Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Army Officer! Undertake to Stampede
ling Ak-8ar-Beu'i Guari
"r rresent. Many Happy
'perch Made and a General
baud Time Knotpd by
All lint onie.
Every check wm blan hod and every eye
llmrned t thf! AkSiir-Ben dm last evening
when Captain fltogsdall of the Thirteenth
Infantry hurried over the ramparts and
tried to score a touchdown against a score
of the Indians who ushered the tenderfoot
across the treacherous trail. The vnliant
captain waa one of a bunch of army of
ficers from Fort Crook and Fort Iioavon
worth at the den laat evening, and the.
military made Ita presence felt from gong
to long. '
While In reality last evening' had been
designated as "Hock Island night, '' there
were so many visitors from various parts
of the state and country, to sny nothing
of the captain. and lieutenants, it would
hardly be fair to say that any one section
had particular claims on th evening at the
Over 100 out-of-town guests were at the
royal hall last evening and every one en
joyed himself from overture to the time the
last sandwich faded from view. The total
paid n emacrM-.lp to date Is SI'S. Last even
ing's list was of people from New York,
Chicago, Kansas City, Ht. Ixiuls, Lead, 8.
I'., Joplln, Mo., New Orleans, Pittsburg,
Newark, N. J., Denver and various parts
of Nebraska and Iowa. The following
army officers from Fort Crook and Fort
Leavenworth were present: Captains
Welsh, Palmer. Castle and Stogsdall; Lieu
tenants nillnfham, Dronlllard. Clark,
Watts. Hatfield, Sharon. lwls and Allen.
IT. Milton Vaughfin, U. S. A., of Fort
Leavenworth, was also present.
Rsflkera of the F.venlnar.
Attorney Ralph W. Urorkenrldge was
grand mufti for the evening. Mr. Breok
enrldge was more than equal to the occas
ion. He was ably assisted on the speakers'
stand by Ir. A. F. Zlegenfus of Philadel
phia, Dr. Milton Vaughan, IT. 8. A , Fort
Leavenworth, B. F. TreTs and David J.
Next Monday evening will be "Missouri
Pacific" night, and delegations are ex
pected from Auburn, Falls City, Nebraska
City and Plattamouth.
If satisfactory train service? can be ar
ranged, the Knights of Ak-Bar-Ben will
accept the Invitation extended by the cltl
sens of. Grand Island to attend the harvest
festivities on the ISth Instant, Vhloh date
has been set aside for Omaha people.
Samson said last evening that the report
that had gone out to the effect that the
Knights of Ak-Sar-Hen would give over the
street fair to a carnival company, reserv
ing one or two attractions as strictly Ak-Baf-Ben
features. Is entirely erroneous and
without foundation.
"The Knights of Ak-8ar-Ben will have
entire control of the street fair this fall,
as It always has had In previous years. It
1 likely that negotiations will be made
with some large carnival company to send
three or four of Its best attractions for the
street falr" said Samson.
la Desperate Straits
are many, who could be cured by Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
60o and 11.00. For sale by Bherman & Mo
Connell Drug Co.
Summer Vacation Tours.
The Michigan Central, "The Niagara Falls
Route," to the Thousand Islands. St. Law
rence river, Adlrondacks, Lakes Oeorgo and
Ctiamplatn, Catskllla. Hudson river. White
mountains, forests and lakes of Maine, New
England sea coast, Michigan resorts, eta
For copy send to C. C. Merrill, T. P. A., M,
C. B, R-, Kansas City, Mo.
One Fare to Hot Springs, Ark.,
Plus ti. for round trip, dally, good for SO
days. Summer Is the best time for treat
ment. 'Ask any ticket agent.
X2-K weddings rings. Edholm, Jeweler.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses have been
Issued :
Name and Residence Age.
Frank B. Stewart, Omaha 22
Delia Fry, Omaha 20
Frank L. Griffin, Chicago, 111 24
Mary 1. Chambers. Portland, Ore 24
Alger T. Cox. Omaha 40
Laura Cox, Omaha i
Cure For The Blues
Hiiltb Filly Rtitartd and tba Joy if
Life Regained
When a cheerful, brave, Hfht-heartad
toman is suddenly plunged into that
perfection of misery, the BLUES, it ii
sad picture) It Is usually this way i
- She has been feeling- " out of sort '
for some lime; head has ached and
back also ; ha slept poorly, been quite
nerroua, and nearly fainted once or
twice; head ditxy, and heart-beats very
fast; then that oeannr-down feeling,
nd durtn? her meustrual period she is
exceedingly despondent Nothing'
pleases her. Her doctor saya : "Cheer
up: you have dyspepsia; you will be
all right soon "
But she doesn't fret ' all rifjht." and
hope vanishes; then come the brood
ing, morbid, Buelancholy, everlasting
Don't wait until your suffering- have
driven you to despair, with your nerves
all shattered and Tour courage gone,
but take Lydia B. Pink ham's Vege
table Compound. See what it did for
Mrs. Ron Adams, of Slit 12th Street,
Louisville, Ky., niece of the late Gen
eral Roger IlauKOD.C.S. A. ' She write:
Deer Mrs Plnkhain:
" I cannot tell too with pen and Ink what
Lydia K. Kink hams Vegetable Cuuiimunii
bas done for me. I u tiered with female
trout lea, eitronta lassitude, 1 the blues,'
nervousness and that all irons far ling I was
advlsad to try Lydia E Piukhame V egelabl
Cooi pound, and It not only cured tny female
derangement, but It has restored me to perfect
health and streagta. The buoyancy of my
younger days ha returned, and I do not suf
fer any longer with deepondenrv. as I did be
fore. 1 oouudrr Lydia K, ftnkbaine Vege
table f;umpiMio4 a boon to stc and sunartn
women "
If yon have some derangement of
the fa male rgaaUoa writ Mrs.
tVtakaaJta, I. J mm, 0U lor advice).
II. E. FREDRICKSON Earuing Ten for the Kcliool Fund.
Counoilmen Conolude from Lynch's Gas
.Teat How to Iffast Earing.
Twelfth Ward Froteatants Present
Their Objections to Redlitrlctlnn
and Get Promise of Some
Changes Today.
Councilman O'Brien and his lighting com
mittee watched Citjr Oas Inspector Lynch
burn gas through a Welsbach burner yes
terday afternoon and learned much about
the business they never knew before. A
further tost Is to be made beginning with
tonight, after the session of the council.
With only a short test Inspector Lynch
found that the regular city light through
the Welsbach burner consumed almost six
feet of gas an hour or about what the
company claimed it consumed. With the
check burner a twenty-three-candle power
light consumed almost six fret or about
the same as the Welsbach, though there
was no comparison in the lights, the Wels
bach being much brighter. Putting on
a regular pillar and removing the check
burner the gas consumed amounted to
fourteen feet an hour, with the light no
It is the use of the ordinary pillar in
stead of the check burner, the councilman
concluded, that causes gas bills In private
families to be so high each month, and at
the same time have no better light. They
advocated Issuing pamphlets on gas bur
ners to be distributed throughout the city.
Mar Pile the Steel.
In committee the city council granted
permission to the contractor on Ilayden
Brothers store to pile his steel and iron
in front of the Patterson block in the
W. B. Ten Eyck and Charles Lindsay, a
committee from the Twelfth Ward Re
publican club, took up the matter of the
redisricting of the ward with
Zlmman to -vhose committee the ordinance
was referf . Mr. Zlmman assured the
committee jnat he would listen to protests
and whIU the ward could not get more
precincts e had no objections to changing
the pre- net lines. The committee com
plained ,liat the fourth precinct contained
too mi.iy voters In comparison with the
other precincts. The lines will be changed
before the council meeting tonight.
The contractor for the engine house
which was recently completed and for
which the city owes in the neighborhood
of tJ.OOO, came before the committee with
his claim and was told there was no money
to meet the obligation. After a discussion
about a friendly suit which was recom
mended the contractor. City Attorney
Breen asked that nothing be done until he
could consider It further.
Thirtieth Annnal Conference of the
At the corner of Eighth and Bancroft
streets quite a gang of workmen have been
at work several days,; preparing the
grounds for holding the thirtieth annual
conference and campmeellng of the Seventh
Day Adventlsts of Nebraska. The site
selected for the encampment is a beautiful
grove adjoining Rlvsrvlew park. About
fifty tents have already been erected.
Elder A. T. Robinson of Lincoln, president
of the Nebraska conference and Mr. F. H.
Hahn. superintendent of the grounds, esti
mate that the camp will consist of between
1J8 and 130 tents. The meeting Is to open
Thursday evening, with delegates from all
parts of Nebraska. ,
The public tents, which are located near
the entrance to the grounds, art: the re
ception tent, furnished with sofas and easy
chairs for the convenience of visitors; the
educational1 tent, the book tent, which will
be conducted by the Pacific Press Publish
tng company of Kansas City; the large
pavilion, K)xl25 feet, la which the public
serv ices will 'be held; the conference office
tent, the grocery tent, where will be dis
played a large assortment of the Battle
Creek Sanitarium health foods and a gen
eral line of groceries; ths dining tent.
separate pavilions In which youths and
children's meetings will be held, also ser
vices In the German and Scandinavian
languages. The grounds and the large pa
vlUoa are to be supplied with electric
lights. Able speakers from abroad are
promised, among them Elder G. A. Irwin,
first vice president of the general confer
ence, recently returned from a two years'
tour In Australia and Islands of the Pa
cific ocean, and Elder K. C. Russell of
Washington, D. C, chairman of the re
ligious liberty bureau. The meeting will
continue ten days, closing Sunday even
ing, August 20, during which time there
will be held three public services each day.
Merry Evening Spent In Honor of a
Pioneer Settler and Ills
In honor of the fiftieth anniversary of
their wedded life, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Flinn. 3324 Fowler street, celebrated at
their home laBt evening. It was a gay and
festive crowd that gathered at the resi
dence of the old couple to commemorate
the event which happened a halt century
ago, and the two old people who have been
married so long were as keen In celebrat
ing the event as were the younger element
who were present, a great many of whom
were children and grandchildren of the
principals. The affair for the most part
was planned and carried out by the son-in-law
and . daughter of the couple, Mr.
and Mrs. Martin H. Plotts.
Mr. and Mrs. Flinn have eight children,
all of whom live In Omaha, and all were
present at the golden wedding. The child
ren present were: O. H. Flinn, Wallace
Flinn, Mrs. J. F. I'ettegrew, Mrs. J. D.
Hunter, A. C. Flinn, Fred Flinn, Mrs. M.
H. Plotts and Floyd Flinn. Besides these
there were sixteen grandchildren who at
tended the festivities. There were sixty
guests present altogether. Mr. and Mrs.
Flinn have lived In Omaha a greater part
of their married lives, coming from Alle
ghany, N. Y.
Of Minnesota, Korth and Sonth Dakota
Every day during the month of August
the Chicago Great Western railway will sell
to parties of five or more harvest hands
tickets to towns In the above states at
greatly reduced rates. For further infor
mation apply to 8. D. Parkhurst, General
Agent, 1512 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
The Food Show Aasnmlna; Shape.
Six of the best builders and decorators
In the country are now on the ground with
contracts from some of the largest exhib
itors and have begun their booths
with the assistance of a large number of
skilled workmen In the city and the Im
mensity of the enterprise Is Just beginning
to be apparent. There will be employed In
the building this week about SO carpenters
and twenty decorators. There will be used
In the neighborhood of a million yards of
bunting of various colors and about five
thousand lncandrcent electric lights, one
booth using S00. Exhibitors are searching
the city for skilled demonstrators, as there
will be used for ten days about SK) young
ladles In the demonstration of ths different
foodstuffs. There will be employed In the
show August 14 to 24 In the care of the
building and running of the show over 400
men and women.
An "orchestra of ten pieces and a band of
fifteen pieces In attendance dally. There
will be given away In samples during the
ten days five thousand dollars. Don't for
get to get tickets of your grocers, which
will admit you for 10 cents In the afternoon
and 15 cents In the evening.
The unanimous verdict of the thousands
of people who attended the Woodmen of the
World carnival at Courtland Beach Sunday
was that the spiral act of Phil D. Ureen
was the greatest act they had ever wit
nessed and that the pyrotechnical display
in this and Harry Du Bell's act of riding a
live wire are simply magnificent and must
be seen to be appreciated.
That tho Russian Prince Nlcholl, the
Browning King theater entertainers, the
glass blowers, shows on the Pike, are the
best ever snd that the Old Plantation pays
you well for a visit.
That dancing in the cool pavilion each
evening Is Just simply Immense after the
sultry heat of the day.
On account of the elaborate preparation
of the electric display these acts did not
take place until 10:30 p. m., but will be pre
sented at and 10 SO p. tn. each evening
hereafter until the close of the carnival
August 11.
Missis Anna and Estella Hecher and
nrotiier. will necner. nave returned from
t oiumous, ifd., wnere
hi? Mr. t"M"i"J,1l-d
the bo,ly of their mot
Hoc her, who died in Oiuaha,
uaha, July .
Government Control of Basinets Advocated
bj American Ear Committee.
Minority Statement Will lie Presented
bnt Majority Is Expected to Have
Weight with .et
First legislation by congress providing
for the supervision of Insurance.
Second The repeal of all valued policy
Third A uniform fire pulley, the term of
which shall be specilically defined.
Fourth The repeal of all retaliatory tax
Fifth Stricter Incorporation laws In the
seveial states as they afToct the creation
of Insurance companies; and a, federal stat
ute prohibiting the use of the mails to all
persons, associations or corporations trans
acting the business of insurance in disre
gard of state or federal regulations,
These arc the five recommendations that
will be made to the annual convention of
the Amerlcari Bar association at Narragan
sttt Pier August 23-4-5, by Its committee,
on Insurance. Rafph W. Kreckenrldge of
Omaha is chairman of this Important com
mittee and as such has drawn up the re
port. It Is expected that action on this reeort
by the bar association will have a de
cided effect on. the action to be taken later
by the congress. A great many of ihe
members of congress are alsi members of
the American Bar association, and natur
ally they will be Interested In any recom
mendation to which the association may
give Its Indorsement.
The committee Is composed of Halph
W. Breckenrldge, Omaha, chairman; Bur
ton Smith, Atlanta, Oa.; R. A. Mereur,
Towanda, Pa.; W. A. Hcmenway of Bos
ton, who is to deliver the nnnual address
to the bar association this year, and W.
R. Vance of Virginia.
Minority Report by Vance.
Mr. Vance is expected to offer a minority
report In which he will disagree with the
committee, not on the general findings, but
on the proposition that there is no consti
tutional obstacle existing to the Inaugura
tion of federal supervision of the Insur
ance business. Mr. Vance believes It
would require an amendment to the na
tional constitution to permit of the gov
ernment taking over control of the busi
ness. The report at the outset makes note of
the fact that the amount of Insurance of
all kinds in force in the United States
approximates J50.000.1W,000 and that the ag
gregate assets of the companies approxi
mates 13,000.000,000. The American people
pay annually for Insurance of all kinds.
l,000,noo.000 In round figures and they re
ceived back In the year ending December
31, 19o4, tSO.000.noo. This Is exclusive of fra
ternal beneficiary associations and local
mutual fire Insurance companies.
Roosevelt Favors Plan.
President Rooseveelt Is quoted as having
said to the committee that he is very much
In favor of federal supervision of insur
ance, and his utterance on the subject In
his message to congress of December 6,
1904, Is quoted at length.
Of the sentiment of the insurance com
panies themselves with regard to the
widest publicity for their affairs, the re
port says:
Publicity as related to corporations that
have or seek either public franchises or
public favor means more than a newspa
per adertlsement of an Unsworn statement
of assets and liabilities?. It means that
each company must ahow to that depart
ment of government, state or federal, in
vested with power In that regard. What It
Is doing with the monev' It receives; that
Its affairs are conducted' hiSnestly and eco
nomically, and that its business Is oper
ated upon a plan which experience lias
shown will enable it to arroni me proiec
tion it offers to its policyholders.
After an Introduction to the subject cf
federal supervision and the question of Us
desirability, the report says:
The officials of the leading companies
life, fire and accident rccognlne the steady
growth of the sentiment In favor of na
tional supervision, and they generally favor
It If thereliy the forty-nine state depart
ments to which they now must make re
turns will be superseded. The leading
state Insurance commissioners are also In
favor of federal supervision.
No one has offered any substantial reason
against federal supervision and It Is advo
cated by the president of the fnlted States,
many state Insurance commissioners, fa
vored by leading Insurance officials and
numerous able Insurance Journals. Besides
these, the general press Is In favor of any
movement In the direction of greater cor
porate publicity, and the patrons of Insur
ance the people favor federal supervision
of the business, as the national bunks are
State Plan Is Denonneed.
The rece'.rt by state Insurance depart
ments of several millions yearly In excess
of what supervision costs Is denounced as
Iniquitous and the report says the expense
of federal supervision would not be over
10 per cent of what state supervision now
costs, thus lifting "an unnecessary burden
from all who seek to provide for their fam
ilies and to avert disaster from fire through
Discussing the matter of taxation, the re
port says certain states tax foreign com
panies higher than they do their own com
panies. The states using the retaliatory tax
ation system are alluded to as "having for
gotten that this Is a union of states." Such
laws are denounced as "in their spirit hos
tile to the federal compact, and Increase
the cost of insurance lu ine retaliatory
Federal supervision is held as a remedy
for this vexed problem of taxation, and.
besides, it Is set forth "would require a
strict accounting of the uses made of the
Immense sums accumulated through the
prudence, sacrifice and thrift of millions
of policyholders and will prevent Improvi
dent and Improper Investments and ex
travagant management."
Assuming that federal supervision Is con
stitutional, practicable and desirable, says
the report, the plan by whU'h It can best
be accomplished must necessarily be left
to congress. On the matter of plun fed
eral franchises or national reincorporation
the committee refuses to express an opin
ion. Interstate or Xotf
he question of whether or not insurance
Is Interstate business Is gone Into at length
and a long line of decisions are quoted
touching the point, he report Rays:
"It does not follow because a thing Is
new that it may not be covered by the
constitution, for Marshall characterized
the constitution as 'intended to endure for
ages to come and consequently to he
adapted to the various crises of human
affairs.' " It Is set out that but for Insur
ance "commerce- as we know it, credit as
It is. civilisation as we live it, would not
have been possible."
Numerous decisions and opinions of pub
licists are quoted and the conclusion Is
drawn that "the constitution Is sufficiently
expansive to cover even Instrumentalities
of commerce that were not In existence
or dreamed of at the time of its adop
tion." Congress Itself la asserted to have
directly in words declared Insurance to be
commerce In the act creating the Depart
ment of Commerce and I.abor.
Of the valued policy laws In force in
nineteen or twenty of the states the re
port says these policies call for the pay
ment of the full amount named n the
policy regardless of vulut of the stock at
the time of the fire. The conclusion of
the committee is thst "no one ought to be
nermltled to recover Ou a rxillrv mnro
nan th value ot the Property destroyed "
' Tb- ewmmltt
cummlltee puts itself, euroni a
record in favor of the uniform rolley laws
by th states. If there is to be no federal
:ip rvMon of Insurance.
Less Power for Statesmen.
The committee nsserts tht Insurance
commission! is or state n-.iditnrs have now
altogether too much power In the tnntter
of the revocation of state licenses. A mod
ification of these laws Is recommended s
that the companies which fall under tlie
displeasure of commissioners of states liav
It.g such laws might have a chance to
be heard In defense and alsi have an ap
peal, if necessary, to the courts.
The laws of some states which aim to
prevent the transference of suits on In
surance policies from state to federal courts
are held to be too stringent and the com
mittee favors an effort to nave them made
more lenient.
Vmler the heading. "Statutes Encouraging
Suicide,'1 the committee says that some
states, notably Missouri and California,
now deny to companies the riKht to defend
against dc.ith claims when the Insured has
committed suicide. Such laws are charac
terlied as an Inducement to suicide rather
than otherwise.
Underground or wildcat Insurance com
panies are given crltlcnl consideration as
a detriment to nil honest Insurance, and
the suggestion Is made that only ft na
tional law will be competent tj deal effect
ively with this abu.-o of the lnsuranco
Latest Story In t'ndnhy Case Comes
from Kast and Ksclades
Pat t'rone.
From New York comes the very latest
development of the Cudahy kidnaping case.
False or true, the New York police, through
Inspector Cross, are Investigating the
story handed them Saturday last by a letter
to detective headquarters. Insiwctor Cross,
who has been handling the case against
Frederick E. Carlton, or McCandless, thi
Brooklyn "Bluebeard" who promises to et
eclipse the record of Johann Hoch, on paper
at least, tn Saturday received a letter to
the effect that the man now In his custody
was concerned In the Cudahy kidnaping
crime in Omaha, some five years ago.
Inspector Cross's Information asserts that
Carlton had in his possession a picture of
the missing boy's clothing and wrote a
letter offering to restore the boy for a
ransom. This communication, says tho
letter, was first written by Carlton, then
copied by a woman living on Fourteenth
street, near Ohio avenue, Washington.
Inspector Cross expressed the opinion
that there was probably nothing In flio
letter, but at the same time he said he was
not going to take any chances and would
send detectives to investigate. In the hope
of getting a further line on Carlton's doings.
' Rest
P. Hoe Is Laid
In Prospect Hill
Rev. John P. Roe, tho nged Methodist
clergyman, who died Saturday at his home,
Twenfy-scvemh and Seward streets, was
burled Monday afternoon ut Prospect Hill
cemetery. The burial was private, but the
services at the home at 1 p. m. and at the
Seward Street Methodist church half an
hour later wen both largely attended.
Tho service at the home was brief and
was conducted by Presiding Elder Gorst
and a number of the Methodist clergymen.
At the church Rev. J. B. Priest, pastor,
conducted the services. In which Presiding
Elder Gorst and Rev. C. N. Dawson took
part. Rev. Mr. Dawson was for years
closely associated with the dead minister.
The pall bearers were furnished by the
Mcthodltit Preachers' union, and were as
follows: Rev. D. K. Tlndall, D. D., South
Omaha; Rev. E. Comhle Smith, D. D., First
Methodist church; Rev. John Randolph
Smith, D. D., Trinity Methodist church;
Rev. William Esplln, D. D., Hirst Me
morial church; Rev. D. W. McGregor,
D. D., South Tenth Setreet Methodist
Church; Rev. D. C. Winship, D. D., Walnut
Hill Methodist church.
Atlantic and Hed Oak Men Are Held
to Answer (barge la
Earl Allander of Atlantic, la., and Bert
Ewaldt of Red Oak were arraigned in po
lice court Monday morning on a complaint
of assault and robbery filed by Deputy
County Attorney Fitch. The prisoners were
willing to waive, preliminary examination.
They were bound from the police to the
district court in the sum of $2,000 each.
Allander and Ewaldt were charged with
viciously assaulting J. A. Carlson of Red
Oak and then stealing $2ii and a gold watch
from their victim. Carlson's jaw Is badly
Injured, so much so that It is with much
difficulty he takes nourishment. Detectives
Mitchell and Davis arrested Ewaldt at Red
Oak, on Sunday, while Allander was appre-
liendeu in umana.
Carlson says he has known his assailants
for some years at Red Oak and was on
his way to the harvest fields at the time
of the assault and robbery In Omaha.
Make Xo Disclosures as Vet Through
Counsel of Action Hrgard
Ina Injunction.
Attorney Myron L. Learned has not yet
reac hed any conclusion as to what course
he will pursue in meeting or resisting the
suit of Attorney General Brown against
the grain and elevator companies alleged to
constitute a trust In restraint of trade In
"It was only this morning that I got an
official copy of the complaint In the case,"
said Mr. Learned, "and until I can examine
and digest its contents it will not be possi
ble to say anything as to what we will do."
Sheriff Power's deputies have succeeded
In serving summons on all the companies
and persons named in the suit of the attor
ney general except In the case of Secretary
Miller of the Nebraska Grain Dealers' asso
ciation, who has been out of town for sev
eral days.
Xrgro Denies Charge of Mnrder, but
Is Liable to Knter Differ,
rut Answer.
William Miles, the colored man accused
of the murder of Harry McGechln, a white
man, July 27, appeared beforu Judge Redlek
Monday morning to plead. Tho county
attorney's office rather expected a plea of
guilty to murder in the second degree, but
Miles entered a plea of not guilty. After
ward It was learned that he is not at all
certain that he will not change this before
night, as the court adjourns today until
September IS.
On Ids pli-a being made Judge Redick
named Attorneys J. W. Carr and Fred L.
Smith to defend Miles.
rarlnrluhl ou a Vacation.
Otis T. Ciirtwrluht r.f WaK)jiriirtn r r
In In the my emoute hiiiue from Ixnver
where lie Iuih Imi-ii i,n a vacation for Hev
eial week. Mr. t'arta rlisdt in a c lerk In
tl.e Htiile department Ht W'iihini;t.n unii
ut one time In tl.e Wiir il' i-uri m-nl
ni. r.i ii i i'iarii i in iimalia. n mi aft
K"".g in " aaniiiKii.ii i:e was Pi.t.i.- He, re
taxy to the .ri anient .f the Alatikiin
buumlry ciiim.ii,n, unil went wlih th
tribunal when they met In London. lie
Prices on
Odd Pants
Have Been Greatly Reduced.
MEN'S ODD PANTS that sold up to $4 NOW $200
MEN'S ODD PANTS that sohl up to .?(' NOW $3.00
Mt'ii's pants liav boon groat ly mlueotl In prior Not a
single pair tan got a license to htay in our store more than
one season This is tho imperative time limit "ONE SEA
Clearing Prices on
Trunks and Suit Cases.
TRUNKS WORTH $12.r0 AND f 1,".00 NOW $10.00
Siore Closes Every Evening
Trouble with Big Sanitary Sewer is
Finally Located.
Repairs to Q
at Different
Street Vlndnrt
Times Hrsnlt
to Sewer ot
llrlnic Rrpalrrd.
The trouble with the bl Rnnltary Hewer
wlileh run alonir Railroad avenue was lo
cated Monday. This sewer has been cloKged
for several day. nnd men In the employ of
th city have been dlKCinn up the newer
since early last week, but failed to And the
cause of the trouble. City Enslneer Heal
finally found the cause yesterday and the
defoct is Boon to be remedied. Tills sewer
was laid In lsss and n year later the Q
street viaduct was built. In driving plies
for the east abutment of tho bridge a tim
ber waa driven through the sewer. This,
of course, caused a break, but It was not
noticed at the time. AlnnK In 1!'3 the east
abutment needed repairing:, In fact a por
tion fell down. Then more piles were
driven nnd the second pile was put through
tho sewer.
When the trouble was located yesterday
and digging commenced it was found that
a hole not less than twelve feet in depth
and the same number of feet In diameter
had been made by the constant flow of
se wn ce.
As noun as this discovery was mnde notion
was sent to the Stock Yards company and
General Manager Kenyon directed that men
be put to work at once making repairs. The
abutment Is being braced by the Stock
Yards company and the water pumped out
so that the city can go ahead with Its re
pairs. The plies are to lie cut off and the
sewer relald so that when this la completed
the 8tock Yards company can relay Its
foundations to the east abutment. There
is no danger to tho bridge as the braces
have been placed so thai no damage can
Work Is progressing rapidly on tho re
pairs to the sewer and before the end of
the week the sewer will again be In good
working order. There was no record at the
office of the city engineer regarding the
driving of these piles, but a Union l'aclllc
engineer was called upon for data nnd he
remembered that when the first piece of
timber was driven through the sewer In
that a wooden box had been built and
lowered so na to protect the piling. The'
city will have to expend about $5"J) In all
before this sewer Is again In service.
(Ilr Connell Enjoined.
When the city council was In session
last night a deputy sheriff served an order
cf the court on Mayor Koutsky and the
members present preventing the letting
of a contract for the paving of Twenty
fourth street. The council accepted the
restraining order and then went ahead
and ojiened the six bids. These bids ranged
till the way from 11. Wi to $.11 per square
yard. Parks. Johnson & l'arks was tho
low bid. Until the case Is settled In court
the council cannot let the contract. Rep
resentatives of the Barber Asphalt com
pany were present and suggested repairs
to the foundation and a new sheeting of
asphalt at per yard. There was no
consideration of the asphalt matter.
A warrant for $s.J9 was ordered drawn
to pay for the Sutcliffe damage suit. This
Is the case where a lad was Injured a
couple of years ago by a washout on
Twenty-fourth street south of Q street.
lie was so badly Injured that suit for
damages was brought, with the result that
after a long lawsuit the city pays the
damages. 1
A communication from the Union Pa
cific officials was' received showing that
land has been purchased for a depot site
and permission was asked'-to locate a
depot thereon. This was referred to the
street and alley committee.
City Attorney Ijimbert made a report
on water rales. lie asserted that the
rules ordered by the Omaha Water board
now exist In South Omaha, although the
order now In force may be reversed by the
courts. Mr. Ijinlert suggested that the
council make arrangements with the water
company pending a settlement of the Utl-
An ordinanre was introduced for the
vacating of Railroad avenue from M to
Twenty-seventh street. This went to a
committee. The council will meet again
on Friday night.
HeareC Over Alum Gates Death.
Genuine sorrow Is expressed by many
people In South Omaha and In fact all
tnroutiii iiiiu eriiiuii ui ine male, over me
death of Amos Gates, one of the early
settlers In this section of Nehruska.
In fcpeaklng of the deceased Prank J.
Mortality, cashier of the Packers National
bank, said: "Mr. Gates was one of the
original Incorporators of the Packers' Na
tional bank, and was a director from the
date of Its Incorporation in July, lssl. We
will miss tils safe counsel and advice as
he was a man to be depended on at all
times. More thun this, he seemed to take
a friendly Interest In every employe of the
bank and was highly respected arid es
teemed by ull who knew him. lie was a
man of honor, and his honesty In dealing
of all klnd.4 was noted and his word was
never questioned. In addition to us miss
ing ilm here ' i tank and lu South
a.t 5 P. M. Except Saturdays.
Omaha, his many friends In Sarpy county
nre regretting his death. While never
seeking attention of any kind Mr. Gates
never came to South Omaha but he was
called upon by many business men who
he had nssisti d In various ways. Person
ally Mr. Gates was one of the finest men
one would care to meet, his disposition
was one to be envied and he was re
spected by nil who knew him."
During the hours of the funeral today
the Packers National bank will be closed.
President John F. Coad of the Packers
bank Is In Colorado, and Vice President
A. W. Trumble Is on his way to tho
Pacific coast. Neither are aware of tho
death oi Mr. Gates.
deliool Hoard I'leets Janitors.
When the Hoard of Kducatlon met last
night these Janitors were elected: Frank
Vocnsek. K. Johnson, Tom McAdnms. D. D.
Sullivan. John Kubat. M. Tlghe, D. B. Hid
den, Mrs. I.. Snrenson, Guy Beater. Thnnmi
Conway, Jacob Hnster, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs.
Relzek. James Hamilton, Andrew Christian
son, 11. lUgelow, William Firman, J. C.
Rlngo, J. J. O Rourke. J. 1!. Smith, John
Klemptner, Peter Hlnkle, John Dworak,
P.urton Rice and II. Ileal.
Miss Anna Levy tendered her
ns a teacher and It was accepted. Ti P.
Hnswcll was chosen a a teacher of Ger
man. N. M. Graham, principal of the hlgn
school, was named ns librarian of the high
school library nnd was votid a compensa
tion of $10 a month.
Thnmnn Charaed tilth Mnrder.
A coroner's Jury met at 2 o'clock Mon
day nfternoon to Inquire Into the death of
Mrs. Kdmond Geeter, who waa shot on Sat
urday night by John K. Thomas. Fleven
witnesses were examined and the testimony
was nlong the same lines ns indicated In
The Hoe of Sunday morning. It did not
take the Jury long to come to a verdict.
Thomas was held for the killing of Iho
woman and the recommendation was mado
that a complaint charging murder in -eho
first degree be filed. The testimony tended
toward premeditation and malice.
The woman was burled at I-iurel Hill
cemetery Monday afternoon.
Cose Continued Without Date.
Monday was the dato set for tho hearing
of the Injunction brought by an eastern
trust company ngalnst the city authorities
to prevent the wrecking of tho old Transit
house building. As Judge Senrs.waa not In
the rlty the case, by mutual consent be.
tween attorneys, was continued without
date. The expectation Is that as soon as
the Peptemljer term of court opens this
caso will be given n date.
1nn- Inqnlriea A lion t Itonds.
In response to an advertisement being
printed In The Omaha lleo asking for bids
for the Missouri avenue londs, tho city
clerk has more than a dozen requests
from lond buyers asking details. These
bonds are to be offered for sale at the
council meeting to be held August 14, and
the highest bidder will certainly get the
securities. From the present outlook there
does not seem to be anything'ln the way
of the city selling this Issue of bonds,
which amounts to H5,tm0. These bonds are
considered excellent, and probably mora
than a dozen bidders will bo present la
person or by proxy.
Maalc Cltr Gossip.
Anton Idt and Grant Caughcy have re
turned from an eastern trip.
It. W. J. Mii'iann Is back from South
Dakota, where he has a homestead.
Frank Hpeur. one of the city mall car
riers, is taking a five days' vacation.
Miss May Tronson has gone tn Ijike
Okohoji, la., for a few days' recreation.
Judge and Mrs. A. K Sutton left Mon
day afternoon for the Portland exposi
tion. Mrs. A. Pearson has returned to her
home In Colorado after a visit with friend)
H II. Roberts has gone to the PaclflO
coast, where he will ipcnd a four weeks'
Frank Coad Is back at his desk at tlm
Packers Nullonul bank alter a two weeks'
Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson have gone
to Salt lake City for a few weeks' visit
with friends.
Fred Carjrf-nter Is now located at th
Lincoln to k yards, where lie will work
during the busy season.
A business meeting of the Fpworth league
will ho held at the home of Mis. P. 1L
Ulilelds, 2416 F street, this evening.
Iluy It Sun.
Now Is the time to Luy Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It Is
certain to be needed sooner or later and
when that time comes you will need It
badly you will need it quickly. Iluy It
now. it may save life.
Special Munday Hates to Great Meat.
ern Pork, Mnnnlua, Iowa.
Only one fare for the round trip. Tickets
on sale every Sunday to and Including
j gunday
September 17. For further infur
ipply to S. D. Parkhurst, geneiol
i matlon
agent, lil'i Farnam Street, Omaha, Nc-ti.
HI Kir.
P.I'SIIMAN-IIerbert K. son r.f Mr. an
Mrs. Willi :i lliishmun, "Is South Twenty
iilnth street, Suiniiiy ihkM, Auk,i.i ti, at
pi 4i o'chx k. uged 1" y-ais an 1 11 months.
Funeral from Si. Peter s ciiiireh. Tuesday
morning ui s o i lock. Interment at 11. .ly
Sepulrher cemetery.
til I It A DKR Lillian, at Salt Lake City.
I tah. at 1 p. in. Kunda, Aunu.l 6. age 1
2: yiars, daughter of Mr. Mild "Jih. t li.ulei
tbtirader of this city.
K inerHl notice later.
RKLV K.S- Jamt s. ux'd C2 years. M inil i
n ut oYlo. It at rer Id nee, is s
4 'orVy ftr-et.
Funeral fr mi Sucre J Heart church. Twen-ty-seeond
and blimey streets, at a. in.
Wednesday, August t. lu til. ilaij cUttr
tcry. Fiiniu uniuu.