There is riothlrg o a uu t a Mr p as to llHVe p- .- f-.lut i.ut the f i al you thlr.k y ii ti i vp hidden suc ci ssf lilly. Yell IMC KUeSS W hh- In two ill Hats if a man's s;i 1 ii by the ay in w hich he s t n: ' I was raised i, i ra tio com; ! ry lnr " T?e Top o the Morn in JF. TP.JSTesbit. THE REAL EFFORT. wiv Mil till Ii 'It is such an effort to keep cool nowa days, isn't it. Nr. Shubbs." " Not half so much an effort as it is to keep from making an effort to keep cool." AIDS TO POPULARITY. " I havi n t decided just nhcrr I shall go during August," says tin- possible maris'.. " Hiin r ili riili' to slop at our place,'' urm s the advance man of ttie fummi r resort. " What attractions have you?" "Four hi it sst s, six actn ss s. two popular novelists, three army fllci rs. one plutocrat, and a mineral spring " CS9 The raits In the Case. Maud Muller. on a summer'! day Btood in the meadow, raking hay. The judge rode up. and stopped to chat) Maud said: " I find I'm getting fat, " And so I work but what's the usel It seems I simply can't reduce !" The judge replied ; "Youfatl 0. fudge! You're simply plump, or I'm no judge.' Maud sighed : "I'm not bones and skin! The sad part is: I might have been." Enjoyable Outing. We meet our tri ml w ho has bi i n sn 'tiding two w t eks ut tlto riwii'l fa mid for Its scent ry and outdoor attractions. "Have a good time?" f ask. " Ureal," In- replies. "They say rpp-Thcrr-hy-lbi -Lake Is a pleasant place for a vacation." "It certainly is. Why. tl . lucl.t rii 1 k at that hotel is Hie h st partner at bridge I ever found." Her Limitation. " Ti most uncanny." she repined; " With canning things I'm losing hope. Since after all my work I find I simply can't can cantaloupe." As It Will Be. " I know it sounds unkind." remarks the man with the unci rtain cyi . " hut I shall he when tin re are no old inhabitants 1. ft to tell us about how tin y 1. mi ml" r .-hooting deer where the heart of tlie city now is." "Well." ohsi rves the man with tie fa ls shirt front, "when that day arrivm there will he an entirely new lot of old Inhabitants w ho w ill ri member INFORMATION WANTED. This, gentle reader, is a picture of a young man and a young woman who re cently started out for a spin in an auto. At a point where the road wound around a steep hill, the young man demanded a kiss, threatening, if he were refused, to run the auto over the embankment and p.untfe headlong to the valley below, with auto, girl, and all. Have you heard of any such auto wrecks in your neighborhood ? Neither have we. forecast it. Hut a man who wears tight shoe has no need of statistic. At the Bookstand. " Is that next month's Rustler mng-izint ?" asks the patron, Indi cating the periodical In quistion. " Yis. sir. but It is a back nutn bi r now." says the d ah r "A back nunilur? Why It Is only the first of this month, and that magazine Is dattd for next month " " I know, but nowadays the magizims for two months from now come out the week bi fori the cum nt month, and a magazine that is only a month aluadof lime is nally six wit ks old." Migglesbury's Musings. Monday morning I no t the kin; of the pessimists. He claimed that it' a man didn't havt time to go iway on .1 vacation he could attain the same 1'isult by scotching the back of his nick with a hurtling glass, losing his mom y out of a huh In his pocket, and i ating noth Iiik that agreed with him. Tuesday It was the otlur way about. This time It was ,.n opti mist who ovi rworks his optimism. Hi insisti d upon being optimistic ovir my mislorluio s. We usually can tell the other man how he could have avoided the banana pi il that threw him. Widiiisday aft. rnoon a pedilh r tried to sill mi a blank when on I might record the condition of the Wiath. r dally, and thus be able to Thursda ell tile St. TV I friend came home 4 his cxiMTicnces. ; "in a three weeks' tishins trip. He took two hours to d i.t t once did he mention any big fish that got away. Friil. tv ' bi f i i. titled a poor man i Hit nf charity, I let him whet mini by talking horse races to me all the by shurpening knives, of my sof thcartodness says the philanthropic " and had It set up In the and when we returned we UNHAPPY LAD. ALMOST. " I bought a new chxrk the other day," observes Hrjlggers, hall. That very evening my wife and I went fur a short walk. found the cluck " "done?'' Interjects the flnlsh-other-pN.ple's-remarks person. " Not ouite," explains llcjiggcrs. " lint we found it going." Supporting the Theory. " Yes, 1 am n twin." says the man with the mo( nn his ear. " Well, pardon nip If my question is personal," says the man with the undecided cye- iirous, 'Iml I nave read that twins always exper ienced the same Sensations of pleasure or pain. Im that true?' "My exptriince Is that il is practically true. In youth," says the twin. " In youth? Then as you grow older this char acteristic leaves?" " I'm. might say so. I remember that when my brother and I were small boys the pleasure of stealing Jam was simultaneous with us, but the pain of moth er's Flipper was not It depended on which one she caught first." An Open Question. Our friend, the famous wit and raconteur, has been pitting In studious silence for upwards of a quarter of an hour. Kearing that he may at any moment break forth with the story he has told us over fifty times already, we ask: " What's up, old man? What makes you no sol emn?" " Nothing much," he answers. " I was Just trying to decide which Is t)e most annoying, to be inter rupted In the middle of a story or to be permitted to finish. It and then not get a laugh." DRAMATIC NOTE. We unit our friend the eminent tragedian, who started out last spring with a tent show version of Hamlet. " 11 Ilo." we say, pleasantly, "home again?' " Yes." he responds. " Pi.l your show have much of a run?" had of a wulk," he responds, and posses on with the "Dert. 0' course me Sunday school teacher 'd hive to come along jusf as I'd studied up a brand new tusswotd to say at Hicksf Murphy. An' now dat she's gone by I can't remember what de word was I " " Not as much na th company mincing gait of one who has walked the ties overmuch As the belle of the ball Unfortunate Result. Iiasses they begin commenting upon her appearance. " A remarkably beautiful girl," that peculiar squint In them?" "Yes." says the sH.'ond. "The way she acquired that squint was: She rend ti e beauty hints all the time, anil followed them, with tlie result that she became beau tiful, but the strain was too great for her eyes." How to B Popular. " The way to be popular with a man." asserted the girl with the beauty patch on her chin. " la to make him thii k you think he is vi ry clever." "There's a Ih iter plan than that." declares the girl with the golfing tan on hi r arms. " What could be a better plan ?" " Make him think you don't think h" thinks lie la clever." 1 says the first one. " Hut Isn't It a pity her eyes havo Little Henry's Slate. r f t t j Mis Joy, The busy bee Is flitting from rb'.v r to flower, Industriously accumulating honey as rapidly as possible. " tine moment," says the butterfly. " Po you not feel that you are wasting many op portunities for enjoy mi nt by laboring so continually?" " O, 1 don't know," replies the bee, dipping its nose Into a verbena. " Why, do you ever have any fun?" " Sure. Kvery once In a while I get to sting soma person who Is showing the children how beautiful it is to be kind to bees and birds and animals, and that by kindness and gentleness even a 1ih may be picked up in the hand." L An Alphabet of JoKes nmjrn IS an nnknovs qnantlty We used to know, bat we forget, Why it, preceding T and I, Vat thrown Into the alphabet. It represent! the thing untold; For initanee Z might represent The store of Rockefeller's gold That la his chilled ateel sate la pent. t la Somas numerals the X Stood (or ear modern sign of 10 -Bookkeeping vts a thing oomplei, Sob traction wan distraction, then, Today the Z is not so hard For most of ns to comprehend; We Tiew it with a fond regard Ere bud ag it to aome old friend. the days win n the original old inhabi tants told about those deer being shot." Why givi nn dais to heroes? If tin y wi ar them we are sun to say tin y are terribly concetti d. who was making a livi iihooil for nir. and he took advantage time he was grinding the knife Ue for Like. " Here Is a million dollars for the h 'alliens in (looloolooland magnate, hurrying in:o tlie mission ofli.-e. " Pony, sir," replies the clerk. " hut w. can't take your money. It Is tainted." " Huh. Fo's your blamed old heathens. 1 Just got buck from a tour through Gooloo looland, and I saw em." A wise woman say s that the tixuible al hero in a book Is thai before long he want What we should like to sec is a U'-te about his appi ndicitis and the man w ho his auto broke ili.wiv ut marrying a man who acts and talks like the to ad and talk like the hero In another book. 'i-u"li between the man who Insists upon telling ompi Is you to listen to the story of the last time THE DEAR GIRLS AGAIN. M VI .k'tr-Wi t.: .1Nn o.5.IV IV il NTJi; "Isn't it terribly qniet here? Not a thing going on, and no men about but that Mr. Hazzit." " 0, 1 can't say that it is altogether nnbearable. Mr. Hazzit proposed to me this morning." " Tes ? He told me yesterday evening that he was almost dis tracted trying to think of something to do to relieve the monotony." THE BETTER PART. lf you knew which horses were Colng to win, and could always bet on them, couldn't you " No. It would be better If you knew which horses were going to lose and could always keep from betting on them." Suspicious Action. We come upon the auto, stand ing at the brow of the hill. " Hello," we say to the chauf feur. " Broken down?" " No, sir," he responds. " Out of gasoline?" " N sir. We have plenty.' "Tire puncturtd?" " No, sir. The tires are in per fect condition." " Lost your way?" " No, sir. The country here abouts is very familiar." " Dropped something from the auto?" ' No, sir. Nothing of the sort." " Then w hy are you standing here? Why are you not shooting down the hill and across the level at a terrific speed?" ' 1 do not care to do that," says the owner of the machine, who has 1 -sen silent until this moment. " 1 had my auto stopped here so that I misTht enjoy the magnill cei.t view from this elevation." With a frightened glance at him, we turn and hasten to the nearest town, to warn the officials that an evidently Insane person is at large in an automobile. Cant Stand Prosperity. " Is Scribhlett working now?" " No. His friends can't get him to settle down to work again." " What's the matter?" " He made live thousand dol lars out of his book on ' How to Be Economical; or, the Royal Koad to Riches.' and he won t work a lick until he goes broke. " Progress. " Is your son taking lessons in Jlu Jitsu?" we ask of Mr. Bilfitser. " Ves, I believe he is taking a course of instruction in it," he replies. "Is he making much progrws?" " Well, I don't know whi thi r he is or not. but at last accounts he had learned six different ways to pronounce the name of the science, or fad, or habit, or what ever it may be." The Gambler's Vace. "That man over there always has such a cool, unmoved ex pression." obscrvts tile man with the dis- unrated hair. "Cool?" n peats the man Willi the gold tooth. " Cool? It's easy for hlrn to Im- cool. It is said that he is a shady character." MISTAKEN 'SOMEWHERE. A Daring Costume " They suy Mollie's bathing eult is very daring." " O, you should see it doesn't describe it." "Is It possible? Is it so Bhort as all that?" " Why, It is not short at all. But it is a vivid yellow and gretn plaid, trimmed In red and blue." "That doctor promised me a year ago that he would give me a new crop of hair, and now he says I've got to quit smoking or have heart disease. If he isn't any better on hearts than he is on hair Daring i'm going to make a change.' A man in Indiana thought he was suffering from unrequited love and wrote several very sad poems, but the ductors diagnosed his trouble its appendicitis, operated on him, he got well and I trying to figure out how to change those poems into soap advertisements. Almost ry nun is wi! that he is happy. Isn't it a.-ii i.a-l.ii.g I ar.d folks that ilui.'t : g! Some! .; is nut will: live f I tl' I . I 0:e hi II Wolked. Would be ti e taph. for you to hi g lie. wit ! t.,1. rate food a ti . i r i ii la til. if it ci uld abolition i f the F.fty in r ct-r.t luck " is h-iniply u Judgment. u 1. t is termed " I. aid 1 of lazii.t ts ai.d poor Room for Speculation. " Ah. madam." says the gentleman of Chesterfloldlan de mt . trior, "u rtainly you must have quaffed of the fountain of eternal youth. Your " " Sir! " interrupts the lady. " Pardon me. Surely you have not taken offense." SANS PEUR ET SANS REPROCHE. :rhH vHi that I am young, or that you think I am old and don't look It?" Hut vie cannot we why a man shi uld be laughed at for usil g hair tm.ics any mi re than for wearing a woodtn Kg. While the wcitw n are t-ilking about honor ing the m. inory i f tl is ,u J that great bene factor of tl tlr six low is it that tt.ey i.ivtr have iricti ii a ni. t.t to the man who invintid miirors? Those were the gm u old tim-" s . w hi n a man got n .--p ctf ul att.iti'.n 1 tll.ig tow l.e lean. id I., ridt Li.ycle iioi;i- Iw.hD, The (Irish of a gre it m.iry na! l.fe ro mances r. in. i i!.-- us of a m ill l.o rurshke mad to catil. a tr. Hi) car that is Hailed in the in xt block. Si wadis 11 i- Won el'. talk as much about hf w mui h Jelly ar.d cai.r.i d fruit tl.i ir cooks put up a the ni. n if )ears ago talked if tl.vir own : k In that Things are so uriai.ijid r.nw that it c -is you as much for ilo'.lns for " roughu.g it " on your vacation as ft.r cloth to m.'.1 ar. 'ind in a! s-n . pl.n-e . f fashion. "But, poor fellow, why do you not wear better farmcotf ? Surely some charitable pcrtoos would give you " "Ah. kind lady, if I did not wear deae rajs an' tatter if I wore more presentable attire what would de neighbor ay if dey saw me tilkin' to you on your side porch?" No Fallow Fooling. " No. sun," says our friend. Colonil Blud dygoah of Kentucky. No matteh what you say about the Japan ese. I cannot fell any admiration or appre ciation of thtih ex ploits." " But," we argue. " It si ems to us that any one would thnil with enthusiasm a; reading their rtmark a b I e exploits, and their " " No. suh," he inter r u p t s. " No Ken luckian. tuh, woull eveh feel any thr.ll whin reading about people who do their Ih st tightin' on watah, suh." IJV THE STUDIO. EL "So lew artists have been able to paint my face as I ' "As yon conld paint it yonrseif? Quite so, madame."