Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1905, Page 10, Image 10
TTTE OMAn.V PATLY PEE: FTUDAY. aTCI'ST 4. 100.". 10 BOOR OF COMMON WORSHIP law Code Doe Hot Suit ill Preibyteriai Ministers in Omaha, SOME WILL ADOPT IT ONLY IN PART Or. Bordlfk Criticises Form Adro eated bf General Assembly Brln too Formal ad BltvOlstlo. The "Hock of Common Worship," which compiled by ministers and elders of the l'resbyterlan church. Is Just ofT Mis press and Is bring distributed to the churches over tha country. Its use la optional with the churches, and Just how far It will become popular In Omaha is yet to bo determined. At present It looks as thouRh the Omaha churches will not reach unanimous conclusion on the subject. Two ministers have expressed themselves for It ond one against It. , ' The service Is too formal," said Ilav. Newman Hall Burdlck, pastor of the Sec ond Presbyterian church. "I do not think w shall adfipt 'It. J 'We shall use It, or at least parts of It," was the statement of Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks ot the Fkst Presbyterian church. Rev. W. H. Reynolds, pastor of Castellar Street Presbyterian church, said his church wojld select parts of the book. The publication of the book was author ized at the general assembly at Winona Lake, Ind., last May. Its strong advo cates were mainly from the east, a larga part of the western ministers being op posed to the tendency of ritualism embodied In the book. There was a long and heated debate. In which the adoption of the service was left with the paator and the ruling elders of each church. ilo Pledare for Woman. Prospective brides will be likely to select for the solemnisation of tlielr marriages those churches which choose to observe the new form, us In the marriage ceremony as given In the book, the bride is not re quired to pledge herself to obey. The word does not appear In the vows of the groom, nor is there any equivalent expression In the ceremony. Complete forma of service are given for the celebration of the communion, the ad ministration of baptism and the burial of the dead. The "Treasury of Prayers" la another departure from the old method. The new morning service Is radically different from the old and Is somewhat similar to tha order of morning prayer of the EplHcopai church. The service Is opened by the reading by the minister of a few sentences of scripture, followed by invocation. Then comes a "confession of Bins" and an "assurance of pardon." This differs from the absolution of the Episcopal church In that "you" and "your" are changed to "us" and "our," making abso lution more Impersonal. The service Is deslgued to obviate the dif ficulty of variety of forms observed In be churches. It has directions for rising, fit ting and bowing in prayer, so that Its gen eral adoption would do away with confusion which has resulted In the churches since the departure from the old prayer, hymn and sermon featurea of worship. FREE TREAT FOR CHILDREN Plcole Given by Salvation Army to Five Hundred Mttle Ones mt Htvervlew Park. The officers of the Omaha and South Omaha branches of tha Salvation army gave 600 poor children of the two cities an open air treat at Rlverview park Thursday. Each child received a box filled with good things to eat, besides being served with Ice cream and lemonade. Childish pastimes were Indulged In and the little people njoyed themselves to their hearts' content. The plcknlckera were taken to the park in chartered street cars, a large number gathering at the hall, Seventeenth and Davenport streets. The children took possession of the park with an abandon ment that was good to see. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Better Than Three Doctors. "Three years ago we had three doctors with our little boy and everything that they could do seeme-l In vain. At last when all hope seemed to be gone we began using Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and in a few hours he began to Improve. Today he is as healthy a child aa parents could wish for. We feel that we cannot afford to be without this medicine In our home," Mrs. B. J. Johnston, Linton, Miss. Derivation ( Garage. Georgw P. Bemls has received this letter. which he thinks will be of much public in terest: July 81. 1905. Mr. C'eorce P. Bemls Dear Sir: Will you pleas pardon the delay in replvlng to your esteemed letter of July 19. which was oc casioned entirely by an oversight. Accerdlng to good authorities, the word "garage" Is derived from the French word "garrer," to put aside or nut of the way. It was used for u considerable time before automobiles appeared 10 deHlgnate a build ing in which carriages or other wheeled vehicles were stored, and Infrequently the word was used to deHlgnate a roundhouse. When automobiles became numerous the word whs speedily adopted to describe a ouiiuing ror nousmg such vehicles. Falth- T1IE A I TOMOBILE, H. Donaldson, Editor. fully yours, SIASOMABU FASHIORS. (191 .lit III! II ( 1 ""1 19 Hi mm I lIVKt Hi. Ill III IQJUW-v Nrt. CM-NEW STTLE SLEEVES. , Slsea Small, medium and large. For the accommodation of readers of Tha Bee these patterns, whlc?i usually retail at from 25 to SO cents each, will be furnished at the nominal price ot 10 cents. A supply la now Itept at our office, so those who wish any pattern may get it either by call- tag or enclosing 10 cents, addressed "Pat r Department, Bee, Ot&aka,' , . Store 5 p. m. L II awe Biggest Bargain Event of Summer 1 i4uuu1r1uUU U SAL 1L HUNDREDS OF SPECIAL BARGAINS 1 small lot of plain colored silk mousseline de sole; worth 25c yara goes at, yard '5c One lot of (rood summer lawns, regular price 5o 8Dd Tio, will go at, yard 2c Staple Apron Check rr 1 yard.... trm Fine white Cam bric Mus lin, repular price 12ic, yard 5c Staple red and black prints, yard Best indicro blue prints goes at, yard . . . . 2c Full Standard Percales will go at, A 2v yard Best Scotch Chambray ff lp Ginghams. f2w yard " Highly Mercerized Sateen, black and all colors worth p . 40o yard, will go i7C at, yard Drapery Swiss and Drapery Grenadine, up to 40 ins. wide, worth 25o O U, yard All the balance of the 50c fine mer cerized satin taWe da mask In mill cuds, at, yard 10c Half Turkish Towels, suitable wash cloths worth up to 10c, will go at, at for IC Remnants of Wash Laces ILlXlmZ of high quality laces and insertions a few of them water stained worth up to twenty-flve cents a yard many I - T 7' varieties, at, yard "C, J XIU 2 j 1 J Nainsook and cambric embroideries and in JCrflltDrOlCierieS surUns, all of them new patterns worth up to fifty cents a yard extra special Vp 7 P Aflfi 1 'iC bargains, at..... 2 aV Per Piece 2,000 Sample Ends of High Grade Imported Dress Goods Just received from the Custom House, matched samples, lengths 8-4 and 7 8 yards, each 3, 5 and 7 of thni pinued together, suit able for jacket, skirts aud suits serge, beaver and tailor coatings watcc poofs, Panamas and board ciothH, at, a piece ' On sale from regular department, worth up to $1.75 a yard, black and all colors, including tifty-futir-lncli Sicilians, at, a yard 35 c- 35c 49c 3."c and 50c Wash I'anatna, Eoll ennes, silk and cotton Crepes, fine wash goods, lu A rcade, at, a yard 1UC Mill lengths of 25c , Flowered Or gandies, many to match lu base ment will go at, per ' yard JlC Barg aiis in Silk Remnants 39c Sample silks. Roman stripes, Tersians. etc., H-ard to 1 yard lengths. In Arcade each, 5c,10c,15c,25c y. wash 25c Foulards, plain and fancy. suns, stun waist aiiKs, etc., 50c and 75c values for I 27. and 37-inch plain and changeable tnrfptas yard w de black pongee, etc a yard y fln "hlrt waist silks, pompa dour silks, chiffon taffeta, etcT worth up to 1 a yard-for ' 49c, 59c, 69c Very Special Bargains Friday MEN'S CLOTHING s "en"' Coats and Vests at $2.50 ON 8AT.E IN BASEMENT. These are coats and vests from broken lots of puna mat soia as nign as $15 complete best materials, late styles, perfect workman shipmost of them 36, 37 and 38 inch size coats and rests worth up to $8 at Men's $2.4)0 and S2.E0 These pants are made for good, serviceable wear maue airongiy just as styl ish as higher grade pants30 to 42 walst-up to 36 lncheg long basement and main floor at '. Boys' Wash Suits ORn Formerly sold at 50c, 75c, Siat -WU Spilors, Russians and Etous, washable suits out they go at a bar gain price 2.V. All our boya $4.50. $3.50 and $2.50 finest Buster Brown Wash Suits at Pants at $1.00 Boys overalls, Boys' Wash Boy' blouga Boys' part ages threa to Pants and straight Wool Panta to eight inth P- Walstt- o ln the ip base- I IIP basement flf! basement HP base- I HP ment.... ,M at -at montat1'" I J) ' I IIII1UUJ OMAH WRATHF.B FORECAST-" Frldar Fair. 0 ) CM I II 1 1 - I V II x n B STORE CLOSES tVtRY EVENING (except Saturday) AT FIVE O'CLOCK. A Great Bargain-Giving SaJe of Linens for Friday We have about 1,000 pieces of Armagh Linens, shams, 'scarfs and a lot of tine imported Spachtel pieces, also a lot ttf linen tray and carving cloths worth up to 0 ?1.23 each SALE STARTS FRIDAY, 8 a. m...i-a7C PILLOW SALE Five hundred fine porch and hammock pillows , filled with feathers, covered with fine art denim, nice deep ruffles, regular 85c pillows, Qfi1 Friday, each JUC Fifty dozen fine Iluck Towels, worth 12$c, ftn Friday, each O3C Fine Dress Fercales worth 10c yard C Friday, yard Special Hour SaJes FRINGED DOILIES, 8 TO 0 A. M.-Flfty dozen, all linen doilies, with colored bonlxrs, also a lot of embroidered Swiss dollies, they T . are worth tip to 1 fie for one hour 8 to 9 JC UIBBON REMNANTS '8 TO I2M.-Two hundred remnants of rib- yt Iritis, one to three yards, worth up to yard 8 to VI TC LADIES' VESTS, 0 TO 10 A. M. Twenty-five dozen white vests, rlch . elleu ribbed, low neck, no sleeves regular 2c values f" to 10 A M ' DC LACE SALE ONE CENT YAUD-9 to 12 M A big lot of fine f Kites in rream, white and eeni worth up to 20c yard 9 to 12 tn.. .. 1C WAIST PATTERNS. 9 TO 12 M. Flue embroidered white lawn waist patterns In two lots 9 to 12 tn.: LOT 1 Worth $1.5i, for fiiio LOT 2 Worth $2.,r. for j..$l.u HANDKERCHIEF SALE. 2 TO 5 P. M.-All linen, unlaundred initial handkerchiefs, also a lot of fine cambric handkerchiefs, i-olored borders, worth 10c 2 to f p. in JC BELT SALE. 2:30 to 4:30 P. M. Silk, satin and wash belts. A bl table rull ot odd lots, all sizes, worth 23c from 2:H0 to 4:.'tO p.. m., each , 3c Silk SaJe. 19c Yard All day plain white china silk, also a lot of white grounds, with colored dots these silks are wast-l able and are worth 3pc to (50e yard Friday. . '. . 19c Bennett's Big Grocery. Money Saving S&Jes Daily. Twenty GrePn Trading Stamps with pound Bennett's Capitol OCp Coffee .. ...J. '. Twenty Green Trading Stamps Qn with pound pa. , Ten Green Trading Stamps tOn with can ground black pepper..' Ten Green Trading Stamps with pound package Schepp's OEf, cocoanut fcOfc Ten Green Trading Stamps lln with lire pound can y rup. . . 5 Twenty Green Trading Stamps O'l with can DlHmond "8" salmon tJ Fifty Green trading Stamps )S wlth Ave pounds tapioca "w Ten Green Trading Stamps with three pound' package Dla- Kir' mond Crystal salt lvfc Ten Green Trading Stamps Ofr with 2 cans Vienna sausage. . Svrfc Ten' Green Trading Stamps with three cans Rocky Moun- 2r tain Cream fccJw Ten Green Trading Stamps with two cans ham loaf .., Ten Green Trading Stamps 2-lb. can roast beef Ten Green Trading Stamps with qUHrt sour pickles .. , Gallon can peaches ..18c .124c 10 c 25c PINEAPPLE CARNIVAL. Thirty dozen cans fancy dessert sliced pineapple, packed by John Boyle Co., Baltimore, very delicious ... 2 1 per can Ten Green Trading Stamps with each can. ir Sidewalk Brick We are making a specialty of Sidewalk Brick. Have in stock vari ous kinds at lowest prices. Also Sand Trompt Delivery. OWifuiiCo zonuAiro srs. - rsi. f2j (Jr:i) r- . v. . - I - '55 t '- n This Store Closes at 5 P.M. Except Saturday at QP. M. MY0E3s TUB KtLUILI ITOSt This Store Closes atSP. M. Except Saturday at 10 P. M. FRIDAY IS REMNANT DRY. Thoiisnnds tixiu thousands of yards of bUh gruile remnants will go at sac rifice prices. Io not miss tlco bargains. Remnants of High Grade Wash Goods. Maa Wash Goods Dept. Last call for Wash O.mils. While r,ni,d and Press Linens. BE Sl'RK AND ATJ'KM) THIS SALE. B9C AND 75i- C,i DS Fi'H M' YD.-SMn v,- AND 2TC GOODS ATC Voiles, torn i urns una i-. iim.himi tJnima heavy Marsallles 3.(c Bi Piques. ."! ilxfords. Nh- jHr.innnls. all In 3 to 4-ynrd lengths. 7i-- f.nn v all linen Suitings. f.!c silk anil linen Suitings, aiul remnants of silk ami mercerised p stuff, nil must go at, a anl IiJW 50' (HHil'S KOH lif AND lL'C YD. White Marseilles. Pinues, I iriiandles. Solsettes, Silk Organdies, Oxford Suit ings, Fhlt'twnlst Suiting. Oxfuiila. hlgn class Voiles, and worth up llli to 5oc, at nn.l IVJW C5C AND :C GOODS AT ff,4C AND 7l' All kinds of Organdies. Hntlstes. India T Inon. PAr.lun t.auM V.,nltir,ltt .'un. clis. White Goods, etc., worth up to at Ke and 7ic Satins, lM.iues. Batistes. Organdies, foul ards, and a laige number of other goods, worth lip to 3fc yard, ill will go Bt, yard... " ar.C. H' AND C LININGS IOC YD. Rem nants of all Silk Linings, remnants of Lustral, Gloria Cloths and other fins satin linings, worth up to (So yard, 1(lc all at, per yard " There will be several tables of other things too numerous to mention all big bargains. COME EARLT. The Great Day Friday for Silk Bargains. FOR ONE HOl'R. FROM 9 TO M A. M - Remnants of fancy Silks in checks. 'rlP'"". H,it ant nl hnr neat .n t'rt s nlnln tuneia reninaoi., . from De Cygnes and messallnes remnants remnants of rough pongee and Hubylatt Sl'ITING YOUR CHOICE FOR ON E HOUR-YARD ...................... 8pecial fur Friday, color. JT-lnch taffeta. value, black, 2'-l'''h, taffeta, Cawnpore, lnilla. silk suitlnr. 12 value and a large line of choice fancy sliKs, just lor one uuy at yara Domestic Room Specials. ISc MERCERIZED DUCK SUITINGS. 6c. In polka dot and stripes, with white background-a very pretty fabric for 25c 75c skirts or suits, and a great snap, Friday, at -yard 12Hc mudras walstlngs and per- C n , 6'so standard dress prints, in pret- 3JC cales-speclal, at, yard OL" ty patterns-at-yard . , U'c cheviot skirtings, good colors, great- A. F. C. ginghams, the 10c quality, splendid ...24c est bargain ever shown at. vara One table of white goods of all kinds, all rousing oargalns ezn at Km-, g l-Se and 8Ho soft tlnlsh bleached mualin and cani biic Friday C.-, at yard 35c mercerized sateens, ln black and all colors choice, Friday l"lr-at-yard 15 8 W value- ui-Miid 15c Sea Island percales, ln all the newest colors and patterns E3(. speclul at-yard 12' o Barnsley all linen bleached SaC crash at yard ' " 5c heavy twilled bleached crash Cin at-yard UJW "He double warp Turkish towels A.C. each w Groceries, Groceries. il A YUEN'S IS THE ON LY STOUE AT WHULESALE PRICES. 10 bars beat brands laundry Soap 26c 48-lb. sacks Fancy High Patent Minne sota Flour $1.4 1-lb. package best Cornstarch 4a Jellycon, Jello or Fruit Puddlne, per package "'ic l(j-ounce can Condensed Cream 7Ho 3-lb. cans Boston Bukert Beans 4c. 1-lb. can lirx Pork and Beans 1c 1-lb. package Mince Meat So The best Pearl Tapioca, Sugo or Barley, per pound $Hn On Time Yeast, per package 2o 1-lb. Jars pure Fruit Preserves "Ho I jit kb bottles pure Tomato Catsup 7Vo Large bottles funcv mixed, sweet Chow Chow, Onion or Gherkin Pickles bhia THAT RETAILS TO THE CONSUMER Vlb. cans Totted Hum, Devilled Ham, Potted Tongue, Devilled Tongue or Potted Beef 3'tO A BIG COKF1CE SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY. 2,(W) lbs. Fancy Gulden Pantos CofTee. for this sale, only, per lb iiw CHEESE! CHEESE!! CHEESE!!! Fancv Wisconsin Brick Cheese, per lb..l."o Fancy Wisconsin Llmberger Chevse, per pound I'" Fancy New York White Cheese, per lb..l5o Fancv Wisconsin Cream Cheose, per lh..luo FRESH FRUIT DEPT. SPECIALS. Fancy largo, Juicy lemons, per dos "Do Fancy large, juicy Oranges, per dos l?n Fancy large, ripe Bannanas, pr do....iro S measurea fresh roasted Peanuts lOo Pure Colorado Honey, per rack lOo C3AYDEE3 BR a Trunks, Traveling Bags 3 Suit Cases More Trunks than floor apace. We are overstocked for the room. We have a lot of High Grade Truuka that we will sell at a low price. . Our All Leather $"0O Suit Case, 24 Inch and 26 inch, is the best made for the money. FINE HARNESS, SADDLES AND FANCY HORSH GOODS. ALFRED CORNISH & CO. Telephone No 2314. 1210 Farnam Street. A frtand of tha homa- , A foe of tho Trust 'aluniot iafisng Pouder Compile wltn tha Pur rood Laws of all Statao. CaliUs by 'Phone Whenever you want something call 'Phone 238 and make It known through a Bee Want Ad. YARNS "FOLLOW THE FLAO." Iff. n - VERY LOW ROUND TRIPS MM Clear, dry, bracing air. Mountain scenery. Cool sunshine. Plenty of sport. A week there will restore snap and spirit The trip is just as possible for you as for anyone. Colorado is not far away. The rates are lower this year than last, and you can find good board for as little as ?o a week; from that up to $30 a week for luxury. Think it over. Fast through trains on the Rock Island equipped with standard and tcMrist Tullmans, wide-window, electric-lighted chair cars and coaches cooled by electric fans. Direct line to Denver as well as to Colorado Springs and Tueblo. Full information at this office. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A. 1323 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. This Is the time of year when you want to thluk of making your fall shawl or fancy knit goods for the haby. Remember we have the most complete line of Yarns ln the city, ln all shades and grades. Gire us a call. We have all kinds Ice Wool, Angora Wool, Saxony, Spanish Zephyr, Germantown, I'ompadour Wool, Eiderdown, German Knitting Yarn and any other kinds you can think of. Our prices are right. JOS. F. BILZ I 322 S. 16th St., Omaha. WANT, DESIRABLE TENANTS 7 V itttrtlis la Tbo Bf South and Southeast, one fare plus $2.00. Hot Springs, Ark., daily $23 00 St. l,mns, daily 15.50 Q Chautauqua, N. Y., July 28th 34.00 Detroit, Mich., Aug 13th and 14th 21.50 rittsburg, Fa., Aug. 17th and 18th 25.25 Richmond, Va., Sept. 8th to 11th inclusive 33.75 Philadelphia, Ta., Sept. 14th to 16th inclusive 32.75 Long limits, stop overs and other features offered in con nection with the above rates. All agents can sell you through tickets and route you Wabash. All tickets reading over the Wabash from Chicago east are optional with passenger via lake or rail, either or both directions. , Call at Wabash City office, 1601 Farnam street, or write and let me give you all information, maps, descriptive mat ter, folders, etc HARRY E. MOORES, CL A. P. D. Wabash Ry.( Omaha, Nab. TffE PERFECT BEER fc' )'Pft & mimmmmurKv '" ' ' ' 1 wiuiw TasaBsjtsaMfsaasjsWl Adds Pleasure to the Evening CalL JETTER BREWING CO.. South Omaha. 'Phone 8J O m h a Headquarters HUGO r . BILZ, Vth LxjujUs. Tel. ISO. Co. Bluffs Hesdauirtt I L E 15 DltCHBLU 1011 Msia Street. Tel. M LATEST, LIGHTEST. NEATEST. CHEAPEST LEATHER BOUND MATTING SUITCASES, $3.50. $3.75. $4.00. ConTenient to carry, nice to look at and are mad to last We carry a full line of Grips, Suitcase and Trunks of our own manufacture. Scud for catalogue. Trices rlgut WE DO REPAIRING. Omaha Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnam St. L 4S