ri-aixLjija l-Lrrr r Iat i-ir- a." f-l-e 4 f-.eT y-- -. -, . . i.i. I -- rc ; : ir l,t ( N:w tf r-i al a-irr - ;rr- ir z Tir w-t T- . t ' -I e j.;.j.-e. ' . n a rr l - ttw i . " " ?.:a.7 ZJfiS'3 ! -P - writ i- w,ir. ftc s Tajn-e e-.n ! - rigr: --It Tn:r.-pri ia W-Vilg ; .-cr. ? auft )nar Vi r fa-Ars strr f . - i - a 1 .m T.irt rr SLr Lis Tr-r- kjintr Ai.i ttie-i a -.. tan rbrr-t. . St-.r r.i Csr.j.Kt ni-. 1H VI H a f tH J vin j vo. ?c-vu.' ir-iw iwwi Nrw rtTeej. vw -. r ' F. irt w.tjT p r -T-r- all cart! i Aj.i far-inr . a i-i.u air 1 nt t-' a-jif i- a.t,e j-i w " 1 .f-w 4.- V u ' fi.ijirf r;T 1 - s j rvg -iicia. suiw it.'uir. Trf rir-..f - . 1 k-tes ' - w r--l- V - .-t trr. " r-it. j- yu w . .ait i a.-u-x f jtata km . , : V" t7 w-.J tr ' : 9nti) u r art.Tt.' ' tv.r.- T -a.w - ; .urn n - a ?- " '"T'- nine urn. A BuOif a u 4. jvc-rfj..-e. m Iw-rr. t JvOa-Tj, wVri.v.' rx-lwjj e - rs--rrrr tr St. E -1 ? XS ? K : w 1T.' e-aii la.5er tee 4. arTJJW a"x rr. . iea 1 S ,-4 A ta tf. a -I i