Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1905, Page 7, Image 7
TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. AUOUST 3. IMS. (uitiinnr. wer. Ilglll. inner these enoes future movH up. September at Sc, old September at uic, Dec, at 46fe'4lVlc, old December at 4S, CR.MN AND PRODUCE MARKET Frirei Are Unchanged in the Leading Cereal. WHEAT RULES UNUSUALLY STEADt Light Receipts of Corn, Hear? hlp santa ! Omall Country rar- l'le? to Pat the Market Higher. Omaha, Aug. 2. i6. The wheat market wan characterized by an unusual steadiness, the reports of the Bulla concerning erop conditions being un able to cause uneasiness. Jt opened a. trifle under yesterday, but gained a little later. September closd only A split under yes terday and December was c spilt over yesterday. September closed at 84'dS4c. December at 86Wij8ic. and May at Ri'-,c. Receipts of corn were under the esti mates, shipments wera lares and country purchases were light. Under these Influ- Closed Deeemler AK-Wn u n li Msy at 48o. Oata ruled strong. September finished at 3c, December at 'J8f! and May at 3oc. Liverpool closed fc-ffsd lower 05 wheat and 4a hlaher nn rnrn. Primary receipts f wheat were 1.347,Oi4) bushels, against 84.i0 bushels a year ago. Shipments were 748,000 bushels and 4S7,tmO Dusnela last year. Primary receipt of corn were 421. bushels, against jn.O) bushels last year. Shipments were 77U.OuO o'inen and 241,0,0 bushels last year. The trade Is evidently being Imposed on by lUKlan crop reorts. The first advices were unfavorable, but lately they are con flicting. Koss A Smyth's cable from Liver pool says: "ilusslan wheat crop excellent I'anubla harvest ended and heavy ship ments begun." Michael Straus at Chicago pad a cable, from a leading grain authority in ixjnoor, n-adlng: "Russia has secured food crops In the chief wheat districts." harlton A Hagshaw at Liverpool cabled: 'F.USSla Conditions, ffnniirnllv 11 n f a vnrn hi A " Traders forget that conflicting reports often come from the American northwest, where the area Is smaller and tbe chances of nonest differences of opinion less. I. Mllleken of St. Louis says: "80 much uncertainty surrounds the northwest ern crop situation that I have not enough confidence on cither side to launch out. If the northwest makes an average crop, we must get on tbe export basis. Until I can see tha final outcome of the spring wheut crot) I am not going to do much. well posted Kansas City traders say there Is something doing In rail rates. That there Is secret manipulation going on Is shown by the way Chicago people are picking up wheat there. Omaha lash Bales. wiiK.AT No. 2 hard, 1 car, 82c; 1 car, ott, i ir, mc; io. s nam, 1 car, aic: 1 oar, 8oc; 1 car, 79c; no grade, spring, 1 car fix'jo. CORN No. I white, 1 car. 49c; No. 3 White, 1 car. 40Wic. OATS No. 4 white, 84 pounds, 1 car, 26c. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 81iSlc; No. 8 hard, 81c; No. 4 hard, lOJjTtk:; no grade spring, 68c. CORN-No 2, 49c, No. 8. 49c; No. 4, 48c: no grade, 42847c: No. 2 yellow, 4!c; No. yellow. 4!i'c; No. 2 white, 49c; No. 8 white, 49'ac. OAT8-N0. i mixed, 27e: No. 3 mixed. Z6o; No. 4 mixed, 26c; No. 2 white, 28c: No. 8 white, 27c; No. 4 white, 27c; stand ard, 2744o. Carlot Receipts. , Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago ng t,,4 K insas City 179 45 9 Minneapolis , lto Dtiiuth ; "h St. Louis 119 81 no Mlnnnnpolle Grata Market. The rang of prices paid In Minneapolis, as reported by tha Ed wards-Wood com pany, 110-111 Board of Trade building, was: tienrbv fresh, lc at mark; western fresh, lf-l" 9c at mark. CH EKtE r Irm; New Torg run fancy, li(WllV; New York full rhoire, 11c; New Tork full cream, good, Ifi10c. cream, cream, fair to CHICAGO CRAM AD PROVISIONS Features of tha Trading; ill Closing Prlees aa Iloard of Trade. CHICAGO. Aug. 2. Decreased receipts southweet caused tbe wheat market here today to close firm. The net advance for the day, however, was small. c for Sep tember. Corn shows a gain of mfalSc Oats are up f. Provisions are a shads to c higher. The firm undertone In the wheat market developed late In the season. At the open ing sentiment was Inclined to bearlshness. With the exception of a spasmodic advance In the first few minutes the market was under considerable selling pressure until noon. Initial quotations on September were a shade to yc lower at 84c to H4c. A brisk demand from commission houses caused a sudden spurt to Mrtic Prices, however, slumped off again as quickly as they had risen. The cause of the brief up turn wa a prediction of rain tonight In Minnesota. Pit traders, however, were in general Influenced In the price of wheat at Liverpool. Although damage crop reports were received a large numler of advices claimed that the crop was In good condi tion. For September the lowest point of the day was reached at WV. During the final hour of trading sentiment became quite bullish and the market rsllleJl to nearly the top prices of the day. The mar ket here closed firm with September at 844ji84c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 118.000 bu. Primary receipts were 1,147.000 bu. compared with 848.5uO bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Dnluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 432 cars against 444 cars last week and 178 cars a year ago. . Small receipts, notwithstanding the com paratively high prices bid for the grain In the country, was the source of a remark able degree of strength displayed In the corn market. Trading was active and load ing bulls gave the market good support. Shorts also were persistent buyers. An ad vance of 2c to 24c In the price of cash corn was a substantlsl factor contributing to the strength of options. The market closed strong with prices at the highest point of the day. September opened Vc to '(o higher at 62o to 62-e, sold up to Me and closed at the best figure. Local receipts were 81 cars contract grade. ' Reports of an excellent export d.'inand had a strengthening effeot on the oats market. The sharp advance In tha price of corn gave additional encouragement to bulls. Shorts were active buyers late In the session. Afc a result the market closed at almost the highest point Of the day. Sep tember opened e higher at 270, sold be tween 27c and 28c and closed at 28c. Lo cal receipts were 164 cars. Provisions were, firm largely In sympathy with a MilOc advance in the price of live hogs. Another strengthening Influence was decrease In contract stocks in store In Chi cago. Packers were moderate buyers. At the dose September pnrk was up 2c at 113.50. lard was up 5"7Vic at 17 42V. Kibs were a shade higher at iK lMif l'Vl. Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 149 cars; corn, lit cars; oats, 202 cars; hogs. 2S,wk head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Artlclea.1 Open. IHIgh-l Low: Close. Ye y. Wheat III Sept.i8!Va8!)'4 90 RSVi Iec....876H7Vl 88Vif 86V1I S9, WEATHER IK TIIE GRAIX BELT Moderate Rains Throughout Missouri and Mississippi Valleys. , r , . . OMAHA, Aug. 2, 1906. Moderately heavy rains were - general 'throughout the Missouri and upper Mis isslppi valleys during Tuesday afternoon and night, and light and scattered shower continue In the valleys this morning. The rains in eastern Nebraska varied from one fourth to over an Inch, and were heavier at points In Iowa. The total fall at Omaha was 1.06 Inches'. Showery weather will frobably prevail throughout this vicinity oday and tonight, followed by fair Thurs day. No Important change In temperature has Occurred In any section, and none is ex pected during the next twenty-four to thirty-six hours. ' Omaha record of temperature and precl- Sitatton, compared with tlife corresponding ay of the last three years: 1905. 1304. 1903. 190. Minimum temperature.... t8 73 66 61 Precipitation 30 .00 . 00 . 0s Normal temperature for today, 74 de grees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1. T.71 inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1904, 1.78 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1901, .53 Inches. OMAHA DISTRICT AVERAGES. Temp. Rain. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Sky. Ashland, Neb.... W 66 .82 Cloudy Auburn, Neb 84 62 .36 Cloudy ColumbUB, Neb.. 77 64 .Ko Cloudy Fairbury, Neb... 88 62 l& Cloudy Fairmont, Neb... 80 63 T Claudy Or. Inland, Neb.. 73 63 1.00 Cloudy Hartlngton, Neb. 80 60 .08 Foggy Oakdale, Neb 79 63 .IK Cloudy Omaha, Neb 82 63 1.06 Raining Tekamah, Nob... 86 66 .09 Cloudy Carroll. Ia 87 04 T Cloudy Clarlnda, Ia 88 66 .00 Cloudy Sibley. Ia 83 60 . 6!) Cloudy Sioux City. Ia ... 80 62 T Cloudy Storm Lake, Ia.. 81 61 .08 Cloudy DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temrj. Central. Stations. Max. Mln Articles ! Open. H!gh. Low. Close. Tes y. Wheat Sept. Dec. May Corn tSept. IHept. tDec. JDec. JMay Oats Sept. Dec. May Pork Sept. Oct. Lard Sept. Oct. Ribs Sept. Oct. I I 84.4i&V&lTfl8& !62VlK3 I 4V 4KVU",! 46S'lS 274! X, ,3oevi 64J Bit7! bol t&Vi B2'4 62Sl 84 8 48V47T!S'4s 64WI &2 4tV4 46 28' y 4us 46Vifl 45Hsi 2TM 46 28 I 4.-H 4SV, 4o 2'S 2 30V274j;fO 3o29(oao 13 60 13 66 13 42H 13 50 13 47 13 40 U 46 13 37 13 37j 13 40 7 37V4I 7 45 7 r 7 42 7 37 7 46 I 7 62 7 46 7 62 7 45 8 15 I 8 20 8 10 8 17 8 15 8 221 8 26 8 17 8 22 8 20 Chicago, 111 29 Columbus, 0 17 Des Moines. Ia... 14 Indlanupollj, lud. 11 Kansas City Mo. 17 Louisville, Ky.... 19 Minneapolis 24 Omaha. Neb 15 . St. Louis, Mo.... 12 ' Local Forecaster. 80 80 84 8i 88 86 78 82 88 Rain. Inches. .03 68 62 61 68 6 60 66 62 62 L. A. WKLSH Weather Bureau. No. 3. tOld. JNew. C'anh quotations were as follows FLOCK Steady ; winter patents, $4.20ft 4.30: straights. X4.oora4.lO: spring patents $4.S6&'5.4o; straights, S3.5o4.85; bakers, 2.40o 8.40. WHEAT No. 2 spring, tl.OStjfl.W; K0. 3, B5ci1.0uj No. 2 red, 834'&R3c. CORN NO. 2. 66c: No. 2 yellow. 5Uc. OATS No. 2, 27c; No. 2 white, S9(j3lic; Mo. 3 white, a v, i.n 14c. RYH No. 2, 6S435tSc. . BA RLK Y Good feeding,, 36f5M0c; fair to choice malting, 41(?44c.- ' 8EEDS-N0. 1 flax, 1.31: No. 1 northwest ern, $1.36. Prime timothy, 83.10. Clover, contract grade, iiz.oocal. 16. PROVISIONS-Mebs pork, ter bbl., $13 .45 13.60. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $7.27g7.30. Short ribs sides (loose, S8.ti6ii.i&, Short clear sides (boxed). $8.37ra.50. The receipts and shipments of flour and grain were as ioiiows Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye. bu Barley, bu.. Receipts. Shipments. .... 27.900 18.601 .... 674,100 81,200 .... 217.0O0 646.2"0 .... 29.600 2-9. l'O .... 8.0CH) 2,0"0 34.800 3.3 X) NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Iftrket fluctuates Constantly a Acoount of Conflict f Spernlative fartiea. METALS AND COALERS ADVANCE SLIGHTLY Diniie to prlng Wheat, Hlaher Rates for Money aad Yellow Fare Quarantine aase Selling Moresaent. NEW YORK. Aug. 8 Stocks showed a constantly fluctuating tendency today, which was due. apparently, to a conflict of speculative parties more than to conflicting forces in the development of the day. Oroups of stock which might be subject to a common influence from one cause were alTected from time to time, but the possible causes for the movement were obscure. This Is notably true of stocks of companies dealing with tha treatment of metals and ores. Smelting. National Lead, Federal Mining and Smelting, and I'nlted States Reduction, showed a notable concord- In movement. Rumors have long been preva lent of a consolidation of Interests In this field of industry, but no Immediate news was forthcoming on the subject today. The coalers of a group made up another Instance of such a movement. The high priced, closely held members of the group, which move widely on slight provocation from quite normal, led this movement, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western ex tending Its brilliant record of new high levels up to 438. A feeling of safety In tha labor outlook In the coal mining Industry has been induced by the harmony of senti ment on the subject shown in recently pub lished views coming from the head of the mine workers and from one of the chief executives of the anthracite companies. Such occasional strong points In the day's market served partly but not entirely, to overcome weakness," which was quite gen eral at one period of the day, and which maintained a spotty showing in the later market. A harder tone and a slight ad vance In the call loan market, spring wheat damage reports and the yellow fever quarantines were the professed grounds for me selling. An errort to attribute the selling to the account of a veteran pro fessional operator with great prestige as a leader of bear campaigns In the past made some Impression on sentiment, but with a mixture of suspicion of manipulative purposes. The PlttBburg coal strike broke violently as a result of the financial state ment published today showing results for six months of operation. The rebound was even more violent and Indicated an urgent requirement from an oversold short Inter est. Great Northern preferred and North ern Pacific sold off on Insignificant trans actions, supposedly by reason of the tele- grapners strike. The June earnings state ments of Pennsylvania and Illinois Central showed an expansion In operating expenses larger than the growth In gross earnings, with resulting disappointing results in the portion available for distribution. The price of copper underwent a sharp reaction In Ixndon. The casing of the London market with the month turn was checked by with drawals by the Japanese government. The heavy tone recurred In the hitter market and the closing was easy. Bonds were firm on a well diversified de mand. Total sales par value, $2,714,000. I'nlted States bonds were unchanged on call. Quotations on the New Tork Stock ex change ranged as follows: Sales. High. Low. Close. Kan Imperial 4s wre qooted at 88.06 and Rusilnn bonds of 14 at !n. BERLIN, Aug 2 Th bourse was some what weaker today. Sew Tork Money Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 2 -MONEY-On call; hlahest. 3 rer cent: lowest. IV per cent: ruilug rate, i per cent; lust loan, 2 per cent; Closinb bid. 1; offered at I per cent. Time loans, steady an.1 dull; 60 and 90 days. 3' 3 per cent; six months, 4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PA PKR 4.J4: strellng exchange, steady, with actual business In bankers' Mils St 4 8Virn 4 6 fir demand and at 4.84754. S4V for slx.y-day bills; posted rates 4.86 and 4 87. Com mercial bills, 34.8TV SILVER Rar. W: Mexlean dollars. 46. BONDS Government, steady. Railroad bonds firm. Closing quotations on bonds wera: II a. r( Is, res. ...! Jp . ctfi loi4 .101 4a 14 MrlM I'V H tfa 4 -!( lit 1UV U N. unl it llM'i MnRtUn r. g ..l'-'t , lit Mn. tnlrl 4l 774j S ...If I da lit Inr t H 'Minn. A St L. Il...74 , ctfl. 744: M . K. a T. 41 lit da l .t t 104 N. R R. of M. a. 4. M M N. Y. C. f It! H4j 4s....lftlt N J. C. g. Im iM I l'V No. Piclflc 1"! IIS ao 1 T4 6s. ...114 N. W. r. 4s 1"2 ' II iO. 8. U rfcli 4 WS MUj Pnn. ennv. iH 14V .102 do eoupafi r. I. ros... do eoapen ... V. B. nfw 4s, I do eoupoa ... V S 01 4s. 1 do coup0 ... Am. Tobotro 4l do 4s, ctfa... Atchlftnn gon. 4 lo sd). it... Atlantic C. L. Bol. Ohio 4 do IV Central of Oa. do lat inc.... do 2d Inr Dirt. A Ohio 4U.a....lot Reading grn. II Chlrexo A. Mi ... M St. L. I. M. c. ae..ll c . B a q. N. 4....iviHj st. a s. r. tg a. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Steers Stead, with Oowi Selling; CoDiidcrably Higher, HOG TRADE SLOW, BUT A SHADE HIGHER Receipts of Sheep and Lambs Sot Very Meary, with So Sew Keataree Developing Prices Meady and Trading; Slow, SOt'TH OMAHA, Aug. I. In6 Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. OtTVlal Mondav 2'W 11. 9Di OfTlclal Tuesdav 4.:!7 6 3e9 8.S71 tifTlclal Wednesday 1.77 J.ltfa 8.ll 14.4S4 JT.fiW 50.1)11 12.13 13.448 29 274 30. IX 14 Mi 7.510 4.!"6 t.r.b C, R. I. P. Is.., do col. bt rev. A St. L. g 4i (.'Mrago Tar. 4a.... Colorado Mid. 4a.. Colo. A Bo. 4a. Colo. Ind. (a, let do aet B Cuba ba, ctfa D. H. O. 4a Pllttllere' Sec. (a.. Eri prior llan la do geo. 4a F W. a U. C la Hoi king Vai. 41. . . .IIOH Ufltred. i St. L. 8. W e. 4a ... . 14 H Sealioard A. U a 0 .IDS 80. Parlflc 4a 4t . M1 So. Rallwajr Is Iltt . 75 iTeiaa a P. Is in . M4 T., 8t U A W. 4a.. M . Tl4 Vnlon Pa. lflo 4s .71 1 do conv. 4s W91 .107 jl'. Stssl Jd da t .101 Wabash Is llK . to do deh. n .10IV VMtrn Md 4s . 31 W. a L. E. 4s... 116 Win, Ontrsl 4s.., do 1st 4s ctfs... l:l 4 Boston Storks and Bonds. BOSTON. Aug. 2-Call loans. 2&3 per cent; lime loans, 8(&4 per cent. Olticlal quotations on stocks and bonds were: Ati-talaon adj. do 4a Mrs. Central Aichtaon ...... do pfd 4a 97 Adventure 102H Allouei la 77 Amalgsniated . I6H1' Ameriran Zlno 1U2S Atlantic Boston dz Albany SsF BInghsm Adams Ex... Anuil. Copper 27.200 84 83 Am. Car & Foundry. 2,oi) 37 3R do pfd 600 9914 9HV, Am. Cotton Oil do pfd Am. Ex Am. H. & U pfd 700 3U 39 Am. Ice Securities Am. Linseed Oil do pfd Am. Locomotive 2..KX) 40 do pta v. ikj 112 Am. HmeYt. "Xi "iiefng! B4.5n0 120 Kansas City Grain ana Provisions. Tha range of prices paid In Kansas City aa reported by the Kd wards-Wood company, 110-111 Board of Trade building, was: Articles.) Open. I lllgh.l Low. Close. Tes y. Wheat Sept... IXc... Corn Bept... I)eo.... Oats Sept... Pork 6eit... Oct.... Laid- 8ept... Oct... Rlhs- Bept.. Oct... 7oJjJti i vai 45 WW 13 as la U T 36 7 4) t 1$ li 7V !, 2T IS 43 U Si 7 S7 7 46 8 12 8 to 75 7b 45 t IS 8J 13 7 SO 7 40 8 12 S li 7rt Tryt, 45' . SM, 27' IS 42 13 36 7 87 7 46 t 12 76 77 44 U 26 IS S3 13 2 7 32 7 43 ( 12 17 KANHA8 CITY, Aug. t WHEAT Mar ket higher; September, 7uU7bc; Iecem Dr, 7;sJ"4c; Jiluy, oSc; caah, No. 2 hard, ait:vse; No. 8, 7(ysic; No. 4, 72tt78:; No. I ted, tUc; No. i. Viatic; No. 4. 7t4j7vc; receipts, 22 cars. , CORN Higher; September, 4Stj4tic; De cainber, fcSjc, May, 34(iiV; cash, No. S mixed, 4(I4U', No. 3, is4ic; No. 3 white, sue; No. S. 4u50c. OATd-tiieady; No. i white, $0'u31c; No. mixed. iMl.To. HAY fiieudy; choice timothy, $.5O4j9.0u; Choice prairie. (4 60. RVE-Dleady, 3c. EGtiS oteady; Miasourt and Kaunas new No. S, ahitewood cases Included. 15c; nw count, 14'tc; caaes returned, c less. Ul'TTKH Steady; creamery, lsjjl8e; packing. 'Itc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu. i:9:.u Corn, bu 4IojO Oata, bu li.tMJ U.ouu On the Produce exchange todav the but. ter market was firm; creameries, I7(U20c; dairies, 16rtil8c. Eggs, steady; at mark, cases Included. 16c: firsts, 17c; prime firsts, Wc; extras, 21c. Cheese, firm, lU'tfllVc. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations of the Hay on Various Commodities. 1 NEW YORK. Aug. 2.-FLOC R-Recelpts. 15.461 bbls.; exports, 11.089 bbls.; sales. 4.2nO bbls.; market steady, quiet trade; winter patents $4.6o'5.u0; winter straights, $4.l5i 4.60; Minnesota patent, $6.40fi5.8r; winter ex tras, I3.0O4i3.4E; winter low grades, $J.S'ii3.J5. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, $4.15:f4.50; choice to fancy, $4.oO'u4.75. CORNMEAL Firm; dry kiln, $3.1ftfiS 20. RYE Easy; No. 2 western, 71c asked, c. 1. f., New York. BARLEY Nominal; feeding, 48c, c. I. f. New. York; malting, 46ai)2c. o. I. f.. Buffalo! WHEAT Receipts, 12,uu0 bu.; exports, 24, 038 bu. Soot, steady; No. 2 red. 88e, In elevator, and 894 c, f. o. b. afloat; No 1 northern Lxiluth, $1.16, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Options opened lower on account of for eign selling, weak cables and lower north west markets. A rally on covering, strength west and predictions of lighter Kansas City receipts was followed by reactions, from which the market finally recovered In sym pathy with corn, and closed ci&c net higher. May. 92titi3o, closed at 93c; Beptem ber, 8814I&88 5-lc. closed at 89Uc: December (Mf91Vc, closed at 91c- CORN-Receipts. 124.700 bu.; exports. 11. 396 bu. Spot market firm; No. 2. lc. eleva tor, and blc, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 61c; No. 1 white. 62c. Option market was very dull, closing ,c net higher, but with out transactions. September closed at 60c. OAT8 Receipts, 43..VO bu. Spot market quiet; mixed, 26 to 32 lbs., 3333c; natural white. 80 to S2 lbs.. S5&37e; clipped white. 86 to 40 lbs.. 37u4nc. HAY Klrm; good lo choice. 8EiQ90c. HOPS Firm; state, common to choice, 19o4 crop, 22 & 26c; 1j3 crop, lleyl'lo; olds, 10 18 12c; Pacific, coast, 10u4 crop, 22y25c; 19j3 crop, ISW.'Oc; olds, 10ffll2c. H1LES Quiet: Oalveston, SO to 25 lbs, !0c; California. 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texus dry 24 to 30 lbs , lhc. LfcATHER Steady; acid, 26-8340. PROVISlONli-Reef, steady; family, $10.50 S12.0O; mess. $8 5yul0.00; beef hams, $21.0otf 22 50; packet, flO.OKu 11.00; city extra India mess. $18.00411 00. Cut meats, steasly; pick led bellies. $8 25510.60; pickled shoulders $u.&0oc.0o; pickled hams, $10. Xfo 10 75. Ijird, firm; western bteamed, $7.25i7.60; refilled, steady; continent, $7.60; South America, $825; compound, $5.&oa5.75. 1'ork. firm: family. $',ii0il6O; short clear, $13.00 15.25; mean, lll.mof 10.ISI. T A LU)V Stvady; city (12 per pkg.), 4c; country ipkgs. freel, 4'34o. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 3 (.'; Japan, nominal. UL'ITER Firm: state dalrv. common to extra. Iiiy21c; aeaitin factory, common to extra, irw)i,e. CHEESE Slate full creams, small col ored and white, 10'jillc; state large, col ored and white, fancy, 11c. EdGS Western best. 18jl9c; western, fair to good. I7tri ISO. POl'LTHY Alive, steady; western chick ens, 14c; fowls 13c; turkeys, 13c; dressed, firm; western chickens, 13'altic; fowls. 14c; turkeys. 13 a He. Blllwaakaa Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Wis.. Aug. t WHEAT Lomer; No. 1 noithsin. llo(illl; No. i northern, llOMjlto, September, o tid. HYE Hlghrr; No. 1, wc. XARLEi-Oull; No. 2, 62c; sampla, 10 CORN-Hlgher; September, 540 asked. miladelnltla Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA Aug. I.-Rl'TTEH 11 irn ; rxlia wesicrn frtamery, 22c; extra Uesrhv prims, S4c. UCUa-i-'lruij ucarby fitah, Hm, 1u urf; do pfd Am. Sucar Refng Am. Tobacco pfd ctf. Anaconda M. Co Atchison do pfd : Atlantic Coast Line.. Bait. Ohio do pfd Brooklyn R. T Canudtan Pacific Central of N. J Ches. & Ohio Chicago .& Alton do pfd Chi. Ut. Western Chi. & N. W C, M St. P Chi. Term. A T do pfd C, C.. C. & St. L Colo. Fuel A Iron.... Colo. A Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Gas Corn Products do pfd Del. & Hudson D.. L. & W Den. & Rio Grande... do pfd Distillers' Securities.. Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd General Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louis. & Nashville... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mex. Central Minn. & St. L M.. St. P. & 8. 8. M.. do pfd Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. & Tex do pfd National Lead N. R. R. of Mex. pfd , N. Y. Central N. Y., O. A W Norfolk A Western... do pfd North American Pacific. Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P., C. C. & St. L Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Pulace Car.. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Republic Steel do pfd Rock Island Co do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd. St. Louis 8. W do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway ... do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron.... Texas & Pacific T.. St. L. A W do pfd Vnlon Pacific do pfd t. P. Ex V. 8. Realty XT. 8. Rubber do pfd I'. S. Pteel do pfd Va. -Carolina Chem... do pfd Wabash do pfd Wells-Fargo Ex Westlnghouse Elec... Western I'nlon W. & L. E Wis. Central do pfd .- Northern Pacific Central Leather , do pfd 1.000 3'ii0 200 fro 6.S0O 20 1.6110 11,600 3i W 8.800 2.01 1.2" M) 200 ' "if S00 6.600 13,100 123i 143 97 116 87 102 162 115 99 69 155 2ti7 544 ftitT SO 215 180 I0 1.100 2.200 200 400 69 46 28 62 3914 1,900 10 3.100 2.000 '"ino 200 2S.8O0 3.400 2.3O0 100 195 438 '86 42 464 84 74 179 48 112 124 123 97 115 81'. 102 160 113 99 68 164 202 54 ' si'" 20 213 J79 99 45 28 62 89 "io" 19S" 425 86 42 457 83 73 179 1.400 in 170 600 1O0 "206 5,8-0 20 3o0 3 .800 3,900 3t 1,000 ' 4.800 100 28 63 'w 166 81 127 22 63 130 i'ln 28 27 63 '58 145 166 81 127 22 63 129 8.100 48 4J 4.400 8.000 1,100 "iiioti 200 19.200 1,700 ' 3.200 1,000 86 ioo 42 143 106 43 96 146 52 85 99 42 96 35.500 1'6 103 100 l."0 2.700 S,1"0 2u0 91 21 83 31 76 91 ?n 83 So 7 600 7i H Io0 2.9iX i-iao 2S.M0 ion 4.60O so 8"0 76.00 69 24 60 64 118 34 9 8". 33 38 67 130 Peoria Market. PEORIA. 111., Aug. 2 -CORN-Hlgher; No. I elUw, 64c; No. 3, 64c; No. 4. ok'; no grade, 62c. OATS Highvr; No. 3 white, new. 278 28V-; No. 4 white, new, 27c. WHISKY On the basis of $1.27 for fin ished goods. Mllnaukea Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Aug 3. WHEAT Spot, nominal; futures, steady; Scptumbvr, (4 tyl: l'ecember, lW(d, March, nominal. CORN Spot, easy; American mixed, 5s Id; futures, firm; September, 4a !. December, 4a d. Dalnth Grata Market. Dl'Ll'TH, Mtnn., Aug. ?. WHEAT To arrive, No. 1 northern. $1.06; on track. No. 1 northern, $107; No. 1 northern. Hue; Sep tember. ItSo; Bepteinlier. old. c UAld-Tu arnva, tsc, ou Uack, 24 'c 3.500 31 l 19.9O0 14, &o ai 100 100 'it:o 2"0 4i.0 62 19 85 103 34 106 19 93 23 304 44 114 68 23 60 64 1171 83 98 8 81 38 67 O 51 1' 34 ln 34 list 19 3 '23 204" 43 104 235 84 36 90 2 92 225 39 26 17 40 48 111 125 122 142 96 115 as 102 162 114 98 68 154 206 64 i 84 79 19 214 179 18 40 88 45 28 61 89 191 9 45 1H4 423 31 86 42 83 74 178 8.8 170 19 78 eo 28 63 as 67 146 166 81 127 22 63 129 161 100 28 62 48 37 146 52 86 92 99 42 142 106 75 42 96 238 104 93 91 31 83 30 76 84 104 68 Hoston A Maine boston Elevsted ... Kltohhurg pfd Meilcjin Central ... N Y., N H. a H. Pere Mamtiette .. Vnlon Pacific Amer. Arge. Chsm. do pfd . Amer. Pueu. Tube.. Amer. Sugar .. do pld Amer. T. A T. Amer. Woolen .... do pfd Pumlnton I. A S. Edlson Elec. lllu. General Electric .. Mass. Electrlo .... do pfd Mass. Uaa United Knot I'nlted Bhoe Msch. do pfd V. 8. steel do pfd Westing, common 'tiia. aAsked. 177 ICsl. A Heels... It'entennlHl .14 ( opper Kanae ,. . 1214 Usir West .20 ibomlnton Coal . IS Franklin .1IS tlranby . 21 Isle Koyale .... . IU !Msss. Alining .. ... 4 Michigan . . .1444 Mohawk ...13 Mont. I'. & C... ...1144 Old Dominion .. ... S4tt Osceola ...lot1 Parrot ... 23V Qulncr 244 Shannon 171 Tamarack 17V Trinity 41 I'nlted foopper 4C U. 8. Mining... 104 11. 8. Oil 41 t'tah II Victoria M Winona . 103 Wolverine ... ) i ... I ... 3(Vi ... '4 ... 10 ... 17H ... 31)4 ... WV, ... 71V, ... 14 . . . 71 ... 1-" ... 7', ... St' ... ... 14-4 ... ... i ... aS ... 26 ...104 ... 7H ...121 ... Mi ... 13 ... ii ... 1M-4J 46 ... I ... 1 ...11S London Stork Market. LONDON, Aug. 2. Closing quotations on stocks were: Consols, money ... do account Anaconda Au-hleon do pfd Baltimore & Ohio. Canadian Pacific .. Chee. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W.... . 0t4 Illinois Centrsl ... . iS Louisville A Nash . iM., K. A T . 88 N. V. Central .106 Norfolk a W .117 lo pfd .. Ontario it W Pennsylvsnla Rand Mlnea , Heading do let pfd. do 2d D.M. Southern Kallwajr ... S4 do pfd 101 Southern i'sclOo 44 .174 .ISO IM SX t U 73H H M 4 4S S tfl C, M. A St. P 185 PeBeera 17 Denver A R. 0 12H do pfd Erie 47 do 1st pfd S-t do id pfd 74 SILVER Bar, steauy, 27d per ounce. MONEY li&l per cent. The rate 01 ulhcount in .. . open market for short bills Is 113-16 per cent; for three months' bills, 1 13-16 per cent. New York Mining; Slorks. NEW YORK, Aug. 2. Closing quotations on mining stocks were Three days this week. .Ih.OJS Three das last week. . .11.600 Same week before 11,641 Same three weeks ago. .12. 1 Same four weeks ago... 8.0O0 Same days lost yeur.... 6.9m RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tha year to date, comparing with last year: 16. 1904. Inc. Cattle 4VS.264 486.738 12.516 Hogs 1.534.y71 1.46i,16 6,ip5 Sheep 866 44 746,117 120.287 The following table shows the average price of hogs at 8outh Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Tate. I 1905. 1904.I03.11902.19U. 11900. 11899. July 15.. I r. 63, July 18.. I July 17.. 6 66 July 11.. 6ofi July 19.. 6 oai July 20.. I 5fi July 21. .j 5 61 July 22.. 6 41 July 23.. July 24.. 6 47 July 25.. 5 64 July 28.. 5 691 July 37.. I ( 6S July 28. 5 61 I July :.. 5 60 July 30.. I July 31.. 5 58 I Aug. 1... 5 691 Aug. 2... I 5 11 t 18 e 1 in 6 18 5 04 6 10 6 06: t 181 7 5 S3 7 72; 6 19 6 22 7 72 7 '3 7 CO, S 22 5 221 7 62 '8 26, 7 41 4 2S ! 4 19 4 21 4 34 5 25 6 18 5 05 6 061 6 10 6 30 4 96 6 19; 4 98i 6 10, 6 i3 6 09, 8 03, I 6 02; 4 99! 4 97 4 92, 7 S2 6 77 $M 6 64 t 02 6 651 4 M 4 01 8 58. 4 871 4 1 6 6:1 4 t9i 6 C8 4 W I 6 07 6 67 I 70 E 15 7 41 6 ii 5 151 4 36 7 53 6 74 6 06, 4 81 7 8 fts 5 021 4 27 I 6 58 6 06 4 8J 7 63 I 5 13, 4 83 7 47i 6 47 I 4 3: 7 471 6 56; 0 08; 7 51, 6 61 5 091 4 32 7 411 6 66 5 161 4 19 7 36, 5 761 5 1H 1 4 26 1 3 21 23 1 35 6 4 9 21 6 3 6 .. 1 2 lol S3 4 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today oy each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.Ila'ea. c, m. & St. P. Ry.. 1 Mo. Pac. Ry I'nlon Pacific Svstcni 18 C. A N. W. Hy 3 V., E. A M. V. liv.... 25 C. St. P., M. & O. Ry U R. A M Ry 14 C, 11. at (J Hy 8 C. R. I. & 1'. Ry. east 1 Illinois Central Chicago lircat Went.. 1 Total receipts 80 The disposition ot the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: iluyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaiia Packing Company 265 766 62 Swif and Company 248 1.652 2,3oi luuatiy rucking t o iM i,mi Armour A Company 637 1,'tM 2,039 Vansant & Co Iiobman A Co Hill A Hutuzinger Hamilton A Rothschild. L. F. Husa Klugan A Co Woll & Murnan Mike Haggcrty J. II. Root A Co independent Packing Co. Aulntad S. & S Other lluyers 217 .... 2,8;6 248 34 637 32 9 60 4i 116 ."ii 1 10 663 157 343 Adema Con Alice Breece Brunswick Con .. Cninstock Tunnel Con. Csl. A Va.. Horn Silver ..... Iron Bllver -..;... lyesdvllleC0S .... Offered. 10 63 40 .. If) .. T ..) ..lit ..340 .. I.lttle Chief ... Ontario Ophlr "1'hoenia Potoai Savage Bterra Nevada Small Hopea . rilsndard .. 4 ..200 ..700 .. i .. M .. 4 .. 84 .. 33 ..146 Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 2. Today'a statement of treasury balances In tha gen eral fund exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve shows: Available cash balancn, $131,271,976; gold coin and bullion, $49,4O0.9s9. 1 Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Aug. 2. Bank clearings for to day were $1,522,278.35, and for the corre sponding date last year $987,460.61. ST, St. I.onls General Market. LOUIS. Aug. 2. WHEAT Higher; 117 84 9S 89 S3 37 57 12S 98 122 90 52 H' 34 103 33 106 19 34 230 168 93 16 23 61 2o3 43 104 No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 81c; track, 8.iiis6c September. 81Vt'8lc; December, 8Mc; No. 2 hard, 84&S8c. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 61c; track. 52V,'o52c; September, 50c; December, 43c. OATS-Steady; No. 2 cash, 2Sc; track, 27 28c; September, 26c; No. 2 white, Z'it( 3ic. r LOUR Steady. Red winter patents. $4.30434.50; extra fancy and straight, $3. Hiri 4uu; clear, 3.15fqSi30. Timothy seed, ateady; spot, $2.262.75; new, $3.50. CORN 'MEAL Steady, $2.70. BRAN Uulet. backed east track. 70or71e. HAY Steady Timothy, J9.WJ5J 14.00; prairie, $7.otif 10.00. IRON COTTON TIES 99c. HA GO I NO 8c. HEMP TWINE c. PROVISIONS Pork, Arm; Jobbing, $13.60. Lard, higher; prime steam, $6.85. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, $8.25; clear ribs, $8.50; short elears, $8.76. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $8.87; clear ribs, $9 25; short clears. $9 50. POl LTRY Weak; chickens. 9e; springs, 11c; turkeys, Uc; ducks, 79c; geese. Totals 1,994 7,046 8,16 CATTLE There was a very -light run here today, eighty loads being on sulo. These receipts were about ninety-four loads lighter than last Wednesday and show a small decrease as compared with the same day last year. The receipts consisted largely of cornfeds, only a few westerns being included In the day's offerings. Beef steers constituted the big" end of the receipts and some pretty good cattle were offered. Owing partly to the light run and to a better feeling on the purl of buyers, the market was strong and active and da most of the cattle were cleaned up In good season. Puckers were free buyers and picked up the stuff right along. Sellers had the advantage and found little difficulty In disposing of tbelr holdings at tully steady prices. On some of the choice corn fed stuff the market was better and prices ruled stronger. What grass cattle there were on hand went at strong prices, ami there was a better call for them than there was yesterday. There was only a small supply of cows and heifers here and the feeling was very good. Buyers went right after tne stuff and trading was brisk.) Packers as well as other buyers wanted supplies and a clearance w made early, (lood cornfed cows sold at an ..dvance of lOtylac, whilo the commoner grades and grass cattle changed hands at prices ruling steady to stronger. Bulls, veal calves and stags were in fair demand at JUHt about steady prices. Blockers and feeders were in good de mand, although there were not many on siilu. Good lightweight stuff moved at steady prices, while on some of the heavier grades sales looked barely steady, and ,in some cases lower. Trading was fairly ac tive and tho stulT was cleaned up early. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. 6ii8c. BUTTER Steady; dairy 148 17o. EGGS Firm, 14c, Flour, bbla Wheat, bu Corn, bu , Oata, bu lll.Ouo creamery, 1520c; case count. Receipts. Shipments. 7.0o0 8,000 119,000 lli.uoo 82,000 47,000 72,000 Total sales for the day, 469, HO shares. Foretaja Financial. IiONDON. Aug. I Money was not su perfluous toda. Two millions transferred to the Japanese government at the Bank of England checked tha ease. Discounts ad vanced. The Stock exchange was quiet, with a favorable undercurrent. The at tendance was small and business slack In the absence of support. The presence of proflt-vklng resulted In a drooping disposi tion, which was accentuated by Emperor Nicholas' I Ueet telegram advocating a con tinuance of tha war. There waa a reaction in consols. Americans opened dull, moved Irregularly on either side of parity and were inactive. There was tome reallga tlon, but the close waa dull. Foreigners were fully ateady. on Paris support. Japa nese were easier. Japanese Imperial la 0( 1W-4 were quoted at Uii. PARIS," Aug. 1 The bourse waa unsteady today, owing to renewed uneasiness over the Moroccan question and frars for tha nrHisticcnrs of tha peace conference. Tha day, bovtevar, closed calm and firm. Rua- Metal Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 2.-METALS A fur ther advance wag reported in the London tin market, with spot closing at 151 Kin, and futures, at 150. The local market was also firm and somewhat higher, at $32.8ol 33.26, but the demand was slow, as buyers are none too confident of tha stahlllty of rrlces, owing to the speculative nature of the advance abroad and the possibility that liquidation may cause a readjustment. Cop- fier lost part of Its recent gain abroad, clos ng at 68 6s 3d for spot, and 68 los for futures. Locally the market waa un changed, with lake and clectrolytlo quoted at $16.37'o 15.50, and casting at $14.87''u 15.12. Ixad was firm, at $4.604.70 In the looal market, and was somewhat higher at 14 In London. Selter advanced to 24 In the Imdon market, remaining nrm, at t5.604jg.70 In New York. Iron closed at 49s 4d In Glasgow, and at '.s 4d In Mld dlesboro. Locally Iron was unchanged. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at tl.2o?17.00; No. 2 foundry northern, 115 7F 16.50; No. 1 foundry aouthern, tl6.76Q16.7S; No. 2 foundry . . III - . . 1 , K OIIIIIV1II, IJ OVy AU.'O. or. lOLia. Aug. 3. METALS Lead, firm; $160. Spelter, firm. $5 00. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Aug 2 -COTTON-Bpot closed quiet. 10 points higher: middling up lands, 10.9oc; middling gulf, 11. 2ic; sales, so bales. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 2 -COTTON-Spot in Increased demand, prices 9 points lower; American middling fair. 8.3:'d; good mid dling, 6ood; low middling, 6.76d; good ordi nary, 6.5M; ordinary. 5.42d. The siles of the day were 6,'AO bales, of which tsiO were for speculation, and exiiort and Included 4.800 American. Receipts, 2,0uu bales, no American. ST. IXtUIS. Aug. I-COTTON-Bleady; middling, luc; aales, none; receipts, 3") bales; shipments, 38 bales; stock, 24.2J6 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. J. COTTON Steady; sales, .V.0 bales; ordinary, 7 13-loc; good ordinary, Vc ; low middling. 9c; mid dling;, 10c; good middling, lo 13-16c; mid dling fair, llo; receipts, 4,004 bales; slock, 96,46 bales. Ko. At. It. No. at. rr. I (oo 2 60 eo 12;3 4 JS 1 1(7 4 10 II iSM 4 40 4 1237 4 10 41 1206 4 SO 14 nil 4 16 20 1223 4 SO 11 1240 4 li 61..- 12IS 4 86 3 H'OO 4 26 20 12os 4 46 I b:0 4 26 14 1141 4 ii II 1116 4 30 IV 1213 4 6 43 1121 4 40 3 11,13 i 00 4 1161 4 46 70 132 4 00 14 Ho3 4 60 1 1675 6 00 to 13 4 66 62 1234 I 06 10 HJ6 4 40 16 1M2 6 10 20 1147 4 46 74 13S2 16 Is 1140 4 44 It 1302 I to 46 ill 4 46 18 13M 6 26 6 1010 4 70 cows. 1 140 1 75 s 84 lit 4 74 1 16 4 o6 6 1 W.0 t 10 1 .'...1240 t 46 14 36 10 12 Mil lit 1 till t 10 1"0 70 I f6 IS 1 110 I 74 ( 100 1 20 1 1220 I 16 1 730 t 10 t 1146 2 60 4 807 I 26 21 1144 I 85 1 1060 I 26 4 1070 i ) 1 1040 I 40 10 t to 2 . 174 t 40 4 10,0 04 1 1110 I 40 I 30 I 00 I I 60 I M.0 I 00 1 1160 I 40 I til 3 10 I s9 I 40 17 14 a i.. 1OO0 I 40 1 10M S3 j loi -3 40 17 Hi u Hit I 40 1 1116 si HEIFERS. 1 120 1 10 I S'.'O 60 4 604 1 SO 1 M) a t,0 J 710 I 10 14 37 2 6 i 413 I 20 1 eno I 6 4 6K0 I 20 70 3 00 1 7o0 I 26 1 410 I 04 1 4H0 8 40 1 tuo 1 60 1 420 I 40 BULLS. t f0 I 00 1 1140 I 40 1 460 II 26 1 1470 46 1 lOO I 36 1 1.140 so 1 473 I 40 1 12JJ g 40 STAGS. 1 1040 t 76 CALVES. 1 SM I 60 1 890 4 71 1 410 (Ml 1 im t 5 1 ISO 60 1 ISO IK 470 4 76 1 210 i 36 1 140 4 76 1 2fK i (0 1 120 4 75 I loo ( t 1 240 4 76 STOCK CALVES. J 190 I 76 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 t0 I 76 2 7SII t 1 440 I 00 I ?9 aj ! 10 3 4 . 4 774 I 40 1 466 I 36 t 1004 60 471 t It Toledo toed Markot. TOLEDO. O.. Aug. l-SBED Clover, caiih. $7 60 asked: October, to.). Dacember. $5.77 bid; $7.25 bid January, $5 r August alslke. Prima timothy, $1.57. Minneapolis Oralu Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Aug. 2.-FMVTR First patents, $5.9ca6.ut; second pitent. $; first claakra, $4. Org 1.10; second Clears. 13.604178. BiuLN-Oa bull IU.7tViil3.0O 22 cows 15 rows 4 cows... 38 feeders, 1 hirer... 20 feeders 2 teeners t cows... WESTERNS H. A Rollins Neb, . 846 2 60 8 cows. . 9w0 2 40 8 cows. . soo 2 14 Ruf Haney Neb. .1142 3 76 3 feeders.. 1070 1 26 .UtO 2 83 N. Sheffield Neb. .914 1 o 24 cows. I 00 1 calf.., t 15 1 cow.. O. Zlegle Neb a steers.... 790 t 30 914 W 1 steer 7W 2 15 18 heifers... 715 2 8J Bar X Cattle 13 cows 923 2 70 2 cows soo t 25 1 lull l-i 2 35 Lynch A 1 cow ls i 25 1 feeder. ..ll' 3 00 21 feeders.. 956 -3 no NEBRASKA. 1 cow 1'KjO 687 713 . 920 . 40 .1350 2 30 30 3 66 t 26 2 40 6 cow 1 cow 1 COW. . 1 cow 1 bull 3 cows. . . 1." cow s. . . 30 fe-ders V70 . sj . 9"J . lo .1170 .. 9J6 .. 914 1144 2 8o 2 S3 2 35 1 Eo 2 '( 3 00 2 r& 3 70 Company Neb. 4 cows t0 1 calf 160 Co. Neh. 25 cows 942 23 feeders.. 1'j1 5 cows 1110 1 bull 1 heller. 1 cow. . . , 1 stag . . 1 bull... S cows. .. 2 steers. .leu . n) .lni) . 930 114o . 873 .llo5 1 60 i ou 2 80 3 80 3 60 2 8.'i 3 CO 2 2 eV) 2 tfl i .5 3 15 the opening trading wss very slow and dull, packer doing nothing till well slong In the morning. Good light and shipping lions were In the best demand today and a f.ilr call from shippers for hogs of this kind helped the market considerably, especially on the opening These kin, Is changed hands t prices Jnst about fx- higher than yester day, but after trading became general they were not so good. The market eased off somewhat Hnd whs only a "hsde hlKh,r than yesterday's best time. Th bulk of the boss sold st $.". 7 "1 5. 75, with topi reach ing $j 77. Representative sales: Na. 1" . 71.. S . 46... II ., 70.. 72... 67 .. 66 .. II . . 4 . . 47.. 4 . 170. 0.. 44 . 67... (.., 4 . J).. 63 . . 14.., 4 .. 74... 67... 8... 7J... II. ., 71.. II.. 6 . 61 . 67... I. . 71.., 4H , 4 4S.. (t. . 42.. 20.. 64.. 41. . SC.. to.. .. 77.. .. 0.. AT. .. 1.6 ... 144 .. IM .. IT4 .. 2?7 .. 14,1 .. .14 . . . 2dS .. 22 ..17 ...22 . . .220 ... 244 ...211 , .. :2i ... 243 ...nt . . 1:1 .. 26" ... 2M .. IM ...2 .. 142 ...r" ...2l ...241 ...260 ...247 ...23 ...: . . .2K4 ...2.M ...2M ...111 . .211 ...l!4 ...241 ...223 . . Il ..2111 ..122 ...US ...223 ... 144 ...213 ...lt4 .1st 1S es.. He. ISO 0 240 320 41 40 240 40 4" ISO io lot ao 130 40 ! 140 120 0 120 40 0 40 40 'io 120 SO ISO 120 170 160 40 SHEEP-No I S6 I 47 , 4 17 I 47 6 47V, I 474i I I74, 6 47V, I 7H I 47V I 74 I 7' I 74 I 10 I TO I T4 I TO 4 70 I TO I 70 I 70 I TO I TO t 10 I 70 I TO I TO t TO I 70 I 10 6 TO I 70 I TO I TIUj t 71 I 72 I TH, I Tl I 72 6 Tl I 12 4 T2 6 Tl t Tt 4 T2 6 72 72 I 12 I 72 new Na 73.... 76 ... 71... it ... 71 ... 44 ... T ... l ... II ... 44.... It ... at ... . 33 ... 33... 77.... 40. ... 74 ... . ... 4 41.... 4o ... 64 ... . 64.... 47.... 47.,.. Tl 67.... m.... Tl.... an.... 7 ... 74 ... TO..,. II 6 7.... TT... 81 16T... TO. v.. 70.... TO.... T4.... 47.... Tl... 74 ... . 76.... AT. .24 ..!! .213 . .!? .221 . 2.S . 2W .241 . 140 . I .! ..t4 ..r'4 . aa .122 .It) ...224 ..1,4 . 114 ..14 ..! ..271 .171 .til .21 .111 ,141 ..214 .141 . .121 .221 ..241 ..HI . .KI7 .221 . .223 ..114 ,.141 ..HO ..241 .217 ..214 .173 ..23 .216 ..2.1 ...121 r 221 aa 80 40 M0 40 ait 40 too 80 160 100 rr. I 7f 6 T. 6 7? I 71 I 72 I Tt I 72 72 t 71 I II I 72 I 72 I 72 I 7lt I T6 I Tt I 75 I 74 I Tl I Tl I 71 I T6 I T6 I Tl I 74 I 76 I T6 I TS I 76 I 71 I 76 6 77 I 77 I Tl 6 TT 6 T7 I 77 I 77 6 17 6 17 I 17 6 77 I 7T I T7 77', 6 77 I 77 6 77 mates for the August tnovement snd In creased con'Mom e In i educed crop ri'rts. The el, -"e tahs stcnilv. Ml uncharged to 10 points Muhcr 8a be aire repoiliti of. 8'. ft'U ones, InchuMMg; 8, i.ttopler. t!'i.c, t h lo- ber. 7 "f.i T ! : 7 4.V; M4. 7 .fV -in 7 Invoice, .c. Ie, ,6 V. m!Vi r 8lt llli March, stc;ul ; No, features dcvelooed Irt the sheep barn this morning, the same slow ness which Iihs been characteristic of the market this week Is In evidence again to day and buyers and sellers did not get to gether till well along in the forenoon. The receipts were light, only about twenty eight cars being on sale. The stuff did not arrive very rurlv and was wet and hard looking, although of good quality. Some salesmen had a good deal of sorting to do, another reason for the slow opening. Some sales made early were ot stronger prices and i he general market could best be quoted that way. As has been the case for the past week there was a good demand for feeders and prices today were stronger. Quotations on lat sheep snd lambs: (tood to choice sorbin lambs. $6 2fiii 6 50 : good to choice yearling wethers. $4.i5ii5.oo; good to choice wethers, t4.2frti4.6n; good to choice light ewes, $4.oo-y4.10, good lo choice heavy ewes, $3.8i(44.00. Quotations on feeder sheep and lamos. Good feeding lambs, $4.6.V(i5.S6; good feed ing yearlings, t4.CM"ii 4 .6t; good feeding w eth ers, $3.a.v4 10: good feeding ewes, -. .ufioov. Representative sales: No. 98 western wethers b'47 Wyoming wethers 158 Wyoming yearling feeders 1 Wyoming yearling ieeuers Av. 14 lot wi 81 rr. 4 15 4 '-T 4 1,0 4 DO CHICAGO UVK STOCK MARKET Cnttle Steady to Lower Hog a Cents Higher. ' Ten CHICAOO, Aug. 2. "ATTI.E Receipts. 18.000 head, Including 600 Tcxans ami u"i westerns. Market steady to luc lower, iioou to prime ateers. $j.25ii;t5.90; poor to medium, $3.75716.10- stockers and feeders. $2.2.Vu'i ('; cows, $2.oO!ii4.5o; heifers, t2.25'ii4.K5; canners, $1.60a2.40; bulls, t2.M44.iO; calves. $3.00017. HO; Texns fed steers. t3.75ri4.QO; western steers, $3.5it74 'A'. HOlia Receipts, zo.000 neari; estimate jor tomorrow, 15.J head. Market 10c higher. Mixed and butcher, $5.6ts6.25; good to choice heavv, to.9Mrifl.15; rough heavy, $o.6i"g&.So; light, $6.8041.26; bulk of salea, $n.5Mr10. SHEEP AND LAM HH Receipts, zo.iioo head. Sheep market 10c higher; lambs 15c higher. Good to choice weathers, t4.50Sr4.85; fair to choice mixed, t4.Oofn4.50; western sheep, t4.0Wf4.75; native lambs, S5.0CWg7.50; weHtcrn lambs, $.r.5oU7.10. OMAIIA WIUH KV4I.T. MI1KKT, Condition of Trade and quotations oa Maple nnd Kenry Produce. EvtitS-Receipts, fslr; market steady! candled slock He. LIVE Pol I.'lliV-Hens PUc, roosters. 5i6c: turkeys. I2iil6c; ducks, 8c, aprlnj dllCkS. I"c, Sl'tlllK CMICKen.s 14 lllV. HI TI E K - Mm ki t firm; packing stocks, 14c, choice to ijiney ibtlry, IVylSv; cream. er . Jon.'ic: pilots, l.'i. M'OA K Standard sst Htiulated. In barrels. $5 60 pel cwt., cubes, o ." per cwt ; cut lo.if, Jo 96 per cw t ; No 6 cxtta C. ti 5 per cwt.; No. 10 extra C. $5 ;I5 per ut ; No. 1 yellow. $5 30 per cwt ; XXXX jxwtlered, $6 ( per cw t. FUK81" FISH-Trout. 9c: halibut. 11c; buflalo (dressed), 8c, pickerel (dit'KaNi, c; alute bass (dressMli, lc; sunlish, ocj perclt (scaled and dressed!, sr: pike, lis.-; cattish. 15c; red stiHjipcr. I'lc; salnion, ltn-; crflpiis, 12c: eels, lf.c; bullheads, lie; blurk bias. 2c; Manitoba w 'lltellsh (di esseil), lis.-; Lake 8u Ierior whlttlsh (dressed). l.V, frog le.s ter doi., 3.V; lobsters, green, 27c; boiled obaters, Mr; shnd roe, 4.ric; blueflsh. tk'. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesnla Hy lHHlers' association: Choice, $7; Nv 1. $6 60; No. 2, $o; coarse, $5. These price are for hav of good color and quality. BRAN Per ton. $15. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORAXtll'S 'nencl:i, al. sizes. $4 75-TT5 v. LEMONS I.lmonlcia. extra fancv, 2,0 3 and 3K tsitlO; fancy. 270, 300 and :8l) sites, $S. DATES lr box of .Hi 1-lb. pkgs., $:; Halloween. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c. FlUS-Callfornln, r 10-ll carton, 5fl 8fic; linixoted Smyrna, 4-rrown, l'Jc; 6 crown. 12c. HA.VANAS-Per iiiedlum-slEed bunch, $1.71 Cl-':'5; Jumbos, t'.'.oOiiS.OO. FRUITS AND MELONS. PF.ARS Unrtlett. ier PO-lh. box. $2.76. PLUMS California, per 4-busket crate, $1,101)1 35 I'EACHES-Texss Elbrrtns. er 4-basket crate, 75o; Califotnln freestones, per 25 lb. box. $1. CANTALOUPES Tcxhs. per Ornte, $3; California, per mite, ,onles, $2.(K(i 2.50; California. siaml.-iidH, $,1. WATKRMKI.oNS-Alnbnnm Sweets, 263 41V ench; 'r:itrd. 1o per lb. HAPPHKRHII-'.S - Red. box of ?4 Pt3. $2. HLACKP.KRRIKS-f'aM! of 24 (ts., $1.75 ?.. WAX UFA NS - Per -hw. basket, :.".4335o, string beans, per N-bu. box. 25'ij :!'. POTATOES -New, per bu , 2f,'if:lic. RKANS-Navy. i . r I u . $2. CAUI .l FLOW Kit- Home-grown, per crate of 1 dor.. f'V. , CUCUMRI'RS Per doz , 25c. TOMATOES Teiiiieesee, per 4-l)askek err te, 8;"c. CAIlTlAOE Home-grown, In crates, pe,' Il.. lc OMOXS -Home-grown, yellow, red and wl'lte, Lc per lb. HKE'J'S--New. per bu., 75c. MISCELLANEOUS. f'HERPE Swiss, new, 15c; Wisconsin brick, 14e; Wisconsin llmberger, 15c; Twins, 12c; Young Americiis, 120. NUTS Walnut, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., b"ic; hard shells, per lb., 1"; No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard sheila, per lb., 12c. Pecans, large, per lb, 12'c; small, per lb., 10c. Peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted, per lb., 8c. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12ftil3c. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; hard shells, per lb., l.V. Sliellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; lurge hickory nuts, per bu , tl 6.1. HIDES No. 1 green, 8c; No. 2 green, 7cj No. 1 sailed. 9c; No. 2 salted. 8c; No. 1 veal calf, loo; No. 2 veal cnlf. "o; dry salted. 7il 14c: sheep pelts, 25c'if $100; horse hides, tl.ij iiii.ou New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 2.-HEEVES-Re-celiits. 2,206 head. Good to choice Rteers slow to 10c lower; others. lOfaiOc lowor; bulls and' cows, slow to a shade lower; Hteers, $4.005r6.W; bulls, $2.00-114.00; cows. tl. 65ty 3. 40. Exports, 74 cattle, 60 sheep, and 2,700 quar ters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 2,777 head. Veal.4 opened ' steady, closed 6oc lower. Butter milks, steady to a shade lower; veals, $5.00 fi8 50; few early sales at slightly higher prices; $8.00 top price at close; throw-outs, $4.0&v(j6.00; gTassers and buttermilk, $3.2613; 4.50; dressed calves, about steady; city dressed veals, Valihic per pound; country dressed, 6fifllc. HoGS Receipts, 4.061 hend; market firmer; state hogs, J5fi.fio4r6.75. SHEEP AND LAMH3 Receipts. . 9.38S head. Sheep, steady; lambs, 25'uooc lower. Market closed full steady. Sheep, $3.00(fj 4.00; culls, $2 0C't(2 60; lambs, $6.0Oii7.25; one car. $7.85; culls. $4.505.26. Wool Market. H03TON, Aug. 2. WOOL There has been more activity In the wool market end a larger volume of business done. The total sales aggregate 1.0.m.iv) pounds. The larger mills have been buying heavily, the worsted mills especially. The market Is stronger nnd the tendency Is upward. Pulled wools nre firm. Territory grades are In demand and strong. Foreign wools are uulet. Leading quotations were as fol lows: Ohio and Pennsylvania X X and above, 3iWu UTc, X, 34i(35c; No. 1. 4Ku42c; No. 2 4L"i(43o; tine unwashed. 28'"(ii9c; quarter blood unwnshed, 3',1i t0o; three-eighths blood, 36c; half-blood, Six", unwashed delaine, XYp 31c; unmerchantable, 32'ii33c; fine washed delaine, 39't(40 Michigan--Flno unwashed, 27fu"8" quarter-blood unwashed, S3'(i34o: three-eighth blood, Mfjafio; half-blood, 32fp ;c; unwashed delaine, 2c. Kentucky, In diana, etc. Three-eighths and one-quurter-i.i....,i SiiftiSTp. Territory and Idaho Fine, ; 'Y(i24'i; heavy flue, 19'i2lc; tine medium, 2.'iij 24cf medium. 20'a27o; low medium, 20i&27o, Wyoming Fine, i'qisc; neavy one, bimki fine medium, rai2:ic; meuium. jnw-wc; mw medium, 26"ti27e. I tah nnd Nevada Fine, 22'H23c; heavy fine, 18y20c; tine medium, 4c' medium, 201j27c; low medium, 27f2Xe. Dakota une, i2i-.ic; nne ineuniiu. medium, 26(i3 27e; low medium, 26fi2ic. Mon tanaFine choice, 2rd26c; tine average, 23W "4c fine medium choice, unsr., svnjr, to h-1". staple. 30o ; medium choice, 28t30c; average. .r,"i-'ic. .,.. a. j... . ST. LOUIS, Aug. z. "11 mrsilj , me dium grades combing and clothing. -! jic. licht line, 21fi2io; neavy une, i'".i washed, 3-i42c. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Aug. 2. CATTLE Receipts, 9,5aO head. Including 2.000 head southerns: market steady to 10c lower; choice export and dressed heef steers, $5.00 4(6.60; fair to good. $4.00(7o.0; western steers, t3.7M)'6 00; stockers and feeders, $2.75 fu4.35; southern steers, $2.6o'j4 6o; southern cows. $2.(M(i3.50; native cows, $2.004.15: na tive heifers, $3.006.20; bulls, $2.15ijJ.75; calves. $2.50(56.00. HCK1S Receipts, 7,000 head; murket strong; top. $600; bulk of s'lles. $5.85',)5.ii3; heavy. $5.K54rt.90; packers, $o.SV)ir5.'7; lgs and lights, fci. 85 6.00. SHEEP AND LAMP.S-Recelpts. 7.o00 head: market strong to 10c higher; na tive lambs, $5.25'fj6.5o; western lambs. $5.25 fi6 50; fed ewes and yearlings. $4.1511.26; Texas clipped yearlings, $4."fqo.25; Texas clipped sheen, $4.Ujji.60; stockers and feed cri, $3.Co4.25. St. I.onls Live .'lock Market. ST. I1UIS. Mo., Aug. 2. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,000 head. Including 1.700 head of Texans; market steady: native shipping and export steers. $4.26'ir5.75; dressed beef and butcher steers. I3.5oijo.30; steers under 1.000 pounds. $.l.501j4-80; stockers and feed ers, t2.75'H4.0O; cows and heifers, t2.("V,'fi 56; canners, $1. 5ri2.0O; bulls, t2.30ij(3.50; calves, I2.25ij6.26; Texas and Ind'an steers, $2.7554-1.75 : cows and heifers, $2.003.50. HOGS Receipts, S.oaO head; market higher; plus and lights, $5.9o4(j6.15; pack ers. $5 5&66.05; butchers and best heavy, t8.tWJtl.10. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 2.000 head; market higher; native muttons, $4.00 44 60; lambs, $500(47.00: culls and bucks. $2-i4.J; stockers, t4.Ooig4.20; Texans, $3.80 4l l 5. ' St. Joseph Live Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Aug. 2. CATTLE Receipts, 1.704 head: market for steers active and steady; best cows and stockers ltij 15c higher; natives, $3.76'a5.70; cows and heifers, $1.6c4j4.75; stockers and feeders, $2.75j4.O0. H04h Receipts, b.zmi neaa; market vv 10c lilgher; closed weak: light. $5 8."f.'6 '; medium and heavy, $5.75't)5 90; bulk, $o.6o( 5 90 SHEEP AND LAMBS- Receipts, 1 6.0S1 bead; market strung to 15c higher; lambs, $6.65. Blona City l ive Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, Aug. t. (Special Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts. 500 head; mnrktit steady; beeves, $3.75'tia.fO; cows and heifers. $2.2f,'ii4.'0; stockers and feeders, $2 tfi'3 6o calves and yearling". t260,i35n. HOGS Reef ltts. S.fiO head: market 5 higher on best, selling at $5.&ofg.8o; bulk of aales, I5.604J5.70.- Stock lo light. Recelpta of livestock at the. six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep tub Oils and Rosin. NEW Y'ORIC, Aug. 2-Oll-Cottonseed. firm; prime crude, nominal; prima vellow, :r!3'4C. petroleum, steady; re fined. New York, JO.'.si; i-niiaueipina Iialtimore. $6.V; Philadelphia and R11!11- more. In bulk, .. lurpcuuire, w OIL CITY, PO.i 'Allg. 2.-4.1111 reoiL iin.1- ances. 1.2i; ceriincuien, no ,, en.,..,.. August 1, 50,100 otiiH.; runs, juiy si, j-j,- 611 bbls.; average, t&31 mils.; Miimeni, Lima. 8'.t,fc.l mils.: runs, j.uua. uum. , average &.bio urns. SAVANNAH, uu., Aug. t-oiu-iuip-ii-'KoSN-HrmA. H -ml C .1 3.SB: D. !3.4:ri3.47; E. $:!.So:-(3.x:; r. G 3.f3 7; H. l ik'4.0,; 4.12: K, t4.15; M, t4.3o; N. t4.4i; WW, $5.10. I. $l.lfn1 WG, $i.8J; Training- Ship at Uueenntonn. QUEENSTOWN. Aug. 2.-Tlio United Suites training ship Enterprise arrived hora today and will reinuin for a week. REAL HST4TU THAXSKUnS. 7.193 3.&0 7.i) 6.2-0 8.o 2o."K) 8.911 7,0') 6 0-1 2.0i) 2" 'Xo .35,47 62975 43,!K"2 lioiiri At no time during the forenoon were puckers free buyers, and they were Indifferent about taking oa supplies. Oil South Omaha Sioux City .., Kansas City ., St. Joseph ... St. Louis Chicago , Totals Sugar and Mo'jsisi. NEW YORK. Aug. '.-SUOAR-R.iw, firm; fair refining, 3 7-18'u3c; centrifugal, 94 test, 4 8-32U4c; molasses sugar. 3 3-Joa 3Vc; refined, steady; No. 6. 4.7'x-; No. 7. 4 65c; No. 8, 4.foc; No. 9. 4 5oc; No. 10. 4 4Jc; No. 11. 4 3ic; No. 12, 4 30c. No. 13. 4.2oc; No. 14, 4.LC; confectioners A, 516c, mould A. &,V,c; cut loaf and crushed. Cc; powdered, 5 4c: granulated, 5 30c; t ubes, 5 55 NEW ORLEANS. Aiw. 2-SI'GAR (julel : open kettlu centrifugal, 4''(l7kc; eentrlfuual whites. 4 15-!6c'((o l-16c; jvlluws. 4'i4c; seconds, 21e. "MuLAKiKS Nooilnul, open kettle, J.':f 2ic; centrifugal, 6fil4c. BY RI P Nominal at 0c. CotTee Mnrtiet. NEW YORK. Aug. 2. -COFFEE-The market for futures opened steady h t uti ilianged prices lo an advance of fj oiats on niodvialo Ueioaud, Inspired Ly Ua'bl tU- Deeds tiled for record August 2, 1905, aa furnished bv ttie Mldlund Guuruntee and Trust company, bonded abstracters, 1614 Farnam street, for The Dee: F. D. Wead snd wife to 8. O. Ander son; part of lot 6. block 9, Slilnn s ad 1,6,0 A. 1. Ak'-rlun and wife to 8. Peterson; ne of 16-16-9 3,0oQ A Hodgett am! wife to A. J. Anderson; lots 1 to 5, I .-lock 1, and other lots In Anderson Place .' 1 (. V. Fisher to O. E. Sterns, lot 13, block 9. Shlnn's lid 1.600 S. J. Dewey lo E. C Sawyer; part or lot 8. Koutze's 2d M Hlakemun. et al., to E. Gall; lot 7. block 2. So. Omnh.'i G. M. Hazard Exr. to Annie Olmslnad; lot 10, block 4, Willis Park G. M. Hazard Exr. to Amanda Hazard; lot 20, block 1, Deninan Place F Smith et al., Exr s to Currla 1. Allen; lot 20, block 1", Urlggs Place.. Genevieve 8. Ilin.sdale et al., to C. Kanscheit; part of lot 16, block 3, Campbell's ud A Kundert and wife to Jennie M Itlrd: rart of lots 1 and 2, block 12, Orchard Hill 11 A. Tukey to G. M. Pierce; prt of lot 8, block 6, Shlnn's ml l.0 Fannie R -icheiitierg to II. A, Tukey; lots 7 and 8, block 6. Hlilnn's ad 4,o0 H A. Tukey to R. C. Tubbs; part of lot 7, block 6, Sliinn's ad 1 H. A. Tukey to Clara M Stowell; part of lot 8. block 6 ri'ilnn s ad 1.3 ) J. H. Tavlor uud w i'e to C. Hanson; part lot 2i, block 12, Shull's ad 1C0 H. A. Tukev to 21, Cowen; part of lot 7, block 6. bhlnn's ad 1.3o0 D. Mason et al , to A Lowe; lots 31 and 32. block 2, Mystic Purk 2.5O0 I. E. Congoon et al.. to Elltn H. Kla Ijaugh; lot 22, Clurk's ad 2.2iO R. M. Stone lo Hello N. Stons; lots 3 and 4, Armstrongs sub 1 O. K. R ith to H. P, Johnson; lot i. block 35. Kountze Place 2.40 Bad l Shannon to F. H. Garvin; purl of block 1U. city I R. A. Haea and wife to Grace Iluckel; part 01 lol 2. Muck 121, City uf ij iaiill 1 1 1.450 662 75 (JrO 850 ' Edwards-Wood Co. i lnrori.raied . Halu Clficc. Fil'h aad Robert tri: r. paul, niNi liALERSM Stocks, (jrain, Provision; Ship Your (irniti to Us II ranch Olllce, IIO-lll Ponr4 of Trade Illilu., Clmnlin, eb, ieleiiliose 3',1 I. 212-214 Km .)! lildg.. Soiitu ( una lu-.. Bell I'lionu 216. iau.4M'4ti 'i'Lou (. I