Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1905, COMIC SUPPLEMENT, Image 26

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NI.V one tribe uf I" iti ill the "i'M m.r
-OX I I'"
I 1 I 'I I,.. p. . j I. nil), ulp.'n tin- . I'lmniii'i is
H,r I lll'U'l'.W ! "I ' '' ' I'll- 'I !! !!!!
i.n.l .1 rviU 'I'll.. .1.1 ' I .' .it'.- II,'-
,1.1 Mi. III.-" si ill il i'lli i'.' ! t "f
. v. r pi iii. '" ''il . "'' v.i.:. i- us
..,.1.1.. ii a 1, i'iI. ip 'I "lil Iii"! i : I . ' t i- at a
mum m mm wm 'pj jiMfeiM$i J
n . u i .il - "in' l .
l .,(tf!t ' III'4 U-'llll "f Hi' IT'iVi tb " l lll'.'ll .!'.!
yV,,U ' It ' 'Ii.- V .LI IS HI ' til' ll. !!!. f -I. -!' -' " -1
,,!. in n,. -" linn tii.i Hi- h in v. ill p.. i i."
I,. I,i,l -t.iiiiailill.l. "I hliii'iaUD w " 1 1 I I'" i'
. l.i' i ii " ' iK t ii' in.
-,,. , nun. pIimii I..-IW. 'li Hi. ii Mri'tii'- sl.n l. fn. -- iml
tlieir Ink "t mirth has H"l I" 1 ii I : , i ' ' il l.'il I! iJ ' v 'I
f it Hi'- p. i mm ho could make then I. inuli would .i.l.l
t... ,f.s I . i lli.ll' lulll 111 a ..Mar's time. It 1- ml ' . II
:, I!, ir. .1 l h it III. i r I 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ' 1 1 1 . 1 1 P -1 1 Iii-- -' ' i v (...nil.-, t - .. i i: !i ! he
. ,, I , , they .ii. im.. 1- lll'ltisli rill. II I .r.,, Inned
t,. li-'.-n t., Knulis! i"l..-.s
I'.i ii. .ally -Jiiiki y. :n . i in I i 1 1 -: tn He- I. si i hrnnlol. s.
the.-" .'").. . niiw almost xii'i.-l. ll.IV" it -; t v. .1 I In- Sl'm
,.,.n .. i. i isi as. ami mi uin . mi til a- lni..r ! v. -it- hi;
( vi i -,.n a m 1 1 1 i 1 nti Hi f.ii-i- of "in uf th in or heard a
I.iukIi whili- in their section "f Ciylon.
Government Tries to Fatten Them.
Yiur liy )-;ir tiny liav m ..-mi thinner am! h --s niiiiier
.iiis. until tiny prnmi.-e I" di-appi ar a It "-.;. i In r. mostly by
n-iilli. lint probably some of II,. m will li. i -" till" a- In I'l"
imisible If lin y k. ! up tin- pru. . ss of pi.-, su il .1 n.-ni-iii.ii
lulu; eiiotuH,. 'I'll'- K'v l ii'"' 'it l...s iti. ,1 I., fait, n tlnni
,y f. ... 1 1 ii -r tlnni. lilt II' i x I' , 1 1 . ill lias I,. . li a success.
Tl.i. . .1 las in. iliv i. in'-. Ilin i distinct Knniii.-. tin-ri..-k
V iM.ix. who dwell alums' the Hint. nil'.
J-intl.-s. in ohms " cl II- ill II r... k. a ml v. Ii" nr.- skillful
nr. In is. LniiKi i down Iii.I-.. l. .-row s. in.l kil.s. di.-h
. iiii.-t :i ut. tinir . -1 u i i . I . - fii.i.l. TI.. ' ill H"t. f"i- r.-limmis
reasons. t. ich tin I., ii. ! pi. i'.t. "t '..iff..'" 'flu- si.. .ml
tii-u'ip is th" vill'u:. ''..II. is.;.. ;v in si, :. ill i',.l"iii.s ali.liis
tl. astern ma I .li.'l enlt. H" mar; I" a si., ill xi III. an, I
Hip third nil- th. cm- t V.-bi.-i. now lininl.. rhnj I' ss than
::i. who Imvi s. il.iun ill tin- mist 1nn-;i s ami ikp nllt
all N 1st i li hy In Iplii--; Hi" Mont's cut 'i.i.l..r m- aiilini; III"
lisln I'm. ll.
Th"S" Hiri-i- small ifrmip" ii" nil 'lial runain ..f II, nriu
iii, il iiilialiitaiils, ami tin y liavr nn nil ii'uiirs" iHi aril
nt In r
Unable to ATaAe Them Smile.
Tl.i Vmliliis nf tin- nn k ai". if ...sMl.. . Hp- nnist suli inii
i.iup nl tin thri-i', uihI all iiffiirtH to t'-arh tin in i i-n to Hinili;
li.n .- pi i v il iiiiavailini;.
Why tln-si- piui. (In lint sinlli' is a myst. l v. Tin y aloni
r all Hi" pi . .i uf tin- . lll'Hl l.liow ll.iHplp- "f Hi" si ll-nli.ill
.1 lnmlil.'t. An l-lnirl ..-Ii ncli-ntist. win. i . 1 1 1 1 j, 1 1 r r i . I
t.i i-i.iii f..r til.1 piiipiisi .if i m i-sl iki ' i n 4 this 1 1 1 siimi, pi r
snaili'il Hiiim- nf th" i'')i Vi il.Ias In n rniil him tn tii kin tln-in
in Ha- ril'H anil in Ilin miil'll. of tln ir f, . I wi'li straws, ami
in i r an'lit i'Vi tl tin- tlli-k.-r uf il Hinili' nn Hnir fin-i s. nor
li.l In- i-vi-r siK-ci'i-il in tnakitiK ntii' of lliniii s.iiirin ami linfjh
aloml ilniilii; Il p' la Hull.
Tin y an- m.t only nn nliniln'i ly Ini kiiiL; In l.unioi- as tin
ri pi nt fan-" poiiipiIIpm. hut ai.pi-ai- to l ii-k tin- phyMpal powi-r
to xpri ss any fi-rllim nUin to tiutiior.
Unable to Tell Lies.
Atiolln r slraiiKi. tlilnx ahoiit t hr Vi ihlas ami otn- which
may possiMy I utiiipi ti ll wi'h tln ir lin k i f humor l.i u.p
fai t that i v. ry one of tln in Is a ilninvt" W asl.iimion, ami nil
lliilp to ti ll ll lip or I.) i'oiipi ivr of liny Olln i lsn li lliim a li,,.
Th. y i niinot . vt n In-lli vp that any oiip woul'.! take tho prop-
0 V - " V 'wSlfwdllTC Awf IffS i I - f' it'H- iti 4
s2ssj. ."-a--.. ....... mmmvmim&ii - mDt&S'vm
; ,MUf mi" y Iff m'A1 -i'
, i it m llf
My of any on" ,-lsp. ami as-sopiat imi with civilization lias
fail' 'I to p.invini'c tin in that it is possililp. W'ln n anything
is missiiiL" siiii-i Hip ailvi-nt of ollipf pi opli s Into ('pylon
Hip fact that it Is missitur is eharypil to the iirtii lp itself.
Tin- lanmiaup of Hip Veil. I is is closily alli'-il to that of I hi
('iii ;al. sp. ami is i xin iiiply li'iiiii-il. alt 1 1 . 1 1 1 u 1 1 Hip scii ntitip
I" i-siuis who h.ivi iiiii.Ip Hip ipppiu in v.-sl ij.-i thuiH avow that
this limit of lanuiiai;p ilnps not aipount for the fact that they
ilo not tell lies. Tin y simply cannot iimh rstaml that any
p.isoii cmi till an untruth possibly because they have never
y.-t met any promoter of an industrial stock.
It is probable that their lack of humor, ami con.eiiient
Inability either to lie or to lauch. results from their lack of
iinat'lna t inn. They seem uttirly unable to Imagine anythlnir
tin v have no f!n., no belief In or thonnht of a future life,
no religion, no ceremonies, no temples, no i.lols, no act of
worship, ami. on the whole, they arc as unimaginative as
the ordinary short story wrlti r.
Peaceable, Gentle, and Quiet.
With all this or. rather, without nil Hps the Ve.hlas nre
a peaceable, li nil. , li mi t people. Tin y take wives without
any iiuirriane ceremony ami arc faithful ami constant to
Un til, supp.ii -tiiiK tin in to death. W lu ll their wives are un
I ii i I lif nl they take them buck, anil the wife's relatives pun
i . 1 1 the man.
Tin i:imllshinan who recently upent months anions them
strove to excite their sense, of the ridiculous, and failed, tried
to see if they would lautfh at the slight injury of himself a
thinn which excites laughter aniuntf every other people of
the earth he tried buries. pie. tried pantomime, tried every- .
tiling, and the net result was failure even to produce a ipiiver
of the hps or u twinkle of tin eye
Ills friends my the Veddas probably laii;ln .1 heartily
lifter he lift t ticni. but In- conliiiils that they cannot IhiikIi.
and that the nerves Hi, it produce liiimhter are d. ad or dor
mant in tln ni.
- . iijii..a Tr7
-'XOAf TU-7.
w . . hf i.r
.... --.
Mil ,. - j
r.asant of central Tibet.
M il ion Marlln.-aii says you cat) make
your arms plump by rubbing olive oil into
tin in.
FRF AC ! .1 T.'IOl'SES.
i I dm li 'ILJI I li
1 :
!. i ., t
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f. - :', .4
: . Mi
U.V.' -i
R" ''f -, -i' !
v: -;:.;L jr
vl "iU ! , te "
if ' i '-. '-f , i
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-a'C f , . .
4 . "2
JEjfi.i?:J, vie1
Tlies.. tin, ,. liiclisliuniiH are the favorites of William II of lb finally and his constat
...,..n 1,,. u,,ILu
ils an- the fav. .rib s of William II
Ul.l. DRESS.
Ynk are Macred with the Tibetans and they are honored even
after death. Bluffed yaks shown In the picture are haimiiiK about
th Kateway at (Jyanutsejoiiu. They were tilted with artificial eyes
with their tongues protruding In a fierce manner.
In on. of the prln
cilinl sllietii of the
old Norman city of
ItnUei! si am Is a house
tell feet Willi'. A
w atehtnaki r oci upiea
- ,' Vi'".' 4 i- i' tt. V v.
' v."'' ' -" ; . v .
. " ' ' ; V ' "". f ' I i
Maori carving uf wood, Ivory, ami precious metal is wonder
ful. The phonograph ahow'i the Intricate tuiture of the native art
( 'harms of t his sort
arc used on t he ih mr
ways of Tibet. Tiny
are said In keep evil
spirits away.
The ruined K-inibbrs who kill ihemsi
at Xl .tlte Cul l are buried H Ketlier ill
cemetery within fnilf a mile of the Casl
.-) " i nt i c
;,n'H v. ')?
1 ho batlihuutes at llvlnh vialiiiiK plac. are on lit i Is. Tiny ar- roll.-il ,1
beach) Clout to the Haiti. o the occupants can Mali tin ui f in a few blcus.
In an eld rhateau near Nuremberg in pie
si i M i. the it on hard of Ooeti von Beilich
liilieii. In se expluita Goethe celebrated i;
a drama bjarli K the warrior a name. Till"
f.uiiui.s f'.e.nian knight i f t he Ute llfteenl h
per, lu r havii .(! his hand In war. supplied-
its pi ice by a '1 n e &f troll. o enn
siriicted ih.t Its neiibeia moved l.y an
111 MI t 1.1 11 1 I h IfliSIll
Wish this nlove the malnied warrior could
lEri.sp il-p pis hi il Willi! the sword or buttle
ui us bef 'te he received lbs wound.
A A i,
These characters ara used In Chelsea for
i 'bin i p i.iiiiio;.
'I'l.i ii ,ii ks arc t he " bra i. da " by w hlch the
, e . f j;,h i.s is revealed to who
kf tt-ard tiny are valuable to bu)ers if
tii.e ihifia
- t;-Vxs - rv-,-'" ' f-rvt'.'i
. i , i . 4 , w
'a. .
; -' . ..... ii JJiitfa?
7l '
Mai.j'Mi.. ar a. .Idler In man lot k t-.pi.i i '
This palanipiin or tahht-l-raw an Is used by the Afghan people far o mve. , i. H,. .r
sick and wounded
T W I' i
l is a ! in I
I., - i : l ',
b ,-Hl be . i
rl I
-li i mr.i"ii hi. m li-t of
II. is 77 . us old an. I
I Ol, I IS bl, J, . . He
I ... . f 1-1
Inn; at th. a-.. of HI
Ki t t . : ly ii. v :.' d
by I'tof c Crtbore.
9 I