Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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1 rlophone 0f4.
During July and
August we clots
5ator4ays at
f o'clock.
Tlnirslay ,njornin at N o'clock wo will place on special sale
the greatest values we have ever offered in women's fancy hosiery.
The lot will consist of colored silks, French lisles, embroid
ered 1 isles, silk lisles, etc.
Hosiery that sold at I3.2.1. :.5n. 12.2!,
11 75,' 11.50. $1.26, 11.00. Kc and 7jc, Thurs
day morning clearing sale prlre 6oc per
Colored 811k Unto that Bold at 11.00,
11 50 anil I:. 00, mostly small sizes; colors,
rink, hlues. tsns, lavender, gray, green,
yellow and cream.
Colored French I.lsle ITose that Bold at
13 35, t.5n, 12 . $1.75 and I1.S0. light shades,
also Mark with colored stripes.
rsinck Embroidered Lisle Hose that sold
nt $1.50, $1 2K, $1.0", Tic and "T,r.
Rrown Silk. Lisle Hose, embroidered In
colors, that Bold at $1.15.
Orsy Striped Lisle Hose that sold at
$1 25. -- -
White Hose, embroidered In black, that
Bold at $12.".
All n sale Thursday morning at 8
o'clock at 50c per pair.
New Tall Rain Coats
New BtyleB, In all tlzo, 34, 30, 3-S, 40, 42
and 44. Prices, $12.60 and $15.00.
p. ra. during July and August.
Villi C A. Building, Comer
snrvlce has returned from the Mississippi
coast, from which point he talked over the
long distance telephono Willi Governor
Vardaman. tr. White Bald the governor
had given courteous consent to the estab
lishment of a detention camp on the Mis
sissippi side of the state line on the Louis
ville & Nashville road and would arrange
for the admission Into Mlxslsslppl points of
persons from New Orleans who enter the
camp and are discharged with certificates
of the federal fcurgeotiS. There Is no longer
any obstacle therefore to the movement of
passengers through Mississippi.
The question of whether federal control
of the situation ought to be Invited Is still
discussed, but unless graver conditions
arise It Is not regarded as unlikely that
there will be any movement in that direc
tion. -Mosquito
Ordinance slsrned.
Mayor Uehrman today aigned the mos
quito ordinance and It van, later published
In the official Journal and thus became law.
It requires that cisterns shall be oiled or
screened within forty-eight hours by prop
erty owners nr their agents.
tr. ' Beverly Waxner, representing the
cltltens' committee,, today called attention
to the fact that much Indigence had been
developed by the work of the doctors and
Inspectors., and appealed for some means
of a. Jiystemutlc character by which the
needy might be looked af'tor.' '
No Apprehension eVIsts of any Berlous re
sults from the trouble that has arisen on
the Mlsslsslppl-Ixjulslana border over the
enforcement of the Mississippi quarantine.
With Governor Yardman anxious to avoid
any conflict Wlm" ThTTyJilimnna authori
ties It la thought that the Mississippi
guards, who have been freely coming across
the Louisiana line, yvlll hereafter be re
quired to keep on their, side of the border
and thus all further possibility of clashes
will be removed.
Mate fin Into Conrt.
Another phase of the controversy between
the states of Louisiana and Mississippi has
developed In the fl'.'ng of writs of ejectment
and Injunction against the Mississippi mili
tia In the federal courts. ,
The suit was brought by Albert Baldwin
banker and capitalist of this city. Mr.
Baldwin seeks to enjoin the Mississippi sol
diers from taking possession of his Ashing
and hunting lodge on Pdart river. It seems
that permission was asked to occupy the
place for the militia during guard duty on
the border and It was refused. The troops
answered that unless granted permission
in a certain time they would break open
the place. " Yesterday they broke in and
Mr. Baldwin - decided to bring suit. ' Fed
eral mavshals will probably be sent to the
cene. '" ' '
The teon'roversy between the states of
Louisiana and Mississippi over the Invasion
by Governor Vardanmn's quarantine mos
quito fleet and the armed guards station at
Pearlj river Is now Improved by the state
ment glven'- out by . Governor Vardaman
today Irt Jakson, afte his return from the
coast, where he went to Investigate the sit
uation. ,-,
Governor Ulanchard has ordered Captain
Bostlek of the naval brigade to Impress
the' fleet pf patrol boats of the oyster com
mission Into service and arm them and
patrol the waters now In pnssvSHlon of the
Mississippi Ixmts. One of these boats has
already been dispatched to the ltlgolets.
the fievk of filter Connecting Lake Pont
chartraln with Ijtke ltoigue, und late to
night or tomorrow morning a launch filled
with ,CpUj ntpid-tlro guns from the naval
brigade armory and planned by officers und
creaj from the brigade will leave for the
Louisiana Aetunlly Invaded.
Both Captain Hostwlek und General
Perllllat submitted reports as to the result
of Jielr Investigations. Both dispatched
officers to the scene today, and they learned
enough to confirm the first reports of the
invasion and the action of the, Mississippi
patrol boats in closing Louisiana waters
to Louisiana .fishermen. The It'lgolct draw
bridge, ost 'which ' the Ixiulsvllle & Nash
ville railroad clossos, It is contended here, 'is
Our Alteration Sale is in full
ing items will be of interest to
J Uh woolen Suit, worth
tup to five dollars.
Ml flfl ,e'0C,10D ' natty
I.UU Wash Su:u, la Ru
'fclac and tailor stylet.
'At 9c
There are still a great
roaoy Hat and Caps at
thls price.
Hoe. AuRust 2, 1005.
Special Clearing
Sale of Women's
New Fall Separate Skirts and Tine
Tailored Suits
We are showing our new fall lino of
handsome .Separate Skirta In all the lat
est BtyleB adapted for street and dress
wear also a few of the very newest Suits
all our own exclusive styles. We show
the Tnddock Suit, the Empire Suit and
other very late styles.
Voile Skirts with beautiful silk taffeta
drop skirt.
At $18.50. $21.30. $25.00 and $.10.00.
Very handsome Panama Skirts, ele
gr.ntly tailored, from $10.00 to $20 00.
Notice Indies who take very large
skirts and wide waistbands will find an
elegant assortment to select from.
Dainty Lawn Waists
Tn sizes 40, 42 and 44, at special closing
out prices.
All our fine Opera Waists, our fine Mar
quis and Essenelle Waists ell at special
sale juices.
day, except Saturdays we ctoso at 1
Sixteenth and Dougks Streets)
five miles from the Mississippi line and
distinctly In Louisiana territory, and, it Is
added, does not even come under that ter
ritory now In dispute before the supreme
court of the United States. It was found
today that a man named Blunt, claiming to
be In charge of the Mississippi patrol In
those waters, had Btationed himself on the
bridge armed with two shot guns and kept
the brldgekeeper from opening the draw to
allow boats to pasB out from Lake Pont
chartraln Into Luke Borgne. Many other
complaints also have been received.
There are eighteen boats now at Ship
Island which were captured by the patrol
and towed by the Revenue Cutter Winona
to Ship Island quarantine station. It Is
claimed that every one of these vessels was
taken In Louisiana waters.
Another complication has developed In
the same connection. The British ship
Brayhrad. after completing Its cargo In
New Orleans, stopped at the Mississippi
side of the Lake Borgne canal to get a
deck load of timber, but the Mississippi
boats absolutely refused to allow a tug to
go to the mouth of Fcarl river to get the
barge and rafts. The Brayhead had to
leave without the cargo, and the agents and
the owners will lay the matter before the
British government.
Henry McCall, collector of customs for
New Orleans, has qualified ns disbursing
agent of the government funds to be used
In an effort, to. prevent the present fever
from developing into an epidemic; Ample
money will be at the disposal of Dr. White
and his corps to carry on their work, pro
vision: bavlug been made by the last con
gress to meet Just such an emergency as
nas developed here.
'Annually the railroads run out 'of 'New
Orleans cheap excursions to Chicago, St.
Louis and the large cities of the north, east
and west. The excursions are usually
scheduled fof the middle of August. An
nouncement has been made on behalf of the
lines here that excursions this year will be
l'rotests to Government.
Governor Blanchard today wired to Sec
retary of the Treasury Shaw a vigorous
protest against the Interference of the rev
enue cutter Winona with Louisiana fishing
boats. He advised the secretary that the
Winona has been guilty of Interference with
the rights of Louisiana boats on navigable
waters of the United States and Is appar
ently assisting the Mississippi quarantine
patrol boats in Interfering with Louisiana
citizens. The governor requested prompt
action to stop these practices and asked
for the release of the boats held by the
The governor also wired the collector of
customs at Blloxl, under whose Jurisdiction
the Winona Is, demanding the release of
Louisiana boats said to be held by the
revenue cutter.
A similar, dispatch was Bent by the gov
ernor to the otllcer In charge of the United
States marine service on Ship Island. The
lutter was asked by what authority he
was holding the Louisiana bouts, the re
lease of which is demanded. No reply has
been received to these telegrams.
uval Reserves Called Oat.
Governor Blanchard today Issued orders
to Captain J. W. Bostlek, in command of
the I.ouixiuna naval reserves, to proceed
with a sufficient force to Lake Borgne canal
and adopt measures for the protection of
Ixiulslnna fishermen, citizens and boatmen.
The oyster commission has been Instructed
to turn over the oyster fleet to Captain
Bostlek for servire in this matter and the
naval commander has instructions to add
by charter or impressment whatever boats
he deems desirable for his mission.
The boats will, be fully armed and 6aeh
filled with a complement of naval nillltia.
Governor lUauchard's action is based on
telegrams received today showing that th-
Mississippi quarantine 'officers are reported
to lie employing high-hand measures
In interfering with Louisiana citizens.
Captain Bostlek today mude . a report to
the governor by wire that armed Mlsalsslp
plans had been crossing the Louisiana line;
that Mississippi launches had been lnter
. t .
- - - - - 1 s
swing now. Thursday the follow
We have ten beautiful Long Silk
Conts for babies the Q QC
$5.51) ones go at Uiwd
The fn0 lines
The White Hedfonl Lon 1 "JC
Coats worth fli.ix) at...... lafj
Wash and wooleu Jackets for chll-
0MAHA,NEB.- & 1
ferlng with traffic In Lake Pontchartraln
and capturing schooners; that they have
stopped Ashing in Lake porne and that
traffic In Lake Borgne canal has been In
terrupted. ftorgeon General Talks.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2 Surgeon General
Wyman of the public health and marine
hospital service said today that he had not
received any official notification of the con
flict between the state authorities of Louis
iana and Mississippi over the question of
quarantine. He added:
The small boats that went Into I-nk
Borgne and to the mouth of Lake Borgne
Inlet were probably under the state and
local authorities of Mississippi. Surgeon
Waadln of the public health and marine
hospital service Is assisting In protecting
the towns of the gulf coast of Mississippi
In accordance with the request of the au
thorities of that state. He Is using the
revenue cutter Winona to noiiry vessels
which carry refugees from New Orleans
that they cannot land at those places Hnd
that they have the option of either going
back or of proceeding to Ship Island quar
antine, where they can be held tinder ob
servation and then given pratique. The
bureau declines to take over the small ves
sels of the state, which are said to have
gone Into the waters of Louisiana.
Shrevenort patient nfrntfrlni.
8IIREVEPORT, I-a.. Aug. 2.-An official
report Issued by the Board of Health to
night on the case of yellow fever at the
detention camp on the outskirts of the city
states that he is considered convalescent.
There are no new cases of yellow fever
and no suspicious cases and the local health
authorities are confident that the Infection
will be confined to thlB one sporadic case.
Only two railroads, the Vlcksburg. Shreve
port & Faclfle. and" the Cotton Belt are
taking passengers out of the city, and these
are going to the mountains of Tennessee
and the Carollnas or to points in Missouri.
All trains from the south are stopped at
the parish line, twenty miles distant and
are not permitted to come into the parish.
A northbound train on the Kansas City
Southern was halted at the parish line
today and all passengers were left stranded
on two sleepers and 'two coaches. The
engine and mall cars were fumigated and
allowed to come Into the city. The city
Board of Health resigned today because of
criticisms In permitting the Kansas City
Southern to bring the man suffering with
fever Into the parish.
Southern Illinois Quarantined.
CAIRO, 111., Aug. 2. The portion of Illi
nois lying south of the Baltimore & Ohio
Southwestern railroad, which extends from
St. Louis to Vlncennes, Ind., was this after
noon declared quarantined against all fever
Infected points. The quarantine order was
the result of a conference held this after
noon between Dr. J. A. Egan, secretary of
the Bllnols State Board of Health, D-. J.
C. Sullivan, a member of the board, and
Acting Mayor W. H. Wood. Tonight a
letter was prepared by Dr. Egan addressed
to the officials of the railroads entering
this city, notifying them of the fact. Dr.
Egan returned this afternoon from Mem
phis where he Investigated the methods
employed to guard against a fever epi
demic. Dr. Egan has sent to springneia
for four Inspectors and tomorrow morning
they will begin their work of Inspection
of all trains and steamboats, all trains will
be met at East Cairo and Inspected before
they cross the bridge. An inspector will
be placed at Thebes to Inspect all trains
crossing the bridge at 'that point. There
was a great demand for health certificates
today, many traveling men bound for
southern points securing them to avoid de
lay, occasioned by quarantine regulation's.
Only Fonr Cases In Mexico.
MEXICO CITY. Aug. 2. The Superior
Board of Health reports that there are
only four cases of yellow fever In the en
tire republic. These cases aro within the
city of Vera Cruz, where they are thor
oughly Isolated.
Conditions at Other Points.
MOBILE, Ala., Aug. 2. The Mobile
Board of Health will meet this afternoon
to take action on the Montgomery situa
tion. President Good said he did not be
lieve In quarantining Montgomery. There
Is no alarm felt here over the one case at
NEW YORK, Aug. 2 Four of the five
persons taken from the steamer San
Jacquemln. from Galveston, and sent to
Hoffman's island yesterday for observance
as to fever symptoms, were discharged
from quarantine today. The two patients
from the Scguranca were fast convalescing
One Case at Texarknna.
MEMPHIS. Tenn., Aug. t. A special to
the Commercial Appeal from Texarkana,
Ark., says that Jay Taylor, a young man
who arrived there Saturday from Louis
iana, was taken sick with fever In a hotel.
The patient was Immediately Isolated at a
point two miles out of town, and the case
Is under close observation. A shotgun quar
antine was immediately placed about the
hotel, none of the Inmates being permitted
to leave. The building was thoroughly
New Jersey Official Has
Troubles and May
Return Home.
NEW YORK, Aug. 2. According to state
ments tonight. Mayor William H. IMcher
of Paterson. N. J , has not returned to his
home there, and there Is considerable
speculation as to his whereabouts.
Allen M. Chalmers, his law partner, in a
statement today, said that Mayor Belcher
had been found and that he would return
to Paterson this afternoon. This was later
modified to the effect that the mayor had
not come to Paterson, but was In New
York. Search here did not reveal him.
Late today Prosecutor Kniley of Paterson
began an investigation based on a state
ment concerning Mr. Pelcher's alleged in
debtedness to certain banks.
Mr. Alee, secretary of the Manchester
Dulldlng and Loan association. Is credited
with a statement tonight that his signa
ture hart been forged In certain transactions
by which money was raised from Pater
son banking institutions on the stock books
of the Building association.
Mr. Chalmers said today that the mayor's
financial difficulties had all been adjusted;
that Mayor Belcher owned something over
JIO.000, and that 175,000 had been pledged
to aid him, and that the claims had all
been paid in cash by himself.
Tonight Mr. Chalmers admitted that there
was a possibility Mayor Belcher might not
return. He said that for a long time past
his partner had not been himself. The Ill
ness, coupled with his hard work as a
lawyer and a mayor, appeared to have worn
him out.
Convention Refuses to Exclude Per
sons Esssf ed in Liquor Traffic
from Membership.
BOSTON. Aug. 2. Contests for various of
fices lent Interest today to the session of
the International convention of the Catholic
Order of Foresters. All of the officers wers
re-elected, and the salary of High Chief
Ranger Thomas H. Cannon was rs.lsed from
12,000 to 12.500.
The question of amending the constitu
tion so as to exclude from men-bershlp all
persons engaged In the liquor traffic was
taken up late this afternoon. The amend
ment was lost by a vote of Vi yeas to 68
nays. The evening session was of a social
character. At tomorrow morning's session
the question of excluding firemen from
meiubvrshiy will be taken up.
Friends of the People Tell Him Eeformi
Are Imperatife.
Reactionaries Hearted by Pobedon
osetselT Say the Present is
Xo Time to Discuss
ST. PETERSBURG. Aug. . 2:58 a. m.
There was no session yesterday of the
commission which has under considera
tion the national assembly scheme. Em
peror Nicholas will preside at the second
meeting which will be held this afternoon.
At the first meeting on Tuesday the Im
perial palace at Feterhof was the battle
ground of the contending forces In the
matter of reform. For five hours, taking
advantage of the emperor's request, -there
was the freetst and frankest discussion of
the situation and the needs of Russia. The
respective members of the two camps pre
sented arguments before the emperor In
a series of speeches which left little time
for the actual consideration of the details
of the project, which will be elaborated
by the council of ministers.
Onposlns; Forces Meet.
Almost a Bcore of tbe members of the
conference took an active part In the dis
cussion. M. Boullgln, minister of the In
terior; General Trepoff, assistant minister
of the committee; Count Ignatleff. member
of the council of the empire; Count Sol
sky, president of the economic department
of the commute of ministers, and Frlnce
Hllkoff, minister of railroads and communi
cations, were the leading advocates of Im
mediate reform and the convocation of the
representatives of the people, while under
the banner of the old order, M. Pobedo
nostseff, procurator general of the Holy
Synod, faithful to the traditions of a life
time, who had arrayed with him Count
Lnmsdorff, minister of foreign affairs; M.
Manukhln, minister of Justice; M. Schwan
abach. minister of agriculture; General
Lobko, controller general, and Baron Fred
ericks, Count Marshal, who Insisted that
the present, with the war abroad and
the disorders at home, was no time to sum
mon a popular assembly or Institute sweep
ing changes In the government of the em
pire. The partisans of reform were In the ma
jority, Including, besides the leaders al
ready mentioned, many members of the
council of state.
Speech of Const Ignatleff.
The feature of the meeting Is said to
have been a sensational speech delivered
by Count Ignatleff. who bad been sent by
the emperor to Investigate the situation in
the south after the mutiny on the battle
Bhlp Knlax Potemklne, and who declared
In plain, clear-cut sentences that the con
ditions there made immediate and exten
sive reforms imperative. At the same time
he declared order must be preserved and
the agitators kept within bounds with a
firm hand.
General Trepoff, Minister Boullgln and
Count Solsky also emphasized the neces
sity of adopting firm measures while In
stituting reforms. Other progresslvlsts
dwelt more upon the necessity of the Im
mediate convocation of the people.
Three of the ministers, Lieutenant Gen
eral Rudlgler, minister of war; M. Glasoff,
minister of education, and M. Kokosvsoff,
minister of finance1, did not commit them
selves, and four of the grand dukes present
avoided taking active part In the discus
sion. ,".
When the peech-maklng was finally
ended and tbe altitude, of the council mani
fested, consideration of the Boullgln propo
sition was taken up and this discussion will
be continued at today's meeting at Feter
hof. The Associated Tress Is Informed that as
yet no Important decision has been taken
and the general impression Is that the
commission will not finish Its labors with
out at least one or two more sessions.
(Continued from First Page.)
forces for more than bIx months. How
ever, even as the things stand, the Japa
nese have not made such progress as Is
generally believed. In fact, they would have
to advance four times as much as they have
done in the last year and a half to reach
Russia proper. In which case alone they
might consider themselves In a position to
Impose such conditions of peace.
But they are very far from this and the4
more iney anvance norm, ine more me re
sjiectlve conditions of the Russians and
Japanese will be reversed.
According to the Russian plenipotentiary
those who do not know Russia well oppose
to these reasons the spectre of Internal
conditions of the empire. Imagining all
kinds of cataclysms, but even about this
they are mistaken. M. Wltte did not wish
to discuss at this time the events in Russia,
affirming, however, that they have not the
character nor the gravity attributed to
them, nor can they bring about the con
sequences which have been supposed, partly
by those prejudiced against Russia and
partly by those Ignorant of Russian inter
nal affairs. What s going on In the Mus
covite empire, he said, cannot have an
influence on its foreign policy and even
less on the continuation or cessation of the
M Wltte Indicated that he does
not mean to say that he will
not make every possible effort to
wards peace, adding that he Is favorable
to peace as a Russian and as a man, hav
ing always worked to prevent war and un
derstanding that at present nearly the en
tire world desires the end of the conflict.
However, he feels that to reach this sub
ject it is necessary that the Japanese
should be prompted by the same feelings;
that they should be convinced that for
Russia It Is desirable, but Is not at all
indlspenslble, and that consequently it
will never accept any condition which ap
parently may offend Its "amour propre
M. Wltte repeated that he will honestly
do ell that his conscience may suggest to
bring about If possible an agreement which
may be equally satisfactory to the inter
ested nations. After having done this, no
matter what the results may be, M. Wltte
feels that he will have accomplished his
Japs Hefuse to Comment.
At the headquarters of the Japanese
peace commissioners tonight no comment
was made upon the Associated Press in
tervtew with M. Witle. Almar Sato, who
has met all interviewers since the Japan
ese delegation arrived in New York, said
tonight that Baron Komura would make
no statement at this time, and from a per
sonal standpoint he (Sato) thought that to
make any statement or comment at all
would be entering tbe controversy prema
Talon Pasaeaiter
Erected at a
' Million
Station Will
Cost of Five
CLEVELAND, Aug. l-Ths Leader to
morrow will say:
"The definite announcement Is made by
O. J. Grammer. vice president of the Lake
Shore railroad, that Cleveland Is to have a
15.ono.0n0 union depot, $3,000.0u0 of which
will be the share of the New York Central
lines as a part of the appropriation of $10.
Ouo.ftw for improvements to lie mude within
the next thrc w four ycaia. Other New
York Central Improvements, work on which
has already been started. Include the open
ing of the Clearfield coal district by the
building of a new railway Into It and the
double-tracking of the Big Four railroad.
Postmasters and Rural Carriers
amrd by the Pnstofflce
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Aug. 2 (Special Tele
gram.) Postmasters appointed: Nebraska
Trumbull, Clay county; Oliver Lusk, vice
Alice V. Fell, resigned. Iowa Wheeler
wood, Cerro Gordo county; George E. Sut
ton, vice William Alderson, resigned.
Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska
Osmond, route 2; Francis D. Farrls car
rier; Sara E. Farrls, substitute. Peters
burg, route 3; William 8( Crabtree, car
rier; William J. Crabtree, substitute. South
Dakota Flnley, route 1: Byron A. Keith,
carrier; Louis Benton, substitute.
Secretary of Asrrlcnlture Explains
Reason for the Trip.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 2-Secretary Wil
son today lssud a statement relating to a
charge that his son and Private Secretary
Jasper Wilson, made a trip to Alaska about
a year and a half ago at the expense of
the department. Secretary Wilson says the
trip was made at his Instance and was for
the purpose of ascertaining the condition
of the game there, delegations from Alaska
having protested against sending anybody
in "there with permission to shoot and bring
out trophies. The miners claimed that they
lived there In the winter; that the gamo
was a resource which often stood between
them and starvation.
"I wanted to know the real facts," says
the secretary, "and sent my private secre
tary up there. He was a salaried officer
here. The department paid his actual
traveling expenses, of course. I send men
all over the world for Information. Upon
receipt of my private eecretary'B report I
shut down on the granting of permits to
everybody excepting persons representing
museums and other educational Institu
Marketing of Hogs Fair for Time of
Year and In Kxcess of Last
CINCINNATI, Aug. 2. (Special Tele
gram.) Price Current says the current
movement of hogs Is In fair numbers for
the time of year and continues consider
ably in excess of the corresponding time
last year. Total western packing was 390,
000 compared with 410,000 the preceding
week and 2S5.000 last year. Since March 1
the total is 9,935,000 against 8.S9O.0OO a year
ago. Prominent places compare as fol
lows: 1906. 1904.
Chicago 2,200,0(10 2,130,000
Kansas City l.S15.0"0 l.dVt.ono
South Omaha l.oou.oeo
St. Louis TIl.OW 7ii,0K)
St. Joseph 798. 0 0 ft.'")
Indianapolis 4tV.0cO 4x5,i'K)
Milwaukee 31S.0H0 2s:t.0i)
Cincinnati 248,000 22n.i0
Ottumwa 217,'l 237.000
Cedar Rapids 199,000 17ti.0o
Sioux City 43K.OHO 179.0O0
Cleveland 2-S2 .000 248.000
St. Paul 379.0O 3D5.0O0
. ,
Notes and Checks Taken from Safe of
Michigan Salt Company Sent to
Detroit Detective.
DETROIT, Mich., Aug. t Lieutenant
Lally of the local detective department
has received a mysterious package, which
contained checks, notes and other Import
ant papers, aggregating In value about
JJ6.000 belonging to the Crystal Salt com
pany of St. Clair, Mich. The ofllces of the
company were robbed several weeks ago
and the papers stolen, together with what
money could be located. It is Bupposed
that the burglars found themselves unable
to dispose of the valuable papers and de
ciding to return them shipped them to
Lally. They have been sent to the firm In
St. Clair.
Age of Admission Reduced to Sixteen
Years and Minimum of Policies
to Twenty-Five Dollars.
ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., Aug. 2-Tho
headquarters of the Supreme Court Order of
Foresters is to be established in Toronto
for the coming four years. A constitu
tional provision prevents another meeting
of the supreme body in the I'nlted States
In 1911. At this afternoon's session of the
Foresters It was decided to reduce the
minimum ago to 16 years, and the maxi
mum was made 5a years. A policy will be
Issued as low as 1-5, while before, t-TXi was
the lowest.
New London (Iowa) Man Provokes Ire
of Crowd by Sending: Wife to
Asylum for Insane,
NEW LONDON, Aug. 2.-A mob of citi
zens, believing that Victor I,ee had mis
treated his wife and had her sent to Mount
Pleasant Insane asylum to secure her prop
erty, attacked him today In the street. Lee
was rescued by policemen. Mrs. Lee was
taken to the asylum today, accompanied by
Lee's parents. On the return of the par
ents to New London tonight, 400 citizens
met the elder Lees and Bhowered them
with decayed eggs.
Equitable Society Scandal Presents
Another Issue for Considera
tion of People.
FORT WAYNE. Ind.. Aug. 1 While In
the city today William Jennings Bryan
The Equitable Life Assurance society
muddle presents a new political problem.
It Indicates to the voters the extent to
which the people are being exploited by
"high financiers." Lawson has done a
great deal towards exposing u. t,ut hi. 4
opposition to munlclpul ownership is nil
wrong. I am going to Europe to study
financial conditions.
Storaae Warehouse In Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY. Aug. 2 The D. A. Morr
Storage company's four-story brick build
ing at the southwest corner of Fourteenth
street and Grand avenue In this city was
destroyed by Are tonight, causing a loss
estimated at tlOO.000. About lit) families
had furniture stored with the company and
it is difficult to estimate the extent of the
loss. The storage company did not carry
Insurance on the furniture, but It is be
lieved that most of the families had their
property Insured. The cause of the fire Is
unknown. One fireman was slightly hurt
by falling timbers.
Mistral Wins Varht Hare.
Chicago Yacht club Mackinac race was
won by the schooner Mistral, uhich arrived
St 12 46:16 o'clock this afternoon. Tlis
schooner Hawthorn arrived second, at
4:21:24 o'clock.
Engineers Take an Excursion.
LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Aug. 2 -There was
no sraiilor. of the convention of stationary
engineers, the delegates to the national cou
veiitln taking a trt$ tt Miniiivto cave.
The Conservative Savings and Loan Association
llrlng In your plans and ptve us the location of your lot and we
will tell you how much we ran loan for the building of the honae. Our
loans are repayable In monthly Installments, t lie borrower harlng the
privilege of paying off $H0.( of the principal any time, thereby etoprl"8
interest on that amount.
Call for booklet fully explaining our plan.
Office: 205 South Sixteenth Street, Omaha
Resources, fl,0,000. Reserve and I ndivltled Profits. $."l,riO.
(Continued from First Tage.)
other freight trains are moving without
Arrangements are being made to supply
the places of the men who have gone out.
Perishable Freight Accumulates.
Immediate evidence of the losses that the
public must suffer as the result of the
telcgrafihers' strike appears today In the
accumulation of perishable freight at the
commission houses hero.
Fruit, vegetables, eggs, poultry, fish, per
ishable shipments of all sorts destined for
towns between St. Taul and the state of
Washington were refused today with a few
exceptions by the Great Northern and tho
Northern Pacific roads and by the Great
Northern Pacific express companies. One
commission merchant said that he would
be able to get out carload lota destined
for North Dakota. Montana or Idaho, but
that the railroads had refused to take
from him any small shipments.
New Men Itefuse to Work.
MISSOULA, Mont., Aug. 2. No freight
except sldo tracked trains Is being moved
over the Rocky mountain division of the
Northern Pacific owing to the practically
complete tie-up of the system by the tele
graphers' strike. Easfbound passenger
train No. 4, due here at 8:45 a. m., did not
arrive until 1.36 p. m. All persons applying
for tickets were refused transportation and
told to pay thMr way on the train. During
the afternoon, however, an order was Issued
to the division headquarters to sell all
tickets applied for. No wlren are working
here except to Evaro, Desmet and Garrison.
Local business at the Western Union office
Is being crowded by special messages to
Northern Pacific officials and In every In
stance where possible the long distance
telephone is being used for transmission of
The men who were sent here in anticipa
tion of trouble have stated they were In
duced to come under misapprehension and
with one exception have refused to go to
work. Superintendent Gibson, of the Rocky
Mountain division Is out somewhere on the
road but even the chief dispatcher at head
quarters has been unable to locate him.
All trains are being flagged In and out, but
are making Blow time. Train crews admit
that the present condition Is the most com
plete tie-up ever known on the Northern
A special train carrying a party of Chi
cago capitalists en route to visit mines In
western Montana did not arrive until 4:30
p. m., though scheduled to be here for a
side trip at 7 a. m.
Many Men Ont In Western Montana.
BILLINGS, Mont., Aug. 2. -All Northern
Pacific operators between Forsythe and
Livingston are out except one at Columbus.
Manager Sloan and General Agent Hoyt of
Billings are holding down that office. The
strikers havo established headquurters at
Billings and expect to have fifty men there
before night awaiting developments. Pas
senger trains are running on slow time, and
freight traffic Is demoralized.
A special from Havre, Mont., says eight
operators on the Great Northern quit. Pas
senger trains are running on moderate
schedules and two stock trains held over
night went out this morning. Both com
panies are said to have been scattering
men along their lines for two weeks in
anticipation of a strike.
Only One Operator Out.
SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 2. Up to noon to
day only one telegraph operator had struck
on the Scuttle division of the Northern Pa
cllic. but the division Is affected by the tie
up of trains eastward. To guard against
the possibility of trouble or vandalism,
the road has asked for deputy sheriffs at
Auburn, Ix-ster and rlnier. all located on
the Pacific division. Three Great Northern
operators stationed here went out, and on
the coast line reports show a number of
others struck. All Great Northern commer
cial wires are silent.
Strikers' Headquarters In Helena.
HELENA, Mont., Aug. 2. Fourth Vice
President Dermony of the Order of Railway
Telegraphers has opened headquarters here
for the purpose of taking charge of the
strikers' end of the controversy In Mon
tana. He says that members of the ordur
In the state have responded almost to the
man to President Perham's call and that
the railroads are having far more dtfllculty
in handling trains than they admit.
George W. Loomls, assistant to the gen
eral manager of the Burlington, said Wed
nesday morning there was no trouble what
ever along the line of the Burlington road
with the telegraph operators and that no
trouble was anticipated. "The fact that
the Burlington Is a Hill line will have no
bearing on the present strike on tho North
ern Pacific and Great Northern roads," he
Railroads and Officials Disappointed
by People Who Register for
llntah Claims.
DENVER, Aug. 2. The travel to Grand
Junction and other points where registra
tion of applicants for homesteads In the
Uintah reservation is in progress does not
meet the expectations of the railroads and
it is already evident that the clerical force
employed will have no difficulty In register
ing all applicants. The total number of
registrations at all points of the first day
was 6,507. Should the same rate be main
tained during the twelve days allowed for
registering there would be more than ).0o0
applicants for sbout 6,000 homesteads In
cluded In the portion of the reservation
opened to entry. However, it Is not now
Platers roughened by needlework
catch every stain and look bopelcisly
dirty. Hand Sapollo removes not only
the dirt, tut also the loosened, injured
cuticle, and restoret tht iiagert to
their Bttarmt beauty.
anticipated that the registrations will ex
ceed 30.000.
SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 2 The work of
registration for Uintah lands at Grand
Junction, Colo., Price, Vernal and Provo,
Utah, has proceeded with ease and dis
patch, it has not been found necessary to
do anything In the way of maintaining a
line, as there Is a marked falling off ss
compared with yesterday's crowd. Today's
registration Is 1.112.
Charles Itrese of t Iralnln City Kills
Himself flecnuse of Disappoint
ment in loir,
VIRGINIA CITY. Mont.. Aug. 3 -Disappointed
In love. Charles Reese, aged M
years, one of the best known and most
highly respected men In southern Montana,
committed suicide by shooting himself
through the head In Virginia City ceme
tery today. Clasped In his hand, together
with a bun'ii of violets plucked from a
nearby grave, was a photograph of Miss
Ida Steffens, niece of United States Senator
fihoup of Idaho, the woman who Is snld to
have refused to become, his wife. The body
was found near the grave of Miss Steffens'
sisttr, who In life wns a close friend of
Reese. '
Vice President Seised with Sadden
Attack of Indigestion at
Sault Se Mnrle.
DETROIT, Mich.. Aug. 2.-A Tribune
special from Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., says:
"Vice President Fairbanks was seized with
an acute attack of Indigestion at the re
ception tonight and .had to be assisted from
the stand In the park. Hp walked to the
Iroquois hotnl and repaired to his room
Immediately. To all callers he sent word
that he would be unable to see anyone
until morning.
Cleveland Loses Inter-City Races.
CLEVELAND, O., Aug. 2.-The World
News today says:
Owing to the action of Mayor Tom L.
Johnson In making the holding of tlM
Grand Circuit meeting Impossible here.
Cleveland loses the big Inter-clty matinee
race for the gold challenge cup. Chicago
will, In nil probability, secure the event
The promoters of that city are making ef
forts to land It. Lou Dillon and Major Del
mar, the world's greatest trotters, will ap
pear In connection with the mutinee events.
THE 6rtlAT
Flofo Shows
To Dazzle America's millions
Hew $100,000 Awe-inspiring, Gorgeous
500 Hrltnurt ml rwl
risrtiMtlni ill unMi.
285 RwMt uii rsnlss Ian
flMit Is Hit strli.
14 Fviuj Cluu 14.
60 NuilcliM. Iliiift.
Mini if Eiaphaats u4 Ctn
cade f Ciaili, ctitumi
Is (litalsi, kijtstlit
ktsdtta sis slsth f ol4.
141m sursnklMStillltM.
Ilf Zi t tvt ui
CurlMi inlmtlfc
llamta Isersd Cttlla.
Irillltsi Csrts if tali tas
Plata, wlHi luilscka f
r4 with alltar aaalaa.
Eiaultlla Brant lallal Dl.irV
litnant, laaaaatlaf,
sccamallaM, laaallful,
lltha an Iracaful larallof
tanelaf tlrlt.
A Grand Free Outside Exhibition en the Clreua
Crounds Immediately after the
Monster Street Parade
Ever Momlna si 1 0 e'olook.
Two Performances Dally, 2 and 8 P. M.
Omaha, Thursday, Aug. 10
Admission Roducttd to 28
Cents for This Day Only .
Show Grounds, 20th and Paul Sts.
Omaha vs. Pueblo,
August 2-3-4-5-5.
Saturday, August 5, two games. First
game called at 2:30. Friday, August 4th
ladles' day.
Games railed at 2:t5.
Admission lOo.
lort Duuslas Street.
Cooled With Ice.
6-Ria VA1 :iiK II.Ll-J ACTg-s
Caters specially to women and
At 2:30. 7:30. 8:30. :30.
Steamer R. C. Cunter
Leaves foot of Douglas street every
afternoon at 2:15 for Florence, and
every evemrg at 1:13 for a li-nnle
p,,Th Hlg Bridge Turn. '
RgJThe Msgnirirrnt hlvrr Scenery.
I The Waterworks at Florence.
Thrusday Dinner