Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1905, Page 7, Image 7
Tnn oM.n.v daily dee: Friday. 'ArorsT 4. 1003. V I ! It 1 j 1 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARiiET "Wheat Eoldi Atom the Sun Month, in All PRICES ARE UNUSUALLY STEADY Cora OtTera Are Light mn the Mtrkrl nn Country Afrrfttarfi Exeeed laglr biIUMtiIi nf Oats .tot llravr. OMAHA. Aur 3. 1!K. Steadiness; characterized the wheat mar ket again, September closing unchanged, December losing a split anil Nay loaing Nr. Weather la 1be northwest I perfect for maturing: and harvesting the spring crop. September closed at MtyaM'-ac, le- mwt at tiii,c and May at N-V- There were no offers of corn to meet the demand and the market was strong. Onun try acceptances were very light. S-ptemtwr closed at 55c. old Rpptmir at U.-S1". De cember at 46V,c, old December at 4.o and Jdsy at 4c. Movement of oats from first hands were rather light. Trices were about the same. September closed at lr, December at 2eVc and May at -V Liverpool closed S higher on wheat and ltQlVsc higher on com. Broomlial) estimates Argentina shipments f wheat this week at l,uJ bushels and corn shipments 1.8f.Vi bushel Primary receipts of wheat were IW.ilin bushel anil shipments Cll.isw bushels, as compared with receipts of gatmi bushels last year avd hlpments of 3H7.onft bushels. Corn receipts were 3K2.0X) bushels and shipments 24v ') bushels, as compared with receipts of 2:0. Ut bushels last year and shipments of M (TO bushels. Foreigners did not respond with generous blda for corn yesterday and were mostly out of line. Export Kales of eight ,oads were made at Baltimore and Philadelphia yesterday for August shipment to Ant werp and Rotterdam. The Northwestern Miller, out todav. savs: "The spring wheat crop condition was the Influencing factor In the flour and wheat markets this last week. With the sharp advance In wheat, due to the crop kill ers' report of great rust damage, buyers were frightened out of the market. Im porters across the Atlantic also were out of It until ultimate de lines brought millers' quotations more, into line with their Ideas of price. when thev took some fairly good lots from both Toledo and St. Louis mills, as well as scattering mills elsewhere In the winter w-lieat territory. The net result of the week was a small Improvement over pre vious weeks, with prospects good for satis factory business, providing crop conditions continue favorable. Better reports are coming In from mills In the Ohio valley and the millers there are well pleased with the quality of the new wheat. Kansas mills enjoyed good demand and sold some to Europe. The millers are watching the northwest crop." 4 Omaha Cash galea. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 1 car. 82c. CORN No. a, 1 car. 4sNc; No. S, 2 cars, 48c. OATS-No. I w hite, 2 cars. 27c RYE No. 3, 1 car. 54c. Omaha fash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, Ko; No. 8 hard, 80 CSlc; No. 4 hard, 7(?78c; No. 3 spring, S2c. CORN No. 2. 49c; No. 3, 4HV, No. 4, 48"c; no grade, 42547c; No. 2 yellow, 60c; No. S yellow. 44c; No. 2 white, 50c, No. white. 4Sec. OATS-No. 2 mixed. 2Bc; No. 3 mixed. Z&Hc: No. 4 mixed, 25c; No. 2 white, 27c; jo. 1 wniie, Zic; No. 4 white, 26Vc; stand ard, 27c. Carlet Receipts. Wheat. Com. Oats Chicago l?o 13 JX Kansas City 2!5 71 ;i Minneapolis 1m Duluth 11 Bt. Louis 156 M US Minneapolis Grata Market. The range 4f prices paid In Minneapolis, as reported by the Ed wards-Wood com pany, 110-111 Board of Trade building, was: Articles., Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yea'y. Wheat I 1 "l i j Sept.-..JKH35 WHl KY Dec.... ,87X1 87 KtiVsl 87. 7fr WEATHER IS THE GRAIN BELT Light Showers Over Mlssoart, Middle and Lower valley a. - OMAHA. Aug. I. 1. Light showers were scattered over the Missouri, middle arid lower Mlnxlaslnnl vol. Jeya during Wednesday afternoon, and gen- .nuy ciouoy weatner prevails wist or the lilssourl river this morning, with rains .suing in the middle Mississippi, Ohio val je s ana guir states. ine weather Is gen f eially clear west of the Missouri river to the mountains. The weather Is slightly warmer In the upper valleys and northwest, i,ut no marked change In temperature Is shown In any section. Omaha record of temperature and precip itation, compared with the corresponding ony ul lue last inree years: 1906. 1904. 19U3. 1902 Minimum temperature W 70 67 65 jreclpliatton Ou .a .3 Normal temperature fur today, 74 de glee. Deficiency In precipitation since March 87 Inches. , Deneiemy oorrespondlng period In 1904. I.W inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1903, eu iiiciies. OMAHA DISTRICT AVERAGES. Temp Rain. Stations. Max. iilln. Inches. Sky. Ashland. Neb.... 1 60 .00 Foggy Auburn, Neb 79 63 .68 Cloudy 1 oiuiiiuun, ieu.. ss vj . w Clear Kalrbury, Neb... 87 60 .00 Clear KalrnKint, Neb... 78 W ,u Clear Or. Island, Neb.. 82 64 .00 Clear tlartitigun. Neb. K) 68 .ou Clear tkdle. Neb 83 60 .10 Foggy Omaha, Neb 81 66 .03 Fuggy Tekamah Neb... 83 68 .no Cloudy Carroll la 81 M .00 Cloudy Clarluda- la 74 61 .44 Cloudy fUbley, la 79 69 .oa Foggy Sioux City. Ia-... 80 6 T Foggy Storm Lake, la.. 81 62 . 00 Cluudy DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain. Central. Stations. Max. alln. Inches. Chicago. 111 Columbus. O Des Moines, la... Indianapolis, Ind. Kansas City, Mo. 1-oumvillo. Ky Minneapolis Omaha, Neb St. Louis. Mo.... 30 78 oX .01 18 t! 64 .Ou 12 t4 .1 11 M bi .01 17 M 64 .24 Jo N 6 .OV 21 KO U .01 15 so ti .1 11 so 66 .Is L. A. WKLS1I. Weather Bureau. Local Forecaster, Kansas City Grain nnal Provlalona. The range of prices paid In Kansas City as reporter by the tdwai ds- w ood company UO-lii itoald of Tiada building, was. Articles ! Open. I HigU.i Low. Close. Yes y. VV n,at . i i i Sept... 77JjTi 77 , "6S1 70S 7H 774. 77, :;W 77- 77-, Com I I I I Sept... 45", 4,'( 4V'tt, 47 V, 45S Lec... es, 4"i 3Hi 4vV. ( Oats I I 1 ! Sept... 17 27 V 26V 27: f P01 a I I Sept... 11C 13 4! 13 30 13 30 1 13 43 IK-U...1UU UI2 Utl la -ii 18 a Lata I Sept... 7 36 I 35 7 7 35 1 7 37 i Oci 1 7.4Uj740 J40 140,745 1 BU I I Sept... U 3 18 8 10 8 10 1 8 12 t Oct.... I lis 8 12 kut 805120 KANSAS CITY, Aug. WHEAT Sep temtrr, TtH-'i L'ecenirmr, 7'.Hc, M, 7!c; cskli, No. hard, sovfi.tjc; No. 3, iSytuc; No. 2 spring, '.u.t-c, No. t ltd, bjc; No. .. tiller; No 4, 7;x'. e CoKN Sepiemoer. 47c;' l"ecemter, 40V. May, 4Va-'. cash. No. 1 mixed, 4oVtf 4!c, No. 4, 4S49c; No. I ahlte. ooc, No. I, 4-gc. o.W 6 Steady; No. 2 white. SsHjc; Vo. 3 lulxed. .1J. V- HAY 8iedy. choice timothy, 88('t9CI0; Choice piauie, e650. RYE 4tn-. tiiiiS-rirm; Missouri and Kansas new No. 2. wt.Itewood cases Included, lit; case count, lie: cases returned. Was. ail TTiiK Steady; craninery, la'ViyloSc; packing, 15c- Receipts. Shipmegts Wheat, bu 147. u v.0 Coi n, bu i2.oj 46 ev Oata, bu U.tsM Ju.uuv Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PHIL.UELPH1A. Aug. 3-BlTTER-Flrni: extra western crcaiuery, ZiVtc, tuni nearby prints, 21c. ildijS Atiivt; nearby fresh, 16."; losa of: fiearhy freah lsc at mark; western flesh, lviUc at mark. CHEEeK-gutei; New York fjl cream fancy. U-afenVir; New Y01 a full errant choice, lie. New York full cream fair 10 good, lolaiovtc; domestic bataj. UiuUc. Dnlnth Grain Market. DI LI TH. Aug 3 -WHKAT-To arrive: lSa. 1 ouithein. L ui. On track! No- 1 uoiih ern, tl 07; No. t northern. "c; September, new. M','-, S ptemler, old. ic. OATS On ttaik. r; to arrive. Sc. tllKAUO tiRAM ASU PROIIOS Featares of the Tradlag and (losing Prices m Board ( Trade. CHICAGO, Aug. J -Decreasing receipts of wheat southwen today offset the effect of excellent maturing weather northwest. The result was a fairly steady wheat market here For September the closing price to day whs precisely the same as the flra figures twenty-four hours previous Corn Is up lr. Oats show a gala of He 1 ro lsl'.ns are off 2yJl"C- Influenced by higher prices at Liverpool, the wheal market ojiened quite firm, the September option being up a shade to 4 Sc at M'S'fM'sc. The strength of the Eng lish market was due to retorted conflrhui tion of a shortage n the Russian crop. m moderate demand from commission houses the September delivery touihed sic soon after the opening Sentiment then became bearish and lit traders sold freely. As a result the early sdvance In prices tolay was not onlv obliterated, but the market sagged below yesterday s final figures. Sep tember dropping to MVc. Spread of bearish sentiment, however, was effectively checked by news from the southwest, where the movement of the new crop seemed begin ning to show signs of abatement. Arrivals todav at 8'. Iouls and Kansas Cltv aggre gated 339. "O bushels, against 478. bushels year ago. The price or casti wneai in the southwestern markets showed an ad vance today and this created demand lor options here. During the last half of the eeslon prices fluctuated within a narrotg twinge. The wheat market clwed steady, with September at MSMSP. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 58 ht bushels. Primary receipts were IWI.Oi iushe!s, com pared with Sui.(n bushels a year ago. Min neapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of 2 cars, 3S4 cars last week and 1:26 cars a year ago. Sentiment in the corn pit was bullish the entire session. At the start the market was affected by a sharp advance In the price of corn at Liverpool. Later the mar ket was further strengthened by extremely small acceptances of bids sent out by cash houses. The market was actively supported by a number of prominent bulls Shorts ajso were liberal purchasers. Ideal weather for the crop apparently hai little effect on traders. Th market closed Arm, with prices practically at the highest point September oixned 'kTiSc higher at faT'ui4,c, sold up lo v,ic and closed at c. liccai receipts were pa cars, with 48 cars of contract grade. A firm tone prevailed 4n the oats mirket. The chief supporting Influence was strength of corn. Shorts and commission houses were moderate buyers. September opened unchanged at 2e. sold between 27c and 2Sv?:'sic and closed at 2foc. Local re ceipts were 222 cars Provisions were weak as a result or a lO&l.V decline in the price of live bogs The trading was very quiet. The market lacked any support from packers. At the close September pork was off 10c at $13 40 I-nrd was down ZH'frSc at l7.37Vg7 40. Ribs were 577Hc loner at $ 10. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: heat. 12 cars; corn. 149 cars; oats, 84! cars; hogs, 24,ofi head. The leading future! ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. I Tes'y. Wheat, I tept. M'0' 84V, 84i'SS 8H Ilec. 8f.l,'&"4 SttSft 86 86lil May 88 53- 4iV Corn tSept. JSept. trec. trec. Mav IM-5C4H BSVil W 49 B5H o3 49 48, 46 4;h 4CH'g !4t'.u4tlV 46W4M8i 4. 40 Oats- I Sept. Iec. May I 2S frh'd 27V, SOHt Pork I Sept. Oct. I 13 l I 13 45 f 13 13 3:'W 13 40 13 i 13 40 13 18 50 IS 374 7 4.-H 7 524 8 17H 8 22 Lard- Sept. Oct. 7 7 CVj! 7 60 i 8 12 8 3u I 7 37Vi 7 45 j 8 10 j 8 IS I 7 41 7 47! 8 10 8 17H 7 46 s 10 8 ITS Ribs- Sept. Oct. No. t tOld tNew. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOL'R Steady; winter patents, 4.2r9 4.30; straights. 84.00$r4 10: spring patents. M.H56.4xi; straights. 13.50&4.o; bakers. 12.4W& 8. 4". WHEAT No. 2 spring. , II 051.10; No. 3. 5c!l 116; No. 2 reel. gtfu?c. CORN No. 2, 67c; No. Z yellow, 57Ho. OATS No. 2. 274C; NO. Z white, JOVtc ; No. 3 white. 2SV4c RYE No. I oSVti. BARLEY tood feeding, 3G3Kc: fair to cholco malting, 41., SEEPS No. 1 flax. II. V. No. 1 northwest ern, J1.33. Prime timothy, ii.s. Clover, contract grade. l2.Sn512.7R. PROVISION B-Met-s pork, per bbl., 13 45 713.50. lard. per 100 lbs.. I7.8AS7.S2H. Short ribs sides (loosei. t ofrS.llfts. Short clear sides (boxed). 8&.37HIBS.50. The receipts and shipments of flour and antln were as follows: iteceipts. Shipments 2S.0O S57.;n 137. ) 365.6':i0 Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye. bu 30 .800 .231. 2-! .151 .r.7.&1 SO") 9.ftsJ Barley, bu. On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, IT'&XtSc; dairies. InVQIKHc. Eggs, steady; at mark, cases Included. 16c: firsts, lTc; prime firsts, lic; extras, 21o. Cheese, firm, lOtjimc. MEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qaotatlena of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Aug. l.-FIvOfR-Recelpts, 13.361 bbls.; exports. 10,818 bbls.; sales, 4.2oO bbls.i market steady, quiet trade; winter patents t4.5odj5.00; winter straight. 4.15tf 4 60; Minnesota patent. $5 406.85; w inter ex tras, 83 0V&3.45; winter low grades, 82 90 3 35. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, 8415ul.&o; choice to fancy, 14 Sou 4. 76. CORNMEAL Firm ; dry kiln. 83.20. RYE Quiet; No. 2 western, 71c asked, c. 1. f.. New York. BARLEY Nominal; feeding, 48Vtc, e. I. f.. New York; malting. 46WC2c. c. J. f.. Buffalo. WHEAT Hecelpts, 26,'0 bu. ; spot mar ket steady; No. 2 red. &6sc. elevator; No. t red, 8HSc, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, 31 15, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 north ern. Manitoba, nominal, afloat. After a firm opening on higher cables wheat softened- a little under fine northwest weather reports and then strengthened again. It was steadier In the afternoon on a bullish Ohio state report, hlgner cables, lighter southwest receipts, sympa thy with corn and good outside buying. The close represented VSc net decline. May, (C'.ijSoV, closed at H2c: September. H 13-16Vot 7-16c. closed at RlAsc; December, SoSWc. closed at Ht-Sc CoKN Receipts. 5 ;t75 bu exports, 1'0. 240 bu. ; spot market firm; No. 2, 61c. ele vator, and 6-',c. f. o. b, afloat; No. 2 yellow, 62Hc, No. 2 white, 63c. Option mar ket was very strong all day on light coun try acceptances higher cables and with the west closing mc net higher. Septem ber. 6"S'&U1'e, closed at eiSjc. OATS Ri'ceipt s. 3J.t bu. ; spot msrket easy; mixed oats. 26 to 32 pounds. 31 33c; natural white. So to 32 pounds, l'j K6c; clipped white, 3 to 40 pounds, 87$ 3yc. HAY Firm; good to choice. Rri5$0c. HOPS Firm: state, common to choice, ISM crop, 21u.'c; ll'O crop. iyi2lc; olds, 10 alic; Pacific coast. ltM crop, 22325c; l&n.iS crop. lSa.t-c; olds, lo'dlik.-. Hll'ES-Quiet; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs.. Sa-; California 21 to 25 lbs., lec; Texaa dry, 24 to lbs . ISSc. LEATHER- Firm; acid. 2Mi34c. PROVISIONS Beef. steaj . family. !0 59 i<a'; mess. I9.alooo; l-eer hams. 821. Oh? 12 50; packet. llo.Si-'y 11 0v; city extra India mess, l:&tgliO. Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies. t 3Tl an: pickled shoulders. tSDO'6.uo; tTckled hams. $10 " am 75. Lar.i. steady; western steamed, 17 aa'7 4u; refined. quiet; continent, 87 55, South America, k 2t,; compound, o ;oi6.,!i pork, firm family. 3W ibl.50; short clear, 113 uu(( 15.25 mess. Ii4 Zirti 15.2. TALLOW Quiet: city (81.08 per pkg ) 4c: country (pkgs. free), 414,a4o. RICE Quiet ; domestic, fair to extra. 3V'o5Hc: Japan, nominal. Bl'TTER Firm; street price, extra crtamery, 21Va22c. Ofnclai prices: Cream ery. common to extra, 17nVi21tc; reno vated. common to extra, lflolfcac; western factory, common to extra. 15'ulhc. CHEEtiE State fuil cieaios. small cd ored and white, lt-Vollc: slate large, eol- ored and white. Tancv. lie. FOS Steady; western best. lfnfi 19V I'Ol'LTRY Alive, steady; western cljick- ers. 14c; fowls, lie; turkeys lie Irssed, steady; western chickens, 13,ul6c; fonlr., 14c; turkeys. Ial7c. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Aug 3 WHEAT Steady : No. 1 northern. tLliMlV1: No. 2 northern. ll.C Mo: bepteml-er. 4Sc bid. RYE-Higher: No. 1. 6V Wc. BARLKY-Btealy; No. 2. 51c; sample. 4T3 50c. CORN Strong; September, &5e bid. .Mlanranolls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 8 FLOUR A bet ter undertone is developing in the market: first patents. 86 9Wi06: second patents. 85.2S tio 5: first cltiara, Ht4u4l0, second clears. 82 6512.75. Toledo teed Market. TOLEDO. O. Aug. 1 -SEED Clover, cseh. IT 0" asked: O toler, KM bid. fiece ii- I er. tin-1, bi.l. Ja,ui $7. bid. August ul.lli t '. I.,. 1 . . n m. ..-. aiK-i - J alaikc, 87 Is but, piin.s uoiutty. 14,"!a. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Profeisional Vanipulators Eire Varkit ic ThcmseWfi All Day. COALERS AND SOUTHWESTERN STRONG Close la strong with Prleee Highest of the Session Foreign Mar kets Are Dull and Lower. NEW YORK, Aug. 3 -Professional ma nipulators hfid the market to themselves today and material to affect prices seemed to be scantv. Their ventures seemed to be restricted to a limited list of stocks and these were handled in groups likely to be subject to common Influence by reason of Identltv of large holdings of stock, similar trade Interests or common truffle Interests. Such group movements could be distin guished In the Coalers, the southern rail roads, the Canadian group (including Rapid Transit preferred 1 and the ore and metal Industries. Professed reasons for these movements were not offered In every esse and in some Instances the workings of or ganlxed people in the stocks were suffi ciently perceptible. Confidence In the anth racite trade outlook and the prospects for earnings of the coal carriers Is very gen eral. It was sought to convey the Impres sion also that the return to the financial district of J. P. Morgan, who appeared at his office todav after his return from Europe, might be fraught with consequences to Reading and the Erlea The same Im pression was made to do fluty as an ex planation of the strength of Southern rail way and Southwestern carried Into tne sphere of ihe southern railroads. This movement was the more remarked on ac count of the growth of obstacles to the traffic In southern territory by yellow fever quarantine and the further deterioration In the condition of the cotton crop shown by the government rejort of today. The firm ness of the I nlted States Steel stocks vif also attributed to the Morgan Influence, to gether with the continued favorable reports from that Industry. The closing of the Irfindon Stock sxcharure from Friday until Tuesday was given to explain the extreme dullness of that mar ket and the Insignificant business done here for that account. Weather news affecting the grain crops was regarded as good. Money was eaev, but the possible reduction of resources wiUiln the next few weeks comes in for consideration. Subtreasury operstlons show a balance against the banks thus far this week of over 13 FW. the payment of government Interest having showed no offset to the payment last Satur day of the Central Pacific note to the gov ernment. The second Installment of b per cent of the Japanese loan subscriptions was pavable todav. calling for only L-.&iXM-m. The privilege accrued, however, to pay the balance or subscription tooay. ruffled demesnor of the money market did not reveal any large requisitions for this purpose. The strength in special stocks did not awaken a comprehensive response at any time, but the strength of the day was In the final dealings and the closing was strong at the highest. Bonds were Irregular. Total Bales, par value. $2.944.00. Vhlted Btates new 4s regis tered advanced H per cent on call. Quotations on the New York Stock ex Change ranged as follows: . Sales. High. Low. Close. Adams Express Amal. Copper Am. Car & Foun.... do preferred Am. Cotton Oil do preferred American Express .. Am. Hide & L. pfd American Ice Am Linseed Oil.... di preferred Am. Locomotive .... 236 .21.100 . 1,!"0 . 40O 83" 36 M 37H 99 2M 9 225 2S' 100 5, mil 26 27V, 17 40 s 111 2U0 4 4! do preferred Am. Smelt. & Rfg. .23.70 do preferred l."0 Am. Sugar R'f'g l.loO Am. Tobacco, pfd. c. 3"0 Anaconda Mln. Co.... 3"0 126H 1234 142-, W 115 87 lffi" 114", 70" 15 2ot4 56 3SAI 81 V Vi 215 isOVe 12E.S 122H 142' 115 162H 154' 2o7 54 20 21 126, 122 V4 142, 9 114V4 Atchison do preferred Atlantic Coast L.-. . Baltimore & Ohio.. do preferred Brooklyn Rapid T. Canadian Pacific .. Central of N. J ... 2.700 4!j 2.4o0 40 87 1"2 164 114 69T4 If 7') 2v MS Ches. & Ohio l.fcO Chicago A Alton 8"0 36 V, do preferred Great Western 1.3"0 Chicago & N . W Ron C. M. St. P 6,0 Chi. Term. & Trans do preferred C . C. C. St. L 400 Colo. Fuel Iron 1"0 Colo. A Southern 2,5'0 do 1st preferred 3'X do 2d preferred S,7(") Consolidated Oas 2"0 Corn Products 20 do preferred 3") Pel. A Hudson 3"0 Del.. Lack. A W 71 20V, 214' 1X, 1" K'V, S9H 2SV 62H 4fi 192 4' 114 440 W 45S 2H 62 3v, 192 9V 45H 195 438 99 45V, 40 191 44 194V4 420 Iwnver A R. O do preferred l'O 8&H 86S 81V, 86V4 Pistillers' Secur.. Erie do 1st preferred 42 .60 2.4iiO S 400 P" , 800 47V4 844i 74H 1S 13 171 4H 83-, 74V, 17V 93 17o4 47V4 M1! do 2d preferred Gen Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central ' International Paper.. do preferred International Pump.. do preferred Iowa Central do preferred 74'4 177 92 171 19V4 7K M 28 54 24 61 J K. C. Southern 26V, 67V4 147V, do preferred Louisville A Nash. ...15.100 147V, 166V, 2 127, r 7S 132 146 166H 61V, 126 v 22 63 V4 129 V, Manhattan I 100 166 82 Met. Securities 7i0 Met. Street Ry 7.JS) Mex. Central J3,l0 Minn. A St. L 1.4"0 M., 6t. P. A 8. S. M.. 1,500 127 V, 7 131 Vs do preferred 161 Missouri Pacific l.J0 lou 89 Mo., Kan. A Tex 14 28 do preferred 62V4 National Lead 1S.3U0 49V, 4SV, 4h 38 l7Vi 53V, N. R- R- of Mex. Pfd New Y'ork Central... N. ., OnL A W Norfolk A Western.. 4 3.60 8.000 147V, &3S 86H liiov, 43 143 107 14; 52', 85 99 43 142S 1U54 K6 92 do preferred North American .... l.OofJ .... 1"0 loov, 42S 14.'-, l'-0 Pacific Mall Pennsylvania .... People's Oas P.. C. C. A St. L. Pressed Steel Car ....lai'O .... 4.200 '.ioo .... l'O !!!!'. ko .... pj .... 7o .... i.vo .... 1.010 .... . . . . 200 .... l'O IS 444 96 l', 937, 91V, 21 M 31 S 4 96, 1044 93 914 2oV, 83 , 31 WV, do preferred . . . IMVJ Pullman Pal. Car Reading l'i-4 3 do. 1st preferred do 2d preferred : Republic Steel do preferred Rock Island Co K(4t 81S 76Vi do preferred Rubber Goods 85 l'4 68 24 61 do preferred St. L. Ai 8. F. 2d pfd. St. Iuls S W 40ft I'M 2s i4 61S 65 35S H 8f4 33 V, 3 57K, 19, 6V, 24 61V, 644, 33 S 57V4 121-S do oreft-rred Southern PacLflc 10 67,ftO 0 l.'"0 ? o 2'W l'O 2S.I0 6I'4 do preferred 11 Southern Railway 851, Se-v, 37 vj do preferred Tenn. Coal A Iron Texas A Pacific Toledo. St. L A V.... do preferred 67 liV, i 122 V, 90 51 1"9V, 35 1 t S.1V, I'ipV, 19 3t"4 2.13 16 9.4 V, 14 23 Vi 51V, 1-4 43 Union Pacific . do preferred V. S. Express I'. S Realty U. 9 Rubber 1.00 524 52 do preferred V. S. Steel 14 91 do preferred 17" Va -Caro Chemical... ln do preferred .. 1041, S3', 34 1MV, 33 V, Wabash 2 0 19H 191, do preferred Wells-Fargo Exp Westlnghouse Elec Western Union KO Wheeling ALE Wisconsin Central .... eO do preferred Northern Pacific 0 Central Leather S do preferred 81O 93 V, 23S 20414 7S 1'6 93V4 13V, 43V lo4". lot 4, Total sales for the day, 469. 3'0 shares. London I.OXPON. Aug stocks were: Co&aoia. Bkoasr do a-rouQl Aaacenda Atrhlaun do pfd BalKmor A obio .. Canadian Pacific .... ha A Ohm Chlro Ot W C M 4 81 P r Bears Ifanvar A R. G do pfd , Erie do lat pfd do ii pfd Illlsolt CeLtral Louiavllle a Naah.. M . k. A T SIL VER Bar, itoek Market. 1 Closing quotations on . V. T Central IS - . v Norfolk A W a . 4 do pM 44 . Ontario a W 54 lur-a Peunarlvani 7S 117 Rand Mlnaa t 11 Heading an, . !- do lat pfd II . 1 do Id pld 41 1M Southern Railway ... 4 . 17 4o pfd . . lul . 11 Souther, Periac . I aiua FanSe 11j . i do p:d i', . 4 l' Steel W 71 do pd J, 17.'. Wanaeh to .114 do pfd l . 24 Spanlph 4a HI uuict, 27d per ounce. MONEY Pf cent. The rt ois. oo. I,, t... open market for short bills is 1 13-16 per cent; for threa months' bills, 1 13-16 ier cent. Treasury llaleinral. TV AKH 1 V ,1 l IN Ana .1 T. .! ' atai- i Uitui ut li trtui Lalaucts la the (sa eral fund, exclusive of ths tirom.nna gold reserve, shows: Avsilsble cash balance, ll-S.TJi.Se-l; gld coin and bullion,'Ssi. New Tsrk Money Market. NEW YORK, Aug l-MONET-iln call, easy; highest. 2 per cent, lowest, t per cent; ruilng rate, I rw-r cent; last loan. I per cent; closing bid. 2 per rent; offered at t per cent; time loans, stesdy and dull; sixty and ntnety days, l3i per tent; six months 4 jr cent PRIME MERCANTILE PATER 434 per cent STF.Hl.1NO EXCHAN'IE-Steady with actual business In bankers tills at 84 sj 4 6A5 for demand and at 14 !47.Hi4 84exi for sixtv-dav bills; posted rates.. Msf and 14 "v commercial bills, 4 MS SILv'ER-Bar, 6tc; Mexican dollars, BuNDS Government, firm; railroad, lr regular. Closing quotations on bends were: 0 a. rot. sb, reg ...KWTt Jspn . etis... do coupoa loci du ta stris . f 1 ta. Kg IN d rtfi . do rsupoa .PS 1. A V onl 4i C. 8. new 4S. reg....isa Manhattan r a do coupon 11 not. 1 entral 4a. t 8 iM 4a, rag .. 1"4 I io 1st me i.i roux.a l4 Minn A St. L. . I . 1H .104 ,1"4 . ::, .102 Am Totwrro 4a. Ahv 1 M.. K A I, io 4a. ctra Atrhtsua fan. 4a... do adj 4a Atlantlr C L 4s.. ll1 dn is M . l" K. R. R. of M. e. 4a . . N Y l'. Itaa N. J. c 1 ta 1S4 ..Pt''o Pa(lflc4a li'tH .. K da 9a 17 , ..114 N. A w. c ta lo:' .. II 0 L r'df 4a 4a .. K4 Penfi ronv Ja 104 ..leS Rasdlti, sea 4a I'tN ..mi St. U A I M t. It .lilt. ..101H "t. L ! r f 4a bal A Ohio 41 ... da 14a Central ol 6a. ta. . do lat lnr...... do Id lnr Cnra. dV Ohio 4a. tlli-ago a A. IH 13 a Q a. 1. A p. w. M St. L S W do rol fa M4j Seaboard A. U 4a l'.U So. Pantile 4a .... Mn So. Kailwar tt '4 Taaaa A P la . .. H T . St L. A W. . 7! I nlon Par iflc 4a . Tli. .do fon 4a rev. A St. L. 4a Chlrao Tar. 4a C olorado Mid 4a . . . ....HI . ...l. 4a afi ... 1(S .... H .... 7H, .... (a .... .... Iiva Colu. A So. 4a Colo. Ind Sa, aet A do aK B Cuba ua, ctfa let I S Steel 2d 6a Wanaah la R Q 4a 101 latlllaj-a' Bc. im. W do deb B Krle prior hen 4a .K1 Waatem Md. 4a . . " WV A L K 4a . do fan, 4a . W. A D. C. la .IKS '! 'antral Ho. king Val, 'a. 110, do lat 4a ctfs M -vnerea. Boston Storks and Bonds. HOSTON, Aug. 3. Call loans, 2V(i'3i rer cent; time loans. S4 per cent. Official quotations on stocks and bonds were: Atrhtaon ad. 4s... . If West In, rsmmon . l'tH Adrfntura . 77lt Allauel . I6H Amala-aniatad .1'"'! American ZlDO .... .t.A Alkantic .117 Blr.fMm .m Hi. A He; la .144 I entennlal . tz Copper Han,e .Ivl Dalj Weal . 14 !lomln1on Coal .... .UU14 Prariklln . JJ- Maw Mlntnt . II Mlrhisaa . Mi.liaak . 14m Mont . A C 1JD Old I'omlnlon iU Parrot . H NJulr.cjr t4H Shannon .174 Tamarack . 17V, Trlnur , . 41 I'nlted Copper .... . 4: Vi t' 6. Mining .mm r. s on . 71 l uh . MS Victoria . ii Winona .1031, Wolverlns . U .. i"4 .. 3J4 ,. 10 .. 171, ,. 3i'4 ..675 . . St1 .. 7'Vi ,. 14 .. 77 ,. S .. .. 14 .. M .. 144 .. 21 .. ! ..1H ..123 .. 4 .. 8!m .. 34 . . 14 .. 45 .. 4 .. ia do 4a Mri. Central 4a... Atr-hlaon do pfd Bnatn, A Albanr.. Hnaton A Maine... Boalnn Elaaalad .. Fltrhhur, pfd Mtllran central T.. N. H A H. Par Marouatts .... t'nlon Pacific Amer. Araa. Cbea.. fd Amr Pnau. Tubs Amer. Sugar do pfd Anier. T. A T Amer. Woden Edlaon Elec. Ill, General Electric .... Maaa. Electric do pfd Mass. Oae t rilled Knilt Vnltad Shoe Marb... do pfd U. 8. Rteel do pfd AsKed. "Bid. New York MlnlnaT Stork. NEW YORK. Aug. 8. Closing Quotations on mining stocks were: A da ma Con . 10 . a . 40 . Ill . 1 1W .176 .t2i . t Little Chief ... Ontario Ophir Fhoenii Potoal Parage Sierra Nerada ttial! Hopes .. standard .. t . .loo ..4So .. t .. i .. 45 .. ii .. Ii ..lii Alloa Brere Brunawlck Con .. Comatoe, Tunnel Con. Cat. A Vs.. Horn Si leer Iron Silver leadTllle Cos .... oftered. Foreign Financial. LONDON, Aug 3 Monev was more abundant today, though the withdrawal to the provinces for holiday nurnoses was a hindrance to Its ease, while the consols set tlement Increased the demand. The Stock exchange was bordering on stagnation and dealings generally were limited to adjust ments iK-rore the holidays Consols were shade easier. Home man; were heavy. Americans opened dull and there were only a few unimportant and Irregular changes at rather above parity. Atchison. Topeka A Santa Fe. JNorfolk & Western. New York. Ontario & Western and Union Pacific were lino, uui cioeeu u.mei. Ldiuievilie or .aen- vllle was Quoted at 151. Foreigners were dull In Paris, advices discouraging to the S respects of a Russo-Japanese agreement, apanese Imperial a of 1904 were quoted at 1V BERLIN. Aug. 3. The bourse was alto gether quiet today. rAKIo. Aug. 3 The bourse was heavier today, owing to arprehenslona ree-ardtna general foreign conditions. Russinn 4s were particularly weak, following on reports from St. Petersburg that the war party was gaining In strength. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 87.46 and Russian bunds of 19o4 at 501. Bank of England Statement. LONDON, Aug 8. The weekly statement of the Bank of England shown the follow ing changes: Total reserve, decreased 1, 224.000; circulation Increased 87.ouo; bul lion, decreased 1.137.255; other securities, Increased 77.000; other deposits, decreased 241,000; public deposits, decreased 94".iv; notes reserve, decreased l,164.0u0; govern ment securities unchanged. The proportion of the bank's reserve to liability this week Is 47.45 per cent; last week It was 4S.67 per cent. Statement of Rank of France. PARIS, Aug. 8 The weekly statement of the Rank of France Shows the following changes: Notes In circulation. Increased, 116.625,000 francs; treasury deposits, de creased, 23,5"0 francs; general deposits, de creased, 81.875.000 francs; gold In hand, in creased, 3.102.000 francs; bills discounted. In creased, 7,425.000 francs. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Aug 3 Bank clearings for to day were $1.34.499.08, and for the corre sponding date last year 8954.454 3L St. I.onts Genernl Market. ST. LOU13. Aug 3 .-- WHEAT Higher; No. i red cash, elevator, 81Sc; track, SOS 87c; Septembers 8Tc; Oecember, 83 Vg 83 .; No. 2 hard. BStec. CORN Higher; No. 1 cash. 52c; track. 54c? September, 51Sc; December, 43 c. OATS Steady; No. t cash, 27c; track. 27ft 27V; December, 27c; No. 2, 7c; No. 2 white, S2c. r LOUR Dull; red winter patents. 84 25'fj) 4.40; extra fancy and straight, IJ.TS'oSfr'; clear. 83.1MiS.. FEED Timothy, steady; spot, $2.2Vb2.75; new, 83.60. CORN MEAL Steady at $7 20. BRAN Stsady; sacked, east track, 70 He. HAT Steady; timothy, $9.0tXjl4.50; pral- Irie. $7.uo( lO.m. r tnov i'iittov tipoic HEMP TWINE 64c PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing. $13.50. Lard, higher; prime steam, 86 87V Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, 3 25; clear rebs. 850; short clears. 8 75. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short, $V87V,; clear rll.a. $ 25; short clear, $9.50. POULTRY Steady; chickens. 9c; springs, lie; turkeys, 13Vi ducks, 7fcfe'.,c; getse, 5u9c. i BUTTER Steady; creamery, 15"3uic; dairy. 14alTc. iXJGS Firm. I4c, case count. Receipts Shipments. Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu Oats, bu ... 6.iA"j 7.'.) 155.ii 147.' 54. iD i. 1.15,000 6S.VU0 Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug 3. COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling uplands. He; mid dling gulf. 11 25c. Sales, 2"0 bales. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 1 tYVTToN Quiet; middling. loSc. Sales, none; receipts, none; shipments. l.oM lales; stock, 23 142 bales. LIVERPOOL. Aug 3 COTTON Spot In moderate demand, prices 2 points lower; American middling fslr. 6 311; good mid dling. .t'4d; middling. 5M; low middling. 8 74d; good ordinary, 5..'6d; ordinary, i 4od. The sales of the day were . hales, of which 500 bales were for speculation and export and Included 6.5u bales of American. Rec eipts. 4.0UU bales, luciudlng l.uuo bales of American. NEW ORLEANS Aug. 3 - COTTON Quiet. Sales. 425 tal-s. ordinary. 7 13-liV; good ordinary. 9c. low middling 9Tc; mid dling. 1"V; good middling 1i13-16o: mid dling fair. UV. Receipts. S.lob bales; stock C9.96S bales. Coffee Market. NEW YORK Aug. 3 -COFFEE-Market opened steady at an advance of .Sal' points In response to higher European cables and lontlnued bull supijrt. The close was firm ft a ner advance i f 10 points on all months except August, which was 8 points higher. Sales were rerxnted of 11.5' hags. In cluding SeptemlH-r at 8j7 1'ic; October, 7l"c; Ieceii,ler 7cfT.35c: March, 7 5"Sr7.55c. S;t Rio firm, No 7 Invoice, 8SjC; ruild, Arm; Cordova, l"013c i Peerla Market. PEORIA. Aug. 8 CORN Higher; No J eUow, aoc; N o. 8, hoc, Is o. 4, 4c, no grade OATS Steady; No. t white 2c; near OMHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Btef Eteeri Btdy, with Cows feedr-fi Higher. and HOG PRICES TAKE BIG TUMBLE TODAY Reeelgts of sheep suid Iambs Light, with Market In Iknat tke tame Condition na Yesterday glow and Steadr. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug t. 1. Receipts were: Official Monda- .... t(flcl Tuesdav ... Offlclsl Wednesdsv Official Thursday .. Cattle. Hogs 8rtep. 2 8 6 8.' 9 11 991 4,;si7 1.7-5 2,'iW 8.171 8.911 5,714 34 ?!. 8r..4nT 21.255 11 9 8 b9l 9.573 7.195 .22 !S 6on 86 4' t, 4f 92 .a rs 21 9.6 16.099 Four dsvs this week. .12 "25 Four days last week 14.1H5 Same dsvs week before. .13, Same three weeks aaro.16 213 Sums four weeks sao 11.511 Same days last year 7 966 RKCKIRT8 FOR THE YEAR TO 11ATF.. The follow Ire tshle .ho. the rer-elnla at cattle. hos and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, comparing with last year: - 16. 1904 Inc. Catsie tmX 4S7H19 13.435 Hoas 1 544 li7 1.4 943 74 2M Sheep 872.118 74i.l6 12r2 The following7 laMt shows tlie aversfe price of hogs st South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: rte. I 1H6. ilsajt. 1903.11902 '1901. 1900. 1899. 78 July July July July July July July July July July July July July July Julv Julv July Aug. Aug. Aug. 15.. 16.. I 17.. 18 ... 19.. 20.. 21.. 22.. 23.. 24.. 5 (3H; 8 11 1 5 18 t 16 8 33 t 19' 5 23, 7 76: S 7 72- 6 64 I 0: 6 66, 5 55', t bSV,, 8 5 7 72i t 551 4 94 4 m 4 1 4 8 4 1 4 21 t 21 7 '.3 6 5, 4 8 6 IS, 6 04 6 10 7 66, 8 2i 4 99 5 22' 5 22 8 26, 5 851 8 15 t C8 4 98 S Dl1, t 4V 7 62 1 7 32 6 07 6 i3 B 671 I 4 84 6 70 5 15, i 69i t 15 4 34 I 74 6 06 , 4 31 8 681 i 02' 4 27 6 58 I 06 4 31 6 47 5 54' 7 41 25. 26. 5 06 6 Ou. 7 53, t 59S 5 )0i 1 it:, 27. . I 6 68 1 5 mi 4 9 28 6 51 b 19 4 9- 7 63 6 in 6 03 7 47, 6 ( 6 03 7 471 ! 5 02. 7 51 4 99, 4 97; 7 41 4 92: 1 7 36 4 93: 4 99 5 13, 4 33 29.. .. 31.. 1...I 5 5u a 5 RS 5 47 5 5t. 6 61! 5 5 76 5 79 4 Si 5 06 I 9i 5 15; 5 1 5 15 a 4 32 4 19 4 26 4 33 5 i;9S 5 7.'S. Indicates Sunday- The official number of cars of stock brought in today tiy each road was: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. C . M. & St. P.' Ry... 7 aoash Missouri Pacific Ry 1 Union Pacific svatem 2 C. & N. W. Ry 4 F.. E. & M V. R. R 10 C , St. P.M. & O. Ry 9 B. & M. Ry 24 C, H. A Q. Ry 1 C, R. 1. & P. Ry., east 8 C, R. I At P. Ry., west.... 1 Illinois Central w .. Chicago Ot. Western 2 1 3' 6 42 11 20 1 7 2 1 1 Total receipts 88 131 21 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hoes. Sheen. onmiia packing Co 6wlft and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Vansant & Co Ix'lunan & Co Hill & Huntrlnger Hamilton 4 Hot hschlll. . . L. F. Huki Klngan & Co J. H. Hoot r Co Hoffman Pack. Co S. A S Other buyers Do 1.IH8 633 275 2.2' 1.791 M4 2.1S8 1.04S &V7 2.8SS . 674 6 69 130 . 45 15 573 86 243 191 1S7 .... 8o7 Totals 2.221 9.399 4,853 CAT 1 LE- The run today consisted ot about eighty-eight loads, a decrease of about twenty-nine cars as compared with last Thursday, and an Increase of twenty six as compared with the same day last year, when the labor trouble kept receipts very light. There w, re only a few west erns here, the receipts consisting mostly of good corn fed cattle. Reef streers constituted the big end of the receipts and there were souib pretty good cattle offered. Buyers picked up the stuff early, and while there was no excite ment to the trade, a clearance was made In good season, there being an active demand. Packers claimed last week that their cool ers were full and that the consumptive de mand for beef was light, so that they could not handle many cattle. This week with the lighter receipts they have taken hold In good shape. They picked up the stuff very readily today at prices generally Heady with yesterday. Some sales on the choice grades of corn feds looked a little stronger. There was only a light supply of cows and heifers here and the demand wis good and te stuff waa picked up early. The corn fed cattle sold nulckly at stronger prices Hnd some of the best kinds sold even better than this. There was consid erable activity to the trade, buyers aeem lng to want supplies. Bulls, veal calvt a and stags were In Just about the same condition as yesterday, with prices ruling steady. Stockers and feedrs were In demand and the light receipts were picked up In fair season at good steady prices and on some of the letter grades at stronger prices. Representative sales: HCbi Di No. 4 .. ... 4 .. i... 4 ... 4... 1 .. 4... 4... tl... II... II... 71... 17... I . 34.. 4 . 1 . II.. 1... 4... 4... 1... 1... 4... 1... 14 ... I.., 8... 4... II... 4... 4... 8. 1 ... I... 1 ... 17... I... I... 4... AT. . .;""4 ..lua .. Ml . . M0 .. 127 ..1250 ..1404 ..1114 . .H . 1041 ' .1041 .1111 ..UK . . 117 . ..1I"0 ... 174 ...1771 ... 7W ...llf4 .. 460 .. 110 .. BMI ..1010 .. 710 .. 7"S ..lino .. 134 .1110 .. 430 .. Sol .. " .. 1.2 .. 767 ...461 .. . 1 00 . .l'"6 .. 770 .. t . .U" . . aa .. 440 No. At. . .1174 ..17T5 ..1131 . .1214 ..1212 ..ll'K) ..1274 ..1350 . . 475 ..1141 .1314 ..1171 ..1117 ..1347 .1130 ..MM ..1114 FT 4 40 4 10 4 40 4 10 4 10 4 40 4 0 4 45 4 06 I 00 I 04 I 64 I 14 I 10 8 14 I 10 I 10 I v I 40 I 45 4 on 4 75 4 4 X 4 It 4 40 4 50 4 40 4 40 4 70 4 70 4 70 ' 4 75 4 0 4 4 4 40 II. . C2. 15 10. Si. 14. . 16.. 47.. io. . 10.. 44 . 21. 21 14. 21. II. tl. 41 4 45 COWS. 1 00 1 74 1 74 I 00 1 00 I (4 J 10 I 14 : is 1 21 2 24 2 30 : 35 I 40 I 50 1 50 i 55 I 55 I 40 I 40 t 40 I 40 I. .. 40 . .110 . . .. 17 ..102S . .1 Kl . . 75 . .1016 . . I0 . .HBO . .U'5 .. Ill . . II". s . .1170 . .1011 . .1171 ..1340 . 1410 ..1S10 . . 115 ..lHaO t 44 t 74 I 40 t 40 I 00 t 00 I 1 I 14 I 20 I 25 3 25 I 25 I 40 I 40 I 40 I 41 I 50 4 49 I 40 I 40 I 71 14 11 1. HEIFERS. S 1 75 4 411 15 455 I 00 1 500 2 40 :A I 06 1 7"0 i 40 6"0 I 24 4 721 I 44 7(7 I 15 17 441 I 15 t'4 111 llwO I to 4l 1 15 BULLS. 10 00 i 1440 I 74 11X1 I 10 1 1270 I 44 lf'TO 2 50 1 40 I "0 KO 2 50 1 140 I 25 12.VJ I 55 1 7u I ;4 llvo I 40 1 16T0 J 35 12M I 4u 1 l'"0 I 34 1164 2 70 1 147u I M 1330 2 75 STAGS. J 4W 2 6o 1 1H0 I 45 CALVES. 1 t"0 I 50 I Ill 6 00 1 3S 4 00 1 .- 110 I 25 J 141) 4 W I 170 4 25 42 11 4 75 1 leo 4 75 150 t 00 1 Ill C 50 $ 274 5 00 1 ... . 170 I 50 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 717 2 6 27 Jo 2 I 00 I Sl I 40 5 71 I 00 4 771 40 I 14 7 i o t 444 I 25 l"ii I au Iieimer (it Gilford Neb. 21 steers.. .1114 8 95 R M Moran-Neb. 44 feeder 1112 3 S reliiier ot Gilford Neb. 40 steers. ...1111 3 65 11 -ows 875 1 00 NEBRASKA. 1 feeder. . 68 feeders. 24 heifers, o ro ... 1000 3 60 1 1 steers 11"5 $ 60 $ steers. 710 2 "5 27 cows 7s5 I 15 11 cows 3 a L'"5 3 7-1 . 47 2 1) .94 i & ItlMlA ltnver were erv lrtBrt o,i morning and with eastern points reporting adverse corionioiis. prices nroge sharniv and trading wag done at much lower figures nun yesn riiay 1 nere was a go,i run, atxiut 14 load being on sa.r. i a, i: were poor nuyers on trie start and aid not do much till well alonx totsard ti,e middle of the forenoon. A f;ilr sl,i , lng demand picked up a few hogs early, but the gen eral trading was slow and dull nito a weaker feeiing as the morning advanced. Good light meigt.t hogs suitable f,,r ship pit, g pun-oses sold around 85 li. ml. lie mixed pa. kers brought I0 ;6t:1i Ta,e gential market was a big dime lower all aro ind. alth prices eas:i,g off toward the close. Tne bulk of tlie hogs soli todav al 45 60 li!. & nnile the Lattr la It loi g string sold for Ii fwicnoua lii (narktt rsree decidedly worse and closed 15c lower tl sn veaterdsy. Representative sales Na a. sa. Pt Ka A. s, Pr 11 ia . I M ,7j t4 ise I r4 41 .. . si IS I ffv, w so 4 II ... HIS SS I 44 I 4IH I r ..... t I H 7.. ISS . I 4 .. . M ll H t 14 ISO l 4 ,I4 II HO . 41 ....741 I W 44 144 lf 111 IT If 7 10 IH Ml 140 I M ... I I7H 61 141 r 6 4J 41 It I 1" 71 HI 140 I t.i 141 isn 1 f n t?4 41 1: (4 I"' 4" 117 .... M So I ft tr ir an i aa ut . I 4i4j 4 HI 40 I " 71 I'U I 4!-i ? 1 . I 40 114 4" I 47 rM. 4 40 44 t4 If I 71 I 4 4 74 Ill 11" 11.4 tt -l . . 4 4 44 I I 41 t :a4 sa I to 4) I'l w 4 fl (- J7 I 4" 44 K to I 44 y SO I to 1T Id I J 45 . . I SO 41 117 ... I 41 47 ri s in to m . . 1 h tl r 4p 40 l Ill 14 I 4 170 S 8 4 n tti ... s 41 IS 40 I 40 ' '.H . 4 46 74 If! 40 I 10 41 IkS 1M I 44 p 110 Iff 4 " 14 "7 ... I II II 171 10 I 40 41 1l . 14 W ItS 40 I 40 77 Ill "0 I 44 140 140 4 4" IS HI 144 4 5 17 Ill 4" 8 4n 74 110 44 4 4 141 110 I 10 n I"4 ... t 5 17 117 10 I SO tl 141 ... I 44 71 I.1J to I 4" 41 I'l 40 8 St 7. 171 141 4 40 15 14 SO I 44 10 lf 40 t to . II 1 ... IK 70 HI 10 4 74 m o 4 4S IS 171 00 f o 17 til SO I 44 44 14 12" 4 40 II 114 . 4 44 f 1.4 10 ( to tH 40 I It . 4 I 4 I0 I 40 II 1M 40 4 C4 41 IM 110 I 40 "It lit 40 I 46 II 174 SO 4 40 71 Ill ... 4 41 14 S:4 ... II 71 J'C ... I 11 1,4 ... I 47 N 117 40 I 44 47 141 n I 41 44 Ill 40 I 44 74 tM io 4 4! II 1:4 1M I 45 47 i7 40 I 41 74 140 SO I 45 II Ml . . I 47 45 HI ... I 47 I4 SO 1 47 I ... I 47 .1)4 40 4 41 41 144 . 4 : 74 117 100 11 S4 17 1 40 4 47 7 114 4o I 47 71 H4 10 I 47 42 141 SO 4 41 74 I"0 So 47 71 M 40 I : II 145 110 I 47 45 :l ... 47 0 l4 ... 4 47 tl. Ii4 ... I 47 41 1H 40 I 70 47 Ill 40 4 42 It til 4 70 40 IJ ... I 41 BHEKP There was very little change Irr conditions in the big barn today no new features developing The market so far this wek has been featureless, although the trade Is In a satisfactory condition. At this time of year when the western sheep are coming In there la always more or less sorting to do and salesmen are busy with this during the early hours of the morning and buyers do not care to trade till the stuff is all shaped up so they ran see Just what is on sale This mikes the morning market very slow and dull, but does not afT.-ct prices In the least. It being simply a case of getting the stuff ready to sell. There is a good detnsnd here for both sheep and lambs, and while the market today was slots- on the opening and very little stuff was Sold early prices were fully steady with yesterday. The feeder demand was also good, buyers having plenty of or ders to fill. Quotations on fat sheep and lambs: Oood to choice spring lamhs. $6 25y 6o; good to choice yearling wethers, $4.75u5.00; gtiod to choice wethers. $4.2.Vi24.50, good to choice ewes, $S.65ijj4.25. Quotations on feeder sheep and lambs: Oood feeding lambs. $5 OKufi 50; good feed ing yearlings, $4ftii4 66; good fi-edlng weth ers, $3 85114 15; good feeding ewes, $2.75413.50. Representative sales: No. Av. 2H2 Idaho ewes & wether feeders 83 Pr. 4 00 4 & 4 t'S 4 30 4 30 9-' western ewes .... 86 western ewes .... 113 western wethers 108 western wethers 94 92 l"'l 102 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady, Hogs and Sheep Ten tents Lower. CHICAGO, Aug. 3 CATTLE Receipt". 7,Oiii head. Including iVii Texans; market, steady; good to prime steers. IS.iruS.ifo; poor to medium. $3 7.vbt 10; stockers and feeders. $2. 2f.'n4 20: cows. $2.40fa4.6u; heifers. $2 2a4 8f'; cann.-rs, $1 5&2 4o; bulls, J.i2 4O0: calves, $Sui6r7oo; Texas fed steers, $3 6iri4i; western steers. $3 5"&4 9ti. HOGS Rec. Ipts. 25.l head; estimated tor tomorrow. 18.(4"t head; market, 10c lower; mixed and butchers. $56oo6 05, good to choice heavy. $5 9oVVi.fl6; rough heavy, $5 80 5.75; light. $5.7ov 10; bulk of sales, $5.75 4i5.9o. SHEEP AMJ l.AMMB rteceipis, m.uw head; market, 10c lower; lambs, steady; good to choice wethers. $4.5ii4 86; fair to choice mixed, $4 (Ma 4.60; western sheep. $4 00 Sr4.75: native lambs, $5.0OtfjC.7O; western lambs, $5.5a7.5fl. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSA8 CITY, Mo. Aug. 3 CATTLE- Recelpm. 6,000 head. Including 2,000 head of southerns. Market strong to lc higher. Choice export and dressed beef steers. $i uO ig6.65: fair to good. $4.00a':.o0; western steers, $3.75irf.25; stockers and feeders. $2.75 4j4.35; southern steers, $2 754M.50; southern cows, $2.oo(iS.5o; native cows. $25'4 25; native heifers. $3 Vufi.2b: bulls, $2Zu3.75; calves. H5ojj00. HOUS Receipts. 8,'io head; market 10c lower; top. $5 90; bulk of sales. $5.355. S5; heavy. $5 75'"a5 : packers, $5.7'&Ci.9"; pigs and light. $:..75fi6.9. SHEEP AN O LAMBS Hecelpts. 4.7fJ head; market strong to loc higher: native lambs. $;. 25U6 50; western lamhs, $5.25fi6 50; ewes and vearllngs, 84.iVaO.25; Texas clipp-d yearllngB, $4 755.25; Texas clipped sheep, J4.15 J4 6"; stockers, $4.1ai4.6o; stock ers and feeders. $3.5o4j4 25. Bt. I. on Is lire Mock Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Aug. i. CATTLE Re ceipts. 3.500 head. Including 2.4"0 Texans; marHet steady; native shipping and export steers, 84 4Xii5 75; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.5n'i6 .25, steers under .i") pounds, $3.Pft'4.65; stockers and feeders, $2 75114. 00; cows and heifers. $2.uojjC .85; canners. $1 5o $2.00; bulls. $2 3'Kg3 40; calves. 83 5tKji 60; Texas and Indian steers, $2.75T4 76; cows and heifers, $2 0ou3.6o. HOGS Receipts 4.000 head; market lower; pigs and lights, $6.(X"g6 230; packers. $5 9o26.25; butchers and best heavy, $5 ft Kg 6-06. SHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipts. I.80O head; market steady; native muttons. $.' 23 t4.60; lambs, S5.oojj7 25; culls and bucks, 3 0j.4.25, Texans, $3.75ti4.2&. New York I. lie Mock Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 3 BEEVES Re ceipts, 18 head; no trading. Exports to morrow, 55 sheep and 3.1'J quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 27 head; market slow and lower; buttermilks, 25'yfic off; veals. $5.fj4.fl: buttermilks. $3 5'"i 4 OO ; dressed calves weak; city dressed veals. iu.tfrioe per pound; fancy carcasses, 12ic; ccuntry dresced. 5' 11c. HOGS Receipts. 2.724 head; market nominally steady; no sales reported. HKKP AND LA MBS-Receipts. 4.100 head, market for good handy sheep firm; others steady, but heavy sheep slow; lambs, 1577 251' higher; sheep, $3 . f i& 4 7f, ; choice, $5 (i"; culls, $2.50; lambs, $6.oou8 Oo; culls, $4 45fl6 C0. St. Joseph Lire Stork Market. 8T. JOSEPH. Mo.. Aug. 3 CATTLE-Receipts. 1,76 head; market meady; natives, e.i ..iyo ."; icxas westerns, .:0"'u4 4o; cows and heifers. $1 bo 6t; bulls and stags. $2 i-4 25; veals, $3 (nit 00; yearling ralves, $2 5u4.0o, stockers and feeders, $2. 75 y I 27. HOGS Receipts. 8.51-9 head: n.arket 7u'Pjc lower; light mixed. $',.7'!i5.S5: me dium heavy. 8j.bT.ij5 81; pigs. $4 oa"ijS.oi; uuis. .' a,. SHEEP AND I.AMBS-Recelpts. 3.970 head, market steady; lambs, 40 65. glonx City Llie Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Aug 3. 4PfcUl Telegram I CATTLK-Reo it ts. 2u head; inaiket steady; beeves. $i 75715 ,i; cows, bulls and mixed. $2 25't4!fj. stoi kers and feeders. $2 5'93 60; calves and $2o"'u3 5j HfG8-Receipts. 3..Vo h,ud. maiket. We lower, selling al $8 4o46 75, bulk of sales, $5 5','u5.60. Stork la Sight. t Receipts of livestock at the six prlncip il westirn markets yeaterday: Cattle Ho: Slo- South Omaha .. Sioux (ntv ...... Kansas City .... St. Joseph St Lou's Chicago ... .tiio 9 : 8 .' On '.417 I'm ... 5. ("l ... 1 766 . . . $ 5O0 ... 7.0UU 8.0 o 4 .' 25.t.0 4 3 1 16 Totals .19. a 58.325 33 07 Sugar and Mo'iiaea. NEW YORK. Aug 3 - SUGAR, Raw, 1 firm; fair refining, i 7-lDJlc: ce:-.irtfugal. ! ie; test. 4 I !-'o4'c: molasses susar, 8 l-lutj i $Vc; refined steady; No. 8. 4 70t; No 7, 4uic; No. 6. 4-oc; .-so . 1 &"C; No. V 4 4; No. 11. 4 35c; No. 12. 4 Sue; No. 13. 4Uic. No. 14. 41tc; confectioners A, 515c. mould A. 5 65c; cut lohf und crushed ic; powdered, 54,1c- granulated. 6 30i , cubes. 5 55c. NEW ORLEANS. Aug 3 SUGAR I r :,ii r,r-n kettie centr fusa . 4'.,i:.c I centrifugal whites. 4 15-:etr5 l-lc, yellows. ; 44,4's.c; seconds. 2nb ic. rs I Mi LASES N'ooonal . open kettle l."ff Syrup, nomtniil. Jff. 20c; lenlrifugal, 6'014c. Oils and RmIi. NEW YORK. Aug 3 -OllCott .nseed, f.rtc: prime crude, nominal, pritue vellow. I ' tr petroleum, steady; refined New lYoik. $'"; Philauelphia and BaUimote, In bulk. $3 15 Tut per line. .dy. 6 n t'vc. 1 RoSl N Dull ; strained, con, nun to good. !$ ft' aektd OIL 1 111, 1" . Aug 3 oil, Credit ,'.,U. ,aic . 11 27 certificates no bid. s'.lpuient luns, , ) - i $1,V bbi tiax, 7u,83u lu, , bMa Shipments. I.lnm. 5..'1' hMt; aver age. 74 ."' Pi-Is : rutin. I liu-i. f ".: TtH.KPO. Aug 8 I'll. -North Lima. 8"c; South l.lioa snd SjC. SAVANNAH. On. Aug 3 -- (. 1 1 r- Tut pen line, tir'n. Kl'SIN Fu'n.. A. It C. $3'; I' 8-t M. V.. 87. p. 4,i vju, ,-i ii. i. 4"'. II 44 V. I. 4 1I'. K 15. M. 14 y. -. N. l W O. 84.75. VY , 85 ''. OMtlU nllHIK.MI i: 1IHKKT, Condition of Trade and ilnotatlnn, on Stanle and Ksnrr I'rodnce. EOitS Receipts, fall; maikct steady; rand:ed st .ck 14c I IVK Pi l LI Rt ll hi ?4c: roosters, 8yjtc, turkeys. I.'ijl5c, ducks. Sc; spring Uu M I'-, spring cnnMn. liuln,- Bt TTER-Ms: ket f.rt'.: packing stock. 14Sc. ch.'lce Io fancy dairy., I7yisc; cream er i . :ii7ic: ptltus. -2c. SUOAR-eitandurd grnnulateU ir. barrel.. $7, f. pel ml., cubes. ,'i ier cwt.. Cut loTf. $ r rat.; No 6 extra 1'. ..'' lx r ct ; No 10 extra C, $5.15 p r tt , No. 1.1 yellow $; 30 pr cwt.; XWX powdered, $ 91 per c t. FRKKH FISH Trout 9c. halibut, lie; buffalo tdresed, 8c; pickerel tdressenH. 8c; tshite bass (dressedi. 12-; minflsh, c; verc:i (scaled and dresm-di. 8c, I'lke, PH-. catlsn. 15c: red snapper, PH-, salnion. 16c. ctnppit, 12c, eels. 16c, bullhead. 11c; black bass. 2"c; Manitoba ahlieflsh idressedi, I0c;-Lake Su erlor wliltetlsh tdi eased 1. 1", frog leu Per do,, 35c; lobsters, gic.n, ?7c; boiled lobsters 3V; shsd roe. 45c, blueftsh, c HAY-Prices quoted by tmiaha Wholesale Hsy Dealers sssociutlon: Choice, $7; N. 1, $6 5v No. 2. $: cmrse. $S These prices are for hav of good color and duality. BRAN Per ton. 115 TRuPlCAL ORANGES -Valencia. FRUIT. al. sixes. $4.7Vu6 f LEMON S I.ltnonl in. extra fancy. 270, $ and S" sixes. IsolO; fancy. 27it 800 ind Sites, X DATES Per box of jo l-ih. pkgs, HalloTteen, in Tv-IIk i.i?i ber Ib.. tc. $-": FIGS California, tier 10-lt. carton. 75 85c: Imported Smyrna. 4-rrown. K'c; 5 crown. 17c. BANANAS Per lnedium-suted bunch, $1.78 fij 28; Jumbos. $.'5"-i:l00 FRUITS AND MELONS TEARS Bar t let t. per WMh. boa. $.'.75. PH'MS-California, per 4-baskct crate, $1.10(61 35 PEACHES Texas Ellwrtn. per 4-basket crate. 75c, California freestones: per 25- 1b. box. II. CAN T A LOUPES Texas. er crate, $3; California, per crate ponies, $2.iii 2 50; California. stanlrdrt, $. WATERMELONS-Alabama Swsets, Jf.-J 40c each, crated. lvc jer lb. RASPBERRIES- Rod. box of 24 pt. 2 BLACKBERRIES Case of 24 qts., $1,752 WAX BEANS-Per V-bu. basket. 25fl35c, string brans, per S-bu. box, r5r;i3. II'TAToKS-New. per bu., 35035c. BEANS Navv. 1 r lu , 12. CAI'LIFLOW KR Home-grown, per crate of 1 do,.. 5" CUCUMBERS-Pit dot. 25c. TOM T 'ES Tennessee, j-r 4-baske crp te, v, CABTiAGE Home-grown, In crates, pe lb . IHc O.MON'S-Home-grown. yellow, red and white. 1c per lb. BEETS--New. per bu.. 75c. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE-S Ish. new, 15c; Wisconsin brick. lc; Wisconsin llmherger, 15c; Twins, 121-,c; Young Americas, 12,c. NUTS-Walntits. No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 15c; hsrd shells. it lb., 1.1c: No. t soft shells. lr lb.. 12c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c. Pecans, large. -er lb, 12c; small, per lb.. 10c. PranutH. per lb., 7c; roasted, per lb., Rc. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12T13V,c. allmtinds, soft shells, per lb.. ITc; hard shells, per lb., 15c Sliellbark hickory nuts, per bu . $1.75; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.5o HIliES No. 1 green. Rc: No. 2 green. c: No. 1 salted, 9c; No. 2 salted. 8c; No. 1 veal calf. 10c; No. 2 veal calf. 9c; dry salted. 74$ 14c; sheep pelts, 25c4i$100; horse hides, $1.5 tiS.OO. 1 Metal Market. i NEW YORK. Aug 3 METALS The Imdon tin market showed a reactionary tendency following the recently excited ad vance, and prices closed at 4;ii0 5s for spot and 149 for futures. The local market continued quiet with sjiot quoted at $32 75 u33 12. Copper also was lower In London, closing at 1.6S' 12s 6d for spot, and A'A 17s CkI for futures. The local market was much quieter than recently, but prices are still flrmlv held. lke and electr lytic are quoted at $ 15 37Vi 1 5 60 ; casting at 14.87V, 15.12. lycad was quoted at 14 Is 2d In Ixmdon and at $4.6u4j4.70 In the local mar ket. Spelter was also unchanged In both markets, closing at 24 In London, and at $5 6oa5 .70 locally. Iron closed Bt 49s 4d lrt Glasgow, and at 46s 3d In Locally the situation was without ch.'.og. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at ,M6 25 017.00; No. ! foundry northern at II 1 't 16 50; No. 1 foundry southern at $ls.i.-.i& 16 75; 16 25. ST. No. 2 foundry southern at $16.6t'ip LOUIS. Aug . 3 -METALS-Lead, Fpclter, firm, $5.5i4j5 55. $4.6o; Wool Market. BOSTON. Aug 3 - WOOL There hag been more activity In the wool market and a larger volume of business done. The total sales aggregate l.Mii.da) pounds. The larger mills have been buying heavily, the worsted mills especially. The market Is stronger and the tendency Is upward. Bulled wools are Ann. Territory grades are In demand and strong. Foreign .wools are -quiet. Leading quotations were as fol lows: Ohio and Pennsvlvanla X X and above. SgS7c: X. SfflTBc; No 1. 41Jj42c; No. 1, 42!ri43c: fine unwashed, iVa'-'Sc. quarter blood unwaxhed, 35''u36o; three-eighths blood, 36c; half-blood, 35c; unwashed delaine, Sof Sic; unmerchantable, 32'&33c; fine washed delaine, XnHir. Michigan Fine unwashed. 27y28c; quarter-blood unwashed, 3S'(iS4o; three-eighth blood. 34&:i5c; half-blood. 32(i 33e; unwashed delaine. 2fc. Kentucky, In diana, etc. Three-eighths and one-quarfer-blood. 8'Wi37c. Territory and Idaho-Fine, 22i&-4o; heavy fine. 1!ii21c: fine medium, 23(? 24c; medium. 2tii27c; low medium. VgT.c, Wyoming Fine 227 23c; heavy fine. 19i20c; fine medium. 2242:ic; medium. 2A(U27c; low medium, ai'd2. Utah and Nevada Fine, 22ifl23c; heavy tine, lSy2nc; fine medium, 237i 24c; medium, Iiri27c; low medium, 27fi2Hc. Dakota-Fine. 2-'ii23': line medium. 22o23c; medium, 26i27c; low medium, 2b'a27c. Mon tanaFine choice, ifu Sic; fine average, 2H'(f 24c; fine medium choice. 251a 26c; average, n t24c: staple. 2H3c; medium choice. 2sii30c; average, 'X'n'JlQ. BT. LOUIS, Aug. J -WOOL Steady: me dium grades combing and clothing. 2631c; light fine. 2!fc27c; heavy fine. I6ii22c; tub washed, 3ifi4ic. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts. NEW Y'ORK. Aug. 3 The market for evaporated apples continues lirm and sales of prime fruit for November delivery have been reported at 7c. Common to good are quoted at 4'V(toc on spot; prime at 6Vtf 0Vc; choice at 7c. and fancy at 7v,c. t:ALIF)RNIA DRIED FRUITS-Pruneg are somewhat unsettled oalng to reports of'an easier situation 011 the coast. Liverpool t;rnln Market. LIVERPOOL, Aug. S.-WHEAT-Spot. nominal, futures, quit t ; Septi niler. 6s 8i,d; liecember. 6s 7'vl: March, nominal. CoKN Spot, easy; American mixed, 5a Id; futures, firm; September, 4s 10"d; De ceiulier, 4s lud. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFER". Iweds filed for record August 3. W6, as furnished by tlie Midland Guarantee and Trust company. Inr.ded abstracter, 1614 Farnam stret. for The Bee: F. Flniaii to p. Cogan, lot pi, bloik 13. Ix-er Pap $2,0 H. P. Deuel and wife to K. W. Cow- ger art of lot 1, biocii 17, K. V. Smith s iiiidition , 1,5"3 W. P Wright to E. E Wright and J. H. Iiailerg. lot 1. bloik 2 A. S. Patricks aildiiloq &X) J. H. HarUrg anil wife to E. K, .Wright and J. II. Harberg. lot i, bloik 3, A. ti Patrick s adiliilon 1 Julia S. Bryant and Mary C. Grat. loak. part of laxlot 43, in of trwV, 10-15-13 J.&O J. J. Ran. guardian, to Anna Corri- lot 2. block 25, First uddiuon to Corngan Place 450 A. BurmeiHter and wife to Emma . Tut ineistes, lot 12, block IS. HMcy ou Heights 150 Miru Wilson to S. ReynoUls. fot 3. block 6. Omaha Vh gjt) Marl.- B. Lewi to 1 H. and Mafy A. Ilenrle. lot 10 bio. k 14, Movers, . Rliliards ov Tlldn s addition 324 Fanners and Merchants' insurance 7' 0 ' 9 0 I WM I 0 fl 1 j company to. C. Eierer. subdivision of lot IV. 9-15-13 8.0U K W: Buekles et al. to Mny E. Em blem lot 1 blo V i. Belvidere. 426 R. A Walker to Byron Clark lot 2. block 1, Wise at Parmcle's addition . M Edwards-Wood Co. Oecernnrstsd ' r.gla Cfflcc: Fil'ti mi Wj r: SUU ST PAUL. n.NV DCAkCRS I Stocks, Grain, Provision Ship Your Grain to Us branch Offire, llo-lll Hoard of Trad l;lds-, Uiuaba, Keb. Telenhone Soi l. 2!2-'.'14 Exchange Bldg., B'".Hh Oniatta, Bell i'hon ia. iuU.4-xl.u.i 'tUuu I I