Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone '
During July and
Af nst vt clo
5atunlsya at
t o'clock.
There is much to be said in favor of these pretty new
pilka. In fact, something new and choice each day toBhowyou.
Jin one dlgnr or manufacturer can make R pon'i stylos. Ve study them
BiU our selections early, and the result Is we are the first to how you tha
p ettl-nt. Iirlchtest productions of enrh line. The finn' best Is here.
This pretty- I'll fans the new Autumn colors In changeable ground, fine chiffon
finish with Jiretty CcnnS of various sizes scattered here and there. A most charm
Inn fabric wtth Just the right touch and finish for the new silk (town. Make It a
point when down own shopping to stop and see these pretty new silks now dis
played st the silk -counter, tl .00 a yard.
Watth tor the Grand Clearing Sale of Beautiful Silk, Saturday Aug. 19
Remnants, waist . lengths, lengths for misses- dresses as well as many full
dress patterns of dream silk, black silk. Novelty silk of all kinds that have sold
for 75c,, tl.2i. Jl 50, tl To, all to (to onsale at 69c a yard.
NOTE See display In our Sixteenth street window. Vv are going to move
oon to our new location.
. Y. M, C. A. Building, Cor. 16th and Douglas.
leires In the: province to Russia, whereas,
M YViite contended thut the obligation
r... ,., ,nn nnrt tim surrender nf sue- I
"-ImI nrivlleites should be-mutual and that!
ihe evacuation of troops should take place ,
concurrently. H...Ue Is paid to Imve;f -
..nt..mled that he was defending not only of
it,.,t. nf ituuilrL but of all the I
neutral po weirs. , On the ptlier hand the 1
Japanese claim. Jixi only that they did nt '
resist the provision for simultaneous rvac-
nation by the troop or both countries,
but' claims the. distinct credit .for. the
strong stipulation regarding the preser
vation of.' the Vrltoriul Integrity .of
Chlr.a. ...
A Japanese authority said to the Asso
rted Press tonight:
The lntepflty of China Is assured If the
(reaty of Washington IA sinned, as Japan
has Insisted that the point he set forth
In language that can m 1J 'ier he evaded or
misunderstood. Japan's policy on this suh
)ect. which has always been In line with
the Hay doctrine, will find a more vigorous
expression hi the treaty of Washington.
It Is also declared on behalf of Japan
that she only asked that Manchuria re
main for n certain period under Japanese
control. Only enough time Is desired to
?nabie the armies of to evacuate
the province, and by tle time this evacua
tion Is
compllshed it Is expected China
will have, established the
necessary sys
n a position to
tern of court and will be
maintain order throughout the province,
Adhere to roller of Secrecy.
The Japines are not swerving from their 1
policy of secrecy regarding the negotiations. I
wi.hin . h i.i f,. ,i.v. .th
pressure has been brought to bear on each day. They are of every desertptlon
Haron Komura and Mr. Takahira to friendly tend rs of advice regarding the
modify their decision, but , to no effect. The ! negotiations, requests for autographs and
Japanese reply td all mich arguments is j
that having entered Into this agreement
at the suggestion of Russia It is not for
Japan to break it..,
To the suggestion that American public
opinion might be alienated' 'by the Japa
nese policy , of silence In the face of the
publicly expressed wish of the Russians for
publicity, the reply Is made:
We do not seek to obtain public sympathy
by such methods. American friendship. If
It be -sincere as we believe it Is, will not
be overturned by the fact that Japan, after
a solemn compact entered into with Rus
sian refugee. In pursuance of all Interna
tional precedent, to make, public the nego
tiations now In progress tutll jjome agree
ment shall have been arrived at. So far
from losing friendship lu t(il country we
believe the Japanese pletiltiotcntiarles will
gain them by the stolid way In which we
follow this course. i. ; a, " . . '.
The special privileges-enjoyed By Russia
In Manchuria, the retrocession of which is
provided for In article two, Include many
joncessions, none of which are, however,
laid to have great Importance, the principal
ne being the mining rights In the province
t Hehlung Klang.
Iloth Sides Anilnm for fence.
Among the dulegates of the respective
Ides who remained at the hotel today it
was insisted that each side was sincerely
anxious to conclude a treaty of peace, and
it la evident if there was a rupture, as the
best Informed believe there will be1, each
side will maneuver to place the rtsponsi
Llllty on the other. The Japanese seem
disposed to throw out the Intimation that
M. Wltte Is trying to wear out his adver
saries tnd compel them to break off the
negotiations. This Intimation Is Indignantly
repudiated by the Russians, who contend,
is does their principal, that Russia is ready
and willing have the fullest publicity
given to ha Hrooeedlnga, In order that the
world may judge between them.
Relentless method Is behind the Japanese
system In the peace negotiations, as in
their military and naval operations. When
they formulated their conditions of peace
the origin of the whole struggle between
Russia and Japan was kept steadily In
Mew. ore, which wa the real bone of
contention; Cores, first the subject of an
agreement la l&ffi; C'orea, which formed
the basis of the request for the negotia
tions preceding the war, comes first. Sec
ond. It Is safe to say, 1b ths evacuation of
Manchuria, the continued occupation of
which by Russia. Jajjan claimed, threat
ened he Independence of Corea and the
afetyof Japan.
The morning session of the peace con
ference came to an end at 1:30 o'clock. At
that time the session was adjourned and
the plenipotentiaries and the members of
their suites repaired Immediately to the
lunch .room. ' - ,
The following official statement was Is
sued at 1:30. o'clock:
In '' the inyrnlng sitting of August 1
article 1 was llised of and the plenipo
tentiaries proceeded with the discussion of
arlii'to 2. The meeting adjourned af 1
o'clock, to be resumed at S o'clock,
v. Quotes Husslan Argument.
In support of this claim It took a leaf out
of tk book of arguments used by Russia In
is5. when It was compelled by Russia, sup.
ported by France and Germany, to a band, in
the l-lao Tung peninsula and the 8hlmono
sekl treaty, on the very ground that tne.
possession of Tort Arthur and the Llao
Tung threatened Corea's Independence.
These are the two main objects designed
to "protect the safety of Japn" foi whljh
Japan has fought. Then might come logi
cally Port Arthur and the Llao Tung leases,
to Mt,sty the desire for revenge which the
Japaweau nation, felt on account of beln;
depcvd. as they Claimed, of the fruits
of trtlr victory over Chlra In 1SS5. Tho
qutit.oo of the Chinese eastern railroaj
might, come next. And then, before the
A Skin of Beauty a joy Foreyor.
DR.'T. Ftllx Oouraud'a Orintl
Of mm or Magical Butiflr,
IUbiovm Tan, PlropU
Ais, 4o4 Ml I.rft
kM 9TTJ btflLUa
OB bsMUtf, Mldil-
Am atKtUB, Jt
! to btriQ.Msi
UtU t4bUitt
In pr ptry tail,
Aociit nooouDter
itn oi aizuuar
nam. rr. L,
frvr aa.4 t a
of H.t aaut
I' n m toi 1 1
A. Jtu 14 -e
Ui U thrn.
I ricuaaitd
mm w
S.irBi4'i Crmmm u th UaA kwful vt ail U
9km iiar lotit. F f aala by ail tirui-a aad FMrcy
Gowtk iVVfM k IIU Vaii aUktaa Cnt aa4 Kaiv
OlT.liSfLIl, rn. 17 fed Um Jlust, InTvi
Hw, Aug. 14.
ytlandsome new
Jf Autumn Silks for
Suits Are Here
"s.khib of war," Japan's bill for the "cost
of tl.o war."
Tiie only reason why the cession of Sa't,
I. .lirt might precede the bill fur the cost of
ti e whi Is the fact that Japan has alwa; s
i that the Jslard belonged to It by nht
ds'nvery and conquest and that It had
been compelled, when too ci.k to defend
l.ghts to yield to Its adversary
Absence of Fnimallty.
Preparation for luncheon was begun at
the nHVnl stores building snortiy neiore
noon. Indicating that the session of the
peace conference will continue In the aft
ernoon. There Is an entire absence or tor
mallty In partaking of refreshments In the
lunch room, which Is across the hall from
the general conference room. The plenl
potentlarles have several times sat down
together at the lunch table while the
members of the Russian and Japanese
suites have mingled freely on those occa
slons. Secretary P-lrce Joins the lunch
n.irtv also, as does his assistants In the
quarters which the United States govern
ment Is maintaining In the naval stores
It was the original Intention that sep
arate lunch rooms should be provided, one
for the Japanese and one for the Russians,
but from the first the envoys have eaten
together at their noon meal.
ninny Letters Ileeelved.
The peace plenipotentiaries have been
fairly deluged with mull from all parts of
the United States and now letters are be-
i i Am tlin t line l- Am la.
ginning iu ......
nhere. . Hundreds of letters reach them
photographs, words of welcome, of praise,
advertisements and Invitations to various
cities of the United States. The majority,
so for as the negotlatlonh are concerned
only express tho hopes of the world for
peace. Numerous are the letters from
pastors of 'churches telling of prayers for
peace. Then there are the usual crank
letters. No threat of a serious nature has
been received either by Baron Komura or
M. Wltte.
. While at tho hotel, Baron Rosen Is the
only one of, the plenipotentiaries who
mingles freely with the hotel guests, al
though he knows few of them. The ambas
sador selects a cbol corner 6rf the veranda
as soon as the newspapers come In and un-H
less there Is some official business to attend
b, he sits there by the hour, carefully
scanning the papers and marking here
and there a paragraph which attracts his
attention. Baron Rosen is especially inter
ested In the editorials.
No Ilattle Dorlnft Negotiations.
It seems to be taken for granted among
the attaches of both the Japanese and Rus
sian missions that there will be no general
battle in Manchuria while the peace nego
tiations are on. Oyama Is known to be
prepared to strike the moment the negotia
tions end and there may be more or less
skirmishing and outpost engagements while
the troops are getting In position, but It Is
admitted on each sWe that If either Oyama
or l.lnevltch should deliberately bring on a
general engagement which might cost 60,000
or luO.Oofl lives his country would be accused
of bad faith in the negotiations here and
would Inevitably lose prestige In tho eyes
of the world. In the larger sense, there
fore. It can be said that an armistice
already exists In Manchuria. Should the
negotiations be vainly prolonged and It
became evident that they were to be fruit
less the advance of Oyama or Llnevltch
nilght be the signal for the final rupture.
Kuasla Expects Japan to Hece&n,
sociated Press Is In a position to declare
that practically the only hope entertained
In high Russian official quarters for a
peace agreement at the conference at
Portsmouth lies In the expectation that
Japan will recede materially from her
terms as published. Official and public
sentiment regarding the possibilities pf
peace, outlined to the Associated Press
by an official who has constant and close
relations with the highest authorities. Is as
That tho ternif are regarded In their en
tirety as quite Impossible of acceptance
and close scrutiny has not removed the
very unfavorable impression their first
rcHUing nas proiiuoeu here. It they are
not modified, especially In the matters of
Indemnity and territorial coiieesalons.
peace, it Is thought. Is impossible, and
the continuance of the negotiations useless.
Russia is honestly and sincerely deBlroua
oi securing an nonorabie ana lasting peace
ana in tnis cna nas sent her plenlnotcntla
rles to Portsmouth. They did not iourney
thither merely to learn the Japaneie do-
manus tne nature or their credential:
proves that but they went in an earnest
endeavor to do everything to terminate
the war possible, for a great nation.
The Japanese terms are regarded In Rus
sia as demands wlilrti might be made upon
an utterly crushed and powerless enemy.
but It is absurd to propose them to
power like Russia, 'which has men
In the Held facing the enemy. This army
is in good condition and eager for action
it posseses many advantages of position
and the winter is coming on when naval
operations would be Impossible. Vladivos
tok also Is splendidly fortified and sup
piled. Japan, as well as the world at
large, has persistently under-estimated
Ruii.sia's; strength in the field and her
financial resources st home.
The more hopefo.1 feeling which Is notice
able here can be traced to the conviction
that M. Wltte, who Is thoroughly cognisant
or the views of the Russian government.
would not continue negotiations at Ports
mouth unless he had reason to believe
that Japan would reduce Its demands suf,
flciently to render them acceptable to Rus
sla. The Russian envoys went to Ports
mouth ready to make reasonable and hon
orable concessions and it peace is to re
sult from the negotiations on American
soil. Japan must also show an equal spirit
of reasonableness and sincerity In her pro
testations for .peace. Russia believes that
the world will recognise that the fault. In
the case of failure, will not rest with
I'nlveralty Batldtasra Damaged.
PHILADKLPHIA. Aug. lt.-Uogan hall,
In which are located the Wharton School
of Finance and the anatomical and surgl?al
departments of the medical school of the
University of Pennsylvania, was damaged
by fire tonight to the extent of ItO.uuo. The
great loss was entailed by the breaking of
ncrosoopes and other delicate Instruments
ust,vl In the demonstration of blslolugy.
Commissioner Yerkea Calls for Resignation
of Four Spncial Agenti
ttstrmrat that the Men who Are
neteetltes Hare Not Been
ferine Thlnas that Are
Golna On.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 14 -The Star to
night says: "There has been a big shake
up among the revenue agents of the in
ternal revenue service, but Just how far
it has gone Is a matter tf speculation. It
Is stated, however, that four well known
revenue agents have been asked for their
resignations, and at least two of the four
have come here for a personal conference
with Commlsslontr Yerkes of the Internal
revenue bureau. These are Captain Charles
11. Ingram, in change of New Kngland
work, stationed at Boston, and C. H. Burg,
whij has hafl a section of the southwest
under his charge and has been located In
Texas. The names of the other two agents
could not be learned today.
"Commissioner Yerkes would not discuss
the matter. Those In a position to know
say that Commissioner Yerkes had per
sonally been watching the work of the
revenue agents, who are really the secret
Investigating officials of the revenue bu
reau, and has concluded that some of them
have not been doing their duty In de
tecting some of the things going on."
Forehtn Crop Reports.
The foreign crop report to the depart
ment of agriculture made public today
announces that "In countries of largest
production the crops of the principal bread
grains cannot be called abundant, but on
a generul survey of the field It seems
probable that the harvest of 1906 will not
on the whole be a bad one."
In Great Britain and Jreland the area
under wheat Is estimated at l.Rno.ono acres
and the yield at 63,000.000 bushels or 33
bushels to the acre, against an area last
year of 1.400.0HO acres and a yield of 39.000,000
bushels or less than 28 bushels per acre.
The area under wheat In Manitoba and
the Northwest territory Is fully 10 per
cent better than ever before. The area
Is placed at 4,000,000 acres and the crop at
70,000.000 or 80,000,000 and by some as high as
luO.000,000 bushels.
In Argentina the area of winter grain
appears larger than last year.
In Australia the outlook Is more promis
ing than in ten years.
Despite unfavorable weather reports the
outlook In Germany last month seemed
In Russia the crop prospects remained
generally satisfactory, the winter cereals
promising nearly, and the spring cereals
above, an average yield.
In Austria It is not yet certain whether
winter wheat and winter rye can be set
down as good average crops.
In Hungary the prospect was consider
ably worse than In June, but the total grain
crop promised to, be larger than last year.
Although there was a large proportion of,
lodged wheat throughout the great wheat
growing regions In northern France, the
grain was In most cases fully formed.
Must I se More Airbrakes.
The . Interstate Commerce commission Is
about to take steps to require all railroads
engaged In Interstate commerce to increase
the minimum percentage of air brakes used
on freight trains to as great an extent as
conditions of equipment will permit.
The commission has become Impressed
with the danger attending the operation of
freight trains on which an Insufficient num
ber of cars are equipped with air brakes,
operated by the engineer.
Recent accidents involving loss of life
and property, caused by the "buckling" of
freight trains the rear cars crowding for
ward upon those In front when emergency
applications of air have , been made on
trains partially air-braked, have demon
strated that suoh trains are not actually
under the control, of the engineer as re
quired by law. As the Impact which causes
"buckling" Is due to the presence of un
braked cars In the rear of the train, it ap
pears to the commission that such acci
dents may be obviated by requiring a num
ber of cars In trains greater than the 60
per cent low required by law, to have
their brakes operated by the engineer. In
crease in the minimum Is authorized ty
law. It Is added that the evident purpose
of the law Is to ultimately require the use
of air brakes on all cars of all freight
More Cases of Typhoid Fever.
Twenty-nine new cases of typhoid fever
and two deaths from the disease were re
ported to the health office today. The out
break has passed In severity that of 1903
when the greatest number of persons and
the treatment for the disease at any one
time was 224, and has spread rapidly
Health officials are bending every effort to
fight the disease, Including a house-to,
house Inspection of back yards and cellars
with a view to remedying unsanitary con-
dlttons. One bed of the new Alteration plant
will be opened, probably tomorrow, thus
reducing to that extent the danger from
typhoid fever and other ' disease germs
which It Is believed comes from drinking
water which Is unflltered.
Governor Horn In Washington.
Governor Hoch of Kansas, his wife and
daughter and most of the members of his
staff, who are In the east to attend tho
launching of the battleship Kansas, spent
the day In Washington and left 'here at 11
o'clock tonight for Buffalo on their way
home. Governor Hoch stopped at Wash
ington to see a son. Homer Hoch, who Is 111
with an attack of Indignation, but is now
considerably Improved.
ew Property and Corporations
Furnish Moat of it In South
PIERRE, S. D.. Aug. H.-Speclal.,V-The
State Board of Assessment and Equaliza
tion Jias completed Its first session for this
year anA taken nn adjournment until the
22nd of the month, when any complaints
in regard to their action will be heard and
considered. The total valuation of the
state will be higher than for the past year,
but the Increase will not be a great one
as the board did not this year attempt
to use Its arbitrary power In the way of
Increasing valuations oa a general level.
The Increase will be on new property, and
Increases in corporation assessments, on
which class of property the board outlined
new methods in several cases, notable in
the mau-T of express companies and tele
phones. The express companies have In
the past been assessed evidently on an
arbitrary basis, and have been placed on
mileage basis, putting them all on an
equality. Telephone and telegraph valua
tions were Increased radically on the ground
that this class of property pays only a
state tax of 26 mills on the dollar of as
sessed value, and they should stand a
strong assessment to come anywhere
Bear on equality with other classes of
property which have to stand local taxa
1 ne total increase in corporate assess
ments, Including all classes of property
which come under that head, is practically
?7.682, this Including raises on property
which has tieen assessed In the past and
new property. The rail toads stand t414.bl7
of this, L-'i.uuO of that coming in the as
sessment fur the first time of lbs "Collua"
road In Mlnnehahs county. Telephones are
called upon for I2T3.01S of this Increase:
telegraphs, iW.eoo; express companies. 115. ono.
and the Pultninn company IS.oon. The tele
phone returns for the year have placed 143
telephone companies on the tax list as
against loo, which were taxed last year.
(Continued from First Page.)
of the screening law, som of them against
men of large prominence and wealth.
Relief Work Anions Italians.
The relief work of the Italian societies
is now In full swing. Interesting scenes
are dally witnessed In the charity restau
rant which the societies have opened In the
heart of the old French quarter and the
restaurant Is thronged at meal times with
a motley crowd of men, women and chil
dren. Three meals are served dally, but
arrangements are made lo feed any who
come whether It Is during the regular
meal time or not. It Is estimated that the
restaurant Is now feeding 1,000 people a day.
Ordinarily, the Italian Is thrifty and per
fectly able to take care of himself and
his family, but practically complete diver
sion of the fruit trade from New Orleans
has thrown hundreds of the race out of
work and they are compelled to depend
upon charity for sustenance. The relief
committee Is also looking after the poverty
stricken Italians In the matter of clothing,
rent and other necessaries.
Illinois on Onnrd.
SPRINGFIELD, III.. Aug. 14 Secretary
F.gan of the State Board of Henlth left this
afternoon for Cairo, where he will per
sonally superintend the quarantine against
yellow fever. He will remain at Cairo for
ten days at least, as he considers Septem
ber the most dangqous month for the
spread of Infection to the north.
Oyama ShlftlnaT Forres.
GI NSIIU. Aug. 14. Field Marshal Oyama
apparently Is changing his dispositions and
reducing his fjorccs In Manchuria to aug
fnent tl ose in Corea, where his front ex
tends through Tchabootoun. Tchantafou,
Schaktetzj- and Manchentx. constituting
an uninterrupted series of powerful forti
fications mounted with siege guns.
ITARBIN. Aug. 14. Among the soldiers
medically treated here, 1,300 were found to
be self mutilated on the first fingers of the
right hand.
Government Must Provide for labor
er's llefore Martin Work
on Canal.
NEW TORK, Aug. 14 The care of 20,000
employes to work upon the Panama canal
was declared by Chairman Shonts of the
Panama Canal commission, who arrived on
the steamer Mexico today from Colon, to
be of first importance and to have prece
dence over the actual work of digging.
Chairman Shonts was accompanied on his
return by Colonel Oswald H. Ernst, also of
the canal commission. Chairman Shonts
"We went to Colon With Mr. Stevens, the
chief engineer, to see what had been done
and what should be done. We found the
first thing of Importance to be housing and
supplying 20,000 men. When our govern
ment first took hoM of. the canal every
effort was directed toward making the dirt
fly. I think' this was a necessity. The peo
ple of the Isthmus are not forehanded and.
with the large addition to the population
caused by the influx of the canal laborers,
the supplies for Hvrng were exhausted.
This caused the prices to rise and soon the
laboring class found that they could not
earn enough to support themselves. To
offset this subcommlsstonary stations were
established to feed ''the laborers. T made
an arrangement with the president that
unless prices became normal on he isth
mus to continue this system of supplying
the laborers.
At Colon a larga refrigerating plant Is
now being established from which all sup
plies will be Issued lyomptly, so that
shortly alt American employes will be able
to obtain the same- fare as they would at
home. 'Of course I found the freight con
gestion causing considerable trouble, but
soon found that by applying those practical
up-to-date railroad methods of the United
States, that In thirty days the trouble
would be eliminated. There Is about 6. 000
tons on hand now. This freight was or
dered by the old commission, to be deliv
ered at certain Intervals. We, however,
took the matter up and urged prompt ship
ment, with the result that it all got to the
terminal point at once.
"As to double tracking the railroad, that
cannot be done at present, even If neces
sary, but is the work of getting out the
dirt progresses, we can easily keep up with
the work with extra trackage. We have
supplied refrigerating cars for the road.
"There are about 10,000 employes on the
Isthmus now, Including the laborers."
Mr. Shonts said that there was In reality
no yellow fever scare to speak of at the
Isthmus and that the total number of cases
In Panama during August ur to the time
of his sailing was only thirty.
PANAMA. Aug. H.-W. E. Dauey, who
has been the engineer In charge of the
Culebra division of the canal work, and an
appointee of former Chief Engineer Wal
lace, has resigned. He left for New York
today. The engineering operations on the
canal are now suspended pending sanitary
work. Many employes will return to the
United States during the idle period.
Parker In ev Firm.
BUFFALO. N. Y.. Aug. 14 It Is nnHr.
stood in legal circles that New York State
Supreme Court Justice Edward W. Hatch
la almut to resltcn from the bench to enter
a law firm to be kitown as Parker. 8ii...
han A Hatch, the other memhera nf h.
firm being former Jlidge Alton B. Parker
anil William F. Sheehan. It had been un
derstood since Judge Parker's defeat for
tne nsesiaency mat ne would form a part
nership with Mr. Sheehan, as they had
tacitly made an arrangement of tM winH
contingent on Parkeris defeat. The new
firm, It Is said, will begin operations Sep
tember 1.
Wisconsin Man Murdered.
CHEYENNB WELIJt. Colo., Aug. 14
Allien Gunderson of Racine, Wis., was
found dead today near this place on the
riKht-of-way of the Kansas Pacific railroad
His head had been pounded Into a pu'p
with a barrel stave. The body had been
robbed of everything of value.
shows He Knows What Food
to 'Stick to.
Forwarding a photo of a splendidly hand
some and healthy young boy, a happy
mother writes from an Ohio town:
"The enclosed picture shows my 4-year-old
Grape Nuts boy.
"Since he was 2 years old he has eaten
nothing but Grape-Nuts. He demands and
gets this food three times a day. This may
se m rather unusual, but he does not care
for anything else after he has eaten his
Grape Nuts, which he uses with milk or
cream, and then he Is through with his
meal. Even on Thanksgiving Day he re
fused turkey and all the good things that
make up that great dinner, and ate his
dish of Grape-Nuts and cream with ths
beat results and nons of the evils that the
other foolish members of the family ex
perienced. "He Is never sick, has a beautiful com
plexion, and Is considered a very handsome
boy. May the Postum Company prosper
and long continue to furnish their whole
some food!" Name given by Poatum Co.,
Battle Creek. Mich.
There's a reason. Read the little book.
I "Tha Road lu Wcllville. lu every pkg.
Liberal Attendance Vaiki the Tint Sight
of the Exhibit,
If Ton Do Sot nellee the Wares Are
Good Ton Can Test Them All
and Satisfy Mind and
Everything that we eat and some things
that we drink, too. are being demonstrated
at the pure food show which started its
ten-day exhibition at the Auditorium last
night with a full assortment of various and
sundry edibles and drinkables. Thnt the
people of Omaha are constantly clamoring
for innovations In the way Of new and good
things to eat was never more strikingly
brought to light than it was at the opening
"performance" of the show last night, when
some 600 housewives and housemaids flocked
to the big building to see some genuinely
pure food dished out to those who asked It.
Everything in the fluid line, from aqua
pura down to genuine malt, Is on hand to
be tasted for the asking, and as Intermedi
ate drinkables there are coffee, tea and
some condensed milk, to say nothing of
the assorted brands of chocolates.
The many booths are presided over by
young women who are always on hand td
do any kind of demonstrating and assist In
any way possible towards giving Informa
tion as to the purity of their goods.
The pure food show Is being given by the
Nebraska Retail Merchants' association and
will be In session for ten days. The first
demonstration takes place In the afternoon
at l:3o and again at 5:30. In the evening
the doors open promptly at 7:30 and the
demonstrations continue until everyone Is
satisfied as to the quality of the goods
which are up for Inspection.
Perhaps the most striking booth In the
whole building Is the Advo electric kitchen,
which the McCord-Brady company has
fitted up. Biscuits and bread and assorted
cakes are baked In full view of all and
samples of the toothsome foods are given
niseatts While Yon Walt.
The Rumford Baking powder people have
a booth where biscuits are baked and so
great Is the den and for the samples that
It keeps the two demonstrators busy hand
ing out the food.
The Paxton & Gallagher company have a
very strikingly attractive booth, which
Is made up of a quantity of coffee, beans,
corn and like vegetables.
Heinz Is on hand with a good layout of
his pickles, etc.
The Distilled Water Ire company, which
has recently started In the southeast part
of the city, has a very good exhibition of
pure water as well as a large sample of
their artificial ice.
D. J. O'Brien has some of his candles
which he raffles off at 5 cents a throw,
which takes very well.
There are many more things which are
thoroughly interesting at the exhibition
and which will likely continue to draw
large crowds each night during the demon
strations. t
Rounds' Ladles orchestra, from Detroit,
Mich., furnishes the music for the occa
sion, and Its work is thoroughly appre
ciated. The contralto solo by Miss Gus
sle Lenshaw was most enthusiastically
applauded. Miss Le"nshaw has a voice of
more than usual capacity and is an artist
of ability. She sang "Sweet Adeline," and
for an encore gave "In the Shade of the
Old Apple Tree." '
The Rounds orchestra will render music
at each opening of the show.
Lieutenant Kavanangh, Who Served
with Dewey at Manila, Visits
TECUMSEH. Neb.. Aug. 14. (Special Tel.
egram.) Lieutenant Arthur G. Kavanaugh
of the United States navy, the young man
who enjoys the distinction of having been
In official position with Dewey on the flag
ship Olympla at the battle of Manila bay,
arrived In Tecumseh tonight for a vis't
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kav
anaugh. Lieutenant Kavanaugh was sent
to Annapolis through the influence of Con
gressman W. J. Connell, and graduated
from the four-year course In May, 1890. He
was a leader In athletics while at the naval
school and for a time was captain of the
foot ball team. Since leaving the school
he has performed much valuable service
for the United States, including his ad
venture In Manila bay.
He was home on a furlough last fall,
after which he was ordered to report to
the commandant of midshipmen at An
napolis and had charge of the- athletics.
For some time he has again been on tho
sea. Lieutenant Kavanaugh Is a very In
teresting conversationalist and he has a
great many admirers In Nebraska. Today
was spent In Lincoln, and he called upon
his friend, A. B. Allen, private secretary
to Governor Mickey.
Inspertor General Rrstlns Investiga
tion of Alleged Graft at Srhuyl
klll Arsenal.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 14. An Investiga
tion of clothing and other contracts at the
Schuylkill arsenal, one of the supply depots
for the United States army, which was
begun last week by Major Frederick 8.
Strong of the Inspector general's depart
ment, was continued today. There has
been Considerable trouble at the arsenal
for some time, and frequently charges
have been made that the government was
being defrauded out of thousands of dol
lars through the furnishing of Inferior
goods by certain contractors. So far the
Inquiry has been confined to the contracts
for furs.
Among those examined by Major Strong
today were Robert Churl ton and E. F.
Beckett, assistant Inspector at the arsenal.
Charlton testified that he never passed
goods that were not up to the specifications.
He said that he has been offered bribes
several times by contractors but had re
fused them,
Inspector Beckett said that he had fre
quently put his stamp of approval on
goods which he knew should have been
marked Inferior. He did this, he said, by
orders of his superiors.
Sent President Over I nuaual Rout
After HearlasT of riot lo
Wrerk Train.
NEW YORK. Aug. 14-That Erie railroad
officials were alarmed for the safety of
President Roosevelt on his way from Chau
tauqua to Jersey City on Saturday Is
shown by ths fact, made known yester
day, that the president's car did not come
over the main' line. Instead, the Chautau
qua special was broken in two at Suffern,
N. and the presidential party was
brought In by a roundabout way over ths
two small branch roads. .
President Roosevelt is said to have ob
jected to the unusual precautions taken,
but acquiesced when positive orders from
President Underwood of the Erie were
shown him. These orders were Issued as
a result of a letter received by the Pater
son police, which said there was a plot to
blow up the president's train near Ridge
wood, N. J.
The Chautauqua special was stopped at
Suffern early Saturday morning. There
was a consultation over the telephone, fol
lowed by a consultation of railroad men,
at which It was decided to send the prsl
dent to. Sparklll. a small town on the Hud
son, three miles below Nlaek. by a little
single track road, known as the Plermont
branch, and thence Into Jersey City on the
Northern railroad, a branch having ls ter
minus In Nlack.
President Roosevelt was awakened and
told of the change In the schedule, as the
officials did not like to take the responsi
bility without his consent. The president
after some discussion saM that he was
"in the hands of the Krle." and while he
had no fear of his train being wrecked on
the main line, he would do what the rail
road men thought best.
Slow tlm was made over the Plermont
branch and Northern branch and extra
men guarded every part of both roads.
Former Chief Statistician Says He
Most Consult Physician Before
NeturnlnaT Home.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 14.-The promised
letter from John Hyde, former statistician
of the Department of Agriculture, In re
sponse to Secretary Wilson's cablegram
urging him to return from England and
testify In the, proceedings before the spe
cial grand Jury which Is Investigating
charges against Edwin 8. Holmes, the for
mer associate statistician, arrived today.
The letter was as Indefinite as Hyde's re
cent cablegram to Secretary Wilson and
nothing Is known as to his Intentions be
yond his promise to return as soon as
In the absence of Secretary Wllsoon. who
has gone to Chicago, the letter was turned
over to Ilstrlrt Attorney Bench, who au
thorized Its publication. It is dated "South
Port, Eng.. August 5," and Is as follows:
Dear Sir: Your cablegram of July 27
reached me by mall from Ixindon, August
2. As I stated In my reply. 1 will return
as soon as possible, A brief delav is un
avoidable. The carbuncle from which I
suffered shortly after leaving Washington
lias heen followed by a much more sertnus
one and I am in bail shape altogether. As
I wish to avoid going over a third time, I
must also see the specialist whom I came
over to consult. 1 have not yet been within
200 miles of Ixindon. and the statement
that 1 was attending the convention of the
Statistical Institute was a mistake. Very
respectfully, JOHN HYDE.
WOULD compromise Tax SUIT
Harrlman Offers lp4.H,K In Payment
of Contested Claims Aggre
gating 11,HB7,1)42.
SAN FRANCISCO.' Aug. 14 -The Exam
iner says today that since tho arrival of
President Harrlman of the Southern Pacl
company In this city. It has became known
that he has offered the Kentucky authori
ties 48,00O to settle the tax dispute of the
company In that state, and with Jefferson
county, In- which Louisville Is situated and
In which the company maintains an office.
The claim of the state and county Is for
unpaid taxes amounting to tll.8S7.t02 for
the years between 1900 and 190R Inclusive.
Mr. Harrlman claims that all taxes up to
two years ago were paid to the then stato
auditor and that the present auditor, A. J.
BIJot is demanding taxes dating back into
a previous regime.
Glady and Eugene Roosevelt Injured
In Runaway and Former
May Dir.
8AYVILLE. L. I Aug. 14-Gladys and
Eugene Roqsevelt, cousins of President
Roosevelt, were Injured In a runaway here
today, Gladys probably fatally. The girls
are daughters of John E. Roosevelt, an
uncle of the president.
Both are accustomed to handling spirited
horses, but during their dally drive today
their horse, drawing a high cart, ran
away and dashed the vehicle against a
tree. Gladys, who drove the horse, was
thrown against the tree head first and was
picked up unconscious. Physicians who
worked over her for half an hour were
unable to revive her and It Is believed
her skull was fractured.
Army Officer Keeps Temper, Although
Subjected to Cutting; Charges
by Lawyer.
WOOSTER, O.. Aug. 14 Major Taggart
spent the morning on the witness stand
under the heavy fire of ex-Judge Smyzor's
cross-examination. Though savagely as
sailed more than once by cutting charges,
he kept his temper well. No new facts of
Importance were developed as a result of
the cross-examination today.
Indications are that it will be two or
three days before the plaintiff's case Is
finished. There are witnesses not yet
called who will testify before Mrs. Tag-
gart's witnesses are called, and these may
take until Thursday.
St. Paul Mnn Arruaed of I'slnic Malls
to Defraud Purchasers of Stork
In Ranch Company,
ST. PAUL, Aug. 14. John C. Hanley was
today held to the I'nited States grand Jury
on the charge of using the United States
malls to defraud. The charge arises from
Hanley's connection with the Consolidated
Farm and Ranch company, a corporation
with an authorized capital of f.W.ono. Han
ley Is alleged to have sold stock In the
company by representing that It had pur
chased the Montana Co-operative Ranch
company, but the receiver of the latter
company testified that no such sale had
taken place.
William A. I.lnn of St. Joseph, Jlo,
Injures Four Persons Before II
Is Beaten Into Submission.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo. Aug. 14. William A.
Linn, a laborer erased by the terrific heat
and liquor, tonight attacked and fatally
stabbed Harry Jacobs, an aged mechanic.
An officer and two citizens attempted to
apprehend him, but he escaped and later
appeared at his home where he engaged
In a bloody battle with his father, mother
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Cleanses and beautifies tho
teeth and purifies the breath.
Used by people of refinement
for over a quarter of a century.
Very convenient for tourists.
and wife. The ro!lee were- called and
after being beaten Into an unrecognisable
mass of cuts and bruises. I.lnn was finally
carried to a cell. During the fiRht lo.
subdue Linn a crowd collected and thinking
he was reotjving brutal treatment were)
on the point of mobbing the officers when
matters were explained.
Xlnth Annual Convention of tmrr.
Irnn Ascoclatlon Welcomed by
Mayor Spear.
DENVER. Colo . Aug. 14 - Several hun
dred of the most noted osteopaths nf ths
country are attending the ninth annusl
convention of the Aqiertca-i osteopath as
sociation, which opened hrrr tonight, i
Amour; the distinguished visitor are Dr.
Still, founder of the school of osteopathy
at Klrksvllle. Mo., and Mr. Umshlln. clean
Of the faculty. Several noted authors of
hooks on the sclencs) of osteopathy are also
present and will deliver addresses at the
meetings of the association. Tonight's ses
sion was opened with an address bv Pr.
C. P. McConnell of Chicago, president, who
later respond. -il to an address of welcoma
by Mayor Sneer. An Informal reception
followed. The convention will last four
Xraro's Victims Will Reenter.
R.U.l.STON. N Y . Auk lt-Dr. Bernard
Schulte. the New York clcfRvman. and h!l
wife, both of whom were murderously as-'
faulted Saturday night In Mechanics-villa
by William Curtis, a negro, are Improving
The physicians say that barring compli
cation both will recover.
Will Investigate Moon.
CAMBRIDGE. Mass, Aug. 14 -An at
tempt will be made bv Harvard astrono
mers tonight, during the partial eclipse of
the moon, to determine by photograph ,
wether th"re Is snow on the moon and
whether the moon has a satellite.
Denver Hank May Pay Ont.
DENVER. Colo., Ami. 14 -Henry M.
Realty. asslnce of the W estern State bank,
filed a statement In the district cou-t to.
day placing the bank's assets at i;97..'C7 and
Its liabilities at trill.'!
Typographical t nlon Meets.
TORONTO, Aug. 14-The International
Typographical union opened Its annual con
vention here today.
Flaln Hotter Market.
ELGIN, 111., Aug. 14 - Butter firm at 20'4C
Sales for the week, 10,000 pounds.
There is Nothing so DellgiV ul
and Effective to Use as
For Washing Dishes
It creates no bad odors to curculate
throittfliout your bouse.
Your dlKho arc absolutely olonn arid
carry no soapy sinoll and are never
sticky. ,
The suds do not roughen and redden
your bauds as washing powders snd all
other kinds of soap do; hut leaves the
hands soft, white, smooth and' velTefy. 1
The reason is 20lh Century
Soap contains no lye, acid or ani
mal greases. It Is made from purs,
sweet, penetrating vegetable oils.
It leaves everything It conies In con
flict with clean, bright, fresh and sweet.
Rest for laundry and every household
purpose. It cleans everything perfectly,
easily and quickly.
The most economical way to usi
20tti Century Soap for washlnf
dishes Is to make n. soap Jelly. On
pound makes a galioc of Jelly. Slniplt
directions on can.
At All Grocers, 10c A C&n
Wo use our own nam
In our business; yo
know who you art dolaf
business wltk.
Censultstlea Pres.
cured. Method new, without pain or loss
of time. CHARUKS LOW
hi nno. DniCflM cured for life, soon every
DLllUll lUloUH sisn. symutom (sores on
body, In mouth, tongue, throat, balr snd
eyebrows falling ouU disappear compleuif
forever. -
Weak, Nemous, Men l..,ln.
nervous debllty, early decline, lark of vigor
! and strength.
fRINART, Kidney and Rladder Troubles,
Weak Back, Hurnlng Vrlne, Krequency of
T'rlnatlng, Urlns High Colored or wlta
1 Mllkv Sediment on standing.
I Treatment hy mall. It years OF 8Ui
ner of lttb and Douglas. Omaha. Men.
Every Woman
uinirftitta ana mvuiu sivvw
MARVIL Whirling Spray
ITM new ill Trt.. njVe-
turn antt ,su ft. liesv n
ft h "I'l'lT the
. , M Lt fe- W
ouirr. but "'1 t'1 .
Illiuvreted twH)k-.W. It fires
full imcuir ino n ti,,m.
valuli I" la'1i-. Sf HI al. f 0.
4 B. ass ST., aa oan.
f or Bale dv
Cor. 16th snd Dodge Sis.. Omaha.
D R.
Diseases of
Men Only
jo Tsars' Esperlenr.
f) Tears In Omaha.
Varicocele, Btrlcture.
Rlood Poison, Weak
ness. Book free.
Rox 7M. Office. IIS S.
MU St.. Omaha, Neb.
Prices 15c, 26c, trie. TVJ
gun. Mat. I'M". 26c. ( o
Wednesday and HMur.
(l.i v Mat. all Beats Io
1 (Ml I'ltOt l I ) IIKI,.
Theater Cooled by Iced Air snd ElMtrla
Fans ' '
l if , a a. . r