Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1905, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY PEE: THt'HRDAY, AI'Ol'ST 3. 1003. ft WOODMEN COUNT ON GOING Sational Headquarters Will Leaf Omaha if Taxation Order ii Enforced. V CANNOT AFFORD TO PAY ON RESERVE FUND overelaa (Itrk Yates Has I.Htle Hop Now that Mate's Mandate ( Be rkaatH or Omaha Keep Order. The order Issued by the State Board of Equalisation to Countr AnfMnr Reed to assess the reserve fund of the Woodmen of the World win. In the opinion of John T. Tate. sovereign clerk of the Woodmen, drive the headquarters of the order from Omaha to Borne other rlty. The reserve fund of the Woodmen at thla time amount to about l2,Soo,ooo. upon which the tag would be In the neighborhood of $.10,000 or HO.OOO yearly. This tax. Mr. Tales aald, the executive committee of tlio order will not consent to pay, and should the order secure no relief through the courts then he said the executive committee would move the headqunrtera from Omaha. I regret exceedingly that the State Board of Equalization haa Issued Its order to Assosaor Reed," said Mr. Yates. th6ught wa hsd the matter nil settled and that there would be no further trouble about our reserve fund. Inasmuch as there ara Interests outside of Omaha constantly at work to Secure the headquarters of the lodge, of course the executive committee, which haa the authority to do so, will re move the headquarters to some other city where the reserve fund will not be taxed. 8t Louis, Kansas City. Cleveland, Detroit and other cities are constantly after the headquarters and one of these will get It. Not Tax Shirkers. "The matter, of course, will be tested In the courts, hut I am afraid our executive committee will not want to wait any longer, but will Insist on moving now. I have litt)j hope that we can do anything or get any relief. I don't want the Impression to got cut that we are taxshlrkers, for such Is not the case. We are willing to pay on our tang'ble property and on the money which Is paid Into the treasury by Nebraska members, but the money which la collected from nonresidents of many other states and merely held In trust by ua we believe should not be taxed. I see no way to get relief, though, as the state board I under stand haa Issued a positive order to the county assessor. There. Is absolutely no doubt In my mind but that the headquarters will have to go, for there are fourteen rotes In the execu tive committee and of that number only two of them are from Omaha, Mr. Root and myself. Inasmuch as the eastern cltlee ard members of the executive committee al ways have been opposed to Omaha, there Is n chance for Omaha to retain the head quarters In view of the action of the stats board. Nearlr Lost It Before. "We came near losing the headquarters six years ago and It was only by the help m uiiiiuci trim viuu, wmcn guaranteea to secure 1.000 members for the lodge, that wa managed to retain It. The club offered a bonua of some lots, but of course the lodge will not accept a bonus from any city, for It would prevent us from ever moving the headquarters. After that fight wa bought our present headquarters and have about completed arrangements to put on another story for an auditorium, lodge room and banquet hall." The Woodmen of the World at this time employs about 2( people and It handles monthly some $400,000. It keeps constantly on deposit $l!i0,000 in each of four hanks in the city subject to check. The Sovereign Visitor, the official organ of the order. Is published here and postage Is paid on 350, 000 copies a month. Resides this tons of literature are sent out each month. The monthly stamp bill alone amounts to $1,500 or $2,000. Omaha, of course, will lose all this when It loses the headquarters. Should the courts not grant relief to the order It la probable the tax for this year will have to be paid, as Mr. Tates said he saw no way out of It. About $330,000 of the reserve fund la invested In government bonds. OMAHA MAN APRIZE WINNER Wither Clay Bonk Writes Best Sen tence on the "object of Home. Wllber Clay Bouk, carrier No. 66 at the Omaha postofllce, haa Just returned from mn uuuiik in i.uiurt&uu. v one in uenver Qa won a prize offered by a Denver newspa per for the best sentence on- the subject of "Home." Mr. Douk's prize-winning sen tence was "The home is the sculptor's workroom to shape man's destiny." Re cently Mr. Bouk won a prlxe offered by the London Strand Magasine In a photographic contest. TEN-THOUSAND-DOLLAR BOND Tkat is What Miles Mast l ift to Gala Liberty Pending; Trial for Warder. ' William . Miles, colored, who fatully tabbed Harry H. MeQechln lust week In front of the Cambridge hotel, has decided to waive preliminary examination In the police court. He was arraigned Wednesday morning.' waived and bound over to the district court. Miles la charged with mur der In the second degree. His bond was placed at JlO.OflO. He Is being represented by Attorneys J. W. Curr and Fred Smith. Dispossessed. tenant which is quickly dispossessed by Dr. King's New Discovery Is a Cough or Cold, too and $100. , For sals by Sber man McConnell Drug Co. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Representative Ltolea Denier of Cass county is at the Mcrchunts, snroute to fiausmoum. W. R. Currte. secretary for Conirrxnun Klnkald. la In the city on business and U rrmnitreu ai ins Merchants. Miss U)U j. tiefTner of Clyde, O., Is the m uer mere, airs. ri. I omnia (smith Mus Lucy Muck has returned from rour weeks stay in New York and the Proprietor and Mrs, Franck of the Mid land hotel nave returned from a thru. weeks trip to ths north. Mr. Franck reports the resorts and northern lakes sr all doing business to the limit of their rapacity, especially slnoe the hot weather forced so many to leave the cities. Mr. Franck was also amaxed at ths large number of palatial apartment nouees Deing constructed on tbi noutn sine or cnicago. fi Skin of Baauty Im m joy forpvor, T. Falls Oouraud'a Oriental Cream or Magloal Beeutifler. MU, sea ft l. a XWtKS, ssa rry kitouak o baauiv, sad a- tm adacttia. It kw a4 taa laat ( M ?!, sua U so fesrinlMS tuuu ictanualt Is property bad. AOCSSt UOOSBlef ( M aliauv aiaa. Dr. L. A. k;n sa.4 to s laJf sf tta aV t (S pSUlDt "At ro issiu TU as u I llliini di't Cream ss ths Waal kermful of all laa San pruanutau." f t sua tr all drmwiat sod Jr aacf KMMa baaatn Bl IM V'kUai klataa, Carliaa tmi Swaa. IIS1T.LOL1.. Pn. 17 aVuM JSai. la 14 OMAHA MEN AND Dunning )rt. W 1 HARDWARE: f -- VH,. rr,, , ' X. KOHE11TS Displaying DOLLARS FOR FIFTY CENTS Greatest Sensation Ever Taken Place in Omaha at the Boston Store. SATURDAY, AUGUST 5TH. H. Evans Nebraska Shirt Co.'s En tire Stock of Men's Illah Grade Furnishing; Goods and Huts at JMNs on the Dollar. 2Kc E. & W. collars nt 124c. lDc Barker's collars at 7Vjc. All the $2, $3 and $4 straw hats at 50c. $6 Youmans St Stetson hats at $2.50. All the men's $2, $3 and $4 vests at $1. Men's 60c underwear at 25c. Men's $1 underwear at 60c. Men's $2 and $3 underwear at $1. Men's $1 shirts at 60c.. , Men's ii and 11 shirts at $1.. . All the 60c neckwear at 25c. All the $1 neckwear at 60c. All the 60c suspenders at 25c. All the men's umbrella., canes, valises. night shirts, pajamas, hosiery, gloves, bath robes, handkerchiefs, etc., AT JUST ONE HALF PRICE. Don't fail to attend this sale, beginning Saturday, and get the hlgheat grade goods aver offered. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. BIG CIKl'l'S COMING. Great Floto Shows "The Circus Beau tiful." The Great Floto Shows employ nearly 600 people, all told. There are thirty-six heads of departments. Mr. Frank Taminen la general manager, with twenty-six assistants on his own di rect business staff. Two hundred and twenty men are em ployed tn the working department. One largo cook house, with six cooks and twenty waiters attend to the two dining rooms. one of which Is for the performers and one for the working people. The show car ries Its own private restaurant on the ground, and another in the regular trulu club car. One hundred and ten women are In the show. Including sixty-five bullet girls necessary for the Mysterious India spec tacle. Ten acres of space are recuired for, ho entire tented city; 5,000 stakes have to be driven to secure the canvas. It has SoO horses of all shades and colors, the finest draught horses that money can buy and the stud of the raring stock. All possess pedigrees of the highest imported and domestic rank. t The big show will give two performances here Thursday. August 10. Thursduy morn ing and evening. A Ilellthtful Water Trip between Detroit and Buffalo via the De troit and Buffalo Steamboat company with out extra expense (except for meals and berth on steamer) Is the privilege of hold era of tickets from the west reading via the Grand Trunk Railway System tdouble track from Chicago to Montreal and Niagara Falls) to or through Suspension Bridge, N T. Further particulars. Including illus trated descriptive literature, will be mailed on application to Geo. W. Vaux, A. O. P. St T. A., Grand Trunk Railway System, 135 Adams St., Chicago. Tho Bennett Company, a Correction, Through an error In our ad of Tuesday evening, first item In hardware, Is made to read four hundred Green Trading Stamps with Mrs. Potts' sud Irons, etc. This, any body will readily perceive, is ridiculous. The Item should be, Forty Green Trading Stamps. THE BENNETT COMPANY. Mortality Statistics. Ths following births and deaths have been reported to the board of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noun Wednesday: Births Eugene Chadwell, Benson, boy; John Gasson. 1722 South Thirteenth, twin girls; Sam Kitchue. L'Mo Dodge, girl; James Tlmmlns. 1907 North Twenty-sixth, boy; C. A. Rolverts, 2Sls North Thirtieth, boy; Ed ward Garner, 19 Boulevard, boy. Deaths Msry Proctor. 3y: Jones, 40; John Behiniut. Vl South Twelfth. 7 ; Mary Agues Brewer. 2440 South Twentieth, 37. Plans for r'sstnl. Mrs. Charles Turner, who died Tuesday night, will be buried at Forest l.awn ceme tery, the servls being conducted from the residence, Ui Furnam street, at 2 p. m. Friday. Rev. T. J. Mackey will con duct the services. - Wise Memorial Plcaie Postponed. Owing to the Inclement weather of Tues day only !.iv people went to Krug Park sud ss the desire of the committee lit chars of the annual picnic of the Wise Memorial hup4tal is to give Value tor Lhe money received, the plcnia will N held on Tusxliy. August 1. When the full program 1 THEIR HOBBIES the Signs of His Trade. will be repeated, all tickets remaining un used will he honored on that date. B'nal H'rlth lodge expects to break all records on that date. AflldaTlt. State of Nebraska. I ('i.)inlv rf ll.invh.a !PS" Comes before me on this, the Second (2li day of August, who is personally known to me to he S. Arnsteln of the Guar antee Clothing company, and, after being duly sworn, said S. Arnsteln deposes ana says that on ;he First (1st) day of August. In the vrar rif lDntY he tmrchased from M. IS. Smith & Co. of this city, four thousand eight hundred and thirty-five shirts, and lurther deponent sayeth not. H. ARNSTEIN. Subscribed and sworn to before me the 2d day of August, 19u5. B. A. WIU'OA, Notary I'ubliC. Just think of it! Four thousand eight hundred and thirty five shirts. It Is undoubtedly the largest shirt purchase ever made by an Omaha firm. These shirts were Intended to be re tailed at 75 cents, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50; we place them on sale, starting this morn ing, at 25c, 3o and 48c. Here is chance to buy Omaha made hlrts. GUARANTEE CLOTHING COMPANY, 1519-1521 Douglas St. The annual August sale at Miller, Stew art & Beaton's is creating great excitement Such low prices on Btiictly down-to-date Furniture, Carpets, Oriental Rugs and Draperies have never before been heard o and the crowd thut attend their sale alway come away more than satisfied that this enterprising firm Is tho true leader In low prices. Over 1.000.000 acres of land in the Uintah Indian reservation In eastern Utah will be opened for settlement AugUBt 28. Regis tratlon for homestead entries will com' mence August 1 at Grand Junction, Colo. and at Vernal, Price and Provo, Utah, and continue until 6:00 p. nt., August li. The drawing for these lands will be held at Provo, Utah, August 17; making the entries will begin at Vernal August 28. The short est route to Grand Junction and other points of registration from Denver and all points east Is via the Colorado Midland railway, this line being seventy-two miles shorter than any other. For parties de siring to outfit to enter this reservation. Grand Junction Is the best point from which to make start. For information aa to train service, rates, etc.. write or ap ply to ?. L. Feakins, T. F. and P. A.. C. M. Ry., Room 609, First National Bank build. Ing, Omaha, Neb., or C. II. 8 peers. General passenger Agent, Denver, Colo. The Woodmen of the World are contem plating giving a swimming match for cash prlxe at Courtland Beach Sunday, Au gust 6. Oscar Norlu, high diver at the beach, barred. All desirous of enterln send name and address to Charles Unltt, 60tl Brown block. A Ula Wine Purchase. A car ot wine delayed In transit was purchased for 5o cents on the dollar by the Hlller Lhiuor company. Almost the entire c:ir consisted of high-grade California claret wine, which usually retails for $1.25 and $1.50 per gallon. The car was billed to eastern parties, but on account of delay In transit from California was refused. The entire car was purchased by the Hlller Liquor company and will be placed on tale Friday and Saturday ai unheard of prices. Card of Thanks. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanka to our neighbors and friends for their kind assistance and expressions of sympathy during our late bereavement, the loss of our beloved wife and mother. NICHOLAS MEROEN. IA'I-l MEROEN. P1IIUP V. MEROEN AND FAMILY. Card of Thanks. We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to our many friends for the beautiful floral tributes and sincere sympathy extended to us In our recent bereavement at the loss of our mother. FKANK OLESON AND FAMILY. Don't forget that the Woodmen of the World carnival opens at Courtland Beach Saturday, August S, 'with a drill contest between teams of the M. W. A., A. O. U. W.", Boys of Woodcraft and the W. O. W. Dancing In the pavilion. Street fair and Jupanese garden. Madlsoa for Hospital. The building committee of the Wise Memorial hospital is considering the pur chase of the Madlsun hotal. Twenty-ttrst and Chicago streets, as a new home fur the hospital. A report as to suitability or the building and location will be made Sunday to the hdspltal board of directors If this property is not bought, the board may deride to build on property recently purchased at Twenty-fourth and Harney streets, although residents of that district nave protested against the erection ot a bovplai In their neighborhood. Halldlac Permits. The city lias issued permits to Julia Hnverly for a tl.7u frame dwelling at Tenthand lKrcas; Hy H-nrlchen fur a ll.ifO frame dwelling st 17U7 Ontario and Ernest Hset (or two fl.uuO fraina darelllnaa at Twenty-sixth aj .Taylor, CORNISH BEGS FOR DUMONT Park Commissioner Urge Back and Hoy to Fator Enlarging RiTerriew. COUNCIIMEN DO NOT FAVOR THE PLAN Board Wants to Condemn the Tract Bo as to Secure a Hirer Froat to the Bis Park. . Park Commissioner Cornish has written letter to Councllmen Back and Hoye urging them to withdraw their opposition to the commission's scheme to condemning and adding to Rlvervlew park the Dumont tract lying between the park and the river. The council had put the proposed con- emnatlon proceedings to sleep by filing the communication from the park com missioners, acting upon the report to the committee on street Improvements of which Nicholson. Back and Hoye are members. Commissioner Cornish points out that the ity has $200,000 Invested In Rlvervlew park nd spends $ti.O0O a year on its improve ment and malntalnance, but that this park has no frontage on the river. He Is of the opinion that the Dumont land will not cost more than $10.0o0 to $12,000 and certainly not more than $15,000, Including the riparian lands and rights. He thinks the action of the Missouri will, in time, make a new channel so as to leave the water abutting on the tract a lake, but in any event he thinks the washing of the river can be overcome at small expense. The acquisition of the tract will give opportunity for the only river drive In the city." aays Mr. Cornish, "and provide a landing for boats and advantages for bath- lnT and other aquatic pleasures. 1 Besides this he sees in the enlargement a fine oppor unity for a river boulevard connecting the Omaha and South Omaha park systems. Thinks Amount Is Heasonable. If a single factory locates on the tract. the commissioner declares, the city would have to condemn it and get It out of the way In order to preserve the desirability of Rlvervlew as a park, and he thinks that all concerned would consider $30,000 cheap by way of damages In this contingency. Councilman Bark says that Commissioner Cornish's letter has made no Impression on him. He says the people of the First ward upon whom the cost will largely fall, are decidedly opposed to the extension, both for economical and other reasons. Mr. Back has a story of his own about the matter. 'The land It Is proposed tp take In Is very low," says he. "All but' a few acres of It Is virtually a big mudhole. When the river la high most of It is covered knee high with water. The ground Is so poof that only half a dozen cows can find pasturage upon It. To add to this, It Is a ract that the lana is oeing conunuany eaten away by the river. 'I do not intend to withdraw my opposi tion, for I see the matter In a light en tirely different from Mr. Cornish." TAX LEVY FOR THE NEXT YEAR Rat Cannot Be Less Than Mne Mills, According; to Hunting ton's Idea. Speaking of the probable 1W6 tax levy for the city upon which the council will take action at an adjourned meeting Thursday night, Councilman Huntington, chairman of the finance committee said: 'I don't see how the cjty levy can be any less man tor tne present year, or about 9 mills. The new charter limits our total amount to be raised to $750,000, which would mean about T.6 mills, going up to the rimlt. The Water board has demanded $100,000, which means about one mill on the present total valuation of approximately $100,000,000. The school board has demanded 2.6 mills, and all this will bring the total to between 11 and 12 mills, leaving a possible mandatory levy to pay back water hydrant bills of Another mill. It looks to me as though the city will have to levy up to the hilt In order to keep things going. Esti mates have not been received from tho var ious departments but there is little hope of any of them demanding less than last year. Of course the treasury and tax com missioner's department will be cut out, sav ing from $40,000 to $50,00, but this will mean only about one-half a mill," SALVATION ARMY PICNIC Ilia- Outlnn- at nivervlew for Children Calls for Vast Stores of Edibles. Officers of the local Salvation Army and a staff of assistants were busy all day Wednesday packing 600 boxes of lunch to be given at the annual picnic at Rlvervlew Thursday. The picnic Is for 600 poor chil dren of Omaha and South Omaha. In each box will be two sandwiches, cookies, pie. plcklo and fruit. Besides the boxes Ice cream, lemonade and candy will be served to the little folks. Games and a general good time will be the order ot the day. A number of chartered street cars will leave the hall. Seventeenth and Davenport streets, at 9 o'clock for those who find it convenient to meet at that location, while other cara will carry the children from other parts of the city and South Omaha. The children will be divided into four companies, eacb company being In charge of one of the officers of the army. Budgos will be given to all. Contributions have been collected for some time by the Salvation Army through the means of street corner boxes. The offerings have been liberal, and a thor oughly good time la expected Thursday. BABY UPSETS BURNING LAMP Infant Cornea Near Causing; Fire While Papa Is Getting; Bottle of Milk. A year-old baby nearly caused a disas trous fire at the home ot Harris Orlsslck, 1105 South Thirteenth street, at 6 o'clock Wednesday morning1" As It happened no one waa Injured and the property loss was nominal. At 4:45 a. m. Mr. Grlsslck got up In re sponse to his crying Infant, lit the lamp, placed the baby In a high chair at a table and In front of the lamp while he pre pared a bottle of milk. While he was nil ing the bottls the baby knocked the lamp over and onto the floor. The flames quickly communicated to the bed c . which the mother was lying, but by prompt action on the part of the father mother and baby escaped Injury. Tha fire department re sponded and extinguished the flames be fore much damage had been dune. Rlsemaa's Till Hobbed. 8. Rlseman. a groceryman at 113S North Eighteenth street, was rubbed of 7& as a result of being too aecoinniudatlng to a stranger. About 1:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, a well dressed man entered 1 is store and asked to use the telephone, wllfch the groceryman permitted him to do. Rise man stepped Into the Iwck of the store for a minute and when he returned the stranger was gone, as was also a roll of bills con taining ITS which was In the drawer of the cash register. The police station was noti fied and a description of the stranger given, and Captain Dunn of the detective force Is of the opinion that he la acquainted with the thief and Is on his trail. The suddon death of John P. Zimmerman, the boy who was killed by touching the supporting wire of an arc lamp on a pole Memorial day, will cost the Omaha HT.eo trto Light and Power company li.'Juu. Tha corporation confessed Judgment, according to prlvnte sgreement. to this amount In the district court Wednesd.iv. The suit for damages was brought hy Paul Zimmerman, ratner ot tne oea.i roy. MORE TROUBLE FOR THE BOY I'nrle Mm Adds Pellet of Pala to Hard Lot of loaif Blan. Frank C. Bailey, scsreely out of hla teens, who for some time has been dis credited by his stepfather, who married the hoy's mother after she and his father had been divorced and the father had gone to a distant state, has now offended hla Uncle Sam, who, through his spokesman. Commissioner Anderson, has ordained that the young man shall put up a bond of $500 or go to Jail until the grand Jury looks Into a charge against him of getting away with some property belonging to the gov ernment. Bailey mado application to Join the Na tional Guard and was given a uniform and a bugle. This was some time ago, and according to the testimony of Captain Baehr of Company L, he discovered the bugle had been sold to a pawnbroker, and then he had Bailey arrested. Bailey, he said, told him ho left the suit of clothes In his room and It had disappeared during hla absence. The boy was arrested by Detectives Mitchell and Davis, and, unfortunately for him, his arrest comes Just at a time when Captain Baehr has decided to make an example of some one, as ho has missed many artcles belonging to the government. for which he Is responsible. Adjutant Gen eral Culver Is pushing Baehr and Baehr will push the esse. Attorney Brltt ap peared for the boy, who did not take the stand, and said the stepfather would not furnish the bond and the boy'a father was out of the state. LITTLE BUNCH OF POLITICS Ambitions Statesmen Continue to Come Out from Cover Singly and in Couplets. Political candidates continue to be an nounced, singly, In ralrs and In sheafs. Some are talked about by their friends while others are doing the talking for themselves. W. H. DeFrance has made It understood that he would not spurn the democratic nomination for county Judge and J. W. Woodrough is said to have bespoke a similar condition of mind. Though John Power Is taken to be the' "strong" candi date of the democracy for another whack at the shrlevality, his nomination Is likely to be disputed by others. Including O. J. Plckard, a well-to-do farmer of Douglas precinct. The name of John Liddell, former president of the molders" union and later manager of an employment agency and vender of insurance, is mentioned for tho same place. Mr. Liddell was once a state senator and tried to get on the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, but lost out W. M. McKay has filed notice with the county clerk that he desires to submit his nunc at the primaries for the repub lican nomination for coroner. The Fontanelle club board of governors endorsed the following school board ticket for the republican nomination: David Cole, Charles Harding, A. C. Kennedy, W. H Butts, Dr. W. H. Christie and George D. Rico OMAHA GUARDS GO TUESDAY Will Join Others of State Militia Camp at Kearney Next Week. Members of the National Guard located In Omaha will leave next Tuesday for Kearney, to become a part of the encamp ment which was recently ordered by Ad Jutant General Culver. The encampment lasts from August 8 to IS, the target prac tlcc being now In progress. General Culver has arranged so that the soldiers will get to Kearney in small detachments and not all the companies get In at once, which would produce considerable confusion. CATHERS CASE STILL HANGS Matter Is Ilelna- Considered by Judge Sears, M ho la to Giro the Decision. Judgo Sears Is not yet ready to pass upon the case brought by John T. Cathsra against city officials for $16,000 paid to street workers and may not be for some time. "1 have taken the matter under advise ment," said Judge Sears, "and that covers a multitude of things. I may hand down that opinion tomorrow, In two months or maybe not for ten or fifteen years. won't hand It down today, though, for I am considering It." Splendid Record. Dr. King'a New Life Piiis have made splendid record by curing headache, bll louoness, constipation, etc. 25c. Try. For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co, Summer Vacation Tours. The Michigan Central. "The Niagara Falls Route," to the Thousand Islands, St. Law rence river, Adirundacks, Lakes Qeorge and Champlain, Catskllls, Hudson river. White mountains, forests and lakes of Maine, New England sea const, Michigan resorts, etc. For copy send to C. C. Merrill, T. P. A., M. C. R. R-, Kansas City, Mo. Fnneral Notice. The funeral of the lute Mrs. Churchill Parker will occur on Friday at 2 o'clock p. m. from the home at 4018 Izard street. Friends are Invited. Interment private. tl-K. weddings rings, Edholm, jeweler. Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. 1221 LOCAL BREVITIES. Dr. H. Lv Arnold has returned from a trip through Kansas. He reports great activity and fine crops in the Sunflower state. The Modern Woodmen of America picnic which was scheduled for Plattsmouth for Wednesday was postponed because of the heavy rains. The date will bu announced later. John Blvlnskt, charged with forging sev eral clic ks In South Omaha, pleaded guilty to forgery Wednesday and was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary by Judge Kedick. Mike Pokraka has sued Mary Ousak and Paul Ousak, her husband, In the district court for $o,0i for alleged defamation of character. The case comes from South Omal a. Judge Troup has granted a decree of di vorce to Uraca Mol'une from Henry L. Mci'une on the grounds of extreme cruelty and habitual drunkenness. She is given the custody of three children. John Foley, who haa charge of the churns st the Beatrice Creamery plant, was caught Wednesday morning In a revolving churn. His left arm was dislocated and he sus tained numerous body bruises. His condi tion is in no way serious. He Is being cared for at Clarkson hospital. lies Barker, arrested Tuesday evening by Officers Dwyer and Fuhey on the charge of disturbing the peak's by fighting, was sen tenced twenty-five days at hard labor by the Dolice JudKe Barker was churned wlrh fighting with a bartender at Ffteenth and Webster streets, the trouble starting over a woman It is reporiea. J. A. Jensen, proprietor of a saloon at 711 North Sixteenth street, pleaded guilty In ladles court Wednesday morning when arraigned on the charge of keeping his saloon open between tne hours of midnight and 4 a. m. He was lined fl'iO and coots. Jensen ana r. r. :etson, nartenner, were arrested after mldniKht of, Tuesday and the saloon closed unul ordered evened by tha tUvt -of HjUco. I Prices Have Beei Reduced In every department. These items below de serve special mention. Men's Furnishing Goods SPECIALS TODAY. Men's Shirts, negligee, 75c vnlues, at . Men's Shirts, neirlieee. $i.F0 values, nt Choice of nil Men's Neckwear intthe house for 25o Men's High Grade Fancy Hose, DOc values, now. .... .25c Women's Furnishings At Reduced Prices. Boys' Madras Cloth Waists, f 1.00 values, now 48c Ladies' Sample Silk Helts, fl.f0 values, for . ..25c Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests, 25c values, for ........15c Ladies' Fancy Lisle Thread Hoso, $1.00 values, for 48c Straw Hats Less Than Half Price fl.OO and f 1.50 values, marked down to 48c 1.75 and $2.00 values, marked down to 98c 2.50 values, marked down to ....$1.48 tt.50 and $4.00 values, marked down to $2.00 Choice of any Panama Hat for $2.48 Choice of any Boys' Straw Hat, sold up to f 1.0Q at. .39c s Do Your Shopping Early. We close ixt 5 p. m. every day ex cept Saturday at 10 p. m. RIOTING IN PORTO RICO Longshoremen's Sympathisers Make Work for the Pollee Forca of San Jaan. SAN JCAN. P. R . Aug-. 2 -As an out come of the longshoremen's strike for an increase of wages to 2B cents an hour, which has been In progress for a month, the greater portion of San Juan was under control of a mob between 7 and 9 o'clock last night. The mob, In which there were about 1,000 armed persons, dug up paving blocks and stones, and with these and other missiles rushed through the streets fighting the police, who were armed with rifles and fired scores of ahots, but mostly In the air. One person was killed and there are forty Injured in the hospitals, three- or four of whom may die. At I o'clock, while the main force of police waa engaged with the rioters, an other mob, mainly composed of young men and boys, threw stones at the "arc lights In the main streets, with the result that nearly tho entire city waa In total dark ness all night. At 9 c clock the mob sought refuge In a disreputable district In which there were no police.. This district, however, was sur rounded by the police and mounted squads patroled the city for the remainder of the night. At midnight the police, who num bered only 100, had the situation under con trol. The rioting was preceded by Intermittent disturbances, which, however, were not serious. At noon the city was quiet and the po lice, It la believed, will be able to cope with the situation. Carbineers are on roof tops commanding the streets In the dis reputable distriots. Governor Wlnthrop, In an Interview, said: I am going to have order In San Juan. If the police should prove insufficient I pro pose to call for soldiers and for marines. The moment the strikers attempt any dis turbance the police will be Instructed to use their clubs freely and If that should be Insufficient they will shoot at the rioters and not over their heads. There will be no more blank cartridges. Thirty-flve of the leaders have been ar rested. TEST OF THE PRIMARY LAW Socialists Start Ball Holllac by Trying to File Their Ticket. The socialists laid the foundation of their suit to test the Dodge primary law Wednes day morning, when Parker 8. Condlt and C. W. Adair, chairman and secretary 'of the county convention held Tuesday night. attempted to file the county nominees of the party with County Clerk Drexel. The filing was refused on the ground that the conditions of the existing laws on the sub ject with regard to party nominations have not been compiled with. Clerk Drexel wrote his rejection and the reasons on the back of the paper holding the ticket. The national socialist authorltlea have contributed $100 toward the expenses of fighting the Dodge law, which socialists regard aa unjust because It requires all parties to file for the primaries and to pay large fees. PRISON HONEYMOON LASTS Two Yoatbful Benedicts Will Have Their Hearing Not Before Satarday. The cases of Fred Summers and Harry Jennings, the young men arrested lost Saturday evening with their wives at Eighteenth and Dodge streets, have been further postponed until Saturday morning, whea they will be tried before Police Judge Berka on a charge of vagrancy. The victim of their alleged blackmailing scheme will not appear In court against ths men, leaving the only alternative for the prosecuting attorney a vagrancy charge. The young wives returned to their homes in Lincoln last Monday. Bummers and Jennings are still In the city bastlle, which they say they do not Ilka. HYMENEAL Ksai-IUfwt's. Harry Harper Knox and Mlis Emma P. Slefken were married by Rev. F Comblo Smith at 701 South Twenty-sixth street at s p. m. Wednesday. They went to St. Louis for a wedding trip. They will re side In Omaha. A pleasant party attended the ceremony. Crala" Wemaa Oees Free. Mrs. Edna Craig, colored, T Pierce street, has been discharged by Police Judge Berka, befora whom the woman was tried Tuesday morning on the charge of cruelty to a t t.itfi rne junge toog tne matter un der advisement for twenty-four hours. Owing to lack of specific evidence the pros- ecutlun failed to make a case against the woman. Webb Uets Lead Money. Captain Webb of the government secret service Is In possession of a bright, lead lmeu of tha If la 1 kind, which waa aeut SI . . 1 1 u - r.f Mi. b nl... nf 1 kCMt - f.. I . 1 ...45c . . .75c to him from out In the state where auch things are seldom seen, and the advent ot the counterfeiter marks an epoch. The captain Is of the opinion that the dollar probably followed In the wake of a street fair or some such entertainment and will give the matter his personal attention. WOMAN AFRAID OF "HUSBAND ays Khe Woo Id Rather Die Than Dare Testify Asralaat Man She Married. Chris Bsysel. 4J23 Seward street, was tried Wednesday morning In police court on the charge of assaulting his wife. He was sentenced to thirty days at hard labor and furnished an appeal bond of $100 to carry the case to the district court. Officers Baldwin and Sawyer testified aa to what they learned at the time of Baysel'a arrest, saying the woman showed the wounds Inflicted by the husband and telling the officers she would rather ba dead than dare to testify In court against her hus band. Mrs. Baysel told the officers her husband knocked her over a chair. Baysel stoutly denies any assault, but admits that he and hla wife have had little disagree ments. LITTLE BISMARCK STILL HERE Judge Altstadt Has Not Fled to the Soatb. Sea as Re ported. The report that Justice William Altstadt has gone south Is not true In the general acceptance of the term. A dispatch waa received from South Omaha Wednesday morning saying that "Little Bismarck" had been captured In the Magic City and would return to Omaha without .papers. The Judge Is wanted In Omaha on the charge of falling to hang up his telephone receiver. I.lKhts of Harry Walton. The arrival of two new lights at the police station to be placed on either side of the patrol wagon has been, the means of great rejoicing on the part of Patrol Conductor Andy Fahey and Driver Murphy. It has been customary to have "the wagon" In darkness after night, but now the counte. nances of the driver and conductor will he Illuminated at all times, whether In the middle of the block or under the glare of the arc light. MANY PIANOS Selling AT HOSPE'S MIDSUMMER CLEARING SALE Wa must have the room for the fall stock Is nearly due, v and with our limited space, both at tha 1611 and lfitf Douglas street warerooms, aa well as tha factory 1614 Ixard atreet, we are forced to Bell preHent stock of pianoa and organs at less than fac tory prices, and they must be aold at once. Therefore we have marked down the prlcas (In plain figures) to prac tically cost of production. Pianos which ara regularly sold for 21m aa low as fl4f; pianos of the 1300 class down to 178, etc. On the Hospe easy payment plan of V per month. We put on aale some ot the biggest bargains ever offered. In this lot are Knatx-s, Klmballs, Stelnways, Burtons, Cramers, Vose ft Sons. Camp & Co., Hoffinans and sixteen others, ranging In prices at S&S. 1140, iso. $210. .'. on terms of 1 per week, with stools and scarfs Included. Plaios In perfect tune and fully warranted. Some fine sample pianos- In uprights and grands, made In walnut, mahog any, oak and French burl walnut, at prices which will save from (60 to $10u on each Instrument. BIS ORGAII SALE Kimball organs, Mason & Hamlin, Smith's American, Taylor ic Farley, and Hospe organs. See these prices, 115. IJ0, S, UO and V&. On weekly payments of Sue per week. Fine Piano Tuning, Piano Rebuild ing. Piano Moving, Packing and Re- g pairing. A. HOSPE CO 1513-1515 DOUGLAS STREET