Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1905, Page 7, Image 7
I Till: OMAHA DAILY REE: SATURDAY. AHU'ST 1903. 0, 4 SIGNS OF RATE WAR IN IOWA Indications Point to Pii'nrbmee of Tariff Oerioaily Affeoting Omiba. COMMERCIAL CLUB V!ll TAKE IT UP Wort IJodae to II Favored by f.reat Wntrrn, Illinois 4 eatral and Minneapolis m Bt. Lonla Hoila. Prorpcts of a rate war In Iowa ara In teresting Omaha Jobbers and the matter no doubt 111 come up for consideration at the next meeting of tha Commercial club. A reduction of rate to Interior Iowa points would necessarily work to the disadvantage fit Omaha and other cities on the Missouri river. It seems that such a proposed re duction will have to be fought by Omaha, Council Bluffs and Bioux City. Fort Dodge la the point said to be espe cially favored. The report la that three railroads operating at that place have de cided to give that city class and commodity rate. If the report Is true It means that Dea Moines anil other Interior towns will get rate along with Tort Dodge and there will be a discrimination against Omaha. It la known here that some readjustment of Iowa rates Is planned hy the railroads and it Is a matter which members of the Com mercial club say calls for investigation. The Information regarding the plans of the railroads cornea from Bioux City. The Journal snya: It Is said that three railroads operating Into Port Dodge hv deckled to give that city clnss and commodity rntes this sum mer. The roads implicated In this agree ment are the Illinois Central, the Chicago Ornat Western and the Minneapolis or St. Ixiuls. It Is charged that Senator Dulllver has used his Influence In bringing these roads Into an agreement In favor of Kurt Dodge. . Other ronds not. members of the agree ment Irt favor of Fort Dodge are angered at the proposed discrimination In favor of that city and will make a fight to give the Other cities of the state a square deal. The Hock Island has announct-d that It will make such rates to Des Moines as to pVao tlcally wipe out the erfect of the Fort Dodge rates. Other roads operating Into Council Hlu ffs. Omaha and Binux City will nmki similar rates to antagonize the roads enter ing Fort Dodge. The Sioux city Commercial ctuh and the Bioux City Jobbers are alive to the situa tion, letters have been aent to the rail roada aald to have combined for the benefit of Fort Dodge asking them to desist, Inas much aa audi action would result In great damage to Bioux City. Both O. J. Moore, president of the Commercial club, and J. H. Osborne, commissioner, have sent such let ters. No word has yet been received, how ever, as to the stand of the railroads. It la predicted that should the railroada undertake to give Fort Dodge better rates than other points In Iowa are getting them would be a rate war In the state unparal- There wouiu oe no railroad NO REDUCTION OF COUNTY TAX Rate of I-evy 'Hill fie at High aa Utl Year. Least as leled far Its bitterness compromise Inssinucn as eacn rauroau would In all probability make special rates to a different city- The Missouri river nolnts would be the chief losers. It Is agreed. - SECOND WARD REPUBLICANS Club Hears from Candidates and , Declines to Accept the secre tary's Resignation. t At the meeting of the Second Ward Re publican club at Nineteenth and Vinton atreeta last night Becretary Davie handed in his resignation as such, giving as a reason, his candidacy for membership on the Board of Education. As only a very few members were present Mr. Davie was requested to withdraw hla resignation until the meeting to be held two weeks hence. He consented to this. Justice of the Peace William Altstadt told the club he Is a can didate for re-election and a number of .oTotfces" told' AUrt he could liave the oftlce for life. A. E. Clarendon, candidate for ' the nomination for county superintendent, delivered an address of some length, de tailing the progress of the country under republican administrations and the hard times under 'resident Cleveland, winding up with the announcement of his candi dacy and the good to come from rotation In public office. President Peterson presided. There is no chance of any reduction being m.ide in the county tax levy when the Hoard f Count- Commissioners meets next Monday to make the levy. Last year the total county levy was 15 8 mills, divided as follows: General fund, t mills (the limit): mad fund. 2 mills; bridge fund. I mills; bond sinking fund, ID mills; soldiers' relief fund, .3 mills. These Items produced the sum of l4M.(t2.o5. The state levy In this county was for $175,173.79, and wltri achool dlstrlrt, school district bond. village, general poll and special sidewalk taxes, the grand total for the county was $7I9,.4. There are county officials who say that this year the levy should be for as high an amount cs It can be made. They argue that the county Is really at this time doing business almost a year behind. That Is, as soon aa the levy for the present year Is made 85 per cent of It will be available and will be used to pay warrants repre senting expenses Incurred in 1901. These warrants are now all made out In the county clerk's office. The county is In better shape this year than It was at the same time In 1904, to the extent of a good many thousand dol lars, but Mi men who want to see It paying Its current bills as they come due. Insist that the board should raise all the money possible under the law, In order that the end Indicated may be achieved. They. In sist that In the buying of supplies, for ex ample, Douglus county could do very much better In the open market than under the present system, when the contractors know they will have to wait many months for their pay. Borne firms will not bid for county contracts for supplies on this ac count. It Is expected that after the meeting of the county commissioners Saturday morn ing a meeting of the local board of equal isation will be held for the purpose of having a preliminary dlscussslon and sur vey of the situation. Then on Monday the equalizer will get together and make the annual levy. Leather Suit Cases, worth '$5.00 nozu . . Store Open Saturdays Till Ten O'clock.- pes a ami arm m m at m ui w m a asxaw -ar 1 r ml j"Aa mm mm I 1 . lomq Leather Suit Cases, worth $6.00, noiv . . 3 Many Reaullfnl Booths at Fond how. Keports are being daily received from the large exhibitors for the show at the Audi torium August 14 to 24, and the plans sub mitted guarantee a fine show. One firm Is spending $1,500 on their exhibit. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Pletx of Chicago ar rived In the city yesterday and will visit here until the latter part of August. There will be exhibited at the Grocers Pure Food show at the Auditorium August 14 to 24 flour, spices, preserves, canned goods, pickles, Jello, coffee, tea, fruit Jars and rings, glngerale, macaroni, soap, meats, baking powder, candy, cream and milk. Ice water, carbonated drinks, malt extract, scales, pianos, etc. There are only six more spaces to be sold and the grocers under whose auspices the show Is to be held are very Jubilant over the prospects. GARFIELD CIRCLE ENTERTAINS Reception Tendered Mra. Camiuella Elliott, Department Pres. Ident. The women of Oarfleld circle. No. 11, gave a reception last evening at Myrtle hall, Cont.nental block, to Mrs. Cammella Eldott, department president or tr.e males or mo Grand Army of the Republic. The hall was ' decorated with flags, the platform espe cially presenting a gala appearance, flags being Interspersed with emblems and tro phies of war mingled with crepe In memory of tholr departed commander. General Blackmar. An Interesting program of addresses, reci tations and music waa carried out. Over 1,000.000 acrea of land In the Uintah Indian reservation In eastern Utah will be opened for settlement August 28. Regis tration for homestead entries will com mence August 1 at Grand Junction, Colo., and at Vernal, Price and Provo, Utah, and continue until 6:00 p. m., August 12. The drawing for these lands will be held at Provo, Utah, August 17; making the entries will begin t Vernal August 28. The short est route to Grand Junction and other polnta of registration from Denver and all points east la via the Colorado Midland railway, this line being aeventy-two miles ahorter than any other. For partlea de siring to outfit to enter this reservation, Grand Junction la the beat point from which to make start. For Information as to train aervlce, rates, etc, write or ap ply to ?. Li. Feaklns, T. F. and P. A., C. M. Ry., Room 60?. "-First National Bank build ing, Omaha, Neb., or C. H. Bpeers, General Passenger Agent, Denver, Colo. See Sam'l Hums' front window. Old Willow meat course. Only $8. Real To our patrons and friends: We are now ready to receive your orders for the best of hard coal of all sixes $10.50 per ton, summer prlees. We also carry the best of Soft coals for cooking purposes; also the Arkansas Bpadra, $8.50 per ton; Bonanza, $7.5o. Keystone Coal and Supply Co. Phones: Office, 1307; yards, 1208. AXSOl SCKMEXTB. and Chamberlain's 4'olle, Cholera Diarrhoea Remedy. Better Than Three Doctora. "Three years ago we had three doctors with our little boy and everything that they could, do aeeined In vain. At last when all hope seemed to be gone we began using Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy .and In a few hours he began to Improve. Today he Is as healthy a child as parents could wish for. We feel that we cannot afford to be without thla medicine In our home." Mra. B. J. Johnston, Linton, Miss. .' The afternoon trips of the steamer R. C. Gunter are proving more popular than ever with the women and children, many of whom are taking advantage of these day light cruises to Florence. Not a few have expressed surprise on their first daylight ride up the river at the pretty scenery along the way The swinging of the mam moth draw at the East Omaha bridge la ex citing the wonderment of the little people. Harry B. Dana, undertaker. TeL 1221 Rammer Vacation 'fours. The Michigan Central, "The Niagara Falls Route," to the Thousand Islands, St. Law rence river, Adlrondacks, Lakes George and Champlal-i, Catskllls. Hudson river, White mountains, forests and lakeH of Maine, New England sea coast, Michigan resorts, etc For copy send to C. C. Merrill, T. P. A., M. C. R. R.. Kansas City, Mo, Ona Fare to Hot Springs, Ark, Plus $2. for round trip, dally, good for 90 days. Bummer Is the best time for treat ment. Ask any ticket agent -' "Woman Sprains Ankle. While alighting from a southbound Bher man avenue car at Sixteenth and William streets about 10 o'clock last night, Mrs. Anna Mason, colored, 1807 William atreet, lost her footing and fell to the pavement, sustaining a severely sprained hip and other painful Injuries. She was taken to her home In the patrol wagon and attended by Polio Burgeon Langdon. Don't forget that the Woodmen of the World carnival opens at Qourtland Beach Saturday, August 5, with a drill contest between teams of the M. W. A., A. O. U. W.. Boys of Woodcraft and the W. O. W, Dancing In the pavilion. Street fair and Japanese garden. T B. Camp, 21f, W. O. W. Sovereigns and friends meet at Fourteenth and Dodge, Baturday at i p. m. sharp to witness competitive drill at Courtland Beach. Special car WILLIAM LAMPMANN, C. C. Women's $191? tvnd $225 Wool Suits $10 In order to close out all our women's light weight wool suits in one day -We have taken all our high grade tailored suits made up in the finest materials beautiful imported mixtures and Shepherd checks and cut them to less than one-half their J.J,1 former price; these suitfp J j vero ver y cheap at 19. 73 A II 22. BO All go on sale Satur- U ay morning at Women's Wash Suits Saturday we will sell all our women's wash suits Oft that sold at $4.90 and $0.OO, at liJU All our women's high class wash suits in find white linens and lawns, beautifully trimmed with laco and embroidery also lew allk suits li c uded In this lot all our suits J that sold at $10, $12,73 & $14.75 eX jfll all go Saturday at v All our Women's WnMi Wnlsts that sold nt $ nml $t.U5, Kiitimliiy, 6J)c All our Women's Wash Waists that solil at $1.4.- aud $1.1)0, Suturdny, 95c Extraordinary Waist Offer Very flue Lhwiih handsomely trimmed, thai sold Ht $1.00. Tli In lot also Includes some beautiful linen waists of One Imported hand kerchief linen, with nice open batten- berg front, worth tip to $5.00, at. 95c Special Misses' and Children's Shoes Tan, vici kid, lace and button shoes, CJ) Qo worth $2.00, for Saturday only ZPOL "Special." Men's Canvas Oxfords and Lace Shoes, for autumn and summer wear, at Great Clearance Sale Men's Tan Shoes and Oxfords Also Patent Corona Colt and Velour Calf and Vici Kid, all broken lines that sold at $3.00. $3.50 t hfk and $4.00, for Saturday at.... JUr V- LOO l n Men's Pants On sale today sold up to C four dollars choice HrT Choice of several hundred pairs of pants taken from suits that sold as high as $10.SO) also from our regular pant stock that sold up to T four dollars, today your choice at this low price MEN'S PANTS On sale today aold up ttt to six doM&ra choice Choice of several hun dred high grade pants, made of worsteds, cheviots 'and cassimerea that T sold in our regu- lar pants stock up to $6, othnrfl taken from tults that sold up to $2ii. BO choice today at this low price MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS-Specials Today Men's Shirts, negligee, 73c values, at 45c Men's Shirts, negligee, $l.r0 values, at .75c Choice of all Men's Neckwear in the house for 25c Men's High, (trade Fancy Hose, 50c values, now 25c WOMEN'S FURNISHINGS At Reduced Prices Boys' Madras Cloth Waists, $1.00 values, now...' ...48c Ladies' Sample Silk Kelts, 1.50 values, for ,..'.25c Ladies' Jersey Ilibbed Vests, 2oc values I5c Ladies' Fancy Litde Thread Hose, $1.00 valtles, for.. 48c STRAW HATS LESS THAN HALF PRICE fl.00 and $l.o0 values, marked down to , 48c $1.75 ami $2.00 values, marked down to 98c ?2..r)0 values, marked down to C.1.48 ?:i.."0 and $4.00 values, marked .down to .2.00 Choice of any Panama Hat in the house for. . . , . , 2.48 Choice of any Boys' Straw Hat, sold up to $1.00, at .39c rv j j OUR LETTER BOX. fiod or rfnrf MOBILE, Ala., Aug. 2. 1S05.-TO the Editor of The Bee: In the fall of li00, while I waa stationed at PInevllle, La., aa puper lntendent of the Alexandria (I.a. National cemetery, an Incident occurred which lllua- tratea the native wit of the Illiterate negro preacher. Jum outside the wall of the cemetery. In the edge of a vast pine foreat, stands an old negro church, or "church house," aa the colored people say. The building had long; since been deserted and the "fat pine" benchea "toted" away for kindling. A foreat fire swept the timber and threatened the former temple of worship with destruction, but through the timely efforts of a former pastor of the church, aided by & mixed crowd of whites and blacks, the old "church house" was aaved. Naturally the aged former pastor waa the center of attraction as the fire fight ers stood In a group ' Indulging In reminiscences after the flamos had passed by. Among the number was an old resi dent, who wns famlllur with the history of the church, hla brother having built It for the colored people. Addressing the former pastor, he asked: "What became of the stone which used to stand near the door of the church?" The picturesque old preacher replied: "I reckon, sah. you has ref'ence to de stone wld de perserlption on hit. Well, sah, I taken dat away wld my own hands. Vou see, sah, It had de name ob de chu'eh on hit. an' ft had my name as ! pastah on hit, an' t wasn't no moh de pastah, so I Jes' taken hit away. I "You see, sah, we has to readah unto J Cnesah de tings wfint am Paesah's and unto Uo-od de tings, what am uo-ou s. And the venerable "man of God" re moved his hat as he spoke the name of the Deity. Nothing could have been more dramatic than the ; tone and manner of the aged speaker. The pompous tone of the old pulpit orator so Impressed me that I ventured to ask: "Which arc you. God or Caesar?" Quick as a flash ime the reply: "I I's Caeca h; I I seized de Jne." J. B. ERION, Superintendent Mobile (Ala.) National Cemetery. That High Tax Rate, OMAHA, Aug. 4. -To the Editor of The Be: Speaking for the small home owners, I want to endorse your article about the l.lgh tax levy. We surely had to pay enough taxes this year and now we are to have still more to pay, when we were told .he new charter would cut down expenses. If that Is the way Mo cut down expenses I move we go back to the old charter and put the salaries of the councllmen where they were before they had them raised. CHAKLES JOHNSON. from the last proprietor of the Denver gambling house that was located next door to the famous Diamond saloon on Douglas street? A CONSTANT HEADEK. Answer Yes nnd no. It Is reliably re ported tlint Hitchcock secured a $3,000 loan from Hartley through a middle man, but WILL TEST THE GAS BURNERS Councilman O'Drlrn and Gaa In spector Lynch ArrnnalnK to Hold a Michtlna; LTf. Councilman O'Brien, chalrmun of the according to the deposition made by C. O. lighting committee, announces that a test riersnn, former proprietor of the Denver gambling house, now on file In the court house, Hitchcock did not secure the J5.000 loan, although he personally applied for It and assured the faro banker that he would be benefited by complying. BREACH OF PROMISE BY MAN Information Wanted. OMAHA. Aug. 4-To the Editor of The Bee: Will you kindly Inform mo through jour valuable paper whether Hon. G. M. Hitchcock secured a $3,000 loan from ex State Treasurer Bartley and a $5,000 loan OMAHA MEN AttD THEKR HOBBIES ..A 'On and Of f like a Coat' COAT SHIRTS Mad in orif loal detlfnt of FAST COLOR FABRICS la atylc, quality tnd finiah LIKE CUSTOM WORK. $1.50 and op. OLUCTT. fCABOOV ft OO., UUMSSV SMMM W InHTI MS OlUUU m th KH.a Marrtaao Licenses. The following marriage licenses have been Issued: Name and Residence. Age. K John M. Allen, Omaha Minnie Blanke, Omaha Hollis Frailer, Jr., Omaha... Prescorla I'atteraon. Omaha. tJ-K weddings ringa. Edholm, Jeweler. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. rage of Genera la a Merchant a Jolce of Gordon la at the Mer- J. McFUe of Gibbons la at the H. B. guest. 8. S. chants. Dr. F. Murray. F. Roley and wlfa of Kearney are at the Paxlon. J. M. O' Bryan of Grand Island la a gueat t tha Merchants. William Colfax of Baasett la registered at the Merchanta. Markwood Holmee of Lexington la regis tered at tha Pa i ton. Mrs. H. 8. Weller and children returned Friday from Spirit Ijike. O. N. Monger, I W. Belrtap and J. J. Belnap of Huntings ara at the Murray. Otis O. Wllllama of Nellgh has been ad mitted to practlca law In the United States courts. Justice or tha Peace Bachmann left Saturday for a visit to Hot Springs and """ l'im oi imprest in auulli Dakota. J. H. Maeomber, for many years a prac ticing lawyer In this city, la In Omaha from his present home, Creston. attending to some It-gal business and Incidentally calling on his old friends. The Judge luoka hale and hearty and like his new Iowa horde very much, Joa Morrow, balllfr In Judge Redick's court. Is laid up at home by a Wound In hla foot. N hlla working around the yard at hla home In an old par of shoes he atepped on a board In which were soma rusty nails. One of these pierced through the shoe and Into hla foot. He at once had the punj treated and no aenuua couas- wuvutca aa auiKU'nievL i J" V i'ffT tc U. A. MTAKLANE Hunting Wild Game. Snlt Is Instituted by Charles G. Roberta Aaainat Woman Who Proposed Mnrrlaitt, Damage aults, sm:ill and large, aggrega ting over $&,(), have been filed In the dis trict court within the last two days. The city and the Bankers Union of the World are defendants In two suits, while private parties draw the others. Principal among the cases In amount In volved Is the breach of promise suit of Charles G. Roberts against Ellxnbeth, Fred and Jane Meyer. Plaintiff asks for $25,000 damages from Elizabeth and the same amount from the two others, who are, ap parently, her mother and father. He al leges that April 10 of this year, and again on June 6, Elizabeth Meyer and he became engaged and he says that on the last men tioned date Elizabeth asked him to marry her, which ho consented to do. He seta up that they named the day on aeveral occa sions and that he stood ready to perform hla part of the pact, but that the defendant. Elizabeth, refused to do her part. Against the other two defendants Roberta alleges that they told false tales about him to Elizabeth, that they opened letters he sent to her and that they have alienated her af fections by a threat to disinherit her If she married plaintiff. Albert Jackson, lit aulng Max Wlntroub for $6,100 damages, alleges that on July 17 the defendant forcibly broke Into his dwell ing place near the southeast corner of Thirteenth and Davenport and threw his wearing apparel, his linen and hla house hold goods Into the street, against the pro visions of the statute In such case made and provided. Bridget Agnes Dixon, who sets up that she Is the lawfully wedded wife of Thomas Dixon, aska the court to allow her dam ages In the sum of $5,000 against Edward Coyle. Bhe charges that defendant used of and concerning her certain false and de famatory language reflecting on her chas tity and faithfulness as a wife, on June 18 and at other dates. Mary J. Wilson seeks to recover $2,000 from the Bankers Union of the World on a life Insurance policy issued to her hus band, who died in July, 19o2. Wilson waa a member of Tampa camp 233. will be made at the city hall to determine the amount of gas per hour consumed by the Welsbach burner as compared with the old fish-tall burner. The test will lie In charge of Gas Inspector Lynch and will be witnessed both by representatives i.f the city council and the gaa company. Vce President Clalwugh of the company laa consented to the arrangement. It la the contention of the c.'u.inWmen who demand cheaper gas atreet Pgr ting that the improved burners reduce the con sumption of gas narly one-half, whereas the gas people say that the saving la noth ing like this, and In fact amounts prac tically to nothing. They assert that they have to pay a royalty of $8 yearly on each burner and that this makes a chirge of $08 annually per lamp lmperaajve. On llio other hand, councllmen declare Hhat tho com pany controlling the Welsbach patents and that controlling the Omaha Gas company are In reality Identical and that the royalty Is merely ona way of exacting more money. "I don't want to see the price put down where the gas company loses money," says O'Brien, "but $28 doesn't look right lo me. Perhaps the test will set aome old-time controversies to rest. We know that the gas company Is constantly assuring us that by using Welsbach burners and mantels the cost of our gna bills will bo reduced and our light Improved. If thla Is Hue, why do not the burners save g is on tha posts In the atreet? I want to get at tha fa?ts and for this reason tha tt will be m id i, probably next week." noon nnd made the selections from over 1,0(0 names. A popular postal card vote will be had on the ten names, the one receiving the largest number of votes to be adopted and the prize awarded to ,the sender of tho name thus adopted. Full particulars of the voting, with a list of the ten names selected by the committee, will appear In the Omaha patters next Sunday, New York and Philadelphia cannot be more pleasantly or conveniently reached than by the Grand Trunk-Lehigh Valley Double Track Route via Niagara Fans. Solid through trains, magnificent scenery. Descriptive literature sent free on appli cation to Geo. W. V'aux, A. O. P. & T. A.. Grand Trunk Railway System, 136 Adams 8t., Chicago. MUST GO AFTER THE WOODMEN Reed Instructed by Bennett to Assess Reserve Fand of the Insur ance Company, County Aasessor Reed has received a memorandum from Lincoln, signed by George D. Bennett, secretary of the Btata Board of Equalization and Assessment, that he must place on the assessment roll for taxation the t'moneys, credits, Investments and, other properties constituting the ro serve funds of the Woodmen of the World and Woodmen Circle." Accompanying the Memorandum la a copy of the resolution by which the state board s.ys that the funds are subject to taxation for the current year. Assessor Reed saya he will follow th direction of the state hoard and list tha aald properties at $2,OuO,0UO. Douglas county will get about $M,0u0 In taxea from the two ordera. DIED. KEYSOR Mra. Hannah, 708 North Thlr tleth, at 11 a. m. Thursday. August $. Funeral Baturday. August I. at t ai z. m.. from residence to til. t ecelia s ctiuicu. iM lurmeul lluiy bepukher Cemoteiy. Another Victim of an accident. Editor Bchuele, of Colum bus, O., was cured of his wounds by Burk- len's Arnica Bftlve. Try It. 26c. For sale by Sherman McConnelll Drug Co. Name of Amusement Feature, The committee of newspaper men ap pointed by Bamson to select ten names from trie many suggestea ny ine contestants ror the $10 prize offered for the acceptable name for the amusement feature of the Ak- Bar-Ben fall festivities met Thursday after- A Pony Gives Away at the Food Show A beautiful 3-year-old Shetland pony, cart and harness will be - given away at the Food Show In the Auditorium, August 14th to 24th. Be sure and .get tickets from your grocer, which will admit you for 10 cents In the afternoon and 16 cents In tha evening, and come and register your guess. The outfit Is valued at $300. - , Bee Want Ads are lite Best Business Boosters. Railway Notes and Personals. Division Passenger Agent PheliJg of tha Illinois Central Is In the city. F. A. Nash, general western agent of th Milwaukee, has returned from Chicago. E. L.. I.omax, general passenger agent of the Union Pacific, has gone to Chicago. The Chicago Great WeHtern will run a special Woodman of the World train front Fort Dodgt; to Omaha Sunday. Th train will be composed of eight coaches and aa many more as are necessary to accoinmo date the crowd. Great railroad corporations long ago have recognized the potency of Illustrative ad vertising, but It has remained for the Mil waukee toYroJeet the novel scheme of per sonal portraits as a means of setting be fore the public the virtues of Ita great sys tem and various places of reaort fitted t the season. At Its local office at Sixteenth and Karnam street. In the big plate-glass window, stands, on a large eayjl, a life sized, hand-painted picture of u.jfjH" Julius 8. Cooley and above thla lianili'mia photo Is an advertisement of the Milwau kee's great summer resort, I,ake okobojl. The "Judges'' portrait waa painted by Mrs. Catherine M. Carlisle, who haa painted portraits for various other emi nent men, Roscoe C. Conkllng and James G. Blaine among tha number. w AT Of course consumption can be cured. Modern medicine teaches it.' No one longer doubts it. Babies have it. Young mothers have it. The azed have it. None' T M are exempt. For over 50 years doctors have prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for this disease. It quiets the cough, controls the inflammation. If inter ested, talk this over with yourdoctor. fXao r . O. Ar Lewall. aUaa. A tea ai.nuf wars t TBI'S CDU. AlkS'l FILLS. ATTS-S SaDSAFaBILLA. AlKB'S SAlft VIOUK.