Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1905, Page 2, Image 2
THE OMAHA DAILY I3EE: TUESDAY, AUOt'RT 8. 1903. TELEPHONE During July sod Anfast we close Sstartlsjrs 1 'clock. TiH-fday.inornintf we will place left; from oiir sale last week, at just Three fin. 1H cloth. size 2',4jx4 yards Inn, at half rie-$9 00. One fine' $U.h cloth, slse 2Mx2 yards lnnn. at half prlto ItUs. One fine IJS.OO cloth, alia 2H2tt yards Ion, at-half trlrfe-4.00. One fine HO 00 rloh, friie 2x2 yards long, at half price- lii.OO. Two flne 415.00 riot ha, size 2xi yards long, 'at' half price' 17.50. . OPEN UNTIL 6 P, M. every day except Saturdays, during July ind August we close at 1 o'clock. ;rnionp30N:pELDENto Y. JLL G A. Bulliin Corner Sixteenth and Dougks Scmt vice spent the day In southwest Louisiana Investigating reports of suspicious cases, one of them In St. Mary's parish. ' Chappelle Doln Well. Archbishop Chappelle was reported as doing wejl tonight. He will pass the crisis tomorrow . ,' The following cablegram was received by him: The holy father , deplores your sickness. In winning you ft speedy recovery he sends you his aposlolla blessing. (Signed.) ' . . ' cardInaI, Merry pel vat,. j ; Papal Secretary of State. ' Crisis Comes In Five Days. NEW YORK. Au 7. According to Briga dier Oeneral Arsene Perrilllatt, chief of ordnance of Louisiana, It will be five days before New Orleans Will face a crisis In the yellow situation. General Per rilllatt arrived here - from the south last niht. "New Orleans Is suffering more from commercial anxiety," said he, "but resi dents of the city feel that the health offi cials and the various committees, aided by the federal authorities, will cope with the fever. In the meantime business In that section of the state Is at a standstill. "Unfair discrimination Is being made against IOMlslana by-other states and Its commercial Interests are suffering In con sequence. The city Is opposed to the par ishes and the parishes are arrayod against one another with tha shotgun quarantines. "The hiosqult, -which carries the disease, breeds Jn clean, stagnant water. New York Is safe, I am sure. By this time New Orleans is protected. The exodus from New Orleans is a little more than is usual at this tlme"of;. the year. While commercial Interests, arc. paralysed now, I think that the situation .will clear within two weeks. . We will staunp out the dis ease." 1 Sir Patrick Manson, K. Cn M. O., medical adviser to the Brltlhh Colonial office, who Is here on his way to Ban Francisco, de clares that mosquitoes are among the greatest curses of mankind. "We are yet In the Infancy of the dis coveries of the transmission of such dis eases by Insects," he aJd. "but in the matter of yellow fever Infection all credit should be given to the. Yankees, who went ahead of our eminent men and demon strated that the ategnomjla was the vehlole that caused all the trouble. I( there Is not, there ahoyld be fi jawy in every state making It a criminal offense to a high degree to fall to report Immediately the ' prevalence of a base -of yellow fever. The slightest attempt at concealment by a physician should be followed by summary punishment."; The eteajtiar Comus, from New Orleans, was stopped at quarantine today and will be held there, with ninely-elght pasengers Ind a crew of sixty-six, until a period of Bve days out of the port of New Orleans has elapsed. This is the time limit for yellow fever infoctlon to show itself. Igi five days will expire tonight and no medi cal examination of those on the vessel will be mads until the time limit is passed. Suspected Cases Released. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 7.-The British iteamer Barnton, which arrived at the Del aware breakwater on Saturday from Port Se Palx, Hayti, with fifteen of the crew ill with, fever, docked, at this port today. The Barnton was held by the government quar antine, officials pertding an investigation as to the .character .of the fever, but after :arefar observation the steamship was per mitted to; pome to port, the physicians find ing thV seamen suffering from tropical ma laria. ' -Illinois Limit Certificates. CAIRO. 111., Aug. 7.-The state Board of Hearth "ht connection with the yellow fever quarantine . today ordered a restriction in the Issuance of health' certificates and in future they will be Issued only to citizens of Illinois and to persons who are vouched for by Jllinolsans. Health certificates have heretofore been Issued to all who applied. Mr. J. A. Egan deiarted for Springfield today to be absent until the latter part of the week. Dr. (Jeorge T. Palmer, assis tant to Secretary .Egan, is in charge of the Inspectors. . Many Instances of .hard ship come to the notice of the inspectors. I. . . i i . a i .!..!. T ... cnura i.wus iwi dm-"-'it . started a campaign against mosquitoes. He wt ' , a b. b. Btttrr, Black Bile and How Rlsht t Food Corrects It. BllllouStiesa, from Incorrect food, opens the way for an outfit of derangements of not only the body, but the mind as well. I The world is a dark or gloomy place to the victim, whether millionaire or mendi cant. The wife of the head of a great insurance office In an eastern city was cured com pletely of this wretched affliction by the use of Grape-Nuts. She says "For years I was a constant sufferer from bllllousness and extreme constipation, and suffered from the most dreadful headaches Of ice a week, which lasts three or four days at a time. Grape-Nuts food came te my notice about five years ago. I liked it from the first and began to use it be cause I liked It, without any thought that It might help my health. To my surprise I noted that after a short time all my ail ments began to decreaw. and they gradu llly but surely disappeared. I am now, and have been fur years, completely free from them and enjoy perfect health. "Everyone in my house now eats Grape Aiuls regularly, even my 2-year-old little girl likes it with her Postum Coffee (another thing we are never without), aud prefers It to any ether cereal. It pulled her through a difficult period of teething during th hot weather she never refused Grape Nuts when other food could not tempi her to eat. It is the first food I intend to give my baby boy when I wean hluu "My husband eats wore Grape-Nuts food at every xueal than of any other ene dish. He says it never pall ou him, aod he finds that It regulates bis bowels perfectly." Naino given by Postuin Co.. Battle Creek. Mich. There's a reason. Bead the UtUe book, "Tle Road to Well. TUla,"'ta each pa. BEE. AUO. T, IM. Special Sale of Fine Table Cloths. on sale a few very fine cloths half price. Two flne $11.75 clotha. sites 2x2 yards long, at half price tu.M. NAPKINS AT HALF PRICE. Eight donon flne $7 50 napkins, site , at half price $8 75 a dosen. Three doien flne $10.00 napkins, slie H. at half price, $6.00 a doioft. Throe dozen fine $10.00 napkins, sire , at half price, $5.00 a dosen. One dozen flne $12.00 napkins, size . at half price, $6 0O a dozen. issued an order to health officers In southern Illinois requesting that every ef fort be made to destroy mosquitoes by ap plying oil to cisterns, rain barrels and cess pools. Qnarantlne at Kansas City. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 7. A confer ence attended by Dr. J. A. B. Adcock, sec retary of the Mlssori Board of Health; Dr. J. C. Crumblne, secretary of the Kansas State Board of Health and Dr. St. Elmo Sanders, city physician of this city was held here today to discuss the yellow fever situation In the south. Representatives of the railroads which reach the Infected dis tricts were present and they were Informed by the health officials that no person who had been exposed to yellow fever must be brought within the borders of Missouri or Kansas and that the movement of freight must be guarded. The railroad men were told that no passengers from the south who had not been provided with health certificates could b brought Into these two states. The railroad officials assured the state health officials that they were already observing these precautions. STEPS TO TEST PRIMARY LAW Geora-e A. Masrney, for Socialists, Plans Mode of Attack of Dodge Act. Attorney Oeorgo A. Magney, selected at a meeting of the socialists Sunday evening to investigate the provisions of the Dodge primary election law. began his task Mon day morning. His aim will be to And a way, If possible, for the socialists to get their candidates onto the county ticket without paying the fees provided In the law. The investigation of" the law may take several days and Mr. Magney said that until he had gone through it thor oughly, he cannot even Indicate what ac tion he may decide to take. An attack on the law Itself is not Improbable, as the socialists claim its provisions have the ef fect of shutting off the ballot all who can not afford to pay large filing fees.. ALL THE BIDS ARE REJECTED Proposals for llaildlnars at Mountain ' SanAarlnm Are Toe The bids for the erection of a new stable, superintendent's home, reservoir and spring house and power house for the Battle Mountain sanitarium at Hot Springs, S. D have all been rejected as being too high and proposals will have to be advertised for again. Captain Palmer, member of the national board of trustees for the National Homes for Disabled Volunteers, will leave for Hot Springs on business connected with the sanitarium there Tuesday. BRAKEMAN FALLS UNDER CAR Council Bluffs Man Slips I'nder Wheels and Sustains Fractured Leg and Scalp Wounds. J. E. Pearsall, a brakeman In the employ of the L'nlon Pacific Railroad company, slipped beneath the wheels of a car at Seventh street .Mpnday morning and sus tained a fractured leg and several scalp wounds. He was taken to St. Joseph's hos pital and attended by Dra. S. H. Smith and E. J. I.'pdegraff. Pearsall Is resting easily. The Injured man resides in Council Bluffs. V1NS0NHALER SETS THE DATE Fixes Aua-ust Tvveuty.Two as Time to Appoint Appraisers for Ilia- Estates. Judge Vlnsonhaler has set Tuesday, Au gust 22. as the time for a hearing on the application of the county attorney for the appointment of appraisers for estates which come unaer tne provisions of the state In nentance .tax law The henrlnv kUI k -. ..... " . . v o'clock on that day and the court expeots ; that all parties Interested will be present to take jurt in the discussion, either per- sonally or by their .attorneys. ' Partner ol Harry Ford. Deputy United Plates ur.k.i i ha returned from the southeastern part of the state, where he hue been looking after canes of selling liquor wHhout first procur ing a government llcene. One Fisher of " oi ve victims. Fisher was taken before Wilted States Commis sioner j. r.. i i.nney in that city and bound over to the federal grand Jury to answer. He furnished bull. Fisher was associated In the business with Councilman Harry rord of that city, who was recently bound over to the district court of Gage county for violation of the state laws regarding the sale of liquid refreshments. One More New Building-. Ground will be broken Tuesdav for F. Riley's new buHdlng on the lot immediately east of the new Kohrbough building at 4-iiiei.eMiiJi iiu riniam sireex. 1 ne con tract has been let to Rocheford & Gould. The wtructure is to be a two-story brick. (4 feet wide by 132 feet long. It will be occupied by J. J. Derlght, dealer in auto- mo u lies ana aures. More Recruits Waated. A recruiting party for the I'nlted States Navy will be In Omaha next Monday, to remain the entire week. The recruiting iitiiun win u in m jucv ague diock at r llleentn ana uoiige streets. Recruits will be enlisted for all branches of tbe Naval service and applications received from all ages between lit and SS years. Chinese Fsclusloa tases. , The hearing on appeal in the cases of I.eo Chuck, Hul Lin, I-eo Lung On, Leo Lung Wah, Tom Ah hat and Liu Sung, who have been ordered deported by I'nlted States Commissioner Aaderson. will take place before Judge Munger Tuesday morn ing. In the case of Ixiuie Hop, ordered de ported by Jtnlge Anderson and confirmed by Judge Munger. a motion for a new hearing will be submitted and argued. - Iler-Mlller Case. In the mutter of the suit of P. E Jler against Rome Miller to oust Mr. Miller from the prvhilses or the Iter Grand hotel and lte annox. the evidence was heard Mon day by Judge Vlnsonhaler. The case was taken under advisement until Tuesday. Bee Want Ada are Ue Vest Business Booster a. MARE MOVE FOR MEDIATION Report that Railways and Operator! Will Ee Aiktd to Arbitrate. OFFICIALS SAY BUSINESS IS MOVING Dispatches from Points In IVorth Dakota and Montana Say Traffic Is Seriously Inter rnpted. BT. PAl'L, Aug. '.Persistent rumors were current today that a move had been Inaugurated by the Northwestern Farmers' exchange and Merchants' associations along the lines of the Great Northern and North ern Taclflc to secure arbitration of the tel egraphers' strike. So far as could be defi nitely Ascertained no official action in this direction has yet been taken. President H. B. Terham of the Order of Railway Telegraphers stated to the Associated Press that the matter had not come before him officially, although he had reports that such a movement was on foot. "The telegraphers." said Mr. Perham, "are willing to submit their grievances to any unbiased body of men and would wel come a proposition to arbitrate coming from thfc source." . General Manager Horne of the Northern Pacific, however, had heard nothing offi cially of such a movement and declared that there was no occasion for arbitration. He said: So far as the Northern Pacific is con cerned, there Is nothlnir to arbitrate. n- tltlons are Improving eioh day and on sons: divisions are already normal. we nafl made arrangements to handle this year's crops better than It was handled last year. and rarmers and merchants along our line have no cause to worry. We are and will continue to take care of them in good style. General Superintendent Blade of the Great Northern was equally emphatic in declaring that there was no necessity for arbitration. Mr. Sladc said: So many operators are returning to work. and freight and passenger traffic is moving witn such regularity, that so far as our road is concerned the strike is at an end. We have made complete arrangements to handle out business and do not exnect anv difficulty In doing so. So far as to be noted locally conditions on both of the roads Rhowed material im provement today. Transcontinental pas senger trains were running nearer to schedulo time than they have done for sev eral days and both roads are receiving perishable freight, although commission men say they are shipping it only subject to delay. President Perham took occasion to deny a published statement that he had given up hope of securing the Intervention of President J. J. I'tll. He said that he still believed that Mr. Hill would take steps to end the struggle as soon as he reached St. Paul. Conditions In South Dakota. SIOPX FALLS. S. D., Aug. 7. (Special) The local situation in reference to the strike of the telegraph operators on the Great Northern railroad continues unchanged. Trains are running between Garretson and Yankton as best they can and the train crews continue doing all the station work at all of the small stations. The schedule said to have been submitted by the company to the men for their sig natures was placed in the hands of two of the men on this end of the line, and its conditions are said to have been quite dif ferent from the present schedule, but is stated not to contain any provisions as to a contract with the telegraphers that will insure them against a change to the old schedule at any time the company should desire to change. This schedule, it is further stated, did not bear the. signature of the general man ager or other officials of the Great North ern Railroad company, and when the two delegates reached Sioux Falls with their proposition Saturday and asked the local operators to sign it they discovered that such a schedule would have nothing to bind and assure its enforcement. The operators on this division of the road to a man refused to sign anything that does not bear the signatures of the mem bers of the strike committee. This was re garded as a practical test of the operators and the result is pointed to as showing that they mean business and that nothing in the form of a schedule that does not emanate from the committee will be con sidered by them. The line from Garretson to Sioux City is still in the same position in regard to oper ators. Only one man stayed by the com pany, and he is at Lester. According to late reports he is still at his post of duty. It is the opinion of a number or all of the striking operators in this city that the strike will last at least ten days longer. Confidence continues to be expressed that they will be able to hold out until their demands are granted. Missoula la Isolated. MISSOULA. Mont., Aug. 7. Strike con dltlons on the Rocky mountain division are regarded as serious. It Is true that some passenger trains are coming into division headquarters on time, but others are from four to six hours late. Wires, rammer daily and .otherwise, have been broken during the last few days and Missoula has been practically Isolated. Rush business. has been accepted by the Western Union, but flags have been working on the rail road. Perishable freight has been and la refused by the Northern Pacific. Yes terday trainmen held a meeting and de cided they would accept no more orders by telephone, as they feel danger confronts them. TEAMSTERS MEET IX QITAKER CITY Delivery of Coal to Hall by Xonnulon Man Causes Commotion. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 7. While the del egates to the annual convention of the In ternational Brotherhood of Teamsters, which began in Odd Fellows' temple here today, did nothing of general Interest or of great Importance, neverthless they had a rather busy day. The feature of the day's proceedings was the appearance of a dele gate In front of the rostrum who declared that a nonunion negro coal wagon driver was delivering coal at the building in which they met. This caused considerable stir and after some debate a committee was ap pointed to look into the matter. In the meantime the negro driver was having a warm argument with several dele gates on the sidewalk of the hall, which attracted a large crowd. Delegate D. McCullum of New York was the man who discovered that the driver was pot a union driver. He (old the negro that he could not .deliver the coal while the union was In session In the building. The delegate aat on the cover over the manhole and began making a speech to the crowd that was rapidly growing larger. The non union driver appealed to the chief engineer of the building, who, finding that he could not persuade the delegate to let the coal be shot Into the cellar, sent for a policeman. The policeman ordered the delegate off the manhole, which command he obeyed and went Into the hall with some of the delegates. The coal was then unloaded without further delay. Later In the day a committee reported that the chief en gineer of the building had promts d that no more coal would be delivered by non union drivers while the teamsters are In session. In the building. Another committee reported that the em ployes of the burs and barber shops of two hotels where delegates are staying are not Connected with labor unions and It was recommended lliat delegates patronize the ' bar an brl r Kliop of another hotel 1 Noil.t ivcUiicil dunug the day ta In- dlrate the sharp fight that Is predicted will be nude against the re-election of Presi dent Cornelius P. Slim of Boston. Presi dent Shea Is opposed by Edward Oould of New York and Michael Casey of San Fran cisco. In the absence of Mayor Weaver, Fred erick J. Shoyer, director of the department of supplies, welcomed the delegates when they were called to order In the forenoon for their first session. Because of the non appearance of 8amuel Oompers, president of the American Federation of I-abor, president Shea decided not to read his annual report. He will read it when Mr. Oompers shall be present. The personnels of the various committees was announced and the convention proceeded with its routine business. There was a half hour debate over the question of Admitting reporters to the hall during the sessions. It was argued that if newspapers had been admitted to the meet ings of the union in Chicago, the strike would not have been a failure. The motion to admit the reporters was carried. RIOT AMOXO STRIKING BAKERS Disturbances In Hebrew Quarter on Lower East Side of Sm York. NEW YORK. Aug. 7 Rioting among the striking Hebrew bakers on the lower East Side throughout the day kept the police busy and compelled them to use their clubs freely. Most of the collisions between the police and tie strlkers' grew out of ef forts on the part of the latter to Induce nonunion men to Join them. No persons were seriously hurt and there were but few arrests. It is estimated tonight that upwards of 1.000 men are on strike in Manhattan, and the leaders express their Intention of clos ing every "kosher" bakery In the borough tomorrow and extending the strike to the Hebrew quarters of Brooklyn. A meeting held this afternoon at the strike headquarters in Great Central pal ace was the occasion of wild' excitement and disorder, many of the speakers being assailed and hurled into the street. An offer of mediation by Robert W. Haw thorne of the State Board of Mediation and Arbitration was rejected, the strikers declaring that they wanted no arbitration, but would welcome an Investigation of The sanitary condition of the bake-shops on the East Side. Resolutions were adopted declaring that the employers had hired gangs of roughs to intimidate the men and that the strikers were not responsible for the disorders that have attended the strike. The strikers held a meeting last night and said that they were determined to remain out of employment until a 10 hour work day Is granted. They say they are 1,800 strong and that the bosses cannot go on without them. The employers say they will soon have enough nonunion bakers If they can depend on police protection. At midnight, after a conference with his delegates, President Kurtz of the bakers' organization said there would be no set tlement with the boss bakers until they give the strikers all the conditions they ask for. There are now 2,500 strikers, ac cording to Kurtz. President Kurtz re ceived assurance from the German and Christian union No. 1, which has 1,600 men in Its order, that they would strike out of sympathy for the others Tuesday. Tonight there were Several fights on the! East Side. In many instances rioters were severely clubbed by the police. BRIDGE WORKERS TO STRIKE All Employes of American Company- Ordered Out. CLEVELAND, O., Aug. T.-The Plain Dealer tomorrow will say: Orders were Issued Monday afternoon from tha head quarters of l,be International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers by Secretary J. J. JIcNamara, for a general strike against' the' American Bridge com pany from Maine to CallfornK. "It Is estimated that between 15,000 and 20.000 bridgh and structural iron workers will quit work. Bridge work will be tied up in many parts ol tne country, and a number of big building projects will be delayed. The strike of the Iron workers. when it conies, ' will affect thousands in the building Industry," The following is a copy of the order which was sent out to ninety locals of the union In the United States and Can ada by Seci etary McNamara of the ex ecutlve board: "The executive board orders a general strike against the American Bridge com pany, to take effect August 9. Order in cludes all Jobs where American Bridge company has first contract for erection." The general strike, according to Secre tary McNamara, was the outcome ,of trouble between the union and the Ameri can Bridge company over the sub-letting of a contract to a Boston concern which the union claims is "unfair." A S,000-ton contract for bridge work was let to the American Bridge company by the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad under the impression that the complny would employ union bridge and structural workers. It was said that the company refused to consider the objection of the New Haven organization of Bridge ajid Structural Iron Workers and sub-let the work to the Boston concern. President Buchanan is expected to ar rive in Cleveland this week. The' strike will be handled from the Cleveland head quarters. HYMENEAL. VehllnB-Chambers. SIOUX CITY, la., Aug. 7. (Special Tele gram.) S. J. Uehllng of Bloomfleld, Neb , cashier of the First National bank of that place, and Miss Maud L. Chambers of Ponca, Neb., were united in marriage at the Hotel Vendome, Rev. S. L. Chandler, pas tor of the Rustln Avenue Methodist church, officiating. They spent Sunday in Bioux City and returned to Bloomfleld to reside. DEATH RECORD. Mrs. P. H. Ehlers, 3519 Jones street, died yesterday afternoon of heart failure. She leaves a husband and three children, the youngest twins, only a few-months old. Alexander Melville Bell. WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. Alexander Mel ville Bell, father of Prof. Alexander Gra ham Bell, died today. Merger of l.lahttna- Company. HARRISBT'RG, Pa.. Aug. 7 Notice of the merger and consolidation of fifteen elec tric light ana gas companies In I.uzerene county. Pa., Into one company with a capi tal of tl.Ooo.o) was filed In the Slate depart ment today with appioval of Governor rennypac-Ker. Or. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses and beantines the teeth and purines tne breath. Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century. Very convenient for tourists. PREPARED BV MORGAN VISITS OYSTER BAY 'inanoier Epesdi an Hour and a Half with President Eoosefelt. HANKOW RAILROAD UNDER DISCUSSION Chinese Government Desires to Pur chase the Line Which Is Con trolled by American Capitalists. OYSTER BAY. .N. Y., Aug. 7. J. Tler- pont Morgan had a conference today with President Roosevelt, lasting an hour and half. The president himself is author ity for the statement that it related prac- lcally entirely to the case of the Hankow railroad of China, a controlling Interest In which Is owned by J. P. Morgan & Co. Incidentally and as relating In a meas ure to the railroad interests held by Amer icans In China, the pending peace negotia tions formed a topic of conversation by the president and Mr. Morgan. Mr. Morgan came to Oyster Bay unher alded. While his visit was by appoint ment, nothing concerning it was permitted to leak through Official sources until after he had gone. Shortly after noon Mr. Mor gan's big steam yacht Corsair, anchored In the lower bay, about three-quarters of a mjle from the dock of the Seawanhaka Corlnthlan Yacht club. When observed from the shore It was flying the absent flag, Indicating ordinarily that Its owner was not aboard. Nevertheless, he was there and In a few minutes entered a steam launch and was tnken ashore. One of the president's carriages was In wait ing for him. He was driven directly to Sagamore Hill, arriving there about 1 o'clock. Takes Luncheon with President. He remained for luncheon with President and Mrs. Roosevelt and for some time after. The suggestion was made that Mr. Morgan's visit and that of Secretary Shaw a little earlier might be more than a coin cidence, but it can be said authoritatively hat they had no relation at all with each other. Secretary Shaw and Mr. Morgnn did not meet and the purpose of their visits were entirely different. The president and Mr. Morgan discussed fully the Hankow railroad concession. This was not the first time the subJeSt had been considered by the president. Several months ago the question was taken up by the president and his cabinet and considered thoroughly. An effort Is being made by the Chinese government to purchase the concession from the American-China De-' velopment company, which owns the rail road and the contrlbutary concessions. The railroad now is In operation between Han kow and Canton, a distance of only about thirty miles, but the company, which la absolutely controlled by American capi talists, owns concessions and has made surveys for several hundred miles of rail road lines. China Wants to Buy Hoad. A proposition has been made by the Chi nese government to the American-China Development company to purchase the Han kow railroad and the extension concessions. It Is understood that the price offered is about $7,000,000. Some of the American holders of the stock are inclined to accept the proposal, but the European holders who have a minority of the stock insist that the road and Its concessions be not sold, but that they remain in control of the Americans. In behalf of the latter It Is argued that a railroad In the heart of China, operated by responsible and aggres sive American business men, In connection with the American steamship lines, would be of enormous advantage, not only to the American producers of all kinds, but to those of the civilized world generally. It Is said that King Leopold of Belgium, who owns some of the stock, takes this view of the situation and Is opposed to yielding to the proposition of the Chinese govern ment. A meeting of the board of direc tors of the Amerlcan-Cnina Development company Is to be held In Jersey City on the 29th Inst., and it Is expected that at that time a determination wjjl be reached as to the acceptance of China s offer. v No details of the conclusions reached at the conference between the president and Mr. Morgan are obtainable. No Information was obtainable as to whether they considered peace negotiations In relation to the flotation of a Russian loan in this country, in case the envoys should reach an agreement which should render it necessary for Russia to raise a consider able sum of money. Mr. Morgan at the conclusion of the con ference went immediately to the Corsair, which sailed about 4 o'clock. Baron Kaneko, the Jupanese financial ex pert, visited Sagamore Hill late this after noon by appointment for a conference with the -president. The precise nature of his l-mlsslon Is not disclosed, neither he nor the president caring to discuss It except ing in general and negative terms. Assur ance was given, both by the president and Baron Kaneko, that the visit had nothing to do with the pending peace negotiations or with the raising of money by a loan for either Japan or Russia. PRUSSIAN PRINCE IS ARRESTED Guard Take Hlin as lte la Photo scraphluir Part of German Fort. BERLIN. Aug. 7. Prince Friedrich Henry, eldest son of Trince Albrecht of d.ud.Iq m.'u a nrresteri as a SOV bv the guards at the east battery In Swlnemuende Pomeranla, Saturday. The prince was in ordinary dress and was photographing the environs of the fort. When apprehended he said he was rrince r rieui u n iienry, but the guards told him they were "not to be fooled." The prince went quietly with one of the guards to the commandant of the fort, who recognized him and ordered his release. The sentries have been specially alert because of the arrest last week of an Austrian accused of spying. The Austrian was photographing with a strong camera parts of the fortress from a neighboring lighthouse. Consul Wllrhri Boycott. YOKOHAMA, Aug. 7. The Chinese here have agrerd not to deal in American goods, not to ship goods on any American steamer, especially the I'arltlc. Mail com pany's steamship China, and to puntxh any Chinese dealing in American goods through others; also not to deal with American banks and Insurance companies. Chinese convicted of contravening this agreement will be heavily fined. Henry B. Miller, the American consul general, is investigating the matter and keeping a close watch on the situation. Csar's Advisers Confer. BT. PETERSBURG, Aug. 7.-The mem bers of the council of ministers are again In session at Peterhof today. In view of the fact that the main provisions of the assembly project have already been approved, the council Is disposed not tJ enter on protracted discussion of the var ious clauses. Grand Duke uncle of Emporor and Commander In Chief of the forces in the Bt. Petersburg district, has urged that It would be Inopporuane to quib ble over details. Japanese Rescue British. TOKIO, Aug. 7. A vessel of the Japanese navy has rescued fourteen survivors of the price crew of the British steamer Oldhamla. who were Imprisoned on I'rupp island. The vessel was captured by the Russians, but subsequently ran aground on I'rupp IxUnd. wheis it waa att on fire aud abandoned. Fourteen marines with two pfllcers were left on the Is snd. The two officers serured a sail boat and started for Kamrhatkla. Their fate is unknown. OSCAR ISSUES PROCLAMATION Crown Prince of Sweden Will Re Appointed Regent Darin Klna's Absence. STOCKHOLM, Aug. ".-King Oscar Is leaving the capital In search of quiet and rest and Crown Prince Gustave will ngaln be appointed regent. The king today Issued the following proclamation: As, on the advice of my doctors, I must for some time seek quiet, fresh air and the baths In order once more, with God's help, to find health and strength after the strenuous time so trying to body nnd mind through which 1 have passed In conse quence of the trials to which 1 have ben subjected in the Inst few months, I wish, before liHiidlng over the reins of govern ment to my son. the Crown Prince, and before leaving the capital to renew the thanks to the Swedish people, which 1 have previously -expressed. 1 cannot suffi ciently emphasize how dear to me the many proofs of love and sympathy which I have received from many dlnx'tions have been and how great a consolation they have been to me for the loss of a people whom I wished with all my heart to unite with my Swedish people. Indian (rope Suffer. BOMBAY, Aug. 7. The monsoon hasthls year, generally speaking, proved disap pointing and as a consequence there Is much anxiety. In the province of Punjab the crops in the unlrrlgated lands sre al ready suffering. There has been an ab normal deluge In the province of Gujerat, causing extreme hardship. New Cabinet for Holland. THE HAGl'E, Aug. 7. A new cabinet was formed today under the premiership of O. A. Van Hanui, professor of philosophy at the university of Amsterdam. Jonkheer R. DeMaroes Van Swlnderen, minister at Washington was appointed minister of for eign affairs. Hums Inns Fortify Amor Rlrrr. TOKIO, Russians mouth of has been Aug, 7 It Is reported that th are vigorously fortifying the the Amur river. A mixed division despatched from Hnhalovsk to Nieolaitfs k to reinforce thg garrison In the vicinity. It Is understood that the channels approach! ng the river have been mined. Russian Ships Are Started. TOKIO, Aug. 7. News received from Port Arthur says that the former Russian cruiser liayan will start from that place under tow for Japan about August 15. The Poltava and Peresviet will leave in a week under their own steam. Jnpnn Launches Slew Destroyer. TOKIO, Aug. 7. The torpedo boat de stroyer Yayol was successfully launched at Yokosula today. Its dimensions and armament are similar to the class of de stroyers now In course of construction at the navy yards of Japan. Anatomical Congress for Boston. GENEVA, Switzerland, Aug. 7. The In ternational Anatomical Congress, at its first session today accepted an Invitation to meet in Boston In li7. . Venesnela Orders Torpedo Boats. GENOA, Aug. 7. The Venezuelan govern ment has placed an order here for six tor pedo boats and one torpedo boat destroyer. FIRE RECORD. Coal Burns at Papllllnn. PAP1LLI0N. Neb., Aug. 7. (Special.) Last night fire destroyed the coal house of the Pupllllon Creamery company, with twenty-eight tons of coal. The cause was spontaneous combustion. Woman's Condition Improves. MANCHESTER. N. H., Aug. 7.-The con dition of Miss Alary. A. Tucker, .the Provi dence (R. I.) school teacher, who whs founj In the woods In South Iebanon, Maine, yes terday after having wandered through the country for over a week, was Improved today. She is Btlll very weuk from exposure and exhaustion but her physician expressed the opinion that a complete rest and quiet would restore her to health. Rev. Dr. D. W. Fnunre, of Providence. Miss Tucker's stepfather, who arrived during the night said she would remain here several weeks In order to recuperate. Primrose Club Wins. The Primrose club defeated the Mets team by n score of 1 to 0. Schnrlrdwina fur the Prlmritses allowed no hits and struck out eleven men. Batteries. Schneirdwlnd and Greener, Wendhausen and Daggert. I.nFnllette to Resign. MADISON, Wis., Aug. 7.-lt is announced today unofficially hut from an authoritative source that Governor LaFollette will relln- A Skin of Beauty ig a Joy Forovor. iR. T. Felix Oourtud't Oriental ' Cream or Meglqal Beeutlfler. SIN RemoTe Tan, TMmplM, Freckles, Muib l'.iclie, Bull, and bkln Pir, x3 mna fYerr Dieniln on beauty, and de nse detrctlon. It hu stood tne test of 07 years, end Is so bsr:n!cBH we tutel! lobciu.eU Is nrrnerlT rusus. A ccept no oou nte r ftlt of similar name. Dr. L. A. vro ea!d to a ladr of tbe lisut tun is patient 1 1 "As you ladles will use then. I reeommena "floeraan's Cream' as tne least narmful nf all tha tlln preparations." Kir sale iy ail dniKslftts and Fancr Goods Dealers In the United Stales, Canada attd Europe. FEnO.T.HnPKIHS, Prep.. 37 Qrral KfwTork. DR. McGREW onrrlKI 1ST Treats all forms ot Diseases of Men t& Tears' Experience i U Years In omana, A Medical Expert whose remarkable success has never been excelled. NEARLY 30,000 CASES CURED. Varicocele. Hydrocele. Blood Poison, 8 trio- lure. Gleet. Nervous Ufouiiy, u)"i us Btrength and Vitality. HIS HOME TREATMENT bas permanently cured thousands of easel i or enronic nfiruus, nnt-ua, v,unw . . ! Bladder and Skin, diseases at smali cost ' 6avo time and money by describing your , rase and write for FREK BOOK and termi of treatment. Medicine sent In plain pk(ra ' CHARGES LOW. CO.ISIXTATIOH FHEB. I Office Hours a. m. to 1:3(1 p. m.i Sun j day I a. m. to t p. m. Call or write. Vox 76. cimce. gia a. urn oi.t wiun( DOCTOR SEARLES AND GEARLES We use our own nam In our business; yoi know who you are doing business with. mi. Consultation Free. VARICOCELE - HYDROCELE ... Mathnd new. without pain or loss ! of time. CHARGES LOW. . ri nnn pn.nM cured ,or ,oon v?rr 1 DLUUU rUltfUII alan. symptom (sores on body. In mouth, tongue, throat, hair and eyebrows fallliig ouU disappear completely forever. Weak, Henon. Men ' 'ltxZ. 'VZXt&l nervous debllty, early decline, lack of vigor and strength. 1'KI.NARV, Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Weak Back, Burning I'rlne. Frequency of ' Crlnatliig. Urine High Colored or wta . Milky pediment on Handing. Treatment by mall 14 years OF SIV ! CK.KSKi'l- PRACTICE IN OM1IA Co. tir ul 14th and Liwuglas, Omaha, Neb, (7k -"adui-'" IT, V' J!.. - . ... I - J finish the offlre of governor early In Sep tember noil go to Washington as I'nlted States senator In October. Spanish War Utrrans to Meet. INDIANAPOLIS, Aug 7.-Captln Wil liam K. English, commander-in-chief of the I'nlted Hpnulsh War Veterans asso ciation. Issued f general, order today for the second nntlon:il encampment snd re union Of the nsMi'.itlon to oen at Mil waukee, September 7. The Lnrilo nllxtl llary Is directed to meet at Milwaukee at the same tn. storm Dnmaae In Indiana. INDIANAPOLIS. Aug 7 A severe elee trlrsl storm, accompanied bv n hrrivv rain. did damage In southern Indiana today estl- mnteii at over s.ns.'.oi'u. Make your work a Pleasure Mike your Wishing and Cleaning end Scrubbing and Scouring a dellghtfnl pastime by the use of 20th Century Soap" It in 6o iiiterchtiiij; und d lightful to see dirt disap'K'ur ai if by magic to see everything take on u clean, bright, new, fresh, beautiful shining appear since from the marvelous opera tions of this wonder worker, this labor saver, this household du light. Your clothing, your linen, you? (loors, furniture, dishes, bath tubs everything that ought tc be clean will become clean marvelously so with little ef fort on your part by the use ol the now famous 20th Century Soap. Huoh lovely hands, too these will be your reward fur 20th Century Soap leaves them no ft, white and smooth beyond be lief. No injurious lye or acids; no offensive animal greases just pure, sweet, penetrating vegetable oils that leave fresh ness anS cleanliness and puritj wherever they go.' - ' ' TRY IT 0NCE-F0R YOUR OWN SAKE All Dealers Full Pound Cans, 10 Cent. HOFFHEIMER. SOAP CO. Chicago ' ATHLETES TO KEEP IN GOOD TRIM MUST LOOK WELL TO THE CONDITION OF THE SKIN. . TO THIS END THE BATH SHOULD BE TAKEN WITH HAND; SAPO All Oncers and Druggiata ' AMl'SEMGXTS. STHE CREAT Flofo Shows CIRCUS BEAUTIFUL UP MAMMOTH MEHiGERlE To Dazzle America's millions WITH THE SPLENDOR OF THE ORIENT New $100,000 Aw 8 -Inspiring, Sorgecus MYSTERIOUS INDIA UO ParfsrtMfi 1st Pasolt rsfniMtlni all siIIm. 281 ssrssi ins fwlM-tts floss! i tka csrltf. OS Simm f)lM 91 10 Muslelass, lia!; Uli sf tlspllSts sal CaaaV ' Site f Csasll, mismi 4t glsialsl, bsJsciJsf : ferns ski ski lists tf nil. U In MurifssliS llslllsss. Ilf ls lu if Itrs las turlosi laimils, llsnss ani lacrss CsNIs, filtlant Carta tf Ion) Ms) ' rims, si IsHaska ass arts silk illtsricilH. bvilslts tn4 lilltl Otiart Issminl, lasksatlif Aocofflsllsksd, lisstltsl, .llths mi IriiifDl Isrsllai Dsnclsi elrls. A Grand Frwa Outslda) Exhibition en the plreua Crounds Immsdislaly aftsr lbs Monster Street Parade ' Ivary Morning at I O s'oloota. I Two Performance. Daily, 2 ind 8 r, M. DOORS OPfN ONE HOUR EARLIER Omaha, Thursday, Aug. 10 Admission Rsducsd to 25 Cents for This Day Only Show Grounds. 20th and Paul Sts. . , mm ate ai saggaj am sat IJIAEi OsALLiL. I sraaw mumm sv sr as aam sw VINTON ST. PARK Omaha vs. Denver, August 6-7-8-9. ; . Monday, August 7, Ladles' Day. Games Called at 3:45. CAMP MEETING! The Seventh Day Advtntiats of. Nebraska are to hold their Thirtieth Annual Con ference and Camp Meeting in Omaha, Aug. W to 20 LOCATION A beautlfjl grove adjoining Rlverview Park.- Entrance to grounds corner Eighth snd Bancroft streets. Two blocks from ter minus of rartiam street car line. T'iree Publio Services Each Day. Able Speaker from Abroad. Good Music. Thrilling Themes. Timely Topics. .Adniralm Kre. Public frrvttei - First 'i'ulj'llctSerwce,' Thursday eve August 10.