Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1905, Page 9, Image 9
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AUGUST f, 190X OS GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Trade in Ledin Griim fihowi Oppojite Tendencies. WHEAT GOES UP AND CORN DECLINES ra Tikri a Rise Report that Rain U Dmnttlm Wheat la fthork Con lor Ttm Apparent H tiion, OMAIIA. Aua. 4 lt. Receipts of wheat were only fair and ther was a dropping on In country rffers. The Modern Miller carne out with a biiiltsn report. saying that rains hnve interfered with threshing In Kansas, Missouri, Illinois and Indiana, and that tneie la further damage to wheat In the shock. Farmer .press their poor wheat for sale, but show a lisposltlon to store choir grain. Wllber, Neb., saya wheat in shock in that neighbor hood has been damaged by rain. Future" were, up VSc. September closed at STi'fiSTjc. December at fc.lVo'Nc and May at c. Apparently on a inanipulHted deal, corn took u drop of mora than a cent. Receipts were light and were exceeded by shipments. Beptenilier clowd at .i'n VtTt, old Septem ber at Mr; Deremher at 4m-, old December at 4KVc and May at 4&S'94Ac. Oats sustained a decline. September closed at 27c, December at io and May at ao'ec. The Liverpool close was tTid higher on wheat and i higher on corn. Argentina shipment of wheat last week were 3,014 000 bushels, against Z.454.)) bush els the week before. Corn shipments were 3.661, (Ml bushels, against 3.494.000 bushels the week before. Primary receipts of wheat were 752,OiO bushels and Shipments 4-W.iioO bushels. Last y ar receipts were OO.'SiO bushels and shipments tiil.iHi bushels. Corn receipts were 349.0u0 bushels and shipment fcM.'x) bushels. last year receipts were 4o4.iO bushels and shipments "49.0OU bushels. The Duluth Commercial Recoi1 has re ceived reports from fifty stations through North Dakota and Minnesota and there is not a bad one In the lot. Charles Kennedy of Buffalo says New York has raised the biggest wheat crop it ever had. Antwerp cabled: "The Hungarian and Roumanian corn crop damaged by drought. We have no occasion to change, ,oir opinion of the Russian wheat crop." The Siberian wheat crop is said to bo above the average. American exporters are saying that wheat prices In Chicago are far out of line with those abroad. They hear of wheat selling c. I. I., Rotterdam, at 9)c from Baltimore. It Is u great deal poorer than Chicago wheat,, as the good wheat there brings nearly 9c, to soy nothing of charges east of ButTulo, which amount to 4.c a bushel. It can be seen that European prices are out of line for Chicago business. Nebraska was the only state that sold corn to any extent yesterday. One Chicago house bought 8O.0O0 bushels in thrf state at equal to 66c for No. 3 on track Chicago. Purchase In Illinois and Iowa were small, this being attributed to extreme lightness of stocks there. Patten of Chicago Is cred ited with holding ovor 5.000,0n0 bushels of September corn. He relieves that the Rou manian and Hungarian drouth and light supplies abrond. also small stocks In the easf, will absorb Chicago supplies, as that Is the only market in the country that has sufficient stocks to permit large business. Sales of corn at Chicago yesterday aggre- f rated 45fl,ooo bushels, an export house buy ng 175.0C0 bushels. Omaha Cash Sales. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 2 cars, 83c; No. 2 hard, 1 car, 8oyo; No. 2 hard, 1 car, 80o; No. 3 hard, 65V lbs.. 1 car, 8uc; No. 1 hard, 58 lbs.. 1 car, 71Hc; No. 3 hard, 59 lbs., 1 ' car, 79HC. CORN No. J, 5 ears, 60c: No. 4, 1 car, 48c; No. 4, 1 car, 4h4c. OATS No. 4 white, 1 car, 27c. Omaha Cash Tripes. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 8nfi83c; No. 3 hard, '9V4ax-: No. 4 hard. 70a 78c. vunn a, , a, w , ii yj. i, -," 74 j- 4IK-; no grade, 4:wi4ir; No. 2 yellow, wio; No. 2 white. 50Vc; No. 3 white, 6oc; No. 3 yellow. 5ic. OATS-No. 2 mixed. 254C; No. 4 mixed, 25c No. 8 white, 27Vo; No, aura, zifec Carlat Receipts Wheat. Corn. Oats. supply of cotton shows a total of J,'7.W hues, egainsl 1.4!4..'15 bales Jast i'ear. lit tins the t l n I ot American cotton IS l,fc)6.4J bates, against M'J..'la bales last year. IHKAt.O (iRAM AMI rROVIMON Features of the 1 radius; an (losing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAOO, Aug. 4. Decreasing receipts foiiinwest impaiied a linn tone to toe Wheat market here today. Fresh reptrria of damage northwest addeil to the strength. At tne ciose wheat Tor rnptetntK-r delivery was up Sc. Coin Is down lVil'c. OhIs snow a lues of Sc. Provisions are up 1'a mrength In the wheat market cleveiopea early In the session. At the opening senti ment was a trifle bearisn. Initial quotations on September being off a snade to tt -c t M-t'f'4'c. Liberal shipments from Ar gentina accounted pat uaiiy7 for the easier undertone at the opening. Clear weather nortuwest was another reason. The weather bureau, however, predicted rain tonight and tomorrow for Minnesota and the Dakotas. The announcement checked selling by pit traders. Afier touching Mj!i4V: Septem ber advanced gradjally to auvc An influ ential factor favorable to toe bulls was greatly decreased movement of wheat from the southwest. Private advices from the northwest asserted that black rust was spreading in the wheat fields of that sec tion, notwithstanding official reports to the contrary. Throughout the greater part of the session commission houses were active buyers. The market closed firm, with Sep tember at xSid'frSR'c:. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 72.U0O bushels. Ex ports for the week a shown by Bradetreets were equal to l.mi.ww huslieis. Minne apolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of 370 cars, against 431 cars last week and 222 rars a year ago. Heavy liquidation by a prominent long caused weakness In the corn market. Total sales by this one trailer were said to be In the neighborhood of I,li0,uu0 bushels. Smaller holders, Influenced by this selling, took profits freely. Weather favorable for the new crop was an Influential bearish factor. Iiarge shipments from Argentina contributed to the weakness. The market closed weak, with prices practically at the lowest point or the session. September opened lower at D44ft544c, sold off to Bc and closed at 53fivrc- Local re- celpts were 142 cars, with 31 of contract grade. Offerings by cash houses who sold on the strength of heavy receipts and bet ter quality shown in arrivals from tne new crop, aided by liquidating by longs, causey weakness In the oats market. J he break In corn gave added Impetus to the down ward course of prices. The market closed at the lowest point of the day. September opened VU'So lower at 2714j:9c, sold off to ti'ia and closed at 27Vic. Local receipts were 8.3 cars. Provisions made a sham advance late In the session on active demand from leading packers. An advance of Kigioe In the price of live hogs aided the upturn. At the close September pork was up 21HC at $13.82'. i-ara was up wyo-inc at i. rids were 7Hc higher at 3K17VA,. Estimated receipts for tomorrow! Wheat, 18 cars; corn, 151 cars; oats, 253 cars; hogs, 2,onO head. The leading futures ranged as follows: 24e; No. 3 mixed. No. 2 white, 271c; 4 white, 27c; Stan- Chicago 188 143 373 Kansas City 2o2 68 11 Minneapolis 157 ... ... Omaha 7 13 6 Duluth 25 ... ' ... St. Louis J19 207 115 Hluaeapolls Orals Market. The rang of prices paid In Minneapolis, as reported by the Edwards-Wood com pany, 110-111 Board of Trad building, was; Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat I J Sept... 89V, 9014 MS 9C, KH Dec....!87Vt(lH 8Vk 87 87 v 87 S Articles. Open. I Hlgh.j Low. Close. Tes'y, Wheat Sept... Dec... May... Corn tSept.. iSept.. tlicc... tDec... May... Oats Sept... Dec,... May, ,. Pork Sept... Oct.... Lard Sept... Oct.... Ribs Sept... Oct.... 84SH 86Jf(S 8H8Vi4Ms 54.i-5'4' Ml 4 4S 4SH-&S 45Vi'ti '27i? 28 28VTH KH'84'.;S H'S',,t 84V4AH 554 M4i4 48 V4 46 28 3t.v4iS.30iS 27U 25',W4 13 374 13 824 7 424 7 524! 8 10 8 20 13 5 13 45 7 524 7 60 8 174! 8 274 8&H 89 63T4 54 5353g-'4 48 I 484! 4n4 4 45S 'Wa 274 13 KV4 13 40 7 524 7 60 8 174' 8 274 30 1.1 H74' 13 ZU 7 40 7 4741 8 05 8 1241 8 88 55 6S 49 4t4 444 28i ifl4 80V4 13 40 13 324. 7 40 7 47V4 8 10 8 174 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS I'srket is Strong and Actifs Durnj tls Tint Honr's Trading. PERIOD OF 'DULLNESS THEN ENSUES Blsr Increase la F-aralngs of laloa Parlfle Sends that Issae I p St. rael and Rock Island Also lllaher. NEW TORK. Aug. 4 -The exchange had quite a lively hour following the opening today and the market showed more con sistency and strength during that period than at any time during the week. A good enect was produced on sentiment by tne fvt that such substantial market leaders as t nion Pacific and St. Taul were full partloipants in the movement to the ex- lusion of some of the less Inlluentlal spe claltles which have made up so much of the mantel s prominence on recent oays. ttut the effort to carry prices higher seemed to nave exnausten useir wun this spurt and the latter trading reverted to the class of specialties which may be moved with much less expenditure ot errort. itn tne sun sldcnce of the early active demand a droop ing tendency In the standard stocks became onservaiiie. 1 he heaviness had no -more news to explain it than did the early strength. i he actiro rmving or the- first hour was professedly based on growing confidence In the grain crops and It was sought to convey the impression that Information was avail able to the buyers on this subject through too arrangements K)r securing supplies ny the great cereal producing companies. The ireiercnce ror less conspicuous maraei eaders In the later movements turned to some of the high-priced railroad stocks which the extraordinary market course of I.ackawanna has served to make attractive. Record prices for Central Railroad of New Jersey and for Northern Pacific, with the exception of prices touched during the mner in me lancr siock, were tne conse quence. American Smelting was another stock to touch a new high record price. A number of minor stocks made their first appearance on the tape for months to ne niovea upward with a dash on light transactions. The coalers and the southern- roup rested after their previous advance, "he feeling of encouragement over the grain crops was fostered by the Missouri state report, which was of Immediate ef fect only on Rock Island of the corn grang ers. The early strength In Union Paclrlc was explainable by the reports of not earn ings for that system and for Southern Pa cific for June, which made their annear- anee during the day, showing an Increase over trie preceding June, which reported nearly SI, 000.000 for the two systems. The check to the buying which showed In the later market may nave been due to the bank statement forecast. It was notable, however, that an easier tone was reported In the market for time loans and fpr call lonns there was hardly demand for what was offered. I.ondon supplied no busi ness to this market, the holidays there ex tending until next Tuesday serving to dis courage new business. The Irregular tone of the latter market continued up to the closing. Hands were steady. Total sales, par value, S3,(Vj8.fX). United States bonds were unchanged on call. Quotations on the New York Stock ex change ranged as follows) Bales. High. Low. Close, 2:w .134,100 . 1,400 No. t fOld. JNew. Cash quotations were as follows: r'LOUR Steady; winter patents. Hang 4.30; straights. $4.0Oi&4.1O: spring patents. t4.865.40; straights, S3.5oru4.85; bakers, 32.400 3.40. WHEAT No. 2 spring, $1-0591.10; No. 3, 95cSrJ1.05; No. 2 red. 8t4c. CORN-No. 2. 5T.4SS6V; yellow, 66c. OATS No. 2, 27Vc; No. 2 White, Sc; No. 3 white, 2828c. RYE No. : bhuMoo. RAHLfc; Y Good feeding, 36-2 JSc; fair to cnoioe malting, 4i(a44c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.2: No. 1 northwest ern, SI. 33. Prime timothy, S3. 25. Clover, contract grade. S12.5otol2.76. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, pep bbl., $13 80 4j13.6. Ird, per 100 lbs., S7.40j7.474. Short ribs sides (loose). vn6;g8.16. Short clear sides (boxed). S8.50SM.67H. The receipts and shipments of flour and grain were as xoiiows; Keceipts. Bmpment. WEATUKR IN THE GRAIN BELT Clear from Mississippi Valley to tba Paclno Coast. OMAHA. Aug. 4, 1906 Generally clear weather prevails from over the Mississippi valley to the Paclrtc coast. No precipitation worthy of mention pas occurred In the central valleys since the last report. Light and scattered rains have fallen In the lake region, Ohio valley and southern, states, and generally cloudy weathor prevails lu tuuue sections this morning. The weatner is warmer everywhere east of the Rocky mountains; It la cooler In the northwest and on the Pacific coast, and f.-lll be slightly cooler In the central valleys Saturday, Omaha record of temperature and precip itation, compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1906. 1904. 1903. 1903. Minimum temperature.... 70 68 74 62 Precipitation 00 T .00 .28 Normal temperature for today, 74 de gree. Deficiency In precipitation since March L Lit inches. Dencleucy corresponding period In 1804. 4-U Inches. Deficiency corresponding period la 1903. L , -& inches. OMAIIA DISTRICT AVERAGES. t - Temp Rain. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Sky. Flour, bbls Wheat, bu .. Corn, bu .... Oats, bu .... Rye. bu Barley, bu 22,700 ..178.6" 10 ..150,000 ..420.500 7.000 8.8UO 15.7'rf 11.100 493.200 203, 8u0 1,100 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was Arm; creameries, 17(&2o4c; dairies, lVal84i. Eggs easier at mark, cases included. JoVtc; nrsts, lie; prime nrstx, 184c; extra, 21c. Cheesn Arm at 10'U4c Kansas City Grain and Provisions The ranee of prices paid In Kansas Cltv as reported oy tne jyawaras-wooa company. uu-iu uoara oi rraae ouiiaing, was Neb.... 83 68 . 00 Clear Auburn, Neb 87 64 .00 Clear Columbus, Neb.. 88 61 .00 Clear Falrbury. Neb... 90 61 .00 Clear Fairmont. Neb... 83 03 .00 Clear Gr. Island, Neb.. 90 64 .00 Clear Harttiigton, Neb. 84 60 .00 Clear Oakdala, Neb 88 62 .00 Clear Omaha, Neb 84 67- .00 Clear Tekamah, Neb... 88 68 . 00 Clear Carroll, la 85 CO .00 Clear Clarlnda, la 85 63 .00 Clear Sibley, fa 83 61 .00 Clear feloux City, la.... W 62 .00 Clear blonu Lake, la.. 85 63 .00 Clear DISTRICT AVERAOE3. No. of Ternc Rxln. Central. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Chicago, III - S Columbus, 0 17 Pes Moines, la... 14 Kansas City. Mo. 18 IxMilsvllle, Ky.... 18 Minneapolis , Omiha, Neb 16 St. -Louts, Mo..., 13 80 84 84 88 88 84 88 84 L. A. 60 62 68 63 62 64 64 WELSH, .36 T T T .12 .08 .00 .34 Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. Mllwaakao Grata Market. MILWAUKEE, Aug 4 WHEAT-Steady ; No. 1 northern. $1. uuul.ll; No. 2 northern. $104fH 08; September. lS851sO bid. RiK Steady; No. 1. bc4c. BARLbY Steady; No. 3, 61c; sample, o CORN Weak; September, 54o bid. Liverpool Grata and Provlsloas. lilVltKlTJUIi, AUg. 4. WHEAT Spot, nominal: futures, culet; September, 6sd; December, 6a 7 Vd; March, nominal. CORN Spot, easy; American mixed, 5s Id. FMtur, quiet; September, 4sl04,d; Decem ber. 4a 10Sd. Peoria Grata HarkH. PEORIA. Aug. 4.-CORN Stead v: No I veUow, 66c; No. 3, 65c; No. 4, 64c, no grade, OATS Lower; No. I white, 174&271.e; No. S wnil. J.o. WlilbKY-Oo the basis of $1.27. Dnlata Grata Market. DULUTH. Aug. t-WHFUT-Tfi irrlv. a No. I northern, Si.08. On track: No. 1 north. ern. si. 08; Mo. 3 northern, $1; September, new, eoo. OATS On track. tSo; to arrive, J74o. Mlaaeapolle Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn . Aug. 4 FLOUR First Patents, to 6.ui so: second natenta SiSvj.tu; clears, S4.0oKr4.10; second clears, $Ji02.7. tUUM-in bulk, $12. 7631 3 00. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, Aug 4.-FEED Clover, cash. mi.ov. ic;oosr. m. iz: i.tecemrer. u mti jsn "uary. S 9-n-; alsike August, $7 26; timothy, r. ltruun, ljii. Visible Snpply of Cottoa. NEW ORLEANS, La., Aug. 4 -Secretary Uaslsra statuuicut of the world s visible Articles.) Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat - 1 Sept... 7SWS 77S 74 774 784 Dec... 774 78H 774 78j 77H Corn Sept... 474 474 464 47 474 Dec... . 40 40 8a 4 39 404 Oats Sept... 26 27 264 17 86? Pork Sept... 13 30 13 65 13 SO 13 62 13 30 Oct.... 13 20 13 32 13 20 13 82 13 22 Lard Sept... 7 35 7 45 7 35 7 43 7 35 Oct.... 745 7 53 746 763 740 Ribs Sept... $05 820 $06 $30 $06 Oct..- $07 813 807 81$ 8 10 KANSAS CITT. Aug. 4. WHEAT D . .... .4 . tJ - - mtu. TT 1. r T l-n-.-i Kd. 78-,U'7s4c; May, 8e4c; cash, No. Z hard, 8r 85c; NO. 8, 7Hv4c; Mo. 2 red, 8341QMC; Mo. 8. 82fi-K.(c. Receipts. 17 cars. CUR-N oeptemoer. o''U4ic; jjecemner. 894tc: May, itrt.'aSac; cashl No. 2 mixed. irtiwwc: no. z white. ooutHJHo. 3. . f - - - . T -. .. . uat Bteaoy; mo. 1 nuxea. aa.x; iso. 1 white, ftkirjlc BUGS Steady : Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases included, 16c; case count. 13c; cases returned, 40 less. BUTTER Steady ; creamery. 154.lS4c packing, 15c HAY Steady: choice timothy, $7.00(8.50 choice prairie, $8-50. Hlb-blCkllV at KC, Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu 1H3 6u0 16S.M0 Corn, bu 62,W) 61. 6(0 Oau. bu k.ouo lo.ouo St. I.oals Geaeral Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 4. WHEAT-Higher No. 3 red. cash, elevator, 814c; track, 8t!4 U.nt.itih.r h'Yi-K-lC I li-umlir "i7IVj fcj . ........... . , , - 64-ic: No. 2 hard. 8uti904c.' CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 52c; track 62V4i64c: September. 62o: December. 43c. OAla uuir, iso. I casn, c; traca, -ti'c Septeniber. 2640; December, .iVc; mo, white. J'W;. FLOL'R Dull; red winter patents, $4 25 4 4o; extra fancy una straight, Vi.7Si3.iW c ear. 13 fuS 30. 6 BED Timothy, steady; spot, $2.2661. 75 new, $3.50. CliKN MEAL Steady at $7 20. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 10Q 71c. HAT-Steady; timothy, $9.00314.50; pral rle. li OKai'itw. PROVISIONS Pork. higher : lobblnr $13.74. Lard, higher: prime steam, 17. 00. Dry salt meats, steady ; coxea, extra shorts 88.26; clear rios, .bu; snort clears, S bacon, steady : boxed, extra shorts, $8,874 clear mis. snort clears, POULTRY Steady; chickens. c; springs, lie; lurasys, uc; aucks, tu-4c; geese, I a 8c. BUTTER Steady; dairy. 14Bl7c. kXJOS-Vtrm; 144c, Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu creamery, 1542040 case count. Receipts. Shipments lO.OUO 8.UU0 12o.0u0 81,(.) 7.(0 63.CM) 146,0ui 46.0U0 ersl furtd, eclusve of the tl50.nno.otio gold reserve shons: Available rash balance, S1.4.i95; gold coin and bullion, $tt.5e.43. REPORT Or THE CI.KAHUO HO I' SC. Traaaaetloas of the Associate Baaks DarlasT tko 'Week. NEW" TORK. Aug. 4.-The- following tsble. Compiled by BradRtrret, shows the bank clearings at the principal cities for the week ended Aug. 3. with the percentage of Increas and decrease as compared with the corresponding week last year: CITIES. Clearings. Inc. Dec. Adams Ex Amal. Copper ... Am. Car &. F do pfd Am. Cotton Oil... do ptd Am. Ex Am. II. & L. pfd. Am. Ice Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. Ijocomotlve do pfd 100 7oO tif) 700 3,80 3' 10 814 37 99 30 83Ti 374 P94 mi 39H 21 894 71... 4H4 112 1284 123 H3'4 974 1154 874 1IO24 1614 1154 'wit 1549s 211 654 .89 81 204 21S4 181 394 44 294 '40S 192 484 112 126 1274 141:4 97 H 86 10:4 1134 114 '69, 1554 210 55 87 81 4 204 216 1804 '894 994 46 284 'io'.i 1924 Am. Smelt. & Refng. 52.8oO go piu z.ioo Am. Sugar Refng 4,000 Am. Tobacco pfd ctf. 3"0 Anaconda M. Co 1.800 Atchison .; do pfd 1 Atlantic Coast Line.. 1.210 Bait. & Ohio 10,900 do pfd ' Brooklyn R. T 20,000 Canadlun Pacific .... 3.900 Central of N. J S'W Ches. & Ohio 2,6o0 Chlcngo & Alton 8,400 do pfd . 4 Chi. Ut. Western 2." Chi. & N. W 4,700 C, M. & St. P 11.500 Chi. Term. & I do Pfd 100 C. C.. C. & St. L aw Colo. Fuel & Iron.... 2.110 Colo. A. Southern 1,900 do 1st prd do 2d Dfd 1.100 Consolidated Gas .... 300 Corn Products do pfd Del. & Hudson 5,100 1974 1964 D.. L. & W Den. & Rio Grande.. do pfd Distillers' Securities. Erie do 1st prd do 2d pfd General Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central Inter. Paper do pta Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louis. & Nashville.. Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mex. Central ; Minn. & St. It M., St. P. & S. S. M do pfd Missouri Pacific .... Mo.. Kan. & Tex.... do pfd National Lead 13,800 494 4SVi M M R fif Mex. bfd N. Y. Central 3.700 1474 N. Y.. O. & W 8.1W 634 Norfolk & Western.. 9u0 86 do pfd, ex-dlv North American 100 101 Paclno Mail 100 434 Pennsylvania 28.MO 144 People's Gas 2.8U0 1074 P., C C. & St. L Pressed Steel Car 3,800 44 do pfd J0 W4 Pullman Palace Car Reading 6,700 107 106 do 1st pfU do 2d pfd 6,:oO Republic Steel 2.8oO do pfd 2.C) Rock Island Co 14J do pfd 5o0 Rubber Goods do pfd St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd. 200 St. Louis S. W 40 do nfd Southern Pacific 16.M0 do pfd 600 Southern Railway.... 14,a) do pfd 4O0 Tenn. Coal & Iron.... 4.3U) Texas & Pacific ' 700 T-. St. L. & W do pfd 100 Union Pacific 42u"0 do pfd U. S. Ex I'. 8. Realty , U. 8. Rublier do pfd U. S. Steel .., 100 100 18.J00 1,4"0 1,1"0 200 4tti 200 1.200 100 1,100 500 "'166 5,100 200 3.200 19,300 10) 1,700 1,100 1.100 1.900 1,000 84 424 474 844 74 178 934 171 194 78 294 554 '68" 147 164 884 129 234 70 1384 14ft lu 29 92 214 84 324 774 684 24 62 M4 118 36 90 344 '574 131 844 424 44 84 74 178 93 171 194 78 284 64 1444 1444 824 127 224 68 1324 1424 10"4 28 147 63 85- im" 434 1424 104 '45" 944 92 21 8.1 314 76 684 4 624 644 117 35 984 894 83 '674 13t4 3.J.0 ) 13.400 20.7IO 1,9") loO luO 62 111 &.S4 I044 844 11)6 19 . eiH 110 354 104 3.V, 104 19 do Dfd Va. -Carolina Chem.. do pfd Wabash do pf.l Wells-Pargo Ex 100 245 245 Westinghoiise Elec Wecte-rn Union . 200 934 934 V. A L. E Wis. Central l.T'S) 24 do Pfd 2.) M Northern Pacific .... 7.1UI 210 Central Leather 0 444 do pfd 2t0 loo Total sales for the day, 534, 'aw shares. Ex-dlvldend. 24 51 4 434 lo44 83 374 90 30 92 275 894 I 274 40 48 1114 1274 1224 1471, 97 114 874 1024 1434 114 98 70 155 29 64 38 79 204 218 18 18 894 99 44 284 61 4 40 1914 9 45 197 420 31 844 42 474 84 744 1774 934 171 19 784 274 82 284 65 244 674 144 144 82 127 i"-4 68 138 145 100 284 634 48 88 147 624 86 90 1W 42 1434 114 75 45 944 Z8 94 834 Si 4 77 344 68 24 61 45 117 854 94 8,.4 $3' 38 674 13i)4 974 1224 90 61 H 1094 $6 1044 34 104 19 40 240 1444 934 16 24 54 ; 43 104 New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia St. IjouIs I'lttsburg San Francisco Cincinnati Baltimore Kansas City New Orleans Minneapolis Cleveland I)tilsvllle Detroit Milwaukee OMAHA Providence I.os Angeles Buffalo Indianapolis St. Paul Memphis St. Joseph Richmond Denver Columbus Seattln Washington Savannah ,, Albany '. Portland. Ore Fort Worth Toledo, o Atlanta 1...... Salt Ike City Rochester Peoria , Hartford Nashville Spokane. Wash Des Moines , Tacoma New Haven Grand Rapids Norfolk , Dayton Portland, Me....,...., Springfield. Mass.... Augusta, Ga KvansvlUe , Sioux City Birmingham Syracuse Worcester Knoxvllle Charleston, S. C , Wilmington, Del Wichita , Wllkesharre Davenport Little Rock ..,..... Topeka Chattanooga Jackson, Fla Kalamnsoo, Mich..-. Snrlnsfleld. Ill Fall River Wheeling, W. Va... Macon Helena 4.... Lexington Akron Canton, O Fargo, N. D Youngstown New Bedford Rockford, III Lowell Chester, Pa Blnghamton Bloomlngton. Ill Springfield, o Ureensburg, Pa Oulncv, 111 Decatur. Ill Sioux Falls. 8. D Jacksonville, HI Manslleld, O Fremont. Neb Cedar Rapids Houston tGalveston Total. TT. 8 Outside New York. 61 .$'. 19 5. 21 4 . 41. 1,.. "33'9 . 3.2,. -23'4. 6 7;... 95. ll... 13. 2!... 1.4... 5.61... 18 9'.. 4.8... 89.1 ... 11 71... 62 61... 23.1 23. II. f9. 991.3271 IKK. 121.24-1: 141.7U.37", 33.7(4.W 41.927.773 5):44.ii 39,!:.kko 2-7?J.3"0 2X7T4.5l!)j 22.Om9.8IJ) 19.9.V1.4K3' 13.77. 275 11.824,547 12.504.957 7 B-li ill 8.991.724! 6.2RK,6i; 9.144. 112! 7,44S,4V1 6.106.011 . 6.419. 11 . 3.223 789 4.147.9321 4 f).V 99 f 6,8.57.4121 4.702o 7.244.493 4.W1.641 3.8.52,349 4 42S.9K4 8.924..W4 4.218.194' 4.815.S58 2,948.593 4.r,!W.770 2.394. or 2.713.3'! $.436.09.-, 2.470.317 2.138, 2.940.ii:til 2.224..549I $.411.7401 1,4.4:! 1.447.8741 1.5K1,132 1.541.17 1.33.3171 l.3'7.8" 1.448.2741 1.415.240 1.472.1431 . 1.353.832 1.214. 41 71.990 l.K(.9 1 073 24! 1.021. 6.141 8'.919 723.1241 49.1.703; 795.2721. 1,100.6191 752.3281 872.62)l 772.144! 772.0751 9.394i 670,7431.. B15.32T! .. 403.400I.. 4o3,l")Ol.. 604 8741.. 6.15.0TBI 23.8 4-M 915! 419.HX5I 427.373! 413.2S1! 6!H.4"0 4o9.171. S54.4H4! 409.4I),2 2X3. BSM. 8)3.1l3j. ?04 2181. W4.72S;, 811.1.141 24?, Viol 4S6.400I 10,424.4521. 10.724,Oi)i 6 3 6.3 7 8 6 0 4.6', 23 lj...!. 39 8 15.31 75.81 25. Oi 30.4 ,12. 9l 24. 2 352! II"! )9.6 70.0 OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Eeef Steer and Cowi Stronger, Tracing Actite. rith HOGS ACTIVE AND BIG NICKEL HIGHER Ks (w Featwrea Sheep Ram Were I laht lleteloped In the Today Receipts and Market Was glow and Steady. POT'TH OMAIIA. Aug. 4. 1906. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. 8hep. Official Monda" 3.953 2 s 11 1 Official Tuesday 4.IV7 4.359 8 371 Ofnlnl 'ednesdav 1.775 7.195 8.J11 .)fnclal Thursday 2.07 9.295 6.714 Official Friday 1,275 8.916 4.301 Five days this week. .13.387 32,444 Five days last week... . .15.014 47.144 Ssnie week before 13. 290 49,892 Same three weeks ago. .18.255 40.822 Same four weeks ago. ..1J. 940 28.773 Same days last year 9.292 23.718 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO The followlnr table shows the recelnta of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, comparing with last year: 1905. 1904. Inc. Cattle 602.618 489.490 1 2.i"2i Hogs 1.551.181 1.474.694 74.587 Sheep 87 419 748.414 128,0S The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for ths last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 1900. lSO4.tl9OS.;i90:.;i901.:i9O0.:i89. 89.289 38.8 21.265 17.029 12. 9M DATE, 18.4)... 29. 8!... 4 1... 82 7:... 19 6 ... 34 8 ... 30.11... 23.71... 2.8!... '41'i 14.6 ... 48.71... 43.61... 32.61... 17.31... 84.51... 3.3'... 12 6.81... 16.3... I 17.11 23.4 2.7 69.4', 10.91... 3.41... 29.11... 23.91... 72.8 52.7 10.1 20.3 28.4 24.8 22.0 15.5! 29.9' 15.1 50.0! 10.8 14.6 6.1 6 9 6.4 17.0 6.7 July July July July July July July Julv July July Julv July July Julv July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 15.. I f. 63H1 6 11 $ 16 7 76 6 77 ?.. I 6 18; 6 S3; 7 721 6 64 1 7 72i 6 65 7 ".3 16. 17. It. 19.. 20., 21., 23.. 24.. 25.. 26.. 2.-..I VS.. 29. . 311.. 31.. 1... 2... 3... 4... 6 64V I W) 5 58I 6 61'-,! ft 4iV 6 S3, 6 W 6 22; 6 68 6 ii' 6 as 6 47 5 54: 5 051 I 59HI 6 10, 6 58 6 61 6 50 6 67! 6 70 6 69; 5 74 6 68 I 21 6 I81 I 7 44i 6 041 6 22 6 101 5 22i 7 52 5 Ui 6 26, 7 41 1 t a, 1 9: 6 181 7 41 6 061 7 63; I 7 62 5 10! 4 941 1 6 58 6 19 4 8 7 63, I 5 101 6 03 7 47 6 47 6 09 6 Oil 7 47 6 64 5 58 6 02 7 61! 6 61 I 6 69SI 4 99 4 971 7 411 6 44' 6 72; 4 92 7 86 6 6 62 I 4 93 4 99 6 I i 04 6 02 7 39 ' $ 02 4 94; 4 87 4 99 4 98 6 07 $ 99 4 01 4 1 4 28 4 1 4 tl 4 84 6 161 6 151 4 M 6 05 4 81 5 02 4 27 5 04i 4 81 6 131 4 33 4 SJ 6 081 6 09, 4 SI R 161 4 19 6 181 4 26 79t 6 I61 4 W I 6 lol 4 43 I 24 4 31 6 19 1 4 2 1 3 102 14 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars Of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle.Hogs.Sheep.Hs'es. . ., m . t Bt. p Wabash Mo. Pacific V. P. System C. & N. W F E. & M. V C, St. P., M. & O.... H. & M C, B. A Q C. R. I. A P., east.. C , R. I. & P., west. Illinois Central Chicago Gt. Western 14 Total receipts 54 The disposition ot the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. I - ..$2,520,375,514' .1 910.3k4.187! 70.81.. 34.51.... 19.11.... 13.0!.... 54.2!.... ?9.3.. 21.81.. CANADA. Montreal . Toronto .. Winnipeg . tmnwa ... Halifax ... Vancouver, Quebec . Hamilton ...... St. John, N B. I.ondon, Ont... Victoria, B. C. -1$ B. C 27.8S7.R02I 43 5!.. 18 520503! 27.1!.... 7.R47.951I 30.6! 2.673 338 ! 31.01.... 1.967,1571 1 18.1 1 .WW. 1 HI I 18.1! 1.718.340I 1.29 026! V.074 fio- 1.0fi6.2S2l 6.'1.130 i. 22.7! . 9.61... 48.41... 14.61... -I- Total. Canada $ 66.188.0071 20 91. Balances paid In cash. tNot Included In totals because containing other Items than clearings. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 4. MONEY On call, easy; highest, 2; lowest, 1&; ruling rate, 2; last loan, $; closing bid, l3; offered at 2 Time loans slightly easier, thirty devs, 8 per cent; sixty and ninety days and three months, SVi'a.lH; six months, 3i'84. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4(2 4i per cent. STERLING EXCHANOE-Flrm; with ac tual business In banker's bills at $4.8456 4.8460 for demand and at 14 476g4 "4X0 for sixty-day bills; posted rates. $4,864 and J4 87H. Commercial bills, 34.84H SILVER Bar, 69Hc; Mexican dollars, 45ic. BONDS Government and railroad, steady. Closing quotations on oonas were: V. . r(. So ooupon .. V. S. . ras- do eoupon .. V. 8. n.w 4. do coupon .. U. 8. olj 41, do coupes ...10JH J.n It, etta... ,.iv'4i do Id MrlM . .ioj) do 41, cat ,.WIi U N. unl. .. . .1U I Manhattan c. g. 4( ..III Met. (nlrml 4a... ..104- do lat Inc ..104 I Minn. & St. L. 4a. Am. Tobacco 4a. otta. 76 , M.. K. & T. 4a do 4a. ctta Atchlann sen. 4a.. do adj. 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a Bal. A Ohio 4a.., do la , Ontral of Oa. aa do lit Inc do id Inc (7 Readlns sn. 4a 1"V Cnea. A Ohio 4Wa....l044 St. L. 1. M. c. 4a..lni ..116: do it ....104 N. R. R. of M. C .... 7 IN. J. C. f. 6a.., ....l"tS No. Paclflo 4a..., ....lu6 do la .... M4 N. A W. c. 4a... .114 O. 8. L. r(d. 4a a 'renn. conv. aua., inm 104 104 "4 V. 14 V, D7V, ....102)4 .... SS 4a. S.'W ....lil .... 77H ....101 .... w Chicago A A. -.. H. at 4. n. 4i C..R. I. A P. 4a off col. 6a , CCC. A St L. I. Chicago Ter. 4a.. Colorado Mid. 4a Colo. A 80. 4a... Coin, lnd do l B Cuba 6a, clfa D. A R. O. 4a.... Plutlllrra' Fee. ta Erie prior Han 4a do gen. 4a r. w. & d. c. it 6a. aet A.. 71 Tl Hocking Val. 4a..llOVa unereo. t. L. a B. F. fg. 101 vj St. L. S. W c 4a. a2't Seaboard A. L. H Bo. Pacldc 4a 103 v, 8.1. Kallwajr 6a... v Tan A P. la.... 74i, T., Bt. U ft W M I nion Pacific 4a.. do onnv. 4a I'. 8. Steal ad ta. . .10144. Wabaah la ..101V do deb. B . . 0Si Wattern Md. 4a... ..1014. W A L K. 4a... V-aiWIa. tentral 4a.. 116 do lat 4a ctta.. 4a. k n 4a . " Ml 11H H3 4a... .',S4 lift ISO 11NH 7 . ID M Ka Bostosi Stacks mmd Bonds. BOSTON, Aug. 4 Call loans, 23314 per cent; time loans, tviM'i Pr cent. Umclal quotations on stocks and bonds were: lagar Ms.'aaaea, NEW TORK. Aug. 4 -8UQAR-Raw firm; fair mining, $ T-lo3Vc; cenirlfuga4. M test, 4 3-3240; molasses sugar, 3 3-loJ tc; refined, steady; No. . 47uc; No. 7. 4.4ic; No. 8. 4 55c; No. 9. 45oc; No. 10. 4 45c; No. 11. 4.35c; No. 12, 4 30c; No. 11, 4 2oc: No. 14, 4. lie; confoctloners A, 6.15c; mould A, 665c; cut loaf and crushed. 6c; powdered, t fcv; cranulated. 6 3oc; cutea, 6 55c. NEW ORI-KAN8, Aug 4.-SCOAR Quiet: ripen kettle centrifugal, 4Vo4V; centrifugal whites. 4 15-16iuo l-14c; yellows, 40-Se; seconds. 2!4Hic. MOLASSl-Si Nominal; open kettle, 13g H.-: centrifugal, 7l4c. SYRLP Nominal at 30c. Baak (laarlaga. OMAHA, Aug. 4 Bank clearings for to dar were $l.Ss.64J T; for the corresponding dais last )r, $tt4,471 Oi. Forelgat Flaaaelal. IONDON. Aug. 4 Money was In ample supply today, with the distribution of $3.0uO, OuO In dividends. Ths Stock exchange gen- 1 t-rally was Idle and Irregular. Consols were steady. Home rails hardened on the dec laration of a good dividend by the Midland railway. Americana opened with a Orm and fair support at slightly above pai'lty. I-ater they were Inanimate, but closed firm. Foreigners generally wers featureless. Japancts maintained their firmness, but RuMtians were weak. Japanese Imperial 6s ot li4 were quoted at loaV PARIS, Aug. 4 The Bourse today opened with an upward tendency, also a better foreign outlook, but the closing was Inac tive and unsteady Russian Imperial 4a were quoted at 87.66 and Russian bonds of li"4 St 601 00. HKR1-1N". Aug. 4 The bourse was firmer today. Many domestic stocks were higher. Trrsaari Itateiarat, WASHINGTON. Aug 4.-Today's state- .lf.6 .177 .153 .114 iff. AUhteoa a,l). 4a.. do 4a Mei. Central 4a.... Atcblaon dO' ptd Boaton A Albany.,, boatoa A Maine.. . Roelon Elevated .. KItchburg pfd .., Mexican Central .. N. .. N. H. ft H Pero Marquette .. t'nioa Paaifle .... Amr. Arga. Chem... 21 do p(d 9l Amer. Pneu. Tube.. Amer. Sugar do pld Amer. T. A T Amir. Woolen ... do prd Dominion I AS... "Edleoa Elec. lllu General Electric ... Maaa. Eleotrla do pid Maaa. Oaa Culled Krult lulled Shoo Mach... do pfd V. I. Steel do pld Asked. "Bid. 74 Wetting common 1U2 Adventure 71 jAllouea 4SV Amalgamated 101. American Xino .... Atlantic lllngham . .' Cal. ft Hula.... Centennial Copper hange .. -lui umiy weal . as iliomlntoa Coal .. .1104 rranklm Uranbr lale Hoyale .. a Maaa. Miulng ... . . 14iS4 Michigan ..-Ut MuhawK ..lMVe Moot. C. AC... .. (7 old Dominion ... ..pi! Oeceola .. i24 Parrol ..146 Uuincjr ,.17i Shannon ..1714 Tamarack .. 41 Trinity .. 44V4 lolled Copper .. loeve 1. s. oil Jl Itah U Victoria 364 Wlnoua 1U4si Wolvertno .. 3 .. 4 .. Vi4 .. B4 .. 11 .. 11$ .. ai .4:6 . . Z34 .. 7H .. 13 .. 77 .. W4 .. is .. 12- W .. 14 .. 64 : .. t ..luo ..104 .. .. I7"4 .. 104 .. 46 .. 4 11 . ii Omana Packing Co.. owilt and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Vansant & Co Carey & McC'reary Hill A Huntzlnger Hamilton A Rothschild.. Kingan & Or. Siiiires A Co J. B. Root A Co Frey Packing Co Independent Packing Co. Other buyers l' 3)5 S9) 3:i5 10 3 42 84 44 8S5 1.43 2.444 1,389 248 101 'iii 85 610 Si 1,141 91 6.999 8.440 Totals 1,379 CA'i'TLK Tne run here was small, about fifty-six louds being on sale. These le- celpts were some eighteen cars heavier than last Friday and about fifteen cars lighter than the corresponding Friday of last year. The general quality of the re ceipts was good and the cattle were mostly wesierns. With the receipts light and a good feeling prevailing after the slight advance yester day sellers found themselves In a position to bull the market to some extent, lieer Steers, although they constituted the big end of the receipts, were in small supply, and on this account they were picked up In good season. Buyers wanted supplies and went right after the cattle, taking on the stuff at stronger prices. Some of the choice grades. In some cases, looked a little higher, but It was only on something lliut suited the eye of the buyer. The ma rkot held up In good shape this week and the probabilities are that with light receipts next week prices' will go higher. There was only a small supply or cows and heifers here and buyers went right after them. The feeling on Bhe stuff was ood all the week and prices are higher to ay than last Friday on everything except canners. 1 ne stun was 1111 cieanea up eariy and trading was active. Prices generally were stronger, with now and then a sale looking higher. Bulls, veal calves and stags were in a lit tle better demand than yesterday and prices were stronger Btockers and feeders were In good demand again today and what little there was on sale was picked up early at stronger prices. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. No. 1... 10. .. 11... 4... 44... 1... 1.. 23... !... 16... 39. . . 71... At. .. TKO .. 37 .. :i ..1046 ..12t ..121)1 . .1020 ..1133 ..1176 ..1IDC ..1213 .1117 lr. i 36 I 40 I 76 I to i 0 I M 4 26 4 40 4 60 4 66 4 40 4 6 17. 7... SI... 10... 22... It... 22... 42... 18... 20... 4... AT. ...1614 ...101T ...1106 ..AM ...1211 ...13M ...1843 ...1316 ...1347 .. 144 ...1431 Pr. 4 M t 60 6 00 I 00 t 00 6 06 I 06 6 06 t 10 6 16 I 20 STEERS AND COWS. 10 ..1016 . 83(1 . t '.iO . k-l . W . 738 .1130 .1100 .1:60 .ll) .1010 .1160 .lilt 4 60 13.. 4 66 St. ... COWS. 1 76 I IK) i 10 i 10 t 26 1 25 1 25 t 10 2 16 i 60 1 60 2 70 I. it.'. 13.. I. I. I. 6 .1JS4 .1441 .1076 ,.1031 , .IIXKI .. 121 .. I20 ..1170 ..1180 .. 7ii2 .. tn ..1U4 ..USt .116 4 70 t 80 t 70 I 76 I IV) I 00 I 10 It I 16 I 16 I 26 40 I M i 80 14.... New York MIbIbst Stocks. NEW YORK, Aug. 4. -Closing quotations on mining stocks wers: Adanu con Alloa Breece Brunawlck Con .. Comalock Tunnel Horn silver I ror. Sliver Leadville Con .... Little Chief Offered. .. n .. at .. tt .. 14 .. J ..176 .. 4 .. 4 Ontario uphtr r&oenia Potoal Savage sierra Nevada dwell Hopea .. iunderd .100 II . I . U . 41 . S4 Oils ft a el Hosia. NEW YORK, Aug. 4--OILr-Cottonseed, Arm; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow, So,e. Petroleum, quiet; refined. New York, $4.90; Philadelphia and Baltimore, in bulk, 8J 9d. Turpentine, steady at bf-U'ic. RSIN Dull; strained, common to good. $3 56 TOLEDO, O., Aug. 4 OIU-North IJma. 60c; South IJma' and Indiana, 81c. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Aug. 4 OIL Turpen tine. 5a c. ROSIN Firm: A. B and C, $3 33-836: D, $3 6in3 66: E $186: F. $8 jsii3 1CW: O 84.0.1: H, $4 10; I. H 12V K $4.16; U. $4.i N, $4.46; . 240 4 76 FEEDERS. 460 I 00 (76 8 10 660 I IS .1200 3 70 1007 3 06 $ 60 3 60 Tl m l ID 11 IM ... I 74 71 :u SO 111 an t;t ... 6 70 Tt I I 44 I tS M IT III CI I" UT ... I 8 l " ... 4 70 71 tl n 6 aj 74 t ... I 70 74 2TI lfo I as 71 1H ... I 70 47 27 Ml M 111 Il . . I TO 74 I'll 40 4 tt. ...... tot l 4 TO f J"7 ... 4 43 17 IM M I 7(1 to ... I as e 14 ... I 70 t 1-3 . . I ti ( f"i ?,y 4 70 73 SM 4 tr. t4 171 10 I 74 t 274 40 4 as 71 ir no 4 7(1 it ... I as 7 til 10 4 To M r-4 im 4 aft t , . 4 70 7 1S1 40 U 73 t7 ln 4 T?)4 74 2f, ... Ill Tl 2 an I 7fv, 4D t4 ... Ill 77 Ill .. 4 7? liS 120 I 1:14 17 1M 40 4 71' SH KEP Trading In the sheep barn today was simply a repetition of conditions exist ing every other dsv of the week slow end draggy, with prices steady. This does nt mean that the market Is In bad shape, for It Is not; there Is a good demand for both feeders and killers and prices are satis factory. The slowness Is cine mostly to the fart that the sheep have to be sorted and salesmen are not ready to trade until this Is done, which makes the market lute. The receipts were light today, only about four teen cars arriving, ynalitv was good and feeders were well represented.- A noed above, the opening market was slow, still buyers were looking over the stuff and pick ing up some small bunches as they went along. Feeder buvers are beginning n line up In earnest now and there are plenty of orders to be filled. Quotations on fat sheep and lambs: Good to choice spring lambs, $4 25-754 $; good to choice yearling wethers, 14.756.00; good to choice wethers, $4.25)ii4.50, good to choice ewes. 13.85)34.26. Quotations on feeder sheep snd lambs: Good feeding rnmhs. $6 00h5.5n: good feed ing yearlings. $4 Hvir4 46; good feeding eth ers. $3 85it4 15: good feeding ewes, $2.7563.50. representative sales: dllng. 8ld; good ordinary, 6. 53d; ordinary. 6 -ITo. Sales of the day were it.o, ,1 Pales, of whhh !.)') were for s;eculat ion and e- 101 1 aim included 4 0 A.nern an. Receipts, ..on bai.-s, including M American. ST. I.Ol'IH, Au 4 4 '4 I' I'O.V Qnln ; middling. I : soies, Jl bales; receipts, mine, solpmeiits, !v bales, slock, J-.Jli" bales. OlAllt MlinLKKAI.E MARKET. de and Qaolallons on Kaurr I'rodart, fair; market steady; No. 28 Nevada ewes 21 Nevada ewes 2 Nevada lambs 15 Nevada lambs 1 Nevada lamb 135 -Montana bucks 31 Montana bucks .... 89 Nevada yearlings 343 Nevada, yearlings Av. 95 19 25 62 60 140 150 99 97 Tt. 3 35 4 M 4 00 u (0 no w 4 40 4 40 CHICAGO LIVK , STOCK MARKET Cattle "trady Hogs Five Cents Higher Sheep and lambs Steady. CHICAOO, Aug. 4 CATTLE Hecetptsi 2.400 head; market steady; good to prime steers, I5.26fti6.90; poor to medium, $3.7r'n' $.00; storkers and feeders, $2.a-i4.r; t'", $2.401TH.8i; lielfels. 2.254iS.OO; canners. $1.25 2.4i; bulls, $2.xfi4.00: calves, $il.()0ei7.0i; Texas fed steers. $3.50((i4.76. HOtlS Receipts. 15.(o bead; estimated for tomorrow, head: market fc higher; mixed and butchers, $S.5ixfi4. 10; good to choice heavy. $o.9iii 10; rough heavy, $5.50 '(6.T5; light, $5.75'a6.15; bulk of sales, $5,S0 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, ""nin head; market steady; good to choice wrth ers, $4.Kfi4.s6; fair to choice mixed. . ,.vt 4 50; western sheep, $4.0-'ij 4.75; native lambs, $4.257.40; western lambs, $5.50(it'7.25. Kansas t Ity Lire Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Aug. 4. CATTLE Receipts, 1,000 head, Including "0t head southerns; market strong to 10c higher; choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.00 I&6.45; fair to good, $4.0Kol5.00; western steers, .Kl.75d5.25; stockers and feeders. $2.75 (Jc4.40; southern steers. $2.75Ji4.6o; southern cows, $3.00A3.50; native cows. $2.0Ora'4.'Xi; na tive heifers, $;i.0O6.26; bulls, 42.253.76; calves, $3.6iK(4.00. HOC.S Receipts. 3.20O head; market 6'd' lc higher; top, $6.9714; bulk of sales, $ 4(690; heavv, $;.75?iS.95; packers, $o.Sua 5.97H: pigs and lights, $5.v."'gr) 95. SHEEP AND IA MBS Receipts, 3.800 head; market steady to loo higher; native lambs, $5.26'4 50: western lnmbs, $6.25,ii4.5): ewes and yearlings, $4 2rV&V2o; Texas clipped yearlings, $4.7Mr6.2S; Texas clipped sheep, I4.25&4.60; stockers and feeders, $3.50()4.25. St. Loots Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 4. CATTLE Receipts, l.tiiO head, including 900 head Texans; mar ket steady; native shipping and export steers, $4.tvii5.76; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.5o'(i6.50; steers under l.ouo lbs., $3 50 4.4)1; stockers and feeders, IJ.Tfi'il 4 l; cows and heifers, $2.0Oi5.85; canners. $1.5Vn2.00; bulls, t2.35g3.25; calves, J4.St.(&4.25; Texas and Indian steers, $2.73'a4.75; cows and heifers, $2.00fi3.50. HOGS Receipts, 4.000 head: market higher; pigs and lights, $4.00&.20; packers. $4.00iU4.10; Dutchers and best heavy, $8.76& 6.10. SHEEP AND LAW MS Receipts, 3,w hen,! - ninrkpt stendv: native muttons. 84.25'rl 4.75; lambs, $5.00''o7.25: culls and bucks. $8.0014 4.60; stockers, $3.8184.36; Texans, $4,6414.76. COWS AND HEIFERS. . . 43a I K6 HEIFERS. . . 650 I 00 6 122 I TO ..170 I 00 1! 770 t Tt .. 720 1 IS . 1 il'O t TO .. 770 I 26 1 3 IK) I 40 BULLS. . .11W I 40 I T4 1 T6 . .14)10 2 60 1 140 I 76 . .luSu I 0 I Il I ao ..1014 70 1 I4U I 00 i.ALt La. 1 M5 I 60 4 ... STOCKERS AND 1 4M) 3 26 1 1 110 I to I 1 6-AI 2 6 1 E. Manaugh Wyo. 7 cows 1048 3 35 11 steers. 71 steers. ...12t.i 4 25 A. J. Abbott-Neb. 1 cow too 8 05 62 cows.. 6 cows 924 1 50 E. P. Myers Neb. 18 cows J77 2 75 17 heifers. ..1044 1 calf 160 6 75 45 heifers ..1041 NEBRASKA. 6 rows 873 3 U it) feeders.. 973 $ 00 1 cow 12f) 2 25 8 cows 877 8 00 58 feeders.. 973 3 45 2 cows 886 8 00 lIAMil With lltfhr ri-lnn hiiM t ..A . . m ...... . . . . ,. . - - ' . w J I the market tiHik a turn for the better and the bear features of yesterday were re versed, giving sellers the advantuKe. A hundred cars were on sale and the market one ued early, prime hogs were preferred, but everything 'sold higher. With a fair shipping demand and a good call from the packers tne market ruieu active at me aa vance and a clearance was made In good season. The general market was fully 60 higher than yesterday and could be quota 1 iix- higher than yesterday's extreme clone The bulk of the hugs sold at $5 61 $5.70. as against a duih oi j wuu wj yesieruay. tep- reseniative sales: meat u( ths treasury balances In lbs icu-jWO, $4.45, WW, $ii.Ua go. At. rr. Ne. At. ik. tt. (2 136 2 Ml 6 40 tl 221 120 4 111 ao Ixt ... 140 U l ... 4 IT 4t 144 1 to 6 M Tl tt to lit, M 247 10 4 td 71 202 144 I 17 II 101 10 4 I2H 71 16 ... 4 ITv, 63 214 ... 4 I2S4 Tt Ill 60 4 liv, It 2t ... I t tl tie ao t 17 41 Ut 10 I Ii 17 213 ... tfTSa 71 246 140 4 12 Tt 2-11 ... 4 17 41 ItS IK) 4 12 t7 121 120 I 17 74 I2t 40 4 16 41 226 ... 4 7 V. I4J ... 116 17 til 40 117 M 21 1JO 4 6 - 70 237 240 4 t7 71 2o ltu 4 t6 64 ...... ..346 ... 4 17 16 244 IN t M 6 2 ... 6 17 41 t-J ... I i t Ill ... 4 IT 71 M 2X0 I at 74 :tl 40 4 tl 11 2l W 4 ti Ill 12 I 47 tl Ut . . 6 66 M Ill ao 4 17 47 14! 140 6 46 71 2.1 ... I 47 46 1-4 ... 1 6 74 ITU a 4 17 74 140 10 4 16 70 '.'42 . 6 47 70..'. 241 III I W 2.6 10 4 17 71 22 160 4 6 7b t.ii ... 4 17 47 U, 120 4 ti 60 1.1 40 6 17 Tl 337 ... 4 ti, 17 2t-7 ... 4 7 60 2:1 40 4 6 47 146 M I l 47. UJ IK) 6 tt 41 2i4 40 1 17 I, IM) .. IU T4 Ill 10 4 17 14 1:2 60 I 15 ll 2:4 ao 4 To 4 iii Uu 6 64 44 2-it M III St. Joseph Live Stork Market. RT JOfiEI'H. Mo.. Aug. 4 CATTLrV- Receipts, 426 head; market steady; natives, $3.7bSio.70; cows and heifers, $; Stockers ana teeners, 11.1111(04.). HOOS Receipts, 5.1K4 neua; market o'o-iuc higher; light $5.S5)5.; medium heavy, $5.75590; bulk. $5.8).)(p5.)iO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 553 lit-.-td; lambs strong and 15c liisuci ; top, $4.86; sheep Bteady. Live Stork Market, Aug. 4. (.Special Tele- llooi 4 lt r- t . - , - v CITV Diut. a - 1 1 j 1 -ji" - w.- gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 2oo head; mar ket steady; beeves, $3.755.00; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.6)i4.25; Blockers and feeders, 12.6iKii4 .26: calves and yeuiilngs, $2.60ii3.50. HOUb- Receipts, n,i) head; market tc higher, best selling at $5,4540.75; bulk of sales, $5.u0ii5 45. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western maraets yeaieraay: Cattle. South Omaha 1.275 Sioux City 2lW Kansas City 1.9") Bl. Joseph 424 St. Louis 1,5)0 Chicago 2,400 Hogs. 6.915 2.5)10 8.200 6.148 4.000 1.500 8heop. 4.301 3.8)10 553 12. COO Condition of Tra Staple and EOOS Receipts, rannieti siock. He LIVE I'OI ' L'i'R Y Hens. 9V; roesters, 6lj4c; turkeys. 12jl6c; ducks, 8c; spring dutks, l"c, spring chickens, 14 j 15c. bL'TTER-Markel firm; lacking stocks, Hlac, choice to fancy dairy, lTyl.v; creain erj , rVji-'ic; prints, c. Si'OAR-Standard grnniilateil. In barrelv $5.)o pel ct.. cuius. $n.50 xr cwt.; cut loaf. $; s per cwt.; No 4 extra C, $5 -M per cwt.; No. 10 extra C. 44.36 per t,wt.; No. li yellow. $5 30 per cwt.; XXXX powdered. $4 '.m per ct. FHi SH FISH Trout. c: halibut, lie; butlalo tdressed), M; pickerel (dressed). c; white bass tdressedi, 12c; sunflsli, 4c; perch (scaled and dressed), 8c; pike, HV; ratnah, 16o; retl snspivr, luc; salmon. 14c; crupples, Kc; eels, 16c; bullheads, 11c; black bass, 20o; Manitoba wnlteflsh (dtessetl), luc; Laka Su. rerloi whlteflsh (dvessed), IJc, frog legs. ter dns , i.c; lobsters, green. 27c; boiled lobsters. 30e; shad roe. 45c; blueflsh, Sc. HAY Prices tiuoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice, $7; No. 1, $4 60; No. 2, $4; coarse, $5. These price,, are for hay if good color and quality. BRAN Per ton. $15 TROPICA L FRl'IT. OR A NOES Valencia, al. sixes. $4.75'3 ort. LEMONS l.liiioiileiti, extra fancv, 170 joo and WV) slses. $10; fancy, 270. 300 anil 340 sites, $8. DATES Per box of 30 l ib. pkgs., , $$; Hallowe'en, In Tf-lb. ln-r Per lb., 5 FIOH California, per 10-lb. carUn, 76 Rfio: Impoited Smyrna, 4-crown, ' 12o; 6 crown, 12r. BANANAS Per medlum-slied bunch, $1.7$ 2 25; Jumbos, t.'.6tx:i3.00 FRUITS AND MELONS. PEARS Rartleit. per r.O-lb. box. $2.76. PLUMS California, per 4-basket crate, $1.inff1.?5 PEACH ES -Texas Elbertas. per 4-basket crate, 75c; California freestones, per 8r lb. bnx. $1. CANTAl.OTTKf Texas, per crate, $1; California, per era'-, ponies, $2.OTn32.0O; Cslifornia. slsndards. $4. 1 WATERMELONS Alahnma Sweets, S54J tOc e'tch; crated, me per lb. RASPBERRIES -Red. box of 24 pts. $2 BLACK BERRIES'-) "ao of 24 qts., $1,759 2.IDI. WAX BE A NS Per t-nii. basket, 26(fJ,35o, string beans, per i-bu. box, 25'iJ.''r'C. POTATOES-New, per bu., 25ji35c. BEANS Navy, per hu . $2. CAULIEliOWER-Home-grown, per crats of 1 dox., 60c. CUCUMBERS-Per dns. 25c. TOMATOES Tennessee, per 4-basks crrte, sf,c. CA B73 AO iS Home-grown, In crates, pe lb.lHc ONIONS Home-grown, yellow, red and white, i'c per Ih. BEETS--New. r-er bu.. 75p. MISCELI.ANEOUa CHEESE- Swiss, new. 15c; Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmberger, 15c; Twins, lyic: loung Americas, 12iC. 1 soft shells, new Walnuts. No. crop, per lb., 15c; hard shells, per lb.. 13c: , No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard 1 shells, per lb., Kc. Prrnns. large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c. Peanuts, per lh., 7c; roasted, per lb., 8c. Chill walnuts, per lb.. 12'til3lio. Almonds, Soft shells, per lb., 17c; hard shells, per lb., 15v. Sliellbark hickory . nuts, per bu., $1.75; lurge hickory nuts, per , bu . $1.50. , HIDES No. 1 preen, 8c: No. S green, 7c; No. 1 salted, 9c; No; 2 salted, 8c; No. 1 veul calf, Kic; No. 2 veal calf, 9c; dry salted. 7 J , 14c: ahecp pelts, 25ci&31.00; horso hides, $1.54 ti3.00. Wool Market. BOSTON, Mass., Aug. 4. WOOIe-Th) Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will say of the wool market. The wool market Is strong and active. The volume of business 1 Is large. There Is no speculation, the heavy movemont of the past fortnight hav ing been wholly on account of consumers. The big manufacturers huve been covering their necessities. There Is also a good ' trade with the small concerns. Quota- -tions are not changed, but, It Is a sellers' inurket and the chances for lower prices are slim. The week's transfers Include, some large lines of territory and Oregon wools, partly on account of tho old con tracts niado subject to the approval or the buyers upon arrival of the wool. Mon- , tana wools are arriving and their Condi- , tion Is better than expected. The country markets are cleaned 'up. Foreign advices ; continue bullish, for tho account of pow- " rful longs rallied the market and the close was very steady at a net decline of only 3(fi6 points. Private wires from the south reported very small spot offerings, but according to official reports the markets were about Vu-16c lower. IJverpool ca- v blcs stated that I.ancashlre spinners were yielding to demands of operatives and no strike was probal. . ST. LOUIS, Aug. 4. WOOL Steady ; me dium gratleB. combing snd clothing, Wig 31c; light line. 21&27c; heavy tine, l322c; tub washed, 52-ijl2c. Totals 701 23.371 23,654 NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET t$aetatloas Varloaa of the Day on Commodities. NEW YORK. Aug. 4 -FLOUR-Recelnts. 17,317 bbls.; exports, 4 bbls.; sales, none; market was dull and unchanged; winter patents 44.ixyaa.ui; winter straights, 4-1.15(1 4 40; Minnesota patent, 15.40)5.85; winter ex tras, $3 0)"ij3 45; winter low grades, $2.90 3 35. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, $4.154i-t.5i); choice to fancy, 4.6oti4.7t. CORNMEAL f irm; dry gun, xa.zo. RYE Quiet ; No. 2 western, 71c asked, c. I. f., New York. BARLEY Nominal; reeding, 48HC, c. I. r., New York; malting, 46(ri52u. c. I. f.. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 12,000 bu.; spot mar ket quiet; No. 2 red, S8?.e elevator: W)c, t. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, $l.lt4, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1, Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b., afloat. Except for a slight opening decline due to favorable northwest weather wheat was Arm all day with a fair trade. It responded to rust talk, complaints of poor threshing returns, a bullish Modern Miller report and adverse Rusaiun crop news, closing Wa "4c net higher; Septem ber, 887,, s 15-lSe; closed at 8DHc; Decem ber, )Vu91Sc;clos(d at 91'4c; May. 92411) 9:)jc; closed at 93Vic L)KS-Receipts, s.twi) nu.: exports. 7B.097 bu. Spot market easy; No. 2, 62c, elevator, and 62c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 6J'ic; No. 2 white, 92'4c Option market was much quieter and lower, following the wtst; September closed at 61c. OATS Receipts, 30.i0 bu .: exports. 13.5! bu.; spot market barely steady: mixed oats. 2 to 82 lbs, steady. 82Vfc?j'33c; natural white, 30 to 33 lbs.; S5'o38Wc; clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs., 37'4)'3!)C. HAY Firm; good to choice, 85-tjOOc. lloPS Firm; state, common to choice, 19o4 crop, 22'a26c; ia.13 crop, JSj21c; olds 10 l 12c; Pacific coast, 194 crop, 22S2c; 19o crop, 18a 20c; olds, 10al2c. HIDES Quiet; Galveston, $0 to 25 lbs, 20c; California. 21 to 26 lbs.. lc; Texas dry 24 to 30 lbs , 18HC. LEATHER- Firm; acid. 24334c. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, $10.50 ig'12.00; mess, IS&mijlOOO; beef hams, $:l.0O-3 22 6u; packet. $10.5C'fi 11.00; city extra Jndia mess. 118.00)19 00. Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies. $8 26fl0.60; pickled shoulders $6.5CK66 00; pickled hams, $10.2510.75. Lard, firm; western steamed, $7kSii7.t; refined, firm; continent, $7 66; South America t 26: compound, $5 75)&.0o. Pork, firm; family. $14 14 50; short clear, $13 uO&i5.26' mess, $14 25415 36. TALLOW Firm; city ($2.00 per pkg.), 4c; country (pkgs. free), 4V44o. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, $H't54c; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Western faotory. common to extra, 16'ul6c; western Imitation creamery extras, 19Vc; western firsts, I8UI6V1C. CHEESE-State full creams, small col ored and white, 10'uUUc; state large, col ored and white, fancy, lie. EGGS Steady; western best, lS'-i-jjllVic. POULTRY' Alive, steady; western chick ens, 14c; fowls, -13c; turkeys, 13c. Dressed, easy; western chickens, H'liloc; fowls, 14c; turkeys, 13j 17c. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 4.-METAL8 A fur ther reaction was reported In the Ixmdon tin market, with spot closing at 149 10s and futures at 148 10s. Locally, the mar ket was quiet and easy, with spot quoted at $32.4'2H'ii32 8714. Copper also was lower . abroad, closing at 48 lis 8d for spot and 48 15s for futures Irt the London market. Locally, the situation allowed no change, with the market quiet at $l6.87ftl5 60 for lake and elect rolytlo and $14.87WW1512'A for castings. Lead was unchanged at $4 60uf 4.70 In the local market, but declined 13 , 7, I 19s 6d In London. Speller wiu unchanged 1 at ti Rtfii:i To it, the ImcuI market, but de clined to 13 18s 9d In London. Iron closed, at 49s 4d In Glasgow and at 44s 1 Vti In Middlesborough. Locally, iron was un changed; No. 1 northern foundry Is quoted at $14 26'ii7.00; No. 2 northern foundry, . $16.7516.60; No. 1 southern foundry. 415.-5 6x176; No. 2 southern foundry, $16.6'Vy 16.25. ST. IOUIB, Aug. 4 METALS Lead, strong at $4.00. Spelter, lower at $5.60. London Stork Market. IyONDON, Aug. 4. Closing quotations on stocks were: 0 1-14 N. T. Central 40 6-14 Norfolk A W .. a do pfd ,.'Hi Ontario A W ..l"i I'enneylvanla Ill Rand Mitiea ..10)4 Heading .. St dn lal pfd .. i do 2d pld . .mn d Uniithern Hallwaik, .. 1714 do ptd .. I! Southern Pacific .. .. aDSa t'nlon PaclAo .. 4n d rfd ..17 L'. g. Hieel. .. 7fi4 do pfd ..176 Wabaah ..v. ...... I di. pta kVa Spanlah 4a Cnnaola, money do account ... Anaconda Alrhlton do pfd Paltlmur A Ohio.. Canadian PaolBt- .. I'hea. ft Ohio Chlcao (It. W C. 64. ft 8t. P.... lleDeer I), ft K. Q do pfd Krle da let pfd do Id pfd Illtnole Central ... Louietllle ft Nael). 41. K. ft T SILVER Bar, quiet, 27d per ounce. MONEY IW-H per cent. - ; The rial" ot oihci-oi'' 111 1 open market for short bills Is 1 13-16 per cent; for three months' bills, 1 13-16 per cent. , ..161 14 . .. u .. H .. 64H .. (I .. 14a .. 64H ..41 .. 47 .. M ..141 .. M4 ..114 .. ID-la .. 66 ..107 .. i4 .. 41 ..12 - Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. ; NEW YORK. Aug. 4. EVAPORATED? APPLEftMai ket continued firm for both ' futures and spot supplies common to good are quoted at 4Vf44c., prime at 646Vic; , choice at 7c and fancy at 7Hc CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes 1 for future shipment appear somewhat un- , settled owing to the failure of buyers tr j follow the recent advances and a dlaposi- , tlou In some quarters to' shade prices In order to promote trade. The spot situation i Is unchanged, with quotations ranging from 4'c to 6V according to grade. Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. Aug 4.-COTTON-Spot market closed quiet at 30 points lower; mid dling uplands, lo.7oc; middling gulf, 10 96c; sales. l,5i.o bales. NEW ORLEANS. Aug 4 -COTTON Quiet; sales, 1.6:4 bales; ordinary, 7 ll-14e; good ordinary. 8Sc; low middling. fc4c; middling lf-Sc; gxd middling lu 11-16.-; mid dling fair. 11c; receipts. 3,34u bal.-s, stock, 61 :4 bales LIVERPOOL, Aug. 4 COTTON-Bpot market closed quiet at prices 3 points lowe-r: American lulildllng fair, 4 27(1, i;oim! middling, tj.vid, nnd'lltng, $.$7d; low 1111a- Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 4 COFFEE-Market for futures opened steady st unchanged prices, which were hardly as good as ex pected on higher European markets and -continued small receipts. - The close was 1 steady, net unchanged. Sales Included: September,; October, 7.20c; Decern- , ber. 7.$ii 7.40c: March. 7.6oc; May. 7.7o7.75c: July, 7.7fr17.80c. Spot, Sl4avdy; No. 7 Rlu, 6Sc Pbtladelpbla Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 4 BUTTER ' Quiet; extra western creamery, 22ic; extra nearby prints, 2Sc. f EOG3 Firm; nearby fresh. 18c at mark, western fresh, 18019c at mark. CHEESE-Qulet; New York full cream, fancy, llfellVtc; New York full rreatn, . choice. 11c; New York full cream, fair to 3 good, WitflOc; domestic Swiss, lltjllc. Edvvards-Wood Co. tlarorsorated Hftin Offlca: Fli'b and kobir: 5T- PAUL. nirX.M. Slrsstl C KALKRf I H Stocks, Grain, Provision Ship Your ITroin !o Us Branch Office, 1141-111 Board of Trade Bids., Omana, Neb. Ttlephoat I-4. .212-214 Exchange Rldg.. S'.-ttth Omaha, Eeli 'Phone it! JuJ.itiedcii 'fuvut