Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Fear Developments in tnjnrnticti Cue
Brought by attojney General.
Contracts Let for Improvement at
Norfolk Asylem, Amnpi Ttra
One for Ralldlaa the
Barnesl Wl(,
(From a fltaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Au. 7. (Bpeclal.) Advises
reaching the city Indicate there la a pan
icky feeling among the grain men who are
the defendant in the Injunction suit filed
by Attorney General Brown. The disclos
ures which will be made at the hearing
before the supreme court are believed to
be responsible for this feeling and there
are some who have already reached the
condition of mind where they are willing
to turn atate'a evidence.
"They are scared, and just about ready
to run." an Id a man wno la pretty close
In touch with the situation. "They reallie
Attorney General Brown haa them
In a corner from which they cannot es
cape. Their attorneys are Just beginning
to realise, the extent of his coup In bring
ing the Injunction suit In the supreme court
Instead of Instituting criminal proceedings.
He has now at his command the most sum
mary process known to law for the punish
ment of those who violate the order and
there will be no dilatory procedure and
appeals to bar his way."
It Is known that soma f the dealers
are so badly frightened that they will
help the state with evidence, that they
will confess misdemeanors under the crim
inal code and divulge the entire extent
of their dealings to secure immunity from
criminal prosecution which It la seen the
attorney general will have in store when
be has secured his evidence and secured
his final writ from the supreme court. It
Is pointed out that alt tne dealers who
are Implicated will be liable to heavy fines
and Imprisonment and Brown will have
all the evidence he needs at his right
hand. This Is the condition of mind which
Is counted on to make for a careful ob
servance of all tho terms of the order
Issued by Judge Barnes.
Coal and I. amber Dealers Anilnn.
The coal and lumber dealers are very anx
ious, too. Reports reaching the statehouse
Indicate that there are dealers In these two
commodities who fear that the present suit
by the attorney general is a mere preludo
a. to what la coming and they are correspond
. Ingly alarmed. The atate law officer, on the
(V, other hand, maintains auch absolute, sphinx
0 like silence that the very absence of com
ment from him aerves only to add to their
uncertainty. To those who predict that
further suits will be started against the
buslneaa men alleged to be In the various
other combinations, this very secrecy of
j the attorney general la significant, In view
f of the dearth of any disclosures before the
present suit was started.
I Still mon Important In this connexion la
, the fact that the ault against the grai
I mn will bring out, damaging evidence
' against the alleged coal and lumber com-
"sviinea, since man;
also carry llnea
- their books will
ailnea, since many In the former business
of coal and lumber and
show all their accounta.
thua giving the cluea needed by the atate aa
the basis of any ault; The petition filed by
the attorney general la a veritable bill of
discovery, which will bring all of this mat
ter before the court for use aa evidence.
Halting; Room for Dipsomaniacs.
The State Board of Public Lands and
Buildings took steps today to have the
cottage buildings at the Norfolk asylum
equipped with sewerage, plumbing and
llKlitlag fixture,, which will make the in
stitution 'liabltallfe for about 100 inmates
of the Lincoln hospital for the Insane, thua
mnklng the additional room needed for
the accommodation of dipsomaniacs com
mitted under the terms of the Epperson
law. At the present time the Institution
Is badly overcrowded and the insane pa
tlenta are In some Instances required to
leep in the hallways. For this reason
the trial of dipsomaniacs under the law
has been discouraged until adequate facili
ties could be provided. The contracts let
for the completion of the new buildings
follow: Plumbing, F. C. Philllpa, Lincoln,
$.1,627; electrlo wiring, EX C. Westcott,
Plattsmouth, $688.70. In addition, a con
tract was let to J. B. Herman of Norfolk
for the restoration of the burned building
at the Norfolk asylum. The total amount
of his contract la $17,169. The laat legisla
ture made an appropriation for the recon
struction of the building, after consider
able discussion, during which It was
For preserving, purifying,
and beautifying the skin,
scalp, hair, and hanas, for
irritations of the skin, heat
rashes, tan, sunburn, bites
and stings of insects, lame
ness and soreness inciden
tal to summer sports, for
sanative, antiseptic cleans
ing, and for all tne purposes
of the toilet and bath Cuti
cura Soap, assisted by Cuti-
cura umimenr, is priceless-.
T Imp b wmm at mm Mtv. m MiSilnl
f 0UTI1
CTa la, fc t. NwMMtllK(V,.Ui
rs efc aa-Maa rtv-laa .aa7
charged that the board had exceeded Ita
powers In buildings and cottages and should
bsve used the money appropriated In M
for rebuilding the old main building, which
was left partially standing after the fire.
The board haa also let contracta at Hast
ings for the following lmprovemnts:
Ha-nes Brothers, plate g'sss front, store
room. $110; Lewis Ellis, greenhouse, $2,560;
W. F. Dlrkman. roof on amusement hall
and storehouse. $41
The announcement waa also made that
the board would have the boiler at the
Milford Industrial Institution repaired. A
representative of the Van Porn Iron works
of Cleveland, O., Is Importuning the board
for a balance of $3.Sno alleged to be due
on the old contract. The money was with
held because of the failure of the con
tractor to place the last six cells In posi
tion. There were that many over the num
ber needed to complete the top tier.
Nebraska Invited to Participate.
Insurance Commissioner Pierce of the
auditor's office has been Invited to partici
pate In ihe examination of the three big
New York life companies, which will be
carried on by the representatives of several
western and central states, who met In
Chicago last week. The examination la to
begin August 10. It la believed that Auditor
Searle will decide to take part In the ex
amination, although he la absent from the
city today and hla views are not definitely
known. The companies Immediately con
cerned are the Equitable, the New York
Ufa and the New York Mutual, the "big
three," aocalled. If the Nebraska depart
ment participates both Pierce and Exam
iner Wiggins will go to New York, the lat
ter to remain and co-operate with the ex
pert actuaries and accountanta from other
Roasts Sensational Preachers.
Today at the Epworth assembly Rev.
Stephen J. Herben delivered an address
at the ministers" meeting scoring sensa
tionalism among preachers. He said:
"A sensational preacher. In place of
quenching the thirst of souls, administers
a dose of carbolic acid that corrodes and
destroys. He Is a diabolism, possessed of
the devil. He dishonors Ood and toys with
the destiny of deluded humanity that lis
tens to his unholy performances."
The speaker Is the editor of the Epworth
Herald of Chicago. He declared that the
sensational preacher did not hnve the fire
of human genlua or the fire of divine xeal.
His popularity waa a shame to the church
and contributed nothing to the final tri
umph of the Christian religion. He lives
and thrlvea to the derlment of the advance
ment of the cause of the Master and ought
to be driven out aa an arch enemy of the
church which Is here to ennoble and uplift
humanity, and not to debase It.
Plea for Preachers' Wlvei.
At the meeting of the Home Missionary
society, Mrs. Hllblsh, the national orga
nizer, talked of the work through the
country. She spoke of the wives of the
mlnlatera on the frontier and declared
that they needed Just as good clothee and
other comforta aa thoae of their more
fortunate sisters In the big churches of
th cities and the towns in the heart of
Site aald that thoae women came fresh
from the graduating classes of seminaries
and colleges equipped for any class of
work, and able to adorn any station in
life. They are refined and sensitive, yet,
they gave the beat that waa In them when
they married a young minister and' went
gladly with him to the rough work and
the privations of the frontier.
She stated that the mission schools
heeded books and clothing. There were
more applications from pupils than could
be accommodated, and more money waa
required to educate poor and needy girls.
Cooke Back from Panama.
"The Panama canal will be built and it
111 be finished In leaa time than most peo
ple believe," said Tom Cooke, collector of
revenues and bearer of other official titles
In the Isthmian government, who returned
to the city yesterday for a visit with rela
Every effort ts now being devoted to the
aanitatlon and provisions for the comfort
of the laborers so that when the work on
the canal Is taken up In earnest It may go
forward with the greatest possible expedi
tion. By next spring, according to the es
timates which the engineers have made,
from 12.000 to 15,000 men will be employed
on the canal work.
There Is much talk among the people of
the states of the ravages of yellow fever.
Much of It la unfounded. For the year end
ing June 30, 1906, there were 165 casea of
ellow fever and fifty-five deatha. The
work of aanitatlon which la now In prog
ress will make the zone safe for men and
their families by next spring. The govern
ment is now at work with all the men In
the zone cleaning It up and preparing sani
tary quarters. The awampa are being
drained and general fumigation la carried
on for the purpose of eradicating the mos
quitoes, which are the active agenta In the
spread of the germs of the dreaded fever. I
understand that the work on the buildings
and the canal haa been called to a halt
while the workmen are working on this
sanitary problem. When they have this
accomplished they will turn back to the
work of excavation.
State Bays More Bonds.
The State Board of Educational Lands
and Funds has received $60,000 In Massa
chusetts gold bonds from E. H. Rollins Sc
Son of Chicago. .The contract, which waa
entered Into aeveral months ago, calls for
purchase on a basis of 3,27 per cent. The
board also purchased the coupons de
tached to bring the Interest down to this
New Military Sara; eon.
Dr. J. W. B. Smith of Albion has been
appointed first assistant surgeon of the
Second regiment, with the rank of first
lieutenant, on the recommendation of Colo
nel 1. W. McDonnell.
Ambnlaace Corns Leaves.
The ambulance corps will leave for Kear
ney today to take part In the encamp
ment. Tomorrow Company F will entrain.
Several companies from the southeastern
part of the state will pass through the
Prohibition State Convention.
Tomorrow will be a busy day for the
temperance and prohibition people. The
state convention will meet In the audito
rium promptly at 10 o'clock. ' Organiza
tion will be effected. Important committees
appointed, and at 11 o dock Clinton N.
Howard, known as the "Little Giant" of
Rochester, N. Y., will address the people.
National Chairman Jonea will apeak at 3
o'clock In the afternoon. The buslnesa
will be pushed with vigor and dispatch.
nd It la expected that all will be trans
acted between 10 o'clock In the forenoon
and o'clock In the evening.
Farmers Grain Company.
The Farmers' Grain and Live Stock com
pany of Bloomfleld, with an authorised
capital stock of fJ&.OOO, has filed articles
of Incorporation In the office of the secre
tary of state. The Incorporators of the
company are J. F. Klnlx. Charles R.
Kracht, August Gnewuch, Theodore Rietz.
Dotlef Hafner, Ouy R. Brtggs, Julius Stahl,
Ben Titus, Ferdinand Lemke, Eugene Her
aid, R. McQulstlan and John Zorn.
Major Cecil Calls on Uovernor.
Major George R. Cecil of the Thirtieth
Infantry, United States army, stationed at
Fort Crook, called bn Governor Mickey
today. He has been detailed to serve with
ths National guard as inspector for the
War department during the encampment.
lie had been ordered to report to the gov
ernor for Instructions.
Ceanrllnsan Blake Hart.
Councilman John 8. Bishop, who has been
attending ths annual eoavsoUoa of the
Commercial Law league at Niagara. F"alla
and visiting his mothei and brother at
Lyons, N. Y., for the Inst two weeks, waa
painfully Injured by falling off a street car
at Rochester, N. Y , last week. His knee
was badly cut, one hand lacerated and he
was severely bruised by the fall, but the
physicians have Informed him that he will
be able to get out within a we a.
Law and Order l.eaaae Organised.
SKWARD, Neb. Aug. 7.-t3peclal Tele
gram.) On last Wednesday a convention
of citizens from ftlca, Tamora, Beaver
Crossing, Ooehner. Staplchurst and Seward
was held at the Metfiodlst church and a
law and order league to embrace the
whole county waa organized. The purpose
of the organization Is to assist the officials
to enforce the laws The Immediate cause
of the gathering is the prevalence of Sun
day base ball, which It Is the determination
of the organization to abolish. The con
vention waited upon the county attorney
and the sheriff, and both assured them
that the laws against Sunday base ball
would be eji forced by them. A game had
been advertised for last Sunday for Utlca,
and the association advanced to the sher
iff $20 with which to employ such depu
ties aa he might need to arrest all par
ties who attempted to play that day and
assured him that whatever financial as
sistance he might need would be forth
coming. There are other things aside
from Sunday base ball that this organisa
tion will look after.
JSewa of Nebraska.
OSCEOLA Rev. I M. Origsby's congre
gation, fifty of them or more, were In at
tendance at the Kpworth assembly at Lin
coln over Sunday.
EDISON 8. M. Lyons and family have
returned from near Bloomlngton. Mr.
Lyons lost his entire crop during the floods
of the Republican river, and will try Furi
nas county once more.
FALLS CITY John R. Smith has sold
his farm adjoining this city on the north
east, to Henry Whlterock, for $17,500. The
farm included liio acres. This gives a gen
eral Idea of the price of Richardson county
LEIGH The Northwestern hotel at this
place changed hands this morning. Dubsky
& Knapp. who were the owners for the
ast six months, sold to hdward lee anil
I. C. Kemper, who assumed charge this
FALLS CITY Monday, September 11. Is
the date set for opening school. The board
at the last meeting decided to discard -he
Prince's arithmetics, that have been used
In the schools here for a number of years,
and adopt the Smith arithmetic.
EDISON William Tower sold a bunch of
870 head of hoes to the local buyers here.
They were the finest bunch of hogs evr
shipped out of Edison, averaging 3.V5 pounds.
Ten cars of hogs and four of cattle were
shipped from here during the last week.
EDISON Dr. J. R. Cameron, a Beaver
City boy and a veteran of the Spanish
American war, was united in marriage to
Miss Veda Corbln at Ashland, Ore. Both
bride and groom are Well known here. Dr.
Cameron having served a term as sheriff
of Furnas county.
OSCEOLA The Second Regiment band of
the Nebraska National Guard is to get a
little taste of soldier life for the next ten
days, for It haa orders to start tomorrow
morning on foot for Silver Creek, on the
main line of the I'nlon Pacific railroad, and
will take cars from there to Kearney.
PLATTSMOI'TH The members of the
Grand Army of the Republic and Woman's
Relief Corps gave a reception Saturday
evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. C W.
Green, who expect to remove to University
Place. Mr. and Mrs. Green have been resl-
dents of Plattsniouth for twenty-seven
FREMONT The pattern room of the
Fremont foundry was entered by burglars
some time between Saturday night and
this morning and alout $.V) worth of puT
ternmaklng tools belonging to George
Helzenbuttle taken. Some of them are
marked with his Initials. There is no clue
to the thieves.
OSCEOLA Simple and Impressive pervlces
were held at the First Meinodtst Episcopal
church here vesterday morning In memory
of Bishop Isaac Joyce. The Methodists of
Osceola feel very keenly the great loss the
denomination has sustained In the death of
the bishop .and the morning service was
set for the memorial service.
FREMONT The signal corps of the Ne
braska National Guard left this morning
for the state encampment at Kearney.
There were thirty In line, a souad having
been there since last Monday laying out
the camp and rifle ranges. Tho corps Is
fully equipped with signal apparatus the
same as la used by the regulars.
FALLS CITY The county Jail contains
five prisoners at the present time, Elmer
Tuttle of Sulem. for disturbing the peace;
Thomas Foy, selling whlnky to Indians,
bound over to district court; Joe Hinchman,
diaturblng the peace; Wlllium SutllfT ol
Omaba, disturbing the peace; Oliver Wells,
striking and wounding a little colored boy.
HUMBOLDT Jeremiah Vance, a re
flected citizen of this place, died yester
day morning after an extended Illness,
having been In a helpless condition for
some time. The remains were taken on
the afternoon train to Geneva, the old
home, and interred beside those of five
children who passed away many years
HOWELIS The local Foresters lodge
gave a picnic here which was a grand suc
cess. The weather was of the picnic sort
and a large crowd enjoyed the day. Base
ball was the leading feature In the after
noon, when Howells defeated Snyder, while
In the evening all enjoyed the dance with
music furnished by the famous Howells
EDISON Jesse Bard, whose home la
northeast of here, Is the victim of a pe
culiar accident. While working around a
cornsheller his Jacket began to wind around
the tumbllngrod. The rod had carried him
once around when his brother, Ezra, seized
him and tore the Jecket from his body. Al
though terribly bruised no bones were
LEIGH The harvest of late oats la oa
In this vicinity In full blast, and by the end
of the week all small grain will be in the
shock. The yield of all small grains will
be good. Some winter wheat and early
oats have been thrashed and the yield and
quality Is most satisfactory. The weather
Is most favorable for corn and a good crop
Is assured.
HUMBOLDT The old building on the
lots owned by the city waa sold at public
auction Saturday afternoon to F. R. But
terfleld, and will be removed at once In
preparation for the erection of the new
city hall, for which bonds were recently
voted. It Is generally understood that the
new public building will bo constructed of
cement blocks.
PLAT8MOUTH Fred Muster, a farmer
residing near this city, reported to the
police esterday that some unidentified per
son placed a quantity of strychnine In a
watering trough on his premises, sup
posedly for the purpose of killing his atocic.
A portion of the drug found In the
trough will be analyzed and the mystery
thoroughly Investigated.
FREMONT The Parker Amusement com
pany, which was denied the right to run
a carnival on tne streets ot tms city some
time ago, are running their shows this
week on a tract in the southeast corner
of the city near the roundhouse. Their
grounds are enclosed by canvass. They
came here on their own account, without
the aid or support of any organization.
BROKEN BOW Herman Paplneau. a
3-year-old boy, was another victim of the
severe electric storm of last Saturday. He
was standing near the kitchen window
when lightning struck the house, entered
It and knocked him unconscious. The boy
was not only badly burned, but lay In
an unconscious condition for several hours.
He Is now, however, thought to be out
of danger. Toinette Towsley, the other
victim. Is Improving,
AUBURN A. E. I.oder. assistant United
States engineer of Washington, D. C. has
arrived Willi tne surveying instruments and
la now getting ready to do the preparatory
work for lliti "object lesson road ' across
the bottom east of this city, which will
extend for a distance of one mile. Tin
Commercial club of this city has been ad
vised from Washington that the machinery
has been loaded and that, with tne expert
labor to do the constructing, will be on
tin) ground In the very near future.
SCHUYLER The first suit against the
Lhrnherger drainage ditch was filed last
baturday. M's. Joseph Bliss and Frank
Bliss each ask $2,uuo damages, as the ditch
passes through their land, and r. A. Weil
man asks ii.uuo damages on tne same
grounds. The three persons named are
represented by tiie r rtinunt attorney, E,
F. Gray, who took a prominent part In
fighting the ditches In Dodge county. Eu
gene Biiad, a landowner southeast of the
city, tiled a complaint on the grounds that
It turned the course o( water from lands
north of his place onto his farm. Numer
oua other complaints are expected to be
hied soon. The ditch will have plenty of
Fire lader Wmer
Is not mors surprising than the quick
pleasant, curative effects of Dr. King's New
Life Pills 2&c. Guaranteed. For sale by
bherman at Mojonnell Drug Co.
Bee Want Ada Produce Results
Nebraska's Army Will Bleep is Tents a
Tearse Tonight.
General Cnlver la Commaad and
ETerythlaaj In Shape for the
Soldiers Who Will Arrive
baring the Day.
KEARNEY, Neb., Aug. 7.-(Special Tele
gram.) General Amasa C. Cobb camp was
properly opened on Saturday. August 5, and
under general orders of Governor Mickey,
General J. H. Culver was placed In com
mand of the brigade and the camp. Com
pany A of Kearney of the Second regiment
went Into ramp August 4 as camp guard
and to assist In the Initiatory work of for
mulating the camp, which Is located Just
south of the State Industrial school on 100
acres of the Watson ranch. Those coming
In August 4 were General Culver, com
mander of the brigade and the camp;
Colonel Jenkins, commissary general; Cap
tain Davis, acting quartermaster; Captain
Hull, quartermaster First regiment; Cap
tain Culver, quartermaster Second regi
ment; Sergeant Kllsor, quartermaster ser
geant of the brigade. On Sunday Colonel
Evans, surgeon general; Captain Storch and
Captain Elllton Clapp arrived In camp.
Lieutenant Hensley of Columbus of the
Thirteenth United States cavalry, whose
regiment Is at Fort Meyer, Va., Is spending
his leave of absence here and has been ap
pointed an aide on the staff of the general.
General Culver has assigned the regiments
their camp ground and will hold each com
manding officer responsible for Its appear
ance and the sanitary condition of their re
spective camps. The camp is well located
for water and sanitary conditions, and a
very Interesting and Instructive time Is an
ticipated. The camp will be well lighted by
electricity. The Wisner band of the First
regiment and the Silver Creek band wilt be
present to blow the martial strains.
Troops Arrive Today.
The following companies of the First and
8econd regiments will come In over the
Northwestern via Hastings, and the B. A
M., on August 8: Wisner band; Company B,
Stanton; Company D, Weeping Water:
Company I, Wahoo; Company E. Tekamah,
ana tne Rushvllle Rifles of the Second, ar
riving at camp about 4 p. m.
Over the Union Pacific will be the Silver
Creek band; Comnay F, Madison; Company
K, Columbus; Company L, Omaha; Com
pany M, Broken Bow, of the First regi
ment; Company B, St. Paul; Company D.
Fairbury; Company O and Company I,
Omaha; Company K Schuyler; Company
M, Albion, of the Second, about 4:30 p. m.
Over the Burlington will be Company A,
York; Company C. Beatrice; Company E.
Wilbur; Company O, Geneva; Company H.
Nelson, of the First regiment; Company C.
Nebraska City; Company F. Lincoln; Com
pany H, Aurora; Company L, Alma, of
the Second, and Battery A. Wymore, with
a detachment of cavalry arriving about 6
p. m.
These troops will all come in on special
trains. The signal corps of Fremont, Cap
tain Rex Henry, and the ambulance com
pany, under command of Major Birkner
arrived In camp this evening. By order
bf the secretary of war. Major Cecil of
Fort Crook will be In camp as inspector
for the United States. There will be sev
eral other regular army offlcera on duty
during the camp. Colonel John Ehrhardt.
Judge advocate general, and other mem
bere of the ataff, who are not already here
will be on duty August 8. and continue In
camp until the breaking of It on August l.i
wee., iorDin tonight Issued the follow
ing order: '
General Orders No. 1; By virtue of ren
National Guard asBernhled In flM
under general orders Noe. U and 15, A. O.
i camp, CftmP Amasa Cobb,
follow f?I,'1n'ments are announced aa
follows: Colonel George E. Jenkins com
missary general; Colonel C. J Bills In
spector general: Colonel Carroll D. Evan",
EVhJ00". "nera: Colonel J. A. Ehrhardt
Judge advocate general; Major E. II Phelps
S.HJinnt enfri1': Captain S. D. Davis, as
W i5 i3uar "rmSr'er: Soco"d Lieutenant
W. N Hensley, Thirteenth cavalry, U S
A., aide-de-camp; First Lieutenant W. s'
Baldwin. Troop A, N. N. aide-de-amp
cordlngiy.WlU beyed and rcaPed at-
4. The hrlfirnds fnmmonAm - a. . .
the regimental commanders and the com
manding offlcera of Independent cotunan ",
the opportunity to exercise their Judgment
regarding tne conduct of drlUs J ";
pllne of their respective camps, holding
nh tn, ?Lr,ct acuntablllty fo the disci
drills Camp and thoruua-hnesa of the
6. The time should be fully occupied and
i ,i??08t made of ,hp opportunities offered
in this course of instruction.
ir.?kif lxpecff"d ,hat tne zeal of th reg
imental, battalion, company, battery and
V?!! commanders will cause them to put
forth the utmost exertions to accomplish
rcsu its.
hJ.' J.1 J8 recommended that much time be
devoted by the Infantry to extended order
drills and outpost duty.
?iiacn, me.mber of the National Guard
will be placed upon his honor aa to his con
duct and attention to duties. He should
reel that the character nf t h. i.u
vidually and collectively, Is In hla keeping.
Every member must be present for all
duties required.
. The good name borne by the National
Guard suggests that close restrictions will
in 1 ""lr "no no nonorable soldier
.! al?u"e th" privileges granted; othera
wui aubject themselves to severe discipline.
Dally Camp Rontlne.
General Order Nn 2- Tho fnllnn.u
of daily services is animnnmH rnr ih.
guidance of all concerned:
first call. 6:15 a. m.; trumpeters' march,
5:'M a. m.l'revllle. 6:25 a. m.: asspmhlv.
.30 a. m.; breakfast, 6:46 a. m. ; police call,
:60 a. m. ; guard mounting. Second rai
ment, August 8. 8 a. m.: Kuard mounting
rirst regiment, August , It 30 a. rn.. reifl-
Srm'Vla 'miT.J1'5; .the,;?a',VrJ
drill, s.15 a. m.; first sergeants' call, 11 ft)
a. m.; dinner. 12 m.; drill, 1:30 p. m.; sup -
per, 6 p. m.; dress parade, Second regiment
August . s:aj p. m.: dress Daradx. rtrt
regiment, August . 7 p. in., regiments to
alternate each day thereafter; retreat will
be sounded at close of last parade; when
dress parade Is omitted retreat will he
sounded at 7:30, with companies paraded In
their respective streets; tattoo, 9 p. m.; call
to quarters. 9:20 p. m. ; tape. 9:60 o. m re
call Bounded at the discretion of regimental
Winners In Rifle Competition.
In the rifle contest, which haa been going
on for the past ten days, the following
were the nrlze winners, closlnar fUturHav
August J. and who will participate In the
rine contest oi tne united mates at Sea
girt, N. J. The successful contestants will
remain here for practice two weeks longer,
howeyer, by the use of Mother! Friend before baby comes, as this
great liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and
preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother's Friend overcomes all the
danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through
this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest blessing.
Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the
nisi nf this wonderful
remedy. Sold by all H H
druggists at I .oo per i ,t ,
bottle. Our little UJL
took, telling all about
this liniment, will be sent free.
when they will go to Lincoln for a few
days before leaving for the national con
testi Ter
Tot. Cent.
rrlvste Duffy. 1st Regr '.'l
Private gncr. 1st Hegt :i4
Private Hohbs. 1st Hegt ?'7
Corporal Sliankland. 2nd Hegt. .191
Conmral Mclsenbnch, lt Regt ikm
Private Gould, iind Hegt Ivi
Lieutenant Eah. 1st Regt ls)
Corporal Halderson, 1st
Musician Young. 1st Regt 1-'
Private Brii. 2nd Regt 12
Lieutenant Mullowney, 2nd Regt. U7
Kergeant Hurt, 2nd Regt 1T6
Private Bridge. 2nd Hegt 17
Corporal Joyce, 2nd Regt 17S
Private Davis, 1st Regt 175
Major Gegner, 1st Regt 171
71 S3
-.' 7
Kl G7
til no
So 67
v 7
,V iO
M 67
5.x 67
6 .33
M. S3
In practice firing on August 3, Lieutenant
E. H. Mullowney, Second regiment, made
what Is believed to be a world's record In
rapid firing, five shots In SO seconds. At
6"X yards, he scored twenty-four out of a
possible twenty-five, firing on the expert
rifleman's target.
Falls from Second Story of Beatrice
Opera Bonse.
BEATRICE, Neb , Aug. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) Charles Burns, manager of the
Big City Vaudeville company, stepped out
of the rear door of the opera house, which
la In the second story, and fell eighteen
feet to the pavement below. His skull was
fractured and the doctors Bay death will
ensue within a few hours. No one saw the
accident and it Is not known Just how It
happened. Burns lived at 313 South Eleventh
afreet, Lincoln, was 30 years old and leaves
a wife. The company waa organized In
Lincoln last week and thla was Its first
Train Wrecka Depot.
BEATRICE. Neb., Aug. 7.-(SpeclaI Tel
egram.) An extra double-header freight,
westbound, was wrecked at Rockford early
this morning, ten cars leaving the track,
some of which were reduced to kindling.
The wreck occurred at the depot, several
cars of lumber and telegraph poles crash
ing Into the structure, damaging It con
siderably. The passenger train carrying ex
cursionists from Beatrice and points west
from the Wathena, Kan., Chautauqua was
delayed six hours on account of the wreck.
A number of Beatrice people walked home,
while others were brought here on flat
cars. A wrecking crew was sent out from
Fairbury and succeeded In clearing the
track. Nobody was hurt In the smashup.
It will take aeveral days to clear up the
wreckage. The accident was caused by a
soft roadbed, occasioned by heavy rains.
Lieutenant Governor MrKllton and
Others Who Attend, American Law
League Meeting; Return.
Lieutenant Governor McGllton returned
Monday from Buffalo, where he stopped for
a day after attending the three days' aes
slon of the American Law League at Niag
ara Falla last week. He Is much pleased
with his trip, and especially that part
which he made by lake from Chicago to
Buffalo. What most attracted his atten
tion was the fine condition of crops all over
the country.
"Wheat and oata In New York yielded
enormous crops thla year," he aald. "In
diana and Illinois have' good crops, and
Ohio Is claiming the best yield of small
grains It haa had In years. The corn is
looking fine."
Other Nebraskana who attended the meet
ing of the league were M. A. Hall of Omaha
and John Bishop and Mr. Brown of Lin
coln. Mr. Hall went on to Montreal to Join
hla family.
Kmc Preparing; to Open.
Workmen aro busy in the Krug theater
preparing It lor the opening performanci
of the season next Sunday. The whole In
terior Is being repainted and new carpets
are being laid. The boxes are to be re-
draned and railings placed in front of them,
For the lobby, a handsome decorative effect
has been chosen, which will make It seem
a very different place. "Too Proud to Beg,"
the first show of the season, will open a
four nights' engagement Sunday. The box
office w ill be open Tuesday morning.
If you have anything to trade, advertise
It In the For Exchange column of The Bee
want ad page.
Fair Today and Tomorrow In Xe
brnskn Fnlr In Iowa
WASHINGTON. Aug. 7. Forecast of the
weather for Tuesday and Wednesday:
For Nebraska Fair Tuesday and
For Iowa Fair Tuesday, warmer In the
north and central portions; Wednesday,
For Missouri Fair Tuesday, warmer In
south portion; Wednesday, fair.
For Colorado and Wyomlng--Falr Tues
day and Wedneaday.
For South Dakota Fair, continued warm
Tuesday, and probably Wednesday.
Local Record.
OMAHA. Aug. 7. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
years: 1906. 1904. 1903. 1902.
Maximum temperature.. Wt 71 72 84
Minimum temperature .. 62 62 63 69
Mean temperature 75 66 6S 76
Precipitation 00 .00 .11 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 77
I Excess for the day 1
I Total excess since March 1, 1905 171
I Normal precipitation
1 Deficiency for the day
11 Inch
.. .11 Inch
.12.7:; Inches
. 7.53 Inches
. 3.72 inchea
. i.'ii) Inches
I Precipitation since March 1
ncy for "cor. Ylod. 14.
r,firi,ncv for cor twriod lso3
I Vnclen,-y Ior cor' P"oa.
Denciency since Marcn i
Reports from Stations nt T
P. M.
Station and Stats
Max. Rain
Tern. fall.
of Weather.
Bismarck, clear
Cheyenne, clear .......
Chicago, clear
Davenxrt, clear
Denver, clear
Havre, partly cloudy..
Helena, cloudy
Huron, clear
Kansas City, clear ....
North Platte, clear....
Omaha, clear
Rapid City, clear
7 p.m.
94 .00 !
82 .00
84 .00
86 ,0o
86 .00
94 .00
90 .00 I
9 .nu
KS .00
M .00
8t .00
90 .00
84 .00
84 .)
94 .00
92 .00
Hi .00
Pf. 1-ouls, cloudy
Valentine, clear
Wllliston. partly cloudy
7 indicates trace or precipitation.
U A. WELSH. Local Forecastea
ETery wemin eoreti a
shapely, pretty figure, and
many of them deplore the
lost of their girlish forms
after marriage. The bearing
of children it often destructive
to the mother's shapeliness.
All of this can be avoided,
sSl H-S ,
fiT nonrmrynrfl
Police Maalttrate Berks Can
the Eye and Face of
turlng his long experience as police mag
istrate Judge lierka has had on opportunity
to get a look-in on human nature and usu
ally can tell by a man's words and counten
ance whether he Is telling the truth an 1
whether the prisoner Is deserving of len
iency. When Alfred Palmqulst faced the Judge
Monday morning, held his hat In one hand
and looked the mnglstrate squarely In the
right eye. and said: "Judge, I am Just
forty-seven years old today and this Is the
first time I ever was In Jail or police court
In my life," the Judge knew Pnlmqulst waa
telling the truth. The Judge could see truth
In the msn's face and could hear the ring
of truth In his words.
"You are discharged, but don't get drunk
and go to sleep In a park again." said the
Judge, as he marked "discharged" on the
comrlalnt and then handed the document
over to Court Sergeant Whelnn.
Then Palmqulst got his effects and left
the station, to begin hla forty-eighth year.
Sheriff Enjoined from Selling Certain
Property Over Which Law
salt Is rending.
Coroner Bralley Monday morning waa the
recipient of an Injunction against John
Power, sheriff, to restrain the latter from
levying on or selling certain property In
South Omaha belonging to Lenora and
Charles IWimholt.
Jacob Klein had secured Judgment against
Charles Bomholt for money alleged to be
due and levied on certain lots In South
Omaha. Mrs. Bomholt claimed the lots aa
hers, but execution Issued in favor of Klein.
Monday morning Bomholt, through his
attorney, came Into court and made affi
davit that the note on which he was al
leged to owe Kloln the money was never
signed by him and is a forgery; further,
that he had no notice of the suit on which
Judgment had been secured, that he waa
never legally notified of such suit and that
the proceedings were altogether Irregular.
On tills showing Judge Troup Issued the
temporary restraining order against the
sheriff and It was Intrusted to the coroner
to serve, which he did.
Saloon Keeper Arrested on Charge of
Violating; Federal Law Regu
lating "ale of Intoxicants.
Joe Peidlrti, who operates a saloon at
1401 South Twelfth ' street, was arrested
Monday afternoon by Deputy United States
Marshal Homan charged with selling spir
ituous, vinous and malt liquors at hla
home, 1W2 South Twelfth atreet, without
first obtaining the requisite government
license to sell It at the fatter number.
There waa no question regarding hla legal
right to sell moist goods at hla saloon,
but the government Is of the opinion that
a saloon permit does not Include the sain
of liquor at a point five blocks distant from
the saloon.
Peidlrti waa arraigned before United
State Commissioner Anderson and waa re
leased on his own recognisance In 1500 ro
appear Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock.
used by If llllons of Mothers for tbetr
CbUdren while Teethrng for erar Fifty Years.
all ptla. core wind oullo, and Is toe bM
taroxly for dlarrhisa.
THE ORIGINAL remedy that "kills the Dandruff Germ."
must have pretty hair. Beautiful locks
nave a subtle charm, for the poet says,
"fair trMs man's Imperial raoe en
snare." The unpoetlc and intensely
ytal dandruff microbe makes ths half
ulL brittle and lueterless with Inter
dandruff. Itching scalp and falling
Drag lorti. 11.01. Sief c Suast t BEIrCIDP. C0 Bsgt B. Dttrwl Mkk. far s issnle.
BHERMAN & MaCONNELL DRUG CO.. Special Aflrvnt.
Many men are prematurely old while still young In years, broken down
wrecks of what they ought to be. It all depends upon how they have pre
served their strength and vitality over the rucks and shoals of a busy life.
It la sad to contemplate the small percentage that have preserved the powers
of manhood unto ripe old age. Many have wantonly wasted the reserve force
which nature has given them to keep up the fires of manly energy by abuses,
excesses, lndlxcretions, etc.
It Is humiliating to be vitiated with disease and know that your manly
strength Is slipping sway to be weak, nervous, fretful ami gloom v; have pains
and aches In different parts of the body, your sleep disturbed, weak buck, head
ache, despondency, melancholia, too frequent urination, palpitation of the
heart. Inability to concentrate your thoughts, poor memory, ea-illv fatigued,
specks before the eyes, ringing In the ears, aversion to society, lack of ambi
tion, mill power depleted, dlxxy spells, vital losses, poor circulation: to feel
cold, lifeless and worn out as a result of abuses, excesses or contagion.
We are striving to save the thousands of young and middle-a-el men who
plunging toward the grave, tortured by the woes of Nervo-Sexual Hehlllty.
Ve have devoted many years exclusively to treating this class of troubles,
attended with great success, and have evolved and perfected a svstein of
treatment that Is an absolutely safe and certain cure In css.n where man's
characteristic energies have become weakened or debilitated, to which thousands
of men owe their sturdy health and happy condition in life. Our special treat
ment stirs up the embers which are growing cold and fans Into Maine the
spark which has lost Its brlllancy. When the ordinary bodily strength remains
vital force and sexual vitality Is within the reach of everv man.
Ion't wait until your whole system becomes polluted with disease or
until your nervous system Is tottering on the l.rlnk of an abvss that means
destruction of your physical health and your are a physical and mental
wreck, unfit for work, business, study or marriage. Call and consult with us
without delav and we will help you to escape from the slavery that Is hold
ing you captive and depleting your manhood.
We cure quickly, safely and thoroughly
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (5yphills.) Rectal, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases,
and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, self
abuse, excesses, or the result of specific or prlvsts diseases.
rftMCIII TlTlflM FPrF " vu cannot call write for svrr.r.tom blank.
IfUrtdULinilUn I nil., oflre Hours-a a. m. to p. m Sund ivs l
1308 Farnam St, Between 13th and 14th 6ta., Omaha, Neb.
Seldom, If ever, occur where the svstem l
kept healthy and vigorous by taking
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
It regulates the stomach and bowels; re
vives the falling strength: stimulates the
heart's action; quiets the nerves and keeps
the body cool and comfortable. "Duffy's"
contains no fusel oil and Is the onlv abso
lutely pure medicinal whiskey. Prescribed
by doctors for 50 years.
All druggists and grocers, or direct, 11 a
bottle. MeiMcnl booklet free. Duffy's Malt
Whiskey Co.. Rochester. N. Y.
Use the Best
For any use where good coal Is
NUT $6.00 LUMP $6.25
All Orades of Hard and Soft Coal.
3. A. Johnson. Pres. O. F. Brucker, Traaa,
J. F. Myers, Sec y.
1519 Farrjam St 'Phone 1307
A natural lubricat
ing oil. direct frona,
the well. None bet
ter for engines or
machinery of any
kind. Has a . good
body, will not gum.'
Fifty gallon barrel
for $3.50. Freight In Kanaaa not over 75
centa to any point. In Nebraaka, Iowa or
Missouri freight will make the oil coat
about 12 cents a gallon. You have been
paying 35 and 40 centa a gallon.
Benedict. Kan.
hair. Newbro's Herplclde destroys this
enemy of beauty and enables the hair
to resume Its natural luster and abun
dance. Almost marvelous results fol
low the use of Herplclde. Aa esqul
slte hair dressing. Overcomes excess
Iveneas olllneas and makes the hair
light and fluffy. No grease or dye.
uiops ltcning instantly.