Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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Offen "So oommenitin, M Ha Looki
for Ho BilL
GoTnnn F.Bglnaer la (karae at
Work La Missouri Rl"er
la Statement to Inter las'
The annual report of Major H. M. Crit
tenden, Cnlted Slates engineer In charge of
the work along the Missouri river, covering
a period from JuJy 1, 1904. to July 1. 1906.
has been sent in to tha War Department
giving a resume of tha money expended
under hla direction.
The report states that the total amount
expended during the fiscal year along the
entire rtver for maintenance of Improve
ments waa S33.M1.4S. The outstanding liabil
ities on July 1. 1906, were Jt2.6M.40. The
total sum available on July 1, 1906, waa
There haa heen appropriated by congress
In all up to July 1, 190B, for Improving the
Big Muddy the aum of t9.647.840 98. Of this
aum of tl.9M.S51.4S hn been expended above
Bloux City and a7.575.OnO on the river below
Bloux City. Stmtx City Is the dividing
point between the upper and lower river
! and the projects are made separately for
the two divisions of the stream.
The apportionment of the appropriation
for the coming year Is as follows:
Five Thousand for Omaha.
Lower River
Omiiha t B fO
Nebraska City. Neb 500
St Joseph, Mo 15.000
Mitle Reach 4,ooo
Lexington. Mo 2.500
Miami. Mo 300
Wllholf Bend B.'nW
First Reach . 25.000
SnnKnliKf i two seasons) 20,ooo
Contingencies 12,700
Total." - JO0.0W
Vpper River
Pisrnnrck. N. D $17.If
Pierre and Fort Pierre 7.500
Yankton 7.5"0
Flk Point , 15.000
Bloux City ". fine
Bnatrging (two seasons) 18.000
Contingencies B.tmO
Total tSS.000
In addition to the 115,000 set apart for St.
Joseph the sum of tlOO.OOO Is to' be expended
In the building1 of a great longitudinal
dike In front of the city. One-half of this
sum was np, roprlsted by congress In a
speclnl net on condition that the citizens
of St. Joseph raise an equal amount. The
contribution has been rained and work on
the big project Is now about to be com
menced. Strangely enough no recommendations
whatever are made as to future appropria
tions or further work. ' In a Bloux City
paper Major Chittenden Is reported to have
given as his reason that It Is no use io
make recommendations "In view of the fact
that there will be no river and harbor bill
before congress this winter." It seems to
be useless anyway to make recommenda
tions or even estimates, as so little atten
tion Is paid to them by congress In consid
ering the Missouri river. So I have made
my 'report only to cover tha expenditures
at the different points last year and the
results accomplished In the general scheme
of improving the river so far as our limited
means would permit, and to give the sums
to be expended along the river during the
coming year."
Chamberlain's folic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, Better
Than Three Doctors.
"Three years ago we had three doctors
with our little boy and everything that they
could do seemed In vain. At last when all
hope seemed to be gone we began using
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy and In a few hours he began to
Improve. Today he Is as healthy a child as
parents could wish for. We feel that wa
cannot afford to be without this medicine
in our home." Mrs. B. J. Johnston, Linton,
Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. 122&
tt 5 p. m.
a1""" !fc
.V U J AU&l-
iiirt Go.
n n n
New, fresh goods brought forward each day from this
stock. In spite of immense sales the lines are not broken.
Tomorrow's bargains the most sensational of the sale.
All the $3, S4 and $5 White and Fancy Vests at SI
All the men's S5 Youman's and Stetson's Hats at $2.50
All the men's S3 to $5 Underwear at, garment, SI. 50
All the men's Imported Underwear, worth 52 and S3, at SI
All the men's 75c and $1 Underwear at 35c and 50c
All the men's 50c Underwear at 25c
All the men's S3 and S4 Union Suits at $1.50 and $1
All the men's S2.50 and $3 Shirts at $1
All the men's SI Shirts, Majestic, etc., at 50c
Ladies' Imported Belts at 25c & 39c
Stunning new models in Imported Belts of soft crush
leather, silk, etc. handsome front and back
buckles all colors many
Jap leather worth up to
two dollars-all samples- -B y) jyj
at ...
Ladies' Wash Suits
New materials, polka dots,
small figures and plain
pleated waists and skirts
all launder per
fectly styles are
all new at ......
Ladies' Golf Skirts
New lots medium weight
Golf Skirts fancy mixed
materials side and hip
pleats all
smart new ideas
Initial Showing and Sale
Ladies' Fall Suits and Coats
Newest and Most Exclusive Designs from N. Y. and Paris
This Is the first authentic display of the correct fall styles. These ex
tremely fashionable fall models may be purchased outright, or measurements
will be taken for similar garments.
We wish you to regard this as an Invitation to view the new styles. Even
If you are not ready to buy this array of new styles cannot fail to Interest you.
Cloak Department.
Second Floor.
Scheme for Ak-Bar-Ben to Contract with
Big Carnival Company.
8nch Will B the Result if the
Present Plans Are Carried
Oat for Show This
If present plans are carried out, Ak-Sar-Ben
is to enter upon an entirely new deal
In Its street fair this fall. Instead of leav
ing It to the amusement manager to gather
the amusements features of the great show.
It is proposed to contract with one of the
big street carnival companies to furnish
all the entertainments of the coming street
fair, free and paid.
While the members of the Board of Gov
ernors refuse to talk on the subject. It is
known that a committee was sunt to Den
ver not long ago to make a personal In
spection of the attractions offered by tha
carnival company, and that the committee
came back enthusiast lo about It and re
ported In favor of the proposition.
Under the proposed arrangements, the
street fair will have a lot of entirely new
bills, with greater variety than has marked
the previous fairs under Ak-8ar-Beu'a
Looks Well Financially.
From a financial standpoint, It Is under
stood the carnival company's terms are re
garded as eminently satisfactory. The con
ditions include exclusive control of all
shows Inside the gates for which an admis
sion charge Is made, with only the excep
tion of the regular Ak-Sar-Ben mystery
show that has been such a winner from
year to year. All the local arrangements,
Including the gate receipts to the carnival
ground, the booths for the display of mer
chandise, and the county fair section, are
to be kept within the jurisdiction of Ak-Sar-Ben,
who Is to have a uniform per
centage on the amusement feature rev
enues on the same plauaa previously ex
acted from Individual showmen.
asphalt west of Eighteenth, so that ex
tension to Tenth would add eight blocks
of asphalt roadway. ,.
Sixes 4 to 12 years.
For (he aooommodatlon of readers of The
Bee these patterns, which usually retail at
from 36 to 60 cents each, will be furnished
at the nominal price of 10 cents. A supply
is now kept at our office, so those who
wish any pattern may get It either by call
ing or enclosing 14 cents, addressed "I'at-
tern Department, Bee, Omaha."
Evory Veman
ouvswaa am nwaia anvw
a rxa in wooarru
MARVEL hiri.rtf Spray
4 w VaitMl tyriMfc 4Je
X. "i if
ftak ar IihiM tor It.
If b nDOlttpllT UlS
Mill at.. MN BO
f .Lh.r but und wuno fo
full particular and l!riona la
yaluablato Uaa. MtHVKI. rO.
sr., aaw i iiHk.
For Sale by
Cnr. lGth and iodge uts., Oman
JV tJlln AHU WaMtfl.
ft ativ I ua ' iii
KlktkAl dl. NII.I.
whim4 a! trmatieaa a
b. i .irtouir.. uf ia a e a a a
dlat aaTaa.asaiBaiuaa,
f latieaea staaiferauaa.
Pamlaaa. aa4 sea astrla
EValsCNtMCaCf. ta aulaaaaua.
ataM ay Irraavtaa,
r eaat la Wia wrksaac,
by aarTaaa, raie. Iwtf
l ea. r I attlM al a.
iaraakkt saet ea aaasa
Presbyterian Organisation Launched
In Omaha Her. John Andrew
Pope, A.B., B.D., Preaches.
An organization of a Colored Presbyterian
church seems to be one or me possibilities
of the near future In Omaha. Arrange
ments to this effect have been In progress
for a couple of Sundays, a number of the
leading colored people of the city being
Interested In the enterprise. The prelim
inary meetings have been held at the First
Presbyterian church, Seventeenth and
Dodge streets, and It Is the purpose to
name the organlatlon the First Colored
Presbyterian Church of Omaha.
Rev. John Andrew Pope, A. B., B. D.,
preached two sermons and last Sunday a
temporary church was organised. Rev.
E. H. Jenks, pastor of the First Presby
terian church, was present and led the de
votional services that constituted the new
The organisation will be finally completed
In September at the meeting of the Pres
bytery of Omaha.
The next meeting of the organisation
will be held Sunday, August 13, at Lowe
Avenue Presbyterian church. Fortieth and
Nicholas streets, at 1 o'clock p. m.
Area Proposed to Supply Asphalt for
Granite on Faraant
Collections for July Enlarged by
special Licenses and Beer
Stamp Receipts.
The collections of Internal revenue for
the month of July for this district are
slightly more than for the corresnondtnir
month for 1904. The Increases have been
In special licenses and In beer stamps. The
month s average, however, corresriond
fairly well with the previous year, and the
increase is owing to a sudden increase In
the application for beer stamDs the las
few days of the month. This will crobablv
average up with the corresDondlna seaso
ot last year by a possible decrease during
ine month of August, these two month
being the dullest In revenue receipts of the
year. The figures for the months of Jul)
for the two years are: July, 1906, $194.68.13
July, 1904, I1M,7!.83.
The movement to replace tfie granite
block pavement on Farnam street, from
Thirteenth to Eighteenth, with asphalt, for
which petitions are circulating, seems tol
have met with so much favor that an en
laigement of the area to be re paved is now
proposed by the creation of an additional
district, embracing Farnam street, from
Tenth to Thirteenth. The owner of a piece
of property below Thirteenth street, ex
plaining the matter, says:
"We are In favor of surfacing' Farnam
street with asphalt all the way from Tenth
to Eighteenth, so as to make I lie street a
thoroughfare from end to end. The dlm
culty until now has been that there Is no
way ot bringing people from the stations
uptown without rattling over granite pave
ments or dodging holes In the downtown
asphalt. It Is a little better now since
the asphalt pavements have been repaired,
but what we should have Is a route from
the station by direct line across Tenth or
Eleventh and then west on Farnam. This
would give the strangers arriving in the
city the best first Impression, to say noth
ing of the convenience to our own people.
I do not look for much except wholesale
business east ot Twelfth street, but the
repavlng of Farnam street would help
rather than hinder the rearrangement of
the wholesale district."
Farnaia sueet if already pavsd with
Man Gets License to Wed Womai
lie Asked for For
Charles G. Roberts' is no longer suin
Elizabeth Meyers for bleach of Drumiiu.
the snug aum of liS.OUO. ADnarentlv h
twain huve adjusted their difficulties, for
a marriage license has been issued tr th
from the Douglas county court. Roberts
was suing to recover this little alienor! I
Jury to his affections which he declared
had been severely shocked when the objec
of his love faltered In her plans of mar
Aaotner Victim
of an accident. Editor Schuele, of Colum
bus. O., waa cured of his wounds by Buck
lens Arnica Salve. Try It. 26c. For sale
by Sherman, & McConnelll Drug Co.
One of the Loagess Stretches of
Doable Track la the Wold
under one management Is that of the
Grand Trunk Railway System from Chi
cago to Montreal and to Niagara Falls.
The Grand Trunk-Lehjgh Valley Double
Track Route via Niagara Falls reaches
from Chicago to New York.
Descriptive literature, time tables, etc,
will be mailed free on application to Geo.
W. Vaux. A. G. P. & T. A., Grand Trunk
Railway System, 136 Adams Su Chicago.
iU. '
OMtnt WEATHER RKPOHT Tuesday Fair and Warmer.
vpi-.wi W0RK
Honest work at honest prices weeutthe 4 luxury''
clean out of exclusive optician's charges. We give you
fancy work for plain prices.
Gold Filled Spectacles and I Rimless Eye
Eve Glasses S.l regular 12.50
regular 15 value.. -'a-'V I seller
Glasses (Platlna Spectacles or Eve
, . . . 1 4 8 1 ? '.a r . . 1 2 5
Beiictt's Big Grocery
The most popular plnce in seven states for grocery buying, and the
permanent Food Show of the West.
Twenty Green Trading Stamps with
round pnckHge Bennett's Oiic
Capitol Coffee OV
Twenty Green Trading Stamps with
pound Tea EUn
(any kind).....
Ten Green Trading Stamps with two
packages Gusto Breakfast 25C
Bennett's Bargain Soap, OSn
10 bars aSOk.
Twenty Green Trading Stamps with
pound can Bennett's Capitol O In
Baklnfr Powder sStk.
Ten Green Trading Stamps with three
gound can fine Table 12iC
Thirty Green Trading Stamps with
three cans Rocky Mountain Tttr.
Cream 40W
Ten Green Trading Stamps with one
pound New York Full Cream OI)r
Cheese vt
Ten Green Trading Stamps with one
gallon Special Pickling OBp
Vinegar OOk,
Ten Green Trading Stamps with one
lound Pickling Or-
Ten Green Trading Stamps with pound
Three Crown California 1Cr
Raisins I Uk.
The children can't
keep posted on the
life and works of
Buster Brown unless
you get the Sunday
Bee for them every
( Home Again ?
Watch out of order? Take it to Lindsay and have
put In order. .
. Ve close at 6 o'clock excepting Saturday during August
S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler,
lfiU Dougls s Street.
Bernstein and Police
Arresting Boyi at
an' Ceniursd for
Their Homes.
As Lawyer and Father Be Pro
tests Against Such Conduct
of the Probation
Attorney C. J. Smyth appeared before
Judge Redlck Monday morning and en
tered a vehement protest against the act
of Chief Probation Officer Bernstein and
a city policeman in entering the houses of
two families named Sweeney and Gernandt
at 2 o'clock In the morning and removing
therefrom two boys who are alleged to be
guilty of criminal acts.
Mr. Smyth said the boys were taken
from their parents' homes without any
warrant, without even a complaint being
filed. He said he was protesting as a
father as well as in his capacity as an
attorney, and that he considered the pro
ceeding as nothing less than an outrage.
"If this thing can be done, your honor,"
said the lawyer, "what home Is safe from
Intrusion? Ai.y person, any neighbor. If
maliciously Inclined, can have the proba
tion officer come to my home or to yours at
any hour of the night and take our chil
dren away. Boys cannot be very bad who
are found In bed In their parents' homes
at night. The fathers of these boys are
here and they are Intelligent men, who
may be questioned by your honor. We
demand at least a preliminary hearing, and
that at once. If we cannot have It and
there Is any way to release these boys by
a writ of habeas corpus, I shall certainly
take steps io do it."
"That will not be necessary." said Judge
Redlck. "We can release them on the re
cognizances of the parents until court opens
again, September 18."
la Russia, but Mot Here.
Probation Offloer Bersteln said he was
willing the boys should be released on bond.
He thought the Juvenile court law gave him
the authority to arreBt the boys wherever
and whenever ha found them if they were
amenable to tha provisions of the law.
"That may be done in Russia," aid Mr.
Smyth, "but not in this country."
The probation officer still Insisted that he
had Justification for his acts and insisted
that while this was the first time these
boys had been caught. It was not the first
time they had been suspected of breaking
the law.
The fathers of the two boys were then
called up by the court and entered Into
recognisances In the sum ef SUM for the
production of their sons In court on Sep
tember 18. or at any other date the court
may order, and they were accordingly or
dered released.
Afterward Mr. Smyth said he Intended to
make an investigation of the case ajd that
of the law a personal matter as a parent.
The Juvenile court law provides that any
reputable persnn may. on Information and
bUr. file wiu the clerk of a court having
Jurisdiction a petition In writing setting
forth that a child under 16 is either neg
lected, dependent or delinquent, verifying
the petition by affidavit. Summons is then
to Issue and the parent or guardian must
bring the child into court at a time not less
than twenty-four hours after summons. In
this case there was no complaint in court.
Strenuous Days Are These for Juve
nile Court Men.
Probation Officer Bernstein and his depu
ties are finding life as .strenuous these
days as they care to have it. Within forty-eight
hours they have taken under their
wing ten Juveniles charged with various
offenses and they are on the trail of six
others. Most of the lads taken in are
charged with or suspected of thefts of a
petty character, but two or three are
charged with breaking and entering. One
adult resident of Sheely Is charged with
having lured some youngsters to steal
brasses from the Northwestern road at
South Omaha. Another man Is alleged to
have been selling cigarette papers to chil
dren. These cases of alleged abetting of
Juvenile delinquents are now being in
There were twenty-three Inmates at the
breakfast table Monday morning at the
Juvenile Detention home, the largest num
ber which has yet appeared there. '
Fifth Annual Meeting of Nebraska
Association Is Called by Secre
ts rr Harry Fischer.
Secretary Harry Flnher of the Nebraska
Retail Merchants' association has Issued
letters to the members of the association
calling the fifth annual convention to meet
at the Auditorium In Omaha August 23 and
24. It is pointed out that these dates are
the last two days of the pure food show,
at which exhibits from manufacturers all
over the country will be shown. Among
the subjects to be discussed are legislation,
fire Insurance, the credit system, scheme
desls and the mall order house business.
Parcel post and postal currency bills also
will come under consideration. The rail
roads will grant from August 19 to 34 a
rate of one and one-nfth fares on the
certificate plan.
Illarliarif ed from Police Court After
Trial on Charge of steal,
lug Awning.
John Under was discharged In police
court Monday morning, after being tried
on a charge of petit larceny filed by K. I
Smith of the Stephens ic Smith company,
Sixteenth and Dodge streets.
It was alleged Under took an awning
from the store of the plaintiff at e.30 a. m.
without the consent of the Stephens at
Smith compapy. Evidence showed Under
was to make certain changes in the awning
before It could be said to be In a "de
liverable state." On these grounds counsel
for defendant set up the contention that
the plaintiff had not yet come Into pos
session of the awning.
Wsit for
Regtnt Shot
Am Si)
Wait for
Regenl Shoe
Great 5c Lace Sale Tuesday.
Tuesday morning v begin the greatest sale of all kinds ot
laces ever held in Omaha.
A big line of cluiiy laees and insertings, worth -Or. to o0c,
all go in this lot at, per yard 50
Fancy silk laees. in whit1 and cream color, worth 20e
to 35c, all go at, per yard 5c
Val laees, torchon laces, linert laces, all kinds of new
staple laces, all at one price, only, per yard 50
None of this lot of laces will be sent C. O. D.
Hayden Bros
Buys the entire stock of
the IV. S. Stryker Re
gent $3.50 and $4.00
Shoes, on sale Thurs
day, $2.25.
Tuesday will be Bargain Day in Cloak Dept.
Women's Jl 60 lawn waists EQr
on sale Tuesday, at O-rW
Children's 13 wash dresses Q8C
Women's $1.60 wrappers fCic
Tuesday, at U-JW
Women's 75c dressing
sacques, at .......... .JlJ
A small lot of women's white wash ftQr
dress skirts, regular II. nO values.
Plums, Plums, Cheaper Than Peaches.
Now is the time to make jelly of this delicious fruit.
We have received by express, 300 baskets of fancy plums
packed in grape baskets, as long as they last, we will
sell them, per basket . .a .. . . 1 7ic
NOW IS THE TIME to Investigate the resources and opportunltleg of
securing good land at very low figures In the Great Southwest.
Missouri, Arkansas, Southern Kansas,
Oklahoma Indian Territory and Texas,
are again to the front with a. "Bump
ing" Crop, Beating All Records
Ask your home agent for Homeseekers' Rates and Tickets, on sals
the first and third Tuesdays of each mouth, and ask us for descriptive
literature, which will be mailed to you without cost.
Ass't Oen'l Passenger Agent,
Oen'l Psssenger Agent,
Aifc for
BEST BECAUSE Too are hot .ft" R-l
fte? deals, etc.. but for Fin. ?....r "'" .'awB CO..
takers, ST. hOVlB. '
il jTi'i far- it --
Genuine Matting: Suitcases, very lfyht. The newest
thing out. Prlcg $3.50, $3.75 and $4.00.
Omaha Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnam St.
Quartet of Young reople Are Ship
wrecked In Wonderland and
Go Home Dripping.
"Shipwrecked In Wonderland" might be
the title of an Interesting story which
could be written In collaboration by four
young people who were enjoying themselves
at Krug park Sunday night. Whether one
of the men rocked the boat or whether one
of "the young women sat too near the edge
of the boat and, losing her balance, over
tipped the craft, no one knows, but the
four chiefly concerned. At any rate, In the
pltch-bltu'k channel Just pust the brilliantly
lighted "City of New York" the boat was
upside down and Its occupants were in the
dark wafers of the river. Two other
couples, coining In another boat, heard a
succession of screams, wnlcli ended in
heartrending weeping. Two bass voices
pleaded and tlneulened alternately. The
second boat swept past the lights of the
city and In the dense blackness beyond
darihed Into the wrecked craft. Still louder
screams from the-castaways. One man In
the lifeboat held the vesnel stationary by
seizing the timbers of trie wall, while the
other dragged the two dripping and blub
bering damsels aboard. Then they cast an
chor and went forward, leaving the two
hapless men to wado past polar snows and
tropic palms to the point where the under
ground river emerges from Its caverns.
They, were four bedraggled beings who
made their way hurriedly through the park
to the car line.
.nrlr'a law I'urliier Flies anie as
Democratic Candidate for
Inaonhaler's Job.
Attorney J. W. Woodrough has filed the
treasurer's receipt with County Clerk
DreKel to have his name placed on the
primary ticket as a democratic candidate
for county Judge. Mr. Woodrough Is a
partner of W. T. Gurley.
Hnlldlng Permits.
Ths following building permit! were is
sued Monday: Barah E. Burns, Twenty
second and Saratoga, residence. $1.00; il,
K. Stewart, rorty-slxth and Boulevard,
frame residence. I2.C: B. Swanson. Thlr
firth avenue and Casiellar, trains residence,
ai ana
$4.50 Tan Oxfords
Hanan & Son the best men's and
women's shoes on earth we will
continue to sell ull of their $4.50
Tun Oxfords,
All Hnimn & Son Men's T PA
r.(K Tau J.v)U
All our Men's Tan Oxfords-$4.00
and $U.T grade at y ff
oiio price .Z.JU
MlKses' and Children's White Can
vas Button Shoes, welt
Your choice of our Muses' and
Children's White Canvas J r
Oxfords, at , DC
Drexel Shoe Co
1419 Farnam St
U I DAM A PPIflTTI n tf c'
II. a., nnninuwiwi lit u. V. 3.
Office and Infirmary, tth and Mason 8ta
fralAiiA, NU, CsKuJwb 6