Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1905, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Fcg L:f s and Vessels on Way to Ports
mouth Start for Destination.
Wireless Message. Eeports Tine Weat)
and All on Board Well.
111 p .. p Vmtrnn'
u .. n T
Reception Ceremonies Postpone- (
Twenty-Four Hours.
Sraior RaMliB Envoy Beached Deatl
nntion from Boston at Hi2o P. M.
Party Taken to Hotel
W entworth.
NEWPORT, R. I.. Aug". 7.-A wireless
message received from the Nantucket
Shoal lightship reported the squadron bear
ing the Russian and Japanese peace envoys
passed Nantucket at 3:4"). The message said
that the weather was fine and that all on
txmrd were enjoying a good passage
The yachts Dolphin and Mayflower, with
their convoys, bearing the Russian and
Japanese commissioners to Portsmouth,
sailed Yrom this harbor at 8 a. ni. With
the exception of M. Wltte, who left for
Boston by sperlal train last night, the
members of the Russian and Japanese
parties were on board their respective ves
sels. The fog, which hung heavily over
Long Island sound yesterday and which
made necessary the stop at this port, was
burned away by the sun this morning and
the conditions were Ideal for continuing
the voyage to Portsmouth.
Shortly after the departure of the fleet
the Dolphin picked up the wlrelss station
and sent a large number of dlspatchese,
which are to be cabled to Japan. The
Dolphin reported excellent weather outside.
A message was also received stating that
the envoys had had a refreshing night
and were enjoying the voyage under to
day's pleasant conditions.
Wltte Reaches Portsmouth.
PORTSMOUTH, N. H , Aug. 7. Although
the navy yard settled back Into its ac
customed routine, somewhat earlier than
the residents of the city, the operators in
the wireless station had a very busy day
trying to pick up the Dolphin, which has
the Japanese envoys on board.
Tonight an answer to the numerous calls
was received, stating that at dark the Dol
phin was off Cape Cod, seventy-five miles
away. It was steaming slowly and
those on board thought It would reach
the harbor about o'clock tomorrow morn
ing. M. Wltte arrived tonight from Boston at
11:16. coming In a special car attached to
the regular Bar Harbor express. He was
enabled to avoid a crowd of several hun
dred people assembled t the railroad
through the train stopping at a crossing j
about a quarter of a mile from tne depot.
on of the third assistant secretary of
tate. who, In Russian, Informally wel
comed the distinguished visitor. Governor
McLane's secretary, Mr. Moses, waa also
present. Three automobiles were In wait
ing and the party waa at once taken to
Hotel Wentworth, about four miles dis
tant. There waa considerable disappointment
among those assembled at the station
when the distinguished foreigner failed to
appear after the arrival of the train. It
was soon learned that the Russians had
left the train at the crossing and there
was a rush toward the street leading to the
Wentworth, but the foreigners were well
on their way before the crowd reached
the scene.
M. Wltte'e automobile had gone about
half a mile when It met an accident and
was obliged to stop abruptly. None of
the occupants was Injured, In fact, they
yv'wcre scarcely shaken up. M. Wltte was
i ransrerrea to nnomrr uiuniir ...
" again started for the Wentworth, arriving
there at 11:46 o'clock.
The postponement of the functions neces
sitated hurry orders to the state troops,
which were to arrive here from all parts
of the state. Governor McLane was up at
daj ;ight dictating telegraphic orders to the
troops to remain away until tomorrow. In
formation was also dispatched to the con
gressional delegation of trie state, the mem-
hra nr which had been Invited to Dartlcl-
. pate. During the forenoon Governor Mc-
Lane received a telegram from Third As-
slstant Secretary Pierce at Newport, stat
ing that on account of the fog last night
the Mayflower and Dolphin and the Gal
veston, their convoy, would not arrive until
Tuesday morning, and that the proposed
reception should be postponed twenty-four
hours without any change in the program
' already arranged. A formal notice was
thereupon Issued to that effect.
Vlslta Russian F.iubasey.
MAGNOLIA, Mass., Aug 7 M. Wltte,
accompanied by M. Wllenkln, the Run.
elan financial agent, spent an hour at the
Russian embassy located here temporarily.
The Russian envoy arrived from Boston
In an automobile about 5 o'clock, and after
paying his respects to Baroness Rosen,
wife of the ambassador, held a long con
ference with several members of the em
tiussy. It appeared as if he transacted
considerable official business as the at
taches of the embassy were extiemety
busy for some hours after Ills departure.
M. Wltte left Tor Hoslon early In the
Merman Uatrli 'I'urliniualk !
BERLIN, Aug. '.-Portsmouth, N. H . a
place unknown and even unmarked on
some maps In common use, has .suddenly
become a spot on which the attention of
the diplomatic world Is fixed. Not only the
Foreign office, hut the Bourse and the
great trading and fiscal houses of Germany,
looked forward with extreme interest to the
meetings of the peace envoys and numerous
Russian enterprises, old and new, financed
by German credit, wait on the results of
the conferences.
The doubts existing In ljndon and other
capital over the prospects of peace exist
licie, but in a far milder form. The pre
vailing opinion is that, although neither
, Russia nor Japan is anywhere near the
y$ exhaustion of resources yet, peace is so
necessary to both that each will be re
luctant to withdraw from the negotia
tions, once they are begun, without attain
ing peace. The utterances in the I'mu-d
States of the plenipotentiaries or of per
sons presumed to be speaking for them are
reKaided as tonve isational reconnaissances,
suitable preliminaries to strenuous negotia
tions, but as being fer from forecasting
the actual business of the conference. 11
,le believed in official quarters that (each
t'eiide will find the other adopting a stiff
' attitude in the beginning and coming close
to the breaking point, but that ultimately
e common ground wlil be reached.
Hnaalnn Offlrlala ( inlilrr Sm
Policy In Spirit of
C T. PETERSBURG. Aur. 7-Th pre
-ojrct for a national assembly Is being
inducted in a srirlt of liheralitv and !
K , . r...
"iu u ii hut ' n I ine i"'r r"i Mia it i ( riri-
lof wag confirmed today In an Interview
Kim a Kussian statesman who is tatting
part In the deliberations and who Is fa
miliar with th evolution of ihn assembly
Idea nine the Issuance of the Imperial
rescript, March 3. Asked If It were true
vi me project unacrgoing wine
'"' me project was unacrgoing w
rnnngf,8 ,n the prp((pnt confrrPnc he
plied that the jKipular Impression as to
the extent of the alterations made, both
by the council of ministers and the present
commission, was exaggerated. The main
lines of the Boullgin project remained
unbroken because they conformed to the
Indications la:d down In the rescript and
manifesto of March S.
"The first base on which the new project
rests," said the official, replying to a
question as to the lines along which the
principles of the project were developed, "is
a legacy from history. National repre
sentation in Russia Is nothing new, for
the emperors In times past often sum
moned persons familiar with local condi
tions to discuss national affairs. it Is
the imperial will that this condition should
be given permanency, and established In
the form of a council composed of two
elements the first of men In the service of
the state, appointed by the government,
namely, the present council of the empire,
and the second of worthy local repre
sentatives selected by the people. Hoth
elements are Intended to be on an equal
footing. The second basis Is the consulta
tive character of the participation of rep
resentatives of the people in the solving
of national problems, the emperor's wish
being to provido a deliberative and not a
legislative body.
"As a third principle, it may be said
that It Is not the extreme to drag the
country Into petty politics, such as seen
In western nations, but to c,all It to par
ticipate In the difficult but remunerative
labor and national legislation only. The
peculiar character of the future assembly
Is one of Its most Important features, and
the motto of the framers, 'not a reform,
but reforms,' is recognized.
"The Boullgln project was not without
defects. The framers. for Instance, did
not equalize the rights of the two ele
ments of representation, and did not en
dow the douma with the same rights as
the council of the empire. The project of
the present deliberations at Peterhof is
to equalize the powers of the two compe
tent parts, and It Is more than probable
that this Inequality will be rectified. Cer
tain rules of procedure in the assembly
must be revised In order to secure
efficiency and political soundness.
"Among others. It Is proposed to make
the presidency of the douma elective. In
stead of appointive, and to obviate the red
tape hampering the Introduction of bills
In the house and the unwieldy methods
of Interpellating ministers. These have
been the subject of criticism at Peterhof.
The nature of the suffrage, too. Is one of
the main reasons why the project la again
being- revised at Peterhof."
Asked whether the questions of peace
or war would be submitted to the pro
posed assembly, the official said:
"While the aim Is to give the representa
tives of the people equal powers with
those of the council of the empire, there
is no Idea to give them great powers."
Fleet Under Admiral Calllard Returna
Visit of British Sailors
to Brest.
COATES. Island of Wight, Aug. 7. The
French fleet, consisting of eighteen battle
ships, cruisers and torpedo boat destroyers,
under the command of Vice Admiral Call
lard, dropped anchor In the Solent today to
spend a week as guests of King Edward
and the British navy. Heavy downpours of
rain throughout the morning drenched the
decorations ashore and afloat, and shrouded
In a heavy mist the great gathering of
yachts and British warships collected to
welcome the visitors.
A temporary letup of the rain brought
out the sightseers and thousands lined the
sea front at South Sea as Admiral Call-
lard's fine fleet passed and greeted It with
cheers. Off Bplthead salutes were ex
changed between the visitors and the fort.
As the French vessels took up their an
chorage parallel with the line of British
warships they fired a salute In honor of
King Edward, whose standard was flying
from the royal yacht Victoria and Albert.
The afternoon was spent In ceremonial
calls,- commencing with the visit of Ad
miral Calllard, other French admirals and
captains to King Edward. His majesty
subsequently returned the visit on board
Admiral Calllard's flagship, the Massena.
Reception to Secretary Taft Surpasses
Anything! of I.Ike Kind
at Manila.
MANILLA. Aug. 7. Major General Corbln
gave a dinner at 7 o'clock this evening to
the gentlemen of the Taft party. Rear Ad
nilral Euqulst of the Russian navy and bis
staff were present. General Corbln toasted
President Roosevelt and Secretary Taft
toasted the Russian emperor. Rear Ad
miral Knquiat. w ho was much affected, then
arose and mude a profound salutation. At
the same time, Commissioner Forbes enter
tained Miss Alice Roosevelt at dinner. At
S o'clock ;t.cit persons attended a brilliant
receptlon given by Governor General
v.igm. ipose present, rrom tne il!iwt
om. uu ana most prominent citizen to the
humblest native, were greeted by Secretary
Taft und .Mis Roosevelt, who shook bands
with all. Rear Admiral Fnuulst and staff
were present, spunisn residents say that
the reception surpassed any In the pre
vious history of Manila.
Representatives of Independent Lines
In Illinois, Iowa and Missouri
liathcr at Peoria.
PFaiRIA, 11L. Aug. 7 Representatives of
all the lndeendent telephone companies
In Illinois are gathered in this city for the
purpose of forming a powerful organisation,
the object of which will be to right for busi
ness in this state. It is proposed to con
nect. all the Independent companies In th
state by toll line and thus make a bid for
interstate business the ultimate object
bring to make a bid for Interstate business.
James D Hoge. president of the National
association, is here and will deliver an
address on "state organization."
Representatives are present from Michi
gan. Missouri and Iowa. Four hundred
delegate wlU be in attendance.
Passenger Terminals of the Lackawanna
Railway Destroyed.
nukea Motel ana
street Railway
strortorr Mmo Burned l.oaa F.atl
matnl at eurly Halt
NEW TORK. Aug. 7. Inside of three
quarters of an hour late tonight fire swept
away the Deleware. 1-ackawanna & West
ern Railroad company's terminal In Ho
boken. seized two ferryboats and practically
ruined them, and for half an hour threat
ened the destruction of the entire water
front In the vicinity. Including the Hamburg-American
and North German I.loyd
steamship docks, at which several big ships
were lying. The property damage Is esti
mated at between $V(iiO and Sn'W.OfiO. So
far as known no lives were lost.
For over an hour huge tongues of flame
leaped from the wooden structures on the
I.acakawanna docks, lighting the New Jer
sey and New York water fronts. For a
time It threatened a loss larger than that
of the hig dock fire of several years ago,
when the North German Lloyd piers were
destroyed with a great loss of life.
Ferryboats Hndnnarer Shlpplna;.
Blazing ferryboats cut from their docks
floated In the river, wandering flreshlps,
which for a time endangered shipping in
the river. The fire started on an old
wooden ferryboat and. swept by a northerly
breeze, communicated with the ferryhouse,
spread to the main bididlng of the Iicka
wanna and then to the Duke's house, a
famous Hoboken hostelry. The hotel was
a frame structure and was ready prey for
the flames.
By this tlme the flames were spreading
In all directions, utterly beyond the con
trol of the few first fire fighters who had
responded to the first alarms.
Following the hotel, the structure of the
Public Service Coporatlons the street car
operating company of Hoboken. Jersey City
and nearby places, went down before the
Loss Searly Half Million.
At 1 o'clock this morning the fire was
under control, the big steamship piers had
been saved and a rough estimate placed the
damage at between $4no,ono and SSOtl.onn.
A remarkable feature of the great blazfl
was that inside of twenty minutes after Its
start it had seized upon the Iackawanna.
terminals and swept Its WX feet of train
sheds, dooming them.
The flames started from an unknown
cause on the old wooden ferryboat Hopta
cong. which had been tied up In the open
slip between the Hamburg docks and the
Christopher street ferry slips.
George M. Roberta, Director of the
Mint, Starts for the
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. (Special Tele
gramsGeorge H. Roberts, director of the
mint, will leave Washington tomorrow for
a month's visit In the west. Mr. Roberts
will, during his absence, combine official
and private business. He goes first to
Des Moines and other points in Iowa, upon
private affairs, and will upon conclusion
go to Denver to look into affairs of the
Amos Creager has been appointed post
master at East Peru, Madison county, la.,
vice TJ. Z. Weachter, resigned.
Rurtil free delivery route No. 4 has been
ordered established October 16, at Palmer.
Merrick county. Neb., serving 480 people
and ninety-six houses.
Rural carriers appointed: Iowa Mount
Ayr, route 6 Lester L. Hacker, carrier;
Maude B. Hacker, substitute. South
Dakota Columbia, route 1, Carl S. Wilbur,
carrier: Mrs. Lavina Wilbur, substitute.
The First National bank of Wilcox, Neb.,
has been authorized to begin business with
125,000 capital. E. L. Lindsay Is president,
J. T. Pettys, vice president, and C. W.
Price, cashier.
Frank L. Young and wife of Doniphan,
formerly of Edgar, Neb., are In Washing
ton. Mr. Young is a member of the Lum
bermen's National association, and has
been prominently identified with the lum
ber Interests of Nebraska for the past
twenty years.
Boat Containing; Many Persons Goes
Down In Shallow Water at
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Aug. 7.-The ex
cursion steamer Sunshine sank this after
roon at Broad Ripple park, ten miles from
the city, with IX) passengers on board, all
of whom were men except one, a woman,
who was rescued by a launch. No one was
drowned, but several were injured In the
panic. The boat plies on the backwater of
Broad Ripple dam of White river and was
carrying a picnic party consisting of em
ployes of the Indianapolis stock yards.
The overweighting of the boat caused
It to turn over on Its side and the super
structure broke from the hull. The water
Is fourteen feet deep In the channel, but
the boat was near the bunk when the
wreck occurred and In but seven feet of
water. The upper deck remained above
the water. Five persons were more or less
Injured. William Walton had his back
badly hurt and lennls Melligan had his
lUht foot mashed.
Persons In launches and canoes took a
number of people from the water. The
I greater number clung to the upper deck.
I wh),,h wa. nut submerged
until taken
I . by boat,
ro QADTV iinr rniUirk
Belief Expedition to Shannon Islanil
Meets with No Success
n Trip.
BALTIMORE. Aug. 7 The Baltimore
News today received the following cable
gram from Dr. Oliver L. Fasslg of the
Zlegler relief expedition:
SHANNON ISLAND. Via Edinburgh.
Aug. ". 1W6 No members of Zlegler ex-
i peditlon at (Shannon hum July i. Allien
I lie in north Atlantic. Reach New York
(Slgnd FASSIG.
Dr. Fasslg. who Is an officer of the gov
ernment weather bureau. Is the scientist
of the relief expedition which sailed from
Sanderfjord. Norway, on May 17. on the
Magdalina. for Shannon Island, on the east
coast of Greenland, with some hope that
home members of the Zlegler expedition
that sailed for the Arctic region from Nor
way in liS, under command of Anthony
Flala of Brooalyn. might be found there.
It Is undestood here that the Magdulina.
having failed In lu purpose, will now re
turn W Norway,
Army Officer Says tl
Captain Treated
I Family
Ills Wife a
7. The testimony
trial was resumed
e It was abandoned
r of the deposition
In the TagEart dlvort
today at the point win
Saturday, in the nildd
of Major Morton, now
attached to the war
college at Washington, but formerly Cap
tain Taggart's superior officer at Fort
Leavenworth. The deposition covered Tag
gart's deportment before and after his ar
rest on charges of Intoxication, which fol
lowed the Taggarts' final quarrel and sep
aration In July. 190J. Taggart's domestic
habits had always been excellent and ex
emplary, deponent said, as was his reputa
tion for mortality and sobriety.
"I think It Is plain Taggart's treatment
of his wife should be model for every
husband In the world." Morton testified,
"and his treatment of his children was al
ways kind and considerate."
Testimony as to whether Taggart's ar
rest and confinement were usual was ruled
out temporarily, though the plaintiff's ar
gument was based on the cruelty count of
the captain's charges against his wife, it
being alleged that It was unusual, con
trary to regulations and the result of con
spiracy. "The custom of becoming Intoxicated Is
looked down upon socially and officially In
the army," the deponent said.
"It Is one of the strangest things In
the world to put an officer In confinement."
deponent said on cross-examination. "I
never saw it done but oiA-e in my life, when
a man was suffering froil delirium tremens.
I saw Captain Taggart Jhcfnre he was put
in the hospital and he Iwaa utterly sober.
I also know It was recorded In the hos
pital that he was thefe for alcoholism.
That was wholly untitle and was put
there to cover up the repl facts."
In reply to a question whether. If con
spired against, Tnggart could not have ob
tained redress through cnurtmartlal, de
ponent said thp whole theom of army dis
cipline was that the presumption was al
ways In favor of the commanding officer
and that to obtain redress Taggart would
have to overcome that presumption.
The deposition of Colonel John Van Hoff,
assistant surgeon general of the army,
followed. He had been at Fort Ieaven
worth In July, lfe3, and had gone with
Colonel Miner to see Mrs. Taggart. He j
did not consider her condition nervous or i
hysterical, hut wa. Impressed with her
self-possession. This was July 1 of the day
of Taggart's arrest. Q.inrrel and skirt
tearing hnd occurred the night before.
On cross-examination the surgeon had tes
tified that he had attended Mrs. Taggart
at Colonel Miner's request, going first, to
the latter's headquarters. There Miner
told him that Taggart had assaulted his
wife and that she waa reported to be in
fear for her life. Miner had called It a
"very disagreeable occurrence" and asked
the surgeon's advice.
Captain Taggart seemed much distressed
and there was a deal of talk about the
affair. Finally Taggart had said he could,
perhaps, persuade Mrs. Taggart to with
draw her complaint and asked permission
to go and see her. That was refused and
Taggart suggested that Colonel Miner go.
Miner refused to go alone and Van Hoff
had therefore accompanied her.
"Her face bore evidence of having been
bruised In some way." try deposition went
on. "Such a condition might have re
sulted from an assault from him. My Im
pression was that her face was swollen
and bruised, but that she was perfectly
Thirteen-year-old Fannie Everly was the
first witness put on the stand. She now
lives In Pittsburg, but formerly lived In
Orrvllle, and frequently visited the house
there occupied by Mrs. Taggart. The girl
was under cross-examination by Judge
Smyser when court adjourned at noon.
Regular Tariffs Between Chicago and
Seaboard Will Be Resumed
Angnut 24),
CHICAGO, Aug. 7. The eastbound pas
senger differential rate war from this city
to eastern points was settled today through,
an agreement entered Into by the various
railroads concerned, and normal rates will
be restored on August 20, the earliest dat-
possible for restoration of rates under ;ho
Interstate commerce act.
Cnder a proposition submitted to a con
ference held In New York last week the
Michigan Central agrees to forego Its right
to any differential to Buffalo. It also agrees
not to apply any differential rates out of
Chicago on through tickets to New York
reading over the New York Central lines.
It retains the right, however, of selling
tickets at differential rates out of Chicago
reading over lines other than the New
York Central, east of Buffalo, and also of
using differential rates as basing rates by
New York Central and other routes west of
The Erie, which was the only road hold
ing out, today announced Its acceptance of
the proposed agreement.
Indication It Proposes to Build Wcat
Across the Big; Modi
BIOI'X CITY, la., Aug. 7.-Conflrmatlon
was obtained today of the report that the
Northwestern railroad had purchased the
right-of-way of the Rapid City, Missouri
River & St. Paul railroad. When the Da
kota & Wyoming railway excitement was
at Its height eighteen miles of grade was
constructed, from Rapid City to Spring
Creek. The Rapid City citizens who held
stock in this road supposed their money
had been sunk beyond redemption. Unex
pectedly they received an offer of SUUHiO
for the grade anil right-of-way to Cheyenne
river lust week from the Northwestern and
the deal was corcluded. This will consti
tute a link In the Northwestern-Piene-Rapld
City line.
Supreme Council Will Hold a Special
Scaalon Anaruat iUt to Consider
ew Hate Developments.
BOSTON. Aug 7.-VW. o. Rol.son. suprenv
secretary of the Royal Arcanum, announced
tonight that the supreme council will meet
at Put-ln-Bay, O , August 30, to consider
the developments growing out of the es
tablishment of new rates. Forty-two rep
resentatives from the grand councils have
signed a request made to Supreme Regent
Wiggins that a special aeasion be held
Father Will Help Son.
BI"OMINGTON. II).. Aug. 7 The man
who ran amuck en a Chicago & Alton train
Saturday, killing Marion Warner of Set or
and injuring Miss Kftle McDonald of Gules
burg, has been identified as Eugene pike
man of Hopeda'. Tuzewcll county, where
he has reMded for a number of vears. He
is 2 years old and a painter He la sild
to he of a queer nature when under the
Influence of liquors. His father will em
ploy local counel to defend the murderer.
ejkU will be tried In Pike couaty. Lunula,
Member McCague OiTes Some Definite
Defensive Information.
Board Forced by Charter to Look
F.lahteen Month Ahead In F.stl
matlna Kxpenaee on W hich to
Base the Levy,
Just before the adjournment of the
School Board last night Member McCague,
chairman of the finance committee, spoke
In defense of the management of school
affairs by the board. He said:
I want It to go out to the public that
this School Board has not been extrava
gunt Jn asking for a 13 mill levy. The Jeyy
nils xear raises the same amount of money
as did the l.S mill levy of last year. The
finance committee found It necessary to
figure on the Income for two years hence,
because the wise charter makers decieed
that we must figure two years ahead. Two
years ago the hoard required 3 5 mill levy
upon a total valuation of property. Last
year localise of the workings of the scav
enKr law we cut down tne lew to 2.4
mills on a total valuation of $ll,0iii,
producing I.'KO.iOo. We are operating under
that levy now. By the new charter we
are forced to look ahead eluhteen months
or two years and we are asaing the same
amount. The 13 mill levy on a valuation
of one-fifth, estimating the total valuation
at SiKi.iim.fHXt and one-fiftli at jn,ono.i will
give us SJ'iii.ono. Ijist ear for maintenance,
eliminating Interest, construction, and
bond redemption, we expended $167, nm. The
finance committee for the eighteen months
figures we will spend $1M.3.t4i or Just tl.T'M
more than last year. In the year that has
passed we have built two school houses,
Increased the hond redemption fund ami
cancelled bonds to the amount of tlim.neo.
I want the puhllc to know that this board
has not been extravagant.
thanate In Text Books.
The board adopted the same course of
study as used last yenr with a few ex
ceptions. In the new course Keysor &
Moniteser's "Brief German" course takes
the place of Daniel's "Latin Grammar;"
Allen A Greenough s "Select Orations and
Letters," new edition, takes the place of the
old edition; D'Ooge's "Latin Composition,"
parts 11. and III. take the place of Dan
iel's "ljitln Composition."
The report of the text book committee,
which recommended that the superlntend-
ent, with the consent of the committee, be
allowed to purchase a half dozen or so sets
of supplementary readers, was vigorously
opposed at first by Member McCague, who
In a lengthy speech, said It should be the
duty of the board to stick to the funda
mentals and not ndopt so many frills and
fads. Mr. McCague said the board should
strlvo to simplify Its course of study and
not be adding new and unnecessary bonks
to It It was explained by Member Det
weller that the books are Intended merely
as supplementary to the regular course,
which would not be disturbed; that when
the regular course hook is completed the
supplementary reading will be started and
that one set of books will be sufficient for a
room. When the vote was taken McCague
voted for the adoption of the motion.
Tlano for the Gym.
Among the 11st of purchases ordered
was a piano for the girls' gymnasium and
a set of wall maps, while a motion for the
purchase of five sets of National Ency
clopedae waa laid over for some time In
the future.
The resignations of Ora B. Clayton, Ger
trude Waterman and Winifred Lemon
were accepted, while Eva Bartlett was
granted a year's leave of absence. Jane
Smith was employed to take the place of
Winifred Lemon In the high school. She
will receive IJ0 a month salary.
Pettlbone Brothers were awarded the
contracts for furnishing cadet uniforms at
a total cost of S14.06 each.
A car load of seats was ordered pur
chased; claims to the amount of $7,741
were ordered paid, and the members of
the Woman's Christian Temperance Union
were given permission to run a lunch
counter at the high school as In the past.
The Putnam company In a communica
tion asked that the board sign a paving
petition to repave Fifteenth street from
Davenport to WebBter, which would com
plete the petition. Mr. Franck, owner
of the Midland hotel. Is getting up the
Kcho from Cadets' Camp.
A very serious communication from an
Iowa pleasure-making man asking for
damages because of Injury done to his
pipe organ, as he alleged, by cadets while
at Missouri Valley last June, created some
amusement, and was referred to the at
torney with the request that he secure the
names of the guilty parties, one of whom
the Iowa man said was a student named
"Mickey Mullen." a name not on the roll.
That the boys, or some one, certainly did
a plenty to the pipe organ Is evident by
"the following excerpt from the communi
cation, which Is signed by M. E. Plck
enll: The following damage was done to the
pipe organ: Taken from said organ,
eighteen pipes, which cannot he found;
tore out Uittoms of three pities which
rendered the same worthless; broke the
bellows; tote out the valves under the
pipes and the cloth from the frames;
turned the roller hack against the finger
board, breaking out and ruining the pin
in the roller; broke pinion on end of roller;
tore handles out of the organ; torn out
and ruined the screws which go into the
valve slides and In general practically de
stroyed the organ.
Mr. Plckerlll asked the board to either
have his pipe organ fixed or pay him $150
or $3n0 as a fair compensation for damages
received. The pipe organ was used in con
Junction with a tnerry-go-round.
Reports from victims of Ohio Acci
dent shows Lffert of the
CLEVELAND, Aug. 7 Reports today
from va:iujs hospitals to which the victims
of lust night's grade crossing accident were
taken showed that only one death had oc
curred, but six of the badly Injured will
probably die. Aside from those fatally
hurl, at least a score of others on the
street cars received more or less serious
wounds. V. V. Lillle, the gateman em
ployed by the Pennsylvania company at
St. Clair street crossing, where a fast
outgoing Pennsylvania train struck a street
car, has been placed under arrest. He
admits that the gates were not lowered.
Lillle Is held upon the charge of man
slaughter. Investigation Khcwt the trolley
wheel left the wire Just as the car reached
the Pennsylvania tracks, and before It
could be replaced the last train camu
along and collided with the car, loaded
with forty passengers.
James Martin, whose young daughter
was killed outright, while hla wife and
two other children were badly Injured, Is
todav reported to be insane as the result
of the accident. Mrs. Martin is not ex
pected to live through the day. Late last
night Martin went to the hospital where
the physicians were about to operate upon
bis daugliler. Tne crazed man struck one
of the physicians a terrific blow in tiie
a&d knocked Urn down.
Fair Tuesday and Wednesday.
Temperature nt Omaha eaterdnyt
Hour. Pea. Hour. Dra.
K n. m tut I u. m VI
a. m i it i. ni .
7 n. m tut :t p. m sin
H a. m L1 4 p. m
n. m iV p. m T
1 a. m 71 p. m Kit
11 a. m 7H 7 p. m H4
12 m M w p. m Ml
9 p. in 7
One Who Is KunnlnK from Fright.
Same as Himself. Mistaken
for I'nrsucr.
As the result of a flght that occurred
about 1 o'clock this morning in front of the
"Midway" saloon. Twelfth and Capitol nv
enue, Fred Wiggleton. colored, received to
bullet wounds from a revolver In the hands
of Rolla Young, also colored, which may
prove fatal.
The fight toclt place while several col
ored men and women were standing on the
corner quarreling over a trivial matter
one Dove Dally being the principal trouble
maker. Dally made several.threats to do
violence to n number of men and women
In the crowd and struck a woman who re
monstrated. The fight continued to givw
more serious and Young, the man who did
the shooting, started to run to avoid being
Implicated In the trouble, according to nls
statement. Young started north on Twelfth
street for his borne, 12H7 Cass street, whn
Wiggleton also started. Young looked be
hind him and saw Wiggleton coming, anil.
thinking that It was Dally, attempting to j
carry out Ills threats, turned and fired two
shots at Wiggleton, both taking effect. One
struck him in the abdomen, the other strik
ing his right breast near the shoulder. The
story of the mistaken Identity of the two
colored men is told by Young and it is cor
roborated by Wiggleton, who was not In
jured so badly that he could not talk. It is
feared that blood poisoning may set In.
The police station was notified and Young
was arrested, to be held for an Investiga
tion. Wiggleton Is a porter employed In Ela
sasser's barber shop on Douglas street, and
lives at Fourteenth and Howard streets.
Wiggleton was taken to the Clarkson hos
pital after being temporarily attended by
Police Surgeon Langdon.
Rolla Young Is employed at the H. Mav
Liquor company's place of business, 13n3
Douglas street.
Saloon nnd Farmer from Uunlap
the -Victims of the
Two masked bandits held up the Saloon
of William Fry, 2018 Ninth avenue. Coun
cil Bluffs, shortly after 1 o'clock this
morning and robbed the proprietor, two of
his helpers and six customers, of all the
cash they had, about $30. .The man. who
had a revolver In his hand entered the
front door and lined the men up against
the wall when they proceeded to go
through their pockets. In addition to the
cash one of the robhprs took a bottle of
whiskey and the other a bottle of cham
pagne. They then backed out of the door
and disappeared. The robbers were both
young men and from their actions are
thought to be new at the business.
A few minutes past 1 this morning two
young men held up a farmer from Dunlap,
la., whose name the police did not learn,
at Tenth street and First avenue, near the
Northwestern tracks In Council Rluffs.
Thflu iiiH tlirAA CIA a rA r,o 1,111b
. , ' ' , ., . , . . .
One of them took the victim a watch but
returned It with the remark "I guess we
don't want this." The two Jobs are thought
to be the work of the Rame pair.
Supreme Court of Venesuela Rules
that the So-Called Hamilton
Concession la Void.
OYSTER BAY. N. Y., Aug. 7.-President
Roosevelt has been Informed through the
Department of State that the federal court
of Venezuela has rendered a decision
against the Bermudez Asphalt company
In the case involving the so-called Ham
ilton concessions, annulling the conces
sion. What action may be taken by this gov
ernment regarding the matter cannot be
announced at this time, in fact, so far
as can be ascertained here, no determina
tion of the question has been reached.
It Is quite probable that will not be done
until Secretary Root, who Is now on a
vacation In I-abrador. shall have returned
and considered the subject with the presi
dent In the light of the report which will
be made by Judge Calhoun of his Investi
gation of the entire asphalt matter.
Montnna Man Leaves Ills Apartments
In New York for First Time
Since July 15.
NEW YORK, Aug. 7. United States i
Senator William A. Clark of Montana,
who on July 15 underwent an operation
for the removal of a brain abscess, today
left his apartments at 175 West Fifty
eighth street for the first time sinre the
operation. Accompanied by a nurse, the
senator drove In Central park for twenty
minutes. It was said at the house that
Senator Clark was rapidly regaining his
normal condition and that he would now
drive out each pleasant day until his
strength was sufficient to permit him to
travel, when he would leave the city.
Mrs. C'ollett Says Carl llrady Was
Killed lay William .Nagel In
Quarrel over Loan of a Nklff.
ROOK ISLAND, 111., Aug. 7. Josephine
Collett. accused by William Nagel of kill- !
Ing and partly burning Carl Brady, a
fisherman on an island in the Mississippi
river, today said the crime was commit ted
by Nagel. She asserted that Brady was
shot during a quarrel following his re
fusal to lend Nagel a skiff. When con
fronted with Nagel the woman repeated
the story and fainted. The charred body
of Brady was found on Saturday. Mrs.
Collett and Nagel were arrested In a house
boat owned by Brady, who evidently was
killed several weeks ago.
Movements of Ocean Vessels Anauat 7,
At New Vork Arrived: Vaderland. from
Antwerp; Noordiim. from Rotterdam;
Mtnpehana. from London.
At Genoa Arrived: Cltta Dl Torino, from
New York
At Liverpool Arrived: Campania, from
New York, Tunisian, from Montreal.
At Cherbourg-Arrived: Kron Prinz WIW
helm, from New York. '
At Duwr Arrivtd. ZeaUnJ, Xruiu New
k'arine Hospital Sertice Now Conducting
Fight Against Yellow Jack.
Will Gi?e Fsderal Go?ernment All Money
Necessary to Eradicata Ttier,
Twenty-Fite Cases DiscoTerei in St
Mary's and St. Charles' Parishes.
Thirty-Two Sew Cases Reported
Making n Total of Five Hon -drrd
and Slaty
NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 7 Official report
of yellow fever situation up to I p. m.:
New cases 33
Total to date 55
Deaths i
Total to date 113
New suh-foi 4
Total to date t'
Two large foci of Infertlon were dis
covered today outside of the city by offi
cers of the marine hospital service. Dr.
I Corput went to Diamond plantation. In
St. Charles parish, to look Into some sus-
piclous rases and found six positive yellow
fever cases of secondary Infection, three
of which were dead. They are on a sugar
plantation and three of them were Italians.
One was a negro.
The oilier point of Infection Is In the
town of Patterson. In St. Mnry parish,
where Dr. Gulteras found nineteen cases
of secondary Infection. Most of these are
also Itallnns. The local health hoards
have taken charge In both Instances and
are following out the directions of the
mnr!"e hospital service.
The moderate number of new esses and
the marked decrease In the number of
new foci during the past few dajrs has
given great hope that the progtss of the
mosquito fever has been really checked.
Surgeon White of the marine hospital
service assumed control of the local situa
tion nnd entered into closer relations with
the state board, but no radical changes
have yet been made nor will he made. As
he stated recently, his methods will sim
ply be an enlargement and perfection of
the system put Into effect by the local
authorlltles nnd in which his service had
been co-operating from the beginning, and
the fact that the seeming Improvement
began to manifest Itself Just before he took
charge Is a source of as much gratification
to Dr. White as to Dr. Kohnke.
Dr. White was tonight advised by Dr.
Wyman that two more officers had been
ordered to report to him. This makes ten
additional officers detnlled here In two
Considerable comment has been caused
by the arrival of Captain E. T. Olsen
of the Norwegian steamship Iander with
, t hleh fver ani his Immediate transfer
to one of the private hospitals. His ship
i came up from Havana on August 6 and lay
at quarantine until the evening of Au
gust 6. The ship's papers show that when
he left Havana he was suffering from
enteric fever.
White Will lssnc Bulletins.
It was announced that the marine hospital
service would take up as soon as the settle
ment of the details would permit, the re-
j reiving and compiling of the dally reports.
, ' - ,
An Impression has prevailed In some quar
ters outside of New Orleans that all the
eases oceurlng .ire not made public. That
Impression has been entirely unjust, but In
order that there may be perfect confidence
throughout the country that an accurate
statistical statement Is being made dally.
Dr. White desires that hereafter these an
nouncements shall be made under federal
authority. In this connection a statement
prepared some time ago In newspapers
throughout the country, that although the
New Orleans officials had announced only
a total of fifty deaths, the marine hospital
report had put the figure at more than 2-10.
Dr. White, In reply, states that no such
statement was even given out by his de
partment; that no such number of deaths
had occurred and that the figures carried
dally by the Associated Press were correct.
Funds Promptly Furnished.
There was a prompt response today to
the appeal of Chairman Janvier of the citi
zens' committee for additional subscrip
tions to the citizens' fund to the end of
raising the $?:0,niiO desired by the govern-
n.,n( (.hpokH poured steadily Into the office
of the committee. In addition to this ap
peal, Mr. Janvier took steps for state aid.
When Governor Blanchard came here for
conference with Dr. White and the health
officials three weeks ago he said that should
the emergency warrant It, the state could
be dependeil on to do Its share towards fur
nishing the funds necessary towards prose
cuting the ftglit to a successful finish. To
day Mr. Janvier wired the governor saylnn
t he emergency was here and that the state's
assistance had been pledged to the govern
ment to assist In raising the money. In
similar emergencies In the past the gov-
j ernor has consulted the members of the
I legislature by wire and secured their pledge
of support of legislation to reimburse the
fiscal agents or money borrowed from
them. As the whole state is Interested In
the present campaign, It is assumed that
in twenty-four to forty-eight hours the gov
ernor w ill have all the ba. king desired, and
that Louisiana's contribution of at least
t.XoUi will be made. Unsolicited checks
have been sent here Vom other arts of
the countiy to the fund, which will be fully
nubscilbed, It Is believed, before It la
Panicky Feeling Sprends.
An evidence of the panicky feeling In
the country parishes is shown in the ex
periences of the Cumberland Telephone
company. At Arcadia, La., the man In
charge of t lie office fled when the fsver
legan to spread. Local headquarters tried
at once to fill the position, but Arcadia
refused to permit a man to come to work.
It declined to take a man from Meridian.
The consequence Is that the service has
been suspended. A similar state of affairs
prevulls at Baton Rouge, whence also the
manager has gone and whore rigid quaran
tine prevails. The Baton Rouge exchange
terves much of the surrounding country
and all that section will lie Vlthont com
munication. The death reported on the Bell plutitatlon
In Jefferson parish, opposite New Orleans,
is the fifth that has occurred there, show
ing the li'-avy nioitallty from the fever
where adequate attention In not given.
Five Italians lied from New Orleans to
this plantation mid ore after another hut
taken the f.-ver and ku i uinh d. The vi
cinity has Irt-.-n thoroughly isolated and
disinfected and every precaution will be
taken to pi ev flit subsequent Infection by
means of the looieiuito.
Dr. Gulteias of tl.o murine hotpluU g