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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1905)
Tnn OMAHA DAILY KEE: FRIDAY. "AUOrST 4. 1903. Tite Omaiia Daily Bee E. ROSEWATER. EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORNINO. TERMS OP BUHSCRIPTION. Daily Ree (without Sunday), one year.. 14 0 Inlly Ree and Sunday, on year ."0 Illustrated Bee, one year - M Sunday Be, one year !W Saturday Re, one year 1 Twentieth Century Farmer, one year.... 1.00 DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Datlv pee (without Sunday), per ropy.... 2e Dally Ree (without Bundav). per week.,.12o Daily Ree (Including Sunday), per week. 17a Evening Ree (without Sunday), per week iO Evening Ree (Including Sunday), per week l- Sunday Bee, per copy, r eo Complaints of Irregularities In deliver should be addressed to City Circulation De partment. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. Bouth Omaha C'ltr Hall Building, Twenty-fifth and M streets. Council Bluff 10 Pearl street. Chicago 1M0 t'nlty Building New York 1300 Homo Life Insurance Building. Washington 6ol Fourteenth street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and edi torial matter should he addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial IVpartment. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only I-cent stamps received in payment of mall accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas Count C C. Rosewater. secretary of ' tv. sa : The Ree fiMIMnv r'n ,rnv heln dlllT SWOm. savs that the actual number of full and complete copies nf The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Ree printed during the month or July, 1 R1..HO was aa follows 17 2R.430 18 2H.OSO 19 2M.B10 20 2.IOO 21 2,aK 12 20,070 23 2S.BOO 24 2M.070 25 2N.1TI) 28 2N.1HO 27 2S.130 2K 2ft,ll0 29 2f),400 30 2X.4.-10 31 2T.910 J 20.2410 3 20.M 4 20.100 5 2t.TBO 2N,nno J JW.tWO 8 9 xs.ino 10 8ft,MM U 2,040 12 2H.OOO J 2H.WHO 14 2K.T10 15 2t,RSO 1C: 2H.1SO Totals 8ta.2: Less unsold copies f,1(l Net total sales BN2,41S Dally average 2H.44MI C. C. ROSEWATER, Becretury. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 31st day of July, 1906. (Seal) M. B. HUNOATB, Notary Publlo. WHEN OUT OF TOWH. Subscribers leaving the vlty tem porarily should have The Be mailed to them. It is better than daily letter from home. Ad dress will he (basted as oftea as requested. The western railroads have abandoned hope of settling the sugur rate war, but that will not discourage the consumers of sugar. It is to be hoped that in conferring upon M. WItte a large part of his im perial powers the cxnr retained all of his Imperial Indecision. Bouth Omaha is now ready for a union depot But it takes ducats to build union depots besides an agreement between the railroads for Its Joint use. The mosquito theory is generally ac cepted by medical men of Omaha. There fore, keep away frdm the mosquito or get out your mosquito shotgun. The demand for mosquito bars at Nw Orleans comes at a time to give Ihe south an opportunity to realize what high-priced cotton really means. Orand dukes are not talking In regard to plans to reform Russia, probably be cause they are too busy preparing bomb proofs against the failure of the scheme. The members of that new coalition cabinet of Sweden may get to "playing politics" so hard that Norway will find ItBelf free without giving bonds for good behaviour. v Jth a 7-nilll state tux levy on a val- Dation of $304,000,000 we will pay off the state debt after awhile unless the tax eaters and state embezzlers yet In their worn again. If this demo-pop bombardment keeps up Governor Mickey may take It Into bis bead to run for a third term on the ground that a brave man will never quit while under fire. British ships are said to be making a friendly cruise to the Baltic sea. This Is not the first time that Britain has liven a "friendly tip" to a power which It thought was looking for trouble. It will be noted that uiuler the new primary law the man who puts up his money last to get on the official primary ballot has every privilege enjoyed by the man who planks down his money first A Kansas Judge bus decided that, un der the revenue laws of that state, the reserve funds of fraternal . Insurance companies are not subject to taxation. Tbs various states should get together on this subject. - The fact that M. Witte cannot speak English may be of advantage to htm when all the special newspaper corre spondents gather at Portsmouth. A lit tle ignorance is an advantage under some conditions. General Wood's decision to return to the Philippines may give the Moros too high au opiulou of themselves from the fact that the general finds more glory in fighting them than in exterminating yel low fever mosquitoes. Inasmuch as the members of the Board of Education do not draw a nickel of pay, it is passing strange, if not ab solutely inexplicable why they should scramble for re-election after once they have enjoyed the honors. Colonel Wntterson evidently fails to discriminate between the college man in poll Men and the college man after money. The scientists in the Agricul tural department did not fall to connect with the cash wha they went after it i THK OOTERSMEXT CAy ACT. Yesterday's advices from New Orleans stated that the question of whether fed eral Control of the situation ought to be Invited was still leing discussed, "but unless graver conditions arise It is not regarded as likely that there will lie any movement In that direction." There fol lowed a statement which showed thut conditions are already grave and that the time would seem to be at hand for fed eral action with a view to averting a more serious state of affairs. The issue that has been created between the au thorities of Louisiana and Mississippi may be settled without any greater trouble than has already occurred, but no one can fall to understand that the conditions are dangerous. As to the question whether the federal government can act, there appears to be a sufficient answer in the quarantine law of 1803. A previous act of congress em powered the president, iu time of danger, to make regulations to prevent the spread of contagious or infectious dis ease from one state or territory into an other, such regulations to be enforced by federal officers exclusively. The subse quent act provides that regulations made by the federal authorities may be en forced by the sanitary .authorities of states and municipalities when they will undertake to execute and enforce them; "but if the state or municipal authorities sholl fall or refuse to enforce said rules and regulations, the president shall exe cute and enforce the same and adopt such measures as in his Judgment shall be necessary to prevent the Introduction or sprend of such diseases, and may de tnil or appoint officers for that purpose." This appears to confer full power upon the federal authorities to make and en force quarantine regulations In such a case as that now presented and had the power been exercised at the beginning of the yellow fever outbreak at New Or leans there would have occurred no con troversy or trouble between Mississippi and Louisiana and probably no such in jury to commerce as has ensued. Is there any good reason why the fed eral authorities should not now take con trol of the situation and put an end to the shotgun quarantine that has been es tablished? They do not need to be In vited to do this. The law gives them the authority to prescribe necessary regula tions and enforce them. The probability is that they will finally have to assume control and manifestly there Is danger In delay. GERMAN TARIFF ALARM. The call for a national conference to consider the subject of reciprocity un doubtedly had its inspiration iu the nlarin created as to the effect upon our trade which the new German tariff may have. It has been urged that unless there is a commercial treaty negotiated with Germany that will give American products the same rates that are ac corded to the countries which have en tered Into treaties with Germany we should suffer a heavy loss of commerce with that nation. Hence the interests which would be particularly affected have united in calling the conference to he held in Chicago on the 15th and 16th instant. Terhaps with a view to supplying in formation to the conference, the statisti cal bureau of the Department of Com merce and Labor has prepared a state ment of Germany's new schedules as they affect the products of this country. It is pointed out that no duty whatever is Imposed on the chief item of German import from the I'nlted States, raw cot ton, which now constitutes more than one-half of the total exports of this coun try to Germany. Another of our prod ucts which Germany must have and therefore admits free of duty is copper, of which our export to that country Is large. A few other articles are favored, because German manufacturers cannot carry on their business without them. while as to some others consideration has been given to the wants of the Ger man people. It is still a fact, however, that in certain respects the new tariff will prove practically prohibitory to our products and it Is this which the Inter ests affected, both manufacturing and agricultural, ore seeking to prevent. Of course we have a "most favored nation" treaty still In force, but it can be termi nated on a year's notice and it is very probable that Germany would glve the necessary notice if our government should refuse to enter into a reciprocity arrangement. The statement of the Department of Commerce and Labor may have a ten dency to allay the alarm caused by the new German tariff, but it will not shake the belief of the Interests concerned as to the expediency of negotiating a com mercial treaty with Germany that will give our products the minimum rate's of that country's tariff. They insist that unless this is done we shall inevitably lose trade amounting to many millions of dollars annually and which we prob ably never would be able, under auy cirf cumstances, to regain. DISCVSSIXQ THE DEFICIT- Republican leaders In congress are said to be showing a great deal of interest In the question as to (What shall be done In regard to the treasury deficit which Is steadily growing. In the, first mouth of the current fiscal year it was Increased about $14,000,000, making the total for the last thirteen months over $40,000,000. There are very large payments out of the treasury during July, the UfW appropria tions becoming available at the begin ning of that month, so that doubtless in the ensuing months of the fiscal year the receipts will come somewhat nearer to expenditures, but that the former will continue to run considerably ahead is as sured. There must be more revenue or a reduction in the government's ex penses. Speaker Cannon, says a Washington dispatch, is talking economy to all of his friends. He is anxious to avoid revenue legislation and is opposed to any tinker ing with the tariff, believing that It would have a damaging effect upon busi ness. The report is that he will select a new chairman of the' bguse approprla- tlons committee who will work shoulder to shoulder with him to enforce retrench ments In all of the measures carrying ap propriations. It Is also stated to be likely that Mr. Cannon In his economy program will have the support and co operation in the senate of Mr. Allison, Mr. Hale and others of influence In shap ing appropriations at that end of the capltol. Retrenchment wherever It can le mad without impairing the efficiency of the public service Is unquestlonobly the proper policy, but it Is exceedingly diffi cult becouse of the Increasing demands due to the rapid growth of the country. New requirements of a more or less Im perative nature are constantly springing np. If the leaders in congress can find an expedient way to reduce expenses without Injury to the public service, and thus avoid Imposing additional taxes upon the people, their wisdom will be heartily approved by the country. The 1 question Is one of the first Importance. The government can go on for some time spending more than It receives without depleting the treasury, but it Is not good policy that it should do so. On the othef hand, increasing taxation in time of peace would be most unpopular and likely to prove fatal to the party in power. As to tariff revision as a means of getting more revenue, It Is a doubtful expedient when the possible effect on in dustries and business is considered. Speiker Cannon will have the support and best wishes of the people in his ef forts for Judicious retrenchment. APE THE RAILROADS OVERTAXED! Now that the State Board of fcqualiza- tion has concluded its labors and made the levy for state taxes for the year 1905-0, the attorneys of Nebraska rail roads will doubtless re-enact their spec tuculur performance of last year by ap pealing to the federal courts to stay the collection of taxes on the ground that the railroads have been overvalued and overtaxed. A retrospective glance at the grand assessment rolls of several years past and even a casual comparison of the volume of traffic, the gross and net earnings and the market price of the stocks and bonds of the railroads opera ting in Nebraska will flatly contradict these claims. It Is a matter of notoriety that Ne braska railroads were assessed much higher twenty years ago, when the vol ume of traffic proportionate to their mileage was tiot one-half what It Is today and when their market value was even less than half what they have been as sessed for during the last two years. The first material advance iu the assess ment of railroads after many years of gradual decline was last year whea the assessment was raised from $27,000,000 to $40,000,0008 figure still way, out of proportion to their value based on either net earnings or stock and bond values This year's railroad assessment is but a trifle higher than last year's, while the assessment of all other property in the state has been materially advanced un der the operation of the new revenue law. The assessment of 1902 as compared with the assessment of 1004-5 shows an Increase of 71 per cent in the aggregate assessment of railroads and an increase of 64 per cent in the aggregate assess ment of all other classes of property. But this Is no discrimination against the railroads because their assessment dur ing five years previous to 1904 was out of all proportion to their actual value and constituted a Just complaint on the part of all other taxpayers against state boards of railroad assessment. The lowest estimate of the true value of the railroads of Nebraska, based on the selling price of their stocks and bonds or upon their net earnings. Is from $350,000,000 to $360,000,000, but even if they were assessed at a very broad mar gin below their true value their propor-. tion to the geheral valuation of the state, which for 10O5 Is $1,520,000,000, inch ing the railroads, should be at least one fifth, or a fraction over $300,000,000. As sessed at 20 per cent their total assessed Value would be $60,000,000 instead of $47,000,000. In other words, the Nebraska railroads have no ground whatever for complaint of overvaluation, but on the contrary they are still assessed at least $13,000,000 less than they should have been had the state board adhered strictly to the letter of the law that requires the assessment of all. property at Its actual value as near as it can be ascertained. - If the contention of the railroad at torneys had merit in It the fact would still remain that the railroads of Ne braska bear only a ver'. Infinitesimal proportion of the taxes imposed upon other classes of property for the main tenance of local government, which In Omaha alone exceeds . $1,250,000 per annum for municipal and school pur poses. Nebraska's democrats, whose leaders and organs are waging an antl-rallroad pass campaign, have been Invited by their state central committee to send 091 delegates to the state convention to in dulge In the harmless pastime of nom lnatlng one candidate for supreme Judge and two candidates for regent of the university. It goes without saying that it would be utterly impossible to find 991 delegates in Nebraska, even within twenty-five miles of the state capital, who would be willing to pay railroad fare to participate in that gathering, Manifestly the only democrats that are expected to go will be railroad pass men, who will cheerfully be allowed to cast ths votvs for all the other delegates who are not able to procure passes. Democrats who sincerely desire to break up the free pass abuse must surely re alize that they can never succeed so long as they run their band wagon In the old rut and continue the system that has stimulated subserviency to cor porations on the part of lawmakers and public officials. When the Board of Education decided to ask for a levy of two and six-tenths mills for the coming year its estimate was based uou the aggregate assessed valuntlon of all taxable property In Omaha as then returned. Now that the Ktate Board of Equalization has raised the assessment of all merchandise by IS per cent the proposed school levy will manifestly I In excess of the estimated requirements of the schools. It the Ixmrd rectify Its mistake and revise its requisition on the basis of the Increased assessment of the taxable property. The tea set Governor Mickey has selected for' presentation to the battle ship Nebraska will absorb 1,300 ounces of sterling silver and cost $3,000, regard loss of the ratio of 16 to 1 which goes to show that silver still has a good many friends in Nebraska, even if wheat and silver have long since parted company. Four other states are to Investigate the condition of New York Life Insur ance companies. It would seem fair that one investigation should be com pleted before another Is started, but in surance commlssiorlers evidently want to occupy the spot-light as well as to en large their fees. Now, if I. E. Her will only give us that twelve-story palatial fireproof hotel, that sixteen-story steel frame railroad headquarters building, the South Omahn union depot and the Interurban railroad from Omaha to Beotrice, the track will be cleared for him for the United States senatorshlp. The telephone will never succeed the telegraph Operator In the train dispatch er's office until some methcsl Is Invented of keeping a record of the conversation bo blame for accidents may be fixed. Yet looking back over the record of elec trical progress, its possibility must be admitted. Nebraska democrats give new evi dence of loyalty to democratic principle by basing the apportionment of dele gates to their state convention on the vote not of Parker, the! democratic can didate for president, but of Berge,, the populist candidate for governor. The trial of Missouri "Imodle" sena tors discloses that men who offer money as bribes have more confidence in their tools than one would imagine. It has been shown for example that $2,000 was paid in a certain case for goods which were never delivered. With a 15 per cent Increase in the as sessment of merchandise there will be a corresponding increase in the aggregate amount of city and school- taxes unless the council and school board see fit to make a proportionate reduction In their levies. Ioat la the Gargle. Philadelphia Press. What the kaiser said to the czar may have been similar to what the governor of North Carolina said to the governor of Bouth Carolina, but nobody knows. A Standard Care. t , New York Mall. Various remedies have been proposed for the man who rocks the boat, but the flat of an oar, laid not too gently on the top of his pate, remains the standard cure. Drawls the Long Bow. Pittsburg Dispatch. The 'declaration of the cxar that he will not conclude a peace that will not be worthy of "great" Russia leaves a qualifica tion through which he may escape If he Is compelled to accept the Japanese terms. Russia's greatness la open to argument. Equalising- the Tat Burden, Indianapolis News. " Iowa has Increased the assessment of railroads $6,600,000 and reduced the assess ment of farm lands 162,000.000. This, how ever. Is another "idea" that is not likely to find favor amonr those men u-hn mnk & specialty of making the country Inci dentally prosperous after they get them selves well fixed. Works for All Comers. Bt. Louis Republic. The United States seems tolarahlv ..ll people when the lost census was taken, but the more we have the more we get. What are we going to do with our 1,000,000 of emi grants a year? Jut them to work, of course. That we have work at which to put them and that few of thera are going hungry or roofless is a remarkable proof of tha growth of American Industry in the present era. GKRMAX AM) AMERICAS WORKMEN Waa-eworkers Here Are Better Fixed la Almost Every Res sect. , Broeklyn Eagle. I The Oerman notion that they are a little the best and most fortunate people on earth, which comes out occasionally In their International relations, must receive a severe shock from a report published by Professor Bombart, of Breslau. Professor Bombart has been Investigating the condi tions of American workmen and he com pares them with those of Germans In a Oer man magazine, to the manifest advantage of Americans. The point of comDarlson which will most surprise many Americans is the report that even in New York the workmen are better and more cheaply housed than the Germans. He finds that the average American workman's family lives In five rooms, while the German fam ily has two, and that the American pays a less proportion of his wages for his five rooms than the Oerman pays for his two. He points, out that "rents in America are relatively low even when one considers the money value," while the American wages are two or three times higher. Clothing Is not much dearer In America and shoe wear Is cheaper. The American workman's family has more rooms, they are more comfortable and better furnished. An American workman's family spends 1116 a year for clothing, while famines of workmen in Carlscruhs' and Nuremburg saencTfrnm HI to IM. As the clothing eosls but little more in thts country this added expenditure Indicates a scale of comfort, or, at least, of show, in dressing which the Oerman working family does not reach. The quality and cost of living of American workmen, he reports, as "something sim liar to our wealthier bourgeois class." The American workmen eat more meat, sugar, fruit, cereals, pies and puddings than he Oerman. But the German workman spends far more for the consumption of alcohol than does the American. The average American workman's family spends 111 10 for alcoholic drinks while the parallel fam ily in Nuremberg spends 136 and In Carls ruhe 154. This latter sum Is i.i per cent, of the Germans Income, while he sptfids only 12.6 per cent, for food. At the same time the beer costs only half aa much in Germany, so this observer estimates that the Bouth German workman drinks "from six to ten times more beer" than hWfcrother In this country, "while In everything con cerning his 'material welfare hie American coUtu la 4ouU and thAc as wtU off." BITS OK YAlllttTnS LIFE. Minor Srenes and Incidents Sketched i on the Spot. Berretary Bliaw Is not going to quit the cabinet and Identify himself with a Wall street trust this year or next February, as has been reported. He does not know what he will do when he leaves the c.iM net. and he has no present Intention of retiring from the cabinet. "I have made no pirns t.i go to New Tork or to become the head of a trust company there," he declares in the Wash ington Post. "I might Just as well make that plain. I thought at first It would he preferable to say nothing about It. but silence under the circumstances might be misinterpreted." Omitting Virginia and Kentucky, whose legislatures will elect successors to Mar tin and niackburn, respectively, the com ing winter, the senators whose terms ex pire March 3, ISkiT, and whose successors will be designated by next s year's vot ing, are as follows: Alger, Mlchlgnn. Allee. Delaware.. Raron, Georgia. Ralley, Texas. Rerry. Arkansas. Rurnham, N. H. Flklns, West Vs. Foster, Iouistana. Frve. Maine. Gamble. South Dak. Mcljturln, Miss. Millard. Nebraska. Hurton. KansHs. Mitchell, Oregon. larmack. Tennessee. Morgan. Alabama. Clark. Montana. Nelson. Minnesota, '..-an, Mass, Patterson, Colorado. Culiom. Illinois. Plmtnons, N. Cam. Dol.lver. Iowa. Tillman. 8. Carolina. Dryden, New Jersey. Warren. Wyoming. Dubois. Idaho. Wetmore, R, I. Of the thirty in this class, now known to the senate officially as class 2, four teen are democrats and sixteen are repub licans. The elections next year will be for twelve democrats and sixteen repub licans. It Is certain that a democrat will be returned from Virginia and almost equally so that a democrat will be returned from Kentucky. Few of the older and more prominent senators come up for re-election next year. The most conspicuous of them Is Senator Morgan of Alabama, now on his fifth term. He has been continuously in the senate since 1877 and Is now 81 years old. Senator Frye Is a prominent republican. He is serving out his fourth complete term, but had two years before that of the unex pired term of the late James G. Rlalne. Senator Racon is concluding his second term. Senator Railey his first term, Sena tor Rerry his third term, Senator Cullom his fourth term.. Senator Warren Is serv ing out Ms second complete term, but ho had had a partial term of years prior to the beginning of his continuous service. Mr. Tillman has been in the senate twelve years. Desertions from the I'nlted Rlotaa In the five calendar years ending Decem ber 81 last aggregated 27,306, arcbrdtng to the forthcoming Annual rennrt nf th lida . , ... adjpcate general. The percentage has kept up ateaouy since then, with the result that the rapid Increase In desertions is demoral ising the service. The number of court-martial convictions for this offense in fi tier rent of the of the United States during the last year was 2,071. The percentage of court-martial convictions has greatly Increased In the last year, but even that fact does not seem to check the evil. In the Department of the Lakes convictions have Increased 26 per cent, and similar conditions prevail In the Departments of Missouri and Califor nia. Commanding officers have urged the War department to take radical measures to stop desertions, which have become a mat ter of keen anxiety to officers every where. The number of desertions In the Philip pines has been much less than In this country. This is accounted for by the fact that soldiers deserting In the Philippines cannot hide long in Manila, and the men prefer to remain in the service rather than take to the wilds of the Islands and live among the natives. The postmaster general has Issued an order denying the further use of the malls to A. J. King &, Co. of Tyler and Waco. Tex. The company has been engaged in renting to its patrons instruments for lo cating gold and silver mines, lost treasure, etc. For a year and 18 per cent of .the profits the company would rent a "rod" which they valued at $150. while a 223 rod could be had for 10 a year and the 18 per cent. Postofflce Inspectors say that the rods cost the concern less than $1. They declare In their report to the depart ment that the Instruments are of no prac tical value In locating gold, silver or lost treasure. iaiurpny in iiaywooa, Va , Is In trouble with the civil service commission Murphy last December took an examination with a view to securing appointment as a rural mall carrier. In thinking about it afterward he carqe to the conclusion that he had not given the correct T,,V, vi ir l . One of the problems. He wrote a letter to the civil service ex amining board In Washington it i . . stating that lf the board would correct the i ci, wuuia pay me board $100, provided he. should receive the appointment. The board presented the letter to the United States court In session at Lynchburg, Va., last April and Murphy was indicted. H. C. Coles, secretary of the examining board who was sent to Virginia to aid In the ap prehension of Murphy, has Just reported to the commission that before the deputy LTnlted States marshal could arrest Murphy he packed his belongings and disappeared. It Is supposed that he Is In hiding in North Carolina. The court issued an order that murpny, 11 luunu, inau oe iriea at the next ' term, beginning October 3,. at Abington, ' va. Efforts to "approach" members of the examining board and even the civil service commissioners themselves are not uncom mon. Murphy's case in many respects is similar to that of Thomas E. Dress, a Pennsylvanlan, who was convicted of offer ing V0 to the late Commissioner John R, Proctor If the latter would secure him a position as messenger. Four hundred and fifty-two of the cap tured union and confederate flags that have been In the War department since the civil war can not be returned to their respective states under the Lamb act because they can not be Identified. Of the 72fi flags orig inally In the department 271 have been re turned as follows: UNION. Illinois li):Mlssouti I Indiana S'New York Kentucky l'Ohio 1 Maine 4 Pennsylvania Maryland 1 Tennessee ... Massachusetts 2 Wisconsin ... ...1! ... I ... 4 CONFEDERATE. Alabatua .Missouri ; Arkansas B.Nurth Carolina 83 Klurlda 8'fiouth Carolina 14 Georsla 2 Tennessee i Kentucky l; Texas 4 Louisiana . Virginia '4 Mississippi 3"l Of the unidentified flags remaining 184 are union and confederate. Tcsla Haa Another Spell. Baltimore American. Nikola Tenia Is at It again. Heahas Just told of a startling Invention which, how ever, like most of Tenia's Inventions, Is not just yet In practical working shape. With one of his Invented appliances he declares that it would be possible to "throw this planet out of 11a orbit." In other words, Mr. Testa seems to be claiming that he ran ungear the universe and stampede the or derly ways of nature This scheme is am bitious, but even Henry H. Rogers and the system could not float the stock of such an DlrvrUe U 11 lm:urvu'd KCRF.TAH Y WU.SOX. Importune of Ilia Work I the Aarlcultnral Department. Lincoln Star. All talk of the retirement of Secretary Wilson from the cabinet by reason of any recent rtlwriures in one or two of the sub dlvlstons of the Agricultural department Is the veriest nonsense. There Is absolutely no reason why he should retire, but every reason why he should not retire. He is not the man to be driven by the cabals of sel fishly Interested men who could not use him or the Influence of his office for their purposes A pleasant, genial man, this sturdy Scotchman Is a grim fighter when a fight is put upon him. And he Js Just the kind of man that Theodore Roosevelt values and backs up and would not let go even If the secretary wanted to retire. There Js not In the United States a nun of more sterling honesty, of more absolute Integrity, than James Wilson. Everybody who knows hlin knows this and pretty much everybody between the oceans, and especially the farmers, know him. It is simply preposterous to suppose that there Is a shred of occasion for his retirement because a few subordinates In the depart ment have gone wrong. It Is all bosh. Theodore Roosevelt himself could not pur sue more relentlessly than Secretary Wilson will pursue any employe or subofflclal Vho betrays trust. And the whole country knows it. James Wilson has done a vast work for the public good In organizing and building up the Agricultural department to great ness and efficiency. From the day he as sumed Its duties that department has been no Joke, but a serious, rapidly growing and mighty agency for the development of our farming Interests, reaching out under his strong control Into all branches of those Industries and stimulating, aiding and verily benefiting them. From Maine to California, from the Canadian line to the gulf, there Is not a township, not a school district. In which the uplift Imparted by this strong man has not been felt to the comfort, en richment and prosperity of the farmers. It would be endless to recite even In broad outline the notable things that have been done under the administration of Secretary Wilson. The country Is familiar with many of them. The work of the secretary has been to Impart a vitalising and ener glxlng force to his department and through It to the vast Industries with which It has to do. Interests which before the secretary's day had never been adequately represented In It. He has built up the department, made It efficient, modernized It. Vnder him It has become by all odds the model agri cultural department In all the governments of the world. No sane government would let such a man go If It could help It. And If any of the conspiring speculative Interests, who would like to use the secretary for their schemes but cannot, think they can drive him to retirement, they will know better before they are through with him. PERSONAL KOTES. Senator Mitchell, his lawyers say, Is a poor man. Naturally so after having fed such an Imposing array of eminent counsel. Mr. Rockefeller has chopped tS cents a day off the wages of his workmen at Lake wood. These hundred-thousand-dollar gifts must come from somewhere, of course. Charles P. Taft, brother of Secretary of Wrar Taft, Is a great admirer of base ball and It Is reported that he Is back of the rumored purchase by Cincinnati capitalists of the Chicago National League Base Ball club. , Mrs. Carrie Nation has an earnest fol lower at last, but the comical part of It all Is that the disciple should begin by slashing and smashing the portrait of the strenuous dame herself that hung In the rooms of the State Historical society at Topeka. Dean Erl B. Hulburt of the divinity school of the University of Chicago, pre siding over the ministers' institute In Haskell hall, asked the divinity students In the audience several days ago to stand up and open the exercises with "Rock of Ages." Not one of the students knew the hymn. The Palace des Souveralns. Paris, which belonged to the late Dr. T. W. Evans, the American dentist and millionaire, will shortly be sold by his Philadelphia helra. This famous mansion concealed the Em press Eugenie after the coup d'etat In 1870, and during the last exhibition It was loaned to the French government, who entertained foreign royal visitors there. Since the death of Secretary Hav the re newal of the old controversy as to the authorship of "The Breadwinners," now generally conceded to have been his work, has caused a great demand for the famous novel In the publlo libraries of the coun try. The demand la probably equal to that which greeted the first appearance of the book little short of thirty years ago. Baron Komura, while a student in Har vard law school, from which he was grad uated In 1877. avoided going Into society, although urged to do so by his class mate, Baron Kaheko, and there was no lack of opportunity. - With some far sightedness Komura said he wanted to see American life outside of conventional so ciety. He was a close student of English and American literature. rians are under consideration for ths Im provement of the court In the churchyard of Trinity church, Buffalo. It Is likely that the court will be paved and that a high Runic cross, raised on three stone steps, the steps to be circular In formation, will be erected in the center. About the cross and steps there are to be four cypress or cedar trees. Everything will be exceedingly almple, and the cross will be the chief fea ture of the court, aa it should be. It will be of beautiful design and a model of Its kind. This your head to the left? Then there's no use trying. It's too late! Noth ing in the world can make hair grow on a bald scalp that has been smooth and shiny for years. It's too late,! No use trying now! Or is this yours" to the right? Good. Only look out for dandruff! It leads straight to baldness. But there's use trying now, for Ayer's Hair Vigor cures dandruff, keeps the scalp clean and healthy, ana cnecits wiling nair. He r the O. lr AIM Mills 11 itfil c-S-iffialTOaAi" ss. aiaai aaua cuhs aurw ri'BLICITY ASD THE PRESS. Mighty Safeguards of National llonut and Honesty, Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. In his noted Interview one that coir t coir ittcntloiH scussmi ' rounded and Is still commanding stt throughout the I'nlted States disc corporate corruption and the greed f.j money, Cardinal uthhona said many xt cl ient things and many things that will sink deeply into consciences, to be regarded t disregarded, as the money greed or cal lousness of the conscience may determine. Rut. notwithstanding "his Indictment of modern tendencies, Cardinal GiltMns not only points out the remedy, but notes the admirable manner In which the remedy Is being applied. In these words. The bright spot In the whole swamp of J corruption Is that degradation Is ins.le known. The greater t lie evil the gi-a . - the possibility nf remedy. The fear of r posure is the counterbalancing element and that fear Is due to the efforts of t' . press. There Is nothing a man prizes more than reputation, and the only way effect ually to upset his reputation Is exposure li the press. Sometimes there are exagger ations but, as a rule, exposures of public men are benefactions. Wrongdoing is certain to be found out. and publicity Is the one great punishment staring it in the face The fact that. In all denominations, there has been found a small number of church men to denounce the press Is a tribute to Its good work, only less In degree than Is to be found In the strong words of Cardinal Gibbons. There are, as he says, exagger ations at times, but the exaggerations are rare and do not occur because of malice nor because of other unworthy motives. The press Is engaged In a work in which the confidence of the public must be had and retained. If the press is to continue, as It is continuing. In possession of the great Influence rightly attributed to It by Cardinal Gibbons. It criticises and It condemns, but It neither criticises nor condemns without foundation nor without the design of right ing a wrong of private or public Interest, or of preventing the continuance of wrongs by publicity of the facts of the men and the measures Involved. In the press tho remedy Is not alone found for existing evils. The pul.lllclty It gives concerning men and affairs is a preventive of projected evil and, while the press continues to be free, evils will be minimised and projected evils fall of accomplishment. FLASHES OP Ft X. Savmold Storey (eyeing htm with stern disapproval) W'y don't ye pay a little more 'tention to yer clothos? Radlelzh Mlldude If ye don't like It Yauie I ain't wearin' a pair o" open work 1. I . mA .all rflr njkrtlek'ler 'tention to me open work shoes, ole man. Chicago Tribune. Ml., Vreeeh He saVS mV Voice IS Very tt food. . . Miss Knox Indeed? He must have In side information. Miss Kreech How do you mean? Miss Knox He must have a way of dis covering that It's better than It sounds. Phlludeliihla Press. "I notice that they call the new gait affected by women 'the caterpillar crawl. "Beems to me that every woman of good sense should put her foot down on that." Cleveland Plain Dealer. "What ought a man to do to become an amhltloiii vnllth. "Well," answered Senator Sorghum, "the best way Is to get a few sinecures so that you won t have anything to do except keep a scrap book." Washington Star, Elderlv Passenger You might not sus pect It. miss, but I'm nearly old enough to be your grandfather. That Is why I don't rise and offer you my seat. The Young Woman Indeed, sir, there Is no need of your apologising. Yo)i quite look It. Chicago Tribune. Hiram was having his picture "took." "Now, please take your hands out of your pocket," said the photographer. "No you don't." said Hiram, with a shake of his head. "I've heard ahout- you city chaps goin' through a feller's pockets. If you want me to look pleasant you'll have to let my hands remain right thar on my wallet 1" Yonkers Statesman. -. "Is D'Auber doing anything remarkable of late?" "Yes, he's painted a prise picture. "He has? Impossible!" "Not at all. The picture Is to be pre sented as a prize to the first man who guesses Its subject." Cleveland Leader. "Of course there will always be some tubercular ailments," said the conceited young phvslctan, "but If people would only take my advice there weuld be fewer." "Yes' replied Knox, "fewer people." Philadelphia Press. WHEN LAW SO ( OI GHS UP. James Rarton Adams In Denver Post. The stars will hold a war dance In the light or yonder moon, When Lawson dlvvys up bis tainted cash n . ... I 1 . . , i" a A mil A w e Jl reacn nm nkh iu nan ltn.ll.4 hallnAl, U'k. l a.t-tM.m illvuvi nn hl tainted Cftsh Our dairymen will banish cows to save expense of hay, And, by mysterious process. In the morn ings, cool and gray, Will draw their lacteal fluid from ths heavenly Milky Way, When Lawson dlvvys up his tainted cash. A woman will be squatted In the presiden tial chair. When iJiwson dlvvys up his tainted cash. She'll have a wart upon her nose and wear magenta hair, ti . u n.ann .1 1 ttn him tnlnteA cm m n Dame Nation of the Jaynawa state wn4 n nru lAnniiit j v.. . - . - 1 1 II I I 1 1 C I T- " 7 . And In spotless jacsei wun a ouiionimn bouquet. Will hold the Job of 'tendln' bar at Rlshua P's cafe. When Ijiwson dlvvys up his tainted cash. In high official circles there'll be no such word as "graft," When Iwson dlvvys up his tainted cash. The greutest "ring" will be the belt 'round Secretary Taft. When Lawson dlvvys up his tainted rash. Our good, old Uncle Ham will rule the new world and the old. 'And sit upon a shining throne of Colorado gold In Denver not a tainted vote will evermore tie polled, When lawson dlvvys up his tainted cash. V Oe , lweU. l-naaaiaraa. - ' r r