Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1905, NEW SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday. Bee
Bach Blirnificaooe ii Given iy French to
Meeting in the Baltio See.
roikirr noivru m 11 1 imrr uiru doitiiu
i fnnvb inivLii iu nuinnbi nun Diiiinm
Action of Nicholas May Mean Leu Friend
hip for Hie illy.
War Mar Xikr It Difficult for Other
Nations to Help Iht
FT. PETERSBURG. Ang 6-Speri'
Cablegrsm to The Bee.)-It Is fear
there will be a recurrence of the
Russian famine of a few years ago. when
Rev. T. DeWltt Talmage and a number of
Americana visited thla country and dls
. trlbuted provisions with a bountiful hand.
At that time hundreds of thousands of
Russians suffered because of the shortage
GERMANY MAY PROTECT RUSSIAN THRONE cf the crop and the world-wide relief was
gladly accepted by the itovernment. Now
ICar end Rebellion May Force Joint Action
of Balers.
Caderstandinar Between Britain anil
France Mill Mean Peace of the
World I nlrai Germans'
Starts Tronble.
PARIS. Aug. 5 'Special Cablegrsm to I
The llc. ) Not since t lie meeting on the
Field of the Cloth of Gold hti there been a
coming together of two sovereigns which
has attracted ns much attention as the,
mysterious meeting fn the North s'ea of
Emperor William nnd th czar.
.This is the way the leading Paris news
papers'are talking of the situation Every
where It Is recognized Ihnt the meeting Is
of tHTitendou Import In world politics. It
Is r"? inlcfl h. indicating thnt there Is an
understanding between Germany and Rus
sia wli'i'h will at least demonstrate to the
world that the "y llow peril " will be held In
c' n k. The consensus of the opinions of
the greatest writers upon European politics
Is to the efT-ct tlint the kaiser has prac
Hr'f'llv nssuT'ed the that the Japanese
sHn 11 not be nllnwrd to exact terms which
nnot be met. And In n case of Inst re
sort fjerninn bnvone's may be relied upon
to suppress any rebellion within the' of the czar In other words. If
It becor ,s absolutely pecessirv the kaiser
will protect the czar ngnlnst outside In
vasion and agulnst the worst phases of In
ternal rebellion. This Is believed to Indi
cate that the German emperor has be on me
practically a protector, or. as one writer
has It, a "hlg brother of the czar."
Drive France to Britain.
This !s now believed to be the secret of
the entente cordiale between France and
Great Britain. The Rrest festivities demon
strated a feeling of friendship between the
two nations which might have been re
garded as absolutely Impossible a few years
ago. The scene at Rrest Is one that will
linger long In the memories of the world.
The Incidents which occurred there were
not so noteworthy perhaps If taken by
i themselves. If standing alone. Rut taken
as a part of a new alignment among the i
nations of the earth, It Is Interesting. If not
significant. For Instance. It should be re
membered that the entente cordiale between
France and Great Britain means the estab
lishment of cordial relations between
France and Japan, since Japan Is regarded
as Riituln's ally.
The question which Is today agitating
all Europe Is whether the czar of all the
Russia haa crtme to the conclusion thnt
Germany, a nation to a large extent re
aponslve to the will of the kaiser, Is bet
ter able to protect him on his throne than
a nation like France, where public senti
ment must he consulted. This being the
case, does It mean that the old-time allU
nee between France and Russia Is to be
abandoned, a new alliance between Rus
sia and Germany taking Its place?
If this Is the rase, the growing friend
ship between France and England on til"
cue side and between Germany and Rus
sia on the other can be understood.
The Oaulols, In Its comments upon the
Brest festivities and M. Delcasse's move
ments, says that the entente cordiale be
tween France and England Is the unques
tionable work' of M. Delcasse. The ex
change of the visits of the two fleets at
Brest, according to the Oaulols, Is the
sanction of the new alliance between
France and England. Just as the military
reviews In the camp of Chalons In 16
and at Betheney In 1901 constituted nrnc,
tlcally the sanction of the Franco-Russian
Statements of Delrasse.
Therefore the statements of M. Delcasse
take high rank. While they cannot be
regarded as official documents, neverthe
less thry are more Interesting than many
documents. In his latest announcement,
after affirming that he had succeeded In
establishing harmony among the three
I.tln nations, M. Delcasse remarked In
reference to the entente cordiale with
England thut "serious and efficacious policy
la not carried on with sentiments of sym
pathy or antipathy, with memories and
regrets, with retrospective considerations.
It was based upon the present and upon
material interests. Where wuuld be the
Interests of FranceT On the side of Ger
many or on the side of England? Our
commercial balance sheet can at once fur
bish the reply. Which is the better cus
tomer? England. We sell It every year
hundreds of millions of dollars worth of
merchandise. Read the commercial sta
tistics. What does Germany buy from us?
ti Kim us ail It . can.
Northern Bailwav fuoiale Declare Oper-'-'
t Cloeed Incident.
Over Three-Fourth of the Offices Are
Again Open.
that the war with Japan Is on it ! doubt
ful whether the government will be willing
to confess Its weakness and allow outside
aid and assistance, no matter how many
people may be starving In the Interior of
According to the reports at hand from
the provinces there will be a total failure
of the crop In many districts of central,
eastern and northern Russia, and as a re
sult the famine In store for the affected
districts will undoubtedly far surpass the
famines In the years of 1P91 and 1S97.
From the governments of VJatka. Kasan
saratoff. Samara. Yekaterlnooslav, Tarn-
boff. Orel and R.lasah the zemstvos report
a total failure of the crops so far as winter
and" summer corn. pea, beans and cattle
food are concerned.
A bad harvest Is predicted from the gov
ernments of Moscow, Novgorod, Tula,
Kursk, Tver and Tskoff, while, on the
other hand, southern Russia has a fair
But the misfortunes In the districts of
central, eastern and northern Russia are
likely to be all the worse because the men
In the districts mentioned have been called
In as reserves, and all that remain behind
are women, children and old men, In
capable of work and unable to procure
bread for themselves and for their families
In consequence the women of many vil
lages have revolted and 'have marched In
crowds to the local police stations, where
they declared that they did not want to die
and that they would not leave the central
police stations until their husbands were re
stored to them.
Up to the present time the government
has maintained an attitude of absolute In
activity toward all of these manifestations
and It Is believed that nothing will be done
unil, as usual. It Is too late and until
famine, typhus and scorbut have broken
Thla year, seeing that most of the rail
roads have handed over the larger rart of
their rolling stock to the management of
the Siberian, railway for war purposes, the
provisioning of the famine districts will
naturally involve far greater difficulties
than usual, as the railways cannot even
cope with the ordinary trade and commerce,
nt the same time taking care of the for
ward movement of the troops constantly
going on In the direction of Manchuria.
Warnings to prepare for all eventualtles
and to buy cereals for the threatened dis
tricts are daily being received by the
ministry of the Interior from the zemstvos,
but the government does nothing and to
all Intents and afpearances It would seem
as though It Is relying upon a miracle to
resurrect the burned up crops.
Should famine among the peasants of a
large part of Russia be added to the
troubles growing out of the war with Japan
It Is believed that rebellion among' the
peasants will be Increased, and it may be
difficult. If not impossible, to put down
the uprisings In the future. Indeed It may
be next, to impossible for the government
to-carry on the war with Japan In case the
troops are absolutely required to suppress
rebellions In central, northern and eastern
Russia, caused by famine.
It Is believed that the representations of
the zemstvos regarding the famine possi
bilities have been giving the czar more
trouble than all of the other questions com
bined and that they were the subject of
several earnest conferences with M. Witte
before his departure for America on his
errand of peace. If the situation should be
come too bad It Is likely that the peace-at
any-prlce policy may be pressed home upon
M. Wltte and the start at the peace com
Plan on Foot to 1)1 lu Tonnnae So
All line Will Pay
JOHANXKSPI RH. Aug 5. (Special Ca
blegram to The Pee l-An Informal con
ference on railway matters between the
Cape and Natal governments and the hlph
commissioner has Just been concluded. The
intercolonial conference held In February
agreed to reduce the preference enjoyed by
Lorenzo Marques as a forwarding port for
! the Transvaal bv lowering the railw.iy
rates from other ports. The mutter was
referred to Portugal for Its approval of tbu
terms of the modus Vivendi. Portugal le
fused to accept the recommendations of th.i
ceJonial governments and the coast col
onies urged the high commissioner to de.
pounce the agreement with Portugal, point
ing out that Lord clearly indicated
that this will be the only course open In
the event of Portugal' opposition to the
findings of the conference.
The proposed reduction of railway rates
would have the effect of cheapening th
cost of goods in the Transvaal and of r.l
rlding the oversea traffic equally letween
Lorenzo Marques. Durban ani the cape
ports. Th.; present amount passing over the
cape lines. K per cent, barely suffices to
pay maintenance and the Interest on cap-
systems the officials of both railroads de- ' "f""mu"' "
Clare that the strike Is practically a closed rclally for the Transvaal trad,.
Incident. According to information given Beckoning on the rivalry between the v.-
m ,. thn aurlnus ports and the dependence of the
WUV .V H1C Buriai umvio ........ ....... ...
... ... , . ,., h. Transvaal upon Portuguese
per cent of t lie strikers on the Noitherti ' .
Pacific and 70 per cent on the Great
Northern are now supplanted with agents,
a number claimed to be sufficient to tide
8trike Chairman of Idaho Diction Admits
Fight ii Lost.
Telegraphers Expert J. J. Hill to
Intervene Government to Investi
gate Alleged Interruption
of Communication.
Japanese and Bnssiaus Exchange Cordial
Greetings at Ojiter Bay.
After the Ceremony Lnnchecn is Served in
Cabin of ayfloefi
ST. PAUL, Aug. 6-At the end of the
fourth day of the telegraphers' strike on
the Great Northern and Northern Pacific
territory for
a supply of natives, Portugal appears 10 oe
adopting an uncompromising attitude. The
Transvaal, it is alleged, has no desire to
quarrel with Delagoa bay, but the I'ortu-
Formal Beginning of Ctn'erecce that May
End a Great War.
He Proposed the Prosperity of Knlera
nnd Peoples of the Two Nations
and Snrcess of the Nesto
tlatlons for Peace.
OYSTER BAY, N. Y., Aug 6-Hlstory
was made today in Oyster Bay. Russians
and Japanese clasped hands and greeted
one another with- all outward evidence of
cordiality and for the first time since na
tions began to have relations one with an
other, an executive of a great power re
ceived the envoys of two belligerent coun
tries on a mission of peace.
President Roosevelt, on behalf of the
I'nlted States and Its people, extended
over traffic until the remaining places can auttl0rlt les are warned that an at-! formal greetings to the representatives of
v. All. J TH.ina AnoKnrl I Im itnlrtn fntiiitl i " . ... .......
jitvuiB irouit,u ,n .-iiiu-o x- nniirv tnr ttiA.Kusfla and JfiDftn. introduced thf nonino-
Lt'lllfll IU till 1 t l i j . - wr -
British Board of Trade Takes An
other Step Toward the Amer
ican System.
That 1 the dally bread In the life of na- pounds and his ton la 2.000 pounds.
tlons. Do we pretend to be able tn
on a struggle of srins with England, leav
ing open irriiating questions- between It
LONDON, Aug. 5 (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) The Board of Trade has driven
the thin end of the decimal wedge a little
further Into the table of British weights
and measures. Two years ago the board
authorised the use of 60-pound weights a
Liverpool, and at a meeting of the; Dock
board Just held It Is stated that the de
partment has now legalised the use of
20-pound. 10-pound and 5-pound weights.
The business of Liverpool was greatly
simplified by the 50-pound weight; the new
weights will simplify It still more.
The weights of the American goods
which form the staple at the port's trade
had under the old system to be translated
into their BrltlBh equivalent before they
could be checked on this aide.
While the English pound Is the ezac
equivalent of the American pound, the
American exporter does not know the
stone; his hundredweight Is one of 100
Consequently a bale of cotton which
weighs a quarter of an American to
would kick the beam If placed opposlt
and ourselves? You know very well It Is to British jjarter-ton weight. The
Impossible to even attempt to dlsum th. ' weigher had to work out that It was equal
empire of the sea with England. For one i to four British hundredweights and fifty
Ship that we build it puts on the stocks two pounds over before he knew what
three, four. five. It Is therefore better to Weights to put In the scale against It,
bow to cold reanon and to calculate what The decimal weights do away with this
the co-operation of England mi.hi i,- and their popularity Is shown by the fact
"" lu u m certain eventualities, at the
price of apparent, not leal, aacrlllces on
pur part. The Intrinsic value of the co
operation for us Is to be found In the
fact that It makes It practically Impossi
ble for Germany to go to war with us."
Asked whether the threats cf conflict
that had bven forthcoming since the be
ginning of the Morocco Incident did not
appear to him serious, M. Delcasse replied:
Moroccan Incident .Not Serious.
Not at all. Of -.vhat importance would
t the young navy of Germany ln u!e
vent of war in which England, 1 tell you
would assuredly be witu us and aganut
OermaiiK. What wouid become ol Ger
many's ports, of Its trade, of Its mercan
tile manner It would be annihilation
4n.i la wnai win ie tne signim-ance of j
Ihs visit of the Krltlsh squadron to Brest I
the return visit of the Frvnch squadron lu '
rui laniMuin completing tne Ueiuoimiration.
the entente between the two countries and
the coalition of their navies cuntilutu such
a formidable machine of naval war that
neither Oeimany nor any other power
would dure to (ace such an overwhelming
force at sra. Ths sea today is the element?
which It Is necessary to command Ulom
any other us tne far eastern ar has
taught us.
Iu conclusion M. Delcasse said:
Was Morocco ever a matter of concern
for Germany? Did Germany ever consider
Morocco? Is not Morocco the natural pio
longatlon of' the French Noriii African
empire? The entente cordiale was the road
tovtaruS the final entente of which tiie
lTreuch minister of foreign affairs might
iCuuUuitcd en sWouad. Pa
be filled
ln St. Paul with greater regularity and ,
promptness than during the previous twenty-four
hours. The bulletin office at the
depot reports all the Great Northern trains
practically on time. The North Coast Lim
ited on the Northern Pacillc was Ave hours
late and the Twin City Express on the
sante road six and a half hours behind time.
Superintendent Beamer at Spokane today
dvlsed General Manager Horn of the
Northern Pacific that Strike Chairman
Haney of the Idaho division had given out
statement In which he declared that the
tiike was already a failure and advised
the men on the division he represents, em-
racing more than S00 miles of line, to re
port for re-employment at once. The action
Is said to have had a significant erred on
pplications for reinstatement coming ln
from the Idaho division. President Perham
f the Telegraphers, now In St. Paul ad
mitted the defection and said he had ex
pelled Haney from the union.
Perham Asks Investigation.
President Perham, ln referring to the
proposed action of the government in In-
estigatlng interruption In Interstate tele
graph traffic, said that his brotherhood
would welcome the move. "I hope the
ction will result in taking the matter
nto court. I want a better opportunity to I
get a fair hearing and to make known to
he public the real Issues lu this contro
The announcement that J. J. Hill would
return to St. Paul about August 10 was
welcomed by the telegraphers, who ask htm
to Intervene. It Is believed by the union
men that the cost of maintaining the
struggle s,nd the prospects- of loss from
tock and train shipments will cause Mr.
Hill to take a hand ln bringing about a
settlement. Both railroads are giving the
strikers to understand that their places
will not be available for them after they
have been' once fjll'ed. Manager Horn of
the Northern Pacific says he is having no
difficulty ln obtaining strike breakers, 150
applications being on file for work at his
office tonight. Applicants are being exam
ined as rapidly as possible and sent west
to man the wires. It 1b understood that
a large number of the applications being
made to the roads are from women.
Government Mar Art.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6 Attorney Gen
eral Moody telegraphs to Helena, Mont.,
Boise, Idaho, Spokane, Wash., Seattle,
Wash., and Portland, Ore., to investigate
the facts as to the Interruption of telegraph
service on the Great Northern and North
ern Pacific railroads ln view of the govern
ment's duty to keep unobstructed the
avenues of Interstate commerce.
The Western I'nlon Telegraph company.
In connection with the Inquiry today, an
nounced that that company "and Its em
ployes are In no wsy Involved ln the strike
of the railroad telegraphers."
The following Is the telegram of the at
torney general to the district attorneys:
t nm Informed that for several days the
ir.niilnn of interstate, foreign and gov
ernment messages over the Western Union
lines which follow tne Great isorinern ana
Northern Pacific railroads have been seri
ously interrupted. In such a situation, If It
exists, tne government, wnuar uuiy ii is,
by all means at its command, to keep open
and unobstructed the avenues of Interstate
commerce and to protect Its own communi
cations, has grave concern.
You will Immediately investigate wup an
possible speed the facts and if you find the
Interruption exists, endeavor to ascertain
the reason, reporting to me fully by wire.
Denver Is Preparing to Give Royal
Reception to Veterans of
Civil War.
British colonies may force the Transvsnl
to adopt measures prejudicial to Portuguese
Imperial government May "Clean I'll"
Three Million Hollars IJorlnii
the Year.
PEKING, Aug. 5. (Special Cablegram to
The Boe.) The net profits of the Chinese
Imperial railways for the six months end
ing March 1, 1905, as shown In figures Just
made public, amount to over Jl. 625.000 and
If tills rnto of progress Is maintained the
year's profits will, after paying Interest
on the loan and providing tho stipulated
sum for amortisation, amount to over $3.
000,000. In view of these favorable circum
stances and conditions the Chinese govern
ment has already commenced the construc
tion of the 12o-mlle line to Kalgan, a con
tract for a large portion of the rails hav
ing been awarded to a French firm.
These financial successes are disposing
the Chinese to regard railways in the most
friendly light and possibly now fewer
concessions will go abroad. Yet It is be
lieved that with the Ineradicable Manchu
tendencies the large sums of money may
be employed with good elTect. Experts be
lieve that after the war which has helped
the railway development of trade ln Man
churia It will continue to such an extent
that the abnormal profit will remain undiminished.
Forecast for Nebraska Fnlr onda
and Warmer In West Portion. Mon
day Fair.
F.W SF.CTION Elaht Pases.
1 Kmperor Wllllnm CJnards the Tsar.
Mallrond Insist Mrlke Is Over.
Peace K.ntojs t all on President.
Arrhtilshop happelle H Fever.
3 Two Xinlrra nt Sooth tlmnhn.
New Assembly for the nnsslans.
9 News from All Parts of Nebraska.
4 Sportlnsr K.vents of the liny.
ft Doniphan Twins Hold the Rrrord.
affair at Sonth Omuha.
Proaram for the Horse Show.
Past Week "In Omaha Society.
Woman In Inh and Charity.
T Council Blnffa and Iowa News.
M Happenlnaa In Omnha Sahnrhs.
Echoes of the Anteroom.
1 (irneral Kitchener Wins Ont.
Contributions to the letter Bos.
2 Editorial.
3 I pllft In l ife nt Colleges.
Bofrd NVIII Make l.r- y Tuesday.
6 News from the Army Posts.
Condition of Omaha's Trade.
T Financial anil Commercial.
) Omaha Leads Country In Bulldlna.
Open Bids for Soldiers Sanitarium.
Spread of. Yellow Teyer in New Orleani
and Vicinity Continue.
that the Liverpool Dock board already uses
lO.uO of the 5o-pound weights.
Elimination of tractions makes the sy
teni very popular with the bookkeepers,
whose work Is reduced to a considerable
The opinion prevails among Liverpool
traders, who find the benefit of the sys
tem very great, that after some further
trials the Board of Trade will Introduce
legislation to make t,he decimal system
compulsory where It Is now optional.
Takes Pletare of Defenses of Kings
ton, Jamaica, and Mast Face
KING9TON. Jamaica. Aug. 5. (Special
Cablegram to The Bee.) Dr. Franklin
Clarke, the American doctor who was ar
rested charged with breach of ths official
secret service act by taking photographs
of the defenses of Port Royal, has pleaded
that he Is Innocent of any Intentional
wrongdoing. Pictures of some of the out
lines of the fortifications were found upon
him. He claims that his action was en
tirely without political or military sig
nificance. Dr. CJarke has been a resident of ths
Island (or four tnonths. He is a graduate
of Harvard and is U educated.
DENVER. Aug. 6. It Is now Just a
month until the national encampment of
the Grand Army of the Republic begins in
this city. The committees having the mat
ter ln charge are actively making prepara
tions to take care of the veterans In shape
commensurate with the value the west
places upon the reunion of these rapidly
thinning ranks.
The State department of Colorado Is
deeply interested and the veterans will re
ceive royal welcome wherever they go.
The railroads are announcing low rates to
all points In the state during the encamp
ment, so that the comrades from the east
can return to their homes pretty thoroughly
posted as to its points of interest and
ready to sing Its praises.
Several special headquarters trains will
tentiarles to one another and entertained
them at an elaborate lunrheon, at which
Russians and Japanese fraternized with
one another as comrades rather than as
During the luncheon President Roosevelt
proposed a notable toast, in which he ex
pressed the "earnest hope and prayer. In
the Interest not only of these two great
powers, but of all civilized mankind, that
a Just and lasting peace may speedily be
concluded between them."
The occasion was Impressive. It was at
tended, not by pomp and ceremony, but by
a simplicity and frankness characteristic
of the president and the people of Amer
ica. The handsome war yacht Mayflower, oni
of the most beautiful vessels of the I'nlted
States navy, on which the formal recep
tion of the Russian and Japanese pleni
potentiaries took placce, sating easily at
anchor Just at the entrance of Oyster bay
from Iong Island sound. A quarter of a
mile away was the dispatch boat Dolphin,
the favorite cruising vessel of several pres
idents of the United States. Two miles out
ln the sound the cruiser Galveston was
anchored, In waiting to convoy the vessels
bearing the envoys to the seat of the Wash
ington peace conference at Portsmouth,
N. II.
The Mayflower Is In command of Com
mander Cameron McR. Wlnslow, President
Roosevelt's naval aide, .who was detailed
to this duty as a special mark of distinc
tion to the peace commission by the presi
dent. Before the arrival of the president and
the envoys, the cabins of the Mayflower
were handsomely decorated with flowois.
The luncheon table In the main saloon was
laden with flowers. . No attempt was made
to decorate the cabins of the vessel with
flags, care being exercised ln every feature
of the ceremony attendant upon the recep
tion not ln the slightest way to offend the
sensibilities of the guests of the occasion.
Precedents Are Avoided.
In order that no question of precedence
should arise. It was determined that the
luncheon should be a buffet function. In
this way was avoided the necessity of seat
ing the envoys at tame witn me president.
Major General Frederick D. Grant, com
mander of the Department of the East, and
Rear Admiral Joseph B." Coghlan, com
mandant of the Brooklyn navy yard, re
spectively the representatives of the army
and navy at the reception, went aboard the
Mayflower at 11:50 a. m.
As President Roosevelt stepped on the
gangway a few minutes after the noon
hour to ascend to the deck of the May
flower, the first gun of the presidential
salute of twenty-one guns boomed Its wel
come and the beautiful presidential pennant
of blue and gold was broken out at the
masthead The president ' was, greeted by
Commander Wlnslow as he reached the
deck. The band, after the sounding of four
ruffles on the drums, played "The Star
Spangled Banner." The president greeted
cordially General Grant and Rear Ad
mirals Coghlan and Sigsbee.
One after another the president person
ally greeted and shook hands with the
officers of the ship. t
Arrival of the Japs.
.i...-ihllA th. cruiser 1'HCnmn with th.
Cablegram to The Bee.)-The Inner story of j Ja e8e envoys and their suite on board,
the attempts by Russia to buy up the arrlved (rom New York. making the
navies of the South American republlcs-so , . , hmir -nd three-ouarters. The
, luu ... .
1 Unities Amateur Cracksman,
a Omnha ny'a Transpacific Voae.
Millions Seek America's Shores,
tins I ut Features of Life.
3 Plays and Players.
Mnsle and Mnslrnl Notes.
4 Hural Free Mall Delivery.
Two tiolden Wrilillns (.roups.
Tersely Told Tnlea.
Curious Capers of Cupid.
B Ilia Port of Antwerp.
Chat with Cuba's Tobacco KlnsT.
tiosalp About Noted People.
Queer Happenlnaa of the Day.
ft For and About Women.
I. title Stories for Little People.
Hints on Latest Fashions.
7 f.rlst of Sportlnar tinaslp.
H In the Field of Electricity.
Archhiihop CYappelle Suffering with Mild
Case of the Malady,
Original Point of Infeotion No Longer the
Main Center.
There Will He No Farther Trouble
Between Guards of Louisiana and
Mississippi Quarantine Causes
Shortness of Food.
1 Buster Brown tines to Church,
a Curse of Leper's Skull.
From Near nnd Fnr.
H Fish Farms of Japanese.
4 Oets Husband hy Injunction.
Kind of Mnn a Wntnnn Wants.
B W hips Sweetheart Into Marriage.
Secrets of a (ireat Masseur.
llow, to Have Yonr Photo Taken.
Top o' the Mnrnln',
I.ney and Sophie Say tiood-Bye.
Goats Bnmp the Bunco Man.
(host of You ii a: Mrs. Powllnac.
Three Mystery Sea Stories.
Roles that Bronaht Slave Snrreaa,
Document Throws I.lwht on. People
ln Shakespeare's Great
MILAN. Aug. 5. (Social Cablegram to
The Bee.) An Interesting discovery has
been made apmngst a series of ancient
documents collected from the archives of
the Carergl family, and presented to the
Royal Institute of Sciences and Letters at
Venice by Slgnor Cesara Levi. An Inspec
tion of these documents has revealed the
Identity of Othello, the protagonist of
Shakespeare's tragedy, who proves to have
been one Nicolas Querlnl, son of Fran
cesco, while Desdemona was the daughter
of Palma Querini. Both belonged to noble
Venetian families and were related to each
The episode ormlng the plot of the
tragedy occurred ln 1542 at the church of
St. Franelscus at Kethlmo, in C'aadla,
where Desdemona had taken refuge. The
church has now been converted Into a
mosque. From the will of Antonio Calergl,
which has also been discovered. It appears
that he was an Intimate friend of Cynthlo,
from one of whose tales Shakespeare took
the materials for his tragedy.
Kleff Xovoatl Tells Why the Deal for
South American Ships
ST. PETERSBURG. Aug. 6. (Special
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 5. The record up
to p. m. Is as follows:
New cases SO
Total to date 600
Total deaths ti
New sub-foci 3
Total sub-foci tl
The small number of new cases Is coun
terbalanced by the number of new foci
which equals half ot the total cases re
ported for the day, show'ng that the origi
nal point of infection Is no onger the main
center. Of the deaths five were In the
emergency hospital and three 'n the origi
nal district. One of the day's tcttms Is
Archbishop Chappelle, whose case was re
ported by Dr. I.arue, his family pt. 'slclan.
He was stricken yesterday mornit but
the diagnosis of the case was not confti . ed
until today. Tonight he Is reported as be
ing In a serious condition. Mgr. Chappelle
recently returned from Havana, being the
apostolic delegate to that island and In
practical charge of all the affairs of the
Roman Catholic church there.
Tho marine hospital service has not yet
taken control of the situation here. Dr.
White received advices at midnight last
night Indicating that he would be placed In
charge, in accordance with the messagq
of President Roosevelt to General Wyman,
but so far as known here, the definite
orders have not been received. Dr. White
went to Gulf Port and Fontalnbleau today
to get Dr. Wasdln of the marine hospital
service who Is In charge of the Missis
sippi quarantine, and Governor Vardeman
who went down from Jackson, hut did not
return here tonight, as was expected.
City Will Co-operate.
The city will continue to exercise its po
lice authority In co-operation with the fed
eral surgeons; the municipal authorities
and the citizens' committees are to carry
on the campaign of cleaning up, the two'
health boards are to perform many of thelt
functions In conjunction with the marine
hospital service and New Orleans expects
still to be called upon to furnish funds to
carry on the fight. The actual handling of
tho fever situation Itself Is to pass to tho
direction of the government, which Is ex
pected to send a large number of yellour
fever experts to work tinder the mipervlsloa
of Dr. White. Rigid rules are to be made
and efficiently carried out In connection
with the scientific treatment of cases. The
federal officers make no attempt to conceal
the fart that the situation Is serious, but
they say It Is not without hope, and that
success is possible ln spite of the headway
the fever has gained, particularly In the
foreign neighborhoods below Canal street.
The fact that the Infection In the First,
Fourth, Sixth and Seventh municipal dis
tricts, which He above Canal street and
constitute modern New Orleans, Is rela
tively small, leads to the hope that vigi
lant observation of all cases In that quar
ter, whllo the more direct campaign pro
gresses below, will enable the authorities
to keep more than half of the city fres
from serious Infection. Of the deaths to
date only five have occurred above Canal
of labor; bargaining, cost and rhr,t,.r """P" anrt of thrm rour ver aan. wno
service, political conditions, spoils system. Ipft ,he tnfec,pd neighborhood In the vlchv
femperature at Omaha Yesterday!
It a. l
It a. i
7 a. i
8 a. i
n a. i
10 m. i
11 a. i
13 m. .
. . 7
. . HK
. . SB"
. . ftft
. . Nil
. . Ml
. . 86
Clvlo Federation Appoints Committee
to Collect Anfhentlr Data In
Europe and America.
NEW YORK, Aug. 5.-Plans on a great
scale to collect accurate data concerning
municipal ownership In both Europe and
America have been made by the executive
council of the National Chic Federation.
This body has selected a commission of
about seVenty-flve members nnd Including
some of America's best known lawyers,
scholars and business men, to meet early
this fall and determine on methods for
accomplishing this work. The need for
such data Is stated to exist in the contra
dictory and unsatisfactory Information now
available concerning the operation of public
The subjects on which they will seek In
formation are "wages, hours and condition.
1 ship came to anchor, at 12:30 o'clock, about
half a mile from the Mayflower. Almost
I at the same time the naval yacht Sylph,
! with Third Assistant eecretary or state
persistently repeated and so vehemently
denied Is given to the public by the Novostl
of KiefT. ,
The deal was engineered by an Anglo-
American e.uuu Herbm H. D. Peirce on board, also came
as the price of the ships, which came to 75.- "er"c'1 '
, l. , , to anchor a short distance from the May-
000 tons In the aggregate. The negotiations lo UMt" . , K.
. th. d.stm.t th. flower. Mr. Peirce. who ln the absence of
the .syndicate had for each other. Another Secretary Root was to represent the De
reason for the failure given was the fact partment of State at the ceremonies Incl-
that the Russian admiralty demanded the
payment of "graft" commissions ln ad
vance, and the money was not forthcom
Russians Divided as to Best Plan for
Reforming the Present Gov.
ST. PETERSBURG. Aug. 5 (Special
Cablegram to The Bee.) The line of
cleavage between the supporters of
autocracy and the supporters of
dent to the reception, boarded the May
flower from a launch about ten minutes
after the arrival of the president. He and
the president chatted a few minutes be
fore It was reported to the president that
the Japanese envoys were about to come
aboard the Mayflower. ,
Scarcely had the report been made than
the guns of the Tacoma began to fire
their salute of nineteen guns as the plen
ipotentiaries and their suite went over the
As the Japanese mission, headed by Baron
Komura and Minister Takahlra. ascended
the the gangway, all attired In black frock
the 1 coats and shiny silk hats, the band sounded
and municipal corruption; financial results
and taxation."
Some of thp members are: Melville E.
Ingalls, Cincinnati; Isaac N. Scllg, treas
urer Citizens' union, New Y'ork; Albert
Shaw, Review of Reviews: Alexander H.
Revell, president Chicago Civic Federation;
Edward Rosewater, editor Omaha Daily
Bee; Charles W. Knapp, editor the Repub
lic, St. Irfiuls; Austen W. Fox, president
City club, New York; John G. Agar, presi
dent Reform club. New Y'ork; Alfred Potts,
president Commercial club, Indianapolis;
H. W. Goode, president General Electric
company, Portland Ore.; John Mitchell,
president I'nlted Mine Workers of America;
Samuel Gonipers, president American Fed
eration of Labor; Daniel J. Keefe, president
International longshoremen's association,
Detroit; E. W. Taussig, Harvard; Edwin
R. A. Sellgman, Columbia university; J.
W. Jenks, Cornell university; rienry W.
Farnam, Y'ale university; Frank J. Good
now, Columbia university; Leo B. Rowe,
University of Pennsylvania; Carroll D.
Wright, Clark college; John R, Commons,
University of Wisconsin; H. C. Adams,
University of Michigan; J. C. Gray, North
western university; Graham Taylor of the
Chicago Commons; Talcott Williams, editor
of the Press, Philadelphia; George E.
Hooker, City club, Chicago: Frank Par
son, president Municipal Voters' league,
arrive nere over me cnicago, i nion Pa- i temstvo Is sharp There are reports of ! three ruffles and then played a march. At
ciflc and Northwestern lines from the east ' divisions in the different families, of cool- 'the head of the gangway Commander Wins
prior to the opening of the encampment. i negg between brother and sister, mother ' low received the envoys, and as they
lllinnrD lli eTTI TO inierA ' ,nd on' of Prayer8 to leave tne service stepped to the deck they were greeted by
MUnUun IN oAnl rnANLIoUO ' and of young officers forbidden to visit Mr Peirce. They were escorted tmmedt-
Wllllam W. Stevenson Shot and In
stantly Killed by His Wife's
' Paramunr la Hoomlns House,
similar to that of the American civil war,
when families were divided snd brothers
often fought with opposing armies.
Chilllon Bowsn In A room of a Market , lmilmm m.traments Record Pbenom-
street rooming nouse, wners tne murdered
man had found Bowen In company with
Stevenson's wife. Bowen and Mrs. Steven
son aj-e In prison charged with murder.
Bowen admits having done the shooting.
He says that he knew Btevenson had killed The Bee. I A severe earthquake, believed
two men and therefore shot him when he : to have taken place some 2.0U) miles dis
burst In the door. j tant, probably In Central Asia, has affected
Btevenson snd Bowen lived on adjoining i the seismographs at Simla and Bombay.
ranches near Washoe, Nev., and Bowen,
who Is single, boarded with his neighbor,
whose family consisted of a wife and two
their homes on account of their advanced : ately to the cabin, where the president was
views. The situation Is in many respects j waiting them.
Their reception was brier and was as
devoid of formality as the nature of the
occasion would permit. Baron Komura
and Minister Takahlra shook hands with
the president, the cordiality of the greet
ing being unmistakable. As the representa
tive of his emperor. Baron Komura then
extended his thanks to President Roose
velt and through him to the American peo
ple for the Interest they had manifested
in the pending peace negotiations express
ing particulirly his gratitude to the presi
dent for the friendliness he had shown In
initiating the negotiations which had re
sulted In the pleasure they were to have
today. The president assured Baron Ko
mura that he had found great pleasure In
taking the steps toward what he hoped
eaoa Which May Have Taken
Place la Asia.
8IMLA. Aug. 5. (Spt'ctal Cablegram to
The indicator needles of the Instruments In
both cases were made to travel off the
paper on which the marks are supposed to
be rsevrded by lh vluioncs of Its stock.
Young- Japanese Sleeping; In Bnlldlnar
Missing and Probably Burned
to Death.
LINCOLN. Aug. 6 The Uncoln Y'oung
Men's Christian association building, a two
story frame erected a year ago at the cor
ner of Thirteenth and P streets, was prac
tically destroyed by fire shortly after mid
night this morning. JJttle of the contents
was saved. The loss will not exceed $7,000,
well Insured.
A young Japanese who slept In the build
ing is missing and It Is feared may have
burned to death. The origin of the fire Is
Notables at New York.
NEW YORK. Aug. 5 Arriving today on
board the steamship Luciana, from Liver
pool, were William Fife, designer of two of
the Llpton challenging yachts, and Captain
11 M. Durund, son of the British amljass
adnr at '.fc'ashlngton.
.CoQilnusd eo Seooutl Pag j
Movements of Oeeaa essels August S.
NEW VtiRK-Arrived: Columbia, from
Glasgow: New York, from Southampton;
La liascogne. from Genoa iNantiicket)
At Bremen Hailed: Frlederlch der
Omase fur New York.
At Boulogne Balled : Moltke. for New
York: Statendam. for New York.
At Gibraltar Passed: Frlnwas Irene, for
New York
At Mm Hie Sailed : Furnessla, for New
At I-ondon Sailed : Hibernian, for Mon
treal; Mmnetonka. for w York
At Cherbouig-balled; cU Louis, foi
New York.
lty of the French market, and the fifth
was a merchant who did business ln that
quarter. Of the cases, except those most
recently reported, all have recovered or
are on the way to recovery.
Interstate Conflict Ends.
The trouble on Ijike Borgne between
Mississippi guards and the Louisiana na
val brigade Is considered to have ended.
So encouraging were the conditions today
that Governor Blanchard sent orders to
Commander Bostlck to withdraw part of
his force.
The Southern Pacific railway Is still hav
ing trouble In handling the United States
mall. It has used an engine and a freight
car to go through Calcasieu, but finds tha
method of handling It troublesome and ex
pensive. The decision of Iberia parlsQ,
east of Calcasieu, to put up Its bars against
everything added to the difficulties of tha
It was reported today that Dr. Edmond
Souchon had sent his resignation to Gov
ernor Blanchard as president of the Stat
Board of Health. The report gave as th
reason his dissatisfaction growing out of
the action yesterday ln asking tha gov
ernment to take control. ' At Dr. Souchon'
office the report was promptly denied.
Considerable complaint Is being received
ln the city from people living In th coun
try districts against the arbitrary quaran
tine rules that have been put Into effect.
The result ot them Is that many communi
ties already beginning to run short on
supplies and It is desired that the author
ities shall do what Is possible to secur a
Crew of El Paso Ueld.
NEW YORK. Aug. 6. Two members of
the crew of the El Paso, from New Or
leans, were removed from their ship today
at quarantine because of high tempera
tures. They were taken to Hoffman's
Island for observation.
The steamer Llgonler, from Port Arthur, .
was detained at quarantine today and on
member of the crew was removed to Hoff
man island for observation.
Shaw Issues Order.
WASHINGTON. Aug. S -Secretary of th
Treasury Shaw has wired Captain Ross of
the revenue cutter service to proceed at
once to New Orleans personally to superin
tend the revenue cutter service at that
point with a view of strictly maintaining
quarantine. Captain Boss Is now making
an annual Inspection of the service on th
Atlantic coast ami today Is at Portland.
Me. It Is exacted he has already left there
for New Orleans. Secretary Shaw said to
day that the st longest possible effort will
tie made to confine the scourge Inside th
city limits of New Orleans and he had every
reason to believe that this would be accom
Cleveland o to Funeral.
WHITE F,A 'K. N. H. Aug. 5 Grover
Cleveland and Mrs Cleveland left their
summer home today for West Isllp, L I .
where they will all end the funeral of Mrs.
John G Carlisle, alfe of Preatdeut Cleve
land s secretary cf Uis Uury.