ill NI.V one tribe c.f p. in nil Uii' world n. v.-r I hi :h. T... .. , . TV I'll v 1 1 I T 1 Mi. . ( hill li !! lltiktlow -. I" t I I ;l M .1 I'll' li'-l !.!.! .1 St- !! '!. il!ll.. ltd "' iVt.i .If' ll. V-!- .1.1-4 II,. :il...i r. in il Itih ii'.i .!! f .-;t. v. r fi.ui. v.'i.Mti in. I -hitd i'C v. Ii,. ! j as s. 1 1 i in i- ii h i -.. ii. ! .. ijrM 'ii-iitt-r at u o 5 C IK v fm r'mv w& ym li.ll -i .il ' '! t, -k, a .mi id.. H uh ..f Hi. l i- v i I. I nidi ,i . il is in"- tin . ', ii., r. -i , . i. ,1 I , . ,,. ,., ii,. .,ri, -.i III n 1 1 i ' ' Ii ! hi v Vi 1 .1 : i ... i. " .,, I, . I,. I i , I lillll.H .ni. I .I Ihim'ml'.i wn'iM I..- ill. .1 ). .li p . I 1 1 , I K I il. HI Th- , ,ti,, I,. I'.Vi.ll '. Ill- .! Ml. f !. - I ' I . I their Ik k oi mirth has 1 1 . . t -t l. n ti'a i .1 I . I! i-' ' 'i. c .1 H, iil th.. p. rn.m who . oiil.l ti ii K Hum laioih umiM ...III ....t.l- lo ih-ir wi.:hl In a.w irs tim.-. It i- n..t . ti ., . . I 1 1 1 I I I II. ir f i llul . '.i !.i 1 1 I'll 1 1 I - .'..III" ' I 1 Wi ll ! Ill- . .. i t, i liny ii. i : 1 1 . 1 r I :ri t ij-I. ml. ii I I I I oi--d .. Ii-'. n to Kngll--h i..1.-s. r'.i ti.-iiily 'J noli y.iir-.. jo . oT.lin to t'i- I., s! . In-. m l.-li s. those p.npl-, tio iilmost .xti'i-i. Ii.iv i-. - rv .1 tin- si'-ii- i-l..ii... t. risi.cs. and mi "i". ! I n a lii.r f v- il- his i vi i' . . ii ii mull, on It face of "in of th in or heard a laugh wlitl.- in their section of i '. Ion. Government Tries to Fatten Them. Y ar l.y year Hoy ha- sii-aii thititi-r inn! less iiiimer oiis. until liny promts- to .lis. i .m ,i r .i It i h.-r. mostly l.y J. Init probably some of tl.ini will i;- 1 thin as to ho iini.-ihl.. If tin y k ! up tin- pro. . ss of J I ' . -i ' il .1- n. fu ll, .n long enough. 'I'll.- gov. rum. 'it has H i. .1 t.i 1 ;i 1 1. n thetn I. y f-cdim; tln in. t . 1 1 lh. i X r.tu. nt has nut In . n a success. Tin' V.-.Mas iif- .livid- .1 int" line, distinct groups the i-.nk ho lv - nt If. ly amot-.: the Hint-tin-Janul-s. in ti v. s or i I, Ii- in tl r... k. an. I who an- sk'Ht'iil an h. i s. hruigl'r; ilown hut owl . .-in ami kit. whi-h ion-tiiiit.- tlnir .t i ii. i .. - fund, 'lh.'- v. ill not. fur religious reasons, touch Iti. I., ii. !. .h-iMt. i.r :, Tin- m ..nil group is lh- ill -u- '',11. is. ...I,.. . ii- - ...i I . ...I..i,i. s .i , nig II.. list, rn I'.iiisl an. I cult.vtic nt. mi to a si, .ill xi. tit ; an, I tin- third lire th- nm-l '-.ldas. mm muni., ring I, ss than :;oo, who ha vi- s. til. d down in Hi- roast I . r i -; I s and . ko out an i xisi-ne- hy In Iping th- Moors cut Hlnl.. I of aiding the I i -1 i I 'm- n Th-s- thr-i small Kroitps at- all 'hat risnain ..I II,. ntin iii. il in linl.i lii nt s. and th-y havi- no int. t. ours- w ith a-h oth. r Unable to Make Them Smile. TI,. 'i'ddas of Hi- in. k at-, il .o.ssil.. . th- most soli um loup ol tin Ihf-i', and all i.-ffoi't.s to t-iuh tin in -v-u to .stniUi li.i- ptov. il unnyuiliiiK. Why th-s- -onh- do not suillr is a myst-ry. Th-y a'.om f all th- p. . pi- of th- -arth Know iiotl.'u of Hi. si.s;iti..n i liimht.'i-. An Ktmh.-h f.i'1-utist. win. r. r. inly .nii-m -d to i '. Ion for tin- purpos. of mv .-Ht iKa ' m. this ii-slion. p. r-stiad-d soui- of th- i'o4) X'-ddas to p-rmit hiin to ti.kl- th-ni in tl - rihs and in tin' iniddh- of tluir f.-t with straws, and n. -r .-aii'-rht i-'.a tl th- tli-kcr of il Hinlh- on tlnir fai'-s. tmr did Ii- . y. r siK-ci . .1 in inakiim otn- of thi-iu sipih in ami laiiKh alnml diiriun th- o ration. Th-y ar- not only as iihsolut-ly la.-kinw In l.umor as th-f-i -nt far -oni.-ill. s. hut npp-ar to lark t h- V' h al power to expr. ss any f-ellnn nkin to humor. Unable to Tell Lies. Anoth-r stratiKi- Ihlim ahoiil thr Veddas and ran which may possihly hf rotiiirit-d wl'h tlu ir lark of humor i tl. l'.irt thai cy-ry one of thetn Im ii eot.- W'asliirmtoti. anil un-aiil.- to t II a He nr In cotir. ive of any one . Is.- l. lhnu u lie. They eatinot .-yeti I'-lh v.- that liny one would take the. prop- -rly of iiny on- else, and assoeiattott with ei'il'za t Ion has lail-d lo ( opyinre tin 111 that it is pnssihle. Win n anythitii; is tnissini; sine. I h- ady-nt of olh.r pi opl. s into (Vylon th- fart il is missing is ehata.'-d t' the artiele Itself. 'IT e I. men iu- of Hi- Veil. I is is elos. ly alli-d to that of the ( '1 n:a I. se. and is ixlr.imly I i 1 . 1 . ! iltlioii-h the seielltilie p. rson-; w ho inn-, mad- th. re--nt investigation!! avow that this limit of lanmume does not ae. oiint for the fart Hint they do not tell lies. They simply eannot understand that any person i-iiii till nil nut ruth-possihly hei-ause they have m-viT yet mel any promoter of an Industrial stork. It Is prohahle that their lark of humor, nnd iiiint Inahilitv either to lie or to laiiuli. results from their lark of imagination. Tiny seem utt.rly utiahle to iinui,-liie anytlilnir they have no r.od. 110 belief in or thounht of a future life, no religion, no c.-r-monies. tin t.-mpl-s, no idols, no art of worship, and. on the whole, tin y an- as unimaginative as the ordinary short story writ. r. Peaceable, Gentle, and Quiet. With all this or. lather, without all this the Veddas are a peaieahle. u-tith . i u-t people. Tin y tak.- wives without any marriime i-i lemony and are faithful and constant to th-m. supporting tin m to death. W hen their wives an- uti laithful tiny take them bark, and tin- wife's relative! pun ish the man. Tlie Knulislunan who recently iiprnt months anions them .strove to excite their setisu of tho ridiculous, and failed, tried to sec if tiny would launh at the slltiht injury of himself a thinw which excites laughter amonK every other people of M KIM i -r- - ... i i ti j.i ,i..', in i I j ii ! ... , .- i k it NHiiir ii?'it.i. ui lib i ii -k i ai k v r . ' '. ' HU iOI.'I 115 I I 'ti'.it rH VV K:l 1.1V tl I I k..v;-'i - r 4e4V 1. , I.. 1 Awm Mil the earth ne trle.i tiiii l-s.iu-. tried pantomime, tried every- I mint?, and tin- net result was laiiure even to produce a uuivcr of the lips or u twinkle of th- eye. Ills friends kh the VeddaK probably laii;h-il heartily lifter he left thetn. but he contends thai they eannot IiuikIi. nnd that the m rvi s that produce laughter are or dor tnunt in them. w-rrmmr-m--gm r- m- 4 H Hi JrJULJ"Jl .iAWr-i - i n; il DM FROM TlliET. TO PLUMPEX ARMS. v.. -4 X if - ttjrt 1 nt r if Ttasant of central Tibet. Million Mi it I ii -ii il says you can make your alius plump hy rubbing olive oil Into them REM ' t l ' flOl'SES. j r ft-.. i. - 1 K f t L n i ; ' Mil J ff . .ill. 't tk , v. v , x J Tlio buthhuutfea ul French K iUr s are .11 wht i ls. They nr rolled d , boacli, clos lo the .iur, o iIk occupant can racli the -urf In a few situs. IRON HAND. EH. STUFFED YAKS OF TIBET. TEX FEET WIDE. FAVORI'IES OF THE KAISER. t. V 5 .-ro sv Yak are sncred with the TlhetnnR and they are h-nore.) even after death. HlufT.d yaks Hliown In the picture are hanuiiiK about the gateway at (lyanutsi Joiik. They were fitted with artificial eye with their tongues protruding In a tierce manner. ART IX MAORI CARVING. - ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' - .. . . ....-4- .1 V 1 V -i.,V'-V- A. - ' i' 11. lor I carving of wood, Ivory, and precious metals Is wonder ful. The photograph ahowa the intricate nature of the native art r- l f rr In on- of the prln clniil sinits of '.In old Nortniin i-ity of Itou. 11 si iinds a house l.-tl feel Wide. A w alehnniki r 01 a upies it . ;: non a1 (.HARM ins ol t Ills sort are i.s. .1 on t he door ways of Tibet. They are said to keep evil xpiriia away. AFGHAN TALAXOl'N USED FOR WOUNDED. In an .1.1 chateau near Nuremberg I pfe s. ii.,. the ii.. 11 li.nii of (lot-t a von hc-tlirh-in;eii. w le se exploit Goethe celebrated in a drama hi aril g the warrior's name. Thia faniuiia ('.( knight of t he late fifteenth rentury h.ivu g l-a: his hard In ar. supplied- i s pi u e by a tl ive of lion, ao ci n- ! 1 uctt .1 tli it Its niembeia moved by an intuit i.l inci ti ll; ism With this glove the maimed warrior could grnsp . I J. eta ai il :ild the hw -id or battle ax h before he received his wound. ( HE I. SEA CA RA C I ERS. A. A A These character ara used In Chelsea for ;'l. in 1 punting. ".'hi 11.11 ks an t he " brai ds " by hlch the . - !' g.x cs is icvealtd to who kti w- ar.d they arc valuable to hu)crs f Ui.u i Ulna f i 4 v ' f ', This palanfiuin or tahht-i-ra an Is used by the Afghan people f ir cotiv-;, ,.u th.-.r sick and wounded , 'A . V4r-.;-i,i -. X'. s L- rfv-i.fV K -..t'.IV.V .'-aL7 "-.l. si. 1 f-W,Jk.'."' 'Jtv.-..-''' Tin s,, three dachshunds ale the favorites id William II. of (1. 1 many and his constant companions when he walks Si' CI PES' GRA I E ARP. - 4.-4.. ; "w'W -.r . . y The luini-d gamblers who kill themselves nt Monte I'aihi an- huticd together in this ri.netcry w ithin half a mile of the Casino AGED CYCLIST. "mem - 1 ' T C T. W I'l'i- i- t lie I In lliT'i.'ll I I list of I. is a 1 ii. t ' w rl I II. is 77 ) a 1 ol-l a ml t a- 1.1 I '. I"7 l 1 ill oil I. is b I. . I- . IK Ij. 111 bi-j.liiii; at th- a.. of r.l FUI.I. DRESS. fa '-MtV-, M.n.a u is, u r s "lilier in 111:11 hi 1 g .i, . ii. 1 NEW SUNDIAL. J 'l ' li. i.t tly ii i-r.'nj by 1'iof C Cllhore.