Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Great Borthtra Said to Ear lo Bight to
Operato ii Hebrka.
Woald Llka to Ht tha 1M00
Fee Whlrh TkU Fills Waald
Reejolre ftreat Tnlfra
Aluo Drrvllet.
(Prom a Btaff Correspondent
LlrTCOLN. Aug. II. (8peclal. Can the
Orat Northern railway legally acquire the
right of way for the new Ashland-Linooln
cut-off? Deputy Secretary of State Miller
stated this afternoon that he haa grave
doubts as to the power of that road to
acquire legal title to the land needed for
the construction of the line because of the
Inrt that Its articles of Incorporation are
not on file In the office of the secretary
cf state, thus making It a domestic rail'
wav corooratlon within the meaning of
the constitutional provision which limits
the exercise of right of eminent do.naln
to Nebraska corporations. It is stated that
the filing of the articles in the office of the
secretary of state would necessitate the
payment of a UO.OnO fee. Miller said that
no action Indicating any Intention to file
had been taken by the officials of the
company within his knowledge. He Is In
direct charge of the corporation depart,
Miller has no Intention of referring the
matter to the attorney general at the
nrosrnt time, since that official Is too
busy with other important matters to en
able him to acL What the deputy de
sires most Is rr secure the payment of the fee which would redound to the
credit of his department.
What effect the enforcement of the con.
Ultutlonal provision would have on the
contracts for the purchase of real estate
nlreadv entered Into haa not been stated.
It Is believed that the same doubt which
exists with reference to the projected road
npplles also U the Sioux City A Western
branch of the Oreat Northern, which has
been built within the past six or seven
Deputy Secretary of State Miller stated
that the Great Western Is also an offender
against the constitutional provision at
Omaha, where It has acquired considerable
right of way with depot and elevator sites.
McDrlen Speaks for West.
State Superintendent McBrlen has re
turned from a trip to the highlands be
tween Sidney and Hay Springs In Sheridan
county and there he was surprised to And
flourishing fields of wheat and potatoes,
which makes him feel justified In predicting
a great future for the western section of
the state. He says that in a cross country
drive from Alliance to Hay Springs he
discovered that there Is an evident change
In the character of the vegetation. Buf
falo grass Is giving way to the blue stem
and gramma grass. ThU he considers an
Indication of a change in the climate.
which is so evident In the many fields of
grain which he saw In the typical range
country. Much of the wheat, he estimates,
will run thirty bushels to the acre.
During the last week he led a strenuous
life, making a speech or two every day
and riding over 1,000 miles on the rail
way In addition to two long drives. He
slept whenever he could, as It was not
possible to keep any of the regular hours
' known to the man of steady habits. His
western run was made Wednesday, when
ho went to Sidney. Thence he went to Al
I llance by railway and that afternoon at
4 o'clock started to drive overland via
the old stage route to Hay Springs, fifty
miles distant. 'After taking supper at
the sod postofflce at Box Butte, he ar
rived at his destination at 11:30 at night.
At Valentine he addressed the teachers at
the Junior normal. There he was surprised
to learn what a vogue the Idea of school
gardens' had acquired. At the school
garden tilled by the teachers was drawn
on for the vegetables which they had at
the dining hall. He found teachers who
had never before seen tomatoes and other
common vegetables because of their reel
dence In the range region. He believes
than many of them took home lessons
which will show them the possibility of
estub!tsh:ng home gardens on tracts which
ran be watered by windmills. This de
velopment will mean much for the west.
lie says.
Itineraries for the Week.
Superintendent McBrlen and his deputy,
Mr. E. C. Bishop, will both deliver ad
drosses before county institutes during this
week. Mr. McBrlen's itinerary is as fol
Tuesday, at Falrbury; Wednesday, Fre
Ml Of
Cuticura Soap combines deli
cate medicinal, emollient, sanative,
and antiseptic properties derived
from Cuticura, the great Skin Cure,
with the purest of cleansing in
gredients and most refreshing of
flower odors. For preserving,
purifying, and beautifying the skin,
scalp, hair and hands, for irrita
tions of the skin, heat rashes, tan,
sunburn, bites and stings of insects,
lameness and soreness incidental
to summer sports, far sanative,
intiseptic cleansing, and for all the
purposes of the toilet, bath, and
nursery, Cuticura Soap, assisted
by Cuticura Ointment, is priceless.
as-las",, Cut bm u us iuii.'
mont: ThomdsT, West point: Thursday
evening, Wayne college commencement ;
Friday, Blair; Saturday, galem Chautau
The schedule of dates for Mr. Bishop
Monday, Rushvllle: Tuesdav. Chadmn:
Wednesday. Harrison; Thursday, Sidney;
Filday, Orant.
Etamlnlns laaaranee Companies.
Insurance Deputy J. J. Fierce, who has
returned from the New Tork conference
of the Insurance commissioners who are
to probe Into the affairs of the "Big
Three," stated tonight that arrangements
have been made to go to work on the books
of the New Tork Life October 1. State
Insurance Examiner H. S, Wiggins will
go there at that time to co-operate with
the accountants of the other states In an
examination Into the management and the
details of the business, especially the loans
of the company. Which of the other two
companies will be taken up next has not
been decided. Mr. Pierce stated that there
Is no fear among the clmmlssloners as to
the solvency of any of the companies to
be examined, but It Is desired to know Just
what methods of doing business they em
ploy In order to determine whether or not
they are complying with the law and pro
tecting the Interests of policyholders.
Inerrtaln About House Joarnnl.
Inquiry at the office of the secretary of
the State Printing board this afternoon in
dicated that there la considerable uncer
tainty aa to the date of the delivery of the
Journal of the house of representatives,
which is to be printed by T. E. Sedgwick
of Tork. The contract provides that he
must pay a penalty of 1 per cent a day
after sixty days have elapsed from the date
of the delivery of the last copy. Thts pro
vision Is susceptible to a very elastic con
struction, according to First Assistant
Clerk Barnard, since the index cannot be
completed until the entire volume Is set
and proof read, and until the delivery of
the index the last copy on the house jour
nal will not be In the hands of the printer.
It is pointed out that there Is no certainty
as to the date of delivery under such a
contract, since the printer has It In his
power to delay the work of Indexing to
suit his own convenience. According to the
terms of the agreement the sixty days be
gin to run forty-eight hours after the In
dex copy Is turned over. Secretary Frailer
of the board has had no advices Indicating
when he may expect to have the publica
tion ready for distribution.
After Lots Concern.
Secretary Royse of the State Banking
board said today that he had asked the at
torney general to proceed with the prose
cution of an unauthorised Installment In
vestment company which Is operating In
the state. It Is believed that the company
is working at Omaha, but the official re
fuses to give out any information until the
attorney general has had .time to act.
Governor Will Talk Reciprocity.
Governor Mickey will leave for Chicago
tomorrow afternoon to attend the national
reciprocity conference, which he has been
Invited to attend with the governors of
several other western states. The an
nouncement that he would go was made to
day by Chief Clerk E. S. Mickey, who was
in telephonic communication with the gov
ernor In regard to the acceptance of the
invitation. The chief clerk indicated that
this change In the governor's program
would cause him to defer his departure for
Portland from Thursday to Friday.
Itew Bank Chartered.
The State Banking board has Issued a
charter to the Burwell State bank of Bur-
well. The bank has a paid up capital stock
of 110.000. The following officers have been
elected: President, K. Bailey; Vice presi
dent, J. W. Broykus. No cashier Is named.
Fair Managers to Meet.
The board of managers of the State
Board of Agriculture will meet August 17
at the Llndell hotel to attend to business
In connection with the state fair.
Reception la Tendered
KEARNEY. Neb., Aug. 14.-(Speclal.)-A
nice rain Sunday night put the camp In
fine condition for this afternoon, beginning
at 1:30. The entire brigade passed in re
view of the governor and the military staff.
Including both bands.
The sanitary condition of the camp is
really growing better, less than twenty-five
men attending sick call and none in the
hospital, though the men are working
pretty hard. Surgeon General Evans and
Major Nicholson of the medical department
have been especially attentive to their work
and much of the sanitary condition la due
to their efforts and careful inspection of
the camp and mess tents.
The troops will be paid off Tuesday morn
ing preparatory to the breaking of camp
Wednesday morning. The special trains on
both roads are scheduled to leave here at
T o'clock. By Wednesday afternoon the
headquarters will vacate camp.
A reception was held this evening at the
Btate Industrial school by the citizens of
Kearney In honor of the governor and the
brigade and field officers and the women
who were present, from 8 to 10 o'clock.
Music was furnished by the Second regi
ment band. The First regiment band gave
a very fine concert in the high school park
for the benefit of those who were not at
the reception
A detail of five men of Company K, Sec
ond regiment, went to Schuyler Monday
morning to take part In the funeral of their
comrade, Corporal William Draper, who
died In an Omaha hospital Saturday and
was burled at home today.
Major Nicholson, surgeon of the First
regiment, who is connected with the asylum
at Norfolk, returned home tonight to take
part In receiving the Inmates who are being
transferred to that Institution.
Colonel T. W. McCullough of Omaha, a
member of the governor's staff, Is In camp.
crlbaer Divine Somewhat of a
Scrapper Himself.
FREMONT, Neb., Aug. 14. (Special.)
Rev. Busse, the Scribner minister who
caused the arrest of the Scribner ball nine
last month, was the victim of an assault
at the hands of W. H. Conley and Archie
Robinson of that town Saturday. Conley
struck him while on the sidewalk near the
postofflce. The minister succeeded in get
ting away from him, but Conley started
after him again. The minister was game
this time. He turned on Conley and,
I though his opponent was apparently a
match for two of him, was getting decid
edly . the better of it, when Robinson,
Conley's son-in-law, a big 200-pound fel
low, took a hand In the affair and after
receiving one or two well placed blows from
the clerical fist spectators interfered. The
minister showed fewer marks of the fight
than either of his two big opponents and,
though only weighing 125 pounds, probably
could have knocked out either of thera sep
Lose Oat Arsa aa Mar Possibly Die
aa Resalt.
NORFOLK. Neb., Aug. 14. (Special.)
Willie Learners, aged IV ot Oakdale, Neb.,
haa lest one arm by amputation thus far
and his life hangs In the balanea aa the
result of being bitten by a dog. .
Bent Into the cornfield to "drive a herd
of caatle back into their pasture, from
which they had escaped. Willis took a whip
and the yellow dog of the farm as aides.
Running along he stumbled and fell flat.
As he went down the whip fell across the
dog's head and the- animal, enraged at
the stroke, turned on his young master.
the standard of hat value
No hat evrr had so much popularity
because no hat tvrr so well dcsrrvf J it
AH styles at kading stores rvtrywiwre,
tlnued his attacks for more than an hour,
biting every time the lad made a motion
to get up. At length men driving along
the road noticed the strange actions of
the dog and Investigated. In the field they
found the mutilated form of the boy.
Rlood poisoning followed and the left arm
was amputated today.
Train Is Derailed and Brakeman and
Stockman' Serlonsly Injured.
LINCOLN, Aug. 14. (Special Telegram.)
At Utlca at 12:40 this morning the derail
ment of a Burlington waycar attached to a
stock train resulted In Injury to eight
persons. B. F. Garner, a brakeman, of
Lincoln, received a concussion of the spine;
Ben .Wright, a Hyannls stockman, a con
cusslan of the brain, and Dan Egan of
Hyannls a fractured shoulder and rib. The
injuries of the others were slight.
The derailment of the car was caused by
the breaking of the drawbar.
Boy Arrested for Horse Stealing;.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Aug. 14. (Special.)
Richard Leonard, aged 17, whose home Is
at Boone, la., was arrested here last night
and taken to Falrbury this morning by'
Sheriff Case on the charge of stealing a
horse and buggy from Mr. Roberts of that
city. Leonard attempted to sell the rig at
Kimball's livery barn yesterday afternoon
and as Sheriff Trude of this city had been
previously notified of the theft Leonard
was arrested shortly after he reached
Beatrice. He has been employed In the
harvest fields near Falrbury and was en
route home with the stolen rig when ap
prehended here.
News of Nebraska.
NORFOLK Copious ralnB on the Rose
bud reservation have dispelled all fears of
x drouth and the corn crop Is assured.
All other grains are well out of, the way.
WOOD RIVER H. S. Eaton, a prominent
sheep feeder, has gone to New Mexico to
purchase several thousand head of sheep,
which he will feed here the coming winter.
WOOD RIVER Fall plowing has com
menced and the Indications are that the full
and winter wheat crop for next year will
be the largest ever known in tills section
of the state.
SCHI'YLER The funeral of the lnte
William Draper was held here today. A
squad of Company K boys came down
from Kearney to attend the funeral and
act as pallbearers. ,.
SUPERIOR C. E. Adams leaves today to
attend as a delegate the national rectpro
lty conference to lie held In Chicago Au
gust 16 and 17. Mr. Adams is a firm be
liever In reciprocity.
WE8T POINT The various churches of
the town united Inst evening and held union
services in the mammoth tent which has
been erected for the accommodation of the
Teachers' Institute. A large crowd was
In attendance.
WOOD RIVER Two new sidetracks have
been placed in position at the I'nlon Pa
cific yards. One runs a mile east of town
ml the other west, ana leave the principal
street crossing with but one truck. The
ground has been broken for the new depot.
SCHUYLER A heavy rain fell here Sat
urday and Sunday. It came In good time
as corn was beginning to get dry. This
rain practically insures a good corn crop.
The haying continues In full blast, furnish
ing employment to everybody who wants
to work.
NEBRASKA CITY The Otoe Preserving
company commenced to can corn today. It
will employ about bw persons auring tne
corn season and expects to pack more than
2.000.0UO cans of corn this season. The
sweet corn crop Is unusually large and of
tlrm quality.
SUPERIOR The 8oldIers' and Sailors'
monument association this week completed
the permanent work in the city park by
placing in position near the monument two
pieces of ordnance donated by the War de
partment. The park now presents an at
tractive appearance.
NEBRASKA CITYt-Mrs. Jerry Reed of
Sidney, la., died yesterday afternoon at
St. Mary's hospital, where she has been
receiving treatment for several weeks. She
had been sick for several years. Her re
mains were taken to Palmyra, Neb., this
morning for Interment.
LEIGH Rev. J. F. Smith, who has been
pastor of the Congregational church at
this place for the past six years, read his
resignation at the morning service yester
day. He asks to be relieved October 1. Rev.
Smith has accepted a call from the Con
gregational church at Olds, la.
NORFOLK Jo Hambling viciously as
saulted "his wife at Spencer, Neb., and took
to the prairie to hide from enraged cltl
xens. lie beat his spouse in the face till
she was unconscious, then stamped upon
her breast. She is in a critical condition
from the assault and the nervous shock.
SUPERIOR Work has been begun look
ing to the permanent construction of a
road across and along the Republican river
bottoms south, east and west of this town,
which the unprecedented floods of this and
the past two or three seasons have ruined.
Both Nuckolls and Jewell county. Kansas,
will take a hand in this work, each in its
own territory.
OSCEOLA If granted the right-of-way
through a village Is any assurance of a
railroad, then Osceola and 1'olk county
are sure to have the lnterurbun, for the
village board has granted the electric road
the right-of-way through Valley street
and the Incorporators are given five years
in which to finish the line of the proposed
route from Omaha to Hastings.
OAKLAND The buildings on the Great
Northern right-of-way on Commercial ave
nue In this city were sold at auction Sat
urday afternoon. These must be remove. 1
within ten days. Grading In this locality
is progressing rapidly. A steam grader has
arrived and will be started at work this
week. A second steam shovel will arrive
this week and will be placed at the north
end of the big cut south of town.
PLATTSMOUTH-B. E. Thompson and J.
M. Covolt, two Iowa citizens, were in -the
linren Aw
the certain i
Comtipatioo, Fissures, Fitula, R
Ulcers, Protutius and Inflamnutioo ol
aenuasl UucU ( causing nervom exhautbca)
It you are a sutlaer 1 want in know vniL
- t
Send m your address todsy and I will
aad you THE BOOKLET and a
Zoc gj: PINEOLES free
They will convince you al once.
E, T. Richards. PLC.
Both jrourt j' " "f" """"
lor a A ; TVf
Postal The
wniT " ' . -rts, booklet
ow A' ' , '' the tale:
cure tat I
SUboaL. Outage
city looking for a young man named Hnrr
1 Soto. The young man formerly w.ok-i
for Mr. Covolt, but a few days ego he drove
to town with a load of wheat, and after
leaving the team at a livery stable, pock
eted the proceeds of the wheat snd left (or
other parts. No trace of the fugitive was
found here.
NORFOLK Jack Weston, a former slave
and for fifteen years a well known
In Norfolk, was found d-ad on the
floor of an old building where he had llvd
thl morning. He lay face downward. He
came to Norfolk when the factory
started with a carload of other beet wrcd
ers from Omnha. Burial expenses, for the
SHke of saving him from the medical col
lege, were defrayed by public subscription.
FLATTSMOVTH Several years ago a
young man named James ('. Vrrnattrn
came to Nebraska from Ohio and when
his relatives last heard from hltn he was
located In Plattsmotnh. Since then It has
become known that he Is the heir to con
siderable real estate at Portsmouth, t).. and
an attorney of that place Is now Institution
a Search for him. No Information as to hi
present whereabouts has thus far been ob
tained. WEST POINT A most distressing acci
dent befell the little 2-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Wtsch of Klkhorn
township yesterday afternoon. The child
and the house dogvere under a tree In
the harvest field and the men wire stacking
grain. Suddenly they were startled by the
shrieks of the child and rushing to the
siot found that the dog had attacked the
child and had already mangled Its upper
lip and cheek In a horrible manner. Tne
little one was brought to town last evening
and Its wounds were dressed by a physi
cian. No cause can be assigned for the oc
currence, for the dog whs always re
garded as a quiet friendly animal. It man
ifested no signs of rabies.
WOOD RIVER The fourteenth annual
convention of the Christian Endeavor so
ciety of the Seventh district of NWmhskii
closed last evening after three days' suc
cessful meeting. The convention opened
Friday evening by an address of Rev. J J.
Andrews of Alda. Other addresses were
niade by Rev. B. A. Shlvely ot Shelton, Rev.
u. r. imams or iexingion, and the sing
ing was in charge of Rev. H. O. Tarrlsh of
Sumner. Sunday night about 15o of the En
deavorers paraded the prlnpal street,
singing and inviting the people to attend
the big open air meeting Rev. M. U.
Kelley, pastor of the Baptist church at
North Loup, preached the closing sermon.
Over fifty delegates were present besides a
large number of visitors.
FULLERTON Yesterday morning the
two excursion trains brought hundreds of
people to attend the Chautauqua. It was
estimated that there were more than 6,loa
on the grounds In the afternoon and many
more in the evening. Each one present
felt amply repaid in the excellent program
rendered. At 9:30 a. m. Sunday school was
conducted, followed by sacred melodies by
the Nightingale quartet. Upon special re
quest the director sang a sacred solo. Dr.
Vincent gave the morning senium and In
the afternoon gave his- lecture 7,The Man
Behind the Gun." In the evening Mrs.
Garrett of Fremont rendered that beauti
ful soprano solo "Face to Face." Mr. W.
I. Nolan read a selection by Kailyard Kip
ling, after which the Nightingales gave
their closing concert, a sacred song re
cital. WEST POINT The Joint institute for
Cuming and Burt counties convened tins
morning with a lurge attendance of teach
ers running into hundreds. The respective
superintendents, Brookings of Burt county
and Stahl of Cuming, are In charge of
the affair. Prof. W. M. Davidson, superin
tendent of the Omaha city schools, will In
struct the teachers In history and didactics.
Prof. Hoensiliel of Des Moines will take
the departments of music, arithmetic and
grammar. Superintendent t'rumm will In
struct In the higher branches and courses
of study. Miss Graves, primary reading.
busy work and primary numbers, and Miss
Redfield of the Omaha city schools In ad
vanced grade reading, grade language and
advanced rural reading. Governor Folk of
Missouri and Father Nugent of Des Moines
will lecture to the teachers ((luting the
week. No efforts have been spared by the
management to make this the largest and
most Instructive Institute ever held In
northeastern Nebraska.
Man with Two Names is Taken to the
I'nlted States Prison In
M. W. McCIaughey, record clerk of the
United States penitentiary at Fort Leav
enworth, arrived here Monday morning to
take John Fay, alias Henry Reynolds, alias
John Clarke, back to the federal prison
to serve out an unexpired sentence of six
months. A reward of i has been out
on Fay for eight years, which reward
will go to Captain Mostyn, who identified
the prisoner at the city Jail last Friday.
Fay was sentenced to the Fort Leaven
worth prison for bootlegging. He was
made a trusty and thus escaped eight years
ago. Since his escape from Fort Leaven
worth he was sentenced to the Lansing,
Kan., penitentiary for three years. He
broke his parole from the Lansing prison,
was recaptured and served out his time
there. Clerk McClaughrey has an accu
rate description of Fay, Bhowing every
little mark and scar.
M. W. McClaughrey Is the son of War
den McClaughrey of the Fort Leavenworth
penitentiary, the father and son being said
by Chief of Police Donahue to be two of
the beBt Identification experts In this coun
try. Fay will be returned Monday evening to
Fort Leavenworth. He protests he is not
the man wanted.
W iCA f
Buy quick and secure the benefit of an excellent investment.
Write for further information, illustrated literature and
H. C. TOWr.SED, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, ST. LOUIS, MO.
TOM HUGHES, Trav. Pass. Agt. THOS. F. GODFREY, Pass. Ticket Agt.
S. E. Corner 15th and Farnam, Omaha, Neb.
i'roMcotiom by Uncle Sam Causa Them to
Tall Very Fast.
special District Attorney Rnah Will
Make a Personal Trip of In
spection to Verify (iood
Faith of Cattlemen.
The activity of the United States district
attorney's office In rrosecutlng the land
fencing cases Is causing no little tribula
tion to the cattlemen In the North Platte,
Valentine and Alliance districts, and re
ports from special agents of the land de
partment now in these fields Indicate that
the fences are coming down rapidly.
It is known that leading representatives
of the cattle men have been to Washington
to try and call off the prosecutions, and It
Is Incidentally rumored that a strong effort
has been made to secure the removal of the
offlcluls who have been so earnest In fer
reting out these cases. As nothing has yet
come of this, the Inference follows that the
Department of Justice does not Intend to
handicap the officials in their work in the
Stenographer Dave Dickinson of the dis
trict attorney's office has Just returned
from a trip through the northern part of
the state and he reports that fences have
become a very scarce article in that section,
which he attributes to the activity of the
Department of Justice In requiring the re
moval of all Illegal fences.
Rash Going to t attle Country.
Special District Attorney Rush expects to
visit the cattle country within a few days
to familiarize himself with the conditions
up there and to ascertain how nearly the
cattle men are complying with their prom
ises to take down their fences.
Said an official connected with the dis
trict attorney's office Monday morning:
"The work of the special agents now In
the field Is manifest in a considerable num
ber of hitherto closed tracts In the North
Platte land district being thrown open for
settlement and a number of new home
steaders are taking up lands there with
the purpose of absolute settlement. An
other good effect of the prosecution of the
illegal fencers Is that there are now mighty
few illegal entries and all applications for
entry of lands are being made by bona
fide settlers. They have learned from the
prosecutions In Oregon, South Dakota and
Nebraska that It Is not safe to undertake a
fraudulent filing, as swift punishment Is
sure to follow. The governmnt has shown
Its unswerving determination to get after
both the big and little fry and a fraudulent
or speculative land entry Is now a thing of
the past In the west."
Former County Attorney English As
serts Client la Not Guilty
Even of Manslaughter.
Attorneys James P. English and H. C.
Murphy appeared before Judge Redlck
Monday morning to argue a motion that
ball be allowed In the case of State against
Joseph Koslowskl, who Is charged with
murder in the first degree.
Kozlowskl's attorneys claimed he should
be admitted to bail in spite of the charge
of murder in the first degree. Mr. Eng
lish contended that the 'case Is not even
one of manslaughter, and since the state,
to sustain its charge, must show con
clusive proof or strong presumption, the
prisoner should be admitted to ball.
County Attorney Slabaugh argued against
this view of the law and Judge Redlck
took the matter under advisement until
Wednesday morning.
Kozlowski is the South Omaha saloon
keeper who is charged with shooting and
Is the watchword for health and vigor, com.
fort and beauty. Mankind is learning noi
only the necessity but the luxury of clean
liness. SAPOLIO, which has wrought
such changes in the borne, announces hei
sister triumph
A special soap which energizes the whole
body, starts the circulation and leaves an
txhilarating glow. A 11 grocer j and druggists :
Best Agricultural and Stock Raising Region. Soil deep, rich and
productive, in the growing of Wheat, Corn and Alfalfa. Purchase
price from $5 to $36 per acre, which equals the returns of the
$50 to $150 per acre lands of other States.
vllllng a negro named William Rollins on
the night of July Stl.
Fair la Nebraska Today, Partly
Clondy Tomorrow showers and
Cooler In Fast Portion.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 14 -Forecast of the
weather for Tuesday and Wednesday:
For Nebraska Fair Tuesday; Wednesday,
partly cloudy, with showers and cooler In
east portion.
For Iowa Fair in west, showers in east
portion Tuesday; Wednesday, fair, warmer
in east portion.
For Kansas-Fair Tuesday, and probably
For Missouri Fair Tuesday, preceded by
showers In extreme east portion, warmer
In east and south portions: Wednesday,
For Colorado Fair Tuesday; Wednesday,
partly cloudy, probably thunder showers
and cooler.
For Wyoming Fair in the east, showers
and cooler In the west portion Tuesday;
Wednesday, partly cloudy, showers and
cooler In east portion.
For Montana Fair In northwest, show
ers and cooler in south and east portions
Tuesday; Wednesday, fair. '
For South Dakota Partly cloudy Tues
day, wanner in east portion: showers and
cooler at night or Wednesday.
Local 'llecord.
OMAHA, Aug. 14 Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
years: 1905. 1904. 190s. lsoi.
Maximum temperature... S! ki K3 ;s
Minimum temperature.... 69 7o 6t 71
Mean temperature 7S K 74 74
Precipitation 36 .(HI .07 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
snd comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 74
Excess for the day 4
Total excess since March 1, 1905 3QA
iNormni precipitation 11 inch
Excess for the day 24 inch
Total rainfall since March 1 13 07 Inches
Deficiency since March 1, 1!0S 7.95 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period lM 3 M Inches
Deficiency for cor. period 1903 8.;'8 inches
Reports from Stations at T P, M.
Station and State Tern. Max. Raln-
of Weather. 7 p.m. Tern. fall.
Bismarck, clear 7ii 7) .00
Cheyenne, clear 74 M ' -r
Chicago, cloudy 72 7: .4i
Davenport, pt. cloudy St jij ' -y
Denver, pt. cloudy 82 88 T
Havre, cloudy so 94 t
Helena, cloudy S3 S3 ' oi
Huron, cloudy 74 7s .00
Kansas City, clear 8S 90 'f
North Platte, clear 8C 90 00
Omaha, clear 82 8i 01
Rapid City, clear 7S 84 '(
St. Louis, pt. cloudy 7 85 04
St. Paul, cloudy nil s '11
Salt Ijtke City. pt. cloudy. S 90 't
alentlne, clear g2 Sii on
Wllllston, clear 84 8s 00
r indicates trace of precipitation
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecasts!
cured. (From a personal l'"er
s any one thing or any on man
hat you are doing with your
: .ar,UJ!3Hlll i .s.aaBstflCStMawAMU.rt'Y
Late Head of the Armour Packing Co.
Send for booklet, "Facts About the Keeley Cure." It s FREE.
Omaha Institute removed to more commodious quarters and
ss Streets. Telephone 147- Take Harney street car to the door.
Heat electric light janitor service
all night and Sunday elevator ser
vice a fire proof building all cost
the tenant of The Bee Building
nothing extra.
Maats SlaM
Cramps & Dysentery
Diarrhoea, cholera morbus, stonvach ache,
eonKest Ion, sunstroke, heart fnllure fsmt
In. weak stomach, malaria, chills, fevers,
prostration and the hundred snd one Ilia
of summer can be cured and prorntod by
Daffy's Pure Malt Whiskey.
It kills the disease germs snd Invigorate
and strengthens every orgm ,ird part of
the human body. Absolutely pure and con
tains no fusel oil. Fifty years' reputation.
At all drugelsts and grooors, or direct. 11
a bottle Medical booklet free. Duffy Malt
Whiskey Co., Rochester, N V.
Use the Best
For any ue where cod J coal Is
desired. N
NUT $6.00 LUMP $6.25
All Grades oC Hard and Soft Coal.
i. A. Johnson. Pres. O. F. Brucker, Treaa,
J. F. Myers, Secy.
1519 Farnam St 'Phone 1307
The Keeley Cure has long ago
passed the experimental stage, and
It is a fixed and absolute fact that
a large percent of liquor and drug
users can be cured by this treat
ment. Raad What P. D. Armour 8aya
"I have sent about 200 of my em
ployees, from butchers to foremen,
and all have been permanently
to Dr. Keeley ) I do not think there
who ever did the good to humanity
cure. AI,v,rtT. ,
urn i '''li1 l
-inn., - - J
III' 1- )
Xtot content with one bite, the do con-
1 1