Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 4, Image 12

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J i
I t I
AdirrtlufKirnll (or Ihrae column
Trtll lie take hntll lis m. for th
fttnlnt edition and antll Ft p. m. tor
the morning: nod Sunday VdKlon.
Itatee 1 l-2c n word first Insertion,
le at word thereafter. olhln- taken
for leas than 2lle for 1 li Brat laaer
tloa. These ndirrllirariili mast ba
roa ronKprntltrlr.
Adrert laera, br irqifatlif a nim
liered rhrck, caa have wrri ad
rireaaed In a numbered Inter In car a
of The lice. Amntra ao addressed
rrlll ! delivered on presentation of
CTf IVU'C l.cpiatcd. Omaha Hating Co.,
w i w iiAiney oi. lei. 2oaj.
CITY BAV1NU3 BANK pays 4 lr cent.
Tel. 3530.
ANTi-Monopoly Garbage Co.,
Tcil. i,i9.
2il d. lilu el.
'leitpiione rt.
CUT RATE railway ticket every wnere
1'. H. Plitibln, 1500 1'ainuin. 'Phone it4.
rt 3i
k' PVQ Rubber Stumps and stencils. Not.
"u AU. CO., 2U si. uui si. Tel. In i
OMAHA Sate, and Iron Wuiks make a spu-
ciaity ol' tiru escapes, shutters, uours and
sales. Ci. Anuieen, prop., 1U2 6. lutn St.
Iron UuU Ul uaS caaoiihS. ov-i Jict.ttt. Tel.
iU it 321
PIANO, uprigut. $.0; tuny nionlliiy bay-
l ne ia a. 1'uneiu 1'ihi.o Co., 1011 amain bt.
It &t
QAlS llvnWQ heiurticed and re-
ixw4i piaiuu, 2tn;; tiuee lui uvc.
(1..1AI1A i i,Ail.a CO., 1iJ.1t.vy.
Tel. umo. K 323
SIGN PAINTING, S. II. Cole, 13u2 Douglas.
i j.4
REDUCED juices to re
duce- miock: aonie areat
b,iia-ni! tins Week, unialia Kecu and itat-
ta V401K8, iiiU Howard. K ja
I nPk';ilTH e a" 1-ocks. C. R.
vorili, 0l- l'uxion olock. r'aoiie 1672. Alao
tmeu million common uuiluera' brick.
P1V r" M ( " H Ul.ltJMAiV, Sl'AMsll.
1 il.ii HijavidKe IjiUk.. IStn ai; Farnam
During August wc examine furnaces, hot
water and stean iilants free of cliarso.
V. e clean, remount and supply all pai ls,
usnewios pipe covering, not water attach
ment. ittit our moiiei repair house, new
location, l.u)-i:u.S Douglas. Tel. WO.
Jt ) r i n 1 1 'p . ,1 1 1 9
rent. Tel.
J. J.
714 6
LADIES Chichester s Engllah Pennyroyal
j ins are inc uest; sale, lellahle; take no
other. Se.-id 4c stamps for particulars,
' Reiicr for Ladles, in letter by return
mall. Ask jour druggist. Chichester
Chemical C:.. Philadelphia. Pa.
FOH Women Only Dr. Raymond's Pills, for
aeiayed periods, absolutely reliable, per
fectly sale; no danger, no pain, no Inter
ference with work; relief brought to thou
sands after everything else failed; highly
reconimenaeu oy an mat nave used them.
By mail, 2. Dr. U. U. Raymond Remedy
wo., loom ju, m Aurni oi., wnicago, 111.
DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases
and irregularities or women from any
cause; experienced and reliable. Address
with stamp. Dr. Pries, lall, Dodge St.,
umana. 102
PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for la
dies; never falls; i postpaid. Sherman &
Mcconnell urug Co., Omaha. 403
from rheumatism when there Is a specific
cure lor you; wny be a Slavs to whisky.
opium, morphine, tobacco or cocaine when
we guarantee to cure you? Answer this
by writing- the ENSOK REMEDY CO..
bout l Omaha, Neb. (Incorporated in W.C)
b-Si A14X
RUPTURE CURED No knife, 'no Injec
tions; tall or write for booklet. Quick
Cure Rupture Co., 611 W. O. W. Blilg.,
umana. two
ilE If you are small, weak or undevel
oped, have lost strength, our Acme Vai
uum Developer will reBtore you without
drugs or electricity; urethral obstruc
tion and varicocele permanently cured In
one to fcur weeks; (5,000 In use; not one
failure; write for free book, sent sealed
In plain envelope. Acme Mfg. Co., 72S
Barclay Blk., Denver, Cola
Pit. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of
women and children; 30 years Dractlce.
Oftlue. 23i6 Cuming. Residence telephone.
jxo; omce, suii.
ITCHING rectal diseases cured; Instant
relief; sample salve In plain wrapper for
two zc stamps, uox 04, Philadelphia.
6:0 6x
.Card readers and clairvoyants. Test read
ing. 10c; few days only. Full life reading;
rainustry, joc; cards, ooc; clairvoyant, 11.
lours, 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. 503 N. ltith St.
or reading Dy man send birth date.
S-Molia 15x
Bend dime, stamped envelope, own writing,
birth date, Dr. J. Lester, Drawer 34, St,
lxuis. Mo., and receive a
8-M723 13x
Palmlst-M ME BUDDH A-Clalrvoyant
ixicaiea over im b. loin, upstairs. Re-
auurui preuicuona guaranteed. a 334
Card readers and clairvoyants. Test read
ing, inc; few days only. Full life reading;
lwuiimii j , 00c , iaiu,i out, cimrvoyani, 91.
xiours. a. m to lu p. ni. b"o N. 16th St.
mr reading Dy man send birth date.
8 M75 6x
TOUR fortune told by the most reliable
clairvoyants, send blrthdate. dime and
stamp. Profs. Carl & Rollln, 490 N. Clark
01.. cnicago. 8717 Ox
Center hotel, 210 N. 17lh St., block north
west pugiomce. B'M. 768 13
MADAM FRANCISCO, the California ladv
palmist and clairvoyant; office 1704 Canltol
Ave. t-none JHiW; s M 7K9 12
family mare.
43d and
ba.iiui 10 ouy, naraware business for
casn: must be a bargain. Address M,
omana rtee. N 606 llx
HOI SK in good condition ror moving; state
slic and location, together with price. Ad
dress 1U1 Bee. N 614 6x
FOR spot cash, a house cheap, direct from
o ner. Address A Mo. care Bee. N 743 6
WE want to buy from three to Ave small
houses at a bargain for spot cash. If you
nave a snap come ana see us. Also
01 d vacant corner to subdivide for build
Payne, Bostwick & Co.,
Sixth Floor N. Y. Life.
nntKiTit'r MEMORIAL, CAKfiB; ar-1
I mniinvj tlsuc designs, S. E. Cor.
LYNGSTAD l4Ul Bt' nd Lai'Uo1
Capitol Ave., Tel. $4o5; fully equipped for
all klndo of printing. 336
il47i U
On Monday, Sept. 4.
Onr Fall Term oprns then and that term opens to you the opportunity to
obtain a sound grasp or tlie prinripiPS
imminence anrl protlt.
Wp tench IIiKil.r.i'ppitig. Business Arrnimnns, rieuijii"ri'. . inr !'"
Eiiclish. Karl) course- is crninnipd to tho rovrr with iractii-alltlcs, thorough in
evprv (UMuii inii'U't-tinK. ven iiisrinuiiug
The environment of the pupil of
Is one that encourages and bHps to success. Our pupils reside in a Dunning
erected especially for lloyles College and occupied wholly and solely by Hoyles
College. A splendid ventilation system, well lighted noma and individual
desks add to the pupil's comfort. A superb equipment of elegant practice offices
containing every accessory necessary to the conducting- of business adds to their
knowledge of how business is conducted out in the bU practical world. And
when they graduate t hasten right troni Unylea College into a business omce
without hesitation, and ...thout fear. Uoylcs training propagates coutideuce und
confidence propagates success.
Why not call tomorrow and inspect our new seiiooi Duiunngr
H. B. BOYLES, Pres.,
Boyles Building, Omaha, Neb.
WAN TED-Foil U. S. ARMY, able-bodied
unmarried men, between uges of -1 und
M. orizens uf Culled Stales, ot guod
chaiaclei and tempeiale liumts, v. no
i cud ami speaa Enausn. r or furtner In
formation apply to Recruiting onicer,
Utli and Doubius Sis., Omaha; Lincoln,
iNeu., or bioux City, la. B Si3
IF YOU are in need of a position call and
have a - heart-to-heart ' talk with HAKi,
'1 HE EXl'ERT, 4U1 N. Y. Life. li J
THREE men of good uppearance; steady
employment. C. h. Adam Co., loli Huwaid
WANTED Several young men to travel
for t lie summer, or permanent. Worn
pleasant. Good remuneration. The
Twentieth century farmer, umaiiu, icu.
J3 1UO
I BUY and sell drug stores exclusively. Ex
pert service. Special plan. Drug men lur
liisluu positions; employes lurnisntd. It
will pay you to write or can lor particu
lars. F. V. Knieht, K. P., The Drug
btore Jlan, ii4 in. 1. L., Omuhu.-ieu.
'i'hone iiu. li MJU
WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb
ing trade. Cannot supply demand lor
giaduales; (4 to ta pur uay. Many com
plete course In two montiis. Graduates
admitteu to union and Aiaster Flumoers'
association. Send tor tree catalogue.
Coyne iiros. Co. I'lunibing Schools, iew
York City, Cincinnati, o bt. iouis, aio.
a ju
JJiS AND EXPENSES paid men In outside
towns. A. W. bouih, Seville ijik., umana.
STOUT boy to
leain trade.
Wire Works,
B M4SS 7
till S. lbltt St.
YOUNG MAN Is prepared for good govern
ment position, til Chamber ul commerce.
YOUNG man for office work who haa some
knowledge of bookkeeping. State age and
past exptrience. Address Dual. BeeL
WANTED By financial brokerage com
pany, young man, to su, as omce ciera;
preter maiu with general country store or
bank expedience; must be guoc, penman
and good address; state experience, salary
expected; inclose addressed envelope to
insure attention. Auuress oo, oee.
B M57S S
WANTED Coachman.
Apply Joseph
B-6&8 Ox
Barker, 1524 rariiam.
For positions out of city. Call 110 Midland
hotel. u niojs ix
WANTED Good all-around repair black
smith, horseshoeing and plow work; no
boozer need apply; steady job at $2.00 per
day. Address id. U. Matthicsen, Superior,
Neb. B Maao OX
WANTED Two reliable and energetic
young men to travel for tho Chicago
Craon Co. Apply at once. II. F. Van
Nest, Room 63, Schlitz Hotel.
AGENTS wanted by first-class banking
house in every city and town. Richardson
& Co., 43 Wall St.. New York. B
WANTED State, district and local man
agers; new and unique plans; a most suc
cessful health and accident company.
Give references, previous business, age.
etc. Great Western Accident, Des
Moines, la, B
WANTED Men to learn barber trade. We
originated this short method of Instruc
tions in 1M and have graduated hundreds
of successful barbers. Little expense, po
sitions waiting. Call or write, Moler Bar
ber College, 1116 Farnam St.
13BO.IW 11X
WANTED Person to call on retail trade
for manufacturing house, local territory;
salary 26, paid weekly; expense money
advanced, previous experience unneces
sary. American House, star Biag , i ni
cago. a iu ox
WANTED Four men to travel In each
state, distribute samples, and advertise
our goods: salary i-l per wees; una ex-
tienses. guaranteed: exoenses advanced
experience unnecessary. Address, with
stamp, stating age and occupation,
Reeve Co., 413 Dearborn 6t., Chicago.
li w9 ex
ALL can Dalnt signs: men. women, boys,
girls; money in it from the start. "toaKer
the Sign Man" (5v04, Philadelphia.
B 679 X
forces the civil service law; du.BoO ap
pointments to life positions last year;
splendid openings for young people. Write
lor the announcement of the Columbian
Correspondence College, Washington, D.
C, containing dales, salaries, places, for
holding examinations and questions 're
cently used by the Civil Service commis
sion. WANTED Fifty good cornice men and tin
ners. 14.UU per day, eignt nours, steany
work. California Cornice Wyks Ixs
Angeles, Cal. B 687 6x
Bookkeeper, 150.00.
Bookkeeper and stenographer, $75.00.
Lumber yard manager.
Stenographer, $40.00.
Pump and settles salesman.
Crew and district managers.
HART, 401 N. Y. LIFE.
B 664
WANTED A strong, neat appearing boy
to act as messenger; opportunity for ad
vancement. The Olive.- Typewriter. 116
S. 15th St. B 036
WANTED Installment collector for mer
chandise- accounts; good salary and ex
penses. Address Globe Co., 723 Chestnut
St., Phlla.. Pa. B M029 8x
WANTED Traveling salesmen by large
manufacturer of Jewelry, combs, belts,
silver and plated novelties for Nebraska
on a commission basis; hrst-class line at
close prices; unusual opportunity for a
live, enterprising man to make a good
connection; acquaintance with the linea
mentioned preferred and bunds required.
Apply Kaufman, 377 Broadway. New
York. B 640 6x
YOUNG man for office work who has some
knowledge of bookkeeping. Slate age and
pun expenence. Address oubl. Bee.
B-63S I
FIVE bricklayers and foreman wanted for
work on a C at hollo church at Clyde, Kan.
Ready August 14. Alao carpenters.
Henry li. Hall, contractor. B M761 8x
SOMETHING new In health and accident
Insurance; you can write It; district man
agers wanted. Address Great Western
Accident Association. Des Moines, Iowa.
DETECTIVE Shrewd, reliable man wanted
111 every locality for prontable secret aer
vice; to act under orders; no experience
Iiecessary. rile W ebaler Lietectlva
Agency, Daa Moines, la. B 754 Ix
BRANCH manager wanted; $20 rash week
ly; experience unnecessary. 8end stamp
for particulars. C. L. Oliver, 17 Second
St., No. Minneapolis. Minn. pt (a
or nusiness, tne puun iiu i iei,
10 mij pupn.
We tun piace stenographers, JtliMPO to $75.00.
Experienced, good salesman, road.
balesmun to sell to toe furmers straight,
iia w and expenses.
Saddlery saiemnun, experienced.
Boy, 15 to lU years of ago.
Bill clerk, good penman.
German clerk, out of town.
Inside estimator, planing mill.
Cllv salesman small investment.
Call or write for complete list and our
plan ot
placing only people ol ability
BOND ASS N (Inc.),
Y. Life.
B 56 6
Steady man, to make pants and vests;
MS and 2.50; good position for tight
man. Address Hunke, the Tullor, Suitou,
Neb. B-M783 x
.WANTED Young men as clothing sales
men; must nave unquestionable reier
ences, sober and ausolutely reliable;
single. Address, giving references, ex
perience and full particulars, Box !M3,
Hebron. Neb. B M7li 6x
WANTED At once, for Standard Beet
Sugar Co., at Ames, Neb., 20 men for
laborers; b machinists; 3 millwrights; 6
pipe tillers; 10 pipe Hitters' helpers; 6
handy men; god wages.
211 8. 14TH ST. ,
No Ofhce Fee.
B 767 6x
AUTOMOBILE drivers, repairers, chauf
feurs and other wanted all over the coun
try; 6o,ou0 machines built this year In
United States, affording great opportuni
ties fur our students; i cents a day will
qualify you for good wages in this grow
ing held. For full particulars, address
Dept. B 60, The Corespondence School of
Automobile Engineering, Akron, Ohio.
B ,8S 6
Bookkeeping teacher, good penman.
Stenographer and clerk.
Millinery saleslady and trimmers.
Ml-b42 N. Y. Life.
C-657 6
80 working girls.
Canadian office, 15th and
WANT ED A girl
1321 S. 3lBt St.
general housework.
C 216 ix
GOOD cook, small family:
good wage.
2244 Landon Court.
LADIES wanted to look after our inter
ests In every city; good salary, pleasant
work. Sterling Supply Co.. 341 Franklin
St., Chicago.
C Mo'Jl 7x
WANTED Immediately,
for general housework.
i woman or
2716 Bristol.
C M597
WANTED Ladies to learn halrdresslng,
manicuring, facial massage, chiropody or
eieciroiysis. v e originated this short
method of instructions In 1&93 and have
hundreds of successful graduates. Call
or write, Moler College, 1114 Farnam Su
C MOM llx
WOMEN Well bred, J15 to $18 per week In
come while learning a profitable pro
fesslon. Regular 350 course of Instruc
tions by correspondence free to those
who apply at once. Modern and success
ful methods. E. Mackenzie, Republic
Bldg., Chicago. C 702 6x
ACTIVE lady to represent manufacturer.
;t6 puld for twelve days' trial; promotion
ir saustactory; state religion. Henry
cngwau, iaaesiae mag., Chicago.
C 707 6x
LADY TO TRAVEL Reference required
salary $21 per week; expenses advanced. J.
8. Zlegler & Co:, 323 Dearborn St.. Chi
cago. C 718 6x
600 PEOPLE to make kitchen aprons by
dozens. Increase business; small room;
therefore home work. Permanent. Stamp
lor particulars; cgin worn. American
Apron CO., 440b Indiana Ave., Chicago.
C-720 6x
TOLL nnd chief telephone operator. Call
or write promptly.
U-3U . x. uie.
C-66 (
nAN'iGu-A reliable, thoroughly comne-
lem.giri ror general nouseworK, close In.
new house, small family. Address, with
reierences, 2, Bee omce. C 644 6
LADIES To do piecework at their homes
we lurnlsn all materials and pay from
$7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope
iu nu)m wu., a c. aronroe ti., i nicngo.
C-732 6x
WANTED Good white laundress Imme
diately. io.'4 .park Ave. C 791 6
WANTED Good girl for
general house
work. 1024 .Park Ave.
C M790 8
wANiED At once, an experienced sorter. iaunury, council BlufTs.
WANTED Position as porter. References
tor i years past, ury goods or clothing
To begin about Sept. 1. Address 37, Bus
omce, A 467 6x
WANTED Permanent position In city milk
supply nouse or modern dairy farm. Ad
dress B. C. Nye, Gen. Delivery, Cedar
Rapids, la. A Midi kx
WANTED A position as bookkeeper in
bank: have had three years experience
excellent nablts and the best of recoin
mendallona. Address a. Bee.
A M602 11
GERMAN, 21 years old, well educated, good
boaiKKeeper, aune experience as shoe
salesman, speaks English fairly well
wants position where he can attend night
school Address ts, care uee. A ,! 6
H. A. 8TURGE8. registered attorney; pat
ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un
leas successful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha.
Wa procure the valuable kind. I solicit
rasea from those who appreciate the lest
work obtainable L. C. Sharp Machine
Works. 6U4-12 8. 10th ft
WANTED To borrow $4,600
curtly. Address 66, Baa.
on good
U-621 III
Fall Term of the Omaha Commercial College
Opens in its Elegant New Building at 19th and Farnam Sts.
Monday, September 4.
A IV A NTAOFS Thorough courses, skilled teachers. Improved methods of Ttook
keeplnfr. modern rvstem of Shorthand, positions for graduates, new equipment In
furniture nnd fixtures, lecture Course, Literary Society, Literary and Musical Pub
lic EnTertainments, College. Orchestra, splendid Auditorium, largest Gymnasium In
the State, Athlrtlcs, Foot Ball. Basket Hull, work for board.
Regular Business,
Shorthand and Type
writing, Telepraphy,
English, Civil Service,
Penmanship. Pen Art,
name of school from which lie graduated.
BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Largest Business Department In the West. New
furniture, modern office methods taught bv use of loose-leaf books, rtnrd systems, nnd
all the latest and most practical office devices obtainable. Knowledge of this course
Is the Cornerstone of Success in Business. You tan master every step In this course
with the aid of our skilled and experienced teachers.
TELEGAPHY We have a most comprehensive course In Telegraphy. We will
have fine quarters for this department In our new building. Mr. G. H. Graff, who
was principal of this department a number of years ago, has been re-engaged and
will revolutionize It the coming year.
PENMANSHIP It Is a well known fact that the Omaha Commercial College
has the strongest Penmanship Department of any school in this western country.
Every student who takes one of our courses will be under the instruction of Prof.
J. W. Lampman, who is recognized as one of the leading Penmen of tho United
8tates. As an evidence of tho efficiency of this department a large number of stu
dents, who took courses elsewhere last year, came to us in order to obtain Instruc
tion In Penmanship. Elegant specimens of Penmanship free.
SHORTHAND We teach the Mosher, Gregg, and Pitman systems of Shorthand.
We give preference to the Mosher because It is the most rapid system ever devised
and can be read with absolute accuracy and Is not difficult to learn. Business men
Insist upon having Mosher writers, because they can write so rapidly and read their
notes so readily. During the past two years every graduate has been put In a good
position as soon as he was ready, and we could have placed as many more. Our
teachers have had years of experience In business offices and know Just what Is re
quired of stenographers. They have had more experience In training students than
any other teacher in the west. IT you want to learn shorthand, place yourself under
their direction nnd you will be surprised and pleased with the progress you will make.
Catalogue sent free with Illustrated advertising to any address. Particulars
about all departments. Address: ROHRBOUGH BROS., Omaha, Neb.
TRAVELING salesmen for Neb. & Iowa;
staple line; entirely new Inducements to
trade; high commissions; l weekly ad
vance; permanent to right man. F. C.
Farley Co., Detroit, Mich.
SALESMAN a week and expenses
to reliable, sober men to introduce and
advertise our stock remedies. Columbia
Stock Food Co., liiy-31 Platte St., Denver,
SALESMEN wanted In every city and
town; big demand: big commission.
Rodes Sanitary Co., St. Louis, Mo.
WANTED One road experienced salesman.
regular line. No schemes. Give refer
ences. W. J. Lorack, Iowa City, la.
701 6x
MANAGERS and canvassers for exclusive
terrtiory upon unequalled commissions for
unrivaled books; no better opening is to
be found In the book-selllntr business than
the opportunity we now have to offer; get
our proposition; send address. M. A.
Donohue & Co., Chicago. 704 6x
CIGAR salesman wanted In your locality
for city and country trade; 10 per month
and expenses; experience unnecessary. In
close stamp for particulars. Puritan Cigar
Co., Chicago. 710 6x
SALESMEN should clear SIM a week sell
ing our Jewelry assortments to country
retail trode; strong proposition; cracker
Jack advertising plan; best months ahead;
speclallv men preferred; references and
bond. Willard, 211 Dickey Bldg., Chicago.
712 tx
WANTED High-class stock salesman to
sell excellent dividend paying securities
In splendid railroad and industrial enter
prises; only those having previous ex
perience, preferred; reference required;
splendid opportunity to make big money.
For particulars address F. W. Huestls,
Suite 61, VZ State St., Boston, Mass.
-COG 6x
SALESMEN WANTED To fill vacancy;
first-class traveling specialty salesmen
worth $;oO per month and expenses; re
sponsible house; well known staple line;
write with references; personal Interview
If satisfactory. Address 50, care Bee.
688 6x
TRAVELING man who can take side line
to sell to retailers, blankets, flannels and
dress goods from our own factory; liberal
commlsslson. Manufacturer, Box 1341,
Philadelphia, Pa. 681 6x
SALESMEN For the best accident and
health Insurance in the world; stock com
pany: cash capital and Insurance deposits
of $2o0.0u0; $1,000 policy costs $2 a year;
$100 emergency benefit, accidents of any
kind; handsome black seal grain pocket
case given free with each policy; good
salesmen are making $100 00 per week. If
you want to get In, write today for ex
clusive renewal contract with liberal com
mission. German Registry Co., 211 North
7th St., St. Louis, Mo. 6S4 6x
WANTED Clothing salesman for state of
Nebraska. Established trade will be
turned over to right man. All applications
will be considered confidential. Friend
Bros. Clothing Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
674 6x
SALESMEN wanted by lacs Importers.
Must have established dry goods trade,
small towns. Expenses advanced. Sam
ples 26 pounds. Standard Lace Works,
433 Broadway. New York. 667 6x
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line. High commissions, with
$100 monthly advance. Permanent posi
tion to right man. Jess II. Smith, Detroit,
Mich. 676 6x
8ALESMEN Experienced to handle non-
rust tinware In unoccupied territory.
Liberal commission. Rapid seller. Roch
ester Non-Rust Tinware Co., Rochester,
N. Y. 672 6x
WANTED Salesmen calling on lumber
yards to sell Roofing. Liberal commis
sions; small sample; easy seller. Give
reference. Burnslde, 313 Olive street. St.
Louis. 721 6x
SALESMEN Can easily make $10 a day
selling our gold window letters, novelty
signs and changeable signs. Catalogue
free. Sullivan Co., 406 W. Van Buren St.,
Chicago, 111. 627 6x
braska. Wisconsin, Illinois and other ter
ritory to sell the popular-priced and well
advertised line of "Acorn Brand" men's
clothing; liberal Inducements to parties
having established trade. Address Leo
pold, Solomon & Eisendrath, 234 Market
St., Chicago. 641 fx
WANTED First-class salesman: one sales
man's commission amounted to over $1,200
In six weeks, from Feb. 6th to March
11th, 1906. Address The Barton Parker
Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, la. 726 6x
We want a good man to sell our entire Hue
on commission in this territory.
Correspondence Solicited.
L. Miller & Sons, Manufacturers
of Cigars, Little Cigars. Tobacco, Cheroots,
i. igarettes.
153, 155, 157 Crosby St., New York.
-788 (
BIO money In squabs; cheaply raised in
only 4 weeks; sell fur fancy prices; won
deiful market; write for Iree book und
learn tills rich Industry. Plymouth
Rock Squab Co., 200 Howard St., Melrose,
Mass. J
HOME work, $5 day guaranteed. Our
new patent oil burner beats stoves and
furnaces hi cheaper than coal. Burns
crude or refined oil. Agents' outfit free.
Write for circulars. Detroit Oil Burner
Co., Detroit, Mich. J 7u6 tx
WANTED Energetlo man to organize soap
crew; $100 weekly easily earned. Parker
Chemical Co., Chicago. J 713 6x
AGENTS To sell self-lighting gas mantles;
requires no match or byus; fits any
burner: big profit: sells Itself; unlimited
demand: send 25c for sample or stamp for
particulars; no fake Matchless Gus Man
tie Co., Detroit. M,ch. J 7uB 6x
BIG money selling our new patented Health
Exercisers. Write for terms and terri
tory. Roberts & Townsley, Montpeller,
Ind, J 711 bX
WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man or
woman to work In Nebraska, representing
large manufacturing company; salary $40
to $i"0 per month, paid weekly; expenses
advanced. Address with stamp. J. li.
Muore, Omaha, Neb. J 683 6x
to $15u per week POSITIVE; men and
women wanted everywhere to operate
sales parlors for the BEST Indies' and
Gents' dress shoe known; 10 original slght
seiling health ard comfort features; fac
tory to consumer; previous experience un
necessary; pruttt possibilities unlimited,
NO RISK; replv quick. KI SHION KO.M
FvRT bliOE CO, Boston, Mas J
HIGH SCHOOL UKAl'l A 1 r.s A larpe numner ni ihkh
School Graduates from Nebraskn nnd adjacent states will
b enrolled at the Omaha Commercial College tills year.
Manv have started during the past two months. A larne.
number of others will Join us In September. Outside of the
State I'nlversltv, the Omaha Commercial College will enroll
more High School Graduates this year than any other
school. They are beginning to reall7. that a Business
Course or n" course In Shorthand and Typewriting Is the
best stepping-stone to future success. A recent address
entitled. "To The High School Graduate." elegantly printed
and bound and containing many valuable sui-estlons. will
be mailed free to any graduate who will write us, giving
AGENTS Make J1X to $.1ti a week; perma
nent position. S'-lllng fire extinguishers
that retail at $1.00. Monarch Co., St. Louis.
J 6S6 6x
WANTETWI-ndtes and gentlemen to sell
the very best article on market; corre
spond at once and lie convinced. Poole's
Novelty Agency, 311 8th Ave., New York.
J 0S3 6x
AGENTS wanted sell our $1 bottle Sars.i
parilla for 35c; best seller; 350 per cent
profit; write today for terms and terri
tory. F. li- Greuno, 11 Lake St., Chlcano.
J -
MEN 'end women everywhere. New busi
ness, big profits. Send self-addressed
Btamped envelope. People's Co., 7I!H Pine
St., St. Louis, Mo. J 6JC Cx
AGENTS wanted; good pay: steady em
ployment, selling our northern grown
trees. The Greening Bros.' Nursery Co.,
Monroe, Mich. J 72S 6x
WANTED High class men or women to
sell Texas orchard lands; finest selling
proposition offered. Write for prospectus
and terms. Elberta Development Com
pany, Des Moines, la. J 727 6x
TWO high-grade solicitors. $150 to $250
month; highest references required as to
Integrity; permanent. 730 Como Bids.,
Chicago. J 731 Cx
'I FEEL like a millionaire," writes ono
agent; new; demand; quick sales. Econ
omy Farm Record Co., Newton, la.
J-730 6x
$500 PER month and expenses selling
Stransky's smokeless gun and blasting
powder: patented; general acents wanted
everywhere. J. A. Slransky, Box 500,
Pukwana, S. D. J 733 6x
AGENTS wanted to sell Perfection Skirt
Supporter; new patent; Charley Graham
sold 62 In two hours; send 25c for sample.
Douglas Manufacturing Co., Lincoln. Neb.
J 735 6x
ROYAL HOTEL. European, 16th & Chicago.
hi zv
DEWEY European hotel, 13th &
E 349
FURNISHED ROOMS pay well when prop
erly rurnlshed. Let us ngure wun you.
We have the best stock In Omaha. Terms
$5.00 worth ll.iiO a week.
Between 12th and 13th, on rarnam street.
E 755 6
VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe.
ROOMS and good board, $5 pel- week nnd
up. Call 1617 Chicago St. E 351
Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks
E M352
FRONT room, new, modern, $2 week. 2622
Ltcatur. fc.M-u ah.
$1.0u to $2.00 per week. 422 S.
18th St., one
E 354
blocK south ox court house.
NICELY furnished front room nar Union
depot. Call lul3 Pierce. E M.41 t
THE LAKOTA, 1C13 Howard
St. Modern.
E M545 ax
NEWLY' repaired and well furnished
rooms; modern. Also housekeeping suite.
2254 F-arnain, flat 6. 'I'hone 2Jo3.
E M797 Sx
ROOMS for light housekeeping and sleep
ing rooms, modem. 2Ui S. .-tin rt.
E-552 6x
SINGLE rooms also suite of two rooms
east front- second floor, modern, nicely
furnished. 220 N. lth. Tel. Red-l'J9.
E M6oO 7x
2 ELEGANT furnished rooms,
modern. 702 S. 17tll St.
with alcove;
E C05 6x
S OR 4 nicely furnished rooms for light
housekeeping. 2U1S Davenport, opposite
high school. E 0u4 7x
NICE rooms, private family, strictly mod
ern, excellent location, telephone. 2(10
Webster. K M781 Lx
Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks
F M352
CAPITOL HOTEL. 18th and Capitol Ave.;
broad veruudus, ample lawns, stately
trees, rustic seats; home cooking; hot and
cold water; reasonable rales. t'iJb
614 North 19th.
F-559 8x
EXCELLENT, cool, pleasant, modern room
for two gentlemen; also tine front parlor
for couple. Home cooking; board ut very
reasonable rate. Call now at 17i4 Doug
las or phone Red 4o37. F M574
GENTLEMEN boarders wanted In one of
the nicest private homes on south side;
$5 per Week. 'Phone 6e'X'. K M 560 x
BOARD and room with private family,
modern, pleasant location, home cooking.
2232 Farnam St. F M696 7x
FURNISHED room with board; references.
316 S. 26th St. F 610 11
PRIVATE accommodations furnished a few
tishermau or tuurieis at my summer home
on Boone Lake. Polk county. Wis, Write
W. A. James. Milllown, Wis. F
PRIVATE accommodations furnished a few
fishermen or tourists at my summer home
on Bone Lake, Polk county, Wis. Write
W. A. James, Milllown, Wis. F
FURNISHED rooms, modern; first-class
board; close in. 62U S. l'Jlh. F Mt36 9x
ONE elegant room, newly furnished mod
ern. Telephone. Private. 2U37 Harney.
F 753 tix
TWO front rooms with excellent table.
3oo4 Farnam. 'Phone Black 4Mo.
F--M739 bx
FOR RENT I-arge front room and alcove,
with good board for two. J3i a month
Modern house. Mrs Jones, 2215 Califor
nia St. . F-M63uex
UNFURNISHED ROOMS will pay better
if furnished. You will save 25 r cent
If you let us furnish them. Terms, IJ5.1AJ
worth $1 00 a week. "
Between 12th and 13lh, on Farnam Street.
Li 756 f
$- ROOM floor i la rooms.
2578 Harney.
U M74 8x
Nebraska Business
A. C Ong, A. M.. Pres.; A. J. Lowry, Piinc. Seventeenth
and Harney Streets.
Fall Term Opens September 4
From every Indication the attendance will be the largest In the history
Pf the school. Everv mall brings Inquiries for catalog and college litera
ture. Manv have alreadv taken out their scholarship and will enter In
September." Come and join them. You will he under expert Instructors. 1 oil
will enjov the facilities of the finest equipped school in the west. Roll-top
desks and elegant bank furniture In the Commercial Department, nnd
everything! modern In the Shorthand and Typewriting Departments. The
best of everything makes It possible to produce the best results.
This institution has Just completed arrangements with an expert pub
lic auditor and court reporter who has had twenty years' actual busi
ness experience In the east, to give special Instructions during the coming
year. He will devote all his time to the work nnd Interests of the school.
Bookkeepers who alui to become expert accountants, and stenographers
who wish to qualify for higher positions nnd reportorlal work, may place
themselves under the Instruction and drill of an expert. Tills is un oppor
tunity never before offered to pupils in the west.
Communicate with us at once for particulars.
All former teachers will remain with the Institution. Experts for
each department, and individual Instruction to each pupil.
Y. M .C. A. and Y. W. C. A. MEMBERSHIP FREE.
Every student who takes -out a full term scholarship Is given a year s
membership In one of the above associations without extra charge. No
such proposition was ever made before by any Institution. The value of
this membership to a student can scarcely be coinpueted. To be a member
of the Y. M. C. A. or Y. W. C. A. means character, culture and refine
ment. .
Apply for catalog and college literature. B 7S6 I
J. H. Johnson
Real Estate and Business Chance5
General Merchandise,
Coffee and tea stock.
Boots and shoes.
Furniture and undertaking;,
Implement storks.
Cigars and Tobaccos,
Wall paper and paints,
Bakery and confectionery.
Meat markets.
Livery stocks,
Newspaper plants.
Flouring mill and electric light plant.
Lumber and coal business.
Hotels and restaurants,
Rooming and boarding houses,
Farms and ranches,
Houses and lots.
of the kind In Omaha; suitable for lady
or gentleman; tine location; magnificent
trade; large profits; owner's iu-health
compels leaving city; $1,800 makes you
&43 N. Y. Life.
Y-747 6x
WE FORM companies, secure charters and
produce capital for legitimate enterprises.
Patents bought, Bold and promoted. Cor
respondence solicited. Western Brokerage
Co., 3uj So. 13lh St. Y MS24 6
IF Y'OU wish to buy or sell a business or
real estate, consult U. S. Sales Bureau,
634 and 636 Bee Bldg. ' Y 344
IF Y'OU want to buy, sell, rent or exchange
real estate or business QUICK see Comp-ton-Watts
Co., 535 Paxton Blk. Y 345
A CLEAN up-to-date stock of general mer
chandise In real live town. Population,
1,000. Two railroads. White 6c Cook,
Lyons, Neb. Y M435 6
MANUFACTURERS and others desiring
additional capital can secure same by
seeing us. Western Brokerage Co., 306 bo.
13th St. Y-M525 6
YOUNG man, 28, would Invest $3,000 to $10,
1X0 where services required In retail,
wholesale or factory. Address 66, Bee.
Y-M577 6
WANTED Man or woman with business
ability to tako charge of -an established
business for the stale of Nebraska. Ad
dress 69. Bee. Y M599 7x
FOR SALE A fine stock of groceries lo
cated In the central business district of
Minneapolis, doing a cash business of
over $100,000 yearly. Fine room and base
ment, unexpired lease of five years. Stock
of about $6,000. Lease alone Is worth
$2,000. Will sell at Invoice price of stock.
Address at once 3212 Hennepin Ave., Min
neapolis. Minn. Y M594 6x
WANTED Location for a bank in eastern
half of Nebraska. Address 63, Omaha
Bee. Y-607 llx
ONE of the richest Trmopah-Goldfleld Nev
ada propositions offers a limited amount
of stock for sale. Grandest opportunity;
highest references. Good agents wanted.
Tonopah-Crow Gold Copper Co., 641
Crosaley Bldg., San Francisco, Cal.
and tells: How to tell a good investment;
how to invest small sums; how you ran
convert $1H0 Into $358.83; how to guard
against poor Investments, etc., etc. If you
are able to save $10 or more a month from
your Income, you should not fall to own a
copy. Not an advertisement of any Invest
ment, but full to the brim with Information
that every one should possess before they
Invest a dollar. Ask for It on a postal and
1 11 send It FREE by return mall.
727 North American Bldg., Philadelphia.
I CAN sell your business or real estate. No
matter where located. Send description,
statins; price. Quick results. Roy Dick
son, 2716 Park ave., St. Louis. Y
ventions wanted, free- to any address.
Patents secured or fee returned. Geo. S.
Vashon & Co., 934 F St., Washlnrton,
D. C. . Y-
If you are seeking Capital, have Securities.
Real Estate. Mining Claims, Farms or a
Business to sell or desire agents. In fact
anything to advertise, use this SPECIAL
This la the list. Where else can you get a
better combination for the moift-y?
Boston Herald, Omaha Bee,
Phlla. No. American, Buffalo Courier,
Bvracuse Herald, Roch. D. & Chron.,
""ittsburg Dispatch, Providence Telegram,
Baltimore Herald. Cleve. Plain Dealer.
St. i-ouls Globe Dem. Des M. R. & Leader,
Washington Post. Denver Republican.
Milwaukee Free PressSan Fran. Chronicle,
Cincinnati Enquirer, Atlanta Constitution,
Minneapolis Tribune, Dallas News,
Detroit Free Press. Chicago Inter Ocean,
Indianapolis Sentinel, Kansas City Journal.
Others read the columns of these papers
Just as you do for opportunities to trade.
Give This List a Trial.
108 Fulton Street, New York.
Write for Combination Offers. Magazine
Lists. ,
Booklets and advs. written and designed.
Advertising campaigns outlined. Special
attention to beginners. Y
MANAGER Branch office. Omaha and
other cities; an enterprise we believe will
prove greatest money earning and wealth
producing business proposition ever pre
sented to an American public; cumany
will forever own all powers, advantages,
and every source of profit In a inodiin
city, under unity of ownership; superior
to uny co-operative colonization plan ever
formed; representatives should earn $J.MJ0
to $5.(K first year and continue to in
crease; small amount of casii required;
our booklet. "The Powers and Advantages
of Industrial Concentration," and full In
formation mailed free INVENTORS'
AND FINANCE CO.. (Rep. Dept.). Hobo
ken. N. J. Y-697 6x
FINE restaurant and short order house In
. ... I . . ........ u I r. V.liraili, u II t aIm.
gant soda fountain; doing excellent buM-
ntss; good reason for selling. Bp
if you want it. Address F 66, B
BIG MONEY $10 buys Puts or Calls upon
ln.uoO bushels wheat. No further risk.
Movement of 6 rents makes you $;iU0.
Write for circular. The Standard Grain
Co., Clevelaud. O. Y-7W 6s
YOU can n"ver profit by business chances
unless you have some money; small sav
ings are the foundation of large fortunes;
start a savings account with J. 1
Brandels & Sins, Bankers, 16th and
Douglar Sts. Assets over $40U,00.00.
WILL send you certified deed to ono acre
oil land In the richest oil field In Amer
ica. Send $l.u rcKlstrred mail or money
order. Oil Springs Lund Co., 7 Grant
Ave., San Francisco. Cal. Y K1 6x
I WRITE advertising the business-producing
kind for merchants and hankers.
Address for rates, describing business en
gaged In. E. P. Moftitt, Box 677, Ana
conda, Mont. Y 693 6x
$Ono.(iO BUYS store, home and lot, millinery
stock and business In thriving town; pour
health reason for selling. Address 47. car
Bee. Y ON) 6x
CASH for your real estate or business, no
nioiter where located: If you desire a
quick sale send us description nnd price.
Northwestern Business Agency, D 312,
Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis,
Minn. Y
ARE you going to California? Informa
tion concerning business opportunities,
positions, real estate nnd living expenses
furnished upon request. Mercantile Ref
erence and Bond Co., Los Angeles.
Y-675 6x
FOR SALE Small up-to-date hardware
store in good Nebraska town. Snap If
taken soon. Address lu3,care Bee
Y-M760 lOx
Why buy shares In new plantations when
you enn buy In one 7 years old; already
paid 61 per cent In dividends; another
soon : 3.000.000 coffee, 70n,0u0 rubber trees, 50
acres vanilla; $5.00 cash. $5.00 per month
per share; only a few shares to be re
sold; half pound package choice Mexican
coffee mailed free. Address Lumija Cof
fee Mills, 20 River 8t., Chicago.
Y-724 6x
1440 ACRES, well Improved, farm and
ranch. Barber county. Kansas; half farm
land; plenty grass, timber nnd water; $9 50
per acre cash. J. B. Cramer Co.,
Kiowa, Kansas. Y 714 6x
Latest Book on Patents Mailed
This book tells all about PATENTS and
how to obtain them at a reasonable cost.
Illustrates 100 mechanical movements.
Tells what to Invent for PROFIT. How
to obtain a patent and how to sell a
NEYS. 918 F St., Washington, D. C.
290 Broadway, New York City.
Y-694 6x
If you wish to buy, sell or exchange.
If you want first class Insurance at cost.
If you wish to rent or purchase a nice
home, go to
O. F. CARSON, General Agent,
413 N. Y. Life.
Y-666 6
THREE-STORY nnd basement. 1003 Far
nam; elevator. 314 First Nat l Bank Bid,;.
I 3U
This building is 22xS5 feet, four storlet
and basement. The basement Is 22x131
feet, Is cemented. The celling over lilt
basement has a brick vault and Iron beam
construction, making the basement fire
proof. The lust floor has a marble floor in
front and granolithic floor lu rear, i'her
is a large burglar-proof vault and a pawn
elevator. The upper floors have windowl
on three sides.
Address Tho Bee Building Co., C. C
Rosewaler, Secretary, room loO Be Bldg.
WE have vacant a particularly desirable
small office, which rents lor $10.u0 per
mouth. Price Includes heat, light, water
and Janitor service. It Is located on the
fourth floor of The Bee building and Is
Just the thing for uny one wanting a nice
ittle office in the best ottlce building in
town. R. C. Peters r Co., rental agents,
ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1771
IF you apply at once we can give any one
desiring a lurge office space almost any
arrangement lliey desire. This space Is
on tlie sixth flour of The Bee building,
with nortli light. R. C. Peiers & Co.,
rental agents, ground flour, Bee Bldg.
AGENTS make $3 to $10 a day flttlnc
glasses; big pronts; our 24-page free eye
book tells how; write today. Jacksonlan
Optical College, College Place, Jackson,
Michigan. I
About September, or us soon as altera
tions are completed, 'i" bave four
store rooms for rent ut tlie northwest
corner 1'Jlh und Farnam St.
W. FARNAM SMITH & CO, 1320 Farnam.
Offices in the U. 8 National Bank Bldg.
are strictly modern, up-to-date offices.
Not only are they the beM, but the
cneapesl In Hie1 city. If you want Ul
rent un office cull and SEE L S NOW.
Ground Flour U. U. Nali Bank Bldg.
; -1 - -s
Johnson Institute, 515 N.Y. Life bldg. Tel 1664
MRS. JOHN R. Ml SICK.. Osteopathy Phy.
sic la li, office, Neville Blk. 'lei. 2823.
HESS A 8WOBODA. 14)5 Farnam.
L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam.
Tel. 12&J.
"The Art of Singing." Vocal studios.
Wlthn.U bulldliia. liU and Uaxoay