Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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Rt. Jthn CreMwell of Wyoming Preaches
Tw Bermotn in Omaha.
v. Dr. K. R. t nrr , nironrlni on
"Seeriaee," Asserts Ihf strength
of Maa Rests in Ilia
Rev. John Cresswell, th cowboy preacher
of Arvada, Wyo, preahd Sunday morn
ing and evening at the People's church.
A large congregation was present both
times to hear the man who " renverted
by Rev. Charles W. Kagldge five years ago
when he came to Omaha with a loud of rat
tle and accidentally happened Into the
Feople's church while on a spree.
The "cowboy preacher," a griy-halred
man. has spent his life punching cattle
In the Panhandle of Texas and on the
plains of Kansas and Wyurr.lng. He Is
still strong and vigorous and expects to
live a good many years to spread the
gospel among his old camp-mates. His
territory embraces a stretch of WO miles
along the Powder river in Wyoming and
Montana, one of the biggest cattle districts
of the west. Hi every town saloons and
gambling houses are In evidence, but there
are no churches. Mr. Cresswell Is the
only preacher along the river. He has
no regularly organized churches and asks
no money of the people to whom he
The reformed cowboy Is a great religious
power in the cattle country. Not long ngo
he Instituted a revival at Clenrmont, W'yo.,
and aout half the people in the town pro
fessed religion. The report as It first came
to Omaha said that the whole town was
convened, but upon wr'tlng to the "cowboy
preacher." Mr. Savldgn learned that the
story had been exaggerated "by 10" per cent.
Mr. Cresswell finds his way to the heart
of the uncouth cowpuncher where an
Omahu preacher would fail, fnpollshed In
manner, himself, and lacking In education
on the fine points of grammar, rhetoric
and logic, to a congregation of cowboys
he seems like one of themselves. At the
same time he has a good voice and an
earnestness of manner which carries con
viction with every word. It Is said that
the cowboys frequently ride fifty miles to
hear '.t'.m.
In the sermons yesterday, Mr. Cress
well declined to talk of himself. In the
morning sermon he tulked of the Kplrit
of God and what It does for man. After
telling of the struggle with sin and the
triumph of the Spirit In taking from the
heart carnality and love of worldly pleas
ures, he summed up the works of the
Spirit by saying:
"And when the love of worldly pleasures
is gone, and when the attention Is no longer
bent continually on the attainment of
worldly riches, then in the heart is es
tablished peace, the peace that passclh
all understanding, peace that Hows like
a river."
Speaks of "Mural Cripples" at llan
fiiiii Park Church.
Judge I.ouls A. Herka was the speaker
at the fifth o' the scries of "lay sermons"
given at the Hanscom Park Methodist
church last night under the auspices of the
Brotherhood During his experience us a
police magistrate Judge Hersa bus acquired
a knowledge of the submerged classes
which perhaps fits him better to speak on
his chosen subject than any other man in
Omaha. His subject was "Moral Crip
ples." His talk showed that he has made a
thorough study of the different types of
men and women, not only those who
habitually are before the bar of Juatlce In
police court, but be has u knowledge of
human nature In all of Its classes.
"I have Heen wives pleading with their
husbands not to do things which would
bring them before, the police court, and I
have seen mothers and sisters l-gglng a
brother and a son to keep away from the
paths of wrong-doing, and that brother
and son would listen to the pleading and
promise to do better, but as soon as he was
out of hearing of his mother and sister he
would go straight hack to bis former life
and perhaps In a day or two he would be
brought back to be tried on a similar
charge, or, perhaps, a worse one.
"There are professionals in crime as well
as In any other lines. There are men who
confine themselves to petit thievery, and
there are those who make a practice of
committing crime on a larger scale, and
there are those who make a practice of
robbing houses and confine themselves to
this work alone. All these have to be dealt
with according to the law and punished
according to the gravity of their offenses.
"It has often been said that publicity is
a preventative of crime, and In some in
stances It Is, hut In a great many cases
the men before the court prefer u great
deal of publicity rather than not. And it
Is not the severity of punishment that de
ters many from commltcng ureater crimes,
but It is the certainty of the punishment
which will make them think more than
ones before committing a graver offense."
Her. Dr. Curry Dwells on Need of
Sacrifice In Nervier.
"Let no man offer to Clod that which
costs him nothing," whs the theme of a dis
course on "Sacrifice" delivered by Rev.
E. R. Curry at the Calvary Baptist church
Bunday .morning. The beautiful church
was well filled In spite of the heat, a
quartet taking the place of the chorus
"God judges man not by what he says,
but by the spirit that lies behind his
deeds. A man Is not saved by his might,
but the strength of a man Is In his Uod.
Iavld made a great mistake when he
numbered the people of Israel. David had
left God out of the count and was rely
ing upon human resources. The Iird re
sented this and sent a pestilence that car
ried away 70,000 of the people of Israel.
David saw the folly of his ways when he
aw so many of his people wiped out In
such a short space of time.
"David tried to Inculcate In his people thst
broad doctrine that no offering Is an offer
ing unless accompanied by a saninVe.
None are good unless they are costly. Ab
raham gave the most costly possession that
he had when he offered his son."
Pr. Curry gave numerous Instances that
tie had known of splendid sacrifices on the
part of good people. He said that there
should be no Christian effort unless ac
companied by sacrifices.
Fourteenth and Capitol avenue about 4
o'clock Sunday ufrnn. nd' susrained
a broken l g Cnsey w ts trxing to get
onto the car In the middle of tn block
end lost Ins footing The nolle patrol
removed him to his bom and Dr WorN-y
w is summoned. Ills right leg was broken
Just alxivt the ankle.
Typical Western Krter Rampant In
Nevada with Headquarters
at Las Veaas.
H. M Fulmer, vice president of the Cali-vad-i
Gold Mining company, Is a gMest
at the Merchants while In the city for a
few da a. The Callvada gold mine Is lo
cated at Nlppenn. Nev., w.hlch Is sixty
nubs southwest of Ijis Vegns, Nev., one
of the new stations on the recently opened
San Pedro line.
"We have some of the finest country in
the world In Nevada," said Mr Fulmcr.
'That It is one of the best mineral sec
tions In the world Is borne out by statis
tics. The new San Pedro line is working
great things for our country. Take, for
Instance, the town of Ijis Vegus. which is
Just seventy days old It already has a
population of 3,A. has seven miles of
gravel and oil paving under way, a fine
passenger depot on the old mission style,
a large Ice plant and It Is growing every
day like a bay tree.
"Las Vena Is now the. distributing point
for such mines as the Bullfrog, Search
light. Callvada nnd a down others In the
Goldfield country. The town has OflO freight
teHtns busy every day hauling consign
ments Into the Interior.
"J. Ross Clark and Mr. Grace have con
structed a private road from Ijis Vegas
to Bullfrog, a distance of 120 miles, for the
operation of an automobile line. The of
ficials of the San Pedro line are now ne
gotiating for the erection of a large sani
tarium at Ijs Vegas, and all this, mind
you, In a town only seventy days old."
Mr. Fulmer states that Norman A. Kuhn,
for many years a prominent druggist In
Omaha. 1.1 getting In on the ground floor
In this newly opened country by opening
stores at Vegas and Nlppeno.
Arrested After Kvadlng Iollce Three
Weeks, Minnie Arndt Admits
Her Several Offenses.
After evading the authorities for three
weeks Miss Minnie Arndt, alias Minnie
Havclcck, a domestic, was arrested Sunday
by Detectives Davis and Mitchell In a
room at Twentieth and Leavenworth
The woman Is charged with grand larceny
and Is connected with three thefts. She has
confessed. When arrested che was wear
ing a diamond ring stolen from the home
of M. J. Carmen, HOI South Thirty-first
street and an opal rlifg taken from the
residence of Mrs. A. Hagen. 625 South Nine
teenth street, at which place Miss Arndt
worked as a servant.
It was reported August 10 that Miss Arndt
took a' diamond ring, two purses, $10.18 in
money, a silk skirt and other articles from
the Carmen home. On July 2JS she was
reported as having stolen from the Hagen
residence a skirt, waist, old umbrella and
a gold ring with three oil settings. The
Hagen umbrella she left lit the Carmen
place In exchange for a new one, It Is
stated. The third theft was reported by
Miss Tina Steelier of 1119 William street,
who said she lost a dress, waist and skirt.
The parties reporting the three thefts
gave the same description of the person
Miss Arndt Is 20 years of age and was
raised near Benson, where her father works
us a bartender.
ever gent n Mini to the Hospital.
During the Spanish-American war I com
manded Company G, 9th Illinois Infantry.
Nearly every man In the company, during
our stay In Cuba, had diarrhoea or stom
ach trouble. We never lothered sending
a man to the surgeon or to the hospital,
but gave him a dose or two of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrnoea Rem
edy and the next day he was all right. We
always had a dozen or more bottles of It
In our medicine chest.
Captain Company G. 9th Illinois Infantry.
When Cbambei Iain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy can prove It is reliable
under such a severe test as this, we are
sure you can trust It to cure all forms of
bowel trouble. Keep a bottle In the house;
Sou won't have time to go for It when It
is needed. For sale by all druggists.
St. I'uul and Heturn
and return
110.60 ,
and return
via The North-Western Line
City Offices 1401-1403
Firnam Street.
I2-K wedding rings. Kdholm. jeweler.
o line on Relatives.
T'ndcrtaker Harry B. Dnvls has not heard
anything from relatives of Mrs. L B. Gib
son, who died at the llr Grand hotel lrtat
Tuesday evening from acute stomach
trouble. The woman's body Is yet at the
undertaking rooms Today Mr. Davis will
ask the slate authorities for Instructions
as to the disposition of the body.
McCOMBS Mhx Cornelius. Infant son of
J Kelly and Lena McCoinhs of Irvlnirton
Funeral from residence of S. C. Brewster
at irviugton. .ph Monday, August 14,
1S05. ! o'clock p. m.
Successful strike
against lung trouble can be engineered bv
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds. 60c and $1. For
sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
" - J
h . 1
Colored Freacher Who 6ttrti Organisation
of Cbnroh Bebnked by Lain en.
Arensed of Twice Attempting Salrtde
and Admits Discouragement Im
pelled II tin to Think of
All Invited, grata Free. Good Music.
Honicsrekera' Ktcanlos,
On Tuesday, August 16, the Missouri
Pacific will sell very low rates for the
round trip to points In Kansas, southern
Missouri, Indian and Oklahoma territories,
Texas Arkansas, etc. Stop-overs allowed.
Limit of tickets, twenty-one dsys. Full in
formation from any agent of the company
er Thomas T. Godfrey. Pusaenger and
Ticket Agent, B. E. Cor. Fifteenth and m, Omaha.
leg Broken bjr FnJI.
John Casey, a laborer, living at U
Charles street, fell while attemnting to
bosj d a iuovlu euMiuau avenue car at
NO. .sl-LADl KS' NKW Ufcl.L OR C1R
The bell skirt .a In one piece and fits the
hips smoothly without aid of darts or
seams The funness which ripples through
the lower edge comes through the cut or
shaping of I tie skirl lon. The back may
be in inverted or bo plait or habit back
atvle. hands jr alltchlng may le used in
the finish, as required. 20 to A'-lnch evatst.
For the accommodation of readers of The
Bee these patterns, which usually retail at
from H to 60 rents eauh. will ba furnuiiad
at the nominal price of 10 cents. A supply
is now kept at our office, so those who
wish any pattern may get it either by call
ing or enclosing 10 cents, uddrac2 "Pal-
loin Deit truer. t. Dee, OuiaLa."
FYom present Indications there Is likely
to be a hitch In the launching of the new
Colored Presbyterian church of Omaha.
At least tinder the administration of Rev.
John Andrew Pope. A.B. B.D. Such are
the natural deductions from the proceed
ings held at Iwe Avenue Presbyterlar
church Sunday afternoon.
Immediately following the regular devo
tional exercises of the afternoon, at which
Rev. Dr. Pope preached, from the text
of John iii:6. Mr. W. J. Johnson, one ol
the best known and highly esteemed col
ored men of Omaha, and one of the leaders
In the, movement for the organisation of
the cfiurrh, stated that he had, from the
start, been deeply Interested In the new
movement and had hoped to see It succeed,
but from recent developments he was satis
fled It could not succeed under the leader
ship of Rev. Dr. Tope. He said:
"What I am about to say pains me very
much, but my duty an a Christian and a
Presbyterian impels me to speak very
Wrons Man Xow Present.
"There Is one person connected with this
organization whom I am satisfied from my
own knowledge and information is not
the right man for this work. He is present
at this time and what I have to say I wish
to say In his presence."
Rev. Dr. Pope here Interrupted Mr.
Johnson with the remark:
"Go on, Mr. Johnson, and say what you
Intend to say. Speak out so that the people
here will undeiguuul you."
"That is exactly what I Intend to do," re
sponded Mr. Johnson. "You, Mr. Pope,
are the man to whom I refer. Several days
ago a social was to be held at the home
of one of our members In the Interest of
this organization. It had been formally
announced, and you were, I. believe, to
be present. However, nobody came. At
the time, 1 was sick In bed. A short while
after, my son came to me and told me he
was on a Twenty-fourth street car and
saw you on that car and that you were
intoxicated. I asked him it he could not
be mistaken, and he Insisted that he was
not, that he knew you quite well, and he
repeated a maudlin conversation you had
with the conductor about being put off at
p. certain street, long after you had passed
the street The following morning 1 again
asked my son if he was not mistaken, but
he still Insisted he was .not. It has also
come to the knowledge of some of our
members that you have abruptly entered
their homes, showing them scant courtesy,
and that the women of those homes have
been alarmed by your actions, which were
not at all consistent with the actions of a
Christian minister.
Twice Attempted Suicide.
"I also have learned fioin unquestioned
sources that you have, at least twice, at
tempted suicide since you have been In
the city. That at one time the services
of a doctor had to be invoked and a stom
ach pump was used to pump the poison
from your stomach.
"At another time you went down to
Bellevue and slept out on the iiellevue
campus all night.
"The natural deduction Is that If you are
not strong enough to bear your troubles
without resort to suicide you are hardly
the man to undertake the leadership of a
church and I, fy,r one, cannot countenance
your leadership and must decline to have
anything further to do with you In this
Pope Makes a Heply.
Rev. Dr. Pope in reply to Mr. Johnson
"This Is a personal matter and I have
the right to bear my troubles ill any
iiiunner 1 see ;1t. I have met with many
discouragements, but I am a minister of
the gospel and an ordained minister of
the Presbyterian church and have the
Presbyterian organization back of ma. I
do not deny that 1 was tempted to take
my own life while under great discourage
ment, but even this would not hinder me
from doing God's work. 1 have done
nothing wrong, us God Is my Judge, done
nothing InconslHent with my duty as a
minister. 1 have been Invited Into the
homes of our people freely and have
availed myself of that Invitation."
Dr. J. II. Hutton, the leading colored
physician of the city, also was present
and he confirmed In a general way the
remarks of Mr. Johnson, and said:
Agrees Pope Is Inflt to Lead.
"I am a Presbyterian, have been edu
cated In a Presbyterian school and believe
in the high Ideals of the Presbyterian doc
trine. And while It has been my prayer
and wish since in Omaha to see a Presby
terian church of out race organized here,
I am fully satisfied that you, Mr. Pope,
are not the man to do that work. You
are too weak and vacillating. Personally
I have nothing against you, but as for
assisting In the organization of a Presby
terian church here, I can have nothing to
do with It so long as you are to be its
leader. So 1 am of the opinion that this
matter had best be drop'ed here and now."
Several colored women present spoke In
liko terms and in a measure confirmed re
ports of the discourteous manner in which
Mr. Pope entered their homes.
The Janitor of Lowe Avenue church,
also a colored man, when called upon for
remarks, stated that he had nothing to
' say except that, "as matters had come
to tills head all 1 can say Is that there
will e no more meetings of this organiza
tion held tn this church."
The controversy throughout was carried
on earnestly, but with very little acri
mony. Rev. Dr. Pope had but little to
say In conclusion other than to ask all
the congregation to speak, calling out each
one individually. There were about fifteen
persons present.
Corpses of Two Oman Boys Killed
In Colorado Are Brought Home
for Burial.
The body of Andrew Mahr, the young
msn killed last week at Lilnon, Colo., with
John Milliner, was received last evening
by lleafey & Heafey, undertakers. The
funeral will be held this morning from St.
Joseph's Catholic church. Sixteenth and
Center streets. Burial will be at the Ger
man Catholic cemetery.
Milliner's lody will arrive today.
Mahr wns 30 years of age and was the
eon of John Mahr of 3067 South Sixteenth
street. Milliner lived at Twenty- third and
Hickory streets. The young men went to
Colorado In quest of work and were killed
while riding on a freight train. "
"Too Troad to Beer" mt Krusj'a.
The season at the Knig theater was
opened yesterday with two performances
of Lincoln J. Carter's scenic melodrama,
"Too Proud to Beg " In spite of the hot
weather, both afternoon and evening were
marked by n attendance which Indicates
that the people are ready and anxious
to start on a new round of theater going
The theater Is beautiful In Its new ap
pointments, the whole Interior having been
repainted and artistically decorated. New
carpets also are laid In. the aisles. "Too
Proud to Res;" Is a story full of tragic
situations well enough known In Omaha
to need no special Introduction now. It
gives abundant satisfaction both to those
who love to slfth and those who love to
laugh. The Inst curtain still goes down
with the heroine In the arms of the heco
and all are happy except the villains, of
which there are several. Fred Eckert snd
Mrs. Rogers, as husband and wife, natur
ally were of chief Interest In the cast
and are clever In their line. Inspector
Sharp, though not a favorite with the au
dience, was good as a villain. The play
will be given Monday. Tuesday and Wed
nesday evenings and Wednesday matinee.
Woodward Stork Company Opens.
KANSAS CITY, Aug. U. (Special Tele
gram.) The new Woodward stock company
which is to be the permanent attraction In
the Bur wood theater, Omaha, gave lta first
performances today at the Auditorium
theater to audiences that completely packed
the big Woodward A Burgess Kansas City
playhouse. The stock company's initial pro
duction was Belasco and Fyles' "The Girl
I left Behind Me," which will also probably
be the company's first production at the
Burwood theater. The players In the new
company, most of whom were strangers In
Kansas City, were given an enthusiastic
reception, while the work of Eva Lang,
tho leading woman; Albert Morrison, the
new leading man; Cecil Owen, Dollle Davis,
Frederick Fulton, Harry Long and Grant
Simpson was of the very highest order.
The stock company's opening at the
Auditorium Inaugurated the regular theat
rical season In Kansas City and while the
thermometer registered close to the 9j
mark, standing room was at a premium.
It has been several seasons since Woodward
& Burgess have had a regular stock or
ganization In this city and there was much
curiosity as to . the quality of the new
company. The unanimous opinion was that
the present organzatlon compares favorably
with Its predecessors.
Albert Morrison, playing the leads, was
seen last season In IJebler & Company's
production of "The Christian." He cre
ated a very favorable impression and In
the role of Lieutenant Hawkesworth, re
ceived numerous curtain calls. Cecil Owen
was secured by Manager Woodward In
NeW York. He was in the original Broad
way production of "Old Hledelberg," and
his work In tonight's performance was an
artistic effort as Is seldom seen In stock
work. The play lias been given an elab
orate stage mounting and the battle scene
In the third act evoked the wildest en
thusiasm. The Star will say: "The new Woodward
Stock company scored a big success In Its
Initial performance this afternoon. The
company Is evenly balanced and made up
of capable actors. The production Is mag
nificent and the Indlun attack on an army
post In the third act Is the most thrilling
and reullstlc bit of stage work ever seen
on a local stae.
The Journal says:
"It Is the best acting stock company
ever seen In Kansas City and congratu
lates Omaha In having such an organization
with it for an entire season."
Manager Woodward announced tonight
that the Burwood In Omaha would be
opened September. !!. Either "The Girl I
Left Behind Me" or "A Royal Family"
will be the bill. The company's engage
ment In Kansas City is limited to two
Judge Cooler on Carivaa.
Catherine M. Carlisle, a local artist of
some repute, has given new distinction to
Judge Julius S Cooley by a portrait now
on exhibition in the window of the Beaton
Drug company. Miss Carlisle is decidedly
clever with her brush, and the distinguished
subject of her latest effort has certainly
lost nothing at her hands. The perennial
smile of the well known man of law Is
hinted at rather than limned, yet there Is
no difficulty in finding It lurking In every
lineament of the debonair countenance. In
the prime of life, with many of the Induce
ments that appeal to genius, Judge Cooley
has attracted the enthusiasm of the ar
tistic spirit to make him live again on
canvas as he lives In his dally walks, cour
teous and of exceeding politeness, the
"glass of fashion and the mold of form."
Array Pistol Competition.
.n'NCTTON CITY. Kan.. Aug. 13-The
army pistol competition will commence at
the national range at Fort Riley tomor
row. The Atlantic division is represented
by six competitors and one distinguished
pistol shot. There are eighteen competitors
and two distinguished pistol shots from
the northern division. From the Pacific
division there are six competitors. Only
one competitor represents the Philippine
division. Seven competitors represent the
southwestern division.
A little forethought may save you no end
of trouble. Anyone who makes It a rule to
keep Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy at hand know this to
be a fact.
Woodmen Carnival Continues.
The Woodmen of the World have decided
to continue their carnival at Courtland
Beach one more wek. This decision, they
say, has been reached in deference to the
urgent demand of friends and patrons.
Fireworks at night will continue to be a
feature and each mailt- danclnc will h
iJutd la U. yavUlion,
A. B. Dunn of Kearney registered at the
Richard L. Metcalfe, associate editor of
Bryan's Commoner, spent Sunday In
Among the guest at the Her Grand
yesterday were R. C. Boyd of Auburn and
Pearl B. Knight of Lincoln.
The name of J. H. Johnson of Bostwlck,
Neb., was Inscribed yesterday on the reg
ister at the Merchants hotel.
H. H. Smith of David City. Ed Grant
of Auburn and W. W. Abbott and mother
of IJncnln were Bunday slate arrivals at
the Muriay. .
W. F. Dters of Dters Brothers, prominent
merchants throughout the state, with head
quarters at lAulsvtUe, spent Sunday at the
Millard hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Brown and Jas.
H. Brown, Jr.. accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Read, who with their two- children
recently came from San Francisco for a
vacation visit with their friends, left last
t rioay 10 speno me reniainoer oi tne sum
mer at their country residence In Pierce.
Joseph Kozlovsky. marshal! of Clr
Rapids, la., and Joseph Dostal, a prom
inent mercnant of the same place, eie
visitors In Omaha vesterdav. Thev were
U-ntertalned by Sergeant of Police Vanous,
Messrs. koziovskv ana ikisisi are on their
way to the Pacific coast, where they will
make an extended visit, visiting the Lewis
and Clark exposition and other places of
Interest on the west coast.
Free Tickets for
Krug Park
All rtay Monday (toflsyi we shall give
with each Wk- purchase at our Drug
Store a Free Admission Ticket to the
riCXK' given for the benefit of WISE
Aug. IV Kon't MISS tie PICNIC or
You ran always save little by buy
int; yiur dMiK of us. For Instance, OX
2V 4711 White Rose Ponp. Monday.. .9c
2V Woodland Violet Talcum, Mon
day 10c
Oc Lana OH and Buttermilk Soap
(Gralinm'si, Monday .V
fl SiiutblV Karsaparllia. every day. .".V
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Cor. la ut Deeae, Uaaasuu fteb.
Large Flock of Birds of Freedom Light in
Omaha Enrouta Wait.
From Various Metes In East Dele
gates t Satleaat Gathering la
Denrer Pass Through
Gate City.
Te! Yea!
Omaha aerie No. SS, Fraternal Order of
Eagles, entertained more than 1.20O vis
iting Eagles yesterday, according to a
conservative estimate of the' crowd as fig
ured by D. H. Christie, president of tho
local aerie.
The birds of freedom tarried In Omaha
a few hours and rested their wings be
tween trains before resuming the flight
toward Denver, where the national con
vention .will lie held this week. Another
large crowd la expected In Omaha today. At
4 o'clock this afternoon nearly 30 mem
bers of the local aerie will entrain for
the Colorado metropolis.
The local entertainment committee did
not expect the visitors to arrive In such
numbers, but the committee, with the aid
of the officers and rank and file of the
local aerie performed the work In hand
without a hitch and to the credit of the
city and order.
Quakers Come First.
A special train bearing 377 delegates and
members from Pennsylvania started the
hall rolling when they came In over the
Rock Island shortly before 10 a m. This
crowd was taken around the city In trolley
cars and entertained at Eagle hall on
Fourteenth street. The Cincinnati dele
gation wired ahead for twenty carriages,
to which number three were added for the
local committee escorting the visitors. A
number of the easterners enjoyed the city
from the seats of automobiles.
Open house was maintained all day at
Eagle hall. There were flowers for the
women and cigars, punch and other re
freshments for the men. The local en
tertainment committee was Jules Althouse.
Joe Sonnrnberg. Lee Orler, W. F. Gerke.
Dan Cannon, W. A. Messlck. James War
ren, Sam Scott. A. S. Ritchie and Jack
Shoup. The committee was well assisted
by various members.
The visiting delegates came from vari
ous points In Pennsylvania, New York.
Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, Minnesota
and Rhode Island. The Buffalo and New
York City delegations Joined the Ohio and
Indiana crowd at Chicago and proceeded
to Omaha tn a special train of eight
Manawa Attraets One of
Largest Crowds of the
It was made evident at Manhattan beach,
Lake Manawa, Sunday afternoon the as
sertion that there Is a bathing fad In vogue
at the popular resort. The largest crowd
of bathers that have assembled at any one
hour was In the water at 4 o'clock and had
not the rain come up In the evening It
would have been the record day at the
beach, as well as one of the biggest of the
Reason for the resort all around. The same
large percentage of women swimmers that
has marked the attendance all this season
were In evidence with some attractive
suits. Boating was Just about as popular
ns bathing and the launches and rowboats
were kept busy all the afternoon, while
the numerous other pastimes did a thriv
ing business.
On the program of free shows a new fea
ture that appealed to those who like a
thriller was "Dure Devil" Fackler's slide
for life. With an American flag flying In
each hand Fackler made his perilous de
scent on a wire suspended by his teeth.
Still another feat of sensationalism was
Prof. Andrews' fine balloon ascension. The
more esthetic liked the two concerts by
Covalt's band. Encores were numerous.
In the evening at the Casino II. L. Heffner
sang and the kinetoscope projected some
amusing pictures. At the ball park the
Neumeyers won the ball game from the
Knockers of Council Rluffs by a score of
7 to 1.
at 5 P. M.
Every Evening
tMl Rtl.UBLa TO SI K.
Except Satur
day at 10
P. M. Till
September 1st
liiiuiiiniiaiiiiia i W"jT;iiiil Ilk
Our Final
Clearing Sale
Of Men's and Boys' Light and Me
dium Weight Clothing.
Men's suits worth $15 to $18, fi
nal oloarinpc salo jiritv $10.00
Theso suits como in all tho
now shades nnd colors, in single
nnd douhlo breasted styles, in
fancy mixtures nnd plain colors
all made by hand with pad
ded shoulders nnd self retain
ing hair cloth fronts. The great
est bargain ever offered.
p-iee $10.00
Men's Pants worth $: nnd
and $3.oO, on sale at $1.50 and
$1.95.. -
Come In stripes, fancy mixture and
Iiluln colors, well mud" nnd neat put
terns, extra good values, at fl.50 mid
Children's Knee
Pants Suits.
Children's knee pnnt suits, extrnordlnary offering of
suits for the little fellows for early fnll (P (JP
wear, regular Jf.1.50 sulis-at $l,JD
Children's very nobby Russian Mouse, eton, sailor
. Mouse nnd Norfolk suits, in red. brown, blue and
fancy mixtures, made up of serges, homespuns and
cheviots, for lioys in the ages of 3 to YZ years any
suit worth fl.'io
Speechless with Wonder
are the friends of those cured of stomach,
liver and kidney trouble by Electric Bit
ters. 60c. Guaranteed. For sale by Sher
man & McConnell Drug Co.
a nil. I vff I wo. mi wii.a.11 A Vt .rr 1 A5T!a 1
Made of finest Im
ported Hohemisn Hops
ana ucieciea man.
Try Case.
n?rn KDiin pprwmrc rn
imV iiiiuu viihstmu uui wS'r -?fj'.wry Telephone 420
YrBsiii iinf"-- - ins "-iVTarrMlHeV" li ii i lTVlia-i
Everyxone who goes to Colorado reports "a splendid
No wonder.
From the moment you get there until you leave the
days are fully taken up with splendid outdoor sports
a score of different forms of recreation.
And the Colorado air and sunshine, mountain scenery
and crystal drinking water constitute the best medicine
possible to find.
Fast through trains on the Rock Island equipped with
standard and tourist Pullmans, wide-window, electric
lighted chair cars and coaches cooled by electric fans.
Direct line to Denver as well as to Colorado Springs
and Pueblo.
Lowest rates of the season in effect August 30th to
September 4th.
Full information at this office.
F. P. Rutherford, D. P. A.
1323 Farnam Street, Omaha, lleb.