Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1905, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Omaha's Preferred Advertising
Medium Is The Bee.
for Hews Quality and Quantity
The Dee Greatly Excels.
rifly-Fire Caaei and Twelre Deaths Be
porud Yesterday.
Hew Gates Yield Beadily to Treatment and
Fer Cent of Mortality ii Low.
Discorery that Druggista Are Prescribing
for Tiotimi of Epidemic
Belief thnt tbe High Water Mark Will
Be Reached Wllklu m Few Days
Several Cases Reported ta
Country Pnrlahea.
President Bntler and Dean Burgess of
Colombia Inlverslty Have
Andlenre at Kaasel.
KASSEL. Prussia. Aug. 14.-The audi
ence of Emperor William had hy President
Nicholas Murray Rutler and Dean Burgess
of Columbia university, New York City,
at this castle of Wllhelmshoehe Saturday,
lasted f - wo hours and was concerned
mainly , the subject of the Inter
i hange nfessnrs between American
and Ocl , universities. Baron Speck
von Ster t the German ambassador
to the l'r. 'tatcs, arranged the audi-
Harrii Lindsley of New York and Miai
Evelyn Willing of Chicago Killed. J
Accident Happened Near Bennington,
Vt. Woman Was Daughter of
Former Governor of tireen
Mountain State.
ence throu
geas represei
vernation co
latins to the
tries. It was
that only Amei
German well si
universities and
fennors knowing"
Foreign office.
nt Butler and Prof. Bur
ulumhla slone, the con
general questions re
rsitlcs of both conn
' that It were better
irofessors who know
lecture In Germnn j
ihat only German pro
English should lecture
In American Institutions. No decisions.
RUTLAND, Vt., Aug-. 14-Harrls Unds
ley. deputy police commissioner of New
York, and Miss Evelyn Willing; of Chicago
were killed at Tike s Crossing, near Ben
nington, t., this afternoon when the auto
mobile In which they were traveling from
Manchester, Vt., to Wllllnmsport. Mass.,
I was struck by a train on the branch divi
sion of the Rutland rHllroad from North
Bennington. Ambrose Cramer of Chicago,
the young nephew of Miss Willing, and
J. Adamson, the chauffeur, wvre thrown
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 14. Official report
to p. m. :
New rases K6
Totel to date l.lOet
Ieaths 12
Total to date It
New tub-fool 8
Total sub-foci to date 10
Cases under treatment .'M
The figures for the day are considered
surprisingly small, considering that nine
teen of the casts reported today really be
longed to yesterday's list, having come in
after the closing of the Sunday's report.
Monday has usually been a heavy day for
new cases on account of hold-overs from
Bunday, and If the number of new cases
for the next few days continue small then
It can be said that the situation Is really
improving. Of the new foci four are up
town and four below Canal street. The
greater portion of the new cases Is below
Canal street.
Surgeon White's forces went to work to
day on the reorganised plan, all the fumi
gating and screening being dona from the
district headquarters Instead of from the
central headquarters as heretofore.
Kew Cases In Country.
This Is a field day for country cases,
Assistant Surgeon Corptil went to St. James
parish and found a case at Lutcher, a
large lumber town. This case Is traced to
Reserve plantation.
The parish health officer of St. Charles
reports that Diamond and Goodhope plan
tations have each one suspicious and three
positive esses. He says ttiat on the Good
hope plantation the Italians are very much
opposed to Inspection, but he will call on the
sheriff to enforce his authority. Two more
cases were discovered today on the Wlldl
wood plantation In Jefferson parish. An
other case hss developed at Port Harrow In
Ascenslqn parish. There are two cases at
1a Fourclie Crossing, In I -a Fourche parish
which are Isolated on a flat boat In the
bayou. Patterson reports three new cases
and no deaths. Plaquemlne parish, below
the city, reports two new cases at Polnte
Celeste, four miles above Polnte-a-la-
Hsche. one of which Is dead. AH other
cases In that parish have recovered and
the Poinle Celeste cases are the only
. soondarv'-lrrfion-lr-harrw derrnped
An early report received by the Board of
Health said ther were twelve esses there,
but this was a mistake In transmission.
Rotation of Frntt Situation.
The situation in relation to the fruit
business shows some signs of a solution.
. It Is believed that the surgeon general
will withdraw his prohibition against ship
ping of fruit north if an arrangement now
under way can be completed to have the
fruit vessels unload at Chalmette, a point
below the city.
The Norwegian steamship Saphlr, from
Colon, is now held up in quarantine, and
two cases of sickness were tatken off and
placed in the detention camp at the quar
antine station near tbe mouth of the river.
It Is supposed here that another case of
sickness was taken off another ship re
cently, which was detained at quarantine.
Assistant Burgeon Berry la on the road
to recovery.
Burgeons Are Confident.
The health authorities are still unable to
assert whether the high-water mark in the
mutter of dally aggregate cases has been
reached and they consider It too early to
V. r-1 4 .
Dr. Bt'udt, Prussuvn minister of ecclesl- j ut and "" antI bruised but not
aangei ousiy. l ne locomotive niiu out? i
I were running backward to meet the flyer
from Burlington at the Bennington sta
astlcal affairs. Instruction and medical af
fairs, will visit the emperor at Wllhelms
hoehe and Dr. Butler and Dean Burgess
at Kassel this week to continue the con
sideration of the matter. The emperor,
Dean Burgess said, was most kind and
surprised them by his frequent ue of
every day American expressions.
Reception Will Be Tendered Tuesday
and Chinese Would Enter
tain tbe Travelers.
1LOII.O. P. I. Aug. H.-The United
States' transport Logan, with Secretary of
War Taft, Miss Roosevelt and party on
board, arrived here from Maulla this
evening. Tugs with the local governor
and a large reception committee, consist
ing of officers of the army and nary anil
leading citizens, and with the band playing,
met the Logan down the bay. The re
ception committee went on board the trans
port and formally welcomed the party, the
members of which will remain on the ves
sel until tomorrow morning. A great re
ceptlon awaits the party here tomorrow.
The viceroys of the Chinese provinces
of Kwantung and Kwangal have cabled
Manila Inquiring as to when the secretary
and his party will visit the capitals of
their respective provinces and saying that
preparations for their reception are under
The federal party has accepted Secre
tary Taft's statement of the attitude
of the 1'nlted States government toward
the Philippines, as given In his recent
speech at Manila, and will reconstruct Its
platform In accordance therewith.
Hoysl Approval Withheld from One
Body Can see Changes Which
May Be satisfactory.
THE HAGUE, Aug. 14. The new cabinet
for the Netherlands, formed August 7,
under the premiership of G. A. Van Hamel,
professor of philosophy at the University
of Amsterdam, dln nt meet 'With the 'royal
approval and tins been recast.
As finally announced today it is as fol
lows: Premier pro tern and minister of finance,
Ilerr Demeester.
Minister of foreign affairs, Herr Van
Tets, now minister at Berlin.
Minister of Justice. Herr Van Raalte.
Minister of the Interior, Deputy Rink.
Vice president of the council and min
ister of marine. Captain Cohen Stuart.
Minister of war. General Staal.
Minister of public works, trade and in
dustry, Herr Krans.
Director of the Technical university nnd
minister of agriculture and labor, Herr
Minister of the colonies, Deputy Fock.
tlon and were thrown from the rails, the
eitfdne being overturned nnd rolling a dis
tance of ten or fifteen feet from the rails,
which were torn up for nearly 100 feet. En
gineer Sibley and Fireman William Man
ger) Jumped from the cab and were tinhUrt,
while fifteen passengers also escaped In
Jury. The automobile was smashed , to
pieces and afterwards was destroyed by
Auto Thrown Sixty Feet.
The Injured were removed to the hospi
tal at the Soldiers Home and were rest
ing comfortably tonight. The accident oc
curred shortly after 4 o'clock this after
noon as the party were traveling up a
steep grade leading over the crossing. Mr.
Lindsley and Miss Willing occupied the
rear seat of the car, a big touring machine.
The boy and the chauffeur were In front.
There Is a curve near the crossing and
Ad.imson stated that he did not see the
train until It was upon them. Engineer
Sibley and Fireman Mangan make the
same statement. The locomotive tender
struck the rear seat of the automobile,
which was thrown about sixty feet. The
locomotive left the rails and ploughed over
the sleepers for nearly 100 reet.
I.lndsley was Instantly killed and Miss
Willing survived the accident but a few
Engaged to Re Married.
Miss Willing and Mr. I.lndsley were to
have been married next week. The for
mer was about 28 years of age, a daughter
of Former Governor Mark Skinner of this
state and the daughter of Mrs. Willing.
who gave the' Mark Skinner library to the
town of Manchester.
CHICAGO. Aug. 14. Miss Evelyn P. Wil
ling, who was killed near Bennington. Vt.,
was a step-daughter of the late Henry J.
Willing, who was a partner of Marshall
Field for many years and was one of Chi
cago's wealthy men. Both Mr. Willing and
his wife died some years ago and Miss
Willing and a brother. Mark 8. Willing, re
sided In the family mansion, at 110 Rush
street. Miss Willing, who was prominent
In society, spent most of the winter nnd
the early part of thtB year in New York,
retarnlng to Chicago early in'July. The
announcement of her engagement to Mr.
I.lndsley of New Y'ork wns a surprise to
the fashionable set In Chicago. No definite
plans for the wedding had been announced
Vermont Man Pasae on Matter Be
tween Venezuela nnd the
Farnpenn Republic
NORTHFIF.I.P. Vt., Aug II. Claims ag
gretlng S.OOo.onn frsnrs held by the French
government agalrrst "Venezuela have been
allowed by Referee frank Dumley of this
place, to whom they had been referred to
for a "decision and final Judication. Mr.
riumley's decision was announced here to
day to representatives of the two govern
ments. Count Perltl de La Rocca and Dr.
Jose De J. Paul.
Eight cases Involving claims of 4n.nno.ft00
francs against the government of Vene
zuela were submitted !" Mr. riumley. Of
the eight rases two were dismissed for
want of equity and one was disallowed
The claims were for damages alleged to
have been sustained by French citizens
conducting mercantile enterprise In Vene
zuela during the Insurrection of 1901. Mr.
Plumley's decision 1 final.
The claims dismissed by Mr. Plumley for
want of equity were those of Frledrlch &
Co.. and the case of Thomas Masstnla. The
former was for KS.P'fl francs, and that of
Masslnia for 270.813 francs. The Venezuelan
commissioner had already rejected these
claims and he was' supported In his con
tention by Referee Vlnmley.
The claim dlsllow K one of the largest
presented, wns that rt Antonle Fabanl for
9.509.72S francs. Venezuela had declined to
pay any part of th claim. After consid
ering the arguments of both governments
In the cases, Mr. Plamloy ruled In favor
of Venezuela. '
The exact aggregate of the clalrrrs pre
sented was Js.lo.iiS, , the total amount
awarded to five (lain ants. J'v212.
The largest amount allowed by the wu LlfU tk-pii t,i th Comnnnv
! General of Orlnco tiiij a rlalm of 11, 469.957.
The heaviest reducttim made In any claim
was In the case of tUe French company,
owners of tlw Venezuekin railroad. In which
damages to the amount of el.567.219 were
cut by the referee to $4,sfiO.
The French government supported this
claim In Its entirety, Venezuela offered to
pay W6.5K2.
The other claims settled were:
Poerl Domlsique. claiming $274,007. given
157,900. The French government offered to
settle for Uln.MW and Venezuela to give
tn Mil
The heirs of Junn. Manlnat. claiming
MMUmn. given 1.3(p0. France ottered to
settle for !,5(X), and Venezuela rejected the
Jules Brum, claiming $9t5.5(W. given 119..VXV
France supported the claim in full; Vene
zuela rejected the claim In full.
The decision of thi referee was made
final by the terms of the protocol between
the two countries under which they agreed
to leave to the decision of an umpire the
contested claims
Mr. Plumley was rhosen. It Is believed
on account of his connection with the
British-Venezuelan and the Holland-Vene
zuelan mixed commissions which sat in
Carasas In 1903, in connection with which
opinions given to hln ore said to have
established two precedents In international
Previous to acting as commissioner In
these cases h-j was well known as an at
torney in Vermont.
Only Hundred and 8iity-0ne Votes Agains
Fropotition for Separation.
Act of I nlnn with neden Will Then
Be Formnlly Repealed May
Kstahlleh a Republic.
Knlr Tnesdar. Wednesday Pnrtly
t lonriy, with ("bowers nnd Cooler In
Fast Portion.
Temprrntnre at Omaha Yesterdnyt
ft a. m .
tt a. m .
7 m. m .
H a. m.
f a. m .
in a. tn .
It a. in .
19 n.. . .
1 p. m .
S p. m.
3 p. m .
4 p. m .
R p. in .
tl p. in .
T p. m .
5 p. m .
9 p. tn ,
CHRISTIANA, Norway. Aug. 14 -The
returns from the national referendum on
the dissolution of the union show that out
of S21..158 votes cast, only lfil are against
dissolution. The Storthing has been sum
moned to meet August 21 to take the next
step towards the repeal of the act of union
In agreement with Sweden.
C. C. Berner. president of the Storthing,
said to the Associated Tress:
With Ihe people's expression of approval
of the action of the Storthing our only step
can be to communicate the result or the
plebiscite to the Swedish cabinet, reiter
ating the views previously expressed. If
Sweden desires a P'liceful settlement and
lasting understanding. It will not Insist
Ruaalnn Outposts Fall Back and
Chinese Are Leaving; Scene
of Activity.
GODZYADANI, Manchuria. Aug. 13.
(Delayed in Transmission.) The Japanese
began to advance against the Russians at
Y'angda Pass, and at Zoumoshou, In the
OuIIsrou district, at 9:30 this morning.
Their forces were not very numerous, there
hazard a guess at the extent of the victory I being only two battalions in each column,
which they expect to win. but with a large j The movement had every appearance of
a aemonstrauon. i ne nussian outposts feu
back in good order.
The Chinese In this vicinity are again
significantly leaving for the southward.
GiiDYZlDIAN. Manchuria. Aug. 13
proportion of the cases, responding to good
treatment, the do not believe there Is any
chance that the disease can approach to the
proportion of any of tho serious epidemics
of the past, though the population of New j
Spirited Content for President Al
ready Begun Three Cities Want
Meat Convention.
DENVER, Colo.. Aug. 14. This city's
main thoroughfares are beutlfully deco
rated'and brilliantly Illuminated In honor
of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, whose
grand aerie wll hold Its annual . meeting
here this week, the sessions beginning to
morrow and continuing until Saturday.
Thousands of Eagles from all parts of
the United States and Canada have al
ready arrived and the credentials commit
tee announced today that over 3,300 ac
credited delegates will be present at the
opening session of the convention. The
order, which was founded In 1898, now
numbers 913 local aeries, comprising 176,000
members, nnd disburses over 1300,000 an
nually in benevolence and charity.
John F. Pelletler, of Kansas City, present
worthy grand president, is a candidate for
Brotherhood of Teamsters Puts seal
of Approval on Action of
PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 14 -In a man
ner which was severely criticised by many
delegates President Shea of the Interna
tional Brotherhood of Teamsters today se
cured the convention's endorsement of the
Chicago strike.
President Shea refused to have the roll
called on the motion, Insisting that a viva
voce vote was sufficient. Although there
were many noys. President Shea declared
on asking Norway to frame a request for 1 tne motion carried.
Sweden's recognition of the dissolution and j ,. .., ... ,.,,,,
cancellation of the act of union In an ob- At afternoon session the convention
Jectlonable manner. The Riksdag s rondl- decided to continue the per capita tax of
lions are vague and might be understood as u cents.
an ultimatum, but we are willing to nego- Th .., n. rr,ntlni.ln the om. iol
tlate. , ... ....
Norway at present desires to continue i journal oi me union was reierrea to tne
under a monarch. Tills fact Hnd a spirit Incoming executive committee.
of conciliation caused our offer of thei A r.i1,,(m harrlnir nolltlclnn. .nH
Peace Entoys Agree Upon Tint Three
Demands of Japan.
Preponderating Influence of Mikado in
Hermit Kingdom Eecogniied.
Chinese Eastern Railway Below Harbin U
Be Ceded to China.
dotte. This offer has brought forth no an
swer. Norway, however, icannot wnlt tor
loon keepers from the union was adopted.
It was decided to pay to local unions
ever and in a reasonable time will consider jj a w,k member when the members
Invite another prince to occupy the throne. of ,h'' lo""1 unions are on strike or locked tides, as they are olttclally designated In
The Storthing would not take tho re- out. A resolution was also adopted de
claration of akhnlln Island Will
Probably Come Ip Today and
Rupture In Segntlutlona
May Result.
PORTSMOUTH, N H., Aug. 14 Al
though very rapid progress was made with
the peace negotiations today three of the
twelve articles which constitute the Japa
nese conditions tf peace having been agreed
to by M. Wltte and Baron Rosen on behalf
of Russia, neither of the two articles to
which M. Wltte In his reply returned an
absolute negative was reached. The crisis,
thercfoie, is still to come. It may lie
reached tomorrow, as the cession of Sak
halin comes tifth In the list. Tho three ar-
sponsiblllty of deciding In favor of a re
public, but would refer that question to
the people.
Japanese oblrman Mnkea Another
Call I pan the President Roosevelt
Family Has Rrlef tinting.
Prominent HebresrJ Dlscnas Repres
aire f.nwa of .oia with
Chief Peace Bnvoy.
PORTSMOUTH. N. H., Aug. 14. -A free
exchange of views on the subject of the
condition and treatment of the Jews In
Russia was had tonight In a conference be
tween M. Wltte, Baren Rosen and Oscar
Straus, Jacob Schiff, Isaac. N. Sellgman
and Adolph Lewlsohn of New Y'ork and
Adolph Kraus of Chicago. The statement
was made by the delegation calling on the
Russian plenipotentiaries that nothing tan
gible resulted from the discussion, but fu
ture benefit was looked for. The financial
condition of Russia was not mentioned In
the discussion and It was not suggested as
I a topic of discussion.
After the conference, which concluded ten
minutes before midnight, Mr. Straus made
the following statement:
M. Wltte explained with much frank
ness, the condition of the Jewish population
of Russia, while the American gentlemen
endeavored to Inform tho Russian gentle
men on the state of public opinion In the
United States and to Impress them wljh
the Impatience on the part o the American
fieople with the restrictive and suppressive
aws exercised by the Russian government
against Its Jewish subjects.
While Its discussion. In Its nature, could
not well lead to Immediate prnctlcil results,
the gentlemen present at the conference,
which lasted several hours, believe that In
the course of time and Indirectly the frank
exchange of opinion and views which has
been had cannot but bear beneficial con-
OYSTER BAY, N Y.. Aug. 14-Baron
Kaneko, who on a previous trip to Oyster
Hay described himself as a Japanese of
leisure sojourning In this country because
he Used the country, was the only caller
on the president today. This Is the third
visit Baron Kaneko has made to Sagamore
Hill, within a few weeks, and he saw the
president frequently In Washington dur
ing the early summer. He arrived here
on an early afternoon train, drove to Saga
more Hill with Acting Secretary Barnes,
hail a short conversation with the presi
dent and took an early train for New
York. Neither he nor President Roosevelt
would discuss the call, although the baron
Insisted that It hhd nothing to do with the
pending peace negotiations between Russia
and Japan.
Accompanied by members of his family,
the president went today to Jaynes Hill,
about six miles from Saramore Hill, for a
few hours" outing. He did not take up
any executive business until his return late
In the afternoon.
Attorney General Moody has recom
mended to the president a successor to the
late Judge Bellinger. United States district
Judge for the district of Oregon, but the
appointment, It Is stated, may not be an
nounced for some time.
A letter received here from Secretary
I.oeb, who, with Mrs. Ixieb, has been
sojourning for a month In the Yellowstone
park region, Indicates that he will return
to Oyster Buy next Saturday or Sunday.
during mni any member owning or op
erating more than one team, must be
given an honorable withdrawal card and
must not be allowed to hold any office in
thti union.
The latter part of the session was en
livened by a controversy between Michael
Casey, third vice president and Alexander
DIJeau, both of San Francisco. They have
had differences over n co-operative milk
concern n San Francisco and they took
their dispute to the convention. Each made
charges against the other and the con
vention became so disorderly that an ad
journment was taken until tomorrow with
out settling the dispute between the Cali
fornia delegates.
Alton Locomotives to Re Kqulpped
with Device thnt Vlll 4;lve Warn
ing of Approach of Trains.
CHICAGO, Aug. 14 -The experiments
made with wireless telegraphy on engines
running over the tracks of the Chicago
Alton railroad have proved so successful
that the management of the road has taken
steps to equip all the engines of the com
pany with the apparatus.
Under the new system adopted each en
gine carrying its own wireless signal ap
paratus constitutes the centers of a move
able block traveling with the train. Near
the engineer In the cab is an Indicator
which keeps hlniinformed of the conditions
within the block of which hr Is the center.
If a train approaches wilhln two miles to
the rear a green light shows on the indica
tor and a warning bell calls the attention
of the engineer. If the train Is to tho
i front a red light flashes and a bell rings.
The signals are reciprocal and the en
gineers on both trains receive them at
the same Instant.
Bennington Survivors Attend Memo
rial Services for Fallen fomrndea
Ship Leaves for Mara Island.
re-election. Hy Davis, of Cleveland, Ohio,
hss lso announced his candidacy for the i sequences.
office and a spirited contest Is In progress. Wltte on his return to New Y'ork will
Orleans is almost double what It was In i"l'" ' r ' ; b,,,, Francisco. Milwaukee and Atlanta are I have another conference wtlh the Jewish
U7S Some lnfectlun has existed In acat- u '1 umy a Melding ror tne next annual meeting,
tered quarters, where local doctors have re- j demonstration. I The unique gift of nearly a ton of
son ted the activity of Inspectors In cases After an exchange of rifle fire, between j pure snow to the visiting Eagles created
which they have themselves reported, but ,he outposts, the Japanese column retired. considerable of a sensation at grand lodge
Pr. White is displaying great tact In nan- I . ,ZZi 1. headquarters hern tonight. Tho presenta-
dllng the situation, is constantly smooth-I KING EDWARD GOES TO SPRINGS I ,lnn WR" "N"1 on hnnal' n 'he members
Will Meet F.mperor of Austria While
on War to Mnrlenbad
LONTjON, Aug. 14 King Edward left to
day bound for Marlenbad, where he will
take the usual course cf treatment. On
the way he will stop at Ischl, on the river
Traun, where he will hold an interview
with Emperor Francis Joseph.
Ing out the wrinkles and hopes to within
few days have so perfected a working sys
tem that causa will no longer exist for dis
satisfaction. Drngglste Help Conceal Cases.
Concerning the statement that druggists
have been prescribing for putlenU In
order that families might avoid reporting
Sickness to the authorities. Dr. White said
today that he did not consider It within the
line of his duty to prosecute druggiats
who prescribed without a doctor's certifi
cate, but that he would act towards them
as ha would towards physicians It he
learned that they were purposely conceal
ing cases. The doctors themselves, how
ever, have Indicated that they will heartily
support any action designed to prohibit the
practice among druggist of treating yellow
fever cases. The agitation over this mat
ter grows out of a discovery on Saturday
of the ciw of a young woman of some
lirnmtneni'A, wuu fitiimt ttt 1lu HHkuIU'
III wlih V..II..., fvr hrt..t i I Anti-American Keelinw Strong.
h..... ,.,,. h,.:... ............. "on1 kong- A"g -A meeting of
French Warships Retnrn Home,
CHERBOURG, France. Aug. 14. -The
French Northern squadron returned from
Portsmouth .today and the officers and
crews are enthusiastic over their reception
by the British Tie return was marred
of local aerie No. 30 of Denver. The
snow was secured at Rollins Pass on the
Moffatt line, the new road being con
structed to Salt I-ake, and was found In
quantities at an elevation of ll.BriO feet,
sixty miles from Denver.
Presbyterian Ministers Will Talk on
Some Phase of Subject Sunday
Before Labor Day,
CHICAGO, Aug. 14.. On the Sunday be
fore l.abor day. which occurs September 3,
7,eifl Presbyterian ministers throughout the
United States will preach to the working
classes on some phase of the labor ques- ! kin relieving each other as Interpreters
delegation, when the whole subject will be
gone Into more fully. Speaking of tonight's
conference, Mr. Straus said:
"M. Wltte Impressed me as a kindly man
of exceedingly broad and liberal views. The
conference, you may say, was satisfactory.
We shall see M. Wltte when he comes to
New York again. Finances were not men
tioned." .Nevertheless some members of the dele
gation did not hesitate to say that If the
condition of the Jews in Russia were amel
iorated and they were placed on an equality
with other Russians, Russia would have
no trouble in raising a loan In the Vnlted
States to be either for the continuation of
the war or the payment of an Indemnity.
Mr. Sellgman in reply to an inquiry to
night said:
"No, finances have not been discussed
M. Wltte did the greater part of the talk
ing tonight. Baron Rosen and M. Wilb-n-
8AN DIEGO, Cal., Aug. 14. Memorial
services in honor of the Bennington dead
Were held here today at the Isis theater.
Practically all the business houses closed
and an Immense throng gathered at the
The Bennington survivors, to the number
of eighty, came eshore and marched up
town with one hundred men from the flag
ship Chicago as an escort. They occupied:
the front row in the theater. On the
Ftage were seated Admiral Goodrich, Cap
tain C. E. K. Moore, of Chicago; Com
mander I.uclen Young of the Bennington
and Mayor Sehon of San Dlego. The other
officers of the warships in this harbor and
officers from Fort Rosecrans were also
Bishop Kendilck of Arizona made the
principal address. He dwelt at length
on the heroism and bravery of the sailor
boys, who, he said, should be given as
much 'honor as If they had fallen in the
line of battle.
Further memorial services were held In
the afternoon in the military cemetery on
Point I.oma after which the Chicago and
Bennington left for the north.
VAI.UEJO, Cal.. Aug. 14 Twenty-four
wounded men from the Bennington arrived
at the Mare Island navy yard today. They
were taken to the navy hospital In j. naval
launch which was sent from the navy
yard with a doctor and other attendants.
Medical Director Simons had made com
plete arrangements for the comfort and
care of the men.
Polish Novelist Punished for Writing
Criticism of Russlnn Conduct
of Polish Schools.
somewhat by a collision which occurred I ,1(in. T,,8 ,8 Jp arCordance with a plan
between a British merchantman and Ihe
battleship Jauregulb. rry. The latter, how
ever, was not damaged.
for her. Her case proved fatal on Sunday
and today a new case was reported In the
same house.
While It is contended that yellow fever
is not, as formerly supposed, a tilth dis
ease, experience here Is that people who
live In filth and In (ansanltary surround
ings are much more likely to have a fatal
termination of the disease when they con
tract It, than are those who live in the
midst of a better environment.
Will Prosecnle Landlords.
The campaign of prosecution of those
who have not paid obedience to the antl
niosquito ordinance is to be participated in
by the federal authorities, the city Board
of Health, the peacu officers and the va
rious ward committees.
Orders have been Isaued by Inspector
Whttaker to the police to prosecute all
landlurds and agents who fall to screen
their tisiarns. The result of the order
was the , taking of a large number of
a!tiu4vits by the police today. In one of
tbtt u.itown wards the citizens' committee
awura out eighty affidavits fur violations
CeaUaiM4 oa ooa4 Page.
Chinese called for today to discuss the
boycott of American goods was not per
mitted by the government snd the Chinese
then formally presented a petition praying
for permission to meet. A strong anti
Ameiican feeling Is apparent among the
Political Fight la Cuba.
HAVANA. Aug. 14. A demonstration of
the followers of Governor Jose Miguel
Gomez, which took place at Palmira, In
Santa Clara province yesterday resulted In
a collision of the fuslonists with rural
guards and police. It Is reported that many
shots were fired, but none injured.
outlined by the department of church and
labor recently organized by the Presby
terian church. Superintendent Charles
Stelzle, the head of this department, who
has his headquarters In Chicago, sent out
an appeal today to the ministers of tho
Presbyterian faith outlining the purposes
of the department, which Is to encourage a
more helpful relationship between the
worklngman and the church, and requested
them to preach on'the labor question cn
the Sunday before Lbor day.
French Fleet Leaves England.
PORTSMOUTH. England. Aug. 14 -The
Flench fleet sailed for Brest today amidst
the great demonstrations of good will.
Farewell salutes were exchanged between
Vice Admiral Calllard's flagship, the Mes
sina, and Lord Nelson's old flagship, the
matnrbnuera In Russia.
KIEFF. Aug. 14. Serious disturbances
have broken out In the streets oi LJto-
National Bank Authorised to Com
mence Business at Clear
Lake, In.
tFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Aug. 14.-(8peclal Tele
gram.) Lin Anderson has been appointed
regular, and MUo Burger, substitute rural
carrier for Route A. at White Rock, S. D.
The First National bank of Clear Lake,
la., has been authorized to begin business
with laS.Ofw capital. F. M. Rogers Is presi
dent; J. K. Hill, vice president; F. L. Rug
ers. cashier.
John Musaell of Cass Lake, Minn , ha
been appointed scaler in the forest service
and assigned to work in the Mc8hane rut
ting in the Big Horn forest reserva in
W y omlng.
Central t.eorgla Freight Strikes Pas
senger Train Head-on Near
MACON, Ga., Aug. 14 In a head-on col
lision two miles from Macon lietween a
northbound Central Georgia passenger
and a southbound freight, at 6 o'clock this
evening, two were killed and three so
seriously Injured that death will probably
result. The dead:
BEN JORDAN, mail clerk, Macon,
JOE HENRY. Macon, fireman passenger
train (nero).
W. R. Parson, Macon, leg broken and
badly bruised, train dispatcher and was
riding in luiggage car.
C. T. Standard. Macon, cut and bruised
on neaa, arm riruaen; man clerk.
R A. Saunders. Macon, left arm broken,
bruised and cut, seriously, mail clerk.
Clyde Roberts. Macon, arm and shoulder
broken, internally injured; baggagemas
ter. T. M. 1'oppedge, Macon, arm lacerated,
badly bruit-ed; express mss-nKer.
Will Jordan, Macon, internal Injuries,
will die; fireman.
Lena Taylor, internally Injured, will prob
ably die.
Although many were badly shaken up,
none of the passengers were seriously
hurt. The wreck was cauaed by a mla-
understanding of ordeia, '
Sheriff at Roolder, Colo.. Shoots Two
Prlaonera Who Attack Deputy
One Instantly Killed.
BOULDER. Colo., Aug. 14 A break 'or
liberty by prisoners confined In the county
Jail here was defeated by Sheriff, Kartell
and deputies, who fired down the corridors
of the Jail, killing Louis Clnkus, awaiting
trial for robbery, and wounding Jhmi-s
Rutan, confined for assault with Intent to
kill. Recently saws made of knives were
found In the cells of the Jail and an In
vestigation disclosed a plot of the prisoners
to liberate themselves. A close watch was
kept and tonight , when Under Sheriff
Thorne served supper to the prisoners Sher
iff Bartell and a deputy, heavily armed,
stood guard outside. As Thorne was leav
ing the corridor he was struck down with
a heavy table leg in the hands of Clnkus.
The sheriff and his deputy immediately
opened fire, killing Clnkus and wounding
Rutan. Thorne crawled beneath a table
out of harm's way during the fusillade.
WARSAW, Aug. 14. Governor General
Maxlmovitch toduy sentenced Henry K.
Slenklewicz. the Polish novelist, to deten
tion for an indeterminate period in his
residence for signing and publishing papers
In protest against the Russlficatlon of the
schools in Poland. A number of other nota
bles were similarly punished.
According to a dispatch to the Associated
Press Henry K. Slenklewicz March 20 last
pullshed an article dealing with the Polish
school question. In which he described
schon life In Poland a "a round of chagrin,
torment and tragedy."
He added: "The years of youth and adol
escence are years of suffering and torture.
It Is only the fear that their children may
become social pnrlahs that make parents
wish them to obtain certificates."
Men Searching for Cattle Follow
Stream of Lava to Its
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 14. A special dis
patch to the Chronicle from Reno. Nev.,
says that a volcano throwing off molten
lava and In active operation has Just lieen
discovered In Nevada by Messrs. McClure,
Wheeler and Sommers, cattlemen of Level
lock. The volcano Is located In Rye Patch,
Humboldt county Although this section
has been traversed for years, the crater
has Just been found for the first time. The
men were In search of cattle when they
came upon, the eteram of lava, and tracing
It to Its source, located the volcano. The
rocks for some distance were so hot that
they could not touch them with their baro
Officers of Boys' Industrial School
Accused of Duplicating Salaries
and Ahnslng Inmates.
TOPF.KA. Kan., Aug. 14 - Charges of Ir
regularity In the management of the state
Industrial school for boys were filed to
day with the board of control here by
Dr. Eva Harding, a Toprka physician
against H. W. Charles, the superintendent.
It Is charged that Charles confiscated
liquor sent to the flood sufferers In 19o3;
that "brass ktiui ks" have tieen used on
the boys by the officers of the Institution;
that one officer has been drawing two
salaries; that three officers are drunkards
and that the hoys are underfed.
C. J. O'Connor Brings Snlt to Col.
lect Debt from Heirship
SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Aug. 14 (Special Tel
egram ) Suits were begun here today by
C. J. O'Connor of Homer. Neb., on Judg
ments against seven Indians of the Win
nebago agency to determine whether an
Indian can be compelled to pay his debts
out of his heirship funds. The Judgments
taukad amount to .000.
Movements of Orenn Vessels Aug. 14,
At New York Arrived: Kroonland. from
Antwerp; Madonna, from Naples
At Liverpool Arrived: Celtic, from New
York; Canada, from Montreal, Lake Erie,
from Montreai; Umhrla. from New York.
At Dover Arrived : Finland, Ironi New
At Glasgow Arrived : Pretorlan. from
Montreal, Parisian, from New York.
At Marseilles Arrived : Italia, from New
At Movllle Arrived : Astoria, from New
At Bremen Arrived : Main, from New
At Yokohama Sailed : Empress of China,
for Vancouver.
At Gibraltar Arrived: Canoplc, from
At Plymouth Arrived: Kaiser Wllhelm
iier Gross , from New Tork, .
the brief communications authorized to be
given to the press, which were disposed of
today are In substance ss follows:
First Russia's recognition of Japan'a
"preponderating Influence and sin-clal posi
tion in I'ona, which Russia henceforth
agrees Is outside its sphere of influence,
Japan binding itself to recognize the sov
ereignty of the reigning family, but with
the rignt to give aiiviir and assistance to
Improve the civil administration of tha
Second Mutual obligation to evacuate
Manchuiia, each to surrender all special
prl lieges in that province, mutual obliga
tion to respect the "territorial Integrity" of
China and to maintain the principle of
equal opportunity for the commerce and
Industry of all nations In that province
(open door).
Third The cession to China of the Chi
nese Eastern railroad from Harbin south
ward. Future Status of Hallrond.
There never was any question about tha
acceptance on the part of M. Wltte of these
"articles,'' the first two covering In more
emphatic form the contention of Japan In
the diplomatic struggle which preceded hos
tilities. The third la a natural consequence
of the result of war. The cession of the
railroad, the building of which cost Russia
an Immense sum, estimated by some at be
tween ilii,oi,tKi and IJOO.OOO.CKKI Is to China.
Japan and China, therefore, will arrange
between themselves the method by which
the former Is to be remunerated, and
through this financial operation Japan
might have a very considerable portion of
Its claim for the expenses of the war liqui
dated. The railroad Is ostensibly the prop
erty of the Russian-Chinese bank, although
built by government money advanced
through the bank, and since (ta completion
operated, managed and policed by the Rus
sian government. Japan cannot take tha
railroad Itself. To place Itself In Russia's
shoes regarding the railroad would be mil
itarily to control the destinies of the three
provinces of Manchuria, which It has prom
ised to return to China. But Japan Is en
titled to rrlmbusement for the expense to
which It has been put In restoring tha
railroad below the present position of Line
viteh's army, rebuilding the bridges and
narrowing the gauge. If China could not
find the money some other power or pow
ers might do so, and the road would be
come hypothecated to the powers which ad
vanced the money as other Chinese roada
are to those which advanced the money
for their construction. It was M. Wltta
himself who organized the Russo-Chinese
bank In IMS,' and who has always been con
sidered the real organizer of the Chinese
Eastern company. M. Berg, the attorney
of the Russo-Chlnese bank, which owns
practically all. If not all, of the shares of
the road, Is attached to the Russian mle
sion. Both Sessions Amicable.
Both sessions of the conference today are
described as "amicable." There were sev
eral slight Jars but none of them serious.
The plenipotentiaries are showing admir
able temper. The change In the weather
may be partially responsible for the se
renity manifested at the conference table,
but It would be perhaps too much to say
thnt the fate of such a gigantic nego
tiation had been effected by a few de
grees of temperature and a few thousand
Tomorrow In the ordinary course of pro
ceedings the first great stumbling block
to a treaty of peace should be reached, aa
after Port Arthur and the leases of Liao
Tung, which are Included In article four
and which M. Wltte Is undoubtedly pre
pared with slight modifications to accept,
comes article fivethe cession of Sakhalin.
But it Is by no means certain that when
this obstacle Is reached It will not ha
postponed until all the articles upon which
agreement is easy or possible are dis
puted of. If this course Is allowed, and the
Associated Press has high authority for
the opinion that it will be. It will Indi
cate a disposition to put off the real strug
gle to the very lust, and the longer the
conference endures the brighter the pros
pects of a treaty are likely to become.
"Every day they sit," said a very high
authority, "Increases the chances of peace."
Snto I Optimistic.
Mr. Sato told the Associated Press cor
respondent tonight that he had come to
Portsmouth hopeful of a successful Issue
of the negotiations and that nothing had
occurred to niter his optimism.
The language of the three articles
adopted today will form practically tks)
text of the "treaty of Washington" If one
Is signed, subject, of course, to a final
revision. Each aide has agreed 10 the
arthies and they are Included In the pro
tocols of each day's session which are
officially signed by the plenipotentiaries
the next morning.
In addition to the minutes kept by each
side, there Is an abbreviated record of the
discussions giving the arguments made by
each side on every point, which are dally
attested so that when the conference Is
ended the record cf the proceedings will
be complete. Of course, the agreement
artlclu hy article, dovs not bind either
RjsMla or Japan until a final agreement
Is reached and the treaty la signed.
It Is. however, slguifiiant that Mr. Sato,
while specifically stating that he did not
speak officially, gave it as his opinion
that each power had now bound Itself to
the armies agreed to.
Russians Claim On Victory.
In the discussion of the second article
(covering the evacuation of Manchuria) It
Is positively stated that Russia won a vic
tory. Baron Komura, so it is declared,
wanted to limit the obligation to evacuate
tlanchurU and to surrender special f'vV