Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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The'" Omaha Daily Bee
Dally Be (wlthont Sunday), nnf year. .14 00
J'ally Heo an1 Bunoay, nn yr
Illustrated Be. on" year
Sunday Bee. one year
Paturday P, nni" year
Twentieth Onturv Farmer, one year
6 i
2 SO
. 2 VI
. 1.5"
. 1.(0
Dally Pea (without Sunday), per copy.... So
Daily Bee (Vltlinut Sunday). per week . .lie
Dally Bee (Including Sunday), per week lS
Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week (c
Evening Bee (Including Sunday), P"
week 'j
Sunday Ree. per copy ro
Complaint of Irregularities In deliver
should be addressed to City Circulation De
partment. OFFICES.
Omaha The Bee Buildlrur. ,
South Omaha-City Hall Building. Twen-ty-flfth
and M streets.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl street.
Chicago 1640 Unity Building.
New York 1GO0 Ilomt Life Insurance
Wsahington Ml Fourteenth atreet.
Communications relating to nwi and edi
torial matter ahould be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
payable to The Roe Publishing Company.
Only 2-cant stamps received In payment of
mall accounts. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.:
C. C. Rosewater, secretary of The Bee
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
ay that the actual number of full and
complete coplee of The Dally, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the
month ol July, wh us iwum.
J 81.810
2 su.aoo
1 20.MIO
4 ao.ioo
1 20,TRO
g 30,000
jo aH,oo
U 8A.040
JJ 2ft,4Ht
lj 2S.0OO
14. ...i 2H,T1
15.. sm.eOTO
16 2H,WO
17 88,430
H 2S.0NO
10 2s),B10
10 2H.1O0
21 2S,.VK
22 21MI70
23 2M.BOO
24 2M.OTO
M 2S.1T0
26 a.lM
27 2S.1R0
28 2H.HIO
29 29,400
80 2H,4;M
XI 2T,ttlO
Less unsold copies tt,s)l5
Net total salea 82,4 IB
Dally average 2M,45
Subscribed in my presence and sworn to
before ma this tlBt day of July. 1906.
(Seal) M. B. H UNGATE,
v ' Notary Public.
Sabsertbars ItaTlag the cltjr teas
porarllr ahould have The Be
mailed to them. It la better than
a dally letter (rone homo. Ad
dress will b changed ae often as
The "end Beat hog" Isn't In It with the
germ-carrying mosquito In the street
car problem confronting New Orleaus.
Having had another "million-dollar
rain" Nebraska is ready for more of
those two-mtlllon-dollar days of sun
shine. Omaha has just had a record breaking
month in the total of building permits
taken out. When the year is up it, too,
"111 be a record breaker.
, i . .i .1 ,' ..
If that Kuusua court grunts the prayer
for an injunction against the braying of
a donkey, certain long-eared animals
across the line may scent danger afar
If Omaha merchants hud gone before
the State Board of Equalization to com
plain against the assessment of Lincoln
merchants what a roar there Would have
been raised.
Now that Emperor , William says be
prefers a monarchy to a republic in
Norway, it may be possible to guess at
one reason for the meetlug of the em.
perors in the Baltic sea.
Ak-Bar-Beu ! goiug to do business
with the country newspapers this year
on a business basis. This ought to make
the Jolly monarch more popular thun
ever, If that Is a possibility.
Colorado rallrouds complain because
the rush for land on the Uintah reserva
tion was not as great as expected. Even
the government land lottery seems to
have lost Its grip on the "suckers."
If the subordinate onictuls in the Agri
cultural department stand together like
those In the Indian bureau, Secretary
Wilson may also find a clean aweep
the only solution to the "cotton scan
Blda just opened for paving, especially
for asphalt, seem to be lower than they
bave usually been in Omaha. It la up
to the owners of property on the streets
needing repaying to take advantage of
the low bids.
Should the Beuntugton board of in
quiry refuse, as reported, to fix responsl
billty for the accident, while finding that
At least one boiler was defective. It
would hardly show that degree of brav
ery expected in the navy.
..tending settlers whose plans have
l-eu put awry by the yellow fever epi
demic in the south are cordially invited
to cast their eyes in the direction of
Nebraska. These fertile prairies always
have room for a few more. '
That the fiftieth auuiversary of the
opening of the St. Mary's river canal Is
being celebrated is proof conclusive that
the railroads were not as effective in
abuplng the destiny of water routes fifty
yenra ago ns they have teeu since.
Each, improvement club In Omaha is
to be presented with a printed copy of
the new charter with the compliments
pf the council. The excuse of the couu
ell that the charter will not permit it
to comply with the improvement club
demands won't go after this.
..The village wf Ueiiami, ultbougu it is
Vara ioroa day to te a part of Greater
'Omaha, bap voted to establish a water
works plant of its own, and. strange to
say, has proceeded to this point without
any injunctions, quo warranto, man
dgmusea or habeas contuse.
A 8 EH roC8 ftnVATIOB.
The epidemic of yellow fever nt New
Orleans tins brought, about some condi
tions tlint create a very srlou9 situa
tion. The course of the Mississippi au
thorities in establishing a shotgun quur
untine agslnst Ixtilslniia nnd placing an
(uilrttrgo on Interstate commerce Is re
ported to t resented by the latter state.
Yesterday's dispatches stated that the
governor of Louisiana was making prep
arations to maintain the dignity of his
state, whose citizens feel that they are
being subjected to Injury and Indignity
by Mississippi whkh should not be tol
erated. What has become of the states rights
principle, which the south has always
championed, when one state employs
armed boats to patrol waters for the
purpose of excluding the fishermen of
another state, even going so far as to
Unvade the territory of the other state?
This Is what Mississippi is doing and it
manifestly a most serious matter,
which threatens to bring about a con
flict between the authorities and citizens
of the two states. Another ugly phase
t the situation is tlie embargo placed
upon trade, subjecting hundreds of busi
ness men to heavy losses and depriving
thousands of persons of the means of
livelihood. Admitting the expediency of
extraordinary precautionary measures,
It is a question whether the obstruction
to interstate commerce has not been car
ried farther than necessary and whether
it is not the duty of the federal govern
ment to Interpose and make regulations
that will modify the embargo and pre-
ent the threatened business paralysis.
The mayor of New Orleans said a few
days ago that the city was suffering
more from rigid quarantine than from
yellow fever nnd It is to be apprehended
that the effects of the quarantlue are
only beginning to be felt
What the situation plainly suggests is
that there ahould be national system of
quarantine, wholly under the control of
the federal government. This has long
been advocated, but hos always met with
strenuous opposition from some of the
states! particularly those of the south.
Very likely the present outbreak of yel
low fever will revive the demand for a
national quarantine system. Under our
system of government, remarks the
Philadelphia Iedger, the federal govern
ment Is sharply limited In the exercise
of authority over a state, but it must
be apparent that the sanitary conditions
of a port In this case are very peculiarly
federal business. There is clearly shown
In this Instance the danger Involved in
the existing conditions of a serious con
flict between states, growing out of the
interference by one state with the rights
of another. Such a difficulty way arise
at any time and become exceedingly
troublesome. The obviously wise and
safe policy is to give the national gov
ernment complete control over quaran
tine between states. If that should be
done the country could depend upon
Judicious measures being adopted when
ever it became necessary to apply quar
antine regulations.
The report of the banking department
of the etate of New York for the last
year presents some highly interesting
facts as to the increase in the volume of
savings bank accounts in that state. It
appears that the rate of increase dur
ing the year ended June 80 was larger
than ever before and it was the record
year for savings deposits, which
amounted to a little less than $80,000,000.
The total amount of money on deposit
in the savings banks of the state of
New York is over one and a quarter
billion dollars and during the year the
depositors received interest to the
amount of nearly $42,000,000.
These figures very conclusively show
the remarkable prosperity of the wage
earners of Ts'ew York, the savings de
posits for the last year being about $12
per capita for every person in the state.
In other states the prosperity of the
working classes has been equally good
and doubtless the savings relatively ns
large, bo that for the whole country
hundreds of millions of dollars bave been
added to the bank account of the people
the accumulations of American labor,
This vast capital belonging to the peo
ple Is being constantly employed In ways
that Increase the demand for labor and
thus promote the general prosperity.
There would seem to be among our peo
ple a growing spirit of thrift and the
tendency of the savings banks is to en
courage this. A New York paper ob
serves that the very general establish
ment of the 4 per cent Interest rate on
savings has vbeen a great Inducement
to the thrifty to accept this method of
accumulation Instead of looking for a
higher interest rate in investments jtbat
carry more risk. The vast accumula
tlon of capital to the credit of labor is
splendid evidence of the superior con
dltlons enjoyed by the working classes
of this country in comparison with those
of any land.
All the envoys to the peace confer
ence are now In the United States and
their formal reception by President
Hooeevelt la the next important event
before the meeting of the conference,
The reception will be the occasion for
Introducing the envoys to each other and
will be an Incident of great interest.
Preparations for the . meeting of the
conference are about completed, so that
there will be no delay In the getting
together of the representatives of Itus
via and Japan and the opening of nego
tiations, for the conduct of which evory
facility and convenience has leen pro
Whether or not the negotiations will
le protracted can -only be determined
when the plenipotentiaries make known
their terms. M. Wltte is reported to
bave expressed apprehension that the
conference will not last more than
week, his anticipation being that Japan's
couditlon will be so intolerable as not
to admit of discussion. Possibly he may
have information that Justine this fear
but the general Impression la that Ja
pun's terms will not be excessive, or of
a nature that llusslii could fairly regard
as unreasonable. So far as there has
been any expression from authoritative
Japanese sources it has conveyed the
idea that the Jopanese envoys will pro
Kse only such terms as are deemed to
be absolutely essential to the future
peace and security of their country. Ja
pan desires that the war shnll end and
It therefore does not seem probable that
she will make demands which would be
almost certain to prolong the conflict.
Hence It seems safe to say that the fear
expressed by M. WItte will le fouud to
le groundless. It Is to le expected that
Russia will make objection to any de
mands, for her envoys are here to dis
cuss conditions and this means that
they will raise objections nnd urge them.
No prediction as to the result Is at pres
ent of any value.
Meanwhile the envoys will receive
here a cordial nnd impartial hospitality
from both the government and the peo
ple. The United States Is on friendly
terms with ench of the belligerent pow
ers and their representatives will be
shown the high consideration which their
distinguished character entitles them to.
A few months ago James Dalrymple,
manager of the Glasgow street railroads,
which are operated under municipal own
ership, made a hasty Inspection of street
railways in American cities and espe
cially those of Chicago with the express
purpose of presenting bis conclusions as
to the feasibility of municipalizing the
Chicago street railways. Mr. Dalrymple,
to the surprise of many, gave It out that
municipal ownership cannot pe adopted
with success lu American cities because
politics plays a predominant part In the
government of American cities, and as a
natural consequence municipal owner
ship would multiply and Intensify the
graft and corruption tliut has brought
American municipal government into
such general disrepute.
Mr. Dalrymple also noted Incidentally
that municipal- ownership in America
excludes freedom of Individual enter
prise. In Scotland, where the principle
of municipal ownership is generally ap
plied, individual enterprise is at liberty
to compete with municipal enterprise.
While municipal ownership is a fixed
policy of municipal administration there
Is no prohibition against private invest
ment or service. '
The troubje with Mr. Dalrymple's half-
baked conclusions is that he mistakes
the effect for the cause. He seems to be
oblivious of the fact that the main source
of municipal graft In American cities Is
the private ownership of public utilities.
The St. Louis boodlors and the Milwau
kee boodlers, as well as the Philadelphia
grufters were all infected by the same
virus the systematic bribery of council
men and municipal officials by the fran-
chlsed corporations.
The sincere reformer, who wants the
affairs of American cities administered
on business principles finds himself seri
ously perplexed. Tnke for example the
recent decision rendered by Judge Mun
ger In the Omnha water works case. If
finally nffirraed by the higher courts Its
practical effect Would be to place not
only this municipality, but every other
city whose public utilities are partly or
wholly operated by private corporations
between the devil and the deep sea. If
contracts made by cities with public
utility corporations can be modified or
abrogated before their expiration by city
councils or public utility boards, public
utility corporations have but one alterna
tive they must either own the mayor
and council or the boards that are nt
liberty to change" agreed rates for light,
water, heat nnd power, or they must
abandon the field altogether and force
upon the communities the purchase of
their plants on their own terms. If they
choose the former course corruption and
obbery in municipal government will
run riot. If they choose the latter course
the city will have the works nnd the poli
ticians will manugo them, unless the
property owners in each community
come to the' rescue and place business
men of the most approved Integrity in
control. High-grade business men are
rarely willing to serve the public In
American cities and many of them could
not be elected if they were willing to
Individual enterprise is at liberty to
compete with municipal enterprise In
America just as It Is In Scotland, but
few American capitalists would be fool
hardy enough to undertake to compete
with the municipalities In the supply of
water, gas, electric lights, telephones or
street railways unless they controllea
trie municipal governments and. were
confident of being able to hold both ends
of the competition. In the very nature
of things municipal public utility plants
are operated under (pressure of public
sentiment, which might persistently cre
ate deficits for the benefit of-consumers
at the expense of the property owners
and taxpayers, yo private corporation
operating a public utility plant In com
petition with a municipal plant could
match that and survive.
J?tate Treusurer Morteuseu'g financial
exhibit shows that the permanent school
funds are again piling up. In the treas
ury, where more than $2.V),OoO of school
money remains uninvested uud unpro
ductive, except for the nominal Interest
paid by the state depositories. The
difficulty of keeping school funds In
vested in the securities specified by the
constitution Is becoming greater every
yeur. It Is only a question of time when
something must be done to enlarge the
field of their Investment.
Loulslaua aud Mississippi are to de
termine the right of one state to send
troops into another, and while they are
trying the question of state sovereignty
the yellow Jack is moving under the
motto of Napoleon, "Divide and con
Is not the hoard of Education a little
In a hurry to decide upon the exact rate
of tax levy it proposes to demand for
the school fund for 1D00? Would It not
be well to wait until the grand total of
the assessment Is finally made up, so as
to be able to figure out exactly what
the tax will produce, especially In view
of the fact that the state board Is rais
ing different items in the assessment
and thus increasing the total?
Statistician Hyde promises to return
from Europe as soon as possible. This
may not be good news for the men who
hoped that he would find the climate of
England good for his health until the
statute of limitations bad an opportun
ity to accomplish Its purpose for them.
The establishment of a national bureau
of criminology may be furthered by re
cent developments showing that some of
the departments at Washington bave
sufllclent raw material to furnish all
the subjects needed for preliminary
Cotton growers who object to the
course being pursued by Secretary Wil
son should wait until he has completed
his work. People who best know Mr.
Wilson do not think he can be fooled
more than once on the same game.
Fading; from the limelight.
Chicago Tribune.
Spender Bootty of Death Valley, after
strutting his brief hour on the stage, has
yielded the limelight to the other attrac
tions and retired behind the -scenes.
A Startling- Innovation.
Chicago Record-Herald.
The fact that an Insurance official has
been discharged for talking too much will
be likely to meet with hearty approval from
people who, after saying no, are robbed of
valuable time and deprived of patience by
Insistent solicitors.
Strayia In the Peace Current.
Philadelphia Press.
The man with an empty pocket la gener
ally willing to come fo terms. One of the
most promising "straws" In the peace con
ference negotiations is the announcement
that French bankers will not put up any
more funds for Russia's war chest.
Ilnngry for More.
Boston Transcript.
After "two attacks of presidential fever,
followed by severe chills," Mr. Bryan seems
hungry for more. Has he forgotten what
te said to the Paris Interviewer when asked
If he would ever be a candidate again?
"Non, non, monsieur," cried Mr. Bryan,
"non, non, non!" '
Cleveland's Favorite Son.
Minneapolis Journal.
Some people of a humorous turn of mind
are telling John D. Rockefeller that as a
candidate for mayor of Cleveland he would
sweep all before him, particularly If he
put In his platform a pledge to buy the
street railway system and turn it over to
the people. Some add that to make the
election doubly sure he should also agree
to pay all the taxes during his term and to
endow the public school fund for the next
ten yeara. Mr. Rockefeller will take the
matter under advisement.
Athletic Eminence of Governors.
New York Sun.
An all governors' athletic competition
begins to be called for. Mickey of Ne
braska holds the horseshoe pitching cham
pionship. Glenn of North Carolina, once
a mighty base ball pitcher, la now a prom
ising rifle shot.' But the man of men Is for
mer Governor .Alonso Garcelon of Maine
Dr. Garcelon l 93. He has -"cut and gath
ered" a four acre field in Lewlston this
year. He has also "hoed an acre and a half
of the finest corn that can be found In all
Maine." Not a weed In it. And then he
goes to his library. Serus In coelum! May
he live longer than we have time to tell
his years.
Competition in the Steel Trade.
Springfield Republican.
It appears that the United States steel
corporation has never since had so com
plete a possession of Iron and steel produc
tion as at tho beginning of Its career.
American iron and steel association statis
tics show that the trust now produces
only 38 per cent of the country's total out
put of pig-Iron, against 45 per cent In 1902;
only 63.8 per cent of the output of Lake
Superior ore, against 60.4 per cent in 1902;
and 61 per cont Of steel production against
6S.7 per cent in 1902. All-embracing as this
great combination seemed . to be for the
iron and steel Industry at the outset, the
event Is proving that competitors have
gained ground faster than the trust. Tho
latter's chief reliance for monopoly was In
Its command of the Lake Superior ore sup
ply, but even that has Its limitations appar
Largest State In the I'nlon Flans a
Pnblle Land Sale.
New York Tribune.
A fact of great Interest as showing the
rapid settling of the southwestern region of
the United States is that Texas will sell
on September 1 6,000,000 acres of its public
lands In the western part of the state.
The lands will be sold to settlers only, and
purchasers may buy from one to eight sec
tions. The area to be sold will, therefore.
furnish homes for about 6,000 families. The
land will be sold at a minimum price of
11 on acre, and easy terms will be granted
as to payments.
The sale will have an Important bearing
upon ranchers, whose days under the old
regime are evidently drawing to a close,
even In Texas. Usually these ranchers
own a few sections of land and then lease
large tracts from the state, but year by
year the farming area has encroached upon
the ranchers, and, within the last decade
or two, with unprecedented rapidity, as Is
shown by the fact that In 1890 the acreage
of farms in Texas was 61.408.937, while In
190 It has Increased to 125,807,107. The
figures for the present decade are likely to
show an even greater Increase. Previous
to 185 what was known as the Great
Staked Plain was supposed to be mainly a
desert, not fit for farming purposes. Now,
as already said, a part nf this great plain
Is to be cut up Into farms, and practically
all of It, In the near future, will undoubt
edly furnish homes for thousands of fami
lies. Water, It Is now known, ran be found
In great abundance, usually from twenty-
five to fifty feet below the surface, and
the soil la rich and capable of supporting
a dense population. The area now to be
brought within the domain of agriculture
Is a territory of 1,400 square miles, an area
more than four times us great as that of
Delaware, nearly twice that of Connecticut
larger than that of Massachusetts or
New Hampshire or New Jersey, and equal
to more than seven states the size of Rhode
Island. As the state, even after selling
these 6,0X.OnO acres, will still have 12.0ou.(w0
acres of public lands left to be disposed of,
It Is evident that the development of Texas
Into a great agricultural commonwealth will
hold a prominent place In the history of
the United Slates. With a fine climate,
no malaria, a snil that yields In abundance
all the fruits and grains of the temperate
sone, the Great Staked Plain will play an
Important role when Its possibilities have
been properly developed. As all along the
borders of this new territory to be opened
to farmers there are the conveniences and
appurtenances of civilisation, the develop
ment will be proportionately rapid.
Ripples on the Torrent of l ife In the
One of the queer Institutions annexed to
and supported by the rnstofTlee department
In New York City Is the federal cat bri
gade. This numbers about fifty husky Tom
mies with keen appetites for rats. The
latter are of all ages, sixes and colors and
roam about the cellars nnd sub-collars of
the postofflce building seeking what they
can devour. The cats are Intended to check
the liberties of the rats snd are specially
provided for by congress. They kill thou
sands of rats every year. Raw meat Is fed
them every morning Just enough to keep
them In capital fighting temper, and yet
leave an appetite.
Big Tom Is the captain of the postofflce
cat police force. He holds his office by
natural right, being fully two feet long and
weighing about fifteen pounds. The big
black feline Is kept continually on the
watch to, see that his cohorts are On post.
Occasionally one of them wearies of the
continual night that reigns In the subcellars
and slips upstairs. Then Tom Is seen on
one of his rare excursions In the upper
world. The deserter Is usually found after
a short search. Without sny preliminaries
the chief darts at the deserter. After a
moment of scratch, spit and yowl the de
serter tucks his tall between his legs and
goes trotting back to the subcellars and his
duty. t
One of New York's odd organizations Is
"The Dream Studv Club." Unlike most
of those who seek to study dreams this
society seeks not the rending of the dream
but the tracing of Its origin. The mem
bers meet once a week and offer records
of their dreams and speculations as to
their possible source. Far from being dry
the subject holds a fascinating Interest,
and some of the most expert can resolve
the weird phantasies of their unconscious
moments Into 60 or more component parts,
and they have .thoroughly demonstrated
(to their own satisfaction, at least) that
even the most prophetic of dream visions
are but the reflex of rast events and not
the forerunner of things to come. Al
though the club was started purely for the
amusement It has served no mean scien
tific purpose In showing upon what solid
facts these disquieting dreams are based.
Mrs. John Ijorenson and her sister. Miss
Pheobe Herblson of Bronx Place, Mount
Vernon, are being congratulated for the
courageous way they helped to chastise a
masher who followed them home and was
punished until he promised never to Insult
a woman again. Mrs. Lorenson and her
sister had been shopping and the masher
ogled them and lifted his hat as they
passed the Harlem railroad station. When
the masher followed them and begged them
to stop they became so terrified they broke
into a run, but the masher kept at their
heels. When they reached their home he
followed them Into the hall before they
could slam the door In his face. Mrs.
Lorenson called her husband. The masher
"You're trying to frighten me. Won't
you give me a word?" he said, laughing.
Lorenson appeared, and, taking the
lnsulter by the collar,( dragged him out of
the house, down the' steps and Into the
yard. The two women added their blows
to his until the masher begged pltlously
for heli.
"Prqmlse me you will never Insult women
again, and I will let you go," said Loren
son. Tho whipped persecutor was glad to
A big man who had evidently been feel
ing the heat a good deal, got on a Bronx
trolley car the other day and started in to
kick because people had been giving him
wrong advice about Bronx car Unci. A
very meek looking man In the car sug
gested that he hadn't got on the right car
"Oh, you're only another one of these
fools up here that don't know anything,"
said the man.
The meek looking man didn't fight, aa
every one expected, instead, he calmly
took out a pencil and a pad from Ms pocket,
and then began to draw lines on the pad
which the cross man couldn't see, but
which those on the same sldo of the car
could. Pretty soon they were all smiling.
When he completed the picture of his friend
opposite the little man put the pad back In
his pocket. The croBs man shut up quickly
and got out.
'It never falls to work," remarked the
Uttlo man as he saw the cross man leave
the car. "It's much better than to fight."
i s
In accordance with the sentence of the
court, Imposed a month ago, Fred Lind
say of Brooklyn, accompanied by Mrs.
Lindsay, reported to the magistrate last
Saturday that he obeyed the Judicial man
date requiring him to kiss his wife once
every day for a month.
"Well, Judge," the husband said, when
he appeared In court, "we have come In
to tell you we have kissed and made up.
We are going down to Long Island to
spend our second honeymoon and we will
not be able to appear before you again."
"Well, that Is splendid," said the mag
istrate," beaming on the pair. "And you
have really kissed your wife, have you,
Lindsay? And was It gobd?"
Unblu'ihlngly Lindsay turned to his wife,
caught her In his arms, and In the presence
of the entire court room gave her a re
sounding kiss on the Hps. - His response
satisfied the magistrate.
Lindsay was arraigned before Magistrate
Hlgglnbotham nearly a month ago on a
charge of nonsupport. Each made charges
from which It appeared It was an ag
gravated case of too much mother-in-law.
Magistrate Hlgglnbotham gave the follow
ing order:
"I sentence you, Lindsay, to spend one
day each week with your wife and baby,
either at Prospect Park or Coney Island.
You needn't speak to each other. All you
have to do Is to watch the baby play."
"Yes, sir," said Lindsay doubtfully.
"And, Lindsay, I further sentence you to
kiss your wife once each day. You might
also take her a bunch of flowers once each
week, so there will be something pleasant
to look at. Yu also are to pay her tJ a
week for four weeks.
"You and your wife are to come back
here one' month from today and let me
know how the sentence of this court Is
being carried out. Also, all mothers-in-law
must stay away from your home."
Lindsay rebelled, and for a time It seemed
likely he would prefer to stand In con
tempt of court rather than obey ths mag
istrate. But he was beaming with happi
ness when he and his Joyous wife and their
baby called on the magistrate and an
nounced that the sentence of the court
had been executed and Mrs. Lindsay had
been klssnd.
There is one kind of perquisite not com
monly counted In reckoning a saleswoman's
earnings. That is the chsnge she Is allowed
to keep by customers who have not time to
wait. Not many people apparently are In
loo big a hurry to get what money Is com
ing to them, yet several times In the course
of a month almost every shopgirl Is electri
fied by the command, "Just keep ths
change. I have to catch a train. I can't
The sums thus sacrificed on ths altar of
haste range from 1 to W cents. They are
the legitimate prize of the employes, yet
some stores require tlist all such contribu
tions be repot icd it the offlce. However,
not many concerns prortt by the hurry of
their patrons, even after It Is reported. A
few of the smaller shups add half of the
rake-off to their own Income, but most of
them turn the entire amount over U the
clerk who made the sals.
Phoning Made by the American
cento Preservation Society.
New Tork Tribune.
The tenth annual report of the American
Bcenlo and Historic Preservation society
to the legislature, of which we have re
ceived proof sheets, contains some Inter
esting facts about the effectiveness of the
outdoor advertising that does so much to
mar the beauty of our cities snd country
side. Of course, any newspaper comment
on this subject always Invites the Jibe that
It Is inspired by a petty desire to preserve
a monopoly of the advertising business.
But the Ogures given In the report con
cerning the small proportion of advertising
expenditures directed by large and suc
cessful advertisers to poster publicity,
which Inflicts Injury so utterly out of pro
portion to Its commercial usefulness, should
In this rase serve to avert that reproach.
It Is evident that the newspapers and mag
aalnes have llttLsj to fear from the sign
board. Kven thise who use posters for
certain lines of advertising realise that
their effectiveness Is strictly limited to a
few kinds of articles. And at least the
scenic society, which Is responsible for the
discussion, cannot be charged with com
mercial motives, or with any purpose ex
cept to protect ths community from a
plague of ugliness.
Ths scenic society sent letters to four
teen of the largest advertisers In the
United States, who are credited with spend
ing from $3)0.000 to 1. 000,000 a year, asking
them about their expenditures, the propor
tion spent on outdoor or poster advertising,
their lews as to Its usefulness, and other
questions along that line. The answers are
highly encouraging to those who hope to
live to see the day when fields and rocks
and city facades will no longer be disfig
ured with garish notices of pills and pow
ders. One firm, which spends from J360.0O0
to loOO.Ono a year on advertising, devotes
only about 6 per cent of 'this sum to out
door advertising, and does not regard It
us a favorable medium. Another firm has
spent from a few hundred to several thou
sand dollars out of an advertising budget
of 1500,000 on street car snd other posters,
but has been disappointed In the results
and has discontinued that method. A com
pany whose annual advertising bills
amount to $300,000 reports: "Outdoor ad
vertising Is not profitable compared with
other forms unless we want to Impress the
narru) of an article on the people's minds."
Kor that purpose the company believes a
small percentage of Its expenditure Is
useful. Officers of a company advertising
to about the same extent report that they
have spent a great deal on outdoor adver
tising and- "think some of It lids paid." A
company which devotes nearly $1,000,000 a
year to advertising spends nothing out of
doors In the United States or Canada, but
from one-third to one-half of Its allotment
for Cuba In that fashion, on the theory
that the people are largely Illiterate
and can be reached In no other way. The
general mannger of a large concern reports
that after experiment he has stopped out
door advertising, and adds: "Perhaps In
some new country, or with a new product.
It might be profitable, but I would rather
doubt It."
All this would seem to Indicate that the
poster Inundation Is likely to subside. As
a new and striking bid for publicity It nat
urally had great vogue, but, now that
solid business men are counting the results
and finding them unsatisfactory, we may
hope to see the nuisance largely abated.
If sound commercial reasons supported the
posters the fight to restrict their ugliness
would bemost arduous, but If commerce
and beauty work side by side there Is good
reason to hope for a gradual clearing away
of these excrescences upon the landscape.
Three Vermont towns which awoke and
found themselves In Canada are demanding
that the United States buy them back.
Prof. Ray Lankester of Oxford says that
the Inhabitants of Msrs have carried out
their vast irrigation problems and that
they are far In advance of the Inhabitants
of the earth.
Senator Aldrlch of 'Rhode Island has
ine iaie jusnop I'larx, aajoimng nis nome
at Warwick Neck, and has added them
to his already extensive estate.
Thomas Greenway, a former premier of
Manitoba, estimates that within the next
few years more than $76,000,000 will be
spent In western Canada In the construc
tion of railways.
Dr. Victor Nllsson, of Minneapolis, has
been chosen as editor of the new monthly
musical Journal to be undertaken by the
American Union of Swedish Singers. The
first number will be brought out next
Another plot against the sultan's life has
been discovered. These machinations do
not worry the Turkish authorities greatly.
It has become pretty well established that
nothing will put an end to a confirmed
King Oscar of Sweden was recently on
his way to Norrland and stopped at Sol
lefta station. Only two bowing officials
greeted hltn. "Where are my people?" de
manded the king. "I have excluded every
body from the station," said the station
master. "Then I will go out and meet my
people." And he received a most hearty
Germans from all over the United States
will gather In St. Louis next spring to
honor the memory of General Franz Sigel,
the dashing cavalry leader who organised,
four regiments of young Germans for ths
federal army in 1881 and "saved Missouri"
for the union. The statute, for which $10,000
was subscribed by patriotic residents of St.
Louis, will probably stand in Forest park.
It Is the work of Robert Cauer, a German
American sculptor of Berlin.
You walk with
her, you rock her,
you give her sugar,
you try kinds
of things!
But she coughs
all through the long
night, just the same !
No heed spending another
night this way. Just a dose
or two of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral will soothe the
throat, quiet the cough, insure a good night's rest.
Ask your doctor about the wisdom of your
keeping this remedy in the house, ready for these
night coughs of the children. Doctors have the
formula. They know all about this medicine.
Heae r e . o. in. Oo . iv
Aim UI,IviUrri of
A TBI'S Hrtt VIOOB-Fof tie hair.
ilU l aii6Af JUUArM u kleei.
Other l.aitda Than Oars Aflllcte-d with
the IH'm-e.
St. lrfuis Globe-! Vmocrat.
The crookedness connected with the fur
nishing of the army supplies to England
In the Boer war of H99-1SKC Were, It Is now.
discovered, greater than were those wit
Which thjft t'nl,AJ Dl. . - . k
Ing the Spanish war of 1S9S. England had
an Immense army In the. Transvaal from
first to last, numbering at one time close
to 200,000. This was several times ss large
a force ns the United States hsd In Cula
and Porto Rico during the war with Spain.
The largest number of troops which ws
hsd In the Philippines at sny time was
about 0,000. The chances, therefore, for
corruption and general rascality In ths
tirmsn case1 were greater than In ours.
k lid ma ronirirrnri inn mnniv iifnif
rose ably to the level of their opportunities.
as recent developments show.
A similar story of crookedness Is told
In the case of the supplies for the Russlnn
army and navy !n the rresent war. In ths
Russian Instance the matter Is made espe.
dally heinous by two circumstances. The
stealing has apparently been much larper
than It was In the Rrltlsh or American
case, and some of the culprits were the
grand dukes and others high In authority
In Russia. The latter Is a feature of the
grafting which was not seen In the United
States. None of the higher officials of the
American government were Implicated tn
the army steals, so far ns known. In the
postofflce and other scandals some United
States officials of a moderately high rank
were connected, "but none of the grade In
volved In Russia have been discovered.
We are In the hnblt of saying, when
ever any big steals are discovered In the
United States government service, that
they order these things better In England,
France, Germany and the rest of the world.
This Is a mistake. Graft has all count! Irs
and all ages for Its own. The worst case
of this sort which the world recalls In the
last half century wna that which led to the
collapse of the French army In the war of
1870-71. It Is probable that there wns some
stealing on the German side also In that
conflict, but Germany, being poorer, offered
Smaller opportunities for rascality. Ij)ter
on In 1905 or tn 19ffi we may discover that
Japan has had a little stealing in the pur
chase of Its army supplies Crookedness
Is cosmopolitan. On Its operations the sun
never sets. Nevertheless, the United States'
duty Is to hunt down Its rrooks In the
postofflce, the land offlce and elsewhere,
and to punish them when It reaches them.
"Chollev is raising a mustache."
"Indeed! Well he must be doing It very
care.'ully." i
"How do you mean?" f
"He seems to be raising one hair at a
time." Philadelphia I-edger.
Mamma Cla-etice, didn't I hear you and
Arthur having high words Just now?
Clarence Yes, mamma. Hut you told us
we couldn't use low language. Cleveland
"Gee, I wished T was a Inventor."
exclaimed Jimmy, loating outside the base
ball ,ark.
"W at fur?" demanded Mickey.
"I'd Invent a knothole Wat yer could
carry 'round wld yer and stick In a fence
"Bav pa, what Is notoriety?"
"It's something, my boy. that the major
ity of people mistake for fame." Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
"He's the most eccentric sutolst I ever
met. He's got such queer notions about
his machine. '
"Thinks It's the very best make, I sup
pose." -
"No. he savs he bought It because it was
cheap." Philadelphia Press.
"Sometimes." said Farmer Corntossel. "I
thing tnebbe government ownership would
be a purty good thing."
"If tne gover'ment was runnln' all kinds
o' business, there wouldn't be so many cor
poration pfflcers drawln' bigger salaries
than the president of the United Statea."
Washington Star.
Margaret Hamilton In St. Nicholas.
"Roaring waves and slippery sand
Dear me! I prefer the land!"
That's what Dora says, for she
Thinks It's dull beside tho sea:
But aunties. Dot. and you and I
We aren't lonesome, are we, Guy?
How can days be dull for her
Here, where everything's astir?
Fish-hawks flap and dance and dive,
And the marsh Is all alive
With the fluttering, rosy mallows,
And the wee fins stir the shallows;
Lantern-headed dragon-flies.
Gleaming like the blue-green eyes
In a peacock's gorgeous tall.
Through the meadow sail and sail;
Bnipe ahove tne nreasers nn.
With their tiny twlt-twlt-twlt,
, Or perhaps go running past
On their maglo stilts, too fast
Kor the whlte-maned wave to reach
-As It races up the boaoh;
Gray song-sparrows teeter, teeter.
Swinging, singing, sweeter, sweeter,
On the long, light-green sea-grasses,
Swaying as the sea-breeze passes.
When the wind blows from the west.
Every wave will wear a crest.
If It's blue and sunny weather
One fine rainbow like a feather!
Sometimes, too, the billow brings
Scores of fishes, helpless things!
And along the sands they shine
In a leaping silver line.
Showing Just the lasC waves track;
And 1 try to put them back.
Then the sunny afternoons
All along the shining dunes!
And the bathing! when you sway
Up and down In foam and spray
Till the breakers' plunging roar
Sweeps you shouting back to shore!
Where could any mortal be
Happier than beside the sea!
ATkB'9 Pill a-For sosstipstles.
A1fkai S AGUa CDkA-J-M Uilana U4 ana.