TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: Bl'NDAY. Al'01'PT fi. IMS. "o) o) llllllll lsr Choice of Entire Stock of J. H. EVANS (1517 Farnam Street, Omaha) T7 V7 o Not Once Before in the History of Omaha Has There Been Such a Sale as This. The Very Finest Grades of Men's Furnishing Goods and Hats at Half Price. Such a Chance May Never Occur Again NEMAS v A ( C3 K A The Nebraska Shirt Co. stock was so enor mous that we could not possibly show it all to advantage -in one day. Many of the grandest bargains of stock shown for the first time Mon day. Everything new, everything HALF PRICE rf ni rwni n) UyJcLI J The greatest opportunity ever offered in the country to supply your immediate wants and buy stylish clothes for fall wear also. The Nebraska Shirt Co. carried the finest grade ex clusive furnishings. Every piece of goods right up-to-date. Everything HALF PRICE All the Neb. Shirt Co.'s Men's :m"?? VESTS iMany new lots brought forward for Monday fine silk vests, imported pique, Irish linen and and plain white vests, in regular sizes and stouts, worth $2.50, $3, $4 and $5, at JL All .he Neb. Shirt Co.. MEN'S HATS All the Men's Handker chiefs worth up to 75c 10C-25C-35C Men' $8 BATH ROBES SMOKING JACKETS at $3.50 All the UMBRELLAS Canes at J Price HIGHEST GRADE SHIRTS From the Nebra.sk. Shirt Co. New lots added to this matchless array of Men's high quality Shirts Cluetts, Columbu?, Lion brand and Savoy negligee and dress shirts 82.00, J2.50 and M.00 values at Men's fine Shirts, In Monarch, Eureka and CJuaker rity brands, Nebras ka Slilrt Company price one dollar and fifty cents, at 75c Men's Shirts, Majestic, Incomparable, Ken wood and Crown brands and broken lots of highest grade shirts, Neh. Shirt Co, price !.. at, each 50c All Men's 50c and 75c Belts at 25c All Men's 50c Suspen ders 25c All the Men's All Leather Suit Cases Price All the high grade John B. Stetson and Yoirman's $3 hats, also all the Mlk lints and opera hats from the Neb. Shirt Co. thnt sold at $B and $8 each, at 2 50 All the men's stiff and oft hats priced f 50 bjNeh. Shirt O at 13 and 3.50,nt All the men's 75c, CI and 11.50 capi from Neb. Shirt Co., at. All the Neb. Shirt Co's Men's Hosiery Plain and fancy French lisle, and lisle maco cotton, silk morcer ized, black, white and colors, worth 50c and 75c a pair, at, pair 2lc25c-37lc All the Neb. Shirt Co's Collars Cuffs All th Men's Barker 15c Collars, at. , . All the Barker 25c Cuffs, at pair I2k All the Neb. Shirt Co'a Men's Neckwear All the Men's $1.25 to C(n S2.00 Xwkwpnr. at JUC All the Men's 75c Neck wear, at All the Men's 50c qual ity Neckwear, at 35c 25c All the Mens Pajamas and Night Shirts All the $2.00 NlKht Shirts C and Pajamas, at W All the $1.50 Nijrht Shirts n Cp and Pajamas, at '' All the $1.00 NlKht Shirts Cfn and Pajamas, at 7UC All the Men's Finest UNDERWEAR From the Nebraska Shirt Co. Finest quality men's underwear made, Lewis, ' Canrarii and Friedman. Cooper's, Wilson Ilros., ete.. wool and silk, wool im- C1 CJQ ported nnd domestic, Neh. Shirt Co. priee $ to $10 a suit, garment . All the finest imported Underwear for men, nilk mereerized and worsted, the Neh. C1 Shirt Co. priee from $4.00 to ?8.r0 jj suit, at, per garment Men's fine French I.isle, French lliilbrippnn and Amer ienn silk t'nderwear, worth from ."c Tr CA to $1 n garment, at, garment JjCmJ3C Men's 50c 1'nderwenr In broken lots of better TP grades, in one big lot at, parineiit ijC Hi (QZSS i ZIP. H a ALL THE JEWELR.Y a.t HALF PRICE All the silver and t?old stick pins and scarf pins at naif Price. All the men's watch fobs (told and silk, worth to $j All the Dutch silver fobs- worth at $i.$2 75c Gent's gold and oxydized CufT But tons at Half Price. Gent's pold filled collar buttons pearl and 14k, filled worth no to fifty can ts will E goat OC-lUC SPECIAL LINEN SALE: BASEMENT .. 25c SAMPLE LINE FINE IMPORTED HUCK TOWELS Worth up 7.'.c; at, each 20c Bleached Turkish Towels, Ol 30c Bleached Turkish To els, P at, each O2C at, each fe-4 and 10-4 all pure linen Scotch Satin Damask Pattern Table 69.98 Cloths worth up to $4 extra special, at I "I All the Men's $2 Union Suits in one I lot, at 4I A!l the Men's $3 Union Suits in one 150 I lot. at 1 All the Men's $4 Union Suits in one lot, at $2 DRESS GOODS SPECIALS All wool 50c and 75c man ivisK and tailored suitings, yv.rd JJ 50c a.nd 65c mohair vnd f&ncy Sicii.&.n. ( AH 52-in. Sicilians, black, fray, myrtle, nvy, A Q brown, sold at 75c,jd Cream and White Mohair, 85c and $1 radts, Voiles, Eoliennes, Fancy Pana mas, Silk Crepe, all Q colors, sold to $1.50 ydUwC Any Fancy Mohair and Sicilian sold up to $1.50, QQp yer yard 071 All Wool Ch&llies. light and dark e (Toots, Dolly Var- fffc dens, etc., regular 50o WZjC grade, yard Fine Wash Goods your choice of any style or grade y C sold up to 85o yd. Laces Fine quality wash laces and ln sertlnfis all widths white, cream and ecru, new patterns, at 3c-5c-7c Embroideries Many In match sets nil widths, embroideries and Inserting fresh from the customs house worth up to COc a yard, at 7W5C-25C mm In C tor Shoes on Sale in the Basement All on big bargain squares l;or Ladies' Black Kid Lace $2.00 Shoos Sale price 38 C Tor Ladies' $3.00 Tan Oxford Ties Sale price SOC For Men's $2.00 Black Low Shoes Sale price 30C For Men's $2.00 Heavy Work Shoes Sale price 93C For Boys' $2.00 Tan Calf Shoes Sale price ' QQc For Girls' $2.00 Brown Kid Shoes Sale price 98C Sale of Ladies' Sample Shoes Regular $4 and 5 Shoes On Sale on Main Floor i and JP On main Floor Only Special Silk Bargains Entire Surplus Silk Stock High grade silks, light shades, worth up to $2.50 handsome Shirt Waiat Silks worth up to $1.25 Taffetas, black 4Cp Cft and colors Imperial Glace, etc., at yd JC sZJ Q $1.00 Quality Black Bonnet Taffeta. 75c Yd. 25 pieces 22 inch wide guaranteed Black Bonnet Taffeta, finest black silk in the world, rcgu- 91 lav pnre always, $1.00, ft Qgm Mondav. Imperinl Glace Wash Taffeta, eight shnnes in iieau de ygne, all col ors, sTc quality. Hustling tnffetns, etc., ninny worth $1.00, on r.le at TRMI Mini. 69c We show nil colors in the best 27 inch wlile tnffeta ever offered for wile, we guarantee every yard to give best of ser vice, prh'e only $1 OUR. JAPANESE CORNER, ARCADE Hundreds of pretty Jap novelties just received see the dainty Oriental ware. STBS OMAHA SUBURBS Benaon. Fred Fargo left on last Tuesday for a trip to Denver. E. O Nell, who putchuaed the C. B. Smith home, has taki ri xmHtnlon. A son wh horn to Mr. and Mrs. E. M. CliudweU Sutuiilay, July 2!. Mrs. I.oechner re turned liome from a trip to Ashland last Tuesday. Mrs. Wedgu entiTtalni-d at dinner last week in Iioiut ol In r dautihttsr. Kussell Williams, a one-Umn rraldent of E.'ii-iun, vlslU'd uld frlfiuls la.t wri'k. Mr. E. i". l-'ullnr- has commenced work on the painting of the Mt-thodiHt church. Services will ho held at the Methodist Episcopal cliunii tuday at the usual hour. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wulff have re turned tiuiu a two-weeks visit at t'awuee City. I J. Butler and granddaughter. Pearl, left last Tuesday for a few days' visit In Mis souri Valley. Mtsa Bea Hoffman has returned home from a month spent In New York and other eastern clues. Miss Anna Christiansen entertained a , number of her friends at an Ice cream , parly last Tuesday. i Mrs. James Howard and two daughters left last Thursday fur the east, where they will spend the summer. , The complaint which was taken to the county court against Mr. Dellls has been dismissed by the Judge. Mrs. J. L. Revey entertained at her home last week Mrs Thetru, Mrs Naylur and George Howell of Omaha. The Ladies' Aid iolet will meet at the fMelhodtst Kplxcopal cliurch next YVedne- I day afternoon tor Hvecutl business.. ' Mrs. William Johnson and daughter left ! last Wednesday for like Okolxijl. where ahe will Join her sister during this month. Mrs. O. E. Engler and children, who have ' ben vWlting at the home of Mrs. Wedge. left last week for their home In Plain- i view. ' Mr. and Mra. Sick entertained a number of friends and relatives at their home last 1 Sunday. In honor of Mr. Su k'a birthday an- ' nlveraary. Mrs. Fred Fargo and slsrer. Miss Osle Stringer, returned home last week from . a visit among friends and relatives In Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Fuller entertained during the week their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fuller of Ashtand, and Mlsa Margaret Stewart of Ohio. During the week an Inspection for the locaUou for Ui w water plant baa been made. TheCamenzend place ts looked upon as a favorable place. Nothing definite has been done up to date. A German Ringing; club has been organ lied by about eight of the German cltl lens of Bettson. The club meets at the home of Henry Hercker and la open to others who wish to Join. During the election last Tueaday at the town hall a collection for the repainting of fhe Methodist Episcopal church was taken. A Bum of J71 and some paint was received. The work haa now commenced. Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Carter entertained at a hayrack larty last week in honor of their granddaughter. Edith Carter of Omaha. After a pleasant ride the pirty had Ice cream and cake at the home of Mr. Carter. Dander. A daughter was torn on Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Buck. Several new houses are in process of con s', ruction in different parts of the village. Mrs. T. K. Hunter returned during thu week from a visit to her mother lu In diana. Mr. and Mra. A. 8. Fielding and son of Lincoln. Net., are the guests for the rest of the summer of Mr. and Mrs. VV. H. Howard. Mr. Charles Scott and famllv moved on Tuesday Into the house owned bv Mr. Chapman on Cass street between Foi ty eigih and Forty-ninth streets. Mr. R. C. Peters haa been quite 111 for a few days with a severe cold and fevei. Little Miss Addle Deems entertained a number of her school friends Saturday afternoon. Mra. K. V. Heaford is spending the re mainder of the i summer at the summer cottage. Oak Knoll, at Madeline island. Luke Superior. Mr. Ilea fold will Join her lur a time. Under the auspices of the Junior En deavor society of the Dundee Presh teflai church u deliglitful entertainment was given at the church Thursday evening. I Music and recitations were given by both oumiee ana omana artists. West Ambler. Mrs. C. Bell of Walnut Hill visited friends here on Thursday. Mrs. Charles Syas has been on the sick list the past week. Mrs C. P. White, with her two sons, called on her mother here on Thursday. Ralph Spoerrl la Improving slowly. Th services of the trained nurse have 1 n dispensed with. Mrs. Nelson Pratt and daughter, Miss Minnie, were guests of home folks here th? first of the week. Miss Mae Syas was the guest of her friend. Mtsa Mabel Anthony, In the country the Aral of the week. home on Wednesday evening from their month's visit with relatives at Fairfield. Ia. The Misses Grace and Ivy Blake reft on Friday for their summer varation, and will visit relatives In Chicago and other eastern points. Miss Edith Darling, who has been Keep ing house for Mrs. CockereJl during the lat ter's ubsence from the city, returned home on Sunday. Rev. William Gorst filled the pulpit at Southwest cliurch on Sunday evening ow ing to the serious Illness of the pastor. Rev. Mr. Luce. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Aughe celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary at Rlvervlew park. Saturday, July a, with friends from out of the city. Mrs. Bennett and children left on Sat urday for their home at Img Pine, after a pleasant visit with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. M. t-averty. Mrs. E. Rder and daughter, Mrs. M. Scrlbner, and son. Harry, of Chicago, have been the guests of the Honewltz and Grants families the past week. The Indies' Aid society met at the home of Mrs. J. E. Bonewtt on Thursday and neurlv completed a large quilt. An excel lent dinner was provided by the hostess. There were fifteen In attendance. Receipts were 2.Ji. The next meeting of the society will be with Mrs. Bert Uantz, on Thursday, August 17. ' Flbrenre. Mrs E. D. Christian of Lincoln Ms here visiting her mother, Mrs. Green. Will Tucker, who underwent an opera tion recently, is but very little better. The baby of Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Tucker ha been sick for the past few days. William Wedback, E. Wedback and L. Rourche were guvSts of the family of Wil liam pulte Sunday afternoon. M. B. Thompson went to Hecla, 8. D, Saturday afternoon to look up some cattle for the South Omaha markets. Mrs. Archer of Columbus, Neb., spent a couple of days here this week, the guest of ills. Sophia M. Grossman. Antoue Gahart and William Fisher, both of Omaha, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Pulte Sunday evening. Mrs. W. E. Taylor and son left Wednes day f r Shenandoah, la., where they will visit Mrs. Taylors parents fur a couple of weeks. Mrs. Mary J. Davidson, who has been here the past two months visiting her nephew. W. R. Wall, returned 10 her home at Kansas City on Tuesday. - A gasoline stove explosion In the Tucker hotel Friday afternoon called out the tire rieartme!il. The stove was thrown out before any great damage was done. Clarence Wall left Tuesday morning for Kvansvllie. Inn . wnere he will spend Scot Leach la In his place at J. S. Paul's atore until his return Mrs. James R. Glbbs of Santa Barhana, Cal., spent several days here the past week, going to St. Paul. Minn., on Tues day, where her parents reside. They .vill accompany her to her western hoeie, wheio they will reside In the future. George Stalon went to Zinc, Ark., Tues day morning, going via Eureka Springs. While there he will look up some land and will probably purchase. His brother-in-law, Henry Peterson, a former store keeper of this place, is located there. Councilman George Sorensen returned Tuesday from a month's sojourn on the Pacific coast. He spent a few days at the Lewis A Clark exposition and visit ing with Peter Larson, a former resilient of this place, who lives at Tacoma, Wash. The citv council held a special meeting Monday night and took action In putting In a permanent sidewalk on the east side of he public park and ordered In a perma nent wulk on the north side of lot 1 and lot t, block 44, E. D. Vancout t secured the con tract for putting In the walk. The Florence Improvement club met Wednesday night. Several new members were added to the list. The matter of set ting out trees on the Fifth street boule vard was taken up. A committee was ap pointed to get the grades and curb lines on this street, so there would be a uni formity In putting out the trees. POLICE PUT AN END TO DANCE Mew and Youdi Girls Havlaaj High Old Time in n galoou. Mr. V. C. Heusman and children returned oioiuU vuliiug hU mother and relatives. A dance In the saloon of Joe Wasko, Thir teenth and Dominion slrceta, was broken up by the police last night shortly before midnight. A large crowd had gathered in the place and the police say that about twenty-five young girls, ranging In age from 15 te 18 years, were in the place, sitting around on beer kegs and conducting them selves In anything but a respectable man ner. Sergeant Sigwart, Officers McCarthy and Morrison went to tlx) place and placed the proprietor under arrest aad ordered the girls to go home. The dance had lieen advertised extensively through the week and all were having a boisterous time when the officers entered and placed Wasko under arrest and order-d the place closed. Wasko was taken to the station, charged with keeping s disorderly house, and will be arraigned on this rhafge Monday morning In police court. The sa loon will remain closed uatil further eideis. ECHOES CF THE ANTEROOM Hathbone Maters. Rathbone Sisters. Lillian temple No. 1, will give a picnic at Krug's park Wednes day, August 8. A royal good time is planned. Royal Achates' Sociable. Omaha lodge No. 1, Royal Achates, will give the regular monthly entertainment for members and friends otj next Tuesday evening, August 8, at Royal Achates hall. Seventeenth and Douglas streets. Good music for dancing, cards for those who wish to play. Refreshments of Ice cream and cake will be served. SAMSON HOLDS AN ELECTION Asks Public to Help film Decide on Kame for His Fall Street Fair. Streets of Cibola. I'rway, Paseo, Esplanade, Oma way, Kraal, King a highway, Sar-Ben's Lane, Gridiron, Rlalto, Tribe of Ben Hnr. Omaha Court No. 110 Initiated several members last Tuesday night and received several applications. This court will give a picnic for Its members and friends, also any visiting members, at Hanscom park, August 12, afternoon and evening. There will be games, refreshments, etc. Members are requested to bring well filled lunch baskets for themselves and families. Maccabees. , Omaha tent No. 75, Knights of the Mac cabees, met In regular revft'W on last Thursday night with about sixty Sir Knights present. A large number of appli cants were elected to membership and five candidates were shown the "safer route." The tent will put on the drama "Sons of Maituthlus" In the near future and ar rangements will be made accordingly. The picnic committee reported that the picnic was a success financially and a nice sum was cleared. On next Thursday night there will be another class for the degree work , .cotllsh (Inns. Clan Gordon No. 63. Order of Scottish Clans, met Tuesday evening and had three new (applications. Institutions were given to the delegate who will represent the clan at convention in Nw York City on August IS. All arrangements are completed for the coming picnic to Blair on Labor day, September 4. and tickets are selling fast. From a total of 1.1M names the above list of ten have been selected by a com mittee as being the best suggested as names for the amusement street of the Ak-Sar-Ben full festivities. After Samson offered a prize of Jll) to the person sending In an acceptable name for the carnival grounds he found the task of deciding on a name more onerous than he at first thought. He then had a capias issued for three newspaper reporters and gave them carte blanche to devise a scheme for the selection of a name. Every person Is entitled to one vote and will be allowed but one vote, which must be sent on a postal card to receive con sideration. Voters may vote for any one name of the above list and may vote for but one name. The vote will close 'August 31, and from time to time the list of names will he published, with the standing of the vote. Postal cards should be addressed to Samson, P. O. box 777, Omaha. Voters may reside anywhere to be eligible to vole. In the selection of the list of ten names the committee has no knowledge us to the Identity of the contestants, as Simson num bered the Xil letters he Vecclved, copied the 1.1 ij names suggested and turned the names over to a committee consisting of Burke Sinclair of the World-Herald, Or vllle Strain of the Dally News and Ed Black of the Bee. As soon as the vote shall have been closed the $10 prize will be awarded to the sender of the name receiving the highest popular postal card vote. Baxter I.ofi FlahliiK. - I'nited Htates District Attorney hixter polished un his fishing rod, borrowed a gun. put Ware Hall and some halt under Ids arm and left ha I unlay morning for the Klamath Indian reser va'ion In Oregon to hunt and nh until September 1. Attorney Baxter goes on this trip as the soacisI i guest of the Indian agent and It has been told him that a large number of trout and other flnh h.i e been corraled and are wait ing for him. He takes Mr. Hall along to prove his -' 'rles. BUSY DAY WITH THE BOYS Probation Officer Dernateln Has Lively Saturday with Youth ful Offenders, Testerday was a busy day for Chief Pro bation Oftlcer Bernstein nt the detention school. Several days ago Arnold Solomon, a 14-year-old boy who has been an lninat of the school, escaped from the conflte 1 of the Institution and sought another . i . of abode. Last night Mr. Bernstein found the boy out at Courthtnd Beach, and i: r mediately took possession of him and te turned him to the school. Later he i , fessed to have broken Into the groc t store of H. Klsasser, 191'4 Vinton Mm '. In company with a number of other 1" and stealing a quantity of canned gi." c together with some pennies and f" ' candy. He haa told of several other 1 who were with him at the time ami t will le taken Into custody. About 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon M Bernstcln was culled to the Burling' ' stntion to take charge of a 9-year old t who had arrived on an afternoon tr from Plattsmouth. The lad slat, s 1 t some one put him on the train m Hat mouth and left him. telling him to v 1 off at Omaha. His name la Charley Lot ; and at one time lived at Sldnej. ! mother died last winter, and Imio. Il .t after, he says, his father gave Ion. man residing In 1'latlsmouth, but was able to tell the name of ihe fundi. . 1 whom he had been living. The b. 1 be given a hoijie at the detention y Indefinitely ;nu the case will be t. . ated. These two cases, together with a n .: ' of oilier petty thievery which ha1 1 going on among the boys who up "Mogy'a" protecting wing, have k 1 1 ' probation officer busy for a int.. I da; s. LOCAL BREVITIES. The McKlnley club will meet at hji rmal dinner at toe Calumet on M 1' veiling at ft o clock sharp AU lueu.b- IS forn even re requested to be present.