Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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    IJAll.X l'lUl'.M, Al VH M 11, J'.'UO.
i ii
a saloonVeeper, today engaged In a pistol
' fight on Main street HIsrK was shot through
he head and killed Instantly. Brltton re
vived a bullet wetind throuah the Jaw and
Ptolls was wminded In the abdomen. Both
are In a dying condition. An old grudge la
rvl Mills drugs.
Gterkert sells carpet.
Boiwlclt. 211 B, Main, sells pictures.
Plumbing and besting. J3liby Y Son.
Drs. Woodbury, dentists, Pearl street
Weodrin-8chmldt, undertakers. Tel. i&.
. Leffert's Improved torlo lenaea gtvs aatla
X faction.
Jp Evans laundry, hit Pearl. Lowest prices,
beat work. TeL W.
Mlaa Alloa Honham of the water works
Office la 111 with malarial lever.
Myrtle lode T.rree at Honor, will hold
ita regular meeting in In evening.
Mora Hiawatha picture at 15c and 36c.
C. E. Alexander. 3W Uroadway.
Fall term Western Iowa college opena
August 2S, Bond (or ivnw catalogue.
Duncan, U Main fit,, guarantees to do the
beat shoe repair work. Olve him a trial.
Dr. Lutllt I. Dean, homeopath, diseases
of women and children, Kopra I. brown
Bid. Tel. 3C. ...
Mr. and Mr, Harris Ksatlng of Torwka.
Kan., are tlia gue.ta.f Mr. and Mra. M. 11.
Grout, 107 North Jlrat street.
Mlaa Mamie Greeny daughter of Mra.
Oarrett Oreen, 1611 West iiroadway, tiled
yesterday, aged 22 years.
Ed Shipley', local agent Jf the Oieat Wes
tern railroad, left yenttnlav for a short
trip to HteamboRt Springe, Colo.
Mra. M. B. Park left yesterday for the
Wisconsin lakes, where she will be the
guest of a party of relatives and friends.
The, Aid society of the Woman'! Belief
corps will meet thla afternoon at the resi
dence of Mra. Plckard, V East Broadway.
Karl W. Robinson and Uurtlia Walter, a
young couple from Omaha, were married
in thla city yesterday afternoon by Juki Ire
Joe Badgrtt, one of the lead thlevee aen
tenced to six montha In the county Jail, haa
been paroled on account of sickness In his
No clew to the Identity of the stranger
who committed suicide Tuesday evening In
Kalrvtw cemetery nad been obtained up to
last nigra.
County Treasurer Conslgney haa turned
over to City Treasurer True o,3M.lS aa the
municipality's proportion of the tax col
lections lor. July. ,
The police rounded up a number of
trampa from the railroad yards yesterday
and an effort will ho. made to put them to
work on the stn-cts.
Mr. 1j. B. Coulns,: who haa been at the
noma or tier daughter. Ays. ladwauaoer,
In Lincoln, since March 1. during the 111-
nraa arid death of the letter's little daugh
ter, returned home yesterday.
It Is possible that If a suitable site can ba
secured ihe plant of the Hunter Iron worka
may ba removed tf this city from Atlantic.
The Company Is negotiating with the Com-
uimumi ciuu Willi hum cuu in ikw.
Ana ,wesi i:ouacii ijiuiis improvement
club haa called a special meeting for Wed
nesday night, August 23, at which all per
sona Interested In the welfare of that sec
tion of the city are Invited to be present.
Mra. J. M. Longatreet and children of
thla city have gone to Anvalon, Santa
Catallne' Islands, where, with Mra. Long
street a alster, Mrs. J. O. McCament of
Paasadena, Cal., they will apend the month
of August.
U. T. Henderson left Wednesday evening
for Toronto to attend the annual conven
tion of the International Typographical
union as delegate from Bluff City union.
He was accompanied by F. H. Kleltsch,
wno win. attend tne convention aa a vis
Special Train Carries Them Through
Southwestern Part of Iowa,
will lie hld thla afternoon at o'clock
from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. II.
Chrlsman, 14'JO Third avenue, where ehe
had made her home for several years.
Second One at Crestoa and the Third
eea the End of the First Trade
Exenrslon from Thla
With the atren whistle loaned by the.
Bluff City laundry attached to the engine
and tooting for all 1t waa worth the Bur
lington special bearing the first Council
Bluffs trade excursion pulled out of the
local passenger depot yesterday morning
shortly after I o'clock. The party num
bered about fifty exclusive of the band from
Neola which headed the procession to the
depot and will b used to enliven things
on the three days' trip.
The party, each Individual carrying a
bright yellow umbrella, formed at the
Commercial club rooma on Pearl street and
headed by the band marched In a body to
the depot where the train waa waiting. In
honor of the occasion the Burlington offi
cials had provided a brand new engine and
Conductor Richard McCoy was In charge
of the train. Accompanying the party were
T. A. Barker, contracting agent for the
Burlington In this city, and W, H. Mausa
of Burlington, Industrial agent of the rail
road. City Passenger Agent J. E. Swan
will Join the party today and stay with It
until Us return tomorrow night.
The party occupied two Pullman sleepers
while a tourist sleeper waa provided for
the band and there was a baggage car to
carry the mass of advertising literature
to be distributed en route, as well as the
"pink lemonade" and other supplies that
will be needed to prevent the members of
the party succumbing to the heat.
Big streamers bearing the legenda "Conn?
ell Bluffs Commercial club" and "Trade
Extension" adorned the aldea of the
tourist sleeper and baggage car, but owing
to the rules of the Pullman company pro
hibiting it, the sleepers were not decorated.
The party, according to the Itinerary,
spent the flrat night at Clarlnfla, where
the touring "boosters" were made guests
of honor at the Chautauqua now In session
there. Tonight the party will rest at
Creston, where the cltlsena have made
elaborate preparations to entertain their
Included In the advertising matter taken
along by the party ire 1000 handsomely
Illustrated souvenir pamphlets setting
forth the advan'agea of Council Bluffs aa
a wholesale and retail business center,
owing to Ita unequalled railroad facilities.
John Wroth Insane.
John Wroth, a farmer residing south of
Treynor, who becnane violently Insane Wed
nesday night, was brought before the In
sinlty commissioners yesterday and by
them committed to Pt. Bernard's hospital
for observation. His actlona Wednesday
night made his family and neighbors fear
he would do himself or some one else harm.
Wroth was once before adjudged Insane by
the commissioners of this county and It Is
stated that he was also once committed to
the asylum from Mills county.
Golden State Limited la In the Ditch
It ear t'olnmbna Janctlon, I on a.
(tES MOINES, la.. Aug. 10. -The Golden
State limited, the Rock Island westbound
Colorado train, was ditched one mile west
of Columbus Junction at 1 o'clock this aft
ernoon. Only one man waa Injured, Charlea
Acker'man of Chicago, who waa badly
bruised by the falling of a chair car.
Spreading of rail la given as the cause.
Three coaches left the track and were
turned over. Only eighteen passengers
were aboard these cars. Trains are now
going by way of Milwaukee Junction,
Knlsrhts of Pythlns' Election.
DAVENPORT, la.. Aug 10 (Special. )
Although he put up a vlgoroua fight, F. E.
Duncan of Ilea Moines was defeated for
grand chancellor of the Iowa Knlghta of
Pythias at Davenport by James W. Hunt
ington of Newton.
s """"""
Wealthy Van Leaves Eatat to Fay for
Tinding Mining Woman.
mnll Sim Fid tor Land Which Waa
Formerly Bad of Missouri River In
Harrison ( ooaty, Sow Owned
by State.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, 10. Speclal.)-It
developea today that Harvey Antrobus, a
wealthy Ixs Angeles resident, haa died
and expressed the dying wish that his
property and wealth be expended to tho
last cent If necessary In the search for
Mrs. Mary McCown. the Des Moines woman
who haa been lost In Paris. Further In
vestigation discloses that In a letter re
cently received by Mrs. Thomas James of
this city, a life-long Intimate of Mra.
McCown. the latter, writing from Pnris,
said: "I am Just leaving Alx la Cha polls.
My English friends go on with me as far
aa Rouen and then 1 travel the rest of
the way to my little dovecote alone." The
TiOa Angelea church which sent Mra. Mc
Cown abroad to pursue studies In music
was the Broadway Avenue Christian
church. When the first definite Information
that Mrs. McCown waa lost was re
ceived Harvey Antrobus of Ios Angelea
rdalled a check fur 12.000 to the American
consul at Paris to be used In searching
said to have been the cause of the trouble.
Trial Itan at Canning; Factory.
The machinery In the new factory of the
Growers1"' Canning '. company waa started
yesterday preparatory to commencing reg
ular operations next week. A load of corn
waa worked yesterday, but the factory will
not commence on the regular "pack" until
next Tuesday.- The company will handle
the Corn from about 400 acres and this Is
expected to give an output of 000,000 cans
for thla season. Besides corn the company
wlfl can tomatoes and other vegetables In
season. The capacity of the factory, aa
planned, will be Increased next season.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. SO. Ktaht, FW7.
23 PEARL ST.0""
Lady Attendant If Daalrad.
Office uf City Cloik, ttoutn uiuajia, Ne
braska, Augtiat. 1, A. D., Beuled bills
addraaaed to lha undersigned and plainly
marked, roposala lor iiuuda" will ba re
ceived until a uloca t. in. of August 14.
IIsjo, at me office o( thy City Clerk, Bourn
"Viaii. IseDisKka;
Si' ui' the buivnane of the following de-
;7i,led Issue tit renral Bonds of the City
t tiouin umuna, iuvo aaiu Donas so oi
(red tor Bale being general obligations of
the city:
Tail ty-flve thousand (136.000) dollara of
Oanvrai Bends to be Usued tor the pur
poe vfpaaiiMI for tne improvements in im
provement District No. of said city.
Said bonds are to be numbered consoou
tlveiy '-trout one'(iy- to iSo. seventy ,vt,
both Inclusive, and are te ba of the denom
inations of live twnurwil (ou.W kutars''aon.
to bear aate oi August, l, isue, and snail
became- flue and payable in twenty ())
yeara after date, unless aooner redeemed
under the reserved option, and shall draw
.merest trora aate- tnereoi at tne rate of
fbapln to De Held for lloldnp.
The authorities yesterday morning filed
an Information against Alexander Simp
eon, alias Alexander Chapln, charging him
with holding up the saloon of William
Fry, near the Transfer depot, Monday
night and robbing the proprietor and five
customers. Chapln has retained an attor
ney, who at once filed a motion for
change of venue to the court of Justice
Gardiner, which waa granted.
Chapln has to serve out a fine of $100 for
carrying concealed weapona and by the
time he does thla the district court grand
Jury will have convened for Ita September
Mra. Llxzte Keegan, who waa arrested
for being In company with Simpson, waa
given ten daya on bread and water yeater
day morning by Police Judge Scott, which
she will serve out at the city Jail unleaa
the sentence la suspended. Mra. Keegan'a
husband, who resides In Omaha, called to
see his wife and expressed considerable
surprise at her being with Chapln, He
j said that they became acquainted with
Chapln last May and that alnce then he
had traveled about - with them selling
horses. While Keegan admitted he was
aware of Chapln'a paat record he claimed
that he knew nothing against him.
After making an inveatlgatlori yeaterday
of the holdup at the Harden saloon at
Twenty-first street and Broadway Wednea
day night the police are of the opinion
that the robbery waa committed by two
young men who were Been In company with
Chapln shortly prior to his arrest, but who
succeeded In making their escape when
the orflcera swooped down on Crow'a sa
loon and took Chapln, Palmer and Mra.
Keegan Into custody.
ported seven new lodges formed during the j for "r' nn1 ?,nce hl" d'1ath a f'w dny"
ago iiih enure mriune nuo urrii innuw mail
able for that purpoae.
Ragles In the City.
A tratnlond of Eagles, delegates to the
national meeting of the order nt Denver,
past year with a large membership In
crease. He recommended a Pythian or
phans' home, a lodge paper and paid grand
lecturer. The complete list of new officers:
Orand Chancellor James W. Hunter of
the altan of Meroeeo Aroases
Indignation la Pnrla.
BERLIN. Aug. W. German banka par
ticipating In a loan of t2.5no.ono to the sul
tan of Morocco, according to a report clr-
ulated on the Bourse today, are Mendell
hohn Co., Blelchroder A Co., the Dls-
Conto Gesellschaft and the Berliner Handels
Oeaellschaft. The loan la regarded aa hav
ing political, as well aa financial, value
or Germany, aa It will Increase the In
terest of the empire In Morocco.
PARIS, Aug. 10. The statement that
German bankers have advanced a per
sonal loan of 12,500,000 to the sultan of
Morocco, although not confirmed officially,
Is arouaing Indignant comment, coming
after assurances that the status quo waa
to remain unaffected until the holding of
the International conference. It la pointed
out that the legality of the loan la con
testable, the position of the sultan alnce
the last International conference being
similar to that of the khedlve of Egypt,
Ismail, who reigned from 1S63 to 1ST, at
the period when the powers Intervened for
the regulation of Egyptian flnancea In or
der to prevent the personal extravagance
of the khedlve.
Meanwhile), Germany has not yet replied
to the last French note regarding the con
ference. This delay. It Is believed, is be
cause Germany Is submitting the French
proposals to the sultan before responding
to them.
According to semi-official advices, the
sultan Is showing more and more a marked
opposition to the proposed conference and
to any consideration of Moroccan reforms.
newion. . M,v nt anil nt nnee hn
Orand Vice Chancellor J. R. Stewart of ' , ' " . " '
Orand Prelate F. D. O'Utlng of Center
Orand Keeper of Records and Seals H.
D. Walker of Ml. Pleusant.
Orand Master of Excheauer H. C.
Schults of Waterloo.
Grand Master at Arms H. N. Dllley of
Grundy Center.
Inner Guard It. I,. Carr of Blockton.
Outer Guard H. N. Weaver of Spencer.
Supreme Representative B. I. Salinger of
Carroll and. Dr. Frank Porterfleld of At
lantic. Trustees of Grand Indite W. M. Clark of
Marshalltown and A. C. Savage of I.eClalre.
Iowa City got the next meeting.
I,a Follette Draws Bis; Crowd.
FORT DODGE, la., Aug. 10-Rpeclal
Telegram.) Governor La Follette at the
Chautauqua here drew one of the biggest
crowds ever seen here for an event of the
kind. It la estlmateed 2,500 people heard
the lecture here this afternoon. The gov
ernor spoke on "Representative Govern
ment," and took the theme of Lincoln's
"Of the People, by the People and for the
People." He showed how that did not
exist now and the railroads controlled the
government. His talk was very Interesting
and excited much Interest and comment.
He left Immediately after the close of his
talk for Windsor, Mo.
Cleaning; Oat Jones Street.
SIOUX CITY, la.. Aug. 10 (Special.)
The notorious Jones street district Is to
become a thing of the past, Chief of Police
Dlneen having ordered keepers of resorts
to move without delay. Business Interest
In that part of town have insisted on the
authorities chaalng out the bad women,
who have become very bold. For years
the district haa been notorious, and a large
part of the police court business has had
Its origin among the Jonea street element.
f vve-(D) per cen. per annum, iiayable so ml
annually, August and February 1st of eaoh
fear, tne several Installments of Interest
o be evidenced by cuiipons attached to
said bond, bonds and coupons payable at
the Fiscal Agency of the fetal ut Ne
braska, t ity ot New York.
Thrse tKinds are Issued by the city for
the purpoae of paying for tha paving, curb
ing and Improvements In District -'E" of
,ald i-lty, under legislative and charter pro
visions wherein th faith and credit of the
city are firmly bound, and all of Ita real
and personal properly, and Its taxing and
revenue- poaars are Irievurahlv nUiix,,! t,,r
the prompt payment of the bond and Inter
est ttiurtvf sii) and at nutirliy
Also that the total Indebtedness of the
city, Including this issue of bonds, has not
exceeded tu constitutional ana statutory
limit, and that au annual tax, and other
taxea and aaee.-uinunts, to pay principal and
Interest as the same, respectively, falls duo,
shall lie made.
Kach bidder ahall state aeparately the
amount offered aa "Principal and Pre-
Eilum," and that "Accrued Interest" will
paid to data of delivery and payment of
bonds, also as to vrlca asked for litho
graphing aald bunds.
Earn Lid must bo aocotnpnnlod bv cash,
or a certified check on a registered nationi
bank. In the sum of ona thousand dolla-is
(H.0in and mad., payable to the city aa
an evidence ef gofl faith on the part of
aald bidder.
The i-ity reserves the right to reject anv
or all bide, or to waive dafecla ahould thy
By order of the Council.
e141" City Clerk.
Ileal Estate Tranafers. '
These transfers were reported August 10
to The Bee by the Tltla Guaranty and Trunt
company of Council Bluffs:
Frank G. Garner and wife to Anna J. '
Craig, lots 14 and 15, In Park addition
to Macedonia, la., w. d t 1,100
Interstate Realty company to C. V.
Miller, lot 10, in block E, In Perry's
Second addition to council muni,
la., w. d
Interstate Realty company to C. V.
Miller, lota 6, 7, S and , In block 18,
In Evans' Second Bridge addition to
Council Bluffs, w. d
Executors of Francis Orass estate to
Jennie Simon, lot 1, In block s, In
Mynster's addition to Council Bluffs,
la., e. d.
8ealed pr.ioi'Bils will be. received at
the om.a of the Black Hill Traction com
pany at SpearAslt, South Imkota. until 1
o clock p. m, tf August a. for the
ontiucton of about live and one-half
'v'hI ranaj. -about . nine llea from
Sprarflah, rkiuth Dakota. Involving the ex
cavation of approximately one hundred and
ninety thousand (Wo.OuO) cubic yarda of
earth and niters thousand U&.ouO cubic
yards of ro.-k and the .construction of two
Four transfere, total 8,371
Hesotlatlons for Mill.
Negotiations for the aale of the -machinery
of the Cryatal mllla at the corner of
Washington avenue and Bryant atreet are
pending and if the deal ia consummated It
Is likely th structure, which is one of the
landmarks of Council Bluffs, will be torn
down to make room for other buildings.
The mill was originally erected In 1KA and
from time to time haa been added to. It
haa been Idle for several years, Its dis
tance from railroad trackage being tha
main obstacl to operating the mill to advantage.
Woman's Body Found In Woods.
CLEAR LAKE, Aug. 10. (Special.) The
body of Mrs. Rosa Harthan was found by
her children In Stratton's woods, south of
Clear Lake, this morning. Mrs. Harthan
disappeared from her home south of here
last night, going after the cows. She did
not return and a searching party failed to
find her after an all-night's search. There
waa no evidence of violence on the body
and the general belief la that her death
waa caused by heart failure.
Two Held for Mnrder.
MUSCATINE. Aug. 10. (Special.) "We
the Jury, find that Carl Brady came to hla
death from wounda Inflicted by William
Nagle and Josephine Collette, May , 1905,
with murderous Intent." The above Is the
verdict of the coroner's Jury after having
viewed the disinterred body of Carl Brady
and after listening to the testimony of
William Nagle and others Saturday after
noon on Island B above the turn on the
came the guests of the order here. After
being escorted to the Klrkwood by a band
they were loaded Into special street cars
and given a trolley ride about the city.
They departed at 11:40 for Kansas City.
where they were to be entertained this
evening. The delegations were from New
York and Chicago.
r ort Dodge Frelzht Rates.
Rnilrond men here declare that the re
ports of Fort Dodge getting better freight
rates than Des Moines, Council Bluffs and
other towns are without foundation.
It Is claimed . that Fort Dodge has been
trying for years to secure better rates
than Des Moines, but the Minneapolis A
St. Louis officials claim that better rates
have been refused and thero is no prob
ability that they will be reduced In the
future, It being claimed that all roads
agree that the heavy grades and location
of the city are against lower rates. The
officials claim that the objections of Des
Molnea and other towns are groundless.
Refuse to Quit Work,
Twenty bollermakers of the Ureat West
ern employed here totlay refused to obey
orders from the union- headquarters at St.
Paul and quit work. They were ordered
out on account of trouble at Oelweln. They
claimed they knew nothing ot the trouble
and were satisfied with., their conditions
here and would remain at work.
Guardsmen Here for Target Practice
Two hundred and fifty- members of the
guard were gathered in the city by 7 thla
evening for tho annual, rifle practice which
will determine the selection of the men to
compete In the flea Otri. N. j., shoot. The
guardsmen will remain '"here for aeveral
daya. The shooting begins tomorrow on
tne leaerat nne range ana uovernor cum
mins Area the first shot.
Jasper's Census
Th' population ot Jasper county shows
a alight gain over that of Ave yeara ago.
according to tha official census figures
The population Is now 27,156 and five years
ago waa 26,967. Newton, the county seat.
and largest town, haa gained from 3,682 to
Anti-Saloon League Fights
Officers of the state anti-saloon league
Informed Tax Ferrets Worthlngton and
Boynton that the atate Antt-Saloon league
would lend assistance In the courts In the
fight to compel the saloon men to pay the
mulct tax for the past five years for liquor
held In storage buildings. The case will
come up before County Treasurer Murrow
this week and will undoubtedly be appealed
to the district court and which ever way it
Is decided will be carried to the supreme
court aa the question was never before
raised In the courts.
Buy Bed of River.
At the land department of the office of
secretary of state toduy a bid was received
for 165 acres of land In Harrison county
which was formerly the bed of the Mis
souri river. The bid Is from George Coult
hard. The land Is about three mllea west
of Modale Bnd for appraisement haa been
divided Into four tracts, two of which hav
been assessed at 36 an acre, one at 312 50
and the fourth at 330. Coulthard haa bid
31 an acre for that appraised at 35, 31.5
for the 312 60 and 36 for the 3 land. Oc
Two Jallbreakera Captured.
eiOUX CITY, la,, Aug. 10. (Special. )
Two of the eight men who sawed their
way out of the Woodbury county Jail with
a case knife have been recaptured. Jamas
McGregor, leadei of the gang, was arrested
In Omaha, a woman having peached on
him. William Jones, a negro, was arrested
at Chancellor, 8. D., his missing arm re-
ualRi hla f-,l. Dntk , . I
irt Bifiii c iim uitui . , n ill L "I:." I 29 the dr t for the aale and If
Old Settlera Picnic.
MAR8HALLTOWN. Ia., Aug. 10-(3peclal
Telegram.) About 5,000 of the old settlers
of Marshall county gathered In this city
for their thirty-second annual picnic at
the Iowa Soldiers' Home park thla after
noon. Amoag the prominent speakers were
ex-Oovernor 8. B. Packard and Railroad
Commissioner N. S. Ketchum.
hundrad cubic yard of dry sto
culvert, and furnishiim aurh nit. ...
yeTr,il1. and lMb"" "'ay b ncccaumry to
i Tjmplete the work.
Pinna, srH-elrlnathins and proposal hianke
may b obminrj from Richard II. Hugiirs
general manager. Bpearrish, Snith Dakota" bid IHUSt be ac-ntlii.Mnl.M4 V...
ceitirted check for ona thousand 1 ami
Bean Accepts the Offer.
Beth Dean of Glenwood. Mllla oounty,
notified County Auditor Cheyene yeaterday
that he would accept the position of su
pervising engineer of the construction of
the Harrison-Pottawattamie county drain
age ditches offered him at the recent Joint
meeting of the boards of suin-rvlsora ot
the two couatiea In thla city. Mr. Dean la
to receive 3? a day for hla aervlcea and la
to be allowed an assistant and one rod
man. He will take a trip at ono over
the route of the proposed ditches and will
ba present at the Joint meeting of the two
boards next Thursday in Logan, when he
will present his formal acceptance of the
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday
to the tollowlng:
Nan-e and Residence
William aV Smith. Council Bluffs
..liur. .... i . . ii . ", v i mam sk niiuiii. iiunvu oimn
i'.k til'. VJ."bl,J0 lh rier vt ' Edith D. Elll. Council Bluffs ..
Black till. a Traction company, aa a guur-! L- ,i . r, . i .
ante, that the buljor a ll, if " ccelsful xiu Omaha
promptly exeeul. a aati.UcMry co?r,ct I Gu?', WmJI"A ' VV-"k
and bond in the auiu of lavnty pr ctnt
vi " tuiiirui-i jirsve lor me lalthtul ikt of ti,e work.
The rts-h! 1m .- , , .
7 'Still bids, and Ij iv technic! defect
A V lire u,,r'" ut ,,ia company may re.
' i , iui.i,fl 1 1 nu.l t. U.
. HENRY..KEKTaV President.
giUPlflQ' South Dakota, Au-
L. 11. Hromn. Grand Island, Neb.
. il
Monroe County Goes Wet.
ALBIA. Ia., Aug. 10.-Cltliena in favor
of aaloona In Monroe county today car
ried the county petition by about fifty
plurality. Albla will now have aaloona and
Monroe county la the only one In Iowa
In which such a petition waa carried.
Banish t'hureh Rurna Mortgage.
MISSOURI VALLEY. Ia.. Aug. 10.-(8pe-clal.)
After a struggle of aeventeen years
the Danish Methodist Episcopal church at
this pluce has paid off Its mortgage which
wa burned with due formality Sunday.
Boy Hurt by Horae.
MISSOURI VALLEY. Ia., Aug. 10-(Bpe-clal.)
While Gall Fonts waa riding Monday
hla horae became frightened and threw him,
breaking hla ahoulder.
Allexed to Be from Oi
Loae I. If In Railroad
In a freight wreck on the Rock Island near
Union Junction. Dr. Wright Andyman and
Klght Force Put On.
Beginning tonight a night force was put
at work on preparing the Iron frames and
doing the planter work In the four niches
In the rotunda of the atate houae to have
them ready for the flags by the time the
fair opena.
I'nlon Compositors In Three (hops Go
Ont Because Nonunion Meg '
Are Employed.
Postmasters and Itnre! Carriers Are
Appointed nnd Rural noutea
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Aug. 10.-(Ppeelal Tele
gram. -Postmasters appointed: Nebraska
Belgrade, Nance county, Robert L. Os
borne, vice E. D. Morris, resigned. Wyo
ming Klrwtn, Big Horn county. Amy
Chubb, vice Charles L. Tewkshtiry. re
signed; Split Rock, Natrona county, Anna
E. Countryman, vice John A. Cross, re
South Dakota Rural routes ordered es
tablished October lfi: Conde. Spink county,
routes. 1 art", I: population, 1,060; houses.
at. Mitchell, Davison county, route, 4;
population, 610; houses, 102.
Rural' carriers appointed: Nebraska
Cambridge, route 4, Charlea G Broman car
rier. Marc Broman substitute; Hooper,
route S, Albert Shaffer carrier, L. O. Ben
der substitute; Nelson, route 3. Charlie II
Colo carrier, Lovesa Cole substitute. South
Dakota Wentworth. "route 3. Valentine
Fader carrier. Barley Fader substitute.
UnjurriajJaol, irijflexvor',
1-1 1(' I
flttalityaanel purity, .y
1 I
c o-u r x i s Co x I alta ur r x o x!
JJ r x r iVt 1 1 1 1 el orw-xvj t o wn ,: IeoT:
an . M "k jCT- a V AVM a
n r
LZJ-1 r-
lie luntA
v v v. m vj
the: right road to 1
City Ticket Orrict;
1512 Farnam St err, Omaha, Nrs.
t Ul
' lit i
.i S-Xt t' ' . T,t
II 3 A W J II t ' 1)1
Scheme for Popular Aaaerobly Will
Not Be Completed In Time to Be
Proclaimed Saturday.
ST. FETERSBt'BG, Aug. 10 The prorW- I
matlon calling together the national as
aembly Is meeting with unexpected and
undeslred delay. It Is possible now that
the project will not be ready for Issuance
on Saturday. After the conclusion of the
conference at Peterhoff. the exports' who
were entrusted with the transcribing of j
ino completed project luuuu a. iiuuit-i
Inconsistencies and omissions, due to the
haste with which the work tf revision
was done, and the council of ministers waa
reconvened. The council will endeavor to
bring the project Into shape. Possibly the
emperor may IsBue a manifesto outlining
the assembly In general terms, but It Is
stated In high quarters that the whole
matter may be deferred perhaps until the
christening day of Grand Duke Alexis
Nlcholalevltch, heir to the Russian throne.
CLIMATES WBAR VT Smokes, Spraya and "Bpeclflcs" onlr relter,
ymptome; they cannot cure. Our constitutional treatment remores the Causa
of Hay Fever and Aathma from the blood and nervoua eyetem. Pollen, heat.
fluat, exertion, amok or odora cannot bring back attacka. Our patient enjoy
Ife without the slightest return of aymptoma. Appetite Improved, blood en
riched, nerves strengthened, general heslth restored. If you ar Indifferent er
tkeptlcal you do not know that since 1B83 we have treated over 0,000 Kay
f'R aT F Fever and Asthma sufferers. No matter how much wealth or Infltt
svtilii once may be at your command, you cannot get complete relief and
freedom from Hay Fever or Aathma except through our method of treatment.
Doubt and deny thla all you please the fact remalna unchanged. Book To,
Free, explaining our method, with reporte of many Intereatlng cases. Ad
&Tt"' P. HAROLD HAYES. BufftJo, New York.
Zelma S. Carlaon Appeara In 1'nlted
. States Court and Beeosne
,a C'ltlaen.
Zelma 8. Carlson, a native of Sweden,
haa foraworn her allegiance to King
Oacar and become a full-fledged cltlien of
the United Slatea. She apiieared In the
United States circuit court Thursday aft
ernoon and was admitted to cltlxnnshlp.
This Is the first case of a woman taking
out clttr.enshlp papera In Omaha In tha
United State,e court. .
If you have anything to trade, advertise
It In the For Exchange column of The Bed
want ad page.
DETROIT. Aug. 10,-Unlon compoaltora
went on a strike today in three Detroit
book and Job ahope. the R. L. Polk Print- healthy matter more thoroughly satu-
Kirtisas Party Knroute to Launching;
NIAGARA FALI.S, N. Y.. Aug. lO.-Gov-
ernor Hoch of Kansas, accompanied by
his family and staff, was here today. Gov
ernor Hoch left lute In the day for Cam
den. N. J.. where his daughter, Anna linen.
is to be sponsor for the battleship Kan
sas, which will be launcnea on baturuay
morning. Governor Hoch will go to Cam
den by way of New York.
Catarrh usually begins with a cold ia
the head, but does not stop there. The
mucous membranes all become inflamed
and secrete a filthy, unhealthy matter
which is absorbed by the blood and dis
tributed o all parts of the body. The
patient is then continually hawking
and spitting, the nose is stopped up,
the ears have a ringing or buzzing noise,
the throat becomes sore, and as the un-
Ing company. Raynor & Taylor, and Winn
& Hammond. It waa understood that th.
printers t were preparing to- demand the
eight-hour day January 1 all over the
country. The Detroit typothetae took the
bull by the horna by declaring for tho open
ahop July 1. when the old contract expired.
Today the hiring of the first non-union men
resulted In a strike at the three shops
named. President Lynch of the Interna
tional Typographical union Is expected
here tomorrow.
Deputy Insurance Commissioner
Pierce Joins Others la Confer,
ence In m York.
NEW YORK. Aug. 10-Insurance Co.n
mlssloner R.' E. Folk, who. with the in-
Joseph. Miller, both of Omaha, were killed ,ur,nc commissioners of five other states
The men are aald to have been riding on ' ' 1 " cu' la t"y mat inveetlga
Mra. Peaii Kessler. Grand Island, Neb.. U
fte laiiaeal I necessary.
Coroner Treynor haa decided that aa In
quest ovr Mlaa Dora Frailer, the young
woman, who while despondent over her
continued 111 health, took her own life
WeUnaaday, waa unnecessary. Th funeral
tne trucna. Murn mystery Is attached to
tha fait that Dr. Andyman was riding In
thla manner, aa he la said to be a well
known physician of Omaha. He waa Identi
fied by letters In his possession.
There are no such namea In the directory.
Anotaer Tler.n
of an accident. Kdlti.t Schuele, of Colum
bua. Ov waa cured cf hi wounds by Buck-
len a Arnica balve. Try It. 25c. For sal
b Sherman A UoConnelU Drug Co,
tlona of the Insurance business similar to
the one about to begin In New York may
also be commenced In th state repre
sented by th visiting commlaaionera.
Reside the Insurance commissioners of
Wisconsin. Minnesota. Kentucky and Ten
nessee, there were also present today Com
missioners rierce of Nebraska and McGlb
ney of Iouitana,
Platol Duel la Kentucky Town
HA RROUBBt RG, Ky. Au. 10.8m
rates the blood a general feelinir of des
pondency takes possession of the system.
I had Catarrh for about fifteen years,
and no man could have been worse. I
tried everything I could hear of, but no
good resulted. I then began 8. 8. 8.,
and could aco a Uttl Improvement from
th flrat bottle, and after taking it a
short wall waa oared. This was six
years ago. and I am aa well today aa any
tnaa. I think Catarrh ia a blood dis
ease, and know there is noth'ng on earth
better for the blood than 8. 8. 8. Mo
body thinks more of 8. 8. 8. than I do.
Lapeer, Hlou. M. MAT SON.
Local applications cannot cur Catarrh,
because they do not reach the seat of the
trouble. They allay th inflammation
and temporarily relieve the disease, but
as soon as they are left off the trouble re
turns. The only way to enre Catarrh is
to treat it through the blood. S. S. S. soon
clears the blood of all Catarrhal matter and
f urges it of all irritating poisons, checks
urther prepress of the trouble and com
pletely cures the disease. S. S. S. keeps
th blood in per
fect order so (hat
can eliminate
the system
waste matter
1 1 Dro-
rURLLT VlbtTABLt. ance Catarrh,
Nothing equals
ihi great yegetable remedy in the cure
of this disease. Write for our book and
any medical advic you wish. We make
mo cnarga ior eitner.
i I r ' H it
Vv from the
J all wast
' that wil
. You will want your favor
ite newspaper. The Omaha
Bee, to go along with you.
It is better thau d daily
letter from home. Before
leaving give your order to
have The Bee mailed to
your out-of-town address.
The address may be
changed as often as you
wish. Telephone 897 or fill
out and mail us the blank
. '
Ploaso havo Tho Daily and
Sunday Iico now going to
Present address)
IS. ........... !
sent until 1005, or
until furthor orders, to addroaa
bo low
(Out-of. town address) .-... .
..,..s. .............. ......
lic LftUh.n THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, Atlanta, U.