Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1905, Page 12, Image 12
THE OMATTA DAILY TITE: PATFItDAY. AT'OUST S. 1C03. 12 Third v Floor Third Floor JR3 I u Bargain Climax in Clothing SATURDAY ON THIRD FLOOR. Men's $15 Summer Suits . . $ Men's $13.50 l"J3 Summer Suits. Men's $12.50 l".4 3 Summer Suits . Men's $10 JSf J Summer Suits CDurinf the great sale of the NEB. SHIRT CO. stock we have moved all our men's suits to the Third FloorJ We have taken all the broken lots from our $15, $13.50, $12.50 and $10 suits 2 and 3 piece suits many of them correct for early fall wear single and double breasted strictly hand tailored stylish Quaker gray, silver gray and gun metal gray all the season's newest designs. f 'H Actual $10.00, $12.50 and $15 values on, the third floor, at MEN'S PANTS SALE S Men's $5. $4, $3 Parnts at $1.98 All our high grade flannel outing pants also 1 caesimeres and worsteds worth $5, 11 4 and $3, at Men's $2.50 and $2 Panisat $11,000 pair good, well made working panta and ft 11 pants for business wear worth up i to $2.50, at , Vf'U Store Open JFWIM ITfcPIS Sore Pen Saturday itMlggS,.COrlS Saturday New Vork Manufacturer's Samples of Ladies' CARRIAGE BAGS and SHOPPING BAGS A great leather goods sale carriage bags, envelope bags, vanity bags and shopping bags all leading leathers and leolors positively worth as high as $3.00, at 25c 39c 49c Sheet Music Dept. BOSTON STORE. Evani Brothers of Council Bluffs will give a Mandolin and Guitar Con cert at 8 P. M. af or -r. r jnw ..aT.T A ilanan Special Fnr Qfi.-iirr.fiv i ui UUIUI UUJ B $4.50 Tan Oxfords $2.50 vited. I Saturday Evenina. You Are Invited Good mnsl(ill day. Come and bear your favorites played. H We Have Just Received f f i) i Mr. K.van'n Kuropean purchase the finest lot of ' i.n,Mni! ever displayed lu Omaha. We Invite your ln- poctlon. UKEi m. THE POPULAR BEER sr y K3THIRG SO GOOD FOR AN OUTING. iTU C: UVL.HTUDDT. " jfdfcS05imr. Order a oua ICHOOU AMD COLUCIiEt. B'Jentworth " Military Academy Oldest aa4 Urstst muury mmm tb Middle VtM. Send fur catalogue. LEX1N4JTON. MO. Saturday we will "oil nnnnn women's genuine Russia calf, liluchcr cut oxford, a "y C rt $4.50 prndo for tJt We are still selling ten dlfferenl lines of our $2.50 and $3.00 wo men's, ton oxfords, all this sea son's styles, welt and turn sole, viol kid and Russia calf, J Misses and Children's white canves button shoes, welt soles, J Q Q Closing out all Misses' and Chtld- JUKi Making Friends, Not Money.... fords at Men's $5, $5.50 and $6 Tan Oxfords for 3.50 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. The advance fall styles ars being shown at the Men's New Shoe Store at 1521 Farnam Street. The latest patterns in Bluchers, Bala and Buttons. la the thialeit and the dullest leathers $3.50 . $4.00 Walk-Over Shoe Store IS2I Farnam St. I TAN LOW SHOES a.t low PRICES We can't sell you a pair of these low shoes unless you sea them, but the men and woman who aee them, buy them, for such shoe values as these are seldom offered. MEN'S $3.50 and $4.00 OxfordB now $2.50 LADIES by the bargains wp are siring in our GREAT AUGUST CLEAR ING BALE. Immense selling in our wash dress goods, has left many short piece lengths, from 2 to 12 yards. These REMNANTS will sell on Saturday in two lots. Attractive patterns in organ dies, batistes, dimities, linens, voiles, tissues, madras, fine ging hams, suitings, etc., materials which sold at 75c, 50c, 35c, 25c, 19c, 15c, at two prices: LOT 1 IN THE RASEMENT, 5c FER YARD. LOT 2 FIRST FLOOR, 10c PER YARD. Men's Day Saturday. Underwear that sold at 25c at 19c 9 Underwear that sold at 35c at 25c Underwear that sold at 50c at 39c Underwear that sold at 75c at 59c Underwear that sold at 1.00 at .... 69c Union suits at OSc, $1.29 and $1.98. Shirts In all the prominent popular lines, reliable materials and perfect cut. 49c each for numbers that sold up to $1.00. 60c for choice patterns In Monarch, Inter-Ocean and Leon brands. 08e for handsome plaited and Imported madras goods worth everywhere $1.50. Men's 50c, 4-lnch kinds, a special lot to close, 10c each. Quarter socks at 12'c. Half dollar values at 29c. Roys' shirts, waists and blouses, the bt-st makes, K. & B. Cadet and Moth er's Friend, regularly 50c and "5c Saturday, 25c. Women's Underwear Vests at 8'Ac Vests at 12ic lace trimmed pants, 19c. Two big lots of fine goods, vests, pants and union suits our best makes. bandsome luce trimming, finest gauzes, all the 50c and 65c goods at 39c. All the 85c, $1.00 and f 1.25 goods, at CPc. Women's Hosiery, 3 Special Lots Gauze llsles, In black silk embroidered lace llsles in Imported fancies, 19c. Fine maco yarn and gauze lisle, In black, and some choice 50c fancies, 29c. Handsome embroidered and colored Imported llsles, In plain and lace weaves and black shadow llsles, worth 75c and $1.00, 49c. Second Floor. A chance for a rare bargain In MUSLIN UNDERWEAR look at the quality and make, and not at the appearance of the garment for the lot consists of skirts. corset covers, drapers and chemise, disarranged and somewhat soiled from hand ling, but they are marked HALF former prices. The end of our WAIST STOCK, at one price, goods that sold up to $2.50 45c each. Women's Kimoiuis, thnt sold up to $1.50 choice of the lot, 69c. THOMAS KILPRTRICK & CO. mmm&m mi) THIS STORE IS OPEN TILL 10 P. M. SATURDAY liilM PoJs tbb ssLitiLK sronav. THIS STORE IS OPEN TILL 10 P.M. SATURDAY TO DRESS WELL si-J 0 At a very amnll cirh ouilny Is n Msf nifUtor If jou liny your clothes at Hay clan's now ALL 81' MM KU Sl'ITS MUST UO, and In onlor to niova them quickly we are now drllnn: $7.50 to $10 Summer Suits at $5 ftf No oM, antlntintfxl M!.m In this lot. but every one of them up-to-il tt... with hair cloth fronts anil siniulilers, of variety hi tairU' anl oolois, which can not neip nut please the (treatest valuer ever offered In Orrmha at 512.50 and $15.00 Summer Suits at $7.50 In all the newest shades and truest pat terns. In stntjle or d.nilie-breastod stles, with padded shoulders and hulrrlnth fronts values that cannot fall to 5.00 7.50 please the most exacting in snappy, dressv styles unequaled bargains at .... $16.50 to $18.00 Summer Suits at $10.00 Everyone of these suits are hand tailored throughout ty skilled workmen and pos sess an Individuality and style charac ter equal to the very best grade of cus tom work. They have hand padded shoul. ders and yelf-rctuintng- haircloth fronts, find Hie Kuaninteed to hold their shape. An immense nssnrtemenl or plain Macks Wiles and tan-y mixed colors. In all the newest ami best fabrics an ex tra special value at 10.00 Other Saturday Specials Men's Pants Worth $2.50 and $3.50- I QP f rn special at l.Jj-I.JU Children's Knee Pants Suits 95c In double-breasted styl worth $2.50, at Boys' Long Pants Suits es 15 "to 19 years-worth 't C( 5 and $t.50 special at J.Ju Children's Wash Knee fmls Sc In great variety of colors and patterns t i3AVDEE3 BR! f3.50 and S-J.00 Oxfords now $2.50 FRY SHOE CO. 16th and D$ugtas Sts. Attention Eagles Eagles and their friends will leave Omaha for Denver on special cars at 4:10 p. ni. Auk. 14. via I'nlon Pacific. Those contemplating a trip with the Kaglea' party should apply for sleeping car reservations at once to D. W. Canon. Secretary Aerie No. 38, or to i E. Abbott, C T A , 1324 t'arnam Bt., 'Fhone ZXi. B 1 1 i ill"' BIB! ffnfn) (I MINI I I I'- We have bought a carload of Claret Wine that was ronRignod to an eastern house, but on account of delay in transit we bought it at ,r0 cents on the dollar and will give our customers the benefit of this big purchase. We will sell the wine at the folowing prices: Quart Bottles 19c CLARET (69 c that sells for $1.25 to $1.50 per gallon will be sold a.t. . . . PER GALLON There is nothing healthier or better than Claret wine for a summer drink. WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS. HILLER LIQUOR CO. 1309 Farnam Street. oraoBo Clear, dry, bracing air. Mountain scenery, Cool m sunshine, , Plenty of sport. 'A week there will restore snap and spirit. The trip is just as possible for you as for anyone. Colorado is not far away. The rates are lower this year than last, and you can find good board for as little as f3 a week; from that up to 30 a week for luxury. Think it orer. Fast through trains on the Rock Island equipped with standard and tourist Pullmans, wide-window, electric-lighted chair cars and . coaches cooled by electric fans. Direct line to Denver as well aa to Colorado Springs and Pueblo. Full information at this office. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A. 1323 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. H Phone 1241. LOCATE ON THE FRISCO SYSTEM OR WE BOTH LOSE MONEY NOW IS THE TIME to investigate the rrflnurrefi and opportunitie of Becuring good lnnd at very low tlpurea In the (ireat Southwest. Missouri, Arkansas, Southern Kansas, Oklahoma.. Indian Territory and Texas, are again to the front with a. "Bump ing" Crep, Beating All Records Afk your home agent for Hnmeseekers' Rates and .Tickets, on eale the first and third Tuesdays of each month, and ak u for descriptive literature, which will be mailed to you without cisu r jt J, C. LOVRIEN, Att't Cn'l Piinir Aiant KANSAS CITY, MO. A. HILTON, Can'l PiiHnir Ag.nt, ST. LOUIS, MO. 1 ' t Woodmen of the World i Carnival and Japanese Garden OI'F.NS AT SCHOOLS 1D COLLEGES. Americans Conservatory W8AU BALL A....tkk.i TkLuiaSt.hMl 7LEXINQT0II COLLEGE FOR YOUNG WOMEN SDar(irTrlo ii'A.ok. Dlractorcf M utJc. prtTit throuckout h 7r. Italian mrthod. K.itET R. COOK.Bulaw.Maaar.rl IOW4M W. WHITS. Prealamb I1AUD1N COLLHGC & pOINSEUVATOKY for GIRLS Uua year. Tna Cuiicne a I niverauy, irain to lacuuy. i onwrvt tury. In rharga of aii lalisia. Art. l-11'H.'Utl on. Cuoklnf and Bualneia Court.. Fur ola Oaua, addle. JUil.N MiLl-lJ-N. f raldact. U CgUe f iC. aid. U M.d.a.a Draaiali. Apt. Blitr.nln.Dtla.ime. Ura I Fn. A...ataaM, dntnniout. Di plodu. I'.rt fit hU. tre .od p.rll.1 K Onlanniya Fill irrm brain, irut il IMa C1. FERRY HALL pUV.t For YOUNG WOMEN. Preparatory and roller. C'ouroea. Music. Art. Dume.tia b'lunn, Ortltlcat. ariii.lta to such collrgra a. Bmlth. Vaaear, WcUealey, ate Beautiful location, nuin ear. Ml., t rtnet I. HmLw, Bex ill. Loo TotX. IU The janitor service in The EJee Building is as near perfect as it can be, remembering that janitors are human. Offices from $10 to $45" per month several desirable ones from which to choose. Gourtland Beach August 5 to 13 Inclusive, Preientlns aa free attractions Trof Philip D. Orcen In his Hpiral Tower Art. mounted upon a ball 2S In. hr In diameter He ascend the Mounter Spiral Tower 5" feet high, covering a distance of IKi feet, to reach the top. AIo J. Marry PeBell, Elec trical Aerial Artist. rlditiK a hl.-ycle on a high wire, and walks the high wire on ktilta. In the raid attractions they present the Russian J'rlnce, Nlcholl, who weighs IS1 lunda, height US Inches. 31 year of age. The Browning A King Theater Kntertainers, the Pittsburg (ilas lilowers, the old Plan tation and numerous other shows and at tractions. In addition thereto, on Saturday and Sun day evenings there Is to be a prl contest between the Degree Teams of the Fraternal Orders of this city. South Omaha and Council Bluffs. On Sunday, August 13. there will I a swimming match arrosa the lake, open to all amateurs. anelng In the Pavilion and Confetti Pallia aoctk as.ulii except Sunday. Anybody Can Bathe In Sea Water by uslntt a handful of our I.miK Island Sea Salt In the tub 15r per bag. P.MI1 Brushes, li on, 75r and SiioiiKi's, $t down to l'K; Kut.ti. r Sponges, all sizes. I x riTiallne Skin Soap 3T'0 KiikiisIi Process1 Soap : Toilet Waters up from ?': Hath Tablets ioc Howell DrugCo. 16th & Capitol Ave. Business Boosters Try the Want Ad Columns of The bee. ill