Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1905, Page 2, Image 2
THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY. Al'OTST fi, 1903. 1 Daring July ana Angsmt we ctoaa Saturday at I o'clock. Our fixth Saturday this year for early clotdnp. Tomorrow's fine shopping hours in this store will be filled with bargains.. Come Saturday before one o'clock. Special Corset Sale Saturday Morning Corsets at halt price. All standard makes. Ferfe'ct model, but size are missing, so we nave marked them at one half price for Saturday morning- idling;. Women'! Rust Proof.' K. & U., Thom son's Glove Fitting. W. B . H. at H.. Kabo. L. B. a la Bplrlte and J. B. are among the makea we will aeli. 60c each Saturday for Corsets that sold at 11.00. 75c each Saturday for Corsets that Bold at 11.50. 11.00 each Saturday for Corsets that aold at 12.00. $125 each Saturday-for Corsets that aold at 12.60. . r fl.60 each Saturday for Corset that aold at 13.00. Every model la good, bat many eUes are miming. A few girdles with garter, elaea IS and 1 only, regular 6c quality, Satur day 2."jC each. None can be eichanged when aold at theso price. New Fall Styies Now Shown In Our Cloak Department New Fall Coats, Inverness styles, price. 110.00, 115.00 and 118.00. ' New Fall Waists, In new Messallne Black Taffeta Bilk, at 15.00 and $3.95. New Fall Separate Skirt, In Black Voile and Black 1'anama Cloth. Clrnrlng Kale price on all our fine Waist In size 34, 36, 88, 40 and 42. We are also showing some advance OPEN EVEKY DAY UNTIL BIX P. M., except Saturdays, 'lose at ne o'clock. Thoh Y, Mr G A, Building, Corner Sixteenth and Douglas Streets. naval mllltla was purely for effect and not I to stop their further depredations In Louisi ana, waters They found out their mlstak when the flagship of the patrol squadron, the Grace, and another vessel, the Tlpsy, stationed at Lake Borgne canal, were seized, their flags hauled down and the officers and crews placed under arrest. The crew of the Tipsy will be taken to St. Bernard parish while the crew of the Grace will be brought (o this city, both 1 to await the action of the grand Juries' of the respective parishes, In which their alleged offenses were committed. ' The Tlpsey, accompanied by a launch, waa guarding the mouth of Lake Borgne canal, which connects Lake Borgne wltii the Mississippi river, six miles distant. President Issue. Order. WASHINGTON, Aug. 4. President Roose velt tonight forwarded to Surgeon General Wyman of the public health and marine hospital service a telegram from Governor Blanchard of Loulslnana requesting that th United; States government take -control of the yellow fever situation In New Or leans. The prealdent directed the surgeon general to notify him. what further action Is advisable and ' possible l fr the federal authorities to take. ... ' Dr. Wyman acknowledged the president's telegram and will make a report to him to morrow. Ir. Wyman will confer tomorrow with Secretary Shaw, the surgeons In the marine hospital service and others as to the beet course to pursue on Governor Blanchard' request, and on their conclusion Dr. Wy man report to the president will be based, There are several preerrf'-nla of compara tively recent date which u arrant the gov ernment lit taking charge of the whole yel low fever situation, notably at Brunswick 'Oa,, and. of the epidemic at the National Soldiers' home -at Hampton, Va., In both of which oases the marine hospital service practically - took charg-e of affairs until the disease- had-been stamped out. The officials of the marine hospital service are anxloua to co-operate In every way with the local authorltlea In fighting the dis ease and cordial acquiescence In the re quest made by Governor Blanchard and the citizens of New Orleana I anticipated. The government haa at Ita disposal what la known as an epidemic fond, available however, only In part for occasion -,11k that at New Orleans and expenditures from that fund are usually supplemented by those from local quarters. Dr. Wyman declined tonight to discuss what the probable nature of his report to the president would be. Missouri Drtnt I.lnea. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 4.The quarantine order Issued by the Missouri Board of Health against district affected by yellow fever will be enforced along the eastern bordor of the state as far north as St. Loula, along the entire aouthern border, and along the western border aa far north aa Kanaaa City. The eatabllahment of quarantine or detention camp will be In the handof th different local board of health, unless It I found neceasary by the atate board to Inter THE CLIMAX Of Our Splendid Alteration Sale Will B Reached Saturday. If in need anything for the children do not miss this of portunlty to buy high class goods at bargain, prices. . Boys Blouses 100 Military Blouses S to 8 yeai in white niudraa the 1 C $1.(10 klml now a3C 25 doten IUouwh for larger boy i to in years Oftc val 69c ue uow Straw Huts Colored fcrrnw .Hats In floe wide bapt-a the fl.Oo one. ;it i 50c - Wash Suits Russian ami sailor atyleslni aplen Uid.chaiubrays. and 1 f( filuciiaiua $i.uo values . . f.U U W Close Saturday at 10 BENSON &TH0RNE5 OttAHAeJiEO.' 1515 Douglas Street. Telephone 84. Saturday, Au models In Fine Tailor Made Suits. New Fall Style In Bain Coats .at $11 50 and $16.00, all sliea up to 44 bust. Special Sale of Knitted Underwear The. line ol sire are broken, but . the prlcea have been reduced accordingly to close them all out. Women'a Cnlon Suits, extra large alsee, fine gauze lisle, low neck, sleeveless, um brella knee, lui.e trimmed, regular II. W qual ity, reduced to 76c ault. Women'a Union Sulta, fine gauze cotton, low neck, aleevelesa, tight fitting knee, rhs.ll alzea only, regular $1.00 quality, re duced to GSo. Women'a Swlsa Ribbed Cotton Pants, um brella knee, lane trimmed, French band, regular tOc quality, reduced to 36c each. Wotnen'a Fine Qauze Lisle Vesta, low neck, sleeveless, hand crochet trimmed, size. 4 only, regular 76c and i Sic qualltlea, reduced to .0c. Children's Hose Special Saturday . Several broken lines In Children' Hosiery have been benched for Saturday 'a quick selling. Children' Black 1-ace Hose, sliea 6., 1. 1 only, regular price 26c, Saturday 124c per pair. Chlldren'a Brown and Tan Klbbed Cotton Hose, Sizes S, SVi. 9, P4, regular price 23c, Saturday 12mc per pair. ( . Chlldren'a Black Ribbed Cotton Hose, alzea t. 7. "V. ft. SVi. 10, regular price Kc, Saturday 11V4C per pair. Mlssea', BUck Lace Hose, lace boot and PS0M. B ELBE vene. In case persons succeed in entering the state from the danger zone or the outh they will be detained In cltlea or towna farther In the Interior If unable to exhibit a bill of health. A steady stream of people poured Into the dispensary division of the city health department today to secure health certifi cates In order to proceed to aouthern points. Those who were not able to prove that they had been In the city ffr five consecu tive days past were refused certificates. .EAST ST. LOUIS, Aug. i The health and police authorities have established strict precautions . to - prevent Infection from yellow fever, although no absolute quarantine rules (have been established. Every train from the south Is visited by Inspectors and orders have been Issued by the Board of Health that any passengers who ar apparently In IU health and might be suspected of having yellow fever -shall immediately be placed In ambulances and hurried fo the detention hospital tempo rarily established outside the city limit. Horde; of tramp, are arriving from the south and policemen have been stationed along railways . where tramps. Alight from trains to take them Into custody and Im mediately start them back south. -The Board of Health will ' hold a special 4 .meeting to devise a permanent method of keeping themyeut of the city. ' Kentucky an Open State. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Aug. i. The state Board of Health haa issued a proclama tion announcing Kentucky will be an "open state" aa far aa refugee frum the fever Infected district of th south are, con cerned. Refugees will be subjected to examina tion, howevea, and will be detained tem porarily in camps which will be established at once near the principal cities And towns of the state. Suspect at New York. NEW YORK, Aug. i Four fever suspeots were taken from the ateauier Nuece from Galveston today at quarantine and trans ferred to Hoffmann Island for observation aa to the cause of abnormally high temper atures. One was a steerage passenger and the other members of the crew. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Rural Carrier. Named for Route In lows and South Dakota. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 4.-6peclal Tele gram.) Rural carriers appointed: Iowa Mount Eion. route 1; Clayton D. Sherod, carrier; Owen Anderson, substitute. South Dakota Fletcher, routes $ and I; Jeff Woodward, carrier; Susie Woodward, sub stitute. Policeman Kills Young; Man, RICHMOND, Va.. Aug 4. At South Bos ton. Halifax county, lust night. Policeman Joseph Carter shot and fatally wounded Henry Easley. Jr., eon of Colonel Henry r.asiey or tne governor a start, i tie. snoot ing followed an altercation. The bullet penetrated the breast and Easley died In a rew noura. Girls Dresses Saturday 150 j-irls' Colored and f White Dresses will be on gale colored onos are of chaBubrayi and Klnghams white onea are of lawns and madrae-Mlrrssea that have aold up to 3GO atuyday they will. j Baby oats We bare several beautiful Long tuig fonts ror babies. The 5.50 ones go at The fO.OO onea , at ........ White Bedford Long - Coats worth $3 at 3.95 4.25 1.75 p. m. Othef Daya at p. m. Boo. Auf. 4. g.5 all-over patterns, mostly small le, regu lar price 6V, Saturday JSC per pair. Misses' White All-Over Lace Hose, ilses . 7H. . W. . regular price J5cv Saturday 15c per pair. - Special Clearing Sale of Men's Shirts For- Saturday morning we have selected fwtm nllf r.irnlur itnrk himilpfxtft nf this e..on. flnMt Shirt, nerfect in fit and make, all good colors, and marked them at special reduced prices for this half day's selling; $1.(0 Shirts Saturday morning. 69c each; pretty plain tans and gray. Also neat white and black figured material. $2.00. 11.75 and $1.60 Shirts Saturday morn ing, $1.25 Shirts with attached and detached cuffs, black and white figured, fancy gray and colors, stripes and figures. Shirts from the best known makers are represented In this sale. Come Saturday morning before 1 o'clock. Saturday Morning's" Great Rem nant Sale of Wash Goods, Remnants of 10c Lawn, !2Mr3 Suitings, ltc BatlSies, 16c Voiles, Saturday at Sftc per yard. Remnants of 15c Suitings, 30c Tissue, IT.c Crepes, 26c Voiles, 26c Organdies, Bo Dlmllle, tba Tissues, Saturday at 6c per yard. This may be the last chance thl season to buy Wash Goods at such extremely low prlces.j Come early. During July and August we CHARLES F. PFISTER INDICTED Prominent Milwaukee Capitalist Charged with Larceny ai Bailee. CAUSES GREAT SENSATION IN CREAM CITY Bill Accuse, llliu of Retaining 914,000 ' Paid Him to De Vaed In Secur ing a Garoaare Con tract. MILWAUKEE. Wis., Aug. 4. Charles r. Printer, one of the wealthiest citizens of Milwaukee, was indicted by the grand Jury of Milwaukee county today, charged with stealing $14,000 belonging to the Wis consin Rendering company of this city. At the same time indictments were re turned against four others, the charge of bribery . being alleged in three of the in dictments and one of perjury. The list of person for Whom oaplasoawre Issued Is aa follows: ' Charles F. Pflster, capitalist, one Indict ment; larceny. John F. Dlttmar. formerly supervisor, one Indictment; bribery. George F. Relchert. supervisor, one In dictment, embracing fourteen counts; brib ery. Barney A. Eaton, state senator, one In dictment; bribery. Frank r'. Schultz. formerly newspaper irpuiiti, one inuicimeni; perjury. The Indictment against Mr. Pflster al leges that on March 80, 1901, the accused wa bailee of $14,0U0, aald amount being deposited with him for the Wisconsin Ren dering company for the purpose of ob taining for the company a valuable con tract from the city of Milwaukee for the disposing of garbage. If not so used the money was to be returned to the company. It la charged that the money waa not so used and that Pflster converted It to his own use. - . The Indictment cauaed a profound sen sation. Mr. Pflster is engaged In many of the biggest enterprises of Milwaukee He Is a director of one of the leading banks. owns a large Interest In a big tannery, la proprietor of a large hotel and owna one of the leading newspapers of the city. Mr. Pflster Issued a statement declar ing the charge absolutely false and with no foundation whatever. The other four Indictments are In no way connected with the charges against Pflster. Tonight' batch of Indictments makes the total number so far returned by th pres ent, grand Jury 1S3. The Jury haa taken a receaa uhtll August 22. PEACE. ENVOYS Will MEET (Continued from First Page.) the president's household and escorted by th officers were directed to a carriage which President 'Koosevelt had sent to the station to 'convey them to Sagamore Hill. Neither Baron Rosen or M. Wttte would make any comment on their visit. They en tered the carriage in waiting and. with Secret Service Detective Burns on the front aeat, were driven rapidly to the presldent'a home in time for luncheon. Prealdent Roosevelt frav M. Wltte, who waa presented to him by Ambassador Rosen, a most cordial- greeting and they chatted Informally and intimately before the luncheon was announced. It waa the desire ol M. Wltte to pay hli respecta to President Roosevelt before th formal reception of the envoys tomorrow. That his visit was of some significance Is, perhaps, beyond doubt, but positive assur ance, were given that It did not differ ma terlally from that of Baron Kumurs latt week. The subject of the pending peace negotiations waa discussed generally, but beyond that no statement concerning th conference was made. Neither the presi dent nor M. Wltte cared to make any an nouncomem abiut It for publication. M. Wltte and Baron Rosen left on the t:H p.: m. train for New York, oeoupylng their special car alone, as on th Journey to Oyster Bay. . School Fands Loaaea Oat. PniRRE, 8. D-. Aug. 4.-tSpcial.) The state land department has In the first six months of the present year placed tttt.Ml of th permanent school fund, the greater pari of 1L Uls.Ul being farm loan, and th balance on achool and municipal bond. School dl.trtcta of the alat look US, 760 and municipal corporation lll.uO. The county audltora over ' the atate, who are looked to' by the department to keep the apportlonmenta of their countlea bearing Interest are keeping the uninvested perma nent fund down to bedrock under preee.nt law. Loan have been mad la all th countlea of the atate for the first lx month In the year with the exception of Custer, Hughes, MoCook and Stanley. DEMAND MORE BIBLE STUD! Bundsy School Worker! Protest on Method of Gonflacting Chutoqas, sasaBB WOMAN CLMM3 DISTINGUISHED NAMES Wa-r Aanoaar Inioraae Cemll Haa Resulted In Drrresa la Bates for Farm . Property. (From a Staff Correspondent.) tE9 MOINES, Aug. 4. (Special. )-A ape. eial meeting of the executive committee of the State. Sunday 84'hool association waa called to meet at Colfax today to protet against the action of the rhautauqua of the state In neglecting the Bible Instruction" Mature of the chautauquas. B.F.Mitchell. the state secretary, stated today: "The original Idea bf the "rhautauqua was for religious Instruction. It was planned by Bishop Vincent and the first chautauquas were strong In that feature. Now It Is proposed to drop that entirely. The Sun day school workers propose to use every means possible to ge It restored. This year nearly every rhautanqua In the state has left out the Bible Instruction feature. The managers of the -Midland merely explain that the people d6n't Want It. We propose to use every means possible to get It re stored. We propose to show them they do and will protest vigorously." At the meet ing today resolutions were adopted and plana discussed to enter a protest and arouse 'an Interest with the public In the Bible feature. ' " Hear Clearfield Arguments. Btate Superintendent John F. Klggs to day heard arguments In the case from Clearfield Where there 'is a desire to re locate a school house.. About Jwenty men from Clearfield were present to attend the hearing. The majority of the houses are In one end of the district and the major ity of the children are In the other. The school house Is now located In the end where there are the. most houses and few est children. Trof. Rlggs took the question under advisement and will announce Ms decision In a few days. . Draft nla- War Map. Lieutenant Reynolds . f Troop I. and Lieutenant Parker of Troop O of the Elev enth cavalry have, been commissioned by the War department to draft a mammoth war map of the United States. The work will be done from Des Moines as a center and the map Is to show all the features of the country that would bo of value ai war Information. Explosion Injnrea Two. While carrying five gallons of formal dehyde upstairs at the plant of the Rex Fluid company at 90S Walnut street today Webb Patterson fell and an explosion and a fire followed. The stairs opened Into a room In which was kept a year's supply of nermanaanate of potash and the formal dehyde mingled with It and in an -Instant the building was In flames. Patterson and Manager W. S. Carpenter were both over come and badly burned. Governor Has Invitation. floverhor Cummins has an Invitation from the Modern Woodmen's association of the northeastern part of the state to make an address there August 17 at a big picnic. The governor will speak at the reciprocity conference In Chicago that flay. Claim, to Be Alice Rooaevelt. The police of this city are endeavoring to ascertain the idctitlty of a woman whom they have under arrest and who claims to be Alice Roosevelt.- She wanted to wait in Des Molnca till she Taft party returned rm th. PhlllDDlnw. She. la about B0 years old, and wien this fact waa pointed out and her",atten1l(tfp,' waa called to the fact that Alice Roosevelt waa a youn womaa she said her1 liged appearance was due to rheumatism1. ' Liter she claimed to be Mrs. Grover Cleveland In disguise. and finally admitted that she wa really Mnuri Adams getting pointers for a new play. Dnbnqne Makes a Gala. Dubuque county has' gained 8,087 in pop ulation during the last five years, accord lng to the official figures given out by the executive council today, and the gain was practically all made by the City of Du Dubuque. Five years ago the population of the county was 6G.2 and this year It la 61.4S9. The city of Dubuque made a gain from &&.Z1 to 41,487, Cass county shows a loss, according to the official returns. The population Is now 20,506 and five years ago It waa 21,274. The city of Atlantic ha gained from 6,049 to 6,180. Dennl.on Haa Jfe Interest. Governor Cummins is In receipt of a let ter from W. J. Cohnell of Omaha, attor ney for Tom Dennlson. denying that Mr, Dennlson has any Interest in the requisl tlon of Bhercllffe to Omaha as claimed by Attorney Thomas In the hearing before Governor Cummins a few days ago. He states that he Is really desirous of having Bhercllffe remain In the state and testify. Powell Clayton Here, General Powell Clayton of Arkansas is at Fort Des Moines visiting his son and son-in-law, both of whom are captains of the Eleventh cavalry. . He will remain at the fort for a time and later In the month will leave for Colorado to visit for a time, He was the predecessor to Mr. Conger as ambassador to Mexico. War for farm Insurance. There Is a war onln this state for farm insurance. The war Is between the Iowa and the eastern companies. The first cut on the t per cent rate that haa prevailed was made last fall by the Continental of New York, American of Newark and Ger man of Freeport. There have been con- EVER TREAT YOU SO? Ce-ffea Acta Ike Jonah and Will Coma I p. A clergyman who pursues his noble call lng in a country parish in Iowa, tells his coffee experience: "My wife and, 1 used coffee regularly for breakfaat, frequently for dinner and occa slonallV -lor supper alwaye the very best quality packu4'e coffee never could find place on out table. In the spring of my wife wa taken with violent vohiltlhg which we had great dllnculty In stopping. "It Beemed'to. come from coffee drinking but we could not decide. "In the following July, however, ah waa attacked a ai-cond time by the vomiting. waa away from home filling an appoint ment. at The time, and on my return found her vtry low; she had literally vum lied herselt almost to death, and It took aome daya te quiet the trouble and reator her atomach. "I had also experienced the same troubl but not ao violently, and had relieved It, each time, by a resort to medicine. "But my wlfe'a second attack satisfied ma that the use of. coffee waa at the bot turn of our troubles, and ao we stopped It forthwith and took on Postum Food Coffee The old symptom, of dtaease disappeared and during the nine years that we hav been using Poatuot Instead of coffee have never had a recurrence of the vomit lng. We never weary of Poatum, to which we know w owe our good health. Thla a alniple ataUunent of facta." Nama give by Postum Company, Battle Creek, Mich Read th little book. "The Road to Well villa," In v pack-. ferences between the companies of the two sections of the country with a view to agreeing on a rate, but they have failed. Now the Iowa companies within the past few days have begun circulating letters everywhere announcing cut to i per cent. LET TI1H t lill.DnR DO THR WORk Maaj Does the l.ylna; Aroint t'ntll ta Police Interfere. 8lOfX CITT. la., Aug. 4-(8peclal.)-Two street waifs from Omaha who 'have been playing and singing and collecting money from passersby and In hotels and saloons have been taken In charge of Police Matron Thurston and ordered back to Omaha. A man named Augustine, who claims to be their father, haa been attending hia time In Idleness and living oft the earnings of the waifs. The mother live In Omaha. The fnther has agreed to take the young sters back to Omaha and the police of that city have been notified. K.lght Prl.onera nrealc Jail. SIOCX CITY, la.. Aug. 4.-(fipeclal Tele- ram.) Eight prlsonera sawed a hole In he celling of their cell, crawled Into the county auditor's office In the court house nd escaped about S o'clock this morning. They are: William Jones, Otto Rohn. Harry Bloomlngton, W. A. Bourke, Elmer Custer. ames McOregor. John Shadden and Dick Larouch. There are four burglars, two oldup men and two thieves. The county Jail has become somewhat of a Joke as a place of detention. Jail deliveries having been exasperatlngly numerous. Sheriff Jackson Is disgusted and demands a new all. The Board of Supervisors says the county cannot afford It. Grand Oftteers for Odd Fellows. MASON CITY. Ia., Aug. 4 (Special. )-G. . Snyder of Marlon was chosen grand master of the Iowa Odd Fellows by votes the orgsnizatlon, so Grand Master Will Tufford haa announced. L. M. Smith Des Moines Is grand warden. The of ficers are: Grand Master O. L. Snyder, Marlon. Deputy Orand Master Jurfue J. W Hen derson, Indtannla. (Jrand Warden L. W. Smith, Pes Moines. Grand Secretary R. I.. Tlltnn. re. Grand Treasurer A. E. Hlndorf, Newton. Grand Representative Dp M. W. White." Sioux. City. Sidney Strikes Water. SIDNEY, la., Aug. 4 -(Speclal )-U D. Horn of Gretna, Neb., began prospecting for water a block south of the court house Monday, the object being to get water suf ficient to supply the city. Wednesday It was given out that water had been found In Inexhaustible quantities at a depth of 19) feet. The test hole was sunk on the op of the highest hill In Sidney. Other parties spent months in a vain attempt to get water In a hollow. The success of Mr. Horn Is of untold value to Sidney. Complaint on Railroad Rates. CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Aug. 4-(Speclal.) Claiming that the Rock Island, Chicago Northwestern, Milwaukee and Illinois Central discriminate against them in favor of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Ohsman & Effron have filed a complaint with the nterstate Commerce commission at Wash ington. They allege rate discrimination In favor of the northern cities In shipment of scrap Iron to St. Louis. The roads have twenty days to answer. Stolen Property Recovered. ONAWA, la., Aug. 4. (Speclal.)-E. L. Crow of Mapleton, who had a pair of brown horses, harness and rubber-tired buggy stolen Sunday night, received one horse and his double harness and buggy tongue at Mornlngsldo, Sioux City, where the thief had traded off the articles and continued hla flight with a single rig, the other horse having been traded off before reaching Mornlngslde, but Mr. Crow has hopes to. recover it." '- - -p ' niar Crowd at Chantauqna. OLENWOOD. Ia.. Aug. 4. (Special.) Th largest audience In Glenwood Chautauqua history listened to last night's program. So far there has not been one weak num ber and hearty words of commendation are heard on every side. The climax will be on Saturday and Sunday. Dr. N. D. HUUs, the eloquent Brooklyn divine, will preach and lecture Sunday. Girl Lose. Scalp. SHELDON, Ia., Aug. 4. (Special.) Miss Jennie Garden was completely scalped while feeding a press In the office of the Sheldon Sun. Her hair caught in the shafting above her head. She waa picked up and the hair deftly torn from her cranium. The girl ruahed acreaming Into the atreet. She may recover. Special Train to Glenwood. OLENWOOD. Ia., Aug. 4-The program for Saturday and Sunday at the Glenwood Chautauqua la Interesting enough to at tract special trains from Omaha anl Coun cil Bluffs. Nice water and shade and room for everybody. The Sunday program la sacred, Dr. Hlllls of Brooklyn leading. Church Cornerstone Laid. GLENWOOD, Ia., Aug. 4. (Special.) Th corner atone of the new $20,000 Methodist Episcopal church waa laid yesterday aft ernoon. President Storms of Ames college addressed the audience. Spellbrlng's band furnished the music. Presiding Elder Grif fith also made an address. TCewRlevator for I.ngan. LOGAN. Ia.. Aug. 4 (Special.) A new grain elevator haa been built by the Logan Milling company aa an addition to its flour mill on the banks of the Boyer river, near Logan- It is fitted with the latest and bc-st machinery. DEATH RECORD George W, Brown. George W. Brown, 73 years of age, living at 2416 Charles street, head Janitor at the First National bank building for many years, suddenly died Friday noon from heart trouble, with which he was afflicted for some time. The body was taken In charge by Coroner Bralley, but It has been decided to not hold an Inquest. The fu neral will be Sunday afternoon from the family residence, with burial at Forest Lawn cemetery. Mr. Brown lived In Omaha many year. He Is survived by a wife and three grown daughters. F. M. Jenkins. MAGNOLIA, Ia.. Aug. '4. (Special ) F. M. Jenkins, Nrho dletl from an accident while In the employ of the Burlington at Llncolii. was brought here for burial, the funeral occurring at the Logan home of his sister, Mrs. Frank Cadwell. under the direction of Rev. H. Kremers of the Loaan Baptist church. The deceased married Viola Shlnn, the sister of Harrison county's sheriff. A. J. Shlnn. Infanta Maria Alfonso. SAN SEBASTIAN. Spain, Aug. 4. The Infante Maria Alfonso, son of the late princess of the Asturlas, died this morning of meningitis. He was born February 28, l The child's father, Prince Charles of Bourbon, will be married In November to Prlncraa Maria Tereaa. hla deceased wlfe'a alster. Charles O. Williams. Charles O. Williams, brother of Rer. John Albert Williams, died at St. Philip's rectory Friday afternoon from tuberculo sis. The funeral will be from the church of 81. Philip the Deacon Monday morning at I .0 o'clock. John Laaahlla. BUFFALO. N. T-. Aug. 4 John Laugh lln, formerly atate senator and one of the best known lawyers of this city, died early today of apoplexy. SENATOR FARRIS CAINS POINT Oonrl Finally Ixolndet Evidence Relative . to Alleged Boodler'i Bank Account. DEFENDANT TESTIFIES IN HIS OWN EEHLAF Ha Denies Kvery Aeeaaatloa Made Aaalast Him by John A. Will Re Cr..-Kan-Ined Today. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Aug. l-Vpo the resumption today of the trial of Senator Frank H. Farrls on th charge of bribery the point In controversy at the conclusion of yesterday's session over the admission of the books of the Steelville bank, a service to show deposits made by Farrls on March 21, 1901. was settled by Judge Davis, who ruled that the Introduction of the book a evidence be allowed. J. T. Coffey, cashier of the bank of Steel ville, who was on the etsnd when the point In controversy arose today, Identified the books Introduced. Thomas A. Gibson, who was cashier Of the bank In 1901 end who kept the books of the bank, was placed on the stand to Identify the handwriting as his own. At torney General Hartley asked the witness to say of his own personal knowledge whether Farrls had deposited a large sum of money In the bank on March 21. 1901. Witness did not remember. Judge Davis then decided to exclude the books from being used as evidence. Teller Identlfles Drnft. W. H. Hettle, paying teller of the Ameri can Exchange National bank of St. Louis, Identified a 17,000 draft as the one that was paid Ijks through the bank. He also Identi fied the signature of John A. Le to a let ter written to D. J. Kelly of New York stating that' he (Lee) waa going before the grand Jury and would protect all parties. Lee had denied the authorship of the letter. Another attempt waa made by Attorney General Hadley to have the Steelville bank booka admitted aa evidence, but Judge Davis strictly adhered to his mllng not to admit them. The atate then offered dep ositions taken by the defense more than two years ago, and which have been In the custody of the clerk of the court, from D. J. Kelley, In Canada, to the effect that Kelley had been Indicted and had gone to Canada from New York. These depositions were refused by the court aa Incompetent. Senator Farrla on the Stand. The atate then rested Its case and the de fense began examination of witnesses. Senator Farrls took the stand In his own behalf. He denied every accusation made against him by John A. Lee. He admitted , talking to Lee about the alum bill and aald he told Lee that he wa oppoeed to It. He denied the meeting with Senator Morton and Lee at the Madison hotel. He denied emphatically that he went to St. Louis on the 6 o'clock train with Lee and Kelley and declared that .Ie did not visit him In his room at the Laclede hotel In St. Louis, nor gave him any money there. Attorney General Hadley will croas-examlne him to morrow. When the state rested the defense called Senator Thomas of Carthage, who testi fied that he went to St. Louis on the 2:26 train the day the legislature adjourned sine die and that Lee waa on the same train. Senator W. H. Haynes of St. Joseph, who introduced the alum bill in the senate, told about the Introduction of the bill by him, saying that he did so almply to have a bill there In caae the houae bill failed to pass the house. He denied ever being ap proached either by Lee or Farrls with a proposition relative to the bill. MAYOR MOORES IS UNDECIDED Chief Executive Mar or May Not Slgra Re.olotlon of Tax, Lovy. . Mayor Moores is undecided whether to sign the levy resolution adopted by the 'council or not, not because he thinks the amounta demanded are too high, but he doubts whether the law requires him to affix his signature. The new charter directs that the levy be certified to by the council,' leaving the mayor, who used to have somethJTig to say about It, entirely out of the game. Nevertheless by way of courtesy to the chief executive the resolu tion waa prepared In concurrent form, that Is, requiring the signature of the mayor. It he does not sign or veto It becomes operative after three days. Mayor Moores is wondering what la the use of wasting the time, the Ink and the friction on th pen, In view of the wording of the law. : "I have- no fight with th amount or dered," said the mayor. "In all probability they are needed to run the city properly. A big town like Omaha, spread out over much territory, cannot be governed on theory alone." Assistant City Attorney Herdman is busy pointing out that the big levy means a step toward the gradual payment of the city's bonded debt and a getting Into the proper attitude regarding the outstanding and con stantly maturing obligations. He asserts further that Omaha taxes are lower than those of St. Paul, Des Molne, Denver. Sioux City, Kansas City and other big western .towns. ' PRESSON AND HIS SOLDIERS Commander of Mllford Horn Say Everything at th In.tltoHon ' I la Good Shape. Rev. Joaenh H. Presson, commander of the Soldiers: tuune at Mllford, waa in Omaha Friday on buslneaa and stopped long enough to say that everything at the home ,ww in -good shape aud that mem bers of the home were enjoying life catch ing .catfish that weighed ten and fifteen pounds, while the carp they caught were almost as large. When Rev. Mr. Presson took charge -of the home he Intimated he Intended to curtail the liberties of th member by setting aside certain hours during which they might play cards and billiards. This started a roar which was heard o the state house and the ordar was not Jssued. HEAD OF -CABBAGE IN COURT Vegetable Plays Important Role la Chambers of Hla Hoaor, Jaaga Berka. A head of cabbage played the leading role In police, court Friday morning and was th cause of the gathering of over a score of witnesses In a case of assault and tattery lied by M. Kulakofsky against . ij - i - DIARRHOEA and similar diseases in their worst forma can be promptly cured by " ; WAKEFIELD'S BLACKBERRY BALSAM It never fails. 69 years the leading remedy, ill druggists sell i John Shlnolp. The defendant finally waa discharged by fc police Judge and told to return to hla ,bs patcti. relolclng. Kulakofsky Hecd that he bought on dozen heads of i t, from the defendant, one of the vegetMr. elng In the sere and jellow loaf, whit, caused plaintiff to de mand a sound rwrlinrn of the cabbag family In place ofth one that was passe. Being refused thi rabbga plaintiff Was aasaulted. he testing. Defendant said hejave plnlntlff the head of cabbage request and asked for tho return of the one bat would not pass muster, but was re ised. whereupon he mer!y pushed hla peroei away from th ata.ll. - It all happened at th-' rnarket house. Your soul will !: filled with delight whet yu view the majjical effect of "20th Soap" Everything that you wish, every household article of every description carets, rugs, cur tains, clothing, furniture, wool work, kitchen utensils, disheb, chinaAvare, porcelain ware, en amel, linen, bed clothing, every-, thing all will shine and smell sweet and be fresh and bright and new, and will not be harmed or Injured by the operation. Your hands, too, will rejoice and be" exceeding glad, for 20th Century Sop leaves them soft and white and smooth. No lye to roughen and redden them. No foul, dirty animal greases -Just . pure, sweet penetrating vegetable oils and nothing else, . . . Don t Tob yOUelf Of the. pleasure this WOnder WOrkef ... . , . Will Ullllg lUtll JUUI "UMIC. ONE TRIAL WILL MAKE IT YOUR LIFE-LONG FRIEND All Grocer Large Can, 10c HOFFHEIMER. SOAP CO, Chicago DOCTOR SEARLEO AND 6EARLE9 Wo use our own nsna In our business; yot i know who vou ar aolna VARICOCELE -' HYDROCELE cured. Method new, without pain or loss of time. CHARGES LOW BLOOD POISON SLvSm'ZSrSrZ body. In mouth, tongue, throat, hair and eyebrows failing out) disappear completely forever. Weak,' Nertous, Men ;r..0,IS. 12: nervous debllty, early decline, lack of vigor and strength. URINARY, Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Weak Back, Burning Urine, Frequency of Urinating, Urine High Colored or wltn Milky Sediment on standing. Treatment by mall 14 years OF SUC CESSFUL PRACTICE IN OMAHA. Co, nr of 14th and Douglas. Omaha. Neb. MEN AND WOMEN. Cm Bis a for Diilinl 4lHktrH.lltwaHIS Irrit.tivM r ulc.r.itoM , f mnabr..M. PImIm. mnA not .atria. lm(VMC(MICuCs. ( or aoUo.ou... . an,l J Bald hy ragl is. for euie.iiTii' is.liim PemiYRQYAL PILLS SJ x-v vrtK'.ati m. wei& RTstN.SArm. ii.ririi..i. f.4i.. ui nr. ..4( (V ar CHICHKNTKK-M KNUU nrvfffta KNULiitt .la Ur R h M mUI) ku. im wit. M Hkk.. Tk. .ta-r, IXM I.PI 11. T..U...IH. SM4M Call Us byi Thone Whenever you want something call 'Phona 288 and maka It known through a Baa Want Ad. HAND SAP OLIO It especially valuable aunng th tummer season, when outdoor occu pations and sports are most ri order. GRASS STAINS. MUD STAINS and CALLOUS SPOTS yield to it, and it is particularly aereeable when used in the bath after violent exercise. ALL OROCERI AND DRUOQIiTS Century IPMir',l J .A'ntrvi Fmsjrti fWwMiM I h iru. r f SI M. .rlboitlM m Cire.lsr ant a iniitnt.i r. i VINTON ST. PARK Omaha vs. Pueblo, August 2-3-4-5-5. Saturday, August I, two games. Firil gam called at 1:30. Friday, August 41 W ladles' day. Oames called at 1 :4a, ' . '.Kef' - w