TITE OMAHA DAILY TJEE: FRIDAY, AFOT'ST 11. 100T MONEY RAISING SALE OXIIM WRCTIIER FOHF.CAT Frlda Fair and C THIS STORE CLOSES at 5 P. M. Every Evening Except Satur day at to P. M. Till September ist JFol STORE fo)it iJiT CLOSES i 5P.M. J, TMBJ MSUlBtC STORK. 1ft ff i ... n rn rzss i -a n II 11 I y'l fi II 7 I W fill i,. I Mill It- Mdkl&lilll Friday Will Be a Day of the In Basement FINK QUALITY MERCERIZED DRESS 8ATINES. all 8Jc iilzn dots aud.Htrlies, -Tic . value for. per yard AM, NEW STYLES FI LL STAN DARD rERCAI.E, (foo'l lonn mill IfiintliH. np clal offer, lit, per yard . . . lie FINE CHAMItUAY anil stephyt dress jzltiKhnms. very Q 1 choice styles, rpgiilar 15c f0 quality, for, per yard . . .. V2 HIOH ORADB MERCERIZED RATINES. Farmers' satin la block, white and colors, f ! nclls regularly at 4c I jC yard, ill go at, yard .lO.fwO yards best trade DRESS CALICOES on ale first 3k rnrd WHITE INDIA LINONS, Victoria lawns, long remnants. We have r,K)0 yards, every yard tnnat tit uM KVIilnv lie for, per yard "2 Dress Goods TRAVELERS1 SAMPLES- FROM TITE H. 8. CtHTOM HOl'SE-An-othT bin assortment of matched sample lnicths, 3, 6 and 7 pieces nllkr, pi nn ixl together for coats, skirts and suits. The highest grade Imported Beaver, Hroadeloth, Kng- inn, r.iiK- 35c llsh wormed. Manama. Covert, and a great as sortment of voiles and thin goods, at. each .... Remnants of silk tnoussellne and silk pongee suitings. SBc and 60o grade wash silk and cot ton fHbrlcs for party, wear, waists and dresses, cream, white, etc, per yard..'...... 15c Tor all remnsnts fine wash ' goods sold at 2fto and 35c per yard, llnon suitings. -Panama, silk crepe, Qa etc, per yard IN BASEMENT 25o flowered ' organ dies, hundreds of lengths that match, for pretty party and summer Tl dresses and waists, per yard.... 'a' SILKS Silk remnant from one) yard to 4 yard lengths, all kinds and colors of silks, on bargain I F square, per yard 1JC Importers' sample for fancy work, ties, etc., according to length eLrr:.5c-10c-I5c.25c White wash slika, plain and change able taffetas, fancy shirt J P waist silks, per yard .. . .tyDC . A - - Neb. Shirt Co Stock Half Price i SAC AND FOX MOST ANSWER Indian Agants Desire to Hold Chesk on Memben of Tribe. THINK THEY CAN FEND FOR THEMSELVES Connment Contends that La ad Leases Made ' by Ctrl Used In diana Mast Ba AaproTed y India- Bar.. a. Deputy United States Marshal 1. C Moore has returned from the Bao and Fox Indian reservation, In the southeastern corner of the state. In Richardson oountr, where ha has been serving summonses upon certain members of the Sao and Fox tribes to show cause why ' they should not trsnsact their land leasing-. business through the Indian sgent there, Instead of exercising that duty without reference to the Indian agents. ' The law requires that all transactions relative to the leasing of lands .owned by the Indians must be made upon 5he ap proval of the agents and that all money for such transactions must be deposited with the sgent and then drawn upon by the Indian owners through them. The rao and Ft x Indians are a civilised tribe and sre of the opinion that they can transact thel? ut business Intelligently and have' hitherto made their - lease con tras. tMmt'lvrs n the ground that they are cltltens and are amenable only to the state laws regulating such affairs. The govemmont, however, holds other wise, and hence the proceedings to show ' cause why the government regulations are not complied with. .INDEPENDENT ELEVATOR OPENS M atties Says Coacera Will ' Be Ac cessible to All Grata Mob and Brokers. ' "The Independent elevator will be open ' to all brokers and grain men of Omaha ' and the state." says Q. . W. Wattles. ''It will not be a respecter of persons. The man who has on car of grain to transfer or store will have the tame privileges as the man who ships ICO cars. The elevator will be operated to the beet Interests of the Omaha Grain exchange." The Home Market Grain company which was to have been Incorporated with a capital stock of $500,000 to operate the elevator, has not become a tangible thing. Circumstances have arisen In the last few weeks which make It seem advisable to abandon this plan. A manager Is to be chosen and definite outline of plans given soon. BREEN MUST SHOW THEM HOW t lT Attoraey Is Asked for Oplaloa . . . Caaeeralaa Rrglclraaloa later . the Daaae law. 1 City Attorney Breen hat oeen asked for ' an opinion concerning registration undor ' the Uodgs primary law and under the gen eral , statutes governing regimratiun..-The - proposition, submitted to the attorney la I thl:r ,Vndr the Dodge primary law -a person must register in order to participate In the coming primary as well as the fol ktatnr primary. Under the statutes which the Dodge primary law does not repeal, a person (aust register on one of the three registration days In order to participate in Lue aeueral slscUoo. Nuw it U understood Jo DM Most Exceptional Bargains In Basement Entlrp bargain counter with 12'fcc grade WHITE CAM BRIC, for, per yard 5c s. all WHITE DRAPERY SWISS, all size dots and ntrlHs. 40 Inches wldp, special, at, ppr yard 7Jc FINE NEW LOT l'OINT DESPRIT, actually worth UT.o jer yard, ou big bar- f gain counter, for, jht yard .. . . 2 Good quality SIMMER DRESS LAWNS, long lengths, good styles, for, per ' p yard m2 36.INTH LIGHT COLORED PER CALES, a big Kpeelal will go at, per yard 5c M.S m I SMALL LOT SILK MILLS will go as long as they hist, for, per yard 3lc LINENS A great big lot of plain all linen remnants, among them are tine fronting linens, art linens and Butchers' linens, qualities that are worth up to 75c per yard, all . go Friday, at, a remnant 5c-10c LACES Remnants and odd lots of fine wash and trimming lacps bar gain tables of edgings, insertions and bands white, ecru and linen - shades all widths Vals, Clunys' Point de Paris, etc. worth up to 20c a yard, at l2C-3c-5c-7iC Embroideries Medium and narrow widths of .em broideries, liiHertlngi and head ingsnew patterns, worth up to 20c a yard, at l2C-32C-5c-10c IQEISL Neb. Shirt Co. M?i!cc:is stock Ha,f Pricc that City Clerk Elbourn will Instruct the registrars not to permit a person to regis ter twice. The city attorney Is asked to show a voter how to vote at both the primary and at the general election. A Warnla to Mothers. Too much care cannot be used with small children during the hot weather of the sum mer months to guard against bowel trou bles. Give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and then-a dose of castor oil, and the disease may be checked In Its lnclplency and all danger avoided. The castor oil and this remedy should be procured at once and kept ready for In stant use as soon as the first Indication of any bowel trouble appears. This Is the most successful treatment known and may be relied upon with Implicit confidence even In cases of cholera Infantum. SaSGUBLE FASBI01S. 4839-CHILD'S COAT. The little coat shown here Is an attrac tive variation of the conventional model. In design It has distinctiveness and char acter 10 commend it and good taste has been exercised In the fashioning, for while It has the new sleeve and a waistcoat. It Is a very simple little model after all. Almost every woman has a pique skirt of uncertain date that could be used In the making of this coat, although mohair, serge or any light weight cloth could be utilised. Sizes, S to year. Fur the accommodation of readers of The Bee these patterns, which usually retail at from 25 to 60 cents each, will be furnished at the nominal price of 10 cents, - A supply Is now kept at our office, so those who wish any pattern may get It either by call ing or enclosing 10 cents, addressed "Pat tern Department, Bee, Omaha." WASH -YOUR BABY witjj DERM ALINE SKIN SOAP: a pure soap, medicated and perfumed. AntlH-pdo and . Non-lrrUailnc- at Druggists. Bold by HOWELL PRL'O CO., Irtth and Cspltol Ave. Men's odds and ends In Stilts, worth up to ll 30. to be closed out at II S5. Men's odds and ends In Stilts, m'orth lip to $18.ii, to be closed out St tS.RS. Silk bosom shirt, 25c. Nice fancy Colors -the cloth Is worth more money. For 4?c. choice of Men's Fine Shirts, worth up to Jl 50. Men's Srtc and TTiC t'nderwear. 2Sc. All Im aginable colors, ribbed or Tat garments. It will pay you to lay them away for next year. Mostly everything a man or boy needs for wear Is Included In this sale. Don't waste your money by buying before you look us over. Money saved Is money earn ed. GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO 1519-1521 Douglas St. AH AlillOUIICEMENT! i Stryker Still Striking. He Is doing business at the SAME OLD STAND. A local firm is advertising for sale the shoe stock of W. S. Stryker. STRYKER'S old firm went out of business April 14th, 1005, and their entire stock of shoes was returned to the Re gent Shoe Manufacturing Company. But TFIE STRYKER SHOE COMPANY Incorporated which succeeded the old firm, purchased an entirely new stock of shoes that will prove more satisfactory in every way than the shoes returned to the Regent Shoe Manufacturing Com pany. We are now able to show you the most up-to-date and complete line of men's $2.n0 and $3.50 shoes to be found In Omaha, and we will guarantee every pair to be as good as gold. ' REMEMBER we are at the SAME OLD STAND. Stryker Shoe Co 312 So. 16th St. Board of Trade Building. Special agents tor Klrkendall's Union Label Shoes. t? Pony Stockings 5 This Is the very best boys and girls' stocking made, and we keen! a full line of these hose for ladles, M i gents, boys and girls, all 25 cents 2 a pair. Every pair guaranteed. You 2 2 will not find a better bargain in the 2 city. l Jos. F. Bilzl 322 So. 16th St $ 2 Omaha 2 0OZX TOP Gee. Makes thelittleenppor complete. Order a case. JETTER BREWING GO. ata Omens. Mtaaa . O m a h a Headquarters . HUOO F. BILZ. lth A Douglas. Tel. IMS. Co. Bluffs Headquarters IKE MITCHELL. 10U Main Street. Tel. St. i w STORE CLOSES EVERY EVENING except Saturday) AT FIVE O'CLOCK. Another Great Dky in Our Dry Goods Sections At 3c Each 500 White Swiss Doilies, and Table Mats, and all huen fringed Table Napkins, worth 18c each; T Fridai leh , REMNANTS AT 3l2c. Over 1,000 Remnants White (Joods, Wash Goods. Pemiies, Laheos, Lawns, etc, goods all go, yard. RIBBON All Silk Ribbon, warranted of colors, from 1 to inches wide; Friday only, C 1 yard (2 to 4 p. m.) REMNANT DAY SALE OF LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. Wash laces, appliques, insertions, cream and white, worth up to 15c a yard; fine Nainsook embroideries, insertions and headings, worth up to 12 a yard; entire lot Friday, 8 to 12 m., at, yard '. (Ten Yards to a Customer.) REMNANTS of EMBROIDERIES, LACES and RIBBONS to 2 yards in a piece, goods in this lot worth up A to 50c a yard; Friday, a piece (9 to 11 a. m.) kC LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE. Warranted fast black, plain and ribbed, regular 15c values, hosiery counter; pair ; AT THE NOTION C0UNTER-2 TO 4 P. M. Chinese Ironing .Wax, per dozen 10c Dressmakers' Pins, per dozen 10c Pearl Buttons, 4 dozen 10c WHITE WAIST PATTERNS. The balance of our $1.00 and $1.50 White French Lawn Embroidered Waist Patterns, while they last, PA Friday OIIC BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY TOT SAVE MONEY ON ALT. YOUR GROCERY PURCHASES HERE. Fifty Oreen Trading Stamps with five pounds Splendid Japan 'le Rloe OJ?fc Twenty Green Trading Stamps OQ-. with can Diamond "S" Fnilf s. oli Twenty Green Trading Stamps with f ound can Bennett's Capitol O 4 tnklnK Powrt-r ; Hlt Ten Green Trading- Stamps with OSn two parkHes Gusto fcC7W Ten Green Trading Stamps with two cans Uncle Sim s Baked Ofr Beans UW Ten Green Trading Stamps with pound can Diamond "S" Fancy TOi Salmon "V Ten Green Trading Stamps with 1r pound Three Crown Katslns. .. Ten Green Trading Stamps wlthOEr jar Gedney's Banquet Relish. . Ten Green Trading Stamps with pint bottle Diamond "S" Salad Dressing ACJW Ten Green Trsding Stamps with one pint 1-arne Imported 11r Olives uk CUT If you want cut glass see our $5.00 Table! Crockery on the second floor. f I , X s ' w ; , S! It S tdewaik Brick 1 , j. j We are making a specialty of Sidewalk Brick. ITave in stock rcri ous kinds at lowest prices. Also Sand Trompt Delivery. ' 5 CV-tfUL,IiCO- uz0!&t2Ao srs. - Tt. 2? (Jr:t) i! 1 f i-'v A fine room with a vault heat light water janitor service in a fire proof office building for $18-00 The Bee Building. worth up to 18c a yard; Z t2t SALE. washable, in a full assortment I 1 9c Hardware Specials for Friday. Thirty Green Trading Stamps with extra heavy 50-pound sie,, flour can "v Forty Green Trading Stamps Tr with bread box 63c, 6:tc and.."' Thirty Oreen Trading Stamps with Japanned covered fir. slop pall OUC Thirty 'Green Trading Stamps with galvanized covered ' Ofcl. slop pail OOW Twenty Green Trading Stamps witn quart galvanized water pall Thirty Green Trading Stamps with No. 1 galvanized BAn wash tub OVfW HARDWARE, BASEMENT. GLASS ajr..1; j... ,.,,,jri.iuj ' " - i ......... .... 5 v Hil :v((r .f - ttfr Q i - '. 1 . . C H '? - ' - - -' . . i i. vi- miii .ill m PI Trunks, Travclins Bags Suit Cases More Trunk than floor epace. We are over-stocked for tlitr room. We have a lot of High Grade Trunks that we will sell at a low price. Our All Leather $.'.() Suit Case, 21 Inch and -! Inch. It the best made for the money. FINE HARNESS, SADDLES AND FANCY HOUSE GOODS. ALFRED CORNISH & QO. Tclephoua No 2314. 1210 Farnam Street Friday Is Remnant Day In the High Grade Wash Goods Dept. These are not mill ends or the very best patterns of our always sell to the romjhnt first. f9c WASH GOODS FOR U,C YARD Remnants of the very finest English ami German mercerized white goods, Jac quards. piques, Marseilles Oxfords, walst Ings, shirtings, Swisses, duckings, etc.. also French novelties; In colors that sold up to ,i!t- per jard-about 3 to 4 yards n each piece at, yard luv 6"C WASH GOODS AND WHITE GOODS FOR 1UC VARD. High grade Madrases, 19c and 25c; dimities and batistes, Marseilles, Flench ginghams, high grade voiles and other goods t(r, that sold from :c to 50c. yard I-Jfc Friday Is Remnant Day One big square of high grade wash goods, an Kinds, worth up to 7o 71 ., yard, at, yard a 8 V 4oc mercerized silk finish sateens, fyin all colors, at, yard IJt l.'Hc cheviot shirtings, dark colors, at, yard ljc yard wide percales, plain colors and fancies, at. yard 7H' standard dress prints, from the bolt, at, yard lac check nainsooks, India llnons ..He 8Jc Sic 5c anu leno stripes, at, yard. All the balance of our printed ha- - tlstes and lawns, worth UK', at, yd.."s Great Bargains in Hosiery and Underwear For Lsnles flue lisle hose, in all the new rol and white, worth 3i'c and Soo your choice at Indies' 2fic hose. In plain and fancy colors, at Ladles' fast black hose, with ribbed tops, worth lite, at 25c 15c 8ic Ladies' fast black hose, with double heel and toe, regular L'5c quality, only luo dozen in this lot while they C last, Ht pair , IOW Heavy ribbed hose for lioys, the proper thing lor school wear. Ul at. pair OJW Heavy ribbed hose for boys and girls, E worth Inc. at. tinlr OW One lot of Infants' 'hose. In black, tan and pink, all go in this lot at pair. 5c GROCERIES FINEST IN LOWEST IN 19 lbs. best pure cane graulated sugar for 11.00 4s-ll. sacks fancy high patent Mlnne- soto flour $1 .48 10 bars best brands laundry soap "be 6 lbs. choice Japan Rice l!'c 6-lb. palls pure fruit Jelly K'-jC 6 lbs. best bulk laundry starch lfo 4 3-11). sacks fine table salt lac 1-lh. Jars pure fruit preserves 7c Large bottles fancy mixed chow chow, sour gherk.n or onion pickles, per bottle Sjc 1-lh. package macaroni 8'$o Jellycon or Jelln. per package 7c 1-lh can Rumford baking jiowder ll'c 1-lh. can condensed cream 7e Fresh, crisp soda crackers, per lb KVc HAYOEW BROS. Recreation in Colorado Re-creates Recreation, as a usual thing, is a misnomer you get "all fagged out" having a good time. In Colorado it's different. There's a spirit of rollicking sport in the air you breathe it takes possession of you and yet this very "ginger" strengthens and invigorates. It tones you up. One reason is the high, dry air evaporates tha moisture of the body keeps the skin pores clear. And then you're continually bathed in that glo rious Colorado sunshine. ' Yes, recreation in Colorado re-creates. Low rates to Colorado all summer via the Rock Island. Specially reduced August 12, 13, 15, Au gust r0 to September 4 inclusive. Send for 80-page illustrated booklet (containing list of hotels and boarding houses), and full details. F. P. 1323 LOCATE ON THE OR WE BOTH NOW IS THE TIME to investigate the resources and opportunities of securing good land at very low fltfurea in the Great Southwest. Missouri, Arkansas, Southern Kansas, Oklahoma., Indian Territory ani Texas, are again to the frtnt with , "Bump ing" Cr.p, Beatin Ask your home ag-nt for Hompseekers' Katea and Tickets, on sala the first and third Tuesdays of each month, and aek us for descriptive literature, which will be mailed to you without coat. J, C. LOVRIEN, Ass't Osn'l Pavsngsr Atsnt, KANSASITY, MO. PEOPLE I) Anl this calls f..r a wedllns sift, silver or cut class. Our store is full of nmoral prli-ed lioes to suit sny purse. Vu may 1 uie it Is a lit- stylo -mil up-to-date if It comes from our sture. I.o.k for the name S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, UU Poul Strsst. trashy goods, but remnants of high grade wash patterns that , , '.".' AND S!H' W ASH Gl M IDS AT 7'c AND f.C YARD Ginghams. 3fi -Inch percales, voiles, bstlstrs, j liiilhi llnoiis long cloths, 40-inch lawns I anil lm different kinds of fine until I goods. Ill from 21 to 10 yards In piece every jard worth three times what we I ask for theni-Ht. Tl,. Cr a yard 4C-OC j JSC AND 5-C LININGS FOR W YARD. Remnants of Sampsons ntnl Yuma Mil I silk, Lustral. gloria cloth Manhattan, I percallne sateemt. spun glass. Ulco silk and. In fai t, all the very best linings in the market from yard to 8 yards In piece-all will go In this sale at, 1lr I a vurd IUW in the Big Domestic Room The very best flannelette, new fall pat terns, worth lJVjc, from the 71 bolt. at. yard "w One small lot of mercerized walstlngs. fig ured with white ground, worth Klc 2,'ic, at. yard iJ ' classic ginghams, pretty pat terns, from the holt, at, yard 44c Remnants of table linen and toweling at one-half price. Remnants of liv cietonne and drapery (Ef. satta silk at yard t Remnants of l'.c silkolme 6ic Remnants of 10c light and dark out- filr lug flannel at yard Friday. Ladles' vests. with silk tape, extra larg sizes, worth loo and 15c, at 5c .IOC .. 5c ie and Jersey ribbed pants ami vests for children, worth lsc, at. pair Rnvs' suspenders, worth 10c. at , Special bargain In ladles' kitchen aprons. In all colors, for one hour, from 10 to 11 at. each 10c Indies' cambric skirts, hemstitched and embroidery trimmed, regular ii0 Jllfi alue, on sale Friday at Ladles' muslin drawers and corset covers. hu e trimmed formerly sold at 2C 5oc, special, Friday QUALITY PRICE. ,.nn,crjicc U(UtLilu J Potted ham, deviled ham, pottea tongue, deviled tongue or potted beef. per can JH Fresh , crisp ginger snaps, per lb 40 Xcelo. Malta Vita. Egg-O-See or Dr. Price s Breakfast Food, per pkg 7V0 BUTTER. BUTTER. BUTTER. Fancv dairy table butter, per lh 8V! Fancy separator creamery butler, per 10. J3o ' FRUIT. FRUIT. FRUIT. Large, Juicy, seedless lemons, per dos. J"o Iarge' ripe 'bananas, per dozen 1&0 3 measures fresh roasted peanuts l"c Large baskets fancy California plums.. 3i0 Larue baskets fancy (ioose plums l"Ve Fancy' Colorado honey, per racK i" 1.-0 furri Hates ner lb 1"' loc 2'c 240 Fancv Imported figs, per lb 1240 PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS AND SUITCASES. Genuino Matting Suitcases, very light. The, newest thing out. Price f 3.60, $3.75 and $4.00. WE DO REPAIRING. Omaha Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnam St. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A. Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. FRISCO SYSTEM LOSE MONEY All Records. A. HILTON, Osn'l nisr Acsnt, T. LOUIS, MO. WILL MARRY 0j i